We want to be as transparent as possible about the process an app goes through in order to be listed on the website. When a maintainer merges or does not merge an app on the website, it will be a result of the criteria below.
These are essentially the steps we take to verify apps before listing them:
- Ensure all fields in the pull request template have been checked and links are included.
- Verify the legitimacy of each link.
- Open each of the screenshots to ensure they show the specific app functionality as clearly as possible.
- Install the app on a test organization and ensure the app works as advertised.
- Confirm the app slug is associated with the app.
- Think about the app's usecase and usefulness to developers. This often becomes a discussion amongst the maintainers in private channels if there's concerns that the app doesn't provide tangible benefits.
- Read the entire description/how the app works to make sure someone new could figure it out.
And if the app passes all of these checks, it will be merged in!