diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DeviceBasicComposition.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DeviceBasicComposition.py
index 21fdcf914a2906..2288c7c5a4b596 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DeviceBasicComposition.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DeviceBasicComposition.py
@@ -1013,13 +1013,26 @@ def conformance_str(conformance: Callable, feature_map: uint, feature_dict: dict
             return f'Conformance: {str(conformance)}, implemented features: {",".join(codes)}'
+        ignore_in_progress = self.user_params.get("ignore_in_progress", False)
+        is_ci = self.check_pics('PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY')
+        ignore_attributes: dict[int, list[int]] = {}
+        if ignore_in_progress:
+            # This is a manually curated list of attributes that are in-progress in the SDK, but have landed in the spec
+            in_progress_attributes = {Clusters.BasicInformation.id: [0x15, 0x016]}
+            ignore_attributes.update(in_progress_attributes)
+        if is_ci:
+            # The network commissioning clusters on the CI select the features on the fly and end up non-conformant
+            # on these attributes. Production devices should not.
+            ci_ignore_attributes = {Clusters.NetworkCommissioning.id: [
+                Clusters.NetworkCommissioning.Attributes.ScanMaxTimeSeconds.attribute_id, Clusters.NetworkCommissioning.Attributes.ConnectMaxTimeSeconds.attribute_id]}
+            ignore_attributes.update(ci_ignore_attributes)
         success = True
-        # TODO: provisional needs to be an input parameter
-        allow_provisional = True
+        allow_provisional = self.user_params.get("allow_provisional", False)
         clusters, problems = build_xml_clusters()
         self.problems = self.problems + problems
-        for id in sorted(list(clusters.keys())):
-            print(f'{id} 0x{id:02x}: {clusters[id].name}')
         for endpoint_id, endpoint in self.endpoints_tlv.items():
             for cluster_id, cluster in endpoint.items():
                 if cluster_id not in clusters.keys():
@@ -1059,6 +1072,8 @@ def conformance_str(conformance: Callable, feature_map: uint, feature_dict: dict
                 # Attribute conformance checking
                 for attribute_id, attribute in cluster.items():
+                    if cluster_id in ignore_attributes and attribute_id in ignore_attributes[cluster_id]:
+                        continue
                     location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, attribute_id=attribute_id)
                     if attribute_id not in clusters[cluster_id].attributes.keys():
                         # TODO: Consolidate the range checks with IDM-10.1 once that lands
@@ -1076,6 +1091,8 @@ def conformance_str(conformance: Callable, feature_map: uint, feature_dict: dict
                                           problem=f'Attribute 0x{attribute_id:02x} is included, but is disallowed by conformance. {conformance_str(xml_attribute.conformance, feature_map, clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
                         success = False
                 for attribute_id, xml_attribute in clusters[cluster_id].attributes.items():
+                    if cluster_id in ignore_attributes and attribute_id in ignore_attributes[cluster_id]:
+                        continue
                     conformance_decision = xml_attribute.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
                     if conformance_decision == ConformanceDecision.MANDATORY and attribute_id not in cluster.keys():
                         location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, attribute_id=attribute_id)