diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint.yml b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
index 8b6f099ca15c48..8a770ecb46b6f0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/lint.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
@@ -223,7 +223,3 @@ jobs:
               run: |
                   git grep -n 'SuccessOrExit([^=)]*(' -- './*' ':(exclude).github/workflows/lint.yml' && exit 1 || exit 0
-            - name: Check that our hardcoded SHA for clang-format on ARM mac matches the pigweed SHA.
-              if: always()
-              run: |
-                  ./scripts/lints/clang-format-version-matches.py
diff --git a/scripts/lints/clang-format-version-matches.py b/scripts/lints/clang-format-version-matches.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 09bf7eda7d8e15..00000000000000
--- a/scripts/lints/clang-format-version-matches.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-#    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#    limitations under the License.
-import json
-import os
-CHIP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.realpath(
-    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
-def readClangRevision(jsonFileName):
-    with open(os.path.join(CHIP_ROOT_DIR, jsonFileName)) as file:
-        data = json.load(file)
-    packages = data['packages']
-    for package in packages:
-        if package['path'].startswith('fuchsia/third_party/clang/'):
-            return package['tags']
-    raise Exception('Could not find clang package in %s' % jsonFileName)
-pigweed_revision = readClangRevision('third_party/pigweed/repo/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json')
-our_file = 'scripts/setup/clang.json'
-our_revision = readClangRevision(our_file)
-if our_revision != pigweed_revision:
-    raise Exception('In %s, "%s" should be changed to "%s"' % (our_file, our_revision, pigweed_revision))
diff --git a/scripts/setup/clang.json b/scripts/setup/clang.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c09ee6798672f..00000000000000
--- a/scripts/setup/clang.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-    "packages": [
-        {
-            "path": "fuchsia/third_party/clang/mac-arm64",
-            "platforms": [
-                "mac-arm64"
-            ],
-            "tags": [
-                "git_revision:6d667d4b261e81f325756fdfd5bb43b3b3d2451d"
-            ]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/scripts/setup/environment.json b/scripts/setup/environment.json
index 6c32bb62ebe8e4..ebe77d9db6dbc8 100644
--- a/scripts/setup/environment.json
+++ b/scripts/setup/environment.json
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
     "cipd_package_files": [
-        "scripts/setup/clang.json",
diff --git a/scripts/tools/zap/generate.py b/scripts/tools/zap/generate.py
index cb932b0cefc2eb..5b1f4f4c629f49 100755
--- a/scripts/tools/zap/generate.py
+++ b/scripts/tools/zap/generate.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
+import traceback
 import urllib.request
 from dataclasses import dataclass
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -216,6 +217,59 @@ def runGeneration(cmdLineArgs):
     extractGeneratedIdl(output_dir, zap_file)
+def getClangFormatBinaryChoices():
+    """
+    Returns an ordered list of paths that may be suitable clang-format versions
+    """
+    PW_CLANG_FORMAT_PATH = 'cipd/packages/pigweed/bin/clang-format'
+    if 'PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT' in os.environ:
+        yield os.path.join(os.environ["PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT"], PW_CLANG_FORMAT_PATH)
+    dot_name = os.path.join(CHIP_ROOT_DIR, '.environment', PW_CLANG_FORMAT_PATH)
+    if os.path.exists(dot_name):
+        yield dot_name
+    os_name = shutil.which('clang-format')
+    if os_name:
+        yield os_name
+def getClangFormatBinary():
+    """Fetches the clang-format binary that is to be used for formatting.
+    Tries to figure out where the pigweed-provided binary is (via cipd)
+    """
+    for binary in getClangFormatBinaryChoices():
+        # Running the binary with `--version` yields a string of the form:
+        # "Fuchsia clang-format version 17.0.0 (https://llvm.googlesource.com/llvm-project 6d667d4b261e81f325756fdfd5bb43b3b3d2451d)"
+        #
+        # the SHA at the end generally should match pigweed version
+        try:
+            version_string = subprocess.check_output([binary, '--version']).decode('utf8')
+            pigweed_config = json.load(
+                open(os.path.join(CHIP_ROOT_DIR, 'third_party/pigweed/repo/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json')))
+            clang_config = [p for p in pigweed_config['packages'] if p['path'].startswith('fuchsia/third_party/clang/')][0]
+            # Tags should be like:
+            #   ['git_revision:895b55537870cdaf6e4c304a09f4bf01954ccbd6']
+            prefix, sha = clang_config['tags'][0].split(':')
+            if sha not in version_string:
+                print('WARNING: clang-format may not be the right version:')
+                print('   PIGWEED TAG:    %s' % clang_config['tags'][0])
+                print('   ACTUAL VERSION: %s' % version_string)
+        except:
+            print("Failed to validate clang version.")
+            traceback.print_last()
+        return binary
+    raise Exception('Could not find a suitable clang-format')
 def runClangPrettifier(templates_file, output_dir):
     listOfSupportedFileExtensions = [
         '.js', '.h', '.c', '.hpp', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm']
@@ -228,28 +282,17 @@ def runClangPrettifier(templates_file, output_dir):
             filepath)[1] in listOfSupportedFileExtensions, outputs))
         if len(clangOutputs) > 0:
-            # NOTE: clang-format may differ in time. Currently pigweed comes
-            #       with clang-format 15. CI may have clang-format-10 installed
-            #       on linux.
-            #
-            #       We generally want consistent formatting, so
-            #       at this point attempt to use clang-format 15.
-            clang_formats = ['clang-format-15', 'clang-format']
-            for clang_format in clang_formats:
-                args = [clang_format, '-i']
-                args.extend(clangOutputs)
-                try:
-                    subprocess.check_call(args)
-                    err = None
-                    print('Formatted using %s (%s)' % (clang_format, subprocess.check_output([clang_format, '--version'])))
-                    for outputName in clangOutputs:
-                        print('  - %s' % outputName)
-                    break
-                except Exception as thrown:
-                    err = thrown
-                    # Press on to the next binary name
-            if err is not None:
-                raise err
+            # NOTE: clang-format differs output in time. We generally would be
+            #       compatible only with pigweed provided clang-format (which is
+            #       tracking non-released clang).
+            clang_format = getClangFormatBinary()
+            args = [clang_format, '-i']
+            args.extend(clangOutputs)
+            subprocess.check_call(args)
+            err = None
+            print('Formatted using %s (%s)' % (clang_format, subprocess.check_output([clang_format, '--version'])))
+            for outputName in clangOutputs:
+                print('  - %s' % outputName)
     except Exception as err:
         print('clang-format error:', err)
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
index e1bd15f91a8ccc..66c3b15412707c 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
@@ -12282,179 +12282,180 @@ @implementation MTRUnitTestingClusterTestStructArrayArgumentResponseParams (Inte
 - (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:
     (const chip::app::Clusters::UnitTesting::Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct
-    { { // Scope for our temporary variables
-        auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
-    auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg1.begin();
-    while (iter_0.Next()) {
-        auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
-        MTRUnitTestingClusterNestedStructList * newElement_0;
-        newElement_0 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterNestedStructList new];
-        newElement_0.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.a];
-        newElement_0.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.b];
-        newElement_0.c = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
-        newElement_0.c.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.c.a];
-        newElement_0.c.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.c.b];
-        newElement_0.c.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.c.c)];
-        newElement_0.c.d = AsData(entry_0.c.d);
-        newElement_0.c.e = AsString(entry_0.c.e);
-        if (newElement_0.c.e == nil) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        newElement_0.c.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.c.f.Raw()];
-        newElement_0.c.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_0.c.g];
-        newElement_0.c.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_0.c.h];
+    {
         { // Scope for our temporary variables
-            auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
-            auto iter_2 = entry_0.d.begin();
-            while (iter_2.Next()) {
-                auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
-                MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct * newElement_2;
-                newElement_2 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
-                newElement_2.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2.a];
-                newElement_2.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_2.b];
-                newElement_2.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_2.c)];
-                newElement_2.d = AsData(entry_2.d);
-                newElement_2.e = AsString(entry_2.e);
-                if (newElement_2.e == nil) {
+            auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
+            auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg1.begin();
+            while (iter_0.Next()) {
+                auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
+                MTRUnitTestingClusterNestedStructList * newElement_0;
+                newElement_0 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterNestedStructList new];
+                newElement_0.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.a];
+                newElement_0.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.b];
+                newElement_0.c = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
+                newElement_0.c.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.c.a];
+                newElement_0.c.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.c.b];
+                newElement_0.c.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.c.c)];
+                newElement_0.c.d = AsData(entry_0.c.d);
+                newElement_0.c.e = AsString(entry_0.c.e);
+                if (newElement_0.c.e == nil) {
                     CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
                     return err;
-                newElement_2.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2.f.Raw()];
-                newElement_2.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_2.g];
-                newElement_2.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_2.h];
-                [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+                newElement_0.c.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.c.f.Raw()];
+                newElement_0.c.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_0.c.g];
+                newElement_0.c.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_0.c.h];
+                { // Scope for our temporary variables
+                    auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
+                    auto iter_2 = entry_0.d.begin();
+                    while (iter_2.Next()) {
+                        auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
+                        MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct * newElement_2;
+                        newElement_2 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
+                        newElement_2.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2.a];
+                        newElement_2.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_2.b];
+                        newElement_2.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_2.c)];
+                        newElement_2.d = AsData(entry_2.d);
+                        newElement_2.e = AsString(entry_2.e);
+                        if (newElement_2.e == nil) {
+                            CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
+                            return err;
+                        }
+                        newElement_2.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2.f.Raw()];
+                        newElement_2.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_2.g];
+                        newElement_2.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_2.h];
+                        [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+                    }
+                    CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+                    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+                        return err;
+                    }
+                    newElement_0.d = array_2;
+                }
+                { // Scope for our temporary variables
+                    auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
+                    auto iter_2 = entry_0.e.begin();
+                    while (iter_2.Next()) {
+                        auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
+                        NSNumber * newElement_2;
+                        newElement_2 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_2];
+                        [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+                    }
+                    CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+                    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+                        return err;
+                    }
+                    newElement_0.e = array_2;
+                }
+                { // Scope for our temporary variables
+                    auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
+                    auto iter_2 = entry_0.f.begin();
+                    while (iter_2.Next()) {
+                        auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
+                        NSData * newElement_2;
+                        newElement_2 = AsData(entry_2);
+                        [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+                    }
+                    CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+                    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+                        return err;
+                    }
+                    newElement_0.f = array_2;
+                }
+                { // Scope for our temporary variables
+                    auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
+                    auto iter_2 = entry_0.g.begin();
+                    while (iter_2.Next()) {
+                        auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
+                        NSNumber * newElement_2;
+                        newElement_2 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2];
+                        [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+                    }
+                    CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+                    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+                        return err;
+                    }
+                    newElement_0.g = array_2;
+                }
+                [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
             if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
                 return err;
-            newElement_0.d = array_2;
+            self.arg1 = array_0;
+    }
+    {
         { // Scope for our temporary variables
-            auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
-            auto iter_2 = entry_0.e.begin();
-            while (iter_2.Next()) {
-                auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
-                NSNumber * newElement_2;
-                newElement_2 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_2];
-                [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+            auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
+            auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg2.begin();
+            while (iter_0.Next()) {
+                auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
+                MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct * newElement_0;
+                newElement_0 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
+                newElement_0.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.a];
+                newElement_0.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.b];
+                newElement_0.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.c)];
+                newElement_0.d = AsData(entry_0.d);
+                newElement_0.e = AsString(entry_0.e);
+                if (newElement_0.e == nil) {
+                    CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
+                    return err;
+                }
+                newElement_0.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.f.Raw()];
+                newElement_0.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_0.g];
+                newElement_0.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_0.h];
+                [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
             if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
                 return err;
-            newElement_0.e = array_2;
+            self.arg2 = array_0;
+    }
+    {
         { // Scope for our temporary variables
-            auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
-            auto iter_2 = entry_0.f.begin();
-            while (iter_2.Next()) {
-                auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
-                NSData * newElement_2;
-                newElement_2 = AsData(entry_2);
-                [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+            auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
+            auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg3.begin();
+            while (iter_0.Next()) {
+                auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
+                NSNumber * newElement_0;
+                newElement_0 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0)];
+                [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
             if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
                 return err;
-            newElement_0.f = array_2;
+            self.arg3 = array_0;
+    }
+    {
         { // Scope for our temporary variables
-            auto * array_2 = [NSMutableArray new];
-            auto iter_2 = entry_0.g.begin();
-            while (iter_2.Next()) {
-                auto & entry_2 = iter_2.GetValue();
-                NSNumber * newElement_2;
-                newElement_2 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_2];
-                [array_2 addObject:newElement_2];
+            auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
+            auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg4.begin();
+            while (iter_0.Next()) {
+                auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
+                NSNumber * newElement_0;
+                newElement_0 = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0];
+                [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_2.GetStatus();
+            CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
             if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
                 return err;
-            newElement_0.g = array_2;
-        }
-        [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-    }
-    CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
-        return err;
-    }
-    self.arg1 = array_0;
-    { // Scope for our temporary variables
-        auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
-        auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg2.begin();
-        while (iter_0.Next()) {
-            auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
-            MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct * newElement_0;
-            newElement_0 = [MTRUnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct new];
-            newElement_0.a = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.a];
-            newElement_0.b = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0.b];
-            newElement_0.c = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.c)];
-            newElement_0.d = AsData(entry_0.d);
-            newElement_0.e = AsString(entry_0.e);
-            if (newElement_0.e == nil) {
-                return err;
-            }
-            newElement_0.f = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.f.Raw()];
-            newElement_0.g = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:entry_0.g];
-            newElement_0.h = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:entry_0.h];
-            [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-        }
-        CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
-        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
-            return err;
+            self.arg4 = array_0;
-        self.arg2 = array_0;
-    { // Scope for our temporary variables
-        auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
-        auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg3.begin();
-        while (iter_0.Next()) {
-            auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
-            NSNumber * newElement_0;
-            newElement_0 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0)];
-            [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-        }
-        CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
-        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        self.arg3 = array_0;
+    {
+        self.arg5 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(decodableStruct.arg5)];
-    { // Scope for our temporary variables
-        auto * array_0 = [NSMutableArray new];
-        auto iter_0 = decodableStruct.arg4.begin();
-        while (iter_0.Next()) {
-            auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
-            NSNumber * newElement_0;
-            newElement_0 = [NSNumber numberWithBool:entry_0];
-            [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
-        }
-        CHIP_ERROR err = iter_0.GetStatus();
-        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
-            return err;
-        }
-        self.arg4 = array_0;
+    {
+        self.arg6 = [NSNumber numberWithBool:decodableStruct.arg6];
-    self.arg5 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(decodableStruct.arg5)];
-    self.arg6 = [NSNumber numberWithBool:decodableStruct.arg6];
-return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
diff --git a/third_party/pigweed/repo b/third_party/pigweed/repo
index d6b036c2c385b8..7c875693d478ac 160000
--- a/third_party/pigweed/repo
+++ b/third_party/pigweed/repo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d6b036c2c385b8934e83d6d4d258870ccfcc1e08
+Subproject commit 7c875693d478ac0da2f358a1542a4fc1cad1b60d
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
index 0f6bc8b423c395..0d755baec83fee 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ enum class MoveMode : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 2,
-using MoveMode                                                                       = EmberAfMoveMode;
-static MoveMode __attribute__((unused)) kMoveModekUnknownEnumValue                   = static_cast<MoveMode>(2);
+using MoveMode                                                     = EmberAfMoveMode;
+static MoveMode __attribute__((unused)) kMoveModekUnknownEnumValue = static_cast<MoveMode>(2);
 // Need to convert consumers to using the new enum classes, so we
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ enum class StepMode : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 2,
-using StepMode                                                                       = EmberAfStepMode;
-static StepMode __attribute__((unused)) kStepModekUnknownEnumValue                   = static_cast<StepMode>(2);
+using StepMode                                                     = EmberAfStepMode;
+static StepMode __attribute__((unused)) kStepModekUnknownEnumValue = static_cast<StepMode>(2);
 // Bitmap for Feature
@@ -1050,8 +1050,8 @@ enum class RadioFaultEnum : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 7,
-using RadioFaultEnum                                                                 = EmberAfRadioFaultEnum;
-static RadioFaultEnum __attribute__((unused)) kRadioFaultEnumkUnknownEnumValue       = static_cast<RadioFaultEnum>(7);
+using RadioFaultEnum                                                           = EmberAfRadioFaultEnum;
+static RadioFaultEnum __attribute__((unused)) kRadioFaultEnumkUnknownEnumValue = static_cast<RadioFaultEnum>(7);
 } // namespace GeneralDiagnostics
@@ -1213,8 +1213,8 @@ enum class PHYRateEnum : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 10,
-using PHYRateEnum                                                                    = EmberAfPHYRateEnum;
-static PHYRateEnum __attribute__((unused)) kPHYRateEnumkUnknownEnumValue             = static_cast<PHYRateEnum>(10);
+using PHYRateEnum                                                        = EmberAfPHYRateEnum;
+static PHYRateEnum __attribute__((unused)) kPHYRateEnumkUnknownEnumValue = static_cast<PHYRateEnum>(10);
 // Bitmap for Feature
@@ -3173,8 +3173,8 @@ enum class ColorMode : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 3,
-using ColorMode                                                                      = EmberAfColorMode;
-static ColorMode __attribute__((unused)) kColorModekUnknownEnumValue                 = static_cast<ColorMode>(3);
+using ColorMode                                                      = EmberAfColorMode;
+static ColorMode __attribute__((unused)) kColorModekUnknownEnumValue = static_cast<ColorMode>(3);
 // Enum for HueDirection