Connects to the Oracle contract to trigger rewards and slashing of commitments.
Set the correct values in the .env file
docker compose up --build
The main utility has several flags:
contract: This flag is used to specify the contract address of the oracle. The default value is "0xCf7Ed3AccA5a467e9e704C703E8D87F634fB0Fc9".
url: This flag is used to specify the URL of the settlement layer for an RPC connection. The default value is "http://localhost:8545" to be used with anvil.
key: This flag is used to specify the private key through which interactions are signed. The default value is "ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80". Make sure the key is funded sufficently.
chainID: This flag is used to specify the chain ID of the settlement layer. The default value is 31337. TODO(@ckartik): can get from rpc connection.
rateLimit: The time to wait before querying 3rd party services for more data.
These flags can be overridden by providing new values when running the program. For example:
go run main.go -contract=NewContractAddress -url=NewClientURL -key=NewPrivateKey -chainID=NewChainID --rateLimit=5
The core part of this service is the chain tracer, which has the following interface:
type Tracer interface {
GetNextBlockNumber() (NewBlockNumber int64)
RetrieveDetails() (block *BlockDetails, BlockBuilder string, err error)
There are two implementations:
- MockTracer
- This is fed random data and can be changed to custom data for e2e testing
- IncrementingTracer
- This is fed data from Infura (txns in block) and PayloadsDe (builder that won)
- We need to have a reliable way of determining the winning builder.
The current appraoch for the Oracle microservice and on-chain components, is to feed all blocks incrementally on-chain.
There's an alternative approach, where the Smart-contract only emits an event to request block data, in a sitution where there is a need for some block data.
- This saves on redenduant posting of blockdata, but is an optimization.
- Assuming there's at least 1 pre-confirmation per block, this would be a useless optimization.