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Quentin Colle edited this page May 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

Tile Size

One of the fundamental concepts in this library is that of tileSize. Even if you don't set one explicitly, one is calculated and is used in sizing the view.

By default, with no tile size set, the view will scale to fill as much space as it can. The functionality is similar to ImageView with adjustViewBounds set to true.

If a tileSize is set, that will override the layout_width and layout_height set.

The view is 7 tiles wide and 8 tiles high (with the top bar visible).

Width and Height

You also have the possibility to use tileWidth and tileHeight separately. I would recommend using either tileSize or, tileWidth and tileHeight.

Date Selection

We support four modes of selection: single, multiple, range or none. The default is single selection. The mode can be changed by calling setSelectionMode() and passing the appropriate constant (SELECTION_MODE_NONE, SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE, SELECTION_MODE_RANGE or SELECTION_MODE_MULTIPLE). If you change to single selection, all selected days except the last selected will be cleared. If you change to none or range, all selected days will be cleared.

You can set an OnDateSelectedListener to listen for selections, make sure to take into account multiple calls for the same date and state. In case of range selection, use OnRangeSelectedListener which returns the list of date from the range including first and last. You can manually select or deselect dates by calling setDateSelected(). Use setSelectedDate() to clear the current selection(s) and select the provided date.

There are also: clearSelection(), getSelectedDates(), and getSelectionMode(); which should work as you would expect.

Showing Other Dates

By default, only days of one month, in the min-max range, are shown. You can customize this by setting mcv_showOtherDates in xml, or by calling setShowOtherDates().

Avaliable flags are:

  • other_months: Show additional days from the previous and next months
    • This flag also enables the out_of_range flag, to prevent weird blank areas that nobody wants.
  • out_of_range: Show dates that are outside of the minimum and maximum date range
    • This will only affect dates in the current month. Use the other_months flag to show other months.
  • decorated_disabled: Show dates that are set as disabled by a decorator
    • This will only affect dates in the current month and inside the minimum/maximum date range.
  • none: An alias that sets none of the flags
  • all: An alias that sets all of the flags
  • defaults: An alias of flags set by default. Currently this is only decorated_disabled.

There are similar constants on MaterialCalendarView such as MaterialCalendarView.SHOW_DECORATED_DISABLED.

Selection Color

The default color of the calendar selector is the one set referenced by ?android:attr/colorAccent on 5.0+ or ?attr/colorAccent from the AppCompat library (black as a last resort). You can provide a custom color by setting mcv_selectionColor in xml, or by calling setSelectionColor().

If you want more control than just color, you can use the decorator api to set a [custom selector](Custom Selectors).

Topbar Options


You can hide or show the topbar (arrow buttons and month label) by calling setTopbarVisible(boolean) The default is visible.

Arrow Color

You can change the topbar arrow colors by setting mcv_arrowColor in xml, or calling setArrowColor(int). This will color the left and right arrow masks using a color filter.

Arrow Masks

Arrow masks are drawables that will be colored with arrow color and be drawn for previous and next month buttons. The color is applied with a color filter using PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP. They can be set in xml using mcv_leftArrowMask and mcv_rightArrowMask or by calling setLeftArrowMask() and setRightArrowMask().

Custom Labels


You can customize the label displayed in the header by setting a custom TitleFormatter by calling setTitleFormatter(). The formatter's format() method will be called with a CalendarDay containing the month and year you should format. The default implementation uses a SimpleDateFormat with a format of "MMMM yyyy". The library provides a DateFormatTitleFormatter and MonthArrayTitleFormatter for convenience.

You can also set a string array resource with mcv_monthLabels that will use the MonthArrayTitleFormatter to format the title with the months provided.


You can supply a custom formatter for weekdays with a WeekDayFormatter by calling setWeekDayFormatter(). The default implementation is a CalendarWeekDayFormatter, which uses java.util.Calendar to get weekday labels. We also provide ArrayWeekDayFormatter, which uses CharSequence array as week day labels. You can set mcv_weekDayLabels in xml with a string array resource, which will set an ArrayWeekDayFormatter.


You can set custom day labels by passing a DayFormatter to the setDayFormatter() method. The default is a DateFormatDayFormatter, which uses a SimpleDateFormat with format "d".

Unlike the formatters for Header or WeekDays, this formatter returns a String. If you want to use spans on your day labels, you will need to use the decorator api.

Text Appearances

There are three different text appearances you can set:

  • Header: mcv_headerTextAppearance or setHeaderTextAppearance()
  • Weekday: mcv_weekDayTextAppearance or setWeekDayTextAppearance()
  • Date: mcv_dateTextAppearance or setDateTextAppearance()

The header text appearance is used for the topbar month label. The weekday is for the row of weekday labels, and date is for the individual days.

For date text appearance, make sure you respond to presses and states. [Read more here](Custom Selectors).

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