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lazarkov committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 1949c96 commit 1033f71
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Showing 95 changed files with 34,189 additions and 1,962 deletions.

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187 changes: 185 additions & 2 deletions examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1230,6 +1230,12 @@ cluster WakeOnLan = 1283 {
cluster Channel = 1284 {
revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set

enum ChannelTypeEnum : enum8 {
kSatellite = 0;
kCable = 1;
kTerrestrial = 2;

enum LineupInfoTypeEnum : enum8 {
kMSO = 0;
Expand All @@ -1243,6 +1249,29 @@ cluster Channel = 1284 {
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kChannelList = 0x1;
kLineupInfo = 0x2;
kElectronicGuide = 0x3;
kRecordProgram = 0x4;

bitmap RecordingFlagBitmap : bitmap32 {
kScheduled = 0x1;
kRecordSeries = 0x2;
kRecorded = 0x3;

struct ProgramCastStruct {
char_string name = 0;
char_string role = 1;

struct ProgramCategoryStruct {
char_string category = 0;
optional char_string subCategory = 1;

struct SeriesInfoStruct {
char_string season = 0;
char_string episode = 1;

struct ChannelInfoStruct {
Expand All @@ -1251,6 +1280,46 @@ cluster Channel = 1284 {
optional char_string name = 2;
optional char_string callSign = 3;
optional char_string affiliateCallSign = 4;
optional char_string identifier = 5;
optional ChannelTypeEnum type = 6;

struct ProgramStruct {
char_string identifier = 0;
ChannelInfoStruct channel = 1;
epoch_s startTime = 2;
epoch_s endTime = 3;
char_string title = 4;
optional char_string subtitle = 5;
optional char_string description = 6;
optional char_string audioLanguages[] = 7;
optional char_string ratings[] = 8;
optional char_string thumbnailUrl = 9;
optional char_string posterArtUrl = 10;
optional char_string dvbiUrl = 11;
optional char_string releaseDate = 12;
optional char_string parentalGuidanceText = 13;
optional RecordingFlagBitmap recordingFlag = 14;
optional nullable SeriesInfoStruct seriesInfo = 15;
optional ProgramCategoryStruct categoryList[] = 16;
optional ProgramCastStruct castList[] = 17;
optional ProgramCastStruct externalIDList[] = 18;

struct PageTokenStruct {
optional int16u limit = 0;
optional char_string after = 1;
optional char_string before = 2;

struct ChannelPagingStruct {
optional nullable PageTokenStruct previousToken = 0;
optional nullable PageTokenStruct nextToken = 1;

struct AdditionalInfoStruct {
char_string name = 0;
char_string value = 1;

struct LineupInfoStruct {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1288,12 +1357,47 @@ cluster Channel = 1284 {
int16s count = 0;

request struct GetProgramGuideRequest {
optional epoch_s startTime = 0;
optional epoch_s endTime = 1;
optional ChannelInfoStruct channelList[] = 2;
optional PageTokenStruct pageToken = 3;
optional RecordingFlagBitmap recordingFlag = 4;
optional AdditionalInfoStruct externalIDList[] = 5;
optional octet_string data = 6;

response struct ProgramGuideResponse = 5 {
int16s channelPagingStruct = 0;
ProgramStruct programList[] = 1;

request struct RecordProgramRequest {
char_string programIdentifier = 0;
boolean shouldRecordSeries = 1;
AdditionalInfoStruct externalIDList[] = 2;
octet_string data = 3;

request struct CancelRecordProgramRequest {
char_string programIdentifier = 0;
boolean shouldRecordSeries = 1;
AdditionalInfoStruct externalIDList[] = 2;
octet_string data = 3;

/** Change the channel on the media player to the channel case-insensitive exact matching the value passed as an argument. */
command ChangeChannel(ChangeChannelRequest): ChangeChannelResponse = 0;
/** Change the channel on the media plaeyer to the channel with the given Number in the ChannelList attribute. */
command ChangeChannelByNumber(ChangeChannelByNumberRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2;
/** This command provides channel up and channel down functionality, but allows channel index jumps of size Count. When the value of the increase or decrease is larger than the number of channels remaining in the given direction, then the behavior SHALL be to return to the beginning (or end) of the channel list and continue. For example, if the current channel is at index 0 and count value of -1 is given, then the current channel should change to the last channel. */
command SkipChannel(SkipChannelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
/** This command retrieves the program guide. It accepts several filter parameters to return specific schedule and program information from a content app. The command shall receive in response a ProgramGuideResponse. */
command GetProgramGuide(GetProgramGuideRequest): ProgramGuideResponse = 4;
/** Record a specific program or series when it goes live. This functionality enables DVR recording features. */
command RecordProgram(RecordProgramRequest): DefaultSuccess = 6;
/** Cancel recording for a specific program or series. */
command CancelRecordProgram(CancelRecordProgramRequest): DefaultSuccess = 7;

/** This cluster provides an interface for UX navigation within a set of targets on a device or endpoint. */
Expand All @@ -1311,6 +1415,12 @@ cluster TargetNavigator = 1285 {
char_string name = 1;

info event TargetUpdated = 0 {
TargetInfoStruct targetList[] = 0;
int8u currentTarget = 1;
octet_string data = 2;

readonly attribute TargetInfoStruct targetList[] = 0;
readonly attribute optional int8u currentTarget = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1338,6 +1448,27 @@ cluster TargetNavigator = 1285 {
cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 {
revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set

enum CharacteristicEnum : enum8 {
kForcedSubtitles = 0;
kDescribesVideo = 1;
kEasyToRead = 2;
kFrameBased = 3;
kMainProgram = 4;
kOriginalContent = 5;
kVoiceOverTranslation = 6;
kCaption = 7;
kSubtitle = 8;
kAlternate = 9;
kSupplementary = 10;
kCommentary = 11;
kDubbedTranslation = 12;
kDescription = 13;
kMetadata = 14;
kEnhancedAudioIntelligibility = 15;
kEmergency = 16;
kKaraoke = 17;

enum PlaybackStateEnum : enum8 {
kPlaying = 0;
kPaused = 1;
Expand All @@ -1357,27 +1488,64 @@ cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 {
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kAdvancedSeek = 0x1;
kVariableSpeed = 0x2;
kTextTracks = 0x3;
kAudioTracks = 0x4;
kAudioAdvance = 0x5;

struct TrackAttributesStruct {
char_string<32> languageCode = 0;
optional nullable char_string displayName = 1;

struct TrackStruct {
char_string<32> id = 0;
nullable TrackAttributesStruct trackAttributes = 1;

struct PlaybackPositionStruct {
epoch_us updatedAt = 0;
nullable int64u position = 1;

info event StateChanged = 0 {
PlaybackStateEnum currentState = 0;
EPOCH_US startTime = 1;
INT64U duration = 2;
PlaybackPositionStruct sampledPosition = 3;
single playbackSpeed = 4;
INT64U seekRangeEnd = 5;
INT64U seekRangeStart = 6;
optional OCTET_STRING data = 7;
boolean audioAdvanceUnmuted = 8;

readonly attribute PlaybackStateEnum currentState = 0;
readonly attribute optional nullable epoch_us startTime = 1;
readonly attribute optional nullable int64u duration = 2;
readonly attribute optional nullable PlaybackPositionStruct sampledPosition = 3;
readonly attribute optional single playbackSpeed = 4;
readonly attribute optional nullable int64u seekRangeEnd = 5;
readonly attribute optional nullable int64u seekRangeStart = 6;
readonly attribute optional nullable TrackStruct activeAudioTrack = 7;
readonly attribute optional nullable TrackStruct availableAudioTracks[] = 8;
readonly attribute optional nullable TrackStruct activeTextTrack = 9;
readonly attribute optional nullable TrackStruct availableTextTracks[] = 10;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;

request struct RewindRequest {
optional boolean audioAdvanceUnmuted = 0;

request struct FastForwardRequest {
optional boolean audioAdvanceUnmuted = 0;

request struct SkipForwardRequest {
int64u deltaPositionMilliseconds = 0;
Expand All @@ -1395,6 +1563,15 @@ cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 {
int64u position = 0;

request struct ActivateAudioTrackRequest {
CHAR_STRING trackID = 0;
INT8U audioOutputIndex = 1;

request struct ActivateTextTrackRequest {
CHAR_STRING trackID = 0;

/** Upon receipt, this SHALL play media. */
command Play(): PlaybackResponse = 0;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL pause media. */
Expand All @@ -1408,15 +1585,21 @@ cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 {
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL cause the handler to be invoked for "Next". User experience is context-specific. This will often Go forward to the next media playback item. */
command Next(): PlaybackResponse = 5;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL Rewind through media. Different Rewind speeds can be used on the TV based upon the number of sequential calls to this function. This is to avoid needing to define every speed now (multiple fast, slow motion, etc). */
command Rewind(): PlaybackResponse = 6;
command Rewind(RewindRequest): PlaybackResponse = 6;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL Advance through media. Different FF speeds can be used on the TV based upon the number of sequential calls to this function. This is to avoid needing to define every speed now (multiple fast, slow motion, etc). */
command FastForward(): PlaybackResponse = 7;
command FastForward(FastForwardRequest): PlaybackResponse = 7;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL Skip forward in the media by the given number of seconds, using the data as follows: */
command SkipForward(SkipForwardRequest): PlaybackResponse = 8;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL Skip backward in the media by the given number of seconds, using the data as follows: */
command SkipBackward(SkipBackwardRequest): PlaybackResponse = 9;
/** Upon receipt, this SHALL Skip backward in the media by the given number of seconds, using the data as follows: */
command Seek(SeekRequest): PlaybackResponse = 11;
/** Upon receipt, the server SHALL set the active Audio Track to the one identified by the TrackID in the Track catalog for the streaming media. If the TrackID does not exist in the Track catalog, OR does not correspond to the streaming media OR no media is being streamed at the time of receipt of this command, the server will return an error status of INVALID_ARGUMENT. */
command ActivateAudioTrack(ActivateAudioTrackRequest): DefaultSuccess = 12;
/** Upon receipt, the server SHALL set the active Text Track to the one identified by the TrackID in the Track catalog for the streaming media. If the TrackID does not exist in the Track catalog, OR does not correspond to the streaming media OR no media is being streamed at the time of receipt of this command, the server SHALL return an error status of INVALID_ARGUMENT. */
command ActivateTextTrack(ActivateTextTrackRequest): DefaultSuccess = 13;
/** If a Text Track is active (i.e. being displayed), upon receipt of this command, the server SHALL stop displaying it. */
command DeactivateTextTrack(): DefaultSuccess = 14;

/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the Input Selector on a media device such as a TV. */
Expand Down

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