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File metadata and controls

651 lines (416 loc) · 16.7 KB

In MZBench, scenarios are .bdl files written in a special DSL (domain specific language). BDL stands for Benchmark Definition Language. Think of it as a simple ident-based (like python) language with a small set of instructions and measurement units.

MZBench test scenarios consist of function calls and multi-line statements. Function name is identifier. Identifier is lower-case letter sequence with numbers and underscore which starts from letter. Function could accept positional arguments or key arguments. Position arguments are values, key arguments are keys with values, for example:

multiline(param1 = 10, param2 = 20):
    function1(1, 2)
    function2(param1 = function3(1), param2 = 2)

Function value could be used in some cases, in the example above function3 value is used to pass to function2.

Some statements only appear at the top level of a scenario. They're called top-level statements. There're two kinds of top-level statements: directives and pools.

See live examples of MZBench scenarios on GitHub →


Directives prepare the system for the benchmark and clean up after. It includes installing an external worker on test nodes, registering resource files, checking conditions, and executing shell commands before and after the test.

Top-Level Directives

All top-level directives are optional.

make_install git

make_install(git = "<URL>", branch = "<Branch>", dir = "<Dir>")

Install an external worker from a remote git repository on the test nodes before running the benchmark.

MZBench downloads the worker and builds a .tgz archive, which is then distributed among the nodes and used in future provisions.

The following actions are executed during make_install:

$ git clone <URL> temp_dir
$ cd temp_dir
$ git checkout <Branch>
$ cd <Dir>
$ make generate_tgz

If branch is not specified, the default git branch is used.

If dir is not specified, . is used.

make_install rsync

make_install(rsync = "<location>", exclude = "<subdir>")

Install an external worker with rsync on the test nodes before running the benchmark. Unlike git make_install, rsync does not cache worker code.


defaults("<VarName1>" = <Value1>, "<VarName2>" = <Value2>, ...)

Allows to define the default values for environment variables, i.e. the values used if no value was provided for this variable on the command line.

See Environment Variables for additional information.


include_resource(<ResourceName>, "<FileName>", <Type>)
include_resource(<ResourceName>, "<FileURL>", <Type>)

Register a resource file as <ResourceName>.

If the file is on your local machine, put it in the same directory where your scenario is.

<Type> is one of the following atoms:

text : Plain text file, interpreted as a single string.

json : JSON file. Lists are interpreted as Erlang lists, objects are interpreted as Erlang maps.

tsv : File with tabulation separated values, interpreted as a list of lists.

erlang : Erlang source file, interpreted directly as an Erlang term.

binary : Custom binary (image, executable, archive, etc.), not interpreted.

pre_hook and post_hook


Run actions before and after the benchmark. Two kinds of actions are supported: exec commands and worker calls:

Actions = Action1
Action = exec(Target, BashCommand)
    | worker_call(WorkerMethod, WorkerModule)
    | worker_call(WorkerMethod, WorkerModule, WorkerType)
Target = all | director

Exec commands let you to run any shell command on all nodes or only on the director node.

Worker calls are functions defined by the worker. They can be executed only on the director node. Worker calls are used to update the environment variables used in the benchmark. An example is available in dummy_worker code.


assert(always, <Expression>)
assert(<Time>, <Expression>)

Check if the condition <Expression> is satisfied throughout the entire benchmark or at least for the amount of time <Time>.

<Expression> is a logical expression composed of conditions <Operand1> <Operation> <Operand2> with binary (and, or), unary (not) logical operators and parenthesis.

<Operation> is one of four atoms:

< : Less than.

> : Greater than.

<= : Less than or equal to.

>= : Greater than or equal to.

== : Equal to.

!= : Not equal to.

<Operand1> and <Operand2> are the values to compare. They can be integers, floats, or metrics wildcards.

Metrics are numerical values collected by the worker during the benchmark. To get the metric value, put its name between double quotation marks:

("h*k" > 20) and (not "http_ok" > 100)

The http_ok metric is provided by the simple_http worker. This condition passes if the number of successful HTTP responses is greater than 20.

When multiple metrics are matched against wildcard, condition is checked for every matched metric.

Please note that signals are automatically converted to gauges and could be also used for asserts.


Pool represents a sequence of jobs—statements to run. The statements are defined by the worker and MZBench's standard library. The jobs are evenly distributed between nodes, so they can be executed in parallel.

Here's a pool that sends HTTP GET requests to two sites on 10 nodes in parallel:

    pool(size = 10, worker_type = simple_http_worker):

The get statement is provided by the built-in simple_http worker.

The first param in the pool statement is a list of pool options.

Pool Options



size = <NumberOfJobs>

How many times you want the pool executed.

If there's enough nodes and worker_start is not set, MZBench will start the jobs simultaneously and run them in parallel.

<NumberOfJobs> is any positive number.



worker_type = <WorkerName>

The worker that provides statements for the jobs.

!!!hint A pool uses exactly one worker. If you need multiple workers in the benchmark, just write a pool for each one.


worker_start = linear(<Rate>)
worker_start = poisson(<Rate>)
worker_start = exp(<Scale>, <Time>)
worker_start = pow(<Exponent>, <Scale>, <Time>)

Start the jobs with a given rate:

linear : Constant rate <Rate>, e.g. 10 per minute.

poisson : Rate defined by a Poisson process with λ = <Rate>.

exp : Start jobs with exponentially growing rate with the scale factor <Scale>:

*Scale × e<sup>Time</sup>*

pow : Start jobs with rate growing as a power function with the exponent <Exponent> and the scale factor <Scale>:

*Scale × Time<sup>Exponent</sup>*


ramp(linear, <StartRate>, <EndRate>)

Linearly change the rate from <StartRate> at the beginning of the pool to <EndRate> at its end.


comb(<Rate1>, <Time1>, <Rate2>, <Time2>, ...)

Start jobs with rate <Rate1> for <Time1>, then switch to <Rate2> for <Time2>, etc.


Loop is a sequence of statements executed over and over for a given time.

A loop looks similar to a pool—it consists of a list of [options](#loop options) and a list statements to run:

loop(time = <Time>,
     rate = <Rate>,
     parallel = <N>,
     iterator = <Name>,
     spawn = <Spawn>,
     while = <Condition>):

Here's a loop that sends HTTP GET requests for 30 seconds with a growing rate of 1 → 5 rps:

loop(time = 30 sec,
     rate = ramp(linear, 1 rps, 5 rps)):

You can put loops inside loops. Here's a nested loop that sends HTTP GET requests for 30 seconds, increasing the rate by 1 rps every three seconds:

loop(time = 30 sec,
     rate = 10 rpm,
     iterator = "i"):
        loop(time = 3 sec,
             rate = var("i") rps):

The difference between these two examples is that in the first case the rate is growing smoothly and in the second one it's growing in steps.

Loop options



time = <Time>

Run the loop for <Time>.


rate = <Rate>

Repeat the loop with the <Rate> rate.


think_time = [<Time>, <Rate>]

Start jobs with rate <Rate> for a second, then sleep for <Time> and repeat.


parallel = <N>

!!!hint When parallel loop starts, all workers copy initial thread state. When loop ends all state copies but first are ommited. This note also applies to spawn mode below.

Run <N> iterations of the loop in parallel.


iterator = "<IterName>"

Define a variable named <IterName> inside the loop that contains the current iteration number. It can be accessed with var(<IterName>).


spawn = (true|false)

If true, every iteration runs in a separate, spawned process. Default is false.


while = <Condition>

Run this loop while condition is specified. Condition is some metric name compared with <, >, <=, >= and ==. For example "print" < 10. The syntax is similar to asserts. Please note that metrics are updated once in a 10 seconds (by default), if you set condition for print being less than 10 it does not guarantee print to be equal to 11 after the loop. In this case, "print" could be any number greater than 10 depending on how fast is your loop.

Loop conditions are different from global asserts in a two aspects: there is no time-limiting for loop ones and they do not terminate the entire worker thread. If loop assert is not satisfied, your script won't be failed.

Resource Files

Resource file is an external data source for the benchmark.

To declare a resource file for the benchmark, use include_resource.

Once the resource file is registered, its content can be included at any place in the scenario using the resource statement: resource(<ResourceName>).

For example, suppose we have a file names.json:


Here's how you can use this file in a scenario:

include_resource(names, "names.json", json)
pool(size = 3,
     worker_type = dummy_worker):
    loop(time = 5 sec,
         rate = 1 rps):
        print(choose(resource(names))) # print a random name from the file

Standard Library

Environment Variables

Environment variables are global values that can be accessed at any point of the benchmark. They are useful to store the benchmark global state like its total duration, or global params like the execution speed.

To set an environment variable, call mzbench with the --env param:

$ ./bin/mzbench run --env foo=bar --env n=42



To get the value of a variable, refer to it by the name: var("<VarName>").

var("foo") # returns "bar"
var("n") # returns "42", a string

If you refer to an undefined variable, the benchmark crashes. You can avoid this by setting a default value for the variable, see defaults top-level directive.



By default, variable values are considered strings. To get a numerical value (integer or float), use numvar("VarName"):

numvar("n") # returns 42, an integer.

Parallelization and Syncing



Execute multiple statements in parallel. Unlike executing statements in a pool, this way all statements are executed on the same node.


set_signal(<SignalName>, <Count>)

Emit a global signal <SignalName>.

If <Count> is specified, the signal is emitted <Count> times.

<SignalName> is a string, atom, number, or, in fact, any Erlang term.


wait_signal(<SignalName>, <Count>)

Wait for the global signal <SignalName> to be emitted. If <Count> is specified, wait for the signal to be emitted <Count> times.

Errors Handling



Execute the statement <Statement> and continue with the benchmark even if it fails.

If the statement succeeds, its result is returned; otherwise, the failure reason is returned.



Throw an error with a given reason. Calling error will stop the current worker script execution and mark it as failed. Reason could be any term.



random_number(<Min>, <Max>)

Return a random positive integer between <Min> and <Max>, including <Min> and not including <Max>.

random_number(<Max>) is equivalent to random_number(0, <Max>)

random_number functions use a crypto Erlang library to generate random numbers, see Erlang documentation if you need more info.



Return a list of random integer of length <Size>.



Return a binary sequence of <Size> random bytes.



Return randomly generated string of given length.


choose(<N>, <List>)

Return a list of <N> random elements of the list <List>.

choose(<List>) is equivalent to choose(1, <List>).



Pick the next element of the list. When the last one is picked, start over from the first one.

BEWARE: The round_robin function complexity is O(n) when n is the length of the <List>, so it is extremely slow for big lists. You should consider to cache the value somehow if it is the case.




Write <Text> to the benchmark log.

Data Conversion



Convert <List> to a tuple.



Convert an Erlang term to a binary object. Learn more in the Erlang docs.

Usefull functions


sprintf("<Format>", [<Value1>, <Value2>, ...])

Return formatted text with a given format and placeholder values.



Pause the current job for <Time>.


seq(<From>, <To>)

Return a sequence of integers starting with and ending with . and are included to the sequence.


concat(<List1>, <List2>)

Concatenate lists. Can be used for strings as well.


tokens(<Str>, <ListOfSeparators>)

Return a list of tokens in , separated by the characters in . By default separators are ',' and ' '(space).



Every numerical constant could be followed by a multiplier letter K, M, G or T. They correspond to 10^3, 10^6, 10^9 and 10^12 respectively.

1.1K # 1100
2.3M # 2300000
0.5G # 500000000


<Time> is a tuple <Duration> (ms|sec|min|h):

1 sec # one second
10 min # 10 minutes
0.5 h # half hour


<Rate> is a tuple <N> (rps|rpm|rph):

10K rps # 10000 jobs per second
12 rpm # 12 jobs per minute
100 rph # 100 jobs per hour