This crate contains all the Chips, Chipsets and Circuit related to EigenTrust protocol. There are 2 main traits that we use to atomically make chips:
- Chip
/// Trait for an atomic chip implementation
/// Each chip uses common config columns, but has its own selector
pub trait Chip<F: FieldExt> {
/// Output of the synthesis
type Output: Clone;
/// Gate configuration, using common config columns
fn configure(common: &CommonConfig, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Selector;
/// Chip synthesis. This function can return an assigned cell to be used
/// elsewhere in the circuit
fn synthesize(
self, common: &CommonConfig, selector: &Selector, layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;
Supposed to be the lowest-level primitive and the place where gates are defined.
Specifically, the gates are defined in the configure
which accepts a CommonConfig
, and returns a single selector, that will be used to activate this gate.
Example usage:
/// Structure for the main chip.
pub struct MainChip<F: FieldExt> {
advice: [AssignedCell<F, F>; NUM_ADVICE],
fixed: [F; NUM_FIXED],
impl<F: FieldExt> MainChip<F> {
/// Assigns a new witness that is equal to boolean AND of `x` and `y`
pub fn new(advice: [AssignedCell<F, F>; NUM_ADVICE], fixed: [F; NUM_FIXED]) -> Self {
Self { advice, fixed }
impl<F: FieldExt> Chip<F> for MainChip<F> {
type Output = ();
fn configure(common: &CommonConfig, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Selector {
let selector = meta.selector();
meta.create_gate("main gate", |v_cells| {
// MainGate constraints
let a = v_cells.query_advice(common.advice[0], Rotation::cur());
let b = v_cells.query_advice(common.advice[1], Rotation::cur());
let c = v_cells.query_advice(common.advice[2], Rotation::cur());
fn synthesize(
self, common: &CommonConfig, selector: &Selector, mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
|| "main gate",
|region| {
let mut ctx = RegionCtx::new(region, 0);
// e.g.:
ctx.assign_advice(common.advice[0], self.advice[0]);
- Chipset
/// Chipset uses a collection of chips as primitives to build more abstract
/// circuits
pub trait Chipset<F: FieldExt> {
/// Config used for synthesis
type Config: Clone;
/// Output of the synthesis
type Output: Clone;
/// Chipset synthesis. This function can have multiple smaller chips
/// synthesised inside. Also can returns an assigned cell.
fn synthesize(
self, common: &CommonConfig, config: &Self::Config, layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;
Is one level higher that a Chip
and underneath it should call one or multiple chips.
should contain the selectors for the underlying chips.
It also accepts CommonConfig
that will be passed down to chips.
/// Main config for common primitives like `add`, `mul` ...
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MainConfig {
selector: Selector,
impl MainConfig {
/// Initialization function for MainConfig
pub fn new(selector: Selector) -> Self {
Self { selector }
/// Chip for addition operation
pub struct AddChipset<F: FieldExt> {
x: AssignedCell<F, F>,
y: AssignedCell<F, F>,
impl<F: FieldExt> AddChipset<F> {
/// Create new AddChipset
pub fn new(x: AssignedCell<F, F>, y: AssignedCell<F, F>) -> Self {
Self { x, y }
impl<F: FieldExt> Chipset<F> for AddChipset<F> {
type Config = MainConfig;
type Output = AssignedCell<F, F>;
fn synthesize(
self, common: &CommonConfig, config: &Self::Config, mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
/// e.g.:
let advices = [self.x, self.y, self.x + self.y, zero, zero];
let fixed = [F::ONE, F::ONE, -F::ONE, F::ZERO, F::ZERO, F::ZERO, F::ZERO, F::ZERO];
let main_chip = MainChip::new(advices, fixed);
main_chip.synthesize(common, &config.selector, layouter.namespace(|| "main_add"))?;
Finally, CommonConfig
is a predefined struct containing shared set of advice and fixed columns.
Currently, it is fixed to 20 advice, 10 fixed, 1 table and 1 instance column.
/// Number of advice columns in common config
pub const ADVICE: usize = 20;
/// Number of fixed columns in common config
pub const FIXED: usize = 10;
/// Common config for the whole circuit
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CommonConfig {
/// Advice columns
advice: [Column<Advice>; ADVICE],
/// Fixed columns
fixed: [Column<Fixed>; FIXED],
/// Table column
table: TableColumn,
/// Instance column
instance: Column<Instance>,
impl CommonConfig {
/// Create a new `CommonConfig` columns
pub fn new<F: FieldExt>(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self {
let advice = [(); ADVICE].map(|_| meta.advice_column());
let fixed = [(); FIXED].map(|_| meta.fixed_column());
let table = meta.lookup_table_column();
let instance = meta.instance_column();|c| meta.enable_equality(c));|c| meta.enable_constant(c));
Self { advice, fixed, table, instance }
This config is constructed once in the main circuit and passed down to every chip and chipset. Example:
impl SomeCircuit {
type Config = SomeConfig;
fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<N>) -> Self::Config {
let common = CommonConfig::new(meta);
let main = MainChip::configure(&common, meta);
let bits2num_selector = Bits2NumChip::configure(&common, meta);
let set_selector = SetChip::configure(&common, meta);
Each chip that accepts CommonConfig
has the responsability to pick column that it needs for enforcing constraints.
(NOTE: This is a design flaw - the higher-level circuit should be the one picking the columns based on the requirements of the chips/chipsets.)
Additional utils: RegionCtx
RegionCtx is a wrapper around Halo2's vanilla Region API. Example usage:
let mut ctx = RegionCtx::new(region, 0);
// Enabling selectors
// Assign advice columm from instance
let assigned_inst = ctx.assign_from_instance(common.advice[0], common.instance, 0)?;
// Assign from constant
let assigned_one = ctx.assign_from_constant(common.advice[1], F::ONE)?;
// Assign to advice column
let assigned_res = ctx.assign_advice(common.advice[2], some_value)?;
// Copy assign to advice column
let assigned_x = ctx.copy_assign(common.advice[3], self.x)?;
// Assigned to fixed column
let assigned_zero = ctx.assign_fixed(common.fixed[0], F::ZERO)?;
// Constrain equality
ctx.constrain_equal(assigned_x, assigned_zero)?;
// Constrain to constant
ctx.constrain_to_constant(assigned_one, F::ONE)?;
// Move to next row;
// Return back to region
let region = ctx.into_region();