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How to Release

Srishti Thakkar edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 6 revisions

This document contains all steps that need to be followed while releasing a new version of the charts for any of the Pravega components. We will be maintaining the charts for the following Pravega components within the gh-pages branch of this repository

  • Pravega Operator
  • Pravega
  • Bookkeeper Operator
  • Bookkeeper
  • Zookeeper Operator
  • Zookeeper

The release of the helm charts is independent of the release of the underlying applications. A new release of the charts will be done either when there is a change in the charts itself, or when a new release is available for its corresponding component.

The following steps need to be followed while making a new release of the charts for any of the components

  1. If there is a new release version available for the underlying component, update both the AppVersion as well as Version fields within the file Chart.yaml. The AppVersion should be same as the released version of the component. If the release is being done because of a change in the charts itself and there is no new release version available for the underlying component, the AppVersion remains the same as the previous release and only the Version field is updated.
    The Version field should be bumped up in each subsequent release, following the guidelines mentioned here
  2. Run the following command in the folder containing the charts for this component within the master branch of this repository
    helm package charts/<component-name>
  3. Copy the tar created from the previous command into the gh-pages branch
  4. Checkout the gh-pages branch and run the following command
    helm repo index . 
  5. Push all the changes into the gh-pages branch of this repository

The following points need to be kept in mind while versioning the charts

  1. The chart version should follow semantic versioning
  2. Any breaking (backwards incompatible) changes to a chart should bump up the MAJOR version
  3. A change to the AppVersion should bump up the MINOR version
  4. Any bug fixes to the charts for a given AppVersion should bump up the PATCH version
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