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Rapture JSON


  • Clean, intuitive, unintrusive, boilerplate-free Scala API
  • Trivial extraction and serialization to/from primitives, collections and case classes
  • Consistent and typesafe type-class-based interfaces
  • Works with a choice of JSON parsers and backends
  • Simple, efficient conversion between different backends
  • Support for both immutable and mutable JSON
  • Flexible choice of error handling strategies using modes
  • Can be easily extended using composable user-defined extractors and serializers

Using Rapture JSON

JSON Representation

Rapture JSON is designed to be agnostic about the JSON parser and choice of AST representation used throughout the library. This means that a choice of JSON backend must be made in order to use Rapture JSON. Whilst different backend libraries provide different features, all features of Rapture JSON are available with every backend (with the exception of Jackson, which does not yet support mutable JSON operations).

The choice of backend should therefore depend on other characteristics such as performance, memory usage, required dependencies, integration with existing libraries, licensing and policy choices.

The following backends are available:

  • Argonaut (argonaut)
  • Jackson (jackson) [1]
  • Jawn (jawn)
  • JFC (jfc)
  • JSON4S (json4s)
  • Lift (lift)
  • Play (play)
  • Scala standard library JSON (scalaJson) [2]
  • Spray (spray)

Notes: [1] Jackson (jackson) is a read-only backend (does not support mutable JSON, i.e. JsonBuffer is not supported). [2] Scala standard library JSON (scalaJson) backend got removed in v2.0.0 because it is deprecated.

It is also possible to integrate with other JSON backends, though this is not covered by this document. Anyone interested should look at the existing integration type classes, and contact the Rapture mailing list or the Gitter channel.

In the source code, you should import rapture.json.jsonBackends.<backend>._.

The Json type

A JSON value, whether an array, object, boolean, number or string, is represented by an instance of type Json. As JSON is inherently dynamically-typed, the Json type is used to provide a safe and immutable wrapper around the JSON tree, whose type is not known at compile time.

Instances of Json consist of three things:

  • a reference to the root of a dynamically-typed JSON tree
  • a path into a node within the JSON tree
  • a reference to the parser used to create, modify and read the JSON tree

Although using Json objects should seem very intuitive, it is important to understand the purpose of this state.

  "fruits": [
      "name": "apple",
      "color": "red"
      "name": "banana",
      "color": "yellow"

If we were to parse the above JSON source, we should get a tree consisting of an object containing an array under the key "fruits", with two elements, each of which is an object containing two fields, "name" and "color", both of which are strings. Given this tree, we can refer to an element within with a path of strings for indexing JSON objects, and integers for indexing JSON arrays, for example, fruits / 0 / name, which would refer to the string "apple".

We could also look into the same tree with the path fruits / 3 / mass, though this wouldn't exist on account of there being only two elements in the fruits list, but we would not know this until we attempted it at runtime.

A Json instance represents both the JSON tree, and a lazily-evaluated path into that tree, which may or may not point to a value. If we assume the full JSON tree is a starting point (most likely originating from being parsed from source), Json instances can be created which hold the same reference to the original tree, but point -- by means of a path -- to any subtree of the original, without the performance cost of navigating the tree, or the requirement to safely handle missing-value or type-mismatch errors which arise because the path attempts to access a value which isn't available.

At some later point, if the JSON is to yield some useful data which we can do interesting things with, we will need to perform the access, and assign a Scala type to it, as it passes from the dynamic to the static world. It is at this point that all access failures will arise, so by deferring them to a single point, they can be handled just once.

Additionally, every Json instance stores a reference to the backend which was used to create it, and which will be used to access it. As Rapture JSON permits multiple different parsers to be used alongside each other, it is important that the AST within each Json instance is always handled using the right backend.

Accessing JSON values

Json instances implement Scala's Dynamic trait, providing a very natural way to refer to object fields within a Json value just by calling that field name as if it were a method on the Json instance. Additionally, integers may be applied to index into arrays.

For example, using the example JSON above, we can create a new Json instance pointing to the string "yellow" as follows:


Remember, this is just creating a pointer into the "yellow" value; it's not been accessed yet. To extract a value from a Json value, the as method is used. as takes a single type parameter, and is the single point at which a JSON type-mismatch or missing-value exception can occur.


Rapture JSON uses Rapture Core's modes on the as method, thus allowing failure cases to be handled using the preferred exception-handling strategy, for example by throwing an exception or returning a Try. See the section on error messages below.

Note that calling toString, as happens automatically after every evaluation in the Scala REPL, will cause the AST to be accessed, but any errors will be suppressed, and the toString method will return the string "undefined".

A variety of types may be extracted from a Json value, including the following:

  • Primitive types, such as String, Int, Double and Boolean
  • Scala collections of other extractable types, e.g. List[Int] or Set[Int]
  • Case classes, extracted by the names of their parameters, provided the type of every parameter is extractable
  • Options, where None will be extracted if the element is missing or the wrong type
  • Json types -- the no-op extractor
  • Any other type for which an implicit Extractor exists in scope

These types compose, so it is possible to extract values of complex types like Option[Vector[MyCaseClass]].

Creating JSON values

JSON values can be created in a number of different ways. If starting with a JSON source, which will often be a String (but may be another type -- the Jawn backend can parse directly from ByteBuffers, for example), we can call Json.parse(src) to attempt to parse the source src.

Json values can also be created directly in code, using the json string context, like so:

  "fruit": "apple",
  "variants": ["cox", "braeburn"]

Much like an interpolated string, Scala expressions may be substituted into a json string context, provided the expressions evaluate to a type which is serializable to Json. Generally speaking, all types which can be extracted from a Json value (primitives, collections, case classes, Json) can also be serialized, like so:

val f = "apple"
  "fruit": $f,
  "variants": ${List("cox", "braeburn")}

Any serializable type can also be converted to Json by applying it to the Json object, for example this,

case class Fruit(name: String, variants: Set[String])
Json(Fruit("apple", Set("cox", "braeburn")))

will produce the same JSON as the previous examples.

An instructive compile error will be displayed in the event of an attempt to serialize a type which cannot be serialized to Json.

Pattern matching on JSON

An alternative way of extracting values from Json types in to use pattern matching. A Json value can be pattern matched against JSON literals defined inline in the case clause, like this:

val json: Json = Json.parse(src)
json match {
  case json""" { "fruit": $name }""" =>[String]
  case json""" { "vegetable": $name }""" =>[String]

This will first attempt to match any JSON object which contains a key called fruit, and bind the value to the identifier name. If that match fails, it will attempt to match any JSON object which contains a key called vegetable, and likewise bind its value to name. In each case, we return the name as a String. The call to .as[String] is necessary because, as before, the compiler will no know nothing about the nature of the type at compile time, so it must be explicitly specified.

Literal match values may also be explicitly specified, for example:

val json: Json = Json.parse(src)
json match {
  case json""" { "fruit": "apple", "variety": $vs }""" =>[Set[String]]
  case json""" { "fruit": "lemon" }""" =>

Multiple values may be extracted, and the pattern match expression may involve arbitrarily-deep object and array nesting.

The examples above use the default configuration for structural pattern matching, however three configuration explicits control the strictness of structural pattern matching.

  • patternMatching.exactObjects._
  • patternMatching.exactArrays._
  • patternMatching.exact._

If it is required that pattern matching on JSON objects should match the entire object, i.e. the existence of any keys in the object which are not specified in the pattern should result in failure to match, then include the following import somewhere within the scope of the pattern match:

import patternMatching.exactObjects._

By default, array elements specified in a pattern are matched positionally, and superfluous array elements in the tail of the array are ignored, and the match will be successful. If strict array matching is required, include:

import patternMatching.exactArrays._

If exact matching of both arrays and objects is required, then it is sufficient to import

import patternMatching.exact._

Modifying Json

Whatever underlying backend is used, the Json type is immutable. A small number of methods are provided to create new Json values from existing values. Given a Json value, a new key may be added using the following syntax:

val j = json"""{ "fruit": "plum" }"""
j.copy(_.color = "purple")

This syntax is designed to resemble the syntax for adding a value to a scala.collection.Map, whereby the tuple passed to the + operator contains a key and a value, resulting in the addition of this value to the map. However, with Json types, the "key" is a path into the Json structure, and the "value" is the value to be serialized to JSON and stored at that position in the JSON tree.

The ++ operator can be used to combine two JSON structures, like so:

val j1 = json"""{ "fruit": { "name": "grape" } }"""
val j2 = json"""{ "fruit": { "color": "white" } }"""
val json = j1 ++ j2

The resultant json value would be

  "fruit": {
    "name": "grape",
    "color": "white"

Currently, when merging, object keys from both sides will be merged, favoring the right side in the event of a clash, and arrays will be concatenated. If the types of corresponding values do not match, the value from the right side will clobber that from the left. In a later version of Rapture JSON, more control over mechanisms for combining and merging Json values may be provided through configuration implicits.

Error messages

By default, failures in Rapture JSON operations will result in an exception being thrown, however, alternative exception handling methods can be used with a simple import from the Rapture Core project which will determine the return type of all fallible methods such as Json.parse and as. For example,

import rapture.core._
import modes.returnTry._

will result in the return type of Json.parse changing from Json to Try[Json], safely capturing any failures which may result from the operation.

All Rapture JSON methods will throw a limited set of possible exceptions, which are implemented as case classes inheriting from a sealed trait. If choosing to use the captureExceptions mode, or another mode which captures the exception and tracks the exception type in its signature, this allows exhaustivity checking to be performed on errors, for example:

import modes.returnEither._[String] match {
  case Right(f) =>
    s"Found fruit $f"
  case Left(TypeMismatchException(found, _, _)) =>
    s"Fruit was the wrong type: $found"
  case Left(MissingValueException(path)) =>
    s"Fruit value was missing at path $path"

If either of the final two case clauses were omitted from this pattern match, the compiler will issue a warning that the match may not be exhaustive.

Mutable JSON

In the same way that the List type from the Scala collections library has a corresponding mutable ListBuffer type, the Json type has a corresponding JsonBuffer type, which supports mutability in addition to the operations described above. The functionality of JsonBuffer is a strict superset of the functionality of Json.

An empty JsonBuffer may be created with

val jb = JsonBuffer.empty

and can be mutated with instructions such as = "apple"
jb.fruit.color = "green"
jb.fruit.varieties = List("cox")

resulting in

  "fruit": {
    "name": "apple",
    "color": "green",
    "varieties": ["cox"]

Note that the top-level fruit object gets automatically created by the first instruction, and that the right-hand side of the assignment is serialized to JSON using Rapture's standard serialization scheme, causing a compile-time error if the type cannot be serialized.

It is additionally possible to append items to the end of an array using the += operator, like this:

jb.fruit.varieties += "braeburn"

Note that it is required to

import rapture.json.dictionaries.dynamic._

or define a dictionary

implicit val dict ="name", "color", "varieties", ...)

in order to compile your code. It goes part of the way towards ensuring you don't write colour when you meant color.

Mutable JSON is not yet available for all backends, though this work is in progress. Note that the underlying JSON backend does not need to be inherently mutable to support mutable JSON. If a backend which uses an immutable AST is used, Rapture JSON will efficiently perform the necessary tree manipulations, updating references as necessary to give the impression of a mutable data structure. However, using a backend which uses a mutable JSON representation will likely result in better performance.

Converting JSON

All JSON values are represented by the same Scala type, Json, regardless of whether they represents a JSON object, array, string, number or boolean, and regardless of which backend was used to create it.

In order to combine two Json values, which may be represented using different ASTs, it is sometimes necessary to convert the internal representations of the JSON values from one backend to another. In all cases, this happens seamlessly when required.

For example, given the two values j1 and j2,

import jsonBackends.jawn._
val j1: Json = json"""{ "foo": "bar" }"""
import jsonBackends.jfc._
val j2: Json = json"""{ "baz": "quux" }"""

the two JSON objects can be merged with j1 ++ j2. This will traverse the AST of the value j2, converting it from a JFC to a Jawn representation, and then merge it with the value j1 to produce a Json value, represented as a Jawn AST.

Likewise, substitutions into other JSON values will invoke conversions, as necessary. So, given the previous two values j1 and j2, we could substitute both into a new JSON object (represented by some third backend AST), and each will be converted to the new AST representation.

import jsonBackends.argonaut._
val j3 = json"""{ "j1": $j1, "j2": $j2 }"""

Sometimes it is useful to eagerly force conversion of a Json value to the current JSON backend. This can be achieved in one of two ways:

  • extract a Json type from the existing Json value, i.e.[Json]
  • construct a new Json value from the existing Json value, i.e. Json(jsonValue)

These operations are equivalent, and usage is a matter of personal taste. If the value jsonValue is already represented by the currently-scoped JSON backend, these operations will be no-ops.

Given that conversion happens seamlessly, on demand, the detail of which AST is used to represent the JSON is abstracted away from the user. It can, however, be revealed in a couple of ways:

  • extracting an Any from the Json value using[Any]; this returns the underlying representation of the JSON value
  • getting the JsonAst from the Json value using Json.ast(jsonValue)

Outputting JSON

Often, the easiest way to output JSON from the Json type is to call .toString on the Json value. Although simple, this has the disadvantages that it does not offer any flexibility in how the JSON is formatted, and it always returns a String whereas other types, such as an input stream may be more appropriate for some applications.

The more general method is to use the Json.format method, with an appropriate implicit Formatter in scope. Two formatters are provided as standard:

  • formatters.humanReadable._, which formats the JSON with newlines and indentation, attempting to make it as readable as possible,
  • formatters.compact._, which includes no unnecessary whitespace

Both formatters return Strings, though it is possible for other backends to provide their own formatters for outputting to other types.

For example,

import formatters.compact._
val out = Json.format(json)

Defining custom extractors and serializers

In order to be able to extract or serialize values of a particular Scala type, T to or from JSON, an implicit instance of Extractor[T] or Serializer[T] must be available in scope.


The easiest way to define an Extractor for a particular type is to start with an existing extractor, e.g. the String extractor, by summoning it with Json.extractor[String]. Extractors are functors, so you can map across the extractor to produce a new extractor for a different type. For example, to create an extractor for java.util.Dates, where these are stored as numbers in the JSON, we can write:

implicit val dateExtractor = Json.extractor[Long].map(new java.util.Date(_))

and it then becomes possible to extract a date, e.g.

val j = json"""{ "start": 1438967950000 }"""
val d =[java.util.Date]

Often, the most useful starting point for defining a new extractor is the no-op Json extractor, Json.extractor[Json]. This allows definitions such as:

implicit val rangeExt = Json.extractor[Json].map { j =>


implicit val msgExtractor = Json.extractor[Json].map {
  case json"""{ "ignore": true }""" =>
  case json"""{ "message": $msg, "ignore": false }""" =>


Likewise, Serializers are cofunctors, so new serializers may be created by contramapping across an existing serializer. We can summon the serializer for a type T with Json.serializer[T]. To produce a serializer for a type S from this serializer, we need to provide the contramap method with a function S => T, though because Scala's type system can't infer the type S from a function literal, we need to specify this type explicitly to the contramap method.

Here's an example:

implicit val exceptionSerializer = Json.serializer[String].contramap[Exception] { e =>
  s"${e.getClass.getName}: ${e.getMessage}"

The existence of this implicit serializer will then result in any Exception being serialized to a representative String, anywhere it needs to be converted into a Json value.

As with Extractors, the Json serializer is often a useful starting point:

implicit val eitherSerializer = Json.serializer[Json].contramap[Either[String, Int]] {
  case Left(s) =>
    json"""{ "branch": "left", "value": $s }"""
  case Right(i) =>
    json"""{ "branch": "right", "value": $i }"""

Fallback extractors

Extractors may sometimes encounter JSON data that doesn't fit their expected pattern, and result in failure. It can be useful to provide alternative extractors for JSON in the event that the first one fails. Extractors can be composed in this way using the orElse combinator.

For example, the following extractor redefines the Int extractor to also accept integers provided as JSON strings as a fallback option:

implicit val intExt = Json.extractor[Int] orElse Json.extractor[String].map(_.toInt)

Hopefully this demonstrates the concise and readable syntax Rapture JSON uses for defining extractors and serializers, and the ease with which they can be composed and transformed.