Deployes a Storage Gateway appliance on EC2 along with cache disk.
For an end to end example on VMware, refer to the s3-nfs-filegateway-ec2 example.
To customize the root block device of the Storage Gateway EC2 instance, use the root_block_device
block. It supports the following attributes. All options are optional.
: A optional identifier for the KMS encryption key to use for EBS volume encryption at rest.disk_size
: The size of the drive in GiBs (Default: 80).volume_type
: The type of EBS volume. Can be standard, gp2, gp3, io1, io2, sc1 or st1 (Default: gp3).
To customize the root block device of the Storage Gateway EC2 instance, use the cache_block_device
block. It supports the following attributes. All options are optional.
: An optional identifier for the KMS encryption key to use for EBS volume encryption at rest.disk_size
: The size of the drive in GiBs (Default: 150)volume_type
: The type of EBS volume. Can be standard, gp2, gp3, io1, io2, sc1 or st1 (Default: gp3).
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.0.7 |
aws | >= 4.0.0 |
awscc | >= 0.24.0 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 4.0.0 |
No modules.
Name | Type |
aws_ebs_volume.cache_disk | resource |
aws_eip.ip | resource |
aws_eip_association.eip_assoc | resource |
aws_instance.ec2_sgw | resource |
aws_security_group.ec2_sg | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.dns_tcp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.egress | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.http | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.https | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_portmap_udp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_portmapper_tcp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_tcp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_udp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_v3_tcp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.nfs_v3_udp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.ntp_udp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.smb_netbios_tcp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.smb_netbios_udp | resource |
aws_security_group_rule.smb_tcp | resource |
aws_volume_attachment.ebs_volume | resource |
aws_ami.sgw_ami | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
availability_zone | Availability zone for the Gateway EC2 Instance | string |
n/a | yes |
ingress_cidr_block_activation | The CIDR block to allow ingress port 80 into your File Gateway instance for activation. For multiple CIDR blocks, please separate with comma | string |
n/a | yes |
subnet_id | VPC Subnet ID to launch in the EC2 Instance | string |
n/a | yes |
vpc_id | The VPC ID in which the Storage Gateway security group will be created in | string |
n/a | yes |
cache_block_device | Customize details about the additional block device of the instance. See Block Devices for details | map(any) |
{ |
no |
create_security_group | Create a Security Group for the EC2 Storage Gateway appliance. If create_security_group=false, provide a valid security_group_id | bool |
false |
no |
egress_cidr_blocks | The CIDR blocks for Gateway activation. Defaults to | string |
"" |
no |
ingress_cidr_blocks | The CIDR blocks to allow ingress into your File Gateway instance for NFS and SMB client access. For multiple CIDR blocks, please separate with comma | string |
"" |
no |
instance_type | The instance type to use for the Storage Gateway. Insatnce types supported are m5.xlarge is the minimum required for a small deployment. For a medium or a large deployment use m5.2xlarge or m5.4xlarge | string |
"m5.xlarge" |
no |
name | Name of the EC2 Storage Gateway instance | string |
"aws-storage-gateway" |
no |
root_block_device | Customize details about the root block device of the instance. See Block Devices for details | map(any) |
{ |
no |
security_group_id | Optionally provide an existing Security Group ID to associate with EC2 Storage Gateway appliance. Variable create_security_group should be set to false to use an existing Security Group | string |
null |
no |
ssh_key_name | (Optional) The name of an existing EC2 Key pair for SSH access to the EC2 Storage Gateway appliance | string |
null |
no |
timezone | Time zone for the gateway. The time zone is of the format GMT, GMT-hr:mm, or GMT+hr:mm.For example, GMT-4:00 indicates the time is 4 hours behind GMT. Avoid prefixing with 0 | string |
"GMT" |
no |
Name | Description |
private_ip | The Private IP address of the Storage Gateway EC2 appliance |
public_ip | The Public IP address of the created Elastic IP. |