DataTable: Advanced Filter performance issue (excess re-rendering) #5017
Resolution: Stale
Issue or pull request is inactivity and unfortunately it will be *closed* if there is no response
Type: Performance
Issue is performance or optimization related
Describe the bug
Problem 1: If start typing inside of the Input field at the filter, then will trigger the re-render of React and as a consequence – the full grid will be rendered too! As a result, you get freeze while typing.
it relates to this topic from official documentation
Here filtration passes only at BE side, not FE!
If you have a small dataset it works great, but if you have a medium-sized and larger dataset you will get performance issues.
Problem 2: If you type text inside of the filter input and do not apply the filter (Pressing at Apply button) - then the filter changes its icon without applying/sending a request to BE!
BTW to display this option - I have enabled this setting from React Chrome extension.
Also, I would say the browser version of React, TS, PrimeReact does not matter.
PrimeReact version
10.0.2 latest at 03.10.2023
React version
Build / Runtime
Chrome 117 (I think this is an issue not dependent on browser)
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Problem 1
All together + my comments, on why this happens
That is all!
Problem 2 the same link as for Problem 1 or original documentation example.
My Comments, Thoughts and Questions.
Problem 1:
Comment: I fix re-renders via using uncontrolled components with form from which has a personal state (by this manual
Question: Could you tell me if this is the right approach, do we have other ways?
Problem 2:
Comment: After fix re-render I made 2 tries to fix this issue with side effect of applying a filter toggle button!
Question 1: Do we have ways to manage the toggling filter button?
Question 2: Do we have access to a full filter popup? ( I can manage only body content, not more)
Question 3: Do we have access to events when the popup is hiding/showing?
Question 4: How I can close popup by button from body of popup?
Short description:
3.1. using filterCallback to store data into grid (Try#1)
3.2. manually storing data inside into grid into some property (Try#2)
Each of the two approaches (3.1 and 3.2) had personal disadvantages and each of them resolved re-render problem but side-effect with toggle of filter applying works wrong in both cases and works wrong in the original grid too.
Check it, please!
Try#1 to fix Problem 2 with re-render grid via using:
So, we need move logic for typing values into separate component state – uncontrolled (I hope I use correct terms).
I installed from this manual
I created separate file, wrote code, passed dependencies and removed excess moments. Also, I did next changes:
3.1 inside in ColumnFilterForm.tsx, according manual of using ReactHookForm I use InputTextarea component which using as built in store variable “field” of form
3.2 At onBlurEvent I invoke callback of DataTable -> filterCallback which save data into grid, into it filters and rerender grid as result. It is not perfect solution, but at this moment we avoid freezes while client input text.
Summary: So, we have one side effect. When the client types something into the Input and clicks outside the Filter popup, the input value will be saved in some way because the onBlur effect has been called.
Try#2 to fix Problem 2 with re-render grid via using:
Here I found solution which also work, but I cannot close filter popup after the request is complete.
I don't know why but into SandBox in some way grid TOTALLY reloaded!
For me all works OK, The Filter popup just stays open.
I cannot get access to filter pop up to close it after the Apply button is pressed.
In the screen below I caught the moment when the filter was applied, the request was sent, grid was filtered correctly, and the filter popup was not hidden.
Summary: Everything is fine, but after submitting and clicking the Apply button (calling the filterApplyCallback), the popup does not close.
Looks like I need some event to manually close Filter popup or something else, but I have access only to the part of this popup – place where I can render my input…
This is screen from my project. All is OK, but I after applying pop up still showing.
I investigated datatable.esm.js and found applyFilter() which invokes hide().
Hide() - this is just private useState to which I don’t have access.
Possible, I need do the same and it makes me totally happy, but I don’t know how.
FYI Sometimes it fails, but just update order of Import and it will work well.
Expected behavior
In general we have 2 problems:
When typing symbols, re-render should be skipped, otherwise you will get freezes.
If you type text inside of the filter input and do not apply the filter (Pressing at Apply button) - then the filter changes its icon without applying/sending a request to BE!
NOTE: If we follow one of my suggested approaches (Try#1 or Try#2) when I am using uncontrolled components with different variations of using DataTable callback and tricks to store data I will expect the next behavior:
Case 1:
1. Filter Popup opened
2. Text was typed
3. Apply button was clicked
1. Apply filtration
2. Filter grid (BE filtration request, just reinitialize grid, it works OK, skip this)
3. Update icon for Filter grid
Case 2:
1. Filter Popup opened
2. Text was typed
3. Apply button was NOT clicked
4. Click occurs on one of the follow places:
click by close filter button
click by out space of filter
click by clear button
1. Typed data can be erased or left as is, it does not matter.
2. Filter should not be applied
3. Icon of Filter left as it - not applied
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: