{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2630 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Bold;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 AppleColorEmoji;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\csgenericrgb\c0\c0\c0;\csgenericrgb\c100000\c100000\c100000;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww22560\viewh11080\viewkind0 \deftab593 \pard\tx593\pardeftab593\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\b\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 022-02-08 07:55:13.886368-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPOperationalCredentialsDelegate: No NOC Signer provided, using self managed keys\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.889975-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Did not find self managed keys in the keychain\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.890054-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Generating self managed keys for the CA\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912185-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Stored the keys\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912286-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPOperationalCredentialsDelegate::init returning /Users/keanhinlim/connectedhomeip/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/CHIPOperationalCredentialsDelegate.mm:166: Success\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912332-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: com.zigbee.chip.commissioner.device_id\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912411-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: com.zigbee.chip.commissioner.device_id, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912454-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Assigned febb776f12fc11da node ID to the controller\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.912487-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Set Key com.zigbee.chip.commissioner.device_id\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.929127-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Set Key MatterCARootCert0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.929897-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713929] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DL] _Init\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930179-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] UDP::Init bind&listen port=0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930284-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] UDP::Init bound to port=49948\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930306-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] UDP::Init bind&listen port=0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930354-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] UDP::Init bound to port=60104\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930376-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] TransportMgr initialized\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930459-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335713930] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DIS] Init fabric pairing table with server storage\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930485-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930548-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930575-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F02/Fabric2\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930598-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F02/Fabric2, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930620-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F03/Fabric3\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930641-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F03/Fabric3, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930747-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F04/Fabric4\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930766-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F04/Fabric4, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930781-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F05/Fabric5\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930794-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F05/Fabric5, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930809-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F06/Fabric6\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930904-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F06/Fabric6, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.930997-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F07/Fabric7\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931013-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F07/Fabric7, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931107-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F08/Fabric8\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931174-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F08/Fabric8, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931242-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F09/Fabric9\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931320-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F09/Fabric9, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931376-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0A/Fabrica\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931472-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0A/Fabrica, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931539-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0B/Fabricb\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931603-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0B/Fabricb, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931669-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0C/Fabricc\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931739-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0C/Fabricc, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931755-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0D/Fabricd\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931770-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0D/Fabricd, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931785-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0E/Fabrice\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931798-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0E/Fabrice, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931813-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0F/Fabricf\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931871-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0F/Fabricf, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.931988-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F10/Fabric10\ 2022-02-08 07:55:13.932066-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F10/Fabric10, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.114764-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714114] [1414:22403] CHIP: [ZCL] Using ZAP configuration...\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117184-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714117] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] System State Initialized...\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117319-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714117] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Intermediate CA is not needed\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117417-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117452-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117469-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F02/Fabric2\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117488-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F02/Fabric2, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117504-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F03/Fabric3\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117519-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F03/Fabric3, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117534-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F04/Fabric4\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117552-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F04/Fabric4, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117569-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F05/Fabric5\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117583-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F05/Fabric5, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117600-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F06/Fabric6\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117613-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F06/Fabric6, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117627-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F07/Fabric7\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117643-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F07/Fabric7, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117658-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F08/Fabric8\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117671-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F08/Fabric8, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117686-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F09/Fabric9\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117700-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F09/Fabric9, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117714-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0A/Fabrica\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117728-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0A/Fabrica, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117744-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0B/Fabricb\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117757-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0B/Fabricb, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117771-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0C/Fabricc\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117784-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0C/Fabricc, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.117948-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0D/Fabricd\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118316-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0D/Fabricd, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118383-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0E/Fabrice\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118447-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0E/Fabrice, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118523-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F0F/Fabricf\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118549-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F0F/Fabricf, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118663-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F10/Fabric10\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118727-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F10/Fabric10, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118799-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118864-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: F01/Fabric1, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.118959-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714118] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DIS] Verifying the received credentials\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124248-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Generating compressed fabric ID using uncompressed fabric ID 0x0000000000000000 and root pubkey\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124269-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x04, 0x39, 0xa0, 0xa3, 0x13, 0x53, 0x21, 0x45,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124282-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x65, 0x5e, 0x73, 0xa2, 0xae, 0x0c, 0xef, 0x9d,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124294-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0xfa, 0x57, 0xa6, 0xb0, 0xe5, 0x24, 0xc0, 0xfd,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124305-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0xbd, 0x7b, 0x49, 0x24, 0x22, 0xce, 0x87, 0x4e,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124316-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0xef, 0x5b, 0xa0, 0xcd, 0x36, 0x70, 0x7e, 0xfc,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124328-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x8a, 0xea, 0xd8, 0xba, 0xba, 0x69, 0xbd, 0xea,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124388-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0xaa, 0x45, 0x2a, 0x06, 0xf3, 0xf0, 0x24, 0xed,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124402-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x69, 0x8b, 0xc8, 0x64, 0x5a, 0xbd, 0x23, 0x06,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124413-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x2f,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124457-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Generated compressed fabric ID\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124469-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] 0x07, 0xc6, 0x65, 0x9c, 0x28, 0xce, 0x35, 0x01,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124482-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DIS] Added new fabric at index: 1, Initialized: 1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124495-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DIS] Assigned compressed fabric ID: 0x07C6659C28CE3501, node ID: 0xFEBB776F12FC11DA\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124525-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Set Key F01/Fabric1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124832-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Joined the fabric at index 1. Compressed fabric ID is: 0x07C6659C28CE3501\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124881-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22655] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335714124] [1414:22655] CHIP: [DL] _OnPlatformEvent\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124906-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:14.124955-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:25.360176-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Payload vendorID 9050\ 2022-02-08 07:55:25.360400-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Rendezvous Default\ 2022-02-08 07:55:25.360750-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335725360] [1414:22403] CHIP: [BLE] NewConnection\ 2022-02-08 07:55:27.591817-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335727591] [1414:22939] CHIP: [BLE] CBManagerState: ON\ 2022-02-08 07:55:27.648920-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335727648] [1414:22939] CHIP: [BLE] Connecting to device with discriminator: 3844\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.293886-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.294365-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.296218-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728296] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] BleConnectionComplete: endPoint 0x10b417920\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.297001-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728296] [1414:22920] CHIP: [BLE] ATT MTU = 256\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.298632-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728298] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Assigned local session key ID 1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.298828-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728298] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Including MRP parameters in PBKDF param request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.300173-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728300] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x16ff118c0 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x20 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46714i with MessageCounter:905217574.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.301653-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728301] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x16ff118c0 with MessageCounter:905217574 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335728301 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.301823-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728301] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Message appended to BLE send queue\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.301944-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728301] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Sent PBKDF param request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.534160-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728534] [1414:23146] CHIP: [BLE] subscribe complete, ep = 0x10b417920\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.534430-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728534] [1414:23146] CHIP: [BLE] peripheral chose BTP version 4; central expected between 4 and 4\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.536196-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728536] [1414:23146] CHIP: [BLE] using BTP fragment sizes rx 244 / tx 244.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.536370-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335728536] [1414:23146] CHIP: [BLE] local and remote recv window size = 5\ 2022-02-08 07:55:28.536966-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335728536] [1414:23146] CHIP: [IN] BLE EndPoint 0x10b417920 Connection Complete\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.166713-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335729166] [1414:23146] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x21 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:3821842840 on exchange 46714i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.166973-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335729166] [1414:23146] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46714i, Delegate: 0x10602ce58\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.167139-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335729167] [1414:23146] CHIP: [SC] Received PBKDF param response\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.168634-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335729168] [1414:23146] CHIP: [SC] Peer assigned session ID 1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.168893-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335729168] [1414:23146] CHIP: [SC] Found MRP parameters in the message\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.199431-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335729199] [1414:23146] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x16fe85020 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x22 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46714i with MessageCounter:905217575.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.199555-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335729199] [1414:23146] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x16fe85020 with MessageCounter:905217575 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335729199 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:29.199796-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335729199] [1414:23146] CHIP: [SC] Sent spake2p msg1\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.776658-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335731776] [1414:22939] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x23 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:3821842841 on exchange 46714i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.776898-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731776] [1414:22939] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46714i, Delegate: 0x10602ce58\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.777062-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731777] [1414:22939] CHIP: [SC] Received spake2p msg2\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.820754-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335731820] [1414:22939] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x1700b53d0 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x24 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46714i with MessageCounter:905217576.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.820808-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335731820] [1414:22939] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x1700b53d0 with MessageCounter:905217576 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335731820 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.820943-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22939] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731820] [1414:22939] CHIP: [SC] Sent spake2p msg3\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.925081-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335731925] [1414:23146] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x40 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:3821842842 on exchange 46714i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.925289-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731925] [1414:23146] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46714i, Delegate: 0x10602ce58\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.925468-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731925] [1414:23146] CHIP: [IN] New secure session created for device 0x0000000000000001, LSID:1 PSID:1!\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.925770-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335731925] [1414:23146] CHIP: [CTL] Remote device completed SPAKE2+ handshake\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.925885-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335731925] [1414:23146] CHIP: [CTL] OnPairingComplete\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.926012-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23146] DevicePairingDelegate Pairing complete. Status ../../../../../../../../../../../connectedhomeip/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp:1021: Success\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.926525-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.926724-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.926892-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.927035-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.985013-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [LayoutConstraints] Changing the translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property of a UICollectionViewCell that is managed by a UICollectionView is not supported, and will result in incorrect self-sizing. View: <_UIAlertControllerTextFieldViewCollectionCell: 0x10056a300; frame = (0 0; 270 24); gestureRecognizers = ; layer = >\ 2022-02-08 07:55:31.986697-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [LayoutConstraints] Changing the translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property of a UICollectionViewCell that is managed by a UICollectionView is not supported, and will result in incorrect self-sizing. View: <_UIAlertControllerTextFieldViewCollectionCell: 0x10056e730; frame = (0 24; 270 24); gestureRecognizers = ; layer = >\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.468708-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] New SSID: Casa Lim Password: CoHab_1020!\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.468993-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750468] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Commission called for node ID 0x0000000000000001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.469587-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750469] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Setting wifi credentials from parameters\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.469672-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750469] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Setting attestation nonce to random value\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.469721-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750469] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Setting CSR nonce to random value\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.469772-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750469] [1414:22403] CHIP: [CTL] Reading vendor ID\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.472384-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750472] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b25500]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.472796-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750472] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16fdfb6c0 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46715i with MessageCounter:10720873.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.472994-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750472] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16fdfb6c0 with MessageCounter:10720873 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750472 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.473457-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750473] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b25500]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.555615-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750555] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945284 on exchange 46715i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.555776-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750555] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46715i, Delegate: 0x283b25500\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.557873-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750557] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Reading product ID\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.558636-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750558] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b0ef40]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.558805-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750558] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013e900 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46716i with MessageCounter:10720874.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.558866-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750558] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013e900 with MessageCounter:10720874 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750558 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.559140-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750559] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b0ef40]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.645873-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750645] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945285 on exchange 46716i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.646131-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750646] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46716i, Delegate: 0x283b0ef40\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.646516-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750646] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Reading software version\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.647040-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750647] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b115e0]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.647310-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750647] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013e900 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46717i with MessageCounter:10720875.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.647457-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750647] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013e900 with MessageCounter:10720875 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750647 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.648023-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750648] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b115e0]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.735828-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750735] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945286 on exchange 46717i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.736039-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46717i, Delegate: 0x283b115e0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.736392-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending request for network cluster feature map\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.736536-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b0e140]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.736742-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0ed20 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46718i with MessageCounter:10720876.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.736882-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0ed20 with MessageCounter:10720876 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750736 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.737473-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750737] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b0e140]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.827088-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750827] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945287 on exchange 46718i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.827315-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750827] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46718i, Delegate: 0x283b0e140\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.828004-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750827] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Arming failsafe\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.833169-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750833] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.833632-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750833] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.833867-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750833] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0f980 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46719i with MessageCounter:10720877.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.834007-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750833] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0f980 with MessageCounter:10720877 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750833 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.834592-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750834] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.915328-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750915] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945288 on exchange 46719i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.915563-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750915] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46719i, Delegate: 0x10181e2d0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.915726-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750915] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.915967-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750915] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.916098-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750916] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Received ArmFailSafe response\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.916209-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750916] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Setting Regulatory Config\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.916715-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750916] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.916964-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750916] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.917249-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750917] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013f040 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46720i with MessageCounter:10720878.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.917439-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335750917] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013f040 with MessageCounter:10720878 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335750917 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.918101-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750918] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:50.918259-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335750918] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036026-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945289 on exchange 46720i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036262-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46720i, Delegate: 0x10182f060\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036425-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036677-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0003\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036815-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Received SetRegulatoryConfig response\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.036932-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751036] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending request for PAI certificate\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.037041-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751037] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending Certificate Chain request to 0x10602ce00 device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.040983-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751040] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.041532-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751041] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.041858-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751041] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0ef80 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46721i with MessageCounter:10720879.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.042035-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751042] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0ef80 with MessageCounter:10720879 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335751042 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.042681-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751042] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.042841-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751042] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.216900-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751216] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945290 on exchange 46721i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217104-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46721i, Delegate: 0x1019112e0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217299-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217584-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217713-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Received certificate chain from the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217835-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending request for DAC certificate\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.217945-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751217] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending Certificate Chain request to 0x10602ce00 device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.218090-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751218] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.218206-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751218] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.218471-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751218] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0ef20 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46722i with MessageCounter:10720880.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.218790-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751218] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0ef20 with MessageCounter:10720880 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335751218 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.219470-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751219] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.219755-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751219] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.393800-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751393] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945291 on exchange 46722i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394001-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751393] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46722i, Delegate: 0x10181e2d0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394171-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751394] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394402-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751394] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394540-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751394] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Received certificate chain from the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394655-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751394] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending Attestation Request to the device.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.394764-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751394] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending Attestation request to 0x10602ce00 device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.396557-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751396] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.396870-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751396] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.397099-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751397] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0eef0 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46723i with MessageCounter:10720881.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.397270-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335751397] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0eef0 with MessageCounter:10720881 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335751397 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.397793-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751397] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.397945-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751397] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sent Attestation request, waiting for the Attestation Information\ 2022-02-08 07:55:51.398098-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335751398] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.055869-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752055] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945292 on exchange 46723i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.056127-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752056] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46723i, Delegate: 0x101e15df0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.056335-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752056] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.056595-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752056] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.056727-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752056] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Received Attestation Information from the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.056876-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752056] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Verifying attestation\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.088057-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56628 \f0\b [1644335752088] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CR] mbedTLS error: ERROR - Generic error\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121648-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Successfully validated 'Attestation Information' command received from the device.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121682-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sending CSR request to 0x10602ce00 device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121732-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121755-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121810-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0ce90 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46724i with MessageCounter:10720882.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121835-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0ce90 with MessageCounter:10720882 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335752121 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121957-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.121981-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752121] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Sent CSR request, waiting for the CSR\ 2022-02-08 07:55:52.122006-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335752122] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.247622-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754247] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945293 on exchange 46724i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.247854-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754247] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46724i, Delegate: 0x100659780\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.248033-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754248] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.248296-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754248] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0005\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.248434-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754248] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Received certificate signing request from the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.248552-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754248] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Getting certificate chain for the device from the issuer\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.297982-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: MatterCARootCert0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298057-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: MatterCARootCert0, value 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\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298129-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Received callback from the CA for NOC Chain generation. Status /Users/keanhinlim/connectedhomeip/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/CHIPOperationalCredentialsDelegate.mm:285: Success\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298213-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Sending root certificate to the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298409-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298439-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298492-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013ce40 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46725i with MessageCounter:10720883.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298521-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013ce40 with MessageCounter:10720883 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335754298 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298637-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298665-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Sent root certificate to the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.298750-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754298] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.485253-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754485] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945294 on exchange 46725i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.485478-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754485] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46725i, Delegate: 0x100504490\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.485641-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754485] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.485876-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754485] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_000B Status=0x0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.486006-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754485] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Device confirmed that it has received the root certificate\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.486267-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754486] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Sending operational certificate chain to the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.486688-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754486] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.486842-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754486] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.487137-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754487] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013ef90 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46726i with MessageCounter:10720884.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.487288-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754487] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013ef90 with MessageCounter:10720884 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335754487 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.487822-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754487] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.487947-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335754487] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Sent operational certificate to the device\ 2022-02-08 07:55:54.488080-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335754488] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.165739-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756165] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945295 on exchange 46726i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166010-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756166] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46726i, Delegate: 0x1019112e0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166180-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756166] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166449-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756166] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166728-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756166] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Device returned status 0 on receiving the NOC\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166851-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756166] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Operational credentials provisioned on device 0x10602ce00\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.166996-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] DevicePairingDelegate status updated: 0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.167263-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756167] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Adding wifi network\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.169998-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756169] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.170227-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756170] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.170486-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756170] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x17013ee90 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46727i with MessageCounter:10720885.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.170647-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756170] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x17013ee90 with MessageCounter:10720885 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335756170 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.171540-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756171] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.171719-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756171] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.254955-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756254] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945296 on exchange 46727i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.255148-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756255] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46727i, Delegate: 0x10181e2d0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.255314-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756255] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.255541-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756255] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0031 Command=0x0000_0005\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.255825-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756255] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Received NetworkConfig response\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.255946-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756255] [1414:22920] CHIP: [CTL] Enabling wifi network\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.256313-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756256] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.256440-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756256] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.256633-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756256] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff0f040 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46728i with MessageCounter:10720886.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.256790-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335756256] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff0f040 with MessageCounter:10720886 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335756256 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.257327-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756257] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:56.257491-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335756257] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.965918-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335757965] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:12945297 on exchange 46728i\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.966198-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335757966] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46728i, Delegate: 0x1019112e0\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.966422-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335757966] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.966699-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335757966] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0031 Command=0x0000_0007\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.967040-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335757967] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Received ConnectNetwork response\ 2022-02-08 07:55:57.977070-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335757977] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.489825-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759489] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DL] Mdns: OnBrowseAdd name: D6377FA04B41B1FD, type: _matterc._udp., domain: local., interface: 10\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.493047-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759493] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DL] Resolved interface id: 10\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.497383-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759497] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DL] Resolved interface id: 10\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.501118-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759501] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DL] Mdns: OnGetAddrInfo hostname:8CAAB5804B4C.local.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.501344-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759501] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DIS] Node ID resolved for 0x0000000000000001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.501468-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759501] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DIS] Addr 0: [fe80::8eaa:b5ff:fe80:4b4c]:5540\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.501724-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759501] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] OperationalDiscoveryComplete for device ID 0x0000000000000001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520382-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Generating DestinationID. Fabric ID 0x0000000000000000, Dest node ID 0x0000000000000001, Random data\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520496-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x08, 0x84, 0x72, 0xbd, 0x41, 0x11, 0xb6, 0x9e,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520554-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xd4, 0x7e, 0x21, 0xdf, 0xe7, 0xe3, 0x60, 0x68,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520610-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x28, 0xb6, 0xa5, 0x81, 0x72, 0x5e, 0x39, 0x1a,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520663-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xbb, 0xb1, 0x9f, 0xa7, 0xa7, 0x81, 0xc4, 0x1a,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520717-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Root pubkey\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520769-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x04, 0x39, 0xa0, 0xa3, 0x13, 0x53, 0x21, 0x45,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520819-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x65, 0x5e, 0x73, 0xa2, 0xae, 0x0c, 0xef, 0x9d,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520870-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xfa, 0x57, 0xa6, 0xb0, 0xe5, 0x24, 0xc0, 0xfd,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520921-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xbd, 0x7b, 0x49, 0x24, 0x22, 0xce, 0x87, 0x4e,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.520971-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759520] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xef, 0x5b, 0xa0, 0xcd, 0x36, 0x70, 0x7e, 0xfc,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521585-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x8a, 0xea, 0xd8, 0xba, 0xba, 0x69, 0xbd, 0xea,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521654-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xaa, 0x45, 0x2a, 0x06, 0xf3, 0xf0, 0x24, 0xed,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521699-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x69, 0x8b, 0xc8, 0x64, 0x5a, 0xbd, 0x23, 0x06,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521781-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x2f,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521851-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] IPK\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521896-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.521949-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759521] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522041-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Generated DestinationID output\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522089-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x89, 0x3a, 0x27, 0x63, 0x4d, 0x25, 0x28, 0xaa,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522347-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x8d, 0x58, 0x9d, 0xc4, 0x36, 0xfa, 0xd4, 0x30,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522416-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0x90, 0xe7, 0xf5, 0x59, 0x65, 0xf7, 0x5b, 0x51,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522469-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] 0xb7, 0xdd, 0xe7, 0xa7, 0x02, 0x8b, 0x33, 0x79,\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.522515-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759522] [1414:23277] CHIP: [SC] Including MRP parameters\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523156-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759523] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x30 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46729i with MessageCounter:905217577.\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523229-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759523] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:905217577 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335759523 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523528-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759523] [1414:23277] CHIP: [SC] Sent Sigma1 msg\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523584-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335759523] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Address resolved for node: 0x0000000000000001\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523707-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] OnAddressUpdateComplete. Status ../../../../../../../../../../../connectedhomeip/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp:581: Success\ 2022-02-08 07:55:59.523857-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335759523] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DL] Mdns: OnGetAddrInfo hostname:8CAAB5804B4C.local.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.340495-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335761340] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x31 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:3821842843 on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.340763-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761340] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46729i, Delegate: 0x102810e38\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.340975-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761340] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:905217577 from Retrans Table on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.341094-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761341] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:905217577 from RetransTable on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.341267-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761341] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Received Sigma2 msg\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.341543-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761341] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Peer assigned session session ID 2\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.362004-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56628 \f0\b [1644335761361] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] The device does not support GetClock_RealTimeMS() API. This will eventually result in CASE session setup failures.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381181-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Generating compressed fabric ID using uncompressed fabric ID 0x0000000000000000 and root pubkey\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381245-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x04, 0x39, 0xa0, 0xa3, 0x13, 0x53, 0x21, 0x45,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381285-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x65, 0x5e, 0x73, 0xa2, 0xae, 0x0c, 0xef, 0x9d,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381324-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0xfa, 0x57, 0xa6, 0xb0, 0xe5, 0x24, 0xc0, 0xfd,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381363-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0xbd, 0x7b, 0x49, 0x24, 0x22, 0xce, 0x87, 0x4e,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381400-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0xef, 0x5b, 0xa0, 0xcd, 0x36, 0x70, 0x7e, 0xfc,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381435-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x8a, 0xea, 0xd8, 0xba, 0xba, 0x69, 0xbd, 0xea,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381466-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0xaa, 0x45, 0x2a, 0x06, 0xf3, 0xf0, 0x24, 0xed,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381492-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x69, 0x8b, 0xc8, 0x64, 0x5a, 0xbd, 0x23, 0x06,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381517-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x2f,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381557-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Generated compressed fabric ID\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.381587-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761381] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] 0x07, 0xc6, 0x65, 0x9c, 0x28, 0xce, 0x35, 0x01,\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.393715-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761393] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Found MRP parameters in the message\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.393769-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761393] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Sending Sigma3\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.398972-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761398] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:3821842843 on exchange: 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.399006-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335761399] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x32 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46729i with MessageCounter:905217578.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.399032-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335761399] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:905217578 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335761399 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:01.399154-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335761399] [1414:22920] CHIP: [SC] Sent Sigma3 msg\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.588776-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763588] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x40 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:3821842844 on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.589039-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763589] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46729i, Delegate: 0x102810e38\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.589350-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763589] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:905217578 from Retrans Table on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.589518-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763589] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:905217578 from RetransTable on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.589838-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763589] [1414:23277] CHIP: [SC] Success status report received. Session was established\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.590002-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763589] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] New secure session created for device 0x0000000000000001, LSID:2 PSID:2!\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.590422-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763590] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Calling commissioning complete\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.590807-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763590] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.590998-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763590] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.591292-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763591] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46730i with MessageCounter:5070068.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.591439-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763591] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335763591 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.591848-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763591] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.592311-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763592] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:3821842844 on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.592499-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763592] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared unauthenticated message 0x170141500 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46729i with MessageCounter:905217579.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.592636-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763592] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending unauthenticated msg 0x170141500 with MessageCounter:905217579 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 1644335763592 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.592890-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763592] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:3821842844 on exchange 46729i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.788628-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763788] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339777 on exchange 46730i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.788856-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763788] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46730i, Delegate: 0x10181e2d0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.789795-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763789] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070068 from Retrans Table on exchange 46730i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.790062-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763790] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070068 from RetransTable on exchange 46730i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.790322-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763790] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.791321-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763791] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0005\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.791475-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763791] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Received CommissioningComplete response\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.791583-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763791] [1414:23277] CHIP: [CTL] Rendezvous cleanup\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.794705-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] DevicePairingDelegate Commissioning complete. NodeId 1 Status ../../../../../../../../../../../connectedhomeip/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp:1689: Success\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.796494-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763796] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.796609-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763796] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339777 on exchange 46730i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.796781-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763796] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x170141500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46730i with MessageCounter:5070069.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.796870-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335763796] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x170141500 with MessageCounter:5070069 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335763796 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.797129-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335763797] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339777 on exchange 46730i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.797298-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] Call to setVendorIDOnAccessory\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.797580-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.885636-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.885839-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.885956-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] PersistentStorageDelegate Sync Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:03.886032-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: ListPairedDevices0, value (null)\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.454925-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765454] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddingComm]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.455104-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765455] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AddedComma]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.455306-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765455] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46731i with MessageCounter:5070070.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.455407-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765455] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070070 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335765455 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.455752-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765455] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [CommandSen]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.735353-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765735] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339778 on exchange 46731i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.735588-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765735] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46731i, Delegate: 0x101d17ce0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.735794-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765735] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070070 from Retrans Table on exchange 46731i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.735917-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765735] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070070 from RetransTable on exchange 46731i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.736072-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [ResponseRe]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.736354-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.736599-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.736745-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339778 on exchange 46731i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.736925-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765736] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff11500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46731i with MessageCounter:5070071.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.737051-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335765737] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff11500 with MessageCounter:5070071 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335765737 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:05.737598-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335765737] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339778 on exchange 46731i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.534251-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.567080-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767567] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b3abc0]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.567247-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335767567] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46732i with MessageCounter:5070072.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.567294-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335767567] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070072 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335767567 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.567469-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767567] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b3abc0]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.773091-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335767773] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339779 on exchange 46732i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.773401-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767773] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46732i, Delegate: 0x283b3abc0\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.773663-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767773] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070072 from Retrans Table on exchange 46732i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.773796-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767773] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070072 from RetransTable on exchange 46732i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.774470-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767774] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339779 on exchange 46732i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.774678-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335767774] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff11500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46732i with MessageCounter:5070073.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.775041-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335767775] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff11500 with MessageCounter:5070073 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335767775 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.775446-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335767775] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339779 on exchange 46732i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:07.776250-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Updated temp in UI to 21 \'b0C\ 2022-02-08 07:56:15.466766-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56628 \f0\b [1644335775466] [1414:23277] CHIP: [BLE] ack recv timeout, closing ep 0x10b417920\ 2022-02-08 07:56:15.467029-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335775467] [1414:23277] CHIP: [IN] Clearing BLE pending packets.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:15.467183-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56628 \f0\b [1644335775467] [1414:23277] CHIP: [BLE] BtpEngine unsub failed\ 2022-02-08 07:56:15.467302-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335775467] [1414:23277] CHIP: [BLE] Auto-closing end point's BLE connection.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.029216-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.029556-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.029997-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335781029] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b10380]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.030299-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335781030] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46733i with MessageCounter:5070074.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.030486-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335781030] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070074 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335781030 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.030823-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335781030] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b10380]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.402060-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335781402] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:4339780 on exchange 46733i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.402351-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335781402] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46733i, Delegate: 0x283b10380\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.402637-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335781402] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070074 from Retrans Table on exchange 46733i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:21.402758-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335781402] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070074 from RetransTable on exchange 46733i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.387655-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.387988-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.388418-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335783388] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b14e00]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.388730-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335783388] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46734i with MessageCounter:5070075.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.388874-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335783388] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070075 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335783388 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.389248-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335783389] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b14e00]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.755572-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335783755] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:4339781 on exchange 46734i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.755798-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335783755] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46734i, Delegate: 0x283b14e00\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.756014-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335783756] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070075 from Retrans Table on exchange 46734i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:23.756135-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335783756] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070075 from RetransTable on exchange 46734i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.567860-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.568218-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.569852-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335786569] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b15a40]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.570198-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335786570] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46735i with MessageCounter:5070076.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.570367-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335786570] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070076 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335786570 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.570756-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335786570] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b15a40]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.930361-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335786930] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:4339782 on exchange 46735i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.930600-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335786930] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46735i, Delegate: 0x283b15a40\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.930847-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335786930] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070076 from Retrans Table on exchange 46735i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:26.930977-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335786930] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070076 from RetransTable on exchange 46735i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.132739-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.133068-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.133516-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335791133] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b25a40]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.133826-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335791133] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46736i with MessageCounter:5070077.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.133976-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335791133] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070077 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335791133 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.134338-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335791134] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b25a40]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.538499-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335791538] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:4339783 on exchange 46736i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.538789-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335791538] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46736i, Delegate: 0x283b25a40\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.539068-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335791539] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070077 from Retrans Table on exchange 46736i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:31.539208-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335791539] [1414:23277] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070077 from RetransTable on exchange 46736i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:33.030384-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335793030] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Time out! failed to receive report data from Exchange: 46733i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:33.030647-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335793030] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:35.388883-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335795388] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] Time out! failed to receive report data from Exchange: 46734i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:35.389139-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335795389] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:38.570318-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335798570] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Time out! failed to receive report data from Exchange: 46735i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:38.570572-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335798570] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:43.133923-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335803133] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] Time out! failed to receive report data from Exchange: 46736i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:43.134192-0800 CHIPTool[1414:23277] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335803134] [1414:23277] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.739564-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.739880-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.740306-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808740] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b09b20]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.740604-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808740] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46737i with MessageCounter:5070078.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.740746-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808740] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070078 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335808740 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.741114-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808741] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b09b20]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.948590-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808948] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x1 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339784 on exchange 46737i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.948920-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808948] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46737i, Delegate: 0x283b09b20\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.949202-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808949] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070078 from Retrans Table on exchange 46737i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.949335-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808949] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070078 from RetransTable on exchange 46737i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.949604-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808949] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IM] Received status response, status is 137\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.949880-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808949] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.950382-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808950] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339784 on exchange 46737i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.953906-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808953] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff11500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46737i with MessageCounter:5070079.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.954019-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335808954] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff11500 with MessageCounter:5070079 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335808954 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:48.954491-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335808954] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339784 on exchange 46737i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.625557-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.625882-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.627304-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809627] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b11260]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.627675-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809627] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46738i with MessageCounter:5070080.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.627832-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809627] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070080 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335809627 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.628291-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809628] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b11260]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.866549-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809866] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x1 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339785 on exchange 46738i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.866891-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809866] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46738i, Delegate: 0x283b11260\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.867114-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809867] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070080 from Retrans Table on exchange 46738i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.867232-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809867] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070080 from RetransTable on exchange 46738i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.868381-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809868] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IM] Received status response, status is 137\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.868548-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809868] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.869240-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809869] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339785 on exchange 46738i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.869516-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809869] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff11500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46738i with MessageCounter:5070081.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.869697-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335809869] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff11500 with MessageCounter:5070081 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335809869 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:49.870057-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335809870] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339785 on exchange 46738i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.983069-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: User request to refresh temperature reading.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.983333-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] Status: Waiting for connection with the device\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.983656-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335811983] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] SendReadRequest ReadClient[0x283b25a40]: Sending Read Request\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.983948-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335811983] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x100818068 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x2 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46739i with MessageCounter:5070082.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.984095-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335811984] [1414:22403] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x100818068 with MessageCounter:5070082 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335811984 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:51.984480-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22403] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335811984] [1414:22403] CHIP: [DMG] MoveToState ReadClient[0x283b25a40]: Moving to [AwaitingIn]\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.182945-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335812182] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Received message of type 0x1 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:4339786 on exchange 46739i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.183166-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335812183] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Found matching exchange: 46739i, Delegate: 0x283b25a40\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.183370-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335812183] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:5070082 from Retrans Table on exchange 46739i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.183485-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335812183] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Removed CHIP MessageCounter:5070082 from RetransTable on exchange 46739i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.183667-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335812183] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IM] Received status response, status is 137\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.183778-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335812183] [1414:22920] CHIP: [DMG] mResubscribePolicy is null\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.184178-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335812184] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:4339786 on exchange 46739i\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.184882-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335812184] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Prepared secure message 0x16ff11500 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 46739i with MessageCounter:5070083.\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.185041-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u56629 \f0\b [1644335812185] [1414:22920] CHIP: [IN] Sending encrypted msg 0x16ff11500 with MessageCounter:5070083 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 1644335812185 msec\ 2022-02-08 07:56:52.185339-0800 CHIPTool[1414:22920] [all] \f1\b0 \uc0\u55357 \u57314 \f0\b [1644335812185] [1414:22920] CHIP: [EM] Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:4339786 on exchange 46739i}