diff --git a/docs/guides/nrfconnect_android_commissioning.md b/docs/guides/nrfconnect_android_commissioning.md
index 0ddfe1ef603466..0e2146ba980b8f 100644
--- a/docs/guides/nrfconnect_android_commissioning.md
+++ b/docs/guides/nrfconnect_android_commissioning.md
@@ -70,19 +70,17 @@ accessory using Android CHIPTool:
Thread, and nRF7002 DK can be used to test Matter over Wi-Fi.
- 1x nRF52840 DK for running the
[OpenThread Radio Co-Processor](https://openthread.io/platforms/co-processor)
- firmware. You can replace this DK with another compatible device, such
- as the nRF52840 Dongle.
+ firmware. You can replace this DK with another compatible device, such as
+ the nRF52840 Dongle.
- > *Note:*
- > This piece of hardware is only needed if you're testing a Thread device.
- > Skip it if the tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
+ > _Note:_ This piece of hardware is only needed if you're testing a Thread
+ > device. Skip it if the tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
- 1x Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ or newer (along with an SD card with at least 8 GB
of memory)
- > *Note:*
- > This piece of hardware is only needed if you're testing a Thread device.
- > Skip it if the tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
+ > _Note:_ This piece of hardware is only needed if you're testing a Thread
+ > device. Skip it if the tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
@@ -90,9 +88,8 @@ accessory using Android CHIPTool:
## Setting up Thread Border Router
-> *Note:*
-> This step is only needed if you're testing a Thread device. Skip it if the
-> tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
+> _Note:_ This step is only needed if you're testing a Thread device. Skip it if
+> the tested device operates in a Wi-Fi network.
Follow the [OpenThread Border Router](openthread_border_router_pi.md) article to
set up OpenThread Border Router on the Raspberry Pi, with either the nRF52840 DK
@@ -185,19 +182,19 @@ following steps:
1. Enable **Bluetooth** and **Location** services on your smartphone.
2. Connect the smartphone to your Wi-Fi Access Point.
3. Open the CHIPTool application on your smartphone.
-4. Depending on your testing scenario, tap one of the following buttons and scan the
- commissioning QR code:
+4. Depending on your testing scenario, tap one of the following buttons and
+ scan the commissioning QR code:
- - **PROVISION CHIP DEVICE WITH THREAD** for Matter over Thread
- - **PROVISION CHIP DEVICE WITH WI-FI** for Matter over Wi-Fi
+ - **PROVISION CHIP DEVICE WITH THREAD** for Matter over Thread
+ - **PROVISION CHIP DEVICE WITH WI-FI** for Matter over Wi-Fi
The network credentials screen appears.
5. In the network credentials screen, specify parameters of network and tap the
**SAVE NETWORK** button. Several notifications appear, informing you of the
progress of scanning, connecting, and pairing with the device. At the end of
this process, the application returns to the main menu.
@@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ Check the IPv6 connectivity with the device using the following steps:
last commissioned device.
2. Tap the following buttons to change the lighting state of the Matter nRF
- Connect Lighting Example Application referenced in this guide:
+ Connect Lighting Example Application referenced in this guide:
- **ON** and **OFF** buttons turn on and off the light, respectively.
- **TOGGLE** changes the lighting state to the opposite.
diff --git a/src/platform/nrfconnect/BUILD.gn b/src/platform/nrfconnect/BUILD.gn
index 62f6fa69aa34ae..186b45e4a54219 100644
--- a/src/platform/nrfconnect/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/platform/nrfconnect/BUILD.gn
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ static_library("nrfconnect") {
- "ExternalFlashManager.h",
+ "ExternalFlashManager.h",