Review our expression file that we sorted by pvalue (pvalue_sorted.tsv) and determine which line contains the last signifcant pvalue:
$ more pvalue_sorted.tsv
ENSGALG00000008934 PIK3CA 0.000992738392868489 -0.3
ENSGALG00000050376 0.000994824004256688 -1.1
ENSGALG00000012082 FAIM 0.000998446529828946 -0.4
ENSGALG00000010999 DICER1 0.00100810371680852 -0.3
ENSGALG00000021193 STARD5 0.00102902792258132 0.4
ENSGALG00000052519 0.00102902792258132 0.5
ENSGALG00000016946 SUGT1 0.00103327849979457 -0.3
- ENSGALG00000012082 is the last line we want to keep.
- Let's get rid of the rest.
- Let's find out the line number of this line
Use cat
with the line number option to find the last line we want to keep:
$ cat -n pvalue_sorted.tsv | more
2203 ENSGALG00000007519 ACBD5 0.000991466118048178 -0.4
2204 ENSGALG00000008934 PIK3CA 0.000992738392868489 -0.3
2205 ENSGALG00000050376 0.000994824004256688 -1.1
2206 ENSGALG00000012082 FAIM 0.000998446529828946 -0.4
2207 ENSGALG00000010999 DICER1 0.00100810371680852 -0.3
2208 ENSGALG00000021193 STARD5 0.00102902792258132 0.4
2209 ENSGALG00000052519 0.00102902792258132 0.5
2210 ENSGALG00000016946 SUGT1 0.00103327849979457 -0.3
2211 ENSGALG00000009915 EML4 0.00104024036341589 0.6
- Line 2206!!
We could use grep
with the line number to do the same:
$ grep -n -e "ENSGALG00000012082\tFAIM\t0.000998446529828946\t-0.4" pvalue_sorted.tsv
2206:ENSGALG00000012082 FAIM 0.000998446529828946 -0.4
- Line 2206!!
Now let's keep only the first 2,206 lines:
$ head -n 2206 pvalue_sorted.tsv | tail
ENSGALG00000016687 P2RY8 0.000951053681334641 0.3
ENSGALG00000003807 GPN3 0.000951921762249093 -0.3
ENSGALG00000002024 COMT 0.000956279026557719 -0.3
ENSGALG00000041025 FOXJ1 0.00095977359077977 0.8
ENSGALG00000005823 HDLBP 0.000981557512422558 -0.4
ENSGALG00000005769 WEE1 0.000990275329888021 -0.3
ENSGALG00000007519 ACBD5 0.000991466118048178 -0.4
ENSGALG00000008934 PIK3CA 0.000992738392868489 -0.3
ENSGALG00000050376 0.000994824004256688 -1.1
ENSGALG00000012082 FAIM 0.000998446529828946 -0.4
- Great, the last line is the one we want.
- Let's create a new file.
Create a new file with the first 2,206 lines of our expression data sorted by pvalue (pvalue_sorted.tsv):
$ head -n 2206 pvalue_sorted.tsv > pvalue_sorted_significant_only.tsv
Check it to make sure it looks right.
Check the top:
$ head pvalue_sorted_significant_only.tsv
Gene ID Gene Name g1_g2.p-value g1_g2.log2foldchange
ENSGALG00000002286 H3F3B 0 -7
ENSGALG00000020078 H3F3C 0 -8
ENSGALG00000027353 C10orf71 1.29880461971355e-212 -3.7
ENSGALG00000030407 IL6R 3.8485270968074e-183 2.4
ENSGALG00000037669 FKBP9 3.58400895215323e-177 -3.6
ENSGALG00000031786 BLVRA 5.34950331436035e-177 2.2
ENSGALG00000023279 EPN3 3.12236315199182e-170 -2.9
ENSGALG00000011551 JCHAIN 6.47982639371527e-144 -1.7
ENSGALG00000002911 MOXD1 1.29318024850042e-142 -2.4
Check the bottom of the file:
$ tail pvalue_sorted_significant_only.tsv
ENSGALG00000016687 P2RY8 0.000951053681334641 0.3
ENSGALG00000003807 GPN3 0.000951921762249093 -0.3
ENSGALG00000002024 COMT 0.000956279026557719 -0.3
ENSGALG00000041025 FOXJ1 0.00095977359077977 0.8
ENSGALG00000005823 HDLBP 0.000981557512422558 -0.4
ENSGALG00000005769 WEE1 0.000990275329888021 -0.3
ENSGALG00000007519 ACBD5 0.000991466118048178 -0.4
ENSGALG00000008934 PIK3CA 0.000992738392868489 -0.3
ENSGALG00000050376 0.000994824004256688 -1.1
ENSGALG00000012082 FAIM 0.000998446529828946 -0.4
Looks great! We have only our signficant data points sorted by pvalue (smalled to largest).