From 863a263015f88d2ec9ce426444a0757ff13c1a67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: manjunath-grl <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 21:49:15 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Modified scripts July 17 (#28048) * Fixes issue: 570 TC-DRLK-2.8 Semi-automated tests: TC-ACL-2.5 TC-ACL-2.6 Deleted manual tests: TC-ACE-1.2 TC-DA-1.2 TC-DA-1.5 TC-IDM-1.2 Added step number for all automated & semi-automated tests: TC_ACE_1_5 TC_ACFREMON_1_1 TC_ACFREMON_2_1 TC_ACL_1_1 TC_ACL_2_1 TC_ACL_2_3 TC_ACL_2_7 TC_ACL_2_8 TC_ACL_2_9 TC_ACT_1_1 TC_AIRQUAL_1_1 TC_AIRQUAL_2_1 TC_ALOGIN_1_12 TC_ALOGIN_12_1 TC_APBSC_1_10 TC_APBSC_9_1 TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 TC_BIND_1_1 TC_BINFO_1_1 TC_BINFO_2_1 TC_BINFO_2_2 TC_BOOL_1_1 TC_BOOL_2_1 TC_BRBINFO_1_1 TC_BRBINFO_2_1 TC_CADMIN_1_10 TC_CADMIN_1_16 TC_CADMIN_1_21 TC_CADMIN_1_22 TC_CADMIN_1_23 TC_CADMIN_1_24 TC_CADMIN_1_4 TC_CADMIN_1_6 TC_CC_1_1 TC_CC_2_1 TC_CC_3_1 TC_CC_3_2 TC_CC_3_3 TC_CC_4_1 TC_CC_4_2 TC_CC_4_3 TC_CC_4_4 TC_CC_5_1 TC_CC_5_2 TC_CC_5_3 TC_CC_6_1 TC_CC_6_2 TC_CC_6_3 TC_CC_6_5 TC_CC_7_1 TC_CC_7_2 TC_CC_7_3 TC_CC_7_4 TC_CC_8_1 TC_CC_9_1 TC_CC_9_2 TC_CC_9_3 TC_CDOCONC_1_1 TC_CDOCONC_2_1 TC_CFREMON_1_1 TC_CFREMON_2_1 TC_CGEN_1_1 TC_CGEN_2_1 TC_CHANNEL_1_6 TC_CHANNEL_5_1 TC_CHANNEL_5_2 TC_CHANNEL_5_3 TC_CMOCONC_1_1 TC_CMOCONC_2_1 TC_CNET_1_3 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 TC_DESC_1_1 TC_DGETH_1_1 TC_DGETH_2_1 TC_DGETH_2_2 TC_DGGEN_1_1 TC_DGGEN_2_1 TC_DGSW_1_1 TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 TC_DGTHREAD_2_1 TC_DGTHREAD_2_2 TC_DGTHREAD_2_3 TC_DGTHREAD_2_4 TC_DGWIFI_1_1 TC_DGWIFI_2_1 TC_DGWIFI_2_3 TC_DLOG_1_1 TC_DRLK_1_1 TC_DRLK_2_1 TC_DRLK_2_11 TC_DRLK_2_12 TC_DRLK_2_2 TC_DRLK_2_3 TC_DRLK_2_4 TC_DRLK_2_5 TC_DRLK_2_6 TC_DRLK_2_7 TC_DRLK_2_9 TC_ESFREMON_1_1 TC_ESFREMON_2_1 TC_FAN_1_1 TC_FAN_2_1 TC_FAN_2_2 TC_FAN_2_3 TC_FAN_2_4 TC_FAN_2_5 TC_FLABEL_1_1 TC_FLABEL_2_1 TC_FLDCONC_1_1 TC_FLDCONC_2_1 TC_FLW_1_1 TC_FLW_2_1 TC_FLW_2_2 TC_FTREMON_1_1 TC_FTREMON_2_1 TC_G_1_1 TC_G_2_1 TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1 TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1 TC_I_1_1 TC_I_2_1 TC_I_2_2 TC_I_2_3 TC_ICDM_1_1 TC_ICDM_2_1 TC_ILL_1_1 TC_ILL_2_1 TC_ILL_2_2 TC_INKCREMON_1_1 TC_INKCREMON_2_1 TC_IONFREMON_1_1 TC_IONFREMON_2_1 TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 TC_LCFG_1_1 TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 TC_LOWPOWER_2_1 TC_LTIME_1_2 TC_LUNIT_1_2 TC_LUNIT_3_1 TC_LVL_1_1 TC_LVL_2_1 TC_LVL_2_2 TC_LVL_3_1 TC_LVL_4_1 TC_LVL_5_1 TC_LVL_6_1 TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 TC_MOD_1_1 TC_NDOCONC_1_1 TC_NDOCONC_2_1 TC_OCC_1_1 TC_OCC_2_1 TC_OCC_2_3 TC_OCC_3_1 TC_OO_1_1 TC_OO_2_1 TC_OO_2_2 TC_OO_2_4 TC_OPCREDS_1_2 TC_OPSTATE_1_1 TC_OZCONC_1_1 TC_OZCONC_2_1 TC_OZFREMON_1_1 TC_OZFREMON_2_1 TC_PCC_1_1 TC_PCC_2_1 TC_PCC_2_2 TC_PCC_2_3 TC_PCC_2_4 TC_PMHCONC_1_1 TC_PMHCONC_2_1 TC_PMICONC_1_1 TC_PMICONC_2_1 TC_PMKCONC_1_1 TC_PMKCONC_2_1 TC_PRS_1_1 TC_PRS_2_1 TC_PRS_2_2 TC_PS_1_1 TC_PS_2_1 TC_PSCFG_1_1 TC_PSCFG_2_1 TC_RH_1_1 TC_RH_2_1 TC_RH_2_2 TC_RNCONC_1_1 TC_RNCONC_2_1 TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1 TC_S_1_1 TC_S_2_1 TC_S_2_2 TC_S_2_3 TC_S_2_4 TC_SC_4_1 TC_SWTCH_1_1 TC_SWTCH_2_1 TC_TCREMON_1_1 TC_TCREMON_2_1 TC_TGTNAV_1_9 TC_TGTNAV_8_1 TC_TMP_1_1 TC_TMP_2_1 TC_TMP_2_2 TC_TSTAT_1_1 TC_TSTAT_2_1 TC_TSTAT_2_2 TC_TSUIC_1_1 TC_TSUIC_2_1 TC_TSUIC_2_2 TC_TVOCCONC_1_1 TC_TVOCCONC_2_1 TC_ULABEL_1_1 TC_ULABEL_2_1 TC_ULABEL_2_2 TC_ULABEL_2_3 TC_ULABEL_2_4 TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated TC_UVFREMON_1_1 TC_UVFREMON_2_1 TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 TC_WNCV_1_1 TC_WNCV_2_1 TC_WNCV_2_2 TC_WNCV_2_3 TC_WNCV_2_4 TC_WNCV_2_5 TC_WNCV_3_1 TC_WNCV_3_2 TC_WNCV_3_3 TC_WNCV_3_4 TC_WNCV_3_5 TC_WNCV_4_1 TC_WNCV_4_2 TC_WNCV_4_3 TC_WNCV_4_4 TC_WNCV_4_5 TC_WTREMON_1_1 TC_WTREMON_2_1 TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1 TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1 * Auto generated files * Modified test TC-ACL-2.5 ciTests.json manualTests.json Disabled events tests in Darwin Json file * Auto generated files --- .../templates/tests/ciTests.json | 4 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_2.yaml | 2347 -- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_5.yaml | 35 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_1_1.yaml | 64 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_1.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_3.yaml | 96 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_5.yaml | 388 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_6.yaml | 261 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_7.yaml | 24 + .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_8.yaml | 24 + .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_9.yaml | 4 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ACT_1_1.yaml | 16 +- .../certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1.yaml | 39 +- .../certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_APBSC_1_10.yaml | 18 +- .../certification/Test_TC_APBSC_9_1.yaml | 18 +- .../Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3.yaml | 21 +- .../Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5.yaml | 8 +- .../Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6.yaml | 10 +- .../Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7.yaml | 8 +- .../Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8.yaml | 16 +- .../Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1.yaml | 8 +- .../Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BIND_1_1.yaml | 56 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BINFO_1_1.yaml | 92 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_1.yaml | 132 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_2.yaml | 3 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BOOL_1_1.yaml | 16 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BOOL_2_1.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1.yaml | 61 +- .../certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1.yaml | 98 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10.yaml | 94 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16.yaml | 54 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22.yaml | 26 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24.yaml | 22 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4.yaml | 68 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6.yaml | 46 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_1_1.yaml | 228 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_2_1.yaml | 177 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_1.yaml | 74 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_2.yaml | 50 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_3.yaml | 36 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_1.yaml | 26 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_2.yaml | 56 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_3.yaml | 50 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_4.yaml | 30 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml | 116 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml | 32 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml | 30 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml | 26 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml | 44 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml | 36 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_5.yaml | 36 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_1.yaml | 78 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml | 50 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml | 42 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml | 28 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml | 63 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_1.yaml | 151 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_2.yaml | 56 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_3.yaml | 54 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1.yaml | 33 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CGEN_1_1.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CGEN_2_1.yaml | 21 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6.yaml | 36 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1.yaml | 6 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2.yaml | 10 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3.yaml | 16 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_CNET_1_3.yaml | 87 +- .../Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1.yaml | 6 +- .../Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3.yaml | 10 +- .../Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5.yaml | 22 +- .../Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7.yaml | 79 +- .../Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11.yaml | 29 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_2.yaml | 1263 -- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_5.yaml | 318 - .../certification/Test_TC_DESC_1_1.yaml | 56 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGETH_1_1.yaml | 79 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_1.yaml | 50 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_2.yaml | 44 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1.yaml | 78 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1.yaml | 30 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGSW_1_1.yaml | 76 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1.yaml | 61 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1.yaml | 91 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2.yaml | 40 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3.yaml | 40 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4.yaml | 6 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1.yaml | 28 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3.yaml | 16 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DLOG_1_1.yaml | 53 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_1_1.yaml | 144 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_1.yaml | 341 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_11.yaml | 61 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml | 8 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml | 83 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml | 116 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml | 26 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_5.yaml | 21 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_6.yaml | 17 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_7.yaml | 32 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml | 68 +- .../certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_9.yaml | 53 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_1_1.yaml | 44 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_1.yaml | 10 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_2.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_3.yaml | 6 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_4.yaml | 6 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_5.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1.yaml | 56 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1.yaml | 8 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_1_1.yaml | 51 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_1.yaml | 10 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_2.yaml | 8 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1.yaml | 33 +- .../certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_G_1_1.yaml | 16 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_G_2_1.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1.yaml | 46 +- .../certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ICDM_1_1.yaml | 30 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ICDM_2_1.yaml | 15 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml | 361 - .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_1_1.yaml | 23 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_1.yaml | 12 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_2.yaml | 18 +- .../certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1.yaml | 32 +- .../certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1.yaml | 32 +- .../certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_I_1_1.yaml | 21 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_1.yaml | 6 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml | 29 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_3.yaml | 62 +- .../Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2.yaml | 24 +- .../Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2.yaml | 4 +- .../Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3.yaml | 18 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LCFG_1_1.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1.yaml | 2 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LTIME_1_2.yaml | 22 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2.yaml | 21 +- .../certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1.yaml | 18 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_1_1.yaml | 55 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_1.yaml | 34 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_2.yaml | 36 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml | 84 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml | 34 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml | 32 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml | 26 +- .../certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4.yaml | 22 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10.yaml | 12 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11.yaml | 20 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12.yaml | 16 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13.yaml | 14 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7.yaml | 61 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1.yaml | 14 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2.yaml | 20 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3.yaml | 14 +- .../Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4.yaml | 33 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_MOD_1_1.yaml | 21 +- .../certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_1_1.yaml | 14 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_1.yaml | 32 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_3.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_3_1.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_1_1.yaml | 76 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_1.yaml | 12 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_2.yaml | 35 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_4.yaml | 52 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2.yaml | 53 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1.yaml | 28 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1.yaml | 98 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_1_1.yaml | 184 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_1.yaml | 48 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_2.yaml | 26 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_3.yaml | 30 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_4.yaml | 26 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_1_1.yaml | 77 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_1.yaml | 22 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_2.yaml | 8 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml | 17 +- .../certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml | 4 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_1_1.yaml | 109 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_2_1.yaml | 97 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_1_1.yaml | 19 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_1.yaml | 10 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_2.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1.yaml | 98 +- .../certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1.yaml | 30 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_SC_4_1.yaml | 376 +- .../certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1.yaml | 48 +- .../certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_S_1_1.yaml | 34 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_1.yaml | 24 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml | 179 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml | 87 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml | 67 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9.yaml | 15 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1.yaml | 8 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_1_1.yaml | 19 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_1.yaml | 10 +- .../suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_2.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1.yaml | 71 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml | 140 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2.yaml | 492 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1.yaml | 17 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1.yaml | 9 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2.yaml | 68 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1.yaml | 95 +- .../certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1.yaml | 25 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1.yaml | 56 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1.yaml | 2 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4.yaml | 8 +- .../Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated.yaml | 4 +- .../certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1.yaml | 47 +- .../certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5.yaml | 14 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1.yaml | 8 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_1_1.yaml | 71 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_1.yaml | 65 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_2.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_3.yaml | 38 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_4.yaml | 12 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_5.yaml | 2 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml | 82 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml | 84 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml | 49 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml | 26 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml | 28 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml | 49 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml | 49 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_3.yaml | 18 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_4.yaml | 18 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml | 38 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1.yaml | 48 +- .../certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1.yaml | 32 +- .../certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1.yaml | 11 +- src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json | 2 + src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json | 7 +- .../chip-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h | 9997 +++++---- .../zap-generated/test/Commands.h | 18599 ++++++++-------- .../app1/zap-generated/test/Commands.h | 4 +- .../app2/zap-generated/test/Commands.h | 4 +- 276 files changed, 21218 insertions(+), 23695 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_2.yaml delete mode 100644 src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_2.yaml delete mode 100644 src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_5.yaml delete mode 100644 src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml diff --git a/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json b/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json index 44d2eec2ab4dc8..980f8818805ea5 100644 --- a/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json +++ b/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ "Disabled due to OperationalState not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:", "Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1", "Disabled due to Events verification not supported", - "Test_TC_BINFO_2_2" + "Test_TC_BINFO_2_2", + "Test_TC_ACL_2_5", + "Test_TC_ACL_2_6" ] } diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_2.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index bf0318b3a244f7..00000000000000 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_2.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2347 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default - -name: 42.1.2. [TC-ACE-1.2] Subscriptions - REMOVED - -PICS: - - MCORE.ROLE.COMMISSIONEE - -config: - nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" - endpoint: 0 - -tests: - - label: "Note" - verification: | - Please use Interactive mode to Verify subscription test cases - Here the command to enter interactive mode:-- ./chip-tool interactive start - disabled: true - - - label: "Pre-conditions" - verification: | - N1 is the node ID of TH1 - disabled: true - - - label: "TH1 commissions DUT" - verification: | - execute the below mentioned command to put DUT into a commissionable state, Pls use equivalent command on the respective DUT - ./chip-all-clusters-app - - Once DUT reach the commissionable state pls send below mentioned command on TH1. Pls use equivalent command on the respective DUT - ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021 - - Please use Interactive mode to Verify this test case - Here the command to enter interactive mode:-- ./chip-tool interactive start - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is a list of - AccessControlEntryStruct containing 1 element: struct Privilege field: - Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1, N2] - Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 --commissioner-nodeid 0x1 - - [1675235747.672953][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1675235747.673017][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.673072][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1675235747.673150][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1675235747.673212][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1675235747.673293][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.673359][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1675235747.673447][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.673528][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1675235747.673613][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1675235747.673705][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1675235747.673783][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: } - [1675235747.673872][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.673949][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1675235747.674035][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.674117][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS), - [1675235747.674197][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1675235747.674277][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.674346][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1675235747.674441][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.674502][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1675235747.674575][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.674645][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1675235747.674722][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.674802][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1675235747.674886][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1675235747.675034][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1675235747.675125][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1675235747.675203][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: } - [1675235747.675289][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.675365][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1675235747.675437][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: { - [1675235747.675501][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS), - [1675235747.675587][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1675235747.675663][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.675732][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1675235747.675811][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.675871][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1675235747.675954][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: - [1675235747.676015][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1675235747.676074][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: } - [1675235747.676309][1933:1935] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs - attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions false, - fabric-filtered false." - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify TH subscribes to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions false, fabric-filtered false and save SubscriptionId as subscription_noc - [1659598415.554714][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659598415.554746][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.554771][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x692ae42d, - [1659598415.554821][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659598415.554857][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659598415.554883][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659598415.554920][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.554948][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659598415.554981][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.555012][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xc0e77b57, - [1659598415.555045][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659598415.555076][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.555111][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659598415.555146][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659598415.555182][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659598415.555215][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598415.555251][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.555284][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Data = [ - [1659598415.555317][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.555352][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598415.555380][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.555415][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.555441][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.555481][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.555507][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659598415.555542][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.555570][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659598415.555630][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.555667][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xc0e77b57, - [1659598415.555696][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659598415.555729][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.555763][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659598415.555799][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659598415.555834][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659598415.555868][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659598415.555901][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598415.555936][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.555968][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Data = - [1659598415.556026][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.556065][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 1, - [1659598415.556100][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.556128][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.556163][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.556189][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.556228][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.556253][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659598415.556286][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.556312][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659598415.556343][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.556376][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xc0e77b57, - [1659598415.556407][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659598415.556439][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.556472][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659598415.556507][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659598415.556542][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659598415.556576][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659598415.556640][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598415.556678][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.556713][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Data = - [1659598415.556746][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.556781][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = [ - [1659598415.556889][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x15, 0x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x24, 0x2, 0x1, 0x37, 0x3, 0x24, 0x13, 0x1, 0x18, 0x26, 0x4, 0x80, 0x22, 0x81, 0x27, 0x26, 0x5, 0x80, 0x25, 0x4d, 0x3a, 0x37, 0x6, 0x24, 0x15, 0x1, 0x24, 0x11, 0x2, 0x18, 0x24, 0x7, 0x1, 0x24, 0x8, 0x1, 0x30, 0x9, 0x41, 0x4, 0x8f, 0x5c, 0x62, 0xe1, 0x1e, 0xbe, 0x31, 0xab, 0xc3, 0xaa, 0x8, 0x98, 0x87, 0xc9, 0x26, 0x99, 0x98, 0x9a, 0xa2, 0x7c, 0xa, 0xfa, 0xa, 0xb1, 0x44, 0x6f, 0x5e, 0x78, 0x26, 0x74, 0xb1, 0x2a, 0xfe, 0x16, 0xc5, 0x7c, 0x24, 0x14, 0xce, 0x0, 0xb6, 0xe0, 0xdc, 0x96, 0x91, 0x60, 0x8c, 0xd2, 0xdb, 0xca, 0x9f, 0x8f, 0x2d, 0x7, 0xcd, 0x89, 0x9, 0xbb, 0xe3, 0x9a, 0x22, 0x57, 0xb6, 0x3e, 0x37, 0xa, 0x35, 0x1, 0x28, 0x1, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2, 0x1, 0x36, 0x3, 0x4, 0x2, 0x4, 0x1, 0x18, 0x30, 0x4, 0x14, 0xe1, 0x31, 0xf4, 0x95, 0xda, 0x55, 0x40, 0x59, 0xd4, 0xb4, 0x6d, 0x62, 0xbf, 0x7e, 0xab, 0xef, 0x88, 0x3c, 0x84, 0x3, 0x30, 0x5, 0x14, 0xc7, 0xe9, 0x58, 0xd6, 0x86, 0xe, 0x58, 0xeb, 0xff, 0xc5, 0x3, 0x75, 0x69, 0x5f, 0xa1, 0xd, 0x8d, 0x1f, 0x7b, 0xa5, 0x18, 0x30, 0xb, 0x40, 0x89, 0x44, 0xb0, 0x49, 0x79, 0x3f, 0x7, 0x29, 0xe5, 0xd9, 0xee, 0xeb, 0x6f, 0x18, 0xcf, 0x20, 0xb5, 0x63, 0x97, 0xef, 0xb4, 0x2, 0xc2, 0x73, 0xba, 0x17, 0xbe, 0x9, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0x4d, 0xd0, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0xd, 0x33, 0xf, 0xd7, 0xe9, 0x15, 0x16, 0x82, 0x79, 0x3d, 0x69, 0x38, 0x3d, 0x82, 0xbd, 0x7f, 0x17, 0x22, 0x1b, 0xc3, 0xf6, 0xc7, 0xe6, 0x8, 0x4c, 0x7b, 0xab, 0x39, 0x5c, 0xa0, 0x18, - [1659598415.556962][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ] (241 bytes) - [1659598415.557011][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = [ - [1659598415.557121][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x15, 0x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x24, 0x2, 0x1, 0x37, 0x3, 0x24, 0x14, 0x0, 0x18, 0x26, 0x4, 0x80, 0x22, 0x81, 0x27, 0x26, 0x5, 0x80, 0x25, 0x4d, 0x3a, 0x37, 0x6, 0x24, 0x13, 0x1, 0x18, 0x24, 0x7, 0x1, 0x24, 0x8, 0x1, 0x30, 0x9, 0x41, 0x4, 0xb2, 0x61, 0xc9, 0x38, 0xb9, 0x32, 0x73, 0xcc, 0x48, 0x95, 0x79, 0x1, 0x93, 0xd5, 0xa1, 0x54, 0x52, 0x9a, 0x3, 0x9d, 0x23, 0xe5, 0x52, 0x26, 0x3b, 0x7a, 0xa9, 0x4a, 0x8f, 0x34, 0x44, 0x81, 0x30, 0xe7, 0xa4, 0xc8, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0x1a, 0xe2, 0x91, 0xbb, 0xc6, 0x89, 0xe9, 0xb7, 0xd1, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0x1f, 0xe3, 0xfe, 0x8c, 0x5d, 0xad, 0xff, 0x98, 0x66, 0x5d, 0xbf, 0x57, 0xd0, 0x73, 0x9e, 0x37, 0xa, 0x35, 0x1, 0x29, 0x1, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2, 0x60, 0x30, 0x4, 0x14, 0xc7, 0xe9, 0x58, 0xd6, 0x86, 0xe, 0x58, 0xeb, 0xff, 0xc5, 0x3, 0x75, 0x69, 0x5f, 0xa1, 0xd, 0x8d, 0x1f, 0x7b, 0xa5, 0x30, 0x5, 0x14, 0xf6, 0xef, 0x1d, 0x69, 0xa5, 0xf7, 0x79, 0x7d, 0x53, 0x4a, 0xb6, 0x55, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xbf, 0xa3, 0x90, 0xcb, 0x56, 0x20, 0x18, 0x30, 0xb, 0x40, 0xf2, 0xb2, 0xe6, 0xa0, 0xc2, 0xf, 0x81, 0x9d, 0xaa, 0x4d, 0xa6, 0xc5, 0xc9, 0x4b, 0x1f, 0x63, 0x68, 0x6c, 0x3e, 0x11, 0xbe, 0xd7, 0xfe, 0xf4, 0xe3, 0x56, 0x43, 0xe7, 0x95, 0xff, 0xa3, 0xae, 0xe4, 0x33, 0x3a, 0xd7, 0x26, 0xee, 0x1e, 0xc4, 0x92, 0xa2, 0x9a, 0x45, 0x62, 0x8e, 0xe9, 0x5d, 0x88, 0xcc, 0xba, 0xb0, 0x78, 0x6, 0xb, 0xfd, 0x56, 0x5c, 0xa5, 0x22, 0x98, 0xa9, 0xb0, 0xaf, 0x18, - [1659598415.557195][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659598415.557234][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659598415.557268][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.557299][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.557335][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.557361][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598415.557393][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.557417][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598415.557458][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598415.557482][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659598415.557505][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598415.557850][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3236395863 - [1659598415.560482][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659598415.560556][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659598415.560586][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659598415.562570][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659598415.562663][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659598415.562690][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659598415.562741][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659598415.562781][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A370624150124110218240701240801300941048F5C62E11EBE31ABC3AA089887C92699989AA27C0AFA0AB1446F5E782674B12AFE16C57C2414CE00B6E0DC9691608CD2DBCA9F8F2D07CD8909BBE39A2257B63E370A350128011824020136030402040118300414E131F495DA554059D4B46D62BF7EABEF883C8403300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B408944B049793F0729E5D9EEEB6F18CF20B56397EFB402C273BA17BE09CCCD4DD06D6D0D330FD7E9151682793D69383D82BD7F17221BC3F6C7E6084C7BAB395CA018 - [1659598415.562823][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659598415.562851][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659598415.562875][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659598415.562929][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff8c008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659598415.563006][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:207708623 on exchange: 29451i - [1659598415.563092][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff8c005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 29451i with MessageCounter:125509363. - [1659598415.563139][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff8c005878 with MessageCounter:125509363 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000820B0B msec - [1659598415.565134][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:207708624 on exchange 29451i - [1659598415.565183][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 29451i, Delegate: 0xffff8c008e40 - [1659598415.565222][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:125509363 from Retrans Table on exchange 29451i - [1659598415.565249][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:125509363 from RetransTable on exchange 29451i - [1659598415.565301][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659598415.565330][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598415.565355][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x692ae42d, - [1659598415.565388][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: MaxInterval = 0x1e, - [1659598415.565414][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659598415.565438][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598415.565467][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Subscription established with SubscriptionID = 0x692ae42d MinInterval = 1s MaxInterval = 30s Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659598415.565496][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff8c008e40]: Moving to [Subscripti] - [1659598415.565552][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 55000 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0x692ae42d Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659598415.565587][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:207708624 on exchange 29451i - [1659598415.565652][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa0dbb9e8 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 29451i with MessageCounter:125509364. - [1659598415.565690][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa0dbb9e8 with MessageCounter:125509364 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000820B0E msec - [1659598415.565811][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:207708624 on exchange 29451i - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the Access Control cluster - AccessControlEntryChanged event, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep - subscriptions true" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode ./chip-tool interactive start - - accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify TH subscribes to the Access Control cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions true and save SubscriptionId as subscription_ace - - - [1659598469.304212][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 29452i, Delegate: 0xffff8c008f30 - [1659598469.304246][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:125509366 from Retrans Table on exchange 29452i - [1659598469.304271][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:125509366 from RetransTable on exchange 29452i - [1659598469.304334][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659598469.304362][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.304386][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xe15e6f41, - [1659598469.304411][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIBs = - [1659598469.304447][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659598469.304471][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIB = - [1659598469.304509][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.304534][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventDataIB = - [1659598469.304566][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.304595][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventPath = - [1659598469.304626][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.304657][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659598469.304692][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659598469.304726][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Event = 0x0, - [1659598469.304758][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598469.304792][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598469.304824][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventNumber = 0x4, - [1659598469.304857][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: PriorityLevel = 0x1, - [1659598469.304891][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SystemTimestamp = 0x814318, - [1659598469.304920][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: EventData = - [1659598469.304952][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.304983][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = NULL - [1659598469.305018][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 0, - [1659598469.305049][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = 1, - [1659598469.305082][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = - [1659598469.305117][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598469.305152][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = 5, - [1659598469.305190][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 2, - [1659598469.305225][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = [ - [1659598469.305287][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 112233, - [1659598469.305329][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598469.305366][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = NULL - [1659598469.305405][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659598469.305442][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598469.305477][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659598469.305510][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598469.305541][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598469.305579][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598469.305605][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598469.305640][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598469.305663][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598469.305698][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598469.305722][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659598469.305745][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598469.305889][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Event 0x0000_0000 - [1659598469.305914][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Event number: 4 - [1659598469.305937][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Priority: Info - [1659598469.305958][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Timestamp: 8471320 - [1659598469.306037][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: AccessControlEntryChanged: { - [1659598469.306065][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: AdminNodeID: null - [1659598469.306092][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: AdminPasscodeID: 0 - [1659598469.306115][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: ChangeType: 1 - [1659598469.306138][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: LatestValue: { - [1659598469.306161][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Privilege: 5 - [1659598469.306183][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: AuthMode: 2 - [1659598469.306211][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Subjects: 1 entries - [1659598469.306241][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 112233 - [1659598469.306267][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Targets: null - [1659598469.306290][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659598469.306312][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659598469.306334][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: AdminFabricIndex: 2 - [1659598469.306356][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659598469.306416][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff8c008f30]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659598469.306469][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:207708627 on exchange: 29452i - [1659598469.306528][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff8c002428 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 29452i with MessageCounter:125509367. - [1659598469.306564][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff8c002428 with MessageCounter:125509367 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000082DCFA msec - [1659598469.307715][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:207708628 on exchange 29452i - [1659598469.307746][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 29452i, Delegate: 0xffff8c008f30 - [1659598469.307776][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:125509367 from Retrans Table on exchange 29452i - [1659598469.307800][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:125509367 from RetransTable on exchange 29452i - [1659598469.307841][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the General Commissioning cluster Breadcrumb - attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions true" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify TH subscribes to the General Commissioning cluster Breadcrumb attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions true and save SubscriptionId as subscription_breadcrumb - - 1659598523.725570][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 29453i, Delegate: 0xffff8c008c80 - [1659598523.725650][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:125509372 from Retrans Table on exchange 29453i - [1659598523.725713][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:125509372 from RetransTable on exchange 29453i - [1659598523.725833][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659598523.725902][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598523.725962][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x81fefffb, - [1659598523.726025][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659598523.726115][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659598523.726177][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659598523.726258][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598523.726327][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659598523.726411][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598523.726494][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x15d70b72, - [1659598523.726572][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659598523.726662][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598523.726754][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659598523.726849][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659598523.726943][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659598523.727027][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598523.727120][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598523.727213][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: Data = 0, - [1659598523.727298][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598523.727381][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598523.727448][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598523.727525][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598523.727585][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598523.727703][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598523.727766][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659598523.727826][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659598523.728037][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 366414706 - [1659598523.728118][3022:3027] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 0 - [1659598523.728204][3022:3027] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff8c008c80]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659598523.728312][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:207708635 on exchange: 29453i - [1659598523.728438][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff8c002428 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 29453i with MessageCounter:125509373. - [1659598523.728524][3022:3027] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff8c002428 with MessageCounter:125509373 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000083B190 msec - [1659598523.730457][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:207708636 on exchange 29453i - [1659598523.730536][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 29453i, Delegate: 0xffff8c008c80 - [1659598523.730608][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:125509373 from Retrans Table on exchange 29453i - [1659598523.730669][3022:3027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:125509373 from RetransTable on exchange - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends the OpenCommissioningWindow command to the Administrator - Commissioning Cluster" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode ./chip-tool interactive start - - pairing open-commissioning-window 1 1 400 1000 3840 - - - [1659597971.528576][2984:2991] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 62289i, Delegate: 0xffff840041a8 - [1659597971.528620][2984:2991] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:205264756 from Retrans Table on exchange 62289i - [1659597971.528646][2984:2991] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:205264756 from RetransTable on exchange 62289i - [1659597971.528683][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659597971.528737][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1659597971.528763][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659597971.528787][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1659597971.528813][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1659597971.528844][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659597971.528868][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1659597971.528901][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659597971.528927][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB = - [1659597971.528962][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659597971.528992][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1659597971.529030][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659597971.529067][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1659597971.529106][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c, - [1659597971.529143][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x0, - [1659597971.529179][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659597971.529217][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: - [1659597971.529247][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659597971.529284][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659597971.529321][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659597971.529357][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659597971.529393][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: - [1659597971.529422][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659597971.529455][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: - [1659597971.529479][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659597971.529510][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: - [1659597971.529533][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659597971.529563][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: - [1659597971.529587][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659597971.529610][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659597971.529670][2984:2991] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0000 Status=0x0 - [1659597971.529700][2984:2991] CHIP:CTL: Successfully opened pairing window on the device - [1659597971.529845][2984:2991] CHIP:CTL: Manual pairing code: [35059712138] - [1659597971.529885][2984:2991] CHIP:CTL: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN00--DE4-F00] - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH3 fully commissions the DUT onto its fabric. Adding this new fabric - will cause a change in the NOCs attribute that will trigger the - subscription." - verification: | - ON TH2, - ./chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 2 1 400 1000 3840 - ON TH3 - ./chip-tool pairing code 3 36448921425( Manual pairing code received from TH2) --commissioner-name beta - - [1659598782.742279][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1659598782.742309][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598782.742336][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1659598782.742364][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1659598782.742400][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659598782.742427][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1659598782.742467][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598782.742497][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: CommandDataIB = - [1659598782.742532][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598782.742566][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1659598782.742604][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598782.742643][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1659598782.742682][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x30, - [1659598782.742721][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x5, - [1659598782.742757][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598782.742792][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598782.742825][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: CommandFields = - [1659598782.742862][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659598782.742901][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: 0x0 = 0, - [1659598782.742939][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = "" (0 chars), - [1659598782.742981][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598782.743016][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598782.743059][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598782.743088][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598782.743123][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598782.743151][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659598782.743185][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: - [1659598782.743212][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659598782.743239][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659598782.743306][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0005 - [1659598782.743350][3144:3149] CHIP:CTL: Received CommissioningComplete response, errorCode=0 - [1659598782.743408][3144:3149] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step "SendComplete" - [1659598782.743454][3144:3149] CHIP:CTL: Commissioning stage next step: "SendComplete" -> "Cleanup" - [1659598782.743501][3144:3149] CHIP:CTL: Performing next commissioning step "Cleanup" - [1659598782.743649][3144:3149] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step "Cleanup" - [1659598782.743708][3144:3149] CHIP:TOO: Device commissioning completed with success - [1659598782.743826][3144:3149] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 waits for a subscription report from the DUT" - verification: | - TH2 receives a report from the DUT for subscription_noc. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. - That should contain a Path to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs attribute. - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - On TH(Chiptool)2 ,Verify TH receives a report from the DUT on subscription_noc. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. That should contain a Path to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs attribute. - [1659608932.122100][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659608932.122155][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659608932.122209][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.122253][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.122304][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.122344][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.122403][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.122442][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659608932.122493][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659608932.122533][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659608932.122577][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659608932.122622][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xffb30683, - [1659608932.122668][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659608932.122715][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659608932.122763][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659608932.122817][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659608932.122868][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659608932.122921][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659608932.122969][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659608932.123019][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.123067][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Data = - [1659608932.123113][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659608932.123161][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 3, - [1659608932.123210][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.123255][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.123303][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.123342][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659608932.123387][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.123422][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659608932.123487][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659608932.123522][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659608932.123557][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659608932.124097][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 4289922691 - [1659608932.124211][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 3 entries - [1659608932.124278][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659608932.124317][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659608932.124351][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659608932.124403][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659608932.124437][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659608932.124483][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659608932.124535][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A37062415012411021824070124080130094104ADC43E671874BF001C1CC210AD71F455F75BE24560CB5A565E92C6BB854CE84B1A128AF3A61F28F88C35E913D527BF189055B9DF67541003F183E4093414A7ED370A3501280118240201360304020401183004140AED7FF3068DFC9984688DD15CFE6361ECD1E935300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B40311EC7DC99457821261CA350EB2F2C380D988FCDDC6798B695486759EA1F7D706E0204103DA42BA250AD9D6F6EA014E6BC65D74D42E3E72D109EB32B0DD547B218 - [1659608932.124594][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659608932.124636][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659608932.124670][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659608932.124709][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [3]: { - [1659608932.124744][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659608932.124777][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659608932.124809][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 3 - [1659608932.124842][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659608932.124912][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffffa0008f20]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659608932.124981][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:111243919 on exchange: 13953i - [1659608932.125065][4449:4454] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa0007788 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 13953i with MessageCounter:128744628. - [1659608932.125118][4449:4454] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa0007788 with MessageCounter:128744628 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000122835D msec - [1659608932.126595][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:111243920 on exchange 13953i - [1659608932.126631][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 13953i, Delegate: 0xffffa0008f20 - [1659608932.126673][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:128744628 from Retrans Table on exchange 13953i - [1659608932.126701][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:128744628 from RetransTable on exchange 13953i - [1659608932.126747][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659608932.126776][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH3 reads the Fabrics attribute from the Node Operational Credentials - cluster using a fabric-filtered read" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - operationalcredentials read fabrics 3 0 --commissioner-name beta - On TH(Chiptool)3,Verify Fabrics attribute from the Node Operational Credentials cluster using a fabric-filtered read and Save the FabricIndex as th3_fabric_index - - [1659517037.742397][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:121918567 on exchange 15974i - [1659517037.744022][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:249614128 on exchange 15975i - [1659517037.744074][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 15975i, Delegate: 0xffff94008f10 - [1659517037.744125][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:76730247 from Retrans Table on exchange 15975i - [1659517037.744165][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:76730247 from RetransTable on exchange 15975i - [1659517037.744260][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659517037.744304][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.744340][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659517037.744391][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659517037.744430][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659517037.744486][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.744528][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659517037.744579][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.744632][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xffad5042, - [1659517037.744688][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659517037.744742][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.744936][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659517037.744997][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659517037.745054][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001, - [1659517037.745107][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517037.745168][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.745226][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Data = [ - [1659517037.745279][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.745339][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659517037.745389][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517037.745443][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.745487][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517037.745550][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.745589][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659517037.745645][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.745686][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659517037.745726][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.745766][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xffad5042, - [1659517037.745823][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659517037.745881][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.745935][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659517037.745992][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3e, - [1659517037.746054][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001, - [1659517037.746110][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659517037.746167][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517037.746227][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.746278][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: Data = - [1659517037.746318][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517037.746375][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = [ - [1659517037.746483][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x4, 0x40, 0x33, 0x1d, 0x31, 0xfe, 0x56, 0x34, 0xf8, 0x94, 0x71, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x98, 0x41, 0xbe, 0x8d, 0x76, 0x63, 0x16, 0x91, 0x79, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x7a, 0x79, 0xb5, 0x8, 0x92, 0x1e, 0x5c, 0x69, 0xc7, 0x45, 0x9d, 0xcf, 0x7c, 0x9a, 0xdc, 0xf7, 0x6, 0x2f, 0x44, 0x9e, 0xed, 0x70, 0x2d, 0x9a, 0x7e, 0x3a, 0xdb, 0xc, 0xdf, 0xd, 0xb9, 0x42, 0x7f, 0xbb, 0x93, 0x61, 0x7f, 0xb0, 0xfa, 0x50, 0xe1, - [1659517037.746531][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: ] (65 bytes) - [1659517037.746572][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 65521, - [1659517037.746609][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = 2, - [1659517037.746646][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = 3, - [1659517037.746684][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0x5 = "" (0 chars), - [1659517037.746720][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 3, - [1659517037.746758][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517037.746790][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517037.746828][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.746854][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517037.746888][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.746913][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659517037.746952][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517037.746977][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true, - [1659517037.747003][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659517037.747027][4223:4228] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517037.747303][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 4289548354 - [1659517037.747392][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: Fabrics: 1 entries - [1659517037.747450][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659517037.747485][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: RootPublicKey: 0440331D31FE5634F89471898A9841BE8D7663169179696D7A79B508921E5C69C7459DCF7C9ADCF7062F449EED702D9A7E3ADB0CDF0DB9427FBB93617FB0FA50E1 - [1659517037.747525][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: VendorId: 65521 - [1659517037.747551][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: FabricId: 2 - [1659517037.747575][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: NodeId: 3 - [1659517037.747598][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: Label: - [1659517037.747622][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 3 - [1659517037.747646][4223:4228] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659517037.747731][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:249614128 on exchange 15975i - [1659517037.747805][4223:4228] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa9b9d9e8 to 0x0000000000000003 (2) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 15975i with MessageCounter:76730248. - [1659517037.747846][4223:4228] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa9b9d9e8 with MessageCounter:76730248 to 0x0000000000000003 (2) at monotonic time: 0000000000CF41CF msec - [1659517037.747964][4223:4228] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:249614128 on exchange 15975i - [1659517037.748180][4223:4223] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner - [1659517037.748214][4223:4223] CHIP:CTL: Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD - [1659517037.748238][4223:4223] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the controller - [1659517037.748262][4223:4223] CHIP:IN: Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x1!! - [1659517037.748286][4223:4223] CHIP:FP: Forgetting fabric 0x1 - [1659517037.748320][4223:4223] CHIP:TS: Pending Last Known Good Time: 2022-07-21T06:51:50 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends a RemoveFabric command to the Node Operational Credentials - cluster with FabricIndex set to th3_fabric_index" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - operationalcredentials remove-fabric 3 1 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify RemoveFabric command to the Node Operational Credentials cluster with FabricIndex set to th3_fabric_index - - [1659517261.457106][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1659517261.457150][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517261.457175][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1659517261.457212][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1659517261.457245][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659517261.457281][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1659517261.457318][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517261.457354][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: CommandDataIB = - [1659517261.457396][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517261.457426][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1659517261.457472][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517261.457511][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1659517261.457560][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3e, - [1659517261.457609][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x8, - [1659517261.457655][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517261.457694][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517261.457733][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: CommandFields = - [1659517261.457774][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517261.457848][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: 0x0 = 0, - [1659517261.457894][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = 3, - [1659517261.457932][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517261.457963][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517261.458002][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517261.458027][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517261.458058][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517261.458081][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659517261.458112][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517261.458136][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659517261.458159][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517261.458220][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008 - [1659517261.458272][10892:10897] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0008 - [1659517261.458326][10892:10897] CHIP:TOO: NOCResponse: { - [1659517261.458375][10892:10897] CHIP:TOO: statusCode: 0 - [1659517261.458400][10892:10897] CHIP:TOO: fabricIndex: 3 - [1659517261.458424][10892:10897] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659517261.458461][10892:10897] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659517261.458519][10892:10897] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:175598463 on exchange 6398i - [1659517261.458597][10892:10897] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffac8ac9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 6398i with MessageCounter:118554533. - [1659517261.458639][10892:10897] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffac8ac9e8 with MessageCounter:118554533 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000006225CEA msec - [1659517261.458777][10892:10897] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:175598463 on exchange 6398i - [1659517261.459001][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner - [1659517261.459062][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD - [1659517261.459106][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the controller - [1659517261.459158][10892:10892] CHIP:IN: Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x1!! - [1659517261.459201][10892:10892] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xffff98001930]: MarkForEviction Type:2 LSID:35532 - [1659517261.459244][10892:10892] CHIP:SC: SecureSession[0xffff98001930]: Moving from state "kActive" --> "kPendingEviction" - [1659517261.459287][10892:10892] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xffff98001930]: Released - Type:2 LSID:35532 - [1659517261.459333][10892:10892] CHIP:FP: Forgetting fabric 0x1 - [1659517261.459388][10892:10892] CHIP:TS: Pending Last Known Good Time: 2022-08-01T09:44:35 - [1659517261.459597][10892:10892] CHIP:TS: Previous Last Known Good Time: 2022-08-01T09:44:35 - [1659517261.459623][10892:10892] CHIP:TS: Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value - [1659517261.459669][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner - [1659517261.459693][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD - [1659517261.459716][10892:10892] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the controller - [1659517261.459736][10892:10892] CHIP:IN: Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x2!! - [1659517261.459787][10892:10892] CHIP:FP: Forgetting fabric 0x2 - [1659517261.459816][10892:10892] CHIP:TS: Pending Last Known Good Time: 2022-08-01T09:44:35 - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 waits for a subscription report from the DUT" - verification: | - TH2 receives a report from the DUT for subscription_noc. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. - That should contain a Path to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs attribute. for privious subscvription - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify TH receives a report from the DUT for subscription_noc. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. That should contain a Path to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs attribute. - 1659603570.948282][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659603570.948321][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659603570.948358][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603570.948393][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603570.948429][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603570.948454][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603570.948486][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603570.948509][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659603570.948550][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603570.948574][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659603570.948597][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659603570.948872][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 1660506005 - [1659603570.948932][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659603570.948968][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659603570.948995][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659603570.949018][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659603570.949044][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659603570.949068][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659603570.949102][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659603570.949137][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A3706241501241102182407012408013009410493458F560CDD3995FB822B0B71EADE5D757C8454CA5170A4F6AECC068A3060B4A3F979439078F660B1F1E1EE1CC0FD8BDC81DECEE301962A83B3ACDE6CC6752F370A3501280118240201360304020401183004143E977751BDEED7C677522FA3D5F9F85E37D0F5A4300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B400AC33F78A020EA1D6D975E82A7F77B9B87C37AA3D633CC903F2EF93B09FF9F11E71A54A1F2822B012B5FA9BC9D40C98F06B0A53C3BEE123A5290C2473C243BB118 - [1659603570.949176][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659603570.949204][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659603570.949226][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659603570.949271][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff7c003110]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659603570.949330][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:89095500 on exchange: 18769i - [1659603570.949404][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff7c000f08 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 18769i with MessageCounter:216513810. - [1659603570.949445][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff7c000f08 with MessageCounter:216513810 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000D0B545 msec - [1659603570.950949][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:89095501 on exchange 18769i - [1659603570.951000][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 18769i, Delegate: 0xffff7c003110 - [1659603570.951037][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:216513810 from Retrans Table on exchange 18769i - [1659603570.951061][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:216513810 from RetransTable on exchange 18769i - [1659603570.951114][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659603570.951142][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603570.951167][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xf9e7f5b6, - [1659603570.951193][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: MaxInterval = 0x1e, - [1659603570.951217][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659603570.951240][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659603570.951269][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: Subscription established with SubscriptionID = 0xf9e7f5b6 MinInterval = 1s MaxInterval = 30s Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659603570.951297][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff7c003110]: Moving to [Subscripti] - [1659603570.951343][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 55000 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0xf9e7f5b6 Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659603570.951375][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:89095501 on exchange 18769i - [1659603570.951431][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff90c469e8 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 18769i with MessageCounter:216513811. - [1659603570.951473][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff90c469e8 with MessageCounter:216513811 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000D0B547 msec - [1659603570.951595][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:89095501 on exchange 18769i - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 selects a node id N_unused that is different than N1 and N2. This - node ID does not need to correspond to an actual node, it is used as a - placeholder to allow changing the ACL attribute without affecting the - access of N1 and N2. TH1 writes Access Control cluster ACL attribute, - value is a list of AccessControlEntryStruct Containing 1 element: - struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) - Subjects field: [N1, N2, N_unused] Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233,4], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element and selects a node id N_unused that is different than N1 and N2 - [1659517872.814034][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:121918573 on exchange 48872i - [1659517872.821723][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:206343064 on exchange 48873i - [1659517872.821777][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 48873i, Delegate: 0xffffa4003c10 - [1659517872.821837][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:107750962 from Retrans Table on exchange 48873i - [1659517872.821873][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:107750962 from RetransTable on exchange 48873i - [1659517872.821924][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659517872.821996][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659517872.822034][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.822067][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659517872.822111][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659517872.822147][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659517872.822190][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.822233][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659517872.822273][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.822317][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659517872.822362][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659517872.822407][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659517872.822446][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517872.822489][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.822527][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659517872.822753][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.822805][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659517872.822848][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517872.822891][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.822927][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517872.822975][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.823009][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659517872.823048][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.823086][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659517872.823127][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.823169][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659517872.823213][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659517872.823259][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659517872.823306][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659517872.823348][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517872.823394][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.823438][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659517872.823479][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659517872.823522][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659517872.823567][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517872.823608][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.823644][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659517872.823684][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.823716][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659517872.823785][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: - [1659517872.823820][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659517872.823851][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659517872.823984][10929:10934] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659517872.824058][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:206343064 on exchange 48873i - [1659517872.824154][10929:10934] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffae7cd9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 48873i with MessageCounter:107750963. - [1659517872.824197][10929:10934] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffae7cd9e8 with MessageCounter:107750963 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000062BB110 msec - [1659517872.824406][10929:10934] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:206343064 on exchange 48873i - [1659517872.824642][10929:10929] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner - [1659517872.824674][10929:10929] CHIP:CTL: Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD - [1659517872.824755][10929:10929] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the controller - [1659517872.824812][10929:10929] CHIP:IN: Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x1!! - [1659517872.824840][10929:10929] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xffffa4001930]: MarkForEviction Type:2 LSID:13780 - [1659517872.824865][10929:10929] CHIP:SC: SecureSession[0xffffa4001930]: Moving from state "kActive" --> "kPendingEviction" - [1659517872.824889][10929:10929] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xffffa4001930]: Released - Type:2 LSID:13780 - [1659517872.824915][10929:10929] CHIP:FP: Forgetting fabric 0x1 - [1659517872.824949][10929:10929] CHIP:TS: Pending Last Known Good Time: 2022-08-01T09:44:35 - [1659517872.825142][10929:10929] CHIP:TS: Previous Last Known Good Time: 2022-08-01T09:44:35 - [1659517872.825169][10929:10929] CHIP:TS: Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value - [1659517872.825214][10929:10929] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 waits for a subscription report from the DUT" - verification: | - accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify it receives a report from the DUT for subscription_ace. The EventReports list contains an entry with EventData field present. That should contain a Path to the Access Control cluster AccessControlEntryStruct event. - - [1659603721.185884][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 18770i, Delegate: 0xffff7c008ff0 - [1659603721.185938][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:216513817 from Retrans Table on exchange 18770i - [1659603721.185979][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:216513817 from RetransTable on exchange 18770i - [1659603721.186072][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659603721.186117][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.186157][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xe570e9a7, - [1659603721.186199][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIBs = - [1659603721.186258][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659603721.186298][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIB = - [1659603721.186361][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.186404][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventDataIB = - [1659603721.186456][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.186504][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventPath = - [1659603721.186565][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.186625][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659603721.186684][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659603721.186745][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: Event = 0x0, - [1659603721.186797][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603721.186852][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603721.186903][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventNumber = 0x6, - [1659603721.186963][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: PriorityLevel = 0x1, - [1659603721.187018][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: SystemTimestamp = 0xca5cb2, - [1659603721.187071][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: EventData = - [1659603721.187124][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.187180][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = NULL - [1659603721.187238][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 0, - [1659603721.187295][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = 1, - [1659603721.187353][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = - [1659603721.187408][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603721.187465][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = 5, - [1659603721.187526][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 2, - [1659603721.187585][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = [ - [1659603721.187706][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 112233, - [1659603721.187781][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659603721.187844][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = NULL - [1659603721.187906][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659603721.187960][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603721.188022][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659603721.188080][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603721.188130][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603721.188193][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603721.188237][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603721.188298][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603721.188336][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659603721.188394][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603721.188434][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659603721.188472][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659603721.188705][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Event 0x0000_0000 - [1659603721.188746][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Event number: 6 - [1659603721.188782][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Priority: Info - [1659603721.188818][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Timestamp: 13262002 - [1659603721.188934][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: AccessControlEntryChanged: { - [1659603721.188978][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: AdminNodeID: null - [1659603721.189019][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: AdminPasscodeID: 0 - [1659603721.189059][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: ChangeType: 1 - [1659603721.189098][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: LatestValue: { - [1659603721.189134][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Privilege: 5 - [1659603721.189172][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: AuthMode: 2 - [1659603721.189217][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Subjects: 1 entries - [1659603721.189263][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 112233 - [1659603721.189305][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: Targets: null - [1659603721.189342][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659603721.189379][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659603721.189417][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: AdminFabricIndex: 2 - [1659603721.189454][3879:3884] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659603721.189552][3879:3884] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff7c008ff0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659603721.189635][3879:3884] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:89095512 on exchange: 18770i - [1659603721.189726][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff7c000f08 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 18770i with MessageCounter:216513818. - [1659603721.189786][3879:3884] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff7c000f08 with MessageCounter:216513818 to 0x00 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes the Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning - cluster, setting the value to 1" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 1 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 1 - [1659518258.514701][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:121918579 on exchange 48566i - [1659518258.516435][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:75008005 on exchange 48567i - [1659518258.516482][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 48567i, Delegate: 0xffff80003c10 - [1659518258.516552][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:179846126 from Retrans Table on exchange 48567i - [1659518258.516588][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:179846126 from RetransTable on exchange 48567i - [1659518258.516637][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659518258.516699][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659518258.516735][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659518258.516782][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659518258.516829][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659518258.516874][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659518258.516915][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659518258.516966][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659518258.517017][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659518258.517073][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659518258.517131][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659518258.517177][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659518258.517229][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659518258.517288][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: - [1659518258.517333][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659518258.517390][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659518258.517444][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659518258.517491][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659518258.517532][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: - [1659518258.517569][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659518258.517608][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: - [1659518258.517640][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659518258.517681][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: - [1659518258.517713][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659518258.517745][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659518258.517834][10974:10979] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659518258.517912][10974:10979] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:75008005 on exchange 48567i - [1659518258.517998][10974:10979] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff948d39e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 48567i with MessageCounter:179846127. - [1659518258.518048][10974:10979] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff948d39e8 with MessageCounter:179846127 to 0x0000 - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 waits for a subscription report from the DUT" - verification: | - TH2 receives a report from the DUT for subscription_breadcrumb. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. That should contain a Path to the General Commissioning cluster Breadcrumb attribute. - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify TH receives a report from the DUT for subscription_breadcrumb. The AttributeReports list contains an entry with the AttributeData field present. That should contain a Path to the General Commissioning cluster Breadcrumb attribute. - [1659603967.088241][3914:3920] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 19092i, Delegate: 0xffff6c008f00 - [1659603967.088289][3914:3920] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:228277923 from Retrans Table on exchange 19092i - [1659603967.088326][3914:3920] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:228277923 from RetransTable on exchange 19092i - [1659603967.088402][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659603967.088461][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603967.088498][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xc02f7203, - [1659603967.088536][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659603967.088598][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659603967.088647][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659603967.088702][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603967.088744][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659603967.088791][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603967.088840][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc21, - [1659603967.088887][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659603967.088937][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659603967.088988][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659603967.089041][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659603967.089093][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659603967.089143][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659603967.089195][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603967.089248][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: Data = 1, - [1659603967.089294][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603967.089344][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603967.089386][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659603967.089520][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603967.089560][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659603967.089605][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659603967.089642][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659603967.089678][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659603967.089848][3914:3920] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369697 - [1659603967.089921][3914:3920] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 1 - [1659603967.089989][3914:3920] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff6c008f00]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659603967.090058][3914:3920] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:442958 on exchange: 19092i - [1659603967.090138][3914:3920] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaae33b6218 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 19092i with MessageCounter:228277924. - [1659603967.090192][3914:3920] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaae33b6218 with MessageCounter:228277924 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000D6C0B2 msec - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is a list of - AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements: struct Privilege - field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] - Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}] struct Privilege field: Manage (4) - AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N2] Targets field: - [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]},{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 4, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 2 elements - [1659520939.556159][11095:11100] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:266984011 from Retrans Table on exchange 36622i - [1659520939.556186][11095:11100] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:266984011 from RetransTable on exchange 36622i - [1659520939.556226][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659520939.556285][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659520939.556312][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.556335][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659520939.556385][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659520939.556413][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659520939.556454][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.556491][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659520939.556536][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.556582][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659520939.556627][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659520939.556672][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659520939.556714][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659520939.556761][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.556802][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659520939.556847][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.556890][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659520939.556933][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.556975][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.557012][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.557059][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.557086][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659520939.557124][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.557162][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659520939.557204][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.557247][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659520939.557291][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659520939.557336][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659520939.557380][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659520939.557421][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659520939.557467][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.557508][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659520939.557550][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.557592][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659520939.557633][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.557675][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.557711][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.557757][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.557783][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659520939.557820][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.557857][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659520939.557900][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.557942][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659520939.557986][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659520939.558030][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659520939.558074][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659520939.558115][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659520939.558161][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.558201][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659520939.558242][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659520939.558284][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659520939.558325][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.558367][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.558403][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659520939.558437][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.558460][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659520939.558496][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: - [1659520939.558520][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659520939.558543][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659520939.558675][11095:11100] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659520939.558744][11095:11100] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:55569848 on exchange 36622i - [1659520939.558835][11095:11100] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff8cac09e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 36622i with MessageCounter:266984012.0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - Step 14 Repeated with breadcrumb value as 2: - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 2 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 2 - - 1659605418.602931][4094:4099] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:163910084 from Retrans Table on exchange 59207i - [1659605418.602988][4094:4099] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:163910084 from RetransTable on exchange 59207i - [1659605418.603031][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659605418.603082][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659605418.603108][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605418.603130][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659605418.603161][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659605418.603187][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659605418.603216][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605418.603313][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659605418.603348][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605418.603380][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659605418.603411][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659605418.603443][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659605418.603471][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605418.603505][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605418.603533][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659605418.603563][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605418.603592][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659605418.603621][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605418.603650][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605418.603676][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605418.603706][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605418.603729][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659605418.603759][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605418.603784][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659605418.603808][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605418.603879][4094:4099] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659605418.603936][4094:4099] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:94267829 on exchange 59207i - STEP15: generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 2 - - 05561.688913][4001:4006] CHIP:TOO: cluster 0x0000_0030, attribute: 0x0000_0000, endpoint 0 - [1659605561.688949][4001:4006] CHIP:TOO: Sending SubscribeAttribute to: - [1659605561.689102][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaafae164b8 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x3 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 4664i with MessageCounter:118004440. - [1659605561.689151][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaafae164b8 with MessageCounter:118004440 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000EF1599 msec - [1659605561.689374][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008dc0]: Moving to [AwaitingIn] - [1659605561.689434][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:200773513 on exchange 4663i - [1659605561.689479][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Prepared unauthenticated message 0xffff7afdd9d8 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 4663i with MessageCounter:79779584. - [1659605561.689514][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Sending unauthenticated msg 0xffff7afdd9d8 with MessageCounter:79779584 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 0000000000EF1599 msec - [1659605561.689659][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:200773513 on exchange 4663i - [1659605561.691253][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:183066663 on exchange 4664i - [1659605561.691292][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 4664i, Delegate: 0xffff68008dc0 - [1659605561.691332][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:118004440 from Retrans Table on exchange 4664i - [1659605561.691357][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:118004440 from RetransTable on exchange 4664i - [1659605561.691416][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659605561.691445][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605561.691470][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xa9f98d48, - [1659605561.691496][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659605561.691527][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659605561.691553][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659605561.691586][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605561.691644][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659605561.691686][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605561.691720][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc24, - [1659605561.691756][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659605561.691795][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605561.691832][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659605561.691871][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659605561.691911][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659605561.691943][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605561.691979][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605561.692014][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: Data = 2, - [1659605561.692049][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605561.692086][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605561.692115][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605561.692147][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605561.692172][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659605561.692202][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605561.692227][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659605561.692254][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605561.692377][4001:4006] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369700 - [1659605561.692433][4001:4006] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 2 - [1659605561.692482][4001:4006] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008dc0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659605561.692544][4001:4006] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:183066663 on exchange: 4664i - [1659605561.692617][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaafae164b8 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 4664i with MessageCounter:118004441. - [1659605561.692657][4001:4006] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaafae164b8 with MessageCounter:118004441 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000EF159D msec - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the Node Operational Credentials cluster NOCs - attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions false, - fabric-filtered false." - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode ./chip-tool interactive start - - - operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - [1659609401.305167][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659609401.305201][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659609401.305234][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609401.305262][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609401.305295][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609401.305321][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609401.305354][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609401.305378][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659609401.305419][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609401.305443][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659609401.305466][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659609401.305752][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 4289922693 - [1659609401.305819][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659609401.305855][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659609401.305882][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659609401.305905][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659609401.305932][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659609401.305956][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659609401.305990][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659609401.306026][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A37062415012411021824070124080130094104ADC43E671874BF001C1CC210AD71F455F75BE24560CB5A565E92C6BB854CE84B1A128AF3A61F28F88C35E913D527BF189055B9DF67541003F183E4093414A7ED370A3501280118240201360304020401183004140AED7FF3068DFC9984688DD15CFE6361ECD1E935300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B40311EC7DC99457821261CA350EB2F2C380D988FCDDC6798B695486759EA1F7D706E0204103DA42BA250AD9D6F6EA014E6BC65D74D42E3E72D109EB32B0DD547B218 - [1659609401.306066][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659609401.306094][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659609401.306117][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659609401.306164][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffffa0008130]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659609401.306227][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:111243995 on exchange: 13959i - [1659609401.306310][4449:4454] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa0006e58 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 13959i with MessageCounter:128744678. - [1659609401.306354][4449:4454] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa0006e58 with MessageCounter:128744678 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000129AC1A msec - [1659609401.307867][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:111243996 on exchange 13959i - [1659609401.307952][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 13959i, Delegate: 0xffffa0008130 - [1659609401.307993][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:128744678 from Retrans Table on exchange 13959i - [1659609401.308018][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:128744678 from RetransTable on exc - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the Access Control cluster - AccessControlEntryChanged event, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep - subscriptions true" - verification: | - STEP 5:Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode ./chip-tool interactive start - accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - [1659609456.028409][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 13960i, Delegate: 0xffffa0007320 - [1659609456.028492][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:128744681 from Retrans Table on exchange 13960i - [1659609456.028552][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:128744681 from RetransTable on exchange 13960i - [1659609456.028688][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659609456.028758][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.028818][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x107c5876, - [1659609456.028882][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIBs = - [1659609456.028978][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659609456.029040][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventReportIB = - [1659609456.029138][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.029202][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventDataIB = - [1659609456.029283][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.029355][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventPath = - [1659609456.029437][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.029518][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659609456.029605][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659609456.029689][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: Event = 0x0, - [1659609456.029770][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609456.029848][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609456.029959][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventNumber = 0x6, - [1659609456.030058][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: PriorityLevel = 0x1, - [1659609456.030148][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: SystemTimestamp = 0x11c26fa, - [1659609456.030229][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: EventData = - [1659609456.030310][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.030395][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = NULL - [1659609456.030483][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 0, - [1659609456.030569][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = 1, - [1659609456.030650][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = - [1659609456.030727][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659609456.030825][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = 5, - [1659609456.030911][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x2 = 2, - [1659609456.030992][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x3 = [ - [1659609456.031077][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 112233, - [1659609456.031170][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659609456.031253][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0x4 = NULL - [1659609456.031338][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659609456.031420][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609456.031499][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659609456.031576][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609456.031699][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609456.031812][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609456.031876][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659609456.031963][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609456.032023][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659609456.032111][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: - [1659609456.032169][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659609456.032227][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659609456.032565][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Event 0x0000_0000 - [1659609456.032627][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Event number: 6 - [1659609456.032676][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Priority: Info - [1659609456.032721][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Timestamp: 18622202 - [1659609456.032845][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: AccessControlEntryChanged: { - [1659609456.032910][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: AdminNodeID: null - [1659609456.032972][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: AdminPasscodeID: 0 - [1659609456.033033][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: ChangeType: 1 - [1659609456.033091][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: LatestValue: { - [1659609456.033146][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Privilege: 5 - [1659609456.033203][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: AuthMode: 2 - [1659609456.033270][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Subjects: 1 entries - [1659609456.033339][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 112233 - [1659609456.033403][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: Targets: null - [1659609456.033461][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659609456.033517][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659609456.033573][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: AdminFabricIndex: 2 - [1659609456.033628][4449:4454] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659609456.033772][4449:4454] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffffa0007320]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659609456.034018][4449:4454] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:111243999 on exchange: 13960i - disabled: true - - - label: "Repeat step 5 to ensure TH2 can still subscribe to view events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - [1659605954.366114][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 46506i, Delegate: 0xffff94008e40 - [1659605954.366193][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:106194597 from Retrans Table on exchange 46506i - [1659605954.366256][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:106194597 from RetransTable on exchange 46506i - [1659605954.366373][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659605954.366442][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605954.366504][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x3ab5320, - [1659605954.366567][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659605954.366642][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659605954.366703][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659605954.366790][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605954.366855][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659605954.366929][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605954.367011][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc24, - [1659605954.367090][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659605954.367171][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659605954.367260][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659605954.367346][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659605954.367429][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659605954.367507][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605954.367593][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605954.367724][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: Data = 2, - [1659605954.367803][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605954.367879][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605954.367947][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659605954.368020][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605954.368079][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659605954.368151][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: - [1659605954.368210][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659605954.368267][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659605954.368474][4022:4027] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369700 - [1659605954.368553][4022:4027] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 2 - [1659605954.368638][4022:4027] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff94008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659605954.368743][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:48011447 on exchange: 46506i - [1659605954.368867][4022:4027] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff94005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46506i with MessageCounter:106194598. - [1659605954.368952][4022:4027] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff94005878 with MessageCounter:106194598 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000F51381 msec - [1659605954.370597][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:48011448 on exchange 46506i - [1659605954.370674][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 46506i, Delegate: 0xffff94008e40 - [1659605954.370746][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:106194598 from Retrans Table on exchange 46506i - [1659605954.370808][4022:4027] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:106194598 from RetransT - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - STEP 14 - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 3 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 3 - [1659606118.724408][4143:4148] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:200773521 on exchange 53589i - [1659606118.726074][4143:4148] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:133368587 on exchange 53590i - [1659606118.726120][4143:4148] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 53590i, Delegate: 0xffff90003c50 - [1659606118.726171][4143:4148] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:14384618 from Retrans Table on exchange 53590i - [1659606118.726207][4143:4148] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:14384618 from RetransTable on exchange 53590i - [1659606118.726249][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659606118.726311][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659606118.726347][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606118.726379][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659606118.726423][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606118.726459][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659606118.726502][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606118.726537][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606118.726580][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606118.726624][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606118.726673][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606118.726718][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606118.726761][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606118.726808][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606118.726853][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659606118.726894][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606118.726934][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659606118.726997][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606118.727039][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606118.727126][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606118.727170][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606118.727205][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606118.727273][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606118.727309][4143:4148] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 15:generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 3 - [1659606357.654547][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35929555 from Retrans Table on exchange 22098i - [1659606357.654600][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:35929555 from RetransTable on exchange 22098i - [1659606357.654702][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659606357.654762][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606357.654814][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xc7cb41ba, - [1659606357.654865][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659606357.654930][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606357.654982][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659606357.655051][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606357.655105][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659606357.655186][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606357.655256][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc25, - [1659606357.655320][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606357.655390][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606357.655461][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606357.655539][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606357.655649][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606357.655702][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606357.655742][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606357.655778][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Data = 3, - [1659606357.655826][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606357.655863][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606357.655891][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606357.655923][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606357.655948][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606357.655980][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606357.656006][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606357.656031][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606357.656158][4051:4056] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369701 - [1659606357.656213][4051:4056] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 3 - [1659606357.656264][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff78008ef0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659606357.656316][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:42249855 on exchange: 22098i - [1659606357.656374][4051:4056] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff78005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 22098i with MessageCounter:35929556. - [1659606357.656413][4051:4056] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff78005928 with MessageCounter:35929556 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000FB3AD8 msec - [1659606357.657758][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:42249856 on exchange 22098i - [1659606357.657791][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 22098i, Delegate: 0xffff78008ef0 - [1659606357.657822][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35929556 from Retrans Table on exchange 2209 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is a list of - AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements: struct Privilege - field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] - Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}] struct Privilege field: Operate (3) - AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N2] Targets field: - [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]},{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - [1659523745.098149][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:126320339 on exchange 61753i - [1659523745.112492][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:214127286 on exchange 61754i - [1659523745.112533][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 61754i, Delegate: 0xffff78003f40 - [1659523745.112575][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:89140528 from Retrans Table on exchange 61754i - [1659523745.112597][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:89140528 from RetransTable on exchange 61754i - [1659523745.112631][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659523745.112690][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659523745.112713][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.112734][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659523745.112794][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659523745.112822][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523745.112855][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.112898][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523745.112939][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.112974][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523745.113011][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523745.113050][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523745.113086][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523745.113123][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.113197][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523745.113235][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.113280][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523745.113315][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.113357][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.113386][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.113434][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.113462][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523745.113507][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.113537][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523745.113578][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.113615][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523745.113651][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523745.113697][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523745.113742][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659523745.113777][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523745.113824][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.113856][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523745.113898][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.113932][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523745.113975][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.114009][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114037][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.114086][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114121][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523745.114152][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.114190][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523745.114223][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.114267][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523745.114302][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523745.114346][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523745.114389][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659523745.114425][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523745.114463][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114494][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523745.114529][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523745.114562][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523745.114594][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.114627][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114655][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523745.114687][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114712][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659523745.114750][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523745.114774][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659523745.114799][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523745.114942][11363:11368] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659523745.115009][11363:11368] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:214127286 on exchange 61754i - [1659523745.115090][11363:11368] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff7fffd9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 61754i with MessageCounter:89140529. - [1659523745.115131][11363:11368] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff7fffd9e8 with MessageCounter:89140529 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000006854BB3 msec - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - STEP 14 - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 4 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 4 - - [1659606523.334582][4167:4172] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 31451i, Delegate: 0xffff88003f40 - [1659606523.334668][4167:4172] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:78936906 from Retrans Table on exchange 31451i - [1659606523.334733][4167:4172] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:78936906 from RetransTable on exchange 31451i - [1659606523.334806][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659606523.334908][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659606523.334973][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606523.335029][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659606523.335100][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606523.335154][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659606523.335275][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606523.335352][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606523.335441][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606523.335533][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606523.335627][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606523.335719][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606523.335806][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606523.335903][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606523.335966][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659606523.336054][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606523.336137][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659606523.336216][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606523.336289][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606523.336349][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606523.336428][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606523.336487][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606523.336561][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606523.336620][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606523.336679][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606523.336839][4167:4172] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659606523.336945][4167:4172] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:233663941 on exchange 31451i - [1659606523.337083][4167:4172] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff9e3fc9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 31451i with MessageCounter:78936907. - [1659606523.337184][4167:4172] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff9e3fc9e8 with MessageCounter:78936907 to 0x000000 - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - Step 15: generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 4 [1659606586.957973][4051:4056] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff78005928 with MessageCounter:35929566 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000FEBA8E msec - [1659606586.958178][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff78008fe0]: Moving to [AwaitingIn] - [1659606586.962174][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:42249873 on exchange 22099i - [1659606586.962225][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 22099i, Delegate: 0xffff78008fe0 - [1659606586.962266][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35929566 from Retrans Table on exchange 22099i - [1659606586.962291][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:35929566 from RetransTable on exchange 22099i - [1659606586.962352][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659606586.962382][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606586.962407][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x9013dbc, - [1659606586.962433][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659606586.962464][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606586.962489][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659606586.962522][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606586.962548][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659606586.962584][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606586.962617][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc26, - [1659606586.962653][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606586.962691][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606586.962730][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606586.962769][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606586.962809][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606586.962846][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606586.962881][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606586.962916][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: Data = 4, - [1659606586.962951][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606586.962985][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606586.963010][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606586.963041][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606586.963065][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606586.963097][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606586.963121][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606586.963144][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606586.963238][4051:4056] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369702 - [1659606586.963276][4051:4056] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 4 - [1659606586.963313][4051:4056] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff78008fe0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659606586.963374][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:42249873 on exchange: 22099i - [1659606586.963444][4051:4056] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff78005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 22099i with MessageCounter:35929567. - [1659606586.963484][4051:4056] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff78005928 with MessageCounter:35929567 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000000FEBA93 msec - [1659606586.965291][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:42249874 on exchange 22099i - [1659606586.965336][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 22099i, Delegate: 0xffff78008fe0 - [1659606586.965371][4051:4056] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35929567 from Retrans Table on exchange 22099i - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 18 to 19 to ensure TH2 still does not have permissions - to subscribe to administer-privilege attributes and events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - STEP 18: operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - [1659612832.868704][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659612832.868755][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659612832.868801][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612832.868846][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612832.868895][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612832.868931][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612832.868977][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612832.869009][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659612832.869063][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612832.869096][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659612832.869128][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659612832.869489][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 296706937 - [1659612832.869578][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659612832.869639][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659612832.869676][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659612832.869707][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659612832.869741][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659612832.869772][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659612832.869816][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659612832.869865][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A37062415012411021824070124080130094104DD7D445EB8321A5B25DC788835CF2FA5332AA2CA25659D68A15168A75A20D4C72846A44FEE2AFB6E2E7EA39BB2A65D0FC2548A51E42A7D7FEAA005EBD481121F370A350128011824020136030402040118300414A02C8D19F9BF72351909681A02E5BD88122780F5300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B40BC7C77F5CF49D8DB52F41529C48CD8122C3AAFE1224B0035738AA447527D192699964EDA250DC340D6AFC4ED14524DF8F53EF483B292326E97E12899A8B90FD418 - [1659612832.869918][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659612832.869956][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659612832.869986][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659612832.870046][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68009050]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659612832.870110][4965:4970] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:260335018 on exchange: 46941i - [1659612832.870188][4965:4970] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaab20de5348 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 46941i with MessageCounter:62837154. - [1659612832.870239][4965:4970] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaab20de5348 with MessageCounter:62837154 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000015E08A6 msec - [1659612832.872062][4965:4970] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:260335019 on exchange 46941i - [1659612832.872107][4965:4970] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 46941i, Delegate: 0xffff68009050 - [1659612832.872149][4965:4970] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:62837154 from Retrans Table on exchange 46941i - [1659612832.872182][4965:4970] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:62837154 from RetransTable on exchange 46941i - [1659612832.872236][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659612832.872273][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659612832.872305][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x3277cd67, - [1659612832.872340][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: MaxInterval = 0x1e, - [1659612832.872373][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659612832.872405][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659612832.872440][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: Subscription established with SubscriptionID = 0x3277cd67 MinInterval = 1s MaxInterval = 30s Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - STEP 19 : accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - [1659610892.416754][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 39361r, Delegate: (nil) - [1659610892.416830][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:22301879 from Retrans Table on exchange 39361r - [1659610892.416890][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:22301879 from RetransTable on exchange 39361r - [1659610922.443438][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:229300487 on exchange 39362r - [1659610922.443571][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 39362r, Delegate: 0xaaaabd30d5a8 - [1659610922.443783][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659610922.443853][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659610922.443915][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x731365d6, - [1659610922.443979][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659610922.444038][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659610922.444136][4592:4597] CHIP:DMG: Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 55000 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0x731365d6 Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659610922.444243][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:229300487 on exchange: 39362r - [1659610922.444369][4592:4597] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaabfb9a348 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 39362r with MessageCounter:22301880. - [1659610922.444458][4592:4597] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaabfb9a348 with MessageCounter:22301880 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000140E20C msec - [1659610922.446582][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:229300488 on exchange 39362r - [1659610922.446661][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 39362r, Delegate: (nil) - [1659610922.446736][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:22301880 from Retrans Table on exchange 39362r - [1659610922.446795][4592:4597] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:22301880 from RetransTable on exchange 39362r - disabled: true - - - label: "Repeat step 5 to ensure TH2 can still subscribe to view events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 5: generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - [1659606749.724339][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:226909963 from RetransTable on exchange 4224i - [1659606749.724415][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659606749.724456][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606749.724492][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x23a4288b, - [1659606749.724529][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659606749.724574][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606749.724610][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659606749.724657][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606749.724695][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659606749.724740][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606749.724787][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc26, - [1659606749.724835][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606749.724884][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606749.724933][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606749.724984][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606749.725034][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606749.725082][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606749.725133][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606749.725183][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Data = 4, - [1659606749.725229][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606749.725277][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606749.725314][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606749.725358][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606749.725394][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606749.725438][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606749.725473][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606749.725507][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606749.725673][4073:4078] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369702 - [1659606749.725744][4073:4078] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 4 - [1659606749.725813][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659606749.725881][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:54749189 on exchange: 4224i - [1659606749.725979][4073:4078] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff68005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 4224i with MessageCounter:226909964. - [1659606749.726034][4073:4078] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff68005878 with MessageCounter:226909964 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000101365E msec - [1659606749.727312][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:54749190 on exchange 4224i - [1659606749.727361][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 4224i, Delegate: 0xffff68008e40 - [1659606749.727405][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:226909964 from Retrans Table on exchange 4224i - [1659606749.727440][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:226909964 from RetransTable on exchange 4224i - [1659606749.727501][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659606749.727540][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 14: generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 5 1 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 5 - [1659606888.234292][4313:4318] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:108149285 from Retrans Table on exchange 50383i - [1659606888.234318][4313:4318] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:108149285 from RetransTable on exchange 50383i - [1659606888.234355][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659606888.234408][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659606888.234435][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606888.234458][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659606888.234495][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606888.234527][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659606888.234563][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606888.234594][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606888.234631][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606888.234669][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606888.234707][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606888.234746][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606888.234781][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606888.234822][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606888.234856][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659606888.234893][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606888.234929][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659606888.234965][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606888.235001][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606888.235033][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606888.235070][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606888.235099][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606888.235135][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606888.235165][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606888.235194][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606888.235306][4313:4318] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659606888.235378][4313:4318] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:173642077 on exchange 50383i - [1659606888.235464][4313:4318] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffb9e1c9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 50383i with MessageCounter:108149286. - [1659606888.235526][4313:4318] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffb9e1c9e8 with MessageCounter:108149286 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000010366D0 msec - [1659606888.235680][4313:4318] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:173642077 on exchange 50383i - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP15: generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 5 - [1659606962.525141][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingIn] - [1659606962.527188][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:54749194 on exchange 4225i - [1659606962.527241][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 4225i, Delegate: 0xffff68008e40 - [1659606962.527295][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:226909968 from Retrans Table on exchange 4225i - [1659606962.527336][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:226909968 from RetransTable on exchange 4225i - [1659606962.527419][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659606962.527465][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606962.527505][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xf17ee8e5, - [1659606962.527546][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659606962.527596][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659606962.527670][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659606962.527724][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606962.527766][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659606962.527823][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606962.527876][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc27, - [1659606962.527934][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659606962.527991][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659606962.528046][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659606962.528105][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659606962.528162][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659606962.528218][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606962.528274][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606962.528330][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: Data = 5, - [1659606962.528380][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606962.528433][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606962.528478][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659606962.528526][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606962.528565][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659606962.528613][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: - [1659606962.528651][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659606962.528690][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659606962.528835][4073:4078] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369703 - [1659606962.528889][4073:4078] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 5 - [1659606962.528948][4073:4078] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659606962.529021][4073:4078] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:54749194 on exchange: 4225i - [1659606962.529107][4073:4078] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff68005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 4225i with MessageCounter:226909969. - [1659606962.529166][4073:4078] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff68005878 with MessageCounter:226909969 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000010475A1 msec - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is a list of - AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements: struct Privilege - field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] - Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}] struct Privilege field: View (1) - AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N2] Targets field: - [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]},{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 1, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 2 elements - [1659523922.046434][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:126320341 on exchange 32807i - [1659523922.061134][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:86245732 on exchange 32808i - [1659523922.061176][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 32808i, Delegate: 0xffff88003c20 - [1659523922.061246][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:91478321 from Retrans Table on exchange 32808i - [1659523922.061275][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:91478321 from RetransTable on exchange 32808i - [1659523922.061317][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659523922.061379][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659523922.061409][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.061435][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659523922.061475][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659523922.061503][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523922.061535][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.061563][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523922.061597][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.061632][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523922.061669][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523922.061707][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523922.061740][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523922.061777][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.061810][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523922.061844][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.061877][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523922.061914][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.061949][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.061977][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.062013][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.062039][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523922.062070][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062102][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523922.062132][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062165][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523922.062203][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523922.062240][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523922.062274][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659523922.062304][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523922.062340][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.062372][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523922.062404][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062438][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523922.062470][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.062503][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.062530][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.062568][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.062594][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659523922.062622][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062649][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659523922.062681][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062715][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659523922.062750][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659523922.062786][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659523922.062820][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659523922.062852][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523922.062892][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.062927][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659523922.062959][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659523922.062992][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659523922.063025][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.063059][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.063086][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659523922.063118][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.063143][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659523922.063182][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: - [1659523922.063208][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659523922.063233][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659523922.063366][11376:11381] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659523922.063432][11376:11381] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:86245732 on exchange 32808i - [1659523922.063512][11376:11381] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff9df749e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 32808i with MessageCounter:91478322. - [1659523922.063554][11376:11381] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff9df749e8 with MessageCounter:91478322 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at mono - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 14:generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 6 1 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 6 - - [1659607281.691044][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingRe] - [1659607281.692885][4331:4336] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x7 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:3467785 on exchange 18037i - [1659607281.692924][4331:4336] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 18037i, Delegate: 0xffff74003c20 - [1659607281.692964][4331:4336] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:223044118 from Retrans Table on exchange 18037i - [1659607281.692985][4331:4336] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:223044118 from RetransTable on exchange 18037i - [1659607281.693018][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659607281.693065][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659607281.693087][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607281.693106][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659607281.693134][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607281.693154][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659607281.693179][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607281.693201][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607281.693226][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607281.693252][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607281.693279][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659607281.693305][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607281.693355][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607281.693387][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607281.693411][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659607281.693438][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607281.693463][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659607281.693500][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607281.693526][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607281.693548][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607281.693589][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607281.693619][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607281.693651][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607281.693677][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607281.693702][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607281.693777][4331:4336] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659607281.694035][4331:4336] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:3467785 on exchange 18037i - [1659607281.694128][4331:4336] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff877ed9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and - STEP 15:generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 6 - [1659607398.718297][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:46194079 on exchange 27950i - [1659607398.718406][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 27950i, Delegate: 0xffff68008dd0 - [1659607398.718473][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: CHIP MessageCounter:134576333 not in RetransTable on exchange 27950i - [1659607398.718609][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659607398.718678][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607398.718740][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x932316af, - [1659607398.718803][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659607398.718879][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607398.718941][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659607398.719021][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607398.719085][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659607398.719163][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607398.719243][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc28, - [1659607398.719322][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607398.719409][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607398.719493][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607398.719580][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659607398.719721][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607398.719805][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607398.719891][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607398.719975][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: Data = 6, - [1659607398.720053][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607398.720133][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607398.720197][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607398.720270][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607398.720329][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607398.720402][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607398.720461][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607398.720519][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607398.720790][4114:4119] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369704 - [1659607398.720911][4114:4119] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 6 - [1659607398.721021][4114:4119] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008dd0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659607398.721137][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:46194079 on exchange: 27950i - [1659607398.721267][4114:4119] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaae096a348 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 27950i with MessageCounter:134576334. - [1659607398.721354][4114:4119] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaae096a348 with MessageCounter:134576334 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000010B1D81 msec - [1659607398.723449][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:46194080 on exchange 27950i - [1659607398.723526][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 27950i, Delegate: 0xffff68008dd0 - [1659607398.723599][4114:4119] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:134576334 from Retrans T - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 18 to 19 to ensure TH2 still does not have permissions - to subscribe to administer-privilege attributes and events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 18:operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - [1659612879.114874][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659612879.114940][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659612879.115007][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612879.115063][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612879.115126][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612879.115176][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659612879.115234][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612879.115278][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659612879.115351][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: - [1659612879.115394][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659612879.115437][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659612879.115935][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 296706937 - [1659612879.116027][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659612879.116087][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659612879.116135][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659612879.116177][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659612879.116222][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659612879.116264][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659612879.116323][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659612879.116387][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A37062415012411021824070124080130094104DD7D445EB8321A5B25DC788835CF2FA5332AA2CA25659D68A15168A75A20D4C72846A44FEE2AFB6E2E7EA39BB2A65D0FC2548A51E42A7D7FEAA005EBD481121F370A350128011824020136030402040118300414A02C8D19F9BF72351909681A02E5BD88122780F5300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B40BC7C77F5CF49D8DB52F41529C48CD8122C3AAFE1224B0035738AA447527D192699964EDA250DC340D6AFC4ED14524DF8F53EF483B292326E97E12899A8B90FD418 - [1659612879.116461][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659612879.116513][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659612879.116554][4965:4970] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659612879.116635][4965:4970] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff68008f60]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 19: accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - 1659613023.586969][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 10139i, Delegate: 0xffff78008e40 - [1659613023.587008][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:44723459 from Retrans Table on exchange 10139i - [1659613023.587033][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:44723459 from RetransTable on exchange 10139i - [1659613023.587086][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659613023.587115][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659613023.587140][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x389e3b8e, - [1659613023.587171][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659613023.587195][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659613023.587233][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff78008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659613023.587286][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:139554636 on exchange: 10139i - [1659613023.587346][4977:4983] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff78005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 10139i with MessageCounter:44723460. - [1659613023.587384][4977:4983] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff78005878 with MessageCounter:44723460 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000160F1A3 msec - [1659613023.588676][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:139554637 on exchange 10139i - [1659613023.588725][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 10139i, Delegate: 0xffff78008e40 - [1659613023.588761][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:44723460 from Retrans Table on exchange 10139i - [1659613023.588786][4977:4983] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:44723460 from RetransTable on exchange 10139i - [1659613023.588836][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659613023.588864][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659613023.588903][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x389e3b8e, - [1659613023.588930][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: MaxInterval = 0x1e, - [1659613023.588955][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659613023.588979][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659613023.589007][4977:4983] CHIP:DMG: Subscription established with SubscriptionID = 0x389e3b8e MinInterval = 1s MaxInterval = 30s Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - disabled: true - - - label: "Repeat step 5 to ensure TH2 can still subscribe to view events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - STEP 5: - generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - [1659607605.814318][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:200773535 on exchange 32772i - [1659607605.815815][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:48719299 on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.815867][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 32773i, Delegate: 0xffff94008e40 - [1659607605.815918][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:33435416 from Retrans Table on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.815958][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:33435416 from RetransTable on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.816042][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659607605.816086][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607605.816126][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xd8f56277, - [1659607605.816167][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659607605.816218][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607605.816258][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659607605.816311][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607605.816353][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659607605.816410][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607605.816464][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc28, - [1659607605.816516][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607605.816575][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607605.816630][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607605.816689][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659607605.816751][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607605.816808][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607605.816869][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607605.816929][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Data = 6, - [1659607605.816980][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607605.817035][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607605.817081][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607605.817136][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607605.817176][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607605.817225][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607605.817265][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607605.817303][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607605.817488][4122:4127] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369704 - [1659607605.817566][4122:4127] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 6 - [1659607605.817641][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff94008e40]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659607605.817714][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:48719299 on exchange: 32773i - [1659607605.817797][4122:4127] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff94005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 32773i with MessageCounter:33435417. - [1659607605.817855][4122:4127] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff94005878 with MessageCounter:33435417 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000010E467A msec - [1659607605.819160][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:48719300 on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.819195][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 32773i, Delegate: 0xffff94008e40 - [1659607605.819227][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:33435417 from Retrans Table on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.819253][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:33435417 from RetransTable on exchange 32773i - [1659607605.819296][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659607605.819325][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 14 to 15, incrementing the Breadcrumb value from the - last write, to verify that TH2 can still receive view-privilege - attribute reports." - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - STEP 14: generalcommissioning write breadcrumb 7 1 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster, setting the value to 7 - - [1659607708.484957][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659607708.485014][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659607708.485048][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607708.485076][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659607708.485115][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607708.485146][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659607708.485185][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607708.485215][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607708.485252][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607708.485316][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607708.485356][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659607708.485394][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607708.485427][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607708.485469][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607708.485503][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659607708.485539][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607708.485572][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659607708.485608][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607708.485645][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607708.485677][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607708.485714][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607708.485744][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607708.485781][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607708.485811][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607708.485840][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607708.485927][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659607708.485996][4361:4366] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:27924490 on exchange 43720i - [1659607708.486076][4361:4366] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa222a9e8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 43720i with MessageCounter:128818467. - [1659607708.486125][4361:4366] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa222a9e8 with MessageCounter:128818467 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000010FEAEA msec - [1659607708.486264][4361:4366] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:27924490 on exch [1659607772.385611][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:33435425 from Retrans Table on exchange 32774i - [1659607772.385673][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:33435425 from RetransTable on exchange 32774i - [1659607772.385792][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659607772.385858][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607772.385917][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x7819b5fe, - [1659607772.385979][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659607772.386055][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607772.386116][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659607772.386204][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607772.386273][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659607772.386351][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607772.386430][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0x2442fc29, - [1659607772.386516][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607772.386606][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607772.386689][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607772.386777][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659607772.386863][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607772.386946][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607772.387031][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607772.387117][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: Data = 7, - [1659607772.387202][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607772.387284][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607772.387352][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607772.387430][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607772.387490][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607772.387563][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607772.387675][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607772.387735][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607772.387945][4122:4127] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 608369705 - [1659607772.388023][4122:4127] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 7 - [1659607772.388109][4122:4127] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff94008f30]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659607772.388211][4122:4127] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:48719313 on exchange: 32774i - [1659607772.388331][4122:4127] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff94005878 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 32774i with MessageCounter:33435426. - [1659607772.388481][4122:4127] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff94005878 with MessageCounter:33435426 to 0x0000 STEP 15:generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)2,Verify Breadcrumb attribute on the General Commissioning cluster as 7 - 659614281.384988][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:18257811 from Retrans Table on exchange 48330i - [1659614281.385048][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:18257811 from RetransTable on exchange 48330i - [1659614281.385169][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659614281.385260][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614281.385322][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x4e2c0871, - [1659614281.385383][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659614281.385480][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659614281.385540][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659614281.385642][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614281.385725][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659614281.385803][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614281.385904][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xdfa9a381, - [1659614281.385992][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659614281.386100][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614281.386203][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659614281.386293][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659614281.386404][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659614281.386485][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614281.386589][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614281.386674][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Data = 7, - [1659614281.386771][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614281.386872][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614281.386944][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614281.387018][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614281.387076][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659614281.387149][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614281.387208][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659614281.387265][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614281.387480][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3752436609 - [1659614281.387559][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 7 - [1659614281.387707][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff84008fe0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659614281.387817][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:52083233 on exchange: 48330i - [1659614281.387940][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff84005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 48330i with MessageCounter:18257812. - [1659614281.388026][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff84005928 with MessageCounter:18257812 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000017422EC msec - [1659614281.389602][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:52083234 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 writes AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is a list of - AccessControlEntryStruct containing 1 element struct Privilege field: - Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets - field: [{Endpoint: 0}]" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": [{ "cluster": null, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 1 0 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - [1659607856.168257][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe] - [1659607856.168336][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659607856.168366][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.168392][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659607856.168440][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659607856.168468][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659607856.168511][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.168540][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607856.168590][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.168638][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607856.168677][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659607856.168727][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607856.168772][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607856.168813][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.168846][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659607856.168884][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.168921][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659607856.168957][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607856.168991][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169021][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607856.169061][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169089][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659607856.169119][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.169148][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659607856.169181][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.169217][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659607856.169256][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659607856.169293][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659607856.169329][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659607856.169364][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607856.169401][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169435][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659607856.169469][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659607856.169505][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659607856.169543][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607856.169578][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169608][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659607856.169641][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169668][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659607856.169705][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: - [1659607856.169734][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659607856.169761][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659607856.169873][4361:4366] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "Repeat steps 18 to 19 to ensure TH2 still does not have permissions - to subscribe to administer-privilege attributes and events" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 18: operationalcredentials subscribe nocs 1 30 2 0 --fabric-filtered false --keepSubscriptions 0 - - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - - - [1659614413.742617][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ] (231 bytes) - [1659614413.742706][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: 0xfe = 2, - [1659614413.742790][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614413.742873][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614413.742959][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614413.743027][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614413.743110][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614413.743169][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659614413.743268][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614413.743327][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659614413.743384][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614413.744052][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 296706937 - [1659614413.744187][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 2 entries - [1659614413.744238][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1659614413.744323][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Noc: - [1659614413.744353][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Icac: null - [1659614413.744382][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1659614413.744408][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659614413.744445][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: [2]: { - [1659614413.744485][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A37062415012411021824070124080130094104DD7D445EB8321A5B25DC788835CF2FA5332AA2CA25659D68A15168A75A20D4C72846A44FEE2AFB6E2E7EA39BB2A65D0FC2548A51E42A7D7FEAA005EBD481121F370A350128011824020136030402040118300414A02C8D19F9BF72351909681A02E5BD88122780F5300514C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA518300B40BC7C77F5CF49D8DB52F41529C48CD8122C3AAFE1224B0035738AA447527D192699964EDA250DC340D6AFC4ED14524DF8F53EF483B292326E97E12899A8B90FD418 - [1659614413.744531][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A37062413011824070124080130094104B261C938B93273CC4895790193D5A154529A039D23E552263B7AA94A8F34448130E7A4C88EE71AE291BBC689E9B7D1F8C81FE3FE8C5DADFF98665DBF57D0739E370A3501290118240260300414C7E958D6860E58EBFFC50375695FA10D8D1F7BA5300514F6EF1D69A5F7797D534AB655E8E8BFA390CB562018300B40F2B2E6A0C20F819DAA4DA6C5C94B1F63686C3E11BED7FEF4E35643E795FFA3AEE4333AD726EE1EC492A29A45628EE95D88CCBAB078060BFD565CA52298A9B0AF18 - [1659614413.744563][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1659614413.744589][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: } - [1659614413.744640][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff84008d30]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - STEP 19 : accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - - 9614473.812436][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659614473.812505][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614473.812565][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xd3866e6c, - [1659614473.812629][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659614473.812687][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614473.812787][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 55000 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0xd3866e6c Peer = 01:0000000000000002 - [1659614473.812895][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:52083255 on exchange: 13991r - [1659614473.813023][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff84005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 13991r with MessageCounter:18257826. - [1659614473.813111][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff84005928 with MessageCounter:18257826 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000001771295 msec - [1659614473.815247][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:52083256 on exchange 13991r - [1659614473.815327][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 13991r, Delegate: (nil) - [1659614473.815401][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:18257826 from Retrans Table on exchange 13991r - [1659614473.815461][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:18257826 from RetransTable on exchange 13991r - accesscontrol subscribe-event access-control-entry-changed 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - [1659614490.650654][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Sending command to node 0x2 - [1659614490.650707][5032:5037] CHIP:CSM: FindOrEstablishSession: PeerId = 690F38784FDA9270:0000000000000002 - [1659614490.650753][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Sending SubscribeEvent to: - [1659614490.650778][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: cluster 0x0000_001F, event: 0x0000_0000, endpoint 0 - [1659614490.650951][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff84005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x3 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 48332i with MessageCounter:18257827. - [1659614490.650996][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff84005928 with MessageCounter:18257827 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 000000000177545B msec - [1659614490.651281][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff84008fe0]: Moving to [AwaitingIn] - [1659614490.656378][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x5 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:52083257 on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.656464][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 48332i, Delegate: 0xffff84008fe0 - [1659614490.656543][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:18257827 from Retrans Table on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.656604][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:18257827 from RetransTable on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.656710][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659614490.656778][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614490.656837][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xd2d4866d, - [1659614490.656912][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659614490.656972][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614490.657061][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff84008fe0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659614490.657163][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:52083257 on exchange: 48332i - [1659614490.657280][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xaaaacab8a548 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 48332i with MessageCounter:18257828. - [1659614490.657368][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaacab8a548 with MessageCounter:18257828 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 0000000001775461 msec - [1659614490.659206][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:52083258 on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.659284][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 48332i, Delegate: 0xffff84008fe0 - [1659614490.659357][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:18257828 from Retrans Table on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.659417][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:18257828 from RetransTable on exchange 48332i - [1659614490.659512][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeResponseMessage = - [1659614490.659576][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614490.659678][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0xd2d4866d, - [1659614490.659750][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MaxInterval = 0x1e, - [1659614490.659813][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 subscribes to the General Commissioning cluster Breadcrumb - attribute, min interval 1, max interval 30, keep subscriptions true" - verification: | - Pls run this test in chip tool interactive mode using the command ./chip-tool interactive start - - - - generalcommissioning subscribe breadcrumb 1 30 2 0 --keepSubscriptions 1 - On TH(Chiptool)1,Verify ACL attribute with a list of AccessControlEntryStruct entries containing 1 element. - - 9614536.314670][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 48333i, Delegate: 0xffff84008ef0 - [1659614536.314749][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:18257833 from Retrans Table on exchange 48333i - [1659614536.314810][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:18257833 from RetransTable on exchange 48333i - [1659614536.314933][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = - [1659614536.315028][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614536.315090][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: SubscriptionId = 0x8ec61c89, - [1659614536.315151][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIBs = - [1659614536.315249][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659614536.315309][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeReportIB = - [1659614536.315410][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614536.315474][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB = - [1659614536.315579][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614536.315714][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: DataVersion = 0xdfa9a381, - [1659614536.315801][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659614536.315884][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659614536.315961][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659614536.316052][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x30, - [1659614536.316134][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659614536.316215][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614536.316322][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614536.316410][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: Data = 7, - [1659614536.316515][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614536.316623][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614536.316687][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659614536.316782][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614536.316841][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659614536.316914][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: - [1659614536.316973][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659614536.317030][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659614536.317245][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3752436609 - [1659614536.317325][5032:5037] CHIP:TOO: Breadcrumb: 7 - [1659614536.317414][5032:5037] CHIP:DMG: MoveToState ReadClient[0xffff84008ef0]: Moving to [AwaitingSu] - [1659614536.317518][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:52083265 on exchange: 48333i - [1659614536.317643][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff84005928 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 48333i with MessageCounter:18257834. - [1659614536.317731][5032:5037] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff84005928 with MessageCounter:18257834 to 0x0000000000000002 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000017806BE msec - [1659614536.319058][5032:5037] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x4 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:520832 - disabled: true diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_5.yaml index f077f9d4312361..4bbecd559ca785 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACE_1_5.yaml @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "hex:b96170aae803346884724fe9a3b287c30330c2a660375d17bb205a8cf1aecb350457f8ab79ee253ab6a8e46bb09e543ae422736de501e3db37d441fe344920d09548e4c18240630c4ff4913c53513839b7c07fcc0627a1b8573a149fcd1fa466cf" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Open Commissioning Window from alpha" + - label: "Step 2: Open Commissioning Window from alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "Commission from TH2" + - label: "Step 3: Commission from TH2" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH2 reads the fabric index" + - label: "Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index" identity: "beta" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ tests: saveAs: th2FabricIndex #Issue - - label: "TH2 reads the fabric index" + - label: "Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index" verification: | ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read current-fabric-index 2 0 --commissioner-name beta @@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" saveAs: commissionerNodeIdAlpha - - label: "TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster" + - label: + "Step 5: TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ACL" arguments: @@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" saveAs: commissionerNodeIdBeta - - label: "TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster" + - label: "Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster" identity: beta PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "writeAttribute" @@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ tests: ] #Issue - - label: "TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster" + - label: "Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster" verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 2, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [223344], "targets": [{ "cluster": 31, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}, {"fabricIndex": 2, "privilege": 1, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": [{ "cluster": 40, "endpoint": 0, "deviceType": null }]}]' 2 0 --commissioner-name beta @@ -248,19 +249,19 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS" + - label: "Step 7: TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Descriptor" attribute: "DeviceTypeList" - - label: "TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" + - label: "Step 8: TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" attribute: "VendorID" response: error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS - - label: "TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" + - label: "Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" identity: "beta" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" @@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS #Issue - - label: "TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" + - label: "Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS" verification: | ./chip-tool descriptor read device-type-list 2 0 --commissioner-name beta @@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS" + - label: "Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS" identity: "beta" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" @@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ tests: attribute: "VendorID" #Issue - - label: "TH2 writes Extension attribute value as empty list" + - label: "Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS" verification: | ./chip-tool basicinformation read vendor-id 2 0 --commissioner-name beta @@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH1 resets ACL to default" + - label: "Step 11: TH1 resets ACL to default" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ACL" arguments: @@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ tests: }, ] - - label: "TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2" + - label: "Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2" cluster: "Operational Credentials" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "RemoveFabric" @@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ tests: value: th2FabricIndex #Issue - - label: "TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2" + - label: "Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2" verification: | ./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 2 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1.yaml index 1e6d2f87c4074a..a52bec17438e32 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!ACFREMON.S.F00 && !ACFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given ACFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given ACFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ACFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given ACFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given ACFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ACFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(ACFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(ACFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: ACFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ACFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (ACFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: ACFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: ACFREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: ACFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1.yaml index b3a1fa14045a8b..b4b6cd2e6f91a5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: ACFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: ACFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: ACFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: ACFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_1_1.yaml index 35cda8347d6383..bc6cc3a9834b06 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 2, 3, 4, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 && ACL.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain - any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer - Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be - ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or - invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the - allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5b: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT + contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the + Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), + these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values + in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), + (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where + XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read event-list 1 0 @@ -150,13 +150,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read accepted-command-list 1 0 @@ -183,13 +184,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_1.yaml index cc5bf1e9c6f3e3..7758d8d5c1cdea 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 4 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetsPerAccessControlEntry" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 3 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT" PICS: ACL.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AccessControlEntriesPerFabric" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_3.yaml index 7ef1ba418e17c4..68dacd47324ba1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_3.yaml @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster + "Step 2: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" command: "readAttribute" @@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ tests: saveAs: CurrentFabricIndex - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 3: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -80,9 +81,9 @@ tests: value: [] - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. - struct: Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718" + "Step 4: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1. struct: Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -90,7 +91,8 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 5: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -98,9 +100,9 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE + "Step 6: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE :17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -109,7 +111,8 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_SINGLE, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 7: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -117,9 +120,9 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_SINGLE, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL + "Step 8: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL :17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003148656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E0018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -128,7 +131,8 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_FULL, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 9: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -136,9 +140,9 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_FULL, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 - .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH + "Step 10: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH :17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -149,9 +153,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. - struct Data field: D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518" + "Step 11: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -161,9 +165,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. - struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST + "Step 12: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST :3701D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -174,9 +178,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. - struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM + "Step 13: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM :17103D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -187,9 +191,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 - .struct Data field: D_BAD_OVERFLOW : + "Step 14: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_OVERFLOW : 17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018FF" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -200,9 +204,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. - struct Data field: D_BAD_UNDERFLOW + "Step 15: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_UNDERFLOW :17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -213,9 +217,9 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE" + "Step 16: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -225,11 +229,11 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . - first element contains Data field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second element - contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE + "Step 17: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 + elements . value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 + elements . first element contains Data field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second + element contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE 17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -244,7 +248,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 18: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -252,8 +257,8 @@ tests: value: [{ Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is an empty list" + "Step 19: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is an empty list" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Extension" @@ -261,7 +266,8 @@ tests: value: [] - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute" + "Step 20: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Extension" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_5.yaml index 7f83a2ba355c9c..cc97538d2a3678 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_5.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors +# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -11,66 +11,61 @@ # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default name: 133.2.5. [TC-ACL-2.5] AccessControlExtensionChanged event PICS: - ACL.S + - ACL.S.A0001 config: nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" + cluster: "Access Control" endpoint: 0 + D_OK_EMPTY: + type: octet_string + defaultValue: "hex:1718" + D_OK_SINGLE: + type: octet_string + defaultValue: "hex:17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" + D_BAD_LENGTH: + type: octet_string + defaultValue: "hex:17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018" tests: - - label: "Pre-Conditions" - verification: | - 1.N1 is the node ID of TH1 - - 2.D_OK_EMPTY:"1718" which is an octstr of length 2 containing valid TLV: - - - top-level anonymous list (empty) - - 3.D_OK_SINGLE:"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018" which is an octstr of length 50-100 containing valid TLV: - - - top-level anonymous list, containing - one element with profile-specific tag in fully-qualified form - - 4 .D_BAD_LENGTH: "17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018" which is an octstr of length 129 containing valid TLV: - - - top-level anonymous list, containing - one element with profile-specific tag in fully-qualified form - disabled: true - - - label: "TH1 commissions DUT using admin node ID N1" - verification: | - - disabled: true + - label: "Step 1: TH commissions DUT using admin node ID N1" + cluster: "DelayCommands" + command: "WaitForCommissionee" + arguments: + values: + - name: "nodeId" + value: nodeId + + - label: "Read the commissioner node ID" + cluster: "CommissionerCommands" + command: "GetCommissionerNodeId" + response: + values: + - name: "nodeId" + saveAs: CommissionerNodeId - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster + "Step 2: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute" - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read current-fabric-index 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool), verify CurrentFabricIndex attribute of operationalCredential cluster as 1 - - - [1657283596.149747][2284:2289] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true, - [1657283596.149781][2284:2289] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657283596.149813][2284:2289] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657283596.150010][2284:2289] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0005 DataVersion: 485742003 - [1657283596.152307][2284:2289] CHIP:TOO: CurrentFabricIndex: 1 - [1657283596.152411][2284:2289] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:50620552 on exchange 25474i - disabled: true + command: "readAttribute" + cluster: "Operational Credentials" + attribute: "CurrentFabricIndex" + response: + saveAs: CurrentFabricIndex + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 3: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E01 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 - On TH1(Chiptool), Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event value is an empty list + Via the TH (chip-tool), Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event value is an empty list 848.856174][2311:2316] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:265690133 from RetransTable on exchange 23190i [1657283848.856239][2311:2316] CHIP:DMG: ReportDataMessage = @@ -81,129 +76,57 @@ tests: [1657283848.856483][2311:2316] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:33251086 on exchange 23190i [1657283848.856560][2311:2316] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff877ed958 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 23190i with MessageCounter:265690134. [1657283848.856638][2311:2316] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffff877ed958 with MessageCounter:265690134 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) at monotonic time: 00000000000A1C64 msec - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY" + "Step 4: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write extension '[{"data":"1718"}]' 1 0 - On TH1(Chiperify AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - - 217.510779][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657284217.510818][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284217.510857][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657284217.510902][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657284217.510944][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001, - [1657284217.510982][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657284217.511024][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511061][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657284217.511098][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284217.511137][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657284217.511175][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284217.511212][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511246][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284217.511289][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511318][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1657284217.511350][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284217.511381][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657284217.511417][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284217.511456][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657284217.511500][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657284217.511541][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001, - [1657284217.511581][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1657284217.511619][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657284217.511662][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511697][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657284217.511738][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284217.511780][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657284217.511819][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284217.511857][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511890][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284217.511927][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.511955][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657284217.511995][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284217.512025][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657284217.512053][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657284217.512169][2371:2376] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657284217.512236][2371:2376] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:39045576 on exchange 36856i - [1657284217.512313][2371:2376] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffadcc1958 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 36856i with MessageCounter:244496808. - disabled: true + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "Extension" + arguments: + value: [{ Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 5: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" PICS: ACL.S.E01 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 - On TH1(Chiptool), Verify AccessControlExtensionChanged containing 1 element - - [1661428343.981198][23629:23634] CHIP:DMG: - [1661428343.981205][23629:23634] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true, - [1661428343.981211][23629:23634] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1661428343.981217][23629:23634] CHIP:DMG: } - [1661428343.981366][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Event 0x0000_0001 - [1661428343.981374][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: Event number: 4 - [1661428343.981380][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: Priority: Info - [1661428343.981385][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: Timestamp: 95059747 - [1661428343.981421][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: AccessControlExtensionChanged: { - [1661428343.981437][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: AdminNodeID: 112233 - [1661428343.981443][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: AdminPasscodeID: null - [1661428343.981450][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: ChangeType: 1 - [1661428343.981457][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: LatestValue: { - [1661428343.981465][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: Data: 1718 - [1661428343.981471][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1661428343.981477][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: } - [1661428343.981484][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - disabled: true + command: "readEvent" + event: "AccessControlExtensionChanged" + response: + value: + { + AdminNodeID: CommissionerNodeId, + AdminPasscodeID: null, + ChangeType: 1, + LatestValue: + { Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + } - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE" + "Step 6: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write extension '[{"data":"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018"}]' 1 0 - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify Successfully extension attribute list containing one element - 7284747.131523][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657284747.131568][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284747.131618][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657284747.131664][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284747.131710][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.131749][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284747.131800][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.131836][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1657284747.131874][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284747.131911][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657284747.131954][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284747.132001][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657284747.132053][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657284747.132104][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001, - [1657284747.132151][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1657284747.132197][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657284747.132246][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.132290][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657284747.132334][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657284747.132379][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657284747.132428][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284747.132472][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.132512][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657284747.132555][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.132590][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657284747.132693][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: - [1657284747.132730][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657284747.132765][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657284747.132901][2411:2416] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657284747.132975][2411:2416] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:43757704 on exchange 10954i - [1657284747.133053][2411:2416] CHIP: - disabled: true + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "Extension" + arguments: + value: [{ Data: D_OK_SINGLE, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 7: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E01 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControlExtensionChanged containing at least 2 new elements. @@ -237,43 +160,34 @@ tests: [1661427357.682550][23441:23446] CHIP:TOO: } [1661427357.682579][23441:23446] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 [1661427357.682603][23441:23446] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element - struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH" + "Step 8: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 + element struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write extension '[{"data":"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018"}]' 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster Extension attribute value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element Data, exceeds maximum length. - - - - [1657287642.553045][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: - [1657287642.553083][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657287642.553121][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657287642.553159][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR), - [1657287642.553197][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657287642.553232][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: - [1657287642.553262][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657287642.553299][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: - [1657287642.553327][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657287642.553368][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: - [1657287642.553397][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657287642.553424][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657287642.553546][9699:9704] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657287642.553585][9699:9704] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x00000587: General error: 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR) - [1657287642.553653][9699:9704] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:54438129 on exchange 21577i - disabled: true - + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "Extension" + arguments: + value: [{ Data: D_BAD_LENGTH, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }] + response: + error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR + + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 9: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E01 verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 + ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged containing at least 1 new element, and MUST NOT contain an added event for the extension with data that is too large @@ -290,41 +204,36 @@ tests: [1661427763.925205][23523:23528] CHIP:TOO: } [1661427763.925220][23523:23528] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 [1661427763.925234][23523:23528] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements - struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE" + "Step 10: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 + elements struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write extension '[{"data":"1718"},{"data":"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018"}]' 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements Returns 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR)-as there are more than 1 entry - - - - [1657289068.799030][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: - [1657289068.799061][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657289068.799093][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657289068.799125][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR), - [1657289068.799161][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657289068.799196][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: - [1657289068.799226][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657289068.799256][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: - [1657289068.799281][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657289068.799319][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: - [1657289068.799344][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657289068.799369][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657289068.799500][9823:9828] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657289068.799535][9823:9828] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x00000587: General error: 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR) - [1657289068.799593][9823:9828] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:21306014 on exchange 60382i - disabled: true - + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "Extension" + arguments: + value: + [ + { Data: D_OK_EMPTY, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }, + { Data: D_OK_SINGLE, FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex }, + ] + response: + error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR + + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 11: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E01 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event @@ -344,40 +253,29 @@ tests: [1661428163.049831][23604:23609] CHIP:TOO: } [1661428163.050010][23604:23609] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:70117030 on exchange 55174i [1661428163.050065][23604:23609] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0x7f2e7d092ff0 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 55174i - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, - value is an empty list" + "Step 12: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension + attribute, value is an empty list" PICS: ACL.S.A0001 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write extension '[]' 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an empty list - - - [1657692723.228073][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: - [1657692723.228125][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657692723.228182][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657692723.228238][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657692723.228294][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657692723.228349][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: - [1657692723.228397][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657692723.228449][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: - [1657692723.228492][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657692723.228551][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: - [1657692723.228582][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657692723.228608][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657692723.228738][1521:1526] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657692723.228802][1521:1526] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:57305662 on exchange 27543i - [1657692723.228869][1521:1526] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffff9fffd9d8 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 27543i with MessageCounter:9219504. - [1657692723.228909][1521:1526] - disabled: true + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "Extension" + arguments: + value: [] + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 13: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E01 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-extension-changed 1 0 @@ -398,4 +296,12 @@ tests: [1661428343.982157][23629:23634] CHIP:TOO: } [1661428343.982246][23629:23634] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:13864065 on exchange 38943i [1661428343.982272][23629:23634] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0x7ff9a8e43ff0 to 0x0000000000000001 (1) of type 0x10 and - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_6.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_6.yaml index 7800a3a6c1cbed..5cb8e02110db3a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_6.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_6.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors +# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default name: 129.2.6. [TC-ACL-2.6] AccessControlEntryChanged event @@ -20,140 +19,91 @@ PICS: config: nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" + cluster: "Access Control" endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Pre-Conditions" - verification: | - N1 is the node ID of TH1 - disabled: true + - label: "Step 1: TH commissions DUT using admin node ID N1" + cluster: "DelayCommands" + command: "WaitForCommissionee" + arguments: + values: + - name: "nodeId" + value: nodeId - - label: "TH1 commissions DUT using admin node ID N1" - verification: | - DUT is commissioned on TH1 fabric - disabled: true + - label: "Read the commissioner node ID" + cluster: "CommissionerCommands" + command: "GetCommissionerNodeId" + response: + values: + - name: "nodeId" + saveAs: CommissionerNodeId - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster + "Step 2: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute" - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read current-fabric-index 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool), verify CurrentFabricIndex attribute of operationalCredential cluster as 1 - - - [1661170026.160663][5954:5959] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0005 DataVersion: 3479852115 - [1661170026.160789][5954:5959] CHIP:TOO: CurrentFabricIndex: 1 - [1661170026.160987][5954:5959] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:183974641 on exchange 61072i - disabled: true + command: "readAttribute" + cluster: "Operational Credentials" + attribute: "CurrentFabricIndex" + response: + saveAs: CurrentFabricIndex - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 3: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event" PICS: ACL.S.E00 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-entry-changed 1 0 - - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event containing 1 element - - [1661181803.224946][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Event 0x0000_0000 - [1661181803.224955][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Event number: 3 - [1661181803.224964][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Priority: Info - [1661181803.224971][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Timestamp: 31085832 - [1661181803.225035][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: AccessControlEntryChanged: { - [1661181803.225057][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: AdminNodeID: null - [1661181803.225070][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: AdminPasscodeID: 0 - [1661181803.225081][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: ChangeType: 1 - [1661181803.225090][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: LatestValue: { - [1661181803.225099][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Privilege: 5 - [1661181803.225108][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: AuthMode: 2 - [1661181803.225122][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Subjects: 1 entries - [1661181803.225137][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 112233 - [1661181803.225148][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: Targets: null - [1661181803.225156][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1661181803.225166][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: } - [1661181803.225175][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 - [1661181803.225181][19295:19300] CHIP:TOO: } - [1661181803.225237][19295:19300] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:18980552 on exchange 57350i - disabled: true + command: "readEvent" + event: "AccessControlEntryChanged" + response: + value: + { + AdminNodeID: null, + AdminPasscodeID: 0, + ChangeType: 1, + LatestValue: + { + Privilege: 5, + AuthMode: 2, + Subjects: [CommissionerNodeId], + Targets: null, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + }, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + } - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value - is list of AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct - Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects - field: [N1] Targets field: null 2struct Privilege field: Operate (3) - AuthMode field: Group (3) Subjects field: null Targets field: null" + "Step 4: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, + value is list of AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements + 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) + Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2struct Privilege field: + Operate (3) AuthMode field: Group (3) Subjects field: null Targets + field: null" PICS: ACL.S.E00 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{ "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, - { "privilege": 3, "authMode": 3, "subjects": null, "targets":null}]' 1 0 - On TH1(Chiptool) , Verify AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event containing 2 elements - - [[1657545728.526415][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1657545728.526460][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.526500][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1657545728.526555][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1657545728.526599][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1657545728.526648][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.526695][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657545728.526753][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.526811][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657545728.526877][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657545728.526939][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1657545728.526994][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657545728.527056][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.527200][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657545728.527260][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.527317][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657545728.527374][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.527430][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.527477][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.527540][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.527585][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1657545728.527634][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.527680][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657545728.527735][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.527792][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657545728.527853][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657545728.527909][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1657545728.527967][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1657545728.528023][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657545728.528084][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.528137][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657545728.528191][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.528249][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657545728.528306][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.528363][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.528409][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.528473][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.528517][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1657545728.528566][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.528618][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1657545728.528756][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.528834][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1657545728.528990][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1657545728.529068][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1657545728.529134][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1657545728.529369][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: } - [1657545728.529498][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.529565][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1657545728.529681][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657545728.529752][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1657545728.529824][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.529887][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.529944][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657545728.530005][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.530054][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657545728.530129][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: - [1657545728.530178][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657545728.530227][3928:3933] CHIP:DMG: } - disabled: true + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "ACL" + arguments: + value: + [ + { + Privilege: 5, + AuthMode: 2, + Subjects: [CommissionerNodeId], + Targets: null, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + }, + { + Privilege: 3, + AuthMode: 3, + Subjects: null, + Targets: null, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + }, + ] + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 5: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E00 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-entry-changed 1 0 @@ -231,41 +181,52 @@ tests: [1661181829.402799][19315:19320] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 [1661181829.402801][19315:19320] CHIP:TOO: } [1661181829.402840][19315:19320] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:139733206 on exchange 44167i - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E00 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" - label: - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value - is list of AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements. The first - item is valid, the second item is invalid due to group ID 0 being - used, which is illegal. 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) + "Step 6: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, + value is list of AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements. The + first item is valid, the second item is invalid due to group ID 0 + being used, which is illegal. 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: Group (3) Subjects field: [0] Targets field: null" PICS: ACL.S.E00 - verification: | - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{ "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, { "privilege": 3, "authMode": 3, "subjects": [0], "targets":null}]' 1 0 - On TH1(Chiptool) ,verify AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is list of AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements - - - [1662107205.364278][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: { - [1662107205.364298][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1662107205.364315][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: { - [1662107205.364332][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1662107205.364352][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1662107205.364372][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1662107205.364388][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1662107205.364407][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: } - [1662107205.364437][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: - [1662107205.364458][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1662107205.364477][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: { - [1662107205.364493][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x87 (CONSTRAINT_ERROR), - [1662107205.364511][89333:89338] CHIP:DMG: }, - disabled: true + command: "writeAttribute" + attribute: "ACL" + arguments: + value: + [ + { + Privilege: 5, + AuthMode: 2, + Subjects: [CommissionerNodeId], + Targets: null, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + }, + { + Privilege: 3, + AuthMode: 3, + Subjects: [0], + Targets: null, + FabricIndex: CurrentFabricIndex, + }, + ] + response: + error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR + #Issue: - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 7: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event" - PICS: ACL.S.E00 verification: | ./chip-tool accesscontrol read-event access-control-entry-changed 1 0 @@ -324,4 +285,12 @@ tests: [1662107335.747554][89356:89361] CHIP:TOO: } [1662107335.747565][89356:89361] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1 [1662107335.747576][89356:89361] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E00 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_7.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_7.yaml index 9d6a1ab052eb3e..28ba51356dd0b2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_7.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_7.yaml @@ -401,3 +401,27 @@ tests: value: "Enter 'y' after success" - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" + + - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + identity: "beta" + PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY + cluster: "Operational Credentials" + command: "RemoveFabric" + timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 + arguments: + values: + - name: "FabricIndex" + value: TH2FabricIndex + + - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + verification: | + ./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 2 1 0 + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.A0001 + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_8.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_8.yaml index 7ecfc71b9e3c44..99dd99b97e8d08 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_8.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_8.yaml @@ -585,3 +585,27 @@ tests: value: "Enter 'y' after success" - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" + + - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + identity: "beta" + PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY + cluster: "Operational Credentials" + command: "RemoveFabric" + timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 + arguments: + values: + - name: "FabricIndex" + value: TH2FabricIndex + + - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + verification: | + ./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 2 1 0 + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Enter 'y' after success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_9.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_9.yaml index 21bc25991438c5..1789e7091b8d52 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_9.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACL_2_9.yaml @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ tests: minValue: 4 - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 10:TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event" PICS: ACL.S.E00 command: "readEvent" @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS - label: - "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster + "Step 11:TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event" PICS: ACL.S.E01 command: "readEvent" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACT_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACT_1_1.yaml index 5fbfb5ed8c2778..6a0fcf745059f0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACT_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ACT_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList" PICS: ACT.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: contains: [2] #EventList failure - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" verification: | ./chip-tool actions read event-list 1 1 @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ tests: value: "y" # Checking only type check all commands are optional - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: type: list maxLength: 11 - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1.yaml index 5552e06cc47f74..463bd75bfae296 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given AIRQUAL.S.F00(Fair) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given AIRQUAL.S.F00(Fair) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: AIRQUAL.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given AIRQUAL.S.F01(Moderate) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given AIRQUAL.S.F01(Moderate) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: AIRQUAL.S.F01 @@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given AIRQUAL.S.F02(VeryPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3d: Given AIRQUAL.S.F02(VeryPoor) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: AIRQUAL.S.F02 @@ -82,8 +83,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4] - label: - "Given AIRQUAL.S.F03(ExtremelyPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3e: Given AIRQUAL.S.F03(ExtremelyPoor) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: AIRQUAL.S.F03 @@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -100,25 +101,25 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1.yaml index 3f5c638317bb52..84d879a148414b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AirQuality attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the AirQuality attribute." PICS: AIRQUAL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AirQuality" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1.yaml index 2e15f2c8b83448..eeb659dc6283d9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1.yaml @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided - by the product maker." + "Step 1: TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values + provided by the product maker." PICS: ALOGIN.S.C00.Rsp command: "GetSetupPIN" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ tests: saveAs: setupPIN - label: - "TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the - product maker." + "Step 2: TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided + by the product maker." PICS: ALOGIN.S.C02.Rsp command: "Login" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ tests: value: setupPIN - label: - "TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the - product maker." + "Step 3: TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values + provided by the product maker." PICS: ALOGIN.S.C03.Rsp command: "Logout" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12.yaml index 5897c1afdd0c8c..295b0a8371977a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 2, 3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_1_10.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_1_10.yaml index 37846d9131ecf6..b490497e805ad3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_1_10.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_1_10.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: contains: [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList" PICS: APBSC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList" PICS: APBSC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList" PICS: APBSC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_9_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_9_1.yaml index badac9c7700c03..3809e72bc7205e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_9_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APBSC_9_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 3 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads the VendorName attribute" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the VendorName attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "Reads the VendorID attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Reads the VendorID attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: vendor_id - - label: "Reads the ApplicationName attribute" + - label: "Step 3: Reads the ApplicationName attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ApplicationName" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 256 - - label: "Reads the ProductID attribute" + - label: "Step 4: Reads the ProductID attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductID" @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the Application attribute" + - label: "Step 5: Reads the Application attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Application" @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: ApplicationStruct - - label: "Reads the Status attribute" + - label: "Step 6: Reads the Status attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Status" @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute" + - label: "Step 7: Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ApplicationVersion" @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute" + - label: "Step 8: Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute" PICS: APBSC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AllowedVendorList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3.yaml index 57e842c6b34d42..18948691f60df2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !APPLAUNCHER.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5.yaml index 16a9529930e745..20bd5033228d3e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ tests: # Issue 13029 #this step implicitly validating the attribute(CatalogList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in - the list is a CSA-issued Vendor Id of type unsigned 16 bit integer - ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog" + "Step 1: TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each + entry in the list is a CSA-issued Vendor Id of type unsigned 16 bit + integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CatalogList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6.yaml index 29c470099b391e..d3e8a63a2603e0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ tests: # Issue 13029 #this step implicitly validating the attribute(CurrentApp)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus - application attributes, which should include the display Application - ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is no - current in-focus application" + "Step 1: TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the + in-focus application attributes, which should include the display + Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if + there is no current in-focus application" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentApp" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7.yaml index 811b6519bdaffc..d4044cd6077725 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7.yaml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "exampleid" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Launch an app with the provided a application ID" + - label: "Step 1: Launch an app with the provided a application ID" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchApp" arguments: @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH sends a LaunchApp command to DUT to launch an app which is not - available" + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchApp command to DUT to launch an app which is + not available" PICS: APPLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchApp" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8.yaml index 9bca97c0b23887..964503875f0195 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1.yaml index 6d3044f51fab3a..c761f00bc00760 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads the OutputList attribute" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the OutputList attribute" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OutputList" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Sends a SelectAudioOutput command" + - label: "Step 2: Sends a SelectAudioOutput command" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "SelectOutput" arguments: @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: - name: "Index" value: Index - - label: "Reads the CurrentOutput attribute" + - label: "Step 3: Reads the CurrentOutput attribute" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0001 && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentOutput" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2.yaml index 08b4db7f5b6f26..851185d2a19c77 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OutputList" @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the - list in step 1 and the name 'CertTest'" + "Step 2: TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from + the list in step 1 and the name 'CertTest'" PICS: AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C01.Rsp command: "RenameOutput" arguments: @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ tests: #Disabled due to issue- #13029 - label: - "TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that the - output at the index provided in step 2 has the name CertTest" + "Step 3: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that + the output at the index provided in step 2 has the name CertTest" verification: | ./chip-tool audiooutput read output-list 1 1 [1651061821.366426][156898:156903] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 2 Cluster: 0x0000_050B Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 372822880 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BIND_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BIND_1_1.yaml index ca06af7fd0d9e6..5b93bdd7edbc6d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BIND_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BIND_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: BIND.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: BIND.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: BIND.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool binding read event-list 1 1 @@ -123,13 +123,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool binding read accepted-command-list 1 1 @@ -148,13 +149,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool binding read generated-command-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_1_1.yaml index 7c6dde930f2cd6..e037ebfcf6e9e1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_1_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ tests: 65533, ] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in + attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A000b && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [11] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A000c && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [12] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A000d && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -108,7 +110,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [13] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList" + - label: + "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A000e && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [14] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList" + - label: + "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A000f && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -126,7 +130,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [15] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList" + - label: + "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in + attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A0010 && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList" + - label: "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [17] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList" + - label: "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList" PICS: BINFO.S.A0012 && BINFO.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -155,8 +161,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4j: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH1 reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH1 reads EventList from DUT" PICS: " BINFO.S.Afffa && !BINFO.S.E00 && !BINFO.S.E01 && !BINFO.S.E02 && !BINFO.S.A0011 " @@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 5b: Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList" PICS: BINFO.S.E00 && BINFO.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 5c: Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList" PICS: BINFO.S.E01 && BINFO.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -238,7 +244,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 5d: Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList" PICS: BINFO.S.E02 && BINFO.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -247,7 +253,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 5e: Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList" PICS: BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -257,15 +263,15 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain - any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer - Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be - ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or - invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the - allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5f: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT + contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the + Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), + these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values + in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), + (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where + XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool basicinformation read event-list 1 @@ -288,13 +294,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool basicinformation read accepted-command-list 1 0 @@ -313,13 +320,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool basicinformation read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_1.yaml index 89f0f904147758..4eb169f21ee29a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_1.yaml @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ tests: #Saving the CountryCode during commissioning not supported in YAML - label: - "During Commissioning, TH Saves the CountryCode Information from - SetRegulatoryConfig command" + "Step 1: During Commissioning, TH Saves the CountryCode Information + from SetRegulatoryConfig command" verification: | execute the below mentioned command to put DUT(all-clusters-app) into a commissionable state, Pls use equivalent command on the respective DUT ./chip-all-clusters-app --trace_decode 1 @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DataModelRevision" @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes DataModelRevision from the DUT." + - label: "Step 3: TH writes DataModelRevision from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "DataModelRevision" @@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DataModelRevision" response: value: DataModelRevisionValue - - label: "TH reads VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 6: TH writes VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" @@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 7: reads VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" response: value: VendorNameValue - - label: "TH reads VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 8: TH reads VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 9: TH writes VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" @@ -171,14 +171,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" response: value: VendorIDValue - - label: "TH reads ProductName from the DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH reads ProductName from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes ProductName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 12: TH writes ProductName from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" @@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductName from the DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads ProductName from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" response: value: ProductNameValue - - label: "TH reads ProductID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 14: TH reads ProductID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductID" @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes ProductID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 15: TH writes ProductID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0004 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductID" @@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 16: TH reads ProductID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductID" response: value: ProductIDValue - - label: "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -241,21 +241,21 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 18: TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0005 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NodeLabel" arguments: value: "newnode" - - label: "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" + - label: "Step 19: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NodeLabel" response: value: "newnode" - - label: "TH reads Location from the DUT." + - label: "Step 20a: TH reads Location from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Location" @@ -285,21 +285,21 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH write Location from the DUT" + - label: "Step 20b: TH write Location from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0006 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Location" arguments: value: "in" - - label: "TH reads Location from the DUT." + - label: "Step 20c: TH reads Location from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Location" response: value: "in" - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 21: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT." + - label: "Step 22: TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0007 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" @@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 23: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" response: value: HardwareVersionValue - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 24: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ tests: minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 - - label: "TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 25: TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0008 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" @@ -346,14 +346,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 26: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" response: value: HardwareVersionStringValue - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 27: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT." + - label: "Step 28: TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0009 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" @@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 29: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" response: value: SoftwareVersionValue - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" + - label: "Step 30: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ tests: minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 - - label: "TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 31: TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000a command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" @@ -411,14 +411,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" + - label: "Step 32: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" response: value: SoftwareVersionStringValue - - label: "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 33: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 34: TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000b command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" @@ -451,14 +451,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 35: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" response: value: ManufacturingDateValue - - label: "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" + - label: "Step 36: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes PartNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 37: TH writes PartNumber from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000c command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" @@ -477,14 +477,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" + - label: "Step 38: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" response: value: PartNumberValue - - label: "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" + - label: "Step 39: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ProductURL from the DUT." + - label: "Step 40: TH writes ProductURL from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000d command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" @@ -516,14 +516,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" + - label: "Step 41: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" PICS: BINFO.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" response: value: ProductURLValue - - label: "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 42: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 43: TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000e command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" @@ -555,14 +555,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 44: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" response: value: ProductLabelValue - - label: "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 45: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" @@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 46: TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" @@ -581,14 +581,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 47: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" response: value: SerialNumberValue - - label: "TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT." + - label: "Step 48: TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocalConfigDisabled" @@ -597,21 +597,21 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "TH sets LocalConfigDisabled to True" + - label: "Step 49: TH sets LocalConfigDisabled to True" PICS: BINFO.S.A0010 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LocalConfigDisabled" arguments: value: true - - label: "TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT." + - label: "Step 50: TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocalConfigDisabled" response: value: true - - label: "TH reads Reachable from the DUT." + - label: "Step 51: TH reads Reachable from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -621,8 +621,8 @@ tests: type: boolean - label: - "TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to - false" + "Step 52a: TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of + Reachable to false" PICS: BINFO.S.A0011 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads Reachable from the DUT." + - label: "Step 52b: TH reads Reachable from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 53: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 54: TH writes UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0012 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 55: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" @@ -667,14 +667,14 @@ tests: value: UniqueIDValue #This step implicitly validating the attribute(CapabilityMinima)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - - label: "TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT." + - label: "Step 56: TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CapabilityMinima" response: saveAs: CapabilityMinimaValue - - label: "TH writes CapabilityMinima from the DUT." + - label: "Step 57: TH writes CapabilityMinima from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0013 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "CapabilityMinima" @@ -683,14 +683,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT." + - label: "Step 58: TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CapabilityMinima" response: value: CapabilityMinimaValue - - label: "TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT." + - label: "Step 59: TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" @@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: ProductAppearanceStruct - - label: "TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT." + - label: "Step 60: TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0014 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT." + - label: "Step 61: TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT." PICS: BINFO.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_2.yaml index f4098448d523cf..bf8b2bbe5f195b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BINFO_2_2.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - label: - "TH reads SoftwareVersion attribute from DUT and saves for future use" + "Precondition: TH reads SoftwareVersion attribute from DUT and saves + for future use" PICS: BINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_1_1.yaml index fc0e790468ff2e..3336f2408e7a9f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList" PICS: BOOL.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList" PICS: " !BOOL.S.E00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_2_1.yaml index 0d46df1890f925..f2ab373668f962 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BOOL_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue" + - label: "Step 2: Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue" PICS: BOOL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StateValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1.yaml index 36a4c3dfe329b6..92ee936d6d04ea 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 3 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [17, 65528, 65529, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -94,7 +95,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in + AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList" + "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in + AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -113,7 +117,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [8] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in + AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -123,7 +129,8 @@ tests: contains: [9] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList" + "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in + AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -132,7 +139,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [10] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in + AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -141,7 +150,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [11] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [12] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -159,7 +168,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [13] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -168,7 +178,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [14] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -177,7 +188,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [15] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -186,7 +197,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [18] - - label: "TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -195,7 +206,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -204,7 +215,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5c: TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList" PICS: BRBINFO.S.E02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -215,8 +226,8 @@ tests: #EventList failure Mandatory event ReachableChanged(0x3) not in list - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the DUT - response provides a list of supported events." + "Step 5d: Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the + DUT response provides a list of supported events." verification: | ./chip-tool bridgeddevicebasicinformation read event-list 1 3 @@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -243,7 +254,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1.yaml index def10ed20f81a3..52255fda9f1b09 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 6: TH writes VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" @@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads VendorName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads VendorName from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorName" response: value: VendorNameValue - - label: "TH reads VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 8: TH reads VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 9: TH writes VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" @@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads VendorID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads VendorID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "VendorID" response: value: VendorIDValue - - label: "TH reads ProductName from the DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH reads ProductName from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes ProductName from the DUT." + - label: "Step 12: TH writes ProductName from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" @@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductName from the DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads ProductName from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductName" response: value: ProductNameValue - - label: "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 #Issue - - label: "TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 18: TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT verification: | ./chip-tool bridgeddevicebasicinformation write node-label '"newnode"' 1 3 @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" + - label: "Step 19: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT verification: | ./chip-tool bridgeddevicebasicinformation read node-label 1 3 @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 21: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT." + - label: "Step 22: TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0007 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" @@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 23: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersion" response: value: HardwareVersionValue - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 24: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ tests: minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 - - label: "TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 25: TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0008 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" @@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 26: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HardwareVersionString" response: value: HardwareVersionStringValue - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 27: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967294 - - label: "TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT." + - label: "Step 28: TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0009 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" @@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" + - label: "Step 29: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersion" response: value: SoftwareVersionValue - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" + - label: "Step 30: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ tests: minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 - - label: "TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT." + - label: "Step 31: TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000a command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" @@ -279,14 +279,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" + - label: "Step 32: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoftwareVersionString" response: value: SoftwareVersionStringValue - - label: "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 33: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 34: TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000b command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" @@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." + - label: "Step 35: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ManufacturingDate" response: value: ManufacturingDateValue - - label: "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" + - label: "Step 36: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes PartNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 37: TH writes PartNumber from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000c command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" @@ -345,14 +345,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" + - label: "Step 38: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartNumber" response: value: PartNumberValue - - label: "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" + - label: "Step 39: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ProductURL from the DUT." + - label: "Step 40: TH writes ProductURL from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000d command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" @@ -384,14 +384,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" + - label: "Step 41: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductURL" response: value: ProductURLValue - - label: "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 42: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 43: TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000e command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" @@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." + - label: "Step 44: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductLabel" response: value: ProductLabelValue - - label: "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 45: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 46: TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" @@ -449,14 +449,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." + - label: "Step 47: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SerialNumber" response: value: SerialNumberValue - - label: "TH reads Reachable from the DUT." + - label: "Step 51: TH reads Reachable from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ tests: type: boolean - label: - "TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to - false" + "Step 52: TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of + Reachable to false" PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0011 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads Reachable from the DUT." + - label: "Step 52b: TH reads Reachable from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Reachable" @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 53: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH writes UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 54: TH writes UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0012 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" @@ -504,14 +504,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." + - label: "Step 55: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UniqueID" response: value: UniqueIDValue - - label: "TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT." + - label: "Step 59: TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" @@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: ProductAppearanceStruct - - label: "TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT." + - label: "Step 60: TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0014 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT." + - label: "Step 61: TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT." PICS: BRBINFO.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ProductAppearance" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10.yaml index 45ef62bf90a8d5..d2811820c14299 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10.yaml @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 900 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning #Check for DNS-SD advertisement CM is not possible in YAML - - label: "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" + - label: "Step 3: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" verification: | On TH_CR1 send the below command @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ tests: #As per issue adding --discover-once flag - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.1: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.2: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.3: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.4: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.5: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.6: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.7: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.8: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.9: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.10: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.11: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.12: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.13: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.14: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.15: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.16: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -400,8 +400,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.17: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.18: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.19: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup - code" + "Step 4.20: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using + Invalid setup code" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ tests: # This step must match the verification step above where we checked `correctPayload` - label: - "TH_CR2 attempts to do PASE to DUT_CE using the correct onboarding - payload" + "Step 5a: TH_CR2 attempts to do PASE to DUT_CE using the correct + onboarding payload" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5b: TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "gamma" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16.yaml index c785450509a158..71469309ace758 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16.yaml @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 3: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tests: - name: "payload" value: payload - - label: "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2" + - label: "Step 3a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2" PICS: CADMIN.S identity: "beta" cluster: "DelayCommands" @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId2 - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 4: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 4a: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "TH_CR3 Commissions with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5: TH_CR3 Commissions with DUT_CE" PICS: CADMIN.S identity: "gamma" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ tests: - name: "payload" value: payload - - label: "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR3" + - label: "Step 5a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR3" PICS: CADMIN.S identity: "gamma" cluster: "DelayCommands" @@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId3 - label: - "TH3 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use." + "Step 5b: TH3 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for + future use." identity: "gamma" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: TH3FabricIndex - - label: "TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 6: TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "Operational Credentials" PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001 @@ -173,7 +174,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = 2 command to DUT_CE" + - label: + "Step 7: TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = 2 command to + DUT_CE" PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp identity: "beta" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -185,8 +188,8 @@ tests: value: 2 - label: - "TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 8a: TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" PICS: BINFO.S.A0005 identity: "beta" command: "writeAttribute" @@ -199,8 +202,8 @@ tests: #Issue - label: - "TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 8b: TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" PICS: BINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT verification: | Using TH_CR2 read attribute @@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 9: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001 cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -237,7 +240,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" + - label: "Step 11: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" identity: "alpha" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" @@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 11a: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 12: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ tests: - name: "payload" value: payload - - label: "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2" + - label: "Step 12a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2" PICS: CADMIN.S identity: "beta" cluster: "DelayCommands" @@ -279,7 +282,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId2 - label: - "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use." + "Step 12b: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for + future use." identity: "beta" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: TH2FabricIndex - - label: "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 13: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001 cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -304,7 +308,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + - label: "Step 13a: Remove TH2 FabricIndex" PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S identity: "beta" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -315,7 +319,7 @@ tests: - name: "FabricIndex" value: TH2FabricIndex - - label: "Remove TH3 FabricIndex" + - label: "Step 13b: Remove TH3 FabricIndex" PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S identity: "gamma" cluster: "Operational Credentials" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21.yaml index 4afa57a839ce10..0486a6dbd869de 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21.yaml @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" + - label: "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 900 - - label: "Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds" + - label: "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ tests: value: 901000 - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: response: value: 0 - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ tests: error: INVALID_COMMAND - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22.yaml index 77d87467e0cef1..0c3c3d86b1039b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22.yaml @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 900 seconds" + "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 900 seconds" verification: | On TH_CR1 - (chip tool), open commissioning window @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 900 seconds" + "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 900 seconds" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ tests: - name: "Salt" value: "SPAKE2P Key Salt" - - label: "Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds" + - label: "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ tests: value: 901000 - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" @@ -128,8 +129,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 901 seconds" + "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 901 seconds" verification: | On TH_CR1 (chip tool), open commissioning window @@ -152,8 +153,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 901 seconds" + "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 901 seconds" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY @@ -174,7 +175,8 @@ tests: error: INVALID_COMMAND - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23.yaml index 15fba1b78d2f65..281a7c04abaa4e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23.yaml @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds" + - label: "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ tests: value: 181000 - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: response: value: 0 - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ tests: error: INVALID_COMMAND - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24.yaml index aff22b70bd36e9..37ee7b7e8eda12 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24.yaml @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 180 seconds" + "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 180 seconds" verification: | On TH_CR1 ( chip tool), open commissioning window @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: - name: "Salt" value: "SPAKE2P Key Salt" - - label: "Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds" + - label: "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ tests: value: 181000 - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" @@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value - of 179 seconds" + "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with + a value of 179 seconds" verification: | On TH_CR1 ( chip tool), open commissioning window @@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY @@ -170,7 +171,8 @@ tests: error: INVALID_COMMAND - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is + closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindowStatus" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4.yaml index 967aa047a0f35d..01822cf566e147 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4.yaml @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1a: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S @@ -61,14 +61,15 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH1 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use." + "Step 1b: TH1 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for + future use." command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" attribute: "CurrentFabricIndex" response: saveAs: TH1FabricIndex - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" + - label: "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp @@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning #Check for DNS-SD advertisement CM is not possible in YAML - - label: "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" + - label: "Step 2b: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" verification: | On TH_CR1 send the below command @@ -109,8 +110,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 2c: TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" command: "writeAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ tests: value: "chiptest" - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 2d: TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 3a: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ tests: - name: "payload" value: payload - - label: "DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2 on Fabric ID2 " + - label: "Step 3b: DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2 on Fabric ID2 " identity: "beta" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" @@ -153,7 +154,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId2 - label: - "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use." + "Step 3c: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for + future use." identity: "beta" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -163,7 +165,8 @@ tests: #Check for DNS-SD advertisement is not possible in YAML - label: - "Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with two SRV Records" + "Step 4: Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with two SRV + Records" verification: | On TH_CR2 send the below command @@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001 @@ -207,7 +210,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 6: TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE" identity: "beta" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -224,8 +227,8 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 7a: TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" command: "writeAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -234,8 +237,8 @@ tests: value: "chiptest" - label: - "TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 7b: TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" attribute: "NodeLabel" @@ -247,8 +250,8 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 - label: - "TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 8a: TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" identity: "beta" command: "writeAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" @@ -258,8 +261,8 @@ tests: value: "chiptest" - label: - "TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory - attribute of DUT_CE" + "Step 8b: TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel + mandatory attribute of DUT_CE" identity: "beta" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Basic Information" @@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 32 - - label: "TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" + - label: "Step 9: TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" identity: "beta" @@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Wait for the commissioning window in step 13 to timeout" + - label: "Step 10: Wait for the commissioning window in step 13 to timeout" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -291,7 +294,8 @@ tests: value: 180000 - label: - "TH_CR2 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed" + "Step 11: TH_CR2 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window + is closed" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" PICS: CADMIN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" @@ -299,7 +303,7 @@ tests: response: value: 0 - - label: "TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" + - label: "Step 12a: TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" identity: "beta" @@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 12b: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -319,8 +323,8 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning - label: - "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE before the timeout - from step 12" + "Step 13a: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE before + the timeout from step 12" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" PICS: CADMIN.S @@ -334,14 +338,14 @@ tests: error: FAILURE clusterError: 9 - - label: "TH_CR2 revokes the commissioning window" + - label: "Step 13b: TH_CR2 revokes the commissioning window" identity: "beta" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "RevokeCommissioning" PICS: CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp && CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 - - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + - label: "Step 13c: Remove TH2 FabricIndex" PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S identity: "beta" cluster: "Operational Credentials" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6.yaml index 58156ddd37f458..098793395a2d9e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6.yaml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" PICS: CADMIN.S @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: value: 180 #Check for DNS-SD advertisement CM is not possible in YAML - - label: "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" + - label: "Step 3a: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1" verification: | On TH_CR1 send the below command @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Wait for PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration + 10" + - label: "Step 3b: Wait for PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration + 10" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 190000 - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 4: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 5b: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 6: TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "RevokeCommissioning" PICS: CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 7: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 8: TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "RevokeCommissioning" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH_CR1 writes the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE" + - label: + "Step 9a: TH_CR1 writes the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Basic Information" command: "writeAttribute" @@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ tests: arguments: value: "chiptest" - - label: "TH_CR1 read the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 9b: TH_CR1 read the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Basic Information" command: "readAttribute" @@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ tests: response: value: "chiptest" - - label: "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 10a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ tests: - name: "CommissioningTimeout" value: 180 - - label: "Waiting after opening commissioning window" + - label: "Step 10b: Waiting after opening commissioning window" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: waitAfterCommissioning - - label: "TH_CR1 opens another commissioning window on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 11: TH_CR1 opens another commissioning window on DUT_CE" identity: "alpha" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ tests: error: FAILURE clusterError: 2 - - label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process on DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 12a: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process on DUT_CE" identity: "beta" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ tests: - name: "payload" value: payload - - label: "DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2" + - label: "Step 12b: DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2" identity: "beta" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" @@ -247,7 +248,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId2 - label: - "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use." + "Step 12c: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for + future use." identity: "beta" command: "readAttribute" cluster: "Operational Credentials" @@ -256,8 +258,8 @@ tests: saveAs: TH2FabricIndex - label: - "TH_CR1 tries to revoke the commissioning window on DUT_CE using - RevokeCommissioning command" + "Step 13: TH_CR1 tries to revoke the commissioning window on DUT_CE + using RevokeCommissioning command" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "RevokeCommissioning" PICS: CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp @@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ tests: error: FAILURE clusterError: 4 - - label: "TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" + - label: "Step 14: TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE" identity: "gamma" cluster: "CommissionerCommands" command: "PairWithCode" @@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "Remove TH2 FabricIndex" + - label: "Step 14a: Remove TH2 FabricIndex" PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S identity: "beta" cluster: "Operational Credentials" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_1_1.yaml index 3dcb35a1aa71e2..a92d3e8b920b65 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: ( !CC.S.F00 && !CC.S.F01 && !CC.S.F02 && !CC.S.F03 && !CC.S.F04 ) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: CC.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +58,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: CC.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -66,7 +69,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: CC.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -75,7 +79,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3e: Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: CC.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -84,7 +89,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: CC.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -113,7 +119,7 @@ tests: 65533, ] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -122,7 +128,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -131,7 +139,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -140,7 +149,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -158,7 +167,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -167,7 +178,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4h: Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -177,7 +190,8 @@ tests: contains: [6] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList" + "Step 4i: Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -186,7 +200,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [7] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4j: Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -195,7 +211,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4k: Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -204,7 +220,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [17] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4l: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -213,7 +229,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [18] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4m: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -222,7 +240,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [19] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4n: Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -231,7 +249,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [21] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4o: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -240,7 +258,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [22] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4p: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -249,7 +269,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [23] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4q: Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -258,7 +278,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [25] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4r: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -267,7 +287,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [26] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4s: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -276,7 +298,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [27] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4t: Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0020 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -285,7 +307,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [32] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4u: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -294,7 +316,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [33] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4v: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0022 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -303,7 +327,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [34] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4w: Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0024 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -312,7 +336,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [36] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4x: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0025 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -321,7 +345,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [37] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4y: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0026 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -330,7 +356,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [38] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4z: Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0028 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -339,7 +365,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [40] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a1: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -348,7 +374,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [41] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a2: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A002a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -357,7 +385,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [42] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a3: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -366,7 +395,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [48] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a4: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -375,7 +405,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [49] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a5: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0032 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -384,7 +415,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [50] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a6: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -394,7 +426,8 @@ tests: contains: [51] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList" + "Step 4a7: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0034 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -403,7 +436,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [52] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a8: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0036 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -412,7 +446,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [54] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a9: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0037 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -422,7 +457,8 @@ tests: contains: [55] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList" + "Step 4a10: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A0038 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -431,7 +467,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [56] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a11: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A003a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -440,7 +477,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [58] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a12: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A003b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -450,7 +488,8 @@ tests: contains: [59] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList" + "Step 4a13: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A003c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -459,7 +498,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [60] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a14: Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -468,7 +509,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16384] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a15: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -477,7 +520,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16386] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a16: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -486,7 +531,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16387] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4a17: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in + AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -496,7 +543,7 @@ tests: contains: [16388] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in + "Step 4a18: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4005 command: "readAttribute" @@ -507,7 +554,7 @@ tests: contains: [16389] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in + "Step 4a19: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4006 command: "readAttribute" @@ -518,7 +565,7 @@ tests: contains: [16390] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in + "Step 4a20: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" @@ -529,7 +576,7 @@ tests: contains: [16395] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in + "Step 4a21: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" @@ -540,8 +587,8 @@ tests: contains: [16396] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4a22: Read the optional + attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A400d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -551,8 +598,8 @@ tests: contains: [16397] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4a23: Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) + in AttributeList" PICS: CC.S.A4010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -561,7 +608,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16400] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -569,7 +616,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6a: Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -578,7 +626,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -587,7 +636,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6c: Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C02.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -597,7 +647,8 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 6d: Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -606,7 +657,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6e: Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C04.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -615,7 +668,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6f: Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C05.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -625,7 +680,7 @@ tests: contains: [5] - label: - "Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in + "Step 6g: Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -635,7 +690,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [6] - - label: "Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6h: Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -644,7 +701,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [7] - - label: "Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6i: Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C08.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -653,7 +711,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [8] - - label: "Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6j: Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C09.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -663,7 +722,7 @@ tests: contains: [9] - label: - "Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in + "Step 6k: Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -674,7 +733,8 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 6l: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -683,7 +743,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [64] - - label: "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6m: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -692,7 +754,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65] - - label: "Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6n: Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C42.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -702,7 +766,7 @@ tests: contains: [66] - label: - "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in + "Step 6o: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C43.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -712,7 +776,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [67] - - label: "Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6p: Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C44.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -721,7 +787,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [68] - - label: "Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6q: Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -731,7 +799,7 @@ tests: contains: [71] - label: - "Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in + "Step 6r: Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -742,7 +810,7 @@ tests: contains: [75] - label: - "Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in + "Step 6s: Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -752,7 +820,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [76] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_2_1.yaml index 6330f250c2077d..b0ffe44e7a13e7 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RemainingTime" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DriftCompensation" @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4 - - label: "TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CompensationText" @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 254 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 9: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 10: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads Options attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH reads Options attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 12: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 14: TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15: TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 16: TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopTime" @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue" @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 18: TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" @@ -201,13 +201,14 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT" + "Step 18a: Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: saveAs: FeatureMapValue - - label: "TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 19: TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A400a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorCapabilities" @@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 31 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 20: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 21: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -238,7 +239,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 22: TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A400d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds" @@ -248,7 +250,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 23: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 65279 #Defined Primaries Information Attribute Set - - label: "TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 24: TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfPrimaries" @@ -270,9 +273,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 6 - label: - "TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 1 or more" + "Step 25: TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary1x 1 1 @@ -292,9 +295,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 1 or more" + "Step 26: TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary1y 1 1 @@ -314,8 +317,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more" + "Step 27: TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary1intensity 1 1 @@ -335,9 +339,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 2 or more" + "Step 28: TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary2x 1 1 @@ -357,9 +361,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 2 or more" + "Step 29: TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary2y 1 1 @@ -379,8 +383,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more" + "Step 30: TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary2intensity 1 1 @@ -400,9 +405,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 3 or more" + "Step 31: TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary3x 1 1 @@ -422,9 +427,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 3 or more" + "Step 32: TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary3y 1 1 @@ -444,8 +449,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more" + "Step 33: TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary3intensity 1 1 @@ -466,9 +472,9 @@ tests: #Additional Defined Primaries Information Attribute Set - label: - "TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT response - contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or - more" + "Step 34: TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT + response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is + 4 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary4x 1 1 @@ -488,9 +494,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 4 or more" + "Step 35: TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary4y 1 1 @@ -510,8 +516,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more" + "Step 36: TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary4intensity 1 1 @@ -531,9 +538,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 5 or more" + "Step 37: TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary5x 1 1 @@ -553,9 +560,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 5 or more" + "Step 38: TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary5y 1 1 @@ -575,8 +582,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more" + "Step 39: TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary5intensity 1 1 @@ -596,9 +604,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 6 or more" + "Step 40: TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary6x 1 1 @@ -618,9 +626,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is - 6 or more" + "Step 41: TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the + DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if + NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary6y 1 1 @@ -640,8 +648,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT - response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more" + "Step 42: TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify + that the DUT response contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or + more" verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read primary6intensity 1 1 @@ -661,7 +670,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #Defined Color Points Settings Attribute Set - - label: "TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 43: TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WhitePointX" @@ -671,7 +680,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 44: TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WhitePointY" @@ -681,7 +690,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 45: TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0032 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointRX" @@ -691,7 +700,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 46: TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointRY" @@ -701,7 +710,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 47: TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0034 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointRIntensity" @@ -711,7 +720,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 48: TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0036 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointGX" @@ -721,7 +730,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 49: TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0037 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointGY" @@ -731,7 +740,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 50: TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0038 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointGIntensity" @@ -741,7 +750,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 51: TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A003a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointBX" @@ -751,7 +760,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 52: TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A003b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointBY" @@ -761,7 +770,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 53: TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A003c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorPointBIntensity" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_1.yaml index 8149cb3a304804..72074fef588ca0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: timeout: 200 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,21 +32,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: H sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "TStep 2f: H reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 138 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 - (Shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, + Direction=0x00 (Shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=135, Direction=0x01 - (longest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=135, + Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ tests: value: 10000 # - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read current-hue 1 1 @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ tests: value: 10000 # - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read current-hue 1 1 @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ tests: value: 10000 # - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | ./chip-tool colorcontrol read current-hue 1 1 @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 155 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 4a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x02 (up) - and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "TStep 4b: H sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, + Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 138 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 5a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x03 (down) - and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 5b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, + Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ tests: minValue: 51 maxValue: 69 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_2.yaml index 3395009327faac..cb15a6bdc488ca 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 - (units/s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and + Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "MoveHue" arguments: @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ tests: value: 10000 - label: - "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 - (units/s)" + "Step 2e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) + and Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "MoveHue" arguments: @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 110 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 - (units/s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) + and Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "MoveHue" arguments: @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ tests: value: 10000 - label: - "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 - (units/s)" + "Step 3e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) + and Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "MoveHue" arguments: @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ tests: minValue: 140 maxValue: 190 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_3.yaml index 3c9d655cc3862b..32e3a4fd6d8d6c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_3_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 - and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), + StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp command: "StepHue" arguments: @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 6 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), + "Step 3b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp command: "StepHue" @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ tests: minValue: 208 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_1.yaml index eb9921658938be..ae4ddf10571c8d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 90 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and - TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 + and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ tests: minValue: 102 maxValue: 138 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_2.yaml index acdebc2ef4350b..4b6630f18d4b92 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 + (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)" command: "MoveSaturation" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp arguments: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 254 - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 + (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)" command: "MoveSaturation" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp arguments: @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ tests: #Tolerance to be computed from the range #Start value 120, expected value 20, 120 - 20 = 100, 100 % 15 = 15 , So 20+/-15 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 10 - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 4a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 4b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 + (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)" command: "MoveSaturation" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp arguments: @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 230 - label: - "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 4d: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 + (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)" command: "MoveSaturation" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp arguments: @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ tests: minValue: 170 maxValue: 230 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_3.yaml index 12ce65282ef568..2a223b88134b8f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), - StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 + (up), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp command: "StepSaturation" arguments: @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 254 - label: - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), - StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10s)" + "Step 2f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 + (up), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp command: "StepSaturation" arguments: @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 254 - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), - StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 + (down), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp command: "StepSaturation" arguments: @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "TStep 3c: H reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 12 - label: - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), - StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10 s)" + "Step 3f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 + (down), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10 s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp command: "StepSaturation" arguments: @@ -300,14 +300,14 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "TStep 4b: H reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_4.yaml index 434a898b22589f..ce94bb6fcbeaa9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_4_4.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp command: "MoveToHueAndSaturation" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: minValue: 170 maxValue: 230 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 58 - label: - "TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp command: "MoveToHueAndSaturation" @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ tests: minValue: 160 maxValue: 200 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ tests: minValue: 135 maxValue: 185 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ tests: minValue: 135 maxValue: 185 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ tests: minValue: 68 maxValue: 92 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml index 113f2a8218f5c1..cd08746ac79df0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 - ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: minValue: 27853 maxValue: 37683 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 22609 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 - ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 200 (20s)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 13107 maxValue: 32768 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11141 maxValue: 15073 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11141 maxValue: 15073 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -187,29 +187,29 @@ tests: minValue: 11141 maxValue: 15073 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 4a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH read Options attribute" + - label: "Step 4b: TH read Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 - (x=0.5) (purple) ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 - (immediate)" + "Step 4d: TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = + 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) (purple) ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) + TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ tests: minValue: 27853 maxValue: 37683 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -252,14 +252,14 @@ tests: minValue: 16711 maxValue: 22609 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4f: TH sends Off command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "Off" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 - ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 4g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" response: value: 32768 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ tests: value: 19660 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 - ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 4i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -325,14 +325,14 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" response: value: 32768 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ tests: value: 19660 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 - ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 4k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4i: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ tests: minValue: 22282 maxValue: 30146 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4i: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -384,28 +384,28 @@ tests: minValue: 27853 maxValue: 37683 - - label: "TH writes 1 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 5a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH read Options attribute" + - label: "Step 5b: TH read Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 - ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 5d: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ tests: minValue: 27853 maxValue: 37683 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -448,14 +448,14 @@ tests: minValue: 16711 maxValue: 22609 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "Off" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 - ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 5g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11141 maxValue: 15073 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 15073 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 - ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 5i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -525,14 +525,14 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" response: value: 13107 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -540,8 +540,8 @@ tests: value: 13107 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 - ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 5k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = + 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ tests: minValue: 22282 maxValue: 30146 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ tests: minValue: 27853 maxValue: 37683 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml index 563f0e096b6990..17da61ef9ccb57 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = - 26000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 1a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 + ColorY = 26000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH sends MoveColor command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends MoveColor command to DUT" command: "MoveColor" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ tests: minValue: 27200 maxValue: 36800 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ tests: minValue: 26350 maxValue: 35650 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ tests: minValue: 25500 maxValue: 34500 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ tests: minValue: 24650 maxValue: 33350 - - label: "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "StopMoveStep" arguments: @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ tests: value: 0 #Checking range as exactly delay might not be achieved due to attribute reads - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 34500 #Checking range as exactly delay might not be achieved due to attribute reads - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ tests: minValue: 24650 maxValue: 33350 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml index d0d331990821b6..4e8eba6ced993f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = - 20000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 + ColorY = 20000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp command: "MoveToColor" arguments: @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = - -6000, TransitionTime = 200 (20s)" + "Step 3a: TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, + StepY = -6000, TransitionTime = 200 (20s)" command: "StepColor" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C09.Rsp arguments: @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: minValue: 13000 maxValue: 33000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11050 maxValue: 14950 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentX" @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11050 maxValue: 14950 - - label: "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp attribute: "CurrentY" @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ tests: minValue: 11900 maxValue: 16100 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml index 0da5eb815e658a..a072ad1f75ecc9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml @@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "TStep 1a: H reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "MoveToColorTemperature" @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "MoveToColorTemperature" @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ tests: minValue: 212 maxValue: 288 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml index 6cd718241c1607..fcb4f1c7691e8c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml @@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 - (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = + 0x01 (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: MoveColorTemperature @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x03(down), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = + "Step 4a: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01(up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp @@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ tests: value: 10000 - label: - "After 10 seconds, TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with - MoveMode = 0x00(stop), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - + "Step 4b: After 10 seconds, TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to + DUT with MoveMode = 0x00(stop), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: MoveColorTemperature @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ tests: minValue: ColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsValue maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml index 967f44230e2714..934a4a3bfc243a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml @@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x01 - (up), StepSize = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - + "Step 2b: TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = + 0x01 (up), StepSize = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/2 and TransitionTime = 200 (20s)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "StepColorTemperature" @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ tests: value: 5000 #Issue - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - label: - "TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x03 - (down), StepSize = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - + "Step 3a: TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = + 0x03 (down), StepSize = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) and TransitionTime = 200 (20s)." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "StepColorTemperature" @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ tests: minValue: ColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsValue maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_5.yaml index 951d77b28d7d86..888e99827c5922 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_6_5.yaml @@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp && CC.S.F04 cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 0c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 0d: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 0e: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute" + - label: + "Step 1: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds + attribute" PICS: CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -130,7 +132,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 2a: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -142,8 +145,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65279 - label: - "Verify that the DUT response contains StartUpColorTemperatureMireds - that matches the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a" + "Step 2b: Verify that the DUT response contains + StartUpColorTemperatureMireds that matches the + StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a" PICS: CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | verify StartUpColorTemperatureMireds matches the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a, if not fail the step. @@ -156,13 +160,13 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 3a: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -183,21 +187,23 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute" + - label: + "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds + attribute" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds" response: value: StartUpColorTemperatureMiredsValue - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" response: value: StartUpColorTemperatureMiredsValue - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_1.yaml index 44a92797b01f04..e938e06a8840d5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_1.yaml @@ -32,21 +32,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -72,8 +73,9 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." + "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=300 (30s)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -162,8 +164,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 13800 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -189,8 +192,9 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=54000, - Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=54000, Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and + TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -251,7 +255,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -269,7 +273,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -279,8 +283,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 62100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 4a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -306,8 +311,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, - Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 4b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -332,7 +337,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -350,7 +355,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -368,7 +373,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -386,7 +391,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -396,8 +401,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 13800 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -423,8 +429,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, - Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." + "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -449,7 +455,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -467,7 +473,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -485,7 +491,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -503,7 +509,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -512,7 +518,7 @@ tests: minValue: 5100 maxValue: 6900 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -522,7 +528,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml index 17f82b877b1c22..b9ded89a132a6f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml @@ -31,21 +31,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and - Rate=500 (units/s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 + (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveHue" arguments: @@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -132,8 +133,8 @@ tests: value: 10000 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 2e: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 + (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveHue" arguments: @@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 #Checking range as exactly delay might not be achieved due to attribute reads - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2g: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -176,8 +177,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 40250 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=25000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=25000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -203,8 +205,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and - Rate=500 (units/s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 + (down) and Rate=500 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveHue" arguments: @@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -264,8 +266,8 @@ tests: value: 10000 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 3e: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 + (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveHue" arguments: @@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 #Checking range as exactly delay might not be achieved due to attribute reads - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3g: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ tests: minValue: 8500 maxValue: 11500 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml index a9f45a8b85f52a..53bf4ba4883f3c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml @@ -31,21 +31,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), - StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." + "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 + (up), StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp command: "EnhancedStepHue" arguments: @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -161,8 +162,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 13800 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -188,8 +190,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), - StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" + "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 + (down), StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp command: "EnhancedStepHue" arguments: @@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ tests: minValue: 5100 maxValue: 6900 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml index 9c46235c5e0cf7..44964952118d82 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 100 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 58 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=16000, Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation" @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ tests: minValue: 16000 maxValue: 20000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ tests: minValue: 13600 maxValue: 18400 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -173,21 +173,21 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" response: value: 16000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" response: value: 80 - - label: "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorMode" @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedColorMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml index 51b3f1c6e32ef6..8dc61902cdfbb1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 - (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "TStep 2a: H sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, + Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToHue" arguments: @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 - (units/s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and + Rate=5 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "MoveHue" arguments: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" PICS: CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "StopMoveStep" arguments: @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentHue" @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 254 - label: - "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and - TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 + and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)" PICS: CC.S.C03.Rsp command: "MoveToSaturation" arguments: @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and - Rate=5 (units/s)" + "Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 + (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)" command: "MoveSaturation" PICS: CC.S.C04.Rsp arguments: @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" PICS: CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "StopMoveStep" arguments: @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentSaturation" @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ tests: minValue: 170 maxValue: 230 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT" PICS: CC.S.A400b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65279 - - label: "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.A400c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 65279 - label: - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with + "Step 4c: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds= ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds / 2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.C0a.Rsp @@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 - (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - + "Step 4d: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = + 0x01 (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40" PICS: CC.S.C4b.Rsp command: MoveColorTemperature @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" PICS: CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp command: StopMoveStep arguments: @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4g: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT." PICS: CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorTemperatureMireds" @@ -330,8 +330,9 @@ tests: maxValue: ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." PICS: CC.S.C40.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" arguments: @@ -356,8 +357,8 @@ tests: value: 100 - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and - Rate=500 (units/s)" + "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 + (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)" PICS: CC.S.C41.Rsp command: "EnhancedMoveHue" arguments: @@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT" PICS: CC.S.C47.Rsp command: "StopMoveStep" arguments: @@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C47.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" @@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C47.Rsp attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_1.yaml index 47a7a9889f0aed..e7c791b33f90a2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_1.yaml @@ -32,21 +32,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp arguments: @@ -72,8 +73,9 @@ tests: value: 1000 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -101,9 +103,9 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 - (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue) to - DUT." + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement + hue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -131,8 +133,9 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 - (UpdateTime) and Time attribute to 30 (30s for one loop) to DUT." + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x4 (UpdateTime) and Time attribute to 30 (30s for one loop) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopTime" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -160,8 +163,8 @@ tests: value: 30 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x8 - (UpdateStartHue) and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT." + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x8 (UpdateStartHue) and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -189,8 +192,8 @@ tests: value: 160 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from + "Step 5a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -211,14 +214,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueStep5d - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -273,8 +276,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT" + "Step 6a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT" command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -310,7 +313,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep6c - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -318,9 +321,9 @@ tests: value: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep6c - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 - (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to - DUT." + "Step 7a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment + hue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -348,8 +351,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from + "Step 8a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -370,14 +373,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueStep8d - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -421,7 +424,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -432,8 +435,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 9a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -453,7 +457,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 9b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -469,7 +473,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep9c - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 9c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -477,8 +481,9 @@ tests: value: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep9c - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 10a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp arguments: @@ -503,7 +508,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 1000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 10b: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -511,9 +516,9 @@ tests: value: 16384 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 - (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue) to - DUT." + "Step 11a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement + hue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -533,7 +538,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 11b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -541,8 +546,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 (start from + "Step 12a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 (start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -563,14 +568,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 12b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 12c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -595,7 +600,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueStep12d - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 12d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -614,7 +619,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 12e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -625,8 +630,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 13a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -646,7 +652,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 13b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -662,7 +668,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep13c - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 13c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -670,9 +676,9 @@ tests: value: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep13c - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 - (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to - DUT." + "Step 14a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment + hue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -692,7 +698,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 14b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -700,8 +706,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 (start from + "Step 15a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 (start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT" command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -722,14 +728,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -754,7 +760,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueStep15d - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -773,7 +779,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -784,8 +790,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 16a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -805,7 +812,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 16b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -821,7 +828,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueStep16b - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 16c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_2.yaml index 16d8d6f2e0524c..c4cbef954db9c5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_2.yaml @@ -33,21 +33,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C40.Rsp arguments: @@ -73,9 +74,9 @@ tests: value: 1000 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, - Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), Direction attribute to 0x0 - (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), Direction attribute to + 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -96,28 +97,28 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1c: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1d: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopTime" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 30 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1e: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ tests: value: 160 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -147,14 +148,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueValue - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -209,9 +210,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 - (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to - DUT." + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute to 0x1 (increment + hue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -286,8 +287,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueValue - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_3.yaml index deaa2a25c0c302..52c0aa68bac3e0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CC_9_3.yaml @@ -32,21 +32,22 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "On/Off" command: "On" - label: - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, - Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with + EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and + TransitionTime=0 (immediately)." command: "EnhancedMoveToHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C40.Rsp arguments: @@ -72,9 +73,9 @@ tests: value: 1000 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, - Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), Direction attribute to 0x0 - (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), Direction attribute to + 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -95,28 +96,28 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1c: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopDirection" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1d: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopTime" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 30 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 1e: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -124,8 +125,8 @@ tests: value: 160 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -146,14 +147,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp response: value: 1 - - label: "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStartEnhancedHueValue - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 30000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 and - Time attribute to 60 to DUT." + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x4 and Time attribute to 60 to DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopTime" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 60000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 60000 - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -275,8 +276,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 - (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT." + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute + to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to + DUT." command: "ColorLoopSet" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp arguments: @@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ColorLoopActive" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp @@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueValue - - label: "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 4c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnhancedCurrentHue" PICS: CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1.yaml index 069baaf103a4ac..56a596c6807e5c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.A0007 && CDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - CDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + CDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: CDOCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1.yaml index a239c45ce43f41..82a2a7b622e566 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: CDOCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1.yaml index aa148d15104ae3..136469c1bafbc1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!CFREMON.S.F00 && !CFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given CFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given CFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given CFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given CFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(CFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(CFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: CFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (CFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (CFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: CFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -107,7 +108,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1.yaml index 4d98d1f40e2d2a..f05208a55102dd 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: CFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: CFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: CFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: CFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_1_1.yaml index 8f7dbc89df94e2..8b390bb27b06cf 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 2, 4] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_2_1.yaml index f023a64101d8f4..76027b65785dd5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CGEN_2_1.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Breadcrumb" @@ -42,21 +42,21 @@ tests: constraints: type: int64u - - label: "TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Breadcrumb" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Breadcrumb" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RegulatoryConfig" @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocationCapability" @@ -77,15 +77,16 @@ tests: #Issue 17997 #this step implicitly validating the attribute(BasicCommissioningInfo)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that - the BasicCommissioningInfo attribute has the following field: - FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration range of - 0 to 65535" + "Step 6: TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and + Verify that the BasicCommissioningInfo attribute has the following + field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration + range of 0 to 65535" PICS: CGEN.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BasicCommissioningInfo" - - label: "TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 7: TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT" PICS: CGEN.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SupportsConcurrentConnection" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6.yaml index 6ec3c9f86e2892..44fe0635ad2084 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: ( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 ) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2b: Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: CHANNEL.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +60,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2c: Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: CHANNEL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3c: Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -94,7 +97,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -103,7 +107,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4a: Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -113,7 +119,7 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in + "Step 4b: Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -123,7 +129,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: ( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 ) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -141,7 +149,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: CHANNEL.S.F00 || CHANNEL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1.yaml index c8492cb9b3a18a..7791082ad1c922 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1.yaml @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(ChannelList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of - Inputs available and Verify that the response contains a list of the - known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the + "Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list + of Inputs available and Verify that the response contains a list of + the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the following,Major number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Name (String, optional),Call sign (String, optional),Affiliate call sign (String, diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2.yaml index 1381f68c02f286..d9622dcb59571d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2.yaml @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChannelList" @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel - information (major and minor numbers) from the list in step 1" + "Step 2: TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with + channel information (major and minor numbers) from the list in step 1" PICS: CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp command: "ChangeChannelByNumber" arguments: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: - name: "MinorNumber" value: minornumber - - label: "Verify that the channel has changed on the device" + - label: "Step 2a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentChannel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3.yaml index e660cd253142fb..d1c795b0be80c1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3.yaml @@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(Lineup)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available and Verify that the response contains a lineup info object" + "Step 1: TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available and Verify that the response contains a lineup info + object" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Lineup" - - label: "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChannelList" @@ -60,14 +61,15 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentChannel" response: value: { MajorNumber: majornumber, MinorNumber: minornumber } - - label: "TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1" + - label: + "Step 4: TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1" PICS: CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp command: "SkipChannel" arguments: @@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ tests: - name: "Count" value: 1 - - label: "Verify that the channel has changed on the device" + - label: "Step 4a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp @@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT" PICS: CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentChannel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1.yaml index 26a299836c4ca2..903e06e54c9ed0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.A0007 && CMOCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - CMOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + CMOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: CMOCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1.yaml index 854b69c531cd34..62de23eda9c0c4 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: CMOCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CNET_1_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CNET_1_3.yaml index 57745dca55e83b..dd367838132241 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CNET_1_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CNET_1_3.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: CNET.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -42,35 +42,38 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !CNET.S.F00 && !CNET.S.F01 && !CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: value: 0 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set" PICS: CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: value: 1 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set" PICS: CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: value: 2 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set" PICS: CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: value: 4 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: CNET.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ tests: contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if + "Step 4b: Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true" PICS: CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 || CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -90,7 +93,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): + AttributeList" PICS: CNET.S.A0002 && CNET.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -100,7 +105,8 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in + AttributeList" PICS: CNET.S.A0003 && CNET.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -111,8 +117,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4e: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -198,13 +204,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | Onnetwork @@ -227,8 +233,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related - features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH)" + "Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread + related features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH)" PICS: ( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -238,8 +244,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 4, 6, 8] - label: - "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features - (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true)" + "Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related + features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true)" PICS: CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -249,7 +255,7 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related + "Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)" PICS: CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" @@ -260,7 +266,7 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related + "Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is true)" PICS: CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" @@ -269,10 +275,10 @@ tests: value: [] - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6e: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -326,8 +332,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related - features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)" + "Step 7a: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread + related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)" PICS: ( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -337,8 +343,8 @@ tests: contains: [1, 5, 7] - label: - "Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related - features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true)" + "Step 7b: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet + related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true)" PICS: CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -346,13 +352,14 @@ tests: value: [] - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7c: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ( WiFi) ./chip-tool networkcommissioning read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1.yaml index 66078e63b68c22..920125c98790ea 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptHeader" @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 2: TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the + DUT" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SupportedStreamingProtocols" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3.yaml index 2932c6c0f0084e..85336aefe3b4a0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3.yaml @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "value" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter - and string, and AutoPlay flag set to false" + "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search + parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set to false" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter - and string, and AutoPlay flag set to true" + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search + parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set to true" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5.yaml index 3faa520e477f5f..24183bafa3c282 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5.yaml @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "exampleName" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL - string" + "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good + content URL string" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp command: "LaunchURL" arguments: @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL - string and a display string" + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good + content URL string and a display string" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp command: "LaunchURL" arguments: @@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL - string and a brand information object." + "Step 3: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good + content URL string and a brand information object." PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp command: "LaunchURL" arguments: @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable - content URL string." + "Step 4: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known + unreachable content URL string." PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp command: "LaunchURL" arguments: @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ tests: value: 1 #URL_NOT_AVAILABLE - label: - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized - content URL string." + "Step 5: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known + un-authorized content URL string." PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp command: "LaunchURL" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7.yaml index eff9299eff511f..4c1515efe4a296 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: defaultValue: "popular content" tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Actor and Value as An Actor’s name, for example, - Gaby sHoffman" + "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Actor and Value as An Actor’s name, + for example, Gaby sHoffman" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Channel and Value as Channel Name name, for - example, PBS" + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Channel and Value as Channel Name + name, for example, PBS" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Character and Value as Character’s name,for - example,Snow White" + "Step 3: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Character and Value as Character’s + name,for example,Snow White" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Director and Value as Director’s name, for - example, Spike Lee" + "Step 4: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Director and Value as Director’s name, + for example, Spike Lee" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Event and Value as An Event’s name , for example - Football games" + "Step 5: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Event and Value as An Event’s name , + for example Football games" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Franchise and Value as Franchise’s name,for - example Star Wars" + "Step 6: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Franchise and Value as Franchise’s + name,for example Star Wars" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Genre and Value as Genre’s name, for example - Horror" + "Step 7: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Genre and Value as Genre’s name, for + example Horror" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As League and Value as League’s name, for example - NCAA" + "Step 8: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As League and Value as League’s name, for + example NCAA" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -267,8 +267,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Popularity and Value as Popularity’s name" + "Step 9: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Popularity and Value as Popularity’s + name" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -295,9 +296,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Provider and Value as Provider’s name, for - example Netflix" + "Step 10: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Provider and Value as Provider’s name, + for example Netflix" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -324,9 +325,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Sport and Value as Sport’s name, for example, - football" + "Step 11: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Sport and Value as Sport’s name, for + example, football" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -353,9 +354,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s name , for - example Arsenel" + "Step 12: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s + name , for example Arsenel" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: @@ -382,9 +383,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter - consisting of Type As Type and Value as Type’s name, for example - TVSeries" + "Step 13: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search + parameter consisting of Type As Type and Value as Type’s name, for + example TVSeries" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp command: "LaunchContent" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11.yaml index 7de4f61f1ea817..83d1b32d3453e0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: ( !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 && !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01 ) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 2b: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 2c: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): + "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ tests: contains: [1] - label: - "Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList - attribute" + "Step 4a: Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in + AcceptedCommandList attribute" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C00.Tx command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute" + "Step 4b: Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList + attribute" PICS: CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C01.Tx command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_2.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 92e3853436072e..00000000000000 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_2.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1263 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default - -name: - 4.1.2. [TC-DA-1.2] Device Attestation Request Validation [DUT - - Commissionee] - -PICS: - - MCORE.ROLE.COMMISSIONEE - -config: - nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" - endpoint: 0 - -tests: - - label: "Pre-Conditions" - verification: | - PAA certificates were obtained externally - disabled: true - - - label: "TH1 generates 32-byte AttestationNonce" - verification: | - To generate the Attestation Nonce give below command - - echo hex:$(hexdump -vn32 -e'4/4 "%08X" ' /dev/urandom) - - The generated Attestation Nonce is hex:97B823C0207728BEC509CFE4D413C95AA693140D1F5D60215913ABB1F220E631 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends AttestationRequest Command with a random 32 bytes - AttestationNonce` to the DUT." - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials attestation-request hex:97B823C0207728BEC509CFE4D413C95AA693140D1F5D60215913ABB1F220E631 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - Verify attestation response in TH(chip-tool) Log: - - [1657814395.876850][2481:2486] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0001 - [1657814395.876900][2481:2486] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0001 - [1657814395.877019][2481:2486] CHIP:TOO: AttestationResponse: { - [1657814395.878828][2481:2486] CHIP:TOO: attestationElements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signature: A572A713B9A05208DEE004F41043577547B66D1EDECB36707E069EB1C04C1F75BEE56D3FE1E5CD3FD5E6CFB848E0B888C08BB3FD42D988B175A07D671F3C4D7C - [1657814395.878985][2481:2486] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify that the DUT generates the Attestation Information and that it - is sent to TH1 using AttestationResponse Command" - verification: | - Verify the attestation information field on TH(chip-tool) Log generated from the previous step - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends CertificateChainRequest Command with CertificateType field - set to DACCertificate (1) to DUT to obtain DAC" - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials certificate-chain-request 1 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - Verify certificate chain response in TH (chip-tool) Log: - - CertificateChainResponse: { - [1657814457.685538][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: certificate: 308201E73082018EA003020102020869CDF10DE9E54ED1300A06082A8648CE3D040302303D3125302306035504030C1C4D6174746572204465762050414920307846464631206E6F2050494431143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C04464646313020170D3232303230353030303030305A180F39393939313233313233353935395A30533125302306035504030C1C4D61747465722044657620444143203078464646312F30783830303131143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C044646463131143012060A2B0601040182A27C02020C04383030313059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D03010703420004463AC69342910A0E5588FC6FF56BB63E62ECCECB148F7D4EB03EE552601415767D16A5C663F793E49123260B8297A7CD7E7CFC7B316B39D98E90D29377738E82A360305E300C0603551D130101FF04023000300E0603551D0F0101FF040403020780301D0603551D0E0416041488DDE7B300382932CFF734C04624810F44168A6F301F0603551D2304183016801463540E47F64B1C38D13884A462D16C195D8FFB3C300A06082A8648CE3D040302 - [1657814457.685600][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: ...........: 034700304402200127A27B4B44610EE2FCDC4D2B7885563660BC0F76F17219ED6A08DFB2B3C1CD02206B59E0AF45F3EB2A85B919D35731528C6028C415239545E108E4E54E70971353 - - The log has certificate details (starting with ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE and ending with ---END CERTIFICATE ) as highlighted below, save the certificate in .pem file format. Open editor on your TH , save that in file , example: dac.pem - - 1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] data = 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 - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] buffer_ptr = 140355398986080 - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] } - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] DAC/PAI (491) = - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] { - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- - MIIB5zCCAY6gAwIBAgIIac3xDenlTtEwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwPTElMCMGA1UEAwwc - TWF0dGVyIERldiBQQUkgMHhGRkYxIG5vIFBJRDEUMBIGCisGAQQBgqJ8AgEMBEZG - RjEwIBcNMjIwMjA1MDAwMDAwWhgPOTk5OTEyMzEyMzU5NTlaMFMxJTAjBgNVBAMM - HE1hdHRlciBEZXYgREFDIDB4RkZGMS8weDgwMDExFDASBgorBgEEAYKifAIBDARG - RkYxMRQwEgYKKwYBBAGConwCAgwEODAwMTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEH - A0IABEY6xpNCkQoOVYj8b/Vrtj5i7M7LFI99TrA+5VJgFBV2fRalxmP3k+SRIyYL - gpenzX58/HsxaznZjpDSk3dzjoKjYDBeMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwDgYDVR0PAQH/ - BAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSI3eezADgpMs/3NMBGJIEPRBaKbzAfBgNVHSMEGDAW - gBRjVA5H9kscONE4hKRi0WwZXY/7PDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNHADBEAiABJ6J7S0Rh - DuL83E0reIVWNmC8D3bxchntagjfsrPBzQIga1ngr0Xz6yqFuRnTVzFSjGAoxBUj - lUXhCOTlTnCXE1M= - -----END CERTIFICATE----- - [1660951953700] [17233:5262446] CHIP: [DMG] } - disabled: true - - - label: "TH1 saves DAC certificate" - verification: | - Verify the size of certificate is less than or equal to 600 bytes and of type octstr from the above log, You have saved the file already in the above step - - Example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disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends CertificateChainRequest Command with CertificateType field - set to PAICertificate (2) to DUT to obtain DAC" - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials certificate-chain-request 2 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - Verify CertificateChainResponse and the size is 600 bytes in TH (chip-tool) Log: - - [1657814533.325960][2501:2506] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003 - [1657814533.326064][2501:2506] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0003 - [1657814533.326158][2501:2506] CHIP:TOO: CertificateChainResponse: { - [1657814533.326229][2501:2506] CHIP:TOO: certificate: 308201CB30820171A003020102020856AD8222AD945B64300A06082A8648CE3D04030230303118301606035504030C0F4D617474657220546573742050414131143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C04464646313020170D3232303230353030303030305A180F39393939313233313233353935395A303D3125302306035504030C1C4D6174746572204465762050414920307846464631206E6F2050494431143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C04464646313059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D03010703420004419A9315C2173E0C8C876D03CCFC944852647F7FEC5E5082F4059928ECA894C594151309AC631E4CB03392AF684B0BAFB7E65B3B8162C2F52BF931B8E77AAA82A366306430120603551D130101FF040830060101FF020100300E0603551D0F0101FF040403020106301D0603551D0E0416041463540E47F64B1C38D13884A462D16C195D8FFB3C301F0603551D230418301680146AFD22771F511FECBF1641976710DCDC31A1717E300A06082A8648CE3D0403020348003045022100B2EF27F49AE9B50FB91EEAC94C4D0BDBB8D7929C6C - [1657814533.326315][2501:2506] CHIP:TOO: ...........: B88FACE529368D12054C0C0220655DC92B86BD909882A6C62177B825D7D05EDBE7C22F9FEA71220E7EA703F891 - - The log has certificate details (starting with ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE and ending with ---END CERTIFICATE ) as highlighted below , save the certificate in .pem file format. Open editor on your TH , save that in file , example: pai.pem - - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] Encrypted Payload (531 bytes) = - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] { - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] data = 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 - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] buffer_ptr = 140233457951312 - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] } - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] DAC/PAI (463) = - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] { - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- - MIIByzCCAXGgAwIBAgIIVq2CIq2UW2QwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwMDEYMBYGA1UEAwwP - TWF0dGVyIFRlc3QgUEFBMRQwEgYKKwYBBAGConwCAQwERkZGMTAgFw0yMjAyMDUw - MDAwMDBaGA85OTk5MTIzMTIzNTk1OVowPTElMCMGA1UEAwwcTWF0dGVyIERldiBQ - QUkgMHhGRkYxIG5vIFBJRDEUMBIGCisGAQQBgqJ8AgEMBEZGRjEwWTATBgcqhkjO - PQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAARBmpMVwhc+DIyHbQPM/JRIUmR/f+xeUIL0BZko7KiU - xZQVEwmsYx5MsDOSr2hLC6+35ls7gWLC9Sv5MbjneqqCo2YwZDASBgNVHRMBAf8E - CDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUY1QOR/ZLHDjROISk - YtFsGV2P+zwwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUav0idx9RH+y/FkGXZxDc3DGhcX4wCgYIKoZI - zj0EAwIDSAAwRQIhALLvJ/Sa6bUPuR7qyUxNC9u415KcbLiPrOUpNo0SBUwMAiBl - Xckrhr2QmIKmxiF3uCXX0F7b58Ivn+pxIg5+pwP4kQ== - -----END CERTIFICATE----- - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] } - [1660952198157] [17290:5268348] CHIP: [DMG] - disabled: true - - - label: "TH1 saves PAI certificate" - verification: | - Verify the size of certificate is less than or equal to 600 bytes and of type octstr from the above log, already saved the file in the above step - - Example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disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 Reads the VendorID attribute of the Basic Information cluster and - saves it as basic_info_vendor_id" - verification: | - ./chip-tool basicinformation read vendor-id 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - Verify the vendorId in TH (chip-tool) Log , Note this Vendor ID and you are going to verify this matching with CD in the steps below - - [1654068802.514300][10990:10995] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0028 Attribute 0x0000_0002 DataVersion: 2079473956 - [1654068802.514357][10990:10995] CHIP:TOO: VendorID: 65521 - [1654068802.514447][10990:10995] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:5573281 on exchange 17510i - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 Reads the ProductID attribute of the Basic Information cluster - and saves it as basic_info_product_id" - verification: | - ./chip-tool basicinformation read product-id 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - Verify ProductId in TH (chip-tool) Log, Note this PID and you are going to verify this matching with CD in the steps below - - [1654068987.385768][11050:11055] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0028 Attribute 0x0000_0004 DataVersion: 2079473956 - [1654068987.385820][11050:11055] CHIP:TOO: ProductID: 32769 - [1654068987.385908][11050:11055] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:7653435 on exchange 20545i - disabled: true - - - label: - "Extract the attestation_elements_message structure fields from the - AttestationResponse Command received by TH1 from DUT" - verification: | - To get attestation nonce give below command - echo hex:$(hexdump -vn32 -e'4/4 "%08X" ' /dev/urandom) - - - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials attestation-request hex:3577CA6EFFFC560E287604663AE5BE2F11D1B1CF99BE326AF5B3B114A2E91395 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - - Verify attestation response in TH (chip-tool) Log - - [1658223434.718871][5712:5717] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0001 - [1658223434.718921][5712:5717] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0001 - [1658223434.718981][5712:5717] CHIP:TOO: AttestationResponse: { - [1658223434.719026][5712:5717] CHIP:TOO: attestationElements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signature: 7E18271F57FFC60492CA74943FC897493FB2FECDD4A4DC9F2AD348AAD1F5C57DAEB144A4D1C79419386C746F28AC145F3185C64AD99DD829EE70C3690D29642D - [1658223434.719135][5712:5717] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify that the DUT generated the AttestationResponse has the - following fields: AttestationElements ,AttestationSignature" - verification: | - Verify that the DUT generated the AttestationResponse has the following fields in the TH (Chip-Tool ) log generated from the previous step command - 1. AttestationElements - 2. AttestationSignature - - AttestationResponse: { - [1658223434.719026][5712:5717] CHIP:TOO: attestationElements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signature: 7E18271F57FFC60492CA74943FC897493FB2FECDD4A4DC9F2AD348AAD1F5C57DAEB144A4D1C79419386C746F28AC145F3185C64AD99DD829EE70C3690D29642D - disabled: true - - - label: "Read the attestation_elements_message structure fields" - verification: | - Verify the attestation elements field on TH(chip-tool) Log generated from step 5 - 1. AttestationElements - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify that the attestation_elements_message structure fields satisfy - the following conditions:" - verification: | - Verify that the attestation_elements_message structure fields satisfy the following conditions on TH(chip-tool) Log - 1. AttestationElements field size should not be greater than RESP_MAX(900 bytes) - 2. certification_declaration is present and is an octet string - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "AttestationElements field size should not be greater than - RESP_MAX(900 bytes)" - verification: | - Verify AttestationElements field size should not be greater than RESP_MAX(900 bytes) on TH(chip-tool) log from step 5 - - Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - disabled: true - - - label: - "certification_declaration is present and is an octet string - representation CMS-format certification declaration, as described in - section 6.3.1" - verification: | - Verify certification_declaration is present and is an octet string in TH(chip-tool) log: - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify for the following contents of CD: format_version = 1 ,The - vendor_id field matches the one saved as basic_info_vendor_id saved - earlier ,The vendor_id field is in range [0x0001 .. 0xFFF0] ,The - product_id_array field contains the value of basic_info_product_id - saved earlier ,device_type_id has a value between 0 and (2^31 - 1) - ,security level = 0 ,security_information = 0 ,version_number is an - integer in range 0..65535 ,certification_type has a value between 1..2" - verification: | - Verify for the following contents of CD (certificate declaration) in TH (chip-tool) log: - format_version = 1, - vendor_id matches the basic_info_vendor_id, - product_id_array matches the basic_info_product_id saved earlier, - device_type_id value should between 0 and (2^31 - 1), - certificate_id, - security level = 0, - security_information = 0, - version_number should be in range 0..65535, - certification_type should be between 1..2 - - As per Spec, certification_type value for test_app_all-clusters-app) can be 0 but in real devices the value should be between 1..2 - - Verify if the VID PID info in here matches with the steps above - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "Confirm that either both the fields dac_origin_vendor_id and - dac_origin_product_id are present in Certification Declaration ,Or - confirm both the fields dac_origin_vendor_id and dac_origin_product_id - are not present in the Certification Declaration" - PICS: - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_VENDORID && - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_PRODUCTID - verification: | - Verify dac_origin_vendor_id and dac_origin_product_id are present in Certification Declaration in TH(chip-tool) log: , These are optional parameters, we need not fail the test step if those are not present - - [1655374218.453303][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Elements (585 bytes) = - [1655374218.453366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.453431][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Declaration = - [1655374218.453483][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455342][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Format Version = 1 - [1655374218.455398][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Vendor Id = 65521 - [1655374218.455438][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Ids = - [1655374218.455474][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655374218.455512][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32768 - [1655374218.455552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32769 - [1655374218.455590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32770 - [1655374218.455628][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32771 - [1655374218.455666][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32772 - [1655374218.455704][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32773 - [1655374218.455742][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32774 - [1655374218.455780][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32775 - [1655374218.455818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32776 - [1655374218.455855][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32777 - [1655374218.455893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32778 - [1655374218.455931][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32779 - [1655374218.455969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32780 - [1655374218.456007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32781 - [1655374218.456045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32782 - [1655374218.456082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32783 - [1655374218.456120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32784 - [1655374218.456158][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32785 - [1655374218.456196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32786 - [1655374218.456234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32787 - [1655374218.456271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32788 - [1655374218.456309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32789 - [1655374218.456347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32790 - [1655374218.456385][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32791 - [1655374218.456423][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32792 - [1655374218.456461][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32793 - [1655374218.456498][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32794 - [1655374218.456536][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32795 - [1655374218.456573][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32796 - [1655374218.456611][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32797 - [1655374218.456649][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32798 - [1655374218.456687][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32799 - [1655374218.456724][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32800 - [1655374218.456761][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32801 - [1655374218.456799][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32802 - [1655374218.456836][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32803 - [1655374218.456874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32804 - [1655374218.456912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32805 - [1655374218.456949][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32806 - [1655374218.456987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32807 - [1655374218.457024][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32808 - [1655374218.457061][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32809 - [1655374218.457099][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32810 - [1655374218.457138][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32811 - [1655374218.457175][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32812 - [1655374218.457212][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32813 - [1655374218.457250][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32814 - [1655374218.457288][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32815 - [1655374218.457326][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32816 - [1655374218.457363][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32817 - [1655374218.457401][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32818 - [1655374218.457439][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32819 - [1655374218.457476][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32820 - [1655374218.457514][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32821 - [1655374218.457552][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32822 - [1655374218.457590][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32823 - [1655374218.457627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32824 - [1655374218.457665][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32825 - [1655374218.457702][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32826 - [1655374218.457740][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32827 - [1655374218.457777][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32828 - [1655374218.457833][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32829 - [1655374218.457874][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32830 - [1655374218.457912][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32831 - [1655374218.457950][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32832 - [1655374218.457987][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32833 - [1655374218.458026][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32834 - [1655374218.458063][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32835 - [1655374218.458101][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32836 - [1655374218.458139][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32837 - [1655374218.458177][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32838 - [1655374218.458215][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32839 - [1655374218.458253][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32840 - [1655374218.458291][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32841 - [1655374218.458328][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32842 - [1655374218.458366][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32843 - [1655374218.458404][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32844 - [1655374218.458441][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32845 - [1655374218.458480][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32846 - [1655374218.458517][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32847 - [1655374218.458555][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32848 - [1655374218.458592][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32849 - [1655374218.458630][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32850 - [1655374218.458667][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32851 - [1655374218.458706][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32852 - [1655374218.458743][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32853 - [1655374218.458781][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32854 - [1655374218.458818][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32855 - [1655374218.458856][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32856 - [1655374218.458893][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32857 - [1655374218.458932][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32858 - [1655374218.458969][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32859 - [1655374218.459007][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32860 - [1655374218.459045][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32861 - [1655374218.459082][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32862 - [1655374218.459120][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32863 - [1655374218.459159][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32864 - [1655374218.459196][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32865 - [1655374218.459234][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32866 - [1655374218.459271][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Product Id = 32867 - [1655374218.459309][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459347][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Device Type Id = 22 - [1655374218.459390][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certificate Id (19) = ZIG20142ZB330003-24 - [1655374218.459430][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Level = 0 - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "If the Certification Declaration has both the dac_origin_vendor_id - and the dac_origin_product_id fields then check for the following - conditions: ,The Vendor ID (VID) in the DAC subject and PAI subject - are the same as the dac_origin_vendor_id field in the Certification - Declaration. ,The Product ID (PID) in the DAC subject is same as the - dac_origin_product_id field in the Certification Declaration. ,If it - is present in the PAI certificate, the Product ID (PID) in the subject - is same as the dac_origin_product_id field in the Certification - Declaration" - PICS: - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_VENDORID && - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_PRODUCTID - verification: | - Print the DAC and PAI that you saved earlier using - - openssl x509 -in dac.pem -text - openssl x509 -in pai.pem -text - - The output looks like something below. Pls verify if the VID and PIDs mentioned here are matching with information in CD - Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: 7624014786269105873 (0x69cdf10de9e54ed1) - Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 - Issuer: CN = Matter Dev PAI 0xFFF1 no PID, = FFF1 - Validity - Not Before: Feb 5 00:00:00 2022 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 9999 GMT - Subject: CN = Matter Dev DAC 0xFFF1/0x8001, = FFF1, = 8001 - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey - Public-Key: (256 bit) - pub: - 04:46:3a:c6:93:42:91:0a:0e:55:88:fc:6f:f5:6b: - b6:3e:62:ec:ce:cb:14:8f:7d:4e:b0:3e:e5:52:60: - 14:15:76:7d:16:a5:c6:63:f7:93:e4:91:23:26:0b: - 82:97:a7:cd:7e:7c:fc:7b:31:6b:39:d9:8e:90:d2: - 93:77:73:8e:82 - ASN1 OID: prime256v1 - NIST CURVE: P-256 - X509v3 extensions: - disabled: true - - - label: - "If the Certification Declaration has neither the dac_origin_vendor_id - nor the dac_origin_product_id fields then check for the following - conditions: ,The Vendor ID (VID) in the DAC subject and PAI subject - are the same as the vendor_id field in the Certification - Declaration.,The Product ID (PID) subject DN in the DAC is contained - in the product_id_array field in the Certification Declaration. ,If it - is present in the PAI certificate, the Product ID (PID) in the subject - is contained in the product_id_array field in the Certification - Declaration." - PICS: - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_VENDORID && - MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_ORIGIN_PRODUCTID - verification: | - Verify The Vendor ID (VID) in the DAC subject and PAI subject are the same as the vendor_id field in the Certification Declaration. - To decode the DAC/PAI subject, refer TC-DA-1.7 - step 6 & then verify the vendorID and ProductID is same from the previous step log output. - - - Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: 7624014786269105873 (0x69cdf10de9e54ed1) - Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 - Issuer: CN = Matter Dev PAI 0xFFF1 no PID, = FFF1 - Validity - Not Before: Feb 5 00:00:00 2022 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 9999 GMT - Subject: CN = Matter Dev DAC 0xFFF1/0x8001, = FFF1, = 8001 - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey - Public-Key: (256 bit) - pub: - 04:46:3a:c6:93:42:91:0a:0e:55:88:fc:6f:f5:6b: - b6:3e:62:ec:ce:cb:14:8f:7d:4e:b0:3e:e5:52:60: - 14:15:76:7d:16:a5:c6:63:f7:93:e4:91:23:26:0b: - 82:97:a7:cd:7e:7c:fc:7b:31:6b:39:d9:8e:90:d2: - 93:77:73:8e:82 - ASN1 OID: prime256v1 - NIST CURVE: P-256 - X509v3 extensions: - disabled: true - - - label: - "If the Certification Declaration has authorized_paa_list then check - for the following conditions: The authority key id extension of the - PAI certificate matches the one found in the authorized_paa_list" - PICS: MCORE.DA.CERTDECL_AUTH_PAA - verification: | - The reference applications (all-cluster-app..etc) do not have the authorized_paa_list as it is optional. - - If the authorized_paa_list is available, verify if the PAI chains to PAA using the commands - 1. openssl x509 -in pai.pem -text - 2. openssl x509 -in .pem -text - compare the Authority Key Identifier printed in step1 with the printed in step2. Repeat this to verify on all PAAs. - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify that the certification_declaration CMS enveloped can be - verified with the well-known Certification Declaration public key used - to originally sign the Certification Declaration" - verification: | - Out of scope - disabled: true - - - label: - "attestation_nonce is present in the attestation_elements_message - structure ,attestation_nonce value matches the AttestationNonce field - value sent in the AttestationRequest Command sent by the commissioner - ,attestation_nonce is a 32 byte-long octet string" - verification: | - Verify Attestation Nonce in TH Log: - [1655374218.459470][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Security Information = 0 - [1655374218.459508][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Version Number = 9876 - [1655374218.459546][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Certification Type = 0 - [1655374218.459584][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - [1655374218.459627][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Attestation Nonce (32) = 762B6B9DA08F7FC63BB693E38634EC6F87CEFF28AB1554A16AD43DCEC24C2466 - [1655374218.459664][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: Timestamp = 0 - [1655374218.459699][35023:35028] CHIP:DMG: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "firmware_information is optional, may be present ,if - firmware_information field is present it is a octet string" - PICS: MCORE.DA.ATTESTELEMENT_FW_INFO - verification: | - firmware_information is optional, may be present - disabled: true - - - label: - "Using Crypto_Verify cryptographic primitive, validate that the - AttestationSignature from the AttestationResponse Command is valid if - verified against a message constructed by concatenating - AttestationElements with the attestation challenge associated with the - secure session over which the AttestationResponse was obtained, using - the subject public key found in the DAC." - verification: | - Out of scope, which requires a specific decode tool in chip-cert tool to decode the signature & construct a new message. - disabled: true - - - label: - "Verify that the PAA subject public key and subject match one of the - official PAA certificates found in the Distributed Compliance Ledger." - verification: | - For certification, verify the PAA subject matches one of the official PAA certificates found in DCL. To get the PAA subject public key from the test PAA stored in TH, use the command below. For cert, Extract the subject public key in a similar way and compare if it matches with the certs stored in DCL. - - $openssl x509 -in credentials/development/paa-root-certs/Chip-Test-PAA-FFF1-Cert.pem -text - Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: 5668035430391749660 (0x4ea8e83182d41c1c) - Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 - Issuer: CN = Matter Test PAA, = FFF1 - Validity - Not Before: Jun 28 14:23:43 2021 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 9999 GMT - Subject: CN = Matter Test PAA, = FFF1 - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey - Public-Key: (256 bit) - pub: - 04:b6:cb:63:72:88:7f:29:28:f5:ba:c8:1a:a9:d9: - 3a:e2:43:1c:ad:a9:d7:9e:24:2f:65:17:7e:f9:ce: - d9:32:a2:8e:cd:03:ba:af:6a:8f:ca:18:4a:1a:50: - 35:42:96:0d:45:3f:30:3f:1f:19:42:1d:75:1e:8f: - 8f:1a:9a:9b:75 - ASN1 OID: prime256v1 - NIST CURVE: P-256 - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical - CA:TRUE, pathlen:1 - X509v3 Key Usage: critical - Certificate Sign, CRL Sign - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - 6A:FD:22:77:1F:51:1F:EC:BF:16:41:97:67:10:DC:DC:31:A1:71:7E - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:6A:FD:22:77:1F:51:1F:EC:BF:16:41:97:67:10:DC:DC:31:A1:71:7E - - Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 - 30:44:02:20:50:aa:80:02:f4:d9:32:a9:a0:05:38:f6:53:68: - ad:0f:ff:c8:ef:bb:c9:be:b7:da:56:98:35:cf:9a:a7:51:0e: - 02:20:23:ba:c8:fe:0f:23:e7:54:45:b6:53:39:08:1a:47:99: - 49:29:c7:2a:af:0a:15:48:d4:0d:03:4d:51:4b:25:de - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends AttestationRequestCommand with Invalid AttestationNonce - (size> 32 bytes) as the field to the DUT." - verification: | - Verify INVALID_COMMAND error when Attestation Request sent with attestation nonce >32 byte in TH(chip-tool) Log: - - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials attestation-request 762B6B9DA08F7FC63BB693E38634EC6F87CEFF28AB1554A16AD43DCEC24C2466A16AD43DCEC24C2466 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - [1655984597.150863][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1655984597.150923][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.150981][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1655984597.151042][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1655984597.151117][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1655984597.151177][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1655984597.151255][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151318][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB = - [1655984597.151404][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151475][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1655984597.151561][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151644][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1655984597.151729][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3e, - [1655984597.151812][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x0, - [1655984597.151890][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.151978][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152050][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1655984597.152127][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.152216][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND), - [1655984597.152297][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152377][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152449][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152527][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152593][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152666][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152723][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1655984597.152794][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152852][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1655984597.152908][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.153037][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0000 Status=0x85 - [1655984597.153112][23339:23344] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x00000585: General error: 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND) - [1655984597.153256][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends AttestationRequestCommand with invalid AttestationNonce - (size < 32 bytes) as the field to the DUT." - verification: | - Verify INVALID_COMMAND error when Attestation Request sent with attestation nonce <32 byte in TH(chip-tool) Log: - - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials attestation-request 762B6B9DA08F7FC63BB693E38634EC6F87CEFF28AB1554A1 1 0 --trace_decode 1 - - - [1655984597.150863][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1655984597.150923][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.150981][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1655984597.151042][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1655984597.151117][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1655984597.151177][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1655984597.151255][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151318][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB = - [1655984597.151404][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151475][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1655984597.151561][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.151644][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1655984597.151729][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3e, - [1655984597.151812][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x0, - [1655984597.151890][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.151978][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152050][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1655984597.152127][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: { - [1655984597.152216][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND), - [1655984597.152297][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152377][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152449][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152527][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152593][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.152666][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152723][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1655984597.152794][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: - [1655984597.152852][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1655984597.152908][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1655984597.153037][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0000 Status=0x85 - [1655984597.153112][23339:23344] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x00000585: General error: 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND) - [1655984597.153256][23339:23344] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_5.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 392fc33f64ad12..00000000000000 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DA_1_5.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,318 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default - -name: 4.1.5. [TC-DA-1.5] NOCSR Procedure Validation [DUT - Commissionee] - -PICS: - - MCORE.ROLE.COMMISSIONEE - -config: - nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" - endpoint: 0 - -tests: - - label: "TH1 fully commissions the DUT" - verification: | - sudo ./chip-all-clusters-app --wifi --trace_decode 1 - - Verify in TH log: - ./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1 zigbeehome matter123 20202021 3841 --trace_decode 1 - - [1650455358.501816][4366:4371] CHIP:TOO: Device commissioning completed with success - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 establishes a CASE session to the DUT and saves the attestation - challenge as attestation_challenge" - verification: | - Verify case session is established on TH(chip-tool) log: - - [1657081321.112631][2354:2359] CHIP:CTL: Operational credentials provisioned on device 0xffff68000b60 - [1657081321.112706][2354:2359] CHIP:TOO: Secure Pairing Success - [1657081321.112756][2354:2359] CHIP:TOO: CASE establishment successful - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends a CertificateChainRequest command with the CertificateType - field set to DACCertificate." - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials certificate-chain-request 1 1 0 - - Verify CertificateChainResponse on TH(chip-tool) log: - - [1658393690.991117][3329:3334] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003 - [1658393690.991168][3329:3334] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0003 - [1658393690.991226][3329:3334] CHIP:TOO: CertificateChainResponse: { - [1658393690.991273][3329:3334] CHIP:TOO: certificate: 308201E73082018EA003020102020869CDF10DE9E54ED1300A06082A8648CE3D040302303D3125302306035504030C1C4D6174746572204465762050414920307846464631206E6F2050494431143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C04464646313020170D3232303230353030303030305A180F39393939313233313233353935395A30533125302306035504030C1C4D61747465722044657620444143203078464646312F30783830303131143012060A2B0601040182A27C02010C044646463131143012060A2B0601040182A27C02020C04383030313059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D03010703420004463AC69342910A0E5588FC6FF56BB63E62ECCECB148F7D4EB03EE552601415767D16A5C663F793E49123260B8297A7CD7E7CFC7B316B39D98E90D29377738E82A360305E300C0603551D130101FF04023000300E0603551D0F0101FF040403020780301D0603551D0E0416041488DDE7B300382932CFF734C04624810F44168A6F301F0603551D2304183016801463540E47F64B1C38D13884A462D16C195D8FFB3C300A06082A8648CE3D040302 - [1658393690.991320][3329:3334] CHIP:TOO: ...........: 034700304402200127A27B4B44610EE2FCDC4D2B7885563660BC0F76F17219ED6A08DFB2B3C1CD02206B59E0AF45F3EB2A85B919D35731528C6028C415239545E108E4E54E70971353 - [1658393690.991346][3329:3334] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends an ArmFailSafe command to the General Commissioning cluster - with the ExpiryLengthSeconds field set to 900" - verification: | - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning arm-fail-safe 900 0 1 0 - - Verify ArmFailSafeResponse on TH(chip-tool) log : - [1658393763.804225][3345:3350] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 - [1658393763.804288][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Command 0x0000_0001 - [1658393763.804376][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: ArmFailSafeResponse: { - [1658393763.804424][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: errorCode: 0 - [1658393763.804459][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: debugText: - [1658393763.804491][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends a CSRRequest command to the Node Operational Credentials - cluster with the CSRNonce set to a random 32-bit value. The nonce is - saved as csr_nonce" - verification: | - To get csr nonce give below command 2 times - echo hex:$(hexdump -vn32 -e'4/4 "%08X" ' /dev/urandom) - - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials csrrequest hex:AFB3070A828B7A9CABEE888688F867683C084E6E4B3F13CDEDF17EEF05A9F352 1 0 - - Verify CSRResponse on TH(chip-tool) log: - [1658393935.238621][3359:3364] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0005 - [1658393935.238726][3359:3364] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0005 - [1658393935.238839][3359:3364] CHIP:TOO: CSRResponse: { - [1658393935.238934][3359:3364] CHIP:TOO: NOCSRElements: 153001CA3081C73070020100300E310C300A060355040A0C034353523059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D030107034200042FBE8D29DDEE1E3D50CD0FA26973E48139D926BA24935135D74754C253B5EE3BC8BBD5A573A1739D165B610A76E3B96ADE73077525DC5CE82D943149D993D778A000300A06082A8648CE3D040302034700304402207D15FC74935F08AD5CCB0FDBE6EF65DC82442F798643704B2E351929CB454C1302204EF3EC9727829DBDDFDF9F54D3004257C1823F02BAD7D1D792BE94929BA27068300220AFB3070A828B7A9CABEE888688F867683C084E6E4B3F13CDEDF17EEF05A9F35218 - [1658393935.239019][3359:3364] CHIP:TOO: attestationSignature: DE28DAD8ED0056DAD966A2E0EB53C5117E842380B64EF627F14FCE02C31022DDCBA0C5179BB1E2C65FF7FB2CDA4C0F9568D713B433F050E7E4A3AA5BEEBA5C5D - [1658393935.239079][3359:3364] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 extracts extracts the TLV-encoded nocsr_elements_message from - nocsr_elements and saves the following fields: csr is saved as csr - CSRNonce is saved as csr_nonce_returned if present, vendor_reserved - fields are saved as vendor1, vendor2 and vendor3" - verification: | - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 creates nocsr_tbs = nosr_elements_message || - attestation_challenge" - verification: | - - disabled: true - - - label: - "if vendor_reserved fields are present in the noscr_elements_message, - TH1 verifies that attestation_challenge does not appear in any of the - vendor fields" - verification: | - - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends an ArmFailSafe command to the General Commissioning cluster - with the ExpiryLengthSeconds field set to 0" - verification: | - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning arm-fail-safe 0 0 1 0 - - Verify ArmFailSafeResponse on TH(chip-tool) log : - - [1658394142.961248][3378:3383] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 - [1658394142.961297][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Command 0x0000_0001 - [1658394142.961363][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: ArmFailSafeResponse: { - [1658394142.961401][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: errorCode: 0 - [1658394142.961427][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: debugText: - [1658394142.961451][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends an ArmFailSafe command to the General Commissioning cluster - with the ExpiryLengthSeconds field set to 900" - verification: | - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning arm-fail-safe 900 0 1 0 - - Verify ArmFailSafeResponse on TH(chip-tool) log : - - [1658393763.804225][3345:3350] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 - [1658393763.804288][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Command 0x0000_0001 - [1658393763.804376][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: ArmFailSafeResponse: { - [1658393763.804424][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: errorCode: 0 - [1658393763.804459][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: debugText: - [1658393763.804491][3345:3350] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends a CSRRequest command to the Node Operational Credentials - cluster with the CSRNonce set to a random 31-bit value." - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials csrrequest hex:AFB3070A828B7A9CABEE888688F867683C084E6E4B3F13CDEDF17EEF05A9 1 0 - - Verify General error INVALID_COMMAND in TH(chip-tool) log: - [1658394196.798739][3387:3392] CHIP:EM: Removed CHIP MessageCounter:192677922 from RetransTable on exchange 13029i - [1658394196.798787][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [ResponseRe] - [1658394196.798859][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1658394196.798899][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: { - [1658394196.798939][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1658394196.798980][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1658394196.799031][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1658394196.799071][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1658394196.799123][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: { - [1658394196.799166][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB = - [1658394196.799220][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: { - [1658394196.799269][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1658394196.799324][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: { - [1658394196.799378][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1658394196.799436][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3e, - [1658394196.799487][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x4, - [1658394196.799540][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1658394196.799597][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: - [1658394196.799646][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1658394196.799705][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: { - [1658394196.799760][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND), - [1658394196.799809][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1658394196.799863][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: - [1658394196.799907][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1658394196.799962][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: - [1658394196.800003][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1658394196.800048][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: - [1658394196.800089][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1658394196.800138][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: - [1658394196.800179][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1658394196.800218][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1658394196.800310][3387:3392] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0004 Status=0x85 - [1658394196.800362][3387:3392] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x00000585: General error: 0x85 (INVALID_COMMAND) - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends an ArmFailSafe command to the General Commissioning cluster - with the ExpiryLengthSeconds field set to 0" - verification: | - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning arm-fail-safe 0 0 1 0 - - Verify ArmFailSafeResponse in TH(chip-tool) log : - - [1658394142.961248][3378:3383] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 - [1658394142.961297][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Command 0x0000_0001 - [1658394142.961363][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: ArmFailSafeResponse: { - [1658394142.961401][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: errorCode: 0 - [1658394142.961427][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: debugText: - [1658394142.961451][3378:3383] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH1 sends the OpenCommissioningWindow command to the Administrator - Commissioning Cluster" - verification: | - ./chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 1 1 400 2000 3840 - - Verify manual pairing code on TH(chip-tool) log - - [1658394279.082812][3401:3407] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0000 Status=0x0 - [1658394279.082900][3401:3407] CHIP:CTL: Successfully opened pairing window on the device - [1658394279.083050][3401:3407] CHIP:CTL: Manual pairing code: [34941319897] - [1658394279.083123][3401:3407] CHIP:CTL: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN0046C346Q00] - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 fully commissions the DUT" - verification: | - ./chip-tool pairing code 2 34941319897 --trace_decode 1 --commissioner-name beta - - Verify TH2 is commissioned successfully on TH2(chip-tool) log: - [1658394409.242162][2474:2479] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0005 - [1658394409.242204][2474:2479] CHIP:CTL: Received CommissioningComplete response, errorCode=0 - [1658394409.242237][2474:2479] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendComplete' - [1658394409.242256][2474:2479] CHIP:CTL: Commissioning stage next step: 'SendComplete' -> 'Cleanup' - [1658394409.242284][2474:2479] CHIP:CTL: Performing next commissioning step 'Cleanup' - [1658394409.242352][2474:2479] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step 'Cleanup' - [1658394409.242379][2474:2479] CHIP:TOO: Device commissioning completed with success - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH2 reads the NOCs attribute from the Node Operational Credentials - cluster using a non-fabric-scoped read" - verification: | - ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read nocs 2 0 --commissioner-name beta - - Verify that there are two element in the list on TH2(chip-tool) log: - [1658394451.122862][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 1660110007 - [1658394451.126674][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: NOCs: 1 entries - [1658394451.126806][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: [1]: { - [1658394451.126866][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: Noc: 1530010101240201370324130118260480228127260580254D3A370624150124110218240701240801300941044E83053B651DE61CBF12BF9985EB9F08B6027267330A99B0C6D4908BFA69B64EE6FDCF58099E1A9A7CF1F3F78E9819B0A37DD7FA0EC681A3F0185A6963C8F440370A3501280118240201360304020401183004142FA4D652AF0AE10C2524F9B8135789067AB12C0530051471CD75125F58343AB938D5E7FFF756513202DD4718300B40E122E65E535644AEC6E925454FC5449A0D44D59F8B12E8C4F91D62D46EA36B096CD32839A069E5C6717D3E6427DDCBD3B60F269E4F9B3EDD5CA9C63248E4404318 - [1658394451.126920][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: Icac: 1530010100240201370324140018260480228127260580254D3A370624130118240701240801300941042204D0536F627FA5BD614A759A1B03F12B45EF510926C6897E5EFBFC263D551800C994919D62DFEED0941808E860BF0DD5D08DD013D336A02B3F1C73EE1EE9C4370A350129011824026030041471CD75125F58343AB938D5E7FFF756513202DD47300514647BA1BD05420303B682E0DEC48CBFAD266ABD4018300B401C902597E6EE95C2A64DEC9557E569AC24F153288E06166372FC65A710C555360E279B35C62958B2F9962E9F7BFF4EFA650086B1689EA1577C4D0952A67A8B3618 - [1658394451.129310][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 2 - [1658394451.129412][2491:2496] CHIP:TOO: } - disabled: true - - - label: "TH2 extracts the pubic key from noc1 and noc2" - verification: | - Verify both public key of noc1 and noc 2 are different in TH (all-clusters-app) - - To extract public key follow the below step - 1. Copy the NOCVALUE of TH1 in commissioning log of TH1 - 2. save it in a file - 3. give below command to get public key - ./out/debug/chip-cert print-cert noc_1.txt --commissioner-name beta - - ---> The extracted public key of noc1 is - CHIP Certificate: - Signature Algo : ECDSAWithSHA256 - Issuer : [[ MatterICACId = 0000000000000001 ]] - Not Before : 0x27812280 ( 2021/01/01 00:00:00 ) - Not After : 0x3A4D2580 ( 2030/12/30 00:00:00 ) - Subject : [[ MatterFabricId = 0000000000000001, - MatterNodeId = 0000000000000001 ]] - Public Key Algo : ECPublicKey - Curve Id : prime256v1 - Public Key : 04 C0 DC A5 A0 B5 83 94 6B 14 5C 8D B4 B7 99 5E - CA 0B B1 55 A8 1A 8B C2 C0 E0 82 48 81 C3 4E 28 - AC 14 AD 2E 9E 96 B1 63 4D D4 D1 1B 80 F4 5D C4 - 5B F5 12 33 EC 9F E7 6F 37 11 F4 EF 8E 78 54 26 - E9 - Extensions: - Key Usage : DigitalSignature - Key Purpose : ServerAuth ClientAuth - Subject Key Id : 8A A3 C2 61 7A D4 D9 58 8A 44 8B E4 8E D7 F0 97 00 C3 48 1E - Authority Key Id : F7 EC B4 D1 CB 3F 1B 16 6A 6C EE 7E 70 A9 2A 8B 3A 39 5C 60 - Signature : 30 49 D3 0F 18 29 E6 B6 A2 89 1E D8 DF 2A 12 33 - 50 C2 C8 6F 78 2D AA 37 AF A1 C9 4A 95 56 78 CD - BA D5 4F AC 3F F0 81 6E 0B D3 E0 BE C9 7E 8E FE - FB 7A 28 67 8E BA 58 8F D9 74 F1 4D C4 82 C5 F4 - - - - - --->Follow the same steps for noc2 - The generated public key for noc2 is - CHIP Certificate: - Signature Algo : ECDSAWithSHA256 - Issuer : [[ MatterICACId = 0000000000000001 ]] - Not Before : 0x27812280 ( 2021/01/01 00:00:00 ) - Not After : 0x3A4D2580 ( 2030/12/30 00:00:00 ) - Subject : [[ MatterFabricId = 0000000000000001, - MatterNodeId = 0000000000000002 ]] - Public Key Algo : ECPublicKey - Curve Id : prime256v1 - Public Key : 04 C8 25 0C E9 78 6E EC 37 84 38 37 2A 32 09 29 - 7D 4B 62 4B 73 35 89 0F F8 99 9E 65 ED 17 4C BE - 12 5F 71 FD A9 78 E2 09 CF CD 88 E4 89 32 70 DF - 1A 27 A7 A0 93 0F F0 99 C1 B9 74 43 B3 BC 8D B2 - 70 - Extensions: - Key Usage : DigitalSignature - Key Purpose : ServerAuth ClientAuth - Subject Key Id : 6E 2E D0 9A 98 D0 E4 5D 61 F1 A5 0B 6D A4 83 8D 25 84 DC 8F - Authority Key Id : 71 CD 75 12 5F 58 34 3A B9 38 D5 E7 FF F7 56 51 32 02 DD 47 - Signature : 0E 91 72 11 7F 5F 7C F5 E5 35 4C 29 80 54 CB 63 - 9B CC 7B B9 9D AD 1A E2 01 30 C0 F8 BA 19 30 24 - 35 73 D1 1C BC DA 98 35 17 4D E0 ED F1 6B 01 4D - 62 AC 64 A5 CE 21 CB 2D 2B D2 22 FE 52 92 30 F9 - disabled: true diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DESC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DESC_1_1.yaml index d21203edc47941..b9915d5645ac7a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DESC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DESC_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: DESC.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: DESC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: DESC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool descriptor read event-list 1 0 @@ -124,13 +124,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool descriptor read accepted-command-list 1 0 @@ -150,13 +151,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool descriptor read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_1_1.yaml index d5b36838f78512..5471c6dc125c74 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: " !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: DGETH.S.F00 && DGETH.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0001 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ tests: contains: [1] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0002 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature + "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0003 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature + "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0004 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ tests: contains: [4] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature + "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0005 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ tests: contains: [5] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature + "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0006 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -150,7 +152,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [6] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0007 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -159,7 +162,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [7] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList" PICS: DGETH.S.A0008 && DGETH.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -170,8 +174,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4k: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -213,13 +217,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read event-list 1 0 Verify " EventList attribute " consists the list of supported events, which for this cluster should be an empty list on the TH(Chip-tool) Log: @@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: ( DGETH.S.F00 || DGETH.S.F01 ) && DGETH.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -249,7 +253,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.Afff9 && !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -259,10 +263,10 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -287,13 +291,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_1.yaml index 51c0a686d8c781..01a43c0b146f90 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read PHYRate attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 2: Read PHYRate attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "Read FullDuplex attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 3: Read FullDuplex attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FullDuplex" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: type: boolean #issue #13648 - - label: "Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 4a: Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketRxCount" @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets - received on ethernet network interface" + "Step 4b: Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of + packets received on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read packet-rx-count 1 0 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 5a: Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketTxCount" @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets - received on ethernet network interface" + "Step 5b: Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of + packets received on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read packet-tx-count 1 0 @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read TxErrCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 6a: Read TxErrCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrCount" @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number - of failed packet transmission on ethernet network interface" + "Step 6b: Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates + the number of failed packet transmission on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read tx-err-count 1 0 @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read CollisionCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 7a: Read CollisionCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CollisionCount" @@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the - number of collision occurred while transmitting packets on ethernet - network interface" + "Step 7b: Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value + indicates the number of collision occurred while transmitting packets + on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read collision-count 1 0 @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read OverrunCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 8a: Read OverrunCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" @@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the - number of packets dropped due to lack of buffer memory on ethernet + "Step 8b: Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates + the number of packets dropped due to lack of buffer memory on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read overrun-count 1 0 @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 9a: Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CarrierDetect" @@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ tests: type: boolean - label: - "Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates the - presence of carrier detect control signal on ethernet network + "Step 9b: Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates + the presence of carrier detect control signal on ethernet network interface" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read carrier-detect 1 0 @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 10a: Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints" PICS: DGETH.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TimeSinceReset" @@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value indicates the - duration of time, in minutes" + "Step 10b: Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value + indicates the duration of time, in minutes" verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read time-since-reset 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_2.yaml index 8a5f74d70700bd..8751ef754a552f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGETH_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.1: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.2: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.3: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.4: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.5: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.6: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.7: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.8: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.9: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a.10: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PHYRate" @@ -131,35 +131,35 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketRxCount" response: saveAs: PacketRxCountValue - - label: "TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketTxCount" response: saveAs: PacketTxCountValue - - label: "TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrCount" response: saveAs: TxErrCountValue - - label: "TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CollisionCount" response: saveAs: CollisionCountValue - - label: "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" @@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ tests: saveAs: OverrunCountValue #issue #13648 - - label: "Sends ResetCounts command" + - label: "Step 2g: Sends ResetCounts command" PICS: DGETH.S.C00.Rsp command: "ResetCounts" # - - label: "TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2h: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0002 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read packet-rx-count 1 0 @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tests: value: "y" # - - label: "TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2i: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0003 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | ./chip-tool ethernetnetworkdiagnostics read packet-tx-count 1 0 @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2j: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrCount" @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: TxErrCountValue - - label: "TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2k: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CollisionCount" @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: CollisionCountValue - - label: "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2l: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGETH.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1.yaml index f60c8eaaa1e7b5..34afce0b702232 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 8, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0002 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0003 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4d: Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0004 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4e: Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0005 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4f: Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0006 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -104,7 +109,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [6] - - label: "Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4g: Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGGEN.S.A0007 && DGGEN.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -115,8 +122,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -157,7 +164,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -166,7 +173,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5b: Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -175,7 +182,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5c: Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -184,7 +191,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList" + - label: "Step 5d: Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -194,13 +201,13 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5e: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY + contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool generaldiagnostics read event-list 1 0 @@ -224,7 +231,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DGGEN.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -234,10 +241,10 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -263,13 +270,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool generaldiagnostics read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1.yaml index c4ae78848fd361..ef5aa7eeca2010 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT." PICS: DGGEN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NetworkInterfaces" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT." PICS: DGGEN.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RebootCount" @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 3a: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 3c: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 3d: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some - arbitrary start time of DUT rebooting." + "Step 4: DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT + since some arbitrary start time of DUT rebooting." PICS: DGGEN.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UpTime" @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFE - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 6a: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" command: "Reboot" @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT." + - label: "Step 6: TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT." PICS: DGGEN.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BootReason" @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 6 #issue #13029 - - label: "TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT." verification: | This is optional attribute implemented in RPI, may vary based on DUT implementation on TH(chip-tool) log @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT." + - label: "Step 8: TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT." verification: | This is optional attribute implemented in RPI, may vary based on DUT implementation on TH(chip-tool) log @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT." verification: | This is optional attribute implemented in RPI, may vary based on DUT implementation on TH(chip-tool) log @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value" + - label: "Step 10: TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value" verification: | ./chip-tool generaldiagnostics read test-event-triggers-enabled 1 0 On TH(chip-tool), Verify that TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value should be data type bool on TH(chip-tool) log diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGSW_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGSW_1_1.yaml index 73cc3b74c5f943..f67ce21c7d8233 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGSW_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGSW_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: DGSW.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: " !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: DGSW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList" PICS: DGSW.S.A0000 && DGSW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -79,7 +80,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGSW.S.A0001 && DGSW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -88,7 +91,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGSW.S.A0002 && DGSW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -98,8 +103,8 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent + attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList" PICS: ( DGSW.S.F00 || DGSW.S.A0003 ) && DGSW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -110,8 +115,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4f: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -157,7 +162,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: " !DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -167,13 +172,13 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5c: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY + contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool softwarediagnostics read event-list 1 0 @@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: " !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -212,10 +217,10 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -240,13 +245,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool softwarediagnostics read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1.yaml index 6722198b5d5a18..6749582c981195 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: " !DGTHREAD.S.F00 && !DGTHREAD.S.F01 && !DGTHREAD.S.F02 && !DGTHREAD.S.F03 " @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3d: Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4] - label: - "Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3e: Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in - attributeList" + "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) + in attributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0006 && DGTHREAD.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ tests: contains: [6] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in - attributeList" + "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent attribute + (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ tests: contains: [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in - attributeList" + "Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent attribute + (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -197,7 +197,9 @@ tests: 55, ] - - label: "Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0038 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -206,7 +208,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [56] - - label: "Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in + AttributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0039 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [57] - - label: "Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A003a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -224,7 +228,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [58] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: " !DGTHREAD.S.E00 && !DGTHREAD.S.E01 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -233,7 +237,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList" + - label: + "Step 5b: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -242,7 +247,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in EventList" + - label: + "Step 5c: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in + EventList" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -251,7 +258,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: " !DGTHREAD.S.F01 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -260,7 +267,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -269,7 +276,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1.yaml index 971f85b19aa1a9..92f50b358ea19c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads Channel attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads Channel attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Channel" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads RoutingRole attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads RoutingRole attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RoutingRole" @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 6 - label: - "TH reads Network Name attribute value from DUT and Verify that - Network name is of the type string" + "Step 4a: TH reads Network Name attribute value from DUT and Verify + that Network name is of the type string" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NetworkName" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ tests: type: char_string - label: - "Read NetworkName attribute from DUT and verify response value, If - value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" + "Step 4b: Read NetworkName attribute from DUT and verify response + value, If value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read network-name 54 0 @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads PanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that PanId is of - the type uint16" + "Step 5a: TH reads PanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that + PanId is of the type uint16" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PanId" @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Read PanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is - NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" + "Step 5b: Read PanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If + value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read pan-id 54 0 @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads ExtendedPanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that - ExtendedPanId is of the type uint64" + "Step 6a: TH reads ExtendedPanId attribute value from DUT and Verify + that ExtendedPanId is of the type uint64" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ExtendedPanId" @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "Read ExtendedPanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If - value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" + "Step 6b: Read ExtendedPanId attribute from DUT and verify response + value, If value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read extended-pan-id 54 0 @@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ tests: #issue #18144 - label: - "Read MeshLocalPrefix attribute from DUT and verify response value, If - value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" + "Step 7: Read MeshLocalPrefix attribute from DUT and verify response + value, If value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set to 1" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read mesh-local-prefix 54 0 @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 8a: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0006 && DGTHREAD.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" @@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ tests: type: int64u - label: - "read OverrunCount attribute from DUT and verify response value, If - the Overruncount is greater than zero or not" + "Step 8b: Read OverrunCount attribute from DUT and verify response + value, If the Overruncount is greater than zero or not" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read overrun-count 54 0 @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ tests: #issue #14097 - label: - "read NeighborTableList attribute from DUT and Verify that the + "Step 9: Read NeighborTableList attribute from DUT and Verify that the NeighborTable List size is Zero or greater and verify each node types" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read neighbor-table 54 0 @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read RouteTable attribute from DUT and Verify that the RouteTableList - List size is Zero or greater and verify each node types" + "Step 10: Read RouteTable attribute from DUT and Verify that the + RouteTableList List size is Zero or greater and verify each node types" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read route-table 54 0 @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads PartitionId attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH reads PartitionId attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartitionId" @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int32u - - label: "TH reads Weighting attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 12: TH reads Weighting attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Weighting" @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads DataVersion attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads DataVersion attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DataVersion" @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads StableDataVersion attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 14: TH reads StableDataVersion attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StableDataVersion" @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads LeaderRouterId attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 15: TH reads LeaderRouterId attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LeaderRouterId" @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads DetachedRoleCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 16: TH reads DetachedRoleCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000e && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DetachedRoleCount" @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads ChildRoleCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads ChildRoleCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A000f && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChildRoleCount" @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads RouterRoleCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 18: TH reads RouterRoleCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0010 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RouterRoleCount" @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads LeaderRoleCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 19: TH reads LeaderRoleCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0011 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LeaderRoleCount" @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads AttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 20: TH reads AttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0012 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttachAttemptCount" @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads PartitionIdChangeCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 21: TH reads PartitionIdChangeCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0013 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PartitionIdChangeCount" @@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "TH reads BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT" + "Step 22: TH reads BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount attribute value + from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0014 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount" @@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads ParentChangeCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 23: TH reads ParentChangeCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0015 && DGTHREAD.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ParentChangeCount" @@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads ActiveTimestamp attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 24: TH reads ActiveTimestamp attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0038 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveTimestamp" @@ -423,7 +424,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int64u - - label: "TH reads PendingTimestamp attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 25: TH reads PendingTimestamp attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0039 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PendingTimestamp" @@ -431,7 +432,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int64u - - label: "TH reads Delay attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 26: TH reads Delay attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A003a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Delay" @@ -443,8 +444,8 @@ tests: #issue #14097 - label: - "Read SecurityPolicy struct attribute from DUT and Verify the each - field" + "Step 27: Read SecurityPolicy struct attribute from DUT and Verify the + each field" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read security-policy 54 0 @@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads ChannelPage0Mask attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 28: TH reads ChannelPage0Mask attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A003c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChannelPage0Mask" @@ -481,8 +482,8 @@ tests: #issue #14097 - label: - "Read OperationalDatasetComponents struct attribute from DUT and - Verify the each field" + "Step 29: Read OperationalDatasetComponents struct attribute from DUT + and Verify the each field" verification: | ./chip-tool threadnetworkdiagnostics read operational-dataset-components 54 0 @@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #issue #18145 - - label: "TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 30: TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A003e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveNetworkFaultsList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2.yaml index f69150ae0b54e4..6caa22fe001625 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads TxTotalCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads TxTotalCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxTotalCount" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads TxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxUnicastCount" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads TxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxBroadcastCount" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads TxAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxAckRequestedCount" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxAckedCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads TxAckedCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxAckedCount" @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxNoAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads TxNoAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxNoAckRequestedCount" @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxDataCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH reads TxDataCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxDataCount" @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 9: TH reads TxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxDataPollCount" @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 10: TH reads TxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxBeaconCount" @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH reads TxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A001f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxBeaconRequestCount" @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxOtherCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 12: TH reads TxOtherCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0020 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxOtherCount" @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxRetryCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads TxRetryCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxRetryCount" @@ -152,7 +152,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: + "Step 14: TH reads TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from + DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0022 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount" @@ -162,7 +164,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: + "Step 15: TH reads TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from + DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0023 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount" @@ -172,7 +176,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxErrCcaCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 16: TH reads TxErrCcaCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0024 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrCcaCount" @@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxErrAbortCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads TxErrAbortCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0025 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrAbortCount" @@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads TxErrBusyChannelCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 18: TH reads TxErrBusyChannelCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0026 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TxErrBusyChannelCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3.yaml index ad95f6dcc17dbb..68c08857910b5d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads RxTotalCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads RxTotalCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0027 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxTotalCount" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads RxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0028 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxUnicastCount" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads RxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxBroadcastCount" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxDataCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads RxDataCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxDataCount" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads RxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxDataPollCount" @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads RxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxBeaconCount" @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH reads RxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxBeaconRequestCount" @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxOtherCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 9: TH reads RxOtherCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxOtherCount" @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxAddressFilteredCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 10: TH reads RxAddressFilteredCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A002f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxAddressFilteredCount" @@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxDestAddrFilteredCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: + "Step 11: TH reads RxDestAddrFilteredCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxDestAddrFilteredCount" @@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxDuplicatedCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 12: TH reads RxDuplicatedCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxDuplicatedCount" @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxErrNoFrameCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 13: TH reads RxErrNoFrameCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0032 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrNoFrameCount" @@ -152,7 +153,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxErrUnknownNeighborCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: + "Step 14: TH reads RxErrUnknownNeighborCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrUnknownNeighborCount" @@ -163,8 +165,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - label: - "TH reads RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount attribute value from DUT and verify - data type" + "Step 15: TH reads RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount attribute value from DUT + and verify data type" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0034 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount" @@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxErrSecCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 16: TH reads RxErrSecCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0035 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrSecCount" @@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxErrFcsCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 17: TH reads RxErrFcsCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0036 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrFcsCount" @@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "TH reads RxErrOtherCount attribute value from DUT" + - label: "Step 18: TH reads RxErrOtherCount attribute value from DUT" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0037 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RxErrOtherCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4.yaml index dc78f758aacc18..a3bc084cc305b3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Sends ResetCounts command" + - label: "Step 2: Sends ResetCounts command" command: "ResetCounts" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.C00.Rsp - - label: "Read the Overruncount attribute" + - label: "Step 3: Read the Overruncount attribute" PICS: DGTHREAD.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1.yaml index 9722ffedcc08ac..494794fef7d368 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: ( !DGWIFI.S.F00 && !DGWIFI.S.F01 ) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3b: Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGWIFI.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: DGWIFI.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ tests: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList - from DUT" + "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in + attributeList from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ tests: contains: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList - from DUT" + "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in + attributeList from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ tests: contains: [5, 12] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from - DUT" + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in + AttributeList from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [11] - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: " !DGWIFI.S.F01 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in + "Step 5b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: " !DGWIFI.S.E00 && !DGWIFI.S.E01 && !DGWIFI.S.E02 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -149,7 +149,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList from DUT" + - label: + "Step 7b: TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList + from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -159,8 +161,8 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in EventList from - DUT" + "Step 7c: TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in + EventList from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -170,7 +172,8 @@ tests: contains: [1] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList from DUT" + "Step 7d: TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList + from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.E02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1.yaml index eec22898a710b0..4130f148182ea7 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BSSID" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: type: octet_string #issue #13645 - - label: "Reads SecurityType attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 3: Reads SecurityType attribute constraints" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SecurityType" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: enum8 - - label: "Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 4: Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiFiVersion" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 5 - - label: "Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 5: Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChannelNumber" @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads RSSI attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 6: Reads RSSI attribute constraints" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RSSI" @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ tests: minValue: -120 maxValue: 0 - - label: "Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 7: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BeaconLostCount" @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 8: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints" PICS: DGWIFI.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BeaconRxCount" @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 9: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketMulticastRxCount" @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 10: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketMulticastTxCount" @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 11: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketUnicastRxCount" @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 12: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketUnicastTxCount" @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 13: Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentMaxRate" @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int64u - - label: "Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints" + - label: "Step 14: Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OverrunCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3.yaml index b113ca91929c11..ff9ee8778a6ccb 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ tests: #issue #13645 # Also, ResetCounts may not work on some platforms yet? # And on Linux since we don't have actual Wi-Fi these error out. - - label: "TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp command: "ResetCounts" - - label: "Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BeaconLostCount" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BeaconRxCount" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketMulticastRxCount" @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketMulticastTxCount" @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketUnicastRxCount" @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PacketUnicastTxCount" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DLOG_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DLOG_1_1.yaml index aed9bc9466e304..a1e3b2061764c3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DLOG_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DLOG_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: DLOG.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TTH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: DLOG.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TTH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: DLOG.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: TTH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 4b: TTH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY + contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool diagnosticlogs read event-list 1 0 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DLOG.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6b: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" PICS: DLOG.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -172,13 +172,14 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7b: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The + list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier + (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed + MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool diagnosticlogs read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_1_1.yaml index 5d407661f71218..ff4790b6d922e5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.F02 && !DRLK.S.F04 && !DRLK.S.F05 && !DRLK.S.F06 && !DRLK.S.F07 && !DRLK.S.F08 && @@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -61,7 +63,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -70,7 +74,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -79,7 +85,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3e: Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -88,7 +96,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x10] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -97,7 +107,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x20] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3g: Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F06 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -106,7 +118,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x40] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3h: Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -115,7 +129,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x80] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3i: Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -124,7 +140,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x100] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3j: Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -133,7 +151,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x400] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3k: Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -142,7 +162,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x800] - - label: "Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3l: Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: DRLK.S.F0c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -151,7 +173,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1000] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -161,7 +183,8 @@ tests: [0, 1, 2, 37, 38, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -171,7 +194,8 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList" + "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -181,7 +205,8 @@ tests: contains: [17, 27, 28] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList" + "Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -191,7 +216,8 @@ tests: contains: [18, 23, 24] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList" + "Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -200,7 +226,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [19, 25, 26] - - label: "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4f: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,7 +237,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [20] - - label: "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4g: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -218,7 +248,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [21] - - label: "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4h: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -228,8 +260,8 @@ tests: contains: [22] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in - AttributeList" + "Step 4i: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) + attributes in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -239,8 +271,8 @@ tests: contains: [48, 49] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in - AttributeList" + "Step 4j: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) + attribute in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 || DRLK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -249,7 +281,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [51] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -258,7 +290,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [33] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0022 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -267,7 +300,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [34] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -276,7 +310,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [35] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0024 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -286,7 +321,7 @@ tests: contains: [36] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in + "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0027 command: "readAttribute" @@ -297,7 +332,8 @@ tests: contains: [39] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList" + "Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0028 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -307,7 +343,8 @@ tests: contains: [40] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList" + "Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -317,7 +354,8 @@ tests: contains: [41] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList" + "Step 4r: TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A002a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -327,7 +365,8 @@ tests: contains: [42] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList" + "Step 4s: TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in + AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A002b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -337,7 +376,7 @@ tests: contains: [43] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in + "Step 4t: TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList" PICS: DRLK.S.A002c command: "readAttribute" @@ -347,7 +386,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [44] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -355,7 +394,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 2, 3] - - label: "TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList" + - label: + "Step 5b: TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -364,7 +404,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in EventList" + - label: + "Step 5c: TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in + EventList" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -373,7 +415,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -382,7 +424,7 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in + "Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -393,7 +435,7 @@ tests: contains: [11, 12, 13] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in + "Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a command: "readAttribute" @@ -404,7 +446,7 @@ tests: contains: [14, 15, 16] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in + "Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b command: "readAttribute" @@ -415,7 +457,7 @@ tests: contains: [17, 18, 19] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in + "Step 6e: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0c command: "readAttribute" @@ -426,7 +468,7 @@ tests: contains: [39] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in + "Step 6f: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 command: "readAttribute" @@ -436,7 +478,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [26, 27, 29, 34, 36, 38] - - label: "TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6g: TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -446,7 +490,7 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in + "Step 7a: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -457,7 +501,7 @@ tests: contains: [12] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in + "Step 7b: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a command: "readAttribute" @@ -468,7 +512,7 @@ tests: contains: [15] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in + "Step 7c: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b command: "readAttribute" @@ -479,7 +523,7 @@ tests: contains: [18] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in + "Step 7d: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 command: "readAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_1.yaml index c100d1f8a8284e..2e9008d4eca7b4 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_1.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "TH writes LockState attribute as 1" + - label: "Step 1b: TH writes LockState attribute as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LockState" @@ -51,38 +51,38 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1c: TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" response: value: LockStateValue - - label: "TH sends a Lock Door command to the DUT." + - label: "Step 1d: TH sends a Lock Door command to the DUT." PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1d: TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH sends a Unlock Door command to the DUT." + - label: "Step 1e: TH sends a Unlock Door command to the DUT." PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1e: TH reads LockState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" response: value: 2 - - label: "Simulate a not fully locked scenario on the DUT." + - label: "Step 1f: Simulate a not fully locked scenario on the DUT." PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.Simulate.NotFullyLocked && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads LockType attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH reads LockType attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockType" @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 11 - - label: "TH writes LockType attribute as 10" + - label: "Step 2c: TH writes LockType attribute as 10" PICS: DRLK.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LockType" @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads LockType attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads LockType attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockType" response: value: LockTypeValue - - label: "TH reads ActuatorEnabled attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads ActuatorEnabled attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActuatorEnabled" @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH writes ActuatorEnabled attribute as 0" + - label: "Step 3b: TH writes ActuatorEnabled attribute as 0" PICS: DRLK.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ActuatorEnabled" @@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ActuatorEnabled attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads ActuatorEnabled attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActuatorEnabled" response: value: ActuatorEnabledValue - - label: "TH reads DoorState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads DoorState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DoorState" @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 5 - - label: "TH writes DoorState attribute as 1" + - label: "Step 4b: TH writes DoorState attribute as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "DoorState" @@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads DoorState attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads DoorState attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DoorState" response: value: DoorStateValue - - label: "TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DoorOpenEvents" @@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967294 - - label: "TH writes DoorOpenEvents attribute as 0" + - label: "Step 5b: TH writes DoorOpenEvents attribute as 0" PICS: DRLK.S.A0004.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "DoorOpenEvents" arguments: value: 0 - #- label: "TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" + #- label: "Step 5c: TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" # PICS: DRLK.S.A0004.Write # command: "readAttribute" # attribute: "DoorOpenEvents" @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ tests: # value: 10 #Test plan issue: - - label: "TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0004.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | This is an Optional attribute, so its not compulsory to get the expected outcome @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads DoorClosedEvents attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads DoorClosedEvents attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DoorClosedEvents" @@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967294 - - label: "TH writes DoorClosedEvents attribute as 0" + - label: "Step 6b: TH writes DoorClosedEvents attribute as 0" PICS: DRLK.S.A0005.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "DoorClosedEvents" arguments: value: 0 - #- label: "TH reads DoorClosedEvents attribute from DUT" + #- label: "Step 6c: TH reads DoorClosedEvents attribute from DUT" # PICS: DRLK.S.A0005.Write # command: "readAttribute" # attribute: "DoorClosedEvents" @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ tests: # value: 11 #Test plan issue: - - label: "TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6c: TH reads DoorOpenEvents attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0005.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | This is an Optional attribute, so its not compulsory to get the expected outcome @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads OpenPeriod attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: TH reads OpenPeriod attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F05 && DRLK.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OpenPeriod" @@ -299,21 +299,21 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes OpenPeriod attribute as 2 minutes" + - label: "Step 7b: TH writes OpenPeriod attribute as 2 minutes" PICS: DRLK.S.A0006 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OpenPeriod" arguments: value: 2 - - label: "TH reads OpenPeriod attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7c: TH reads OpenPeriod attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OpenPeriod" response: value: 2 - - label: "TH reads NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8a: TH reads NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute as 20" + - label: "Step 8b: TH writes NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute as 20" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -333,14 +333,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 8c: TH reads NumberOfTotal UsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" response: value: NumberOfTotalUsersSupportedValue - - label: "TH reads NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 9a: TH reads NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfPINUsersSupported" @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute as 25" + - label: "Step 9b: TH writes NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute as 25" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0012 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfPINUsersSupported" @@ -360,14 +360,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 9c: TH reads NumberOfPINUsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfPINUsersSupported" response: value: NumberOfPINUsersSupportedValue - - label: "TH reads NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 10a: TH reads NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported" @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute as 30" + - label: "Step 10b: TH writes NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute as 30" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0013 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported" @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 10c: TH reads NumberOfRFID UsersSupported attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported" @@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ tests: value: NumberOfRFIDUsersSupportedValue - label: - "TH reads NumberOfWeekDays SchedulesSupporterUser attribute from DUT" + "Step 11a: TH reads NumberOfWeekDays SchedulesSupporterUser attribute + from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -407,7 +408,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 255 - label: - "TH writes NumberOfWeekDaySchedules SupportedPerUser attribute as 31" + "Step 11b: TH writes NumberOfWeekDaySchedules SupportedPerUser + attribute as 31" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -417,7 +419,8 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - label: - "TH reads NumberOfWeekDaySchedules SupportedPerUser attribute from DUT" + "Step 11c: TH reads NumberOfWeekDaySchedules SupportedPerUser + attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -425,7 +428,8 @@ tests: value: NumberOfWeekDaysSchedulesSupporterUserValue - label: - "TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPeruser attribute from DUT" + "Step 12a: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPeruser + attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -437,7 +441,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 255 - label: - "TH writes NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute as 35" + "Step 12b: TH writes NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser + attribute as 35" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -447,14 +452,17 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - label: - "TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute from DUT" + "Step 12c: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser + attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" response: value: NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPeruserValue - - label: "TH reads NumberOfHoliDay SchedulesSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 13a: TH reads NumberOfHoliDay SchedulesSupported attribute from + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported" @@ -465,7 +473,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported attribute as 36" + - label: + "Step 13b: TH writes NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported attribute as + 36" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported" @@ -474,14 +484,16 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 13c: TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported attribute from + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported" response: value: NumberOfHoliDaySchedulesSupportedValue - - label: "TH reads MaxPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 14a: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxPINCodeLength" @@ -492,7 +504,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes MaxPINCodeLength attribute as 85" + - label: "Step 14b: TH writes MaxPINCodeLength attribute as 85" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0017 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxPINCodeLength" @@ -501,14 +513,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads MaxPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 14c: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxPINCodeLength" response: value: MaxPINCodeLengthValue - - label: "TH reads MinPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15a: TH reads MinPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinPINCodeLength" @@ -519,7 +531,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes MinPINCodeLength attribute as 63" + - label: "Step 15b: TH writes MinPINCodeLength attribute as 63" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0018 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinPINCodeLength" @@ -528,14 +540,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads MinPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 15c: TH reads MinPINCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinPINCodeLength" response: value: MinPINCodeLengthValue - - label: "TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 16a: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxRFIDCodeLength" @@ -546,7 +558,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute as 46" + - label: "Step 16b: TH writes MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute as 46" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxRFIDCodeLength" @@ -555,14 +567,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 16c: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxRFIDCodeLength" response: value: MaxRFIDCodeLengthValue - - label: "TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 17a: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinRFIDCodeLength" @@ -573,7 +585,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH writes MinRFIDCodeLength attribute as 17" + - label: "Step 17b: TH writes MinRFIDCodeLength attribute as 17" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinRFIDCodeLength" @@ -582,14 +594,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 17c: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinRFIDCodeLength" response: value: MinRFIDCodeLengthValue - - label: "TH reads Credential RulesSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 18a: TH reads Credential RulesSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CredentialRulesSupport" @@ -600,7 +612,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH writes Credential RulesSupport attribute as bit 0 is set to 1" + - label: + "Step 18b: TH writes Credential RulesSupport attribute as bit 0 is set + to 1" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001b verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock write-by-id 27 1 1 1 @@ -625,7 +639,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads Credential RulesSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 18c: TH reads Credential RulesSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CredentialRulesSupport" @@ -633,7 +647,7 @@ tests: value: CredentialRulesSupportValue - label: - "TH reads Language attribute from DUT TH saves the values as + "Step 19a: TH reads Language attribute from DUT TH saves the values as Current_Language Code" PICS: DRLK.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" @@ -644,14 +658,14 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 3 - - label: "TH writes Language attribute as fr" + - label: "Step 19b: TH writes Language attribute as fr" PICS: DRLK.S.A0021.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Language" arguments: value: "fr" - - label: "TH writes Language attribute as fr" + - label: "Step 19b: TH writes Language attribute as fr" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0021.Write " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Language" @@ -660,14 +674,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE] - - label: "TH reads Language attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 19c: TH reads Language attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0021.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Language" response: value: "fr" - - label: "TH reads Language attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 19c: TH reads Language attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0021.Write " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Language" @@ -675,8 +689,8 @@ tests: value: Current_Language_Code - label: - "TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT TH saves the values as - Current_LEDSettings value" + "Step 20a: TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT TH saves the values + as Current_LEDSettings value" PICS: DRLK.S.A0022 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LEDSettings" @@ -687,14 +701,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH writes LEDSettings attribute as 2" + - label: "Step 20b: TH writes LEDSettings attribute as 2" PICS: DRLK.S.A0022.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LEDSettings" arguments: value: 2 - - label: "TH writes LEDSettings attribute as 2" + - label: "Step 20b: TH writes LEDSettings attribute as 2" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0022.Write && DRLK.S.A0022 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LEDSettings" @@ -703,14 +717,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 20c: TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0022.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LEDSettings" response: value: 2 - - label: "TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 20c: TH reads LEDSettings attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0022.Write && DRLK.S.A0022 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LEDSettings" @@ -718,8 +732,8 @@ tests: value: Current_LEDSettings - label: - "TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT TH saves the values as - Current_AutoRelockTime" + "Step 21a: TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT TH saves the + values as Current_AutoRelockTime" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -730,14 +744,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967294 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute as 180 seconds" + - label: "Step 21b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute as 180 seconds" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" arguments: value: 180 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute as 180 seconds" + - label: "Step 21b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute as 180 seconds" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && DRLK.S.A0023 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -746,14 +760,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 21c: TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" response: value: 180 - - label: "TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 21c: TH reads AutoRelockTime attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && DRLK.S.A0023 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -761,8 +775,8 @@ tests: value: Current_AutoRelockTime - label: - "TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT TH saves the values as - Current_SoundVolume value" + "Step 22a: TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT TH saves the values + as Current_SoundVolume value" PICS: DRLK.S.A0024 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoundVolume" @@ -773,14 +787,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "TH writes SoundVolume attribute as 3" + - label: "Step 22b: TH writes SoundVolume attribute as 3" PICS: DRLK.S.A0024.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoundVolume" arguments: value: 3 - - label: "TH writes SoundVolume attribute as 3" + - label: "Step 22b: TH writes SoundVolume attribute as 3" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0024.Write && DRLK.S.A0024 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "SoundVolume" @@ -789,21 +803,21 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 22c: TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0024.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoundVolume" response: value: 3 - - label: "TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 22c: TH reads SoundVolume attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0024.Write && DRLK.S.A0024 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SoundVolume" response: value: Current_SoundVolume - - label: "TH reads Supported OperatingModes attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 23a: TH reads Supported OperatingModes attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0026 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SupportedOperatingModes" @@ -813,7 +827,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: enum16 - - label: "TH writes Supported OperatingModes attribute as bit 0 is set to 0" + - label: + "Step 23b: TH writes Supported OperatingModes attribute as bit 0 is + set to 0" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DRLK.S.A0026 verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock write-by-id 38 0 1 1 @@ -837,7 +853,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads Supported OperatingModes attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 23c: TH reads Supported OperatingModes attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0026 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SupportedOperatingModes" @@ -845,8 +861,8 @@ tests: value: Current_Supported - label: - "TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT TH saves the values as - Current_OperatingMode value" + "Step 24a: TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT TH saves the + values as Current_OperatingMode value" PICS: DRLK.S.A0025 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -858,8 +874,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 4 - label: - "TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as Normal and the new - value is present in SupportedOperatingModes" + "Step 24b: TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as Normal and + the new value is present in SupportedOperatingModes" PICS: DRLK.S.A0025.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -867,8 +883,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as Normal and the new - value is present in SupportedOperatingModes" + "Step 24b: TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as Normal and + the new value is present in SupportedOperatingModes" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0025.Write && DRLK.S.A0025 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -878,8 +894,9 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - label: - "TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as NoRemoteLockUnlock - and the new value is present in Supported OperatingModes" + "Step 24c: TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as + NoRemoteLockUnlock and the new value is present in Supported + OperatingModes" PICS: DRLK.S.A0025.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -887,8 +904,9 @@ tests: value: 3 - label: - "TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as NoRemoteLockUnlock - and the new value is present in Supported OperatingModes" + "Step 24c: TH writes OperatingMode attribute to a value as + NoRemoteLockUnlock and the new value is present in Supported + OperatingModes" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0025.Write && DRLK.S.A0025 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -897,7 +915,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 24d: TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0025.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" @@ -905,14 +923,15 @@ tests: constraints: anyOf: [0, 3] - - label: "TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 24d: TH reads OperatingMode attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0025.Write && DRLK.S.A0025 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperatingMode" response: value: Current_OperatingMode - - label: "TH reads Default ConfigurationRegister attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 25a: TH reads Default ConfigurationRegister attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0027 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DefaultConfigurationRegister" @@ -924,8 +943,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 7 - label: - "TH writes Default ConfigurationRegister attribute as bit 0 is set to - 1" + "Step 25b: TH writes Default ConfigurationRegister attribute as bit 0 + is set to 1" PICS: DRLK.S.A0027 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | This is an Optional attribute, so its not compulsory to get the expected outcome @@ -951,7 +970,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads Default ConfigurationRegister attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 25c: TH reads Default ConfigurationRegister attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0027 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DefaultConfigurationRegister" @@ -959,8 +979,8 @@ tests: value: ConfigurationRegisterValue - label: - "TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT TH saves the - values as Current_EnableLocal Programming value" + "Step 26a: TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT TH saves + the values as Current_EnableLocal Programming value" PICS: DRLK.S.A0028 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableLocalProgramming" @@ -968,14 +988,14 @@ tests: value: 1 saveAs: Current_EnableLocal_Programming - - label: "TH writes EnableLocalProgramming attribute as false" + - label: "Step 26b: TH writes EnableLocalProgramming attribute as false" PICS: DRLK.S.A0028.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "EnableLocalProgramming" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes EnableLocalProgramming attribute as false" + - label: "Step 26b: TH writes EnableLocalProgramming attribute as false" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0028.Write && DRLK.S.A0028 " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "EnableLocalProgramming" @@ -984,77 +1004,77 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 26c: TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0028.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableLocalProgramming" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 26c: TH reads EnableLocalProgramming attribute from DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0028.Write && DRLK.S.A0028 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableLocalProgramming" response: value: Current_EnableLocal_Programming - - label: "TH reads EnableOneTouchLocking attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 27a: TH reads EnableOneTouchLocking attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableOneTouchLocking" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes EnableOneTouchLocking attribute as true" + - label: "Step 27b: TH writes EnableOneTouchLocking attribute as true" PICS: DRLK.S.A0029 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "EnableOneTouchLocking" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads EnableOneTouchLocking attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 27c: TH reads EnableOneTouchLocking attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableOneTouchLocking" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads EnableInside StatusLED attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 28a: TH reads EnableInside StatusLED attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A002a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableInsideStatusLED" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes EnableInsideStatusLED attribute as true" + - label: "Step 28b: TH writes EnableInsideStatusLED attribute as true" PICS: DRLK.S.A002a command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "EnableInsideStatusLED" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads EnableInsideStatusLED attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 28c: TH reads EnableInsideStatusLED attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A002a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnableInsideStatusLED" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads EnablePrivacyModeButton attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 29a: TH reads EnablePrivacyModeButton attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A002b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnablePrivacyModeButton" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes EnablePrivacy ModeButton attribute as true" + - label: "Step 29b: TH writes EnablePrivacy ModeButton attribute as true" PICS: DRLK.S.A002b command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "EnablePrivacyModeButton" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads EnablePrivacyModeButton attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 29c: TH reads EnablePrivacyModeButton attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A002b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EnablePrivacyModeButton" @@ -1062,8 +1082,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT TH saves the - values as Current_LocalProgramming Features value" + "Step 30a: TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT TH + saves the values as Current_LocalProgramming Features value" PICS: DRLK.S.A002c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocalProgrammingFeatures" @@ -1075,7 +1095,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3 - label: - "TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT. + "Step 30b: TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT. DRLK.S.A0028(EnableLocalProgramming) is True." PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A0028.ReadOnly command: "readAttribute" @@ -1086,7 +1106,7 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8] - label: - "TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT. + "Step 30b: TH reads LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute from DUT. DRLK.S.A0028(EnableLocalProgramming) is False." PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && !DRLK.S.A0028.ReadOnly command: "readAttribute" @@ -1097,8 +1117,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8] - label: - "TH writes to LocalProgrammingFeatures to disable all the features - (Change all bits to 0)" + "Step 30c: TH writes to LocalProgrammingFeatures to disable all the + features (Change all bits to 0)" PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A0028.ReadOnly && DRLK.S.A002c.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1131,7 +1151,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH sets the EnableLocalProgramming attribute to False" + - label: "Step 30d: TH sets the EnableLocalProgramming attribute to False" PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A0028.Write && DRLK.S.A002c.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1186,7 +1206,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH sets the EnableLocalProgramming attribute to True" + - label: "Step 30e: TH sets the EnableLocalProgramming attribute to True" PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A0028.Write && DRLK.S.A002c.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1243,8 +1263,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a write message to change any one of the bits of the - LocalProgrammingFeatures." + "Step 30f: TH sends a write message to change any one of the bits of + the LocalProgrammingFeatures." PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A002c.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | This is an Optional attribute, so its not compulsory to get the expected outcome @@ -1276,8 +1296,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a write message to change any one of the bits of the - LocalProgrammingFeatures." + "Step 30g: TH sends a write message to change any one of the bits of + the LocalProgrammingFeatures." PICS: DRLK.S.A002c && DRLK.S.A002c.ReadOnly && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | This is an Optional attribute, so its not compulsory to get the expected outcome @@ -1309,8 +1329,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads WrongCodeEntry Limit attribute from DUT TH saves the values - as Current_WrongCode EntryLimit value" + "Step 31a: TH reads WrongCodeEntry Limit attribute from DUT TH saves + the values as Current_WrongCode EntryLimit value" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -1321,14 +1341,14 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute as 8" + - label: "Step 31b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute as 8" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" arguments: value: 8 - - label: "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute as 8" + - label: "Step 31b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute as 8" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && !DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -1337,14 +1357,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads WrongCode EntryLimit attribute" + - label: "Step 31c: TH reads WrongCode EntryLimit attribute" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" response: value: 8 - - label: "TH reads WrongCode EntryLimit attribute" + - label: "Step 31c: TH reads WrongCode EntryLimit attribute" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && !DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -1352,8 +1372,8 @@ tests: value: Current_WrongCode_EntryLimit - label: - "TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute from DUT TH saves - the values as Current_UserCode TemporaryDisableTime" + "Step 32a: TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute from DUT + TH saves the values as Current_UserCode TemporaryDisableTime" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -1364,14 +1384,14 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute as 120" + - label: "Step 32b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute as 120" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" arguments: value: 120 - - label: "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute as 120" + - label: "Step 32b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute as 120" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && !DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -1380,21 +1400,22 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute" + - label: "Step 32c: TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" response: value: 120 - - label: "TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute" + - label: "Step 32c: TH reads UserCodeTemporary DisableTime attribute" PICS: ( DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01 ) && !DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" response: value: Current_UserCode_TemporaryDisableTime - - label: "TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 33a: TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -1402,14 +1423,16 @@ tests: value: 0 saveAs: Current_RequirePINFor_RemoteOperation - - label: "TH writes RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute as true" + - label: + "Step 33b: TH writes RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute as true" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH writes RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute as true" + - label: + "Step 33b: TH writes RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute as true" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -1418,14 +1441,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute" + - label: "Step 33c: TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute" + - label: "Step 33c: TH reads RequirePINfor RemoteOperation attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033.Write command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -1433,8 +1456,8 @@ tests: value: Current_RequirePINFor_RemoteOperation - label: - "TH reads ExpiringUserTimeOut attribute from DUT TH saves the values - as Current_ExpiringUserTimeOut" + "Step 34a: TH reads ExpiringUserTimeOut attribute from DUT TH saves + the values as Current_ExpiringUserTimeOut" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0035 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ExpiringUserTimeout" @@ -1445,14 +1468,14 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 2880 - - label: "TH writes ExpiringUserTimeout attribute as 10 minutes" + - label: "Step 34b: TH writes ExpiringUserTimeout attribute as 10 minutes" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0035.Write && DRLK.S.A0035 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ExpiringUserTimeout" arguments: value: 10 - - label: "TH writes ExpiringUserTimeout attribute as 10 minutes" + - label: "Step 34b: TH writes ExpiringUserTimeout attribute as 10 minutes" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && !DRLK.S.A0035.Write && DRLK.S.A0035 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ExpiringUserTimeout" @@ -1461,21 +1484,23 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads ExpiringUserTimeout attribute" + - label: "Step 34c: TH reads ExpiringUserTimeout attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0035.Write && DRLK.S.A0035 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ExpiringUserTimeout" response: value: 10 - - label: "TH reads ExpiringUserTimeout attribute" + - label: "Step 34c: TH reads ExpiringUserTimeout attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && !DRLK.S.A0035.Write && DRLK.S.A0035 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ExpiringUserTimeout" response: value: Current_ExpiringUserTimeOut - - label: "TH reads NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 35a: TH reads NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute + from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser" @@ -1486,7 +1511,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH writes NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute as 85" + - label: + "Step 35b: TH writes NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute as + 85" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001c command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser" @@ -1495,7 +1522,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 35c: TH reads NumberOfCredentials SupportedPerUser attribute + from DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A001c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_11.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_11.yaml index 4f0afdf5be485b..de3a170c4f29fb 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_11.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_11.yaml @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ name: PICS: - DRLK.S - DRLK.S.F00 + - DRLK.S.F01 - DRLK.S.F02 - - DRLK.S.F03 config: nodeId: 0x12344321 @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ config: defaultValue: "123456" RFIDCredentialData: type: octet_string - defaultValue: "RFIDTESTDATA" + defaultValue: "123456789A" FingerVeinCredentialData: type: octet_string - defaultValue: "123456" + defaultValue: "123456789A" tests: - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user with default parameters" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user with default parameters" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 arguments: @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -94,7 +94,9 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use." + - label: + "Step 1a: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future + use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use." + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinPINCodeLength" @@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use." + - label: "Step 1c: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxPINCodeLength" @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use." + - label: "Step 1d: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinRFIDCodeLength" @@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use." + - label: "Step 1e: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxRFIDCodeLength" @@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID" + - label: "Step 2b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -193,7 +195,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein" + - label: + "Step 2c: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID" + - label: "Step 3b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -264,7 +267,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" + - label: + "Step 3c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -286,7 +290,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN" + - label: "Step 4a: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -295,7 +299,7 @@ tests: - name: "Credential" value: { CredentialType: 1, CredentialIndex: 1 } - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID" + - label: "Step 4b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -317,7 +321,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" + - label: + "Step 4c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -339,7 +344,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID" + - label: "Step 4d: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -348,7 +353,8 @@ tests: - name: "Credential" value: { CredentialType: 2, CredentialIndex: 1 } - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" + - label: + "Step 4e: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -370,7 +376,9 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein" + - label: + "Step 4f: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type + FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -379,7 +387,8 @@ tests: - name: "Credential" value: { CredentialType: 4, CredentialIndex: 1 } - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN" + - label: + "Step 5a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -399,7 +408,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID" + - label: + "Step 5b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID" PICS: DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -420,7 +430,8 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein" + "Step 5c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type + FingerVein" PICS: DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml index 1436be10bff296..964e6a763c2435 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "Verify created PIN credential" + - label: "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential" command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: values: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml index ed46ba5de15df7..38290883e3b699 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "Verify created PIN credential" + - label: "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential" command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: values: @@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT" + "Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ tests: value: false - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: "!DRLK.S.A0033" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -145,19 +145,21 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" response: value: false - - label: "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode" + - label: "Step 3: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 - - label: "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode" + - label: "Step 4: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -167,8 +169,8 @@ tests: value: "123456" - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT" + "Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -176,8 +178,8 @@ tests: value: true - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: "!DRLK.S.A0033" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -186,14 +188,16 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" response: value: true - - label: "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode" + - label: "Step 7: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -202,7 +206,8 @@ tests: - name: "PINCode" value: "123456" - - label: "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 8: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -214,14 +219,15 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode" + "Step 9: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "LockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT" + - label: "TStep 10a: H reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -232,9 +238,9 @@ tests: #currently for loop is not implemented in yaml framework so converted this step as user prompt - label: - "TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid PINCode. - Repeat this step PIXIT.DRLK.WrongCodeEntryLimit times and Verify that - DUT sends failure response to the TH" + "Step 10b: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid + PINCode. Repeat this step PIXIT.DRLK.WrongCodeEntryLimit times and + Verify that DUT sends failure response to the TH" verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock unlock-door 1 1 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000 --PINCode 1234568 @@ -273,8 +279,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid - PINCode and verify the DUT response" + "Step 10c: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with + the valid PINCode and verify the DUT response" verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock unlock-door 1 1 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000 --PINCode 123456 @@ -306,8 +312,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then sends an - Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode." + "Step 10d: Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then + sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid + PINCode." verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock read user-code-temporary-disable-time 1 1 @@ -346,8 +353,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on - the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" + "Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 + and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" PICS: DRLK.S.A0030 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -355,8 +362,8 @@ tests: value: 3 - label: - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on - the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 + and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: "!DRLK.S.A0030" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -365,7 +372,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 11a: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from + the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -375,8 +384,9 @@ tests: maxValue: 255 - label: - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 - and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" + "Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as + between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success + response" PICS: DRLK.S.A0031 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -384,8 +394,9 @@ tests: value: 15 - label: - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 - and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as + between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with + UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: "!DRLK.S.A0031" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml index 10720a900e55e4..644d59a39d146f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user" command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 arguments: @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "Verify created PIN credential" + - label: "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential" command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: values: @@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT" + "Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ tests: value: false - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -146,19 +146,24 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" response: value: false - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode" + - label: + "Step 3: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 4: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -168,8 +173,8 @@ tests: value: "123456" - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT" + "Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -177,8 +182,8 @@ tests: value: true - label: - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False - on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value + as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" @@ -187,14 +192,18 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the + DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RequirePINforRemoteOperation" response: value: true - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 7: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -203,7 +212,9 @@ tests: - name: "PINCode" value: "123456" - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 8: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -214,7 +225,8 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode" + - label: + "Step 9: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033 command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -222,8 +234,8 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and - Verify that the DUT sends Success response" + "Step 10a: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the + DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -231,8 +243,8 @@ tests: value: 3 - label: - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and - verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" + "Step 10b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the + DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0030.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "WrongCodeEntryLimit" @@ -242,8 +254,8 @@ tests: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - label: - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds - on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" + "Step 11a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as + 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -251,8 +263,8 @@ tests: value: 15 - label: - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds - on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" + "Step 11b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as + 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0031.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" @@ -261,7 +273,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 12a: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -272,7 +286,9 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 12b: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -283,7 +299,9 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 12c: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -294,7 +312,9 @@ tests: response: error: FAILURE - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 12d: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -306,15 +326,17 @@ tests: error: FAILURE - label: - "TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and - check attribute is triggered" + "Step 13: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the + DUT and check attribute is triggered" PICS: DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime" response: value: 15 - - label: "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode" + - label: + "Step 14: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid + PINCode" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -334,21 +356,27 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 15000 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 15a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" arguments: value: 10 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 15b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" arguments: value: 60 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 15c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -357,7 +385,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 15d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: " !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -366,14 +396,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 16a: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" response: value: 10 - - label: "TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 16b: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -381,8 +411,8 @@ tests: value: 60 - label: - "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and - Verify that DUT sends SUCCESS response to the TH" + "Step 17: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid + PINCode and Verify that DUT sends SUCCESS response to the TH" PICS: DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "UnlockDoor" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -409,7 +439,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 60000 - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute" + - label: "Step 18: TH reads LockState attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml index 034b031df0d1bb..7ae95330c7b37e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml @@ -127,21 +127,27 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 1a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" arguments: value: 10 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 1b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" arguments: value: 60 - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 1c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -150,7 +156,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT" + - label: + "Step 1d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on + the DUT" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "AutoRelockTime" @@ -159,7 +167,9 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds" + - label: + "Step 2a: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 + seconds" PICS: DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "UnlockWithTimeout" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -170,7 +180,9 @@ tests: - name: "PINCode" value: "123456" - - label: "TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds" + - label: + "Step 2b: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 + seconds" PICS: DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "UnlockWithTimeout" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000 @@ -200,7 +212,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 70000 - - label: "TH reads LockState attribute" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads LockState attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LockState" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_5.yaml index 1cdd72bf7815d8..41ec78be53f221 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_5.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 arguments: @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute" + - label: + "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command" + - label: "Step 3: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "SetWeekDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ tests: value: 55 #issue #18591 - - label: "TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx command: "GetWeekDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ tests: hasValue: true minValue: 55 - - label: "TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command" + - label: "Step 5: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "SetWeekDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ tests: response: error: INVALID_COMMAND - - label: "TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx command: "GetWeekDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ tests: constraints: hasValue: false - - label: "TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0d.Rsp command: "ClearWeekDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ tests: - name: "UserIndex" value: 1 - - label: "TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx command: "GetWeekDaySchedule" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_6.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_6.yaml index dd5dcf11a03eba..739bcd33a304b4 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_6.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_6.yaml @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use." + "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for + future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported" @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Create Holiday schedule with 1 index" + - label: "Step 2: Create Holiday schedule with 1 index" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C11.Rsp command: "SetHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ tests: - name: "OperatingMode" value: 0 - - label: "Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1" + - label: "Step 3a: Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx command: "GetHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: - name: "OperatingMode" value: 0 - - label: "Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode" + - label: "Step 4: Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode" PICS: DRLK.S.C11.Rsp command: "SetHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ tests: response: error: INVALID_COMMAND - - label: "Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15." + - label: "Step 5: Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15." PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx command: "GetHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 133 - - label: "Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex" + - label: "Step 6: Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx command: "GetHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 139 - - label: "Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index" + - label: "Step 7: Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C13.Rsp command: "ClearHolidaySchedule" arguments: @@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ tests: - name: "HolidayIndex" value: 1 - - label: "Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted" + - label: "Step 8: Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted" PICS: DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx command: "GetHolidaySchedule" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_7.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_7.yaml index fb87258a9516da..46c91e523ed360 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_7.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_7.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 arguments: @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute" + - label: + "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" @@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp command: "SetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -117,8 +118,7 @@ tests: - name: "LocalEndTime" value: 1980 - #issue #18591 - - label: "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a & 4b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx command: "GetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ tests: constraints: minValue: 961 - - label: "TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp command: "SetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ tests: response: error: INVALID_COMMAND - - label: "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx command: "GetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ tests: constraints: hasValue: false - - label: "Create a user with userIndex as 5" + - label: "Step 7a: Create a user with userIndex as 5" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 arguments: @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 7b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx command: "GetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ tests: constraints: hasValue: false - - label: "TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.C10.Rsp command: "ClearYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tests: - name: "UserIndex" value: 1 - - label: "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 9: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp command: "GetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ tests: constraints: hasValue: false - - label: "TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 10: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp command: "SetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ tests: - name: "LocalEndTime" value: 2100 - - label: "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx command: "GetYearDaySchedule" arguments: @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ tests: constraints: minValue: 1081 - - label: "TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT" + - label: "Step 12: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp command: "ClearYearDaySchedule" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml index 9160a2b9c416cf..0204f30727a028 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future - use." + "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for + future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 65534 - label: - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: + "Step 2: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1" + - label: "Step 3: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx command: "GetUser" arguments: @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: + "Step 4: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule as 3" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ tests: error: INVALID_COMMAND - label: - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: + "Step 5: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 (Same as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ tests: clusterError: 0x3 - label: - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: + "Step 6a: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2" + - label: "Step 6b: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2" PICS: DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx command: "GetUser" arguments: @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: + "Step 7: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2" + - label: "Step 8: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx command: "GetUser" arguments: @@ -260,7 +260,8 @@ tests: - name: "NextUserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1" + - label: + "Step 9: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp command: "ClearUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ tests: - name: "UserIndex" value: 1 - - label: "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1" + - label: "Step 10: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx command: "GetUser" arguments: @@ -298,3 +299,46 @@ tests: value: null - name: "NextUserIndex" value: 2 + + - label: + "Test cleanup: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex + as 2" + PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp + command: "ClearUser" + timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 + arguments: + values: + - name: "UserIndex" + value: 2 + + - label: + "Test cleanup: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as + 2" + PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx + command: "GetUser" + arguments: + values: + - name: "UserIndex" + value: 2 + response: + values: + - name: "UserIndex" + value: 2 + - name: "UserName" + value: null + - name: "UserUniqueID" + value: null + - name: "UserStatus" + value: null + - name: "UserType" + value: null + - name: "CredentialRule" + value: null + - name: "Credentials" + value: null + - name: "CreatorFabricIndex" + value: null + - name: "LastModifiedFabricIndex" + value: null + - name: "NextUserIndex" + value: null diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_9.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_9.yaml index 439d9e32cb8eb6..9b04eb751ec30d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_9.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_DRLK_2_9.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Create new user with default parameters" + - label: "Precondition: Create new user with default parameters" command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 arguments: @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "Read the user back and verify its fields" + - label: "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields" command: "GetUser" arguments: values: @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported attribute and saves for future - use." + "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported attribute and saves for + future use." PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: 2 - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command" + - label: "Step 3: TH sends Get Credential Status Command" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ tests: - name: "UserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -194,8 +194,9 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends - Set Credential Response command with status as DUPLICATE or OCCUPIED" + "Step 6a: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the + DUT sends Set Credential Response command with status as DUPLICATE or + OCCUPIED" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -222,9 +223,9 @@ tests: value: null - label: - "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends - Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if the - CredentialIndex is repeated" + "Step 6b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the + DUT sends Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if + the CredentialIndex is repeated" verification: | ./chip-tool doorlock set-credential 0 '{ "credentialType" : 1, "credentialIndex" : 1}' 123456 1 null null 1 1 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000 @@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #- label: - # "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends + # "Step 6b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends # Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if the # CredentialIndex is repeated" # PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx @@ -278,9 +279,9 @@ tests: #Issue 19990 expected response OCCUPIED, but CHIP Tool Verification Steps shows status: 2 fix script once the issue is fixed. - label: - "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends - Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if the - CredentialIndex is repeated" + "Step 7: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the + DUT sends Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if + the CredentialIndex is repeated" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx verification: | Mark as not applicable and proceed to next step @@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #- label: - # "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends + # "Step 7: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT and Verify that the DUT sends # Set Credential Response command with response as OCCUPIED if the # CredentialIndex is repeated" # PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx @@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ tests: # - name: "UserIndex" # value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 8: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ tests: - name: "Credential" value: { CredentialType: 1, CredentialIndex: 1 } - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 9: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Set User Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 10: TH sends Set User Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp command: "SetUser" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ tests: - name: "CredentialRule" value: 0 - - label: "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 11: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx command: "SetCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ tests: - name: "UserIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 12a: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ tests: - name: "Credential" value: { CredentialType: 1, CredentialIndex: 65534 } - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command" + - label: "Step 12b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Get Credential Status Command" + - label: "Step 13: TH sends Get Credential Status Command" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx command: "GetCredentialStatus" arguments: @@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ tests: - name: "NextCredentialIndex" value: null - - label: "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" + - label: "Step 14: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT" PICS: DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp command: "ClearCredential" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1.yaml index 72375e898f6122..472bfb5a07b607 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!ESFREMON.S.F00 && !ESFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given ESFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given ESFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ESFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given ESFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given ESFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ESFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(ESFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(ESFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: ESFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ESFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (ESFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: ESFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: ESFREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: ESFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1.yaml index 9fccbc32d10826..c4fca2a1de4b55 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: ESFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: ESFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: ESFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: ESFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_1_1.yaml index eabed515952248..76d4d0595eff3e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: value: nodeId #Issue : - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" verification: | ./chip-tool fancontrol read cluster-revision 1 1 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: @@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2c: Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F00 @@ -72,7 +73,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2d: Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F01 @@ -82,7 +84,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2e: Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F02 @@ -92,7 +95,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4] - label: - "Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2f: Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F03 @@ -102,7 +106,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8] - label: - "Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2g: Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F04 @@ -112,7 +117,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10] - label: - "Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2h: Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FAN.S.F05 @@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -130,7 +136,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 3b: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: FAN.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -140,7 +147,8 @@ tests: contains: [4, 5, 6] - label: - "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 3c: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: FAN.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -150,7 +158,8 @@ tests: contains: [7, 8] - label: - "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 3d: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: FAN.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -160,7 +169,8 @@ tests: contains: [9, 10] - label: - "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 3e: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: FAN.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -169,7 +179,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [11] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" PICS: " !FAN.S.C00.Rsp " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -178,7 +188,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 5: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: FAN.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_1.yaml index f293ae62e57621..51207c36383fb0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FanMode" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 6 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FanModeSequence" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 5 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PercentSetting" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PercentCurrent" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_2.yaml index 9c7bf546a44ae3..ed5f97876bf35f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_2.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SpeedMax" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0005 && FAN.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SpeedSetting" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: SpeedMaxValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0006 && FAN.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SpeedCurrent" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_3.yaml index 0c6141c77e41f6..a0978df533d57e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_3.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RockSupport" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap8 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RockSetting" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_4.yaml index d73f364456fcec..0b14ce8825c8f8 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_4.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindSupport" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap8 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute" PICS: FAN.S.A000A command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WindSetting" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_5.yaml index 127cda996e5680..9283ca7d602bcc 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FAN_2_5.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the the AirflowDirection attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the AirflowDirection attribute" PICS: FAN.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AirflowDirection" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1.yaml index 1d58ee27a19cda..8e4a50781abfd2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: FLABEL.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: FLABEL.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: FLABEL.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool fixedlabel read event-list 1 0 @@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool fixedlabel read accepted-command-list 1 0 @@ -148,13 +149,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool fixedlabel read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1.yaml index bbd786553ea1e2..b3dc3fc2a062ed 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads LabelList from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads LabelList from the DUT" PICS: FLABEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH tries to write LabelList attribute of the DUT by setting Label = - Test_Label, Value= Test_Value" + "Step 2: TH tries to write LabelList attribute of the DUT by setting + Label = Test_Label, Value= Test_Value" PICS: FLABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads LabelList from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads LabelList from the DUT" verification: | ./chip-tool fixedlabel read label-list 1 0 Verify that the LabelList value is same as value from step 1 On TH(all-clusters-app) : diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1.yaml index a7843f82e9f8d7..16a92f0730d51b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.A0007 && FLDCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - FLDCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + FLDCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: FLDCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1.yaml index f3c47b24cc69d5..2c9c2b78c55f0b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: FLDCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_1_1.yaml index e61fe497aa77b1..0af7010cb4c098 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: FLW.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: FLW.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: FLW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" PICS: FLW.S.A0003 && FLW.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool flowmeasurement read event-list 1 1 @@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -162,13 +162,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool flowmeasurement read generated-command-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_1.yaml index 51dbc0c5c4d011..8e5b360a93592c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" PICS: FLW.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65533 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" PICS: FLW.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredVariable maxValue: 65534 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" PICS: FLW.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredVariable maxValue: MaxMeasuredVariable - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute" PICS: FLW.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Tolerance" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_2.yaml index 40a19b37bdc10e..64d7aa8c591812 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FLW_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" PICS: FLW.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Operate on device to change the flow significantly" + - label: "Step 3: Operate on device to change the flow significantly" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.M.FlowChange @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" PICS: FLW.S.A0000 && FLW.M.FlowChange command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1.yaml index 00449d882cd1aa..9fd57ad40f0127 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!FTREMON.S.F00 && !FTREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given FTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given FTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FTREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given FTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given FTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: FTREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(FTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(FTREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: FTREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (FTREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (FTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: FTREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -107,7 +108,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: FTREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1.yaml index 864fff73f2535f..d6c73460043505 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: FTREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: FTREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: FTREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: FTREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_1_1.yaml index 901ebb6f568a82..8f4927fe319b06 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: " !G.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: "Step 3b: Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" PICS: G.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_2_1.yaml index f9659a3bb8798c..2a9cf16db1e08b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_G_2_1.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: G.S.A0000 && G.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: value: 128 saveAs: NameSupportFeatureSupportedValue - - label: "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: G.S.A0000 && !G.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: saveAs: NameSupportValue - label: - "TH writes NameSupport attribute as 0x80 EXOR the value as read in - step 1" + "Step 2a: TH writes NameSupport attribute as 0x80 EXOR the value as + read in step 1" PICS: G.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ tests: response: error: UNSUPPORTED_WRITE - - label: "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: G.S.A0000 && G.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" response: value: NameSupportFeatureSupportedValue - - label: "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT" PICS: G.S.A0000 && !G.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1.yaml index d783404ad34534..5b35a2d2765108 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!HEPAFREMON.S.F00 && !HEPAFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given HEPAFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3b: Given HEPAFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given HEPAFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given HEPAFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(HEPAFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + "Step 4a: Read the feature dependent(HEPAFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (HEPAFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (HEPAFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -100,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1.yaml index af9f1c26218e71..cb2f281eebdc48 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: HEPAFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_1_1.yaml index aac4c654209f18..6b310d61551de5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: ICDM.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !ICDM.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(RegisteredClients) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(RegisteredClients) in + AttributeList" PICS: ICDM.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(IcdCounter) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(IcdCounter) in AttributeList" PICS: ICDM.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ tests: contains: [4] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(ClientsSupportedPerFabric) in + "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(ClientsSupportedPerFabric) in AttributeList" PICS: ICDM.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -110,7 +112,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 2] - - label: "Read the optional command (StayActiveRequest) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (StayActiveRequest) in + AttributeList" PICS: ICDM.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: " !ICDM.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: ICDM.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_2_1.yaml index 00e9d687346425..7a248a16045c59 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ICDM_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the IdleModeInterval attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the IdleModeInterval attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdleModeInterval" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 500 maxValue: 64800000 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeInterval attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeInterval attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveModeInterval" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 300 maxValue: IdleModeIntervalValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeThreshold attribute" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeThreshold attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveModeThreshold" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: type: int16u minValue: 300 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the RegisteredClients attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the RegisteredClients attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RegisteredClients" @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the IcdCounter attribute" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the IcdCounter attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ICDCounter" @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: int32u - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ClientsSupportedPerFabric attribute" + - label: + "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the ClientsSupportedPerFabric attribute" PICS: ICDM.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClientsSupportedPerFabric" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 7352a8f1f9c292..00000000000000 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,361 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default - -name: 3.1.2. [TC-IDM-1.2] Invoke Response Action from DUT to TH - [{DUT_Server}] - -PICS: - - MCORE.IDM.S - -config: - nodeId: 0x12344321 - cluster: "Basic Information" - endpoint: 0 - -tests: - - label: - "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that - indicates a specific endpoint that is unsupported." - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - ./chip-tool onoff on 1 20 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as unsuppported endpoint for the data sent in the above command - - [1655718065.882392][4587:4592] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=20 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x7f - [1655718065.882440][4587:4592] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x0000057F: General error: 0x7f (UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT) - [1655718065.882491][4587:4592] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that - indicates a specific cluster that is unsupported." - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - ./chip-tool any command-by-id 0x0003 0 1 1 2 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as unsuppported cluster for the data sent in the above command - - [1655718144.692503][4602:4607] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=2 Cluster=0x0000_0003 Command=0x0000_0000 Status=0xc3 - [1655718144.692570][4602:4607] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x000005C3: General error: 0xc3 (UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER) - [1655718144.692627][4602:4607] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that - indicates a specific command that is unsupported." - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - ./chip-tool any command-by-id 0x0003 3 1 1 0 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as unsuppported command for the data sent in the above command - - [1654076838.936184][13752:13757] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0003 Command=0x0000_0003 Status=0x81 - [1654076838.936215][13752:13757] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x00000581: General error: 0x81 (UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND) - [1654076838.936258][13752:13757] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true - - - label: - "Setup the TH such that it should not have the privilege for the - cluster in the path. TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT - with a valid CommandDataIB" - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - To Setup the TH(chip-tool) such that it should not have the privilege for the cluster in the path. , 1st we need to send below mentioned ACL command. Here by sending below mentioned ACL command giving only access for ACL cluster(31), So except ACL cluster command if user try to send any other command will get status as unsupported access - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects":[1,112233], "targets": [{ "cluster":31, "endpoint":0, "deviceType":null }]}]' 1 0 - - [1659419722.669629][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659419722.669657][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669687][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659419722.669727][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659419722.669758][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.669796][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669833][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.669871][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669912][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.669953][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.669993][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670034][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670077][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670114][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670153][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670191][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670229][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670266][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670300][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670343][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670373][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.670405][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670436][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.670471][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670510][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.670550][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.670590][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670661][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659419722.670700][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670740][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670776][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670813][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670851][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670888][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670925][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670958][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670994][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671022][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659419722.671062][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671092][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659419722.671120][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.671244][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659419722.671314][1915:1920] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:153124628 on - - - - ./chip-tool onoff on 1 1 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS for the data sent in the above command - [1657869005.834700][2816:2821] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657869005.834790][2816:2821] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x7e - [1657869005.834841][2816:2821] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x0000057E: General error: 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS) - [1657869005.834899][2816:2821] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - - With the above command, we are overwriting the default privilege that chip-tool has as an admin. After this test step you need to send below mentioned command to Grant access to all clusters again. - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode":2, "subjects":[112233], "targets":null}]' 1 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "Setup the TH such that there is no accessing fabric TH sends the - Invoke Request Message to the DUT with a valid and fabric-scoped - CommandDataIB" - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - - To Setup the TH(chip-tool) such that it should not have the privilege for the cluster in the path. , 1st we need to send below mentioned ACL command. Here by sending below mentioned ACL command giving only access for ACL cluster(31), So except ACL cluster command if try to send any other command will get status as unsupported access - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects":[1,112233], "targets": [{ "cluster":31, "endpoint":0, "deviceType":null }]}]' 1 0 - - [1659419722.669629][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659419722.669657][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669687][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659419722.669727][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659419722.669758][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.669796][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669833][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.669871][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669912][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.669953][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.669993][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670034][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670077][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670114][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670153][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670191][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670229][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670266][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670300][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670343][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670373][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.670405][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670436][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.670471][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670510][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.670550][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.670590][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670661][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659419722.670700][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670740][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670776][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670813][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670851][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670888][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670925][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670958][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670994][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671022][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659419722.671062][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671092][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659419722.671120][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.671244][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659419722.671314][1915:1920] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:153124628 on - - - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning commissioning-complete 1 0 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS for the data sent in the above command - - [1659420197.313287][1960:1965] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659420197.313357][1960:1965] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0004 Status=0x7e - [1659420197.313397][1960:1965] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x0000057E: General error: 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS) - [1659420197.313441][1960:1965] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659420197.313505][1960:1965] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:66191391 on exchange 52639i - - - With the above command, we are overwriting the default privilege that chip-tool has as an admin. After this test step you need to send below mentioned command to Grant access to all clusters again. - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode":2, "subjects":[112233], "targets":null}]' 1 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "(OPTIONAL) TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the - command which requires a data response to be sent back." - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - ./chip-tool generalcommissioning arm-fail-safe 1000 1 1 0 - - On TH(chip-tool), Verify DUT generates an InvokeResponseIB with a valid CommandDataIB and - sends it to the TH for the data sent in the above command - - [1657091692.258118][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage = - [1657091692.258154][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657091692.258189][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false, - [1657091692.258233][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs = - [1657091692.258280][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1657091692.258315][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB = - [1657091692.258362][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657091692.258400][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: CommandDataIB = - [1657091692.258448][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657091692.258492][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB = - [1657091692.258540][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657091692.258589][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0, - [1657091692.258641][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x30, - [1657091692.258692][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x1, - [1657091692.258739][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657091692.258790][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: - [1657091692.258834][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: CommandFields = - [1657091692.258886][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: { - [1657091692.258958][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: 0x0 = 0, - [1657091692.259011][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = "", - [1657091692.259061][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657091692.259107][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657091692.259162][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: - [1657091692.259202][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657091692.259246][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: - [1657091692.259280][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1657091692.259323][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: - [1657091692.259358][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1657091692.259392][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1657091692.259477][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 - [1657091692.259539][5248:5253] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0030 Command 0x0000_0001 - [1657091692.259610][5248:5253] CHIP:TOO: ArmFailSafeResponse: { - [1657091692.259656][5248:5253] CHIP:TOO: errorCode: 0 - [1657091692.259690][5248:5253] CHIP:TOO: debugText: - [1657091692.259722][5248:5253] CHIP:TOO: } - [1657091692.259775][5248:5253] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1657091692.259841][5248:5253] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:215437814 on exchange 22331i - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with a valid - CommandDataIB and SuppressResponse set to True" - verification: | - Out of Scope for V1.0 - - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH sends a Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the TimedRequest - set as TRUE.(There should be no previous Timed Invoke action.)" - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - - To Setup the TH(chip-tool) such that it should not have the privilege for the cluster in the path. , 1st we need to send below mentioned ACL command. Here by sending below mentioned ACL command giving only access for ACL cluster(31), So except ACL cluster command if try to send any other command will get status as unsupported access - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects":[1,112233], "targets": [{ "cluster":31, "endpoint":0, "deviceType":null }]}]' 1 0 - - [1659419722.669629][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage = - [1659419722.669657][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669687][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs = - [1659419722.669727][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: [ - [1659419722.669758][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.669796][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669833][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.669871][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.669912][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.669953][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.669993][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670034][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670077][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670114][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670153][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670191][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670229][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670266][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670300][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670343][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670373][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB = - [1659419722.670405][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670436][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB = - [1659419722.670471][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670510][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0, - [1659419722.670550][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f, - [1659419722.670590][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000, - [1659419722.670661][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null, - [1659419722.670700][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.670740][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670776][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB = - [1659419722.670813][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: { - [1659419722.670851][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS), - [1659419722.670888][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670925][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.670958][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659419722.670994][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671022][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: ], - [1659419722.671062][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: - [1659419722.671092][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659419722.671120][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: } - [1659419722.671244][1915:1920] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659419722.671314][1915:1920] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:153124628 on - - - ./chip-tool onoff on 1 1 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 100 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS for the data sent in the above command - - [1659422136.353455][2014:2019] CHIP:DMG: - [1659422136.353482][2014:2019] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1 - [1659422136.353510][2014:2019] CHIP:DMG: }, - [1659422136.353575][2014:2019] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x7e - [1659422136.353612][2014:2019] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x0000057E: General error: 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS) - [1659422136.353653][2014:2019] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - [1659422136.353715][2014:2019] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:11493125 on exchange 55447i - - - - With the above command, we are overwriting the default privilege that chip-tool has as an admin. After this test step you need to send below mentioned command to Grant access to all clusters again. - - ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode":2, "subjects":[112233], "targets":null}]' 1 0 - disabled: true - - - label: - "TH sends Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the command in the - path that requires a Timed Invoke transaction to invoke and this - action is not part of a Timed Invoke transaction" - verification: | - The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command. - - ./chip-tool administratorcommissioning open-basic-commissioning-window 500 1 0 - - On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as NEEDS_TIMED_INTERACTION for the data sent in the above command - - [1654077001.606235][13788:13793] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0xc6 - [1654077001.606268][13788:13793] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x000005C6: General error: 0xc6 (NEEDS_TIMED_INTERACTION) - [1654077001.606311][13788:13793] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] - disabled: true diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_1_1.yaml index 38b65bf33e5a00..4153ca6fdaa1c8 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" PICS: ILL.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in + AttributeList" PICS: ILL.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -75,8 +77,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool illuminancemeasurement read event-list 1 1 @@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_1.yaml index 926df2709aa909..33433e7892fab6 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 65533 - - label: "TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 2 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65534 - - label: "TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Tolerance" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2048 - - label: "TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LightSensorType" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_2.yaml index ddabc3deaed63e..47c85f44d9a19e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ILL_2_2.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: ILL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Cover the sensor or darken the room" + - label: "Step 3: Cover the sensor or darken the room" verification: | Manual operation cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 1000 - - label: "After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT." + - label: + "Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from + DUT." PICS: ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ tests: type: int16u minValue: 0 - - label: "Expose the sensor again to light" + - label: "Step 5: Expose the sensor again to light" verification: | Manual operation cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -101,7 +103,9 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 1000 - - label: "After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT." + - label: + "Step 6: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from + DUT." PICS: ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1.yaml index 303dbfd9538671..b626997f7e271e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!INKCREMON.S.F00 && !INKCREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given INKCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3b: Given INKCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: INKCREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given INKCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given INKCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: INKCREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(INKCREMON.S.F00) attribute in + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(INKCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: INKCREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (INKCREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (INKCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: INKCREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: INKCREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1.yaml index b2be9f2b8eeae7..b219c1e47b59fe 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: INKCREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: INKCREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: INKCREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: INKCREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1.yaml index 7e085c8766e2e3..ca785704b8a1cf 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!IONFREMON.S.F00 && !IONFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given IONFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3b: Given IONFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: IONFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given IONFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given IONFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: IONFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(IONFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(IONFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: IONFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (IONFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (IONFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: IONFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: IONFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1.yaml index 4e8dd20e5e9e0e..401527076ab842 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: IONFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: IONFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: IONFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: IONFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_1_1.yaml index 3ef3964c70bbac..d00001f702c1f6 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: # constraints: # type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6: Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ tests: # type: list # contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -114,8 +116,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool identify read event-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_1.yaml index 30d32e7c9870bf..65a5a6444cd4e1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT" PICS: I.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyType" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml index 4b9e9304610e98..d562f0fc42e218 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to - 0x003c (60s)." + "Step 2a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime + field set to 0x003c (60s)." PICS: I.S.C00.Rsp command: "Identify" arguments: @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: - name: "IdentifyTime" value: 60 - - label: "TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" @@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 2c: After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from + DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" @@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 58 - label: - "TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify + "Step 3: TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify IdentifyQueryResponse command to TH,with the Timeout field set to a value in the range 0x0000 to 0x0032" verification: | @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to - 0x0000 (stop identifying)." + "Step 4a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime + field set to 0x0000 (stop identifying)." PICS: I.S.C00.Rsp command: "Identify" arguments: @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ tests: - name: "IdentifyTime" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ tests: value: 0 # disabled due to IdentifyQuery not supported for matter V1.0 - #- label: "TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT " + #- label: "Step 5: TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT " # verification: | # IdentifyQuery is not supported by Matter # cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -116,7 +118,8 @@ tests: # value: "y" - label: - "TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT" + "Step 6a: TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute + of DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" @@ -131,7 +134,9 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT" + - label: + "Step 6b: After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from + DUT" PICS: I.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "IdentifyTime" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_3.yaml index 7aeba8308553bd..b3142302e5cd5a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_I_2_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "1.Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to + 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set + to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x02 okay and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2c: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x02 okay and the effect variant field set to + 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x0b channel change and the effect variant field set to - 0x00 default" + "Step 2d: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x0b channel change and the effect variant + field set to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2e: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set + to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0xfe finish effect and the effect variant field set to - 0x00 default" + "Step 2f: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0xfe finish effect and the effect variant + field set to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2g: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set + to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 2h: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect variant field + set to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to 0x42 - unknown" + "Step 3a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to + 0x42 unknown" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: @@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier - field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 - default" + "Step 3b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect + identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect variant field + set to 0x00 default" PICS: I.S.C40.Rsp command: "TriggerEffect" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2.yaml index 0cc8524324be96..cbf14c8a461171 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !KEYPADINPUT.S.F00 && KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && !KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not" + - label: + "Step 2b: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or + not" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not" + - label: + "Step 2c: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or + not" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -68,7 +72,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not" + - label: + "Step 2d: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or + not" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -77,7 +83,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -85,7 +91,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2.yaml index 89a9b9646634c5..f4c45b8f438cb2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "SendKey" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3.yaml index 22e8f2332fd632..5cb9d1d94ac061 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Send Numbers1" + - label: "Step 1a: Send Numbers1" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers2" + - label: "Step 1b: Send Numbers2" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers3" + - label: "Step 1c: Send Numbers3" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers4" + - label: "Step 1d: Send Numbers4" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers5" + - label: "Step 1e: Send Numbers5" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers6" + - label: "Step 1f: Send Numbers6" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers7" + - label: "Step 1g: Send Numbers7" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers8" + - label: "Step 1h: Send Numbers8" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Send Numbers9" + - label: "Step 1i: Send Numbers9" PICS: KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 command: "SendKey" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LCFG_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LCFG_1_1.yaml index 704e181261aa5f..2b5aa4b8d8cce9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LCFG_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LCFG_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1.yaml index 46cac0416a05f4..14ee69fa2aa8bf 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1.yaml index e393a262991ed8..81483b968e4371 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1.yaml @@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH sends Sleep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH sends Sleep command to DUT" PICS: LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp command: "Sleep" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LTIME_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LTIME_1_2.yaml index 70a84ae5768e4e..b6e06b98e90e28 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LTIME_1_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LTIME_1_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from - DUT" + "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in + AttributeList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ tests: contains: [1] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList - from DUT" + "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in + AttributeList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" PICS: LTIME.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2.yaml index 454e74228d878a..b906430646784d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffc && !LUNIT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3: Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffc && LUNIT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ tests: contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffb && LUNIT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1.yaml index 80256a67903b71..6075e7897f4d27 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureUnit" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: enum8 - - label: "TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit cluster: "Unit Localization" command: "writeAttribute" @@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ tests: arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureUnit" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 4: TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius cluster: "Unit Localization" command: "writeAttribute" @@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ tests: arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureUnit" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 6: TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin cluster: "Unit Localization" command: "writeAttribute" @@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ tests: arguments: value: 2 - - label: "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 7: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureUnit" response: value: 2 - - label: "TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute" + - label: "Step 8: TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute" PICS: LUNIT.S.A0000 cluster: "Unit Localization" command: "writeAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_1_1.yaml index 4ec39e2905f93f..9bc2842bf2cf50 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_1_1.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !LVL.S.F00 && !LVL.S.F01 && !LVL.S.F02 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2b: Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: LVL.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2c: Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -66,7 +70,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2d: Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: LVL.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -84,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 15, 17, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in - AttributeList" + "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and + RemainingTime) in AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -95,8 +101,8 @@ tests: contains: [1, 16384] - label: - "Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and - MinFrequency) in AttributeList" + "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency + and MinFrequency) in AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -105,7 +111,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4, 5, 6] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -123,7 +129,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in + AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -132,7 +140,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in + AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -141,7 +151,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [18] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3h: Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in + AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -150,7 +162,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [19] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3i: Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in + AttributeList" PICS: LVL.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -159,7 +173,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -168,7 +182,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] - label: - "Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 4a.1: Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: LVL.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -177,7 +192,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [8] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -185,7 +200,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_1.yaml index 4ff90f36b97f98..df060ee1d2fb5d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_1.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads the CurrentLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the CurrentLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "Reads the RemainingTime attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Reads the RemainingTime attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RemainingTime" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the MinLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 3a: Reads the MinLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0002 && LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinLevel" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int8u - - label: "Reads the MinLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 3b: Reads the MinLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0002 && !LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinLevel" @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "Reads the MaxLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 4: Reads the MaxLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0003 && LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxLevel" @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ tests: type: int8u minValue: MinLevelValue - - label: "Reads the MaxLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 4a: Reads the MaxLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0003 && !LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxLevel" @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue maxValue: MaxLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue - - label: "Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute" + - label: "Step 5: Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentFrequency" @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the MinFrequency attribute" + - label: "Step 6: Reads the MinFrequency attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinFrequency" @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the MaxFrequency attribute" + - label: "Step 7: Reads the MaxFrequency attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxFrequency" @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinFrequencyValue maxValue: MaxFrequencyValue - - label: "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute" + - label: "Step 8: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOffTransitionTime" @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the OnLevel attribute " + - label: "Step 9a: Reads the OnLevel attribute " PICS: LVL.S.F01 && LVL.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinLevelValue maxValue: MaxLevelValue - - label: "Reads the OnLevel attribute " + - label: "Step 9b: Reads the OnLevel attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A0011 && !LVL.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue maxValue: MaxLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue - - label: "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute " + - label: "Step 10: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnTransitionTime" @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute " + - label: "Step 11: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OffTransitionTime" @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute " + - label: "Step 12: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DefaultMoveRate" @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Reads the Options attribute " + - label: "Step 13: Reads the Options attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap8 - - label: "Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute " + - label: "Step 14: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute " PICS: LVL.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpCurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_2.yaml index 7b6a175f132cb7..709efc4985255e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_2_2.yaml @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOffTransitionTime" @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0010 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OnOffTransitionTime" arguments: value: OnOffTransitionTimeConfigValue - - label: "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1c: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOffTransitionTime" @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ tests: type: int16u notValue: OnOffTransitionTimeValue - - label: "Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" @@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0011 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" arguments: value: OnLevelConfigValue - - label: "Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ tests: type: int8u notValue: OnLevelValue - - label: "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnTransitionTime" @@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0012 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OnTransitionTime" arguments: value: OnTransitionTimeConfigValue - - label: "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnTransitionTime" @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ tests: type: int16u notValue: OnTransitionTimeValue - - label: "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OffTransitionTime" @@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0013 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OffTransitionTime" arguments: value: OffTransitionTimeConfigValue - - label: "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OffTransitionTime" @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ tests: type: int16u notValue: OffTransitionTimeValue - - label: "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DefaultMoveRate" @@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0014 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "DefaultMoveRate" arguments: value: DefaultMoveRateConfigValue - - label: "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DefaultMoveRate" @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ tests: type: int8u notValue: DefaultMoveRatevalue - - label: "Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpCurrentLevel" @@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "writes the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT" + - label: "Step 6b: Rwrites the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A4000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "StartUpCurrentLevel" arguments: value: StartUpCurrentLevelConfigValue - - label: "reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6c: Rreads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpCurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml index 7d55c2b432daa6..1f2e84127895d2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" @@ -61,21 +61,21 @@ tests: value: 0 #NOTE - fix/workaround for - - label: "TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A0011 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OnLevel" arguments: value: null - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and - TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" + "Step 2b: TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level + =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C04.Rsp command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" arguments: @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C04.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -97,20 +97,20 @@ tests: response: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C04.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 50 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and + "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ tests: value: 50 - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and - TransitionTime = 300 (30 s). This means the level should increase by - 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s" + "Step 4a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 + and TransitionTime = 300 (30 s). This means the level should increase + by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -208,40 +208,40 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 200 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 200 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 5a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads Options attribute" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 5d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -255,19 +255,19 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 100 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 5g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 100 - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 5i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -302,14 +302,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 100 - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 5k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -323,33 +323,33 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 1 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 160 - - label: "TH writes 1 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 6a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads Options attribute" + - label: "Step 6b: TH reads Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Options" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 6c: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 6d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -363,19 +363,19 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 100 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 6f: TH sends Off command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 6g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -389,14 +389,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 120 - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 6i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -410,14 +410,14 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" response: value: 120 - - label: "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" + - label: "Step 6k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" arguments: @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 1 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 6l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml index ec6c1d08f387a1..a1a8bce694dd39 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml @@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ tests: arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxLevel" @@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C05.Rsp command: "Off" - label: - "TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and - Rate =10 (units/s)" + "Step 2b: TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 + (up) and Rate =10 (units/s)" PICS: LVL.S.C05.Rsp command: "MoveWithOnOff" arguments: @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C05.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ tests: response: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 254 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and + "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ tests: value: 50 - label: - "TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate - =5 (units/s)" + "Step 4a: TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) + and Rate =5 (units/s)" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp command: "Move" arguments: @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 19000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml index a909f16b621c88..cd0f04a917fea9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml @@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ tests: arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C06.Rsp command: "Off" - label: - "TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), - StepSize =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" + "Step 2b: TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 + (up), StepSize =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C06.Rsp command: "StepWithOnOff" arguments: @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ tests: response: value: 1 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and + "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Reads current level attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: Reads current level attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ tests: value: 50 - label: - "TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize - =150 and TransitionTime =300" + "Step 4a: TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), + StepSize =150 and TransitionTime =300" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp command: "Step" arguments: @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 10000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ tests: value: 200 - label: - "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the - transition)" + "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has + finished the transition)" PICS: LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml index e23342eade6a4b..3c6c68e78ae507 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml @@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ tests: arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: H writes 0 to the Options attribute" PICS: LVL.S.A000f command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Options" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT" cluster: "On/Off" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - label: - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and + "Step 2a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)" PICS: LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "MoveToLevel" @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ tests: value: 50 - label: - "TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to - 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)" + "Step 2c: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field + set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp command: "Move" arguments: @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ tests: - name: "OptionsOverride" value: 0 - - label: "Wait 5000ms" + - label: "Step 2d: Wait 5000ms" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "Sends stop command to DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Sends stop command to DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C03.Rsp command: "Stop" arguments: @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C03.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 86 - label: - "TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to - 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)" + "Step 5: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field + set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp command: "Move" arguments: @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C07.Rsp command: "StopWithOnOff" arguments: @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT" PICS: LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C07.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentLevel" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4.yaml index 4ab9ae77a4b3cd..8df3594f747c1a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !MEDIAINPUT.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 2: Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10.yaml index 06a801aa15992d..40abecb427e62b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(InputList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the device - is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint - 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and - Description(Type:String)" + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the + device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an + index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), + and Description(Type:String)" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InputList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11.yaml index fce4409b800802..d4df6406ae9e18 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -37,18 +37,18 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(InputList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the device - is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint - 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and - Description(Type:String)" + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the + device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an + index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), + and Description(Type:String)" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InputList" - label: - "TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the - index of the preferred input." + "Step 2: TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by + passing the index of the preferred input." PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "SelectInput" arguments: @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ tests: value: Index - label: - "TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current - input selected." + "Step 3: TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the + current input selected." PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001 && MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentInput" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12.yaml index a3b848be39ff29..ac25e0ee8c926d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(InputList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the device - is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint - 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and - Description(Type:String)" + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available and Verify list of available inputs supported by the + device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an + index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), + and Description(Type:String)" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InputList" - - label: "Show Input Status Command" + - label: "Step 2: Show Input Status Command" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.C01.Rsp command: "ShowInputStatus" - - label: "Hide Input Status Command" + - label: "Step 3: Hide Input Status Command" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.C02.Rsp command: "HideInputStatus" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13.yaml index aafdf522eb3d89..64efa6c5663959 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ tests: #Issue 13029 #This step implicitly validating the attribute(InputList)constraints, as long as the payload is being parsed successfully - label: - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available" + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InputList" @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the - list returned in step 1" + "Step 2: TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from + the list returned in step 1" PICS: MEDIAINPUT.S.C03.Rsp command: "RenameInput" arguments: @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ tests: # Issue 13029 - label: - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs - available" + "Step 3: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of + Inputs available" verification: | ./chip-tool mediainput read input-list 1 1 [1651055193.215119][155444:155449] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0507 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 2695202790 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7.yaml index 792ed1e19f82b6..a15e6810320921 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00 && !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 2b: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 2c: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in + AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -107,7 +109,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -116,7 +119,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -125,7 +129,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [6] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -142,7 +147,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2] - - label: "Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4b: Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -151,7 +157,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [4] - - label: "Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4d: Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -169,7 +176,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [5] - - label: "Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4e: Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -178,7 +185,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [6] - - label: "Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4f: Read the optional command(FastForward) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -187,7 +196,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [7] - - label: "Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4g: Read the optional command(SkipForward) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -196,7 +207,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [8] - - label: "Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 4h: Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -205,7 +218,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9] - - label: "Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4i: Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -214,7 +227,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [11] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -222,7 +235,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1.yaml index d8f15a1db703ce..830fdd3f7d9aed 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1.yaml @@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 1 - - label: "Sends a Play command" + - label: "Step 2: Sends a Play command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp command: "Play" response: @@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 0 - - label: "sends a Pause command" + - label: "Step 4: sends a Pause command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp command: "Pause" response: @@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 5: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 1 - - label: "Sends a Stop command" + - label: "Step 6: Sends a Stop command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp command: "Stop" response: @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 7: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2.yaml index 846a719718186f..a91b2a2df7a010 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2.yaml @@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 1 - - label: "Sends a Play command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Sends a Play command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp command: "Play" response: @@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 0 - - label: "Sends a StartOver command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: Sends a StartOver command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp command: "StartOver" response: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Sends a Next command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: Sends a Next command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp command: "Next" response: @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Sends a Previous command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 6: Sends a Previous command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp command: "Previous" response: @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT " + - label: "Step 7: Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT " PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp command: "SkipForward" arguments: @@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 8: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SampledPosition" response: value: { "Position": 10000 } - - label: "Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT " + - label: "Step 9: Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT " PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp command: "SkipBackward" arguments: @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 10: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SampledPosition" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3.yaml index 6e7096e77d6a67..55a7faedc551e9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3.yaml @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Sends a Seek command" + - label: "Step 1: Sends a Seek command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "Seek" arguments: @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the SampledPosition attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Reads the SampledPosition attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SampledPosition" @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ tests: value: { "Position": 10000 } #Issue 10988 - - label: "TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001 && PICS_USER_PROMPT verification: | The TH commands for this test step can be invoked using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissionee) or tv-casting-app (when DUT is a commissioner): @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #Issue 10988 - - label: "TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT" verification: | The TH commands for this test step can be invoked using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissionee) or tv-casting-app (when DUT is a commissioner): ./chip-tool mediaplayback read seek-range-end 1 3 @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #Issue 10988 - - label: "TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT" verification: | The TH commands for this test step can be invoked using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissionee) or tv-casting-app (when DUT is a commissioner): ./chip-tool mediaplayback read seek-range-start 1 3 @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ tests: value: "y" #Issue 10988 - - label: "TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT" verification: | The TH commands for this test step can be invoked using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissionee) or tv-casting-app (when DUT is a commissioner): ./chip-tool mediaplayback read duration 1 3 @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid + "Step 7: Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp command: "Seek" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4.yaml index f28781ceaa9025..f6d1692d63595d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4.yaml @@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ tests: - name: "Status" value: 0 - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 1 - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" response: value: 0 - - label: "Sends a FastForward command" + - label: "Step 3: Sends a FastForward command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "FastForward" response: @@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 4: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 0 - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" response: value: 1 - - label: "Sends a FastForward command" + - label: "Step 6: Sends a FastForward command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "FastForward" response: @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" response: value: 2 - - label: "Sends a Rewind command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 8: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "Rewind" response: @@ -133,22 +133,21 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the CurrentState attribute" + - label: "Step 9: Reads the CurrentState attribute" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentState" response: value: 0 - #Issue 19800 - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 10: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" response: value: -1 - - label: "Sends a Rewind command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 11: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "Rewind" response: @@ -172,14 +171,14 @@ tests: value: "y" #Issue 19800 - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 12: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" response: value: -2 - - label: "Sends a Play command" + - label: "Step 13: Sends a Play command" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp command: "Play" response: @@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 14: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PlaybackSpeed" PICS: MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp @@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ tests: value: 1 #Issue 10988 - - label: "Sends consecutive FastForward commands" + - label: "Step 15: Sends consecutive FastForward commands" verification: | Send below command consecutively multiple times to get error code as 4 ./chip-tool mediaplayback fast-forward 1 3 @@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Sends consecutive Rewind commands" + - label: "Step 16: Sends consecutive Rewind commands" verification: | Send below command consecutively multiple times to get error code as 4 ./chip-tool mediaplayback rewind 1 3 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MOD_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MOD_1_1.yaml index c1dbe77b37e105..1c522fe6bd3e71 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MOD_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_MOD_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" PICS: MOD.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" PICS: " !MOD.S.F00 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from - the DUT" + "Step 4b: TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: MOD.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ tests: contains: [4] - label: - "TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT" + "Step 4c: TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList + from the DUT" PICS: MOD.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1.yaml index dbceec81f2a16d..454e30003321df 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.A0007 && NDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - NDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 3i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + NDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 3j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 3k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: NDOCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1.yaml index c9dc45bd2e6b24..c98982da5b8b8b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: NDOCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_1_1.yaml index 4ca1a23c364697..07f0440ef06e7a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_1.yaml index 6354ba3dbe9534..ad46576b959a1b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy" + - label: "Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy" PICS: OCC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Occupancy" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType" + - label: "Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType" PICS: OCC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupancySensorType" @@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" + - label: + "Step 4: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: + OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" PICS: OCC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" @@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 7 - - label: "Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" + - label: "Step 5: Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" @@ -71,7 +73,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" + - label: + "Step 6: Reads optional attribute constrains: + PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" @@ -82,7 +86,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" + "Step 7: Reads optional attribute constrains: + PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" PICS: OCC.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" @@ -92,7 +97,8 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 254 - - label: "Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" + - label: + "Step 8: Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0020 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" @@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" + - label: "Step 9: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" @@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" + - label: "Step 10: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" PICS: OCC.S.A0022 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" @@ -123,7 +129,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 254 - label: - "Reads optional attribute constrains: + "Step 11: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" @@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Reads optional attribute constrains: + "Step 12: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" PICS: OCC.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" @@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Reads optional attribute constrains: + "Step 13: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" PICS: OCC.S.A0032 command: "readAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_3.yaml index 8d3bcdacedfe11..0ef5e9f5b668c2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_2_3.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType" + - label: "Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType" PICS: OCC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupancySensorType" @@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" + - label: + "Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: + OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" PICS: OCC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupancySensorTypeBitmap" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_3_1.yaml index 6d30ce49185562..82a6f84f108590 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_3_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OCC_3_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads Occupancy attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Reads Occupancy attribute from DUT" PICS: OCC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Occupancy" response: saveAs: OccupancyValue - - label: "Operate on DUT to change the occupancy status" + - label: "Step 3: Operate on DUT to change the occupancy status" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && OCC.M.OccupancyChange @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Reads back Occupancy attribute from DUT after few seconds" + - label: "Step 4: Reads back Occupancy attribute from DUT after few seconds" PICS: OCC.S.A0000 && OCC.M.OccupancyChange command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Occupancy" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_1_1.yaml index 735e1c1d50471d..f2a06ce86fba47 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: minValue: 4 maxValue: 5 - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ( !OO.S.F00 && !OO.S.F01 ) @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OO.S.F00 @@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OO.S.F01 @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -75,7 +77,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: OO.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -84,36 +88,11 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16384, 16385, 16386, 16387] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" - command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" - response: - constraints: - type: list - contains: [0, 1, 2] - - - label: - "Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList" - command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: OO.S.F00 - response: - constraints: - type: list - contains: [64, 65, 66] - - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" - command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" - response: - value: [] - constraints: - type: list - #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool onoff read event-list 1 1 @@ -134,3 +113,30 @@ tests: value: "Please enter 'y' for success" - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" + + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + command: "readAttribute" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + response: + constraints: + type: list + contains: [0, 1, 2] + + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in + AcceptedCommandList" + command: "readAttribute" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: OO.S.F00 + response: + constraints: + type: list + contains: [64, 65, 66] + + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + command: "readAttribute" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + response: + value: [] + constraints: + type: list diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_1.yaml index ca8c6412858ac6..d16199cbdf4e74 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl" + - label: "Step 3: Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl" PICS: OO.S.A4000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GlobalSceneControl" @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Read LT attribute: OnTime" + - label: "Step 4: Read LT attribute: OnTime" PICS: OO.S.A4001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnTime" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime" + - label: "Step 5: Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime" PICS: OO.S.A4002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OffWaitTime" @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff" + - label: "Step 6: Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff" PICS: OO.S.A4003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartUpOnOff" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_2.yaml index 3f86e0d57bf8e6..f8433a20993410 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,62 +31,62 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Send Off Command" + - label: "Step 2a: Send Off Command" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" + - label: "Step 2b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "Send On Command" + - label: "Step 3a: Send On Command" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" + - label: "Step 3b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "Send On Command" + - label: "Step 3c: Send On Command" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" + - label: "Step 3d: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "Send Off Command" + - label: "Step 4a: Send Off Command" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" + - label: "Step 4b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "Send Off Command" + - label: "Step 4c: Send Off Command" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" + - label: "Step 4d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "Send Toggle Command" + - label: "Step 5c: Send Toggle Command" PICS: OO.S.C02.Rsp command: "Toggle" @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 1000 - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command" + - label: + "Step 5d: Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ tests: response: value: 0 - - label: "Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on" + - label: "Step 6a: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000 @@ -136,14 +137,14 @@ tests: value: "y" # Skipped this step because the above test need manual input - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" + - label: "Step 6b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off" + - label: "Step 6c: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000 @@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ tests: value: "y" # Skipped the step because the above test need manual input - - label: "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" + - label: "Step 6d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command" PICS: PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_4.yaml index ae6e379eca3c30..cd1cc9caf78ffa 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OO_2_4.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,24 +32,24 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH sends On command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH sends On command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp command: "On" - - label: "TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" PICS: OO.S.A4003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "StartUpOnOff" arguments: value: 0 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 3b: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 3c: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -70,27 +70,27 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" PICS: OO.S.A4003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "StartUpOnOff" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 4b: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 4c: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -111,27 +111,27 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" PICS: OO.S.A4003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "StartUpOnOff" arguments: value: 2 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 5b: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 5c: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -152,20 +152,20 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 5e: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 5f: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -186,27 +186,27 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5g: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT" PICS: OO.S.A4003 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "StartUpOnOff" arguments: value: null - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 6b: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 6c: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -227,31 +227,31 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 1 - - label: "TH sends Off command to DUT" + - label: "Step 6e: TH sends Off command to DUT" PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp command: "Off" - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6f: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" response: value: 0 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 6g: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 6h: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6i: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT" PICS: OO.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OnOff" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2.yaml index e56c065b38d721..e980178fe6c028 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT" PICS: OPCREDS.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT" PICS: OPCREDS.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads AttributeList from DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT" PICS: OPCREDS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read event-list 1 0 @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT" PICS: OPCREDS.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ tests: contains: [0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b] - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: - (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the - Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped + range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in + the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT" PICS: OPCREDS.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -203,13 +203,14 @@ tests: contains: [0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x08] - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7b: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1.yaml index c4e3694536081e..36c9508c5165bf 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ tests: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) in the - AttributeList from the DUT" + "Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) + in the AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: OPSTATE.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute." + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute." command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x00] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the optional event(OperationCompletion) in - EventList." + "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the optional + event(OperationCompletion) in EventList." PICS: OPSTATE.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0x01] - - label: "Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: OPSTATE.S.C02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1, 2] - - label: "Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6b: Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: OPSTATE.S.C01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6c: Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: OPSTATE.S.C00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 3] - - label: "Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6d: Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: OPSTATE.S.C03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: (OPSTATE.S.C00 || OPSTATE.S.C01 || OPSTATE.S.C02 || OPSTATE.S.C03) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1.yaml index 9d29dc475d3b3e..df054fc3f3d83f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x03] disabled: true - - label: "Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F00 @@ -63,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F00 @@ -73,7 +75,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F01 @@ -83,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F01 @@ -93,7 +97,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x2] - - label: "Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F02 @@ -103,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F02 @@ -114,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F03 @@ -124,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F03 @@ -135,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F04 @@ -145,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F04 @@ -156,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F05 @@ -166,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F05 @@ -176,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb @@ -185,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.A0007 && OZCONC.S.F00 @@ -195,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -206,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F00 @@ -218,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - OZCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F00 @@ -230,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F04 @@ -241,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F04 @@ -252,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F05 @@ -263,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + OZCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F05 @@ -274,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -285,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -295,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afffa @@ -304,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -313,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: OZCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1.yaml index 9dcab099c7a369..d68496691ab4c6 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: OZCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1.yaml index 6c780be2faa5a0..50db4a596d518c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!OZFREMON.S.F00 && !OZFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given OZFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given OZFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given OZFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given OZFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: OZFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(OZFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OZFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: OZFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (OZFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (OZFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: OZFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: OZFREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: OZFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1.yaml index 485746f366cd00..102819a56015f2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: OZFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: OZFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: OZFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: OZFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_1_1.yaml index a4c311f1a26ef3..229e4bda655e05 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" PICS: " PCC.S.Afffc && !PCC.S.F00 && !PCC.S.F01 && !PCC.S.F02 && !PCC.S.F03 && !PCC.S.F04 && !PCC.S.F05 && !PCC.S.F06 " @@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3c: Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -71,7 +73,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -80,7 +84,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3e: Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -89,7 +95,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -98,7 +106,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x10] - - label: "Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3g: Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -107,7 +117,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x20] - - label: "Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3h: Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -116,7 +128,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x40] - - label: "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -141,7 +153,7 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in + "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0003 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -152,7 +164,7 @@ tests: contains: [3] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in + "Step 4c TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0004 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -163,7 +175,7 @@ tests: contains: [4] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0005 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -174,7 +186,7 @@ tests: contains: [5] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in + "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0006 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" @@ -185,8 +197,8 @@ tests: contains: [6] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0007 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -196,8 +208,8 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0008 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -207,8 +219,8 @@ tests: contains: [8] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0009 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -218,8 +230,8 @@ tests: contains: [9] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A000a && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -229,8 +241,8 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A000b && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -240,8 +252,8 @@ tests: contains: [11] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A000c && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -251,8 +263,8 @@ tests: contains: [12] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0010 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -262,8 +274,8 @@ tests: contains: [16] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from - the DUT" + "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0014 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -273,8 +285,8 @@ tests: contains: [20] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in - AttributeList from the DUT" + "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute + in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -284,8 +296,8 @@ tests: contains: [21] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from - the DUT" + "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0016 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -295,8 +307,8 @@ tests: contains: [22] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in - AttributeList from the DUT" + "Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) + attribute in AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -306,8 +318,8 @@ tests: contains: [23] - label: - "TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList - from the DUT" + "Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in + AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0021 && PCC.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -318,8 +330,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain - values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + "Step 4r: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY + contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - @@ -375,7 +387,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads EventList from DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT" PICS: " PCC.S.Afffa && !PCC.S.E00 && !PCC.S.E01 && !PCC.S.E02 && !PCC.S.E03 && !PCC.S.E04 && !PCC.S.E05 && !PCC.S.E06 && !PCC.S.E07 && !PCC.S.E08 @@ -389,7 +401,7 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageLow)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E00 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -400,7 +412,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x00] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5c: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageHigh)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E01 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -411,7 +423,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x01] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5d: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PowerMissingPhase)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E02 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -422,7 +434,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x02] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5e: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureLow)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E03 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -433,7 +445,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x03] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5f: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureHigh)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E04 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -444,7 +456,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x04] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (DryRunning)attribute." + "Step 5g: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + (DryRunning)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E05 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -454,7 +467,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x05] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5h: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (MotorTemperatureHigh)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E06 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -465,7 +478,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x06] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5i: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpMotorFatalFailure)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E07 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -476,7 +489,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x07] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5j: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicTemperatureHigh)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E08 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -487,7 +500,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x08] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpBlocked)attribute." + "Step 5k: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + (PumpBlocked)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E09 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -497,7 +511,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x09] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5l: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SensorFailure)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0a && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -508,7 +522,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x0a] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5m: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicNonFatalFailure)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0b && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -519,7 +533,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x0b] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5n: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicFatalFailure)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0c && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -530,7 +544,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x0c] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (GeneralFault)attribute." + "Step 5o: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + (GeneralFault)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0d && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -539,7 +554,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0x0d] - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (Leakage)attribute." + - label: + "Step 5p: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + (Leakage)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0e && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -549,7 +566,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x0e] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (AirDetection)attribute." + "Step 5q: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + (AirDetection)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E0f && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -559,7 +577,7 @@ tests: contains: [0x0f] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional + "Step 5r: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (TurbineOperation)attribute." PICS: PCC.S.E10 && PCC.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" @@ -571,15 +589,15 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain - any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer - Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be - ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor - or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the - allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5s: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT + contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the + Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - + 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), + these values SHALL be ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any + values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pumpconfigurationandcontrol read event-list 1 1 @@ -631,13 +649,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pumpconfigurationandcontrol read accepted-command-list 1 1 @@ -656,13 +675,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pumpconfigurationandcontrol read generated-command-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_1.yaml index 9753dd04c32958..d79c8904980f00 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure" PICS: PCC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxPressure" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed" + - label: "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed" PICS: PCC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxSpeed" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow" + - label: "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow" PICS: PCC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxFlow" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure" + - label: "Step 5: Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure" PICS: PCC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinConstPressure" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure" + - label: "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure" PICS: PCC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxConstPressure" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure" + - label: "Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure" PICS: PCC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCompPressure" @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure" + - label: "Step 8: Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure" PICS: PCC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxCompPressure" @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed" + - label: "Step 9: Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed" PICS: PCC.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinConstSpeed" @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed" + - label: "Step 10: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed" PICS: PCC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxConstSpeed" @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow" + - label: "Step 11: Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow" PICS: PCC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinConstFlow" @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow" + - label: "Step 12: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow" PICS: PCC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxConstFlow" @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp" + - label: "Step 13: Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp" PICS: PCC.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinConstTemp" @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp" + - label: "Step 14: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp" PICS: PCC.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxConstTemp" @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus" + - label: "Step 15: Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus" PICS: PCC.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PumpStatus" @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 8 - - label: "Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode" + - label: "Step 16: Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 17: Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "Read attribute: Capacity" + - label: "Step 18: Read attribute: Capacity" PICS: PCC.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Capacity" @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32768 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: Speed" + - label: "Step 19: Read the optional attribute: Speed" PICS: PCC.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Speed" @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" + - label: "Step 20: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 16777215 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: Power" + - label: "Step 21: Read the optional attribute: Power" PICS: PCC.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Power" @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 16777215 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" + - label: "Step 22: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4294967295 - - label: "Read optional attribute: OperationMode" + - label: "Step 23: Read optional attribute: OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0020 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Read optional attribute: ControlMode" + - label: "Step 24: Read optional attribute: ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0021 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_2.yaml index 310268782fdca7..76e086a55b279b 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,28 +31,32 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" + - label: + "Step 2a: TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0020 arguments: value: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" + - label: + "Step 2b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0011 response: value: 0 - - label: "TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" + - label: + "Step 3a: TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020 arguments: value: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" + - label: + "Step 3b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011 @@ -60,29 +64,31 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a - time." + "Step 4a: TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT + one at a time." command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020 arguments: value: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" + - label: + "Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011 response: value: 2 - - label: "TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0020 arguments: value: 3 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" + - label: + "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0011 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_3.yaml index ae1a7c819b399f..4f3c3ae9d14165 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_3.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,98 +31,98 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0020 arguments: value: 0 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode" + - label: "Step 2b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveOperationMode" PICS: PCC.S.A0011 response: value: 0 - - label: "Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 0 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 3b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0012 response: value: 0 - - label: "Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 1 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 4b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0012 response: value: 1 - - label: "Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 2 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 5b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0012 response: value: 2 - - label: "Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 3 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 6b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0012 response: value: 3 - - label: "Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 5 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 7b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0012 response: value: 5 - - label: "Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 8a: Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0021 arguments: value: 7 - - label: "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" + - label: "Step 8b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EffectiveControlMode" PICS: PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0012 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_4.yaml index 601f084846112f..aa7462ed481d0c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PCC_2_4.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,84 +31,84 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" + - label: "Step 2b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" response: value: 1 - - label: "Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" arguments: value: 2 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" + - label: "Step 3b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" response: value: 2 - - label: "Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" arguments: value: 3 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" + - label: "Step 4b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours" PICS: PCC.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeRunningHours" response: value: 3 - - label: "Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" arguments: value: 1 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" + - label: "Step 5b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" response: value: 1 - - label: "Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" arguments: value: 2 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" + - label: "Step 6b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" response: value: 2 - - label: "Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" + - label: "Step 7a: Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" arguments: value: 3 - - label: "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" + - label: "Step 7b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed" PICS: PCC.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LifetimeEnergyConsumed" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1.yaml index 202ef568aa4d99..8f3f0208181f5a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.A0007 && PMHCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - PMHCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + PMHCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: PMHCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1.yaml index 546b993a2e44c2..02160146954a5a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: PMHCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1.yaml index a6dc80dfea7159..340c43e9b8ba64 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.A0007 && PMICONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - PMICONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + PMICONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: PMICONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1.yaml index cc5b1913d1a60a..3488c29bd75cb7 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: PMICONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1.yaml index e4bd7505573f86..32c91718106373 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.A0007 && PMKCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - PMKCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + PMKCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: PMKCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1.yaml index 3cca83f208f9dd..848c3ae27ec5a4 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: PMKCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_1_1.yaml index 222f98a215fee2..eed8b3b7060a0f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: PRS.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: PRS.S.Afffc && !PRS.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: PRS.S.F00 && PRS.S.Afffc @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -67,7 +69,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0010 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -76,7 +79,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [16] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0011 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -85,7 +89,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [17] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0012 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [18] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0014 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [20] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0003 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -112,7 +117,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in + AttributeList" PICS: PRS.S.A0013 && PRS.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -123,8 +130,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed @@ -161,13 +168,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pressuremeasurement read event-list 1 1 @@ -190,13 +197,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pressuremeasurement read accepted-command-list 1 1 @@ -216,13 +224,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool pressuremeasurement read generated-command-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_1.yaml index cf302ecf0a9b99..1f5b8a86e00e1e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue" + - label: + "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ tests: minValue: -32767 maxValue: 32766 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue" + - label: + "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "Read the optional attribute: Tolerance" + - label: "Step 5: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance" PICS: PRS.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Tolerance" @@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2048 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue" + - label: "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinScaledValue" @@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ tests: minValue: -32767 maxValue: 32766 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue" + - label: "Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxScaledValue" @@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinScaledValue maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue" + - label: "Step 8: Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue" PICS: PRS.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScaledValue" @@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinScaledValue maxValue: MaxScaledValue - - label: "Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance" + - label: "Step 9: Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance" PICS: PRS.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScaledTolerance" @@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2048 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: Scale" + - label: "Step 10: Read the optional attribute: Scale" PICS: PRS.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Scale" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_2.yaml index 9526002baa96fc..8025fc1800b1c3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PRS_2_2.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute" PICS: PRS.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" response: saveAs: ValueBeforeChange - - label: "Operate on device to change the pressure significantly" + - label: "Step 3: Operate on device to change the pressure significantly" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.M.PressureChange @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 - label: - "After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue + "Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute" PICS: PRS.S.A0000 && PRS.M.PressureChange command: "readAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml index 89c53886597637..3f4568e5b04b43 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Commission DUT to TH" + - label: "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -73,8 +73,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool powersourceconfiguration read event-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml index e63f15fcefd7bc..96c37863fef5ef 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 0 tests: - - label: "Commission DUT to TH" + - label: "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT" PICS: PSCFG.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Sources" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_1_1.yaml index 98da9f0325328a..1abbc9ea0690f5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: " !PS.S.F00 && !PS.S.F01 && !PS.S.F02 && !PS.S.F03 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PS.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PS.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -66,7 +70,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PS.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -75,7 +81,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2, 0x4] - - label: "Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: PS.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2, 0x8] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -93,7 +101,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4a: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: PS.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -103,7 +112,8 @@ tests: contains: [5] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: PS.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -113,7 +123,8 @@ tests: contains: [14, 15, 16] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: PS.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -123,7 +134,8 @@ tests: contains: [26, 28] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: PS.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -132,7 +144,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [19, 25] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -140,7 +152,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -148,37 +160,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." - verification: | - ./chip-tool powersource read event-list 1 1 - - On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events. This list can be empty or contain following optional event IDs: - if PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) : 0 - if PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange): 1 - if PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange): 2 - Optionally the list can also contain manufacturer specific event IDs. - - [1676465733.563197][27987:27989] CHIP:DMG: } - [1676465733.563336][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_002F Attribute 0x0000_FFFA DataVersion: 2315782406 - [1676465733.563366][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: EventList: 1 entries - [1676465733.563377][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 1 - [1676465733.563449][27987:27989] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:56136i S:18318 M:225491668 (Ack:80009006)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [110F] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) - [1676465733.563464][27987:27989] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 225491668 on secure session with LSID: 18318 - [1676465733.563514][27987:27989] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:80009006 on exchange 56136i - cluster: "LogCommands" - command: "UserPrompt" - PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT - arguments: - values: - - name: "message" - value: "Please enter 'y' for success" - - name: "expectedValue" - value: "y" - - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 7a: Read the global attribute: EventList" PICS: " !PS.S.E00 && !PS.S.E01 && !PS.S.E02 " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -187,7 +169,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 7b: Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList" PICS: PS.S.E00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -196,7 +178,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 7c: Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList" PICS: PS.S.E01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -205,7 +187,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList" + - label: "Step 7d: Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList" PICS: PS.S.E02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -213,3 +195,34 @@ tests: constraints: type: list contains: [2] + + #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible + - label: + "Step 7e: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." + verification: | + ./chip-tool powersource read event-list 1 1 + + On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events. This list can be empty or contain following optional event IDs: + if PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) : 0 + if PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange): 1 + if PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange): 2 + Optionally the list can also contain manufacturer specific event IDs. + + [1676465733.563197][27987:27989] CHIP:DMG: } + [1676465733.563336][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_002F Attribute 0x0000_FFFA DataVersion: 2315782406 + [1676465733.563366][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: EventList: 1 entries + [1676465733.563377][27987:27989] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 1 + [1676465733.563449][27987:27989] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:56136i S:18318 M:225491668 (Ack:80009006)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [110F] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) + [1676465733.563464][27987:27989] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 225491668 on secure session with LSID: 18318 + [1676465733.563514][27987:27989] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:80009006 on exchange 56136i + cluster: "LogCommands" + command: "UserPrompt" + PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT + arguments: + values: + - name: "message" + value: "Please enter 'y' for success" + - name: "expectedValue" + value: "y" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_2_1.yaml index a6d904d9782d76..300ebafb566c39 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_PS_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 2: Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Status" @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Order" @@ -51,7 +52,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 4: Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Description" @@ -60,8 +63,8 @@ tests: type: char_string - label: - "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from - Server DUT" + "Step 5: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue + from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredAssessedInputVoltage" @@ -72,8 +75,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - label: - "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from - Server DUT" + "Step 6: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency + attribute from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredAssessedInputFrequency" @@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 - label: - "Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT" + "Step 7: Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from + Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredCurrentType" @@ -95,8 +99,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 1 - label: - "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server - DUT" + "Step 8: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from + Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredAssessedCurrent" @@ -106,7 +110,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 9: Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredNominalVoltage" @@ -116,7 +121,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 10: Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredMaximumCurrent" @@ -126,7 +133,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 11: Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "WiredPresent" @@ -134,7 +141,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 12: Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveWiredFaults" @@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ tests: type: list maxLength: 8 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 13: Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatVoltage" @@ -153,7 +161,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 14: Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatPercentRemaining" @@ -163,7 +173,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 200 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 15: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatTimeRemaining" @@ -173,7 +184,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 16: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatChargeLevel" @@ -183,7 +194,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 17: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A000f command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatReplacementNeeded" @@ -191,7 +204,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 18: Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatReplaceability" @@ -201,7 +215,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 19: Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0011 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatPresent" @@ -209,7 +223,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 20: Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0012 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveBatFaults" @@ -219,7 +233,8 @@ tests: maxLength: 8 - label: - "Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT" + "Step 21: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from + Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatReplacementDescription" @@ -228,7 +243,9 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 60 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 22: Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0014 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatCommonDesignation" @@ -238,7 +255,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 80 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 23: Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0015 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatANSIDesignation" @@ -247,7 +265,8 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 20 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 24: Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0016 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatIECDesignation" @@ -256,7 +275,9 @@ tests: type: char_string maxLength: 20 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 25: Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatApprovedChemistry" @@ -266,7 +287,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 32 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 26: Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatCapacity" @@ -276,7 +297,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 27: Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A0019 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatQuantity" @@ -286,7 +307,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT" + - label: "Step 28: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatChargeState" @@ -296,7 +317,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 29: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatTimeToFullCharge" @@ -307,7 +330,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - label: - "Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT" + "Step 30: Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from + Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A001c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatFunctionalWhileCharging" @@ -315,7 +339,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: boolean - - label: "Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 31: Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT" PICS: PS.S.A001d command: "readAttribute" attribute: "BatChargingCurrent" @@ -325,7 +350,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0x0 maxValue: 0xFFFFFFFF - - label: "Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT" + - label: + "Step 32: Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server + DUT" PICS: PS.S.A001e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ActiveBatChargeFaults" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_1_1.yaml index 274265409fbecf..7ff19e675ebc89 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RH.S.A0003 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool relativehumiditymeasurement read event-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_1.yaml index eaa7c15e80663f..52fb1470313d36 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" PICS: RH.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9999 - - label: "TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" PICS: RH.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: minValue: CurrentMinMeasured maxValue: 10000 - - label: "TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT" PICS: RH.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: minValue: CurrentMinMeasured maxValue: CurrentMaxMeasured - - label: "TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT" PICS: RH.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Tolerance" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_2.yaml index cffae3244bc1e3..a57dbd393c3c02 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RH_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads constraints of attribute: MinMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 2: Reads constraints of attribute: MinMeasuredValue" PICS: RH.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9999 - - label: "Reads constraints of attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 3: Reads constraints of attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" PICS: RH.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 10000 - - label: "Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" PICS: RH.S.A0000 @@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 10000 - - label: "Operate on device to change the relative humidity significantly" + - label: + "Step 5: Operate on device to change the relative humidity + significantly" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && RH.M.ManuallyControlled @@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 6: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" PICS: RH.S.A0000 && RH.M.ManuallyControlled diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1.yaml index e1fc977da9f334..60702f2b16cf51 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x03] disabled: true - - label: "Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F00 @@ -63,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F00 @@ -73,7 +75,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F01 @@ -83,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F01 @@ -93,7 +97,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x2] - - label: "Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F02 @@ -103,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F02 @@ -114,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F03 @@ -124,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F03 @@ -135,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F04 @@ -145,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F04 @@ -156,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F05 @@ -166,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct - bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F05 @@ -176,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb @@ -185,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.A0007 && RNCONC.S.F00 @@ -195,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -206,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F00 @@ -218,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - RNCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F00 @@ -230,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F04 @@ -241,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F04 @@ -252,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F05 @@ -263,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + RNCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F05 @@ -274,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -285,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -295,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afffa @@ -304,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -313,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: RNCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1.yaml index 3e3f8869165230..d8fea0cad57baa 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: H reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: RNCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1.yaml index c952b3bfe09f18..8e0d66f1ba34d9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. -name: xx.1.1. [TC-RVCOPSTATE-1.1] Global attributes with server as DUT +name: 224.1.1. [TC-RVCOPSTATE-1.1] Global attributes [DUT as Server] PICS: - RVCOPSTATE.S @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) in the - AttributeList from the DUT" + "Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) + in the AttributeList from the DUT" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.A0002 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute." + - label: "Step 5a: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute." PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ tests: contains: [0x00] - label: - "TH reads from the DUT the optional event(OperationCompletion) in - EventList." + "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the optional + event(OperationCompletion) in EventList." PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.E01 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afffa command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0x01] - - label: "Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.C02 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1, 2] - - label: "Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6b: Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.C01 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6c: Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.C00 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 3] - - label: "Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6d: Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.C03 && RVCOPSTATE.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: RVCOPSTATE.S.Afff8 && (RVCOPSTATE.S.C00 || RVCOPSTATE.S.C01 || RVCOPSTATE.S.C02 || RVCOPSTATE.S.C03) diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SC_4_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SC_4_1.yaml index 7ae1cdacc5f419..4254344a0d17c6 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SC_4_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SC_4_1.yaml @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 5000 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "DUT is put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning - Window command " + "Step 1a: DUT is put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic + Commissioning Window command " cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning - label: - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID - expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" + "Step 2a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected + ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ tests: isUpperCase: true isHexString: true - - label: "Service type must be _matterc._udp" + - label: "Step 2b: Service type must be _matterc._udp" verification: | Run the below commands within the mentioned time interval used in open-commissioning-window in step-1. Run the below avahi browse command in the TH terminal @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ tests: #validate the service type and the service domain not implemented in CI - label: - "Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address - expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" + "Step 2c: Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC + address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" PICS: "( MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ tests: isHexString: true - label: - "Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address - expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" + "Step 2c: Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC + address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" PICS: "(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.WIFI) && MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ tests: isHexString: true #subtype - - label: "Check Long Discriminator _L" + - label: "Step 2d: Check Long Discriminator _L" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: discriminator - - label: "Check Short Discriminator (_S)" + - label: "Step 2d: Check Short Discriminator (_S)" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ tests: value: shortDiscriminator - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present - must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal number - in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" + "Step 2e: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is + present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal + number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByVendorId" @@ -196,9 +196,10 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "if (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, - represents device type from Data Model and must be represented - as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros" + "Step 2f: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is + present, represents device type from Data Model and must be + represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without + leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByDeviceType" @@ -207,13 +208,14 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: deviceType - - label: "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM must be present" + - label: + "Step 2g: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM must be present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode" - label: - "key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be - encoded as a variable-length decimal value with up to 4 digits + "Step 2h: key D must be present and represents the discriminator which + must be encoded as a variable-length decimal value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -226,8 +228,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 4096 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID - is present" + "Step 2i: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Vendor ID is present" PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -237,8 +239,8 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID - is present" + "Step 2j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Product ID is present" PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -248,10 +250,10 @@ tests: value: productId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000" + "Step 2k: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000" PICS: MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -262,10 +264,10 @@ tests: maxValue: 3600000 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SAI key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000." + "Step 2l: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SAI key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000." PICS: MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: 3600000 - - label: "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) CM=1 must be present" + - label: "Step 2m: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) CM=1 must be present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -284,8 +286,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type - identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a + "Step 2n: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device + type identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.DT_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -296,8 +298,8 @@ tests: value: deviceType - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string - with a maximum length of 32B" + "Step 2o: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded + string with a maximum length of 32B" PICS: MCORE.SC.DN_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -308,9 +310,9 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY ) present, key RI must include the Rotating - Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a maximum length - of 100 chars" + "Step 2p: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY ) present, key RI must include the + Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a + maximum length of 100 chars" PICS: MCORE.SC.RI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 100 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a + "Step 2q: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0" PICS: MCORE.SC.PH_KEY @@ -334,8 +336,8 @@ tests: notValue: 0 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 - string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" + "Step 2r: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a + valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" PICS: MCORE.SC.PI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -346,8 +348,8 @@ tests: maxLength: 128 - label: - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they - are willing to accept Matter messages." + "Step 2s: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon + which they are willing to accept Matter messages." cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -357,13 +359,13 @@ tests: minValue: 1 ### DUT TurnOff - - label: "Reboot/restart the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Reboot/restart the DUT" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 3: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -385,9 +387,9 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "DUT put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning Window - command, starting advertising Commissionable Node Discovery service - using DNS-SD" + "Step 3a: DUT put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning + Window command, starting advertising Commissionable Node Discovery + service using DNS-SD" PICS: CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow" @@ -406,9 +408,9 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning - label: - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID - expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters and must - be different from the one at step 2" + "Step 4a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected + ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters and + must be different from the one at step 2" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -421,7 +423,7 @@ tests: isHexString: true notValue: deviceInstanceNameBeforeReboot - - label: "service type must be _matterc._udp" + - label: "Step 4b: service type must be _matterc._udp" verification: | Run the below avahi browse command in TH terminal @@ -465,9 +467,9 @@ tests: #validate the service type and the service domain not implemented in CI - label: - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target - hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a - twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" + "Step 4c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) + target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address + expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" PICS: "(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -481,9 +483,9 @@ tests: isHexString: true - label: - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from - the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen - capital letter hex string" + "Step 4c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is + derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or + sixteen capital letter hex string" PICS: "(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ tests: isUpperCase: true isHexString: true - - label: "Check Long Discriminator _L" + - label: "Step 4d: Check Long Discriminator _L" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -504,7 +506,7 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: discriminator - - label: "Check Short Discriminator (_S)" + - label: "Step 4e: Check Short Discriminator (_S)" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -513,9 +515,9 @@ tests: value: shortDiscriminator - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present - must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal number - in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" + "Step 4f: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is + present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal + number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByVendorId" @@ -525,9 +527,10 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, - represents device type from Data Model and must be represented - as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros" + "Step 4g: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is + present, represents device type from Data Model and must be + represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without + leading zeros" # The device type is not broadcasted by the accessory under CI. PICS: MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -537,13 +540,13 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: deviceType - - label: "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present" + - label: "Step 4h: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode" - label: - "key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be - encoded as a variable-length decimal value with up to 4 digits + "Step 4i: key D must be present and represents the discriminator which + must be encoded as a variable-length decimal value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -556,8 +559,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 4096 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID - is present." + "Step 4j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Vendor ID is present." PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -567,8 +570,8 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID - is present." + "Step 4k: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Product ID is present." PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -578,10 +581,10 @@ tests: value: productId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SII key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000" + "Step 4l: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SII key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000" PICS: MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -592,10 +595,10 @@ tests: maxValue: 3600000 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000." + "Step 4m: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000." PICS: MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -605,7 +608,8 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: 3600000 - - label: "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) key CM=1 must be present" + - label: + "Step 4n: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) key CM=1 must be present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -614,8 +618,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type - identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a + "Step 4o: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device + type identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.DT_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -626,8 +630,8 @@ tests: value: deviceType - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string - with a maximum length of 32B" + "Step 4p: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded + string with a maximum length of 32B" PICS: MCORE.SC.DN_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -638,9 +642,9 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device - Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 - chars" + "Step 4q: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the + Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a + maximum length of 100 chars" PICS: MCORE.SC.RI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -651,7 +655,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 100 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a + "Step 4r: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0" PICS: MCORE.SC.PH_KEY @@ -664,8 +668,8 @@ tests: notValue: 0 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 - string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" + "Step 4s: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a + valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" PICS: MCORE.SC.PI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -676,8 +680,8 @@ tests: maxLength: 128 - label: - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they - are willing to accept Matter messages." + "Step 4t: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon + which they are willing to accept Matter messages." cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -686,7 +690,7 @@ tests: constraints: minValue: 1 - - label: "Wait for OpenBasicCommissioningWindow timeout to expire" + - label: "Step 5: Wait for OpenBasicCommissioningWindow timeout to expire" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -695,8 +699,8 @@ tests: value: 180000 - label: - "DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode - using Open Commissioning Window command" + "Step 6: DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning + mode using Open Commissioning Window command" cluster: "Administrator Commissioning" command: "OpenCommissioningWindow" timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 10000 @@ -716,8 +720,8 @@ tests: #Issue - label: - "DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode - using Open Commissioning Window command" + "Step 6: DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning + mode using Open Commissioning Window command" verification: | Run the below open-commissioning-window in TH Terminal @@ -775,8 +779,8 @@ tests: value: waitAfterCommissioning - label: - "DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as - a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" + "Step 7a: DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID + expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -791,9 +795,9 @@ tests: #validate the service type and the service domain not implemented in CI - label: - "Check Hostname.If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname - is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve - or sixteen capital letter hex string." + "Step 7b: Check Hostname.If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target + hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a + twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string." # On macOS the hostname is the device name and because of it this test is disabled for now. PICS: "(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -808,9 +812,9 @@ tests: isHexString: true - label: - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from - the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address expressed as a twelve or - sixteen capital letter hex string." + "Step 7b: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is + derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address expressed as a + twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string." # On macOS the hostname is the device name and because of it this test is disabled for now. PICS: "(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -824,7 +828,7 @@ tests: isUpperCase: true isHexString: true - - label: "Check Long Discriminator _L" + - label: "Step 7c: Check Long Discriminator _L" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -832,7 +836,7 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: discriminator - - label: "Check Short Discriminator (_S)" + - label: "Step 7d: Check Short Discriminator (_S)" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator" arguments: @@ -841,9 +845,9 @@ tests: value: shortDiscriminator - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present - must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal number - in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" + "Step 7e: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is + present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal + number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByVendorId" @@ -853,9 +857,10 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, - represents device type from Data Model and must be represented - as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros" + "Step 7f: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is + present, represents device type from Data Model and must be + represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without + leading zeros" # The device type is not broadcasted by the accessory under CI. PICS: MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -865,13 +870,13 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: deviceType - - label: "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present" + - label: "Step 7g: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode" - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID - is present." + "Step 7h: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least + Vendor ID is present." PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -881,8 +886,8 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Product - ID is present" + "Step 7i: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least + Product ID is present" PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -892,7 +897,7 @@ tests: value: productId - label: - "Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Idle. if + "Step 7j: Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Idle. if (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not @@ -907,7 +912,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3600000 - label: - "Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Active. if + "Step 7k: Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Active. if (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not @@ -921,7 +926,7 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: 3600000 - - label: "TXT key for commissioning mode. CM=2 must be present" + - label: "Step 7l: TXT key for commissioning mode. CM=2 must be present" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -930,8 +935,8 @@ tests: value: 2 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type - identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a + "Step 7m: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device + type identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.DT_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -942,8 +947,8 @@ tests: value: deviceType - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string - with a maximum length of 32B" + "Step 7n: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded + string with a maximum length of 32B" PICS: MCORE.SC.DN_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -954,9 +959,9 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device - Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 - chars" + "Step 7o: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the + Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a + maximum length of 100 chars" PICS: MCORE.SC.RI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -967,7 +972,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 100 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a + "Step 7p: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0" PICS: MCORE.SC.PH_KEY @@ -980,8 +985,8 @@ tests: notValue: 0 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 - string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" + "Step 7q: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a + valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" PICS: MCORE.SC.PI_KEY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -992,8 +997,8 @@ tests: maxLength: 128 - label: - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they - are willing to accept Matter messages" + "Step 7r: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon + which they are willing to accept Matter messages" cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" response: @@ -1002,7 +1007,7 @@ tests: constraints: minValue: 1 - - label: "Wait for OCW timeout to expire" + - label: "Step 8: Wait for OCW timeout to expire" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -1011,8 +1016,8 @@ tests: value: 180000 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY ) enable Extended Discovery. DUT - should start to send Commissionable Node Discovery DNS-SD + "Step 9: If (MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY ) enable Extended Discovery. + DUT should start to send Commissionable Node Discovery DNS-SD advertisements" verification: | If the device supports Discovery for an extended period of time, the Device should continue to advertise. Use the avahi-browse command and you should see the _matterc._udp advertisement @@ -1029,8 +1034,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID - expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" + "Step 10a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected + ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital letters" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1043,7 +1048,7 @@ tests: isUpperCase: true isHexString: true - - label: "service type must be _matterc._udp" + - label: "Step 10b: service type must be _matterc._udp" verification: | Run and Verify on the below output in TH terminal Log: (Below is the sample log , as RPI doesn't support the extended discovery) Verify the CM flag value is 0 @@ -1070,9 +1075,9 @@ tests: #validate the service type and the service domain - label: - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target - hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a - twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" + "Step 10c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) + target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address + expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string" # On macOS the hostname is the device name and because of it this test is disabled for now. PICS: "(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR && @@ -1089,9 +1094,9 @@ tests: isHexString: true - label: - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from - the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address expressed as a twelve or - sixteen capital letter hex string." + "Step 10c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is + derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address expressed as a + twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string." # On macOS the hostname is the device name and because of it this test is disabled for now. PICS: "(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR && @@ -1109,7 +1114,7 @@ tests: # Commissioning Subtypes - - label: "Check Long Discriminator _L" + - label: "Step 10d: Check Long Discriminator _L" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator" @@ -1118,7 +1123,7 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: discriminator - - label: "Check Short Discriminator (_S)" + - label: "Step 10e: Check Short Discriminator (_S)" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator" @@ -1128,9 +1133,9 @@ tests: value: shortDiscriminator - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present - must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal number - in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" + "Step 10f: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is + present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a variable-length decimal + number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByVendorId" @@ -1140,9 +1145,10 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, - represents device type from Data Model and must be represented - as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros" + "Step 10g: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is + present, represents device type from Data Model and must be + represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without + leading zeros" # The device type is not broadcasted by the accessory under CI. PICS: MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" @@ -1152,14 +1158,14 @@ tests: - name: "value" value: deviceType - - label: "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM)" + - label: "Step 10h: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM)" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode" # TXT Records - - label: "TXT key for discriminator (D)" + - label: "Step 10i: TXT key for discriminator (D)" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1172,8 +1178,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 4096 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID - is present" + "Step 10j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Vendor ID is present" PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1183,8 +1189,8 @@ tests: value: vendorId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID - is present" + "Step 10k: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least + Product ID is present" PICS: MCORE.SC.VP_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1194,10 +1200,10 @@ tests: value: productId - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000." + "Step 10l: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000." PICS: MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1208,10 +1214,10 @@ tests: maxValue: 3600000 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an - unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a - variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall - not exceed 3600000." + "Step 10m: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be + an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as + a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. + Shall not exceed 3600000." PICS: MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1221,7 +1227,8 @@ tests: constraints: maxValue: 3600000 - - label: "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM), CM=0 may be present" + - label: + "Step 10n: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM), CM=0 may be present" PICS: MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1231,9 +1238,10 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type - identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be encoded as a - variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros" + "Step 10o: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the + device type identifier from Data Model Device Types and must be + encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading + zeros" PICS: MCORE.SC.DT_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1243,8 +1251,8 @@ tests: value: deviceType - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string - with a maximum length of 32B" + "Step 10p: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 + encoded string with a maximum length of 32B" PICS: MCORE.SC.DN_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1255,9 +1263,9 @@ tests: maxLength: 32 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device - Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 - chars" + "Step 10q: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the + Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase string with a + maximum length of 100 chars" PICS: MCORE.SC.RI_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" @@ -1268,7 +1276,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 100 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a + "Step 10r: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0" PICS: MCORE.SC.PH_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY @@ -1281,8 +1289,8 @@ tests: notValue: 0 - label: - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 - string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" + "Step 10s: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a + valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes" PICS: MCORE.SC.PI_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY cluster: "DiscoveryCommands" command: "FindCommissionable" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1.yaml index 7835d4187adc2f..b3951a3b5c85c1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: type: int16u - label: - "Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this + "Step 2a: Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap" PICS: "!SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && @@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2b: Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: SWTCH.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -62,7 +64,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x01] hasMasksClear: [0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10] - - label: "Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2c: Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -72,7 +76,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2d: Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: SWTCH.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -82,7 +88,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2, 0x4] hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2e: Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: SWTCH.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -92,7 +100,9 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2, 0x4, 0x8] hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 2f: Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -102,7 +112,7 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2, 0x4, 0x10] hasMasksClear: [0x1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -111,7 +121,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: "!SWTCH.S.F04" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -120,7 +130,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList " + - label: "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList " PICS: " !SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04 " @@ -131,7 +141,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)" + - label: "Step 5b: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)" PICS: SWTCH.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -140,7 +150,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)" + - label: "Step 5c: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)" PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" @@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ tests: contains: [1] - label: - "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & + "Step 5d: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)" PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -161,7 +171,7 @@ tests: contains: [1, 3] - label: - "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & + "Step 5e: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)" PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ tests: contains: [1, 2, 3, 4] - label: - "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & + "Step 5f: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) " PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -183,7 +193,7 @@ tests: contains: [1, 3, 5, 6] - label: - "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & + "Step 5g: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) " PICS: SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -201,7 +211,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1.yaml index a8c7ee1b608f51..96aadf42b7a7ec 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read NumberOfPositions attribute" + - label: "Step 2a: Read NumberOfPositions attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfPositions" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 2 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read CurrentPosition attribute" + - label: "Step 2b: Read CurrentPosition attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPosition" response: @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: NumberOfPositionsValue - 1 - - label: "Read MultiPressMax attribute" + - label: "Step 2c: Read MultiPressMax attribute" PICS: SWTCH.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MultiPressMax" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_1_1.yaml index f90580515e7b7f..2fdff088d49858 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_1_1.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding test)" + - label: + "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding + test)" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read ClusterRevision (global attribute 65533)" + - label: "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision (global attribute 65533)" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)" + - label: "Step 3: Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)" PICS: (!S.S.F00) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)" + - label: "Step 3: Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)" PICS: S.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)" + - label: "Step 4a: Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)" PICS: S.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ tests: 65533, ] - - label: "Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)" + - label: "Step 4b: Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)" PICS: (!S.S.A0005) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ tests: 65533, ] - - label: "Read EventList (global attribute 65530)" + - label: "Step 5: Read EventList (global attribute 65530)" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" + - label: "Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" PICS: S.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 40, 41, 42] - - label: "Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" + - label: "Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" PICS: (!S.S.C40.Rsp) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - - label: "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" + - label: "Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" PICS: S.C.C40.Tx command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 40, 41, 42] - - label: "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" + - label: "Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)" PICS: (!S.C.C40.Tx) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - - label: "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" + - label: "Step 7a: Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - label: - "Read optional command(EnhancedAddSceneResponse) in + "Step 7b: Read optional command(EnhancedAddSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" PICS: S.S.C40.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ tests: contains: [40] - label: - "Read optional command(EnhancedViewSceneResponse) in + "Step 7c: Read optional command(EnhancedViewSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" PICS: S.S.C41.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -182,8 +184,8 @@ tests: contains: [41] - label: - "Read optional command(CopySceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList - (global attribute 65528)" + "Step 7d: Read optional command(CopySceneResponse) in + GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)" PICS: S.S.C42.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_1.yaml index 31d1618c7061ba..02d54ffa921b7e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_1.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0000) SceneCount attribute" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0000) SceneCount attribute" PICS: S.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SceneCount" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int8u - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0001) CurrentScene attribute" + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0001) CurrentScene attribute" PICS: S.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentScene" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int8u - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0002) CurrentGroup attribute" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0002) CurrentGroup attribute" PICS: S.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentGroup" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: groupid - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0003) SceneValid attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0003) SceneValid attribute" PICS: S.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SceneValid" @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: uint8 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute" PICS: S.S.A0003 && S.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: uint8 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute" + - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute" PICS: S.S.A0004 && (!S.S.F00) command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NameSupport" @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: uint8 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0005) LastConfiguredBy attribute" + - label: + "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0005) LastConfiguredBy attribute" PICS: S.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LastConfiguredBy" @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ tests: constraints: type: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0006) SceneTableSize attribute" + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0006) SceneTableSize attribute" PICS: S.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SceneTableSize" @@ -100,7 +102,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: uint16 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0007) RemainingCapacity attribute" + - label: + "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0007) RemainingCapacity + attribute" PICS: S.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RemainingCapacity" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml index 52143ae602f2e0..437acb3881ff3f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ tests: type: uint16 - label: - "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet" + "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add + KeySet" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "KeySetWrite" @@ -70,8 +71,8 @@ tests: } - label: - "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group - Keys" + "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: + Write Group Keys" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001." + "Step 1a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001." PICS: G.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "Groups" command: "AddGroup" @@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to 0x0001." + "Step 1b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C03.Rsp command: "RemoveAllScenes" arguments: @@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 1c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -137,8 +138,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "STep 2a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "Level Control" command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -154,8 +155,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 2a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC1? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 2b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C04.Rsp command: "StoreScene" arguments: @@ -191,8 +192,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 3a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 3a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -225,8 +226,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 3b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: @@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ tests: - name: "SceneID" value: 0x01 - - label: "TH reads the SceneCount attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads the SceneCount attribute from DUT." PICS: S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SceneCount" @@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int8u - - label: "TH reads the CurrentScene attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads the CurrentScene attribute from DUT." PICS: S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentScene" @@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int8u - - label: "TH reads the CurrentGroup attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads the CurrentGroup attribute from DUT." PICS: S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentGroup" @@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: groupid - - label: "TH reads the SceneValid attribute from DUT." + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads the SceneValid attribute from DUT." PICS: S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SceneValid" @@ -272,13 +273,13 @@ tests: constraints: type: uint8 - - label: "Reboot target device" + - label: "Step 4a: Reboot target device" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step 4a: Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -292,8 +293,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 4c: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -309,8 +310,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 4c: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -326,8 +327,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 4d: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: @@ -338,8 +339,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 5: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C01.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "ViewScene" arguments: @@ -383,8 +384,8 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 5: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C01.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP command: "ViewScene" arguments: @@ -405,8 +406,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0000 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 6: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -425,8 +426,8 @@ tests: value: [0x01] - label: - "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to 0x0001." + "Step 7a: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C03.Rsp command: "RemoveAllScenes" arguments: @@ -441,8 +442,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 7b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -462,9 +463,9 @@ tests: # anyOf: [(maxScenes/2), 0xfe ,0x89] - label: - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to - 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 8a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field + set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." PICS: S.S.C00.Rsp && && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "AddScene" arguments: @@ -510,9 +511,9 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to - 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 8a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field + set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." verification: | Execute the following command in TH to generate the pre-condition to execute this test case: @@ -572,8 +573,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 8b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -595,8 +596,8 @@ tests: # anyOf: [(maxScenes/2), 0xfe ,0x89] - label: - "TH sends a RemoveScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 9a: TH sends a RemoveScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C02.Rsp command: "RemoveScene" arguments: @@ -615,8 +616,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 9b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -636,8 +637,8 @@ tests: # anyOf: [(maxScenes/2), 0xfe ,0x89] - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 10a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -653,8 +654,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 10a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -670,8 +671,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 10b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: @@ -684,8 +685,8 @@ tests: error: NOT_FOUND - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 11a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -701,8 +702,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 11a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC1? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -718,8 +719,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 11b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C04.Rsp command: "StoreScene" arguments: @@ -738,8 +739,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 12a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -755,8 +756,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 12a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -772,8 +773,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x02." + "Step 12b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x02." PICS: S.S.C04.Rsp command: "StoreScene" arguments: @@ -814,8 +815,8 @@ tests: # saveAs: ContinueTest - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0001." + "Step 12c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0001." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp @@ -836,8 +837,8 @@ tests: value: [0x01, 0x02] - label: - "If capacity allows, TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the - GroupID field set to 0x0002." + "Step 13a: If capacity allows, TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with + the GroupID field set to 0x0002." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: G.S.C00.Rsp @@ -857,8 +858,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0002 - label: - "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to 0x0002." + "Step 13b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0002." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: S.S.C03.Rsp @@ -875,8 +876,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0002 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0002." + "Step 13c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0002." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp @@ -895,8 +896,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0002 - label: - "TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 14a: TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest cluster: "Level Control" @@ -914,8 +915,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 14a: TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest verification: | @@ -933,8 +934,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0002 and the SceneID field set to 0x03." + "Step 14b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0002 and the SceneID field set to 0x03." # TODO : Uncomment runIf statement once new test backend is implemented #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: S.S.C04.Rsp @@ -978,8 +979,8 @@ tests: # saveAs: ContinueTest - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to 0x0002." + "Step 14c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to 0x0002." #runIf: ContinueTest PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml index b0fcf202937831..61ba0728eef868 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ tests: type: uint16 - label: - "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet" + "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add + KeySet" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "KeySetWrite" @@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ tests: } - label: - "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group - Keys" + "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: + Write Group Keys" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ tests: value: [{ FabricIndex: 1, GroupId: G1, GroupKeySetID: 0x01a1 }] - label: - "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1." + "Step 1a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to G1." PICS: G.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "Groups" command: "AddGroup" @@ -95,8 +97,8 @@ tests: value: G1 - label: - "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to G1." + "Step 1b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1." PICS: S.S.C03.Rsp command: "RemoveAllScenes" arguments: @@ -111,8 +113,8 @@ tests: value: G1 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to G1." + "Step 1c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to G1." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -131,9 +133,10 @@ tests: value: [] - label: - "TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to - 0x000a (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 2a: TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime + field set to 0x000a (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to + AC1." PICS: S.S.C40.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "EnhancedAddScene" arguments: @@ -179,9 +182,9 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, - the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 - (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 2a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set + to 0x0001 (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." PICS: (!S.S.C40.Rsp) && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "AddScene" arguments: @@ -227,9 +230,9 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to - 0x000a and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 2b: TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime + field set to 0x000a and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." verification: | Execute the following command in TH to generate the pre-condition to execute this test case: @@ -289,9 +292,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, - the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 - and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 2b: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set + to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." verification: | Execute the following command in TH to generate the pre-condition to execute this test case: @@ -351,8 +354,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 3a: TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C41.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "EnhancedViewScene" arguments: @@ -396,8 +399,8 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 - and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 3a: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: (!S.S.C41.Rsp) && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "ViewScene" arguments: @@ -441,8 +444,8 @@ tests: ] - label: - "TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 3b: TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C41.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | Execute the following command in TH to generate the pre-condition to execute this test case: @@ -469,8 +472,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 - and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 3b: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: (!S.S.C41.Rsp) && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | Execute the following command in TH to generate the pre-condition to execute this test case: @@ -498,8 +501,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to G1." + "Step 4: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to G1." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: @@ -518,8 +521,8 @@ tests: value: [0x01] - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." cluster: "Level Control" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -535,8 +538,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -552,8 +555,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to group G1 with the GroupID field set - to G1 and the scene ID field set to 0x01." + "Step 5b: TH sends a RecallScene command to group G1 with the GroupID + field set to G1 and the scene ID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" groupId: 0x0001 @@ -596,10 +599,10 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a CopyScene command to DUT with the mode field set to 0x00, - the group identifier from field set to G1, the scene identifier from - field set to 0x01, the group identifier to field set to G1 and the - scene identifier to field set to 0x02." + "Step 6a: TH sends a CopyScene command to DUT with the mode field set + to 0x00, the group identifier from field set to G1, the scene + identifier from field set to 0x01, the group identifier to field set + to G1 and the scene identifier to field set to 0x02." PICS: S.S.C42.Rsp verification: | DUT sends a CopySceneResponse command to TH with the Status field set to 0x00 (SUCCESS), the group identifier from field set to G1 and the scene identifier from field set to 0x01. @@ -626,8 +629,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field - set to G1." + "Step 6b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the + GroupID field set to G1." PICS: S.S.C06.Rsp command: "GetSceneMembership" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml index ad1c65b921cfc3..dea1657f51e555 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ tests: command: "RemoveAllGroups" - label: - "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet" + "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add + KeySet" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "KeySetWrite" @@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ tests: } - label: - "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group - Keys" + "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: + Write Group Keys" cluster: "Group Key Management" endpoint: 0 command: "writeAttribute" @@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ tests: value: [{ FabricIndex: 1, GroupId: 0x0001, GroupKeySetID: 0x01a1 }] - label: - "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001." + "Step 2a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001." PICS: G.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "Groups" command: "AddGroup" @@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set - to 0x0001." + "Step 2b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID + field set to 0x0001." PICS: S.S.C03.Rsp command: "RemoveAllScenes" arguments: @@ -104,9 +105,9 @@ tests: value: 0x0001 - label: - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to - 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." + "Step 3: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set + to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set + to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1." PICS: S.S.C00.Rsp command: "AddScene" arguments: @@ -132,8 +133,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 4a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "Level Control" command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -149,8 +150,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 4a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC1? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." + "Step 4b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01." PICS: S.S.C04.Rsp command: "StoreScene" arguments: @@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ tests: value: 0x01 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "Level Control" command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -222,8 +223,8 @@ tests: value: 200 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -239,9 +240,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime field - omitted." + "Step 5b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime + field omitted." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: @@ -317,9 +318,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime field set - to 0x0032 (5s)." + "Step 6a: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime + field set to 0x0032 (5s)." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: @@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 7a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "Level Control" command: "MoveToLevelWithOnOff" @@ -380,8 +381,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters - supporting scenes." + "Step 7a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application + clusters supporting scenes." verification: | Is DUT configured with AC2? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -397,9 +398,9 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to - 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime field set - to null (no transition time override)." + "Step 7b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field + set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and the TransitionTime + field set to null (no transition time override)." PICS: S.S.C05.Rsp command: "RecallScene" arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1.yaml index 68fc52252a7030..808ded750e2c99 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!TCREMON.S.F00 && !TCREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given TCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given TCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TCREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given TCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given TCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TCREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(TCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(TCREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: TCREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (TCREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (TCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: TCREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: TCREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: TCREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1.yaml index 6fec88313ff8e3..07779d9bfd8f86 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: TCREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: TCREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: TCREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: TCREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9.yaml index e85540918f1d6a..7537ea4edb8bb0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList" PICS: TGTNAV.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [1] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1.yaml index d28d8404bf0a1d..1c9eb883f50dc2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Reads the CurrentTarget attribute" + - label: "Step 1a: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute" PICS: TGTNAV.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentTarget" @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Reads the TargetList attribute" + - label: "Step 1b: Reads the TargetList attribute" PICS: TGTNAV.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetList" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Sends a NavigateTarget command" + - label: "Step 2a: Sends a NavigateTarget command" PICS: TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp command: "NavigateTarget" arguments: @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: - name: "Target" value: targetvalue - - label: "Reads the CurrentTarget attribute" + - label: "Step 2b: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute" PICS: TGTNAV.S.A0001 && TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentTarget" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_1_1.yaml index 86ea667af893ac..a1c51fee6ea683 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList" PICS: TMP.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 5: Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 6: Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool temperaturemeasurement read event-list 1 1 On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs. diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_1.yaml index 01c6a6b86684f3..c01a1b97d86911 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32766 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: minValue: CurrentMinMeasured maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: minValue: CurrentMinMeasured maxValue: CurrentMaxMeasured - - label: "Read the optional attribute: Tolerance" + - label: "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance" PICS: TMP.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Tolerance" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_2.yaml index b06481ee954457..a016b6e640b9e8 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TMP_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32766 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27314 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 4: Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT" PICS: TMP.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27314 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Operate on device to change the temperature significantly" + - label: "Step 5: Operate on device to change the temperature significantly" cluster: "LogCommands" command: "UserPrompt" PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT && TMP.M.ManuallyControlled @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" + - label: "Step 6: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" PICS: TMP.S.A0000 && TMP.M.ManuallyControlled diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1.yaml index 839e3b166bdf5c..5e9b83c22e08c3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: "!TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F03 && !TSTAT.S.F04 && !TSTAT.S.F05" @@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -68,7 +72,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -77,7 +83,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3e: Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -86,7 +94,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -95,7 +105,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x10] - - label: "Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3g: Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -104,7 +116,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -113,7 +125,7 @@ tests: contains: [0, 27, 28, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in + "Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" @@ -123,7 +135,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [18] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in + "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" @@ -134,7 +146,7 @@ tests: contains: [17] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in + "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" @@ -145,8 +157,8 @@ tests: contains: [2] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) - attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & + TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -156,8 +168,8 @@ tests: contains: [20] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) - attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & + TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -167,7 +179,7 @@ tests: contains: [19] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in + "Step 4g: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" @@ -178,7 +190,7 @@ tests: contains: [17, 18, 25] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in + "Step 4h: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" @@ -189,7 +201,7 @@ tests: contains: [32, 33, 34] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in + "Step 4i: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" @@ -200,8 +212,8 @@ tests: contains: [52, 53, 54] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) - attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4j: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & + TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 && TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -210,7 +222,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [55, 56, 57] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -219,7 +231,7 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in + "Step 5b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" @@ -229,7 +241,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" PICS: " !TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp && !TSTAT.S.C02.Rsp " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" @@ -239,7 +251,7 @@ tests: type: list - label: - "Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in + "Step 6b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" @@ -250,7 +262,7 @@ tests: contains: [0] - label: - "Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in + "Step 6c: Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList" PICS: TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp command: "readAttribute" @@ -262,8 +274,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool thermostat read event-list 1 1 On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs. diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml index cd9acca7108024..bd9f9f31819b5f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ tests: response: saveAs: UnoccupiedCoolingSetpointValue - - label: "Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: LocalTemperature" + - label: "Step 2: Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: LocalTemperature" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocalTemperature" response: @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read OutdoorTemperature attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Read OutdoorTemperature attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OutdoorTemperature" @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read Occupancy attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: Read Occupancy attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Occupancy" @@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 1 - label: - "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is - supported" + "Step 5a: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 + feature is supported" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0003 && TSTAT.S.A0005 && TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ tests: maxValue: AbsMinCoolSetpointLimitStep5 - MinSetpointDeadBandValue - label: - "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is - supported" + "Step 5b: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 + feature is supported" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 && TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ tests: type: int16s maxValue: 1575 - - label: "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 6a: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 6b: Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read attribute AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read attribute AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read attribute AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 8: Read attribute AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read PICoolingDemand attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 9: Read PICoolingDemand attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0007 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PICoolingDemand" @@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "Read PIHeatingDemand attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 10: Read PIHeatingDemand attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PIHeatingDemand" @@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "Read HVACSystemTypeConfiguration attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 11: Read HVACSystemTypeConfiguration attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "HVACSystemTypeConfiguration" @@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 63 - - label: "Read LocalTemperatureCalibration attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 12: Read LocalTemperatureCalibration attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0010 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LocalTemperatureCalibration" @@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ tests: minValue: -25 maxValue: 25 - - label: "Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" + - label: "Step 13a: Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinCoolSetpointLimitValue maxValue: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" + - label: "Step 13b: Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -271,8 +272,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 3200 - label: - "Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is - supported" + "Step 14a: Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint if TSTAT.S.F05 + feature is supported" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ tests: minValue: AbsMinCoolSetpointLimitStep5 maxValue: OccupiedCoolingSetpointValue - MinSetpointDeadBandValue - - label: "Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint from the DUT" + - label: "Step 14b: Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ tests: minValue: 700 maxValue: 3000 - - label: "Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 15a: Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ tests: minValue: AbsMinHeatValue maxValue: AbsMaxHeatValue - - label: "Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 15b: Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1600 maxValue: 3200 - - label: "Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 16a: Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0013 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ tests: maxValue: UnoccupiedCoolingSetpointValue - MinSetpointDeadBandValue - - label: "Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 16b: Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ tests: minValue: 700 maxValue: 3000 - - label: "Reads attribute from DUT: MinHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: "Step 17a: Reads attribute from DUT: MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -344,8 +345,8 @@ tests: maxValue: MinCoolSetpointLimitValue - MinSetpointDeadBandValue - label: - "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 17b: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -357,8 +358,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 17c: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ tests: minValue: 700 maxValue: 3000 - - label: "Read attribute MaxHeatSetpointLimit from the DUT" + - label: "Step 18a: Read attribute MaxHeatSetpointLimit from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ tests: minValue: 700 maxValue: 3000 - - label: "Reads attribute from DUT: MaxHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: "Step 18b: Reads attribute from DUT: MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ tests: minValue: 700 maxValue: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - MinSetpointDeadBandValue - - label: "Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 19a: Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ tests: minValue: AbsMinCoolSetpointLimitStep5 maxValue: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 19b: Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1600 maxValue: 3200 - - label: "Read attribute MaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" + - label: "Step 20: Read attribute MaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0006 && TSTAT.S.A0017 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinCoolSetpointLimitValue maxValue: AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimitStep6 - - label: "Read attribute MinSetpointDeadBand from DUT" + - label: "Step 21: Read attribute MinSetpointDeadBand from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" @@ -428,7 +429,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 25 - - label: "Read RemoteSensing attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 22: Read RemoteSensing attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "RemoteSensing" @@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "Read attribute ControlSequenceOfOperation from DUT" + - label: "Step 23: Read attribute ControlSequenceOfOperation from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A001b command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" @@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 5 - - label: "Read attribute SystemMode from DUT" + - label: "Step 24: Read attribute SystemMode from DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A001c command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SystemMode" @@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "Read ThermostatRunningMode attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 26: Read ThermostatRunningMode attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A001e command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ThermostatRunningMode" @@ -468,7 +469,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 9 - - label: "Reads constraints of optional attributes from DUT: StartOfWeek" + - label: + "Step 27: Reads constraints of optional attributes from DUT: + StartOfWeek" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "StartOfWeek" @@ -478,7 +481,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 6 - - label: "Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfWeeklyTransitions" + - label: + "Step 28: Reads optional attributes from DUT: + NumberOfWeeklyTransitions" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfWeeklyTransitions" @@ -488,7 +493,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfDailyTransitions" + - label: + "Step 29: Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfDailyTransitions" PICS: TSTAT.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfDailyTransitions" @@ -498,7 +504,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read TemperatureSetpointHold attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 30: Read TemperatureSetpointHold attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0023 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureSetpointHold" @@ -508,7 +514,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "Read TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 31: Read TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0024 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration" @@ -518,7 +525,9 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1440 - - label: "Read ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 32: Read ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode attribute from the + DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0025 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode" @@ -528,7 +537,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "Read ThermostatRunningState attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 33: Read ThermostatRunningState attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0029 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ThermostatRunningState" @@ -538,7 +547,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 127 - - label: "Read SetpointChangeSource attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 34: Read SetpointChangeSource attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0030 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SetpointChangeSource" @@ -548,7 +557,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "Read SetpointChangeAmount attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 35: Read SetpointChangeAmount attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0031 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SetpointChangeAmount" @@ -558,7 +567,8 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp attribute from the DUT" + - label: + "Step 36: Read SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0032 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp" @@ -566,7 +576,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: epoch_s - - label: "Read OccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 37: Read OccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedSetback" @@ -576,7 +586,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read OccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 38: Read OccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedSetbackMin" @@ -586,7 +596,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read OccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 39: Read OccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedSetbackMax" @@ -596,7 +606,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read UnoccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 40: Read UnoccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedSetback" @@ -606,7 +616,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read UnoccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 41: Read UnoccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedSetbackMin" @@ -616,7 +626,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read UnoccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 42: Read UnoccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedSetbackMax" @@ -626,7 +636,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read EmergencyHeatDelta attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 43: Read EmergencyHeatDelta attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A003a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EmergencyHeatDelta" @@ -636,7 +646,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 255 - - label: "Read ACType attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 44: Read ACType attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0040 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACType" @@ -646,7 +656,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 4 - - label: "Read ACCapacity attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 45: Read ACCapacity attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0041 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACCapacity" @@ -656,7 +666,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 65535 - - label: "Read ACRefrigerantType attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 46: Read ACRefrigerantType attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0042 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACRefrigerantType" @@ -666,7 +676,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Read ACCompressorType attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 47: Read ACCompressorType attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0043 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACCompressorType" @@ -676,7 +686,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 3 - - label: "Read ACErrorCode attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 48: Read ACErrorCode attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0044 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACErrorCode" @@ -684,7 +694,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read ACLouverPosition attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 49: Read ACLouverPosition attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0045 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACLouverPosition" @@ -694,7 +704,7 @@ tests: minValue: 1 maxValue: 5 - - label: "Read ACCoilTemperature attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 50: Read ACCoilTemperature attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0046 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACCoilTemperature" @@ -704,7 +714,7 @@ tests: minValue: -27315 maxValue: 32767 - - label: "Read ACCapacityFormat attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 51: Read ACCapacityFormat attribute from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0047 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ACCapacityformat" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2.yaml index 758a449f4ebfc2..69ee9268a40a00 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tests: saveAs: AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimitValue #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - - label: "Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 2a: Reads OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3200 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 2a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 2a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 2b: Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the MinCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ tests: #MinCoolSetPointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 2b: Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 2b: Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 2b: Writes OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 2c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 @@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ tests: value: 3200 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 2c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ tests: value: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 2c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 @@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ tests: value: 1600 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 2c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0017 @@ -269,9 +269,10 @@ tests: #LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit,(OccupiedHeatingSetpoint + MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, - (OccupiedHeatingSetpoint + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to - OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute when Auto is enabled" + "Step 2c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = + Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, (OccupiedHeatingSetpoint + + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to OccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute when Auto + is enabled" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0011 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | Optional Attribute - If it is supported, then in TH log it will results in displaying the value, else it will display UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE. Below is the log of RPI the result may be vary on the basis of dut implementation. @@ -294,8 +295,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 3a: Reads OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -307,8 +308,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 3a: Reads OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3000 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 3a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ tests: value: 2100 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 3a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ tests: value: 2100 - label: - "Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 3b: Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the MinHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ tests: #MinHeatSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 3b: Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 3b: Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 3b: Writes OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -394,8 +395,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 3c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -403,8 +404,8 @@ tests: value: 3000 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 3c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -412,8 +413,8 @@ tests: value: MaxHeatSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 3c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute If TSTAT.S.F05 is true" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -424,9 +425,10 @@ tests: #UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit,(OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, - (OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - MinSetpointDeadBand)) to - OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute when Auto is enabled" + "Step 3c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = + Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, (OccupiedCoolingSetpoint - + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute when Auto + is enabled" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0011 && TSTAT.S.A0012 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -461,8 +463,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 3c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -470,8 +472,8 @@ tests: value: 700 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to OccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 3c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + OccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -479,8 +481,8 @@ tests: value: MinHeatSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Reads UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and - verifies that the value is within range" + "Step 4a: Reads UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT + and verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -491,8 +493,8 @@ tests: maxValue: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Reads UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and - verifies that the value is within range" + "Step 4a: Reads UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT + and verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -503,7 +505,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3200 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 4a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -512,7 +514,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 4a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -521,7 +523,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 4b: Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the MinCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -533,7 +535,7 @@ tests: #MinCoolSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 4b: Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value below the MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -556,7 +558,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 4b: Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -567,7 +569,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 4b: Writes UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" @@ -578,8 +580,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -587,8 +589,8 @@ tests: value: 3200 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -597,9 +599,9 @@ tests: #LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit,(UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint + MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, - (UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to - UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = + Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, (UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint + + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0013 && TSTAT.S.F05 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -625,8 +627,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -634,8 +636,8 @@ tests: value: 1600 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -645,8 +647,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 4c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -655,8 +657,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and - verifies that the value is within range" + "Step 5a: Reads UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT + and verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -668,8 +670,8 @@ tests: #Using hardcoded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT and - verifies that the value is within range" + "Step 5a: Reads UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from Server DUT + and verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -680,7 +682,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3000 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 5a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -689,7 +691,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 5a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -698,7 +700,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 5b: Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the MinHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -710,7 +712,7 @@ tests: #MinHeatSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the + "Step 5b: Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value below the MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -735,7 +737,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 5b: Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -746,7 +748,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the + "Step 5b: Writes UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint to value above the MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" @@ -757,8 +759,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 5c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -766,8 +768,8 @@ tests: value: 3000 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 5c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -775,8 +777,8 @@ tests: value: MaxHeatSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 5c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -787,9 +789,10 @@ tests: #UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit,(UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, - (UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - MinSetpointDeadBand)) to - UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute when Auto is enabled." + "Step 5c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = + Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, (UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint - + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute when Auto + is enabled." PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0013 && TSTAT.S.F05 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -817,8 +820,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 5c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -826,8 +829,8 @@ tests: value: 700 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint - attribute" + "Step 5c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -836,8 +839,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 6a: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.A0003 @@ -849,8 +852,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 6a: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.A0003 @@ -861,7 +864,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3000 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 6a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -870,7 +873,7 @@ tests: value: 800 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 6a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -878,7 +881,9 @@ tests: response: value: 800 - - label: "Writes a value back that is different but violates the deadband" + - label: + "Step 6b: Writes a value back that is different but violates the + deadband" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -888,7 +893,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 6b: Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -900,7 +905,7 @@ tests: #AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 6b: Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit " PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0003 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -923,7 +928,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value above the + "Step 6b: Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value above the AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -934,7 +939,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value above the + "Step 6b: Writes MinHeatSetpointLimit to value above the AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -945,8 +950,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 6c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -954,8 +959,8 @@ tests: value: 3000 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointimit - attribute" + "Step 6c: Writes the limit of MaxHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0016 @@ -964,9 +969,10 @@ tests: #UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit,(MinCoolSetpointLimit - MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, - (MinCoolSetpointLimit - MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute when Auto is enabled" + "Step 6c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = + Min(MaxHeatSetpointLimit, (MinCoolSetpointLimit - + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute when Auto is + enabled" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0005 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -995,8 +1001,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 6c: Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0003 @@ -1004,8 +1010,8 @@ tests: value: 700 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 6c: Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0003 @@ -1014,8 +1020,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 7a: Reads MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: @@ -1029,8 +1035,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 7a: Reads MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: @@ -1043,8 +1049,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 3000 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7b: Writes the limit of AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -1052,8 +1058,8 @@ tests: value: 700 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to MinHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7b: Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to + MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1063,7 +1069,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 7b: Writes a value back that is different but valid for MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -1072,7 +1078,7 @@ tests: value: 2900 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 7b: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -1081,7 +1087,7 @@ tests: value: 2900 - label: - "Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 7b: Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -1093,7 +1099,8 @@ tests: #MinHeatSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value below the MinHeatSetpointLimit" + "Step 7b: Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value below the + MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP verification: | @@ -1115,7 +1122,7 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value above the + "Step 7b: Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value above the AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -1126,7 +1133,7 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value above the + "Step 7b: Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit to value above the AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" @@ -1137,8 +1144,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7c: Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to + MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0004 @@ -1146,8 +1153,8 @@ tests: value: 3000 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7c: Writes the limit of AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit to + MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0004 @@ -1156,9 +1163,9 @@ tests: #UpperLimit = Min(AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit,(MaxCoolSetpointLimit - MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = Min(AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit, - (MaxCoolSetpointLimit - MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MaxHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) UpperLimit = + Min(AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit, (MaxCoolSetpointLimit - + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1192,8 +1199,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -1201,8 +1208,8 @@ tests: value: 700 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 7c: Writes the limit of MinHeatSetpointLimit to + MaxHeatSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.A0015 @@ -1211,8 +1218,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 8a: Reads MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0005 @@ -1224,8 +1231,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 8a: Reads MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 @@ -1236,7 +1243,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3200 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 8a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1245,7 +1252,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 8a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1254,7 +1261,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 - label: - "Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 8b: Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1266,7 +1273,7 @@ tests: #AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 8b: Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0005 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1291,7 +1298,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - label: - "Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit " + "Step 8b: Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value above the + MaxCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -1301,7 +1309,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit " + "Step 8b: Writes MinCoolSetpointLimit to value above the + MaxCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -1311,8 +1320,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to MinCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 8c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -1320,8 +1329,8 @@ tests: value: 3200 - label: - "Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to MinCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 8c: Writes the limit of MaxCoolSetpointLimit to + MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 @@ -1329,8 +1338,8 @@ tests: value: MaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit to MinCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 8c: Writes the limit of AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit to + MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1338,8 +1347,8 @@ tests: value: 1600 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit to MinCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 8c: Writes the limit of AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit to + MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0005 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1348,9 +1357,9 @@ tests: #LowerLimit = Max(AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit,(MinHeatSetpointLimit + MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = Max(AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit, - (MinHeatSetpointLimit + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MinCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 8c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = + Max(AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit, (MinHeatSetpointLimit + + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MinCoolSetpointLimit attribute" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1381,8 +1390,8 @@ tests: #Using saved values when optional attributes are available - label: - "Reads MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 9a: Reads MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1394,8 +1403,8 @@ tests: #Using hard coded values when optional attributes are not available - label: - "Reads MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies - that the value is within range" + "Step 9a: Reads MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1406,7 +1415,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 3200 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 9a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1415,7 +1424,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 9a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1424,7 +1433,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 - label: - "Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 9b: Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" @@ -1436,7 +1445,7 @@ tests: #AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit might be negative if not checked before decrement - label: - "Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value below the + "Step 9b: Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value below the AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1462,7 +1471,8 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit " + "Step 9b: Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value above the + MaxCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1472,7 +1482,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value above the MaxCoolSetpointLimit " + "Step 9b: Writes MaxCoolSetpointLimit to value above the + MaxCoolSetpointLimit " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1482,8 +1493,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes the limit of AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit to + MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1491,8 +1502,8 @@ tests: value: 3200 - label: - "Writes the limit of AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes the limit of AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit to + MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1500,8 +1511,8 @@ tests: value: AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1509,8 +1520,8 @@ tests: value: 1600 - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1520,8 +1531,8 @@ tests: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - label: - "Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes the limit of MinCoolSetpointLimit to + MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1530,9 +1541,9 @@ tests: #LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit,(MaxHeatSetpointLimit + MinSetpointDeadBand)) not possible in YAML - label: - "Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, - (MaxHeatSetpointLimit + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MaxCoolSetpointLimit - attribute" + "Step 9c: Writes If TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) LowerLimit = + Max(MinCoolSetpointLimit, (MaxHeatSetpointLimit + + MinSetpointDeadBand)) to MaxCoolSetpointLimit attribute" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP @@ -1562,63 +1573,70 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MinHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10a: Writes (sets back) default value of MinHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0003 arguments: value: AbsMinHeatSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MinHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10a: Writes (sets back) default value of MinHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0003 arguments: value: 700 - - label: "Writes (sets back)default value of MaxHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: "Step 10a: Writes (sets back)default value of MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0004 arguments: value: AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Writes (sets back)default value of MaxHeatSetpointLimit" + - label: "Step 10a: Writes (sets back)default value of MaxHeatSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05 && !TSTAT.S.A0004 arguments: value: 3000 - - label: "Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit That meets the deadband of 2.5C" + - label: + "Step 10a: Writes MaxHeatSetpointLimit That meets the deadband of 2.5C" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxHeatSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 arguments: value: 2950 - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MinCoolSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10b: Writes (sets back) default value of MinCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0005 arguments: value: AbsMinCoolSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MinCoolSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10b: Writes (sets back) default value of MinCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 arguments: value: 1600 - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MaxCoolSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10b: Writes (sets back) default value of MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0006 arguments: value: AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimitValue - - label: "Writes (sets back) default value of MaxCoolSetpointLimit" + - label: + "Step 10b: Writes (sets back) default value of MaxCoolSetpointLimit" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MaxCoolSetpointLimit" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0006 @@ -1626,8 +1644,8 @@ tests: value: 3200 - label: - "Reads MinSetpointDeadBand attribute from Server DUT and verifies that - the value is within range" + "Step 11a: Reads MinSetpointDeadBand attribute from Server DUT and + verifies that the value is within range" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 @@ -1638,7 +1656,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 25 - label: - "Writes a value back that is different but valid for + "Step 11a: Writes a value back that is different but valid for MinSetpointDeadBand attribute" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" @@ -1647,7 +1665,7 @@ tests: value: 5 - label: - "Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of + "Step 11a: Reads it back again to confirm the successful write of MinSetpointDeadBand attribute" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" @@ -1655,7 +1673,7 @@ tests: response: value: 5 - - label: "Writes the value below MinSetpointDeadBand" + - label: "Step 11b: Writes the value below MinSetpointDeadBand" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.M.MinSetpointDeadBandWritable @@ -1664,7 +1682,7 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "Writes the value above MinSetpointDeadBand " + - label: "Step 11b: Writes the value above MinSetpointDeadBand " command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.M.MinSetpointDeadBandWritable @@ -1673,14 +1691,14 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "Writes the min limit of MinSetpointDeadBand" + - label: "Step 11c: Writes the min limit of MinSetpointDeadBand" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.M.MinSetpointDeadBandWritable arguments: value: 0 - - label: "Writes the max limit of MinSetpointDeadBand" + - label: "Step 11c: Writes the max limit of MinSetpointDeadBand" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "MinSetpointDeadBand" PICS: TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.M.MinSetpointDeadBandWritable @@ -1688,8 +1706,8 @@ tests: value: 25 - label: - "Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if TSTAT.S.F01 is - true" + "Step 12: Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if + TSTAT.S.F01 is true" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F00 @@ -1698,8 +1716,8 @@ tests: anyOf: [0, 1] - label: - "Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if TSTAT.S.F00 is - true" + "Step 12: Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if + TSTAT.S.F00 is true" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F01 @@ -1708,8 +1726,8 @@ tests: anyOf: [2, 3] - label: - "Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if both TSTAT.S.F01 - and TSTAT.S.F01 are true" + "Step 12: Reads ControlSequenceOfOperation from Server DUT, if both + TSTAT.S.F01 and TSTAT.S.F01 are true" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F01 @@ -1718,15 +1736,15 @@ tests: anyOf: [4, 5] - label: - "Write Attribute command for ControlSequenceOfOperation with a new - valid value" + "Step 12: Write Attribute command for ControlSequenceOfOperation with + a new valid value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 || TSTAT.S.F01 arguments: value: 2 - - label: "Read it back again to confirm the successful write" + - label: "Step 12: Read it back again to confirm the successful write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ControlSequenceOfOperation" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 || TSTAT.S.F01 @@ -1742,21 +1760,21 @@ tests: arguments: value: 2950 - - label: "Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 13: Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 arguments: value: 2600 - - label: "Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 13: Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 arguments: value: 2000 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat Only" + - label: "Step 13: Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat Only" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1767,22 +1785,22 @@ tests: value: -30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 13: Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 response: value: 1700 - - label: "Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 14: Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 arguments: value: 2000 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat Only" + - label: "Step 14: Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat Only" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1793,15 +1811,15 @@ tests: value: 30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 14: Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 response: value: 2300 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Cool Only" + - label: "Step 15: Sends SetpointRaise Command Cool Only" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1812,22 +1830,22 @@ tests: value: -30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 15: Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 response: value: 2300 - - label: "Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 16: Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 arguments: value: 2600 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Cool Only" + - label: "Step 16: Sends SetpointRaise Command Cool Only" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1838,29 +1856,29 @@ tests: value: 30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 16: Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 response: value: 2900 - - label: "Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 17: Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 arguments: value: 2600 - - label: "Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 17: Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 arguments: value: 2000 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat & Cool" + - label: "Step 17: Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat & Cool" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 || TSTAT.S.F01 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1871,8 +1889,8 @@ tests: value: -30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 17: Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 @@ -1880,29 +1898,29 @@ tests: value: 2300 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 17: Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 response: value: 1700 - - label: "Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 18: Sets OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 arguments: value: 2600 - - label: "Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" + - label: "Step 18: Sets OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to default value" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 arguments: value: 2000 - - label: "Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat & Cool" + - label: "Step 18: Sends SetpointRaise Command Heat & Cool" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 || TSTAT.S.F01 command: "SetpointRaiseLower" arguments: @@ -1913,8 +1931,8 @@ tests: value: 30 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 18: Reads back OccupiedCoolingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F01 @@ -1922,8 +1940,8 @@ tests: value: 2900 - label: - "Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of the - write" + "Step 18: Reads back OccupiedHeatingSetpoint to confirm the success of + the write" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" PICS: TSTAT.S.F00 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1.yaml index 86a03477b3a0b0..f6da6098719fea 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0, 1, 2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -73,8 +73,9 @@ tests: #Manufacturer specific event IDs check not possible - label: - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is - usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs." + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the + list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event + IDs." verification: | ./chip-tool thermostatuserinterfaceconfiguration read event-list 1 1 On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs. diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1.yaml index fded86ed18b8c6..8f4059c724a46e 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode" + - label: "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout" + - label: "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 5 - - label: "Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" + - label: + "Step 4: Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2.yaml index 39bc0e7ab388e9..c374301d5fa46d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" + - label: + "Step 2a: Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of + DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" @@ -49,14 +51,16 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" response: value: 0 - - label: "Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" + - label: + "Step 2c: Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of + DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" @@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" @@ -82,8 +86,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute - of DUT" + "Step 2e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode + attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" @@ -92,14 +96,14 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TemperatureDisplayMode" response: value: 1 - - label: "Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -117,14 +121,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" response: value: 0 - - label: "Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -142,14 +146,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" response: value: 1 - - label: "Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -167,14 +171,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" response: value: 2 - - label: "Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3g: Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -192,14 +196,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3h: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" response: value: 3 - - label: "Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3i: Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -217,14 +221,14 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3j: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" response: value: 4 - - label: "Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3k: Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3l: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -250,7 +254,8 @@ tests: value: 5 - label: - "Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + "Step 3m: Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute + of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -259,7 +264,7 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" + - label: "Step 3n: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "KeypadLockout" @@ -267,7 +272,8 @@ tests: value: 5 - label: - "Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" + "Step 4a: Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility + attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" @@ -287,7 +293,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" + - label: + "Step 4b: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" @@ -295,7 +302,8 @@ tests: value: 0 - label: - "Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" + "Step 4c: Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility + attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" @@ -315,7 +323,8 @@ tests: - name: "expectedValue" value: "y" - - label: "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" + - label: + "Step 4d: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" @@ -323,8 +332,8 @@ tests: value: 1 - label: - "Writes a value of greater than 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility - attribute of DUT" + "Step 4e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to + ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" @@ -333,7 +342,8 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" + - label: + "Step 4f: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT" PICS: TSUIC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1.yaml index e27091b4e24444..9e68e9a8b03819 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffd @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ tests: # TODO: Re-enable when #27248 is fixed - label: - "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either bit 0 or 1 - set" + "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap and check for either + bit 0 or 1 set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ tests: disabled: true - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3b: Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F00 @@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3c: Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F00 @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3d: Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F01 @@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x2] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3e: Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F01 @@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + "Step 3f: Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F02 @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x4, 0x2] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3g: Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F02 @@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3h: Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F03 @@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8, 0x2] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3i: Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F03 @@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3j: Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F04 @@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10, 0x1] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3k: Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F04 @@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set" + "Step 3l: Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct + bits set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F05 @@ -169,8 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x20, 0x1] - label: - "Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the - correct bit clear" + "Step 3m: Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has + the correct bit clear" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F05 @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksClear: [0x20] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [9, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.A0007 && TVOCCONC.S.F00 @@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.A0007 is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -209,9 +215,9 @@ tests: excludes: [7] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, - MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and Measurement Unit + in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F00 @@ -221,9 +227,9 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2, 8] - label: - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, - Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from AttributeList when - TVOCCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, + MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded from + AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F00 @@ -233,8 +239,8 @@ tests: excludes: [0, 1, 2, 7, 8] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & - PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F04 @@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ tests: contains: [3, 4] - label: - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded - from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are + excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F04 @@ -255,8 +261,8 @@ tests: excludes: [3, 4] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue - AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes + AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F05 @@ -266,8 +272,9 @@ tests: contains: [5, 6] - label: - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are - excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and + AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when + TVOCCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F05 @@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ tests: excludes: [5, 6] - label: - "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in + "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ tests: contains: [10] - label: - "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when + "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -298,7 +305,7 @@ tests: type: list excludes: [10] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5l: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afffa @@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afff9 @@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" PICS: TVOCCONC.S.Afff8 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1.yaml index 3cad341871df97..9fa0181973521d 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MinMeasuredValue" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: 0 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MaxMeasuredValue" @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests: type: single minValue: MinMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasuredValue" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValue" @@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0004 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PeakMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." + - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0005 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValue" @@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ tests: minValue: MinMeasuredValue maxValue: MaxMeasuredValue - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute." + - label: + "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow + attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0006 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AverageMeasuredValueWindow" @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 604800 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." + - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementUnit" @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 7 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." + - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MeasurementMedium" @@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." + - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute." PICS: TVOCCONC.S.A000a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LevelValue" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1.yaml index 485598ece27edd..3b49e75527b934 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" PICS: ULABEL.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" PICS: ULABEL.S.Afffc command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" PICS: ULABEL.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: #List values range check support - label: - "Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL NOT - contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: + "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL + NOT contain any additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain values - in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), - these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values - in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), - (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where - XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain + values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: + (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT + contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - + 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - + 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool userlabel read event-list 1 0 @@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool userlabel read accepted-command-list 1 0 @@ -148,13 +149,14 @@ tests: value: "y" - label: - "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list MAY - contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: - (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range - (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT - contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" + "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list + MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) + range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI + range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list + SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: + (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and + (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range + (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)" verification: | ./chip-tool userlabel read generated-command-list 1 0 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1.yaml index 54d68e3669316d..0b1388b4778454 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2.yaml index 0dae0321ce40d0..f87164cb396b80 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tests: { Label: "roomType", Value: "bedroom" }, ] - - label: "TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3.yaml index 64e1ed122dcd71..e1febef45be3a9 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: response: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR - - label: "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4.yaml index d2b5a7f11f8fd6..ae8a204a879de5 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4.yaml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tests: { Label: "Orientation", Value: "east" }, ] - - label: "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" @@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ tests: { Label: "Orientation", Value: "east" }, ] - - label: "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 3: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" arguments: value: [{ Label: "", Value: "" }] - - label: "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" + - label: "Step 4: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT" PICS: ULABEL.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated.yaml index 1419441fccb765..87a9a977a1a714 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_Simulated.yaml @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ tests: # cluster: "DelayCommands" # command: "WaitForCommissioning" - - label: "Read attribute: LabelList" + - label: "Step 1: Read attribute: LabelList" PICS: ULABEL.C.A0000 wait: "readAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" - - label: "write attribute: LabelList" + - label: "Step 2: write attribute: LabelList" PICS: ULABEL.C.A0000 wait: "writeAttribute" attribute: "LabelList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1.yaml index fcafe4738d74cd..a795ce3179870c 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!UVFREMON.S.F00 && !UVFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given UVFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given UVFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: UVFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given UVFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given UVFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: UVFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(UVFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(UVFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: UVFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (UVFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (UVFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: UVFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,36 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: UVFREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: constraints: type: list - contains: [0] + contains: [] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: UVFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1.yaml index 39eb219fec51c1..fe73bd76543994 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: UVFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: UVFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: UVFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: UVFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5.yaml index b7fe6735daa99d..fe847f62ea2ddf 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5.yaml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" response: @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65531, 65533] - - label: "Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList" + - label: "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList" PICS: WAKEONLAN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1.yaml index 357c617211c3fc..6243fb7ab24ccc 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT" PICS: WAKEONLAN.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "MACAddress" @@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ tests: constraints: minLength: 12 - - label: "TH sends a Sleep command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2: TH sends a Sleep command to DUT" PICS: LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp cluster: "Low Power" command: "Sleep" - label: - "TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC address from - step 1" + "Step 3: TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC + address from step 1" verification: | The TH commands for this test step can be invoked using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissionee) or tv-casting-app (when DUT is a commissioner): ./chip-tool lowpower read accepted-command-list 1 1 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_1_1.yaml index 4fe221b9bb2acb..39ce76e6039753 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ tests: ### MANDATORY GLOBAL Attributes ### Attribute[0xFFFD]: ClusterRevision ======================================= - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute" + - label: + "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute" PICS: WNCV.S.Afffd command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ tests: minValue: 5 maxValue: 200 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute" PICS: " WNCV.S.Afffc && !WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F01 && !WNCV.S.F02 && !WNCV.S.F03 && !WNCV.S.F04 " @@ -55,7 +56,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: bitmap32 - - label: "Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3b: Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -64,7 +67,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x1] - - label: "Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3c: Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -73,7 +78,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3d: Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: WNCV.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -82,7 +89,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x4] - - label: "Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3e: Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit + set" PICS: WNCV.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -91,7 +100,9 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x8] - - label: "Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set" + - label: + "Step 3f: Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct + bit set" PICS: WNCV.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" @@ -100,7 +111,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x10] - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute" + - label: + "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute" PICS: WNCV.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -110,7 +122,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 7, 10, 13, 23, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - - label: "TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList" + - label: + "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList" PICS: WNCV.S.Afffb && WNCV.S.A001a command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -120,8 +133,8 @@ tests: contains: [26] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) - attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & + WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -131,8 +144,8 @@ tests: contains: [16, 17] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in - AttributeList" + "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) + attribute in AttributeList" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -142,8 +155,8 @@ tests: contains: [11, 14] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) - attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & + WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -153,8 +166,8 @@ tests: contains: [18, 19] - label: - "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in - AttributeList" + "Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) + attribute in AttributeList" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.Afffb command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -163,7 +176,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [12, 15] - - label: "Read the global attribute: EventList" + - label: "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: @@ -171,7 +184,9 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute" + - label: + "Step 6a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList + attribute" PICS: WNCV.S.Afff9 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -181,8 +196,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1, 2] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in - AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command + in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -192,8 +207,8 @@ tests: contains: [5] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in - AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command + in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F03 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -203,8 +218,8 @@ tests: contains: [7] - label: - "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in - AcceptedCommandList" + "Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command + in AcceptedCommandList" PICS: WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -213,7 +228,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [8] - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute" + - label: + "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList + attribute" PICS: WNCV.S.Afff8 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_1.yaml index 7ce317fb69837b..d309d65f99a496 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_1.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ tests: ### MANDATORY Attributes ### 1 MANDATORY Attributes ### Attribute[ 0]: Type ======================================= - - label: "1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type" + - label: "Step 1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Type" PICS: WNCV.S.A0000 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 9 ### Attribute[ 7]: ConfigStatus =============================== - - label: "1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus" + - label: "Step 1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A0007 @@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 127 ### Attribute[ 10]: OperationalStatus ========================== - - label: "1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus" + - label: + "Step 1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 127 ### Attribute[ 13]: EndProductType ============================== - - label: "1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType" + - label: "Step 1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EndProductType" PICS: WNCV.S.A000d @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 23 ### Attribute[ 23]: Mode ======================================== - - label: "1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode" + - label: "Step 1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: WNCV.S.A0017 @@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 15 - - label: "1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode" + - label: "Step 1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: WNCV.S.A0017 @@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ tests: ### 2 CONDITIONALLY MANDATORY Attributes ### Attribute[ 11]: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths ==================== - label: - "2a: read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 12]: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths ==================== - label: - "2b: read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 14]: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths ==================== - label: - "2c: read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 15]: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths ==================== - label: - "2d: read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" @@ -152,7 +153,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 16]: InstalledOpenLimitLift ==================== - label: - "2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift" + "Step 2e: read the RO optional attribute default: + InstalledOpenLimitLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InstalledOpenLimitLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0010 @@ -165,7 +167,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 17]: InstalledClosedLimitLift ==================== - label: - "2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift" + "Step 2f: read the RO optional attribute default: + InstalledClosedLimitLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InstalledClosedLimitLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0011 @@ -178,7 +181,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 18]: InstalledOpenLimitTilt ==================== - label: - "2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt" + "Step 2g: read the RO optional attribute default: + InstalledOpenLimitTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InstalledOpenLimitTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0012 @@ -191,7 +195,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 19]: InstalledClosedLimitTilt ==================== - label: - "2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt" + "Step 2h: read the RO optional attribute default: + InstalledClosedLimitTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InstalledClosedLimitTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0013 @@ -204,7 +209,7 @@ tests: ### 3 CONDITIONALLY and PURELY OPTIONAL Attributes ### Attribute[ 26]: SafetyStatus ========================== - - label: "3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus" + - label: "Step 3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "SafetyStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A001a @@ -216,7 +221,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 1]: PhysicalClosedLimitLift ==================== - label: - "3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift" + "Step 3b: read the RO optional attribute default: + PhysicalClosedLimitLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PhysicalClosedLimitLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0001 @@ -228,7 +234,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 2]: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt ==================== - label: - "3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" + "Step 3c: read the RO optional attribute default: + PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0002 @@ -239,7 +246,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 ### Attribute[ 3]: CurrentPositionLift ==================== - - label: "3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift" + - label: + "Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0003 && !WNCV.S.A0010 && !WNCV.S.A0011 @@ -250,7 +258,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 ### Attribute[ 3]: CurrentPositionLift ==================== - - label: "3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift" + - label: + "Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0003 && WNCV.S.A0010 && WNCV.S.A0011 @@ -261,7 +270,8 @@ tests: maxValue: InstalledClosedLimitLift ### Attribute[ 4]: CurrentPositionTilt ==================== - - label: "3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt" + - label: + "Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0004 && !WNCV.S.A0012 && !WNCV.S.A0013 @@ -272,7 +282,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 65535 ### Attribute[ 4]: CurrentPositionTilt ==================== - - label: "3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt" + - label: + "Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0004 && WNCV.S.A0012 && WNCV.S.A0013 @@ -284,7 +295,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 5]: NumberOfActuationsLift ==================== - label: - "3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift" + "Step 3f: read the RO optional attribute default: + NumberOfActuationsLift" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfActuationsLift" PICS: WNCV.S.A0005 @@ -296,7 +308,8 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 6]: NumberOfActuationsTilt ==================== - label: - "3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt" + "Step 3g: read the RO optional attribute default: + NumberOfActuationsTilt" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "NumberOfActuationsTilt" PICS: WNCV.S.A0006 @@ -308,7 +321,7 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 8]: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage ==================== - label: - "3h: read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -321,7 +334,7 @@ tests: ### Attribute[ 9]: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage ==================== - label: - "3i:read the RO optional attribute default: + "Step 3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_2.yaml index 5fe8cedaaafdbb..6bfe2e2dfa8a16 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_2.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & + "Step 1a: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x8] - label: - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & + "Step 1b: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & + "Step 1c: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else 0b," command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x10] - label: - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & + "Step 1d: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else 0b," command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b - (operational)" + "Step 1e: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must + be 1b (operational)" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A0007 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_3.yaml index c059b67791ced9..f684d75b906809 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_3.yaml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ tests: ### ------------------------------------------------------ ### Step 1x -> Check Lift Reversal (If PICS_WNCV.S.M.Reversal) ## Set b0 - - label: "1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: value: 0x01 ## Value of bit2 must be 1b - - label: "1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 0x7F ## Clear b0 - - label: "1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tests: value: 0x00 ## Value of bit2 must be 0b - - label: "1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007" @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests: ### ------------------------------------------------------ ### Step 2x -> Check Calibration mode ## Set b1 - - label: "2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: value: 0x02 ## Value of bitO can be 0b - - label: "2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007" @@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ tests: ## If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) Verify DUT responds with FAILURE (value 0x01) status response - label: - "2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the - DUT" + "Step 2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to + the DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp" response: error: FAILURE ## Clear b1 - - label: "2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ tests: value: 0x00 ## Value of bitO must be 1b - - label: "2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007" @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 0x7F ## Value of bit1 must be 0b - - label: "2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT" + - label: "Step 2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ tests: maxValue: 0x7F ## Verify DUT responds with SUCCESS status response - - label: "2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp" ### ------------------------------------------------------ ### Step 3x -> Check Maintenance mode ## Set b2 - - label: "3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ tests: value: 0x04 ## If Verify DUT responds with BUSY (value 0x9c) status response - - label: "3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp" response: error: BUSY ## Value of bitO must be 0b - - label: "3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007" attribute: "ConfigStatus" @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ tests: maxValue: 0x7F ## Clear b2 - - label: "3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT" + - label: "Step 3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT" command: "writeAttribute" attribute: "Mode" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017" @@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ tests: value: 0x00 ## Verify DUT responds with SUCCESS status response - - label: "3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp" ## Value of bitO must be 1b - - label: "3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ConfigStatus" PICS: "WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_4.yaml index 15a5efde20ce0e..17479bb92ddcbc 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_4.yaml @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ tests: value: nodeId - label: - "Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & !WNCV.S.F01(TL)) - value must be between [min=0, max=5] or equals to 9" + "Step 1a: Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & + !WNCV.S.F01(TL)) value must be between [min=0, max=5] or equals to 9" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Type" PICS: WNCV.S.A0000 && WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F01 @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 9 - label: - "Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (!WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F01(TL)) - value must be only equal to 7" + "Step 1b: Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (!WNCV.S.F00(LF) & + WNCV.S.F01(TL)) value must be only equal to 7" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Type" PICS: WNCV.S.A0000 && !WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F01 @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ tests: type: enum8 - label: - "Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F01(TL)) - value is either 6 or 8" + "Step 1c: Reads Type attribute from DUT, If (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & + WNCV.S.F01(TL)) value is either 6 or 8" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Type" PICS: WNCV.S.A0000 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F01 diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_5.yaml index 37d61ea4d86724..f172a85ef99528 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_2_5.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1: TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EndProductType" PICS: WNCV.S.A000d diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml index 6b069a63acca1a..80c25bb1d0cfe2 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the + "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp command: "DownOrClose" - - label: "1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device" + - label: "Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ tests: ### ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: ######## UpOrOpen Command ####### ### Step 2x -> Check UpOrOpen Fast effects - - label: "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" command: "subscribeAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" minInterval: 4 @@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ tests: type: bitmap8 ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT" command: "UpOrOpen" PICS: WNCV.S.C00.Rsp ### Depending on the DUT specs we might prefer a arguments here - - label: "2b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c response: value: 0 - - label: "2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds" + - label: "Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ tests: ### Depends on the FeatureMap # The value of bit 0..1 must be 01b & if (LF) value of bit 2..3 must be 01b else 00b & if (TL) value of bit 4..5 must be 01b else 00b # Only 3 possibilities are possible here : 05h = 5, 11h = 17 or 15h = 21 then check a range for simplicity [5 - 21] - - label: "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x2] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 + (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -186,7 +187,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x8] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 + (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -196,7 +198,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4, 0x8] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 + (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -207,7 +210,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x20] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 + (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10, 0x20] #Issue - - label: "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" verification: | ./chip-tool windowcovering read operational-status 1 1 @@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ tests: value: "y" ### Depending on the DUT specs we might prefer a arguments here - - label: "3a2: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -246,8 +250,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -259,7 +263,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -272,8 +276,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -285,7 +289,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -299,13 +303,13 @@ tests: ######## STOP ####### ### Step 4x -> Check StopMotion fast effects ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" command: "StopMotion" PICS: WNCV.S.C02.Rsp - label: - "4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the - device" + "Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on + the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -316,7 +320,7 @@ tests: ### Must Be ZERO # The value of bit 0..1 must be 00b & if (LF) value of bit 2..3 must be 00b & if (TL) value of bit 4..5 must be 00b - label: - "4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a + "Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ tests: value: 0 ### Step 5x -> Check Stop Motion longer period effect - - label: "5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device" + - label: "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -335,8 +339,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths - label: - "5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -348,8 +352,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths - label: - "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml index c68bddd1a20142..0a4746a05526c1 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite - direction" + "Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the + opposite direction" command: "UpOrOpen" PICS: WNCV.S.C00.Rsp - - label: "1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device" + - label: "Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ tests: ### ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests: ######## DownOrClose Command ####### ### Step 2x -> Check DownOrClose Fast effects - - label: "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" command: "subscribeAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" minInterval: 4 @@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ tests: type: bitmap8 ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp ### Depending on the DUT specs we might prefer a arguments here - - label: "2b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c response: value: 10000 - - label: "2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds" + - label: "Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ tests: ### Depends on the FeatureMap # The value of bit 0..1 must be 10b & if (LF) value of bit 2..3 must be 10b else 00b & if (TL) value of bit 4..5 must be 10b else 00b # Only 3 possibilities are possible here : 0Ah = 10, 22h = 34 or 2Ah = 42 then check a range for simplicity [10 - 42] - - label: "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x1] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 + (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -186,7 +187,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 + (WNCV.S.F00(LF))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -196,7 +198,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x4, 0x8] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 + (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -207,7 +210,8 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10] - label: - "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" + "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 + (WNCV.S.F01(TL))" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ tests: hasMasksClear: [0x10, 0x20] #Issue - - label: "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" verification: | ./chip-tool windowcovering read operational-status 1 1 @@ -238,7 +242,7 @@ tests: value: "y" ### Depending on the DUT specs we might prefer a arguments here - - label: "3a2: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -248,8 +252,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -274,8 +278,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -301,13 +305,13 @@ tests: ######## STOP ####### ### Step 4x -> Check StopMotion fast effects ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" command: "StopMotion" PICS: WNCV.S.C02.Rsp - label: - "4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the - device" + "Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on + the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -318,7 +322,7 @@ tests: ### Must Be ZERO # The value of bit 0..1 must be 00b & if (LF) value of bit 2..3 must be 00b & if (TL) value of bit 4..5 must be 00b - label: - "4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a + "Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" @@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ tests: value: 0 ### Step 5x -> Check Stop Motion longer period effect - - label: "5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device" + - label: "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -337,8 +341,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths - label: - "5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -350,8 +354,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths - label: - "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml index ab6ec305fe5a8b..a96dfed6848565 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the + "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp - - label: "1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device" + - label: "Step 1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ tests: value: 6000 - label: - "1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite - direction" + "Step 1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the + opposite direction" command: "UpOrOpen" PICS: WNCV.S.C00.Rsp - - label: "1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device" + - label: "Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 2000 - - label: "1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ tests: constraints: notValue: 0 - - label: "1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device" + - label: "Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ tests: ######## StopMotion Command ####### ### Step 2x -> Check StopMotion fast effects ### Before subscribe to reports - - label: "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" + - label: "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute" command: "subscribeAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" minInterval: 4 @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ tests: type: bitmap8 ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT" command: "StopMotion" PICS: WNCV.S.C02.Rsp ### DUT Slow down and stop - label: - "2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the - device" + "Step 2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on + the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ tests: ### Must Be ZERO # The value of bit 0..1 must be 00b & if (LF) value of bit 2..3 must be 00b & if (TL) value of bit 4..5 must be 00b - label: - "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion" + "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a + StopMotion" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ tests: value: 0 ### DUT updates its attributes - - label: "2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device" + - label: "Step 2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ tests: value: 2000 ### MANDATORY reads - - label: "2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ tests: ### Read Current Position -> Store this value for step 4c - label: - "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -157,8 +158,9 @@ tests: ### Read Target Position -> Compare this value w/ Current ### Shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths - label: - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - 3c: it Must be equal with CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT" + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute 3c: it Must be equal with CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -171,8 +173,8 @@ tests: ### Read Current Position -> Store this value for step 4c - label: - "4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -185,8 +187,9 @@ tests: ### Read Target Position -> Compare this value w/ Current ### Shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths - label: - "4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - 4c: it Must be equal with CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT" + "Step 4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute 4c: it Must be equal with CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml index 112e62fe0ad7b7..1a2431a63c9386 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 6000 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the + "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ tests: ### DUT adjusts to a non-open position ### Testers should input the fastMotionDuration parameter that match their DUT behavior - label: - "1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device" + "Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the + device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -62,14 +63,15 @@ tests: ######## UpOrOpen Long-Run Command ####### ### Step 2x -> Check UpOrOpen Long-Run effects ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT" command: "UpOrOpen" PICS: WNCV.S.C00.Rsp ### DUT move toward its fully-open position ### Testers should input the fullMotionDuration parameter that match their DUT behavior - label: - "2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device" + "Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the + device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: fullMotionDuration - - label: "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ tests: ### Step 3x -> Verify the DUT has reached its fully-open limits ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml index e9eeea6c438c54..54ce50c8176b59 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 6000 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -43,15 +43,16 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite - direction" + "Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the + opposite direction" command: "UpOrOpen" PICS: WNCV.S.C00.Rsp ### DUT adjusts to a non-closed position ### Testers should input the fastMotionDuration parameter that match their DUT behavior - label: - "1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device" + "Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the + device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -62,14 +63,15 @@ tests: ######## DownOrClose Long-Run Command ####### ### Step 2x -> Check DownOrClose Long-Run effects ### MANDATORY Command - - label: "2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp ### DUT move toward its fully-closed position ### Testers should input the fullMotionDuration parameter that match their DUT behavior - label: - "2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device" + "Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the + device" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: fullMotionDuration - - label: "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ tests: ### Step 3x -> Verify the DUT has reached its fully-open limits ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml index a0adc263bfa5bf..8b48bc5a3b83be 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 6000 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the + "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp ### Step 5x -> Verify the DUT has moved ### DUT moves toward its DownOrClose position - - label: "1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ tests: ### Depends on the FeatureMap -> Check CurrentPosition attributes - label: - "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ tests: ######## GoToLiftPercentage Long-Run 25 percent ####### ### Step 2x -> Check GoToLiftPercentage 25% Long-Run effects - - label: "2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT" + - label: + "Step 2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: "WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp" arguments: @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ tests: value: 2500 ### Depends on a sleep/wait command how to do this with a real device for CI keep at 100ms - - label: "2b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ tests: ### Step 3x -> Verify the DUT has reached its 25% ### DUT moves toward its 25% position - - label: "3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure" + - label: "Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ tests: value: fullMotionDuration ### Check for END OF MOVEMENTs - - label: "3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -134,7 +135,9 @@ tests: ######## GoToLiftPercentage Long-Run for 75.2 percent ####### ### Step 4x -> Check GoToLiftPercentage 75.20% Long-Run effects - - label: "4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT" + - label: + "Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to + DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp arguments: @@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ tests: value: 7520 ### Depends on a sleep/wait command how to do this with a real device for CI keep at 100ms - - label: "4b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -153,8 +156,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b @@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ tests: ### Step 5x -> Verify the DUT has reached its 75.2% ### DUT moves toward its 75.2% position - - label: "5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ tests: value: fullMotionDuration ### Check for END OF MOVEMENTs - - label: "5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional + "Step 5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008 command: "readAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml index c3d99ad58fc2df..381ed5906a3a92 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ config: defaultValue: 6000 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Initialize the Covering position before any testing ### MANDATORY Init Commands - label: - "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the + "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction" command: "DownOrClose" PICS: WNCV.S.C01.Rsp ### Step 5x -> Verify the DUT has moved ### DUT moves toward its DownOrClose position - - label: "1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" + - label: "Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ tests: ### Depends on the FeatureMap -> Check CurrentPosition attributes - label: - "1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ tests: ######## GoToTiltPercentage Long-Run 30 percent ####### ### Step 2x -> Check GoToTiltPercentage 30% Long-Run effects - - label: "2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT" + - label: + "Step 2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ tests: value: 3000 ### Depends on a sleep/wait command how to do this with a real device for CI keep at 100ms - - label: "2b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c @@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ tests: ### Step 3x -> Verify the DUT has reached its 30% ### DUT moves toward its 30% position - - label: "3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure" + - label: "Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ tests: value: fullMotionDuration ### Check for END OF MOVEMENTs - - label: "3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -134,7 +135,9 @@ tests: ######## GoToTiltPercentage Long-Run for 60.2 percent ####### ### Step 4x -> Check GoToTiltPercentage 60.20% Long-Run effects - - label: "4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT" + - label: + "Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to + DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ tests: value: 6005 ### Depends on a sleep/wait command how to do this with a real device for CI keep at 100ms - - label: "4b: DUT updates its attributes" + - label: "Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -153,8 +156,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c @@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ tests: ### Step 5x -> Verify the DUT has reached its 60.2% ### DUT moves toward its 60.2% position - - label: "5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" + - label: "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ tests: value: fullMotionDuration ### Check for END OF MOVEMENTs - - label: "5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "OperationalStatus" PICS: WNCV.S.A000a @@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ tests: ### Mandatory Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute - from DUT" + "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ tests: ### Optional Depends on the FeatureMap - label: - "5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional + "Step 5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009 command: "readAttribute" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_3.yaml index 949f5d8b85de11..9e09a33d511ddb 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_3.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_3.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Verify the Lift Percent100ths and Percent attributes ### Shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths - label: - "1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from - DUT" + "Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths + from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 10000 - label: - "1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from - DUT + assert CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths/100 equals + "Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage + from DUT + assert CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 1 ####### ### Step 2x -> Verify the GoToLiftPercentage with a BadParam - # - label: "2a: TH Generate a random badParam" + # - label: "Step 2a: TH Generate a random badParam" # since we don't know how to generate a random bad param # we use a default badParam for this test - - label: "2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp arguments: @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 2 ###### ### Step 3x -> Verify the GoToLiftPercentage with 10001 as param - - label: "3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp arguments: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 3 ###### ### Step 4x -> Verify the GoToLiftPercentage with 0xFFFF as param - - label: "4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_4.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_4.yaml index 599753afe3628e..dbc52d07d1cbc0 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_4.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_4.yaml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ tests: ### Step 1x -> Verify the Tilt Percent100ths and Percent attributes ### Shall be tested as equals CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths - label: - "1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from - DUT" + "Step 1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths + from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ tests: maxValue: 10000 - label: - "1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from - DUT + assert CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths/100 equals + "Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage + from DUT + assert CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 1 ####### ### Step 2x -> Verify the GoToTiltPercentage with a BadParam - # - label: "2a: TH Generate a random badParam" + # - label: "Step 2a: TH Generate a random badParam" # since we don't know how to generate a random bad param # we use a default badParam for this test - - label: "2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT" + - label: "Step 2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 2 ###### ### Step 3x -> Verify the GoToTiltPercentage with 10001 as param - - label: "3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ tests: ######## Command BadParams 3 ###### ### Step 4x -> Verify the GoToTiltPercentage with 0xFFFF as param - - label: "4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT" + - label: "Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml index 889c51e0be3fe0..46d46eca4ed94f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ config: tests: ################ Init Phase ############# - - label: "0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ tests: value: nodeId ### Trying to randomize DUT's positions - - label: "0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT" + - label: "Step 0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT" command: "UpOrOpen" ######## Command GoTo 1 ####### ### Step 1x -> Check GoToLiftPercentage NVM effects - label: - "1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to - DUT" + "Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with + 90%% to DUT" command: "GoToLiftPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp arguments: @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tests: # TODO: For some reason, the window-covering server impl arms a 5s timer before it actually # processes the GoToLiftPercentage command's effect on the current tile value. # - - label: "1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" + - label: "Step 1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT" + - label: "Step 1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT" command: "StopMotion" PICS: WNCV.S.C02.Rsp - - label: "1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" + - label: "Step 1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ tests: ######## Command GoTo 2 ###### ### Step 2x -> Check GoToTiltPercentage NVM effects - label: - "2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to - DUT" + "Step 2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with + 90%% to DUT" command: "GoToTiltPercentage" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp arguments: @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ tests: # TODO: For some reason, the window-covering server impl arms a 5s timer before it actually # processes the GoToTiltPercentage command's effect on the current tile value. # - - label: "2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" + - label: "Step 2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ tests: - name: "ms" value: 5000 - - label: "2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT" + - label: "Step 2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT" command: "StopMotion" PICS: WNCV.S.C02.Rsp - - label: "2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" + - label: "Step 2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForMs" arguments: @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ tests: ######## Check NVM ###### ### Step 3x -> Store Positions and Reboot ### CONDITIONAL Lift Store CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths this value for step 3e - - label: "3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT" + - label: "Step 3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ tests: notValue: 0 ### CONDITIONAL Tilt Store CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths this value for step 3f - - label: "3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT" + - label: "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f @@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ tests: notValue: 0 ### DUT TurnOff - - label: "3c: reboot/restart the DUT" + - label: "Step 3c: reboot/restart the DUT" PICS: PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY cluster: "SystemCommands" endpoint: 0 command: "Reboot" - - label: "Reboot target device(DUT)" + - label: "Step Reboot target device(DUT)" verification: | Did the DUT successfully reboot? cluster: "LogCommands" @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ tests: value: "y" ### DUT GoesOff - - label: "3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ tests: value: nodeId ### CONDITIONAL Lift Compare CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths with value for step 3a - - label: "3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT" + - label: "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ tests: value: attrCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths ### CONDITIONAL Tilt Compare CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths with value for step 3b - - label: "3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT" + - label: "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths" PICS: WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1.yaml index 94cb40c07d2505..027f225e30c28f 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!WTREMON.S.F00 && !WTREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given WTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3b: Given WTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: WTREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given WTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3c: Given WTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: WTREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(WTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" + "Step 4a: Read the feature dependent(WTREMON.S.F00) attribute in + AttributeList" PICS: WTREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (WTREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (WTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: WTREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -99,34 +100,37 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" + attribute: "EventList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" - PICS: WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp + - label: "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: " !WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp " command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: + value: [] constraints: type: list - contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" + PICS: WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" + attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: - value: [] constraints: type: list + contains: [0] - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" - attribute: "EventList" + attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: value: [] constraints: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1.yaml index 717ec77a4e9a10..ad2ce6cc35a57a 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: WTREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: WTREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: WTREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: WTREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1.yaml index 306f0094ca4537..2df34c461aa855 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" + - label: "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ClusterRevision" response: @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: int16u - - label: "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" + - label: "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: "!ZEOFREMON.S.F00 && !ZEOFREMON.S.F01" @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 - label: - "Given ZEOFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct - bit set" + "Step 3: Given ZEOFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.F00 @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ tests: hasMasksSet: [0x1] - label: - "Given ZEOFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit - set" + "Step 3: Given ZEOFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the + correct bit set" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "FeatureMap" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.F01 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tests: type: bitmap32 hasMasksSet: [0x2] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AttributeList" + - label: "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" response: @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ tests: contains: [2, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533] - label: - "Read the feature dependent(ZEOFREMON.S.F00) attribute in + "Step 4: Read the feature dependent(ZEOFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.F00 command: "readAttribute" @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ tests: contains: [0, 1] - label: - "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ZEOFREMON.S.A0002) in - AttributeList" + "Step 4: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator + (ZEOFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AttributeList" @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [3] - - label: "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" + - label: "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" response: @@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ tests: type: list contains: [] - - label: "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList" + - label: + "Step 6: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in + AcceptedCommandList" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.C00.Rsp command: "readAttribute" attribute: "AcceptedCommandList" @@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ tests: type: list contains: [0] - - label: "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" + - label: "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "GeneratedCommandList" response: @@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ tests: constraints: type: list - - label: "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT" command: "readAttribute" attribute: "EventList" response: diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1.yaml index 73fce963100c64..514fdbd466c4ec 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1.yaml +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ config: endpoint: 1 tests: - - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" + - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved" cluster: "DelayCommands" command: "WaitForCommissionee" arguments: @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests: - name: "nodeId" value: nodeId - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." + - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute." PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.A0000 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "Condition" @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." + - label: + "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.." PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.A0001 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "DegradationDirection" @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 1 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." + - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute." PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.A0002 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "ChangeIndication" @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ tests: minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 - - label: "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" + - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute" PICS: ZEOFREMON.S.A0003 command: "readAttribute" attribute: "InPlaceIndicator" diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json b/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json index d261ad09cf1a44..2f30101696fb55 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ "Test_TC_ACL_2_1", "Test_TC_ACL_2_3", "Test_TC_ACL_2_4", + "Test_TC_ACL_2_5", + "Test_TC_ACL_2_6", "Test_TC_ACL_2_7", "Test_TC_ACL_2_8", "Test_TC_ACL_2_9", diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json index 50ac11b6b6acd0..bd53c9a03962e3 100644 --- a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json +++ b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json @@ -58,10 +58,8 @@ "bridge": ["Test_TC_BR_1", "Test_TC_BR_2", "Test_TC_BR_3", "Test_TC_BR_4"], "DeviceAttestation": [ "Test_TC_DA_1_1", - "Test_TC_DA_1_2", "Test_TC_DA_1_3", "Test_TC_DA_1_4", - "Test_TC_DA_1_5", "Test_TC_DA_1_6" ], "DeviceManagement": [ @@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ "IlluminanceMeasurement": [], "InteractionDataModel": [ "Test_TC_IDM_1_1", - "Test_TC_IDM_1_2", "Test_TC_IDM_2_1", "Test_TC_IDM_2_2", "Test_TC_IDM_3_1", @@ -271,13 +268,13 @@ "Test_TC_S_3_1" ], "PumpConfigurationControl": [], - "AccessControl": ["Test_TC_ACL_2_5", "Test_TC_ACL_2_6"], + "AccessControl": [], "UserLabel": [], "BridgedDeviceBasicInformation": [ "Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_2", "Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_3" ], - "AccessControlEnforcement": ["Test_TC_ACE_1_2"], + "AccessControlEnforcement": [], "collection": [ "DeviceDiscovery", "Groups", diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h index 8a8c4ebcd364bf..56107d510b3470 100644 --- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h +++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class TestList : public Command printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_1\n"); printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_3\n"); printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_4\n"); + printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_5\n"); + printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_6\n"); printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_7\n"); printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_8\n"); printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_9\n"); @@ -400,10 +402,8 @@ class ManualTestList : public Command printf("Test_TC_BR_3\n"); printf("Test_TC_BR_4\n"); printf("Test_TC_DA_1_1\n"); - printf("Test_TC_DA_1_2\n"); printf("Test_TC_DA_1_3\n"); printf("Test_TC_DA_1_4\n"); - printf("Test_TC_DA_1_5\n"); printf("Test_TC_DA_1_6\n"); printf("Test_TC_BINFO_2_4\n"); printf("Test_TC_OPCREDS_3_1\n"); @@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ class ManualTestList : public Command printf("Test_TC_DGGEN_3_1\n"); printf("Test_TC_I_3_2\n"); printf("Test_TC_IDM_1_1\n"); - printf("Test_TC_IDM_1_2\n"); printf("Test_TC_IDM_2_1\n"); printf("Test_TC_IDM_2_2\n"); printf("Test_TC_IDM_3_1\n"); @@ -591,11 +590,8 @@ class ManualTestList : public Command printf("Test_TC_S_2_3\n"); printf("Test_TC_S_2_4\n"); printf("Test_TC_S_3_1\n"); - printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_5\n"); - printf("Test_TC_ACL_2_6\n"); printf("Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_2\n"); printf("Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_3\n"); - printf("Test_TC_ACE_1_2\n"); return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -2291,44 +2287,44 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001 && ACL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2338,19 +2334,19 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5a: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or " - "scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 5b: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2361,7 +2357,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -2376,7 +2372,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -2480,26 +2476,26 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::TargetsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -2746,26 +2742,26 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 4: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct: Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -2787,14 +2783,14 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 6: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E67206" "17320612063686172737472696E670018"); @@ -2824,14 +2820,14 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 8: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E67206" "17320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003148656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656" @@ -2864,14 +2860,14 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 10: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E67206" "17320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656" @@ -2905,7 +2901,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 11: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -2928,7 +2924,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 12: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST " ":3701D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672" "0617320612063686172737472696E670018"); @@ -2959,7 +2955,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 13: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM " ":17103D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E67206173206120636" "86172737472696E670018"); @@ -2989,7 +2985,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 14: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_OVERFLOW : " "17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061" "7320612063686172737472696E670018FF"); @@ -3020,7 +3016,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 15: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_UNDERFLOW " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E67206" "17320612063686172737472696E6700"); @@ -3051,7 +3047,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 16: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -3075,7 +3071,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand case 16: { LogStep( 16, - "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "Step 17: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 " "elements . first element contains Data field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second element contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " "17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320" @@ -3110,13 +3106,13 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an empty list"); + LogStep(18, "Step 19: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an empty list"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -3126,7 +3122,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); + LogStep(19, "Step 20: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -5397,24 +5393,792 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = static_cast(3); listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = - static_cast(2); + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + + listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 65535U; + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNull(); + + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = + chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 2); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 41: { + LogStep(41, + "Step 41:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " + "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " + "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " + "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{DeviceType: 0xFFFFFFFF}]"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(2); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = + static_cast(5); + listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = + static_cast(3); + listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + + listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 4294967295UL; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = + chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 2); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 42: { + LogStep(42, + "Step 42:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " + "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " + "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " + "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{Endpoint: 22, DeviceType: 33}]"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(2); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = + static_cast(5); + listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = + static_cast(3); + listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + + listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 22U; + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 33UL; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = + chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 2); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 43: { + LogStep(43, + "Step 43:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " + "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " + "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " + "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{Cluster: 11, Endpoint: 22, DeviceType: 33}]"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(2); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = + static_cast(5); + listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = + static_cast(3); + listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + + listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.Value() = 11UL; + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 22U; + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); + listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 33UL; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = + chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 2); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 44: { + LogStep(44, "Step 44:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is an empty list"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = + static_cast(5); + listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = 1U; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 1); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + } + return CHIP_NO_ERROR; + } +}; + +class Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite : public TestCommand +{ +public: + Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_5", 14, credsIssuerConfig) + { + AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); + AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); + AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); + AddArgument("D_OK_EMPTY", &mDOkEmpty); + AddArgument("D_OK_SINGLE", &mDOkSingle); + AddArgument("D_BAD_LENGTH", &mDBadLength); + AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); + } + + ~Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite() {} + + chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override + { + return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); + } + +private: + chip::Optional mNodeId; + chip::Optional mCluster; + chip::Optional mEndpoint; + chip::Optional mDOkEmpty; + chip::Optional mDOkSingle; + chip::Optional mDBadLength; + chip::Optional mTimeout; + + chip::NodeId CommissionerNodeId; + uint8_t CurrentFabricIndex; + + chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } + + // + // Tests methods + // + + void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override + { + bool shouldContinue = false; + + switch (mTestIndex - 1) + { + case 0: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 1: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::GetCommissionerNodeIdResponse::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + CommissionerNodeId = value.nodeId; + } + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 2: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + uint8_t value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + CurrentFabricIndex = value; + } + break; + case 3: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 4: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 5: + switch (mTestSubStepIndex) + { + case 0: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("accessControlExtensionChanged.adminNodeID", value.adminNodeID)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlExtensionChanged.adminNodeID.Value()", value.adminNodeID.Value(), + CommissionerNodeId)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("accessControlExtensionChanged.adminPasscodeID", value.adminPasscodeID)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlExtensionChanged.changeType", value.changeType, 1U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("accessControlExtensionChanged.latestValue", value.latestValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueAsString( + "accessControlExtensionChanged.latestValue.Value().data", value.latestValue.Value().data, + mDOkEmpty.HasValue() ? mDOkEmpty.Value() : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("\x17\x18"), 2))); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlExtensionChanged.latestValue.Value().fabricIndex", + value.latestValue.Value().fabricIndex, CurrentFabricIndex)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlExtensionChanged.fabricIndex", value.fabricIndex, CurrentFabricIndex)); + } + mTestSubStepIndex++; + break; + default: + LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); + break; + } + break; + case 6: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 7: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 8: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)); + break; + case 9: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 10: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)); + break; + case 11: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 12: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 13: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + default: + LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); + } + + if (shouldContinue) + { + ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); + } + } + + CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override + { + using namespace chip::app::Clusters; + switch (testIndex) + { + case 0: { + LogStep(0, "Step 1: TH commissions DUT using admin node ID N1"); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; + value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; + return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 1: { + LogStep(1, "Read the commissioner node ID"); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::GetCommissionerNodeId::Type value; + return GetCommissionerNodeId(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 2: { + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, + OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 3: { + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 4: { + LogStep(4, + "Step 4: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].data = + mDOkEmpty.HasValue() ? mDOkEmpty.Value() : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("\x17\x18"), 2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 1); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, + value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 5: { + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + mTestSubStepCount = 1; + return ReadEvent(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, + AccessControl::Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 6: { + LogStep(6, + "Step 6: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].data = mDOkSingle.HasValue() + ? mDOkSingle.Value() + : chip::ByteSpan( + chip::Uint8::from_const_char( + "\x17\xD0\x00\x00\xF1\xFF\x01\x00\x3D\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x20\x57\x6F\x72\x6C\x64\x2E\x20\x54\x68\x69" + "\x73\x20\x69\x73\x20\x61\x20\x73\x69\x6E\x67\x6C\x65\x20\x65\x6C\x65\x6D\x65\x6E\x74\x20\x6C\x69\x76" + "\x69\x6E\x67\x20\x61\x73\x20\x61\x20\x63\x68\x61\x72\x73\x74\x72\x69\x6E\x67\x00\x18"), + 71); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 1); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, + value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 7: { + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 8: { + LogStep(8, + "Step 8: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].data = mDBadLength.HasValue() + ? mDBadLength.Value() + : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char( + "\x17\xD0\x00\x00\xF1\xFF\x01\x00\x3D\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x20\x57\x6F\x72\x6C\x64\x2E\x20" + "\x54\x68\x69\x73\x20\x69\x73\x20\x61\x20\x73\x69\x6E\x67\x6C\x65\x20\x65\x6C\x65\x6D\x65" + "\x6E\x74\x20\x6C\x69\x76\x69\x6E\x67\x20\x61\x73\x20\x61\x20\x63\x68\x61\x72\x73\x74\x72" + "\x69\x6E\x67\x00\xD0\x00\x00\xF1\xFF\x02\x00\x32\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x20\x57\x6F\x72\x6C" + "\x64\x2E\x20\x54\x68\x69\x73\x20\x69\x73\x20\x61\x20\x73\x69\x6E\x67\x6C\x65\x20\x65\x6C" + "\x65\x6D\x65\x6E\x74\x20\x61\x67\x61\x69\x6E\x2E\x2E\x2E\x2E\x2E\x2E\x00\x18"), + 129); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 1); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, + value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 9: { + LogStep(9, "Step 9: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 10: { + LogStep( + 10, + "Step 10: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " + "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements struct Data field: D_OK_EMPTY struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(2); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].data = + mDOkEmpty.HasValue() ? mDOkEmpty.Value() : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("\x17\x18"), 2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].data = mDOkSingle.HasValue() + ? mDOkSingle.Value() + : chip::ByteSpan( + chip::Uint8::from_const_char( + "\x17\xD0\x00\x00\xF1\xFF\x01\x00\x3D\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x20\x57\x6F\x72\x6C\x64\x2E\x20\x54\x68\x69" + "\x73\x20\x69\x73\x20\x61\x20\x73\x69\x6E\x67\x6C\x65\x20\x65\x6C\x65\x6D\x65\x6E\x74\x20\x6C\x69\x76" + "\x69\x6E\x67\x20\x61\x73\x20\x61\x20\x63\x68\x61\x72\x73\x74\x72\x69\x6E\x67\x00\x18"), + 71); + listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List( + listHolder_0->mList, 2); + } + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, + value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 11: { + LogStep(11, "Step 11: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 12: { + LogStep(12, "Step 12: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an empty list"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + value = chip::app::DataModel::List(); + return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Extension::Id, + value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 13: { + LogStep(13, "Step 13: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + } + return CHIP_NO_ERROR; + } +}; + +class Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite : public TestCommand +{ +public: + Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_6", 8, credsIssuerConfig) + { + AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); + AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); + AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); + AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); + } + + ~Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite() {} + + chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override + { + return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); + } + +private: + chip::Optional mNodeId; + chip::Optional mCluster; + chip::Optional mEndpoint; + chip::Optional mTimeout; + + chip::NodeId CommissionerNodeId; + uint8_t CurrentFabricIndex; + + chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } + + // + // Tests methods + // + + void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override + { + bool shouldContinue = false; + + switch (mTestIndex - 1) + { + case 0: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 1: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::GetCommissionerNodeIdResponse::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + CommissionerNodeId = value.nodeId; + } + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 2: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + uint8_t value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + CurrentFabricIndex = value; + } + break; + case 3: + switch (mTestSubStepIndex) + { + case 0: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("accessControlEntryChanged.adminNodeID", value.adminNodeID)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("accessControlEntryChanged.adminPasscodeID", value.adminPasscodeID)); + VerifyOrReturn( + CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.adminPasscodeID.Value()", value.adminPasscodeID.Value(), 0U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.changeType", value.changeType, 1U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue", value.latestValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().privilege", + value.latestValue.Value().privilege, 5U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().authMode", + value.latestValue.Value().authMode, 2U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().subjects", + value.latestValue.Value().subjects)); + { + auto iter_4 = value.latestValue.Value().subjects.Value().begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNextListItemDecodes( + "accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().subjects.Value()", iter_4, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().subjects.Value()[0]", + iter_4.GetValue(), CommissionerNodeId)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems( + "accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().subjects.Value()", iter_4, 1)); + } + VerifyOrReturn( + CheckValueNull("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().targets", value.latestValue.Value().targets)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.latestValue.Value().fabricIndex", + value.latestValue.Value().fabricIndex, CurrentFabricIndex)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("accessControlEntryChanged.fabricIndex", value.fabricIndex, CurrentFabricIndex)); + } + mTestSubStepIndex++; + break; + default: + LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); + break; + } + break; + case 4: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 5: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 6: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)); + break; + case 7: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + default: + LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); + } + + if (shouldContinue) + { + ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); + } + } + + CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override + { + using namespace chip::app::Clusters; + switch (testIndex) + { + case 0: { + LogStep(0, "Step 1: TH commissions DUT using admin node ID N1"); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; + value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; + return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 1: { + LogStep(1, "Read the commissioner node ID"); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::GetCommissionerNodeId::Type value; + return GetCommissionerNodeId(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } + case 2: { + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, + OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 3: { + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + mTestSubStepCount = 1; + return ReadEvent(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, + AccessControl::Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); + } + case 4: { + LogStep(4, + "Step 4: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is list of " + "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " + "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: Group (3) " + "Subjects field: null Targets field: null"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::DataModel::List value; + + { + auto * listHolder_0 = + new ListHolder(2); + listFreer.add(listHolder_0); + + listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = + static_cast(5); + listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = + static_cast(2); + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + + { + auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); + listFreer.add(listHolder_3); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; + listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); + } + listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); + listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; + + listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = + static_cast(3); + listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = + static_cast(3); listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = - new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - - listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 65535U; - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNull(); - - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = - chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNull(); listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; value = chip::app::DataModel::List( @@ -5423,72 +6187,24 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } - case 41: { - LogStep(41, - "Step 41:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " - "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " - "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " - "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{DeviceType: 0xFFFFFFFF}]"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + case 5: { + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; - chip::app::DataModel::List value; - - { - auto * listHolder_0 = - new ListHolder(2); - listFreer.add(listHolder_0); - - listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = - static_cast(5); - listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } - listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; - - listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = - static_cast(3); - listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = - new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - - listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 4294967295UL; - - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = - chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } - listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; - - value = chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_0->mList, 2); - } - return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, - chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } - case 42: { - LogStep(42, - "Step 42:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " - "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " - "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " - "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{Endpoint: 22, DeviceType: 33}]"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + case 6: { + LogStep( + 6, + "Step 6: TH writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute, value is list of AccessControlEntryStruct " + "containing 2 elements. The first item is valid, the second item is invalid due to group ID 0 being used, which is " + "illegal. 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE (2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: " + "null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: Group (3) Subjects field: [0] Targets field: null"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -5515,86 +6231,16 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = static_cast(3); listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = - new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - - listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 22U; - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 33UL; - - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = - chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } - listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; - - value = chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_0->mList, 2); - } - return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, - chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); - } - case 43: { - LogStep(43, - "Step 43:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is list of " - "AccessControlEntryStruct containing 2 elements 1.struct Privilege field: Administer (5) AuthMode field: CASE " - "(2) Subjects field: [N1] Targets field: null 2.struct Privilege field: Operate (3) AuthMode field: CASE (2) " - "Subjects field: null Targets field: [{Cluster: 11, Endpoint: 22, DeviceType: 33}]"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); - ListFreer listFreer; - chip::app::DataModel::List value; - - { - auto * listHolder_0 = - new ListHolder(2); - listFreer.add(listHolder_0); - - listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = - static_cast(5); - listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); + static_cast(3); + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNonNull(); { auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } - listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; - - listHolder_0->mList[1].privilege = - static_cast(3); - listHolder_0->mList[1].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = - new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - - listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].cluster.Value() = 11UL; - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].endpoint.Value() = 22U; - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.SetNonNull(); - listHolder_3->mList[0].deviceType.Value() = 33UL; - - listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.Value() = - chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_3->mList, 1); + listHolder_3->mList[0] = 0ULL; + listHolder_0->mList[1].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); } + listHolder_0->mList[1].targets.SetNull(); listHolder_0->mList[1].fabricIndex = CurrentFabricIndex; value = chip::app::DataModel::List( @@ -5603,37 +6249,15 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } - case 44: { - LogStep(44, "Step 44:TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ACL attribute value is an empty list"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + case 7: { + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; - chip::app::DataModel::List value; - - { - auto * listHolder_0 = - new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_0); - - listHolder_0->mList[0].privilege = - static_cast(5); - listHolder_0->mList[0].authMode = - static_cast(2); - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.SetNonNull(); - - { - auto * listHolder_3 = new ListHolder(1); - listFreer.add(listHolder_3); - listHolder_3->mList[0] = CommissionerNodeId; - listHolder_0->mList[0].subjects.Value() = chip::app::DataModel::List(listHolder_3->mList, 1); - } - listHolder_0->mList[0].targets.SetNull(); - listHolder_0->mList[0].fabricIndex = 1U; - - value = chip::app::DataModel::List( - listHolder_0->mList, 1); - } - return WriteAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Attributes::Acl::Id, value, - chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -5643,7 +6267,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand class Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_7", 23, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_7", 25, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -5890,6 +6514,17 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); shouldContinue = true; break; + case 23: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + } + break; + case 24: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; default: LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); } @@ -6145,6 +6780,28 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite : public TestCommand value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } + case 23: { + LogStep(23, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; + value.fabricIndex = TH2FabricIndex; + return SendCommand(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, + OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Id, value, chip::Optional(10000), + chip::NullOptional + + ); + } + case 24: { + LogStep(24, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && ACL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -6153,7 +6810,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_7Suite : public TestCommand class Test_TC_ACL_2_8Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_ACL_2_8Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_8", 23, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_ACL_2_8Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_8", 25, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -6578,6 +7235,17 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_8Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); shouldContinue = true; break; + case 23: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + } + break; + case 24: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; default: LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); } @@ -6889,6 +7557,28 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_8Suite : public TestCommand value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } + case 23: { + LogStep(23, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; + value.fabricIndex = TH2FabricIndex; + return SendCommand(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, + OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Id, value, chip::Optional(10000), + chip::NullOptional + + ); + } + case 24: { + LogStep(24, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Enter 'y' after successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 23); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -7167,14 +7857,14 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_9Suite : public TestCommand AccessControl::Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event"); + LogStep(11, "Step 10:TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlEntryChanged event"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); mTestSubStepCount = 1; return ReadEvent(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, AccessControl::Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); + LogStep(12, "Step 11:TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster AccessControlExtensionChanged event"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACL.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); mTestSubStepCount = 1; return ReadEvent(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AccessControl::Id, @@ -9038,7 +9728,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -9060,7 +9750,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Open Commissioning Window from alpha"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: Open Commissioning Window from alpha"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -9092,7 +9782,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Commission from TH2"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Commission from TH2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -9109,13 +9799,13 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH2 reads the fabric index"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH2 reads the fabric index"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -9131,7 +9821,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return GetCommissionerNodeId(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5: TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -9209,7 +9899,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return GetCommissionerNodeId(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster"); + LogStep(12, "Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -9281,7 +9971,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster"); + LogStep(13, "Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -9291,23 +9981,23 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS"); + LogStep(14, "Step 7: TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), Descriptor::Id, Descriptor::Attributes::DeviceTypeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); + LogStep(15, "Step 8: TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); + LogStep(16, "Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), Descriptor::Id, Descriptor::Attributes::DeviceTypeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); + LogStep(17, "Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -9317,13 +10007,13 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS"); + LogStep(18, "Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH2 writes Extension attribute value as empty list"); + LogStep(19, "Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -9333,7 +10023,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH1 resets ACL to default"); + LogStep(20, "Step 11: TH1 resets ACL to default"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -9364,7 +10054,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2"); + LogStep(21, "Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -9375,7 +10065,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2"); + LogStep(22, "Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -9502,8 +10192,12 @@ class Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -9512,21 +10206,17 @@ class Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; case 10: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -9547,67 +10237,67 @@ class Test_TC_AIRQUAL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!AIRQUAL.S.F00 && !AIRQUAL.S.F01 && !AIRQUAL.S.F02 && !AIRQUAL.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given AIRQUAL.S.F00(Fair) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given AIRQUAL.S.F00(Fair) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AIRQUAL.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given AIRQUAL.S.F01(Moderate) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given AIRQUAL.S.F01(Moderate) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AIRQUAL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given AIRQUAL.S.F02(VeryPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given AIRQUAL.S.F02(VeryPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AIRQUAL.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given AIRQUAL.S.F03(ExtremelyPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given AIRQUAL.S.F03(ExtremelyPoor) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AIRQUAL.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); - return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, - true, chip::NullOptional); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, + chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); - return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); - return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, - chip::NullOptional); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, + true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -9681,14 +10371,14 @@ class Test_TC_AIRQUAL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the AirQuality attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the AirQuality attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AIRQUAL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AirQuality::Id, AirQuality::Attributes::AirQuality::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -9837,45 +10527,45 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BOOL.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !BOOL.S.E00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -9949,14 +10639,14 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BOOL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), BooleanState::Id, BooleanState::Attributes::StateValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -10236,132 +10926,133 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 5a: TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList"); + LogStep(19, "Step 5b: TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList"); + LogStep(20, "Step 5c: TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported events."); + "Step 5d: Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the DUT response provides a list of supported " + "events."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -10371,12 +11062,12 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 6: TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 7: TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -10950,13 +11641,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(1, "Step 5: TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::VendorName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH writes VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(2, "Step 6: TH writes VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -10966,13 +11657,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(3, "Step 7: TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::VendorName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 8: TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -10988,7 +11679,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH writes VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(6, "Step 9: TH writes VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::VendorId value; @@ -10998,19 +11689,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(7, "Step 10: TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 11: TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH writes ProductName from the DUT."); + LogStep(9, "Step 12: TH writes ProductName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11020,19 +11711,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 13: TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 17: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 18: TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11042,7 +11733,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 19: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11052,13 +11743,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 21: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT."); + LogStep(15, "Step 22: TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -11068,19 +11759,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 23: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(17, "Step 24: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(18, "Step 25: TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11090,19 +11781,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 26: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 27: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT."); + LogStep(21, "Step 28: TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -11112,19 +11803,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 29: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 30: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(24, "Step 31: TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11134,13 +11825,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 32: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(26, "Step 33: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -11156,7 +11847,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(28, "Step 34: TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11166,19 +11857,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(29, "Step 35: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 36: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::PartNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH writes PartNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(31, "Step 37: TH writes PartNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11188,13 +11879,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 38: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::PartNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); + LogStep(33, "Step 39: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductURL::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -11212,7 +11903,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH writes ProductURL from the DUT."); + LogStep(35, "Step 40: TH writes ProductURL from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11222,13 +11913,13 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); + LogStep(36, "Step 41: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductURL::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(37, "Step 42: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -11244,7 +11935,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(39, "Step 43: TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11254,19 +11945,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(40, "Step 44: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(41, "Step 45: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(42, "Step 46: TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11276,19 +11967,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(43, "Step 47: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); + LogStep(44, "Step 51: TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::Reachable::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to false"); + LogStep(45, "Step 52: TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to false"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -11298,19 +11989,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); + LogStep(46, "Step 52b: TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::Reachable::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(47, "Step 53: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::UniqueID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH writes UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(48, "Step 54: TH writes UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -11320,19 +12011,19 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(49, "Step 55: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::UniqueID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 50: { - LogStep(50, "TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT."); + LogStep(50, "Step 59: TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductAppearance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT."); + LogStep(51, "Step 60: TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Structs::ProductAppearanceStruct::Type value; @@ -11346,7 +12037,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT."); + LogStep(52, "Step 61: TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Id, BridgedDeviceBasicInformation::Attributes::ProductAppearance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -11480,35 +12171,35 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACT.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11518,12 +12209,12 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Actions::Id, Actions::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -11637,38 +12328,38 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Binding::Id, Binding::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Binding::Id, Binding::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Binding::Id, Binding::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11679,7 +12370,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -11694,11 +12385,11 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11709,7 +12400,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -12491,468 +13182,468 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !CC.S.F00 && !CC.S.F01 && !CC.S.F02 && !CC.S.F03 && !CC.S.F04 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3f: Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4h: Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4i: Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4j: Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4k: Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4l: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4m: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4n: Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4o: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4p: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4q: Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0019"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4r: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4s: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A001b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4t: Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(28, "Step 4u: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4v: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0022"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(30, "Step 4w: Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0024"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4x: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0025"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(32, "Step 4y: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0026"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(33, "Step 4z: Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0028"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(34, "Step 4a1: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0029"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(35, "Step 4a2: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A002a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(36, "Step 4a3: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(37, "Step 4a4: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(38, "Step 4a5: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0032"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(39, "Step 4a6: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(40, "Step 4a7: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0034"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(41, "Step 4a8: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0036"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(42, "Step 4a9: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0037"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(43, "Step 4a10: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0038"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(44, "Step 4a11: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(45, "Step 4a12: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(46, "Step 4a13: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(47, "Step 4a14: Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(48, "Step 4a15: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(49, "Step 4a16: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 50: { - LogStep(50, "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(50, "Step 4a17: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(51, "Step 4a18: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(52, "Step 4a19: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 53: { - LogStep(53, "Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(53, "Step 4a20: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 54: { - LogStep(54, "Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(54, "Step 4a21: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 55: { - LogStep(55, "Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(55, "Step 4a22: Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 56: { - LogStep(56, "Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(56, "Step 4a23: Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(57, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 58: { - LogStep(58, "Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(58, "Step 6a: Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 59: { - LogStep(59, "Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(59, "Step 6b: Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 60: { - LogStep(60, "Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(60, "Step 6c: Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 61: { - LogStep(61, "Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(61, "Step 6d: Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 62: { - LogStep(62, "Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(62, "Step 6e: Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 63: { - LogStep(63, "Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(63, "Step 6f: Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 64: { - LogStep(64, "Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(64, "Step 6g: Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 65: { - LogStep(65, "Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(65, "Step 6h: Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 66: { - LogStep(66, "Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(66, "Step 6i: Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 67: { - LogStep(67, "Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(67, "Step 6j: Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C09.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 68: { - LogStep(68, "Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(68, "Step 6k: Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 69: { - LogStep(69, "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(69, "Step 6l: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 70: { - LogStep(70, "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(70, "Step 6m: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 71: { - LogStep(71, "Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(71, "Step 6n: Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C42.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 72: { - LogStep(72, "Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(72, "Step 6o: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C43.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 73: { - LogStep(73, "Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(73, "Step 6p: Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 74: { - LogStep(74, "Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(74, "Step 6q: Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 75: { - LogStep(75, "Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(75, "Step 6r: Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 76: { - LogStep(76, "Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(76, "Step 6s: Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 77: { - LogStep(77, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(77, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -13439,159 +14130,159 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::DriftCompensation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CompensationText::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads Options attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads Options attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 15: TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 16: TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 17: TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 18a: Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 19: TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorCapabilities::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 20: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 21: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 22: TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 23: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 24: TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::NumberOfPrimaries::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more"); + "Step 25: TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13602,8 +14293,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 26: { LogStep(26, - "TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more"); + "Step 26: TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13614,7 +14305,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 27: { LogStep(27, - "TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 27: TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13626,8 +14317,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 28: { LogStep(28, - "TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more"); + "Step 28: TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13638,8 +14329,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 29: { LogStep(29, - "TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more"); + "Step 29: TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13650,7 +14341,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 30: { LogStep(30, - "TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 30: TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13662,8 +14353,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 31: { LogStep(31, - "TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more"); + "Step 31: TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0019"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13674,8 +14365,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 32: { LogStep(32, - "TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more"); + "Step 32: TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13686,7 +14377,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 33: { LogStep(33, - "TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 33: TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A001b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13698,8 +14389,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 34: { LogStep(34, - "TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if " - "NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more"); + "Step 34: TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13710,8 +14401,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 35: { LogStep(35, - "TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more"); + "Step 35: TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13722,7 +14413,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 36: { LogStep(36, - "TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 36: TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0022"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13734,8 +14425,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 37: { LogStep(37, - "TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more"); + "Step 37: TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0024"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13746,8 +14437,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 38: { LogStep(38, - "TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more"); + "Step 38: TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0025"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13758,7 +14449,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 39: { LogStep(39, - "TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 39: TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0026"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13770,8 +14461,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 40: { LogStep(40, - "TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more"); + "Step 40: TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0028"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13782,8 +14473,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 41: { LogStep(41, - "TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] " - "if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more"); + "Step 41: TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 [Min:0 " + "Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0029"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -13794,7 +14485,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 42: { LogStep(42, - "TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " + "Step 42: TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint8 if " "NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A002a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -13805,67 +14496,67 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(43, "Step 43: TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::WhitePointX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 44: TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::WhitePointY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(45, "Step 45: TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0032"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointRX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(46, "Step 46: TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointRY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(47, "Step 47: TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0034"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointRIntensity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 48: TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0036"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointGX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(49, "Step 49: TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0037"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointGY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 50: { - LogStep(50, "TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(50, "Step 50: TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0038"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointGIntensity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(51, "Step 51: TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointBX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(52, "Step 52: TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointBY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 53: { - LogStep(53, "TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(53, "Step 53: TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorPointBIntensity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14098,14 +14789,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -14114,7 +14805,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -14124,8 +14815,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -14148,7 +14839,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type value; @@ -14170,7 +14861,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14184,7 +14875,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14198,7 +14889,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type value; @@ -14212,7 +14903,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14226,15 +14917,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -14257,7 +14948,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type value; @@ -14279,7 +14970,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14293,7 +14984,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14307,7 +14998,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type value; @@ -14321,7 +15012,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14335,19 +15026,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 3g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14562,14 +15253,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -14578,7 +15269,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -14588,8 +15279,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -14612,7 +15303,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); + LogStep(5, + "Step 2b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepHue::Type value; @@ -14635,7 +15327,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14649,7 +15341,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14663,15 +15355,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -14694,7 +15386,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); + LogStep(14, + "Step 3b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepHue::Type value; @@ -14717,7 +15410,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14731,7 +15424,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14745,19 +15438,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -14938,14 +15631,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -14954,7 +15647,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -14963,7 +15656,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -14985,7 +15678,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15007,7 +15700,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15021,7 +15714,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15035,7 +15728,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15049,19 +15742,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15324,14 +16017,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -15340,7 +16033,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -15349,7 +16042,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15371,7 +16064,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type value; @@ -15393,7 +16086,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15407,7 +16100,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15421,13 +16114,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15449,7 +16142,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type value; @@ -15471,7 +16164,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15485,7 +16178,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15499,13 +16192,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15527,7 +16220,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type value; @@ -15549,13 +16242,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4d: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type value; @@ -15569,7 +16262,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15583,19 +16276,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15841,14 +16534,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -15857,7 +16550,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -15866,7 +16559,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15888,7 +16581,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); + LogStep(5, + "Step 2b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 " + "(20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepSaturation::Type value; @@ -15911,7 +16606,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15925,7 +16620,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -15939,13 +16634,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10s)"); + LogStep(12, + "Step 2f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 " + "(10s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepSaturation::Type value; @@ -15968,13 +16665,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -15997,7 +16694,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); + "Step 3b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 and TransitionTime=200 " + "(20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepSaturation::Type value; @@ -16020,7 +16718,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "TStep 3c: H reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16034,7 +16732,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16048,14 +16746,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 (10 s)"); + "Step 3f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 and TransitionTime=100 " + "(10 s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepSaturation::Type value; @@ -16078,19 +16777,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 3g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "TStep 4b: H reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16302,14 +17001,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -16318,7 +17017,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -16327,8 +17026,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep( - 3, "TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(3, + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 " + "(immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHueAndSaturation::Type value; @@ -16351,19 +17051,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); + LogStep( + 7, + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHueAndSaturation::Type value; @@ -16386,13 +17088,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16406,13 +17108,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3c1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16426,25 +17128,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3d1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16883,14 +17585,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -16899,7 +17601,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -16909,8 +17611,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -16933,21 +17635,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep( - 7, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 200 (20s)"); + LogStep(7, + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime " + "= 200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -16970,13 +17672,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -16990,13 +17692,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -17010,19 +17712,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -17031,13 +17733,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH read Options attribute"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4b: TH read Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4c: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -17047,8 +17749,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) (purple) ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC " - "(y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); + "Step 4d: TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) (purple) ColorY = " + "19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17071,19 +17773,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4f: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -17093,8 +17795,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 4g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17117,21 +17819,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 4h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { LogStep(29, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 4i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17154,21 +17856,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 4j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { LogStep(33, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 4k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17191,19 +17893,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 4i: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(36, "Step 4i: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH writes 1 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(37, "Step 5a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -17212,13 +17914,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH read Options attribute"); + LogStep(38, "Step 5b: TH read Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(39, "Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -17228,8 +17930,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 40: { LogStep(40, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 5d: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17252,19 +17954,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(43, "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -17274,8 +17976,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 45: { LogStep(45, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 5g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17298,21 +18000,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(47, "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { LogStep(49, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 5i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17335,21 +18037,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(51, "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(52, "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 53: { LogStep(53, - "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 5k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 TransitionTime " + "= 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17372,25 +18074,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 55: { - LogStep(55, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(55, "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 56: { - LogStep(56, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(56, "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(57, "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 58: { - LogStep(58, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(58, "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -17616,7 +18318,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -17625,7 +18327,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -17634,7 +18336,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); + LogStep( + 3, + "Step 1a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -17657,7 +18361,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends MoveColor command to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2a: TH sends MoveColor command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColor::Type value; @@ -17679,13 +18383,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -17699,13 +18403,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -17719,19 +18423,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3a: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type value; @@ -17743,25 +18447,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -17954,14 +18658,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -17970,7 +18674,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -17979,7 +18683,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); + LogStep( + 3, + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type value; @@ -18002,7 +18708,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, TransitionTime = 200 (20s)"); + LogStep(5, + "Step 3a: TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, TransitionTime = 200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C09.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepColor::Type value; @@ -18025,13 +18732,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18045,13 +18752,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18065,25 +18772,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentX::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentY::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18310,7 +19017,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -18319,7 +19026,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -18328,26 +19035,26 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "TStep 1a: H reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and TransitionTime=0 " + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -18371,7 +19078,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and TransitionTime=300 " + "(30s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -18393,7 +19101,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18407,7 +19115,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18421,7 +19129,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18435,19 +19143,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(16, "Step 2f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18744,7 +19452,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -18753,7 +19461,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -18762,27 +19470,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + " - "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + LogStep( + 6, + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + " + "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -18806,8 +19515,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - " - "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40"); + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 (up), Rate = " + "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -18831,7 +19540,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18845,7 +19554,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18859,15 +19568,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x03(down), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - " - "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20"); + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x03(down), Rate = " + "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -18891,7 +19600,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(17, "Step 3b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18905,7 +19614,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 3c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18919,15 +19628,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(21, "Step 3d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01(up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - " - "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20"); + "Step 4a: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01(up), Rate = " + "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -18952,7 +19661,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "After 10 seconds, TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x00(stop), Rate = " + "Step 4b: After 10 seconds, TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x00(stop), Rate = " "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/20"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -18969,7 +19678,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(25, "Step 4c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -18983,19 +19692,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(27, "Step 4d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19259,7 +19968,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -19268,7 +19977,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -19277,27 +19986,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + " - "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + LogStep( + 6, + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds + " + "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds)/2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -19321,7 +20031,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x01 (up), StepSize = " + "Step 2b: TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x01 (up), StepSize = " "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/2 and TransitionTime = 200 (20s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -19347,7 +20057,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19361,7 +20071,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19375,7 +20085,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -19383,7 +20093,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x03 (down), StepSize = " + "Step 3a: TH sends StepColorTemperature command to DUT with StepMode = 0x03 (down), StepSize = " "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) and TransitionTime = 200 (20s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -19409,7 +20119,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(17, "Step 3b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19423,7 +20133,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 3c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19437,19 +20147,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(21, "Step 3d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4c.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19684,7 +20394,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -19693,7 +20403,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp && CC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -19702,25 +20412,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(3, "Step 0c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 0d: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 0e: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -19737,14 +20447,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "Verify that the DUT response contains StartUpColorTemperatureMireds that matches the " + "Step 2b: Verify that the DUT response contains StartUpColorTemperatureMireds that matches the " "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -19756,14 +20466,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3a: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -19781,25 +20491,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 4b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20060,7 +20770,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -20069,7 +20779,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -20079,8 +20789,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -20103,7 +20813,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type value; @@ -20125,7 +20835,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20139,7 +20849,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20153,7 +20863,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type value; @@ -20167,7 +20877,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20181,15 +20891,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2g: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=25000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=25000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -20212,7 +20922,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type value; @@ -20234,7 +20944,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20248,7 +20958,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20262,7 +20972,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3e: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type value; @@ -20276,7 +20986,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20290,19 +21000,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 3g: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20550,7 +21260,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -20559,7 +21269,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -20569,8 +21279,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -20594,7 +21304,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); + "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=6000 and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedStepHue::Type value; @@ -20617,7 +21328,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20631,7 +21342,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20645,7 +21356,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20659,15 +21370,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -20690,9 +21401,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep( - 16, - "TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(16, + "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=6000 and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedStepHue::Type value; @@ -20715,7 +21426,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20729,7 +21440,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20743,7 +21454,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20757,19 +21468,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -20980,14 +21691,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -20996,7 +21707,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -21006,7 +21717,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Saturation=50 and " + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Saturation=50 and " "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -21030,7 +21741,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21043,7 +21754,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=16000, Saturation=80 and " + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=16000, Saturation=80 and " "TransitionTime=200 (20s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -21067,13 +21778,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21087,13 +21798,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21107,25 +21818,25 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21410,7 +22121,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -21419,7 +22130,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -21429,8 +22140,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)."); + "TStep 2a: H sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -21452,7 +22163,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type value; @@ -21473,7 +22184,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type value; @@ -21485,7 +22196,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21498,13 +22209,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type value; @@ -21525,7 +22236,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type value; @@ -21546,7 +22257,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type value; @@ -21558,7 +22269,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21571,27 +22282,27 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4a: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(20, "Step 4b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds= ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds / 2 " - "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 4c: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds= " + "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds / 2 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -21613,8 +22324,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 23: { LogStep(23, - "TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 (up), Rate = (ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - " - "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40"); + "Step 4d: TH sends MoveColorTemperature command to DUT with MoveMode = 0x01 (up), Rate = " + "(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds - ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds)/40"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Type value; @@ -21637,7 +22348,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4e: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type value; @@ -21649,7 +22360,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(26, "Step 4f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21662,15 +22373,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(28, "Step 4g: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C4b.Rsp && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorTemperatureMireds::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { LogStep(29, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -21692,7 +22403,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); + LogStep(31, "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedMoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=500 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type value; @@ -21713,7 +22424,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); + LogStep(33, "Step 5c: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type value; @@ -21725,7 +22436,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 5d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -21738,7 +22449,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(36, "Step 5e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C47.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -23698,183 +24409,186 @@ class Test_TC_CDOCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given CDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given CDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given CDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given CDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given CDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && CDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given CDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffc && !CDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.A0007 && CDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "CDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "CDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && CDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffb && !CDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, @@ -24045,73 +24759,73 @@ class Test_TC_CDOCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CDOCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -24451,183 +25165,186 @@ class Test_TC_CMOCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given CMOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given CMOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given CMOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given CMOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given CMOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && CMOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given CMOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffc && !CMOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.A0007 && CMOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "CMOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "CMOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && CMOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when CMOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffb && !CMOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, @@ -24798,75 +25515,75 @@ class Test_TC_CMOCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CMOCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -25206,183 +25923,186 @@ class Test_TC_FLDCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given FLDCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given FLDCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given FLDCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given FLDCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given FLDCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && FLDCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given FLDCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffc && !FLDCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.A0007 && FLDCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "FLDCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "FLDCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && FLDCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when FLDCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffb && !FLDCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, @@ -25553,71 +26273,71 @@ class Test_TC_FLDCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLDCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -25957,184 +26677,187 @@ class Test_TC_NDOCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given NDOCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given NDOCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given NDOCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given NDOCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given NDOCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && NDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given NDOCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffc && !NDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.A0007 && NDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "NDOCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 3i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "NDOCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && NDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when NDOCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffb && !NDOCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, @@ -26305,76 +27028,76 @@ class Test_TC_NDOCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("NDOCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -26713,182 +27436,185 @@ class Test_TC_OZCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given OZCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given OZCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given OZCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given OZCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given OZCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && OZCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given OZCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffc && !OZCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.A0007 && OZCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "OZCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "OZCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && OZCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when OZCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffb && !OZCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -27057,69 +27783,69 @@ class Test_TC_OZCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Id, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -27459,182 +28185,185 @@ class Test_TC_PMHCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given PMHCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given PMHCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given PMHCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given PMHCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given PMHCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && PMHCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given PMHCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffc && !PMHCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.A0007 && PMHCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "PMHCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "PMHCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && PMHCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMHCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffb && !PMHCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -27804,68 +28533,68 @@ class Test_TC_PMHCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMHCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -28205,182 +28934,185 @@ class Test_TC_PMICONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given PMICONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given PMICONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given PMICONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given PMICONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given PMICONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && PMICONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given PMICONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffc && !PMICONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.A0007 && PMICONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "PMICONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "PMICONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && PMICONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMICONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffb && !PMICONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -28550,69 +29282,69 @@ class Test_TC_PMICONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMICONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -28952,182 +29684,185 @@ class Test_TC_PMKCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given PMKCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given PMKCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given PMKCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given PMKCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given PMKCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && PMKCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given PMKCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffc && !PMKCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.A0007 && PMKCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "PMKCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "PMKCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && PMKCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when PMKCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffb && !PMKCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -29297,69 +30032,69 @@ class Test_TC_PMKCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PMKCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Id, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -29698,182 +30433,185 @@ class Test_TC_RNCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given RNCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given RNCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given RNCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given RNCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given RNCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && RNCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given RNCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffc && !RNCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.A0007 && RNCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep( + 16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "RNCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "RNCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && RNCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when RNCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffb && !RNCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -30042,69 +30780,69 @@ class Test_TC_RNCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: H reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RNCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Id, RadonConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -30444,112 +31182,112 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3b: Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3c: Given TVOCCONC.S.F00(MEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3d: Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3e: Given TVOCCONC.S.F01(LEV) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3f: Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3g: Given TVOCCONC.S.F02(MED) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3h: Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3i: Given TVOCCONC.S.F03(CRI) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3j: Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3k: Given TVOCCONC.S.F04(PEA) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3l: Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) ensure featuremap has the correct bits set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && TVOCCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3m: Given TVOCCONC.S.F05(AVG) is not set, ensure featuremap has the correct bit clear"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffc && !TVOCCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute Uncertainty in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.A0007 && TVOCCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, @@ -30557,7 +31295,9 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.A0007 is not set"); + LogStep(16, + "Step 4c: Check the optional attribute Uncertainty is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.A0007 is not " + "set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, @@ -30565,8 +31305,8 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue and " - "Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); + "Step 4d: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue " + "and Measurement Unit in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, @@ -30574,8 +31314,8 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are excluded " - "from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); + "Step 4e: Check that MeasuredValue, MinMeasuredValue, MaxMeasuredValue, Measurement Unit and Uncertainty are " + "excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F00 (MEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, @@ -30583,7 +31323,8 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + "Step 4f: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, @@ -30591,17 +31332,17 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F04 " - "(PEA) is not set"); + "Step 4g: Check that PeakMeasuredValue & PeakMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "TVOCCONC.S.F04 (PEA) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep( - 21, - "Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, + "Step 4h: Read the optional, feature dependent attributes AverageMeasuredValue AverageMeasuredValueWindow in " + "AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, @@ -30609,7 +31350,7 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " + "Step 4i: Check that AverageMeasuredValue and AverageMeasuredValueWindow are excluded from AttributeList when " "TVOCCONC.S.F05 (AVG) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, @@ -30617,35 +31358,35 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: Read the optional, feature dependent attribute LevelValue in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && TVOCCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: Check that LevelValue is excluded from AttributeList when TVOCCONC.S.F01 (LEV) is not set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffb && !TVOCCONC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5l: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, @@ -30816,77 +31557,77 @@ class Test_TC_TVOCCONC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MinMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the MaxMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the PeakMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::PeakMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the AverageMeasuredValueWindow attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::AverageMeasuredValueWindow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementUnit attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the MeasurementMedium attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::MeasurementMedium::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the LevelValue attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TVOCCONC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Id, TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement::Attributes::LevelValue::Id, true, @@ -31560,38 +32301,38 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31602,7 +32343,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -31616,19 +32357,19 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31638,14 +32379,14 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 7a: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7b: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -31899,86 +32640,86 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000b && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000c && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000d && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000e && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000f && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0010 && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0012 && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4j: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31988,44 +32729,44 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH1 reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5a: TH1 reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" BINFO.S.Afffa && !BINFO.S.E00 && !BINFO.S.E01 && !BINFO.S.E02 && !BINFO.S.A0011 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5b: Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E00 && BINFO.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5c: Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E01 && BINFO.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5d: Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E02 && BINFO.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 5e: Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or " - "scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 5f: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32036,11 +32777,11 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32051,7 +32792,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -32753,7 +33494,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "During Commissioning, TH Saves the CountryCode Information from SetRegulatoryConfig command"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: During Commissioning, TH Saves the CountryCode Information from SetRegulatoryConfig command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32763,13 +33504,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT."); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::DataModelRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH writes DataModelRevision from the DUT."); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH writes DataModelRevision from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -32779,19 +33520,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT."); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH reads DataModelRevision from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::DataModelRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH writes VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: TH writes VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -32800,13 +33541,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorName::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads VendorName from the DUT."); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: reads VendorName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(8, "Step 8: TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -32822,7 +33563,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH writes VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(10, "Step 9: TH writes VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::VendorId value; @@ -32831,19 +33572,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); + LogStep(11, "Step 10: TH reads VendorID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 11: TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH writes ProductName from the DUT."); + LogStep(13, "Step 12: TH writes ProductName from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -32852,19 +33593,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductName::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 13: TH reads ProductName from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads ProductID from the DUT."); + LogStep(15, "Step 14: TH reads ProductID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH writes ProductID from the DUT."); + LogStep(16, "Step 15: TH writes ProductID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -32873,19 +33614,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads ProductID from the DUT."); + LogStep(17, "Step 16: TH reads ProductID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 17: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 18: TH writes NodeLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -32894,13 +33635,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 19: TH reads NodeLabel from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads Location from the DUT."); + LogStep(21, "Step 20a: TH reads Location from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::Location::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -32916,7 +33657,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH write Location from the DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 20b: TH write Location from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -32925,19 +33666,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads Location from the DUT."); + LogStep(24, "Step 20c: TH reads Location from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::Location::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 21: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT."); + LogStep(26, "Step 22: TH writes HardwareVersion from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -32946,19 +33687,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 23: TH reads HardwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(28, "Step 24: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(29, "Step 25: TH writes HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -32968,13 +33709,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(30, "Step 26: TH reads HardwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 27: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -32992,7 +33733,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT."); + LogStep(33, "Step 28: TH writes SoftwareVersion from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -33001,19 +33742,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 29: TH reads SoftwareVersion from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 30: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT."); + LogStep(36, "Step 31: TH writes SoftwareVersionString from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33023,13 +33764,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); + LogStep(37, "Step 32: TH reads SoftwareVersionString from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(38, "Step 33: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -33045,7 +33786,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(40, "Step 34: TH writes ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33055,19 +33796,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); + LogStep(41, "Step 35: TH reads ManufacturingDate from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 36: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::PartNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH writes PartNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(43, "Step 37: TH writes PartNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33076,13 +33817,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::PartNumber::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 38: TH reads PartNumber from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::PartNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); + LogStep(45, "Step 39: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductURL::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -33100,7 +33841,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH writes ProductURL from the DUT."); + LogStep(47, "Step 40: TH writes ProductURL from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33109,13 +33850,13 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductURL::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 41: TH reads ProductURL from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductURL::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(49, "Step 42: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -33131,7 +33872,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(51, "Step 43: TH writes ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33140,19 +33881,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); + LogStep(52, "Step 44: TH reads ProductLabel from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 53: { - LogStep(53, "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(53, "Step 45: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 54: { - LogStep(54, "TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(54, "Step 46: TH writes SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33161,19 +33902,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand BasicInformation::Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 55: { - LogStep(55, "TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); + LogStep(55, "Step 47: TH reads SerialNumber from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 56: { - LogStep(56, "TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT."); + LogStep(56, "Step 48: TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "TH sets LocalConfigDisabled to True"); + LogStep(57, "Step 49: TH sets LocalConfigDisabled to True"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -33183,19 +33924,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 58: { - LogStep(58, "TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT."); + LogStep(58, "Step 50: TH reads LocalConfigDisabled from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 59: { - LogStep(59, "TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); + LogStep(59, "Step 51: TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::Reachable::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 60: { - LogStep(60, "TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to false"); + LogStep(60, "Step 52a: TH sends Write request message to DUT to change value of Reachable to false"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -33204,19 +33945,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 61: { - LogStep(61, "TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); + LogStep(61, "Step 52b: TH reads Reachable from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::Reachable::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 62: { - LogStep(62, "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(62, "Step 53: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::UniqueID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 63: { - LogStep(63, "TH writes UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(63, "Step 54: TH writes UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -33225,19 +33966,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 64: { - LogStep(64, "TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); + LogStep(64, "Step 55: TH reads UniqueID from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::UniqueID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 65: { - LogStep(65, "TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT."); + LogStep(65, "Step 56: TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::CapabilityMinima::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 66: { - LogStep(66, "TH writes CapabilityMinima from the DUT."); + LogStep(66, "Step 57: TH writes CapabilityMinima from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::BasicInformation::Structs::CapabilityMinimaStruct::Type value; @@ -33250,19 +33991,19 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 67: { - LogStep(67, "TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT."); + LogStep(67, "Step 58: TH reads CapabilityMinima attribute from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::CapabilityMinima::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 68: { - LogStep(68, "TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT."); + LogStep(68, "Step 59: TH reads ProductAppearance from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductAppearance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 69: { - LogStep(69, "TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT."); + LogStep(69, "Step 60: TH writes ProductAppearance to the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::BasicInformation::Structs::ProductAppearanceStruct::Type value; @@ -33276,7 +34017,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 70: { - LogStep(70, "TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT."); + LogStep(70, "Step 61: TH reads ProductAppearance attribute from the DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::ProductAppearance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -33508,76 +34249,77 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !CNET.S.F00 && !CNET.S.F01 && !CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true"); + LogStep(7, + "Step 4b: Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 || CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.A0002 && CNET.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4d: Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.A0003 && CNET.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4e: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CNET.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -33588,7 +34330,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -33602,37 +34344,39 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH)"); + LogStep( + 12, + "Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true)"); + LogStep(13, "Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)"); + LogStep(14, "Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is true)"); + LogStep(15, "Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is true)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6e: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CNET.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -33643,21 +34387,23 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or CNET.S.F01(TH) " - "is true)"); + "Step 7a: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or " + "CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true)"); + LogStep( + 18, + "Step 7b: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), NetworkCommissioning::Id, NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7c: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -33783,38 +34529,38 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), Descriptor::Id, Descriptor::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), Descriptor::Id, Descriptor::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), Descriptor::Id, Descriptor::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -33825,7 +34571,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -33840,11 +34586,11 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -33855,7 +34601,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -34005,38 +34751,38 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), DiagnosticLogs::Id, DiagnosticLogs::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TTH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), DiagnosticLogs::Id, DiagnosticLogs::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TTH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), DiagnosticLogs::Id, DiagnosticLogs::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: TTH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in " + "the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY " + "contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " + "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34047,7 +34793,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 4b: TTH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -34061,19 +34807,19 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6a: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), DiagnosticLogs::Id, DiagnosticLogs::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6b: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34083,14 +34829,14 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 7a: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), DiagnosticLogs::Id, DiagnosticLogs::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7b: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -34332,105 +35078,115 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.F00 && DGETH.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0001 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList"); + LogStep( + 8, + "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList"); + LogStep( + 9, + "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); + LogStep( + 10, + "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); + LogStep( + 11, + "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); + LogStep( + 12, + "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0007 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0008 && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4k: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34441,7 +35197,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -34455,14 +35211,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( DGETH.S.F00 || DGETH.S.F01 ) && DGETH.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afff9 && !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, @@ -34470,12 +35226,12 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34486,7 +35242,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -34662,32 +35418,34 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read PHYRate attribute constraints"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read PHYRate attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FullDuplex attribute constraints"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read FullDuplex attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FullDuplex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet network interface"); + LogStep(4, + "Step 4b: Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet network " + "interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34697,13 +35455,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5a: Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketTxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet network interface"); + LogStep(6, + "Step 5b: Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet network " + "interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34713,15 +35473,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read TxErrCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6a: Read TxErrCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of failed packet transmission on " - "ethernet network interface"); + "Step 6b: Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of failed packet transmission " + "on ethernet network interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34731,14 +35491,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read CollisionCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(9, "Step 7a: Read CollisionCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::CollisionCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of collision occurred while " + "Step 7b: Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of collision occurred while " "transmitting packets on ethernet network interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -34749,15 +35509,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read OverrunCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(11, "Step 8a: Read OverrunCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of packets dropped due to lack of " - "buffer memory on ethernet network interface"); + "Step 8b: Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of packets dropped due to " + "lack of buffer memory on ethernet network interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34767,15 +35527,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints"); + LogStep(13, "Step 9a: Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::CarrierDetect::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates the presence of carrier detect control signal on " - "ethernet network interface"); + "Step 9b: Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates the presence of carrier detect control " + "signal on ethernet network interface"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -34785,13 +35545,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints"); + LogStep(15, "Step 10a: Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TimeSinceReset::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value indicates the duration of time, in minutes"); + LogStep(16, + "Step 10b: Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value indicates the duration of time, in minutes"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35042,104 +35803,104 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a.1: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a.2: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a.3: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a.4: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2a.5: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2a.6: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2a.7: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a.8: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2a.9: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2a.10: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PHYRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2b: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2c: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketTxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2d: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2e: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::CollisionCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 2f: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Sends ResetCounts command"); + LogStep(16, "Step 2g: Sends ResetCounts command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type value; @@ -35149,7 +35910,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 2h: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35159,7 +35920,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 2i: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35169,19 +35930,19 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 2j: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 2k: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::CollisionCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 2l: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -35307,44 +36068,44 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0003 && FLW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35355,7 +36116,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -35370,12 +36131,12 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35386,7 +36147,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -35505,32 +36266,32 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::Tolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -35645,38 +36406,38 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FixedLabel::Id, FixedLabel::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FixedLabel::Id, FixedLabel::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FixedLabel::Id, FixedLabel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35687,7 +36448,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -35702,11 +36463,11 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35717,7 +36478,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -35813,13 +36574,13 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads LabelList from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads LabelList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FixedLabel::Id, FixedLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH tries to write LabelList attribute of the DUT by setting Label = Test_Label, Value= Test_Value"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH tries to write LabelList attribute of the DUT by setting Label = Test_Label, Value= Test_Value"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -35838,7 +36599,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads LabelList from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads LabelList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && FLABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -36054,14 +36815,14 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -36071,85 +36832,85 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !FAN.S.F00 && !FAN.S.F01 && !FAN.S.F02 && !FAN.S.F03 && !FAN.S.F04 && !FAN.S.F05 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2c: Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2d: Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2e: Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2f: Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2g: Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2h: Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3c: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3d: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3e: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !FAN.S.C00.Rsp "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -36255,32 +37016,32 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FanMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::FanModeSequence::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::PercentSetting::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::PercentCurrent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -36379,26 +37140,26 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::SpeedMax::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0005 && FAN.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::SpeedSetting::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0006 && FAN.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::SpeedCurrent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -36480,20 +37241,20 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::RockSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::RockSetting::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -36575,20 +37336,20 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::WindSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A000A"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::WindSetting::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -36662,14 +37423,14 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the the AirflowDirection attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the AirflowDirection attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FanControl::Id, FanControl::Attributes::AirflowDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -37294,39 +38055,39 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -37450,13 +38211,13 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint64_t value; @@ -37465,33 +38226,34 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::RegulatoryConfig::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::LocationCapability::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, - "TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the BasicCommissioningInfo attribute has " - "the following field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration range of 0 to 65535"); + LogStep( + 6, + "Step 6: TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the BasicCommissioningInfo attribute " + "has the following field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration range of 0 to 65535"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralCommissioning::Id, GeneralCommissioning::Attributes::SupportsConcurrentConnection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -37707,74 +38469,74 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0002 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4c: Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0003 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4d: Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0004 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4e: Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0005 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4f: Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0006 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4g: Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0007 && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -37784,32 +38546,32 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 5b: Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5c: Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5d: Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5e: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -37823,19 +38585,19 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -37846,7 +38608,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -38015,33 +38777,33 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::NetworkInterfaces::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::RebootCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38052,14 +38814,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3c: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3d: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38078,7 +38840,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start time of DUT rebooting."); + "Step 4: DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start time of DUT " + "rebooting."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::UpTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -38090,7 +38853,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::TotalOperationalHours::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6a: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; @@ -38115,13 +38878,13 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT."); + LogStep(13, "Step 6: TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), GeneralDiagnostics::Id, GeneralDiagnostics::Attributes::BootReason::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 7: TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38131,7 +38894,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT."); + LogStep(15, "Step 8: TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38141,7 +38904,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT."); + LogStep(16, "Step 9: TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38151,7 +38914,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value"); + LogStep(17, "Step 10: TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38344,76 +39107,76 @@ class Test_TC_ICDM_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !ICDM.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(RegisteredClients) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(RegisteredClients) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(IcdCounter) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(IcdCounter) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute(ClientsSupportedPerFabric) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(ClientsSupportedPerFabric) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional command (StayActiveRequest) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (StayActiveRequest) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !ICDM.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -38538,44 +39301,44 @@ class Test_TC_ICDM_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the IdleModeInterval attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the IdleModeInterval attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::IdleModeInterval::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeInterval attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeInterval attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::ActiveModeInterval::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeThreshold attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ActiveModeThreshold attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::ActiveModeThreshold::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the RegisteredClients attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the RegisteredClients attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::RegisteredClients::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the IcdCounter attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the IcdCounter attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::ICDCounter::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the ClientsSupportedPerFabric attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the ClientsSupportedPerFabric attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ICDM.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), IcdManagement::Id, IcdManagement::Attributes::ClientsSupportedPerFabric::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -38709,46 +39472,46 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -38839,20 +39602,20 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -38974,14 +39737,14 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c (60s)."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c (60s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::Identify::Type value; @@ -38992,7 +39755,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -39005,15 +39768,15 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify IdentifyQueryResponse command to TH,with the Timeout field " - "set to a value in the range 0x0000 to 0x0032"); + "Step 3: TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify IdentifyQueryResponse command to TH,with the Timeout " + "field set to a value in the range 0x0000 to 0x0032"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && I.S.C01.Rsp && I.S.C00.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -39024,7 +39787,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop identifying)."); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop identifying)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::Identify::Type value; @@ -39035,13 +39798,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -39057,7 +39820,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Identify::Id, Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -39193,7 +39956,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "1.Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -39201,8 +39964,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39225,8 +39988,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39249,8 +40012,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x02 okay and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2c: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x02 okay and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39273,8 +40036,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x0b channel change and the " - "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2d: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x0b channel change " + "and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39297,8 +40060,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2e: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39321,8 +40084,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xfe finish effect and the " - "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2f: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xfe finish effect and " + "the effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39345,8 +40108,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2g: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39369,8 +40132,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 2h: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and " + "the effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39393,8 +40156,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x42 unknown"); + "Step 3a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink and the " + "effect variant field set to 0x42 unknown"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39417,8 +40180,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and the effect " - "variant field set to 0x00 default"); + "Step 3b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop effect and " + "the effect variant field set to 0x00 default"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type value; @@ -39581,42 +40344,42 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -39627,12 +40390,12 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -39747,38 +40510,38 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::Tolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::LightSensorType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -39899,26 +40662,26 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Cover the sensor or darken the room"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Cover the sensor or darken the room"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -39935,13 +40698,13 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Expose the sensor again to light"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: Expose the sensor again to light"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -39958,7 +40721,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IlluminanceMeasurement::Id, IlluminanceMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -40217,105 +40980,105 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !LVL.S.F00 && !LVL.S.F01 && !LVL.S.F02 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2d: Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3h: Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3i: Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4a.1: Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -40599,37 +41362,37 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads the CurrentLevel attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Reads the CurrentLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the RemainingTime attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Reads the RemainingTime attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads the MinLevel attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Reads the MinLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002 && LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MinLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the MinLevel attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Reads the MinLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002 && !LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MinLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads the MaxLevel attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Reads the MaxLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003 && LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the MaxLevel attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a: Reads the MaxLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003 && !LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -40647,19 +41410,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute"); + LogStep(9, "Step 5: Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentFrequency::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads the MinFrequency attribute"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6: Reads the MinFrequency attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MinFrequency::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reads the MaxFrequency attribute"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Reads the MaxFrequency attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MaxFrequency::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -40671,49 +41434,49 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute"); + LogStep(13, "Step 8: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Reads the OnLevel attribute "); + LogStep(14, "Step 9a: Reads the OnLevel attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01 && LVL.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Reads the OnLevel attribute "); + LogStep(15, "Step 9b: Reads the OnLevel attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011 && !LVL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute "); + LogStep(16, "Step 10: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute "); + LogStep(17, "Step 11: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute "); + LogStep(18, "Step 12: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Reads the Options attribute "); + LogStep(19, "Step 13: Reads the Options attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute "); + LogStep(20, "Step 14: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -40965,13 +41728,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint16_t value; @@ -40980,19 +41743,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41002,19 +41765,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2c: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3a: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3b: Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41024,19 +41787,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3c: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4a: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4b: Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41046,19 +41809,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4c: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5a: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5b: Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41068,19 +41831,19 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5c: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 6a: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "writes the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6b: Rwrites the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41090,7 +41853,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 6c: Rreads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -41447,7 +42210,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -41456,7 +42219,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1a: TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -41465,7 +42228,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -41474,7 +42237,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2b: TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -41489,18 +42252,18 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -41509,7 +42272,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41524,15 +42287,15 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = 300 (30 s). This means the " - "level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s"); + "Step 4a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = 300 (30 s). This " + "means the level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41554,7 +42317,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -41568,7 +42331,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -41582,7 +42345,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -41596,21 +42359,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(23, "Step 5a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -41619,13 +42382,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads Options attribute"); + LogStep(24, "Step 5b: TH reads Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -41634,7 +42397,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(26, "Step 5d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41649,13 +42412,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -41664,7 +42427,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(29, "Step 5g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41679,13 +42442,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 5h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(31, "Step 5i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41700,13 +42463,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 5j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(33, "Step 5k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41721,13 +42484,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 5l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH writes 1 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(35, "Step 6a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -41736,13 +42499,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads Options attribute"); + LogStep(36, "Step 6b: TH reads Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::Options::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(37, "Step 6c: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -41751,7 +42514,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(38, "Step 6d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41766,13 +42529,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(39, "Step 6e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(40, "Step 6f: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -41781,7 +42544,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(41, "Step 6g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41796,13 +42559,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 6h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(43, "Step 6i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41817,13 +42580,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 6j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); + LogStep(45, "Step 6k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -41838,7 +42601,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(46, "Step 6l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42080,7 +42843,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -42089,13 +42852,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1b: TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -42104,7 +42867,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 (units/s)"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2b: TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -42119,12 +42882,12 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42137,13 +42900,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -42152,7 +42915,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -42167,13 +42930,13 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 (units/s)"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4a: TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 (units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Move::Type value; @@ -42195,7 +42958,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42208,7 +42971,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42221,7 +42984,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42234,7 +42997,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -42465,7 +43228,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -42474,7 +43237,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -42484,8 +43247,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 and TransitionTime =0 " - "(immediate)"); + "Step 2b: TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 and TransitionTime " + "=0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::StepWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -42501,12 +43264,12 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -42515,7 +43278,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -42530,13 +43293,14 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads current level attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3c: Reads current level attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and TransitionTime =300"); + LogStep(11, + "Step 4a: TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and TransitionTime =300"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Step::Type value; @@ -42559,7 +43323,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -42573,7 +43337,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -42587,7 +43351,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -42601,14 +43365,14 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the transition)"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the transition)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -42783,7 +43547,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand LevelControl::Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1a: H writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -42792,7 +43556,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -42801,7 +43565,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type value; @@ -42816,15 +43580,15 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to " - "0x05 (5 units/s)"); + "Step 2c: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field " + "set to 0x05 (5 units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Move::Type value; @@ -42839,14 +43603,14 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Wait 5000ms"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2d: Wait 5000ms"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Sends stop command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3: Sends stop command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Stop::Type value; @@ -42868,7 +43632,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C03.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -42876,8 +43640,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field set to " - "0x05 (5 units/s)"); + "Step 5: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate field " + "set to 0x05 (5 units/s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Move::Type value; @@ -42899,7 +43663,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 6: TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::StopWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -42921,7 +43685,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 7: Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C07.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LevelControl::Id, LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, true, @@ -43438,39 +44202,39 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), LocalizationConfiguration::Id, LocalizationConfiguration::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -43621,56 +44385,56 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffc && !LUNIT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffc && LUNIT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffb && LUNIT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -43780,20 +44544,20 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnitEnum value; @@ -43802,13 +44566,13 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1Suite : public TestCommand UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnitEnum value; @@ -43817,13 +44581,13 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1Suite : public TestCommand UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnitEnum value; @@ -43832,13 +44596,13 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1Suite : public TestCommand UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), UnitLocalization::Id, UnitLocalization::Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 8: TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnitEnum value; @@ -43995,56 +44759,56 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), TimeFormatLocalization::Id, TimeFormatLocalization::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -44198,32 +44962,32 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), LowPower::Id, LowPower::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -44385,52 +45149,52 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !KEYPADINPUT.S.F00 && KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && !KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2d: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), KeypadInput::Id, KeypadInput::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -44587,58 +45351,58 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !APPLAUNCHER.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -44799,58 +45563,58 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !MEDIAINPUT.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -45000,38 +45764,38 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WAKEONLAN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -45241,83 +46005,83 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3c: Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4a: Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4b: Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4c: Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F00 || CHANNEL.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -45599,130 +46363,130 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00 && !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4b: Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4c: Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4d: Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4e: Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4f: Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4g: Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4h: Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4i: Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(21, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(22, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -45864,46 +46628,46 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -46047,38 +46811,38 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -46250,50 +47014,50 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -46473,65 +47237,65 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 && !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C00.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4b: Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C01.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -46668,32 +47432,32 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), AccountLogin::Id, AccountLogin::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -46769,7 +47533,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends Sleep command to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH sends Sleep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LowPower::Commands::Sleep::Type value; @@ -46863,7 +47627,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -46874,7 +47638,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47025,7 +47789,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Send Numbers1"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: Send Numbers1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47036,7 +47800,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Send Numbers2"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: Send Numbers2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47047,7 +47811,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Send Numbers3"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: Send Numbers3"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47058,7 +47822,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Send Numbers4"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: Send Numbers4"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47069,7 +47833,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Send Numbers5"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: Send Numbers5"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47080,7 +47844,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Send Numbers6"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1f: Send Numbers6"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47091,7 +47855,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Send Numbers7"); + LogStep(7, "Step 1g: Send Numbers7"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47102,7 +47866,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Send Numbers8"); + LogStep(8, "Step 1h: Send Numbers8"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47113,7 +47877,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Send Numbers9"); + LogStep(9, "Step 1i: Send Numbers9"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type value; @@ -47192,7 +47956,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -47200,8 +47964,8 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a CSA-issued Vendor Id of " - "type unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog"); + "Step 1: TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a CSA-issued Vendor " + "Id of type unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::CatalogList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -47277,7 +48041,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -47285,9 +48049,9 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application attributes, which should " - "include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is no current " - "in-focus application"); + "Step 1: TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application attributes, which " + "should include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is no " + "current in-focus application"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ApplicationLauncher::Id, ApplicationLauncher::Attributes::CurrentApp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -47374,14 +48138,14 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Launch an app with the provided a application ID"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Launch an app with the provided a application ID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LaunchApp::Type value; @@ -47399,7 +48163,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends a LaunchApp command to DUT to launch an app which is not available"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchApp command to DUT to launch an app which is not available"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LaunchApp::Type value; @@ -47485,7 +48249,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -47493,9 +48257,9 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - "inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - "InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + "available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::InputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -47582,7 +48346,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -47590,15 +48354,16 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - "inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - "InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + "available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::InputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the preferred input."); + LogStep(2, + "Step 2: TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the preferred input."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::SelectInput::Type value; @@ -47609,7 +48374,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected."); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001 && MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::CurrentInput::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -47689,7 +48454,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -47697,15 +48462,15 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - "inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - "InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); + "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + "available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::InputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Show Input Status Command"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Show Input Status Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::ShowInputStatus::Type value; @@ -47715,7 +48480,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Hide Input Status Command"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Hide Input Status Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::HideInputStatus::Type value; @@ -47803,20 +48568,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaInput::Id, MediaInput::Attributes::InputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in step 1"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in step 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::RenameInput::Type value; @@ -47828,7 +48593,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 && MEDIAINPUT.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -47915,9 +48680,9 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the response " - "contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the following,Major number " - "(unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Name (String, " + "Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the " + "response contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the following,Major " + "number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Name (String, " "optional),Call sign (String, optional),Affiliate call sign (String, optional)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::ChannelList::Id, true, @@ -48023,15 +48788,15 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::ChannelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { LogStep(2, - "TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel information (major and minor numbers) from " - "the list in step 1"); + "Step 2: TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel information (major and minor " + "numbers) from the list in step 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Commands::ChangeChannelByNumber::Type value; @@ -48043,7 +48808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Verify that the channel has changed on the device"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -48054,7 +48819,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -48184,26 +48949,26 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the response " - "contains a lineup info object"); + "Step 1: TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the " + "response contains a lineup info object"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::Lineup::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::ChannelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Commands::SkipChannel::Type value; @@ -48214,7 +48979,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Verify that the channel has changed on the device"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -48225,7 +48990,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Channel::Id, Channel::Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -48385,14 +49150,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Sends a Play command"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: Sends a Play command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Play::Type value; @@ -48413,14 +49178,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "sends a Pause command"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: sends a Pause command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Pause::Type value; @@ -48441,14 +49206,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Sends a Stop command"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Sends a Stop command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Stop::Type value; @@ -48469,7 +49234,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, @@ -48672,14 +49437,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Sends a Play command to the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: Sends a Play command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Play::Type value; @@ -48700,14 +49465,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Sends a StartOver command to the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: Sends a StartOver command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::StartOver::Type value; @@ -48728,7 +49493,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Sends a Next command to the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Sends a Next command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Next::Type value; @@ -48749,7 +49514,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Sends a Previous command to the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6: Sends a Previous command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Previous::Type value; @@ -48770,7 +49535,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT "); + LogStep(12, "Step 7: Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::SkipForward::Type value; @@ -48792,14 +49557,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 8: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::SampledPosition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT "); + LogStep(15, "Step 9: Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::SkipBackward::Type value; @@ -48821,7 +49586,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 10: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::SampledPosition::Id, @@ -48967,7 +49732,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Sends a Seek command"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: Sends a Seek command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Seek::Type value; @@ -48989,14 +49754,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the SampledPosition attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2: Reads the SampledPosition attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::SampledPosition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001 && PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49006,7 +49771,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49016,7 +49781,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49026,7 +49791,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49036,7 +49801,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position"); + LogStep(9, "Step 7: Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Seek::Type value; @@ -49283,21 +50048,21 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Sends a FastForward command"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: Sends a FastForward command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::FastForward::Type value; @@ -49318,21 +50083,21 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Sends a FastForward command"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: Sends a FastForward command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::FastForward::Type value; @@ -49353,14 +50118,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Sends a Rewind command to the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 8: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Rewind::Type value; @@ -49381,21 +50146,21 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reads the CurrentState attribute"); + LogStep(13, "Step 9: Reads the CurrentState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::CurrentState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 10: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Sends a Rewind command to the DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 11: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Rewind::Type value; @@ -49416,14 +50181,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 12: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Sends a Play command"); + LogStep(18, "Step 13: Sends a Play command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Play::Type value; @@ -49445,14 +50210,14 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 14: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), MediaPlayback::Id, MediaPlayback::Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Sends consecutive FastForward commands"); + LogStep(21, "Step 15: Sends consecutive FastForward commands"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49462,7 +50227,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Sends consecutive Rewind commands"); + LogStep(22, "Step 16: Sends consecutive Rewind commands"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -49555,20 +50320,20 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads the OutputList attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Reads the OutputList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::OutputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Sends a SelectAudioOutput command"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Sends a SelectAudioOutput command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Commands::SelectOutput::Type value; @@ -49579,7 +50344,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads the CurrentOutput attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Reads the CurrentOutput attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0001 && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::CurrentOutput::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -49668,20 +50433,22 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), AudioOutput::Id, AudioOutput::Attributes::OutputList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 and the name 'CertTest'"); + LogStep( + 2, + "Step 2: TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 and the name 'CertTest'"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Commands::RenameOutput::Type value; @@ -49694,8 +50461,8 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that the output at the index provided in step 2 has " - "the name CertTest"); + "Step 3: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that the output at the index provided in step " + "2 has the name CertTest"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0001 && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -49813,19 +50580,19 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads the CurrentTarget attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::CurrentTarget::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the TargetList attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: Reads the TargetList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::TargetList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Sends a NavigateTarget command"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: Sends a NavigateTarget command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::TargetNavigator::Commands::NavigateTarget::Type value; @@ -49836,7 +50603,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the CurrentTarget attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2b: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001 && TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TargetNavigator::Id, TargetNavigator::Attributes::CurrentTarget::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -49972,56 +50739,56 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads the VendorName attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: Reads the VendorName attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::VendorName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the VendorID attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Reads the VendorID attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::VendorID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads the ApplicationName attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Reads the ApplicationName attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::ApplicationName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the ProductID attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: Reads the ProductID attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::ProductID::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads the Application attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Reads the Application attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::Application::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the Status attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Reads the Status attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::Status::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::ApplicationVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 8: Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(3), ApplicationBasic::Id, ApplicationBasic::Attributes::AllowedVendorList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -50111,13 +50878,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::AcceptHeader::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ContentLauncher::Id, ContentLauncher::Attributes::SupportedStreamingProtocols::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -50206,13 +50973,13 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WAKEONLAN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WakeOnLan::Id, WakeOnLan::Attributes::MACAddress::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends a Sleep command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH sends a Sleep command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LowPower::Commands::Sleep::Type value; @@ -50222,7 +50989,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC address from step 1"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC address from step 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -50362,7 +51129,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::GetSetupPIN::Type value; @@ -50374,7 +51141,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::Login::Type value; @@ -50387,7 +51154,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::Logout::Type value; @@ -50496,16 +51263,16 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep( - 1, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set to false"); + LogStep(1, + "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set " + "to false"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -50561,8 +51328,9 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep( - 3, "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set to true"); + LogStep(3, + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay flag set " + "to true"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -50745,14 +51513,14 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type value; @@ -50780,7 +51548,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a display string"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a display string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type value; @@ -50816,7 +51584,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a brand information object."); + "Step 3: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a brand information " + "object."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type value; @@ -50848,7 +51617,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL string."); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL string."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type value; @@ -50864,7 +51633,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL string."); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL string."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type value; @@ -51100,7 +51869,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -51108,8 +51877,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 1: { LogStep(1, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Actor and Value as An " - "Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman"); + "Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Actor and " + "Value as An Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51146,8 +51915,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Channel and Value as " - "Channel Name name, for example, PBS"); + "Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Channel and " + "Value as Channel Name name, for example, PBS"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51184,8 +51953,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Character and Value " - "as Character’s name,for example,Snow White"); + "Step 3: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Character and " + "Value as Character’s name,for example,Snow White"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51222,8 +51991,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Director and Value as " - "Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee"); + "Step 4: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Director and " + "Value as Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51260,8 +52029,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Event and Value as An " - "Event’s name , for example Football games"); + "Step 5: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Event and " + "Value as An Event’s name , for example Football games"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51298,8 +52067,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Franchise and Value " - "as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars"); + "Step 6: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Franchise and " + "Value as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51336,8 +52105,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Genre and Value as " - "Genre’s name, for example Horror"); + "Step 7: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Genre and " + "Value as Genre’s name, for example Horror"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51374,8 +52143,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As League and Value as " - "League’s name, for example NCAA"); + "Step 8: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As League and " + "Value as League’s name, for example NCAA"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51412,8 +52181,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Popularity and Value " - "as Popularity’s name"); + "Step 9: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Popularity " + "and Value as Popularity’s name"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51451,8 +52220,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Provider and Value as " - "Provider’s name, for example Netflix"); + "Step 10: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Provider and " + "Value as Provider’s name, for example Netflix"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51489,8 +52258,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Sport and Value as " - "Sport’s name, for example, football"); + "Step 11: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Sport and " + "Value as Sport’s name, for example, football"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51527,8 +52296,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 23: { LogStep(23, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As SportsTeam and Value " - "as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel"); + "Step 12: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As SportsTeam " + "and Value as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51565,8 +52334,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7Suite : public TestCommand } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Type and Value as " - "Type’s name, for example TVSeries"); + "Step 13: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Type and " + "Value as Type’s name, for example TVSeries"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type value; @@ -51758,42 +52527,42 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MOD.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !MOD.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MOD.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4c: TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MOD.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -51804,12 +52573,12 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ModeSelect::Id, ModeSelect::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -52213,39 +52982,39 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -52430,83 +53199,83 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::OccupancySensorType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0022"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0032"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, true, @@ -52593,20 +53362,20 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::OccupancySensorType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -52721,6 +53490,10 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } break; case 7: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; + case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -52731,7 +53504,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 2UL)); } break; - case 8: + case 9: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -52742,7 +53515,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 66UL)); } break; - case 9: + case 10: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -52754,10 +53527,6 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; - case 10: - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); - shouldContinue = true; - break; default: LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); } @@ -52774,73 +53543,73 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !OO.S.F00 && !OO.S.F01 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); - return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, - chip::NullOptional); + LogStep(7, + "Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "manufacturer specific event IDs."); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); - return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, + LogStep(9, "Step 6b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " - "manufacturer specific event IDs."); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); - ListFreer listFreer; - chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; - value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); - value.expectedValue.Emplace(); - value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); - return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, + chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -52947,37 +53716,37 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::GlobalSceneControl::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read LT attribute: OnTime"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read LT attribute: OnTime"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OffWaitTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::StartUpOnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -53163,14 +53932,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Send Off Command"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Send Off Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -53179,12 +53948,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Send On Command"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Send On Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -53193,12 +53962,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Send On Command"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3c: Send On Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -53207,12 +53976,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3d: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Send Off Command"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4a: Send Off Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -53221,12 +53990,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Send Off Command"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4c: Send Off Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -53235,12 +54004,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Send Toggle Command"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5c: Send Toggle Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Toggle::Type value; @@ -53256,7 +54025,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5d: Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -53282,7 +54051,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6a: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -53293,13 +54062,13 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); + LogStep(18, "Step 6b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off"); + LogStep(19, "Step 6c: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -53310,7 +54079,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); + LogStep(20, "Step 6d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -53536,14 +54305,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -53552,7 +54321,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -53562,14 +54331,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53587,12 +54356,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4a: TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -53602,14 +54371,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4b: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4c: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53627,12 +54396,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 5a: TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -53642,14 +54411,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5b: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5c: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53667,19 +54436,19 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(17, "Step 5e: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(18, "Step 5f: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53697,12 +54466,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 5g: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 6a: TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -53711,14 +54480,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(22, "Step 6b: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(23, "Step 6c: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53736,12 +54505,12 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 6d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH sends Off command to DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 6e: TH sends Off command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type value; @@ -53750,19 +54519,19 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 6f: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(28, "Step 6g: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(29, "Step 6h: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53780,7 +54549,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 6i: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OnOff::Id, OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -53958,70 +54727,70 @@ class Test_TC_OPSTATE_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) in the AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the optional attribute(CountdownTime) in the AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute."); + LogStep(5, "Step 5a: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the optional event(OperationCompletion) in EventList."); + LogStep(6, "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the optional event(OperationCompletion) in EventList."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6a: Read the optional command(Start) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.C02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6b: Read the optional command(Stop) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.C01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6c: Read the optional command(Pause) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.C00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6d: Read the optional command(Resume) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPSTATE.S.C03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, OperationalState::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(OPSTATE.S.C00 || OPSTATE.S.C01 || OPSTATE.S.C02 || OPSTATE.S.C03)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OperationalState::Id, @@ -54210,10 +54979,6 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } break; case 14: - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); - shouldContinue = true; - break; - case 15: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -54225,7 +54990,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; - case 16: + case 15: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -54234,7 +54999,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; - case 17: + case 16: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -54243,7 +55008,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 1UL)); } break; - case 18: + case 17: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; @@ -54252,6 +55017,10 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 2UL)); } break; + case 18: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + shouldContinue = true; + break; default: LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); } @@ -54268,123 +55037,123 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !PS.S.F00 && !PS.S.F01 && !PS.S.F02 && !PS.S.F03 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3c: Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3d: Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " - "manufacturer specific event IDs."); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); - ListFreer listFreer; - chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; - value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); - value.expectedValue.Emplace(); - value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); - return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); - } - case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 7a: Read the global attribute: EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !PS.S.E00 && !PS.S.E01 && !PS.S.E02 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } - case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList"); + case 15: { + LogStep(15, "Step 7b: Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } - case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList"); + case 16: { + LogStep(16, "Step 7c: Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } - case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList"); + case 17: { + LogStep(17, "Step 7d: Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.E02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } + case 18: { + LogStep(18, + "Step 7e: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "manufacturer specific event IDs."); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); + } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -54739,194 +55508,194 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::Status::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::Order::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::Description::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredAssessedInputVoltage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredAssessedInputFrequency::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredCurrentType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredAssessedCurrent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredNominalVoltage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredMaximumCurrent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::WiredPresent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::ActiveWiredFaults::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatVoltage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatPercentRemaining::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 15: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatTimeRemaining::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 16: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatChargeLevel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 17: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatReplacementNeeded::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatReplaceability::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 19: Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatPresent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 20: Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::ActiveBatFaults::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 21: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatReplacementDescription::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 22: Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatCommonDesignation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 23: Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatANSIDesignation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 24: Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatIECDesignation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 25: Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatApprovedChemistry::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 26: Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0018"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatCapacity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 27: Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0019"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatQuantity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 28: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatChargeState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 29: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatTimeToFullCharge::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 30: Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatFunctionalWhileCharging::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 31: Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::BatChargingCurrent::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 32: Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PowerSource::Id, PowerSource::Attributes::ActiveBatChargeFaults::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -55106,80 +55875,80 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffc && !PRS.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.F00 && PRS.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0010 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0011 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0012 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0014 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0003 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0013 && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain values " - "in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55190,7 +55959,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -55205,11 +55974,11 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55220,7 +55989,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -55393,62 +56162,62 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute: Tolerance"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::Tolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MinScaledValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MaxScaledValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::ScaledValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::ScaledTolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute: Scale"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: Read the optional attribute: Scale"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::Scale::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -55540,20 +56309,20 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Operate on device to change the pressure significantly"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Operate on device to change the pressure significantly"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.M.PressureChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55570,7 +56339,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000 && PRS.M.PressureChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PressureMeasurement::Id, PressureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -56063,20 +56832,20 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" PCC.S.Afffc && !PCC.S.F00 && !PCC.S.F01 && !PCC.S.F02 && !PCC.S.F03 && !PCC.S.F04 && " "!PCC.S.F05 && !PCC.S.F06 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -56084,156 +56853,156 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3f: Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3g: Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3h: Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0003 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4c TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0004 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0005 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0006 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0007 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0008 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0009 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000a && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000b && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000c && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0010 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0014 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0016 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0021 && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { LogStep(27, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), " - "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4r: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -56243,7 +57012,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" PCC.S.Afffa && !PCC.S.E00 && !PCC.S.E01 && !PCC.S.E02 && !PCC.S.E03 && !PCC.S.E04 && " "!PCC.S.E05 && !PCC.S.E06 && !PCC.S.E07 && !PCC.S.E08 && !PCC.S.E09 && !PCC.S.E0a && !PCC.S.E0b " "&& !PCC.S.E0c && !PCC.S.E0d && !PCC.S.E0e && !PCC.S.E0f && !PCC.S.E10 "), @@ -56252,115 +57021,115 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageLow)attribute."); + LogStep(29, "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageLow)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E00 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageHigh)attribute."); + LogStep(30, "Step 5c: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageHigh)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E01 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PowerMissingPhase)attribute."); + LogStep(31, "Step 5d: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PowerMissingPhase)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E02 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureLow)attribute."); + LogStep(32, "Step 5e: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureLow)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E03 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureHigh)attribute."); + LogStep(33, "Step 5f: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureHigh)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E04 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (DryRunning)attribute."); + LogStep(34, "Step 5g: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (DryRunning)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E05 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (MotorTemperatureHigh)attribute."); + LogStep(35, "Step 5h: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (MotorTemperatureHigh)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E06 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpMotorFatalFailure)attribute."); + LogStep(36, "Step 5i: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpMotorFatalFailure)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E07 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicTemperatureHigh)attribute."); + LogStep(37, "Step 5j: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicTemperatureHigh)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E08 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpBlocked)attribute."); + LogStep(38, "Step 5k: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpBlocked)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E09 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SensorFailure)attribute."); + LogStep(39, "Step 5l: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SensorFailure)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0a && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicNonFatalFailure)attribute."); + LogStep(40, "Step 5m: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicNonFatalFailure)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0b && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicFatalFailure)attribute."); + LogStep(41, "Step 5n: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicFatalFailure)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0c && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (GeneralFault)attribute."); + LogStep(42, "Step 5o: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (GeneralFault)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0d && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (Leakage)attribute."); + LogStep(43, "Step 5p: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (Leakage)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0e && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (AirDetection)attribute."); + LogStep(44, "Step 5q: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (AirDetection)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0f && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (TurbineOperation)attribute."); + LogStep(45, "Step 5r: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (TurbineOperation)attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E10 && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { LogStep(46, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard or " - "scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 5s: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -56371,11 +57140,11 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 47: { LogStep(47, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -56386,7 +57155,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 48: { LogStep(48, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -56690,146 +57459,146 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxPressure::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxFlow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MinConstPressure::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxConstPressure::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MinCompPressure::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxCompPressure::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MinConstSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxConstSpeed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MinConstFlow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxConstFlow::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MinConstTemp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::MaxConstTemp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus"); + LogStep(14, "Step 15: Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::PumpStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode"); + LogStep(15, "Step 16: Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(16, "Step 17: Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read attribute: Capacity"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: Read attribute: Capacity"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::Capacity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the optional attribute: Speed"); + LogStep(18, "Step 19: Read the optional attribute: Speed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::Speed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); + LogStep(19, "Step 20: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read the optional attribute: Power"); + LogStep(20, "Step 21: Read the optional attribute: Power"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::Power::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); + LogStep(21, "Step 22: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read optional attribute: OperationMode"); + LogStep(22, "Step 23: Read optional attribute: OperationMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::OperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read optional attribute: ControlMode"); + LogStep(23, "Step 24: Read optional attribute: ControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::ControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -56939,14 +57708,14 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::OperationModeEnum value; @@ -56956,13 +57725,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::OperationModeEnum value; @@ -56972,13 +57741,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a time."); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a time."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::OperationModeEnum value; @@ -56988,13 +57757,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5a: TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::OperationModeEnum value; @@ -57004,7 +57773,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -57147,14 +57916,14 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::OperationModeEnum value; @@ -57164,13 +57933,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57180,13 +57949,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57196,13 +57965,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5a: Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57212,13 +57981,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57228,13 +57997,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7a: Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57244,13 +58013,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(12, "Step 7b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 8a: Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::ControlModeEnum value; @@ -57260,7 +58029,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); + LogStep(14, "Step 8b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -57398,14 +58167,14 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57416,13 +58185,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57433,13 +58202,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57450,13 +58219,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5a: Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57467,13 +58236,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57484,13 +58253,13 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7a: Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::Nullable value; @@ -57501,7 +58270,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); + LogStep(12, "Step 7b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id, PumpConfigurationAndControl::Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -57628,40 +58397,40 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Commission DUT to TH"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -57740,14 +58509,14 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Commission DUT to TH"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PSCFG.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), PowerSourceConfiguration::Id, PowerSourceConfiguration::Attributes::Sources::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -57885,46 +58654,46 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -58040,32 +58809,32 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::Tolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -58330,120 +59099,120 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2d: Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2e: Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2f: Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: EventList "); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5b: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)"); + LogStep(12, "Step 5c: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5d: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5e: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & !SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) "); + LogStep(15, "Step 5f: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) "); + LogStep(16, "Step 5g: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -58541,24 +59310,24 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read NumberOfPositions attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Read NumberOfPositions attribute"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::NumberOfPositions::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read CurrentPosition attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2b: Read CurrentPosition attribute"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::CurrentPosition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read MultiPressMax attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2c: Read MultiPressMax attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Switch::Id, Switch::Attributes::MultiPressMax::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -58696,46 +59465,46 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -58851,32 +59620,32 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the optional attribute: Tolerance"); + LogStep(4, "Step 6: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::Tolerance::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -59175,151 +59944,151 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F03 && !TSTAT.S.F04 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3f: Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3g: Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4g: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4h: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4i: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4j: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04 && TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(19, "Step 5a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(20, "Step 5b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(21, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp && !TSTAT.S.C02.Rsp "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(22, "Step 6b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 6c: Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -60064,7 +60833,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; @@ -60131,366 +60900,368 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1Suite : public TestCommand Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: LocalTemperature"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2: Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: LocalTemperature"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::LocalTemperature::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read OutdoorTemperature attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3: Read OutdoorTemperature attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OutdoorTemperature::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read Occupancy attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4: Read Occupancy attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::Occupancy::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5a: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0003 && TSTAT.S.A0005 && TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5b: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.A0005 && TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 6a: Read attribute AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6b: Reads mandatory attributes from DUT: AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read attribute AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 7: Read attribute AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read attribute AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 8: Read attribute AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read PICoolingDemand attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 9: Read PICoolingDemand attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::PICoolingDemand::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read PIHeatingDemand attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 10: Read PIHeatingDemand attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::PIHeatingDemand::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read HVACSystemTypeConfiguration attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 11: Read HVACSystemTypeConfiguration attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::HVACSystemTypeConfiguration::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read LocalTemperatureCalibration attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 12: Read LocalTemperatureCalibration attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::LocalTemperatureCalibration::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 13a: Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 13b: Read attribute OccupiedCoolingSetpoint from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); + LogStep(26, "Step 14a: Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint if TSTAT.S.F05 feature is supported"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint from the DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 14b: Read attribute OccupiedHeatingSetpoint from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 15a: Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 15b: Read UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 16a: Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 16b: Read UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "Reads attribute from DUT: MinHeatSetpointLimit"); + LogStep(32, "Step 17a: Reads attribute from DUT: MinHeatSetpointLimit"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies that the value is within range"); + LogStep(33, + "Step 17b: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies that the value is within range"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0015 && TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies that the value is within range"); + LogStep(34, + "Step 17c: Reads MinHeatSetpointLimit attribute from Server DUT and verifies that the value is within range"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0003 && !TSTAT.S.A0015 && !TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "Read attribute MaxHeatSetpointLimit from the DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 18a: Read attribute MaxHeatSetpointLimit from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0016 && !TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "Reads attribute from DUT: MaxHeatSetpointLimit"); + LogStep(36, "Step 18b: Reads attribute from DUT: MaxHeatSetpointLimit"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0016 && TSTAT.S.F05 && TSTAT.S.A0018"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(37, "Step 19a: Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0017 && TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(38, "Step 19b: Read attribute MinCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0017 && !TSTAT.S.A0018 && !TSTAT.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "Read attribute MaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); + LogStep(39, "Step 20: Read attribute MaxCoolSetpointLimit from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0018 && TSTAT.S.A0006 && TSTAT.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "Read attribute MinSetpointDeadBand from DUT"); + LogStep(40, "Step 21: Read attribute MinSetpointDeadBand from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::MinSetpointDeadBand::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "Read RemoteSensing attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(41, "Step 22: Read RemoteSensing attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::RemoteSensing::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "Read attribute ControlSequenceOfOperation from DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 23: Read attribute ControlSequenceOfOperation from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A001b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ControlSequenceOfOperation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "Read attribute SystemMode from DUT"); + LogStep(43, "Step 24: Read attribute SystemMode from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A001c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::SystemMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "Read ThermostatRunningMode attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 26: Read ThermostatRunningMode attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A001e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ThermostatRunningMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "Reads constraints of optional attributes from DUT: StartOfWeek"); + LogStep(45, "Step 27: Reads constraints of optional attributes from DUT: StartOfWeek"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::StartOfWeek::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfWeeklyTransitions"); + LogStep(46, "Step 28: Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfWeeklyTransitions"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::NumberOfWeeklyTransitions::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfDailyTransitions"); + LogStep(47, "Step 29: Reads optional attributes from DUT: NumberOfDailyTransitions"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::NumberOfDailyTransitions::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "Read TemperatureSetpointHold attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 30: Read TemperatureSetpointHold attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0023"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHold::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "Read TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(49, "Step 31: Read TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0024"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 50: { - LogStep(50, "Read ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(50, "Step 32: Read ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0025"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "Read ThermostatRunningState attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(51, "Step 33: Read ThermostatRunningState attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0029"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ThermostatRunningState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 52: { - LogStep(52, "Read SetpointChangeSource attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(52, "Step 34: Read SetpointChangeSource attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::SetpointChangeSource::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 53: { - LogStep(53, "Read SetpointChangeAmount attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(53, "Step 35: Read SetpointChangeAmount attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::SetpointChangeAmount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 54: { - LogStep(54, "Read SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(54, "Step 36: Read SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0032"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 55: { - LogStep(55, "Read OccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(55, "Step 37: Read OccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedSetback::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 56: { - LogStep(56, "Read OccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(56, "Step 38: Read OccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMin::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "Read OccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(57, "Step 39: Read OccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMax::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 58: { - LogStep(58, "Read UnoccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(58, "Step 40: Read UnoccupiedSetback attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedSetback::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 59: { - LogStep(59, "Read UnoccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(59, "Step 41: Read UnoccupiedSetbackMin attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMin::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 60: { - LogStep(60, "Read UnoccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(60, "Step 42: Read UnoccupiedSetbackMax attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02 && TSTAT.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMax::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 61: { - LogStep(61, "Read EmergencyHeatDelta attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(61, "Step 43: Read EmergencyHeatDelta attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A003a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::EmergencyHeatDelta::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 62: { - LogStep(62, "Read ACType attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(62, "Step 44: Read ACType attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0040"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 63: { - LogStep(63, "Read ACCapacity attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(63, "Step 45: Read ACCapacity attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0041"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACCapacity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 64: { - LogStep(64, "Read ACRefrigerantType attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(64, "Step 46: Read ACRefrigerantType attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0042"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACRefrigerantType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 65: { - LogStep(65, "Read ACCompressorType attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(65, "Step 47: Read ACCompressorType attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0043"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACCompressorType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 66: { - LogStep(66, "Read ACErrorCode attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(66, "Step 48: Read ACErrorCode attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0044"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACErrorCode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 67: { - LogStep(67, "Read ACLouverPosition attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(67, "Step 49: Read ACLouverPosition attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0045"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACLouverPosition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 68: { - LogStep(68, "Read ACCoilTemperature attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(68, "Step 50: Read ACCoilTemperature attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0046"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACCoilTemperature::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 69: { - LogStep(69, "Read ACCapacityFormat attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(69, "Step 51: Read ACCapacityFormat attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.A0047"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Thermostat::Id, Thermostat::Attributes::ACCapacityformat::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -60619,42 +61390,42 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " + "Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can contain " "manufacturer specific event IDs."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -60755,27 +61526,27 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, true, @@ -61025,14 +61796,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2a: Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61052,14 +61823,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61079,14 +61850,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2d: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61096,14 +61867,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2f: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3a: Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61123,13 +61894,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3b: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61149,13 +61920,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3d: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3e: Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61175,13 +61946,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3f: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3g: Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61201,13 +61972,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3h: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3i: Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61227,13 +61998,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3j: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3k: Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61253,13 +62024,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 3l: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 3m: Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61269,13 +62040,13 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 3n: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4a: Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61295,14 +62066,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4b: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 4c: Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61322,14 +62093,14 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 4d: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "Writes a value of greater than 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 4e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -61339,7 +62110,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); + LogStep(36, "Step 4f: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, true, @@ -61649,121 +62420,121 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.F00 && !DGTHREAD.S.F01 && !DGTHREAD.S.F02 && !DGTHREAD.S.F03 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4a: TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0006 && DGTHREAD.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4e: Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0038"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4f: Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0039"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4g: Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A003a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.E00 && !DGTHREAD.S.E01 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5b: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in EventList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5c: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.F01 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -62089,34 +62860,35 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads Channel attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads Channel attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::Channel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads RoutingRole attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads RoutingRole attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RoutingRole::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads Network Name attribute value from DUT and Verify that Network name is of the type string"); + LogStep(3, + "Step 4a: TH reads Network Name attribute value from DUT and Verify that Network name is of the type string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::NetworkName::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "Read NetworkName attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole " - "is set to 1"); + "Step 4b: Read NetworkName attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " + "RoutingRole is set to 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62126,15 +62898,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads PanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that PanId is of the type uint16"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5a: TH reads PanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that PanId is of the type uint16"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PanId::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Read PanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that RoutingRole is set " - "to 1"); + "Step 5b: Read PanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " + "RoutingRole is set to 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62144,14 +62916,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads ExtendedPanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that ExtendedPanId is of the type uint64"); + LogStep(7, + "Step 6a: TH reads ExtendedPanId attribute value from DUT and Verify that ExtendedPanId is of the type uint64"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ExtendedPanId::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "Read ExtendedPanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " + "Step 6b: Read ExtendedPanId attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " "RoutingRole is set to 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -62163,7 +62936,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "Read MeshLocalPrefix attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " + "Step 7: Read MeshLocalPrefix attribute from DUT and verify response value, If value is NULL then verify that " "RoutingRole is set to 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -62174,15 +62947,15 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 8a: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0006 && DGTHREAD.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep( - 11, - "read OverrunCount attribute from DUT and verify response value, If the Overruncount is greater than zero or not"); + LogStep(11, + "Step 8b: Read OverrunCount attribute from DUT and verify response value, If the Overruncount is greater than " + "zero or not"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62193,8 +62966,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "read NeighborTableList attribute from DUT and Verify that the NeighborTable List size is Zero or greater and " - "verify each node types"); + "Step 9: Read NeighborTableList attribute from DUT and Verify that the NeighborTable List size is Zero or " + "greater and verify each node types"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62205,8 +62978,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "Read RouteTable attribute from DUT and Verify that the RouteTableList List size is Zero or greater and verify " - "each node types"); + "Step 10: Read RouteTable attribute from DUT and Verify that the RouteTableList List size is Zero or greater " + "and verify each node types"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62216,104 +62989,104 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads PartitionId attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 11: TH reads PartitionId attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PartitionId::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads Weighting attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 12: TH reads Weighting attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::Weighting::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads DataVersion attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 13: TH reads DataVersion attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::DataVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads StableDataVersion attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 14: TH reads StableDataVersion attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::StableDataVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads LeaderRouterId attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 15: TH reads LeaderRouterId attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::LeaderRouterId::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads DetachedRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(19, "Step 16: TH reads DetachedRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000e && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::DetachedRoleCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads ChildRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 17: TH reads ChildRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A000f && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ChildRoleCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads RouterRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 18: TH reads RouterRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0010 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RouterRoleCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads LeaderRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 19: TH reads LeaderRoleCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0011 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::LeaderRoleCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads AttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 20: TH reads AttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0012 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttachAttemptCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads PartitionIdChangeCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 21: TH reads PartitionIdChangeCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0013 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PartitionIdChangeCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 22: TH reads BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0014 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads ParentChangeCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 23: TH reads ParentChangeCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0015 && DGTHREAD.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ParentChangeCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads ActiveTimestamp attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 24: TH reads ActiveTimestamp attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0038"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ActiveTimestamp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads PendingTimestamp attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 25: TH reads PendingTimestamp attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0039"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PendingTimestamp::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads Delay attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 26: TH reads Delay attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A003a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::Delay::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "Read SecurityPolicy struct attribute from DUT and Verify the each field"); + LogStep(30, "Step 27: Read SecurityPolicy struct attribute from DUT and Verify the each field"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A003b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62323,13 +63096,13 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads ChannelPage0Mask attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 28: TH reads ChannelPage0Mask attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A003c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ChannelPage0Mask::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "Read OperationalDatasetComponents struct attribute from DUT and Verify the each field"); + LogStep(32, "Step 29: Read OperationalDatasetComponents struct attribute from DUT and Verify the each field"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGTHREAD.S.A003d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62339,7 +63112,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(33, "Step 30: TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A003e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaultsList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -62576,110 +63349,110 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads TxTotalCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads TxTotalCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxTotalCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads TxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads TxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxUnicastCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads TxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads TxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0018"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxBroadcastCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads TxAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads TxAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0019"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxAckRequestedCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads TxAckedCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads TxAckedCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxAckedCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads TxNoAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads TxNoAckRequestedCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxNoAckRequestedCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads TxDataCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads TxDataCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxDataCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads TxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads TxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxDataPollCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads TxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads TxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxBeaconCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads TxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads TxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A001f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxBeaconRequestCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads TxOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: TH reads TxOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0020"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxOtherCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads TxRetryCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: TH reads TxRetryCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxRetryCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: TH reads TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0022"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 15: TH reads TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0023"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads TxErrCcaCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 16: TH reads TxErrCcaCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0024"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrCcaCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads TxErrAbortCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 17: TH reads TxErrAbortCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0025"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrAbortCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads TxErrBusyChannelCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: TH reads TxErrBusyChannelCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0026"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::TxErrBusyChannelCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -62916,110 +63689,110 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads RxTotalCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads RxTotalCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0027"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxTotalCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads RxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads RxUnicastCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0028"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxUnicastCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads RxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads RxBroadcastCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0029"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxBroadcastCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads RxDataCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads RxDataCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxDataCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads RxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads RxDataPollCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxDataPollCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads RxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: TH reads RxBeaconCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxBeaconCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads RxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: TH reads RxBeaconRequestCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxBeaconRequestCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads RxOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: TH reads RxOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxOtherCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads RxAddressFilteredCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: TH reads RxAddressFilteredCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A002f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxAddressFilteredCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads RxDestAddrFilteredCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: TH reads RxDestAddrFilteredCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxDestAddrFilteredCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads RxDuplicatedCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: TH reads RxDuplicatedCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxDuplicatedCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads RxErrNoFrameCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: TH reads RxErrNoFrameCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0032"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrNoFrameCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads RxErrUnknownNeighborCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: TH reads RxErrUnknownNeighborCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrUnknownNeighborCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount attribute value from DUT and verify data type"); + LogStep(14, "Step 15: TH reads RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount attribute value from DUT and verify data type"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0034"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads RxErrSecCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 16: TH reads RxErrSecCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0035"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrSecCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads RxErrFcsCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 17: TH reads RxErrFcsCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0036"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrFcsCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads RxErrOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 18: TH reads RxErrOtherCount attribute value from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0037"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::RxErrOtherCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -63097,14 +63870,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Sends ResetCounts command"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Sends ResetCounts command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type value; @@ -63114,7 +63887,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the Overruncount attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the Overruncount attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id, ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -63968,38 +64741,38 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64010,11 +64783,11 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier " - "(MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values " - "SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - " - "0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " - "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " + "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " + "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64025,11 +64798,11 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64040,11 +64813,11 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " - "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " - "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " - "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " - "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " + "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " + "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " + "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64129,7 +64902,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -64234,7 +65007,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -64262,7 +65035,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -64341,7 +65114,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -64361,7 +65134,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -64487,7 +65260,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -64509,13 +65282,13 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -64534,7 +65307,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -64759,96 +65532,96 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( !DGWIFI.S.F00 && !DGWIFI.S.F01 )"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 5a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGWIFI.S.F01 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 6: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 7a: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGWIFI.S.E00 && !DGWIFI.S.E01 && !DGWIFI.S.E02 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 7b: TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 7c: TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 7d: TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -65036,86 +65809,86 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::Bssid::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads SecurityType attribute constraints"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Reads SecurityType attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::SecurityType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::WiFiVersion::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::ChannelNumber::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads RSSI attribute constraints"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Reads RSSI attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0004"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::Rssi::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(6, "Step 7: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::BeaconLostCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(7, "Step 8: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::BeaconRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(8, "Step 9: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(9, "Step 10: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(10, "Step 11: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(11, "Step 12: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketUnicastTxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints"); + LogStep(12, "Step 13: Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::CurrentMaxRate::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints"); + LogStep(13, "Step 14: Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -65244,14 +66017,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type value; @@ -65261,42 +66034,42 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2a: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::BeaconLostCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::BeaconRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2c: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2d: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2e: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2f: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id, @@ -65558,124 +66331,124 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" WNCV.S.Afffc && !WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F01 && !WNCV.S.F02 && !WNCV.S.F03 && !WNCV.S.F04 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3f: Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffb && WNCV.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read the global attribute: EventList"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute"); + LogStep(15, "Step 6a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F03"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute"); + LogStep(19, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff8"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -65993,44 +66766,44 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::Type::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::EndProductType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::Mode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66039,117 +66812,117 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0010"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0012"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::SafetyStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0003 && !WNCV.S.A0010 && !WNCV.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift"); + LogStep(19, "Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0003 && WNCV.S.A0010 && WNCV.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0004 && !WNCV.S.A0012 && !WNCV.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0004 && WNCV.S.A0012 && WNCV.S.A0013"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::NumberOfActuationsLift::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::NumberOfActuationsTilt::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage"); + LogStep(25, "Step 3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -66267,39 +67040,39 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep( - 1, - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b"); + LogStep(1, + "Step 1a: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must " + "be 1b else 0b"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep( - 2, - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b"); + LogStep(2, + "Step 1b: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must " + "be 1b else 0b"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && !WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else " - "0b,"); + "Step 1c: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must " + "be 1b else 0b,"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else " - "0b,"); + "Step 1d: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must " + "be 1b else 0b,"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && !WNCV.S.F01 && !WNCV.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -66463,14 +67236,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66479,13 +67252,13 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66494,13 +67267,13 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66509,13 +67282,13 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -66525,7 +67298,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66534,19 +67307,19 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::Mode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -66556,7 +67329,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66565,7 +67338,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -66575,13 +67348,13 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -66590,7 +67363,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -66600,7 +67373,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -66683,7 +67456,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000d"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::EndProductType::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -66970,14 +67743,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -66987,44 +67760,44 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 10000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); return SubscribeAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, 4, 5, true, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional, /* autoResubscribe = */ chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; @@ -67034,67 +67807,67 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 2000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -67104,38 +67877,38 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "3a2: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(19, "Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type value; @@ -67145,33 +67918,33 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device"); + LogStep(27, "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 1000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -67458,14 +68231,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; @@ -67475,44 +68248,44 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 10000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); return SubscribeAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, 4, 5, true, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional, /* autoResubscribe = */ chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -67522,67 +68295,67 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 2000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); + LogStep(17, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -67592,38 +68365,38 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "3a2: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(19, "Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type value; @@ -67633,33 +68406,33 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device"); + LogStep(27, "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 1000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -67843,14 +68616,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -67860,14 +68633,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; @@ -67877,33 +68650,33 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 2000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 2000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute"); return SubscribeAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, 4, 5, true, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional, /* autoResubscribe = */ chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type value; @@ -67913,40 +68686,40 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 2000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be equal with " + "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be equal with " "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -67954,14 +68727,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3Suite : public TestCommand WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be equal with " + "Step 4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be equal with " "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000c && WNCV.S.A000f && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -68091,14 +68864,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -68108,14 +68881,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFastMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFastMotionDuration.Value() : 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; @@ -68125,38 +68898,38 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -68284,14 +69057,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; @@ -68301,14 +69074,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFastMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFastMotionDuration.Value() : 3000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -68318,38 +69091,38 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -68524,14 +69297,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -68541,20 +69314,20 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Type value; @@ -68565,45 +69338,45 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "2b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Type value; @@ -68614,39 +69387,39 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "4b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -68821,14 +69594,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type value; @@ -68838,20 +69611,20 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Type value; @@ -68862,45 +69635,45 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "2b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Type value; @@ -68911,39 +69684,39 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "4b: DUT updates its attributes"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 100UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mFullMotionDuration.HasValue() ? mFullMotionDuration.Value() : 6000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -69042,21 +69815,21 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { LogStep(2, - "1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " + "Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionLiftPercentage"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -69064,7 +69837,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3Suite : public TestCommand WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69076,7 +69849,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69088,7 +69861,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69193,21 +69966,21 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { LogStep(2, - "1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " + "Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionTiltPercentage"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f && WNCV.S.A0009"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -69215,7 +69988,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4Suite : public TestCommand WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69227,7 +70000,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69239,7 +70012,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -69409,14 +70182,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type value; return SendCommand(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Id, value, @@ -69425,7 +70198,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Type value; @@ -69436,14 +70209,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type value; @@ -69453,14 +70226,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 500UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Type value; @@ -69471,14 +70244,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type value; @@ -69488,33 +70261,33 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 500UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "3c: reboot/restart the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3c: reboot/restart the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(13, "Step Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -69525,20 +70298,20 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(14, "Step 3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); + LogStep(16, "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WindowCovering::Id, WindowCovering::Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -91239,56 +92012,56 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.Afffd"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0000 && DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0001 && DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0002 && DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( DGSW.S.F00 || DGSW.S.A0003 ) && DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, @@ -91296,12 +92069,12 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the standard " - "or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain values in " - "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed " - "MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the " - "Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 4f: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " + "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY contain " + "values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the " + "allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " + "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) " + "and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGSW.S.Afffb"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -91311,20 +92084,20 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5b: TH reads EventList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " + "Step 5c: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible " "Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), " "these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: " "(0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the " @@ -91338,25 +92111,25 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), SoftwareDiagnostics::Id, SoftwareDiagnostics::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { LogStep(15, - "TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in the " - "standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); + "Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " + "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGSW.S.Afff9"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -91367,7 +92140,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " + "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX " @@ -99445,19 +100218,19 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.F02 && !DRLK.S.F04 && !DRLK.S.F05 && !DRLK.S.F06 && " "!DRLK.S.F07 && !DRLK.S.F08 && !DRLK.S.F0a && !DRLK.S.F0b && !DRLK.S.F0c "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); @@ -99465,268 +100238,268 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3d: Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3e: Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(7, "Step 3f: Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3g: Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F06"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3h: Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3i: Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3j: Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3k: Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3l: Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4f: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4g: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4h: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4i: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4j: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 || DRLK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0021"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0022"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(27, "Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0024"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(28, "Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0027"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0028"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(30, "Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0029"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4r: TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(32, "Step 4s: TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(33, "Step 4t: TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList"); + LogStep(35, "Step 5b: TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in EventList"); + LogStep(36, "Step 5c: TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in EventList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(37, "Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(38, "Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(39, "Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(40, "Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(41, "Step 6e: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0c"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(42, "Step 6f: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(43, "Step 6g: TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(44, "Step 7a: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(45, "Step 7b: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(46, "Step 7c: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(47, "Step 7d: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -99947,7 +100720,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -99968,7 +100741,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -99978,7 +100751,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); + LogStep(3, "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetCredential::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -99997,7 +100770,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Verify created PIN credential"); + LogStep(4, "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Type value; @@ -100010,7 +100783,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100021,8 +100794,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100032,13 +100805,13 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type value; @@ -100048,7 +100821,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type value; @@ -100060,7 +100833,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100071,8 +100844,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100082,13 +100855,13 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); + LogStep(13, "Step 7: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type value; @@ -100100,7 +100873,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode"); + LogStep(14, "Step 8: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type value; @@ -100112,7 +100885,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode"); + LogStep(15, "Step 9: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type value; @@ -100122,14 +100895,14 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(16, "TStep 10a: H reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::WrongCodeEntryLimit::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid PINCode. Repeat this step " + "Step 10b: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid PINCode. Repeat this step " "PIXIT.DRLK.WrongCodeEntryLimit times and Verify that DUT sends failure response to the TH"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100140,7 +100913,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode and verify the DUT response"); + LogStep(18, + "Step 10c: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode and verify the DUT " + "response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -100151,8 +100926,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT " - "with the valid PINCode."); + "Step 10d: Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to " + "the DUT with the valid PINCode."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -100163,8 +100938,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " - "Success response"); + "Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the " + "DUT sends Success response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -100174,8 +100949,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0030"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -100184,15 +100959,15 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 11a: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { LogStep(23, - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the " - "DUT sends Success response"); + "Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify " + "that the DUT sends Success response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -100203,8 +100978,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT " - "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify " + "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -100496,7 +101271,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -100517,7 +101292,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -100527,7 +101302,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); + LogStep(3, "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetCredential::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -100546,7 +101321,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Verify created PIN credential"); + LogStep(4, "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Type value; @@ -100559,7 +101334,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100570,8 +101345,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100581,13 +101356,13 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode"); + LogStep(8, "Step 3: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100597,7 +101372,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100609,7 +101384,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100620,8 +101395,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; bool value; @@ -100631,13 +101406,13 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); + LogStep(13, "Step 7: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100649,7 +101424,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); + LogStep(14, "Step 8: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100661,7 +101436,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode"); + LogStep(15, "Step 9: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100672,7 +101447,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response"); + "Step 10a: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success " + "response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0030.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100683,7 +101459,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 17: { LogStep(17, - "TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); + "Step 10b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with " + "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0030.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100694,8 +101471,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " - "Success response"); + "Step 11a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the " + "DUT sends Success response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100707,8 +101484,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 19: { LogStep(19, - "TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " - "Success response"); + "Step 11b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the " + "DUT sends Success response"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0031.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100719,7 +101496,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); + LogStep(20, "Step 12a: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100731,7 +101508,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); + LogStep(21, "Step 12b: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100743,7 +101520,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); + LogStep(22, "Step 12c: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100755,7 +101532,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); + LogStep(23, "Step 12d: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100767,13 +101544,14 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check attribute is triggered"); + LogStep(24, + "Step 13: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check attribute is triggered"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); + LogStep(25, "Step 14: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100793,7 +101571,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(27, "Step 15a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -100802,7 +101580,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 15b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -100811,7 +101589,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 15c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -100820,7 +101598,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(30, "Step 15d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -100830,21 +101608,21 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 16a: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AutoRelockTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 16b: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::AutoRelockTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 33: { LogStep(33, - "TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT sends SUCCESS response to " - "the TH"); + "Step 17: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT sends SUCCESS " + "response to the TH"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type value; @@ -100872,7 +101650,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH reads LockState attribute"); + LogStep(36, "Step 18: TH reads LockState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::LockState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -101131,7 +101909,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 1a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -101140,7 +101918,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -101149,7 +101927,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 1c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -101158,7 +101936,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 1d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint32_t value; @@ -101167,7 +101945,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2a: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockWithTimeout::Type value; @@ -101180,7 +101958,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2b: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockWithTimeout::Type value; @@ -101209,7 +101987,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads LockState attribute"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2c: TH reads LockState attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::LockState::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -101423,7 +102201,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -101444,7 +102222,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -101454,19 +102232,19 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetWeekDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101483,7 +102261,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101496,7 +102274,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetWeekDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101513,7 +102291,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101526,7 +102304,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 7: TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0d.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearWeekDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101538,7 +102316,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 8: TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101698,13 +102476,13 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use."); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Create Holiday schedule with 1 index"); + LogStep(2, "Step 2: Create Holiday schedule with 1 index"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C11.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetHolidaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101718,7 +102496,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3a: Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101730,7 +102508,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C11.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetHolidaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101744,7 +102522,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15."); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101756,7 +102534,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -101768,7 +102546,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C13.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearHolidaySchedule::Type value; @@ -101779,7 +102557,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted"); + LogStep(8, "Step 8: Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102021,7 +102799,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -102042,7 +102820,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -102052,19 +102830,19 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -102078,7 +102856,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a & 4b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102091,7 +102869,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -102105,7 +102883,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102118,7 +102896,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Create a user with userIndex as 5"); + LogStep(9, "Step 7a: Create a user with userIndex as 5"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -102139,7 +102917,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102152,7 +102930,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 8: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C10.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearYearDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -102164,7 +102942,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 9: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102177,7 +102955,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 10: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -102191,7 +102969,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 11: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102204,7 +102982,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 12: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearYearDaySchedule::Type value; @@ -102255,7 +103033,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7Suite : public TestCommand class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DRLK_2_8", 12, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DRLK_2_8", 14, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -102424,6 +103202,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("nextUserIndex.Value()", value.nextUserIndex.Value(), 2U)); } break; + case 12: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 13: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + { + chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUserResponse::DecodableType value; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("userIndex", value.userIndex, 2U)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("userName", value.userName)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("userUniqueID", value.userUniqueID)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("userStatus", value.userStatus)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("userType", value.userType)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("credentialRule", value.credentialRule)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("credentials", value.credentials)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("creatorFabricIndex", value.creatorFabricIndex)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("lastModifiedFabricIndex", value.lastModifiedFabricIndex)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("nextUserIndex", value.nextUserIndex)); + } + break; default: LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); } @@ -102447,15 +103245,15 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use."); + LogStep(1, "Step 1: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { LogStep(2, - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 UserName as xxx " - "UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0"); + "Step 2: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 " + "UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; @@ -102477,7 +103275,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102490,8 +103288,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand } case 4: { LogStep(4, - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 UserName as xxx " - "UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule as 3"); + "Step 4: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 " + "UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule as 3"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; @@ -102514,8 +103312,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 (Same as step " - "2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0"); + "Step 5: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 (Same " + "as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; @@ -102538,8 +103336,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 UserName as " - "NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL"); + "Step 6a: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 " + "UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; @@ -102556,7 +103354,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6b: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102569,8 +103367,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 UserIndex as 2 UserName as " - "NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL"); + "Step 7: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 UserIndex as 2 " + "UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; @@ -102587,7 +103385,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2"); + LogStep(9, "Step 8: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102599,7 +103397,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1"); + LogStep(10, "Step 9: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearUser::Type value; @@ -102610,7 +103408,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1"); + LogStep(11, "Step 10: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -102621,6 +103419,29 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8Suite : public TestCommand ); } + case 12: { + LogStep(12, "Test cleanup: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearUser::Type value; + value.userIndex = 2U; + return SendCommand(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Commands::ClearUser::Id, value, + chip::Optional(10000), chip::NullOptional + + ); + } + case 13: { + LogStep(13, "Test cleanup: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx"), + return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + ListFreer listFreer; + chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; + value.userIndex = 2U; + return SendCommand(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Id, value, + chip::NullOptional + + ); + } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -102945,7 +103766,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user with default parameters"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user with default parameters"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -102966,7 +103787,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -102976,37 +103797,37 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use."); + LogStep(3, "Step 1a: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use."); + LogStep(4, "Step 1b: TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::MinPINCodeLength::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1c: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::MaxPINCodeLength::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use."); + LogStep(6, "Step 1d: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::MinRFIDCodeLength::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use."); + LogStep(7, "Step 1e: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), DoorLock::Id, DoorLock::Attributes::MaxRFIDCodeLength::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2a: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103028,7 +103849,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103038,9 +103859,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand value.credential.credentialType = static_cast(2); value.credential.credentialIndex = 1U; - value.credentialData = mRFIDCredentialData.HasValue() - ? mRFIDCredentialData.Value() - : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("RFIDTESTDATA"), 12); + value.credentialData = mRFIDCredentialData.HasValue() ? mRFIDCredentialData.Value() + : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("123456789A"), 10); value.userIndex.SetNonNull(); value.userIndex.Value() = 1U; value.userStatus.SetNull(); @@ -103051,7 +103871,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(10, "Step 2c: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103061,8 +103881,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand value.credential.credentialType = static_cast(4); value.credential.credentialIndex = 1U; - value.credentialData = mFingerVeinCredentialData.HasValue() ? mFingerVeinCredentialData.Value() - : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("123456"), 6); + value.credentialData = mFingerVeinCredentialData.HasValue() + ? mFingerVeinCredentialData.Value() + : chip::ByteSpan(chip::Uint8::from_const_char("123456789A"), 10); value.userIndex.SetNonNull(); value.userIndex.Value() = 1U; value.userStatus.SetNull(); @@ -103073,7 +103894,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN"); + LogStep(11, "Step 3a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103088,7 +103909,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID"); + LogStep(12, "Step 3b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103103,7 +103924,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(13, "Step 3c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103118,7 +103939,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4a: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearCredential::Type value; @@ -103133,7 +103954,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103148,7 +103969,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103163,7 +103984,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4d: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearCredential::Type value; @@ -103178,7 +103999,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4e: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103193,7 +104014,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4f: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearCredential::Type value; @@ -103208,7 +104029,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN"); + LogStep(20, "Step 5a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103223,7 +104044,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID"); + LogStep(21, "Step 5b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103238,7 +104059,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); + LogStep(22, "Step 5c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -103513,7 +104334,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_12Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Create new user"); + LogStep(1, "Precondition: Create new user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -103534,7 +104355,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_12Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the user back and verify its fields"); + LogStep(2, "Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type value; value.userIndex = 1U; @@ -103544,7 +104365,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_12Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); + LogStep(3, "Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetCredential::Type value; value.operationType = static_cast(0); @@ -103563,7 +104384,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_12Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Verify created PIN credential"); + LogStep(4, "Precondition: Verify created PIN credential"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Type value; @@ -106990,46 +107811,46 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !G.S.F00 "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads EventList from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -107141,19 +107962,19 @@ class Test_TC_G_2_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.A0000 && G.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.A0000 && !G.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH writes NameSupport attribute as 0x80 EXOR the value as read in step 1"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2a: TH writes NameSupport attribute as 0x80 EXOR the value as read in step 1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::BitMask value; @@ -107162,13 +107983,13 @@ class Test_TC_G_2_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2b: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.A0000 && G.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: TH reads NameSupport attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.A0000 && !G.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Groups::Id, Groups::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -107292,8 +108113,12 @@ class Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -107303,7 +108128,6 @@ class Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -107311,21 +108135,18 @@ class Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -107346,72 +108167,72 @@ class Test_TC_ACFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!ACFREMON.S.F00 && !ACFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given ACFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given ACFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given ACFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given ACFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(ACFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(ACFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ACFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ACFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, - ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, - ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, - ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -107513,32 +108334,32 @@ class Test_TC_ACFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ACFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -107716,70 +108537,70 @@ class Test_TC_CFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!CFREMON.S.F00 && !CFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given CFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given CFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given CFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given CFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(CFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(CFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (CFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (CFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -107883,32 +108704,32 @@ class Test_TC_CFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), CeramicFilterMonitoring::Id, CeramicFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -108032,8 +108853,12 @@ class Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -108043,7 +108868,6 @@ class Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -108051,21 +108875,18 @@ class Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -108086,72 +108907,72 @@ class Test_TC_ESFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!ESFREMON.S.F00 && !ESFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given ESFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given ESFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given ESFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given ESFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(ESFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(ESFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ESFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ESFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, - ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, - ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, - ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -108253,32 +109074,32 @@ class Test_TC_ESFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ESFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Id, ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -108456,70 +109277,70 @@ class Test_TC_FTREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!FTREMON.S.F00 && !FTREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given FTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given FTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given FTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given FTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(FTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(FTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (FTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (FTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -108623,32 +109444,32 @@ class Test_TC_FTREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FTREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FuelTankMonitoring::Id, FuelTankMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -108772,8 +109593,12 @@ class Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -108783,7 +109608,6 @@ class Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -108791,21 +109615,18 @@ class Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -108826,72 +109647,72 @@ class Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!HEPAFREMON.S.F00 && !HEPAFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given HEPAFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given HEPAFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given HEPAFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given HEPAFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(HEPAFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a: Read the feature dependent(HEPAFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (HEPAFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (HEPAFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, - HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, - HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, - HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -108993,32 +109814,32 @@ class Test_TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("HEPAFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, HepaFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -109196,70 +110017,70 @@ class Test_TC_INKCREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!INKCREMON.S.F00 && !INKCREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given INKCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given INKCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given INKCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given INKCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(INKCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(INKCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (INKCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (INKCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -109363,32 +110184,32 @@ class Test_TC_INKCREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("INKCREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), InkCartridgeMonitoring::Id, InkCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -109566,70 +110387,70 @@ class Test_TC_IONFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!IONFREMON.S.F00 && !IONFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given IONFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given IONFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given IONFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given IONFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(IONFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(IONFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (IONFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (IONFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -109733,32 +110554,32 @@ class Test_TC_IONFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("IONFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), IonizingFilterMonitoring::Id, IonizingFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -109882,8 +110703,12 @@ class Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -109893,7 +110718,6 @@ class Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -109901,21 +110725,18 @@ class Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -109936,72 +110757,72 @@ class Test_TC_OZFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!OZFREMON.S.F00 && !OZFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given OZFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given OZFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given OZFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given OZFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(OZFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OZFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (OZFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (OZFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, - OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, - OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, - OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -110103,32 +110924,32 @@ class Test_TC_OZFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OZFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OzoneFilterMonitoring::Id, OzoneFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -110252,8 +111073,12 @@ class Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -110263,7 +111088,6 @@ class Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -110271,21 +111095,18 @@ class Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -110306,72 +111127,72 @@ class Test_TC_TCREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!TCREMON.S.F00 && !TCREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given TCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given TCREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given TCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given TCREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(TCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(TCREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (TCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (TCREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, - TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, - TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, - TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -110473,32 +111294,32 @@ class Test_TC_TCREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TCREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Id, TonerCartridgeMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -110622,8 +111443,12 @@ class Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -110633,7 +111458,6 @@ class Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -110641,21 +111465,18 @@ class Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -110676,72 +111497,72 @@ class Test_TC_UVFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!UVFREMON.S.F00 && !UVFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given UVFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given UVFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given UVFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given UVFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(UVFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(UVFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (UVFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4c: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (UVFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, - UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, - UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, - UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -110843,32 +111664,32 @@ class Test_TC_UVFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("UVFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), UvFilterMonitoring::Id, UvFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -110992,8 +111813,12 @@ class Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand case 8: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } break; @@ -111002,8 +111827,11 @@ class Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); + { + auto iter_0 = value.begin(); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("acceptedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); + } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 10: @@ -111011,21 +111839,18 @@ class Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); - { - auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); - } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("value", value, 0UL)); } break; case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); { - chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; + chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList value; VerifyOrReturn(CheckDecodeValue(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value))); { auto iter_0 = value.begin(); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("eventList", iter_0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckNoMoreListItems("generatedCommandList", iter_0, 0)); } VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("value", "list", "list")); } @@ -111046,72 +111871,73 @@ class Test_TC_WTREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!WTREMON.S.F00 && !WTREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given WTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3b: Given WTREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given WTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3c: Given WTREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(WTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4a: Read the feature dependent(WTREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (WTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (WTREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, - WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); - VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); + LogStep(9, "Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip(" !WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp "), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6b: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, - WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, - WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); + WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; @@ -111213,32 +112039,32 @@ class Test_TC_WTREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("WTREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), WaterTankMonitoring::Id, WaterTankMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -111416,70 +112242,70 @@ class Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("!ZEOFREMON.S.F00 && !ZEOFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Given ZEOFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Given ZEOFREMON.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Given ZEOFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: Given ZEOFREMON.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read the feature dependent(ZEOFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: Read the feature dependent(ZEOFREMON.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ZEOFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: Read the optional attribute InPlaceIndicator (ZEOFREMON.S.A0002) in AttributeList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } @@ -111583,32 +112409,32 @@ class Test_TC_ZEOFREMON_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the Condition attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::Condition::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the DegradationDirection attribute.."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::DegradationDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the ChangeIndication attribute."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::ChangeIndication::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the InPlaceIndicator attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ZEOFREMON.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Id, ZeoliteFilterMonitoring::Attributes::InPlaceIndicator::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -114110,120 +114936,10 @@ class Test_TC_G_3_2Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - -class Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - -class Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114231,7 +114947,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_1Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114275,10 +114991,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114286,7 +115002,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_2Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114330,10 +115046,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114341,7 +115057,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_3Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114385,10 +115101,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_6", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114396,7 +115112,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_4Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114440,10 +115156,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114451,7 +115167,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_5Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114495,10 +115211,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_1_6", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114506,7 +115222,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_1_6Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114550,10 +115266,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114561,7 +115277,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_2_1Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114605,10 +115321,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114616,7 +115332,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_2_2Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114660,10 +115376,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114671,7 +115387,7 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_2_3Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114715,10 +115431,10 @@ class Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BR_1Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BR_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114726,7 +115442,7 @@ class Test_TC_BR_1Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BR_1Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_2_4Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114770,10 +115486,10 @@ class Test_TC_BR_1Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BR_2Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BR_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BDX_2_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114781,7 +115497,7 @@ class Test_TC_BR_2Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BR_2Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BDX_2_5Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114825,10 +115541,10 @@ class Test_TC_BR_2Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BR_3Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BR_1Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BR_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BR_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114836,7 +115552,7 @@ class Test_TC_BR_3Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BR_3Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BR_1Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114880,10 +115596,10 @@ class Test_TC_BR_3Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_BR_4Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BR_2Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_BR_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BR_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114891,7 +115607,7 @@ class Test_TC_BR_4Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_BR_4Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BR_2Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114935,10 +115651,10 @@ class Test_TC_BR_4Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BR_3Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BR_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -114946,7 +115662,7 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BR_3Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -114990,10 +115706,10 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_DA_1_2Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_BR_4Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DA_1_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_BR_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_BR_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -115001,7 +115717,7 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_2Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_DA_1_2Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_BR_4Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -115045,10 +115761,10 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_2Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_1", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -115056,7 +115772,7 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_DA_1_1Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -115100,10 +115816,10 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_3", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -115111,7 +115827,7 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_DA_1_3Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -115155,10 +115871,10 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_DA_1_5Suite : public TestCommand +class Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite : public TestCommand { public: - Test_TC_DA_1_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) + Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_DA_1_4", 0, credsIssuerConfig) { AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); @@ -115166,7 +115882,7 @@ class Test_TC_DA_1_5Suite : public TestCommand AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); } - ~Test_TC_DA_1_5Suite() {} + ~Test_TC_DA_1_4Suite() {} chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { @@ -117306,61 +118022,6 @@ class Test_TC_IDM_1_1Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_IDM_1_2Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_IDM_1_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_IDM_1_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_IDM_1_2Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - class Test_TC_IDM_2_1Suite : public TestCommand { public: @@ -120121,7 +120782,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120129,7 +120790,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120141,14 +120802,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -120157,7 +120818,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2"); + LogStep(6, "Step 3a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120165,7 +120826,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120177,14 +120838,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR3 Commissions with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(9, "Step 5: TH_CR3 Commissions with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -120193,7 +120854,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityGamma, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR3"); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR3"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120201,18 +120862,18 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityGamma, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH3 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); + LogStep(11, "Step 5b: TH3 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityGamma, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(12, "Step 6: TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::Fabrics::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = 2 command to DUT_CE"); + LogStep(13, "Step 7: TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = 2 command to DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -120224,7 +120885,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(14, "Step 8a: TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -120233,7 +120894,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(15, "Step 8b: TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005 && PICS_USER_PROMPT"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -120243,13 +120904,13 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(16, "Step 9: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::Fabrics::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); + LogStep(17, "Step 11: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120261,14 +120922,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(18, "Step 11a: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(19, "Step 12: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -120277,7 +120938,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2"); + LogStep(20, "Step 12a: DUT_CE is commissioned to TH_CR2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120285,18 +120946,18 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); + LogStep(21, "Step 12b: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(22, "Step 13: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::Fabrics::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + LogStep(23, "Step 13a: Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -120308,7 +120969,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_16Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Remove TH3 FabricIndex"); + LogStep(24, "Step 13b: Remove TH3 FabricIndex"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -120652,7 +121313,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120660,7 +121321,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120672,20 +121333,20 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 901000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120697,7 +121358,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_21Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -120823,7 +121484,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -120831,7 +121492,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 900 seconds"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 900 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -120841,7 +121502,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 900 seconds"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 900 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120865,20 +121526,20 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 901 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 901000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 901 seconds"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 901 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -120888,7 +121549,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 901 seconds"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 901 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -120912,7 +121573,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_22Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -121226,7 +121887,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1a: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -121234,12 +121895,12 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH1 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); + LogStep(3, "Step 1b: TH1 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121251,14 +121912,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(5, "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); + LogStep(6, "Step 2b: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -121268,7 +121929,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -121277,13 +121938,13 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2d: TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(9, "Step 3a: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -121292,7 +121953,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2 on Fabric ID2 "); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b: DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2 on Fabric ID2 "); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -121300,12 +121961,12 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); + LogStep(11, "Step 3c: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with two SRV Records"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4: Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with two SRV Records"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -121315,19 +121976,19 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(13, "Step 5: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::Fabrics::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(14, "Step 6: TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::Fabrics::Id, false, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(15, "Step 7a: TH_CR1 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -121336,13 +121997,13 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(16, "Step 7b: TH_CR1 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(17, "Step 8a: TH_CR2 writes the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -121351,13 +122012,13 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(18, "Step 8b: TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); + LogStep(19, "Step 9: TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121369,20 +122030,20 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Wait for the commissioning window in step 13 to timeout"); + LogStep(20, "Step 10: Wait for the commissioning window in step 13 to timeout"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 180000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH_CR2 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(21, "Step 11: TH_CR2 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); + LogStep(22, "Step 12a: TH_CR2 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using BCM"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121394,14 +122055,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(23, "Step 12b: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE before the timeout from step 12"); + LogStep(24, "Step 13a: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE before the timeout from step 12"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -121410,7 +122071,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH_CR2 revokes the commissioning window"); + LogStep(25, "Step 13b: TH_CR2 revokes the commissioning window"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp && CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Type value; @@ -121421,7 +122082,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + LogStep(26, "Step 13c: Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -121668,7 +122329,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -121676,7 +122337,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121688,7 +122349,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3a: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -121698,14 +122359,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Wait for PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration + 10"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3b: Wait for PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration + 10"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 190000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -121714,7 +122375,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121726,14 +122387,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5b: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Type value; @@ -121744,7 +122405,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(10, "Step 7: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId2.HasValue() ? mNodeId2.Value() : 51966ULL; @@ -121752,7 +122413,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(11, "Step 8: TH_CR1 revokes the commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Type value; @@ -121763,7 +122424,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH_CR1 writes the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(12, "Step 9a: TH_CR1 writes the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::CharSpan value; @@ -121772,13 +122433,13 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH_CR1 read the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE"); + LogStep(13, "Step 9b: TH_CR1 read the mandatory attribute NodeLabel of DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), BasicInformation::Id, BasicInformation::Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(14, "Step 10a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121790,14 +122451,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(15, "Step 10b: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH_CR1 opens another commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(16, "Step 11: TH_CR1 opens another commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -121809,7 +122470,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(17, "Step 12a: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process on DUT_CE"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId2.HasValue() ? mNodeId2.Value() : 51966ULL; @@ -121817,7 +122478,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2"); + LogStep(18, "Step 12b: DUT_CE is commissioned by TH_CR2"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -121825,12 +122486,12 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); + LogStep(19, "Step 12c: TH2 reads CurrentFabricIndex attribute and save it for future use."); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityBeta, GetEndpoint(0), OperationalCredentials::Id, OperationalCredentials::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH_CR1 tries to revoke the commissioning window on DUT_CE using RevokeCommissioning command"); + LogStep(20, "Step 13: TH_CR1 tries to revoke the commissioning window on DUT_CE using RevokeCommissioning command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Type value; @@ -121841,7 +122502,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(21, "Step 14: TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -121850,7 +122511,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_6Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityGamma, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); + LogStep(22, "Step 14a: Remove TH2 FabricIndex"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp && CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type value; @@ -122110,7 +122771,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -122118,7 +122779,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -122130,14 +122791,14 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Waiting after opening commissioning window"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: Waiting after opening commissioning window"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = mWaitAfterCommissioning.HasValue() ? mWaitAfterCommissioning.Value() : 5000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Verify that the DNS-SD advertisement shows CM=1"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122147,7 +122808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4.1: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122159,7 +122820,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(7, "Step 4.2: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122171,7 +122832,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(8, "Step 4.3: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122183,7 +122844,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(9, "Step 4.4: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122195,7 +122856,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(10, "Step 4.5: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122207,7 +122868,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(11, "Step 4.6: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122219,7 +122880,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4.7: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122231,7 +122892,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(13, "Step 4.8: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122243,7 +122904,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(14, "Step 4.9: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122255,7 +122916,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(15, "Step 4.10: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId2.HasValue() ? mNodeId2.Value() : 51966ULL; @@ -122266,7 +122927,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(16, "Step 4.11: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122278,7 +122939,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(17, "Step 4.12: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122290,7 +122951,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4.13: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122302,7 +122963,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4.14: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122314,7 +122975,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(20, "Step 4.15: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122326,7 +122987,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(21, "Step 4.16: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122338,7 +122999,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(22, "Step 4.17: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122350,7 +123011,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(23, "Step 4.18: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122362,7 +123023,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(24, "Step 4.19: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122374,7 +123035,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4.20: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE using Invalid setup code"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122386,7 +123047,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH_CR2 attempts to do PASE to DUT_CE using the correct onboarding payload"); + LogStep(26, "Step 5a: TH_CR2 attempts to do PASE to DUT_CE using the correct onboarding payload"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122396,7 +123057,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_10Suite : public TestCommand return PairWithCode(kIdentityBeta, value); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(27, "Step 5b: TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -122570,7 +123231,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -122578,7 +123239,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -122590,20 +123251,20 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds"); + LogStep(4, "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 181000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -122615,7 +123276,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_23Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -122741,7 +123402,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -122749,7 +123410,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 180 seconds"); + LogStep(3, "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 180 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122759,7 +123420,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -122783,20 +123444,20 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds"); + LogStep(5, "Step 3: Wait for commissioning Window to 181 seconds"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 181000UL; return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(6, "Step 4: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 179 seconds"); + LogStep(7, "Step 5: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using ECM with a value of 179 seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122806,7 +123467,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); + LogStep(8, "Step 5a: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -122830,7 +123491,7 @@ class Test_TC_CADMIN_1_24Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6: TH_CR1 reads the window status to verify the DUT_CE window is closed"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(0), AdministratorCommissioning::Id, AdministratorCommissioning::Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -125613,14 +126274,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "DUT is put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning Window command "); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: DUT is put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning Window command "); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type value; value.commissioningTimeout = 180U; @@ -125639,14 +126300,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with " - "capital letters"); + "Step 2a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex " + "string with capital letters"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Service type must be _matterc._udp"); + LogStep(4, "Step 2b: Service type must be _matterc._udp"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -125657,8 +126318,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital " - "letter hex string"); + "Step 2c: Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or " + "sixteen capital letter hex string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("( MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -125667,8 +126328,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital " - "letter hex string"); + "Step 2c: Check target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or " + "sixteen capital letter hex string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.WIFI) && MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -125676,14 +126337,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Check Long Discriminator _L"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2d: Check Long Discriminator _L"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mDiscriminator.Value() : 3840ULL; return FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2d: Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mShortDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mShortDiscriminator.Value() : 15ULL; @@ -125691,8 +126352,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a " - "variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 2e: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded " + "as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByVendorId::Type value; @@ -125701,8 +126362,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "if (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from Data " - "Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); + "Step 2f: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from " + "Data Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByDeviceType::Type value; @@ -125710,70 +126371,71 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionableByDeviceType(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM must be present"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2g: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM must be present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode::Type value; return FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 12: { LogStep(12, - "key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be encoded as a variable-length decimal " - "value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 2h: key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be encoded as a variable-length " + "decimal value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2i: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); + LogStep(14, "Step 2j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep( - 15, - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000"); + LogStep(15, + "Step 2k: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep( - 16, - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); + LogStep(16, + "Step 2l: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) CM=1 must be present"); + LogStep(17, "Step 2m: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) CM=1 must be present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device Types and " - "must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); + "Step 2n: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device " + "Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DT_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); + LogStep(19, + "Step 2o: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DN_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -125781,8 +126443,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY ) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase " - "string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); + "Step 2p: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY ) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a " + "uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.RI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -125790,17 +126452,17 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, " - "omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); + "Step 2q: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII " + "text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PH_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep( - 22, - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes"); + LogStep(22, + "Step 2r: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length " + "of 128 bytes"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -125808,20 +126470,21 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 23: { LogStep(23, - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter messages."); + "Step 2s: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter " + "messages."); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Reboot/restart the DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3: Reboot/restart the DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(25, "Step 3: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -125840,7 +126503,7 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 27: { LogStep(27, - "DUT put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning Window command, starting advertising " + "Step 3a: DUT put in Commissioning Mode using Open Basic Commissioning Window command, starting advertising " "Commissionable Node Discovery service using DNS-SD"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -125861,14 +126524,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 29: { LogStep(29, - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with " - "capital letters and must be different from the one at step 2"); + "Step 4a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex " + "string with capital letters and must be different from the one at step 2"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "service type must be _matterc._udp"); + LogStep(30, "Step 4b: service type must be _matterc._udp"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -125879,8 +126542,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 31: { LogStep(31, - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC " - "address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); + "Step 4c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or " + "64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -125889,8 +126552,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 32: { LogStep(32, - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address expressed " - "as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); + "Step 4c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC address " + "expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -125898,14 +126561,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "Check Long Discriminator _L"); + LogStep(33, "Step 4d: Check Long Discriminator _L"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mDiscriminator.Value() : 3840ULL; return FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); + LogStep(34, "Step 4e: Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mShortDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mShortDiscriminator.Value() : 15ULL; @@ -125913,8 +126576,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 35: { LogStep(35, - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a " - "variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 4f: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, " + "encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByVendorId::Type value; @@ -125923,8 +126586,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 36: { LogStep(36, - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from Data " - "Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); + "Step 4g: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from " + "Data Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByDeviceType::Type value; @@ -125932,70 +126595,71 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionableByDeviceType(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present"); + LogStep(37, "Step 4h: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode::Type value; return FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 38: { LogStep(38, - "key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be encoded as a variable-length decimal " - "value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 4i: key D must be present and represents the discriminator which must be encoded as a variable-length " + "decimal value with up to 4 digits omitting any leading zeros"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present."); + LogStep(39, "Step 4j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present."); + LogStep(40, "Step 4k: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 41: { - LogStep( - 41, - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000"); + LogStep(41, + "Step 4l: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY ) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 42: { - LogStep( - 42, - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); + LogStep(42, + "Step 4m: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) key CM=1 must be present"); + LogStep(43, "Step 4n: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM) key CM=1 must be present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 44: { LogStep(44, - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device Types and " - "must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); + "Step 4o: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device " + "Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DT_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); + LogStep(45, + "Step 4p: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DN_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126003,8 +126667,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 46: { LogStep(46, - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase " - "string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); + "Step 4q: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a " + "uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.RI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126012,17 +126676,17 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 47: { LogStep(47, - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, " - "omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); + "Step 4r: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII " + "text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PH_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 48: { - LogStep( - 48, - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes"); + LogStep(48, + "Step 4s: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length " + "of 128 bytes"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126030,13 +126694,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 49: { LogStep(49, - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter messages."); + "Step 4t: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter " + "messages."); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 50: { - LogStep(50, "Wait for OpenBasicCommissioningWindow timeout to expire"); + LogStep(50, "Step 5: Wait for OpenBasicCommissioningWindow timeout to expire"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 180000UL; @@ -126044,7 +126709,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 51: { LogStep(51, - "DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode using Open Commissioning Window command"); + "Step 6: DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode using Open Commissioning Window " + "command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type value; @@ -126069,7 +126735,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 52: { LogStep(52, - "DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode using Open Commissioning Window command"); + "Step 6: DUT is Commissioned and instructed to enter in commissioning mode using Open Commissioning Window " + "command"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -126087,16 +126754,16 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 54: { LogStep(54, - "DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with capital " - "letters"); + "Step 7a: DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with " + "capital letters"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 55: { LogStep(55, - "Check Hostname.If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC " - "address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); + "Step 7b: Check Hostname.If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or " + "64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126105,8 +126772,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 56: { LogStep(56, - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address " - "expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); + "Step 7b: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended " + "address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126114,14 +126781,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "Check Long Discriminator _L"); + LogStep(57, "Step 7c: Check Long Discriminator _L"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mDiscriminator.Value() : 3840ULL; return FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 58: { - LogStep(58, "Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); + LogStep(58, "Step 7d: Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator::Type value; value.value = mShortDiscriminator.HasValue() ? mShortDiscriminator.Value() : 15ULL; @@ -126129,8 +126796,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 59: { LogStep(59, - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a " - "variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 7e: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded " + "as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByVendorId::Type value; @@ -126139,8 +126806,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 60: { LogStep(60, - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from Data " - "Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); + "Step 7f: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from " + "Data Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByDeviceType::Type value; @@ -126148,20 +126815,20 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionableByDeviceType(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 61: { - LogStep(61, "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present"); + LogStep(61, "Step 7g: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM) subtype _CM is present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode::Type value; return FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 62: { - LogStep(62, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present."); + LogStep(62, "Step 7h: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 63: { - LogStep(63, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); + LogStep(63, "Step 7i: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY ) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126169,9 +126836,9 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 64: { LogStep(64, - "Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Idle. if (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an " - "unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in " - "ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000"); + "Step 7j: Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Idle. if (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key " + "must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal " + "number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126179,31 +126846,32 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 65: { LogStep(65, - "Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Active. if (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be " - "an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in " - "ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); + "Step 7k: Optional TXT key for MRP Retry Interval Active. if (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key " + "must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal " + "number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 66: { - LogStep(66, "TXT key for commissioning mode. CM=2 must be present"); + LogStep(66, "Step 7l: TXT key for commissioning mode. CM=2 must be present"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 67: { LogStep(67, - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device Types and " - "must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); + "Step 7m: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device " + "Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DT_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 68: { - LogStep(68, "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); + LogStep(68, + "Step 7n: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DN_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126211,8 +126879,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 69: { LogStep(69, - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase " - "string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); + "Step 7o: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a " + "uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.RI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126220,17 +126888,17 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 70: { LogStep(70, - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, " - "omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); + "Step 7p: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII " + "text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PH_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 71: { - LogStep( - 71, - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes"); + LogStep(71, + "Step 7q: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length " + "of 128 bytes"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PI_KEY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126238,13 +126906,14 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 72: { LogStep(72, - "DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter messages"); + "Step 7r: DUT must publish AAAA records for each IPv6 address upon which they are willing to accept Matter " + "messages"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 73: { - LogStep(73, "Wait for OCW timeout to expire"); + LogStep(73, "Step 8: Wait for OCW timeout to expire"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; = 180000UL; @@ -126252,8 +126921,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 74: { LogStep(74, - "If (MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY ) enable Extended Discovery. DUT should start to send Commissionable Node " - "Discovery DNS-SD advertisements"); + "Step 9: If (MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY ) enable Extended Discovery. DUT should start to send Commissionable " + "Node Discovery DNS-SD advertisements"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126265,15 +126934,15 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 75: { LogStep(75, - "Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex string with " - "capital letters"); + "Step 10a: Check DNS-SD instance name must be 64-bit randomly selected ID expressed as a sixteen-char hex " + "string with capital letters"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 76: { - LogStep(76, "service type must be _matterc._udp"); + LogStep(76, "Step 10b: service type must be _matterc._udp"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126285,8 +126954,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 77: { LogStep(77, - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC " - "address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); + "Step 10c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.WIFI) OR (MCORE.COM.ETH) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or " + "64bit MAC address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(MCORE.COM.WIFI || MCORE.COM.ETH) && !MCORE.COM.THR && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126295,8 +126964,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 78: { LogStep(78, - "Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended address " - "expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); + "Step 10c: Check Hostname. If (MCORE.COM.THR) target hostname is derived from the 48bit or 64bit MAC extended " + "address expressed as a twelve or sixteen capital letter hex string."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!MCORE.COM.WIFI && !MCORE.COM.ETH) && MCORE.COM.THR && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126304,7 +126973,7 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 79: { - LogStep(79, "Check Long Discriminator _L"); + LogStep(79, "Step 10d: Check Long Discriminator _L"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator::Type value; @@ -126312,7 +126981,7 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 80: { - LogStep(80, "Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); + LogStep(80, "Step 10e: Check Short Discriminator (_S)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator::Type value; @@ -126321,8 +126990,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 81: { LogStep(81, - "If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, encoded as a " - "variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); + "Step 10f: If (MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE ) present, subtype _V is present must be 16-bit vendor id, " + "encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, omitting any leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VENDOR_SUBTYPE && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126332,8 +127001,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 82: { LogStep(82, - "If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type from Data " - "Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); + "Step 10g: If (MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE) present, subtype _T is present, represents device type " + "from Data Model and must be represented as a variable length decimal number in ASCII without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DEVTYPE_SUBTYPE && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126342,21 +127011,21 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionableByDeviceType(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 83: { - LogStep(83, "Check Commissioning Mode (_CM)"); + LogStep(83, "Step 10h: Check Commissioning Mode (_CM)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode::Type value; return FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 84: { - LogStep(84, "TXT key for discriminator (D)"); + LogStep(84, "Step 10i: TXT key for discriminator (D)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 85: { - LogStep(85, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present"); + LogStep(85, "Step 10j: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Vendor ID is present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126364,7 +127033,7 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 86: { - LogStep(86, "If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); + LogStep(86, "Step 10k: If (MCORE.SC.VP_KEY) present, VP key must contain at least Product ID is present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.VP_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126372,10 +127041,10 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 87: { - LogStep( - 87, - "If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); + LogStep(87, + "Step 10l: If (MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SII key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SII_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126383,10 +127052,10 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 88: { - LogStep( - 88, - "If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of milliseconds and " - "shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall not exceed 3600000."); + LogStep(88, + "Step 10m: If (MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY) present, SAI key must be an unsigned integer with units of " + "milliseconds and shall be encoded as a variable length decimal number in ASCII, omitting leading zeros. Shall " + "not exceed 3600000."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.SAI_OP_DISCOVERY_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126394,7 +127063,7 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 89: { - LogStep(89, "TXT key for commissioning mode (CM), CM=0 may be present"); + LogStep(89, "Step 10n: TXT key for commissioning mode (CM), CM=0 may be present"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DiscoveryCommands::Commands::FindCommissionable::Type value; @@ -126402,8 +127071,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 90: { LogStep(90, - "If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device Types and " - "must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); + "Step 10o: If (MCORE.SC.DT_KEY) present, DT key must contain the device type identifier from Data Model Device " + "Types and must be encoded as a variable length decimal ASCII number without leading zeros"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DT_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126411,7 +127080,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 91: { - LogStep(91, "If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); + LogStep(91, + "Step 10p: If (MCORE.SC.DN_KEY) present, DN key must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a maximum length of 32B"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.DN_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126420,8 +127090,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 92: { LogStep(92, - "If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a uppercase " - "string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); + "Step 10q: If (MCORE.SC.RI_KEY) present, key RI must include the Rotating Device Identifier encoded as a " + "uppercase string with a maximum length of 100 chars"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.RI_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126430,8 +127100,8 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 93: { LogStep(93, - "If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII text, " - "omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); + "Step 10r: If (MCORE.SC.PH_KEY) present, key PH must be encoded as a variable-length decimal number in ASCII " + "text, omitting any leading zeros. If present value must be different of 0"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PH_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -126439,9 +127109,9 @@ class Test_TC_SC_4_1Suite : public TestCommand return FindCommissionable(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 94: { - LogStep( - 94, - "If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 128 bytes"); + LogStep(94, + "Step 10s: If (MCORE.SC.PI_KEY) present, key PI must be encoded as a valid UTF-8 string with a maximum length " + "of 128 bytes"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("MCORE.SC.PI_KEY && MCORE.SC.EXTENDED_DISCOVERY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -127362,20 +128032,20 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Operate on device to change the flow significantly"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Operate on device to change the flow significantly"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.M.FlowChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -127385,7 +128055,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0000 && FLW.M.FlowChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), FlowMeasurement::Id, FlowMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -127473,20 +128143,20 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads Occupancy attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Reads Occupancy attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Operate on DUT to change the occupancy status"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Operate on DUT to change the occupancy status"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OCC.M.OccupancyChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -127496,7 +128166,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads back Occupancy attribute from DUT after few seconds"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Reads back Occupancy attribute from DUT after few seconds"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0000 && OCC.M.OccupancyChange"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), OccupancySensing::Id, OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -127994,14 +128664,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -128010,7 +128680,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 1b: H sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -128020,8 +128690,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128044,9 +128714,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep( - 5, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(5, + "Step 2b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128069,7 +128739,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128083,7 +128753,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128097,7 +128767,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128111,15 +128781,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "TStep 2f: H reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (Shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (Shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128142,9 +128812,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 16: { - LogStep( - 16, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=135, Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(16, + "Step 3b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=135, Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128167,7 +128837,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -128186,7 +128856,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -128205,7 +128875,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -128224,15 +128894,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)."); + "Step 4a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128255,7 +128925,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(27, + "TStep 4b: H sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128278,7 +128949,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128292,7 +128963,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128306,7 +128977,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(33, "Step 4e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128320,15 +128991,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 4f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { LogStep(36, - "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 " - "(immediately)"); + "Step 5a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=120, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " + "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128351,7 +129022,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + LogStep(38, + "Step 5b: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128374,7 +129046,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(40, "Step 5c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128388,7 +129060,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 5d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128402,7 +129074,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 5e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128416,19 +129088,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(46, "Step 5f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(47, "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128797,7 +129469,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -128806,7 +129478,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -128816,8 +129488,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + "Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128841,8 +129513,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); + "Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128865,7 +129537,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(7, "Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128879,7 +129551,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(9, "Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128893,7 +129565,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(11, "Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128907,15 +129579,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(13, "Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + "Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128939,8 +129611,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 16: { LogStep(16, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=54000, Direction=0x01 (longest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); + "Step 3b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=54000, Direction=0x01 (longest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -128963,7 +129635,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128977,7 +129649,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -128991,7 +129663,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129005,15 +129677,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + "Step 4a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -129037,8 +129709,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 27: { LogStep(27, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x02 (up) and TransitionTime=300 " - "(30s)"); + "Step 4b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x02 (up) and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -129061,7 +129733,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 4c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129075,7 +129747,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 31: { - LogStep(31, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(31, "Step 4d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129089,7 +129761,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(33, "Step 4e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129103,15 +129775,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 35: { - LogStep(35, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(35, "Step 4f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 36: { LogStep(36, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); + "Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -129135,8 +129807,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 38: { LogStep(38, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x03 (down) and TransitionTime=300 " - "(30s)."); + "Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x03 (down) and " + "TransitionTime=300 (30s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -129159,7 +129831,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(40, "Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129173,7 +129845,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(42, "Step 5d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129187,7 +129859,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(44, "Step 5e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129201,19 +129873,19 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(46, "Step 5f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(47, "Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 48: { - LogStep(48, "TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(48, "Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -129750,7 +130422,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -129759,7 +130431,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -129769,8 +130441,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " + "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -129794,8 +130466,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129812,7 +130484,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -129820,8 +130492,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute " - "to 0x0 (decrement hue) to DUT."); + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction " + "attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129838,7 +130510,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(8, "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, @@ -129846,8 +130518,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 (UpdateTime) and Time attribute to 30 (30s " - "for one loop) to DUT."); + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 (UpdateTime) and Time attribute to " + "30 (30s for one loop) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129864,7 +130536,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(10, "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, @@ -129872,8 +130544,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 11: { LogStep(11, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x8 (UpdateStartHue) and StartHue attribute to " - "0x00A0 to DUT."); + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x8 (UpdateStartHue) and StartHue " + "attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129890,7 +130562,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(12, "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -129898,8 +130570,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 13: { LogStep(13, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 " - "(start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); + "Step 5a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129916,14 +130588,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(14, "Step 5b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 5c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -129945,7 +130617,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(18, "Step 5d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -129960,7 +130632,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(20, "Step 5e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -129968,8 +130640,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 21: { LogStep(21, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT"); + "Step 6a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -129986,7 +130658,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 6b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -130000,7 +130672,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 6c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130008,8 +130680,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute " - "to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); + "Step 7a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction " + "attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130026,7 +130698,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 7b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, @@ -130034,8 +130706,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 27: { LogStep(27, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 " - "(start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); + "Step 8a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130052,14 +130724,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(28, "Step 8b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 29: { - LogStep(29, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(29, "Step 8c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -130081,7 +130753,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(32, "Step 8d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130096,7 +130768,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(34, "Step 8e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130104,8 +130776,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 35: { LogStep(35, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 9a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130122,7 +130794,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(36, "Step 9b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -130136,7 +130808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 38: { - LogStep(38, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(38, "Step 9c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130144,8 +130816,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 39: { LogStep(39, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 10a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " + "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -130168,7 +130840,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 41: { - LogStep(41, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(41, "Step 10b: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130176,8 +130848,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 42: { LogStep(42, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute " - "to 0x0 (decrement hue) to DUT."); + "Step 11a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction " + "attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130194,7 +130866,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(43, "Step 11b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, @@ -130202,8 +130874,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 44: { LogStep(44, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 " - "(start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT."); + "Step 12a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x2 (start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130220,14 +130892,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(45, "Step 12b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(46, "Step 12c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -130249,7 +130921,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(49, "Step 12d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130264,7 +130936,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 51: { - LogStep(51, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(51, "Step 12e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130272,8 +130944,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 52: { LogStep(52, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 13a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130290,7 +130962,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 53: { - LogStep(53, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(53, "Step 13b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -130304,7 +130976,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 55: { - LogStep(55, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(55, "Step 13c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130312,8 +130984,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 56: { LogStep(56, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute " - "to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); + "Step 14a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction " + "attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130330,7 +131002,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 57: { - LogStep(57, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(57, "Step 14b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, @@ -130338,8 +131010,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 58: { LogStep(58, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x2 " - "(start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT"); + "Step 15a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x2 (start from EnhancedCurrentHue) to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130356,14 +131028,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 59: { - LogStep(59, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(59, "Step 15b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 60: { - LogStep(60, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(60, "Step 15c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -130385,7 +131057,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 63: { - LogStep(63, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(63, "Step 15d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130400,7 +131072,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 65: { - LogStep(65, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(65, "Step 15e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130408,8 +131080,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand } case 66: { LogStep(66, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 16a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130426,7 +131098,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 67: { - LogStep(67, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(67, "Step 16b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -130440,7 +131112,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_1Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 69: { - LogStep(69, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(69, "Step 16c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130717,7 +131389,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -130726,7 +131398,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -130736,8 +131408,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " + "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -130761,8 +131433,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), " - "Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT."); + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 " + "(De-activate), Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to " + "0x00A0 to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130779,28 +131452,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(7, "Step 1c: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(8, "Step 1d: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(9, "Step 1e: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -130808,8 +131481,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 " - "(start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130826,14 +131499,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(11, "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 2c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -130855,7 +131528,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 2d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130870,7 +131543,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 2e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130878,8 +131551,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 18: { LogStep(18, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction attribute " - "to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x2 (UpdateDirection) and Direction " + "attribute to 0x1 (increment hue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130896,7 +131569,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, @@ -130918,7 +131591,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 22: { - LogStep(22, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(22, "Step 3c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130933,7 +131606,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(24, "Step 3d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -130941,8 +131614,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 25: { LogStep(25, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -130959,7 +131632,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(26, "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -130973,7 +131646,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_2Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 28: { - LogStep(28, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(28, "Step 4c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -131241,7 +131914,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.F01"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; uint8_t value; @@ -131250,7 +131923,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH sends On command to DUT"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type value; @@ -131260,8 +131933,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 3: { LogStep(3, - "TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); + "Step 0c: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=0x4000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " + "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type value; @@ -131285,8 +131958,9 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 5: { LogStep(5, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 (De-activate), " - "Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to 0x00A0 to DUT."); + "Step 1a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0xF, Action attribute to 0x0 " + "(De-activate), Direction attribute to 0x0 (decrement hue), Time attribute to 30, and StartHue attribute to " + "0x00A0 to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -131303,28 +131977,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(6, "Step 1b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(7, "Step 1c: Read ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4003 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(8, "Step 1d: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(9, "Step 1e: Read ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4005 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -131332,8 +132006,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x1 " - "(start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); + "Step 2a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x1 (start from ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -131350,14 +132024,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(11, "Step 2b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(12, "Step 2c: Read ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4006 && CC.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, @@ -131379,7 +132053,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(15, "Step 2d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -131394,14 +132068,15 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(17, "Step 2e: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 and Time attribute to 60 to DUT."); + LogStep(18, + "Step 3a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x4 and Time attribute to 60 to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -131418,7 +132093,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(19, "Step 3b: Read ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4004 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, @@ -131433,7 +132108,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(21, "Step 3c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -131448,7 +132123,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand return WaitForMs(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(23, "Step 3d: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -131456,8 +132131,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action attribute to 0x0 " - "(De-activate) to DUT."); + "Step 4a: TH sends ColorLoopSet command to with UpdateFlag attribute to 0x1 (UpdateAction) and Action " + "attribute to 0x0 (De-activate) to DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type value; @@ -131474,7 +132149,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(25, "Step 4b: Read ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4002 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, @@ -131488,7 +132163,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_9_3Suite : public TestCommand ColorControl::Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(27, "Step 4c: Read EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.F02 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C44.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), ColorControl::Id, ColorControl::Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, @@ -133721,32 +134396,32 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Reads constraints of attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Reads constraints of attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Reads constraints of attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Reads constraints of attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Operate on device to change the relative humidity significantly"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Operate on device to change the relative humidity significantly"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && RH.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -133756,7 +134431,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0000 && RH.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id, RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -133980,32 +134655,32 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_2Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: Reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Operate on device to change the temperature significantly"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: Operate on device to change the temperature significantly"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && TMP.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -134015,7 +134690,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0000 && TMP.M.ManuallyControlled"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), TemperatureMeasurement::Id, TemperatureMeasurement::Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -134873,89 +135548,91 @@ class Test_TC_S_1_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding test)"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding test)"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "Read ClusterRevision (global attribute 65533)"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: Read ClusterRevision (global attribute 65533)"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.F00)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)"); + LogStep(3, "Step 3: Read FeatureMap (global attribute 65532)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)"); + LogStep(4, "Step 4a: Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)"); + LogStep(5, "Step 4b: Read AttributeList (global attribute 65531)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.A0005)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AttributeList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "Read EventList (global attribute 65530)"); + LogStep(6, "Step 5: Read EventList (global attribute 65530)"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::EventList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); + LogStep(7, "Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); + LogStep(8, "Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.C40.Rsp)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(9, "Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.C.C40.Tx"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(10, "Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList (global attribute 65529)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.C.C40.Tx)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(11, "Step 7a: Read GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "Read optional command(EnhancedAddSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(12, + "Step 7b: Read optional command(EnhancedAddSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C40.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "Read optional command(EnhancedViewSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(13, + "Step 7c: Read optional command(EnhancedViewSceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C41.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "Read optional command(CopySceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); + LogStep(14, "Step 7d: Read optional command(CopySceneResponse) in GeneratedCommandList (global attribute 65528)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C42.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -135095,62 +135772,62 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_1Suite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL; return WaitForCommissionee(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0000) SceneCount attribute"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0000) SceneCount attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::SceneCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0001) CurrentScene attribute"); + LogStep(2, "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0001) CurrentScene attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0001"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::CurrentScene::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0002) CurrentGroup attribute"); + LogStep(3, "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0002) CurrentGroup attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0002"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::CurrentGroup::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0003) SceneValid attribute"); + LogStep(4, "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0003) SceneValid attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::SceneValid::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute"); + LogStep(5, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0003 && S.S.F00"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute"); + LogStep(6, "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0004) NameSupport attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0004 && (!S.S.F00)"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::NameSupport::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0005) LastConfiguredBy attribute"); + LogStep(7, "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0005) LastConfiguredBy attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0005"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::LastConfiguredBy::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0006) SceneTableSize attribute"); + LogStep(8, "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0006) SceneTableSize attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0006"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::SceneTableSize::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH reads from the DUT the (0x0007) RemainingCapacity attribute"); + LogStep(9, "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the (0x0007) RemainingCapacity attribute"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0007"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::RemainingCapacity::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); @@ -135651,7 +136328,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); + LogStep(3, "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetWrite::Type value; @@ -135686,7 +136363,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); + LogStep(4, "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -135709,7 +136386,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand GroupKeyManagement::Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroup::Type value; @@ -135720,7 +136397,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(6, "Step 1b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type value; @@ -135731,7 +136408,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(7, "Step 1c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -135742,7 +136419,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(8, "STep 2a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -135757,7 +136434,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 9: { - LogStep(9, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(9, "Step 2a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -135770,7 +136447,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + "Step 2b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type value; @@ -135782,7 +136460,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 11: { - LogStep(11, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(11, "Step 3a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -135797,7 +136475,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(12, "Step 3a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -135809,9 +136487,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 13: { - LogStep( - 13, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(13, + "Step 3b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -135823,42 +136501,42 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH reads the SceneCount attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(14, "Step 3c: TH reads the SceneCount attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::SceneCount::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH reads the CurrentScene attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(15, "Step 3c: TH reads the CurrentScene attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::CurrentScene::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH reads the CurrentGroup attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(16, "Step 3c: TH reads the CurrentGroup attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::CurrentGroup::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH reads the SceneValid attribute from DUT."); + LogStep(17, "Step 3c: TH reads the SceneValid attribute from DUT."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.A0000 && S.S.A0001 && S.S.A0002 && S.S.A0003"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return ReadAttribute(kIdentityAlpha, GetEndpoint(1), Scenes::Id, Scenes::Attributes::SceneValid::Id, true, chip::NullOptional); } case 18: { - LogStep(18, "Reboot target device"); + LogStep(18, "Step 4a: Reboot target device"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 19: { - LogStep(19, "Reboot target device(DUT)"); + LogStep(19, "Step 4a: Reboot target device(DUT)"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -135869,7 +136547,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 20: { - LogStep(20, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(20, "Step 4c: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -135884,7 +136562,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 21: { - LogStep(21, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(21, "Step 4c: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -135896,9 +136574,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 22: { - LogStep( - 22, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(22, + "Step 4d: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -135911,7 +136589,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 23: { LogStep(23, - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + "Step 5: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to " + "0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C01.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::ViewScene::Type value; @@ -135924,7 +136603,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 24: { LogStep(24, - "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + "Step 5: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to " + "0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C01.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::ViewScene::Type value; @@ -135936,7 +136616,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(25, "Step 6: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -135947,7 +136627,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 26: { - LogStep(26, "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(26, "Step 7a: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type value; @@ -135958,7 +136638,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 27: { - LogStep(27, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(27, "Step 7b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -135970,8 +136650,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 28: { LogStep(28, - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the " - "TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 8a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to " + "0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C00.Rsp && && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::AddScene::Type value; @@ -136025,8 +136705,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 29: { LogStep(29, - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the " - "TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 8a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to " + "0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136039,7 +136719,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 30: { - LogStep(30, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(30, "Step 8b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136050,9 +136730,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 31: { - LogStep( - 31, - "TH sends a RemoveScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(31, + "Step 9a: TH sends a RemoveScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C02.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveScene::Type value; @@ -136064,7 +136744,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 32: { - LogStep(32, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(32, "Step 9b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136075,7 +136755,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 33: { - LogStep(33, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(33, "Step 10a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -136090,7 +136770,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 34: { - LogStep(34, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(34, "Step 10a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136102,9 +136782,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 35: { - LogStep( - 35, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(35, + "Step 10b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field " + "set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -136116,7 +136796,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 36: { - LogStep(36, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(36, "Step 11a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -136131,7 +136811,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 37: { - LogStep(37, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(37, "Step 11a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136144,7 +136824,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 38: { LogStep(38, - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + "Step 11b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type value; @@ -136156,7 +136837,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 39: { - LogStep(39, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(39, "Step 12a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -136171,7 +136852,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 40: { - LogStep(40, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(40, "Step 12a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136184,7 +136865,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 41: { LogStep(41, - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x02."); + "Step 12b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x02."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type value; @@ -136196,7 +136878,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 42: { - LogStep(42, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(42, "Step 12c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136207,7 +136889,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 43: { - LogStep(43, "If capacity allows, TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); + LogStep(43, "Step 13a: If capacity allows, TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroup::Type value; @@ -136218,7 +136900,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 44: { - LogStep(44, "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); + LogStep(44, "Step 13b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type value; @@ -136229,7 +136911,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 45: { - LogStep(45, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); + LogStep(45, "Step 13c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136240,7 +136922,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 46: { - LogStep(46, "TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(46, "Step 14a: TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -136255,7 +136937,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 47: { - LogStep(47, "TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(47, "Step 14a: TH configures AC3 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136268,7 +136950,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand } case 48: { LogStep(48, - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002 and the SceneID field set to 0x03."); + "Step 14b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x03."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type value; @@ -136280,7 +136963,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_2Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 49: { - LogStep(49, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); + LogStep(49, "Step 14c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0002."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136631,7 +137314,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetWrite::Type value; @@ -136666,7 +137349,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); + LogStep(3, "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -136685,7 +137368,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand GroupKeyManagement::Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); + LogStep(4, "Step 1a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroup::Type value; @@ -136696,7 +137379,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); + LogStep(5, "Step 1b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type value; @@ -136707,7 +137390,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 6: { - LogStep(6, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); + LogStep(6, "Step 1c: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136719,8 +137402,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 7: { LogStep(7, - "TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, " - "the TransitionTime field set to 0x000a (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 2a: TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x000a (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C40.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedAddScene::Type value; @@ -136775,8 +137458,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 8: { LogStep(8, - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the " - "TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 2a: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, " + "the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 (1s) and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.C40.Rsp) && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::AddScene::Type value; @@ -136830,8 +137513,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, " - "the TransitionTime field set to 0x000a and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 2b: TH sends a EnhancedAddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x000a and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C40.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136845,8 +137528,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 10: { LogStep(10, - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the " - "TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 2b: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1, the SceneID field set to 0x01, " + "the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.C40.Rsp) && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136859,9 +137542,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 11: { - LogStep( - 11, - "TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(11, + "Step 3a: TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field " + "set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C41.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedViewScene::Type value; @@ -136873,7 +137556,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 12: { - LogStep(12, "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep( + 12, + "Step 3a: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.C41.Rsp) && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::ViewScene::Type value; @@ -136885,9 +137570,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 13: { - LogStep( - 13, - "TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(13, + "Step 3b: TH sends a EnhancedViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field " + "set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C41.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136900,7 +137585,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 14: { - LogStep(14, "TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep( + 14, + "Step 3b: TH sends a ViewScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("(!S.S.C41.Rsp) && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136913,7 +137600,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 15: { - LogStep(15, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); + LogStep(15, "Step 4: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -136924,7 +137611,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 16: { - LogStep(16, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(16, "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -136939,7 +137626,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 17: { - LogStep(17, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(17, "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136951,9 +137638,9 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 18: { - LogStep( - 18, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to group G1 with the GroupID field set to G1 and the scene ID field set to 0x01."); + LogStep(18, + "Step 5b: TH sends a RecallScene command to group G1 with the GroupID field set to G1 and the scene ID field " + "set to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -136987,8 +137674,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } case 22: { LogStep(22, - "TH sends a CopyScene command to DUT with the mode field set to 0x00, the group identifier from field set to " - "G1, the scene identifier from field set to 0x01, the group identifier to field set to G1 and the scene " + "Step 6a: TH sends a CopyScene command to DUT with the mode field set to 0x00, the group identifier from field " + "set to G1, the scene identifier from field set to 0x01, the group identifier to field set to G1 and the scene " "identifier to field set to 0x02."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C42.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; @@ -137004,7 +137691,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_3Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 23: { - LogStep(23, "TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); + LogStep(23, "Step 6b: TH sends a GetSceneMembership command to DUT with the GroupID field set to G1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C06.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type value; @@ -137223,7 +137910,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 2: { - LogStep(2, "preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); + LogStep(2, "Step 0a: preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Add KeySet"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetWrite::Type value; @@ -137258,7 +137945,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 3: { - LogStep(3, "Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); + LogStep(3, "Step 0b: Preparation step for using commands from Groups cluster: Write Group Keys"); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::DataModel::List value; @@ -137277,7 +137964,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand GroupKeyManagement::Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id, value, chip::NullOptional, chip::NullOptional); } case 4: { - LogStep(4, "TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(4, "Step 2a: TH sends a AddGroup command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("G.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroup::Type value; @@ -137288,7 +137975,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 5: { - LogStep(5, "TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); + LogStep(5, "Step 2b: TH sends a RemoveAllScenes command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C03.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type value; @@ -137300,8 +137987,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 6: { LogStep(6, - "TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01, the " - "TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); + "Step 3: TH sends a AddScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to " + "0x01, the TransitionTime field set to 0x0001 and a set of extension fields appropriate to AC1."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C00.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::AddScene::Type value; @@ -137316,7 +138003,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 7: { - LogStep(7, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(7, "Step 4a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -137331,7 +138018,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 8: { - LogStep(8, "TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(8, "Step 4a: TH configures AC1 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -137344,7 +138031,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 9: { LogStep(9, - "TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01."); + "Step 4b: TH sends a StoreScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C04.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type value; @@ -137356,7 +138044,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 10: { - LogStep(10, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(10, "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -137385,7 +138073,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand chip::NullOptional); } case 13: { - LogStep(13, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(13, "Step 5a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -137398,8 +138086,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 14: { LogStep(14, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set to 0x01 " - "and the TransitionTime field omitted."); + "Step 5b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001 and the SceneID field set " + "to 0x01 and the TransitionTime field omitted."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -137464,8 +138152,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 20: { LogStep(20, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and " - "the TransitionTime field set to 0x0032 (5s)."); + "Step 6a: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to " + "0x01 and the TransitionTime field set to 0x0032 (5s)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -137505,7 +138193,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand return UserPrompt(kIdentityAlpha, value); } case 24: { - LogStep(24, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(24, "Step 7a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type value; @@ -137520,7 +138208,7 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand ); } case 25: { - LogStep(25, "TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); + LogStep(25, "Step 7a: TH configures AC2 on DUT for all implemented application clusters supporting scenes."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -137533,8 +138221,8 @@ class Test_TC_S_2_4Suite : public TestCommand } case 26: { LogStep(26, - "TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to 0x01 and " - "the TransitionTime field set to null (no transition time override)."); + "Step 7b: TH sends a RecallScene command to DUT with the GroupID field set to 0x0001, the SceneID field set to " + "0x01 and the TransitionTime field set to null (no transition time override)."); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("S.S.C05.Rsp"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); ListFreer listFreer; chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type value; @@ -137607,116 +138295,6 @@ class Test_TC_S_3_1Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_5", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_ACL_2_5Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - -class Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACL_2_6", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_ACL_2_6Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_2Suite : public TestCommand { public: @@ -137829,61 +138407,6 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_3Suite : public TestCommand } }; -class Test_TC_ACE_1_2Suite : public TestCommand -{ -public: - Test_TC_ACE_1_2Suite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : TestCommand("Test_TC_ACE_1_2", 0, credsIssuerConfig) - { - AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId); - AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster); - AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint); - AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout); - } - - ~Test_TC_ACE_1_2Suite() {} - - chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override - { - return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); - } - -private: - chip::Optional mNodeId; - chip::Optional mCluster; - chip::Optional mEndpoint; - chip::Optional mTimeout; - - chip::EndpointId GetEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint) { return mEndpoint.HasValue() ? mEndpoint.Value() : endpoint; } - - // - // Tests methods - // - - void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override - { - bool shouldContinue = false; - - switch (mTestIndex - 1) - { - default: - LogErrorOnFailure(ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); - } - - if (shouldContinue) - { - ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR); - } - } - - CHIP_ERROR DoTestStep(uint16_t testIndex) override - { - using namespace chip::app::Clusters; - switch (testIndex) - {} - return CHIP_NO_ERROR; - } -}; - #endif // CONFIG_ENABLE_YAML_TESTS void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) @@ -137899,6 +138422,8 @@ void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * creds make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), + make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), + make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), @@ -138248,10 +138773,8 @@ void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * creds make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), @@ -138290,7 +138813,6 @@ void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * creds make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), @@ -138439,11 +138961,8 @@ void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * creds make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), - make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), #endif // CONFIG_ENABLE_YAML_TESTS }; diff --git a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h index cfb01e1f3e79fd..f8fbb9e388921f 100644 --- a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h +++ b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h @@ -2468,57 +2468,57 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsClusterRevisionAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsClusterRevisionAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001 && ACL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeExtensionInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeExtensionInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5a: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -2527,43 +2527,43 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values in " - "the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5b: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " + "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1. The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ACL.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); break; } @@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsClusterRevisionAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsClusterRevisionAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2642,7 +2642,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads ClusterRevision attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2666,7 +2666,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2682,7 +2682,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2690,7 +2690,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2712,7 +2712,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeExtensionInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeExtensionInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute (Extension) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep4cThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep5bThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2756,7 +2756,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2767,7 +2767,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -2817,32 +2817,32 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsSubjectsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsSubjectsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTargetsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTargetsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAccessControlEntriesPerFabricAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsAccessControlEntriesPerFabricAttributeFromDut_3(); break; } @@ -2887,7 +2887,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -2895,7 +2895,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsSubjectsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsSubjectsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSubjectsPerAccessControlEntryWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTargetsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTargetsPerAccessControlEntryAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2925,7 +2925,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetsPerAccessControlEntryWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads TargetsPerAccessControlEntry attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -2939,7 +2939,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAccessControlEntriesPerFabricAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsAccessControlEntriesPerFabricAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -2947,7 +2947,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAccessControlEntriesPerFabricWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads AccessControlEntriesPerFabric attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3011,64 +3011,68 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute\n"); - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0OperationalCredentialsClusterCurrentFabricIndexAttribute_1(); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex " + "attribute\n"); + err = TestStep2Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0OperationalCredentialsClusterCurrentFabricIndexAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct: Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct: Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDOkEmpty1718_3(); + err = TestStep4Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDOkEmpty1718_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep5Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061732" "0612063686172737472696E670018\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_5(); + err = TestStep6Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep7Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL " + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061732" "0612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003148656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656" "E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E0018\n"); @@ -3076,20 +3080,21 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkFull17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003148656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e0018_7(); + err = TestStep8Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkFull17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003148656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e0018_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep9Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH " + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061732" "0612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656" "E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018\n"); @@ -3097,114 +3102,116 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadLength17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003248656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e2e0018_9(); + err = TestStep10Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadLength17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003248656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e2e0018_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadStruct1518_10(); + err = TestStep11Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadStruct1518_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST " + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST " ":3701D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617" "320612063686172737472696E670018\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadList3701d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_11(); + err = TestStep12Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadList3701d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM " + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM " ":17103D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061732061206368617" "2737472696E670018\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadElem17103d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_12(); + err = TestStep13Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadElem17103d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_OVERFLOW : " + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 14: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_OVERFLOW : " "17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320" "612063686172737472696E670018FF\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadOverflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018ff_13(); + err = TestStep14Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadOverflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018ff_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_UNDERFLOW " + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 15: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_UNDERFLOW " ":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E672061732" "0612063686172737472696E6700\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadUnderflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700_14(); + err = TestStep15Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadUnderflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 16: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadNone_15(); + err = TestStep16Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadNone_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - "AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 " - "elements . first element contains Data field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second element contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 17: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " + "of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing " + "2 elements . first element contains Data field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second element contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " "17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320" "612063686172737472696E670018\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsFirstElementContainsDataFieldDOkEmpty1718SecondElementContainsDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_16(); + err = TestStep17Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsFirstElementContainsDataFieldDOkEmpty1718SecondElementContainsDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 18: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_17(); + err = TestStep18Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an empty " - "list\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 19: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is an " + "empty list\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsAnEmptyList_18(); + err = TestStep19Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsAnEmptyList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 20: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_19(); + err = TestStep20Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_19(); break; } @@ -3307,7 +3314,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mDBadNone; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -3316,7 +3323,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull CurrentFabricIndex; - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0OperationalCredentialsClusterCurrentFabricIndexAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0OperationalCredentialsClusterCurrentFabricIndexAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3326,7 +3333,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentFabricIndexWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 OperationalCredentials cluster CurrentFabricIndex attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3340,7 +3347,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3352,7 +3359,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3368,7 +3376,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDOkEmpty1718_3() + TestStep4Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDOkEmpty1718_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3388,9 +3396,9 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is " - @"list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct: Data " - @"field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, " + @"value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct: " + @"Data field: D_OK_EMPTY : 1718 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3401,7 +3409,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3413,7 +3421,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3439,7 +3448,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_5() + TestStep6Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3461,25 +3470,24 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { extensionArgument = temp_0; } - [cluster - writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - @"AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " - @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D" - @"656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, " + @"value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct " + @"Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " + @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C65206" + @"56C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3491,7 +3499,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3524,7 +3533,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkFull17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003148656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e0018_7() + TestStep8Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDOkFull17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003148656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e0018_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3549,26 +3558,26 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { extensionArgument = temp_0; } - [cluster - writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_OK_FULL " - @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C65" - @"6D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003148656C6C6F205" - @"76F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E00" - @"18 Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, " + @"value is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct " + @"Data field: D_OK_FULL " + @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C65206" + @"56C656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF020031486" + @"56C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206167616" + @"96E2E2E2E2E2E0018 Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3580,7 +3589,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -3616,7 +3626,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadLength17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003248656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e2e0018_9() + TestStep10Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadLength17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700d00000f1ff02003248656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e7420616761696e2e2e2e2e2e2e0018_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3644,13 +3654,13 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - @"AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: D_BAD_LENGTH " - @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D" - @"656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F20576F7" - @"26C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E0018 " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: " + @"D_BAD_LENGTH " + @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C65" + @"6D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700D00000F1FF02003248656C6C6F205" + @"76F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E7420616761696E2E2E2E2E2E2E" + @"0018 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -3665,7 +3675,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadStruct1518_10() + TestStep11Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadStruct1518_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3686,8 +3696,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " + NSLog(@"Step 11: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " @"D_BAD_STRUCT : 1518 Error: %@", err); @@ -3703,7 +3713,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadList3701d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_11() + TestStep12Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadList3701d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3728,11 +3738,11 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - @"AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_LIST " - @":3701D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C65" - @"6D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 12: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " + @"D_BAD_LIST " + @":3701D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C" + @"656D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -3747,7 +3757,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadElem17103d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_12() + TestStep13Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadElem17103d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3772,11 +3782,11 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list of " - @"AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: D_BAD_ELEM " - @":17103D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C69" - @"76696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 13: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " + @"D_BAD_ELEM " + @":17103D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656D656E74206C" + @"6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -3791,7 +3801,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadOverflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018ff_13() + TestStep14Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadOverflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018ff_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3816,8 +3826,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: " + NSLog(@"Step 14: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1 .struct Data field: " @"D_BAD_OVERFLOW : " @"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656" @"D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E670018FF Error: %@", @@ -3835,7 +3845,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadUnderflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700_14() + TestStep15Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1StructDataFieldDBadUnderflow17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e6700_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3860,8 +3870,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " + NSLog(@"Step 15: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1. struct Data field: " @"D_BAD_UNDERFLOW " @":17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C65" @"6D656E74206C6976696E6720617320612063686172737472696E6700 Error: %@", @@ -3879,7 +3889,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadNone_15() + TestStep16Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining1Element1structDataFieldDBadNone_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3900,9 +3910,9 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: D_BAD_NONE " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 16: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 1 element 1.struct Data field: " + @"D_BAD_NONE Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -3917,7 +3927,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsFirstElementContainsDataFieldDOkEmpty1718SecondElementContainsDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_16() + TestStep17Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsValueIsListOfAccessControlExtensionStructContaining2ElementsFirstElementContainsDataFieldDOkEmpty1718SecondElementContainsDataFieldDOkSingle17d00000f1ff01003d48656c6c6f20576f726c642e205468697320697320612073696e676c6520656c656d656e74206c6976696e6720617320612063686172737472696e670018_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3948,8 +3958,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is list " - @"of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . value is list of " + NSLog(@"Step 17: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value " + @"is list of AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . value is list of " @"AccessControlExtensionStruct containing 2 elements . first element contains Data " @"field: D_OK_EMPTY 1718 . second element contains Data field: D_OK_SINGLE " @"17D00000F1FF01003D48656C6C6F20576F726C642E205468697320697320612073696E676C6520656C656" @@ -3967,7 +3977,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -3979,7 +3989,9 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 18: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -4004,7 +4016,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsAnEmptyList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep19Th1WritesDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttributeValueIsAnEmptyList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -4018,8 +4030,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeExtensionWithValue:extensionArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, value is " - @"an empty list Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 19: TH1 writes DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute, " + @"value is an empty list Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -4030,7 +4042,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep20Th1ReadsDutEndpoint0AccessControlClusterExtensionAttribute_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -4042,7 +4054,9 @@ class Test_TC_ACL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeExtensionWithParams:params completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 20: TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster Extension attribute Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -5538,8 +5552,8 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrievedForTh1_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH1\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrievedForTh1_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH1 reads the fabric index\n"); @@ -5556,12 +5570,12 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestStep23Th1PutsDutIntoCommissioningModeTh2CommissionsDutUsingAdminNodeIdN2_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Open Commissioning Window from alpha\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: Open Commissioning Window from alpha\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestOpenCommissioningWindowFromAlpha_3(); + err = TestStep2OpenCommissioningWindowFromAlpha_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Waiting after opening commissioning window\n"); @@ -5572,12 +5586,12 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitingAfterOpeningCommissioningWindow_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Commission from TH2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: Commission from TH2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCommissionFromTh2_5(); + err = TestStep3CommissionFromTh2_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved for TH2\n"); @@ -5588,28 +5602,29 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrievedForTh2_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH2 reads the fabric index\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2ReadsTheFabricIndex_7(); + err = TestStep4Th2ReadsTheFabricIndex_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH2 reads the fabric index\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2ReadsTheFabricIndex_8(); + err = TestStep4Th2ReadsTheFabricIndex_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the commissioner node ID from the alpha fabric\n"); err = TestReadTheCommissionerNodeIdFromTheAlphaFabric_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster\n"); - err = TestTh1WritesAclGivingViewPrivilegeForDescriptorCluster_10(); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5: TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster\n"); + err = TestStep5Th1WritesAclGivingViewPrivilegeForDescriptorCluster_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the commissioner node ID from the beta fabric\n"); @@ -5620,80 +5635,80 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestReadTheCommissionerNodeIdFromTheBetaFabric_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_12(); + err = TestStep6Th2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_13(); + err = TestStep6Th2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS\n"); - err = TestTh1ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectSuccess_14(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 7: TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS\n"); + err = TestStep7Th1ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectSuccess_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); - err = TestTh1ReadsBasicClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_15(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 8: TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); + err = TestStep8Th1ReadsBasicClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_16(); + err = TestStep9Th2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_17(); + err = TestStep9Th2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_18(); + err = TestStep10Th2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH2 writes Extension attribute value as empty list\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh2WritesExtensionAttributeValueAsEmptyList_19(); + err = TestStep10Th2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH1 resets ACL to default\n"); - err = TestTh1ResetsAclToDefault_20(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 11: TH1 resets ACL to default\n"); + err = TestStep11Th1ResetsAclToDefault_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_21(); + err = TestStep12Th1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_22(); + err = TestStep12Th1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_22(); break; } @@ -5799,7 +5814,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mPakeVerifier; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrievedForTh1_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrievedForTh1_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -5842,7 +5857,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestOpenCommissioningWindowFromAlpha_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2OpenCommissioningWindowFromAlpha_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -5867,7 +5882,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.salt = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"SPAKE2P Key Salt" length:16]; [cluster openCommissioningWindowWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Open Commissioning Window from alpha Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Open Commissioning Window from alpha Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -5885,7 +5900,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCommissionFromTh2_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3CommissionFromTh2_5() { chip::app::Clusters::CommissionerCommands::Commands::PairWithCode::Type value; @@ -5903,7 +5918,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull th2FabricIndex; - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2ReadsTheFabricIndex_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4Th2ReadsTheFabricIndex_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("beta"); @@ -5913,7 +5928,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentFabricIndexWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH2 reads the fabric index Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH2 reads the fabric index Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -5927,7 +5942,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2ReadsTheFabricIndex_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4Th2ReadsTheFabricIndex_8() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -5950,7 +5965,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { }); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1WritesAclGivingViewPrivilegeForDescriptorCluster_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5Th1WritesAclGivingViewPrivilegeForDescriptorCluster_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -5998,7 +6013,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeACLWithValue:aclArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH1 writes ACL giving view privilege for descriptor cluster Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6021,7 +6036,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { }); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6Th2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("beta"); @@ -6069,7 +6084,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeACLWithValue:aclArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH2 writes ACL giving view privilge for basic cluster Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6079,7 +6094,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6Th2WritesAclGivingViewPrivilgeForBasicCluster_13() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -6089,7 +6104,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectSuccess_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7Th1ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectSuccess_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6097,7 +6112,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDeviceTypeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH1 reads descriptor cluster - expect SUCCESS Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6107,7 +6122,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsBasicClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8Th1ReadsBasicClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6115,7 +6130,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeVendorIDWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH1 reads basic cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) : 0, @@ -6126,7 +6141,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9Th2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("beta"); @@ -6134,7 +6149,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDeviceTypeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH2 reads descriptor cluster - expect UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) : 0, @@ -6145,7 +6160,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9Th2ReadsDescriptorClusterExpectUnsupportedAccess_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -6155,7 +6170,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10Th2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("beta"); @@ -6163,7 +6178,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeVendorIDWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH2 reads basic cluster - expect SUCCESS Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6173,7 +6188,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh2WritesExtensionAttributeValueAsEmptyList_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10Th2ReadsBasicClusterExpectSuccess_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -6183,7 +6198,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ResetsAclToDefault_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11Th1ResetsAclToDefault_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6208,7 +6223,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeACLWithValue:aclArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 resets ACL to default Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: TH1 resets ACL to default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6218,7 +6233,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12Th1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6232,7 +6247,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster removeFabricWithParams:params completion:^( MTROperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: TH1 sends RemoveFabric command for TH2 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6242,7 +6257,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACE_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12Th1SendsRemoveFabricCommandForTh2_22() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -6292,31 +6307,31 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BOOL.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -6324,7 +6339,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !BOOL.S.E00 ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -6386,7 +6401,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -6394,7 +6409,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6402,7 +6417,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6418,7 +6433,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6426,7 +6441,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6442,7 +6457,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6450,7 +6465,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6469,7 +6484,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6477,7 +6492,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6493,7 +6508,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6501,7 +6516,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6557,16 +6572,16 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BOOL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadMandatoryNonGlobalAttributeStateValue_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadMandatoryNonGlobalAttributeStateValue_1(); break; } @@ -6605,7 +6620,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -6613,7 +6628,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadMandatoryNonGlobalAttributeStateValue_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadMandatoryNonGlobalAttributeStateValue_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6621,7 +6636,7 @@ class Test_TC_BOOL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStateValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read mandatory non-global attribute: StateValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6672,136 +6687,142 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductNameInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeProductNameInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeNodeLabelInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeNodeLabelInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionStringInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionStringInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionStringInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionStringInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_14(); + err = TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_15(); + err = TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_16(); + err = TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_17(); + err = TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 5a: TH reads optional event(StartUp) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -6809,7 +6830,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 5b: TH reads optional attribute(ShutDown) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E01")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -6817,7 +6838,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 5c: TH reads optional attribute(Leave) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BRBINFO.S.E02")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -6826,21 +6847,21 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 21 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the DUT response provides a list of " - "supported events.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 5d: Read EventList attribute from the DUT and Verify that the DUT response provides a " + "list of supported events.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseProvidesAListOfSupportedEvents_21(); + err = TestStep5dReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseProvidesAListOfSupportedEvents_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestTh1ReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_22(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 6: TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6Th1ReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestTh1ReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_23(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 7: TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep7Th1ReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_23(); break; } @@ -6945,7 +6966,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -6953,7 +6974,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6963,7 +6984,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -6979,7 +7000,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -6989,7 +7010,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7005,7 +7026,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7015,7 +7036,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7033,7 +7054,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7043,7 +7064,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7056,7 +7077,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7066,7 +7087,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7079,7 +7100,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductNameInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeProductNameInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7089,7 +7110,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7102,7 +7123,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeNodeLabelInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeNodeLabelInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7112,7 +7133,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(NodeLabel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7125,7 +7146,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7135,7 +7156,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersion) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7148,7 +7169,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionStringInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeHardwareVersionStringInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7158,7 +7179,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(HardwareVersionString) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7171,7 +7192,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7181,7 +7202,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersion) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7194,7 +7215,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionStringInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeSoftwareVersionStringInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7204,7 +7225,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(SoftwareVersionString) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7217,7 +7238,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7227,7 +7248,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7240,7 +7261,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7250,7 +7271,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7263,7 +7284,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7273,7 +7294,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7286,7 +7307,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7296,7 +7317,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7309,7 +7330,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7319,7 +7340,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7332,7 +7353,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7342,7 +7363,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7355,7 +7376,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseProvidesAListOfSupportedEvents_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseProvidesAListOfSupportedEvents_21() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -7365,7 +7386,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6Th1ReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7375,7 +7396,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH1 reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7391,7 +7412,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7Th1ReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7401,7 +7422,7 @@ class Test_TC_BRBINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH1 reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7457,44 +7478,44 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ACT.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSetupURLInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeSetupURLInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_7(); break; } @@ -7551,7 +7572,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -7559,7 +7580,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7567,7 +7588,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7583,7 +7604,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7591,7 +7612,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7607,7 +7628,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7615,7 +7636,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7635,7 +7656,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSetupURLInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeSetupURLInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7643,7 +7664,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(SetupURL) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7656,7 +7677,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -7666,7 +7687,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7674,7 +7695,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7686,7 +7707,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7694,7 +7715,7 @@ class Test_TC_ACT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7750,85 +7771,85 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BIND.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BIND.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; } @@ -7885,7 +7906,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -7893,7 +7914,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7901,7 +7922,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7917,7 +7938,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7925,7 +7946,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7941,7 +7962,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -7949,7 +7970,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -7969,7 +7990,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -7980,7 +8001,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -7991,7 +8012,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -8002,7 +8023,7 @@ class Test_TC_BIND_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -8052,621 +8073,664 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !CC.S.F00 && !CC.S.F01 && !CC.S.F02 && !CC.S.F03 && !CC.S.F04 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCcsf00hsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenCcsf00hsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCCSF01EHueEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenCCSF01EHueEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCcsf02clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenCcsf02clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCcsf03xyEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenCcsf03xyEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3f: Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCcsf04ctEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep3fGivenCcsf04ctEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentHueInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentHueInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentSaturationInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentSaturationInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeRemainingTimeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheOptionalAttributeRemainingTimeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentXInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentXInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentYInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentYInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDriftCompensationInAttributeList_14(); + err = TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeDriftCompensationInAttributeList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4h: Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCompensationTextInAttributeList_15(); + err = TestStep4hReadTheOptionalAttributeCompensationTextInAttributeList_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4i: Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_16(); + err = TestStep4iReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4j: Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeNumberOfPrimariesInAttributeList_17(); + err = TestStep4jReadTheOptionalAttributeNumberOfPrimariesInAttributeList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4k: Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1XInAttributeList_18(); + err = TestStep4kReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1XInAttributeList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4l: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1YInAttributeList_19(); + err = TestStep4lReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1YInAttributeList_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4m: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1IntensityInAttributeList_20(); + err = TestStep4mReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1IntensityInAttributeList_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4n: Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2XInAttributeList_21(); + err = TestStep4nReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2XInAttributeList_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4o: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0016")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2YInAttributeList_22(); + err = TestStep4oReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2YInAttributeList_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4p: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2IntensityInAttributeList_23(); + err = TestStep4pReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2IntensityInAttributeList_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 4q: Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0019")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3XInAttributeList_24(); + err = TestStep4qReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3XInAttributeList_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4r: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3YInAttributeList_25(); + err = TestStep4rReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3YInAttributeList_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4s: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A001b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3IntensityInAttributeList_26(); + err = TestStep4sReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3IntensityInAttributeList_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4t: Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4XInAttributeList_27(); + err = TestStep4tReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4XInAttributeList_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 4u: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4YInAttributeList_28(); + err = TestStep4uReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4YInAttributeList_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 4v: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0022")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4IntensityInAttributeList_29(); + err = TestStep4vReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4IntensityInAttributeList_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 4w: Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0024")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5XInAttributeList_30(); + err = TestStep4wReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5XInAttributeList_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 4x: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0025")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5YInAttributeList_31(); + err = TestStep4xReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5YInAttributeList_31(); break; case 32: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 4y: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0026")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5IntensityInAttributeList_32(); + err = TestStep4yReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5IntensityInAttributeList_32(); break; case 33: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 4z: Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0028")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6XInAttributeList_33(); + err = TestStep4zReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6XInAttributeList_33(); break; case 34: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 4a1: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0029")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6YInAttributeList_34(); + err = TestStep4a1ReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6YInAttributeList_34(); break; case 35: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 4a2: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A002a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6IntensityInAttributeList_35(); + err = TestStep4a2ReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6IntensityInAttributeList_35(); break; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 4a3: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointXInAttributeList_36(); + err = TestStep4a3ReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointXInAttributeList_36(); break; case 37: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 4a4: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointYInAttributeList_37(); + err = TestStep4a4ReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointYInAttributeList_37(); break; case 38: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 4a5: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0032")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRXInAttributeList_38(); + err = TestStep4a5ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRXInAttributeList_38(); break; case 39: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 4a6: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRYInAttributeList_39(); + err = TestStep4a6ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRYInAttributeList_39(); break; case 40: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 40 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 4a7: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0034")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRIntensityInAttributeList_40(); + err = TestStep4a7ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRIntensityInAttributeList_40(); break; case 41: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : Step 4a8: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0036")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGXInAttributeList_41(); + err = TestStep4a8ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGXInAttributeList_41(); break; case 42: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 4a9: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0037")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGYInAttributeList_42(); + err = TestStep4a9ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGYInAttributeList_42(); break; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 4a10: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0038")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGIntensityInAttributeList_43(); + err = TestStep4a10ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGIntensityInAttributeList_43(); break; case 44: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 4a11: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBXInAttributeList_44(); + err = TestStep4a11ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBXInAttributeList_44(); break; case 45: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 4a12: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBYInAttributeList_45(); + err = TestStep4a12ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBYInAttributeList_45(); break; case 46: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : Step 4a13: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBIntensityInAttributeList_46(); + err = TestStep4a13ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBIntensityInAttributeList_46(); break; case 47: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : Step 4a14: Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueInAttributeList_47(); + err = TestStep4a14ReadTheOptionalAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueInAttributeList_47(); break; case 48: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : Step 4a15: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopActiveInAttributeList_48(); + err = TestStep4a15ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopActiveInAttributeList_48(); break; case 49: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 49 : Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 49 : Step 4a16: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopDirectionInAttributeList_49(); + err = TestStep4a16ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopDirectionInAttributeList_49(); break; case 50: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 50 : Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 50 : Step 4a17: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopTimeInAttributeList_50(); + err = TestStep4a17ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopTimeInAttributeList_50(); break; case 51: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 51 : Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 51 : Step 4a18: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueInAttributeList_51(); + err = TestStep4a18ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueInAttributeList_51(); break; case 52: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 52 : Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 52 : Step 4a19: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueInAttributeList_52(); + err = TestStep4a19ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueInAttributeList_52(); break; case 53: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 53 : Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 53 : Step 4a20: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsInAttributeList_53(); + err = TestStep4a20ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsInAttributeList_53(); break; case 54: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 54 : Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 54 : Step 4a21: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsInAttributeList_54(); + err = TestStep4a21ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsInAttributeList_54(); break; case 55: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 55 : Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 55 : Step 4a22: Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsInAttributeList_55(); + err = TestStep4a22ReadTheOptionalAttributeCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsInAttributeList_55(); break; case 56: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 56 : Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 56 : Step 4a23: Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_56(); + err = TestStep4a23ReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_56(); break; case 57: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 57 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 57 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 58: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 58 : Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 58 : Step 6a: Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_58(); + err = TestStep6aReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_58(); break; case 59: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 59 : Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 59 : Step 6b: Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_59(); + err = TestStep6bReadTheOptionalCommandMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_59(); break; case 60: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 60 : Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 60 : Step 6c: Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_60(); + err = TestStep6cReadTheOptionalCommandStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_60(); break; case 61: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 61 : Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 61 : Step 6d: Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_61(); + err = TestStep6dReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_61(); break; case 62: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 62 : Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 62 : Step 6e: Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_62(); + err = TestStep6eReadTheOptionalCommandMoveSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_62(); break; case 63: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 63 : Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 63 : Step 6f: Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_63(); + err = TestStep6fReadTheOptionalCommandStepSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_63(); break; case 64: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 64 : Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 64 : Step 6g: Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_64(); + err = TestStep6gReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_64(); break; case 65: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 65 : Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 65 : Step 6h: Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorInAcceptedCommandList_65(); + err = TestStep6hReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorInAcceptedCommandList_65(); break; case 66: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 66 : Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 66 : Step 6i: Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorInAcceptedCommandList_66(); + err = TestStep6iReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorInAcceptedCommandList_66(); break; case 67: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 67 : Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 67 : Step 6j: Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C09.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorInAcceptedCommandList_67(); + err = TestStep6jReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorInAcceptedCommandList_67(); break; case 68: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 68 : Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 68 : Step 6k: Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_68(); + err = TestStep6kReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_68(); break; case 69: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 69 : Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 69 : Step 6l: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_69(); + err = TestStep6lReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_69(); break; case 70: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 70 : Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 70 : Step 6m: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_70(); + err = TestStep6mReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_70(); break; case 71: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 71 : Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 71 : Step 6n: Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C42.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_71(); + err = TestStep6nReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_71(); break; case 72: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 72 : Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 72 : Step 6o: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in " + "AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C43.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_72(); + err = TestStep6oReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_72(); break; case 73: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 73 : Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 73 : Step 6p: Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C44.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandColorLoopSetInAcceptedCommandList_73(); + err = TestStep6pReadTheOptionalCommandColorLoopSetInAcceptedCommandList_73(); break; case 74: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 74 : Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 74 : Step 6q: Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C47.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStopMoveStepInAcceptedCommandList_74(); + err = TestStep6qReadTheOptionalCommandStopMoveStepInAcceptedCommandList_74(); break; case 75: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 75 : Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 75 : Step 6r: Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_75(); + err = TestStep6rReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_75(); break; case 76: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 76 : Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 76 : Step 6s: Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.C4c.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_76(); + err = TestStep6sReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_76(); break; case 77: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 77 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_77(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 77 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_77(); break; } @@ -8933,7 +8997,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -8941,7 +9005,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -8949,7 +9013,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -8965,7 +9029,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -8973,7 +9037,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -8989,7 +9053,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCcsf00hsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenCcsf00hsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -8997,7 +9061,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given CC.S.F00(HS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9008,7 +9072,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCCSF01EHueEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenCCSF01EHueEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9016,7 +9080,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given CC.S.F01(EHue) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9027,7 +9091,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCcsf02clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenCcsf02clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9035,7 +9099,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given CC.S.F02(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9046,7 +9110,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCcsf03xyEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenCcsf03xyEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9054,7 +9118,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given CC.S.F03(XY) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9065,7 +9129,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCcsf04ctEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fGivenCcsf04ctEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9073,7 +9137,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Given CC.S.F04(CT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9084,7 +9148,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9092,7 +9156,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9114,7 +9178,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentHueInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentHueInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9122,7 +9186,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9135,7 +9199,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentSaturationInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentSaturationInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9143,7 +9207,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentSaturation) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9156,7 +9220,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeRemainingTimeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheOptionalAttributeRemainingTimeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9164,7 +9228,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(RemainingTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9177,7 +9241,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentXInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentXInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9185,7 +9249,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(CurrentX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9198,7 +9262,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentYInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentYInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9206,7 +9270,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(CurrentY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9219,7 +9283,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDriftCompensationInAttributeList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeDriftCompensationInAttributeList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9227,7 +9291,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(DriftCompensation) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9240,7 +9304,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCompensationTextInAttributeList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hReadTheOptionalAttributeCompensationTextInAttributeList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9248,7 +9312,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: Read the optional attribute(CompensationText) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9261,7 +9325,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9269,7 +9333,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: Read the optional attribute(ColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9282,7 +9346,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeNumberOfPrimariesInAttributeList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jReadTheOptionalAttributeNumberOfPrimariesInAttributeList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9290,7 +9354,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: Read the optional attribute(NumberOfPrimaries) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9303,7 +9367,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1XInAttributeList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4kReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1XInAttributeList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9311,7 +9375,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4k: Read the optional attribute(Primary1X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9324,7 +9388,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1YInAttributeList_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4lReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1YInAttributeList_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9332,7 +9396,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4l: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9345,7 +9409,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1IntensityInAttributeList_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4mReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary1IntensityInAttributeList_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9353,7 +9417,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4m: Read the optional attribute(Primary1Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9366,7 +9430,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2XInAttributeList_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4nReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2XInAttributeList_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9374,7 +9438,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4n: Read the optional attribute(Primary2X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9387,7 +9451,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2YInAttributeList_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4oReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2YInAttributeList_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9395,7 +9459,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4o: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9408,7 +9472,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2IntensityInAttributeList_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4pReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary2IntensityInAttributeList_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9416,7 +9480,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4p: Read the optional attribute(Primary2Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9429,7 +9493,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3XInAttributeList_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4qReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3XInAttributeList_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9437,7 +9501,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4q: Read the optional attribute(Primary3X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9450,7 +9514,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3YInAttributeList_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4rReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3YInAttributeList_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9458,7 +9522,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4r: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9471,7 +9535,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3IntensityInAttributeList_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4sReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary3IntensityInAttributeList_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9479,7 +9543,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4s: Read the optional attribute(Primary3Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9492,7 +9556,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4XInAttributeList_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4tReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4XInAttributeList_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9500,7 +9564,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4t: Read the optional attribute(Primary4X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9513,7 +9577,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4YInAttributeList_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4uReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4YInAttributeList_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9521,7 +9585,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4u: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9534,7 +9598,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4IntensityInAttributeList_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4vReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary4IntensityInAttributeList_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9542,7 +9606,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4v: Read the optional attribute(Primary4Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9555,7 +9619,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5XInAttributeList_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4wReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5XInAttributeList_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9563,7 +9627,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4w: Read the optional attribute(Primary5X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9576,7 +9640,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5YInAttributeList_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4xReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5YInAttributeList_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9584,7 +9648,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4x: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9597,7 +9661,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5IntensityInAttributeList_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4yReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary5IntensityInAttributeList_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9605,7 +9669,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4y: Read the optional attribute(Primary5Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9618,7 +9682,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6XInAttributeList_33() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4zReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6XInAttributeList_33() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9626,7 +9690,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4z: Read the optional attribute(Primary6X) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9639,7 +9703,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6YInAttributeList_34() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a1ReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6YInAttributeList_34() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9647,7 +9711,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a1: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Y) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9660,7 +9724,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6IntensityInAttributeList_35() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a2ReadTheOptionalAttributePrimary6IntensityInAttributeList_35() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9668,7 +9732,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a2: Read the optional attribute(Primary6Intensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9681,7 +9745,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointXInAttributeList_36() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a3ReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointXInAttributeList_36() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9689,7 +9753,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a3: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9702,7 +9766,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointYInAttributeList_37() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a4ReadTheOptionalAttributeWhitePointYInAttributeList_37() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9710,7 +9774,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a4: Read the optional attribute(WhitePointY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9723,7 +9787,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRXInAttributeList_38() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a5ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRXInAttributeList_38() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9731,7 +9795,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a5: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9744,7 +9808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRYInAttributeList_39() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a6ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRYInAttributeList_39() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9752,7 +9816,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a6: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9765,7 +9829,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRIntensityInAttributeList_40() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a7ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointRIntensityInAttributeList_40() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9773,7 +9837,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a7: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointRIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9786,7 +9850,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGXInAttributeList_41() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a8ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGXInAttributeList_41() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9794,7 +9858,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a8: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9807,7 +9871,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGYInAttributeList_42() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a9ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGYInAttributeList_42() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9815,7 +9879,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a9: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9828,7 +9892,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGIntensityInAttributeList_43() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a10ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointGIntensityInAttributeList_43() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9836,7 +9900,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a10: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointGIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9849,7 +9913,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBXInAttributeList_44() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a11ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBXInAttributeList_44() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9857,7 +9921,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a11: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBX) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9870,7 +9934,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBYInAttributeList_45() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a12ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBYInAttributeList_45() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9878,7 +9942,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a12: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBY) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9891,7 +9955,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBIntensityInAttributeList_46() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a13ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorPointBIntensityInAttributeList_46() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9899,7 +9963,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a13: Read the optional attribute(ColorPointBIntensity) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9912,7 +9976,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueInAttributeList_47() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a14ReadTheOptionalAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueInAttributeList_47() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9920,7 +9984,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a14: Read the optional attribute(EnhancedCurrentHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9933,7 +9997,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopActiveInAttributeList_48() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a15ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopActiveInAttributeList_48() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9941,7 +10005,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a15: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopActive) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9954,7 +10018,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopDirectionInAttributeList_49() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a16ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopDirectionInAttributeList_49() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9962,7 +10026,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a16: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopDirection) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9975,7 +10039,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopTimeInAttributeList_50() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a17ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopTimeInAttributeList_50() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -9983,7 +10047,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a17: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -9996,7 +10060,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueInAttributeList_51() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a18ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueInAttributeList_51() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10004,7 +10068,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a18: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10017,7 +10081,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueInAttributeList_52() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a19ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueInAttributeList_52() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10025,7 +10089,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a19: Read the optional attribute(ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10038,7 +10102,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsInAttributeList_53() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a20ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsInAttributeList_53() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10046,7 +10110,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a20: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10059,7 +10123,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsInAttributeList_54() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a21ReadTheOptionalAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsInAttributeList_54() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10067,7 +10131,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a21: Read the optional attribute(ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10080,7 +10144,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsInAttributeList_55() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a22ReadTheOptionalAttributeCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsInAttributeList_55() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10088,7 +10152,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a22: Read the optional attribute(CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10101,7 +10165,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_56() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a23ReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsInAttributeList_56() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10109,7 +10173,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a23: Read the optional attribute(StartUpColorTemperatureMireds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10122,7 +10186,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_58() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_58() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10130,7 +10194,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read the optional command(MoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10143,7 +10207,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_59() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadTheOptionalCommandMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_59() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10151,7 +10215,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Read the optional command(MoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10164,7 +10228,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_60() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cReadTheOptionalCommandStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_60() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10172,7 +10236,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: Read the optional command(StepHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10185,7 +10249,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_61() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_61() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10193,7 +10257,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: Read the optional command(MoveToSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10206,7 +10270,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_62() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6eReadTheOptionalCommandMoveSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_62() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10214,7 +10278,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6e: Read the optional command(MoveSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10227,7 +10291,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_63() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6fReadTheOptionalCommandStepSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_63() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10235,7 +10299,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6f: Read the optional command(StepSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10248,7 +10312,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_64() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6gReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_64() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10256,7 +10320,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6g: Read the optional command(MoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10269,7 +10333,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorInAcceptedCommandList_65() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6hReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorInAcceptedCommandList_65() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10277,7 +10341,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6h: Read the optional command(MoveToColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10290,7 +10354,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorInAcceptedCommandList_66() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6iReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorInAcceptedCommandList_66() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10298,7 +10362,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6i: Read the optional command(MoveColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10311,7 +10375,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorInAcceptedCommandList_67() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6jReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorInAcceptedCommandList_67() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10319,7 +10383,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6j: Read the optional command(StepColor) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10332,7 +10396,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_68() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6kReadTheOptionalCommandMoveToColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_68() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10340,7 +10404,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6k: Read the optional command(MoveToColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10353,7 +10417,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_69() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6lReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueInAcceptedCommandList_69() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10361,7 +10425,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6l: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10374,7 +10438,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_70() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6mReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveHueInAcceptedCommandList_70() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10382,7 +10446,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6m: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10395,7 +10459,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_71() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6nReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedStepHueInAcceptedCommandList_71() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10403,7 +10467,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6n: Read the optional command(EnhancedStepHue) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10416,7 +10480,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_72() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6oReadTheOptionalCommandEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationInAcceptedCommandList_72() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10424,7 +10488,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6o: Read the optional command(EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10437,7 +10501,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandColorLoopSetInAcceptedCommandList_73() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6pReadTheOptionalCommandColorLoopSetInAcceptedCommandList_73() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10445,7 +10509,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6p: Read the optional command(ColorLoopSet) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10458,7 +10522,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStopMoveStepInAcceptedCommandList_74() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6qReadTheOptionalCommandStopMoveStepInAcceptedCommandList_74() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10466,7 +10530,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6q: Read the optional command(StopMoveStep) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10479,7 +10543,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_75() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6rReadTheOptionalCommandMoveColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_75() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10487,7 +10551,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6r: Read the optional command(MoveColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10500,7 +10564,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_76() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6sReadTheOptionalCommandStepColorTemperatureInAcceptedCommandList_76() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10508,7 +10572,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6s: Read the optional command(StepColorTemperature) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10521,7 +10585,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_77() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_77() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -10529,7 +10593,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -10585,465 +10649,466 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsRemainingTimeAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsRemainingTimeAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsDriftCompensationAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsDriftCompensationAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCompensationTextAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep8ThReadsCompensationTextAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep9ThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep10ThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads Options attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: TH reads Options attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionsAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep11ThReadsOptionsAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep12ThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep13ThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 14: TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorLoopActiveAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep14ThReadsColorLoopActiveAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 15: TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorLoopDirectionAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep15ThReadsColorLoopDirectionAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 16: TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorLoopTimeAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep16ThReadsColorLoopTimeAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 17: TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorLoopStartEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep17ThReadsColorLoopStartEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 18: TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep18ThReadsColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT\n"); - err = TestSavingForComparisionInStep19ReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_18(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 18a: Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep18aSavingForComparisionInStep19ReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 19: TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorCapabilitiesAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep19ThReadsColorCapabilitiesAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 20: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_20(); + err = TestStep20ThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 21: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep21ThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 22: TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A400d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep22ThReadsCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 23: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep23ThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 24: TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfPrimariesAttributeFromDut_24(); + err = TestStep24ThReadsNumberOfPrimariesAttributeFromDut_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 25: TH reads Primary1X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary1XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_25(); + err = TestStep25ThReadsPrimary1XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 26: TH reads Primary1Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary1YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_26(); + err = TestStep26ThReadsPrimary1YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_26(); break; case 27: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 27: TH reads Primary1Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 1 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary1IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_27(); + err = TestStep27ThReadsPrimary1IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_27(); break; case 28: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 28: TH reads Primary2X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary2XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_28(); + err = TestStep28ThReadsPrimary2XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 29 : TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 29: TH reads Primary2Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0016")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary2YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_29(); + err = TestStep29ThReadsPrimary2YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_29(); break; case 30: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 30 : TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 30: TH reads Primary2Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 2 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary2IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_30(); + err = TestStep30ThReadsPrimary2IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_30(); break; case 31: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 31: TH reads Primary3X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0019")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary3XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_31(); + err = TestStep31ThReadsPrimary3XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_31(); break; case 32: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 32: TH reads Primary3Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary3YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_32(); + err = TestStep32ThReadsPrimary3YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_32(); break; case 33: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 33 : TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 33: TH reads Primary3Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 3 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A001b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary3IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_33(); + err = TestStep33ThReadsPrimary3IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_33(); break; case 34: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 34 : TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 34: TH reads Primary4X attribute from DUT Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary4XAttributeFromDutVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_34(); + err = TestStep34ThReadsPrimary4XAttributeFromDutVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_34(); break; case 35: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 35 : TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 35: TH reads Primary4Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary4YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_35(); + err = TestStep35ThReadsPrimary4YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_35(); break; case 36: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 36: TH reads Primary4Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 4 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0022")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary4IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_36(); + err = TestStep36ThReadsPrimary4IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_36(); break; case 37: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 37 : TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 37: TH reads Primary5X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0024")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary5XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_37(); + err = TestStep37ThReadsPrimary5XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_37(); break; case 38: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 38 : TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 38: TH reads Primary5Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0025")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary5YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_38(); + err = TestStep38ThReadsPrimary5YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_38(); break; case 39: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 39 : TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 39: TH reads Primary5Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 5 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0026")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary5IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_39(); + err = TestStep39ThReadsPrimary5IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_39(); break; case 40: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 40 : TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 40: TH reads Primary6X attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0028")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary6XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_40(); + err = TestStep40ThReadsPrimary6XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_40(); break; case 41: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 41 : TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an uint16 " - "[Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 41 : Step 41: TH reads Primary6Y attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " + "uint16 [Min:0 Max:0xfeff] if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A0029")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary6YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_41(); + err = TestStep41ThReadsPrimary6YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_41(); break; case 42: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 42 : TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response contains an " - "uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); + " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 42: TH reads Primary6Intensity attribute from DUT and Verify that the DUT response " + "contains an uint8 if NumberOfPrimaries is 6 or more\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CC.S.A002a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPrimary6IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_42(); + err = TestStep42ThReadsPrimary6IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_42(); break; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 43: TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsWhitePointXAttributeFromDut_43(); + err = TestStep43ThReadsWhitePointXAttributeFromDut_43(); break; case 44: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 44: TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsWhitePointYAttributeFromDut_44(); + err = TestStep44ThReadsWhitePointYAttributeFromDut_44(); break; case 45: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 45: TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0032")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointRXAttributeFromDut_45(); + err = TestStep45ThReadsColorPointRXAttributeFromDut_45(); break; case 46: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : Step 46: TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointRYAttributeFromDut_46(); + err = TestStep46ThReadsColorPointRYAttributeFromDut_46(); break; case 47: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : Step 47: TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0034")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointRIntensityAttributeFromDut_47(); + err = TestStep47ThReadsColorPointRIntensityAttributeFromDut_47(); break; case 48: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : Step 48: TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0036")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointGXAttributeFromDut_48(); + err = TestStep48ThReadsColorPointGXAttributeFromDut_48(); break; case 49: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 49 : TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 49 : Step 49: TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0037")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointGYAttributeFromDut_49(); + err = TestStep49ThReadsColorPointGYAttributeFromDut_49(); break; case 50: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 50 : TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 50 : Step 50: TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A0038")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointGIntensityAttributeFromDut_50(); + err = TestStep50ThReadsColorPointGIntensityAttributeFromDut_50(); break; case 51: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 51 : TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 51 : Step 51: TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointBXAttributeFromDut_51(); + err = TestStep51ThReadsColorPointBXAttributeFromDut_51(); break; case 52: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 52 : TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 52 : Step 52: TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointBYAttributeFromDut_52(); + err = TestStep52ThReadsColorPointBYAttributeFromDut_52(); break; case 53: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 53 : TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 53 : Step 53: TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A003c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorPointBIntensityAttributeFromDut_53(); + err = TestStep53ThReadsColorPointBIntensityAttributeFromDut_53(); break; } @@ -11238,7 +11303,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -11246,7 +11311,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11254,7 +11319,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11268,7 +11333,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11276,7 +11341,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11290,7 +11355,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsRemainingTimeAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsRemainingTimeAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11298,7 +11363,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRemainingTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads RemainingTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11312,7 +11377,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11320,7 +11385,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11334,7 +11399,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11342,7 +11407,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11356,7 +11421,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsDriftCompensationAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsDriftCompensationAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11364,7 +11429,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDriftCompensationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads DriftCompensation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11378,7 +11443,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCompensationTextAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThReadsCompensationTextAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11386,7 +11451,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCompensationTextWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH reads CompensationText attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11398,7 +11463,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11406,7 +11471,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11420,7 +11485,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11428,7 +11493,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11442,7 +11507,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionsAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ThReadsOptionsAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11450,7 +11515,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Options attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: TH reads Options attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11464,7 +11529,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11472,7 +11537,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11486,7 +11551,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11494,7 +11559,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11508,7 +11573,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorLoopActiveAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ThReadsColorLoopActiveAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11516,7 +11581,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorLoopActiveWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: TH reads ColorLoopActive attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11530,7 +11595,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorLoopDirectionAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15ThReadsColorLoopDirectionAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11538,7 +11603,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorLoopDirectionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 15: TH reads ColorLoopDirection attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11552,7 +11617,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorLoopTimeAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16ThReadsColorLoopTimeAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11560,7 +11625,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorLoopTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 16: TH reads ColorLoopTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11574,7 +11639,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorLoopStartEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep17ThReadsColorLoopStartEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11582,7 +11647,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 17: TH reads ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11596,7 +11661,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18ThReadsColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11604,7 +11669,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 18: TH reads ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11619,7 +11684,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull FeatureMapValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestSavingForComparisionInStep19ReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18aSavingForComparisionInStep19ReadsFeatureMapAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11627,7 +11692,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 18a: Saving for comparision in step 19 reads FeatureMap attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11641,7 +11706,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorCapabilitiesAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep19ThReadsColorCapabilitiesAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11649,7 +11714,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorCapabilitiesWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 19: TH reads ColorCapabilities attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11668,7 +11733,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep20ThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11676,7 +11741,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 20: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11690,7 +11755,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep21ThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11698,7 +11763,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 21: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11712,7 +11777,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep22ThReadsCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11720,7 +11785,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCoupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 22: TH reads CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11735,7 +11800,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep23ThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11743,7 +11808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 23: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11761,7 +11826,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfPrimariesAttributeFromDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep24ThReadsNumberOfPrimariesAttributeFromDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11769,7 +11834,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfPrimariesWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 24: TH reads NumberOfPrimaries attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -11787,7 +11852,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary1XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_25() + TestStep25ThReadsPrimary1XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_25() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11798,7 +11863,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary1YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_26() + TestStep26ThReadsPrimary1YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_26() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11809,7 +11874,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary1IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_27() + TestStep27ThReadsPrimary1IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs1OrMore_27() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11820,7 +11885,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary2XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_28() + TestStep28ThReadsPrimary2XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_28() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11831,7 +11896,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary2YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_29() + TestStep29ThReadsPrimary2YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_29() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11842,7 +11907,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary2IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_30() + TestStep30ThReadsPrimary2IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs2OrMore_30() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11853,7 +11918,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary3XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_31() + TestStep31ThReadsPrimary3XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_31() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11864,7 +11929,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary3YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_32() + TestStep32ThReadsPrimary3YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_32() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11875,7 +11940,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary3IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_33() + TestStep33ThReadsPrimary3IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs3OrMore_33() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11886,7 +11951,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary4XAttributeFromDutVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_34() + TestStep34ThReadsPrimary4XAttributeFromDutVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_34() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11897,7 +11962,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary4YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_35() + TestStep35ThReadsPrimary4YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_35() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11908,7 +11973,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary4IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_36() + TestStep36ThReadsPrimary4IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs4OrMore_36() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11919,7 +11984,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary5XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_37() + TestStep37ThReadsPrimary5XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_37() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11930,7 +11995,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary5YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_38() + TestStep38ThReadsPrimary5YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_38() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11941,7 +12006,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary5IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_39() + TestStep39ThReadsPrimary5IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs5OrMore_39() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11952,7 +12017,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary6XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_40() + TestStep40ThReadsPrimary6XAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_40() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11963,7 +12028,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary6YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_41() + TestStep41ThReadsPrimary6YAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint16Min0Max0xfeffIfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_41() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11974,7 +12039,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsPrimary6IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_42() + TestStep42ThReadsPrimary6IntensityAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsAnUint8IfNumberOfPrimariesIs6OrMore_42() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -11984,7 +12049,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsWhitePointXAttributeFromDut_43() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep43ThReadsWhitePointXAttributeFromDut_43() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -11992,7 +12057,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWhitePointXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 43: TH reads WhitePointX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12006,7 +12071,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsWhitePointYAttributeFromDut_44() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep44ThReadsWhitePointYAttributeFromDut_44() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12014,7 +12079,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWhitePointYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 44: TH reads WhitePointY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12028,7 +12093,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointRXAttributeFromDut_45() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep45ThReadsColorPointRXAttributeFromDut_45() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12036,7 +12101,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointRXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 45: TH reads ColorPointRX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12050,7 +12115,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointRYAttributeFromDut_46() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep46ThReadsColorPointRYAttributeFromDut_46() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12058,7 +12123,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointRYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 46: TH reads ColorPointRY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12072,7 +12137,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointRIntensityAttributeFromDut_47() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep47ThReadsColorPointRIntensityAttributeFromDut_47() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12080,7 +12145,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointRIntensityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 47: TH reads ColorPointRIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12097,7 +12162,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointGXAttributeFromDut_48() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep48ThReadsColorPointGXAttributeFromDut_48() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12105,7 +12170,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointGXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 48: TH reads ColorPointGX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12119,7 +12184,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointGYAttributeFromDut_49() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep49ThReadsColorPointGYAttributeFromDut_49() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12127,7 +12192,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointGYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 49: TH reads ColorPointGY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12141,7 +12206,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointGIntensityAttributeFromDut_50() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep50ThReadsColorPointGIntensityAttributeFromDut_50() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12149,7 +12214,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointGIntensityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 50: TH reads ColorPointGIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12166,7 +12231,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointBXAttributeFromDut_51() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep51ThReadsColorPointBXAttributeFromDut_51() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12174,7 +12239,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointBXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 51: TH reads ColorPointBX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12188,7 +12253,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointBYAttributeFromDut_52() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep52ThReadsColorPointBYAttributeFromDut_52() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12196,7 +12261,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointBYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 52: TH reads ColorPointBY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12210,7 +12275,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorPointBIntensityAttributeFromDut_53() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep53ThReadsColorPointBIntensityAttributeFromDut_53() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12218,7 +12283,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorPointBIntensityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 53: TH reads ColorPointBIntensity attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12275,34 +12340,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -12313,13 +12378,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12330,12 +12395,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12346,12 +12411,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12362,21 +12427,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_11(); + err = TestStep2eThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Wait 2s\n"); @@ -12387,22 +12452,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait2s_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep2gThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue60Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_15(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue60Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -12413,13 +12478,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_17(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12430,12 +12495,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12446,12 +12511,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -12462,21 +12527,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_23(); + err = TestStep3eThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24(); + err = TestStep3fThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Wait 2s\n"); @@ -12487,28 +12552,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait2s_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 3g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_26(); + err = TestStep3gThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -12650,7 +12715,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -12658,7 +12723,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12669,7 +12734,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12679,7 +12744,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12687,7 +12752,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12697,7 +12762,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12712,8 +12777,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + @"and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12732,7 +12797,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12744,14 +12809,16 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveHueWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); + [cluster + moveHueWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog( + @"Step 2b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -12764,7 +12831,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12772,7 +12839,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12793,7 +12860,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12801,7 +12868,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12822,7 +12889,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12834,19 +12901,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveHueWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); + [cluster + moveHueWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12854,7 +12923,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12875,7 +12944,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12883,7 +12952,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12896,7 +12965,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue60Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue60Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12911,8 +12980,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=60, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + @"and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12931,7 +13000,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12943,14 +13012,16 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveHueWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); + [cluster + moveHueWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -12963,7 +13034,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -12971,7 +13042,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -12992,7 +13063,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13000,7 +13071,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13021,7 +13092,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThSendsMoveHueCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13033,19 +13104,21 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveHueWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); + [cluster + moveHueWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH sends MoveHue command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13053,7 +13126,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13074,7 +13147,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13082,7 +13155,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13095,7 +13168,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13103,7 +13176,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13121,7 +13194,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13129,7 +13202,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13228,34 +13301,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -13267,13 +13340,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 " - "(20s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and " + "TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -13284,12 +13357,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -13300,12 +13373,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -13316,22 +13389,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue50Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_12(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue50Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -13343,13 +13416,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and " + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and " "TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_14(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -13360,12 +13433,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -13376,12 +13449,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -13392,28 +13465,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20(); + err = TestStep3eThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -13537,7 +13610,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -13545,7 +13618,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13556,7 +13629,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13566,7 +13639,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13574,7 +13647,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13584,7 +13657,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue200Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13599,8 +13672,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=200, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + @"and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13619,7 +13692,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13634,8 +13707,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 " - @"(20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=60 and " + @"TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13654,7 +13727,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13662,7 +13735,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13683,7 +13756,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13691,7 +13764,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13712,7 +13785,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13720,7 +13793,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13733,7 +13806,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue50Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueCommandToDutWithHue50Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13748,8 +13821,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and " - @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHue command to DUT with Hue=50, Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) " + @"and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13768,7 +13841,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize60AndTransitionTime20020s_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13783,8 +13856,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and TransitionTime=200 " - @"(20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends StepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=60 and " + @"TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13803,7 +13876,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13811,7 +13884,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13832,7 +13905,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13840,7 +13913,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13861,7 +13934,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13869,7 +13942,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13882,7 +13955,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13890,7 +13963,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -13908,7 +13981,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -13916,7 +13989,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14016,34 +14089,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation60AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation60AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -14055,12 +14128,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=300 (30s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=300 " + "(30s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime30030s_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime30030s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14071,12 +14145,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14087,12 +14161,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14103,12 +14177,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -14119,28 +14193,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -14244,7 +14318,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mSaturationConfigValue; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -14252,7 +14326,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14263,7 +14337,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14273,7 +14347,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14281,7 +14355,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14291,7 +14365,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation60AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation60AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14305,8 +14379,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=60 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14325,7 +14399,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime30030s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime30030s_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14339,8 +14413,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=300 " - @"(30s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and " + @"TransitionTime=300 (30s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14359,7 +14433,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14367,7 +14441,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14388,7 +14462,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14396,7 +14470,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14417,7 +14491,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14425,7 +14499,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14446,7 +14520,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14454,7 +14528,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14467,7 +14541,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14475,7 +14549,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14493,7 +14567,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -14501,7 +14575,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -14600,34 +14674,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -14639,12 +14713,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14655,12 +14730,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14671,12 +14746,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -14687,22 +14762,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime0Immediately_12(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime0Immediately_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -14714,12 +14789,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_14(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14730,12 +14806,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14746,12 +14822,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14762,22 +14838,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_20(); + err = TestStep3eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 21 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_21(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -14789,12 +14865,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 23 : TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_23(); + err = TestStep4bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -14805,29 +14882,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_25(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 26 : TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4d: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_26(); + err = TestStep4dThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_27(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_27(); break; case 28: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Wait 2s\n"); @@ -14838,28 +14916,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait2s_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 4f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_29(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_30(); + err = TestStep5aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_31(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_31(); break; case 32: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -15010,7 +15088,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -15018,7 +15096,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15029,7 +15107,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15039,7 +15117,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15047,7 +15125,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15057,7 +15135,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15071,8 +15149,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15091,7 +15169,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15103,17 +15181,16 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveSaturationWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveSaturationWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 " + @"(units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -15126,7 +15203,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15134,7 +15211,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15155,7 +15232,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15163,7 +15240,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15184,7 +15261,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15192,7 +15269,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15205,7 +15282,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime0Immediately_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation120AndTransitionTime0Immediately_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15219,8 +15296,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=120 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15239,7 +15316,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x03DownAndRate5UnitsS_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15253,8 +15330,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 (units/s) " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x03 (down) and Rate=5 " + @"(units/s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15273,7 +15350,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15281,7 +15358,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15302,7 +15379,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15310,7 +15387,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15331,7 +15408,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15339,7 +15416,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15352,7 +15429,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation150AndTransitionTime0Immediately_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15366,8 +15443,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=150 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15386,7 +15463,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x01UpAndRate5UnitsS_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15398,17 +15475,16 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveSaturationWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 (units/s) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveSaturationWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x01 (up) and Rate=5 " + @"(units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -15421,7 +15497,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15429,7 +15505,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15442,7 +15518,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThSendsMoveSaturationCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00StopAndRate5UnitsS_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15456,8 +15532,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 (units/s) " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH sends MoveSaturation command to DUT with MoveMode=0x00 (stop) and Rate=5 " + @"(units/s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15468,7 +15544,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15476,7 +15552,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15497,7 +15573,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15505,7 +15581,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15518,7 +15594,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15526,7 +15602,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15544,7 +15620,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -15552,7 +15628,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -15651,34 +15727,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation200AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation200AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -15690,13 +15766,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 and " + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 and " "TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15707,12 +15783,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15723,12 +15799,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -15739,22 +15815,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 and " + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 and " "TransitionTime=100 (10s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010s_12(); + err = TestStep2fThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010s_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15765,22 +15841,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep2gThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 " + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 " "(immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_15(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -15792,13 +15868,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 and " + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 and " "TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_17(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15809,12 +15885,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TStep 3c: H reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestTStep3cHReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15825,12 +15901,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -15841,22 +15917,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep3eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 and " + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 and " "TransitionTime=100 (10 s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010S_24(); + err = TestStep3fThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010S_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -15867,28 +15943,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 3g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_26(); + err = TestStep3gThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TStep 4b: H reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28(); + err = TestTStep4bHReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -16030,7 +16106,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -16038,7 +16114,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16049,7 +16125,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16059,7 +16135,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16067,7 +16143,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16077,7 +16153,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation200AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation200AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16091,8 +16167,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=200 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16111,7 +16187,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16126,8 +16202,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 and " - @"TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=40 " + @"and TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16146,7 +16222,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16154,7 +16230,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16175,7 +16251,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16183,7 +16259,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16204,7 +16280,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16212,7 +16288,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16225,7 +16301,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010s_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010s_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16240,8 +16316,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 and " - @"TransitionTime=100 (10s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=20 " + @"and TransitionTime=100 (10s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16260,7 +16336,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16268,7 +16344,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16281,7 +16357,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToSaturationCommandToDutWithSaturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16295,8 +16371,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 " - @"(immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToSaturation command to DUT with Saturation=50 and " + @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16315,7 +16391,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize40AndTransitionTime20020s_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16330,8 +16406,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 and " - @"TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=40 " + @"and TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16350,7 +16426,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestTStep3cHReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16358,7 +16434,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"TStep 3c: H reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16379,7 +16455,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16387,7 +16463,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16408,7 +16484,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16416,7 +16492,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16429,7 +16505,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010S_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fThSendsStepSaturationCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize20AndTransitionTime10010S_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16444,8 +16520,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 and " - @"TransitionTime=100 (10 s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3f: TH sends StepSaturation command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=20 " + @"and TransitionTime=100 (10 s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16464,7 +16540,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16472,7 +16548,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16487,7 +16563,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16495,7 +16571,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16513,7 +16589,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestTStep4bHReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16521,7 +16597,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"TStep 4b: H reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16620,34 +16696,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and " + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and " "TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue200Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue200Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -16658,30 +16734,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000 && CC.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2b1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and " + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and " "TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue160Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue160Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -16692,20 +16768,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3b1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -16716,20 +16792,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3c1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep3c1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -16740,36 +16816,36 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3d1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3d1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F00 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -16881,7 +16957,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -16889,7 +16965,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16900,7 +16976,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16910,7 +16986,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16918,7 +16994,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16928,7 +17004,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue200Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue200Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16943,8 +17019,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueAndSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, Saturation=50 and " - @"TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=200, " + @"Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16963,7 +17039,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16971,7 +17047,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -16984,7 +17060,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2b1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -16992,7 +17068,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17005,7 +17081,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue160Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithHue160Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17020,8 +17096,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToHueAndSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, Saturation=80 and " - @"TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with Hue=160, " + @"Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17040,7 +17116,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17048,7 +17124,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17061,7 +17137,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3b1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17069,7 +17145,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17090,7 +17166,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17098,7 +17174,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17111,7 +17187,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3c1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17119,7 +17195,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17141,7 +17217,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17149,7 +17225,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17162,7 +17238,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3d1ThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17170,7 +17246,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d1: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17183,7 +17259,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17191,7 +17267,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17209,7 +17285,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -17217,7 +17293,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -17316,34 +17392,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = " + "19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17354,30 +17430,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2b1ThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - "TransitionTime = 200 (20s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + "13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime20020s_7(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime20020s_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -17388,20 +17464,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -17412,20 +17488,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -17436,54 +17512,54 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_17(); + err = TestStep4aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH read Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4b: TH read Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadOptionsAttribute_18(); + err = TestStep4bThReadOptionsAttribute_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4c: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_19(); + err = TestStep4cThSendsOnCommandToDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) (purple) " - "ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4d: TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) " + "(purple) ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToColorCommandToTheDutWithColorX327680x8000X05PurpleColorY196600x4CCCY03TransitionTime0Immediate_20(); + err = TestStep4dThSendsAMoveToColorCommandToTheDutWithColorX327680x8000X05PurpleColorY196600x4CCCY03TransitionTime0Immediate_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17494,38 +17570,38 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 4f: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_24(); + err = TestStep4fThSendsOffCommandToDut_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 25 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + "13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_25(); + err = TestStep4gThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17536,30 +17612,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_27(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 4h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_28(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 29 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 4i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + "32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_29(); + err = TestStep4iThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_29(); break; case 30: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17570,30 +17646,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 4j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_31(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_31(); break; case 32: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 4j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_32(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_32(); break; case 33: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 33 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 4k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = " + "32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_33(); + err = TestStep4kThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_33(); break; case 34: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17604,54 +17680,54 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_34(); break; case 35: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 4i: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_35(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_35(); break; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 4i: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_36(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_36(); break; case 37: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : TH writes 1 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 5a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_37(); + err = TestStep5aThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_37(); break; case 38: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : TH read Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 5b: TH read Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadOptionsAttribute_38(); + err = TestStep5bThReadOptionsAttribute_38(); break; case 39: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_39(); + err = TestStep5cThSendsOnCommandToDut_39(); break; case 40: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 40 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 5d: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = " + "19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_40(); + err = TestStep5dThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_40(); break; case 41: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17662,38 +17738,38 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_41(); break; case 42: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 5e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_42(); + err = TestStep5eThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_42(); break; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 5e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_43(); + err = TestStep5eThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_43(); break; case 44: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_44(); + err = TestStep5fThSendsOffCommandToDut_44(); break; case 45: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 45 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 5g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + "13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_45(); + err = TestStep5gThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_45(); break; case 46: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17704,30 +17780,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_46(); break; case 47: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : Step 5h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_47(); + err = TestStep5hThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_47(); break; case 48: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 48 : Step 5h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_48(); + err = TestStep5hThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_48(); break; case 49: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 49 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 49 : Step 5i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + "32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_49(); + err = TestStep5iThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_49(); break; case 50: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 50 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17738,30 +17814,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_50(); break; case 51: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 51 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 51 : Step 5j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_51(); + err = TestStep5jThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_51(); break; case 52: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 52 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 52 : Step 5j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_52(); + err = TestStep5jThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_52(); break; case 53: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 53 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 53 : Step 5k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = " + "32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_53(); + err = TestStep5kThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_53(); break; case 54: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 54 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -17772,36 +17848,36 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_54(); break; case 55: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 55 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 55 : Step 5l: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_55(); + err = TestStep5lThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_55(); break; case 56: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 56 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 56 : Step 5l: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_56(); + err = TestStep5lThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_56(); break; case 57: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 57 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 57 : Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_57(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_57(); break; case 58: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 58 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 58 : Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_58(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_58(); break; case 59: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 59 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -18033,7 +18109,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -18041,7 +18117,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18052,7 +18128,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18062,7 +18138,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18070,7 +18146,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18080,7 +18156,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18095,8 +18171,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = " + @"19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18115,7 +18191,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18123,7 +18199,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18136,7 +18212,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2b1ThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18144,7 +18220,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b1: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18157,7 +18233,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime20020s_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime20020s_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18172,8 +18248,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - @"TransitionTime = 200 (20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + @"13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18192,7 +18268,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18200,7 +18276,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18213,7 +18289,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18221,7 +18297,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18242,7 +18318,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18250,7 +18326,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18263,7 +18339,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18271,7 +18347,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18292,7 +18368,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18300,7 +18376,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18313,7 +18389,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18321,7 +18397,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18334,7 +18410,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18345,7 +18421,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18355,7 +18431,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadOptionsAttribute_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadOptionsAttribute_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18363,7 +18439,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH read Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH read Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18378,7 +18454,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThSendsOnCommandToDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18386,7 +18462,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18396,7 +18472,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToColorCommandToTheDutWithColorX327680x8000X05PurpleColorY196600x4CCCY03TransitionTime0Immediate_20() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep4dThSendsAMoveToColorCommandToTheDutWithColorX327680x8000X05PurpleColorY196600x4CCCY03TransitionTime0Immediate_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18411,8 +18488,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) (purple) " - @"ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH sends a MoveToColor command to the DUT with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 (x=0.5) " + @"(purple) ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC (y=0.3) TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18431,7 +18508,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18439,7 +18516,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18452,7 +18529,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18460,7 +18537,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18473,7 +18550,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThSendsOffCommandToDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18481,7 +18558,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18491,7 +18568,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18506,8 +18583,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + @"13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18526,7 +18603,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18534,7 +18611,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18549,7 +18626,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18557,7 +18634,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18572,7 +18649,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18587,8 +18664,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + @"32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18607,7 +18684,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18615,7 +18692,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18630,7 +18707,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18638,7 +18715,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18653,7 +18730,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_33() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4kThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_33() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18668,8 +18745,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = " + @"32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18688,7 +18765,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_35() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_35() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18696,7 +18773,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18709,7 +18786,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_36() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_36() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18717,7 +18794,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18730,7 +18807,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_37() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_37() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18741,7 +18818,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 1 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18751,7 +18828,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadOptionsAttribute_38() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadOptionsAttribute_38() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18759,7 +18836,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH read Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH read Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18774,7 +18851,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_39() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cThSendsOnCommandToDut_39() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18782,7 +18859,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18792,7 +18869,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_40() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX327680x8000ColorY196600x4CCCTransitionTime0Immediate_40() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18807,8 +18884,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = 19660/0x4CCC " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5d: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 32768/0x8000 ColorY = " + @"19660/0x4CCC TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18827,7 +18904,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_42() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5eThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_42() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18835,7 +18912,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5e: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18848,7 +18925,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_43() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5eThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_43() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18856,7 +18933,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5e: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18869,7 +18946,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_44() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5fThSendsOffCommandToDut_44() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18877,7 +18954,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18887,7 +18964,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_45() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5gThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY131070x3333TransitionTime0Immediate_45() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18902,8 +18979,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 13107/0x3333 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5g: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + @"13107/0x3333 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18922,7 +18999,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_47() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5hThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_47() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18930,7 +19007,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5h: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18943,7 +19020,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_48() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5hThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_48() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18951,7 +19028,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5h: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18964,7 +19041,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_49() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5iThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX131070x3333ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_49() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -18979,8 +19056,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5i: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 13107/0x3333 ColorY = " + @"32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -18999,7 +19076,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_51() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5jThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_51() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19007,7 +19084,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5j: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19022,7 +19099,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_52() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5jThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_52() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19030,7 +19107,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5j: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19045,7 +19122,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_53() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5kThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX262140x6666ColorY327680x8000TransitionTime0Immediate_53() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19060,8 +19137,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = 32768/0x8000 " - @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5k: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 26214/0x6666 ColorY = " + @"32768/0x8000 TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19080,7 +19157,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_55() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5lThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_55() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19088,7 +19165,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5l: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19101,7 +19178,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_56() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5lThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_56() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19109,7 +19186,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5l: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19122,7 +19199,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_57() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_57() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19130,7 +19207,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19148,7 +19225,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_58() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_58() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19156,7 +19233,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19259,30 +19336,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 " + "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY26000TransitionTime0Immediate_3(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY26000TransitionTime0Immediate_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -19293,12 +19370,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends MoveColor command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveColor command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveColorCommandToDut_5(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveColorCommandToDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -19309,20 +19386,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -19333,20 +19410,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -19357,60 +19434,60 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C47.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStopMoveStepCommandToDut_15(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsStopMoveStepCommandToDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -19533,7 +19610,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19544,7 +19621,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19554,7 +19631,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19562,7 +19639,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19572,7 +19649,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY26000TransitionTime0Immediate_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY26000TransitionTime0Immediate_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19587,8 +19664,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 TransitionTime = 0 " - @"(immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 26000 " + @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19607,7 +19684,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveColorCommandToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveColorCommandToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19621,7 +19698,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveColor command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveColor command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19639,7 +19716,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19647,7 +19724,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19660,7 +19737,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19668,7 +19745,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19689,7 +19766,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19697,7 +19774,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19710,7 +19787,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19718,7 +19795,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19740,7 +19817,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull CurrentXValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19748,7 +19825,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19765,7 +19842,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull CurrentYValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19773,7 +19850,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19789,7 +19866,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStopMoveStepCommandToDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsStopMoveStepCommandToDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19801,7 +19878,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stopMoveStepWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends StopMoveStep command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19811,7 +19888,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19819,7 +19896,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19832,7 +19909,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19840,7 +19917,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19853,7 +19930,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19861,7 +19938,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19879,7 +19956,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -19887,7 +19964,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -19986,34 +20063,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 TransitionTime = 0 " - "(immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 " + "TransitionTime = 0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY20000TransitionTime0Immediate_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY20000TransitionTime0Immediate_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -20025,13 +20102,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, TransitionTime = 200 " - "(20s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3a: TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, " + "TransitionTime = 200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.C09.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsStepColorCommandToDutWithStepX20000StepY6000TransitionTime20020s_5(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsStepColorCommandToDutWithStepX20000StepY6000TransitionTime20020s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -20042,20 +20119,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -20066,20 +20143,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -20090,36 +20167,36 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0003 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0004 && CC.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F03 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Turn off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -20225,7 +20302,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -20233,7 +20310,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20244,7 +20321,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20254,7 +20331,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20262,7 +20339,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20272,7 +20349,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY20000TransitionTime0Immediate_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorCommandToDutWithColorX33000ColorY20000TransitionTime0Immediate_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20287,8 +20364,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 TransitionTime = 0 " - @"(immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColor command to DUT, with ColorX = 33000 ColorY = 20000 " + @"TransitionTime = 0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20307,7 +20384,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsStepColorCommandToDutWithStepX20000StepY6000TransitionTime20020s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsStepColorCommandToDutWithStepX20000StepY6000TransitionTime20020s_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20322,8 +20399,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepColorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, TransitionTime = 200 " - @"(20s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends StepColor command to DUT, with StepX = -20000, StepY = -6000, " + @"TransitionTime = 200 (20s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20342,7 +20419,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20350,7 +20427,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20363,7 +20440,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20371,7 +20448,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20392,7 +20469,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20400,7 +20477,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20413,7 +20490,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20421,7 +20498,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20442,7 +20519,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentXAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20450,7 +20527,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentXWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentX attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20463,7 +20540,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentYAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20471,7 +20548,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentYWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentY attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20484,7 +20561,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20492,7 +20569,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20510,7 +20587,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20518,7 +20595,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20622,54 +20699,54 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TStep 1a: H reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestTStep1aHReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep1bThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep1cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and " + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and " "TransitionTime=0 (immediately).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorTemperatureCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds310AndTransitionTime0Immediately_6(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorTemperatureCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds310AndTransitionTime0Immediately_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -20681,13 +20758,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and " + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2b: TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and " "TransitionTime=300 (30s).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsMoveToColorTemperaturCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds250AndTransitionTime30030s_8(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsMoveToColorTemperaturCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds250AndTransitionTime30030s_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -20698,12 +20775,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -20714,12 +20791,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -20730,12 +20807,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -20746,28 +20823,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 2f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007 && CC.S.C0a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Turn Off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -20895,7 +20972,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20906,7 +20983,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20916,7 +20993,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20924,7 +21001,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20935,7 +21012,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull ColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestTStep1aHReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20943,7 +21020,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"TStep 1a: H reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20961,7 +21038,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull ColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20969,7 +21046,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -20986,7 +21063,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -20994,7 +21071,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21010,7 +21087,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorTemperatureCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds310AndTransitionTime0Immediately_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsMoveToColorTemperatureCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds310AndTransitionTime0Immediately_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21024,8 +21101,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorTemperatureWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=310 " - @"and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends MoveToColorTemperature command to DUT with " + @"ColorTemperatureMireds=310 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21044,7 +21121,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsMoveToColorTemperaturCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds250AndTransitionTime30030s_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsMoveToColorTemperaturCommandToDutWithColorTemperatureMireds250AndTransitionTime30030s_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21058,8 +21135,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToColorTemperatureWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with ColorTemperatureMireds=250 " - @"and TransitionTime=300 (30s). Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends MoveToColorTemperatur command to DUT with " + @"ColorTemperatureMireds=250 and TransitionTime=300 (30s). Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21078,7 +21155,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21086,7 +21163,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21107,7 +21184,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21115,7 +21192,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21136,7 +21213,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21144,7 +21221,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21165,7 +21242,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21173,7 +21250,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21186,7 +21263,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21194,7 +21271,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21212,7 +21289,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21220,7 +21297,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21332,52 +21409,53 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp && CC.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 0c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep0cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 0d: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep0dThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 0e: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A400c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep0eThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, @@ -21390,74 +21468,75 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestThWritesToStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeWithValueStartUpColorTemperatureMireds_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2a: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep2aThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : Verify that the DUT response contains StartUpColorTemperatureMireds that matches the " - "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2b: Verify that the DUT response contains StartUpColorTemperatureMireds that matches " + "the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds set in Step 2a\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.A4010 && CC.S.F04 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsThatMatchesTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsSetInStep2a_9(); + err = TestStep2bVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsThatMatchesTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsSetInStep2a_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3a: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_10(); + err = TestStep3aRebootTargetDevice_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_11(); + err = TestStep3bRebootTargetDeviceDUT_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_13(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep5aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F04 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Turn Off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -21579,7 +21658,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21590,7 +21669,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21600,7 +21679,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21608,7 +21687,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21618,7 +21697,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0cThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21626,7 +21705,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0c: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21640,7 +21719,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0dThReadsColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21648,7 +21727,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMinMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0d: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21662,7 +21741,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0eThReadsColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21670,7 +21749,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0e: TH reads ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21684,7 +21763,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21692,7 +21771,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21721,7 +21800,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable StartUpColorTemperatureMiredsValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThReadsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21729,7 +21808,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH reads StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21751,7 +21830,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsThatMatchesTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsSetInStep2a_9() + TestStep2bVerifyThatTheDutResponseContainsStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsThatMatchesTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsSetInStep2a_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -21761,14 +21840,14 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aRebootTargetDevice_10() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bRebootTargetDeviceDUT_11() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -21787,7 +21866,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsAttribute_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21795,7 +21874,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpColorTemperatureMireds attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21815,7 +21894,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsColorTemperatureMiredsAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21823,7 +21902,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorTemperatureMiredsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads ColorTemperatureMireds attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21838,7 +21917,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21846,7 +21925,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21864,7 +21943,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -21872,7 +21951,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_6_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -21983,30 +22062,30 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " - "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately).\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 " + "(shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue6000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue6000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -22018,13 +22097,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=6000 and " + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=6000 and " "TransitionTime=300 (30s).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_5(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22035,12 +22114,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22051,12 +22130,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22067,12 +22146,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -22083,22 +22162,22 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 (shortest " - "distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately).\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 " + "(shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue12000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_14(); + err = TestStep5aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue12000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -22110,13 +22189,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=6000 and " - "TransitionTime=300 (30s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=6000 " + "and TransitionTime=300 (30s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C42.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_16(); + err = TestStep5bThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22127,12 +22206,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep5cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22143,12 +22222,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22159,12 +22238,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -22175,28 +22254,28 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000 && CC.S.C41.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_25(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_26(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_26(); break; case 27: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Turn Off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -22340,7 +22419,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22351,7 +22430,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22361,7 +22440,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22369,7 +22448,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22380,7 +22459,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue6000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + TestStep2aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue6000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22395,8 +22474,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster enhancedMoveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, Direction=0x00 " - @"(shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=6000, " + @"Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22415,7 +22494,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x01UpStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22430,8 +22509,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster enhancedStepHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), StepSize=6000 and " - @"TransitionTime=300 (30s). Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x01 (up), " + @"StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s). Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22450,7 +22529,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22458,7 +22537,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22479,7 +22558,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22487,7 +22566,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22508,7 +22587,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22516,7 +22595,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22537,7 +22616,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22545,7 +22624,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22559,7 +22638,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue12000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_14() + TestStep5aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue12000Direction0x00ShortestDistanceAndTransitionTime0Immediately_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22574,8 +22653,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster enhancedMoveToHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, Direction=0x00 " - @"(shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHue command to DUT with EnhancedHue=12000, " + @"Direction=0x00 (shortest distance) and TransitionTime=0 (immediately). Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22594,7 +22673,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThSendsEnhancedStepHueCommandToDutWithStepMode0x03DownStepSize6000AndTransitionTime30030s_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22609,8 +22688,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster enhancedStepHueWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), StepSize=6000 and " - @"TransitionTime=300 (30s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH sends EnhancedStepHue command to DUT with StepMode=0x03 (down), " + @"StepSize=6000 and TransitionTime=300 (30s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22629,7 +22708,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22637,7 +22716,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22658,7 +22737,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22666,7 +22745,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22687,7 +22766,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22695,7 +22774,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22716,7 +22795,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22724,7 +22803,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22737,7 +22816,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22745,7 +22824,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22763,7 +22842,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -22771,7 +22850,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -22870,34 +22949,34 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, Saturation=50 " - "and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, " + "Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue20000Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue20000Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 100ms\n"); @@ -22908,12 +22987,12 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait100ms_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); @@ -22925,13 +23004,13 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=16000, Saturation=80 " - "and TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=16000, " + "Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.C43.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue16000Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue16000Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22942,20 +23021,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Wait 10s\n"); @@ -22966,20 +23045,20 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait10s_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Wait 5s\n"); @@ -22990,36 +23069,36 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWait5s_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CC.S.F01 && CC.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Turn Off light that we turned on\n"); @@ -23131,7 +23210,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -23139,7 +23218,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23150,7 +23229,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23160,7 +23239,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23168,7 +23247,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23179,7 +23258,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue20000Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() + TestStep2aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue20000Saturation50AndTransitionTime0Immediately_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23196,8 +23275,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { NSLog( - @"TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with EnhancedHue=20000, " - @"Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", + @"Step 2a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with " + @"EnhancedHue=20000, Saturation=50 and TransitionTime=0 (immediately) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23216,7 +23295,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23224,7 +23303,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23258,7 +23337,8 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue16000Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep3aThSendsEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommandToDutWithEnhancedHue16000Saturation80AndTransitionTime20020s_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23273,7 +23353,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with " + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command to DUT with " @"EnhancedHue=16000, Saturation=80 and TransitionTime=200 (20s) Error: %@", err); @@ -23293,7 +23373,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23301,7 +23381,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23315,7 +23395,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23323,7 +23403,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23344,7 +23424,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23352,7 +23432,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23366,7 +23446,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23374,7 +23454,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23395,7 +23475,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsEnhancedCurrentHueAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23403,7 +23483,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedCurrentHueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads EnhancedCurrentHue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23418,7 +23498,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsCurrentSaturationAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23426,7 +23506,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentSaturationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads CurrentSaturation attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23441,7 +23521,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsColorModeAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23449,7 +23529,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads ColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -23467,7 +23547,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsEnhancedColorModeAttributeFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -23475,7 +23555,7 @@ class Test_TC_CC_7_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEnhancedColorModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads EnhancedColorMode attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -26723,102 +26803,102 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " + "or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7a: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OPCREDS.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep7aThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7b: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OPCREDS.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); + err = TestStep7bThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); break; } @@ -26881,7 +26961,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -26889,7 +26969,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -26899,7 +26979,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -26915,7 +26995,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -26925,7 +27005,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -26941,7 +27021,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -26951,7 +27031,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -26976,7 +27056,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -26987,7 +27067,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -26997,7 +27077,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27007,7 +27087,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27028,7 +27108,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27038,7 +27118,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27048,7 +27128,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27065,7 +27145,7 @@ class Test_TC_OPCREDS_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() + TestStep7bThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27115,113 +27195,115 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000b && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000c && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000d && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000e && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A000f && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0010 && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalConfigDisabledInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalConfigDisabledInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeReachableInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeReachableInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0012 && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4j: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH1 reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5a: TH1 reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" BINFO.S.Afffa && !BINFO.S.E00 && !BINFO.S.E01 && !BINFO.S.E02 && !BINFO.S.A0011 ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -27229,7 +27311,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5b: Read BINFO.S.E00(StartUp) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E00 && BINFO.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -27237,7 +27319,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5c: Read BINFO.S.E01(ShutDown) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E01 && BINFO.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -27245,7 +27327,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5d: Read BINFO.S.E02(Leave) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.E02 && BINFO.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -27253,7 +27335,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 5e: Read (ReachableChanged) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("BINFO.S.A0011 && BINFO.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -27262,43 +27344,43 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " - "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 5f: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " + "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18(); + err = TestStep5fThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && BINFO.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20(); break; } @@ -27394,7 +27476,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -27402,7 +27484,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27410,7 +27492,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27426,7 +27508,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27434,7 +27516,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27450,7 +27532,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27458,7 +27540,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27488,7 +27570,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeManufacturingDateInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27496,7 +27578,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ManufacturingDate) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27509,7 +27591,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributePartNumberInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27517,7 +27599,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(PartNumber) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27530,7 +27612,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeProductURLInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27538,7 +27620,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(ProductURL) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27551,7 +27633,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeProductLabelInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27559,7 +27641,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(ProductLabel) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27572,7 +27654,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeSerialNumberInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27580,7 +27662,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(SerialNumber) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27593,7 +27675,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalConfigDisabledInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalConfigDisabledInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27601,7 +27683,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(LocalConfigDisabled) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27614,7 +27696,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeReachableInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeReachableInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27622,7 +27704,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(Reachable) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27635,7 +27717,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeUniqueIDInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -27643,7 +27725,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(UniqueID) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -27657,7 +27739,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() + TestStep4jThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27668,7 +27750,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18() + TestStep5fThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27679,7 +27761,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27690,7 +27772,7 @@ class Test_TC_BINFO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -27740,151 +27822,158 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !CNET.S.F00 && !CNET.S.F01 && !CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf00IsSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf00IsSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf01IsSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf01IsSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf02IsSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf02IsSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) " - "is true\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4b: Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if " + "CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 || CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListIfCnetsf00wiCnetsf01thCnetsf02etIsTrue_7(); + err = TestStep4bReadMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListIfCnetsf00wiCnetsf01thCnetsf02etIsTrue_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.A0002 && CNET.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScanMaxTimeSecondsAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeScanMaxTimeSecondsAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4d: Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.A0003 && CNET.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadingOptionalAttributeConnectMaxTimeSecondsInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4dReadingOptionalAttributeConnectMaxTimeSecondsInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4e: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CNET.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CNET.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features " + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features " "CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wicnetsf01th_12(); + err = TestStep6aReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wicnetsf01th_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is " + "true)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F00 && CNET.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wiIsTrue_13(); + err = TestStep6bReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wiIsTrue_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is " + "true)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F01 && CNET.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF01THIsTrue_14(); + err = TestStep6cReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF01THIsTrue_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is " - "true)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) " + "is true)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02THIsTrue_15(); + err = TestStep6dReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02THIsTrue_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 6e: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " @@ -27894,40 +27983,40 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); + err = TestStep6eThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) " - "or CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 7a: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related " + "features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or CNET.S.F01(TH) is true)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( CNET.S.F00 || CNET.S.F01 ) && CNET.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF00WIOrCnetsf01thIsTrue_17(); + err = TestStep7aReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF00WIOrCnetsf01thIsTrue_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must " - "be true)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 7b: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related " + "features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CNET.S.F02 && CNET.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02ETMustBeTrue_18(); + err = TestStep7bReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02ETMustBeTrue_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 7c: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CNET.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); + err = TestStep7cThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); break; } @@ -28020,7 +28109,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -28028,7 +28117,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28038,7 +28127,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28054,7 +28143,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28064,7 +28153,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28079,7 +28168,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf00IsSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf00IsSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28089,7 +28178,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F00 is set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28104,7 +28193,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf01IsSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf01IsSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28114,7 +28203,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F01 is set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28129,7 +28218,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf02IsSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMapWhenCnetsf02IsSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28139,7 +28228,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap when CNET.S.F02 is set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28154,7 +28243,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28164,7 +28253,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28182,7 +28271,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListIfCnetsf00wiCnetsf01thCnetsf02etIsTrue_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListIfCnetsf00wiCnetsf01thCnetsf02etIsTrue_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28192,7 +28281,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read mandatory attributes in AttributeList if CNET.S.F00(WI)/CNET.S.F01(TH)/CNET.S.F02(ET) is true " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28211,7 +28301,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScanMaxTimeSecondsAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeScanMaxTimeSecondsAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28221,7 +28311,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(ScanMaxTimeSeconds): AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28234,7 +28324,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadingOptionalAttributeConnectMaxTimeSecondsInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadingOptionalAttributeConnectMaxTimeSecondsInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28244,7 +28334,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Reading optional attribute(ConnectMaxTimeSeconds) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28258,7 +28348,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10() + TestStep4eThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28269,7 +28359,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28279,7 +28369,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wicnetsf01th_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wicnetsf01th_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28289,7 +28379,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features CNET.S.F00(WI),CNET.S.F01(TH) " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28306,7 +28397,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wiIsTrue_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiRelatedFeaturesCnetsf00wiIsTrue_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28316,7 +28407,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi related features (CNET.S.F00(WI) is true) Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28329,7 +28421,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF01THIsTrue_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF01THIsTrue_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28339,7 +28431,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Thread related features(CNET.S.F01(TH) is true) Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28352,7 +28445,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02THIsTrue_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dReadAcceptedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02THIsTrue_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28362,7 +28455,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is true) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: Read AcceptedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(TH) is true) Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28378,7 +28472,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() + TestStep6eThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28388,7 +28482,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF00WIOrCnetsf01thIsTrue_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsWiFiThreadRelatedFeaturesCNETSF00WIOrCnetsf01thIsTrue_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28398,8 +28492,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or CNET.S.F01(TH) " - @"is true) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 7a: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Wi-Fi/Thread related features(CNET.S.F00(WI) or " + @"CNET.S.F01(TH) is true) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28415,7 +28509,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02ETMustBeTrue_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7bReadTheGeneratedCommandListIfDutSupportsEthernetRelatedFeaturesCNETSF02ETMustBeTrue_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28425,7 +28519,8 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 7b: Read the GeneratedCommandList If DUT supports Ethernet related features(CNET.S.F02(ET) must be true) " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28442,7 +28537,7 @@ class Test_TC_CNET_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() + TestStep7cThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28492,85 +28587,85 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DESC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DESC.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; } @@ -28627,7 +28722,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -28635,7 +28730,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28643,7 +28738,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28659,7 +28754,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28667,7 +28762,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28683,7 +28778,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28691,7 +28786,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28714,7 +28809,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28725,7 +28820,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28736,7 +28831,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28747,7 +28842,7 @@ class Test_TC_DESC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -28797,102 +28892,102 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1TWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TTH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3TthReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TTH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aTthReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TTH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bTthReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4b: TTH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep4bTthReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6a: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep6aTthReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6b: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " + "or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep6bTthReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7a: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DLOG.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep7aTthReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7b: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DLOG.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); + err = TestStep7bTthReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); break; } @@ -28955,7 +29050,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1TWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -28963,7 +29058,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28971,7 +29066,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -28987,7 +29082,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3TthReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -28995,7 +29090,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TTH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29011,7 +29106,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aTthReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29019,7 +29114,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TTH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29038,7 +29133,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bTthReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29049,7 +29144,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep4bTthReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29059,7 +29154,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aTthReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29067,7 +29162,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TTH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29085,7 +29180,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep6bTthReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29095,7 +29190,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aTthReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29103,7 +29198,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: TTH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29121,7 +29216,7 @@ class Test_TC_DLOG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() + TestStep7bTthReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29171,177 +29266,181 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.F00 && DGETH.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgethsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenDgethsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.F01 && DGETH.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgethsf01EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenDgethsf01EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePHYRateInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributePHYRateInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0001 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeFullDuplexInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeFullDuplexInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in " - "AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature " + "dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in " - "AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature " + "dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " - "AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature " + "dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " - "AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature " + "dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " - "AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature " + "dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0007 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCarrierDetectInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeCarrierDetectInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0008 && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeTimeSinceResetInAttributeList_14(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeTimeSinceResetInAttributeList_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4k: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); + err = TestStep4kThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( DGETH.S.F00 || DGETH.S.F01 ) && DGETH.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.Afff9 && !DGETH.S.F00 && !DGETH.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " @@ -29351,20 +29450,20 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); + err = TestStep6cThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20(); break; } @@ -29460,7 +29559,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -29468,7 +29567,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29478,7 +29577,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29494,7 +29593,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29504,7 +29603,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29520,7 +29619,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgethsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenDgethsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29530,7 +29629,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given DGETH.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29541,7 +29640,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgethsf01EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenDgethsf01EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29551,7 +29650,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given DGETH.S.F01 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29562,7 +29661,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29572,7 +29671,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29590,7 +29689,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePHYRateInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributePHYRateInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29600,7 +29699,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(PHYRate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29613,7 +29712,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeFullDuplexInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeFullDuplexInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29623,7 +29722,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(FullDuplex) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29636,7 +29735,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29646,8 +29745,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in " + @"AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29661,7 +29760,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF00PKTCNTInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29671,8 +29770,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in AttributeList Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F00(PKTCNT)) in " + @"AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29686,7 +29785,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29696,8 +29795,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " + @"AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29711,7 +29810,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29721,8 +29820,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " + @"AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29736,7 +29835,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributePacketRxCountAndFeatureDependentDGETHSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29746,8 +29845,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in AttributeList Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(PacketRxCount) and Feature dependent(DGETH.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in " + @"AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29761,7 +29860,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCarrierDetectInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeCarrierDetectInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29771,7 +29870,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(CarrierDetect) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29784,7 +29883,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeTimeSinceResetInAttributeList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeTimeSinceResetInAttributeList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29794,7 +29893,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(TimeSinceReset) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29808,7 +29907,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() + TestStep4kThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29819,7 +29918,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29829,7 +29928,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29839,7 +29938,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29852,7 +29951,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -29862,7 +29961,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -29879,7 +29978,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() + TestStep6cThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29890,7 +29989,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_20() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -29940,150 +30039,150 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read PHYRate attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read PHYRate attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadPHYRateAttributeConstraints_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadPHYRateAttributeConstraints_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FullDuplex attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read FullDuplex attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadFullDuplexAttributeConstraints_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadFullDuplexAttributeConstraints_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadPacketRxCountAttributeConstraints_3(); + err = TestStep4aReadPacketRxCountAttributeConstraints_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet " - "network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read PacketRxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on " + "ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadPacketRxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadPacketRxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5a: Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadPacketTxCountAttributeConstraints_5(); + err = TestStep5aReadPacketTxCountAttributeConstraints_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on ethernet " - "network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5b: Read PacketTxCount value from DUT and verify the number of packets received on " + "ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadPacketTxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_6(); + err = TestStep5bReadPacketTxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read TxErrCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6a: Read TxErrCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTxErrCountAttributeConstraints_7(); + err = TestStep6aReadTxErrCountAttributeConstraints_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of failed packet " - "transmission on ethernet network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6b: Read TxErrCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of failed " + "packet transmission on ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTxErrCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfFailedPacketTransmissionOnEthernetNetworkInterface_8(); + err = TestStep6bReadTxErrCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfFailedPacketTransmissionOnEthernetNetworkInterface_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read CollisionCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7a: Read CollisionCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadCollisionCountAttributeConstraints_9(); + err = TestStep7aReadCollisionCountAttributeConstraints_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of collision " - "occurred while transmitting packets on ethernet network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 7b: Read CollisionCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of " + "collision occurred while transmitting packets on ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadCollisionCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfCollisionOccurredWhileTransmittingPacketsOnEthernetNetworkInterface_10(); + err = TestStep7bReadCollisionCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfCollisionOccurredWhileTransmittingPacketsOnEthernetNetworkInterface_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read OverrunCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 8a: Read OverrunCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_11(); + err = TestStep8aReadOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of packets dropped " - "due to lack of buffer memory on ethernet network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 8b: Read OverrunCount value from DUT and verify value indicates the number of packets " + "dropped due to lack of buffer memory on ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOverrunCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfPacketsDroppedDueToLackOfBufferMemoryOnEthernetNetworkInterface_12(); + err = TestStep8bReadOverrunCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfPacketsDroppedDueToLackOfBufferMemoryOnEthernetNetworkInterface_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 9a: Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadCarrierDetectAttributeConstraints_13(); + err = TestStep9aReadCarrierDetectAttributeConstraints_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates the presence of carrier detect " - "control signal on ethernet network interface\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 9b: Read CarrierDetect value from DUT and verify value indicates the presence of " + "carrier detect control signal on ethernet network interface\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadCarrierDetectValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesThePresenceOfCarrierDetectControlSignalOnEthernetNetworkInterface_14(); + err = TestStep9bReadCarrierDetectValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesThePresenceOfCarrierDetectControlSignalOnEthernetNetworkInterface_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 10a: Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTimeSinceResetAttributeConstraints_15(); + err = TestStep10aReadTimeSinceResetAttributeConstraints_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value indicates the duration of time, in " - "minutes\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 10b: Read TimeSinceReset value from DUT and verify the value indicates the duration of " + "time, in minutes\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGETH.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTimeSinceResetValueFromDutAndVerifyTheValueIndicatesTheDurationOfTimeInMinutes_16(); + err = TestStep10bReadTimeSinceResetValueFromDutAndVerifyTheValueIndicatesTheDurationOfTimeInMinutes_16(); break; } @@ -30167,7 +30266,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -30175,7 +30274,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadPHYRateAttributeConstraints_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadPHYRateAttributeConstraints_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30185,7 +30284,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read PHYRate attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read PHYRate attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30202,7 +30301,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFullDuplexAttributeConstraints_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadFullDuplexAttributeConstraints_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30212,7 +30311,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFullDuplexWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FullDuplex attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read FullDuplex attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30227,7 +30326,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadPacketRxCountAttributeConstraints_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadPacketRxCountAttributeConstraints_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30237,7 +30336,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read PacketRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30248,7 +30347,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadPacketRxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadPacketRxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30258,7 +30357,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadPacketTxCountAttributeConstraints_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aReadPacketTxCountAttributeConstraints_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30268,7 +30367,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: Read PacketTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30279,7 +30378,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadPacketTxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bReadPacketTxCountValueFromDutAndVerifyTheNumberOfPacketsReceivedOnEthernetNetworkInterface_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30289,7 +30388,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTxErrCountAttributeConstraints_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadTxErrCountAttributeConstraints_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30299,7 +30398,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTxErrCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read TxErrCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read TxErrCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30311,7 +30410,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadTxErrCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfFailedPacketTransmissionOnEthernetNetworkInterface_8() + TestStep6bReadTxErrCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfFailedPacketTransmissionOnEthernetNetworkInterface_8() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30321,7 +30420,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadCollisionCountAttributeConstraints_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aReadCollisionCountAttributeConstraints_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30331,7 +30430,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCollisionCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read CollisionCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: Read CollisionCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30343,7 +30442,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadCollisionCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfCollisionOccurredWhileTransmittingPacketsOnEthernetNetworkInterface_10() + TestStep7bReadCollisionCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfCollisionOccurredWhileTransmittingPacketsOnEthernetNetworkInterface_10() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30353,7 +30452,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8aReadOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30363,7 +30462,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOverrunCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read OverrunCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8a: Read OverrunCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30375,7 +30474,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadOverrunCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfPacketsDroppedDueToLackOfBufferMemoryOnEthernetNetworkInterface_12() + TestStep8bReadOverrunCountValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesTheNumberOfPacketsDroppedDueToLackOfBufferMemoryOnEthernetNetworkInterface_12() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30385,7 +30484,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadCarrierDetectAttributeConstraints_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9aReadCarrierDetectAttributeConstraints_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30395,7 +30494,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCarrierDetectWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9a: Read CarrierDetect attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30411,7 +30510,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadCarrierDetectValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesThePresenceOfCarrierDetectControlSignalOnEthernetNetworkInterface_14() + TestStep9bReadCarrierDetectValueFromDutAndVerifyValueIndicatesThePresenceOfCarrierDetectControlSignalOnEthernetNetworkInterface_14() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30421,7 +30520,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTimeSinceResetAttributeConstraints_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10aReadTimeSinceResetAttributeConstraints_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30431,7 +30530,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTimeSinceResetWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10a: Read TimeSinceReset attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30442,7 +30541,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTimeSinceResetValueFromDutAndVerifyTheValueIndicatesTheDurationOfTimeInMinutes_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10bReadTimeSinceResetValueFromDutAndVerifyTheValueIndicatesTheDurationOfTimeInMinutes_16() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -30492,176 +30591,176 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a.1: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2a1ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a.2: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep2a2ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a.3: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep2a3ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2a.4: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep2a4ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2a.5: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2a5ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2a.6: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2a6ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2a.7: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2a7ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2a.8: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep2a8ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2a.9: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2a9ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2a.10: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep2a10ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2b: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2c: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2d: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2e: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 2f: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Sends ResetCounts command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 2g: Sends ResetCounts command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsResetCountsCommand_16(); + err = TestStep2gSendsResetCountsCommand_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 2h: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0002 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep2hThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 2i: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0003 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep2iThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 2j: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep2jThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 2k: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_20(); + err = TestStep2kThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 2l: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGETH.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep2lThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_21(); break; } @@ -30760,7 +30859,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -30768,7 +30867,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a1ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30778,7 +30877,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.1: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30795,7 +30894,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a2ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30805,7 +30904,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.2: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30822,7 +30921,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a3ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30832,7 +30931,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.3: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30849,7 +30948,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a4ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30859,7 +30958,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.4: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30876,7 +30975,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a5ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30886,7 +30985,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.5: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30903,7 +31002,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a6ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30913,7 +31012,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.6: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30930,7 +31029,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a7ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30940,7 +31039,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.7: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30957,7 +31056,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a8ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30967,7 +31066,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.8: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -30984,7 +31083,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a9ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -30994,7 +31093,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.9: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31011,7 +31110,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2a10ThReadsPHYRateAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31021,7 +31120,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePHYRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a.10: TH reads PHYRate attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31039,7 +31138,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull PacketRxCountValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31049,7 +31148,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads PacketRxCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31064,7 +31163,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull PacketTxCountValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31074,7 +31173,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads PacketTxCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31089,7 +31188,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull TxErrCountValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31099,7 +31198,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTxErrCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31114,7 +31213,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull CollisionCountValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31124,7 +31223,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCollisionCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31139,7 +31238,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull OverrunCountValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31149,7 +31248,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOverrunCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31163,7 +31262,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsResetCountsCommand_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gSendsResetCountsCommand_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31173,7 +31272,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster resetCountsWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends ResetCounts command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: Sends ResetCounts command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31183,7 +31282,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2hThReadsPacketRxCountAttributeValueFromDut_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31193,7 +31292,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2iThReadsPacketTxCountAttributeValueFromDut_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31203,7 +31302,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2jThReadsTxErrCountAttributeValueFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31213,7 +31312,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTxErrCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2j: TH reads TxErrCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31225,7 +31324,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2kThReadsCollisionCountAttributeValueFromDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31235,7 +31334,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCollisionCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2k: TH reads CollisionCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31247,7 +31346,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2lThReadsOverrunCountAttributeValueFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31257,7 +31356,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGETH_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOverrunCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2l: TH reads OverrunCount attribute value from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31309,94 +31408,94 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0003 && FLW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " + "or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLW.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8(); break; } @@ -31456,7 +31555,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -31464,7 +31563,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31472,7 +31571,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31488,7 +31587,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31496,7 +31595,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31512,7 +31611,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31520,7 +31619,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31541,7 +31640,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31549,7 +31648,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31563,7 +31662,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep4cThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31574,7 +31673,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31585,7 +31684,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31596,7 +31695,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_8() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -31646,40 +31745,40 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLW.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheToleranceAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsFromTheDutTheToleranceAttribute_4(); break; } @@ -31727,7 +31826,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -31736,7 +31835,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MinMeasuredVariable; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31744,7 +31843,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31765,7 +31864,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MaxMeasuredVariable; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31773,7 +31872,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31794,7 +31893,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31802,7 +31901,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31819,7 +31918,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheToleranceAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsFromTheDutTheToleranceAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -31827,7 +31926,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLW_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the Tolerance attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -31881,85 +31980,85 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FLABEL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && FLABEL.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; } @@ -32016,7 +32115,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -32024,7 +32123,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32032,7 +32131,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32048,7 +32147,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32056,7 +32155,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32072,7 +32171,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32080,7 +32179,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32100,7 +32199,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32111,7 +32210,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32122,7 +32221,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32133,7 +32232,7 @@ class Test_TC_FLABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32183,130 +32282,135 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !FAN.S.F00 && !FAN.S.F01 && !FAN.S.F02 && !FAN.S.F03 && !FAN.S.F04 && !FAN.S.F05 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2c: Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF00ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2cGivenFANSF00ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2d: Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF01WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2dGivenFANSF01WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2e: Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF02ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep2eGivenFANSF02ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2f: Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF03WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep2fGivenFANSF03WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2g: Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF04WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep2gGivenFANSF04WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2h: Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenFANSF05WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); + err = TestStep2hGivenFANSF05WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3b: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf00SpdAttributeInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheFeatureDependentFansf00SpdAttributeInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3c: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf02rckAttributeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheFeatureDependentFansf02rckAttributeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3d: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf03wndAttributeInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheFeatureDependentFansf03wndAttributeInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3e: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf05dirAttributeInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep3eReadTheFeatureDependentFansf05dirAttributeInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !FAN.S.C00.Rsp ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_14(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandResetConditionInAcceptedCommandList_15(); + err = TestStep5ReadTheOptionalCommandResetConditionInAcceptedCommandList_15(); break; } @@ -32387,7 +32491,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -32395,7 +32499,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -32405,7 +32509,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32413,7 +32517,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32429,7 +32533,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF00ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenFANSF00ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32437,7 +32541,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given FAN.S.F00(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32448,7 +32552,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF01WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dGivenFANSF01WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32456,7 +32560,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: Given FAN.S.F01(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32467,7 +32571,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF02ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eGivenFANSF02ConditionEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32475,7 +32579,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: Given FAN.S.F02(Condition) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32486,7 +32590,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF03WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fGivenFANSF03WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32494,7 +32598,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: Given FAN.S.F03(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32505,7 +32609,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF04WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gGivenFANSF04WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32513,7 +32617,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: Given FAN.S.F04(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32524,7 +32628,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenFANSF05WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2hGivenFANSF05WarningEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32532,7 +32636,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2h: Given FAN.S.F05(Warning) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32543,7 +32647,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32551,7 +32655,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32573,7 +32677,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf00SpdAttributeInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheFeatureDependentFansf00SpdAttributeInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32581,7 +32685,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F00 (SPD) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32596,7 +32700,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf02rckAttributeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheFeatureDependentFansf02rckAttributeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32604,7 +32708,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F02(RCK) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32618,7 +32722,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf03wndAttributeInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheFeatureDependentFansf03wndAttributeInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32626,7 +32730,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F03(WND) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32640,7 +32744,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentFansf05dirAttributeInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eReadTheFeatureDependentFansf05dirAttributeInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32648,7 +32752,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Read the feature dependent FAN.S.F05(DIR) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32661,7 +32765,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32669,7 +32773,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32685,7 +32789,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandResetConditionInAcceptedCommandList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheOptionalCommandResetConditionInAcceptedCommandList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32693,7 +32797,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the optional command (ResetCondition) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32746,40 +32850,40 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeSequenceAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeSequenceAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentSettingAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentSettingAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentCurrentAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentCurrentAttribute_4(); break; } @@ -32827,7 +32931,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -32835,7 +32939,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32843,7 +32947,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFanModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the FanMode attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32857,7 +32961,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeSequenceAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheFanModeSequenceAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32865,7 +32969,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFanModeSequenceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the FanModeSequence attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32879,7 +32983,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentSettingAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentSettingAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32887,7 +32991,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePercentSettingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentSetting attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32904,7 +33008,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentCurrentAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsFromTheDutTheThePercentCurrentAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -32912,7 +33016,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePercentCurrentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the the PercentCurrent attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -32966,32 +33070,32 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedMaxAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedMaxAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0005 && FAN.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedSettingAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedSettingAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0006 && FAN.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedCurrentAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedCurrentAttribute_3(); break; } @@ -33036,7 +33140,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -33045,7 +33149,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull SpeedMaxValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedMaxAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedMaxAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33053,7 +33157,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSpeedMaxWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedMax attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33070,7 +33174,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedSettingAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedSettingAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33078,7 +33182,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSpeedSettingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedSetting attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33095,7 +33199,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedCurrentAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheSpeedCurrentAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33103,7 +33207,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSpeedCurrentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the the SpeedCurrent attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33157,24 +33261,24 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSupportAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSupportAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSettingAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSettingAttribute_2(); break; } @@ -33216,7 +33320,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -33224,7 +33328,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSupportAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSupportAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33232,7 +33336,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRockSupportWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSupport attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33243,7 +33347,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSettingAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheRockSettingAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33251,7 +33355,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRockSettingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the RockSetting attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33302,24 +33406,24 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSupportAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSupportAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("FAN.S.A000A")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSettingAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSettingAttribute_2(); break; } @@ -33361,7 +33465,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -33369,7 +33473,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSupportAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSupportAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33377,7 +33481,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWindSupportWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSupport attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -33388,7 +33492,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSettingAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheTheWindSettingAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -33396,7 +33500,7 @@ class Test_TC_FAN_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWindSettingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the the WindSetting attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34340,32 +34444,32 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; } @@ -34419,7 +34523,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -34427,7 +34531,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34437,7 +34541,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34453,7 +34557,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34463,7 +34567,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34479,7 +34583,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34489,7 +34593,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34512,7 +34616,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34522,7 +34626,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34537,7 +34641,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34547,7 +34651,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34606,63 +34710,64 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1Th1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1WritesTheBreadCrumbAttributeAs1ToTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2Th1WritesTheBreadCrumbAttributeAs1ToTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep3Th1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsTheRegulatoryConfigAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + err = TestStep4Th1ReadsTheRegulatoryConfigAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsTheLocationCapabilityAttributeFromTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep5Th1ReadsTheLocationCapabilityAttributeFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the " + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the " "BasicCommissioningInfo attribute has the following field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a " "duration range of 0 to 65535\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeHasTheFollowingFieldFailSafeExpiryLengthSecondsFieldValueIsWithinADurationRangeOf0To65535_6(); + err = TestStep6Th1ReadsBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeHasTheFollowingFieldFailSafeExpiryLengthSecondsFieldValueIsWithinADurationRangeOf0To65535_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CGEN.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTh1ReadsSupportsConcurrentConnectionAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep7Th1ReadsSupportsConcurrentConnectionAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; } @@ -34727,7 +34832,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1Th1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34737,7 +34842,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBreadcrumbWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb Attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34748,7 +34853,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1WritesTheBreadCrumbAttributeAs1ToTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2Th1WritesTheBreadCrumbAttributeAs1ToTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34761,7 +34866,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { breadcrumbArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:1ULL]; [cluster writeAttributeBreadcrumbWithValue:breadcrumbArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH1 writes the BreadCrumb attribute as 1 to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34771,7 +34876,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3Th1ReadsTheBreadCrumbAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34781,7 +34886,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBreadcrumbWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH1 reads the BreadCrumb attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34796,7 +34901,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsTheRegulatoryConfigAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4Th1ReadsTheRegulatoryConfigAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34806,7 +34911,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRegulatoryConfigWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH1 reads the RegulatoryConfig attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34819,7 +34924,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsTheLocationCapabilityAttributeFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5Th1ReadsTheLocationCapabilityAttributeFromTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34829,7 +34934,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLocationCapabilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH1 reads the LocationCapability attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34843,7 +34948,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestTh1ReadsBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeHasTheFollowingFieldFailSafeExpiryLengthSecondsFieldValueIsWithinADurationRangeOf0To65535_6() + TestStep6Th1ReadsBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeFromDutAndVerifyThatTheBasicCommissioningInfoAttributeHasTheFollowingFieldFailSafeExpiryLengthSecondsFieldValueIsWithinADurationRangeOf0To65535_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34854,9 +34959,9 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeBasicCommissioningInfoWithCompletion:^( MTRGeneralCommissioningClusterBasicCommissioningInfo * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the BasicCommissioningInfo attribute has the " - @"following field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration range of 0 to 65535 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH1 reads BasicCommissioningInfo attribute from DUT and Verify that the BasicCommissioningInfo " + @"attribute has the following field: FailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds field value is within a duration range of 0 to " + @"65535 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34867,7 +34972,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTh1ReadsSupportsConcurrentConnectionAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7Th1ReadsSupportsConcurrentConnectionAttributeFromTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -34877,7 +34982,7 @@ class Test_TC_CGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSupportsConcurrentConnectionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH1 reads SupportsConcurrentConnection attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -34928,97 +35033,101 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0002 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeUpTimeInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadOptionalAttributeUpTimeInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0003 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeTotalOperationalHoursInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4cReadOptionalAttributeTotalOperationalHoursInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4d: Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0004 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeBootReasonInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4dReadOptionalAttributeBootReasonInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4e: Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0005 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveHardwareFaultsInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4eReadOptionalAttributeActiveHardwareFaultsInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4f: Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0006 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveRadioFaultsInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4fReadOptionalAttributeActiveRadioFaultsInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4g: Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0007 && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4gReadOptionalAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -35026,7 +35135,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5b: Read optional event(HardwareFaultChange) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -35034,7 +35143,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5c: Read optional event(RadioFaultChange) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E01")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -35042,7 +35151,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5d: Read optional event(NetworkFaultChange) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afffa && DGGEN.S.E02")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -35051,28 +35160,28 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5e: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); + err = TestStep5eThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_16(); + err = TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " @@ -35082,20 +35191,20 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_17(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18(); break; } @@ -35185,7 +35294,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -35193,7 +35302,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35203,7 +35312,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35219,7 +35328,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35229,7 +35338,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35245,7 +35354,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35255,7 +35364,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35276,7 +35385,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeUpTimeInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadOptionalAttributeUpTimeInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35286,7 +35395,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read optional attribute(UpTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35299,7 +35408,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeTotalOperationalHoursInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadOptionalAttributeTotalOperationalHoursInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35309,7 +35418,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read optional attribute(TotalOperationalHours) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35322,7 +35431,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeBootReasonInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadOptionalAttributeBootReasonInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35332,7 +35441,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read optional attribute(BootReason) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35345,7 +35454,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveHardwareFaultsInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadOptionalAttributeActiveHardwareFaultsInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35355,7 +35464,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read optional attribute(ActiveHardwareFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35368,7 +35477,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveRadioFaultsInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadOptionalAttributeActiveRadioFaultsInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35378,7 +35487,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read optional attribute(ActiveRadioFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35391,7 +35500,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadOptionalAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35401,7 +35510,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read optional attribute(ActiveNetworkFaults) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35415,7 +35524,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10() + TestStep4hThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_10() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35426,7 +35535,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() + TestStep5eThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35436,7 +35545,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35446,7 +35555,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35460,7 +35569,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_17() + TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35471,7 +35580,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35521,56 +35630,56 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNetworkInterfacesStructureAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsNetworkInterfacesStructureAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsARebootCountAttributeValueFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsARebootCountAttributeValueFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_3(); + err = TestStep3aRebootTargetDevice_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4(); + err = TestStep3bRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3c: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_5(); + err = TestStep3cRebootTargetDevice_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3d: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_6(); + err = TestStep3dRebootTargetDeviceDUT_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); @@ -35578,13 +35687,13 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start time of " - "DUT rebooting.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4: DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start " + "time of DUT rebooting.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestDutRebootsAndThReadsAUpTimeAttributeValueOfDutSinceSomeArbitraryStartTimeOfDutRebooting_8(); + err = TestStep4DutRebootsAndThReadsAUpTimeAttributeValueOfDutSinceSomeArbitraryStartTimeOfDutRebooting_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads a TotalOperationalHours attribute value from DUT.\n"); @@ -35595,12 +35704,12 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestThReadsATotalOperationalHoursAttributeValueFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6a: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_10(); + err = TestStep6aRebootTargetDevice_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); @@ -35615,44 +35724,44 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6: TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGGEN.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsBootReasonAttributeValueFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsBootReasonAttributeValueFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 7: TH reads ActiveHardwareFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsActiveHardwareFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsActiveHardwareFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 8: TH reads ActiveRadioFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsActiveRadioFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep8ThReadsActiveRadioFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 9: TH reads ActiveNetworkFaults attribute value from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsActiveNetworkFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep9ThReadsActiveNetworkFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 10: TH reads TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute value\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGGEN.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTestEventTriggersEnabledAttributeValue_17(); + err = TestStep10ThReadsTestEventTriggersEnabledAttributeValue_17(); break; } @@ -35739,7 +35848,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -35747,7 +35856,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNetworkInterfacesStructureAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsNetworkInterfacesStructureAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35757,7 +35866,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNetworkInterfacesWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads NetworkInterfaces structure attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35768,7 +35877,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsARebootCountAttributeValueFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsARebootCountAttributeValueFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35778,7 +35887,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRebootCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads a RebootCount attribute value from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35792,14 +35901,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aRebootTargetDevice_3() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35810,14 +35919,14 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cRebootTargetDevice_5() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dRebootTargetDeviceDUT_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35836,7 +35945,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestDutRebootsAndThReadsAUpTimeAttributeValueOfDutSinceSomeArbitraryStartTimeOfDutRebooting_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4DutRebootsAndThReadsAUpTimeAttributeValueOfDutSinceSomeArbitraryStartTimeOfDutRebooting_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35846,8 +35955,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeUpTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start time of DUT rebooting. " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4: DUT reboots and TH reads a UpTime attribute value of DUT since some arbitrary start time of DUT " + @"rebooting. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35883,7 +35992,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aRebootTargetDevice_10() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; @@ -35909,7 +36018,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsBootReasonAttributeValueFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsBootReasonAttributeValueFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -35919,7 +36028,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBootReasonWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads BootReason attribute value from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -35932,7 +36041,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsActiveHardwareFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsActiveHardwareFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_14() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35942,7 +36051,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsActiveRadioFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThReadsActiveRadioFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_15() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35952,7 +36061,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsActiveNetworkFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThReadsActiveNetworkFaultsAttributeValueFromDut_16() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -35962,7 +36071,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTestEventTriggersEnabledAttributeValue_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ThReadsTestEventTriggersEnabledAttributeValue_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -36012,46 +36121,47 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandTriggerEffectInAcceptedCommandList_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadTheOptionalCommandTriggerEffectInAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT. For this cluster the list is usually empty " + "but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); break; } @@ -36108,7 +36218,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -36116,7 +36226,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36124,7 +36234,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36140,7 +36250,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36148,7 +36258,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36164,7 +36274,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36172,7 +36282,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36192,7 +36302,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36200,7 +36310,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36213,7 +36323,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandTriggerEffectInAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheOptionalCommandTriggerEffectInAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36221,7 +36331,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the optional command(TriggerEffect) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36234,7 +36344,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36242,7 +36352,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36259,7 +36369,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDutForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -36309,24 +36419,24 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheIdentifyTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheIdentifyTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheIdentifyTypeAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheIdentifyTypeAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; } @@ -36368,7 +36478,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -36376,7 +36486,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheIdentifyTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheIdentifyTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36384,7 +36494,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the IdentifyTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36398,7 +36508,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheIdentifyTypeAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheIdentifyTypeAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36406,7 +36516,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the IdentifyType attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36460,85 +36570,89 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c (60s).\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c " + "(60s).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x003c60s_1(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x003c60s_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Wait 10000ms\n"); err = TestWait10000ms_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestAfter10SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep2cAfter10SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify IdentifyQueryResponse command to TH,with " - "the Timeout field set to a value in the range 0x0000 to 0x0032\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH sends IdentifyQuery command to DUT and Verify IdentifyQueryResponse command to " + "TH,with the Timeout field set to a value in the range 0x0000 to 0x0032\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && I.S.C01.Rsp && I.S.C00.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsIdentifyQueryCommandToDutAndVerifyIdentifyQueryResponseCommandToTHwithTheTimeoutFieldSetToAValueInTheRange0x0000To0x0032_5(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsIdentifyQueryCommandToDutAndVerifyIdentifyQueryResponseCommandToTHwithTheTimeoutFieldSetToAValueInTheRange0x0000To0x0032_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop " + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop " "identifying).\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x0000StopIdentifying_6(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x0000StopIdentifying_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6a: TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAValueOf0x000f15sToIdentifyTimeAttributeOfDut_8(); + err = TestStep6aThWritesAValueOf0x000f15sToIdentifyTimeAttributeOfDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Wait 5000ms\n"); err = TestWait5000ms_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6b: After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestAfter5SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep6bAfter5SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_10(); break; } @@ -36604,7 +36718,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -36612,7 +36726,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x003c60s_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x003c60s_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36621,20 +36735,21 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRIdentifyClusterIdentifyParams alloc] init]; params.identifyTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:60U]; - [cluster - identifyWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c (60s). Error: %@", err); + [cluster identifyWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x003c (60s). " + @"Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36642,7 +36757,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36663,7 +36778,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestAfter10SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cAfter10SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36671,7 +36786,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: After 10 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36685,7 +36800,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsIdentifyQueryCommandToDutAndVerifyIdentifyQueryResponseCommandToTHwithTheTimeoutFieldSetToAValueInTheRange0x0000To0x0032_5() + TestStep3ThSendsIdentifyQueryCommandToDutAndVerifyIdentifyQueryResponseCommandToTHwithTheTimeoutFieldSetToAValueInTheRange0x0000To0x0032_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -36695,7 +36810,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x0000StopIdentifying_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsIdentifyCommandToDutWithTheIdentifyTimeFieldSetTo0x0000StopIdentifying_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36706,7 +36821,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.identifyTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:0U]; [cluster identifyWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop " + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends Identify command to DUT, with the IdentifyTime field set to 0x0000 (stop " @"identifying). Error: %@", err); @@ -36718,7 +36833,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsImmediatelyIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36726,7 +36841,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads immediately IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36741,7 +36856,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAValueOf0x000f15sToIdentifyTimeAttributeOfDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThWritesAValueOf0x000f15sToIdentifyTimeAttributeOfDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36752,7 +36867,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { identifyTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:15U]; [cluster writeAttributeIdentifyTimeWithValue:identifyTimeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH writes a value of 0x000f (15s) to IdentifyTime attribute of DUT " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36771,7 +36887,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestAfter5SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bAfter5SecondsTheThReadsIdentifyTimeAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -36779,7 +36895,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeIdentifyTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: After 5 seconds, the TH reads IdentifyTime attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -36832,18 +36948,18 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 1.Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink and " - "the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 " + "blink and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_1(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : DUT executes a blink effect\n"); @@ -36855,13 +36971,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe " - "and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " + "breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_3(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : DUT executes a breathe effect\n"); @@ -36873,13 +36989,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x02 okay and " - "the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2c: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x02 " + "okay and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x02OkayAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_5(); + err = TestStep2cThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x02OkayAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : DUT executes an okay effect\n"); @@ -36891,13 +37007,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x0b channel " - "change and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2d: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x0b " + "channel change and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x0bChannelChangeAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_7(); + err = TestStep2dThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x0bChannelChangeAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : DUT executes a channel change effect\n"); @@ -36909,13 +37025,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe " - "and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2e: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " + "breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_9(); + err = TestStep2eThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : DUT executes a breathe effect\n"); @@ -36927,13 +37043,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xfe finish " - "effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2f: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xfe " + "finish effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xfeFinishEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_11(); + err = TestStep2fThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xfeFinishEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : DUT stops the breathe effect after the current effect sequence\n"); @@ -36945,13 +37061,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 breathe " - "and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2g: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " + "breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_13(); + err = TestStep2gThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : DUT executes a breathe effect\n"); @@ -36963,13 +37079,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop " - "effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 2h: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff " + "stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_15(); + err = TestStep2hThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : DUT stops the breathe effect as soon as possible.\n"); @@ -36981,13 +37097,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink " - "and the effect variant field set to 0x42 unknown\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 " + "blink and the effect variant field set to 0x42 unknown\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x42Unknown_17(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x42Unknown_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Check DUT executes a blink effect.\n"); @@ -36999,13 +37115,13 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop " - "effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 3b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff " + "stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default\n"); if (ShouldSkip("I.S.C40.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_19(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : DUT stops any effect that may be still running as soon as possible\n"); @@ -37109,7 +37225,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -37118,7 +37234,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_1() + TestStep2aThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37130,8 +37246,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink " - @"and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37153,7 +37269,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_3() + TestStep2bThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37165,8 +37281,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " - @"breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37188,7 +37304,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x02OkayAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_5() + TestStep2cThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x02OkayAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37200,8 +37316,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x02 okay " - @"and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x02 okay and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37223,7 +37339,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x0bChannelChangeAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_7() + TestStep2dThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x0bChannelChangeAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37235,8 +37351,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x0b " - @"channel change and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x0b channel change and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37258,7 +37374,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_9() + TestStep2eThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37270,8 +37386,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " - @"breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37293,7 +37409,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xfeFinishEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_11() + TestStep2fThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xfeFinishEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37305,8 +37421,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xfe " - @"finish effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0xfe finish effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37328,7 +37444,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_13() + TestStep2gThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x01BreatheAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37340,8 +37456,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x01 " - @"breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2g: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x01 breathe and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37363,7 +37479,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_15() + TestStep2hThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37375,8 +37491,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop " - @"effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2h: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0xff stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37398,7 +37514,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x42Unknown_17() + TestStep3aThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0x00BlinkAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x42Unknown_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37410,8 +37526,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:66U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0x00 blink " - @"and the effect variant field set to 0x42 unknown Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0x00 blink and the effect variant field set to 0x42 unknown Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37433,7 +37549,7 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_19() + TestStep3bThSendsTriggerEffectCommandToDutWithTheEffectIdentifierFieldSetTo0xffStopEffectAndTheEffectVariantFieldSetTo0x00Default_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37445,8 +37561,8 @@ class Test_TC_I_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.effectVariant = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster triggerEffectWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to 0xff stop " - @"effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends TriggerEffect command to DUT with the effect identifier field set to " + @"0xff stop effect and the effect variant field set to 0x00 default Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37507,54 +37623,55 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLightSensorTypeInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeLightSensorTypeInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); + err = TestStep5ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); break; } @@ -37614,7 +37731,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -37622,7 +37739,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37632,7 +37749,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37648,7 +37765,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37658,7 +37775,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37674,7 +37791,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37684,7 +37801,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37705,7 +37822,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37715,7 +37832,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37728,7 +37845,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLightSensorTypeInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeLightSensorTypeInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37738,7 +37855,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(LightSensorType) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37752,7 +37869,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() + TestStep5ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -37762,7 +37879,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37772,7 +37889,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37788,7 +37905,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37798,7 +37915,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37854,48 +37971,48 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsToleranceAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsToleranceAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLightSensorTypeAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsLightSensorTypeAttributeFromDut_5(); break; } @@ -37946,7 +38063,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -37954,7 +38071,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37964,7 +38081,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -37981,7 +38098,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -37991,7 +38108,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38008,7 +38125,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38018,7 +38135,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38035,7 +38152,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsToleranceAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsToleranceAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38045,7 +38162,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads Tolerance attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38059,7 +38176,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLightSensorTypeAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsLightSensorTypeAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38069,7 +38186,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLightSensorTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads LightSensorType attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38126,64 +38243,66 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2aThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Cover the sensor or darken the room\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Cover the sensor or darken the room\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCoverTheSensorOrDarkenTheRoom_3(); + err = TestStep3CoverTheSensorOrDarkenTheRoom_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Wait 1s\n"); err = TestWait1s_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep4AfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Expose the sensor again to light\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: Expose the sensor again to light\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestExposeTheSensorAgainToLight_6(); + err = TestStep5ExposeTheSensorAgainToLight_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Wait 1s\n"); err = TestWait1s_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT.\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ILL.S.A0000 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep6AfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_8(); break; } @@ -38243,7 +38362,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -38252,7 +38371,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MinMeasuredValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThReadsMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38262,7 +38381,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH reads MinMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38281,7 +38400,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MaxMeasuredValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38291,7 +38410,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads MaxMeasuredValue attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38309,7 +38428,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCoverTheSensorOrDarkenTheRoom_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3CoverTheSensorOrDarkenTheRoom_3() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38327,7 +38446,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4AfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38337,7 +38456,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38353,7 +38472,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestExposeTheSensorAgainToLight_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ExposeTheSensorAgainToLight_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -38371,7 +38490,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6AfterAFewSecondsThReadsMeasuredValueAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38381,7 +38500,7 @@ class Test_TC_ILL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: After a few seconds, TH reads MeasuredValue attribute from DUT. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38441,131 +38560,139 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !LVL.S.F00 && !LVL.S.F01 && !LVL.S.F02 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenLvlsf00ooEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenLvlsf00ooEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenLvlsf01ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenLvlsf01ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2d: Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenLvlsf02fqEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep2dGivenLvlsf02fqEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in " + "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelAndRemainingTimeInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelAndRemainingTimeInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in " + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentFrequencyMinFrequencyAndMinFrequencyInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentFrequencyMinFrequencyAndMinFrequencyInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinLevelInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeMinLevelInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxLevelInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep3eReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxLevelInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep3fReadTheOptionalAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOnTransitionTimeInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep3gReadTheOptionalAttributeOnTransitionTimeInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3h: Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep3hReadTheOptionalAttributeOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3i: Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDefaultMoveRateInAttributeList_14(); + err = TestStep3iReadTheOptionalAttributeDefaultMoveRateInAttributeList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_15(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4a.1: Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentLVLSF02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16(); + err = TestStep4a1ReadTheFeatureDependentLVLSF02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_17(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -38664,7 +38791,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38672,7 +38799,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38688,7 +38815,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38696,7 +38823,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38712,7 +38839,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenLvlsf00ooEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenLvlsf00ooEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38720,7 +38847,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given LVL.S.F00(OO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38731,7 +38858,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenLvlsf01ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenLvlsf01ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38739,7 +38866,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given LVL.S.F01(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38750,7 +38877,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenLvlsf02fqEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dGivenLvlsf02fqEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38758,7 +38885,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: Given LVL.S.F02(FQ) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38769,7 +38896,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38777,7 +38904,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38798,7 +38925,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelAndRemainingTimeInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelAndRemainingTimeInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38806,7 +38933,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpCurrentLevel and RemainingTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38820,7 +38947,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentFrequencyMinFrequencyAndMinFrequencyInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentFrequencyMinFrequencyAndMinFrequencyInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38828,7 +38955,9 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentFrequency, MinFrequency and MinFrequency) in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38843,7 +38972,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinLevelInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeMinLevelInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38851,7 +38980,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(MinLevel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38864,7 +38993,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxLevelInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxLevelInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38872,7 +39001,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(MaxLevel) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38885,7 +39014,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fReadTheOptionalAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38893,7 +39022,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(OnOffTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38906,7 +39035,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOnTransitionTimeInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gReadTheOptionalAttributeOnTransitionTimeInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38914,7 +39043,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(OnTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38927,7 +39056,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3hReadTheOptionalAttributeOffTransitionTimeInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38935,7 +39064,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3h: Read the optional attribute(OffTransitionTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38948,7 +39077,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDefaultMoveRateInAttributeList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3iReadTheOptionalAttributeDefaultMoveRateInAttributeList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38956,7 +39085,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3i: Read the optional attribute(DefaultMoveRate) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38969,7 +39098,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -38977,7 +39106,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -38997,7 +39126,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentLVLSF02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a1ReadTheFeatureDependentLVLSF02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39005,7 +39134,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a.1: Read the Feature-dependent(LVL.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39018,7 +39147,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39026,7 +39155,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39086,52 +39215,52 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads the CurrentLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Reads the CurrentLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentLevelAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentLevelAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the RemainingTime attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Reads the RemainingTime attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheRemainingTimeAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep2ReadsTheRemainingTimeAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads the MinLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Reads the MinLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002 && LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep3aReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the MinLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Reads the MinLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0002 && !LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads the MaxLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4: Reads the MaxLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003 && LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep4ReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the MaxLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4a: Reads the MaxLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003 && !LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep4aReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4b & 4C Reads the CurrentLevel attribute\n"); @@ -39150,28 +39279,28 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestStep4b4cReadsTheCurrentLevelAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 5: Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentFrequencyAttribute_9(); + err = TestStep5ReadsTheCurrentFrequencyAttribute_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads the MinFrequency attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6: Reads the MinFrequency attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMinFrequencyAttribute_10(); + err = TestStep6ReadsTheMinFrequencyAttribute_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reads the MaxFrequency attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 7: Reads the MaxFrequency attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheMaxFrequencyAttribute_11(); + err = TestStep7ReadsTheMaxFrequencyAttribute_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 7b & 7C Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute\n"); @@ -39182,68 +39311,68 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestStep7b7cReadsTheCurrentFrequencyAttribute_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 8: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_13(); + err = TestStep8ReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Reads the OnLevel attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 9a: Reads the OnLevel attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.F01 && LVL.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_14(); + err = TestStep9aReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Reads the OnLevel attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 9b: Reads the OnLevel attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011 && !LVL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_15(); + err = TestStep9bReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 10: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttribute_16(); + err = TestStep10ReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttribute_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 11: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttribute_17(); + err = TestStep11ReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttribute_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 12: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttribute_18(); + err = TestStep12ReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttribute_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Reads the Options attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 13: Reads the Options attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOptionsAttribute_19(); + err = TestStep13ReadsTheOptionsAttribute_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 14: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute \n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttribute_20(); + err = TestStep14ReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttribute_20(); break; } @@ -39348,7 +39477,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentLevelAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentLevelAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39356,7 +39485,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the CurrentLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39376,7 +39505,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheRemainingTimeAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsTheRemainingTimeAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39384,7 +39513,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRemainingTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the RemainingTime attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads the RemainingTime attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39399,7 +39528,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MinLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39407,7 +39536,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MinLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Reads the MinLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39428,7 +39557,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MinLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadsTheMinLevelAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39436,7 +39565,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MinLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Reads the MinLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39454,7 +39583,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MaxLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39462,7 +39591,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MaxLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Reads the MaxLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39484,7 +39613,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MaxLevelFeatureMapNotSupportedValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadsTheMaxLevelAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39492,7 +39621,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MaxLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Reads the MaxLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39562,7 +39691,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentFrequencyAttribute_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsTheCurrentFrequencyAttribute_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39570,7 +39699,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentFrequencyWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads the CurrentFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39585,7 +39714,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MinFrequencyValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMinFrequencyAttribute_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadsTheMinFrequencyAttribute_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39593,7 +39722,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinFrequencyWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MinFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Reads the MinFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39611,7 +39740,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull MaxFrequencyValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheMaxFrequencyAttribute_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsTheMaxFrequencyAttribute_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39619,7 +39748,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxFrequencyWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the MaxFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads the MaxFrequency attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39658,7 +39787,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39666,7 +39795,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39680,7 +39809,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9aReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39688,7 +39817,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9a: Reads the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39705,7 +39834,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9bReadsTheOnLevelAttribute_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39713,7 +39842,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9b: Reads the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39732,7 +39861,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttribute_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttribute_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39740,7 +39869,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39757,7 +39886,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttribute_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttribute_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39765,7 +39894,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39782,7 +39911,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttribute_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttribute_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39790,7 +39919,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDefaultMoveRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39807,7 +39936,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOptionsAttribute_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ReadsTheOptionsAttribute_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39815,7 +39944,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Reads the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39826,7 +39955,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttribute_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttribute_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -39834,7 +39963,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -39901,148 +40030,148 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1aReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bWritesTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2a: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + err = TestStep2aReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheOnLevelAttributeOnTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep2bWritesTheOnLevelAttributeOnTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2c: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep2cReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep3aReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3b: Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_8(); + err = TestStep3bWritesTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3c: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_9(); + err = TestStep3cReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4a: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep4aReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4b: Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_11(); + err = TestStep4bWritesTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4c: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep4cReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5a: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_13(); + err = TestStep5aReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5b: Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeOnTheDut_14(); + err = TestStep5bWritesTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeOnTheDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5c: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_15(); + err = TestStep5cReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 6a: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_16(); + err = TestStep6aReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : writes the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6b: Rwrites the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeOnTheDut_17(); + err = TestStep6bRwritesTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeOnTheDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 6c: Rreads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_18(); + err = TestStep6cRreadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : writes back default value of OnOffTransitionTime attribute\n"); @@ -40158,7 +40287,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull OnOffTransitionTimeValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40166,7 +40295,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40183,7 +40312,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bWritesTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40194,19 +40323,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { onOffTransitionTimeArgument = mOnOffTransitionTimeConfigValue.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mOnOffTransitionTimeConfigValue.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:10U]; - [cluster writeAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeWithValue:onOffTransitionTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeWithValue:onOffTransitionTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog( + @"Step 1b: writes the OnOffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cReadsTheOnOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40214,7 +40345,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: Reads the OnOffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40234,7 +40365,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable OnLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40242,7 +40373,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40262,7 +40393,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheOnLevelAttributeOnTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bWritesTheOnLevelAttributeOnTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40274,7 +40405,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; [cluster writeAttributeOnLevelWithValue:onLevelArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: writes the OnLevel attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40284,7 +40415,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cReadsTheOnLevelAttributeFromTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40292,7 +40423,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Reads the OnLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40315,7 +40446,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable OnTransitionTimeValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40323,7 +40454,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40343,7 +40474,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bWritesTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40354,19 +40485,20 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { onTransitionTimeArgument = mOnTransitionTimeConfigValue.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mOnTransitionTimeConfigValue.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:5U]; - [cluster writeAttributeOnTransitionTimeWithValue:onTransitionTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeOnTransitionTimeWithValue:onTransitionTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Writes the OnTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadsTheOnTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40374,7 +40506,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Reads the OnTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40397,7 +40529,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable OffTransitionTimeValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40405,7 +40537,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40425,7 +40557,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bWritesTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeOnTheDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40436,19 +40568,20 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { offTransitionTimeArgument = mOffTransitionTimeConfigValue.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mOffTransitionTimeConfigValue.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:10U]; - [cluster writeAttributeOffTransitionTimeWithValue:offTransitionTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeOffTransitionTimeWithValue:offTransitionTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Writes the OffTransitionTime attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadsTheOffTransitionTimeAttributeFromTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40456,7 +40589,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOffTransitionTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Reads the OffTransitionTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40479,7 +40612,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable DefaultMoveRatevalue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40487,7 +40620,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDefaultMoveRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40507,7 +40640,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeOnTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bWritesTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeOnTheDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40520,7 +40653,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:111U]; [cluster writeAttributeDefaultMoveRateWithValue:defaultMoveRateArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: Writes the DefaultMoveRate attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40530,7 +40663,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cReadsTheDefaultMoveRateAttributeFromTheDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40538,7 +40671,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDefaultMoveRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: Reads the DefaultMoveRate attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40561,7 +40694,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable StartUpCurrentLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40569,7 +40702,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40589,7 +40722,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeOnTheDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bRwritesTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeOnTheDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40600,19 +40733,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { startUpCurrentLevelArgument = mStartUpCurrentLevelConfigValue.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:mStartUpCurrentLevelConfigValue.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; - [cluster writeAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelWithValue:startUpCurrentLevelArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"writes the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelWithValue:startUpCurrentLevelArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Rwrites the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute on the DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cRreadsTheStartUpCurrentLevelAttributeFromTheDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -40620,7 +40755,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"reads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: Rreads the StartUpCurrentLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -40732,337 +40867,338 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionWriteDefaultValueOfOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep1ThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1a: TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesNullToTheOnLevelAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep1aThWritesNullToTheOnLevelAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_6(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " - "(immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2b: TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime " + "=0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelWithOnOffCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_7(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsAMoveToLevelWithOnOffCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C04.Rsp && OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_10(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + "(immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_11(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = 300 (30 s). " - "This means the level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = " + "300 (30 s). This means the level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWithLevel200AndTransitionTime30030SThisMeansTheLevelShouldIncreaseBy150UnitsIn30sSo5UnitsS_13(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWithLevel200AndTransitionTime30030SThisMeansTheLevelShouldIncreaseBy150UnitsIn30sSo5UnitsS_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Wait 10000ms\n"); err = TestWait10000ms_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Wait 10000ms\n"); err = TestWait10000ms_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Wait 10000ms\n"); err = TestWait10000ms_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Wait 5000ms\n"); err = TestWait5000ms_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 5a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_23(); + err = TestStep5aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 5b: TH reads Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionsAttribute_24(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsOptionsAttribute_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_25(); + err = TestStep5cThSendsOnCommandToDut_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 5d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_26(); + err = TestStep5dThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 5e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_27(); + err = TestStep5eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_28(); + err = TestStep5fThSendsOffCommandToDut_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 5g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_29(); + err = TestStep5gThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 5h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_30(); + err = TestStep5hThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 5i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_31(); + err = TestStep5iThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_31(); break; case 32: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 5j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_32(); + err = TestStep5jThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_32(); break; case 33: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 5k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_33(); + err = TestStep5kThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_33(); break; case 34: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 5l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_34(); + err = TestStep5lThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_34(); break; case 35: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : TH writes 1 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 6a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_35(); + err = TestStep6aThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_35(); break; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 6b: TH reads Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionsAttribute_36(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsOptionsAttribute_36(); break; case 37: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 6c: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_37(); + err = TestStep6cThSendsOnCommandToDut_37(); break; case 38: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 6d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_38(); + err = TestStep6dThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_38(); break; case 39: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 6e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_39(); + err = TestStep6eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_39(); break; case 40: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 40 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 6f: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_40(); + err = TestStep6fThSendsOffCommandToDut_40(); break; case 41: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : Step 6g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_41(); + err = TestStep6gThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_41(); break; case 42: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 6h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_42(); + err = TestStep6hThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_42(); break; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 6i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_43(); + err = TestStep6iThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_43(); break; case 44: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 6j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_44(); + err = TestStep6jThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_44(); break; case 45: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 6k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_45(); + err = TestStep6kThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_45(); break; case 46: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : Step 6l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_46(); + err = TestStep6lThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_46(); break; } @@ -41309,7 +41445,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41320,7 +41456,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41330,7 +41466,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesNullToTheOnLevelAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWritesNullToTheOnLevelAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41341,7 +41477,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { onLevelArgument = nil; [cluster writeAttributeOnLevelWithValue:onLevelArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes NULL to the OnLevel attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41351,7 +41487,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41359,7 +41495,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41369,7 +41505,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelWithOnOffCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsAMoveToLevelWithOnOffCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41383,8 +41519,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithOnOffWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime " - @"=0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends a MoveToLevelWithOnOff command to DUT, with Level =50 and " + @"TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41395,7 +41531,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41403,7 +41539,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41418,7 +41554,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41426,7 +41562,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41442,7 +41578,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41450,7 +41586,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41460,7 +41596,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41472,22 +41608,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.transitionTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:0U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveToLevelWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + @"(immediate) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41495,7 +41630,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41512,7 +41647,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWithLevel200AndTransitionTime30030SThisMeansTheLevelShouldIncreaseBy150UnitsIn30sSo5UnitsS_13() + TestStep4aThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWithLevel200AndTransitionTime30030SThisMeansTheLevelShouldIncreaseBy150UnitsIn30sSo5UnitsS_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41524,16 +41659,17 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.transitionTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:300U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = 300 (30 " - @"s). This means the level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s Error: %@", - err); + [cluster + moveToLevelWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Level = 200 and TransitionTime = 300 " + @"(30 s). This means the level should increase by 150 units in 30s, so 5 units/s Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -41546,7 +41682,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41554,7 +41690,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41578,7 +41714,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41586,7 +41722,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41610,7 +41746,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41618,7 +41754,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41642,7 +41778,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41650,7 +41786,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41666,7 +41802,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41674,7 +41810,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41690,7 +41826,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41701,7 +41837,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41711,7 +41847,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionsAttribute_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsOptionsAttribute_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41719,7 +41855,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41734,7 +41870,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cThSendsOnCommandToDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41742,7 +41878,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41752,7 +41888,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41766,7 +41902,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41776,7 +41912,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41784,7 +41920,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41800,7 +41936,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5fThSendsOffCommandToDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41808,7 +41944,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5f: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41818,7 +41954,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5gThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41832,7 +41968,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41842,7 +41978,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5hThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41850,7 +41986,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41866,7 +42002,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5iThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41880,7 +42016,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41890,7 +42026,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5jThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41898,7 +42034,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41914,7 +42050,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_33() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5kThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_33() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41928,7 +42064,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41938,7 +42074,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_34() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5lThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_34() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41946,7 +42082,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41962,7 +42098,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_35() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThWrites1ToTheOptionsAttribute_35() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41973,7 +42109,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 1 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH writes 1 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -41983,7 +42119,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionsAttribute_36() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsOptionsAttribute_36() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -41991,7 +42127,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOptionsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42006,7 +42142,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_37() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cThSendsOnCommandToDut_37() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42014,7 +42150,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42024,7 +42160,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_38() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_38() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42038,7 +42174,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42048,7 +42184,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_39() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_39() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42056,7 +42192,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42072,7 +42208,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_40() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6fThSendsOffCommandToDut_40() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42080,7 +42216,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6f: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42090,7 +42226,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_41() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6gThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_41() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42104,7 +42240,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6g: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42114,7 +42250,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_42() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6hThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_42() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42122,7 +42258,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6h: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42138,7 +42274,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_43() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6iThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_43() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42152,7 +42288,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6i: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42162,7 +42298,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_44() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6jThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_44() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42170,7 +42306,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6j: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42186,7 +42322,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_45() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6kThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToTheDutWith_45() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42200,7 +42336,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6k: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to the DUT with Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42210,7 +42346,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_46() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6lThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_46() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42218,7 +42354,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6l: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42302,147 +42438,150 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionWriteDefaultValueOfOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1b: TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheMaxLevelAttributeFromTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep1bThReadsTheMaxLevelAttributeFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_6(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2b: TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveWithOnOffCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate10UnitsS_7(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsAMoveWithOnOffCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate10UnitsS_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait 5000ms\n"); err = TestWait5000ms_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C05.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_12(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + "(immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_13(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 (units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4a: TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 " + "(units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate5UnitsS_15(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate5UnitsS_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Wait 19s\n"); err = TestWait19s_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Precondition send Off Command\n"); @@ -42642,7 +42781,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42653,7 +42792,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42663,7 +42802,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheMaxLevelAttributeFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThReadsTheMaxLevelAttributeFromTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42671,7 +42810,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH reads the MaxLevel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42685,7 +42824,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42693,7 +42832,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42703,7 +42842,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveWithOnOffCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate10UnitsS_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsAMoveWithOnOffCommandToDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate10UnitsS_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42717,8 +42856,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveWithOnOffWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 (units/s) " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends a MoveWithOnOff command to DUT, with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =10 " + @"(units/s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42729,7 +42868,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42737,7 +42876,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42753,7 +42892,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentLevelValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42761,7 +42900,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42787,7 +42926,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42795,7 +42934,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42811,7 +42950,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42819,7 +42958,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42829,7 +42968,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42841,22 +42980,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.transitionTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:0U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveToLevelWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + @"(immediate) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42864,7 +43002,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42880,7 +43018,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate5UnitsS_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithMoveMode0x00UpAndRate5UnitsS_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42892,14 +43030,16 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.rate = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster moveWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 (units/s) Error: %@", err); + [cluster + moveWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends a Move command to the DUT with MoveMode =0x00 (up) and Rate =5 (units/s) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -42912,7 +43052,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42920,7 +43060,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42944,7 +43084,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42952,7 +43092,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -42976,7 +43116,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -42984,7 +43124,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43008,7 +43148,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43016,7 +43156,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43141,130 +43281,132 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionWriteDefaultValueOfOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep1ThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp && LVL.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_5(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 and " + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2b: TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 and " "TransitionTime =0 (immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAStepWithOnOffCommandToDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_6(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsAStepWithOnOffCommandToDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_8(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + "(immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_9(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads current level attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3c: Reads current level attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3cReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and " + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4a: TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and " "TransitionTime =300\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAStepCommandToTheDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize150AndTransitionTime300_11(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsAStepCommandToTheDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize150AndTransitionTime300_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Wait 10s\n"); err = TestWait10s_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Wait 5000ms\n"); err = TestWait5000ms_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the transition)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the " + "transition)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C02.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000 && !LVL.S.M.VarRate")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDutAfterDutHasFinishedTheTransition_20(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDutAfterDutHasFinishedTheTransition_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Precondition send Off Command\n"); @@ -43455,7 +43597,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43466,7 +43608,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43476,7 +43618,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsOffCommandToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43484,7 +43626,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43494,7 +43636,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAStepWithOnOffCommandToDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsAStepWithOnOffCommandToDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43509,8 +43651,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepWithOnOffWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 and " - @"TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends a StepWithOnOff command to DUT, with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =50 " + @"and TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43521,7 +43663,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOnOffAttributeOnOffClusterFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43529,7 +43671,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OnOff attribute (On/Off cluster) from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43544,7 +43686,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsOnCommandToDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43552,7 +43694,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43562,7 +43704,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43574,22 +43716,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.transitionTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:0U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveToLevelWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + @"(immediate) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43597,7 +43738,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads current level attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Reads current level attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43613,7 +43754,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAStepCommandToTheDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize150AndTransitionTime300_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsAStepCommandToTheDutWithStepMode0x00UpStepSize150AndTransitionTime300_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43628,8 +43769,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stepWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and TransitionTime " - @"=300 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends a Step command to the DUT with StepMode =0x00 (up), StepSize =150 and " + @"TransitionTime =300 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43648,7 +43789,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43656,7 +43797,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43680,7 +43821,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43688,7 +43829,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43712,7 +43853,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43720,7 +43861,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43744,7 +43885,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43752,7 +43893,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43768,7 +43909,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDutAfterDutHasFinishedTheTransition_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDutAfterDutHasFinishedTheTransition_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -43776,7 +43917,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the transition) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT (after DUT has finished the transition) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -43885,59 +44026,60 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionWriteDefaultValueOfOnOffTransitionTimeAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1a: H writes 0 to the Options attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep1aHWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_3(); + err = TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + "(immediate)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_4(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.A0000 && LVL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the " - "Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2c: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) " + "and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_6(); + err = TestStep2cThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Wait 5000ms\n"); - err = TestWait5000ms_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2d: Wait 5000ms\n"); + err = TestStep2dWait5000ms_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Sends stop command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3: Sends stop command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsStopCommandToDut_8(); + err = TestStep3SendsStopCommandToDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Physically verify that the device has stopped transitioning\n"); @@ -43948,34 +44090,34 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPhysicallyVerifyThatTheDeviceHasStoppedTransitioning_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C03.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the " - "Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) " + "and the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_11(); + err = TestStep5ThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 5000ms\n"); err = TestWait5000ms_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6: TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAStopWithOnOffCommandToTheDut_13(); + err = TestStep6ThSendsAStopWithOnOffCommandToTheDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Physically verify that the device has stopped transitioning\n"); @@ -43986,12 +44128,12 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPhysicallyVerifyThatTheDeviceHasStoppedTransitioning_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 7: Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LVL.S.C01.Rsp && LVL.S.C07.Rsp && LVL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep7ReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Precondition send Off Command\n"); @@ -44126,7 +44268,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aHWrites0ToTheOptionsAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44137,7 +44279,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { optionsArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOptionsWithValue:optionsArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: H writes 0 to the Options attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44147,7 +44289,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThSendsOnCommandToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44155,7 +44297,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44165,7 +44307,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsAMoveToLevelCommandToDutWithLevel50AndTransitionTime0Immediate_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44177,22 +44319,21 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.transitionTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:0U]; params.optionsMask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - moveToLevelWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 (immediate) Error: %@", - err); + [cluster moveToLevelWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends a MoveToLevel command to DUT, with Level =50 and TransitionTime =0 " + @"(immediate) Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44200,7 +44341,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44216,7 +44357,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44230,8 +44371,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate " - @"field set to 0x05 (5 units/s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and " + @"the Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44242,7 +44383,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWait5000ms_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dWait5000ms_7() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -44250,7 +44391,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsStopCommandToDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3SendsStopCommandToDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44262,7 +44403,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stopWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends stop command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Sends stop command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44282,7 +44423,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44290,7 +44431,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44306,7 +44447,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThSendsAMoveCommandToTheDutWithTheMoveModeFieldSetTo0x00MoveUpAndTheRateFieldSetTo0x055UnitsS_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44320,8 +44461,8 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster moveWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the Rate " - @"field set to 0x05 (5 units/s) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH sends a Move command to the DUT, with the MoveMode field set to 0x00 (move up) and the " + @"Rate field set to 0x05 (5 units/s) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44340,7 +44481,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAStopWithOnOffCommandToTheDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThSendsAStopWithOnOffCommandToTheDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44352,7 +44493,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.optionsOverride = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster stopWithOnOffWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH sends a StopWithOnOff command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -44372,7 +44513,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsCurrentLevelAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -44380,7 +44521,7 @@ class Test_TC_LVL_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads CurrentLevel attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45184,32 +45325,32 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4ThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_6(); break; } @@ -45263,7 +45404,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -45271,7 +45412,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45281,7 +45422,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45297,7 +45438,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45307,7 +45448,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45323,7 +45464,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45333,7 +45474,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45353,7 +45494,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45363,7 +45504,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45379,7 +45520,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45389,7 +45530,7 @@ class Test_TC_LCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45445,51 +45586,53 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffc && !LUNIT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffc && LUNIT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenLunitsf00tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3GivenLunitsf00tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffb && LUNIT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentLUNITSF00AttributeInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentLUNITSF00AttributeInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -45497,20 +45640,20 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); break; } @@ -45570,7 +45713,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -45578,7 +45721,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45586,7 +45729,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45602,7 +45745,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45610,7 +45753,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45626,7 +45769,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenLunitsf00tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3GivenLunitsf00tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45634,7 +45777,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Given LUNIT.S.F00(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45645,7 +45788,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45653,7 +45796,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45671,7 +45814,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentLUNITSF00AttributeInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentLUNITSF00AttributeInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45679,7 +45822,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(LUNIT.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45692,7 +45835,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45700,7 +45843,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45716,7 +45859,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45724,7 +45867,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45780,72 +45923,72 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites0FahrenheitToTemperatureUnitAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep2ThWrites0FahrenheitToTemperatureUnitAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Fahrenheit")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites1CelsiusToTemperatureUnitAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep4ThWrites1CelsiusToTemperatureUnitAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Celsius")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites2KelvinToTemperatureUnitAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep6ThWrites2KelvinToTemperatureUnitAttribute_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000 && LUNIT.TempUnit.Kelvin")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_7(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 8: TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LUNIT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrites5ToTemperatureUnitAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep8ThWrites5ToTemperatureUnitAttribute_8(); break; } @@ -45913,7 +46056,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45921,7 +46064,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureUnitWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45932,7 +46075,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites0FahrenheitToTemperatureUnitAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThWrites0FahrenheitToTemperatureUnitAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45941,19 +46084,20 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { id temperatureUnitArgument; temperatureUnitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH writes 0 (Fahrenheit) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45961,7 +46105,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureUnitWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -45976,7 +46120,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites1CelsiusToTemperatureUnitAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThWrites1CelsiusToTemperatureUnitAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -45985,19 +46129,20 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { id temperatureUnitArgument; temperatureUnitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; - [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH writes 1 (Celsius) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46005,7 +46150,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureUnitWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46020,7 +46165,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites2KelvinToTemperatureUnitAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThWrites2KelvinToTemperatureUnitAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46031,7 +46176,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { temperatureUnitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH writes 2 (Kelvin) to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46041,7 +46186,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsTemperatureUnitAttribute_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46049,7 +46194,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureUnitWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46064,7 +46209,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrites5ToTemperatureUnitAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThWrites5ToTemperatureUnitAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46075,7 +46220,7 @@ class Test_TC_LUNIT_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { temperatureUnitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureUnitWithValue:temperatureUnitArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH writes 5 to TemperatureUnit attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] @@ -46129,53 +46274,53 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeActiveCalendarTypeInAttributeListFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeActiveCalendarTypeInAttributeListFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffb && LTIME.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSupportedCalendarTypesInAttributeListFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeSupportedCalendarTypesInAttributeListFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -46183,20 +46328,20 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LTIME.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8(); break; } @@ -46256,7 +46401,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -46264,7 +46409,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46274,7 +46419,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46290,7 +46435,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46300,7 +46445,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46314,7 +46459,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46324,7 +46469,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46343,7 +46488,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeActiveCalendarTypeInAttributeListFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeActiveCalendarTypeInAttributeListFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46353,7 +46498,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ActiveCalendarType) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46366,7 +46511,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSupportedCalendarTypesInAttributeListFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeSupportedCalendarTypesInAttributeListFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46376,7 +46521,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(SupportedCalendarTypes) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46389,7 +46534,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46399,7 +46544,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46415,7 +46560,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46425,7 +46570,7 @@ class Test_TC_LTIME_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46485,27 +46630,27 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -46568,7 +46713,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46576,7 +46721,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46592,7 +46737,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46600,7 +46745,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46616,7 +46761,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46624,7 +46769,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46646,7 +46791,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46654,7 +46799,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46671,7 +46816,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46679,7 +46824,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46739,55 +46884,58 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !KEYPADINPUT.S.F00 && KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && !KEYPADINPUT.S.F02 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenKeypadinputsf00nvFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenKeypadinputsf00nvFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenKeypadinputsf01lkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenKeypadinputsf01lkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2d: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenKeypadinputsf02nkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_5(); + err = TestStep2dGivenKeypadinputsf02nkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -46859,7 +47007,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46867,7 +47015,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46883,7 +47031,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46891,7 +47039,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46907,7 +47055,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenKeypadinputsf00nvFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenKeypadinputsf00nvFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46915,7 +47063,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F00(NV)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46926,7 +47074,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenKeypadinputsf01lkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenKeypadinputsf01lkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46934,7 +47082,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F01(LK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46945,7 +47093,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenKeypadinputsf02nkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dGivenKeypadinputsf02nkFeatureMapBitMaskIsSetOrNot_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46953,7 +47101,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: Given (KEYPADINPUT.S.F02(NK)) FeatureMap bit mask is set or not Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46964,7 +47112,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46972,7 +47120,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -46990,7 +47138,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -46998,7 +47146,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47011,7 +47159,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47019,7 +47167,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47072,59 +47220,59 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !APPLAUNCHER.S.F00 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3(); + err = TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCatalogListInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeCatalogListInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentAppInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentAppInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -47188,7 +47336,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -47196,7 +47344,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47206,7 +47354,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47222,7 +47370,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47232,7 +47380,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47248,7 +47396,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47258,7 +47406,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47274,7 +47422,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47284,7 +47432,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47302,7 +47450,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCatalogListInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeCatalogListInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47312,7 +47460,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CatalogList) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47325,7 +47473,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentAppInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentAppInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47335,7 +47483,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentApp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47348,7 +47496,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47358,7 +47506,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47373,7 +47521,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47383,7 +47531,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47436,60 +47584,60 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !MEDIAINPUT.S.F00 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenMediainputsf00nuEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2GivenMediainputsf00nuEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeInputListInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeInputListInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentInputInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentInputInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -47553,7 +47701,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -47561,7 +47709,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47569,7 +47717,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47585,7 +47733,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47593,7 +47741,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47609,7 +47757,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenMediainputsf00nuEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2GivenMediainputsf00nuEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47617,7 +47765,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Given MEDIAINPUT.S.F00(NU) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47628,7 +47776,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47636,7 +47784,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47654,7 +47802,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeInputListInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeInputListInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47662,7 +47810,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(InputList) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47675,7 +47823,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentInputInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentInputInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47683,7 +47831,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(CurrentInput) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47696,7 +47844,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47704,7 +47852,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47720,7 +47868,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47728,7 +47876,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47788,35 +47936,35 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WAKEONLAN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMACAddressInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeMACAddressInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -47882,7 +48030,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47890,7 +48038,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47906,7 +48054,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47914,7 +48062,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47930,7 +48078,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47938,7 +48086,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47956,7 +48104,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMACAddressInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeMACAddressInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47964,7 +48112,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(MACAddress) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -47977,7 +48125,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -47985,7 +48133,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48001,7 +48149,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48009,7 +48157,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48069,104 +48217,108 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenCchannelsf00clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenCchannelsf00clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenChannelsf01liEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenChannelsf01liEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeChannelListAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeChannelListAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3c: Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadingOptionalAttributeLineupInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep3cReadingOptionalAttributeLineupInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentChannelAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentChannelAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4a: Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelInAcceptedCommandList_9(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelInAcceptedCommandList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4b: Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelByNumberInAcceptedCommandList_10(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelByNumberInAcceptedCommandList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4c: Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipChannelInAcceptedCommandList_11(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalCommandSkipChannelInAcceptedCommandList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !CHANNEL.S.F00 && !CHANNEL.S.F01 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_12(); + err = TestStep5aReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.F00 || CHANNEL.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13(); + err = TestStep5bReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -48253,7 +48405,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48261,7 +48413,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48277,7 +48429,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48285,7 +48437,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48301,7 +48453,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenCchannelsf00clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenCchannelsf00clEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48309,7 +48461,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given CCHANNEL.S.F00(CL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48320,7 +48472,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenChannelsf01liEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenChannelsf01liEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48328,7 +48480,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given CHANNEL.S.F01(LI) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48339,7 +48491,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48347,7 +48499,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48365,7 +48517,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeChannelListAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeChannelListAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48373,7 +48525,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(ChannelList): AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48386,7 +48538,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadingOptionalAttributeLineupInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadingOptionalAttributeLineupInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48394,7 +48546,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Reading optional attribute(Lineup) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48407,7 +48559,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentChannelAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentChannelAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48415,7 +48567,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(CurrentChannel): AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48428,7 +48580,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelInAcceptedCommandList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelInAcceptedCommandList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48436,7 +48588,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the optional command(ChangeChannel) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48449,7 +48601,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelByNumberInAcceptedCommandList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandChangeChannelByNumberInAcceptedCommandList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48457,7 +48609,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional command(ChangeChannelByNumber) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48470,7 +48622,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipChannelInAcceptedCommandList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalCommandSkipChannelInAcceptedCommandList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48478,7 +48630,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional command(SkipChannel) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48491,7 +48643,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48499,7 +48651,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48515,7 +48667,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48523,7 +48675,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_1_6 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48580,161 +48732,170 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00 && !MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenMediaplaybacksf00asEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenMediaplaybacksf00asEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenMediaplaybacksf01vsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenMediaplaybacksf01vsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartTimeInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartTimeInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDurationInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeDurationInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSampledPositionInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeSampledPositionInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePlaybackSpeedInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep3eReadTheOptionalAttributePlaybackSpeedInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeEndInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep3fReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeEndInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeStartInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep3gReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeStartInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4b: Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandStartOverInAcceptedCommandList_13(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandStartOverInAcceptedCommandList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4c: Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandPreviousInAcceptedCommandList_14(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalCommandPreviousInAcceptedCommandList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4d: Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandNextInAcceptedCommandList_15(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheOptionalCommandNextInAcceptedCommandList_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4e: Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandRewindInAcceptedCommandList_16(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheOptionalCommandRewindInAcceptedCommandList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4f: Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandFastForwardInAcceptedCommandList_17(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheOptionalCommandFastForwardInAcceptedCommandList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4g: Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipForwardInAcceptedCommandList_18(); + err = TestStep4gReadTheOptionalCommandSkipForwardInAcceptedCommandList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4h: Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipBackwardInAcceptedCommandList_19(); + err = TestStep4hReadTheOptionalCommandSkipBackwardInAcceptedCommandList_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4i: Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandSeekInAcceptedCommandList_20(); + err = TestStep4iReadTheOptionalCommandSeekInAcceptedCommandList_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -48845,7 +49006,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48853,7 +49014,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48869,7 +49030,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48877,7 +49038,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48893,7 +49054,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenMediaplaybacksf00asEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenMediaplaybacksf00asEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48901,7 +49062,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F00(AS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48912,7 +49073,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenMediaplaybacksf01vsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenMediaplaybacksf01vsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48920,7 +49081,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.F01(VS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48931,7 +49092,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48939,7 +49100,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48958,7 +49119,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeStartTimeInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartTimeInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48966,7 +49127,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(StartTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -48979,7 +49140,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDurationInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeDurationInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -48987,7 +49148,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(Duration) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49000,7 +49161,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSampledPositionInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeSampledPositionInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49008,7 +49169,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(SampledPosition) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49021,7 +49182,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePlaybackSpeedInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eReadTheOptionalAttributePlaybackSpeedInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49029,7 +49190,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Read the optional attribute(PlaybackSpeed) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49042,7 +49203,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeEndInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeEndInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49050,7 +49211,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeEnd) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49063,7 +49224,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeStartInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gReadTheOptionalAttributeSeekRangeStartInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49071,7 +49232,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Read the optional attribute(SeekRangeStart) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49084,7 +49245,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49092,7 +49253,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49107,7 +49268,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandStartOverInAcceptedCommandList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandStartOverInAcceptedCommandList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49115,7 +49276,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional command(StartOver) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49128,7 +49289,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandPreviousInAcceptedCommandList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalCommandPreviousInAcceptedCommandList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49136,7 +49297,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional command(Previous) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49149,7 +49310,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandNextInAcceptedCommandList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheOptionalCommandNextInAcceptedCommandList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49157,7 +49318,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the optional command(Next) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49170,7 +49331,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandRewindInAcceptedCommandList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheOptionalCommandRewindInAcceptedCommandList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49178,7 +49339,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the optional command(Rewind) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49191,7 +49352,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandFastForwardInAcceptedCommandList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheOptionalCommandFastForwardInAcceptedCommandList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49199,7 +49360,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the optional command(FastForward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49212,7 +49373,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipForwardInAcceptedCommandList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadTheOptionalCommandSkipForwardInAcceptedCommandList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49220,7 +49381,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read the optional command(SkipForward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49233,7 +49394,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandSkipBackwardInAcceptedCommandList_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hReadTheOptionalCommandSkipBackwardInAcceptedCommandList_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49241,7 +49402,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: Read the optional command(SkipBackward) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49254,7 +49415,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandSeekInAcceptedCommandList_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iReadTheOptionalCommandSeekInAcceptedCommandList_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49262,7 +49423,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: Read the optional command(Seek) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49275,7 +49436,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49283,7 +49444,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49336,43 +49497,43 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !AUDIOOUTPUT.S.F00 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3(); + err = TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -49430,7 +49591,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -49438,7 +49599,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49446,7 +49607,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49462,7 +49623,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49470,7 +49631,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49481,7 +49642,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49489,7 +49650,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49500,7 +49661,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49508,7 +49669,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49528,7 +49689,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49536,7 +49697,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49549,7 +49710,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49557,7 +49718,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49617,35 +49778,36 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentTargetInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentTargetInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -49711,7 +49873,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49719,7 +49881,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49735,7 +49897,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49743,7 +49905,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49759,7 +49921,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49767,7 +49929,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49786,7 +49948,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentTargetInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeCurrentTargetInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49794,7 +49956,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(CurrentTarget) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49807,7 +49969,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49815,7 +49977,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49828,7 +49990,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -49836,7 +49998,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_1_9 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -49893,51 +50055,51 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeProductIDInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeProductIDInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -50009,7 +50171,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50017,7 +50179,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50033,7 +50195,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50041,7 +50203,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50057,7 +50219,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50065,7 +50227,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50088,7 +50250,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorNameInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50096,7 +50258,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(VendorName) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50109,7 +50271,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeVendorIDInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50117,7 +50279,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(VendorID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50130,7 +50292,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeProductIDInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheOptionalAttributeProductIDInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50138,7 +50300,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Read the optional attribute(ProductID) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50151,7 +50313,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50159,7 +50321,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50175,7 +50337,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50183,7 +50345,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_1_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50243,80 +50405,80 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 && !CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenContentlaunchersf00CsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenContentlaunchersf00CsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenContentlaunchersf01upEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenContentlaunchersf01upEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeAcceptHeaderAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeAcceptHeaderAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4a: Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C00.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchContentInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchContentInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4b: Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.C.C01.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchURLInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchURLInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -50394,7 +50556,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50402,7 +50564,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50418,7 +50580,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50426,7 +50588,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50442,7 +50604,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenContentlaunchersf00CsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenContentlaunchersf00CsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50450,7 +50612,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F00 (CS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50461,7 +50623,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenContentlaunchersf01upEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenContentlaunchersf01upEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50469,7 +50631,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.F01(UP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50480,7 +50642,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50488,7 +50650,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50506,7 +50668,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeAcceptHeaderAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheOptionalAttributeAcceptHeaderAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50514,7 +50676,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Read the optional attribute(AcceptHeader): AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50527,7 +50689,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheOptionalAttributeSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50535,7 +50697,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Read the optional attribute(SupportedStreamingProtocols): AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50548,7 +50710,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchContentInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchContentInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50556,7 +50718,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the optional command(LaunchContent) in AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50569,7 +50731,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchURLInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalCommandLaunchURLInAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50577,7 +50739,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional command(LaunchURL) in AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50590,7 +50752,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50598,7 +50760,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50655,27 +50817,27 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT\n"); NextTest(); return; } @@ -50738,7 +50900,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50746,7 +50908,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50762,7 +50924,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50770,7 +50932,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50786,7 +50948,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50794,7 +50956,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50812,7 +50974,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50820,7 +50982,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50835,7 +50997,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50843,7 +51005,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_1_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -50900,12 +51062,12 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends Sleep command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH sends Sleep command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSleepCommandToDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsSleepCommandToDut_1(); break; } @@ -50952,7 +51114,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSleepCommandToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThSendsSleepCommandToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -50960,7 +51122,7 @@ class Test_TC_LOWPOWER_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster sleepWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Sleep command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends Sleep command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51014,20 +51176,20 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsCecSettingsKeys0x0AToDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsCecSettingsKeys0x0AToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.F01 && KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsCecHomeKeys0x09ToDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsCecHomeKeys0x09ToDut_2(); break; } @@ -51077,7 +51239,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsCecSettingsKeys0x0AToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThSendsCecSettingsKeys0x0AToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51088,7 +51250,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:10U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends CEC Settings Keys(0x0A) to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51103,7 +51265,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsCecHomeKeys0x09ToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsCecHomeKeys0x09ToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51114,7 +51276,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:9U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends CEC Home Keys(0x09) to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51173,76 +51335,76 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Send Numbers1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: Send Numbers1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers1_1(); + err = TestStep1aSendNumbers1_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Send Numbers2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: Send Numbers2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers2_2(); + err = TestStep1bSendNumbers2_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Send Numbers3\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: Send Numbers3\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers3_3(); + err = TestStep1cSendNumbers3_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Send Numbers4\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: Send Numbers4\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers4_4(); + err = TestStep1dSendNumbers4_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Send Numbers5\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: Send Numbers5\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers5_5(); + err = TestStep1eSendNumbers5_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Send Numbers6\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1f: Send Numbers6\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers6_6(); + err = TestStep1fSendNumbers6_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Send Numbers7\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 1g: Send Numbers7\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers7_7(); + err = TestStep1gSendNumbers7_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Send Numbers8\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 1h: Send Numbers8\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers8_8(); + err = TestStep1hSendNumbers8_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Send Numbers9\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 1i: Send Numbers9\n"); if (ShouldSkip("KEYPADINPUT.S.C00.Rsp && KEYPADINPUT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendNumbers9_9(); + err = TestStep1iSendNumbers9_9(); break; } @@ -51313,7 +51475,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers1_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aSendNumbers1_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51324,7 +51486,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:33U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: Send Numbers1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51339,7 +51501,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers2_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bSendNumbers2_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51350,7 +51512,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:34U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers2 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: Send Numbers2 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51365,7 +51527,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers3_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cSendNumbers3_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51376,7 +51538,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:35U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers3 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: Send Numbers3 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51391,7 +51553,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers4_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dSendNumbers4_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51402,7 +51564,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:36U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers4 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: Send Numbers4 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51417,7 +51579,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers5_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eSendNumbers5_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51428,7 +51590,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:37U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers5 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: Send Numbers5 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51443,7 +51605,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers6_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1fSendNumbers6_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51454,7 +51616,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:38U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers6 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1f: Send Numbers6 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51469,7 +51631,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers7_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1gSendNumbers7_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51480,7 +51642,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:39U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers7 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1g: Send Numbers7 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51495,7 +51657,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers8_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1hSendNumbers8_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51506,7 +51668,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:40U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers8 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1h: Send Numbers8 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51521,7 +51683,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendNumbers9_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1iSendNumbers9_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51532,7 +51694,7 @@ class Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.keyCode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:41U]; [cluster sendKeyWithParams:params completion:^(MTRKeypadInputClusterSendKeyResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Numbers9 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1i: Send Numbers9 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51587,18 +51749,18 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a CSA-issued " - "Vendor Id of type unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a " + "CSA-issued Vendor Id of type unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCatalogListAttributeFromTheDutAndWhereEachEntryInTheListIsACsaIssuedVendorIdOfTypeUnsigned16BitIntegerRangingBetween065536ForTheCatalog_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsCatalogListAttributeFromTheDutAndWhereEachEntryInTheListIsACsaIssuedVendorIdOfTypeUnsigned16BitIntegerRangingBetween065536ForTheCatalog_1(); break; } @@ -51637,7 +51799,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -51646,7 +51808,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsCatalogListAttributeFromTheDutAndWhereEachEntryInTheListIsACsaIssuedVendorIdOfTypeUnsigned16BitIntegerRangingBetween065536ForTheCatalog_1() + TestStep1ThReadsCatalogListAttributeFromTheDutAndWhereEachEntryInTheListIsACsaIssuedVendorIdOfTypeUnsigned16BitIntegerRangingBetween065536ForTheCatalog_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51656,8 +51818,8 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCatalogListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a CSA-issued Vendor Id of type " - @"unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads CatalogList attribute from the DUT and where each entry in the list is a CSA-issued Vendor Id " + @"of type unsigned 16 bit integer ranging between 0-65536 for the catalog Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51708,19 +51870,19 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application attributes, " - "which should include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is " - "no current in-focus application\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application " + "attributes, which should include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null " + "if there is no current in-focus application\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APPLAUNCHER.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentAppAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyTheInFocusApplicationAttributesWhichShouldIncludeTheDisplayApplicationIDtypeuint16CatalogVendorIDtypestringOrNullIfThereIsNoCurrentInFocusApplication_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsCurrentAppAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyTheInFocusApplicationAttributesWhichShouldIncludeTheDisplayApplicationIDtypeuint16CatalogVendorIDtypestringOrNullIfThereIsNoCurrentInFocusApplication_1(); break; } @@ -51759,7 +51921,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -51768,7 +51930,7 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsCurrentAppAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyTheInFocusApplicationAttributesWhichShouldIncludeTheDisplayApplicationIDtypeuint16CatalogVendorIDtypestringOrNullIfThereIsNoCurrentInFocusApplication_1() + TestStep1ThReadsCurrentAppAttributeFromTheDutAndVerifyTheInFocusApplicationAttributesWhichShouldIncludeTheDisplayApplicationIDtypeuint16CatalogVendorIDtypestringOrNullIfThereIsNoCurrentInFocusApplication_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51779,9 +51941,9 @@ class Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentAppWithCompletion:^( MTRApplicationLauncherClusterApplicationEPStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application attributes, which should " - @"include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is no current " - @"in-focus application Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads CurrentApp attribute from the DUT and Verify the in-focus application attributes, which " + @"should include the display Application ID(type:uint16) Catalog Vendor ID(type:string) or Null if there is no " + @"current in-focus application Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51832,19 +51994,19 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify " - "list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and " + "Verify list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); break; } @@ -51883,7 +52045,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -51892,7 +52054,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() + TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -51900,9 +52062,9 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - @"inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - @"InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + @"available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint " + @"8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -51954,38 +52116,38 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify " - "list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and " + "Verify list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the preferred " - "input.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the " + "preferred input.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSelectInputCommandToDutToSelectAnInputByPassingTheIndexOfThePreferredInput_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsSelectInputCommandToDutToSelectAnInputByPassingTheIndexOfThePreferredInput_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0001 && MEDIAINPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsCurrentInputAttributeFromTheDutToShowTheCurrentInputSelected_3(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsCurrentInputAttributeFromTheDutToShowTheCurrentInputSelected_3(); break; } @@ -52031,7 +52193,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mIndex; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -52040,7 +52202,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() + TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52048,9 +52210,9 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - @"inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - @"InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + @"available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint " + @"8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52061,7 +52223,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSelectInputCommandToDutToSelectAnInputByPassingTheIndexOfThePreferredInput_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsSelectInputCommandToDutToSelectAnInputByPassingTheIndexOfThePreferredInput_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52072,7 +52234,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { params.index = mIndex.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:mIndex.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster selectInputWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the " + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends SelectInput command to DUT to select an input by passing the index of the " @"preferred input. Error: %@", err); @@ -52084,7 +52246,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsCurrentInputAttributeFromTheDutToShowTheCurrentInputSelected_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsCurrentInputAttributeFromTheDutToShowTheCurrentInputSelected_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52092,7 +52254,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentInputWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads _CurrentInput attribute from the DUT to show the current input selected. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52147,35 +52309,35 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify " - "list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and " + "Verify list of available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an " "index(type:uint 8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Show Input Status Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Show Input Status Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestShowInputStatusCommand_2(); + err = TestStep2ShowInputStatusCommand_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Hide Input Status Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Hide Input Status Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestHideInputStatusCommand_3(); + err = TestStep3HideInputStatusCommand_3(); break; } @@ -52220,7 +52382,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -52229,7 +52391,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() + TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyListOfAvailableInputsSupportedByTheDeviceIsProvidedWhereEachEntryInTheListContainsAnIndextypeuint8InputTypeInputTypeEnumsNameTypeStringsAndDescriptionTypeString_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52237,9 +52399,9 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of available " - @"inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint 8), " - @"InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify list of " + @"available inputs supported by the device is provided, where each entry in the list contains an index(type:uint " + @"8), InputType (InputType Enums), Name (type: Strings), and Description(Type:String) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52250,7 +52412,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestShowInputStatusCommand_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ShowInputStatusCommand_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52258,7 +52420,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster showInputStatusWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Show Input Status Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Show Input Status Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52268,7 +52430,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestHideInputStatusCommand_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3HideInputStatusCommand_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52276,7 +52438,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster hideInputStatusWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Hide Input Status Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Hide Input Status Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52327,35 +52489,36 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in step 1\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in " + "step 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAINPUT.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsARenameInputCommandToDutToRenameAnInputFromTheListReturnedInStep1_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsARenameInputCommandToDutToRenameAnInputFromTheListReturnedInStep1_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAINPUT.S.A0000 && MEDIAINPUT.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_3(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_3(); break; } @@ -52401,7 +52564,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mIndex; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -52409,7 +52572,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52417,7 +52580,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the InputList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52428,7 +52591,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsARenameInputCommandToDutToRenameAnInputFromTheListReturnedInStep1_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsARenameInputCommandToDutToRenameAnInputFromTheListReturnedInStep1_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52440,8 +52603,8 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { = @"A1"; [cluster renameInputWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in step 1 " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a RenameInput command to DUT to rename an input from the list returned in " + @"step 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52452,7 +52615,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheInputListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailable_3() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -52507,15 +52670,15 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify " - "that the response contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the " + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and " + "Verify that the response contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the " "following,Major number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, " "mandatory),Name (String, optional),Call sign (String, optional),Affiliate call sign (String, optional)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsAListOfTheKnownTvChannelsEachListElementShouldConsistOfTheFollowingMajorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryMinorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryNameStringOptionalCallSignStringOptionalAffiliateCallSignStringOptional_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsAListOfTheKnownTvChannelsEachListElementShouldConsistOfTheFollowingMajorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryMinorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryNameStringOptionalCallSignStringOptionalAffiliateCallSignStringOptional_1(); break; } @@ -52563,7 +52726,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsAListOfTheKnownTvChannelsEachListElementShouldConsistOfTheFollowingMajorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryMinorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryNameStringOptionalCallSignStringOptionalAffiliateCallSignStringOptional_1() + TestStep1ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsAListOfTheKnownTvChannelsEachListElementShouldConsistOfTheFollowingMajorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryMinorNumberUnsigned16BitIntegerMandatoryNameStringOptionalCallSignStringOptionalAffiliateCallSignStringOptional_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52571,9 +52734,9 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeChannelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the response " - @"contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the following,Major number " - @"(unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Name (String, " + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the " + @"response contains a list of the known TV channels. Each list element should consist of the following,Major " + @"number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Minor number (unsigned 16-bit integer, mandatory),Name (String, " @"optional),Call sign (String, optional),Affiliate call sign (String, optional) Error: %@", err); @@ -52631,38 +52794,38 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel information (major and " - "minor numbers) from the list in step 1\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel information (major " + "and minor numbers) from the list in step 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAChangeChannelByNumberCommandToTheDutWithChannelInformationMajorAndMinorNumbersFromTheListInStep1_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsAChangeChannelByNumberCommandToTheDutWithChannelInformationMajorAndMinorNumbersFromTheListInStep1_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Verify that the channel has changed on the device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_3(); + err = TestStep2aVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; } @@ -52720,7 +52883,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52728,7 +52891,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeChannelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52739,7 +52902,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAChangeChannelByNumberCommandToTheDutWithChannelInformationMajorAndMinorNumbersFromTheListInStep1_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsAChangeChannelByNumberCommandToTheDutWithChannelInformationMajorAndMinorNumbersFromTheListInStep1_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52753,8 +52916,8 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster changeChannelByNumberWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel information " - @"(major and minor numbers) from the list in step 1 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a ChangeChannelByNumber command to the DUT with channel " + @"information (major and minor numbers) from the list in step 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52765,7 +52928,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_3() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -52776,7 +52939,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52785,7 +52948,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentChannelWithCompletion:^( MTRChannelClusterChannelInfoStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52853,53 +53016,53 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that " - "the response contains a lineup info object\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and " + "Verify that the response contains a lineup info object\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheLineupAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsALineupInfoObject_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheLineupAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsALineupInfoObject_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsASkipChannelCommandToTheDutWithAValueOf1_4(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsASkipChannelCommandToTheDutWithAValueOf1_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Verify that the channel has changed on the device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: Verify that the channel has changed on the device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_5(); + err = TestStep4aVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 5: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CHANNEL.S.A0002 && CHANNEL.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_6(); break; } @@ -52966,7 +53129,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsTheLineupAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsALineupInfoObject_1() + TestStep1ThReadsTheLineupAttributeFromTheDutToShowListOfInputsAvailableAndVerifyThatTheResponseContainsALineupInfoObject_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52974,8 +53137,8 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLineupWithCompletion:^(MTRChannelClusterLineupInfoStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the response " - @"contains a lineup info object Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the Lineup attribute from the DUT to show list of Inputs available and Verify that the " + @"response contains a lineup info object Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -52986,7 +53149,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheChannelListAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -52994,7 +53157,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeChannelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ChannelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53005,7 +53168,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53014,7 +53177,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentChannelWithCompletion:^( MTRChannelClusterChannelInfoStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53033,7 +53196,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsASkipChannelCommandToTheDutWithAValueOf1_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThSendsASkipChannelCommandToTheDutWithAValueOf1_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53044,7 +53207,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.count = [NSNumber numberWithShort:1]; [cluster skipChannelWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends a SkipChannel command to the DUT with a value of 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53054,7 +53217,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aVerifyThatTheChannelHasChangedOnTheDevice_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -53065,7 +53228,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsTheCurrentChannelAttributeFromTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53074,7 +53237,7 @@ class Test_TC_CHANNEL_5_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentChannelWithCompletion:^( MTRChannelClusterChannelInfoStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads the CurrentChannel attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53150,20 +53313,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionMediaContentInAPausedStateAtTheBeginningOfTheContent_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Sends a Play command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: Sends a Play command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAPlayCommand_3(); + err = TestStep2SendsAPlayCommand_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Verify that the media state is playing\n"); @@ -53174,20 +53337,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaStateIsPlaying_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : sends a Pause command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4: sends a Pause command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAPauseCommand_6(); + err = TestStep4SendsAPauseCommand_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Verify that the media is paused\n"); @@ -53198,20 +53361,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaIsPaused_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep5ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Sends a Stop command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Sends a Stop command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAStopCommand_9(); + err = TestStep6SendsAStopCommand_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Verify that the media is stoped\n"); @@ -53222,12 +53385,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaIsStoped_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 7: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_11(); + err = TestStep7ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_11(); break; } @@ -53327,7 +53490,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53335,7 +53498,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53350,7 +53513,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAPlayCommand_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SendsAPlayCommand_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53358,7 +53521,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster playWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Play command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Sends a Play command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53383,7 +53546,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53391,7 +53554,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53406,7 +53569,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAPauseCommand_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4SendsAPauseCommand_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53414,7 +53577,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster pauseWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"sends a Pause command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: sends a Pause command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53439,7 +53602,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53447,7 +53610,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53462,7 +53625,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAStopCommand_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6SendsAStopCommand_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53470,7 +53633,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Stop command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Sends a Stop command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53495,7 +53658,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53503,7 +53666,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53571,20 +53734,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionMediaContentInAPausedStateAtTheBeginningOfTheContent_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Sends a Play command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: Sends a Play command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAPlayCommandToTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep2SendsAPlayCommandToTheDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Verify that the media state is playing\n"); @@ -53595,20 +53758,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaStateIsPlaying_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Sends a StartOver command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4: Sends a StartOver command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAStartOverCommandToTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep4SendsAStartOverCommandToTheDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Verify that the media is started over\n"); @@ -53619,12 +53782,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaIsStartedOver_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Sends a Next command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Sends a Next command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsANextCommandToTheDut_8(); + err = TestStep5SendsANextCommandToTheDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Verify that the next media item in the queue has been loaded\n"); @@ -53635,12 +53798,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheNextMediaItemInTheQueueHasBeenLoaded_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Sends a Previous command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6: Sends a Previous command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAPreviousCommandToTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep6SendsAPreviousCommandToTheDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Verify that the previous media item in the queue has been loaded\n"); @@ -53651,12 +53814,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatThePreviousMediaItemInTheQueueHasBeenLoaded_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 7: Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT \n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsASkipForwardCommandToTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep7SendsASkipForwardCommandToTheDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Verify that the media has skipped forward 10 seconds\n"); @@ -53667,20 +53830,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaHasSkippedForward10Seconds_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 8: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_14(); + err = TestStep8ReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 9: Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT \n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsASkipBackwardCommandToTheDut_15(); + err = TestStep9SendsASkipBackwardCommandToTheDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Verify that the media has skipped backward 10 seconds\n"); @@ -53691,12 +53854,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaHasSkippedBackward10Seconds_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 10: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C09.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_17(); + err = TestStep10ReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_17(); break; } @@ -53814,7 +53977,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53822,7 +53985,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53837,7 +54000,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAPlayCommandToTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SendsAPlayCommandToTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53845,7 +54008,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster playWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Play command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Sends a Play command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53870,7 +54033,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53878,7 +54041,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53893,7 +54056,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAStartOverCommandToTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4SendsAStartOverCommandToTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53902,7 +54065,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster startOverWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a StartOver command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Sends a StartOver command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53927,7 +54090,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsANextCommandToTheDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5SendsANextCommandToTheDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53935,7 +54098,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster nextWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Next command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Sends a Next command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53961,7 +54124,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAPreviousCommandToTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6SendsAPreviousCommandToTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -53970,7 +54133,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster previousWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Previous command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Sends a Previous command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -53996,7 +54159,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsASkipForwardCommandToTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7SendsASkipForwardCommandToTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54008,7 +54171,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster skipForwardWithParams:params completion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Sends a SkipForward command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54034,7 +54197,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54043,7 +54206,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeSampledPositionWithCompletion:^( MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackPositionStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54062,7 +54225,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsASkipBackwardCommandToTheDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9SendsASkipBackwardCommandToTheDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54074,7 +54237,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster skipBackwardWithParams:params completion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Sends a SkipBackward command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54100,7 +54263,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadsTheSampledPositionAttributeFromTheDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54109,7 +54272,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeSampledPositionWithCompletion:^( MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackPositionStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Reads the SampledPosition attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54182,12 +54345,12 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionMediaContentInAPausedStateAtTheBeginningOfTheContent_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Sends a Seek command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1: Sends a Seek command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsASeekCommand_2(); + err = TestStep1SendsASeekCommand_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress( @@ -54199,53 +54362,53 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaHasMovedTo10SecondsFromTheStartingPoint_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the SampledPosition attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2: Reads the SampledPosition attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0003 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep2ReadsTheSampledPositionAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH reads the StartTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0001 && PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheStartTimeAttributeFromTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheStartTimeAttributeFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4: TH reads the SeekRangeEnd attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheSeekRangeEndAttributeFromTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsTheSeekRangeEndAttributeFromTheDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5: TH reads the SeekRangeStart attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheSeekRangeStartAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsTheSeekRangeStartAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: TH reads the Duration attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheDurationAttributeFromTheDut_8(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsTheDurationAttributeFromTheDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7: Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsASeekCommandPositionValueBeyondTheFurthestValidPosition_9(); + err = TestStep7SendsASeekCommandPositionValueBeyondTheFurthestValidPosition_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : verify that the media has not moved.\n"); @@ -54351,7 +54514,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsASeekCommand_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1SendsASeekCommand_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54362,7 +54525,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.position = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:10000ULL]; [cluster seekWithParams:params completion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Seek command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Sends a Seek command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54388,7 +54551,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheSampledPositionAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsTheSampledPositionAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54397,7 +54560,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeSampledPositionWithCompletion:^( MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackPositionStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the SampledPosition attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads the SampledPosition attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54416,7 +54579,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheStartTimeAttributeFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheStartTimeAttributeFromTheDut_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -54426,7 +54589,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheSeekRangeEndAttributeFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsTheSeekRangeEndAttributeFromTheDut_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -54436,7 +54599,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheSeekRangeStartAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsTheSeekRangeStartAttributeFromTheDut_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -54446,7 +54609,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheDurationAttributeFromTheDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsTheDurationAttributeFromTheDut_8() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -54456,7 +54619,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsASeekCommandPositionValueBeyondTheFurthestValidPosition_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7SendsASeekCommandPositionValueBeyondTheFurthestValidPosition_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54468,7 +54631,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 : public TestCommandBridge { : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:100000000ULL]; [cluster seekWithParams:params completion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Sends a Seek command Position value beyond the furthest valid position Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54546,28 +54709,28 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestPreconditionMediaContentInAPausedStateAtTheBeginningOfTheContent_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep2ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Sends a FastForward command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3: Sends a FastForward command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAFastForwardCommand_4(); + err = TestStep3SendsAFastForwardCommand_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : verify that the media state is playing\n"); @@ -54578,28 +54741,28 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaStateIsPlaying_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep4ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep5ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Sends a FastForward command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: Sends a FastForward command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAFastForwardCommand_8(); + err = TestStep6SendsAFastForwardCommand_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : verify that the media play speed has increased.\n"); @@ -54610,20 +54773,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaPlaySpeedHasIncreased_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 7: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep7ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Sends a Rewind command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 8: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsARewindCommandToTheDut_11(); + err = TestStep8SendsARewindCommandToTheDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : verify that the media play has reversed direction.\n"); @@ -54634,28 +54797,28 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaPlayHasReversedDirection_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 9: Reads the CurrentState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0000 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_13(); + err = TestStep9ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 10: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_14(); + err = TestStep10ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Sends a Rewind command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 11: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsARewindCommandToTheDut_15(); + err = TestStep11SendsARewindCommandToTheDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress( @@ -54667,20 +54830,20 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaPlaySpeedHasIncreasedInTheReverseDirection_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 12: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_17(); + err = TestStep12ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Sends a Play command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 13: Sends a Play command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsAPlayCommand_18(); + err = TestStep13SendsAPlayCommand_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress( @@ -54692,28 +54855,28 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyThatTheMediaIsHasResumedPlayingForwardAtTheDefaultSpeed_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 14: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.A0004 && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_20(); + err = TestStep14ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Sends consecutive FastForward commands\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 15: Sends consecutive FastForward commands\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C07.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsConsecutiveFastForwardCommands_21(); + err = TestStep15SendsConsecutiveFastForwardCommands_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Sends consecutive Rewind commands\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 16: Sends consecutive Rewind commands\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && MEDIAPLAYBACK.S.C06.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsConsecutiveRewindCommands_22(); + err = TestStep16SendsConsecutiveRewindCommands_22(); break; } @@ -54846,7 +55009,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheCurrentStateAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54854,7 +55017,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the CurrentState attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54869,7 +55032,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54877,7 +55040,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54892,7 +55055,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAFastForwardCommand_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3SendsAFastForwardCommand_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54901,7 +55064,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster fastForwardWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a FastForward command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Sends a FastForward command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54926,7 +55089,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54934,7 +55097,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54949,7 +55112,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54957,7 +55120,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -54972,7 +55135,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAFastForwardCommand_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6SendsAFastForwardCommand_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -54981,7 +55144,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster fastForwardWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a FastForward command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Sends a FastForward command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55007,7 +55170,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55015,7 +55178,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55030,7 +55193,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsARewindCommandToTheDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8SendsARewindCommandToTheDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55038,7 +55201,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster rewindWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Rewind command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55064,7 +55227,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ReadsTheCurrentStateAttribute_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55072,7 +55235,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Reads the CurrentState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55087,7 +55250,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55095,7 +55258,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55110,7 +55273,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsARewindCommandToTheDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11SendsARewindCommandToTheDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55118,7 +55281,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster rewindWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Rewind command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Sends a Rewind command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55144,7 +55307,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55152,7 +55315,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55167,7 +55330,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsAPlayCommand_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13SendsAPlayCommand_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55175,7 +55338,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster playWithCompletion:^(MTRMediaPlaybackClusterPlaybackResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a Play command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Sends a Play command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55201,7 +55364,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ReadsThePlaybackSpeedAttributeFromTheDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55209,7 +55372,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePlaybackSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: Reads the PlaybackSpeed attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55224,7 +55387,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsConsecutiveFastForwardCommands_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15SendsConsecutiveFastForwardCommands_21() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55234,7 +55397,7 @@ class Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsConsecutiveRewindCommands_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16SendsConsecutiveRewindCommands_22() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55285,32 +55448,32 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads the OutputList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Reads the OutputList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheOutputListAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheOutputListAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Sends a SelectAudioOutput command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Sends a SelectAudioOutput command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsASelectAudioOutputCommand_2(); + err = TestStep2SendsASelectAudioOutputCommand_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads the CurrentOutput attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Reads the CurrentOutput attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0001 && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentOutputAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentOutputAttribute_3(); break; } @@ -55356,7 +55519,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mIndex; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -55364,7 +55527,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheOutputListAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheOutputListAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55372,7 +55535,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOutputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the OutputList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the OutputList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55383,7 +55546,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsASelectAudioOutputCommand_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SendsASelectAudioOutputCommand_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55394,7 +55557,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.index = mIndex.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:mIndex.Value()] : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster selectOutputWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a SelectAudioOutput command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Sends a SelectAudioOutput command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55404,7 +55567,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentOutputAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsTheCurrentOutputAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55412,7 +55575,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentOutputWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentOutput attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads the CurrentOutput attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55468,36 +55631,36 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 and the " - "name 'CertTest'\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 and " + "the name 'CertTest'\n"); if (ShouldSkip("AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsARenameOutputCommandToTheDutWithAnIndexFromTheListInStep1AndTheNameCertTest_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsARenameOutputCommandToTheDutWithAnIndexFromTheListInStep1AndTheNameCertTest_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that the output at the index provided " - "in step 2 has the name CertTest\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT. Verify that the output at the index " + "provided in step 2 has the name CertTest\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.A0001 && AUDIOOUTPUT.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDutVerifyThatTheOutputAtTheIndexProvidedInStep2HasTheNameCertTest_3(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDutVerifyThatTheOutputAtTheIndexProvidedInStep2HasTheNameCertTest_3(); break; } @@ -55543,7 +55706,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mIndex; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -55552,7 +55715,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSArray * _Nonnull audioOutputListValues; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55560,7 +55723,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOutputListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the OutputList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55575,7 +55738,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsARenameOutputCommandToTheDutWithAnIndexFromTheListInStep1AndTheNameCertTest_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsARenameOutputCommandToTheDutWithAnIndexFromTheListInStep1AndTheNameCertTest_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55587,8 +55750,8 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { = @"CertTest"; [cluster renameOutputWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 and the " - @"name 'CertTest' Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a RenameOutput command to the DUT with an index from the list in step 1 " + @"and the name 'CertTest' Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55599,7 +55762,7 @@ class Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDutVerifyThatTheOutputAtTheIndexProvidedInStep2HasTheNameCertTest_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheOutputListAttributeFromTheDutVerifyThatTheOutputAtTheIndexProvidedInStep2HasTheNameCertTest_3() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -55654,36 +55817,36 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads the CurrentTarget attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1aReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the TargetList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: Reads the TargetList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheTargetListAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep1bReadsTheTargetListAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Sends a NavigateTarget command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: Sends a NavigateTarget command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendsANavigateTargetCommand_3(); + err = TestStep2aSendsANavigateTargetCommand_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the CurrentTarget attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2b: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TGTNAV.S.A0001 && TGTNAV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep2bReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_4(); break; } @@ -55740,7 +55903,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55748,7 +55911,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentTargetWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentTarget attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55763,7 +55926,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSArray * _Nonnull TargetListValues; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheTargetListAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bReadsTheTargetListAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55771,7 +55934,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the TargetList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: Reads the TargetList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55786,7 +55949,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendsANavigateTargetCommand_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aSendsANavigateTargetCommand_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55799,7 +55962,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster navigateTargetWithParams:params completion:^(MTRTargetNavigatorClusterNavigateTargetResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Sends a NavigateTarget command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Sends a NavigateTarget command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55809,7 +55972,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadsTheCurrentTargetAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -55817,7 +55980,7 @@ class Test_TC_TGTNAV_8_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentTargetWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the CurrentTarget attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Reads the CurrentTarget attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -55872,72 +56035,72 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads the VendorName attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: Reads the VendorName attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheVendorNameAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep1ReadsTheVendorNameAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the VendorID attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Reads the VendorID attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheVendorIDAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep2ReadsTheVendorIDAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads the ApplicationName attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: Reads the ApplicationName attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheApplicationNameAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep3ReadsTheApplicationNameAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the ProductID attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: Reads the ProductID attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheProductIDAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep4ReadsTheProductIDAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads the Application attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Reads the Application attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheApplicationAttribute_5(); + err = TestStep5ReadsTheApplicationAttribute_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the Status attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Reads the Status attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheStatusAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep6ReadsTheStatusAttribute_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheApplicationVersionAttribute_7(); + err = TestStep7ReadsTheApplicationVersionAttribute_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 8: Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("APBSC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAllowedVendorListAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep8ReadsTheAllowedVendorListAttribute_8(); break; } @@ -55997,7 +56160,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -56005,7 +56168,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheVendorNameAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ReadsTheVendorNameAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56013,7 +56176,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeVendorNameWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the VendorName attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: Reads the VendorName attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56025,7 +56188,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheVendorIDAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsTheVendorIDAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56033,7 +56196,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeVendorIDWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the VendorID attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads the VendorID attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56044,7 +56207,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheApplicationNameAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsTheApplicationNameAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56052,7 +56215,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeApplicationNameWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the ApplicationName attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads the ApplicationName attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56064,7 +56227,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheProductIDAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadsTheProductIDAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56072,7 +56235,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeProductIDWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the ProductID attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Reads the ProductID attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56086,7 +56249,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheApplicationAttribute_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsTheApplicationAttribute_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56095,7 +56258,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeApplicationWithCompletion:^( MTRApplicationBasicClusterApplicationStruct * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the Application attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads the Application attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56106,7 +56269,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheStatusAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadsTheStatusAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56114,7 +56277,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the Status attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Reads the Status attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56127,7 +56290,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheApplicationVersionAttribute_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsTheApplicationVersionAttribute_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56135,7 +56298,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeApplicationVersionWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads the ApplicationVersion attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56147,7 +56310,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAllowedVendorListAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadsTheAllowedVendorListAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56155,7 +56318,7 @@ class Test_TC_APBSC_9_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAllowedVendorListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Reads the AllowedVendorList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56210,20 +56373,21 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheAcceptHeaderAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheAcceptHeaderAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; } @@ -56273,7 +56437,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAcceptHeaderAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTheAcceptHeaderAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56281,7 +56445,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptHeaderWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the AcceptHeader attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56292,7 +56456,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheSupportedStreamingProtocolsAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56300,7 +56464,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSupportedStreamingProtocolsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the SupportedStreamingProtocols attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56355,29 +56519,29 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WAKEONLAN.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheMACAddressAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsTheMACAddressAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends a Sleep command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends a Sleep command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("LOWPOWER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsASleepCommandToDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsASleepCommandToDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC address from step 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH sends a Wake-On LAN magic packet containing the MAC address from step 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAWakeOnLanMagicPacketContainingTheMacAddressFromStep1_3(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsAWakeOnLanMagicPacketContainingTheMacAddressFromStep1_3(); break; } @@ -56430,7 +56594,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheMACAddressAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsTheMACAddressAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56438,7 +56602,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMACAddressWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads the MACAddress attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56449,7 +56613,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsASleepCommandToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsASleepCommandToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56457,7 +56621,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster sleepWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Sleep command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a Sleep command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56467,7 +56631,7 @@ class Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAWakeOnLanMagicPacketContainingTheMacAddressFromStep1_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsAWakeOnLanMagicPacketContainingTheMacAddressFromStep1_3() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -56533,30 +56697,33 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1: TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product " + "maker.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAGetSetupPINCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_2(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsAGetSetupPINCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product " + "maker.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALoginCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_3(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsALoginCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3: TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product " + "maker.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ALOGIN.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALogoutCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_4(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsALogoutCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_4(); break; } @@ -56655,7 +56822,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSString * _Nonnull setupPIN; - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAGetSetupPINCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThSendsAGetSetupPINCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56671,8 +56838,8 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getSetupPINWithParams:params completion:^(MTRAccountLoginClusterGetSetupPINResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker. " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends a GetSetupPIN command to the DUT with test values provided by the product " + @"maker. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56687,7 +56854,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALoginCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsALoginCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56704,7 +56871,8 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster loginWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a Login command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker. Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56714,7 +56882,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALogoutCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsALogoutCommandToTheDutWithTestValuesProvidedByTheProductMaker_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56722,7 +56890,7 @@ class Test_TC_ALOGIN_12_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster logoutWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends a Logout command to the DUT with test values provided by the product maker. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56776,18 +56944,18 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay " - "flag set to false\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and " + "AutoPlay flag set to false\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToFalse_1(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToFalse_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, @@ -56801,13 +56969,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay " - "flag set to true\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and " + "AutoPlay flag set to true\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToTrue_3(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToTrue_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, @@ -56869,7 +57037,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mExternalIdValue; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -56877,7 +57045,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToFalse_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToFalse_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -56922,8 +57090,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay " - @"flag set to false Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and " + @"AutoPlay flag set to false Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -56960,7 +57128,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToTrue_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithASearchParameterAndStringAndAutoPlayFlagSetToTrue_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57005,8 +57173,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and AutoPlay " - @"flag set to true Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with a search parameter and string, and " + @"AutoPlay flag set to true Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57088,17 +57256,17 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlString_1(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlString_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Verify that DUT launched the content at the given URL\n"); @@ -57110,13 +57278,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a display " - "string\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a " + "display string\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndADisplayString_3(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndADisplayString_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, @@ -57130,13 +57298,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a brand " - "information object.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a " + "brand information object.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndABrandInformationObject_5(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndABrandInformationObject_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, @@ -57150,21 +57318,23 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL string.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL " + "string.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnreachableContentUrlString_7(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnreachableContentUrlString_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL string.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL " + "string.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnAuthorizedContentUrlString_8(); + err = TestStep5ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnAuthorizedContentUrlString_8(); break; } @@ -57229,7 +57399,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mProviderNameString; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -57237,7 +57407,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlString_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlString_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57258,7 +57428,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchURLWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57284,7 +57455,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndADisplayString_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndADisplayString_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57309,8 +57480,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchURLWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a display string " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a " + @"display string Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57348,7 +57519,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndABrandInformationObject_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownGoodContentUrlStringAndABrandInformationObject_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57369,7 +57540,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchURLWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a brand " + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known good content URL string and a brand " @"information object. Error: %@", err); @@ -57399,7 +57570,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnreachableContentUrlString_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnreachableContentUrlString_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57420,7 +57591,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchURLWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL string. Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known unreachable content URL string. " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57436,7 +57608,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnAuthorizedContentUrlString_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThSendsALaunchURLCommandToTheDutWithAKnownUnAuthorizedContentUrlString_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57458,7 +57630,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchURLWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL string. Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH sends a LaunchURL command to the DUT with a known un-authorized content URL string. " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57515,18 +57688,18 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Actor and Value as An Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + "As Actor and Value as An Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsActorAndValueAsAnActorsNameForExampleGabySHoffman_1(); + err = TestStep1ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsActorAndValueAsAnActorsNameForExampleGabySHoffman_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57538,13 +57711,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Channel and Value as Channel Name name, for example, PBS\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + "As Channel and Value as Channel Name name, for example, PBS\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsChannelAndValueAsChannelNameNameForExamplePbs_3(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsChannelAndValueAsChannelNameNameForExamplePbs_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57556,13 +57729,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Character and Value as Character’s name,for example,Snow White\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + "As Character and Value as Character’s name,for example,Snow White\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsCharacterAndValueAsCharactersNameforExampleSnowWhite_5(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsCharacterAndValueAsCharactersNameforExampleSnowWhite_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57574,13 +57747,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Director and Value as Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + "As Director and Value as Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsDirectorAndValueAsDirectorsNameForExampleSpikeLee_7(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsDirectorAndValueAsDirectorsNameForExampleSpikeLee_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57592,13 +57765,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Event and Value as An Event’s name , for example Football games\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 5: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + "As Event and Value as An Event’s name , for example Football games\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsEventAndValueAsAnEventsNameForExampleFootballGames_9(); + err = TestStep5ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsEventAndValueAsAnEventsNameForExampleFootballGames_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57610,13 +57783,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Franchise and Value as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 6: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Franchise and Value as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsFranchiseAndValueAsFranchisesNameforExampleStarWars_11(); + err = TestStep6ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsFranchiseAndValueAsFranchisesNameforExampleStarWars_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57628,13 +57801,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Genre and Value as Genre’s name, for example Horror\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 7: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Genre and Value as Genre’s name, for example Horror\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsGenreAndValueAsGenresNameForExampleHorror_13(); + err = TestStep7ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsGenreAndValueAsGenresNameForExampleHorror_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57646,13 +57819,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "League and Value as League’s name, for example NCAA\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 8: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As League and Value as League’s name, for example NCAA\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsLeagueAndValueAsLeaguesNameForExampleNcaa_15(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsLeagueAndValueAsLeaguesNameForExampleNcaa_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57664,13 +57837,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Popularity and Value as Popularity’s name\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 9: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Popularity and Value as Popularity’s name\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsPopularityAndValueAsPopularitysName_17(); + err = TestStep9ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsPopularityAndValueAsPopularitysName_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57682,13 +57855,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Provider and Value as Provider’s name, for example Netflix\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 10: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Provider and Value as Provider’s name, for example Netflix\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsProviderAndValueAsProvidersNameForExampleNetflix_19(); + err = TestStep10ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsProviderAndValueAsProvidersNameForExampleNetflix_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57700,13 +57873,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 21 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Sport and Value as Sport’s name, for example, football\n"); + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 11: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Sport and Value as Sport’s name, for example, football\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportAndValueAsSportsNameForExampleFootball_21(); + err = TestStep11ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportAndValueAsSportsNameForExampleFootball_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57718,13 +57891,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 23 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel\n"); + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 12: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportsTeamAndValueAsSportTeamsNameForExampleArsenel_23(); + err = TestStep12ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportsTeamAndValueAsSportTeamsNameForExampleArsenel_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57736,13 +57909,13 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 25 : TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - "Type and Value as Type’s name, for example TVSeries\n"); + " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 13: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of " + "Type As Type and Value as Type’s name, for example TVSeries\n"); if (ShouldSkip("CONTENTLAUNCHER.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsTypeAndValueAsTypesNameForExampleTVSeries_25(); + err = TestStep13ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsTypeAndValueAsTypesNameForExampleTVSeries_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Verify that DUT should play or display the search result.\n"); @@ -57865,7 +58038,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mPopularityName; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -57874,7 +58047,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsActorAndValueAsAnActorsNameForExampleGabySHoffman_1() + TestStep1ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsActorAndValueAsAnActorsNameForExampleGabySHoffman_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57896,8 +58069,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Actor " - @"and Value as An Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Actor and Value as An Actor’s name, for example, Gaby sHoffman Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57925,7 +58098,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsChannelAndValueAsChannelNameNameForExamplePbs_3() + TestStep2ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsChannelAndValueAsChannelNameNameForExamplePbs_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57947,8 +58120,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Channel and Value as Channel Name name, for example, PBS Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Channel and Value as Channel Name name, for example, PBS Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -57976,7 +58149,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsCharacterAndValueAsCharactersNameforExampleSnowWhite_5() + TestStep3ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsCharacterAndValueAsCharactersNameforExampleSnowWhite_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -57998,8 +58171,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Character and Value as Character’s name,for example,Snow White Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Character and Value as Character’s name,for example,Snow White Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58027,7 +58200,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsDirectorAndValueAsDirectorsNameForExampleSpikeLee_7() + TestStep4ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsDirectorAndValueAsDirectorsNameForExampleSpikeLee_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58049,8 +58222,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Director and Value as Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Director and Value as Director’s name, for example, Spike Lee Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58078,7 +58251,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsEventAndValueAsAnEventsNameForExampleFootballGames_9() + TestStep5ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsEventAndValueAsAnEventsNameForExampleFootballGames_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58100,8 +58273,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Event " - @"and Value as An Event’s name , for example Football games Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Event and Value as An Event’s name , for example Football games Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58129,7 +58302,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsFranchiseAndValueAsFranchisesNameforExampleStarWars_11() + TestStep6ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsFranchiseAndValueAsFranchisesNameforExampleStarWars_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58151,8 +58324,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Franchise and Value as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Franchise and Value as Franchise’s name,for example Star Wars Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58180,7 +58353,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsGenreAndValueAsGenresNameForExampleHorror_13() + TestStep7ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsGenreAndValueAsGenresNameForExampleHorror_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58202,8 +58375,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Genre " - @"and Value as Genre’s name, for example Horror Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Genre and Value as Genre’s name, for example Horror Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58231,7 +58404,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsLeagueAndValueAsLeaguesNameForExampleNcaa_15() + TestStep8ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsLeagueAndValueAsLeaguesNameForExampleNcaa_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58253,8 +58426,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"League and Value as League’s name, for example NCAA Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As League and Value as League’s name, for example NCAA Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58281,7 +58454,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsPopularityAndValueAsPopularitysName_17() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep9ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsPopularityAndValueAsPopularitysName_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58307,8 +58481,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Popularity and Value as Popularity’s name Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Popularity and Value as Popularity’s name Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58336,7 +58510,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsProviderAndValueAsProvidersNameForExampleNetflix_19() + TestStep10ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsProviderAndValueAsProvidersNameForExampleNetflix_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58358,8 +58532,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"Provider and Value as Provider’s name, for example Netflix Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Provider and Value as Provider’s name, for example Netflix Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58387,7 +58561,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportAndValueAsSportsNameForExampleFootball_21() + TestStep11ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportAndValueAsSportsNameForExampleFootball_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58409,8 +58583,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Sport " - @"and Value as Sport’s name, for example, football Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 11: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Sport and Value as Sport’s name, for example, football Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58438,7 +58612,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportsTeamAndValueAsSportTeamsNameForExampleArsenel_23() + TestStep12ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsSportsTeamAndValueAsSportTeamsNameForExampleArsenel_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58460,8 +58634,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As " - @"SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 12: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As SportsTeam and Value as SportTeam’s name , for example Arsenel Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58489,7 +58663,7 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsTypeAndValueAsTypesNameForExampleTVSeries_25() + TestStep13ThSendsALaunchContentCommandToTheDutWithSearchParameterConsistingOfTypeAsTypeAndValueAsTypesNameForExampleTVSeries_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58511,8 +58685,8 @@ class Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_10_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster launchContentWithParams:params completion:^(MTRContentLauncherClusterLauncherResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type As Type " - @"and Value as Type’s name, for example TVSeries Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 13: TH sends a LaunchContent command to the DUT with search parameter consisting of Type " + @"As Type and Value as Type’s name, for example TVSeries Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58579,62 +58753,62 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MOD.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !MOD.S.F00 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4aThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4b: TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MOD.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4c: TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("MOD.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOptionalAttributeOnModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsTheOptionalAttributeOnModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9(); break; } @@ -58697,7 +58871,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -58705,7 +58879,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58713,7 +58887,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58729,7 +58903,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58737,7 +58911,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58753,7 +58927,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58761,7 +58935,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58777,7 +58951,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58785,7 +58959,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58807,7 +58981,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58815,7 +58989,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58828,7 +59002,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOptionalAttributeOnModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsTheOptionalAttributeOnModeInAttributeListFromTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58836,7 +59010,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads the optional attribute(OnMode) in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58849,7 +59023,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58857,7 +59031,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -58870,7 +59044,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -58878,7 +59052,7 @@ class Test_TC_MOD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59269,32 +59443,32 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; } @@ -59348,7 +59522,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -59356,7 +59530,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59364,7 +59538,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59380,7 +59554,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59388,7 +59562,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59404,7 +59578,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59412,7 +59586,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59433,7 +59607,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59441,7 +59615,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59457,7 +59631,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59465,7 +59639,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59521,108 +59695,112 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancy_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancy_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributePIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_4(); + err = TestStep5ReadsOptionalAttributePIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_7(); + err = TestStep8ReadOptionalAttributeUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_8(); + err = TestStep9ReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0022")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_9(); + err = TestStep10ReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_10(); + err = TestStep11ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_11(); + err = TestStep12ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: Reads optional attribute constrains: " + "PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0032")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_12(); + err = TestStep13ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_12(); break; } @@ -59694,7 +59872,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -59702,7 +59880,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancy_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancy_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59710,7 +59888,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOccupancyWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: Occupancy Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59724,7 +59902,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59732,7 +59910,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOccupancySensorTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59746,7 +59924,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59754,7 +59932,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOccupancySensorTypeBitmapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59768,7 +59946,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributePIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsOptionalAttributePIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59776,7 +59954,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads optional attribute: PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59790,7 +59968,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59798,7 +59976,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59812,7 +59990,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59821,7 +59999,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributePIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThresholdWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads optional attribute constrains: PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59835,7 +60013,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadOptionalAttributeUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59844,7 +60022,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Read optional attribute: UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59860,7 +60038,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59869,7 +60047,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59885,7 +60063,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59894,7 +60072,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThresholdWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Read attribute: UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59910,7 +60088,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59919,7 +60097,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributePhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59935,7 +60113,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59944,7 +60122,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributePhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelayWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -59960,7 +60138,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ReadsOptionalAttributeConstrainsPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -59969,7 +60147,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributePhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThresholdWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Reads optional attribute constrains: PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60025,24 +60203,25 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OCC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_2(); break; } @@ -60084,7 +60263,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -60092,7 +60271,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorType_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60100,7 +60279,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOccupancySensorTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorType Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60114,7 +60293,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsMandatoryAttributeConstrainsOccupancySensorTypeBitmap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60122,7 +60301,7 @@ class Test_TC_OCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOccupancySensorTypeBitmapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads mandatory attribute constrains: OccupancySensorTypeBitmap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60176,75 +60355,78 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !OO.S.F00 && !OO.S.F01 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenOosf00ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenOosf00ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenOosf01dfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenOosf01dfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00AttributeInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00AttributeInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { + NextTest(); + return; + } + err = TestStep5ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); break; case 8: + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8(); + break; + case 9: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00CommandsInAcceptedCommandList_8(); - break; - case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9(); + err = TestStep6bReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00CommandsInAcceptedCommandList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); - if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { - NextTest(); - return; - } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_10(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10(); break; } @@ -60310,7 +60492,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -60318,7 +60500,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60326,7 +60508,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60340,7 +60522,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60348,7 +60530,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60364,7 +60546,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenOosf00ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenOosf00ltEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60372,7 +60554,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given OO.S.F00(LT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60383,7 +60565,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenOosf01dfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenOosf01dfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60391,7 +60573,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given OO.S.F01(DF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60402,7 +60584,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60410,7 +60592,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60429,7 +60611,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00AttributeInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00AttributeInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60437,7 +60619,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60453,7 +60635,18 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_7() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep5ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() + { + + chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; + value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); + value.expectedValue.Emplace(); + value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); + return UserPrompt("alpha", value); + } + + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60461,7 +60654,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60476,7 +60669,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00CommandsInAcceptedCommandList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadTheFeatureDependentOOSF00CommandsInAcceptedCommandList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60484,7 +60677,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Read the feature dependent(OO.S.F00) commands in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60499,7 +60692,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60507,7 +60700,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60522,17 +60715,6 @@ class Test_TC_OO_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - - CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_10() - { - - chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; - value.message = chip::Span("Please enter 'y' for successgarbage: not in length on purpose", 28); - value.expectedValue.Emplace(); - value.expectedValue.Value() = chip::Span("ygarbage: not in length on purpose", 1); - return UserPrompt("alpha", value); - } }; class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { @@ -60574,48 +60756,48 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeOnOff_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeOnOff_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadLtAttributeGlobalSceneControl_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadLtAttributeGlobalSceneControl_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read LT attribute: OnTime\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read LT attribute: OnTime\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadLtAttributeOnTime_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadLtAttributeOnTime_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadLtAttributeOffWaitTime_4(); + err = TestStep5ReadLtAttributeOffWaitTime_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadLtAttributeStartUpOnOff_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadLtAttributeStartUpOnOff_5(); break; } @@ -60666,7 +60848,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -60674,7 +60856,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeOnOff_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeOnOff_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60682,7 +60864,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: OnOff Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60693,7 +60875,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadLtAttributeGlobalSceneControl_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadLtAttributeGlobalSceneControl_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60701,7 +60883,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGlobalSceneControlWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read LT attribute: GlobalSceneControl Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60712,7 +60894,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadLtAttributeOnTime_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadLtAttributeOnTime_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60720,7 +60902,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read LT attribute: OnTime Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read LT attribute: OnTime Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60734,7 +60916,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadLtAttributeOffWaitTime_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadLtAttributeOffWaitTime_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60742,7 +60924,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOffWaitTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read LT attribute: OffWaitTime Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60756,7 +60938,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadLtAttributeStartUpOnOff_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadLtAttributeStartUpOnOff_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -60764,7 +60946,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStartUpOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read LT attribute: StartUpOnOff Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -60819,108 +61001,108 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Send Off Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: Send Off Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendOffCommand_1(); + err = TestStep2aSendOffCommand_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_2(); + err = TestStep2bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Send On Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Send On Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendOnCommand_3(); + err = TestStep3aSendOnCommand_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_4(); + err = TestStep3bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Send On Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3c: Send On Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendOnCommand_5(); + err = TestStep3cSendOnCommand_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3d: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_6(); + err = TestStep3dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Send Off Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4a: Send Off Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendOffCommand_7(); + err = TestStep4aSendOffCommand_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_8(); + err = TestStep4bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Send Off Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4c: Send Off Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendOffCommand_9(); + err = TestStep4cSendOffCommand_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_10(); + err = TestStep4dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Send Toggle Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5c: Send Toggle Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestSendToggleCommand_11(); + err = TestStep5cSendToggleCommand_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Wait 1000ms\n"); err = TestWait1000ms_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5d: Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterToggleCommand_13(); + err = TestStep5dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterToggleCommand_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Send Toggle Command\n"); @@ -60943,36 +61125,36 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterToggleCommand_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6a: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to on\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOn_17(); + err = TestStep6aOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOn_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 6b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_18(); + err = TestStep6bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 6c: Operate on device to set OnOff attribute manually to off\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && OO.M.ManuallyControlled && OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOff_19(); + err = TestStep6cOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOff_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 6d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && OO.S.A0000 && OO.M.ManuallyControlled")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_20(); + err = TestStep6dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Reset Off Command\n"); @@ -61090,7 +61272,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -61098,7 +61280,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendOffCommand_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aSendOffCommand_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61106,7 +61288,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Off Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Send Off Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61116,7 +61298,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61124,7 +61306,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61139,7 +61321,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendOnCommand_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aSendOnCommand_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61147,7 +61329,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send On Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Send On Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61157,7 +61339,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61165,7 +61347,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61180,7 +61362,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendOnCommand_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cSendOnCommand_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61188,7 +61370,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send On Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Send On Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61198,7 +61380,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61206,7 +61388,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61221,7 +61403,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendOffCommand_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aSendOffCommand_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61229,7 +61411,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Off Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Send Off Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61239,7 +61421,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61247,7 +61429,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61262,7 +61444,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendOffCommand_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cSendOffCommand_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61270,7 +61452,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Off Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Send Off Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61280,7 +61462,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61288,7 +61470,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61303,7 +61485,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestSendToggleCommand_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cSendToggleCommand_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61311,7 +61493,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster toggleWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Send Toggle Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: Send Toggle Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61329,7 +61511,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterToggleCommand_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterToggleCommand_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61337,7 +61519,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5d: Check on/off attribute value is true after toggle command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61401,7 +61583,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOn_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOn_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -61411,7 +61593,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsTrueAfterOnCommand_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61419,7 +61601,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Check on/off attribute value is true after on command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61434,7 +61616,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOff_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cOperateOnDeviceToSetOnOffAttributeManuallyToOff_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -61444,7 +61626,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dCheckOnOffAttributeValueIsFalseAfterOffCommand_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61452,7 +61634,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: Check on/off attribute value is false after off command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61548,232 +61730,232 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends On command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH sends On command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsOnCommandToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAValueOf0ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThWritesAValueOf0ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_3(); + err = TestStep3bRebootTargetDevice_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4(); + err = TestStep3cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4a: TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAValueOf1ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_7(); + err = TestStep4aThWritesAValueOf1ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4b: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_8(); + err = TestStep4bRebootTargetDevice_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4c: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_9(); + err = TestStep4cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_11(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5a: TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAValueOf2ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_12(); + err = TestStep5aThWritesAValueOf2ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5b: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_13(); + err = TestStep5bRebootTargetDevice_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5c: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_14(); + err = TestStep5cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_16(); + err = TestStep5dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 5e: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_17(); + err = TestStep5eRebootTargetDevice_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 5f: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_18(); + err = TestStep5fRebootTargetDeviceDUT_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 5g: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_20(); + err = TestStep5gThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 6a: TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A4003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesNullToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_21(); + err = TestStep6aThWritesNullToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 6b: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_22(); + err = TestStep6bRebootTargetDevice_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 6c: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_23(); + err = TestStep6cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 6d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_25(); + err = TestStep6dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 6e: TH sends Off command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_26(); + err = TestStep6eThSendsOffCommandToDut_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 6f: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_27(); + err = TestStep6fThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Reboot target device\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 6g: Reboot target device\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDevice_28(); + err = TestStep6gRebootTargetDevice_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 6h: Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_29(); + err = TestStep6hRebootTargetDeviceDUT_29(); break; case 30: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 6i: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("OO.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_31(); + err = TestStep6iThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_31(); break; } @@ -61902,7 +62084,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -61910,7 +62092,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOnCommandToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsOnCommandToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61918,7 +62100,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends On command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61928,7 +62110,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAValueOf0ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThWritesAValueOf0ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61937,26 +62119,27 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id startUpOnOffArgument; startUpOnOffArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH writes a value of 0 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bRebootTargetDevice_3() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -61975,7 +62158,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -61983,7 +62166,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -61998,7 +62181,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAValueOf1ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThWritesAValueOf1ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62007,26 +62190,27 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id startUpOnOffArgument; startUpOnOffArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; - [cluster writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH writes a value of 1 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bRebootTargetDevice_8() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62045,7 +62229,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62053,7 +62237,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62068,7 +62252,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAValueOf2ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWritesAValueOf2ToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62077,26 +62261,27 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id startUpOnOffArgument; startUpOnOffArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; - [cluster writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH writes a value of 2 to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bRebootTargetDevice_13() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_14() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62115,7 +62300,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62123,7 +62308,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62138,14 +62323,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5eRebootTargetDevice_17() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5fRebootTargetDeviceDUT_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62164,7 +62349,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5gThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62172,7 +62357,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5g: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62187,7 +62372,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesNullToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThWritesNullToStartUpOnOffAttributeOfDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62198,7 +62383,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { startUpOnOffArgument = nil; [cluster writeAttributeStartUpOnOffWithValue:startUpOnOffArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH writes NULL to StartUpOnOff attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62208,14 +62393,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bRebootTargetDevice_22() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cRebootTargetDeviceDUT_23() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62234,7 +62419,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62242,7 +62427,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62257,7 +62442,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsOffCommandToDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6eThSendsOffCommandToDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62265,7 +62450,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6e: TH sends Off command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62275,7 +62460,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6fThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62283,7 +62468,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6f: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62298,14 +62483,14 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDevice_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6gRebootTargetDevice_28() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6hRebootTargetDeviceDUT_29() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62324,7 +62509,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6iThReadsTheOnOffAttributeFromTheDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62332,7 +62517,7 @@ class Test_TC_OO_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOnOffWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6i: TH reads the OnOff attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62387,142 +62572,147 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !PS.S.F00 && !PS.S.F01 && !PS.S.F02 && !PS.S.F03 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPssf00wiredEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenPssf00wiredEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPssf01batEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenPssf01batEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3c: Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPssf02rechgEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3cGivenPssf02rechgEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3d: Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPssf03replcEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3dGivenPssf03replcEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4a: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF00WiredAttributeInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF00WiredAttributeInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF01BatAttributeInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF01BatAttributeInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF02RechgAttributeInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF02RechgAttributeInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF03ReplcAttributeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF03ReplcAttributeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); - if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 7a: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + if (ShouldSkip(" !PS.S.E00 && !PS.S.E01 && !PS.S.E02 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_14(); - break; + NextTest(); + return; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); - if (ShouldSkip(" !PS.S.E00 && !PS.S.E01 && !PS.S.E02 ")) { + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 7b: Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; } NextTest(); return; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read PS.S.E00(WiredFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); - if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E00")) { + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 7c: Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E01")) { NextTest(); return; } NextTest(); return; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read PS.S.E01(BatFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); - if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E01")) { + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 7d: Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E02")) { NextTest(); return; } NextTest(); return; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read PS.S.E02(BatChargeFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); - if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.E02")) { + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 7e: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty " + "but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - NextTest(); - return; + err = TestStep7eReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_18(); + break; } if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err) { @@ -62611,7 +62801,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -62619,7 +62809,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62627,7 +62817,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62643,7 +62833,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62651,7 +62841,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62667,7 +62857,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPssf00wiredEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenPssf00wiredEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62675,7 +62865,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given PS.S.F00(WIRED) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62686,7 +62876,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPssf01batEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenPssf01batEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62694,7 +62884,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given PS.S.F01(BAT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62705,7 +62895,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPssf02rechgEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenPssf02rechgEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62713,7 +62903,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given PS.S.F02(RECHG) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62724,7 +62914,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPssf03replcEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenPssf03replcEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62732,7 +62922,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given PS.S.F03(REPLC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62743,7 +62933,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62751,7 +62941,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62772,7 +62962,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF00WiredAttributeInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF00WiredAttributeInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62780,7 +62970,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F00-WIRED) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62793,7 +62983,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF01BatAttributeInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF01BatAttributeInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62801,7 +62991,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F01-BAT) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62816,7 +63006,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF02RechgAttributeInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF02RechgAttributeInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62824,7 +63014,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F02-RECHG) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62838,7 +63028,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF03ReplcAttributeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentPSSF03ReplcAttributeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62846,7 +63036,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(PS.S.F03-REPLC) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62860,7 +63050,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62868,7 +63058,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62884,7 +63074,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -62892,7 +63082,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -62909,7 +63099,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_14() + TestStep7eReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -62959,262 +63149,277 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsStatusAttributeFromServerDut_1(); + err = TestStep2TestHarnessClientReadsStatusAttributeFromServerDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsOrderAttributeFromServerDut_2(); + err = TestStep3TestHarnessClientReadsOrderAttributeFromServerDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsDescriptionAttributeFromServerDut_3(); + err = TestStep4TestHarnessClientReadsDescriptionAttributeFromServerDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputVoltageAttribueFromServerDut_4(); + err = TestStep5TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputVoltageAttribueFromServerDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputFrequencyAttributeFromServerDut_5(); + err = TestStep6TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputFrequencyAttributeFromServerDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredCurrentTypeAttributeFromServerDut_6(); + err = TestStep7TestHarnessClientReadsWiredCurrentTypeAttributeFromServerDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedCurrentAttributeFromServerDut_7(); + err = TestStep8TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedCurrentAttributeFromServerDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredNominalVoltageFromServerDut_8(); + err = TestStep9TestHarnessClientReadsWiredNominalVoltageFromServerDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredMaximumCurrentFromServerDut_9(); + err = TestStep10TestHarnessClientReadsWiredMaximumCurrentFromServerDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredPresentFromServerDut_10(); + err = TestStep11TestHarnessClientReadsWiredPresentFromServerDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveWiredFaultsFromServerDut_11(); + err = TestStep12TestHarnessClientReadsActiveWiredFaultsFromServerDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatVoltageFromServerDut_12(); + err = TestStep13TestHarnessClientReadsBatVoltageFromServerDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 14: Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatPercentRemainingFromServerDut_13(); + err = TestStep14TestHarnessClientReadsBatPercentRemainingFromServerDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 15: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeRemainingFromServerDut_14(); + err = TestStep15TestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeRemainingFromServerDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 16: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeLevelFromServerDut_15(); + err = TestStep16TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeLevelFromServerDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 17: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementNeededFromServerDut_16(); + err = TestStep17TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementNeededFromServerDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 18: Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplaceabilityFromServerDut_17(); + err = TestStep18TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplaceabilityFromServerDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 19: Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatPresentFromServerDut_18(); + err = TestStep19TestHarnessClientReadsBatPresentFromServerDut_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 20: Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatFaultsFromServerDut_19(); + err = TestStep20TestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatFaultsFromServerDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 21: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementDescriptionFromServerDut_20(); + err = TestStep21TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementDescriptionFromServerDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 22: Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatCommonDesignationFromServerDut_21(); + err = TestStep22TestHarnessClientReadsBatCommonDesignationFromServerDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 23: Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatANSIDesignationFromServerDut_22(); + err = TestStep23TestHarnessClientReadsBatANSIDesignationFromServerDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 24: Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0016")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatIECDesignationFromServerDut_23(); + err = TestStep24TestHarnessClientReadsBatIECDesignationFromServerDut_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 25: Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatApprovedChemistryFromServerDut_24(); + err = TestStep25TestHarnessClientReadsBatApprovedChemistryFromServerDut_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 26: Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0018")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatCapacityFromServerDut_25(); + err = TestStep26TestHarnessClientReadsBatCapacityFromServerDut_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 27: Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A0019")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatQuantityFromServerDut_26(); + err = TestStep27TestHarnessClientReadsBatQuantityFromServerDut_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 28: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeStateFromServerDut_27(); + err = TestStep28TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeStateFromServerDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 29: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeToFullChargeFromServerDut_28(); + err = TestStep29TestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeToFullChargeFromServerDut_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 30: Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatFunctionalWhileChargingFromServerDut_29(); + err = TestStep30TestHarnessClientReadsBatFunctionalWhileChargingFromServerDut_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 31: Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargingCurrentFromServerDut_30(); + err = TestStep31TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargingCurrentFromServerDut_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 32: Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PS.S.A001e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatChargeFaultsFromServerDut_31(); + err = TestStep32TestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatChargeFaultsFromServerDut_31(); break; } @@ -63343,7 +63548,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -63351,7 +63556,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsStatusAttributeFromServerDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2TestHarnessClientReadsStatusAttributeFromServerDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63359,7 +63564,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Test Harness Client reads Status attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63373,7 +63578,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsOrderAttributeFromServerDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3TestHarnessClientReadsOrderAttributeFromServerDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63381,7 +63586,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOrderWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Test Harness Client reads Order attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63395,7 +63600,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsDescriptionAttributeFromServerDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4TestHarnessClientReadsDescriptionAttributeFromServerDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63403,7 +63608,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeDescriptionWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Test Harness Client reads Description attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63414,7 +63619,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputVoltageAttribueFromServerDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputVoltageAttribueFromServerDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63422,7 +63627,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredAssessedInputVoltageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputVoltage attribue from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63440,7 +63645,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputFrequencyAttributeFromServerDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedInputFrequencyAttributeFromServerDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63448,7 +63653,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredAssessedInputFrequencyWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedInputFrequency attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63466,7 +63671,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredCurrentTypeAttributeFromServerDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7TestHarnessClientReadsWiredCurrentTypeAttributeFromServerDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63474,7 +63679,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredCurrentTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Test Harness Client reads WiredCurrentType attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63488,7 +63693,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedCurrentAttributeFromServerDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8TestHarnessClientReadsWiredAssessedCurrentAttributeFromServerDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63496,7 +63701,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredAssessedCurrentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Test Harness Client reads WiredAssessedCurrent attribute from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63513,7 +63718,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredNominalVoltageFromServerDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9TestHarnessClientReadsWiredNominalVoltageFromServerDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63521,7 +63726,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredNominalVoltageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Test Harness Client reads WiredNominalVoltage from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63535,7 +63740,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredMaximumCurrentFromServerDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10TestHarnessClientReadsWiredMaximumCurrentFromServerDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63543,7 +63748,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredMaximumCurrentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Test Harness Client reads WiredMaximumCurrent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63557,7 +63762,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsWiredPresentFromServerDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11TestHarnessClientReadsWiredPresentFromServerDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63565,7 +63770,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiredPresentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Test Harness Client reads WiredPresent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63576,7 +63781,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveWiredFaultsFromServerDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12TestHarnessClientReadsActiveWiredFaultsFromServerDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63584,7 +63789,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeActiveWiredFaultsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Test Harness Client reads ActiveWiredFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63596,7 +63801,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatVoltageFromServerDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13TestHarnessClientReadsBatVoltageFromServerDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63604,7 +63809,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatVoltageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Test Harness Client reads BatVoltage from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63621,7 +63826,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatPercentRemainingFromServerDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14TestHarnessClientReadsBatPercentRemainingFromServerDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63629,7 +63834,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatPercentRemainingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: Test Harness Client reads BatPercentRemaining from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63646,7 +63851,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeRemainingFromServerDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15TestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeRemainingFromServerDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63654,7 +63859,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatTimeRemainingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 15: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeRemaining from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63671,7 +63876,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeLevelFromServerDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeLevelFromServerDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63679,7 +63884,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatChargeLevelWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 16: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeLevel from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63693,7 +63898,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementNeededFromServerDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep17TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementNeededFromServerDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63701,7 +63906,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatReplacementNeededWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 17: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementNeeded from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63712,7 +63917,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplaceabilityFromServerDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplaceabilityFromServerDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63720,7 +63925,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatReplaceabilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 18: Test Harness Client reads BatReplaceability from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63734,7 +63939,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatPresentFromServerDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep19TestHarnessClientReadsBatPresentFromServerDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63742,7 +63947,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatPresentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 19: Test Harness Client reads BatPresent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63753,7 +63958,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatFaultsFromServerDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep20TestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatFaultsFromServerDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63761,7 +63966,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeActiveBatFaultsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 20: Test Harness Client readsActiveBatFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63773,7 +63978,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementDescriptionFromServerDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep21TestHarnessClientReadsBatReplacementDescriptionFromServerDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63781,7 +63986,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatReplacementDescriptionWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 21: Test Harness Client reads BatReplacementDescription from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63793,7 +63998,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatCommonDesignationFromServerDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep22TestHarnessClientReadsBatCommonDesignationFromServerDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63801,7 +64006,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatCommonDesignationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 22: Test Harness Client reads BatCommonDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63815,7 +64020,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatANSIDesignationFromServerDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep23TestHarnessClientReadsBatANSIDesignationFromServerDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63823,7 +64028,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatANSIDesignationWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 23: Test Harness Client reads BatANSIDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63835,7 +64040,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatIECDesignationFromServerDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep24TestHarnessClientReadsBatIECDesignationFromServerDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63843,7 +64048,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatIECDesignationWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 24: Test Harness Client reads BatIECDesignation from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63855,7 +64060,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatApprovedChemistryFromServerDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep25TestHarnessClientReadsBatApprovedChemistryFromServerDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63863,7 +64068,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatApprovedChemistryWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 25: Test Harness Client reads BatApprovedChemistry from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63877,7 +64082,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatCapacityFromServerDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep26TestHarnessClientReadsBatCapacityFromServerDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63885,7 +64090,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatCapacityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 26: Test Harness Client reads BatCapacity from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63899,7 +64104,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatQuantityFromServerDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep27TestHarnessClientReadsBatQuantityFromServerDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63907,7 +64112,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatQuantityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 27: Test Harness Client reads BatQuantity from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63921,7 +64126,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeStateFromServerDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep28TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargeStateFromServerDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63929,7 +64134,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatChargeStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 28: Test Harness Client reads BatChargeState from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63943,7 +64148,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeToFullChargeFromServerDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep29TestHarnessClientReadsBatTimeToFullChargeFromServerDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63951,7 +64156,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatTimeToFullChargeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 29: Test Harness Client reads BatTimeToFullCharge from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63968,7 +64173,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatFunctionalWhileChargingFromServerDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep30TestHarnessClientReadsBatFunctionalWhileChargingFromServerDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63976,7 +64181,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatFunctionalWhileChargingWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 30: Test Harness Client reads BatFunctionalWhileCharging from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -63987,7 +64192,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsBatChargingCurrentFromServerDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep31TestHarnessClientReadsBatChargingCurrentFromServerDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -63995,7 +64200,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBatChargingCurrentWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 31: Test Harness Client reads BatChargingCurrent from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64012,7 +64217,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestTestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatChargeFaultsFromServerDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep32TestHarnessClientReadsActiveBatChargeFaultsFromServerDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64020,7 +64225,7 @@ class Test_TC_PS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeActiveBatChargeFaultsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 32: Test Harness Client reads ActiveBatChargeFaults from Server DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64071,141 +64276,145 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffc && !PRS.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.F00 && PRS.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPrssf00extEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenPrssf00extEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4a: Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalMandatoryAttributeAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalMandatoryAttributeAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0010 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValueInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValueInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0011 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValueInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValueInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0012 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValueInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValueInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0014 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaleInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeScaleInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0003 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0013 && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledToleranceInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledToleranceInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4h: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE). " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_13(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_14(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_14(); break; } @@ -64283,7 +64492,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -64291,7 +64500,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64301,7 +64510,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64317,7 +64526,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64327,7 +64536,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64343,7 +64552,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPrssf00extEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenPrssf00extEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64353,7 +64562,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given PRS.S.F00(EXT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64364,7 +64573,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalMandatoryAttributeAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalMandatoryAttributeAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64374,7 +64583,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global mandatory attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64395,7 +64604,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValueInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValueInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64405,7 +64614,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(ScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64418,7 +64627,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValueInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValueInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64428,7 +64637,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the optional attribute(MinScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64441,7 +64650,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValueInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValueInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64451,7 +64660,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the optional attribute(MaxScaledValue) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64464,7 +64673,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaleInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeScaleInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64474,7 +64683,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the optional attribute(Scale) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64487,7 +64696,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64497,7 +64706,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64510,7 +64719,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledToleranceInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledToleranceInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64520,7 +64729,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read the optional attribute(ScaledTolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64534,7 +64743,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11() + TestStep4hThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_11() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64545,7 +64754,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() + TestStep5ThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64556,7 +64765,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_13() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_13() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64567,7 +64776,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_14() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_14() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -64617,80 +64826,80 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMinMeasuredValue_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMinMeasuredValue_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMaxMeasuredValue_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMaxMeasuredValue_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMeasuredValue_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMeasuredValue_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute: Tolerance\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4(); + err = TestStep5ReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValue_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValue_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValue_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValue_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValue_7(); + err = TestStep8ReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValue_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledTolerance_8(); + err = TestStep9ReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledTolerance_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute: Scale\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: Read the optional attribute: Scale\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScale_9(); + err = TestStep10ReadTheOptionalAttributeScale_9(); break; } @@ -64753,7 +64962,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -64762,7 +64971,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MinMeasuredValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMinMeasuredValue_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMinMeasuredValue_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64772,7 +64981,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64793,7 +65002,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MaxMeasuredValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMaxMeasuredValue_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMaxMeasuredValue_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64803,7 +65012,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64823,7 +65032,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMeasuredValue_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeConstraintsMeasuredValue_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64833,7 +65042,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute constraints: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64850,7 +65059,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64860,7 +65069,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: Tolerance Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64875,7 +65084,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MinScaledValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValue_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinScaledValue_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64885,7 +65094,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinScaledValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MinScaledValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64906,7 +65115,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable MaxScaledValue; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValue_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxScaledValue_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64916,7 +65125,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxScaledValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MaxScaledValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64936,7 +65145,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValue_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledValue_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64946,7 +65155,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScaledValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Read the optional attribute: ScaledValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64963,7 +65172,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledTolerance_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ReadTheOptionalAttributeScaledTolerance_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64973,7 +65182,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScaledToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Read the optional attribute: ScaledTolerance Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -64987,7 +65196,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScale_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadTheOptionalAttributeScale_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -64997,7 +65206,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScaleWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: Scale Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Read the optional attribute: Scale Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65051,24 +65260,24 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Operate on device to change the pressure significantly\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Operate on device to change the pressure significantly\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PRS.M.PressureChange")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestOperateOnDeviceToChangeThePressureSignificantly_2(); + err = TestStep3OperateOnDeviceToChangeThePressureSignificantly_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Wait 2s\n"); @@ -65076,12 +65285,12 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 4: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PRS.S.A0000 && PRS.M.PressureChange")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep4AfterAFewSecondsThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_4(); break; } @@ -65129,7 +65338,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -65138,7 +65347,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable ValueBeforeChange; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65148,7 +65357,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65162,7 +65371,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestOperateOnDeviceToChangeThePressureSignificantly_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3OperateOnDeviceToChangeThePressureSignificantly_2() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -65180,7 +65389,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestAfterAFewSecondsThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4AfterAFewSecondsThReadsFromTheDutTheMeasuredValueAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65190,7 +65399,7 @@ class Test_TC_PRS_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: After a few seconds, TH reads from the DUT the MeasuredValue attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65244,239 +65453,257 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" PCC.S.Afffc && !PCC.S.F00 && !PCC.S.F01 && !PCC.S.F02 && !PCC.S.F03 && !PCC.S.F04 && !PCC.S.F05 && " "!PCC.S.F06 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf00prsconstEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenPccsf00prsconstEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf01prscompEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenPccsf01prscompEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf02flwEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenPccsf02flwEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf03spdEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenPccsf03spdEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3f: Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf04tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep3fGivenPccsf04tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3g: Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); + err = TestStep3gGivenPccsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3h: Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenPccsf06localEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9(); + err = TestStep3hGivenPccsf06localEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0003 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_11(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4c TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0004 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0005 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_13(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeMinCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0006 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_14(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0007 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_15(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0008 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_16(); + err = TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0009 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_17(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000a && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_18(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000b && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_19(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000c && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_20(); + err = TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0010 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePumpStatusAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_21(); + err = TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributePumpStatusAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0014 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_22(); + err = TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_22(); break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from the " - "DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from " + "the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_23(); + err = TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0016 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributePowerAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_24(); + err = TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributePowerAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList from the " - "DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList " + "from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_25(); + err = TestStep4pThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0021 && PCC.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeControlModeAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_26(); + err = TestStep4qThReadsOptionalAttributeControlModeAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_26(); break; case 27: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4r: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " "invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " @@ -65485,10 +65712,10 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_27(); + err = TestStep4rThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" PCC.S.Afffa && !PCC.S.E00 && !PCC.S.E01 && !PCC.S.E02 && !PCC.S.E03 && !PCC.S.E04 && !PCC.S.E05 && " "!PCC.S.E06 && !PCC.S.E07 && !PCC.S.E08 && !PCC.S.E09 && !PCC.S.E0a && !PCC.S.E0b && !PCC.S.E0c && " "!PCC.S.E0d && !PCC.S.E0e && !PCC.S.E0f && !PCC.S.E10 ")) { @@ -65498,8 +65725,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 29: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageLow)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageLow)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E00 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65507,8 +65734,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 30: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageHigh)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 5c: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SupplyVoltageHigh)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E01 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65516,8 +65743,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 31: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PowerMissingPhase)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 5d: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PowerMissingPhase)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E02 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65525,8 +65752,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 32: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureLow)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 5e: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureLow)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E03 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65534,8 +65761,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 33: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureHigh)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 5f: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SystemPressureHigh)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E04 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65544,7 +65771,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 34: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (DryRunning)attribute.\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 5g: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (DryRunning)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E05 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65552,8 +65779,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 35: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (MotorTemperatureHigh)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 5h: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (MotorTemperatureHigh)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E06 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65561,8 +65788,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 36: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpMotorFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 5i: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpMotorFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E07 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65571,7 +65798,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 37: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 37 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicTemperatureHigh)attribute.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 5j: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional " + "(ElectronicTemperatureHigh)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E08 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65580,7 +65808,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 38: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpBlocked)attribute.\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 5k: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (PumpBlocked)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E09 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65588,8 +65816,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 39: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SensorFailure)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 5l: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (SensorFailure)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0a && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65598,7 +65826,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 40: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 40 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicNonFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 5m: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional " + "(ElectronicNonFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0b && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65607,7 +65836,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 41: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 41 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 41 : Step 5n: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (ElectronicFatalFailure)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0c && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65616,7 +65845,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 42: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (GeneralFault)attribute.\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 5o: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (GeneralFault)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0d && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65624,7 +65853,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (Leakage)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 5p: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (Leakage)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0e && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65633,7 +65863,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 44: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (AirDetection)attribute.\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 5q: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (AirDetection)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E0f && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65641,8 +65871,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 45: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (TurbineOperation)attribute.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 5r: TH reads from the DUT the EventList optional (TurbineOperation)attribute.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.E10 && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -65651,43 +65881,43 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 46: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 46 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " - "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 46 : Step 5s: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " + "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2. The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3. The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_46(); + err = TestStep5sThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_46(); break; case 47: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 47 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 47 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_47(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_47(); break; case 48: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 48 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 48 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && PCC.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_48(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_48(); break; } @@ -65867,7 +66097,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -65875,7 +66105,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65885,7 +66115,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65901,7 +66131,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65911,7 +66141,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65927,7 +66157,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf00prsconstEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenPccsf00prsconstEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65937,7 +66167,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given PCC.S.F00(PRSCONST) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65948,7 +66178,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf01prscompEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenPccsf01prscompEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65958,7 +66188,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given PCC.S.F01(PRSCOMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65969,7 +66199,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf02flwEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenPccsf02flwEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -65979,7 +66209,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given PCC.S.F02(FLW) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -65990,7 +66220,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf03spdEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenPccsf03spdEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66000,7 +66230,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given PCC.S.F03(SPD) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66011,7 +66241,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf04tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fGivenPccsf04tempEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66021,7 +66251,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Given PCC.S.F04(TEMP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66032,7 +66262,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gGivenPccsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66042,7 +66272,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Given PCC.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66053,7 +66283,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenPccsf06localEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3hGivenPccsf06localEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66063,7 +66293,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3h: Given PCC.S.F06(LOCAL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66074,7 +66304,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66084,7 +66314,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66109,7 +66339,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66119,7 +66349,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66132,7 +66362,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66142,7 +66372,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66155,7 +66385,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeMinCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66165,7 +66395,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(MinCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66178,7 +66408,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressureAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66188,7 +66418,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads optional attribute(MaxCompPressure) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66201,7 +66431,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66211,7 +66441,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66224,7 +66454,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66234,7 +66464,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstSpeed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66247,7 +66477,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66257,7 +66487,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66270,7 +66500,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlowAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66280,7 +66510,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstFlow) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66293,7 +66523,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsOptionalAttributeMinConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66303,7 +66533,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads optional attribute(MinConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66316,7 +66546,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributeMaxConstTempAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66326,7 +66556,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(MaxConstTemp) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66339,7 +66569,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePumpStatusAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributePumpStatusAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66349,7 +66579,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(PumpStatus) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66362,7 +66592,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeSpeedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66372,7 +66602,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(Speed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66385,7 +66615,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66395,7 +66625,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeRunningHours) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66408,7 +66639,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributePowerAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributePowerAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66418,7 +66649,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(Power) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66431,7 +66662,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4pThReadsOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66441,7 +66672,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(LifetimeEnergyConsumed) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66454,7 +66686,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeControlModeAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4qThReadsOptionalAttributeControlModeAttributeInAttributeListFromTheDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66464,7 +66696,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(ControlMode) attribute in AttributeList from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66478,7 +66710,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_27() + TestStep4rThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_27() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -66489,7 +66721,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_46() + TestStep5sThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_46() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -66500,7 +66732,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_47() + TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_47() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -66511,7 +66743,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_48() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_48() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -66561,192 +66793,192 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxPressure_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxPressure_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxSpeed_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxSpeed_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxFlow_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxFlow_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstPressure_4(); + err = TestStep5ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstPressure_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressure_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressure_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinCompPressure_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinCompPressure_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressure_7(); + err = TestStep8ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressure_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeed_8(); + err = TestStep9ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeed_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeed_9(); + err = TestStep10ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeed_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstFlow_10(); + err = TestStep11ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstFlow_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlow_11(); + err = TestStep12ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlow_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstTemp_12(); + err = TestStep13ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstTemp_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 14: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstTemp_13(); + err = TestStep14ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstTemp_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 15: Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePumpStatus_14(); + err = TestStep15ReadTheOptionalAttributePumpStatus_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 16: Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_15(); + err = TestStep16ReadAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 17: Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAttributeEffectiveControlMode_16(); + err = TestStep17ReadAttributeEffectiveControlMode_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read attribute: Capacity\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 18: Read attribute: Capacity\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadAttributeCapacity_17(); + err = TestStep18ReadAttributeCapacity_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the optional attribute: Speed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 19: Read the optional attribute: Speed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSpeed_18(); + err = TestStep19ReadTheOptionalAttributeSpeed_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 20: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_19(); + err = TestStep20ReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Read the optional attribute: Power\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 21: Read the optional attribute: Power\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0016")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePower_20(); + err = TestStep21ReadTheOptionalAttributePower_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 22: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_21(); + err = TestStep22ReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Read optional attribute: OperationMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 23: Read optional attribute: OperationMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeOperationMode_22(); + err = TestStep23ReadOptionalAttributeOperationMode_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Read optional attribute: ControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 24: Read optional attribute: ControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalAttributeControlMode_23(); + err = TestStep24ReadOptionalAttributeControlMode_23(); break; } @@ -66851,7 +67083,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -66859,7 +67091,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxPressure_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxPressure_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66869,7 +67101,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxPressureWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxPressure Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66886,7 +67118,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxSpeed_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxSpeed_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66896,7 +67128,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxSpeed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66913,7 +67145,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxFlow_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxFlow_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66923,7 +67155,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxFlowWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxFlow Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66940,7 +67172,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstPressure_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstPressure_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66950,7 +67182,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinConstPressureWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the optional attribute: MinConstPressure Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66967,7 +67199,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressure_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstPressure_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -66977,7 +67209,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxConstPressureWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstPressure Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -66994,7 +67226,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinCompPressure_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinCompPressure_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67004,7 +67236,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinCompPressureWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the optional attribute: MinCompPressure Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67021,7 +67253,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressure_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxCompPressure_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67031,7 +67263,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxCompPressureWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Read the optional attribute: MaxCompPressure Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67048,7 +67280,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeed_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstSpeed_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67058,7 +67290,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinConstSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Read the optional attribute: MinConstSpeed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67075,7 +67307,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeed_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstSpeed_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67085,7 +67317,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxConstSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstSpeed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67102,7 +67334,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstFlow_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstFlow_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67112,7 +67344,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinConstFlowWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Read the optional attribute: MinConstFlow Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67129,7 +67361,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlow_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstFlow_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67139,7 +67371,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxConstFlowWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstFlow Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67156,7 +67388,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstTemp_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ReadTheOptionalAttributeMinConstTemp_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67166,7 +67398,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinConstTempWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Read the optional attribute: MinConstTemp Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67183,7 +67415,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstTemp_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ReadTheOptionalAttributeMaxConstTemp_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67193,7 +67425,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxConstTempWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: Read the optional attribute: MaxConstTemp Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67210,7 +67442,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePumpStatus_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15ReadTheOptionalAttributePumpStatus_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67220,7 +67452,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePumpStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 15: Read the optional attribute: PumpStatus Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67234,7 +67466,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16ReadAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67244,7 +67476,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 16: Read attribute: EffectiveOperationMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67258,7 +67490,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAttributeEffectiveControlMode_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep17ReadAttributeEffectiveControlMode_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67268,7 +67500,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 17: Read attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67282,7 +67514,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAttributeCapacity_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18ReadAttributeCapacity_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67292,7 +67524,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCapacityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read attribute: Capacity Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 18: Read attribute: Capacity Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67309,7 +67541,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeSpeed_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep19ReadTheOptionalAttributeSpeed_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67319,7 +67551,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSpeedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: Speed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 19: Read the optional attribute: Speed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67336,7 +67568,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep20ReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67346,7 +67578,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 20: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67363,7 +67595,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePower_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep21ReadTheOptionalAttributePower_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67373,7 +67605,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePowerWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: Power Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 21: Read the optional attribute: Power Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67390,7 +67622,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep22ReadTheOptionalAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67400,7 +67632,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 22: Read the optional attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67417,7 +67649,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeOperationMode_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep23ReadOptionalAttributeOperationMode_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67427,7 +67659,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute: OperationMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 23: Read optional attribute: OperationMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67441,7 +67673,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalAttributeControlMode_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep24ReadOptionalAttributeControlMode_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67451,7 +67683,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional attribute: ControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 24: Read optional attribute: ControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67505,73 +67737,73 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrite0NormalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1(); + err = TestStep2aThWrite0NormalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrite1MinimumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_3(); + err = TestStep3aThWrite1MinimumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a time.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a time.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrite2MaximumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDutOneAtATime_5(); + err = TestStep4aThWrite2MaximumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDutOneAtATime_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_6(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5a: TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWrite3LocalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_7(); + err = TestStep5aThWrite3LocalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F06 && PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_8(); break; } @@ -67631,7 +67863,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -67639,7 +67871,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrite0NormalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThWrite0NormalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67650,19 +67882,21 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id operationModeArgument; operationModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog( + @"Step 2a: TH write 0 (Normal) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67672,7 +67906,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67687,7 +67921,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrite1MinimumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThWrite1MinimumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67698,19 +67932,21 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id operationModeArgument; operationModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; - [cluster writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH write 1 (Minimum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67720,7 +67956,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67735,7 +67971,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrite2MaximumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDutOneAtATime_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThWrite2MaximumToTheOperationModeAttributeToDutOneAtATime_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67748,8 +67984,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { operationModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at a time. " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH write 2 (Maximum) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT one at " + @"a time. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67760,7 +67996,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67770,7 +68006,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67785,7 +68021,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWrite3LocalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWrite3LocalToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67798,7 +68034,8 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { operationModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; [cluster writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH write 3 (Local) to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67808,7 +68045,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsFromTheDutTheEffectiveOperationModeAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -67818,7 +68055,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads from the DUT the EffectiveOperationMode attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -67873,120 +68110,120 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0020")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite0ToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1(); + err = TestStep2aWrite0ToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_2(); + err = TestStep2bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite0ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_3(); + err = TestStep3aWrite0ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F03 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite1ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_5(); + err = TestStep4aWrite1ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F00 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_6(); + err = TestStep4bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5a: Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite2ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_7(); + err = TestStep5aWrite2ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F01 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_8(); + err = TestStep5bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6a: Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite3ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_9(); + err = TestStep6aWrite3ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F02 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_10(); + err = TestStep6bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 7a: Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite5ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_11(); + err = TestStep7aWrite5ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 7b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F04 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_12(); + err = TestStep7bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 8a: Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite7ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_13(); + err = TestStep8aWrite7ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 8b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.F05 && PCC.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_14(); + err = TestStep8bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_14(); break; } @@ -68064,7 +68301,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -68072,7 +68309,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite0ToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aWrite0ToTheOperationModeAttributeToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68085,7 +68322,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { operationModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeOperationModeWithValue:operationModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Write 0 to the OperationMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68095,7 +68332,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveOperationMode_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68105,7 +68342,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveOperationModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveOperationMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68120,7 +68357,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite0ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aWrite0ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68133,7 +68370,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Write 0 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68143,7 +68380,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68153,7 +68390,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68168,7 +68405,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite1ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aWrite1ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68181,7 +68418,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Write 1 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68191,7 +68428,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68201,7 +68438,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68216,7 +68453,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite2ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aWrite2ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68229,7 +68466,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: Write 2 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68239,7 +68476,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68249,7 +68486,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68264,7 +68501,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite3ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aWrite3ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68277,7 +68514,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Write 3 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68287,7 +68524,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68297,7 +68534,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68312,7 +68549,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite5ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aWrite5ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68325,7 +68562,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: Write 5 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68335,7 +68572,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68345,7 +68582,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68360,7 +68597,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite7ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8aWrite7ToTheControlModeAttributeToDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68373,7 +68610,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { controlModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:7U]; [cluster writeAttributeControlModeWithValue:controlModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8a: Write 7 to the ControlMode attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68383,7 +68620,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8bReadsTheAttributeEffectiveControlMode_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68393,7 +68630,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEffectiveControlModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8b: Reads the attribute: EffectiveControlMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68448,104 +68685,104 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite1ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_1(); + err = TestStep2aWrite1ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_2(); + err = TestStep2bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite2ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_3(); + err = TestStep3aWrite2ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_4(); + err = TestStep3bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite3ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_5(); + err = TestStep4aWrite3ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_6(); + err = TestStep4bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5a: Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite1ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_7(); + err = TestStep5aWrite1ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_8(); + err = TestStep5bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6a: Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite2ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_9(); + err = TestStep6aWrite2ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 6b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_10(); + err = TestStep6bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 7a: Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWrite3ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_11(); + err = TestStep7aWrite3ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 7b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PCC.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_12(); + err = TestStep7bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_12(); break; } @@ -68617,7 +68854,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -68625,7 +68862,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite1ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aWrite1ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68636,19 +68873,21 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id lifetimeRunningHoursArgument; lifetimeRunningHoursArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:1UL]; - [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Write 1 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68658,7 +68897,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68674,7 +68913,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite2ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aWrite2ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68685,19 +68924,21 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id lifetimeRunningHoursArgument; lifetimeRunningHoursArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:2UL]; - [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Write 2 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68707,7 +68948,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68723,7 +68964,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite3ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aWrite3ToTheLifetimeRunningHoursAttributeToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68734,19 +68975,21 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id lifetimeRunningHoursArgument; lifetimeRunningHoursArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:3UL]; - [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithValue:lifetimeRunningHoursArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Write 3 to the LifetimeRunningHours attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeRunningHours_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68756,7 +68999,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeRunningHoursWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeRunningHours Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68772,7 +69015,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite1ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aWrite1ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68786,7 +69029,9 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithValue:lifetimeEnergyConsumedArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 5a: Write 1 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68796,7 +69041,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68806,7 +69051,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68822,7 +69067,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite2ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aWrite2ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68836,7 +69081,9 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithValue:lifetimeEnergyConsumedArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 6a: Write 2 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68846,7 +69093,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68856,7 +69103,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68872,7 +69119,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWrite3ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aWrite3ToTheLifetimeEnergyConsumedAttributeToDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68886,7 +69133,9 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithValue:lifetimeEnergyConsumedArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog( + @"Step 7a: Write 3 to the LifetimeEnergyConsumed attribute to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68896,7 +69145,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7bReadsTheAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumed_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -68906,7 +69155,7 @@ class Test_TC_PCC_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLifetimeEnergyConsumedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7b: Reads the attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -68962,38 +69211,38 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Commission DUT to TH\n"); - err = TestCommissionDutToTh_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Commission DUT to TH\n"); + err = TestStep1CommissionDutToTh_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4ThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep5ThReadsTheAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6ThReadsTheGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); break; } @@ -69047,7 +69296,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestCommissionDutToTh_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1CommissionDutToTh_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -69055,7 +69304,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69065,7 +69314,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69081,7 +69330,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69091,7 +69340,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69107,7 +69356,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsTheAttributeListAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69117,7 +69366,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads the AttributeList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69136,7 +69385,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsTheAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69146,7 +69395,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads the AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69162,7 +69411,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsTheGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69172,7 +69421,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads the GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69189,7 +69438,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -69239,16 +69488,16 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Commission DUT to TH\n"); - err = TestCommissionDutToTh_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Commission DUT to TH\n"); + err = TestStep1CommissionDutToTh_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PSCFG.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheSourcesAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheSourcesAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; } @@ -69287,7 +69536,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestCommissionDutToTh_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1CommissionDutToTh_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -69295,7 +69544,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheSourcesAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheSourcesAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69305,7 +69554,7 @@ class Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSourcesWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the Sources attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69356,46 +69605,46 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); break; } @@ -69452,7 +69701,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -69460,7 +69709,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69470,7 +69719,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69486,7 +69735,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69496,7 +69745,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69512,7 +69761,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69522,7 +69771,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69543,7 +69792,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69553,7 +69802,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69566,7 +69815,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69576,7 +69825,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69592,7 +69841,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69602,7 +69851,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69619,7 +69868,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -69669,40 +69918,40 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep3ThReadsTheMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsTheMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("RH.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheToleranceAttributeFromTheDut_4(); + err = TestStep5ThReadsTheToleranceAttributeFromTheDut_4(); break; } @@ -69750,7 +69999,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -69759,7 +70008,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentMinMeasured; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheMinMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69769,7 +70018,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the MinMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69790,7 +70039,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentMaxMeasured; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsTheMaxMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69800,7 +70049,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads the MaxMeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69821,7 +70070,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsTheMeasuredValueAttributeFromTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69831,7 +70080,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads the MeasuredValue attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69848,7 +70097,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheToleranceAttributeFromTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThReadsTheToleranceAttributeFromTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -69858,7 +70107,7 @@ class Test_TC_RH_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH reads the Tolerance attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -69912,80 +70161,85 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadFeatureMapAttributeAndCheckValuesOfFlagsInThisFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadFeatureMapAttributeAndCheckValuesOfFlagsInThisFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenSwtchsf00lsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep2bGivenSwtchsf00lsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenSwtchsf01msEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep2cGivenSwtchsf01msEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2d: Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenSwtchsf02msrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep2dGivenSwtchsf02msrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2e: Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenSwtchsf03mslEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep2eGivenSwtchsf03mslEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2f: Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenSwtchsf04msmEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep2fGivenSwtchsf04msmEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the global attribute: EventList \n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5a: Read the global attribute: EventList \n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !SWTCH.S.F00 && !SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04 ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -69993,7 +70247,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5b: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F00(LS)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -70001,7 +70255,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5c: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & !SWTCH.S.F02(MSR)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && !SWTCH.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -70010,7 +70264,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 5d: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " "!SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); @@ -70020,7 +70274,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5e: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " "!SWTCH.S.F04(MSM)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && !SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); @@ -70030,8 +70284,8 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) " - "\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5f: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & !SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " + "SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) \n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && !SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -70040,8 +70294,8 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) " - "\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5g: Read EventList if SWTCH.S.F01(MS) & SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) & SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) & " + "SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) \n"); if (ShouldSkip("SWTCH.S.F01 && SWTCH.S.F02 && SWTCH.S.F03 && SWTCH.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -70049,12 +70303,12 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_17(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_18(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_18(); break; } @@ -70144,7 +70398,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -70152,7 +70406,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70160,7 +70414,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70176,7 +70430,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureMapAttributeAndCheckValuesOfFlagsInThisFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadFeatureMapAttributeAndCheckValuesOfFlagsInThisFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70184,7 +70438,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Read FeatureMap attribute and Check values of flags in this FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70200,7 +70454,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenSwtchsf00lsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bGivenSwtchsf00lsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70208,7 +70462,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Given SWTCH.S.F00(LS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70219,7 +70473,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenSwtchsf01msEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cGivenSwtchsf01msEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70227,7 +70481,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Given SWTCH.S.F01(MS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70238,7 +70492,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenSwtchsf02msrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dGivenSwtchsf02msrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70246,7 +70500,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: Given SWTCH.S.F02(MSR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70257,7 +70511,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenSwtchsf03mslEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eGivenSwtchsf03mslEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70265,7 +70519,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: Given SWTCH.S.F03(MSL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70276,7 +70530,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenSwtchsf04msmEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fGivenSwtchsf04msmEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70284,7 +70538,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: Given SWTCH.S.F04(MSM) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70295,7 +70549,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70303,7 +70557,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70316,7 +70570,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70324,7 +70578,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70344,7 +70598,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70352,7 +70606,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70363,7 +70617,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70371,7 +70625,7 @@ class Test_TC_SWTCH_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70427,46 +70681,46 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7(); break; } @@ -70523,7 +70777,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -70531,7 +70785,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70541,7 +70795,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70557,7 +70811,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70567,7 +70821,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70583,7 +70837,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70593,7 +70847,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70614,7 +70868,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeToleranceInAttributeList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70624,7 +70878,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(Tolerance) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70637,7 +70891,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70647,7 +70901,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read AcceptedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70663,7 +70917,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70673,7 +70927,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read GeneratedCommandList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70690,7 +70944,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -70740,40 +70994,40 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the optional attribute: Tolerance\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 6: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TMP.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4(); + err = TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4(); break; } @@ -70821,7 +71075,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -70830,7 +71084,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentMinMeasured; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMinMeasuredValue_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70840,7 +71094,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: MinMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70861,7 +71115,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable CurrentMaxMeasured; - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMaxMeasuredValue_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70871,7 +71125,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: MaxMeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70891,7 +71145,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheMandatoryAttributeMeasuredValue_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70901,7 +71155,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMeasuredValueWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the mandatory attribute: MeasuredValue Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70918,7 +71172,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheOptionalAttributeTolerance_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -70928,7 +71182,7 @@ class Test_TC_TMP_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeToleranceWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: Tolerance Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the optional attribute: Tolerance Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -70982,205 +71236,211 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!TSTAT.S.F00 && !TSTAT.S.F01 && !TSTAT.S.F02 && !TSTAT.S.F03 && !TSTAT.S.F04 && !TSTAT.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf00heatEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenTstatsf00heatEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf01coolEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenTstatsf01coolEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf02occEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenTstatsf02occEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf03schEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenTstatsf03schEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3f: Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf04sbEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep3fGivenTstatsf04sbEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3g: Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenTstatsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); + err = TestStep3gGivenTstatsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATAttributeInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATAttributeInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLAttributeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLAttributeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF02OCCAttributeInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF02OCCAttributeInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F00 && TSTAT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F01 && TSTAT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_14(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4g: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF05AUTOAttributeInAttributeList_15(); + err = TestStep4gReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF05AUTOAttributeInAttributeList_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4h: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHAttributeInAttributeList_16(); + err = TestStep4hReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHAttributeInAttributeList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4i: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBAttributeInAttributeList_17(); + err = TestStep4iReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBAttributeInAttributeList_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4j: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F04 && TSTAT.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_18(); + err = TestStep4jReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_19(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 5a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 5b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInAcceptedCommandList_20(); + err = TestStep5bReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInAcceptedCommandList_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 6a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp && !TSTAT.S.C02.Rsp ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21(); + err = TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 6b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInGeneratedCommandList_22(); + err = TestStep6bReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInGeneratedCommandList_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 6c: Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSTAT.S.C04.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadOptionalCommandGetRelayStatusLogResponseInGeneratedCommandList_23(); + err = TestStep6cReadOptionalCommandGetRelayStatusLogResponseInGeneratedCommandList_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty " + "but it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_24(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_24(); break; } @@ -71288,7 +71548,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -71296,7 +71556,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71304,7 +71564,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71320,7 +71580,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71328,7 +71588,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71344,7 +71604,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf00heatEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenTstatsf00heatEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71352,7 +71612,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71363,7 +71623,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf01coolEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenTstatsf01coolEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71371,7 +71631,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71382,7 +71642,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf02occEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenTstatsf02occEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71390,7 +71650,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given TSTAT.S.F02(OCC) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71401,7 +71661,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf03schEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenTstatsf03schEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71409,7 +71669,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given TSTAT.S.F03(SCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71420,7 +71680,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf04sbEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fGivenTstatsf04sbEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71428,7 +71688,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Given TSTAT.S.F04(SB) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71439,7 +71699,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenTstatsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gGivenTstatsf05autoEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71447,7 +71707,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Given TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71458,7 +71718,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71466,7 +71726,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71487,7 +71747,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATAttributeInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATAttributeInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71495,7 +71755,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71508,7 +71768,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLAttributeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLAttributeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71516,7 +71776,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71529,7 +71789,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF02OCCAttributeInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF02OCCAttributeInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71537,7 +71797,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71550,7 +71810,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF00HEATTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71558,7 +71818,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F00(HEAT) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71571,7 +71832,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF01COOLTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71579,7 +71840,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F01(COOL) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71592,7 +71854,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF05AUTOAttributeInAttributeList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF05AUTOAttributeInAttributeList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71600,7 +71862,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F05(AUTO)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71615,7 +71877,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHAttributeInAttributeList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHAttributeInAttributeList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71623,7 +71885,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71638,7 +71900,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBAttributeInAttributeList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBAttributeInAttributeList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71646,7 +71908,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71661,7 +71923,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jReadTheFeatureDependentTSTATSF04SBTstatsf02occAttributeInAttributeList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71669,7 +71931,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: Read the Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F04(SB) & TSTAT.S.F02(OCC)) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71684,7 +71947,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71692,7 +71955,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71705,7 +71968,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInAcceptedCommandList_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInAcceptedCommandList_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71713,7 +71976,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71729,7 +71992,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71737,7 +72000,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71753,7 +72016,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInGeneratedCommandList_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bReadFeatureDependentTSTATSF03SCHCommandsInGeneratedCommandList_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71761,7 +72024,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: Read Feature dependent(TSTAT.S.F03(SCH)) commands in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71774,7 +72037,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadOptionalCommandGetRelayStatusLogResponseInGeneratedCommandList_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cReadOptionalCommandGetRelayStatusLogResponseInGeneratedCommandList_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71782,7 +72045,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: Read optional command (GetRelayStatusLogResponse) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71796,7 +72059,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSTAT_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_24() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_24() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -71846,38 +72109,38 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); - err = TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + err = TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList\n"); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but it can " - "contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Read EventList attribute from the DUT.For this cluster the list is usually empty but " + "it can contain manufacturer specific event IDs.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6(); break; } @@ -71931,7 +72194,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -71939,7 +72202,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadClusterRevisionAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71949,7 +72212,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH read ClusterRevision attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71965,7 +72228,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadFeatureMapAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -71975,7 +72238,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read FeatureMap attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -71991,7 +72254,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72001,7 +72264,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72022,7 +72285,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72032,7 +72295,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72048,7 +72311,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72058,7 +72321,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72075,7 +72338,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() + TestStep7ReadEventListAttributeFromTheDUTForThisClusterTheListIsUsuallyEmptyButItCanContainManufacturerSpecificEventIDs_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -72125,32 +72388,32 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeKeypadLockout_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeKeypadLockout_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadTheOptionalAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility_3(); break; } @@ -72195,7 +72458,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -72203,7 +72466,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheMandatoryAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72213,7 +72476,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the mandatory attribute: TemperatureDisplayMode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72227,7 +72490,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheMandatoryAttributeKeypadLockout_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheMandatoryAttributeKeypadLockout_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72237,7 +72500,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the mandatory attribute: KeypadLockout Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72251,7 +72514,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadTheOptionalAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72261,7 +72524,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Read the optional attribute: ScheduleProgrammingVisibility Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72315,16 +72578,17 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2a: Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf0ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_1(); + err = TestStep2aWritesAValueOf0ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Verify device temperature displayed in °C\n"); @@ -72335,20 +72599,21 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceTemperatureDisplayedInc_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_3(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_4(); + err = TestStep2cWritesAValueOf1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Verify device temperature displayed in °F\n"); @@ -72359,37 +72624,37 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceTemperatureDisplayedInf_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2d: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_6(); + err = TestStep2dThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_7(); + err = TestStep2eWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2f: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_8(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3a: Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf0ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_9(); + err = TestStep3aWritesAValueOf0ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Verify all device functionality available to the user\n"); @@ -72400,20 +72665,20 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyAllDeviceFunctionalityAvailableToTheUser_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3b: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_11(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf1ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cWritesAValueOf1ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Verify device operates at Level 1 reduced functionality\n"); @@ -72424,20 +72689,20 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceOperatesAtLevel1ReducedFunctionality_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3d: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_14(); + err = TestStep3dThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3e: Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf2ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_15(); + err = TestStep3eWritesAValueOf2ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Verify device operates at Level 2 reduced functionality\n"); @@ -72448,20 +72713,20 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceOperatesAtLevel2ReducedFunctionality_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3f: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_17(); + err = TestStep3fThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3g: Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf3ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_18(); + err = TestStep3gWritesAValueOf3ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Verify device operates at Level 3 reduced functionality\n"); @@ -72472,20 +72737,20 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceOperatesAtLevel3ReducedFunctionality_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3h: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_20(); + err = TestStep3hThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3i: Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf4ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_21(); + err = TestStep3iWritesAValueOf4ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Verify device operates at Level 4 reduced functionality\n"); @@ -72496,20 +72761,20 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceOperatesAtLevel4ReducedFunctionality_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3j: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_23(); + err = TestStep3jThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3k: Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_24(); + err = TestStep3kWritesAValueOf5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Verify device operates at least functionality level\n"); @@ -72520,37 +72785,38 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyDeviceOperatesAtLeastFunctionalityLevel_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 3l: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_26(); + err = TestStep3lThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 3m: Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_27(); + err = TestStep3mWritesAValueOfGreaterThan5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 3n: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_28(); + err = TestStep3nThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 4a: Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf0ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_29(); + err = TestStep4aWritesAValueOf0ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_29(); break; case 30: ChipLogProgress( @@ -72562,21 +72828,22 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyLocalScheduleProgrammingFunctionalityIsEnabledAtTheThermostat_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 4b: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_31(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_31(); break; case 32: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 4c: Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOf1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_32(); + err = TestStep4cWritesAValueOf1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_32(); break; case 33: ChipLogProgress( @@ -72588,29 +72855,32 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyLocalScheduleProgrammingFunctionalityIsDisabledAtTheThermostat_33(); break; case 34: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 4d: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_34(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_34(); break; case 35: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 35 : Writes a value of greater than 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 4e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_35(); + err = TestStep4eWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_35(); break; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 4f: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("TSUIC.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_36(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_36(); break; } @@ -72754,7 +73024,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -72762,7 +73032,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf0ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aWritesAValueOf0ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72773,17 +73043,16 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id temperatureDisplayModeArgument; temperatureDisplayModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster - writeAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithValue:temperatureDisplayModeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithValue:temperatureDisplayModeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Writes a value of 0 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute " + @"of DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -72798,7 +73067,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72808,7 +73077,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72823,7 +73092,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cWritesAValueOf1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72834,17 +73103,16 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id temperatureDisplayModeArgument; temperatureDisplayModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; - [cluster - writeAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithValue:temperatureDisplayModeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithValue:temperatureDisplayModeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Writes a value of 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode attribute " + @"of DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -72859,7 +73127,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72869,7 +73137,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72884,7 +73152,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72897,8 +73165,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { temperatureDisplayModeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithValue:temperatureDisplayModeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of greater than 1 to TemperatureDisplayMode " - @"attribute of DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to " + @"TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -72913,7 +73181,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsTheTemperatureDisplayModeAttributeOfDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72923,7 +73191,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads the TemperatureDisplayMode attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72938,7 +73206,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf0ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aWritesAValueOf0ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72949,14 +73217,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Writes a value of 0 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -72971,7 +73240,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -72981,7 +73250,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -72996,7 +73265,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf1ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cWritesAValueOf1ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73007,14 +73276,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Writes a value of 1 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -73029,7 +73299,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73039,7 +73309,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73054,7 +73324,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf2ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eWritesAValueOf2ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73065,14 +73335,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Writes a value of 2 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -73087,7 +73358,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73097,7 +73368,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73112,7 +73383,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf3ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gWritesAValueOf3ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73123,14 +73394,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Writes a value of 3 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -73145,7 +73417,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3hThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73155,7 +73427,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3h: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73170,7 +73442,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf4ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3iWritesAValueOf4ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73181,14 +73453,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3i: Writes a value of 4 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -73203,7 +73476,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3jThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73213,7 +73486,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3j: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73228,7 +73501,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3kWritesAValueOf5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73239,14 +73512,15 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; - [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3k: Writes a value of 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -73261,7 +73535,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3lThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73271,7 +73545,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3l: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73286,7 +73560,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3mWritesAValueOfGreaterThan5ToKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73297,25 +73571,25 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id keypadLockoutArgument; keypadLockoutArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:6U]; - [cluster - writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); - - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)); - NextTest(); - }]; + [cluster writeAttributeKeypadLockoutWithValue:keypadLockoutArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3m: Writes a value of greater than 5 to KeypadLockout attribute of DUT " + @"Error: %@", + err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_ERROR)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3nThReadsTheKeypadLockoutAttributeOfDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73325,7 +73599,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeKeypadLockoutWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3n: TH reads the KeypadLockout attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73340,7 +73614,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf0ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aWritesAValueOf0ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73353,8 +73627,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithValue:scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 0 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility " - @"attribute of DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Writes a value of 0 to " + @"ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73375,7 +73649,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73385,7 +73659,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73400,7 +73674,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOf1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cWritesAValueOf1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73413,8 +73687,8 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster writeAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithValue:scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of 1 to ScheduleProgrammingVisibility " - @"attribute of DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Writes a value of 1 to " + @"ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73435,7 +73709,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_34() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_34() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73445,7 +73719,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73460,7 +73734,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_35() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eWritesAValueOfGreaterThan1ToScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_35() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73473,7 +73747,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithValue:scheduleProgrammingVisibilityArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Writes a value of greater than 1 to " + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Writes a value of greater than 1 to " @"ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); @@ -73489,7 +73763,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_36() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsTheScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAttributeOfDut_36() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73499,7 +73773,7 @@ class Test_TC_TSUIC_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads the ScheduleProgrammingVisibility attribute of DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73554,114 +73828,116 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.F00 && !DGTHREAD.S.F01 && !DGTHREAD.S.F02 && !DGTHREAD.S.F03 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgthreadsf00pktcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenDgthreadsf00pktcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgthreadsf01errcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenDgthreadsf01errcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgthreadsf02mlecntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenDgthreadsf02mlecntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDgthreadsf03maccntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenDgthreadsf03maccntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4a: TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4aThReadsMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0006 && DGTHREAD.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDGTHREADSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDGTHREADSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf02mlecntInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf02mlecntInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf03maccntInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf03maccntInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4e: Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0038")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeActiveTimestampInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeActiveTimestampInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4f: Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A0039")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributePendingTimestampInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributePendingTimestampInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4g: Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.A003a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDelayInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeDelayInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.E00 && !DGTHREAD.S.E01 ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -73669,7 +73945,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5b: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E00(ConnectionStatus) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -73677,7 +73954,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5c: TH reads DGTHREAD.S.E01(NetworkFaultChange) event in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.E01")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -73685,24 +73963,24 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGTHREAD.S.F01 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGTHREAD.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_19(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_19(); break; } @@ -73795,7 +74073,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -73803,7 +74081,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73813,7 +74091,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73829,7 +74107,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73839,7 +74117,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73855,7 +74133,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgthreadsf00pktcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenDgthreadsf00pktcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73865,7 +74143,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given DGTHREAD.S.F00(PKTCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73876,7 +74154,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgthreadsf01errcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenDgthreadsf01errcntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73886,7 +74164,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73897,7 +74175,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgthreadsf02mlecntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenDgthreadsf02mlecntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73907,7 +74185,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73918,7 +74196,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDgthreadsf03maccntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenDgthreadsf03maccntEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73928,7 +74206,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73939,7 +74217,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsMandatoryAttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73949,7 +74227,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads mandatory attributes in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -73984,7 +74262,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDGTHREADSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDGTHREADSF01ERRCNTInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -73994,7 +74272,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(DGTHREAD.S.F01(ERRCNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74007,7 +74285,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf02mlecntInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf02mlecntInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74017,7 +74295,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F02(MLECNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74037,7 +74315,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf03maccntInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeDgthreadsf03maccntInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74047,7 +74325,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent attribute (DGTHREAD.S.F03(MACCNT)) in attributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74093,7 +74371,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeActiveTimestampInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheOptionalAttributeActiveTimestampInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74103,7 +74381,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the optional attribute (ActiveTimestamp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74116,7 +74394,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributePendingTimestampInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheOptionalAttributePendingTimestampInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74126,7 +74404,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the optional attribute (PendingTimestamp) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74139,7 +74417,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheOptionalAttributeDelayInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gReadTheOptionalAttributeDelayInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74149,7 +74427,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: Read the optional attribute (Delay) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74162,7 +74440,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74172,7 +74450,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74188,7 +74466,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74198,7 +74476,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74211,7 +74489,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74221,7 +74499,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74277,63 +74555,63 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); + err = TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); + err = TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional values " - "in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list MAY " - "contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values " - "in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and " - "(0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4b: Read the global attribute: AttributeList. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); + err = TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeEventList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); + err = TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeEventList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Read the global attribute: AcceptedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " @@ -74342,20 +74620,20 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); + err = TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Read the global attribute: GeneratedCommandList. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && ULABEL.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); + err = TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7(); break; } @@ -74412,7 +74690,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -74420,7 +74698,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ReadTheGlobalAttributeClusterRevision_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74428,7 +74706,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Read the global attribute: ClusterRevision Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74444,7 +74722,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadTheGlobalAttributeFeatureMap_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74452,7 +74730,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Read the global attribute: FeatureMap Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74468,7 +74746,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74476,7 +74754,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: Read the global attribute: AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74496,7 +74774,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() + TestStep4bReadTheGlobalAttributeAttributeList1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_4() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -74507,7 +74785,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadTheGlobalAttributeEventList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() + TestStep5ReadTheGlobalAttributeEventList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_5() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -74518,7 +74796,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() + TestStep6ReadTheGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_6() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -74529,7 +74807,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() + TestStep7ReadTheGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandList1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_7() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -74583,12 +74861,12 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); break; } @@ -74635,7 +74913,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74643,7 +74921,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLabelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74698,20 +74976,20 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_2(); break; } @@ -74761,7 +75039,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74791,7 +75069,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeLabelListWithValue:labelListArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74801,7 +75079,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsLabelListAttributeFromTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74809,7 +75087,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLabelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -74880,20 +75158,20 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2(); break; } @@ -74943,7 +75221,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74962,7 +75240,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeLabelListWithValue:labelListArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -74975,7 +75253,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -74994,7 +75272,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster writeAttributeLabelListWithValue:labelListArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -75051,36 +75329,36 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep3ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("ULABEL.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_4(); + err = TestStep4ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_4(); break; } @@ -75136,7 +75414,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75158,7 +75436,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeLabelListWithValue:labelListArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75168,7 +75446,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75176,7 +75454,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLabelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75197,7 +75475,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThWritesLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75215,7 +75493,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { } [cluster writeAttributeLabelListWithValue:labelListArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH writes LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75225,7 +75503,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsLabelListAttributeOfTheDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75233,7 +75511,7 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLabelListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads LabelList attribute of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75290,93 +75568,94 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( !DGWIFI.S.F00 && !DGWIFI.S.F01 )")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDGWIFISF00PacketCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenDGWIFISF00PacketCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDGWIFISF01ErrorCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenDGWIFISF01ErrorCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF00AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF00AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentMaxRateInAttributeListFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentMaxRateInAttributeListFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 5a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGWIFI.S.F01 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep5aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from " + "DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01CommandInAcceptedCommandListFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01CommandInAcceptedCommandListFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_11(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 6: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 7a: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGWIFI.S.E00 && !DGWIFI.S.E01 && !DGWIFI.S.E02 ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -75384,7 +75663,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 7b: TH reads optional attribute (Disconnection) in EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E00")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -75392,8 +75672,8 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 14: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 7c: TH reads optional attribute (AssociationFailure) in EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E01")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -75402,7 +75682,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 15: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList from DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 7d: TH reads optional attribute (ConnectionStatus) in EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.E02")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -75488,7 +75768,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -75496,7 +75776,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75506,7 +75786,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75522,7 +75802,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75532,7 +75812,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75548,7 +75828,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDGWIFISF00PacketCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenDGWIFISF00PacketCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75558,7 +75838,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given DGWIFI.S.F00(PacketCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75569,7 +75849,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDGWIFISF01ErrorCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenDGWIFISF01ErrorCountsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75579,7 +75859,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given DGWIFI.S.F01(ErrorCounts) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75590,7 +75870,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75600,7 +75880,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75623,7 +75903,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF00AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF00AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75633,7 +75913,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F00) attributes in attributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75650,7 +75930,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01AttributesInAttributeListFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75660,7 +75940,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) attributes in attributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75674,7 +75954,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentMaxRateInAttributeListFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentMaxRateInAttributeListFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75684,7 +75964,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute (CurrentMaxRate) in AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75697,7 +75977,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75707,7 +75987,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75723,7 +76003,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01CommandInAcceptedCommandListFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsFeatureDependentDGWIFISF01CommandInAcceptedCommandListFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75733,7 +76013,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads Feature dependent(DGWIFI.S.F01) command in AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75746,7 +76026,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -75756,7 +76036,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -75812,112 +76092,112 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsBssidAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsBssidAttributeFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads SecurityType attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: Reads SecurityType attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsSecurityTypeAttributeConstraints_2(); + err = TestStep3ReadsSecurityTypeAttributeConstraints_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 4: Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsWiFiVersionAttributeConstraints_3(); + err = TestStep4ReadsWiFiVersionAttributeConstraints_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 5: Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0003")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsChannelNumberAttributeConstraints_4(); + err = TestStep5ReadsChannelNumberAttributeConstraints_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads RSSI attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 6: Reads RSSI attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0004")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsRssiAttributeConstraints_5(); + err = TestStep6ReadsRssiAttributeConstraints_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 7: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeConstraints_6(); + err = TestStep7ReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeConstraints_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 8: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGWIFI.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeConstraints_7(); + err = TestStep8ReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeConstraints_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 9: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeConstraints_8(); + err = TestStep9ReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeConstraints_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 10: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeConstraints_9(); + err = TestStep10ReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeConstraints_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 11: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeConstraints_10(); + err = TestStep11ReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeConstraints_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 12: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeConstraints_11(); + err = TestStep12ReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeConstraints_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 13: Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsCurrentMaxRateAttributeConstraints_12(); + err = TestStep13ReadsCurrentMaxRateAttributeConstraints_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 14: Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_13(); + err = TestStep14ReadsOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_13(); break; } @@ -75992,7 +76272,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -76000,7 +76280,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsBssidAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsBssidAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76010,7 +76290,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBSSIDWithCompletion:^(NSData * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads BSSID attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76025,7 +76305,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsSecurityTypeAttributeConstraints_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ReadsSecurityTypeAttributeConstraints_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76035,7 +76315,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSecurityTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads SecurityType attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: Reads SecurityType attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76050,7 +76330,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsWiFiVersionAttributeConstraints_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ReadsWiFiVersionAttributeConstraints_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76060,7 +76340,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWiFiVersionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Reads WiFiVersion attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76077,7 +76357,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsChannelNumberAttributeConstraints_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ReadsChannelNumberAttributeConstraints_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76087,7 +76367,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeChannelNumberWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Reads ChannelNumber attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76104,7 +76384,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsRssiAttributeConstraints_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ReadsRssiAttributeConstraints_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76114,7 +76394,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRSSIWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads RSSI attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Reads RSSI attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76131,7 +76411,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeConstraints_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeConstraints_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76141,7 +76421,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBeaconLostCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76158,7 +76438,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeConstraints_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeConstraints_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76168,7 +76448,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBeaconRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76185,7 +76465,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeConstraints_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeConstraints_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76195,7 +76475,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketMulticastRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76212,7 +76492,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeConstraints_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeConstraints_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76222,7 +76502,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketMulticastTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76239,7 +76519,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeConstraints_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeConstraints_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76249,7 +76529,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketUnicastRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76266,7 +76546,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeConstraints_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeConstraints_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76276,7 +76556,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketUnicastTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76293,7 +76573,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsCurrentMaxRateAttributeConstraints_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ReadsCurrentMaxRateAttributeConstraints_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76303,7 +76583,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentMaxRateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 13: Reads CurrentMaxRate attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76318,7 +76598,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ReadsOverrunCountAttributeConstraints_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76328,7 +76608,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOverrunCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: Reads OverrunCount attribute constraints Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76383,64 +76663,64 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: TWait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1TWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsResetCountsCommandToDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsResetCountsCommandToDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2a: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep2aReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep2bReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2c: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep2cReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2d: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2dReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2e: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2eReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2f: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && DGWIFI.S.C00.Rsp && DGWIFI.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep2fReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeFromDut_7(); break; } @@ -76497,7 +76777,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1TWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -76505,7 +76785,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsResetCountsCommandToDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThSendsResetCountsCommandToDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76515,7 +76795,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster resetCountsWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends ResetCounts command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76525,7 +76805,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadsBeaconLostCountAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76535,7 +76815,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBeaconLostCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: Reads BeaconLostCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76552,7 +76832,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadsBeaconRxCountAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76562,7 +76842,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeBeaconRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: Reads BeaconRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76579,7 +76859,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cReadsPacketMulticastRxCountAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76589,7 +76869,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketMulticastRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: Reads PacketMulticastRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76606,7 +76886,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dReadsPacketMulticastTxCountAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76616,7 +76896,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketMulticastTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: Reads PacketMulticastTxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76633,7 +76913,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eReadsPacketUnicastRxCountAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76643,7 +76923,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketUnicastRxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: Reads PacketUnicastRxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76660,7 +76940,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fReadsPacketUnicastTxCountAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76670,7 +76950,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGWIFI_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePacketUnicastTxCountWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: Reads PacketUnicastTxCount attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -76727,165 +77007,176 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFDClusterRevisionAttribute_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFDClusterRevisionAttribute_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" WNCV.S.Afffc && !WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F01 && !WNCV.S.F02 && !WNCV.S.F03 && !WNCV.S.F04 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFCFeatureMapAttribute_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFCFeatureMapAttribute_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenWncvsf00lfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenWncvsf00lfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenWncvsf01tlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenWncvsf01tlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenWncvsf02paLfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenWncvsf02paLfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenWncvsf03absEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenWncvsf03absEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3f: Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenWncvsf04paTlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep3fGivenWncvsf04paTlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFBAttributeListAttribute_8(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFBAttributeListAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afffb && WNCV.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSafetyStatusInAttributeList_9(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeSafetyStatusInAttributeList_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in " + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_10(); + err = TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02AttributeInAttributeList_11(); + err = TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02AttributeInAttributeList_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in " + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in " "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.F03 && WNCV.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_12(); + err = TestStep4eReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_12(); break; case 13: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 13 : Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04AttributeInAttributeList_13(); + err = TestStep4fReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04AttributeInAttributeList_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5: Read the global attribute: EventList\n"); NextTest(); return; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 6a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF9AcceptedCommandListAttribute_15(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF9AcceptedCommandListAttribute_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in " + "AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in " + "AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F03")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf03CommandInAcceptedCommandList_17(); + err = TestStep6cThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf03CommandInAcceptedCommandList_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in " + "AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff9 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04CommandInAcceptedCommandList_18(); + err = TestStep6dThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04CommandInAcceptedCommandList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF8GeneratedCommandListAttribute_19(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF8GeneratedCommandListAttribute_19(); break; } @@ -76978,7 +77269,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -76986,7 +77277,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFDClusterRevisionAttribute_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFDClusterRevisionAttribute_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -76994,7 +77285,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFD) ClusterRevision attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77013,7 +77304,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFCFeatureMapAttribute_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFCFeatureMapAttribute_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77021,7 +77312,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFC) FeatureMap attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77037,7 +77328,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenWncvsf00lfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenWncvsf00lfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77045,7 +77336,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given WNCV.S.F00(LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77056,7 +77347,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenWncvsf01tlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenWncvsf01tlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77064,7 +77355,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given WNCV.S.F01(TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77075,7 +77366,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenWncvsf02paLfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenWncvsf02paLfEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77083,7 +77374,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77094,7 +77385,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenWncvsf03absEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenWncvsf03absEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77102,7 +77393,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given WNCV.S.F03(ABS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77113,7 +77404,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenWncvsf04paTlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fGivenWncvsf04paTlEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77121,7 +77412,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Given WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77132,7 +77423,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFBAttributeListAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFFBAttributeListAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77140,7 +77431,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFFB) AttributeList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77163,7 +77454,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSafetyStatusInAttributeList_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeSafetyStatusInAttributeList_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77171,7 +77462,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(SafetyStatus) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77184,7 +77475,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77192,7 +77483,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77206,7 +77498,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02AttributeInAttributeList_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02AttributeInAttributeList_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77214,7 +77506,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02 ) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77228,7 +77520,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04Wncvsf03AttributeInAttributeList_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77236,7 +77528,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 & WNCV.S.F03) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77250,7 +77543,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04AttributeInAttributeList_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fReadTheFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04AttributeInAttributeList_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77258,7 +77551,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: Read the Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04 ) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77272,7 +77565,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF9AcceptedCommandListAttribute_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF9AcceptedCommandListAttribute_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77280,7 +77573,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF9) AcceptedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77295,7 +77588,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF00Wncvsf02CommandInAcceptedCommandList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77303,7 +77596,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F00 & WNCV.S.F02) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77316,7 +77609,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf03CommandInAcceptedCommandList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf03CommandInAcceptedCommandList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77324,7 +77617,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F03) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77337,7 +77630,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04CommandInAcceptedCommandList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dThReadsFeatureDependentWNCVSF01Wncvsf04CommandInAcceptedCommandList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77345,7 +77638,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent(WNCV.S.F01 & WNCV.S.F04) command in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77358,7 +77651,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF8GeneratedCommandListAttribute_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsFromTheDutThe0xFFF8GeneratedCommandListAttribute_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77366,7 +77659,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the (0xFFF8) GeneratedCommandList attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77422,218 +77715,226 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0000")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultType_1(); + err = TestStep1aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultType_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1bReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultConfigStatus_2(); + err = TestStep1bReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultConfigStatus_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultOperationalStatus_3(); + err = TestStep1cReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultOperationalStatus_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1dReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultEndProductType_4(); + err = TestStep1dReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultEndProductType_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1eReadTheRwMandatoryAttributeDefaultMode_5(); + err = TestStep1eReadTheRwMandatoryAttributeDefaultMode_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1fWriteAValueIntoTheRwMandatoryAttributeMode_6(); + err = TestStep1fWriteAValueIntoTheRwMandatoryAttributeMode_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : 2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionLiftPercent100ths_7(); + err = TestStep2aReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionLiftPercent100ths_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionTiltPercent100ths_8(); + err = TestStep2bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionTiltPercent100ths_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths_9(); + err = TestStep2cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths_10(); + err = TestStep2dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0010")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitLift_11(); + err = TestStep2eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitLift_11(); break; case 12: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitLift_12(); + err = TestStep2fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitLift_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0012")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitTilt_13(); + err = TestStep2gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitTilt_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitTilt_14(); + err = TestStep2hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitTilt_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultSafetyStatus_15(); + err = TestStep3aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultSafetyStatus_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0001")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitLift_16(); + err = TestStep3bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitLift_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : 3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0002")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitTilt_17(); + err = TestStep3cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitTilt_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0003 && !WNCV.S.A0010 && !WNCV.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_18(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0003 && WNCV.S.A0010 && WNCV.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_19(); + err = TestStep3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0004 && !WNCV.S.A0012 && !WNCV.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_20(); + err = TestStep3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0004 && WNCV.S.A0012 && WNCV.S.A0013")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_21(); + err = TestStep3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : 3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0005")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsLift_22(); + err = TestStep3fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsLift_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : 3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0006")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsTilt_23(); + err = TestStep3gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsTilt_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : 3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_24(); + err = TestStep3hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : 3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3ireadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_25(); + err = TestStep3ireadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_25(); break; } @@ -77744,7 +78045,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -77752,7 +78053,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultType_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultType_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77760,7 +78061,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: Type Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77774,7 +78075,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultConfigStatus_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultConfigStatus_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77782,7 +78083,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: read the RO mandatory attribute default: ConfigStatus Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77796,7 +78097,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultOperationalStatus_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultOperationalStatus_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77804,7 +78105,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: read the RO mandatory attribute default: OperationalStatus Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77818,7 +78119,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultEndProductType_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultEndProductType_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77826,7 +78127,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEndProductTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: read the RO mandatory attribute default: EndProductType Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77840,7 +78141,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1eReadTheRwMandatoryAttributeDefaultMode_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eReadTheRwMandatoryAttributeDefaultMode_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77848,7 +78149,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: read the RW mandatory attribute default: Mode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77862,7 +78163,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1fWriteAValueIntoTheRwMandatoryAttributeMode_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1fWriteAValueIntoTheRwMandatoryAttributeMode_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77873,7 +78174,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1f: write a value into the RW mandatory attribute:: Mode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77883,7 +78184,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionLiftPercent100ths_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionLiftPercent100ths_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77891,7 +78192,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77910,7 +78211,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionTiltPercent100ths_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultTargetPositionTiltPercent100ths_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77918,7 +78219,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: read the RO optional attribute default: TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77937,7 +78238,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77946,7 +78247,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77965,7 +78266,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -77974,7 +78275,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -77994,7 +78295,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull InstalledOpenLimitLift; - CHIP_ERROR Test2eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitLift_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitLift_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78002,7 +78303,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInstalledOpenLimitLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78020,7 +78321,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull InstalledClosedLimitLift; - CHIP_ERROR Test2fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitLift_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitLift_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78028,7 +78329,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInstalledClosedLimitLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78046,7 +78347,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull InstalledOpenLimitTilt; - CHIP_ERROR Test2gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitTilt_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledOpenLimitTilt_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78054,7 +78355,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInstalledOpenLimitTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledOpenLimitTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78072,7 +78373,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull InstalledClosedLimitTilt; - CHIP_ERROR Test2hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitTilt_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultInstalledClosedLimitTilt_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78080,7 +78381,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeInstalledClosedLimitTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2h: read the RO optional attribute default: InstalledClosedLimitTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78097,7 +78398,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultSafetyStatus_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aReadTheRoMandatoryAttributeDefaultSafetyStatus_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78105,7 +78406,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeSafetyStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: read the RO mandatory attribute default: SafetyStatus Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78119,7 +78420,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitLift_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitLift_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78127,7 +78428,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePhysicalClosedLimitLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78141,7 +78442,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitTilt_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultPhysicalClosedLimitTilt_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78149,7 +78450,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributePhysicalClosedLimitTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: read the RO optional attribute default: PhysicalClosedLimitTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78163,7 +78464,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78171,7 +78472,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78188,7 +78489,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLift_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78196,7 +78497,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78215,7 +78516,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78223,7 +78524,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78240,7 +78541,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTilt_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78248,7 +78549,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78267,7 +78568,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsLift_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsLift_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78275,7 +78576,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfActuationsLiftWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsLift Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78289,7 +78590,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsTilt_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultNumberOfActuationsTilt_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78297,7 +78598,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfActuationsTiltWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: read the RO optional attribute default: NumberOfActuationsTilt Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78311,7 +78612,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3hReadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78319,7 +78620,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3h: read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionLiftPercentage Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78338,7 +78639,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3ireadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ireadTheRoOptionalAttributeDefaultCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78346,7 +78647,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3i:read the RO optional attribute default: CurrentPositionTiltPercentage Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78410,52 +78711,52 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit " - "3 must be 1b else 0b\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) " + "value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_1(); + err = TestStep1aReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit " - "3 must be 1b else 0b\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) " + "value of bit 3 must be 1b else 0b\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && !WNCV.S.F00 && !WNCV.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_2(); + err = TestStep1bReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 3 : Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit " - "4 must be 1b else 0b,\n"); + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) " + "value of bit 4 must be 1b else 0b,\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_3(); + err = TestStep1cReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit " - "4 must be 1b else 0b,\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) " + "value of bit 4 must be 1b else 0b,\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007 && !WNCV.S.F01 && !WNCV.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_4(); + err = TestStep1dReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutValueOfBit0MustBe1bOperational_5(); + err = TestStep1eReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutValueOfBit0MustBe1bOperational_5(); break; } @@ -78514,7 +78815,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78522,8 +78823,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else " - @"0b Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1a: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be " + @"1b else 0b Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78535,7 +78836,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf00lfWncvsf02paLfValueOfBit3MustBe1bElse0b_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78543,8 +78844,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be 1b else " - @"0b Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1b: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F00(LF) & WNCV.S.F02(PA_LF)) value of bit 3 must be " + @"1b else 0b Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78556,7 +78857,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78564,8 +78865,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else " - @"0b, Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1c: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be " + @"1b else 0b, Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78577,7 +78878,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutIfWncvsf01tlWncvsf04paTlValueOfBit4MustBe1bElse0b_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78585,8 +78886,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be 1b else " - @"0b, Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1d: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, if (WNCV.S.F01(TL) & WNCV.S.F04(PA_TL)) value of bit 4 must be " + @"1b else 0b, Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78598,7 +78899,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutValueOfBit0MustBe1bOperational_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDutValueOfBit0MustBe1bOperational_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78606,7 +78907,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: Reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT, value of bit 0 must be 1b (operational) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78657,145 +78958,145 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStepWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSetTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSetTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep1bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cThClearTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cThClearTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Reversal && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1dThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep1dThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSetTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep2aThSetTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : 2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cIfConfigStatusBit00ThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep2cIfConfigStatusBit00ThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2dThClearTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_8(); + err = TestStep2dThClearTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2eThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2fThReadsTheModeAttributeFromTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep2fThReadsTheModeAttributeFromTheDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Calibration && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2gThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_11(); + err = TestStep2gThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThSetTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep3aThSetTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_13(); + err = TestStep3bThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep3cThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0017")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dThClearTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_15(); + err = TestStep3dThClearTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_16(); + err = TestStep3eThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : 3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.M.Maintenance && WNCV.S.A0007")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3fThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep3fThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_17(); break; } @@ -78882,7 +79183,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStepWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -78890,7 +79191,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSetTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSetTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78901,7 +79202,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78911,7 +79212,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78919,7 +79220,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78932,7 +79233,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cThClearTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThClearTheModeAttributeBit0OfTheDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78943,7 +79244,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit0 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78953,7 +79254,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78961,7 +79262,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78974,7 +79275,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSetTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSetTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -78985,7 +79286,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -78996,7 +79297,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull configStatusValA; - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79004,7 +79305,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79020,7 +79321,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cIfConfigStatusBit00ThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cIfConfigStatusBit00ThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79028,7 +79329,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: If (ConfigStatus bit0 == 0) TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) : 0, @@ -79039,7 +79340,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dThClearTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThClearTheModeAttributeBit1OfTheDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79050,7 +79351,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit1 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79060,7 +79361,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2eThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79068,7 +79369,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79081,7 +79382,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2fThReadsTheModeAttributeFromTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2fThReadsTheModeAttributeFromTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79089,7 +79390,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeModeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2f: TH reads the Mode Attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79102,7 +79403,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2gThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2gThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79110,7 +79411,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2g: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79120,7 +79421,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThSetTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSetTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79131,7 +79432,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH set the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79141,7 +79442,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79149,7 +79450,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) : 0, @@ -79161,7 +79462,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull configStatusValB; - CHIP_ERROR Test3cThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79169,7 +79470,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79185,7 +79486,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dThClearTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dThClearTheModeAttributeBit2OfTheDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79196,7 +79497,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { modeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster writeAttributeModeWithValue:modeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: TH clear the Mode Attribute bit2 of the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79206,7 +79507,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThSendDownOrCloseCommandToTheDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79214,7 +79515,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH send DownOrClose command to the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79224,7 +79525,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3fThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fThReadsConfigStatusAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79232,7 +79533,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeConfigStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: TH reads ConfigStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79289,12 +79590,12 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000d")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEndProductTypeAttributeFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsEndProductTypeAttributeFromDut_1(); break; } @@ -79341,7 +79642,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsEndProductTypeAttributeFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsEndProductTypeAttributeFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79349,7 +79650,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeEndProductTypeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads EndProductType attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79403,235 +79704,236 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_9(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds\n"); - err = Test2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds\n"); + err = TestStep2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : 3a2: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 22 : 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24(); + err = TestStep3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27(); + err = TestStep4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device\n"); - err = Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device\n"); + err = TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29(); + err = TestStep5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30(); + err = TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30(); break; } @@ -79757,7 +80059,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -79765,7 +80067,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79773,7 +80075,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79783,7 +80085,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -79791,7 +80093,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79800,7 +80102,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79819,7 +80121,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79827,7 +80129,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79846,7 +80148,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79855,7 +80157,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79874,7 +80176,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79882,7 +80184,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79903,7 +80205,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { bool testSendClusterTest_TC_WNCV_3_1_7_WaitForReport_Fulfilled = false; ResponseHandler _Nullable test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_1_OperationalStatus_Reported = nil; - CHIP_ERROR TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79911,7 +80213,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_1_OperationalStatus_Reported = ^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79923,7 +80225,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79943,7 +80245,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); } reportHandler:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); if (test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_1_OperationalStatus_Reported != nil) { @@ -79956,7 +80258,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79964,7 +80266,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -79974,7 +80276,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -79982,7 +80284,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -79990,7 +80292,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80006,7 +80308,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80014,7 +80316,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80030,7 +80332,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80038,7 +80340,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80046,7 +80348,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80057,7 +80359,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80065,7 +80367,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80076,7 +80378,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80084,7 +80386,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80095,7 +80397,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80103,7 +80405,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80114,7 +80416,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80122,7 +80424,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80133,7 +80435,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -80143,7 +80445,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80151,7 +80453,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80160,7 +80462,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80179,7 +80481,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80187,7 +80489,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80206,7 +80508,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80215,7 +80517,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80234,7 +80536,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80242,7 +80544,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80261,7 +80563,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80269,7 +80571,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopMotionWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80279,7 +80581,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80287,7 +80589,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80295,7 +80597,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80310,7 +80612,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80318,7 +80620,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80326,7 +80628,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80345,7 +80647,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80353,7 +80655,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80412,235 +80714,236 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH Waits for 10 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_9(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12(); + err = TestStep2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds\n"); - err = Test2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2e: TH leave the device moving for 2 seconds\n"); + err = TestStep2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F00 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL))\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a && !WNCV.S.F01 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : 3a2: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 3a2: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21(); + err = TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 22 : 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24(); + err = TestStep3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27(); + err = TestStep4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device\n"); - err = Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds attributes update on the device\n"); + err = TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29(); + err = TestStep5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30(); + err = TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30(); break; } @@ -80766,7 +81069,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -80774,7 +81077,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80782,7 +81085,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80792,7 +81095,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsFor10SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80800,7 +81103,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80809,7 +81112,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80828,7 +81131,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80836,7 +81139,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80855,7 +81158,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80864,7 +81167,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80883,7 +81186,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1fIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80891,7 +81194,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1f: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80912,7 +81215,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { bool testSendClusterTest_TC_WNCV_3_2_7_WaitForReport_Fulfilled = false; ResponseHandler _Nullable test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_2_OperationalStatus_Reported = nil; - CHIP_ERROR TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80920,7 +81223,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_2_OperationalStatus_Reported = ^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80932,7 +81235,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80952,7 +81255,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); } reportHandler:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); if (test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_2_OperationalStatus_Reported != nil) { @@ -80965,7 +81268,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80973,7 +81276,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -80983,7 +81286,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_10() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -80991,7 +81294,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -80999,7 +81302,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81015,7 +81318,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81023,7 +81326,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2d: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81039,7 +81342,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThLeaveTheDeviceMovingFor2Seconds_13() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81047,7 +81350,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit01_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81055,7 +81358,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 0..1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81066,7 +81369,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81074,7 +81377,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81085,7 +81388,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit23Wncvsf00lf_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81093,7 +81396,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 2..3 (WNCV.S.F00(LF)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81104,7 +81407,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81112,7 +81415,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81123,7 +81426,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributesBit45Wncvsf01tl_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81131,7 +81434,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute's bit 4..5 (WNCV.S.F01(TL)) Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81142,7 +81445,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -81152,7 +81455,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3a2DutUpdatesItsAttributes_20() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81160,7 +81463,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81169,7 +81472,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81188,7 +81491,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81196,7 +81499,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81215,7 +81518,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81224,7 +81527,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81243,7 +81546,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81251,7 +81554,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81270,7 +81573,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81278,7 +81581,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopMotionWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81288,7 +81591,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_26() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81296,7 +81599,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cVerifyDutUpdateOperationalStatusAttributeToThAfterAStopMotion_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81304,7 +81607,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: Verify DUT update OperationalStatus attribute to TH after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81319,7 +81622,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_28() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81327,7 +81630,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81335,7 +81638,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81354,7 +81657,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81362,7 +81665,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81421,126 +81724,127 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsFor68SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH Waits for 6-8 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsFor68SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_3(); + err = TestStep1cThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep1eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1d: TH Waits for 2 seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); - err = Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute\n"); + err = TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_9(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test2bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_10(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2b: TH waits for 3 seconds the end of inertial movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep2bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDutAfterAStopMotion_11(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDutAfterAStopMotion_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device\n"); - err = Test2dThWaitsFor100ms3sAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_12(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 2d: TH waits for 100ms - 3s attributes update on the device\n"); + err = TestStep2dThWaitsFor100ms3sAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep2eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be equal " - "with CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be " + "equal with CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttribute3cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttribute3cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep4aIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : 4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be equal " - "with CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be " + "equal with CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000c && WNCV.S.A000f && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4bIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttribute4cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep4bIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttribute4cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_17(); break; } @@ -81627,7 +81931,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -81635,7 +81939,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81643,7 +81947,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81653,7 +81957,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsFor68SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsFor68SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81661,7 +81965,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81669,7 +81973,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81679,7 +81983,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81687,7 +81991,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81695,7 +81999,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81707,7 +82011,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThWaitsFor2SecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_6() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81717,7 +82021,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { bool testSendClusterTest_TC_WNCV_3_3_7_WaitForReport_Fulfilled = false; ResponseHandler _Nullable test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_3_OperationalStatus_Reported = nil; - CHIP_ERROR TestReport2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestReportStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81725,7 +82029,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_3_OperationalStatus_Reported = ^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Report: 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Report: Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81737,7 +82041,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2SubscribeToDutReportsOnOperationalStatusAttribute_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81757,7 +82061,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); } reportHandler:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Subscribe to DUT reports on OperationalStatus attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); if (test_Test_TC_WNCV_3_3_OperationalStatus_Reported != nil) { @@ -81770,7 +82074,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsAStopMotionCommandToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81778,7 +82082,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopMotionWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends a StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81788,7 +82092,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThWaitsFor3SecondsTheEndOfInertialMovementsOnTheDevice_10() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81796,7 +82100,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDutAfterAStopMotion_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDutAfterAStopMotion_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81804,7 +82108,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT after a StopMotion Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81819,7 +82123,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dThWaitsFor100ms3sAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThWaitsFor100ms3sAttributesUpdateOnTheDevice_12() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -81827,7 +82131,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2eThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81835,7 +82139,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2e: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81851,7 +82155,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionLift; - CHIP_ERROR Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81860,7 +82164,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81882,7 +82186,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - Test3bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttribute3cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15() + TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttribute3cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81890,7 +82194,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be equal with " + NSLog(@"Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute 3c: it Must be equal with " @"CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); @@ -81913,7 +82217,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionTilt; - CHIP_ERROR Test4aIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81922,7 +82226,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -81944,7 +82248,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - Test4bIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttribute4cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_17() + TestStep4bIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttribute4cItMustBeEqualWithCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -81952,7 +82256,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be equal with " + NSLog(@"Step 4b: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute 4c: it Must be equal with " @"CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); @@ -82016,79 +82320,79 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9(); break; } @@ -82153,7 +82457,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mFullMotionDuration; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -82161,7 +82465,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82169,7 +82473,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82179,7 +82483,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -82187,7 +82491,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82195,7 +82499,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82205,7 +82509,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -82213,7 +82517,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82221,7 +82525,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82236,7 +82540,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82245,7 +82549,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82261,7 +82565,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82269,7 +82573,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82285,7 +82589,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82294,7 +82598,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82310,7 +82614,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82318,7 +82622,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82376,79 +82680,79 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH Waits for fastMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_3(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); - err = Test2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2b: TH Waits for fullMotionDuration seconds movement(s) on the device\n"); + err = TestStep2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 7 : 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7(); + err = TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9(); break; } @@ -82513,7 +82817,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mFullMotionDuration; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -82521,7 +82825,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82529,7 +82833,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82539,7 +82843,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsForFastMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -82547,7 +82851,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82555,7 +82859,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends DownOrClose command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82565,7 +82869,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThWaitsForFullMotionDurationSecondsMovementsOnTheDevice_4() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -82573,7 +82877,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82581,7 +82885,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82596,7 +82900,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82605,7 +82909,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82621,7 +82925,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82629,7 +82933,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82645,7 +82949,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82654,7 +82958,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82670,7 +82974,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82678,7 +82982,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_3_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82735,132 +83039,133 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith25PercentToDut_4(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith25PercentToDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure\n"); - err = Test3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure\n"); + err = TestStep3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : 3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith7520PercentToDut_11(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith7520PercentToDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 4b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep4cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); - err = Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep5cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : 5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep5dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17(); break; } @@ -82948,7 +83253,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mFullMotionDuration; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -82956,7 +83261,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82964,7 +83269,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -82974,7 +83279,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -82982,7 +83287,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -82991,7 +83296,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83005,7 +83310,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith25PercentToDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith25PercentToDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83016,7 +83321,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { params.liftPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:2500U]; [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 25 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83026,7 +83331,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83034,7 +83339,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83042,7 +83347,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83058,7 +83363,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83066,7 +83371,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83074,7 +83379,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83089,7 +83394,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83098,7 +83403,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83114,7 +83419,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83122,7 +83427,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83138,7 +83443,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith7520PercentToDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith7520PercentToDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83147,19 +83452,20 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRWindowCoveringClusterGoToLiftPercentageParams alloc] init]; params.liftPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:7520U]; - [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 75.20 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83167,7 +83473,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test4cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cIfPaLfThReadsTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83175,7 +83481,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: If (PA & LF) TH reads TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83191,7 +83497,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83199,7 +83505,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83207,7 +83513,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83222,7 +83528,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83231,7 +83537,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83247,7 +83553,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dIfPaLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83255,7 +83561,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5d: If (PA & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83312,132 +83618,133 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); + err = TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); + err = TestStep1cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith30PercentToDut_4(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith30PercentToDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 2b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); + err = TestStep2cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure\n"); - err = Test3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3a: TH set a timeout of X minutes for failure\n"); + err = TestStep3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9(); + err = TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9(); break; case 10: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 10 : 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith6005PercentToDut_11(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith6005PercentToDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 4b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); - err = Test4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 4b: DUT updates its attributes\n"); + err = TestStep4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : 4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep4cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); - err = Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 5a: TH waits for x seconds movement(s) on the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.A000a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : 5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test5dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17(); + err = TestStep5dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17(); break; } @@ -83525,7 +83832,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mFullMotionDuration; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -83533,7 +83840,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThSendsDownOrCloseCommandToPrepositionTheDutInTheOppositeDirection_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83541,7 +83848,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster downOrCloseWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH sends DownOrClose command to preposition the DUT in the opposite direction Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83551,7 +83858,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_2() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83559,7 +83866,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83568,7 +83875,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83582,7 +83889,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith30PercentToDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith30PercentToDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83593,7 +83900,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.tiltPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:3000U]; [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 30 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83603,7 +83910,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_5() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83611,7 +83918,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83619,7 +83926,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83635,7 +83942,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSetATimeoutOfXMinutesForFailure_7() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83643,7 +83950,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83651,7 +83958,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83666,7 +83973,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83675,7 +83982,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83691,7 +83998,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83699,7 +84006,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83715,7 +84022,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith6005PercentToDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith6005PercentToDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83724,19 +84031,20 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRWindowCoveringClusterGoToTiltPercentageParams alloc] init]; params.tiltPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:6005U]; - [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster + goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 60.05 percent to DUT Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bDutUpdatesItsAttributes_12() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83744,7 +84052,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test4cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cIfPaTlThReadsTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83752,7 +84060,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeTargetPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: If (PA & TL) TH reads TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83768,7 +84076,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWaitsForXSecondsMovementsOnTheDut_14() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -83776,7 +84084,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThReadsOperationalStatusAttributeFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83784,7 +84092,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeOperationalStatusWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH reads OperationalStatus attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83799,7 +84107,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsAttributeFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83808,7 +84116,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5c: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83824,7 +84132,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test5dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5dIfPaTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageOptionalAttributeFromDut_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -83832,7 +84140,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5d: If (PA & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage optional attribute from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -83888,51 +84196,51 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep1aIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionLiftPercentage\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A0008 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_2(); + err = TestStep1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2bThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 || WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5(); break; } @@ -83983,7 +84291,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -83992,7 +84300,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths; - CHIP_ERROR Test1aIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84001,7 +84309,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84023,7 +84331,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - Test1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_2() + TestStep1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionLiftPercentage_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84031,7 +84339,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " + NSLog(@"Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercentage from DUT + assert " @"CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionLiftPercentage Error: %@", err); @@ -84057,7 +84365,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84068,7 +84376,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.liftPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:12288U]; [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with BadParam to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84081,7 +84389,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84092,7 +84400,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.liftPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:10001U]; [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 10001 to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84105,7 +84413,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84116,7 +84424,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.liftPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:65535U]; [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84169,51 +84477,51 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aIfPaTlTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep1aIfPaTlTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionTiltPercentage\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f && WNCV.S.A0009")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_2(); + err = TestStep1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2bThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 || WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5(); break; } @@ -84264,7 +84572,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -84273,7 +84581,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths; - CHIP_ERROR Test1aIfPaTlTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aIfPaTlTlThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84282,7 +84590,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84304,7 +84612,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - Test1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_2() + TestStep1b1cIfPaLfLfThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercentageFromDutAssertCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths100EqualsCurrentPositionTiltPercentage_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84312,7 +84620,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercentageWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " + NSLog(@"Step 1b 1c: If (PA_LF & LF) TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercentage from DUT + assert " @"CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths/100 equals CurrentPositionTiltPercentage Error: %@", err); @@ -84338,7 +84646,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWithBadParamToDut_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84349,7 +84657,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.tiltPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:12288U]; [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with BadParam to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84362,7 +84670,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith10001ToDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84373,7 +84681,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.tiltPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:10001U]; [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 10001 to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84386,7 +84694,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith0xFFFFToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84397,7 +84705,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_4 : public TestCommandBridge { params.tiltPercent100thsValue = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:65535U]; [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 0xFFFF to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -84450,114 +84758,114 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : 0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test0aWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 0a: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep0aWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : 0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT\n"); - err = Test0bThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT\n"); + err = TestStep0bThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDut_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.C05.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1aIfPaLfLfThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_2(); + err = TestStep1aIfPaLfLfThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : 1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); - err = Test1bThWaitsFor100ms1s_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); + err = TestStep1bThWaitsFor100ms1s_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : 1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test1cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_4(); + err = TestStep1cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : 1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); - err = Test1dThWaitsFor100ms1s_5(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); + err = TestStep1dThWaitsFor100ms1s_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : 2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.C08.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2aIfPaTlTlThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_6(); + err = TestStep2aIfPaTlTlThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : 2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); - err = Test2bThWaitsFor100ms1s_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2b: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); + err = TestStep2bThWaitsFor100ms1s_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : 2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.C02.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test2cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_8(); + err = TestStep2cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : 2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); - err = Test2dThWaitsFor100ms1s_9(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2d: TH Waits for 100ms-1s\n"); + err = TestStep2dThWaitsFor100ms1s_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : 3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3aThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_10(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : 3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3bThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_11(); + err = TestStep3bThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : 3c: reboot/restart the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3c: reboot/restart the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3cRebootRestartTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep3cRebootRestartTheDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step Reboot target device(DUT)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_13(); + err = TestStepRebootTargetDeviceDUT_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : 3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = Test3dWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_14(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 3d: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep3dWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : 3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F00 && WNCV.S.F02 && WNCV.S.A000e")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3eThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15(); + err = TestStep3eThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : 3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("WNCV.S.F01 && WNCV.S.F04 && WNCV.S.A000f")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = Test3fThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_16(); + err = TestStep3fThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_16(); break; } @@ -84641,7 +84949,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR Test0aWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0aWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -84649,7 +84957,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test0bThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep0bThSendsUpOrOpenCommandToPrepositionTheDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84657,7 +84965,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster upOrOpenWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 0b: TH sends UpOrOpen command to preposition the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84667,7 +84975,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1aIfPaLfLfThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aIfPaLfLfThSendsGoToLiftPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84679,7 +84987,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster goToLiftPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: If (PA_LF & LF) TH sends GoToLiftPercentage command with 90%% to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84689,7 +84998,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1bThWaitsFor100ms1s_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWaitsFor100ms1s_3() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -84697,7 +85006,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test1cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84705,7 +85014,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopMotionWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84715,7 +85024,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test1dThWaitsFor100ms1s_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThWaitsFor100ms1s_5() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -84723,7 +85032,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2aIfPaTlTlThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aIfPaTlTlThSendsGoToTiltPercentageCommandWith90ToDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84735,7 +85044,8 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster goToTiltPercentageWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: If (PA_TL & TL) TH sends GoToTiltPercentage command with 90%% to DUT Error: %@", + err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84745,7 +85055,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2bThWaitsFor100ms1s_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThWaitsFor100ms1s_7() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -84753,7 +85063,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test2cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThSendsStopMotionCommandToDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84761,7 +85071,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster stopMotionWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH sends StopMotion command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84771,7 +85081,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test2dThWaitsFor100ms1s_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2dThWaitsFor100ms1s_9() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForMs::Type value; @@ -84780,7 +85090,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths; - CHIP_ERROR Test3aThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84789,7 +85099,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84807,7 +85117,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nullable attrCurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths; - CHIP_ERROR Test3bThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84816,7 +85126,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84833,14 +85143,14 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3cRebootRestartTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cRebootRestartTheDut_12() { chip::app::Clusters::SystemCommands::Commands::Reboot::Type value; return Reboot("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestRebootTargetDeviceDUT_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStepRebootTargetDeviceDUT_13() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -84851,7 +85161,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3dWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_14() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -84859,7 +85169,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR Test3eThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eThReadsCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsFromDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84868,7 +85178,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionLiftPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: TH reads CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -84889,7 +85199,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR Test3fThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fThReadsCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsFromDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -84898,7 +85208,7 @@ class Test_TC_WNCV_4_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeCurrentPositionTiltPercent100thsWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: TH reads CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122108,91 +122418,94 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.Afffd")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afffc")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDGSWSF00WatermarksEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenDGSWSF00WatermarksEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0000 && DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeThreadMetricsInAttributeList_5(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeThreadMetricsInAttributeList_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0001 && DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapFreeInAttributeList_6(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapFreeInAttributeList_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.A0002 && DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapUsedInAttributeList_7(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapUsedInAttributeList_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("( DGSW.S.F00 || DGSW.S.A0003 ) && DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeCurrentHeapHighWatermarkInAttributeList_8(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeCurrentHeapHighWatermarkInAttributeList_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 9 : TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any additional " - "values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) 2.The list " - "MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), where XXXX " - "is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT contain any " - "values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 - " - "0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4f: TH reads AttributeList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_4FFF) and (0x0000_F000 - 0x0000_FFFE) " + "2.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_4FFF), " + "where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 3.The list SHALL NOT " + "contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_5000 - 0x0000_EFFF and 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_5000 " + "- 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGSW.S.Afffb")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -122200,7 +122513,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5b: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.E00 && DGSW.S.Afffa ")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -122209,36 +122522,36 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return; case 12: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the Manufacturer " - "Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - " - "0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or invalid " - "range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is " - "the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 5c: TH reads EventList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " + "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " + "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " + "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " + "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGSW.S.Afffa")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); + err = TestStep5cThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_13(); + err = TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DGSW.S.F00 && DGSW.S.Afff9")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_14(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_14(); break; case 15: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " + " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 6c: TH reads AcceptedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list SHALL NOT contain any " "additional values in the standard or scoped range: (0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_00FF). 2.The list MAY contain values in " "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored.3.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor " @@ -122248,20 +122561,20 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); + err = TestStep6cThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in the " - "Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range " - "(0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test Vendor or " - "invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF), where " - "XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList attribute from DUT. 1.The list MAY contain values in " + "the Manufacturer Extensible Identifier (MEI) range: (0xXXXX_0000 - 0xXXXX_00FF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI " + "range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1), these values SHALL be ignored. 2.The list SHALL NOT contain any values in the Test " + "Vendor or invalid range: (0x0000_0100 - 0x0000_FFFF), (0xXXXX_0100 - 0xXXXX_FFFF) and (0xFFF1_0000 - " + "0xFFFF_FFFF), where XXXX is the allowed MEI range (0x0001 - 0xFFF1)\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DGSW.S.Afff8")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16(); break; } @@ -122345,7 +122658,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -122353,7 +122666,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122363,7 +122676,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122379,7 +122692,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122389,7 +122702,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122405,7 +122718,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDGSWSF00WatermarksEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenDGSWSF00WatermarksEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122415,7 +122728,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given DGSW.S.F00(Watermarks) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122426,7 +122739,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122436,7 +122749,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122454,7 +122767,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeThreadMetricsInAttributeList_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsOptionalAttributeThreadMetricsInAttributeList_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122464,7 +122777,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads optional attribute(ThreadMetrics) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122477,7 +122790,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapFreeInAttributeList_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapFreeInAttributeList_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122487,7 +122800,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapFree) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122500,7 +122813,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapUsedInAttributeList_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsOptionalAttributeCurrentHeapUsedInAttributeList_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122510,7 +122823,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads optional attribute(CurrentHeapUsed) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122523,7 +122836,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeCurrentHeapHighWatermarkInAttributeList_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsFeatureDependentAttributeCurrentHeapHighWatermarkInAttributeList_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122533,7 +122846,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent attribute(CurrentHeapHighWatermark) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122547,7 +122860,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() + TestStep4fThReadsAttributeListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x00004fffAnd0x0000F0000x0000Fffe2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX4fffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000050000x0000EfffAnd0x0000Ffff0xXXXX50000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_9() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122558,7 +122871,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() + TestStep5cThReadsEventListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_12() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122568,7 +122881,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122578,7 +122891,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122591,7 +122904,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -122601,7 +122914,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -122618,7 +122931,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() + TestStep6cThReadsAcceptedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListShallNotContainAnyAdditionalValuesInTheStandardOrScopedRange0x000000000x000000ff2TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored3TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_15() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -122629,7 +122942,7 @@ class Test_TC_DGSW_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() + TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListAttributeFromDut1TheListMayContainValuesInTheManufacturerExtensibleIdentifierMeiRange0xXXXX00000xXXXX00ffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1TheseValuesShallBeIgnored2TheListShallNotContainAnyValuesInTheTestVendorOrInvalidRange0x000001000x0000Ffff0xXXXX01000xXXXXFfffAnd0xFFF100000xFFFFFfffWhereXxxxIsTheAllowedMeiRange0x00010xFFF1_16() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -136343,280 +136656,301 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.F02 && !DRLK.S.F04 && !DRLK.S.F05 && !DRLK.S.F06 && !DRLK.S.F07 " "&& !DRLK.S.F08 && !DRLK.S.F0a && !DRLK.S.F0b && !DRLK.S.F0c ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf00pinEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenDrlksf00pinEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 3c: Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf01ridEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); + err = TestStep3cGivenDrlksf01ridEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3d: Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf02fgpEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); + err = TestStep3dGivenDrlksf02fgpEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 3e: Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf04wdschEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); + err = TestStep3eGivenDrlksf04wdschEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 3f: Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf05dpsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); + err = TestStep3fGivenDrlksf05dpsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3g: Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F06")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf06faceEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); + err = TestStep3gGivenDrlksf06faceEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 3h: Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf07cotaEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9(); + err = TestStep3hGivenDrlksf07cotaEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 3i: Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDrlksf08usrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_10(); + err = TestStep3iGivenDrlksf08usrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3j: Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDRLKSF0aYDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_11(); + err = TestStep3jGivenDRLKSF0aYDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3k: Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDRLKSF0bHDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_12(); + err = TestStep3kGivenDRLKSF0bHDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3l: Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenDRLKSF0cUBOLTEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_13(); + err = TestStep3lGivenDRLKSF0cUBOLTEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_14(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF05AttributesInAttributeList_15(); + err = TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF05AttributesInAttributeList_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF08AttributesInAttributeList_16(); + err = TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF08AttributesInAttributeList_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00AttributesInAttributeList_17(); + err = TestStep4dThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00AttributesInAttributeList_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF01AttributesInAttributeList_18(); + err = TestStep4eThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF01AttributesInAttributeList_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4f: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF04AttributeInAttributeList_19(); + err = TestStep4fThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF04AttributeInAttributeList_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 4g: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0aAttributeInAttributeList_20(); + err = TestStep4gThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0aAttributeInAttributeList_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 4h: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0bAttributeInAttributeList_21(); + err = TestStep4hThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0bAttributeInAttributeList_21(); break; case 22: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 4i: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in " + "AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 || DRLK.S.F01")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00OrDrlksf01AttributesInAttributeList_22(); + err = TestStep4iThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00OrDrlksf01AttributesInAttributeList_22(); break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 23 : TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 4j: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 || DRLK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF07OrDrlksf00AttributeInAttributeList_23(); + err = TestStep4jThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF07OrDrlksf00AttributeInAttributeList_23(); break; case 24: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0021")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLanguageInAttributeList_24(); + err = TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributeLanguageInAttributeList_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0022")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLEDSettingsInAttributeList_25(); + err = TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributeLEDSettingsInAttributeList_25(); break; case 26: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeAutoRelockTimeInAttributeList_26(); + err = TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeAutoRelockTimeInAttributeList_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0024")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoundVolumeInAttributeList_27(); + err = TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeSoundVolumeInAttributeList_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0027")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeDefaultConfigurationRegisterInAttributeList_28(); + err = TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributeDefaultConfigurationRegisterInAttributeList_28(); break; case 29: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0028")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableLocalProgrammingInAttributeList_29(); + err = TestStep4pThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableLocalProgrammingInAttributeList_29(); break; case 30: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0029")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableOneTouchLockingInAttributeList_30(); + err = TestStep4qThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableOneTouchLockingInAttributeList_30(); break; case 31: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 4r: TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableInsideStatusLEDInAttributeList_31(); + err = TestStep4rThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableInsideStatusLEDInAttributeList_31(); break; case 32: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 4s: TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnablePrivacyModeButtonInAttributeList_32(); + err = TestStep4sThReadsOptionalAttributeEnablePrivacyModeButtonInAttributeList_32(); break; case 33: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 33 : TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 4t: TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A002c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalProgrammingFeaturesInAttributeList_33(); + err = TestStep4tThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalProgrammingFeaturesInAttributeList_33(); break; case 34: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Step 5a: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); NextTest(); return; case 35: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 35 : Step 5b: TH reads optional event(Door position sensor) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F05")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -136624,7 +136958,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in EventList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 5c: TH reads optional event(User commands and database) in EventList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08")) { NextTest(); return; @@ -136632,97 +136967,98 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { NextTest(); return; case 37: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_37(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_37(); break; case 38: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 38 : TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 38 : Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF04InAcceptedCommandList_38(); + err = TestStep6bThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF04InAcceptedCommandList_38(); break; case 39: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 39 : TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 39 : Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0aInAcceptedCommandList_39(); + err = TestStep6cThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0aInAcceptedCommandList_39(); break; case 40: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 40 : TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 40 : Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0bInAcceptedCommandList_40(); + err = TestStep6dThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0bInAcceptedCommandList_40(); break; case 41: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 41 : TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 41 : Step 6e: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0c")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0cInAcceptedCommandList_41(); + err = TestStep6eThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0cInAcceptedCommandList_41(); break; case 42: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 42 : TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 42 : Step 6f: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF08InAcceptedCommandList_42(); + err = TestStep6fThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF08InAcceptedCommandList_42(); break; case 43: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 43 : Step 6g: TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsOptionalCommandsDRLKSC03RspInAcceptedCommandList_43(); + err = TestStep6gThReadsOptionalCommandsDRLKSC03RspInAcceptedCommandList_43(); break; case 44: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 44 : TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 44 : Step 7a: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF04InGeneratedCommandList_44(); + err = TestStep7aThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF04InGeneratedCommandList_44(); break; case 45: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 45 : TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 45 : Step 7b: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0aInGeneratedCommandList_45(); + err = TestStep7bThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0aInGeneratedCommandList_45(); break; case 46: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 46 : TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 46 : Step 7c: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0bInGeneratedCommandList_46(); + err = TestStep7cThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0bInGeneratedCommandList_46(); break; case 47: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 47 : TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 47 : Step 7d: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF08InGeneratedCommandList_47(); + err = TestStep7dThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF08InGeneratedCommandList_47(); break; } @@ -136899,7 +137235,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -136907,7 +137243,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -136915,7 +137251,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -136931,7 +137267,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -136939,7 +137275,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -136955,7 +137291,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf00pinEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenDrlksf00pinEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -136963,7 +137299,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given DRLK.S.F00(PIN) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -136974,7 +137310,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf01ridEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cGivenDrlksf01ridEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -136982,7 +137318,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3c: Given DRLK.S.F01(RID) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -136993,7 +137329,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf02fgpEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3dGivenDrlksf02fgpEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137001,7 +137337,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3d: Given DRLK.S.F02(FGP) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137012,7 +137348,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf04wdschEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3eGivenDrlksf04wdschEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137020,7 +137356,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3e: Given DRLK.S.F04(WDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137031,7 +137367,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf05dpsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3fGivenDrlksf05dpsEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137039,7 +137375,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3f: Given DRLK.S.F05(DPS) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137050,7 +137386,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf06faceEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3gGivenDrlksf06faceEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137058,7 +137394,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3g: Given DRLK.S.F06(FACE) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137069,7 +137405,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf07cotaEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3hGivenDrlksf07cotaEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137077,7 +137413,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3h: Given DRLK.S.F07(COTA) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137088,7 +137424,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDrlksf08usrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3iGivenDrlksf08usrEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137096,7 +137432,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3i: Given DRLK.S.F08(USR) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137107,7 +137443,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDRLKSF0aYDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3jGivenDRLKSF0aYDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137115,7 +137451,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3j: Given DRLK.S.F0a(YDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137126,7 +137462,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDRLKSF0bHDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3kGivenDRLKSF0bHDSCHEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137134,7 +137470,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3k: Given DRLK.S.F0b(HDSCH) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137145,7 +137481,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenDRLKSF0cUBOLTEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3lGivenDRLKSF0cUBOLTEnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137153,7 +137489,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3l: Given DRLK.S.F0c(UBOLT) ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137164,7 +137500,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsAttributeListFromDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137172,7 +137508,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137195,7 +137531,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF05AttributesInAttributeList_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF05AttributesInAttributeList_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137203,7 +137539,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F05) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137216,7 +137552,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF08AttributesInAttributeList_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF08AttributesInAttributeList_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137224,7 +137560,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F08) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137239,7 +137575,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00AttributesInAttributeList_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00AttributesInAttributeList_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137247,7 +137583,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137262,7 +137598,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF01AttributesInAttributeList_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF01AttributesInAttributeList_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137270,7 +137606,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137285,7 +137621,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF04AttributeInAttributeList_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF04AttributeInAttributeList_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137293,7 +137629,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F04) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137306,7 +137642,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0aAttributeInAttributeList_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4gThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0aAttributeInAttributeList_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137314,7 +137650,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4g: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0a) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137327,7 +137663,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0bAttributeInAttributeList_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4hThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF0bAttributeInAttributeList_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137335,7 +137671,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4h: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F0b) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137348,7 +137684,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00OrDrlksf01AttributesInAttributeList_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4iThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF00OrDrlksf01AttributesInAttributeList_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137356,7 +137692,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4i: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F00 or DRLK.S.F01) attributes in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137370,7 +137706,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF07OrDrlksf00AttributeInAttributeList_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4jThReadsFeatureDependentDRLKSF07OrDrlksf00AttributeInAttributeList_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137378,7 +137714,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4j: TH reads Feature dependent(DRLK.S.F07 or DRLK.S.F00) attribute in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137391,7 +137727,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLanguageInAttributeList_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4kThReadsOptionalAttributeLanguageInAttributeList_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137399,7 +137735,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4k: TH reads optional attribute(Language) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137412,7 +137748,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLEDSettingsInAttributeList_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4lThReadsOptionalAttributeLEDSettingsInAttributeList_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137420,7 +137756,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4l: TH reads optional attribute(LEDSettings) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137433,7 +137769,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeAutoRelockTimeInAttributeList_26() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4mThReadsOptionalAttributeAutoRelockTimeInAttributeList_26() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137441,7 +137777,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4m: TH reads optional attribute(AutoRelockTime) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137454,7 +137790,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeSoundVolumeInAttributeList_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4nThReadsOptionalAttributeSoundVolumeInAttributeList_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137462,7 +137798,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4n: TH reads optional attribute(SoundVolume) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137475,7 +137811,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeDefaultConfigurationRegisterInAttributeList_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4oThReadsOptionalAttributeDefaultConfigurationRegisterInAttributeList_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137483,7 +137819,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4o: TH reads optional attribute(DefaultConfigurationRegister) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137496,7 +137832,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableLocalProgrammingInAttributeList_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4pThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableLocalProgrammingInAttributeList_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137504,7 +137840,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4p: TH reads optional attribute(EnableLocalProgramming) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137517,7 +137853,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableOneTouchLockingInAttributeList_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4qThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableOneTouchLockingInAttributeList_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137525,7 +137861,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4q: TH reads optional attribute(EnableOneTouchLocking) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137538,7 +137874,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableInsideStatusLEDInAttributeList_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4rThReadsOptionalAttributeEnableInsideStatusLEDInAttributeList_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137546,7 +137882,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4r: TH reads optional attribute(EnableInsideStatusLED) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137559,7 +137895,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeEnablePrivacyModeButtonInAttributeList_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4sThReadsOptionalAttributeEnablePrivacyModeButtonInAttributeList_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137567,7 +137903,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4s: TH reads optional attribute(EnablePrivacyModeButton) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137580,7 +137916,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalProgrammingFeaturesInAttributeList_33() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4tThReadsOptionalAttributeLocalProgrammingFeaturesInAttributeList_33() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137588,7 +137924,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4t: TH reads optional attribute(LocalProgrammingFeatures) in AttributeList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137601,7 +137937,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_37() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6aThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_37() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137609,7 +137945,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137623,7 +137959,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF04InAcceptedCommandList_38() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF04InAcceptedCommandList_38() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137631,7 +137967,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F04) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137646,7 +137982,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0aInAcceptedCommandList_39() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6cThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0aInAcceptedCommandList_39() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137654,7 +137990,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6c: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0a) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137669,7 +138005,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0bInAcceptedCommandList_40() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6dThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0bInAcceptedCommandList_40() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137677,7 +138013,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6d: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0b) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137692,7 +138028,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0cInAcceptedCommandList_41() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6eThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF0cInAcceptedCommandList_41() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137700,7 +138036,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6e: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F0c) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137713,7 +138049,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF08InAcceptedCommandList_42() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6fThReadsFeatureDependentCommandsDRLKSF08InAcceptedCommandList_42() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137721,7 +138057,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6f: TH reads Feature dependent commands(DRLK.S.F08) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137739,7 +138075,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsOptionalCommandsDRLKSC03RspInAcceptedCommandList_43() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6gThReadsOptionalCommandsDRLKSC03RspInAcceptedCommandList_43() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137747,7 +138083,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6g: TH reads optional commands(DRLK.S.C03.Rsp) in AcceptedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137760,7 +138096,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF04InGeneratedCommandList_44() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF04InGeneratedCommandList_44() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137768,7 +138104,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F04) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137781,7 +138117,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0aInGeneratedCommandList_45() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7bThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0aInGeneratedCommandList_45() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137789,7 +138125,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7b: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0a) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137802,7 +138138,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0bInGeneratedCommandList_46() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7cThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF0bInGeneratedCommandList_46() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137810,7 +138146,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7c: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F0b) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137823,7 +138159,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF08InGeneratedCommandList_47() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7dThReadsFeatureDependentCommandDRLKSF08InGeneratedCommandList_47() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -137831,7 +138167,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7d: TH reads Feature dependent command(DRLK.S.F08) in GeneratedCommandList Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -137890,200 +138226,205 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Create new user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewUser_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Precondition: Create new user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); - err = TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); + err = TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Verify created PIN credential\n"); - err = TestVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Precondition: Verify created PIN credential\n"); + err = TestPreconditionVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep1aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify " - "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and " + "Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6(); + err = TestStep1bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep5aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify " - "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and " + "Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11(); + err = TestStep5bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 7: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13(); + err = TestStep7ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 8: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutValidPINCode_14(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutValidPINCode_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 9: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C00.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutAnyArgumentPINCode_15(); + err = TestStep9ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutAnyArgumentPINCode_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TStep 10a: H reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeFromTheDut_16(); + err = TestTStep10aHReadsTheWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeFromTheDut_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid PINCode. Repeat this step " - "PIXIT.DRLK.WrongCodeEntryLimit times and Verify that DUT sends failure response to the TH\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 10b: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from the DUT with invalid PINCode. Repeat this " + "step PIXIT.DRLK.WrongCodeEntryLimit times and Verify that DUT sends failure response to the TH\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromTheDutWithInvalidPINCodeRepeatThisStepPIXITDRLKWrongCodeEntryLimitTimesAndVerifyThatDutSendsFailureResponseToTheTh_17(); + err = TestStep10bThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromTheDutWithInvalidPINCodeRepeatThisStepPIXITDRLKWrongCodeEntryLimitTimesAndVerifyThatDutSendsFailureResponseToTheTh_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode and verify the " - "DUT response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 10c: TH sends an Unlock Door Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode and " + "verify the DUT response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCodeAndVerifyTheDutResponse_18(); + err = TestStep10cThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCodeAndVerifyTheDutResponse_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then sends an Unlock Door Command from " - "User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode.\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 10d: Wait for PIXIT.DRLK.UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime.TH then sends an Unlock Door " + "Command from User1 to the DUT with the valid PINCode.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_USER_PROMPT && DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestWaitForPIXITDRLKUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeTHThenSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCode_19(); + err = TestStep10dWaitForPIXITDRLKUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeTHThenSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCode_19(); break; case 20: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 20 : TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify " - "that the DUT sends Success response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and " + "Verify that the DUT sends Success response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_20(); + err = TestStep10eThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_20(); break; case 21: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 21 : TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify " - "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and " + "verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0030")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_21(); + err = TestStep10eThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 11a: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDut_22(); + err = TestStep11aThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDut_22(); break; case 23: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 23 : TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and " - "Verify that the DUT sends Success response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on " + "the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_23(); + err = TestStep12aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and " - "verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as between 1 and 255 on " + "the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("!DRLK.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_24(); + err = TestStep12aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_24(); break; case 25: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Clean the created user\n"); @@ -138217,7 +138558,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewUser_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138234,7 +138575,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138244,7 +138585,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138255,7 +138596,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138323,7 +138664,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138343,7 +138684,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterSetCredentialResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138369,7 +138710,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138384,7 +138725,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Verify created PIN credential Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Verify created PIN credential Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138422,7 +138763,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138433,8 +138774,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:false]; [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value " - @"as False on the DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138445,7 +138786,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep1bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138454,27 +138796,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument; requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:false]; - [cluster - writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False " - @"on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds " + @"with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138482,7 +138823,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138497,7 +138838,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138507,7 +138848,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterLockDoorParams alloc] init]; [cluster lockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138517,7 +138858,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138528,7 +138869,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; [cluster lockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138538,7 +138879,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138549,8 +138890,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:true]; [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value " - @"as False on the DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138561,7 +138902,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep5bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138570,27 +138912,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument; requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:true]; - [cluster - writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False " - @"on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds " + @"with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138598,7 +138939,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138613,7 +138954,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138624,7 +138965,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; [cluster lockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138634,7 +138975,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutValidPINCode_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutValidPINCode_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138646,7 +138987,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster lockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -138658,7 +138999,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutAnyArgumentPINCode_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThSendsLockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutAnyArgumentPINCode_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138669,7 +139010,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster lockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH sends Lock Door Command to the DUT without any argument PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -138681,7 +139022,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeFromTheDut_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestTStep10aHReadsTheWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeFromTheDut_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138689,7 +139030,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"TStep 10a: H reads the WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138703,7 +139044,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromTheDutWithInvalidPINCodeRepeatThisStepPIXITDRLKWrongCodeEntryLimitTimesAndVerifyThatDutSendsFailureResponseToTheTh_17() + TestStep10bThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromTheDutWithInvalidPINCodeRepeatThisStepPIXITDRLKWrongCodeEntryLimitTimesAndVerifyThatDutSendsFailureResponseToTheTh_17() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -138713,7 +139054,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCodeAndVerifyTheDutResponse_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10cThSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCodeAndVerifyTheDutResponse_18() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -138724,7 +139065,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestWaitForPIXITDRLKUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeTHThenSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCode_19() + TestStep10dWaitForPIXITDRLKUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeTHThenSendsAnUnlockDoorCommandFromUser1ToTheDutWithTheValidPINCode_19() { chip::app::Clusters::LogCommands::Commands::UserPrompt::Type value; @@ -138734,7 +139075,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { return UserPrompt("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_20() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep10eThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138743,21 +139085,23 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument; wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; - [cluster writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on " - @"the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response Error: %@", - err); + [cluster + writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and " + @"255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_21() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep10eThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138766,25 +139110,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { id wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument; wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; - [cluster writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and 255 on " - @"the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", - err); + [cluster + writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 10e: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as between 1 and " + @"255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDut_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11aThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDut_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138792,7 +139137,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11a: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138806,7 +139151,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_23() + TestStep12aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138817,9 +139162,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:15U]; [cluster writeAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithValue:userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as " - @"between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " - @"Success response Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute " + @"value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and Verify that the " + @"DUT sends Success response Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -138831,7 +139176,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_24() + TestStep12aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAsBetween1And255OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -138842,9 +139187,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge { userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:15U]; [cluster writeAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithValue:userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as " - @"between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with " - @"UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 12a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute " + @"value as between 1 and 255 on the DUT and verify DUT " + @"responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -138948,204 +139293,215 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Create new user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewUser_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Precondition: Create new user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); - err = TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); + err = TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Verify created PIN credential\n"); - err = TestVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Precondition: Verify created PIN credential\n"); + err = TestPreconditionVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep1aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify " - "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and " + "Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6(); + err = TestStep1bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 3: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 4: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10(); + err = TestStep5aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 11 : TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify " - "DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False on the DUT and " + "Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && !DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11(); + err = TestStep5bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F07 && DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12(); + err = TestStep6ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 7: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13(); + err = TestStep7ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 8: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_14(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 9: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp && DRLK.S.A0033")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_15(); + err = TestStep9ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 16 : TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " - "Success response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 10a: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and Verify that the " + "DUT sends Success response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0030.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_16(); + err = TestStep10aThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_16(); break; case 17: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 17 : TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and verify DUT responds with " - "UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); + " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 10b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and verify DUT " + "responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0030.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_17(); + err = TestStep10bThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_17(); break; case 18: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 18 : TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify " - "that the DUT sends Success response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 11a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT " + "and Verify that the DUT sends Success response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_18(); + err = TestStep11aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_18(); break; case 19: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 19 : TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify " - "that the DUT sends Success response\n"); + " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 11b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 Seconds on the DUT " + "and Verify that the DUT sends Success response\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && !DRLK.S.A0031.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_19(); + err = TestStep11bThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 12a: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_20(); + err = TestStep12aThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 12b: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_21(); + err = TestStep12bThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 12c: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_22(); + err = TestStep12cThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_22(); break; case 23: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 23 : Step 12d: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_23(); + err = TestStep12dThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_23(); break; case 24: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 24 : TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check attribute is " - "triggered\n"); + " ***** Test Step 24 : Step 13: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check " + "attribute is triggered\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0031")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDutAndCheckAttributeIsTriggered_24(); + err = TestStep13ThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDutAndCheckAttributeIsTriggered_24(); break; case 25: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 25 : Step 14: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_25(); + err = TestStep14ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_25(); break; case 26: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 26 : Wait for UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime expires\n"); @@ -139156,62 +139512,66 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeExpires_26(); break; case 27: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 27 : Step 15a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_27(); + err = TestStep15aThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_27(); break; case 28: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 28 : Step 15b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_28(); + err = TestStep15bThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_28(); break; case 29: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 29 : Step 15c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_29(); + err = TestStep15cThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_29(); break; case 30: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 30 : Step 15d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_30(); + err = TestStep15dThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_30(); break; case 31: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 31 : Step 16a: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_31(); + err = TestStep16aThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_31(); break; case 32: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 32 : Step 16b: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023 && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_32(); + err = TestStep16bThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_32(); break; case 33: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 33 : TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT sends " - "SUCCESS response to the TH\n"); + " ***** Test Step 33 : Step 17: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT " + "sends SUCCESS response to the TH\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCodeAndVerifyThatDutSendsSuccessResponseToTheTh_33(); + err = TestStep17ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCodeAndVerifyThatDutSendsSuccessResponseToTheTh_33(); break; case 34: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 34 : Wait for AutoRelockTime Expires\n"); @@ -139230,12 +139590,12 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForAutoRelockTimeExpires_35(); break; case 36: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : TH reads LockState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 36 : Step 18: TH reads LockState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C01.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLockStateAttribute_36(); + err = TestStep18ThReadsLockStateAttribute_36(); break; case 37: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 37 : Cleanup the created user\n"); @@ -139402,7 +139762,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewUser_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139419,7 +139779,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139429,7 +139789,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139440,7 +139800,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139508,7 +139868,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewPinCredentialAndLockUnlockUser_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139528,7 +139888,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterSetCredentialResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new PIN credential and lock/unlock user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139554,7 +139914,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139569,7 +139929,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Verify created PIN credential Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Verify created PIN credential Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139607,7 +139967,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139618,8 +139978,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:false]; [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value " - @"as False on the DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139630,7 +139990,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep1bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139639,27 +140000,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument; requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:false]; - [cluster - writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False " - @"on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds " + @"with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139667,7 +140027,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139682,7 +140042,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139692,7 +140052,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterUnlockDoorParams alloc] init]; [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139702,7 +140062,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139713,7 +140073,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139723,7 +140083,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139734,8 +140094,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:true]; [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value " - @"as False on the DUT Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139746,7 +140106,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep5bThWritesTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeValueAsFalseOnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139755,27 +140116,26 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument; requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument = [NSNumber numberWithBool:true]; - [cluster - writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute value as False " - @"on the DUT and Verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", - err); + [cluster writeAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithValue:requirePINforRemoteOperationArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH writes the RequirePINforRemoteOperation " + @"attribute value as False on the DUT and Verify DUT responds " + @"with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsTheRequirePINforRemoteOperationAttributeFromTheDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139783,7 +140143,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeRequirePINforRemoteOperationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads the RequirePINforRemoteOperation attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139798,7 +140158,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139809,7 +140169,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139819,7 +140179,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139831,7 +140191,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -139843,7 +140203,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithoutPINCode_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139854,7 +140214,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT without PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -139866,7 +140226,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10aThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139877,8 +140237,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; [cluster writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and " - @"Verify that the DUT sends Success response Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 10a: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the " + @"DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success response Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139889,7 +140249,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10bThWritesWrongCodeEntryLimitAttributeValueAs3OnTheDutAndVerifyDutRespondsWithUnsupportedWrite_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139900,8 +140260,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:3U]; [cluster writeAttributeWrongCodeEntryLimitWithValue:wrongCodeEntryLimitArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the DUT and " - @"verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 10b: TH writes WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute value as 3 on the " + @"DUT and verify DUT responds with UNSUPPORTED_WRITE Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -139916,7 +140276,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_18() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep11aThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139927,9 +140288,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:15U]; [cluster writeAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithValue:userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 " - @"Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success " - @"response Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 11a: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute " + @"value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " + @"Success response Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -139940,7 +140301,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_19() + CHIP_ERROR + TestStep11bThWritesUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeValueAs15SecondsOnTheDutAndVerifyThatTheDutSendsSuccessResponse_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139951,9 +140313,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:15U]; [cluster writeAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithValue:userCodeTemporaryDisableTimeArgument completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute value as 15 " - @"Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends Success " - @"response Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 11b: TH writes UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute " + @"value as 15 Seconds on the DUT and Verify that the DUT sends " + @"Success response Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -139968,7 +140330,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12aThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -139980,7 +140342,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12a: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -139992,7 +140354,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12bThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140004,7 +140366,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12b: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -140016,7 +140378,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12cThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140028,7 +140390,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12c: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -140040,7 +140402,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_23() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12dThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithInvalidPINCode_23() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140052,7 +140414,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12d: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with invalid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -140064,7 +140426,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDutAndCheckAttributeIsTriggered_24() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep13ThReadsTheUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeAttributeFromTheDutAndCheckAttributeIsTriggered_24() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140072,7 +140434,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeUserCodeTemporaryDisableTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check attribute is triggered Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 13: TH reads the UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime attribute from the DUT and check attribute is triggered " + @"Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -140088,7 +140451,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_25() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep14ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCode_25() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140100,7 +140463,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 14: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) @@ -140120,7 +140483,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_27() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15aThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_27() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140129,21 +140492,21 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:10UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 15a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the " + @"DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_28() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15bThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_28() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140152,21 +140515,21 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:60UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 15b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the " + @"DUT Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_29() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15cThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_29() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140175,25 +140538,25 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:10UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); - - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 15c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the " + @"DUT Error: %@", + err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_30() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep15dThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_30() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140202,25 +140565,25 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:60UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); - - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 15d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the " + @"DUT Error: %@", + err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_31() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16aThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_31() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140228,7 +140591,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 16a: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -140243,7 +140606,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_32() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep16bThReadsTheAutoRelockTimeAttributeFromTheDut_32() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140251,7 +140614,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 16b: TH reads the AutoRelockTime attribute from the DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -140266,7 +140629,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCodeAndVerifyThatDutSendsSuccessResponseToTheTh_33() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep17ThSendsTheUnlockDoorCommandToTheDutWithValidPINCodeAndVerifyThatDutSendsSuccessResponseToTheTh_33() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140277,8 +140640,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; [cluster unlockDoorWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT sends " - @"SUCCESS response to the TH Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 17: TH sends the unlock Door command to the DUT with valid PINCode and Verify that DUT " + @"sends SUCCESS response to the TH Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -140305,7 +140668,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLockStateAttribute_36() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep18ThReadsLockStateAttribute_36() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140313,7 +140676,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_3 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLockStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LockState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 18: TH reads LockState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -140434,52 +140797,58 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestVerifyCreatedPinCredential_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_5(); + err = TestStep1aThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0023.Write && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_6(); + err = TestStep1bThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 1c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_7(); + err = TestStep1cThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 1d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP && !DRLK.S.A0023.Write")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_8(); + err = TestStep1dThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2a: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs10Seconds_9(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs10Seconds_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2b: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C03.Rsp && PICS_SKIP_SAMPLE_APP")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs60Seconds_10(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs60Seconds_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Wait for AutoRelockTime Expires\n"); @@ -140498,12 +140867,12 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForAutoRelockTimeExpires_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH reads LockState attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 2c: TH reads LockState attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.A0000 && DRLK.S.C03.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsLockStateAttribute_13(); + err = TestStep2cThReadsLockStateAttribute_13(); break; case 14: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Cleanup the created user\n"); @@ -140809,7 +141178,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140818,21 +141187,21 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:10UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT " + @"Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140841,21 +141210,21 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:60UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT " + @"Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs10SecondsOnTheDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140864,25 +141233,25 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:10UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); - - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 10 seconds on the DUT " + @"Error: %@", + err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThWritesAutoRelockTimeAttributeValueAs60SecondsOnTheDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140891,25 +141260,25 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { id autoRelockTimeArgument; autoRelockTimeArgument = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:60UL]; - [cluster - writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog( - @"TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT Error: %@", err); - - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", - err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] - ? err.code - : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) - : 0, - EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); - NextTest(); - }]; + [cluster writeAttributeAutoRelockTimeWithValue:autoRelockTimeArgument + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 1d: TH writes AutoRelockTime attribute value as 60 seconds on the DUT " + @"Error: %@", + err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", + err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] + ? err.code + : EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_FAILURE) + : 0, + EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)); + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs10Seconds_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs10Seconds_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140919,19 +141288,20 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterUnlockWithTimeoutParams alloc] init]; params.timeout = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:10U]; params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; - [cluster unlockWithTimeoutWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds Error: %@", err); + [cluster + unlockWithTimeoutWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 10 seconds Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs60Seconds_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsTheUnlockWithTimeoutArgumentValueAs60Seconds_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140941,14 +141311,15 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterUnlockWithTimeoutParams alloc] init]; params.timeout = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:60U]; params.pinCode = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; - [cluster unlockWithTimeoutWithParams:params - completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds Error: %@", err); + [cluster + unlockWithTimeoutWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends the Unlock with Timeout argument value as 60 seconds Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -140969,7 +141340,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForMs("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsLockStateAttribute_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThReadsLockStateAttribute_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -140977,7 +141348,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_4 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeLockStateWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads LockState attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH reads LockState attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141082,76 +141453,77 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Create new user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewUser_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Precondition: Create new user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); - err = TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); + err = TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1: TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.A0014")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_5(); + err = TestStep3ThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_6(); + err = TestStep4ThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0b.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_7(); + err = TestStep5ThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_8(); + err = TestStep6ThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7: TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0d.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_9(); + err = TestStep7ThSendsClearWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 8: TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F04 && DRLK.S.C0c.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_10(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_10(); break; case 11: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Cleanup the created user\n"); @@ -141232,7 +141604,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewUser_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141249,7 +141621,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141259,7 +141631,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141270,7 +141642,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141339,7 +141711,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141348,7 +141720,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads NumberOfWeekDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141367,7 +141739,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull NumberOfTotalUsersSupported; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141375,7 +141747,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141391,7 +141763,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141408,7 +141780,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.endMinute = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:55U]; [cluster setWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141418,7 +141790,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141432,7 +141804,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { getWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^( MTRDoorLockClusterGetWeekDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141486,7 +141858,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThSendSetWeekDayScheduleCommand_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141503,7 +141875,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.endMinute = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:55U]; [cluster setWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH send Set Week Day Schedule Command Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -141516,7 +141888,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThSendGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141529,7 +141901,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetWeekDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH send Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141574,7 +141946,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThSendsClearWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141586,7 +141958,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster clearWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH sends Clear Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141596,7 +141968,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThSendsGetWeekDayScheduleCommandToDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141609,7 +141981,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_5 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getWeekDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetWeekDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends Get Week Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141720,68 +142092,68 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { break; case 1: ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use.\n"); + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.A0016")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Create Holiday schedule with 1 index\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: Create Holiday schedule with 1 index\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C11.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCreateHolidayScheduleWith1Index_2(); + err = TestStep2CreateHolidayScheduleWith1Index_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3a: Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGetHolidayScheduleWithHolidayIndexAs1_3(); + err = TestStep3aGetHolidayScheduleWithHolidayIndexAs1_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C11.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestCreateHolidayScheduleWithInvalidOperatingMode_4(); + err = TestStep4CreateHolidayScheduleWithInvalidOperatingMode_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGetHolidayScheduleWithInvalidHolidayIndex15_5(); + err = TestStep5GetHolidayScheduleWithInvalidHolidayIndex15_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGetHolidayScheduleWithTheNonScheduledHolidayIndex_6(); + err = TestStep6GetHolidayScheduleWithTheNonScheduledHolidayIndex_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C13.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestClearHolidayScheduleWith1Index_7(); + err = TestStep7ClearHolidayScheduleWith1Index_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 8: Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0b && DRLK.S.C12.Rsp && DRLK.S.C12.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestMakeSureThatHolidayScheduleWasDeleted_8(); + err = TestStep8MakeSureThatHolidayScheduleWasDeleted_8(); break; case 9: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Cleanup the created user\n"); @@ -141857,7 +142229,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141866,7 +142238,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupportedWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads NumberOfHoliday SchedulesSupported and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141882,7 +142254,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateHolidayScheduleWith1Index_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2CreateHolidayScheduleWith1Index_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141896,7 +142268,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { params.operatingMode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create Holiday schedule with 1 index Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: Create Holiday schedule with 1 index Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141906,7 +142278,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGetHolidayScheduleWithHolidayIndexAs1_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aGetHolidayScheduleWithHolidayIndexAs1_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141918,7 +142290,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetHolidayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: Get Holiday Schedule with HolidayIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -141959,7 +142331,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateHolidayScheduleWithInvalidOperatingMode_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4CreateHolidayScheduleWithInvalidOperatingMode_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141973,7 +142345,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { params.operatingMode = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:5U]; [cluster setHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: Create Holiday schedule with invalid operating mode Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -141986,7 +142358,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGetHolidayScheduleWithInvalidHolidayIndex15_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5GetHolidayScheduleWithInvalidHolidayIndex15_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -141998,7 +142370,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetHolidayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: Get Holiday Schedule with Invalid HolidayIndex 15. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142018,7 +142390,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGetHolidayScheduleWithTheNonScheduledHolidayIndex_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6GetHolidayScheduleWithTheNonScheduledHolidayIndex_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142030,7 +142402,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetHolidayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: Get Holiday Schedule with the Non-scheduled HolidayIndex Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142050,7 +142422,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestClearHolidayScheduleWith1Index_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ClearHolidayScheduleWith1Index_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142061,7 +142433,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { params.holidayIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; [cluster clearHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: Clear Holiday schedule with 1 index Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142071,7 +142443,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestMakeSureThatHolidayScheduleWasDeleted_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8MakeSureThatHolidayScheduleWasDeleted_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142083,7 +142455,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_6 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getHolidayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetHolidayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: Make sure that holiday schedule was deleted Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142168,112 +142540,113 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Create new user\n"); - err = TestCreateNewUser_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Precondition: Create new user\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); - err = TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); + err = TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.A0015")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4(); + err = TestStep2ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 3: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_5(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4a & 4b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_6(); + err = TestStep4a4bThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 5: TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_7(); + err = TestStep5ThSendSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 6: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_8(); + err = TestStep6ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Create a user with userIndex as 5\n"); - err = TestCreateAUserWithUserIndexAs5_9(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 7a: Create a user with userIndex as 5\n"); + err = TestStep7aCreateAUserWithUserIndexAs5_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 7b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_10(); + err = TestStep7bThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 8: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C10.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_11(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 9: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_12(); + err = TestStep9ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 10: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C0e.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_13(); + err = TestStep10ThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 11: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C0f.Rsp && DRLK.S.C0f.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_14(); + err = TestStep11ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 12: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F0a && DRLK.S.C10.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_15(); + err = TestStep12ThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_15(); break; case 16: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Clear a year day schedule for the first user\n"); @@ -142387,7 +142760,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewUser_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewUser_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142404,7 +142777,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new user Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new user Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142414,7 +142787,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142425,7 +142798,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142494,7 +142867,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserAttribute_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142503,7 +142876,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster readAttributeNumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUserWithCompletion:^( NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads NumberOfYearDay SchedulesSupportedPerUser attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142522,7 +142895,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull NumberOfTotalUsersSupported; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttribute_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142530,7 +142903,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142546,7 +142919,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142560,7 +142933,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.localEndTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:1980UL]; [cluster setYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142570,7 +142943,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4a4bThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142583,7 +142956,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetYearDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a & 4b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142624,7 +142997,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5ThSendSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142638,7 +143011,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.localEndTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:2040UL]; [cluster setYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH send Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -142651,7 +143024,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142664,7 +143037,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetYearDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142697,7 +143070,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateAUserWithUserIndexAs5_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7aCreateAUserWithUserIndexAs5_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142714,7 +143087,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create a user with userIndex as 5 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7a: Create a user with userIndex as 5 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142724,7 +143097,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7bThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142737,7 +143110,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetYearDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7b: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142771,7 +143144,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142783,7 +143156,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster clearYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142793,7 +143166,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142806,7 +143179,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetYearDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142839,7 +143212,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ThSendsSetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142853,7 +143226,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { params.localEndTime = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:2100UL]; [cluster setYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH sends Set Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142863,7 +143236,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep11ThSendsGetYearDayScheduleCommandToDut_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142876,7 +143249,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetYearDayScheduleResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 11: TH sends Get Year Day Schedule Command to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -142917,7 +143290,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep12ThSendsClearYearDayScheduleToDut_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -142930,7 +143303,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_7 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster clearYearDayScheduleWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 12: TH sends Clear Year Day Schedule to DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? ([err.domain isEqualToString:MTRInteractionErrorDomain] ? err.code @@ -143051,103 +143424,125 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress( - chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, + " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 1: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttributeAndSavesForFutureUse_1(); + err = TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttributeAndSavesForFutureUse_1(); break; case 2: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 2 : TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " - "1 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0\n"); + " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 2: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 " + "UserIndex as 1 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_2(); + err = TestStep2ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs1_3(); + err = TestStep3ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs1_3(); break; case 4: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 4 : TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " - "2 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule as 3\n"); + " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 " + "UserIndex as 2 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule " + "as 3\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs10InvalidValueCredentialRuleAs3_4(); + err = TestStep4ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs10InvalidValueCredentialRuleAs3_4(); break; case 5: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 5 : TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " - "1 (Same as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0\n"); + " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 " + "UserIndex as 1 (Same as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule " + "as 0\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1SameAsStep2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs8965UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_5(); + err = TestStep5ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1SameAsStep2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs8965UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_5(); break; case 6: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 6 : TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " - "2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL\n"); + " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6a: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 " + "UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as " + "NULL\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_6(); + err = TestStep6aThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 6b: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs2_7(); + err = TestStep6bThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs2_7(); break; case 8: ChipLogProgress(chipTool, - " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 UserIndex as " - "2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as NULL\n"); + " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 7: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 " + "UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as " + "NULL\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1a.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs2UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_8(); + err = TestStep7ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs2UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 8: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_9(); + err = TestStep8ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 9: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_10(); + err = TestStep9ThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 10: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_11(); + err = TestStep10ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_11(); + break; + case 12: + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Test cleanup: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1d.Rsp")) { + NextTest(); + return; + } + err = TestTestCleanupThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_12(); + break; + case 13: + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Test cleanup: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2\n"); + if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C1b.Rsp && DRLK.S.C1c.Tx")) { + NextTest(); + return; + } + err = TestTestCleanupThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_13(); break; } @@ -143198,6 +143593,12 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { case 11: VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); break; + case 12: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; + case 13: + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0)); + break; } // Go on to the next test. @@ -143211,7 +143612,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { private: std::atomic_uint16_t mTestIndex; - const uint16_t mTestCount = 12; + const uint16_t mTestCount = 14; chip::Optional mNodeId; chip::Optional mCluster; @@ -143227,7 +143628,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } NSNumber * _Nonnull Current_NumberOfTotalUsersSupported; - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttributeAndSavesForFutureUse_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1ThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAttributeAndSavesForFutureUse_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143235,7 +143636,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsers Supported attribute and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143252,7 +143653,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_2() + TestStep2ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143270,8 +143671,8 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 " - @"UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " + @"1 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143282,7 +143683,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs1_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs1_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143293,7 +143694,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143362,7 +143763,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs10InvalidValueCredentialRuleAs3_4() + TestStep4ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs6452UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs10InvalidValueCredentialRuleAs3_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143380,9 +143781,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 " - @"UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) CredentialRule " - @"as 3 Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " + @"2 UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 6452 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 10 (Invalid value) " + @"CredentialRule as 3 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -143395,7 +143796,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1SameAsStep2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs8965UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_5() + TestStep5ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs1SameAsStep2UserNameAsXxxUserUniqueIDAs8965UserStatusAs1UserTypeAs0CredentialRuleAs0_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143413,9 +143814,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 1 (Same " - @"as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 CredentialRule as 0 " - @"Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 5: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as " + @"1 (Same as step 2) UserName as xxx UserUniqueID as 8965 UserStatus as 1 UserType as 0 " + @"CredentialRule as 0 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", @@ -143428,7 +143829,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_6() + TestStep6aThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs0UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143445,9 +143846,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = nil; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 UserIndex as 2 " - @"UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as " - @"NULL Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 6a: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 0 " + @"UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL " + @"CredentialRule as NULL Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143458,7 +143859,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs2_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6bThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithUserIndexAs2_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143469,7 +143870,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:2U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6b: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143537,7 +143938,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { } CHIP_ERROR - TestThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs2UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_8() + TestStep7ThSendsSetUserCommandToDutWithTheFollowingValuesOperationTypeAs2UserIndexAs2UserNameAsNullUserUniqueIDAsNullUserStatusAsNullUserTypeAsNullCredentialRuleAsNull_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143554,9 +143955,9 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = nil; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 UserIndex as 2 " - @"UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL CredentialRule as " - @"NULL Error: %@", + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH sends Set User Command to DUT with the following values: OperationType as 2 " + @"UserIndex as 2 UserName as NULL UserUniqueID as NULL UserStatus as NULL UserType as NULL " + @"CredentialRule as NULL Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143567,7 +143968,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep8ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143578,7 +143979,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:2U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 8: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143645,7 +144046,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep9ThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143656,7 +144057,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster clearUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 9: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143666,7 +144067,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep10ThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs1_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -143677,7 +144078,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 10: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 1 Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -143737,6 +144138,98 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_8 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } + + CHIP_ERROR TestTestCleanupThSendsClearUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_12() + { + + MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); + __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterDoorLock alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue]; + VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); + + __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterClearUserParams alloc] init]; + params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:2U]; + [cluster clearUserWithParams:params + completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Test cleanup: TH sends Clear User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + + NextTest(); + }]; + + return CHIP_NO_ERROR; + } + + CHIP_ERROR TestTestCleanupThSendsGetUserCommandToDutWithTheUserIndexAs2_13() + { + + MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); + __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterDoorLock alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue]; + VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); + + __auto_type * params = [[MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserParams alloc] init]; + params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:2U]; + [cluster getUserWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Test cleanup: TH sends Get User Command to DUT with the UserIndex as 2 Error: %@", err); + + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 2U)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.userName; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserName", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.userUniqueID; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserUniqueID", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.userStatus; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserStatus", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.userType; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserType", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.credentialRule; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CredentialRule", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.credentials; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("Credentials", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } + + { + id actualValue = values.nextUserIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextUserIndex", actualValue)); + } + + NextTest(); + }]; + + return CHIP_NO_ERROR; + } }; class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { @@ -143785,172 +144278,181 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Create new user with default parameters\n"); - err = TestCreateNewUserWithDefaultParameters_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Precondition: Create new user with default parameters\n"); + err = TestPreconditionCreateNewUserWithDefaultParameters_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); - err = TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields\n"); + err = TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 1a: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.A0011")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_3(); + err = TestStep1aThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 1b: TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMinPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_4(); + err = TestStep1bThReadsMinPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 1c: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMaxPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_5(); + err = TestStep1cThReadsMaxPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_5(); break; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 1d: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A001a")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMinRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_6(); + err = TestStep1dThReadsMinRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 1e: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use.\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.A0019")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsMaxRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_7(); + err = TestStep1eThReadsMaxRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_7(); break; case 8: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 2a: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_8(); + err = TestStep2aThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_8(); break; case 9: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 2b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_9(); + err = TestStep2bThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_9(); break; case 10: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 2c: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C22.Rsp && DRLK.S.C23.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_10(); + err = TestStep2cThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_10(); break; case 11: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 11 : Step 3a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypePin_11(); + err = TestStep3aThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypePin_11(); break; case 12: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 12 : Step 3b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_12(); + err = TestStep3bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_12(); break; case 13: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 13 : Step 3c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_13(); + err = TestStep3cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_13(); break; case 14: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 14 : Step 4a: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_14(); + err = TestStep4aThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_14(); break; case 15: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 15 : Step 4b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_15(); + err = TestStep4bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_15(); break; case 16: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 16 : Step 4c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_16(); + err = TestStep4cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_16(); break; case 17: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 17 : Step 4d: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_17(); + err = TestStep4dThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_17(); break; case 18: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 18 : Step 4e: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_18(); + err = TestStep4eThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_18(); break; case 19: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 19 : Step 4f: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C26.Rsp")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_19(); + err = TestStep4fThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_19(); break; case 20: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 20 : Step 5a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F00 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypePin_20(); + err = TestStep5aThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypePin_20(); break; case 21: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 21 : Step 5b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F01 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_21(); + err = TestStep5bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_21(); break; case 22: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); + ChipLogProgress( + chipTool, " ***** Test Step 22 : Step 5c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein\n"); if (ShouldSkip("DRLK.S.F02 && DRLK.S.F08 && DRLK.S.C24.Rsp && DRLK.S.C25.Tx")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_22(); + err = TestStep5cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_22(); break; } @@ -144063,7 +144565,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestCreateNewUserWithDefaultParameters_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionCreateNewUserWithDefaultParameters_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144080,7 +144582,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialRule = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:0U]; [cluster setUserWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Create new user with default parameters Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Create new user with default parameters Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144090,7 +144592,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestPreconditionReadTheUserBackAndVerifyItsFields_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144101,7 +144603,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; [cluster getUserWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetUserResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Precondition: Read the user back and verify its fields Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144169,7 +144671,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1aThReadsNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedAndSavesForFutureUse_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144177,7 +144679,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeNumberOfTotalUsersSupportedWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1a: TH reads NumberOfTotalUsersSupported and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144190,7 +144692,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMinPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1bThReadsMinPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144198,7 +144700,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinPINCodeLengthWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1b: TH reads MinPINCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144211,7 +144713,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMaxPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_5() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1cThReadsMaxPINCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_5() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144219,7 +144721,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxPINCodeLengthWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1c: TH reads MaxPINCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144232,7 +144734,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMinRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1dThReadsMinRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144240,7 +144742,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMinRFIDCodeLengthWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1d: TH reads MinRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144253,7 +144755,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsMaxRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1eThReadsMaxRFIDCodeLengthAndSavesForFutureUse_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144261,7 +144763,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeMaxRFIDCodeLengthWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 1e: TH reads MaxRFIDCodeLength and saves for future use. Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144274,7 +144776,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_8() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2aThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_8() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144296,7 +144798,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster setCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterSetCredentialResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2a: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144322,7 +144824,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_9() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2bThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_9() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144337,14 +144839,14 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialData = mRFIDCredentialData.HasValue() ? [NSData dataWithBytes:mRFIDCredentialData.Value().data() length:mRFIDCredentialData.Value().size()] - : [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"RFIDTESTDATA" length:12]; + : [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456789A" length:10]; params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; params.userStatus = nil; params.userType = nil; [cluster setCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterSetCredentialResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2b: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144370,7 +144872,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_10() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2cThSendsSetCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_10() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144385,14 +144887,14 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { params.credentialData = mFingerVeinCredentialData.HasValue() ? [NSData dataWithBytes:mFingerVeinCredentialData.Value().data() length:mFingerVeinCredentialData.Value().size()] - : [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456" length:6]; + : [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:"123456789A" length:10]; params.userIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; params.userStatus = nil; params.userType = nil; [cluster setCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterSetCredentialResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2c: TH sends Set Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144418,7 +144920,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypePin_11() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypePin_11() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144433,7 +144935,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type PIN Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144472,7 +144974,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_12() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_12() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144487,7 +144989,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144526,7 +145028,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_13() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_13() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144538,49 +145040,50 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 3c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); + } - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_14() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypePin_14() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144594,7 +145097,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster clearCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144604,7 +145107,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_15() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeRfid_15() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144619,7 +145122,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type RFID Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144658,7 +145161,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_16() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_16() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144670,49 +145173,50 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); + } - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_17() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4dThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_17() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144726,7 +145230,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster clearCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4d: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144736,7 +145240,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_18() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4eThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandWithTypeFingerVein_18() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144748,49 +145252,50 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 4e: TH sends Get Credential Status Command with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, true)); + } - VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("credentialExists", "boolean", "boolean")); + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("UserIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNonNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue, 1U)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_19() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4fThSendsClearCredentialCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_19() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144804,7 +145309,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { [cluster clearCredentialWithParams:params completion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4f: TH sends Clear Credential Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -144814,7 +145319,7 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypePin_20() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5aThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypePin_20() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144826,45 +145331,46 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5a: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type PIN Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_21() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5bThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeRfid_21() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144876,45 +145382,46 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:2U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5b: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type RFID Error: %@", err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_22() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep5cThSendsGetCredentialStatusCommandToDutWithTypeFingerVein_22() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -144926,40 +145433,42 @@ class Test_TC_DRLK_2_11 : public TestCommandBridge { ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:4U]; ((MTRDoorLockClusterCredentialStruct *) params.credential).credentialIndex = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:1U]; - [cluster getCredentialStatusWithParams:params - completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, - NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", err); + [cluster + getCredentialStatusWithParams:params + completion:^(MTRDoorLockClusterGetCredentialStatusResponseParams * _Nullable values, + NSError * _Nullable err) { + NSLog(@"Step 5c: TH sends Get Credential Status Command to DUT with type FingerVein Error: %@", + err); - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); - { - id actualValue = values.credentialExists; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.credentialExists; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("CredentialExists", actualValue, false)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.userIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.userIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("UserIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.creatorFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("CreatorFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.lastModifiedFabricIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("LastModifiedFabricIndex", actualValue)); + } - { - id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; - VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); - } + { + id actualValue = values.nextCredentialIndex; + VerifyOrReturn(CheckValueNull("NextCredentialIndex", actualValue)); + } - NextTest(); - }]; + NextTest(); + }]; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } @@ -148614,44 +149123,44 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response. switch (mTestIndex++) { case 0: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); - err = TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n"); + err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0(); break; case 1: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1(); break; case 2: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT\n"); if (ShouldSkip(" !G.S.F00 ")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); + err = TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2(); break; case 3: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3b: Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set\n"); if (ShouldSkip("G.S.F00")) { NextTest(); return; } - err = TestGivenGsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); + err = TestStep3bGivenGsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3(); break; case 4: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep4ThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4(); break; case 5: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 5: TH reads EventList from DUT\n"); NextTest(); return; case 6: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6(); break; case 7: - ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); - err = TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_7(); + ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT\n"); + err = TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_7(); break; } @@ -148708,7 +149217,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { chip::Optional mEndpoint; chip::Optional mTimeout; - CHIP_ERROR TestWaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0() { chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value; @@ -148716,7 +149225,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value); } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsTheClusterRevisionFromDut_1() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148724,7 +149233,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads the ClusterRevision from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -148740,7 +149249,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3aThReadsTheFeatureMapFromDut_2() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148748,7 +149257,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3a: TH reads the FeatureMap from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -148764,7 +149273,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestGivenGsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep3bGivenGsf00EnsureFeaturemapHasTheCorrectBitSet_3() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148772,7 +149281,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 3b: Given G.S.F00 ensure featuremap has the correct bit set Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -148783,7 +149292,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep4ThReadsAttributeListFromDut_4() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148791,7 +149300,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 4: TH reads AttributeList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -148810,7 +149319,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsAcceptedCommandListFromDut_6() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148818,7 +149327,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads AcceptedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); @@ -148836,7 +149345,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } - CHIP_ERROR TestThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_7() + CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsGeneratedCommandListFromDut_7() { MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha"); @@ -148844,7 +149353,7 @@ class Test_TC_G_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge { VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { - NSLog(@"TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); + NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads GeneratedCommandList from DUT Error: %@", err); VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0)); diff --git a/zzz_generated/placeholder/app1/zap-generated/test/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/placeholder/app1/zap-generated/test/Commands.h index 7ceb1dc252129e..d28e6b3b4e3a14 100644 --- a/zzz_generated/placeholder/app1/zap-generated/test/Commands.h +++ b/zzz_generated/placeholder/app1/zap-generated/test/Commands.h @@ -2049,12 +2049,12 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_SimulatedSuite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Read attribute: LabelList"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Read attribute: LabelList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.C.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return WaitAttribute(GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "write attribute: LabelList"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: write attribute: LabelList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.C.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return WaitAttribute(GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id); } diff --git a/zzz_generated/placeholder/app2/zap-generated/test/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/placeholder/app2/zap-generated/test/Commands.h index 7ceb1dc252129e..d28e6b3b4e3a14 100644 --- a/zzz_generated/placeholder/app2/zap-generated/test/Commands.h +++ b/zzz_generated/placeholder/app2/zap-generated/test/Commands.h @@ -2049,12 +2049,12 @@ class Test_TC_ULABEL_3_1_SimulatedSuite : public TestCommand switch (testIndex) { case 0: { - LogStep(0, "Read attribute: LabelList"); + LogStep(0, "Step 1: Read attribute: LabelList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.C.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return WaitAttribute(GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id); } case 1: { - LogStep(1, "write attribute: LabelList"); + LogStep(1, "Step 2: write attribute: LabelList"); VerifyOrDo(!ShouldSkip("ULABEL.C.A0000"), return ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR)); return WaitAttribute(GetEndpoint(1), UserLabel::Id, UserLabel::Attributes::LabelList::Id); }