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ederag edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 19 revisions


Make sure there is no mismatch between the running services and the launched hamster: remember to kill the hamster daemons when version changes.

Make sure there are no remnants of a previous installation (see below)


To undo the last install, just

sudo ./waf uninstall

Otherwise, need to find out which files have been installed. This can be tricky, as one should remember the exact version (commit sha or tag) and which options have been passed (usually none).
At some point the --prefix=/usr was recommended, and there are often unwanted installs with --prefix=/usr/local.
Available tags can be listed by git tag.

git checkout <commit sha or tag>
./waf configure <options>
sudo ./waf uninstall

Afterwards find /usr -iname hamster should only list unrelated files (if any). Note the case-insensitive search iname because to comply with freedesktop specifications some files are camel-cased now.

Merging two hamster.db files


You may also like to try htool from

Creating a dummy hamster.db for demo/testing

Original request here. Taking advantage of the fact that the hamster DB can be swapped "live", you can easily create one as follows:

# make a backup copy of your current DB 
DBDIR=~/.local/share/hamster # or hamster-applet for older versions
cp $DBDIR/hamster.db ~/bu-hamster.db

# download empty template hamster.db and replace your live DB
mv hamster.db $DBDIR

# add activities, test, etc.

# save the dummy DB and restore your backup copy
cp $DBDIR/hamster.db ~/dummy-hamster.db
cp ~/bu-hamster.db $DBDIR

Of course, to do more testing/demonstration, you'd need to put the dummy-hamster.db back as $DBDIR/hamster.db, which is a real bother. You could automate this with scripts, softlinks etc.. However, it would probably be best to have a separate environment for testing/demo, say a dedicated userid or a separate virtual environment.

To automate the creation of test cases with recent dates, one can create -nnn/+nnn relative timestamps in a bash script, as in the following example:

# function for relative timestamp (arg -nnn or +nnn minutes)
function rts() { echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M -d"$1 minutes"); }
# test of embedded activities 
hamster track 'outer activity@test, testing embedded activies #dev' $(rts -60) $(rts -10)
hamster track 'inner activity@test #dev' $(rts -60) $(rts -30)
hamster track 'test@ABC/Cooker' $(rts +0) $(rts +30)
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