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+# Fast lane IPNS
+- @gozala
+Initial PR: TBD
+Related to: [Reliable Mutability Primitive][]
+[Reliable Mutability Primitive]:https://github.com/protocol/web3-dev-team/pull/19/
+## Purpose & impact
+#### Background & intent
+_Describe the desired state of the world after this project? Why does that matter?_
+##### Problem statement
+Today [IPNS][] fails to provide reliable mutability primitive. There is no implementation that works across go, node and web, which makes it impractical.
+| Routing | web | go | nodejs |
+| ------- | ---- | ---- | ------ |
+| DHT | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
+| pubsub | ⚠️ | ⚠️ | ⚠️ |
+> ❌ - Not available
+> ✅ - Available
+> ⚠️ - Not out of the box
+> - ❌ DHT in web nodes is impractical as most nodes will be undialable and so will be a web node.
+> - ❌ DHT implementation in nodejs is buggy, untersted and unoptimized ([ipfs/js-ipfs#3469][]).
+> - ⚠️ PubSub in web nodes only works in swarms formed around central ICE server that are disjoint from go nodes. In practice creating fragmented networks of ephemeral peers.
+> - ⚠️ IPNS over pubsub is disabled in go by default (Can be enabled by running daemon with `--enable-namesys-pubsub`). Pubusb itself is also disabled by default ([protocol/web3-dev-team#53][]).
+> - ⚠️ IPNS over pubsub in nodejs still requires DHT to bootstrap overlay network of participating peers. Lack of proper DHT implementation prevents it. Which could be overcome via delegated routing but it does not work out of the box.
+Only DHT based implementation in go works out of the box. But it still fails to meet user expectations because:
+ 1. *Slow* publish and resolution.
+ 2. Requires continues republishing. (see [ipfs/go-ipfs#4435])
+Teams that have tried using IPNS in their products either switched to using [DNSLink][] or opted-into IPNS over pubsub and still find it *(too slow)* for certain updates *(Textile)*.
+To meet a market fit for products with changing state requirement _(that is anything interactive)_ IPNS needs to work reliably, fast _(comparable to web2 solutions)_ and across all supported enviroments _(go, web, nodejs)_.
+##### Proposition
+At the high level this proposal promises an efficienecy of centralized publishing and resolution while retaining resilience of distributed system.
+Proposed name resolution system is inspired by Domain Name System (DNS) as it introduces athoritative name resolvers _(from now on referred as)_ **name keeper** nodes. But unlike DNS, **name owners** _(private key holders)_ are in charge of choosing a name keepers and retain ability to change a name keeper in the future.
+> It is assumed that pinning services would be a natural fit for name keeping as they they already are responsible for keeping the content around and mantain list of user pins.
+This promises to provide efficiency and speed of centralized systems as peers can cache *name keeper* address(es) for name _(on first resolution)_ and use it in all future resolutions, without disturbing rest of the network.
+Name publishing becomes also efficient as name owner can notify *name keeper* directly without disturbing rest of the network.
+> Please note that this enables peers to effectively resolve and/or publish name without having to remain online.
+###### Initial resolution optimization
+To make a very first name resolution nearly as efficient as subsequent ones it is proposed to develop a new **name routing** service and deploy it on boostrap nodes. Name routing nodes will maintain `IPNS name → multiaddrs[]` mapping enabling peers to resolve an address of a name keeper on a first name resolution. Under assumbiton that reassigment of *name keepers* is going to be rare, overhead on name routing nodes should be insignificant as:
+1. Name routers could cache addresses for a long time.
+2. Resolving peers could cache address locally (and require router only first time).
+3. Name routers can deny service to peers resolving name too frequently.
+4. Name routers are not involved in publishing.
+It is assumed that name routers will be infrastructure nodes, implying that they can be dialed from limited nodes like browsers _*(Have SSL certificates setup, or have a WebRTC address)*_ and can leverage DHT and PubSub so thay they:
+1. Can resolve new name on demand by raced query of DHT and PubSub.
+2. Can become aware of new names through PubSub messages.
+3. Can become aware of name keeper changes through PubSub.
+> Note that since name keeper changes are expected to be rare TTL can be really high.
+Name routing service does not has to be limited to infrastructure nodes, peer could provide that service and resolve name keeper address from a local cache.
+###### DNSLink Optimization
+Name owners could include addresses to chosen name keepers in the [DNSLink][] record, which would enable name resolution without resolving an address through name routers first.
+##### Visual illutrations
+###### Name resolution
+Diagram illustrates a name resolution flow. Note however that it does not show how name router can discover new names and their keepers from pubsub.
+![name resolution](./fast-lane-ipns/resolution.svg)
+###### Name update
+Diagram illustrating how name update flow.
+owner=>start: 📱 Name Owner
+ok=>inputoutput: ✅ QmName is QmV2
+error=>inputoutput: ❌ QmV1 is not a head
+update=>operation: Update QmName from QmV1 to QmV2
+incremental=>condition: QmName is QmV1 ?
+keeper=>end: 🖥 Name Keeper
+###### Humane readable name resolution
+Diagram illustrates name resolution through DNSLink.
+peer=>start: Peer
+keeper=>start: Name Keeper
+router=>start: Name Router
+DNS=>end: DNS
+dnslink=>operation: a.com -> QmName
+lookup=>operation: lookup a.com
+has_keeper=>condition: DNSLink has keepr address
+resolve_cid=>operation: Reslove QmName
+resolve_keeper=>operation: Reslove Keeper
+keeper_resolved=>inputoutput: Resolved address
+cid=>inputoutput: QmV321
+ttl_name=>condition: a.com in cache?
+ ttl_name(no, right)->lookup(right)->has_keeper
+ ttl_name(yes, bottom)->resolve_cid
+has_keeper(yes, bottom)->resolve_cid
+#### Assumptions & hypotheses
+_What must be true for this project to matter?_
+- Applications need canonical address for a current state.
+- Should work across all supported environments out of the box.
+- To be practical solution, resolution should be reliable (publish / resolve works at least 99.9%).
+- To be practical solution, resolution should be really fast (as fast or faster than DNS resolution).
+- To be practical solution publishing should be really fast (To be competitive with web2 should be comparable to sending a HTTP request to the server)
+- Overhead should be neglegable.
+#### User workflow example
+_How would a developer or user use this new capability?_
+#### Impact
+_How would this directly contribute to web3 dev stack product-market fit?_
+🔥🔥🔥 This would provide mutability primitive that is reliable and fast as DNS, but does not require centralized authority or blockchain style concensus.
+Furthermore it would make updating far more convenient than DNS.
+#### Leverage
+_How much would nailing this project improve our knowledge and ability to execute future projects?_
+🎯🎯 - This would turn IPFS into an essential building block for web3 applications _(that need to do state updates)_ by removing a need for a custom server-side components to address this limitation.
+#### Confidence
+_How sure are we that this impact would be realized? Label from [this scale](https://medium.com/@nimay/inside-product-introduction-to-feature-priority-using-ice-impact-confidence-ease-and-gist-5180434e5b15)_.
+3 - As high confidence as we can have without doing actual user studies. We know teams that have tried IPNS but found it unrelaible, ultimately rolling out an alternative solution. We also know teams that have evaluated IPFS but chose alternative due to lack of reliable mutability story.
+## Project definition
+#### Brief plan of attack
+- Define fast lane name resolution specification.
+- Define name keeper serivce specification.
+- Define name routing service specification.
+- Implement name routing service in go-ipfs.
+- Implement name keeper service in go-ipfs.
+- Implement fast lane name resolution across web, go, node ipfs.
+- Deploy name routing service to PL operated boostrap nodes.
+#### What does done look like?
+_What specific deliverables should completed to consider this project done?_
+- IPNS records can be published and resolved across all supported environments (web, go, node).
+- Publishing takes couple of miliseconds.
+- Resolution in all but pathological case goes through fast lane.
+- Resolution in fast lane takes just couple of miliseconds.
+#### What does success look like?
+_Success means impact. How will we know we did the right thing?_
+- Teams start using IPNS in [DNSLink][] records as opposet to CIDs.
+- We see people storing IPNS addresses in ENS to save on blockchain transactions costs
+- We see new projects leveraging IPNS (when human readable name is not a concern) instead of working around it with [DNSLink][].
+- Most lookups go through fast lane.
+#### Counterpoints & pre-mortem
+_Why might this project be lower impact than expected? How could this project fail to complete, or fail to be successful?_
+#### Alternatives
+_How might this project’s intent be realized in other ways (other than this project proposal)? What other potential solutions can address the same need?_
+#### Dependencies/prerequisites
+#### Future opportunities
+## Required resources
+#### Effort estimate
+#### Roles / skills needed
+## Appendix
+#### F.A.Q
+- Add your question here
+[Pinning Services API]:https://ipfs.github.io/pinning-services-api-spec/
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