+Polars-based implementation of AgentSet for mesa-frames.
+This module provides a concrete implementation of the AgentSet class using Polars
+as the backend for DataFrame operations. It defines the AgentSetPolars class,
+which combines the abstract AgentSetDF functionality with Polars-specific
+operations for efficient agent management and manipulation.
+ AgentSetPolars(AgentSetDF, PolarsMixin):
+ A Polars-based implementation of the AgentSet. This class uses Polars
+ DataFrames to store and manipulate agent data, providing high-performance
+ operations for large numbers of agents.
+The AgentSetPolars class is designed to be used within ModelDF instances or as
+part of an AgentsDF collection. It leverages the power of Polars for fast and
+efficient data operations on agent attributes and behaviors.
+ The AgentSetPolars class can be used directly in a model or as part of an
+ AgentsDF collection:
+ from mesa_frames.concrete.model import ModelDF
+ from mesa_frames.concrete.polars.agentset import AgentSetPolars
+ import polars as pl
+ class MyAgents(AgentSetPolars):
+ def __init__(self, model):
+ super().__init__(model)
+ # Initialize with some agents
+ self.add(pl.DataFrame({'id': range(100), 'wealth': 10}))
+ def step(self):
+ # Implement step behavior using Polars operations
+ self.agents = self.agents.with_columns(new_wealth = pl.col('wealth') + 1)
+ class MyModel(ModelDF):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.agents += MyAgents(self)
+ def step(self):
+ self.agents.step()
+ - Efficient storage and manipulation of large agent populations
+ - Fast vectorized operations on agent attributes
+ - Support for lazy evaluation and query optimization
+ - Seamless integration with other mesa-frames components
+ This implementation relies on Polars, so users should ensure that Polars
+ is installed and imported. The performance characteristics of this class
+ will depend on the Polars version and the specific operations used.
+For more detailed information on the AgentSetPolars class and its methods,
+refer to the class docstring.
+from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+import polars as pl
+from polars._typing import IntoExpr
+from typing_extensions import Any, Self, overload
+from mesa_frames.concrete.agents import AgentSetDF
+from mesa_frames.concrete.polars.mixin import PolarsMixin
+from mesa_frames.types_ import AgentPolarsMask, PolarsIdsLike
+from mesa_frames.utils import copydoc
+ from mesa_frames.concrete.model import ModelDF
+ from mesa_frames.concrete.pandas.agentset import AgentSetPandas
class AgentSetPolars(AgentSetDF, PolarsMixin):
"""Polars-based implementation of AgentSetDF."""
_agents: pl.DataFrame
_copy_with_method: dict[str, tuple[str, list[str]]] = {
"_agents": ("clone", []),
_copy_only_reference: list[str] = ["_model", "_mask"]
_mask: pl.Expr | pl.Series
def __init__(self, model: "ModelDF") -> None:
"""Initialize a new AgentSetPolars.
model : ModelDF
The model that the agent set belongs to.
self._model = model
self._agents = pl.DataFrame(schema={"unique_id": pl.Int64})
self._mask = pl.repeat(True, len(self._agents), dtype=pl.Boolean, eager=True)
def add(
agents: pl.DataFrame | Sequence[Any] | dict[str, Any],
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
"""Add agents to the AgentSetPolars.
agents : pl.DataFrame | Sequence[Any] | dict[str, Any]
The agents to add.
inplace : bool, optional
Whether to add the agents in place, by default True.
The updated AgentSetPolars.
obj = self._get_obj(inplace)
if isinstance(agents, pl.DataFrame):
if "unique_id" not in agents.columns:
raise KeyError("DataFrame must have a unique_id column.")
new_agents = agents
elif isinstance(agents, dict):
if "unique_id" not in agents:
raise KeyError("Dictionary must have a unique_id key.")
new_agents = pl.DataFrame(agents)
if len(agents) != len(obj._agents.columns):
raise ValueError(
"Length of data must match the number of columns in the AgentSet if being added as a Collection."
new_agents = pl.DataFrame([agents], schema=obj._agents.schema)
if new_agents["unique_id"].dtype != pl.Int64:
raise TypeError("unique_id column must be of type int64.")
# If self._mask is pl.Expr, then new mask is the same.
# If self._mask is pl.Series[bool], then new mask has to be updated.
if isinstance(obj._mask, pl.Series):
original_active_indices = obj._agents.filter(obj._mask)["unique_id"]
obj._agents = pl.concat([obj._agents, new_agents], how="diagonal_relaxed")
if isinstance(obj._mask, pl.Series):
obj._update_mask(original_active_indices, new_agents["unique_id"])
return obj
def contains(self, agents: int) -> bool: ...
def contains(self, agents: PolarsIdsLike) -> pl.Series: ...
def contains(
agents: PolarsIdsLike,
) -> bool | pl.Series:
if isinstance(agents, pl.Series):
return agents.is_in(self._agents["unique_id"])
elif isinstance(agents, Collection):
return pl.Series(agents).is_in(self._agents["unique_id"])
return agents in self._agents["unique_id"]
def get(
attr_names: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr] | None,
mask: AgentPolarsMask = None,
) -> pl.Series | pl.DataFrame:
masked_df = self._get_masked_df(mask)
attr_names = self.agents.select(attr_names).columns.copy()
if not attr_names:
return masked_df
masked_df = masked_df.select(attr_names)
if masked_df.shape[1] == 1:
return masked_df[masked_df.columns[0]]
return masked_df
def set(
attr_names: str | Collection[str] | dict[str, Any] | None = None,
values: Any | None = None,
mask: AgentPolarsMask = None,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
obj = self._get_obj(inplace)
b_mask = obj._get_bool_mask(mask)
masked_df = obj._get_masked_df(mask)
if not attr_names:
attr_names = masked_df.columns
def process_single_attr(
masked_df: pl.DataFrame, attr_name: str, values: Any
) -> pl.DataFrame:
if isinstance(values, pl.DataFrame):
return masked_df.with_columns(values.to_series().alias(attr_name))
elif isinstance(values, pl.Expr):
return masked_df.with_columns(values.alias(attr_name))
if isinstance(values, pl.Series):
return masked_df.with_columns(values.alias(attr_name))
if isinstance(values, Collection):
values = pl.Series(values)
values = pl.repeat(values, len(masked_df))
return masked_df.with_columns(values.alias(attr_name))
if isinstance(attr_names, str) and values is not None:
masked_df = process_single_attr(masked_df, attr_names, values)
elif isinstance(attr_names, Collection) and values is not None:
if isinstance(values, Collection) and len(attr_names) == len(values):
for attribute, val in zip(attr_names, values):
masked_df = process_single_attr(masked_df, attribute, val)
for attribute in attr_names:
masked_df = process_single_attr(masked_df, attribute, values)
elif isinstance(attr_names, dict):
for key, val in attr_names.items():
masked_df = process_single_attr(masked_df, key, val)
raise ValueError(
"attr_names must be a string, a collection of string or a dictionary with columns as keys and values."
non_masked_df = obj._agents.filter(b_mask.not_())
original_index = obj._agents.select("unique_id")
obj._agents = pl.concat([non_masked_df, masked_df], how="diagonal_relaxed")
obj._agents = original_index.join(obj._agents, on="unique_id", how="left")
return obj
def select(
mask: AgentPolarsMask = None,
filter_func: Callable[[Self], pl.Series] | None = None,
n: int | None = None,
negate: bool = False,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
obj = self._get_obj(inplace)
mask = obj._get_bool_mask(mask)
if filter_func:
mask = mask & filter_func(obj)
if n is not None:
mask = (obj._agents["unique_id"]).is_in(
if negate:
mask = mask.not_()
obj._mask = mask
return obj
def shuffle(self, inplace: bool = True) -> Self:
obj = self._get_obj(inplace)
obj._agents = obj._agents.sample(fraction=1, shuffle=True)
return obj
def sort(
by: str | Sequence[str],
ascending: bool | Sequence[bool] = True,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
obj = self._get_obj(inplace)
if isinstance(ascending, bool):
descending = not ascending
descending = [not a for a in ascending]
obj._agents = obj._agents.sort(by=by, descending=descending, **kwargs)
return obj
def to_pandas(self) -> "AgentSetPandas":
from mesa_frames.concrete.pandas.agentset import AgentSetPandas
new_obj = AgentSetPandas(self._model)
new_obj._agents = self._agents.to_pandas()
if isinstance(self._mask, pl.Series):
new_obj._mask = self._mask.to_pandas()
else: # self._mask is Expr
new_obj._mask = (
return new_obj
def _concatenate_agentsets(
agentsets: Iterable[Self],
duplicates_allowed: bool = True,
keep_first_only: bool = True,
original_masked_index: pl.Series | None = None,
) -> Self:
if not duplicates_allowed:
indices_list = [self._agents["unique_id"]] + [
agentset._agents["unique_id"] for agentset in agentsets
all_indices = pl.concat(indices_list)
if all_indices.is_duplicated().any():
raise ValueError(
"Some ids are duplicated in the AgentSetDFs that are trying to be concatenated"
if duplicates_allowed & keep_first_only:
# Find the original_index list (ie longest index list), to sort correctly the rows after concatenation
max_length = max(len(agentset) for agentset in agentsets)
for agentset in agentsets:
if len(agentset) == max_length:
original_index = agentset._agents["unique_id"]
final_dfs = [self._agents]
final_active_indices = [self._agents["unique_id"]]
final_indices = self._agents["unique_id"].clone()
for obj in iter(agentsets):
# Remove agents that are already in the final DataFrame
# Add the indices of the active agents of current AgentSet
# Update the indices of the agents in the final DataFrame
final_indices = pl.concat(
[final_indices, final_dfs[-1]["unique_id"]], how="vertical"
# Left-join original index with concatenated dfs to keep original ids order
final_df = original_index.to_frame().join(
pl.concat(final_dfs, how="diagonal_relaxed"), on="unique_id", how="left"
final_active_index = pl.concat(final_active_indices, how="vertical")
final_df = pl.concat(
[obj._agents for obj in agentsets], how="diagonal_relaxed"
final_active_index = pl.concat(
[obj._agents.filter(obj._mask)["unique_id"] for obj in agentsets]
final_mask = final_df["unique_id"].is_in(final_active_index)
self._agents = final_df
self._mask = final_mask
# If some ids were removed in the do-method, we need to remove them also from final_df
if not isinstance(original_masked_index, type(None)):
ids_to_remove = original_masked_index.filter(
if not ids_to_remove.is_empty():
self.remove(ids_to_remove, inplace=True)
return self
def _get_bool_mask(
mask: AgentPolarsMask = None,
) -> pl.Series | pl.Expr:
def bool_mask_from_series(mask: pl.Series) -> pl.Series:
if (
isinstance(mask, pl.Series)
and mask.dtype == pl.Boolean
and len(mask) == len(self._agents)
return mask
return self._agents["unique_id"].is_in(mask)
if isinstance(mask, pl.Expr):
return mask
elif isinstance(mask, pl.Series):
return bool_mask_from_series(mask)
elif isinstance(mask, pl.DataFrame):
if "unique_id" in mask.columns:
return bool_mask_from_series(mask["unique_id"])
elif len(mask.columns) == 1 and mask.dtypes[0] == pl.Boolean:
return bool_mask_from_series(mask[mask.columns[0]])
raise KeyError(
"DataFrame must have a 'unique_id' column or a single boolean column."
elif mask is None or mask == "all":
return pl.repeat(True, len(self._agents))
elif mask == "active":
return self._mask
elif isinstance(mask, Collection):
return bool_mask_from_series(pl.Series(mask))
return bool_mask_from_series(pl.Series([mask]))
def _get_masked_df(
mask: AgentPolarsMask = None,
) -> pl.DataFrame:
if (isinstance(mask, pl.Series) and mask.dtype == pl.Boolean) or isinstance(
mask, pl.Expr
return self._agents.filter(mask)
elif isinstance(mask, pl.DataFrame):
if not mask["unique_id"].is_in(self._agents["unique_id"]).all():
raise KeyError(
"Some 'unique_id' of mask are not present in DataFrame 'unique_id'."
return mask.select("unique_id").join(
self._agents, on="unique_id", how="left"
elif isinstance(mask, pl.Series):
if not mask.is_in(self._agents["unique_id"]).all():
raise KeyError(
"Some 'unique_id' of mask are not present in DataFrame 'unique_id'."
mask_df = mask.to_frame("unique_id")
return mask_df.join(self._agents, on="unique_id", how="left")
elif mask is None or mask == "all":
return self._agents
elif mask == "active":
return self._agents.filter(self._mask)
if isinstance(mask, Collection):
mask_series = pl.Series(mask)
mask_series = pl.Series([mask])
if not mask_series.is_in(self._agents["unique_id"]).all():
raise KeyError(
"Some 'unique_id' of mask are not present in DataFrame 'unique_id'."
mask_df = mask_series.to_frame("unique_id")
return mask_df.join(self._agents, on="unique_id", how="left")
def _get_obj_copy(self, obj: pl.Series) -> pl.Series: ...
def _get_obj_copy(self, obj: pl.DataFrame) -> pl.DataFrame: ...
def _get_obj_copy(self, obj: pl.Series | pl.DataFrame) -> pl.Series | pl.DataFrame:
return obj.clone()
def _discard(self, ids: PolarsIdsLike) -> Self:
mask = self._get_bool_mask(ids)
if isinstance(self._mask, pl.Series):
original_active_indices = self._agents.filter(self._mask)["unique_id"]
self._agents = self._agents.filter(mask.not_())
if isinstance(self._mask, pl.Series):
return self
def _update_mask(
self, original_active_indices: pl.Series, new_indices: pl.Series | None = None
) -> None:
if new_indices is not None:
self._mask = self._agents["unique_id"].is_in(
) | self._agents["unique_id"].is_in(new_indices)
self._mask = self._agents["unique_id"].is_in(original_active_indices)
def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> pl.Series:
return self._agents[key]
def __getitem__(
key: str | tuple[AgentPolarsMask, str],
) -> pl.Series: ...
def __getitem__(
key: (
| Collection[str]
| tuple[
) -> pl.DataFrame: ...
def __getitem__(
key: (
| Collection[str]
| AgentPolarsMask
| tuple[AgentPolarsMask, str]
| tuple[
) -> pl.Series | pl.DataFrame:
attr = super().__getitem__(key)
assert isinstance(attr, (pl.Series, pl.DataFrame))
return attr
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[dict[str, Any]]:
return iter(self._agents.iter_rows(named=True))
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._agents)
def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator:
return reversed(iter(self._agents.iter_rows(named=True)))
def agents(self) -> pl.DataFrame:
return self._agents
def agents(self, agents: pl.DataFrame) -> None:
if "unique_id" not in agents.columns:
raise KeyError("DataFrame must have a unique_id column.")
self._agents = agents
def active_agents(self) -> pl.DataFrame:
return self.agents.filter(self._mask)
def active_agents(self, mask: AgentPolarsMask) -> None:
self.select(mask=mask, inplace=True)
def inactive_agents(self) -> pl.DataFrame:
return self.agents.filter(~self._mask)
def index(self) -> pl.Series:
return self._agents["unique_id"]
def pos(self) -> pl.DataFrame:
return super().pos