diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
index 318cd83b09..7cd9c91238 100644
--- a/.prettierignore
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/app/index.html b/packages/app/index.html
index 2b4adda68b..e24dc90136 100644
--- a/packages/app/index.html
+++ b/packages/app/index.html
@@ -78,9 +78,6 @@
import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
window.Buffer = Buffer
Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT)
diff --git a/packages/app/package.json b/packages/app/package.json
index ec360057c1..a6509eb5fa 100644
--- a/packages/app/package.json
+++ b/packages/app/package.json
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons": "^6.7.2",
"@fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "^0.2.2",
"@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webhid": "^6.30.0",
+ "@lottiefiles/dotlottie-react": "^0.12.1",
"@polkadot-api/merkleize-metadata": "^1.1.12",
"@polkadot-api/signers-common": "^0.1.4",
"@polkadot-api/substrate-bindings": "^0.11.0",
diff --git a/packages/app/public/lottie/player.js b/packages/app/public/lottie/player.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c968b6bf..0000000000
--- a/packages/app/public/lottie/player.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19192 +0,0 @@
-!(function (t, e) {
- 'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module
- ? e(exports)
- : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
- ? define(['exports'], e)
- : e(
- ((t = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self)[
- 'dotlottie-player'
- ] = {})
- );
-})(this, function (exports) {
- 'use strict';
- function _taggedTemplateLiteral(t, e) {
- return (
- (e = e || t.slice(0)),
- Object.freeze(
- Object.defineProperties(t, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(e) } })
- )
- );
- }
- function __decorate(t, e, r, i) {
- var s,
- n = arguments.length,
- a =
- n < 3
- ? e
- : null === i
- ? (i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r))
- : i;
- if ('object' == typeof Reflect && 'function' == typeof Reflect.decorate)
- a = Reflect.decorate(t, e, r, i);
- else
- for (var o = t.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)
- (s = t[o]) && (a = (n < 3 ? s(a) : 3 < n ? s(e, r, a) : s(e, r)) || a);
- return 3 < n && a && Object.defineProperty(e, r, a), a;
- }
- const isCEPolyfill =
- 'undefined' != typeof window &&
- null != window.customElements &&
- void 0 !== window.customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback,
- removeNodes = (t, e, r = null) => {
- for (; e !== r; ) {
- const r = e.nextSibling;
- t.removeChild(e), (e = r);
- }
- },
- marker = `{{lit-${String(Math.random()).slice(2)}}}`,
- nodeMarker = ``,
- markerRegex = new RegExp(marker + '|' + nodeMarker),
- boundAttributeSuffix = '$lit$';
- class Template {
- constructor(i, r) {
- (this.parts = []), (this.element = r);
- const s = [],
- n = [],
- a = document.createTreeWalker(r.content, 133, null, !1);
- let t = 0,
- o = -1,
- h = 0;
- for (
- var {
- strings: l,
- values: { length: e },
- } = i;
- h < e;
- ) {
- const i = a.nextNode();
- if (null !== i) {
- if ((o++, 1 === i.nodeType)) {
- if (i.hasAttributes()) {
- const r = i.attributes,
- s = r['length'];
- let e = 0;
- for (let t = 0; t < s; t++)
- endsWith(r[t].name, boundAttributeSuffix) && e++;
- for (; 0 < e--; ) {
- const r = l[h],
- s = lastAttributeNameRegex.exec(r)[2],
- n = s.toLowerCase() + boundAttributeSuffix,
- a = i.getAttribute(n),
- t = (i.removeAttribute(n), a.split(markerRegex));
- this.parts.push({
- type: 'attribute',
- index: o,
- name: s,
- strings: t,
- }),
- (h += t.length - 1);
- }
- }
- 'TEMPLATE' === i.tagName &&
- (n.push(i), (a.currentNode = i.content));
- } else if (3 === i.nodeType) {
- const r = i.data;
- if (0 <= r.indexOf(marker)) {
- const n = i.parentNode,
- a = r.split(markerRegex),
- t = a.length - 1;
- for (let r = 0; r < t; r++) {
- let t,
- e = a[r];
- if ('' === e) t = createMarker();
- else {
- const i = lastAttributeNameRegex.exec(e);
- null !== i &&
- endsWith(i[2], boundAttributeSuffix) &&
- (e =
- e.slice(0, i.index) +
- i[1] +
- i[2].slice(0, -boundAttributeSuffix.length) +
- i[3]),
- (t = document.createTextNode(e));
- }
- n.insertBefore(t, i),
- this.parts.push({ type: 'node', index: ++o });
- }
- '' === a[t]
- ? (n.insertBefore(createMarker(), i), s.push(i))
- : (i.data = a[t]),
- (h += t);
- }
- } else if (8 === i.nodeType)
- if (i.data === marker) {
- const r = i.parentNode;
- (null !== i.previousSibling && o !== t) ||
- (o++, r.insertBefore(createMarker(), i)),
- (t = o),
- this.parts.push({ type: 'node', index: o }),
- null === i.nextSibling ? (i.data = '') : (s.push(i), o--),
- h++;
- } else {
- let t = -1;
- for (; -1 !== (t = i.data.indexOf(marker, t + 1)); )
- this.parts.push({ type: 'node', index: -1 }), h++;
- }
- } else a.currentNode = n.pop();
- }
- for (const i of s) i.parentNode.removeChild(i);
- }
- }
- const endsWith = (t, e) => {
- var r = t.length - e.length;
- return 0 <= r && t.slice(r) === e;
- },
- isTemplatePartActive = (t) => -1 !== t.index,
- createMarker = () => document.createComment(''),
- lastAttributeNameRegex =
- /([ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d])([^\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F "'>=/]+)([ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d]*=[ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d]*(?:[^ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d"'`<>=]*|"[^"]*|'[^']*))$/,
- walkerNodeFilter = 133;
- function removeNodesFromTemplate(t, e) {
- var {
- element: { content: t },
- parts: r,
- } = t,
- i = document.createTreeWalker(t, walkerNodeFilter, null, !1);
- let s = nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts(r),
- n = r[s],
- a = -1,
- o = 0;
- var h = [];
- let l = null;
- for (; i.nextNode(); ) {
- a++;
- const t = i.currentNode;
- for (
- t.previousSibling === l && (l = null),
- null !== (l = e.has(t) && (h.push(t), null === l) ? t : l) && o++;
- void 0 !== n && n.index === a;
- )
- (n.index = null !== l ? -1 : n.index - o),
- (s = nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts(r, s)),
- (n = r[s]);
- }
- h.forEach((t) => t.parentNode.removeChild(t));
- }
- const countNodes = (t) => {
- let e = 11 === t.nodeType ? 0 : 1;
- for (
- var r = document.createTreeWalker(t, walkerNodeFilter, null, !1);
- r.nextNode();
- )
- e++;
- return e;
- },
- nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts = (e, r = -1) => {
- for (let t = r + 1; t < e.length; t++) {
- const r = e[t];
- if (isTemplatePartActive(r)) return t;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- function insertNodeIntoTemplate(t, e, r = null) {
- var {
- element: { content: t },
- parts: i,
- } = t;
- if (null == r) return t.appendChild(e);
- var s = document.createTreeWalker(t, walkerNodeFilter, null, !1);
- let n = nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts(i),
- a = 0,
- o = -1;
- for (; s.nextNode(); )
- for (
- o++,
- s.currentNode === r &&
- ((a = countNodes(e)), r.parentNode.insertBefore(e, r));
- -1 !== n && i[n].index === o;
- ) {
- if (0 < a) {
- for (; -1 !== n; )
- (i[n].index += a), (n = nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts(i, n));
- return;
- }
- n = nextActiveIndexInTemplateParts(i, n);
- }
- }
- const directives = new WeakMap(),
- isDirective = (t) => 'function' == typeof t && directives.has(t),
- noChange = {},
- nothing = {};
- class TemplateInstance {
- constructor(t, e, r) {
- (this.__parts = []),
- (this.template = t),
- (this.processor = e),
- (this.options = r);
- }
- update(t) {
- let e = 0;
- for (const r of this.__parts) void 0 !== r && r.setValue(t[e]), e++;
- for (const t of this.__parts) void 0 !== t && t.commit();
- }
- _clone() {
- const t = isCEPolyfill
- ? this.template.element.content.cloneNode(!0)
- : document.importNode(this.template.element.content, !0),
- e = [],
- r = this.template.parts,
- i = document.createTreeWalker(t, 133, null, !1);
- let s,
- n = 0,
- a = 0,
- o = i.nextNode();
- for (; n < r.length; ) {
- if (((s = r[n]), isTemplatePartActive(s))) {
- for (; a < s.index; )
- a++,
- 'TEMPLATE' === o.nodeName &&
- (e.push(o), (i.currentNode = o.content)),
- null === (o = i.nextNode()) &&
- ((i.currentNode = e.pop()), (o = i.nextNode()));
- if ('node' === s.type) {
- const t = this.processor.handleTextExpression(this.options);
- t.insertAfterNode(o.previousSibling), this.__parts.push(t);
- } else
- this.__parts.push(
- ...this.processor.handleAttributeExpressions(
- o,
- s.name,
- s.strings,
- this.options
- )
- );
- } else this.__parts.push(void 0);
- n++;
- }
- return (
- isCEPolyfill && (document.adoptNode(t), customElements.upgrade(t)), t
- );
- }
- }
- const commentMarker = ` ${marker} `;
- class TemplateResult {
- constructor(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.strings = t),
- (this.values = e),
- (this.type = r),
- (this.processor = i);
- }
- getHTML() {
- const e = this.strings.length - 1;
- let r = '',
- i = !1;
- for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) {
- const e = this.strings[t],
- n = e.lastIndexOf('\x3c!--');
- i = (-1 < n || i) && -1 === e.indexOf('--\x3e', n + 1);
- var s = lastAttributeNameRegex.exec(e);
- r +=
- null === s
- ? e + (i ? commentMarker : nodeMarker)
- : e.substr(0, s.index) +
- s[1] +
- s[2] +
- boundAttributeSuffix +
- s[3] +
- marker;
- }
- return (r += this.strings[e]);
- }
- getTemplateElement() {
- var t = document.createElement('template');
- return (t.innerHTML = this.getHTML()), t;
- }
- }
- const isPrimitive = (t) =>
- null === t || !('object' == typeof t || 'function' == typeof t),
- isIterable = (t) => Array.isArray(t) || !(!t || !t[Symbol.iterator]);
- class AttributeCommitter {
- constructor(t, e, r) {
- (this.dirty = !0),
- (this.element = t),
- (this.name = e),
- (this.strings = r),
- (this.parts = []);
- for (let t = 0; t < r.length - 1; t++) this.parts[t] = this._createPart();
- }
- _createPart() {
- return new AttributePart(this);
- }
- _getValue() {
- const e = this.strings,
- r = e.length - 1;
- let i = '';
- for (let t = 0; t < r; t++) {
- i += e[t];
- const r = this.parts[t];
- if (void 0 !== r) {
- const e = r.value;
- if (isPrimitive(e) || !isIterable(e))
- i += 'string' == typeof e ? e : String(e);
- else for (const r of e) i += 'string' == typeof r ? r : String(r);
- }
- }
- return (i += e[r]);
- }
- commit() {
- this.dirty &&
- ((this.dirty = !1),
- this.element.setAttribute(this.name, this._getValue()));
- }
- }
- class AttributePart {
- constructor(t) {
- (this.value = void 0), (this.committer = t);
- }
- setValue(t) {
- t === noChange ||
- (isPrimitive(t) && t === this.value) ||
- ((this.value = t), isDirective(t)) ||
- (this.committer.dirty = !0);
- }
- commit() {
- for (; isDirective(this.value); ) {
- var t = this.value;
- (this.value = noChange), t(this);
- }
- this.value !== noChange && this.committer.commit();
- }
- }
- class NodePart {
- constructor(t) {
- (this.value = void 0), (this.__pendingValue = void 0), (this.options = t);
- }
- appendInto(t) {
- (this.startNode = t.appendChild(createMarker())),
- (this.endNode = t.appendChild(createMarker()));
- }
- insertAfterNode(t) {
- (this.startNode = t), (this.endNode = t.nextSibling);
- }
- appendIntoPart(t) {
- t.__insert((this.startNode = createMarker())),
- t.__insert((this.endNode = createMarker()));
- }
- insertAfterPart(t) {
- t.__insert((this.startNode = createMarker())),
- (this.endNode = t.endNode),
- (t.endNode = this.startNode);
- }
- setValue(t) {
- this.__pendingValue = t;
- }
- commit() {
- if (null !== this.startNode.parentNode) {
- for (; isDirective(this.__pendingValue); ) {
- const t = this.__pendingValue;
- (this.__pendingValue = noChange), t(this);
- }
- const t = this.__pendingValue;
- t !== noChange &&
- (isPrimitive(t)
- ? t !== this.value && this.__commitText(t)
- : t instanceof TemplateResult
- ? this.__commitTemplateResult(t)
- : t instanceof Node
- ? this.__commitNode(t)
- : isIterable(t)
- ? this.__commitIterable(t)
- : t === nothing
- ? ((this.value = nothing), this.clear())
- : this.__commitText(t));
- }
- }
- __insert(t) {
- this.endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this.endNode);
- }
- __commitNode(t) {
- this.value !== t && (this.clear(), this.__insert(t), (this.value = t));
- }
- __commitText(t) {
- var e = this.startNode.nextSibling,
- r = 'string' == typeof (t = null == t ? '' : t) ? t : String(t);
- e === this.endNode.previousSibling && 3 === e.nodeType
- ? (e.data = r)
- : this.__commitNode(document.createTextNode(r)),
- (this.value = t);
- }
- __commitTemplateResult(t) {
- var e,
- r = this.options.templateFactory(t);
- this.value instanceof TemplateInstance && this.value.template === r
- ? this.value.update(t.values)
- : ((e = (r = new TemplateInstance(
- r,
- t.processor,
- this.options
- ))._clone()),
- r.update(t.values),
- this.__commitNode(e),
- (this.value = r));
- }
- __commitIterable(t) {
- Array.isArray(this.value) || ((this.value = []), this.clear());
- var e = this.value;
- let r,
- i = 0;
- for (const s of t)
- (r = e[i]),
- void 0 === r &&
- ((r = new NodePart(this.options)),
- e.push(r),
- 0 === i ? r.appendIntoPart(this) : r.insertAfterPart(e[i - 1])),
- r.setValue(s),
- r.commit(),
- i++;
- i < e.length && ((e.length = i), this.clear(r && r.endNode));
- }
- clear(t = this.startNode) {
- removeNodes(this.startNode.parentNode, t.nextSibling, this.endNode);
- }
- }
- class BooleanAttributePart {
- constructor(t, e, r) {
- if (
- ((this.value = void 0),
- (this.__pendingValue = void 0),
- 2 !== r.length || '' !== r[0] || '' !== r[1])
- )
- throw new Error(
- 'Boolean attributes can only contain a single expression'
- );
- (this.element = t), (this.name = e), (this.strings = r);
- }
- setValue(t) {
- this.__pendingValue = t;
- }
- commit() {
- for (; isDirective(this.__pendingValue); ) {
- const t = this.__pendingValue;
- (this.__pendingValue = noChange), t(this);
- }
- if (this.__pendingValue !== noChange) {
- const t = !!this.__pendingValue;
- this.value !== t &&
- (t
- ? this.element.setAttribute(this.name, '')
- : this.element.removeAttribute(this.name),
- (this.value = t)),
- (this.__pendingValue = noChange);
- }
- }
- }
- class PropertyCommitter extends AttributeCommitter {
- constructor(t, e, r) {
- super(t, e, r),
- (this.single = 2 === r.length && '' === r[0] && '' === r[1]);
- }
- _createPart() {
- return new PropertyPart(this);
- }
- _getValue() {
- return this.single ? this.parts[0].value : super._getValue();
- }
- commit() {
- this.dirty &&
- ((this.dirty = !1), (this.element[this.name] = this._getValue()));
- }
- }
- class PropertyPart extends AttributePart {}
- let eventOptionsSupported = !1;
- (() => {
- try {
- var t = {
- get capture() {
- return !(eventOptionsSupported = !0);
- },
- };
- window.addEventListener('test', t, t),
- window.removeEventListener('test', t, t);
- } catch (t) {}
- })();
- class EventPart {
- constructor(t, e, r) {
- (this.value = void 0),
- (this.__pendingValue = void 0),
- (this.element = t),
- (this.eventName = e),
- (this.eventContext = r),
- (this.__boundHandleEvent = (t) => this.handleEvent(t));
- }
- setValue(t) {
- this.__pendingValue = t;
- }
- commit() {
- for (; isDirective(this.__pendingValue); ) {
- const t = this.__pendingValue;
- (this.__pendingValue = noChange), t(this);
- }
- if (this.__pendingValue !== noChange) {
- const t = this.__pendingValue,
- e = this.value,
- r =
- null == t ||
- (null != e &&
- (t.capture !== e.capture ||
- t.once !== e.once ||
- t.passive !== e.passive)),
- i = null != t && (null == e || r);
- r &&
- this.element.removeEventListener(
- this.eventName,
- this.__boundHandleEvent,
- this.__options
- ),
- i &&
- ((this.__options = getOptions(t)),
- this.element.addEventListener(
- this.eventName,
- this.__boundHandleEvent,
- this.__options
- )),
- (this.value = t),
- (this.__pendingValue = noChange);
- }
- }
- handleEvent(t) {
- 'function' == typeof this.value
- ? this.value.call(this.eventContext || this.element, t)
- : this.value.handleEvent(t);
- }
- }
- const getOptions = (t) =>
- t &&
- (eventOptionsSupported
- ? { capture: t.capture, passive: t.passive, once: t.once }
- : t.capture);
- function templateFactory(t) {
- let e = templateCaches.get(t.type),
- r =
- (void 0 === e &&
- ((e = { stringsArray: new WeakMap(), keyString: new Map() }),
- templateCaches.set(t.type, e)),
- e.stringsArray.get(t.strings));
- var i;
- return (
- void 0 === r &&
- ((i = t.strings.join(marker)),
- void 0 === (r = e.keyString.get(i)) &&
- ((r = new Template(t, t.getTemplateElement())),
- e.keyString.set(i, r)),
- e.stringsArray.set(t.strings, r)),
- r
- );
- }
- const templateCaches = new Map(),
- parts = new WeakMap(),
- render = (t, e, r) => {
- let i = parts.get(e);
- void 0 === i &&
- (removeNodes(e, e.firstChild),
- parts.set(
- e,
- (i = new NodePart(
- Object.assign({ templateFactory: templateFactory }, r)
- ))
- ),
- i.appendInto(e)),
- i.setValue(t),
- i.commit();
- };
- class DefaultTemplateProcessor {
- handleAttributeExpressions(t, e, r, i) {
- var s = e[0];
- return '.' === s
- ? new PropertyCommitter(t, e.slice(1), r).parts
- : '@' === s
- ? [new EventPart(t, e.slice(1), i.eventContext)]
- : '?' === s
- ? [new BooleanAttributePart(t, e.slice(1), r)]
- : new AttributeCommitter(t, e, r).parts;
- }
- handleTextExpression(t) {
- return new NodePart(t);
- }
- }
- const defaultTemplateProcessor = new DefaultTemplateProcessor(),
- html =
- ('undefined' != typeof window &&
- (window.litHtmlVersions || (window.litHtmlVersions = [])).push('1.2.1'),
- (t, ...e) => new TemplateResult(t, e, 'html', defaultTemplateProcessor)),
- getTemplateCacheKey = (t, e) => t + '--' + e;
- let compatibleShadyCSSVersion = !0;
- void 0 === window.ShadyCSS
- ? (compatibleShadyCSSVersion = !1)
- : void 0 === window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateDom &&
- (console.warn(
- 'Incompatible ShadyCSS version detected. Please update to at least @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2.0.2 and @webcomponents/shadycss@1.3.1.'
- ),
- (compatibleShadyCSSVersion = !1));
- const shadyTemplateFactory = (n) => (t) => {
- const e = getTemplateCacheKey(t.type, n);
- let r = templateCaches.get(e),
- i =
- (void 0 === r &&
- ((r = { stringsArray: new WeakMap(), keyString: new Map() }),
- templateCaches.set(e, r)),
- r.stringsArray.get(t.strings));
- if (void 0 === i) {
- var s = t.strings.join(marker);
- if (void 0 === (i = r.keyString.get(s))) {
- const e = t.getTemplateElement();
- compatibleShadyCSSVersion && window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateDom(e, n),
- (i = new Template(t, e)),
- r.keyString.set(s, i);
- }
- r.stringsArray.set(t.strings, i);
- }
- return i;
- },
- TEMPLATE_TYPES = ['html', 'svg'],
- removeStylesFromLitTemplates = (e) => {
- TEMPLATE_TYPES.forEach((t) => {
- t = templateCaches.get(getTemplateCacheKey(t, e));
- void 0 !== t &&
- t.keyString.forEach((t) => {
- const { content: e } = t['element'],
- r = new Set();
- Array.from(e.querySelectorAll('style')).forEach((t) => {
- r.add(t);
- }),
- removeNodesFromTemplate(t, r);
- });
- });
- },
- shadyRenderSet = new Set(),
- prepareTemplateStyles = (t, e, r) => {
- shadyRenderSet.add(t);
- var i = r ? r.element : document.createElement('template'),
- s = e.querySelectorAll('style'),
- n = s['length'];
- if (0 === n) window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateStyles(i, t);
- else {
- var a = document.createElement('style');
- for (let t = 0; t < n; t++) {
- const e = s[t];
- e.parentNode.removeChild(e), (a.textContent += e.textContent);
- }
- removeStylesFromLitTemplates(t);
- var o = i.content,
- i =
- (r
- ? insertNodeIntoTemplate(r, a, o.firstChild)
- : o.insertBefore(a, o.firstChild),
- window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateStyles(i, t),
- o.querySelector('style'));
- if (window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow && null !== i)
- e.insertBefore(i.cloneNode(!0), e.firstChild);
- else if (r) {
- o.insertBefore(a, o.firstChild);
- const t = new Set();
- t.add(a), removeNodesFromTemplate(r, t);
- }
- }
- },
- render$1 = (t, e, r) => {
- if (!r || 'object' != typeof r || !r.scopeName)
- throw new Error('The `scopeName` option is required.');
- var i = r.scopeName,
- s = parts.has(e),
- n = compatibleShadyCSSVersion && 11 === e.nodeType && !!e.host,
- a = n && !shadyRenderSet.has(i),
- o = a ? document.createDocumentFragment() : e;
- if (
- (render(
- t,
- o,
- Object.assign({ templateFactory: shadyTemplateFactory(i) }, r)
- ),
- a)
- ) {
- const t = parts.get(o),
- r =
- (parts.delete(o),
- t.value instanceof TemplateInstance ? t.value.template : void 0);
- prepareTemplateStyles(i, o, r),
- removeNodes(e, e.firstChild),
- e.appendChild(o),
- parts.set(e, t);
- }
- !s && n && window.ShadyCSS.styleElement(e.host);
- };
- var _a;
- window.JSCompiler_renameProperty = (t, e) => t;
- const defaultConverter = {
- toAttribute(t, e) {
- switch (e) {
- case Boolean:
- return t ? '' : null;
- case Object:
- case Array:
- return null == t ? t : JSON.stringify(t);
- }
- return t;
- },
- fromAttribute(t, e) {
- switch (e) {
- case Boolean:
- return null !== t;
- case Number:
- return null === t ? null : Number(t);
- case Object:
- case Array:
- return JSON.parse(t);
- }
- return t;
- },
- },
- notEqual = (t, e) => e !== t && (e == e || t == t),
- defaultPropertyDeclaration = {
- attribute: !0,
- type: String,
- converter: defaultConverter,
- reflect: !1,
- hasChanged: notEqual,
- },
- finalized = 'finalized';
- class UpdatingElement extends HTMLElement {
- constructor() {
- super(),
- (this._updateState = 0),
- (this._instanceProperties = void 0),
- (this._updatePromise = new Promise(
- (t) => (this._enableUpdatingResolver = t)
- )),
- (this._changedProperties = new Map()),
- (this._reflectingProperties = void 0),
- this.initialize();
- }
- static get observedAttributes() {
- this.finalize();
- const r = [];
- return (
- this._classProperties.forEach((t, e) => {
- t = this._attributeNameForProperty(e, t);
- void 0 !== t && (this._attributeToPropertyMap.set(t, e), r.push(t));
- }),
- r
- );
- }
- static _ensureClassProperties() {
- var t;
- this.hasOwnProperty(
- JSCompiler_renameProperty('_classProperties', this)
- ) ||
- ((this._classProperties = new Map()),
- void 0 !== (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._classProperties) &&
- t.forEach((t, e) => this._classProperties.set(e, t)));
- }
- static createProperty(t, e = defaultPropertyDeclaration) {
- var r;
- this._ensureClassProperties(),
- this._classProperties.set(t, e),
- e.noAccessor ||
- this.prototype.hasOwnProperty(t) ||
- ((r = 'symbol' == typeof t ? Symbol() : '__' + t),
- void 0 !== (r = this.getPropertyDescriptor(t, r, e)) &&
- Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, t, r));
- }
- static getPropertyDescriptor(r, i, t) {
- return {
- get() {
- return this[i];
- },
- set(t) {
- var e = this[r];
- (this[i] = t), this._requestUpdate(r, e);
- },
- configurable: !0,
- enumerable: !0,
- };
- }
- static getPropertyOptions(t) {
- return (
- (this._classProperties && this._classProperties.get(t)) ||
- defaultPropertyDeclaration
- );
- }
- static finalize() {
- const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
- if (
- (t.hasOwnProperty(finalized) || t.finalize(),
- (this[finalized] = !0),
- this._ensureClassProperties(),
- (this._attributeToPropertyMap = new Map()),
- this.hasOwnProperty(JSCompiler_renameProperty('properties', this)))
- ) {
- const t = this.properties,
- e = [
- ...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t),
- ...('function' == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
- ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t)
- : []),
- ];
- for (const r of e) this.createProperty(r, t[r]);
- }
- }
- static _attributeNameForProperty(t, e) {
- e = e.attribute;
- return !1 === e
- ? void 0
- : 'string' == typeof e
- ? e
- : 'string' == typeof t
- ? t.toLowerCase()
- : void 0;
- }
- static _valueHasChanged(t, e, r = notEqual) {
- return r(t, e);
- }
- static _propertyValueFromAttribute(t, e) {
- var r = e.type,
- e = e.converter || defaultConverter,
- e = 'function' == typeof e ? e : e.fromAttribute;
- return e ? e(t, r) : t;
- }
- static _propertyValueToAttribute(t, e) {
- var r;
- if (void 0 !== e.reflect)
- return (
- (r = e.type),
- (
- ((e = e.converter) && e.toAttribute) ||
- defaultConverter.toAttribute
- )(t, r)
- );
- }
- initialize() {
- this._saveInstanceProperties(), this._requestUpdate();
- }
- _saveInstanceProperties() {
- this.constructor._classProperties.forEach((t, e) => {
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
- const t = this[e];
- delete this[e],
- this._instanceProperties || (this._instanceProperties = new Map()),
- this._instanceProperties.set(e, t);
- }
- });
- }
- _applyInstanceProperties() {
- this._instanceProperties.forEach((t, e) => (this[e] = t)),
- (this._instanceProperties = void 0);
- }
- connectedCallback() {
- this.enableUpdating();
- }
- enableUpdating() {
- void 0 !== this._enableUpdatingResolver &&
- (this._enableUpdatingResolver(),
- (this._enableUpdatingResolver = void 0));
- }
- disconnectedCallback() {}
- attributeChangedCallback(t, e, r) {
- e !== r && this._attributeToProperty(t, r);
- }
- _propertyToAttribute(t, e, r = defaultPropertyDeclaration) {
- var i = this.constructor,
- s = i._attributeNameForProperty(t, r);
- if (void 0 !== s) {
- const t = i._propertyValueToAttribute(e, r);
- void 0 !== t &&
- ((this._updateState =
- null == t ? this.removeAttribute(s) : this.setAttribute(s, t),
- (this._updateState =
- this._updateState & ~STATE_IS_REFLECTING_TO_ATTRIBUTE));
- }
- }
- _attributeToProperty(t, e) {
- if (!(this._updateState & STATE_IS_REFLECTING_TO_ATTRIBUTE)) {
- var r = this.constructor,
- i = r._attributeToPropertyMap.get(t);
- if (void 0 !== i) {
- const t = r.getPropertyOptions(i);
- (this._updateState =
- (this[i] = r._propertyValueFromAttribute(e, t)),
- (this._updateState =
- this._updateState & ~STATE_IS_REFLECTING_TO_PROPERTY);
- }
- }
- }
- _requestUpdate(t, e) {
- let r = !0;
- var i, s;
- void 0 !== t &&
- ((s = (i = this.constructor).getPropertyOptions(t)),
- i._valueHasChanged(this[t], e, s.hasChanged)
- ? (this._changedProperties.has(t) ||
- this._changedProperties.set(t, e),
- !0 !== s.reflect ||
- this._updateState & STATE_IS_REFLECTING_TO_PROPERTY ||
- (void 0 === this._reflectingProperties &&
- (this._reflectingProperties = new Map()),
- this._reflectingProperties.set(t, s)))
- : (r = !1)),
- !this._hasRequestedUpdate &&
- r &&
- (this._updatePromise = this._enqueueUpdate());
- }
- requestUpdate(t, e) {
- return this._requestUpdate(t, e), this.updateComplete;
- }
- async _enqueueUpdate() {
- this._updateState = this._updateState | STATE_UPDATE_REQUESTED;
- try {
- await this._updatePromise;
- } catch (t) {}
- var t = this.performUpdate();
- return null != t && (await t), !this._hasRequestedUpdate;
- }
- get _hasRequestedUpdate() {
- return this._updateState & STATE_UPDATE_REQUESTED;
- }
- get hasUpdated() {
- return this._updateState & STATE_HAS_UPDATED;
- }
- performUpdate() {
- this._instanceProperties && this._applyInstanceProperties();
- let t = !1;
- var e = this._changedProperties;
- try {
- (t = this.shouldUpdate(e)) ? this.update(e) : this._markUpdated();
- } catch (e) {
- throw ((t = !1), this._markUpdated(), e);
- }
- t &&
- (this._updateState & STATE_HAS_UPDATED ||
- ((this._updateState = this._updateState | STATE_HAS_UPDATED),
- this.firstUpdated(e)),
- this.updated(e));
- }
- _markUpdated() {
- (this._changedProperties = new Map()),
- (this._updateState = this._updateState & ~STATE_UPDATE_REQUESTED);
- }
- get updateComplete() {
- return this._getUpdateComplete();
- }
- _getUpdateComplete() {
- return this._updatePromise;
- }
- shouldUpdate(t) {
- return !0;
- }
- update(t) {
- void 0 !== this._reflectingProperties &&
- 0 < this._reflectingProperties.size &&
- (this._reflectingProperties.forEach((t, e) =>
- this._propertyToAttribute(e, this[e], t)
- ),
- (this._reflectingProperties = void 0)),
- this._markUpdated();
- }
- updated(t) {}
- firstUpdated(t) {}
- }
- (_a = finalized), (UpdatingElement[_a] = !0);
- const legacyCustomElement = (t, e) => (window.customElements.define(t, e), e),
- standardCustomElement = (e, t) => {
- var { kind: t, elements: r } = t;
- return {
- kind: t,
- elements: r,
- finisher(t) {
- window.customElements.define(e, t);
- },
- };
- },
- customElement = (e) => (t) =>
- ('function' == typeof t ? legacyCustomElement : standardCustomElement)(
- e,
- t
- ),
- standardProperty = (e, r) =>
- 'method' !== r.kind || !r.descriptor || 'value' in r.descriptor
- ? {
- kind: 'field',
- key: Symbol(),
- placement: 'own',
- descriptor: {},
- initializer() {
- 'function' == typeof r.initializer &&
- (this[r.key] = r.initializer.call(this));
- },
- finisher(t) {
- t.createProperty(r.key, e);
- },
- }
- : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), {
- finisher(t) {
- t.createProperty(r.key, e);
- },
- }),
- legacyProperty = (t, e, r) => {
- e.constructor.createProperty(r, t);
- };
- function property(r) {
- return (t, e) =>
- void 0 !== e ? legacyProperty(r, t, e) : standardProperty(r, t);
- }
- function query(i) {
- return (t, e) => {
- var r = {
- get() {
- return this.renderRoot.querySelector(i);
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0,
- };
- return void 0 !== e ? legacyQuery(r, t, e) : standardQuery(r, t);
- };
- }
- const legacyQuery = (t, e, r) => {
- Object.defineProperty(e, r, t);
- },
- standardQuery = (t, e) => ({
- kind: 'method',
- placement: 'prototype',
- key: e.key,
- descriptor: t,
- }),
- supportsAdoptingStyleSheets =
- 'adoptedStyleSheets' in Document.prototype &&
- 'replace' in CSSStyleSheet.prototype,
- constructionToken = Symbol();
- class CSSResult {
- constructor(t, e) {
- if (e !== constructionToken)
- throw new Error(
- 'CSSResult is not constructable. Use `unsafeCSS` or `css` instead.'
- );
- this.cssText = t;
- }
- get styleSheet() {
- return (
- void 0 === this._styleSheet &&
- (supportsAdoptingStyleSheets
- ? ((this._styleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet()),
- this._styleSheet.replaceSync(this.cssText))
- : (this._styleSheet = null)),
- this._styleSheet
- );
- }
- toString() {
- return this.cssText;
- }
- }
- const textFromCSSResult = (t) => {
- if (t instanceof CSSResult) return t.cssText;
- if ('number' == typeof t) return t;
- throw new Error(`Value passed to 'css' function must be a 'css' function result: ${t}. Use 'unsafeCSS' to pass non-literal values, but
- take care to ensure page security.`);
- },
- css = (i, ...t) => {
- t = t.reduce((t, e, r) => t + textFromCSSResult(e) + i[r + 1], i[0]);
- return new CSSResult(t, constructionToken);
- },
- renderNotImplemented =
- ((window.litElementVersions || (window.litElementVersions = [])).push(
- '2.3.1'
- ),
- {});
- class LitElement extends UpdatingElement {
- static getStyles() {
- return this.styles;
- }
- static _getUniqueStyles() {
- if (!this.hasOwnProperty(JSCompiler_renameProperty('_styles', this))) {
- var t = this.getStyles();
- if (void 0 === t) this._styles = [];
- else if (Array.isArray(t)) {
- const r = (t, e) =>
- t.reduceRight(
- (t, e) => (Array.isArray(e) ? r(e, t) : (t.add(e), t)),
- e
- ),
- e = r(t, new Set()),
- i = [];
- e.forEach((t) => i.unshift(t)), (this._styles = i);
- } else this._styles = [t];
- }
- }
- initialize() {
- super.initialize(),
- this.constructor._getUniqueStyles(),
- (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()),
- window.ShadowRoot &&
- this.renderRoot instanceof window.ShadowRoot &&
- this.adoptStyles();
- }
- createRenderRoot() {
- return this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
- }
- adoptStyles() {
- var t = this.constructor._styles;
- 0 !== t.length &&
- (void 0 === window.ShadyCSS || window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow
- ? supportsAdoptingStyleSheets
- ? (this.renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = t.map((t) => t.styleSheet))
- : (this._needsShimAdoptedStyleSheets = !0)
- : window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.prepareAdoptedCssText(
- t.map((t) => t.cssText),
- this.localName
- ));
- }
- connectedCallback() {
- super.connectedCallback(),
- this.hasUpdated &&
- void 0 !== window.ShadyCSS &&
- window.ShadyCSS.styleElement(this);
- }
- update(t) {
- var e = this.render();
- super.update(t),
- e !== renderNotImplemented &&
- this.constructor.render(e, this.renderRoot, {
- scopeName: this.localName,
- eventContext: this,
- }),
- this._needsShimAdoptedStyleSheets &&
- ((this._needsShimAdoptedStyleSheets = !1),
- this.constructor._styles.forEach((t) => {
- var e = document.createElement('style');
- (e.textContent = t.cssText), this.renderRoot.appendChild(e);
- }));
- }
- render() {
- return renderNotImplemented;
- }
- }
- (LitElement.finalized = !0), (LitElement.render = render$1);
- var commonjsGlobal =
- 'undefined' != typeof globalThis
- ? globalThis
- : 'undefined' != typeof window
- ? window
- : 'undefined' != typeof global
- ? global
- : 'undefined' != typeof self
- ? self
- : {};
- function createCommonjsModule(t, e, r) {
- return (
- t(
- (r = {
- path: e,
- exports: {},
- require: function (t, e) {
- return commonjsRequire(t, null == e ? r.path : e);
- },
- }),
- r.exports
- ),
- r.exports
- );
- }
- function commonjsRequire() {
- throw new Error(
- 'Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs'
- );
- }
- var lottie_svg = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
- 'undefined' != typeof navigator &&
- (function (t, e) {
- module.exports
- ? (module.exports = e(t))
- : ((t.lottie = e(t)), (t.bodymovin = t.lottie));
- })(window || {}, function (window) {
- var svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
- locationHref = '',
- initialDefaultFrame = -999999,
- subframeEnabled = !0,
- expressionsPlugin,
- isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(
- navigator.userAgent
- ),
- bm_pow = Math.pow,
- bm_sqrt = Math.sqrt,
- bm_floor = Math.floor,
- bm_min = Math.min,
- BMMath = {};
- function ProjectInterface() {
- return {};
- }
- !(function () {
- for (
- var t = [
- 'abs',
- 'acos',
- 'acosh',
- 'asin',
- 'asinh',
- 'atan',
- 'atanh',
- 'atan2',
- 'ceil',
- 'cbrt',
- 'expm1',
- 'clz32',
- 'cos',
- 'cosh',
- 'exp',
- 'floor',
- 'fround',
- 'hypot',
- 'imul',
- 'log',
- 'log1p',
- 'log2',
- 'log10',
- 'max',
- 'min',
- 'pow',
- 'random',
- 'round',
- 'sign',
- 'sin',
- 'sinh',
- 'sqrt',
- 'tan',
- 'tanh',
- 'trunc',
- 'E',
- 'LN10',
- 'LN2',
- 'LOG10E',
- 'LOG2E',
- 'PI',
- 'SQRT1_2',
- 'SQRT2',
- ],
- e = t.length,
- r = 0;
- r < e;
- r += 1
- )
- BMMath[t[r]] = Math[t[r]];
- })(),
- (BMMath.random = Math.random),
- (BMMath.abs = function (t) {
- if ('object' == typeof t && t.length) {
- for (
- var e = createSizedArray(t.length), r = t.length, i = 0;
- i < r;
- i += 1
- )
- e[i] = Math.abs(t[i]);
- return e;
- }
- return Math.abs(t);
- });
- var defaultCurveSegments = 150,
- degToRads = Math.PI / 180,
- roundCorner = 0.5519;
- function BMEnterFrameEvent(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.type = t),
- (this.currentTime = e),
- (this.totalTime = r),
- (this.direction = i < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- }
- function BMCompleteEvent(t, e) {
- (this.type = t), (this.direction = e < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- }
- function BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.type = t),
- (this.currentLoop = r),
- (this.totalLoops = e),
- (this.direction = i < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- }
- function BMSegmentStartEvent(t, e, r) {
- (this.type = t), (this.firstFrame = e), (this.totalFrames = r);
- }
- function BMDestroyEvent(t, e) {
- (this.type = t), (this.target = e);
- }
- function BMRenderFrameErrorEvent(t, e) {
- (this.type = 'renderFrameError'),
- (this.nativeError = t),
- (this.currentTime = e);
- }
- function BMConfigErrorEvent(t) {
- (this.type = 'configError'), (this.nativeError = t);
- }
- var createElementID =
- ((_count = 0),
- function () {
- return '__lottie_element_' + ++_count;
- }),
- _count;
- function HSVtoRGB(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = r * (1 - e),
- h = r * (1 - (a = 6 * t - (t = Math.floor(6 * t))) * e),
- l = r * (1 - (1 - a) * e);
- switch (t % 6) {
- case 0:
- (i = r), (s = l), (n = o);
- break;
- case 1:
- (i = h), (s = r), (n = o);
- break;
- case 2:
- (i = o), (s = r), (n = l);
- break;
- case 3:
- (i = o), (s = h), (n = r);
- break;
- case 4:
- (i = l), (s = o), (n = r);
- break;
- case 5:
- (i = r), (s = o), (n = h);
- }
- return [i, s, n];
- }
- function RGBtoHSV(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s = Math.max(t, e, r),
- n = Math.min(t, e, r),
- a = s - n,
- o = 0 === s ? 0 : a / s,
- h = s / 255;
- switch (s) {
- case n:
- i = 0;
- break;
- case t:
- (i = e - r + a * (e < r ? 6 : 0)), (i /= 6 * a);
- break;
- case e:
- (i = r - t + 2 * a), (i /= 6 * a);
- break;
- case r:
- (i = t - e + 4 * a), (i /= 6 * a);
- }
- return [i, o, h];
- }
- function addSaturationToRGB(t, e) {
- t = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);
- return (
- (t[1] += e),
- 1 < t[1] ? (t[1] = 1) : t[1] <= 0 && (t[1] = 0),
- HSVtoRGB(t[0], t[1], t[2])
- );
- }
- function addBrightnessToRGB(t, e) {
- t = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);
- return (
- (t[2] += e),
- 1 < t[2] ? (t[2] = 1) : t[2] < 0 && (t[2] = 0),
- HSVtoRGB(t[0], t[1], t[2])
- );
- }
- function addHueToRGB(t, e) {
- t = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);
- return (
- (t[0] += e / 360),
- 1 < t[0] ? --t[0] : t[0] < 0 && (t[0] += 1),
- HSVtoRGB(t[0], t[1], t[2])
- );
- }
- var rgbToHex = (function () {
- for (var t, i = [], e = 0; e < 256; e += 1)
- (t = e.toString(16)), (i[e] = 1 == t.length ? '0' + t : t);
- return function (t, e, r) {
- return (
- '#' +
- i[(t = t < 0 ? 0 : t)] +
- i[(e = e < 0 ? 0 : e)] +
- i[(r = r < 0 ? 0 : r)]
- );
- };
- })();
- function BaseEvent() {}
- BaseEvent.prototype = {
- triggerEvent: function (t, e) {
- if (this._cbs[t])
- for (var r = this._cbs[t].length, i = 0; i < r; i++)
- this._cbs[t][i](e);
- },
- addEventListener: function (t, e) {
- return (
- this._cbs[t] || (this._cbs[t] = []),
- this._cbs[t].push(e),
- function () {
- this.removeEventListener(t, e);
- }.bind(this)
- );
- },
- removeEventListener: function (t, e) {
- if (e) {
- if (this._cbs[t]) {
- for (var r = 0, i = this._cbs[t].length; r < i; )
- this._cbs[t][r] === e &&
- (this._cbs[t].splice(r, 1), --r, --i),
- (r += 1);
- this._cbs[t].length || (this._cbs[t] = null);
- }
- } else this._cbs[t] = null;
- },
- };
- var createTypedArray =
- 'function' == typeof Uint8ClampedArray &&
- 'function' == typeof Float32Array
- ? function (t, e) {
- return 'float32' === t
- ? new Float32Array(e)
- : 'int16' === t
- ? new Int16Array(e)
- : 'uint8c' === t
- ? new Uint8ClampedArray(e)
- : void 0;
- }
- : function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i = 0,
- s = [];
- switch (t) {
- case 'int16':
- case 'uint8c':
- r = 1;
- break;
- default:
- r = 1.1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < e; i += 1) s.push(r);
- return s;
- };
- function createSizedArray(t) {
- return Array.apply(null, { length: t });
- }
- function createNS(t) {
- return document.createElementNS(svgNS, t);
- }
- function createTag(t) {
- return document.createElement(t);
- }
- function DynamicPropertyContainer() {}
- DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype = {
- addDynamicProperty: function (t) {
- -1 === this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) &&
- (this.dynamicProperties.push(t),
- this.container.addDynamicProperty(this),
- (this._isAnimated = !0));
- },
- iterateDynamicProperties: function () {
- this._mdf = !1;
- for (var t = this.dynamicProperties.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(),
- this.dynamicProperties[e]._mdf && (this._mdf = !0);
- },
- initDynamicPropertyContainer: function (t) {
- (this.container = t),
- (this.dynamicProperties = []),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this._isAnimated = !1);
- },
- };
- var getBlendMode =
- ((blendModeEnums = {
- 0: 'source-over',
- 1: 'multiply',
- 2: 'screen',
- 3: 'overlay',
- 4: 'darken',
- 5: 'lighten',
- 6: 'color-dodge',
- 7: 'color-burn',
- 8: 'hard-light',
- 9: 'soft-light',
- 10: 'difference',
- 11: 'exclusion',
- 12: 'hue',
- 13: 'saturation',
- 14: 'color',
- 15: 'luminosity',
- }),
- function (t) {
- return blendModeEnums[t] || '';
- }),
- blendModeEnums,
- Matrix = (function () {
- var i = Math.cos,
- s = Math.sin,
- n = Math.tan,
- a = Math.round;
- function t() {
- return (
- (this.props[0] = 1),
- (this.props[1] = 0),
- (this.props[2] = 0),
- (this.props[3] = 0),
- (this.props[4] = 0),
- (this.props[5] = 1),
- (this.props[6] = 0),
- (this.props[7] = 0),
- (this.props[8] = 0),
- (this.props[9] = 0),
- (this.props[10] = 1),
- (this.props[11] = 0),
- (this.props[12] = 0),
- (this.props[13] = 0),
- (this.props[14] = 0),
- (this.props[15] = 1),
- this
- );
- }
- function e(t) {
- var e;
- return 0 === t
- ? this
- : ((e = i(t)),
- (t = s(t)),
- this._t(e, -t, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
- }
- function r(t) {
- var e;
- return 0 === t
- ? this
- : ((e = i(t)),
- (t = s(t)),
- this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, -t, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
- }
- function o(t) {
- var e;
- return 0 === t
- ? this
- : ((e = i(t)),
- (t = s(t)),
- this._t(e, 0, t, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -t, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
- }
- function h(t) {
- var e;
- return 0 === t
- ? this
- : ((e = i(t)),
- (t = s(t)),
- this._t(e, -t, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
- }
- function l(t, e) {
- return this._t(1, e, t, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- function p(t, e) {
- return this.shear(n(t), n(e));
- }
- function c(t, e) {
- var r = i(e),
- e = s(e);
- return this._t(r, e, 0, 0, -e, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
- ._t(1, 0, 0, 0, n(t), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
- ._t(r, -e, 0, 0, e, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- function f(t, e, r) {
- return (
- r || 0 === r || (r = 1),
- 1 === t && 1 === e && 1 === r
- ? this
- : this._t(t, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
- );
- }
- function d(t, e, r, i, s, n, a, o, h, l, p, c, f, d, u, m) {
- return (
- (this.props[0] = t),
- (this.props[1] = e),
- (this.props[2] = r),
- (this.props[3] = i),
- (this.props[4] = s),
- (this.props[5] = n),
- (this.props[6] = a),
- (this.props[7] = o),
- (this.props[8] = h),
- (this.props[9] = l),
- (this.props[10] = p),
- (this.props[11] = c),
- (this.props[12] = f),
- (this.props[13] = d),
- (this.props[14] = u),
- (this.props[15] = m),
- this
- );
- }
- function u(t, e, r) {
- return (
- (r = r || 0),
- 0 !== t || 0 !== e || 0 !== r
- ? this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t, e, r, 1)
- : this
- );
- }
- function m(t, e, r, i, s, n, a, o, h, l, p, c, f, d, u, m) {
- var y,
- g,
- v,
- _,
- b,
- S,
- P,
- x,
- k,
- E,
- w,
- A,
- T,
- C,
- I,
- F,
- M = this.props;
- return (
- 1 === t &&
- 0 === e &&
- 0 === r &&
- 0 === i &&
- 0 === s &&
- 1 === n &&
- 0 === a &&
- 0 === o &&
- 0 === h &&
- 0 === l &&
- 1 === p &&
- 0 === c
- ? ((M[12] = M[12] * t + M[15] * f),
- (M[13] = M[13] * n + M[15] * d),
- (M[14] = M[14] * p + M[15] * u),
- (M[15] = M[15] * m),
- (this._identityCalculated = !1))
- : ((y = M[0]),
- (g = M[1]),
- (v = M[2]),
- (_ = M[3]),
- (b = M[4]),
- (S = M[5]),
- (P = M[6]),
- (x = M[7]),
- (k = M[8]),
- (E = M[9]),
- (w = M[10]),
- (A = M[11]),
- (T = M[12]),
- (C = M[13]),
- (I = M[14]),
- (F = M[15]),
- (M[0] = y * t + g * s + v * h + _ * f),
- (M[1] = y * e + g * n + v * l + _ * d),
- (M[2] = y * r + g * a + v * p + _ * u),
- (M[3] = y * i + g * o + v * c + _ * m),
- (M[4] = b * t + S * s + P * h + x * f),
- (M[5] = b * e + S * n + P * l + x * d),
- (M[6] = b * r + S * a + P * p + x * u),
- (M[7] = b * i + S * o + P * c + x * m),
- (M[8] = k * t + E * s + w * h + A * f),
- (M[9] = k * e + E * n + w * l + A * d),
- (M[10] = k * r + E * a + w * p + A * u),
- (M[11] = k * i + E * o + w * c + A * m),
- (M[12] = T * t + C * s + I * h + F * f),
- (M[13] = T * e + C * n + I * l + F * d),
- (M[14] = T * r + C * a + I * p + F * u),
- (M[15] = T * i + C * o + I * c + F * m),
- (this._identityCalculated = !1)),
- this
- );
- }
- function y() {
- return (
- this._identityCalculated ||
- ((this._identity = !(
- 1 !== this.props[0] ||
- 0 !== this.props[1] ||
- 0 !== this.props[2] ||
- 0 !== this.props[3] ||
- 0 !== this.props[4] ||
- 1 !== this.props[5] ||
- 0 !== this.props[6] ||
- 0 !== this.props[7] ||
- 0 !== this.props[8] ||
- 0 !== this.props[9] ||
- 1 !== this.props[10] ||
- 0 !== this.props[11] ||
- 0 !== this.props[12] ||
- 0 !== this.props[13] ||
- 0 !== this.props[14] ||
- 1 !== this.props[15]
- )),
- (this._identityCalculated = !0)),
- this._identity
- );
- }
- function g(t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < 16; ) {
- if (t.props[e] !== this.props[e]) return !1;
- e += 1;
- }
- return !0;
- }
- function v(t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) t.props[e] = this.props[e];
- }
- function _(t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) this.props[e] = t[e];
- }
- function b(t, e, r) {
- return {
- x:
- t * this.props[0] +
- e * this.props[4] +
- r * this.props[8] +
- this.props[12],
- y:
- t * this.props[1] +
- e * this.props[5] +
- r * this.props[9] +
- this.props[13],
- z:
- t * this.props[2] +
- e * this.props[6] +
- r * this.props[10] +
- this.props[14],
- };
- }
- function S(t, e, r) {
- return (
- t * this.props[0] +
- e * this.props[4] +
- r * this.props[8] +
- this.props[12]
- );
- }
- function P(t, e, r) {
- return (
- t * this.props[1] +
- e * this.props[5] +
- r * this.props[9] +
- this.props[13]
- );
- }
- function x(t, e, r) {
- return (
- t * this.props[2] +
- e * this.props[6] +
- r * this.props[10] +
- this.props[14]
- );
- }
- function k() {
- var t =
- this.props[0] * this.props[5] -
- this.props[1] * this.props[4],
- e = this.props[5] / t,
- r = -this.props[1] / t,
- i = -this.props[4] / t,
- s = this.props[0] / t,
- n =
- (this.props[4] * this.props[13] -
- this.props[5] * this.props[12]) /
- t,
- t =
- -(
- this.props[0] * this.props[13] -
- this.props[1] * this.props[12]
- ) / t,
- a = new Matrix();
- return (
- (a.props[0] = e),
- (a.props[1] = r),
- (a.props[4] = i),
- (a.props[5] = s),
- (a.props[12] = n),
- (a.props[13] = t),
- a
- );
- }
- function E(t) {
- return this.getInverseMatrix().applyToPointArray(
- t[0],
- t[1],
- t[2] || 0
- );
- }
- function w(t) {
- for (var e = t.length, r = [], i = 0; i < e; i += 1)
- r[i] = E(t[i]);
- return r;
- }
- function A(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l = createTypedArray('float32', 6);
- return (
- this.isIdentity()
- ? ((l[0] = t[0]),
- (l[1] = t[1]),
- (l[2] = e[0]),
- (l[3] = e[1]),
- (l[4] = r[0]),
- (l[5] = r[1]))
- : ((i = this.props[0]),
- (s = this.props[1]),
- (n = this.props[4]),
- (a = this.props[5]),
- (o = this.props[12]),
- (h = this.props[13]),
- (l[0] = t[0] * i + t[1] * n + o),
- (l[1] = t[0] * s + t[1] * a + h),
- (l[2] = e[0] * i + e[1] * n + o),
- (l[3] = e[0] * s + e[1] * a + h),
- (l[4] = r[0] * i + r[1] * n + o),
- (l[5] = r[0] * s + r[1] * a + h)),
- l
- );
- }
- function T(t, e, r) {
- return this.isIdentity()
- ? [t, e, r]
- : [
- t * this.props[0] +
- e * this.props[4] +
- r * this.props[8] +
- this.props[12],
- t * this.props[1] +
- e * this.props[5] +
- r * this.props[9] +
- this.props[13],
- t * this.props[2] +
- e * this.props[6] +
- r * this.props[10] +
- this.props[14],
- ];
- }
- function C(t, e) {
- var r;
- return this.isIdentity()
- ? t + ',' + e
- : ((r = this.props),
- Math.round(100 * (t * r[0] + e * r[4] + r[12])) / 100 +
- ',' +
- Math.round(100 * (t * r[1] + e * r[5] + r[13])) / 100);
- }
- function I() {
- for (var t = 0, e = this.props, r = 'matrix3d('; t < 16; )
- (r = r + a(1e4 * e[t]) / 1e4 + (15 === t ? ')' : ',')),
- (t += 1);
- return r;
- }
- function F(t) {
- return (t < 1e-6 && 0 < t) || (-1e-6 < t && t < 0)
- ? a(1e4 * t) / 1e4
- : t;
- }
- function M() {
- var t = this.props;
- return (
- 'matrix(' +
- F(t[0]) +
- ',' +
- F(t[1]) +
- ',' +
- F(t[4]) +
- ',' +
- F(t[5]) +
- ',' +
- F(t[12]) +
- ',' +
- F(t[13]) +
- ')'
- );
- }
- return function () {
- (this.reset = t),
- (this.rotate = e),
- (this.rotateX = r),
- (this.rotateY = o),
- (this.rotateZ = h),
- (this.skew = p),
- (this.skewFromAxis = c),
- (this.shear = l),
- (this.scale = f),
- (this.setTransform = d),
- (this.translate = u),
- (this.transform = m),
- (this.applyToPoint = b),
- (this.applyToX = S),
- (this.applyToY = P),
- (this.applyToZ = x),
- (this.applyToPointArray = T),
- (this.applyToTriplePoints = A),
- (this.applyToPointStringified = C),
- (this.toCSS = I),
- (this.to2dCSS = M),
- (this.clone = v),
- (this.cloneFromProps = _),
- (this.equals = g),
- (this.inversePoints = w),
- (this.inversePoint = E),
- (this.getInverseMatrix = k),
- (this._t = this.transform),
- (this.isIdentity = y),
- (this._identity = !0),
- (this._identityCalculated = !1),
- (this.props = createTypedArray('float32', 16)),
- this.reset();
- };
- })(),
- BezierFactory =
- (!(function (a, o) {
- var h = this,
- l = o.pow(256, 6),
- p = o.pow(2, 52),
- c = 2 * p;
- function f(t) {
- var e,
- r = t.length,
- a = this,
- i = 0,
- s = (a.i = a.j = 0),
- n = (a.S = []);
- for (r || (t = [r++]); i < 256; ) n[i] = i++;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- (n[i] = n[(s = 255 & (s + t[i % r] + (e = n[i])))]),
- (n[s] = e);
- a.g = function (t) {
- for (var e, r = 0, i = a.i, s = a.j, n = a.S; t--; )
- (e = n[(i = 255 & (i + 1))]),
- (r =
- 256 * r +
- n[
- 255 & ((n[i] = n[(s = 255 & (s + e))]) + (n[s] = e))
- ]);
- return (a.i = i), (a.j = s), r;
- };
- }
- function d(t, e) {
- return (e.i = t.i), (e.j = t.j), (e.S = t.S.slice()), e;
- }
- function u(t, e) {
- for (var r, i = t + '', s = 0; s < i.length; )
- e[255 & s] =
- 255 & ((r ^= 19 * e[255 & s]) + i.charCodeAt(s++));
- return m(e);
- }
- function m(t) {
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(0, t);
- }
- (o.seedrandom = function (t, e, r) {
- function i() {
- for (var t = n.g(6), e = l, r = 0; t < p; )
- (t = 256 * (t + r)), (e *= 256), (r = n.g(1));
- for (; c <= t; ) (t /= 2), (e /= 2), (r >>>= 1);
- return (t + r) / e;
- }
- var s = [],
- t = u(
- (function t(e, r) {
- var i,
- s = [],
- n = typeof e;
- if (r && 'object' == n)
- for (i in e)
- try {
- s.push(t(e[i], r - 1));
- } catch (t) {}
- return s.length ? s : 'string' == n ? e : e + '\0';
- })(
- (e = !0 === e ? { entropy: !0 } : e || {}).entropy
- ? [t, m(a)]
- : null === t
- ? (function () {
- try {
- var t = new Uint8Array(256);
- return (
- (h.crypto || h.msCrypto).getRandomValues(t),
- m(t)
- );
- } catch (t) {
- var e = h.navigator,
- e = e && e.plugins;
- return [+new Date(), h, e, h.screen, m(a)];
- }
- })()
- : t,
- 3
- ),
- s
- ),
- n = new f(s);
- return (
- (i.int32 = function () {
- return 0 | n.g(4);
- }),
- (i.quick = function () {
- return n.g(4) / 4294967296;
- }),
- (i.double = i),
- u(m(n.S), a),
- (
- e.pass ||
- r ||
- function (t, e, r, i) {
- return (
- i &&
- (i.S && d(i, n),
- (t.state = function () {
- return d(n, {});
- })),
- r ? ((o.random = t), e) : t
- );
- }
- )(i, t, 'global' in e ? e.global : this == o, e.state)
- );
- }),
- u(o.random(), a);
- })([], BMMath),
- (function () {
- var t = {
- getBezierEasing: function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- s =
- s ||
- ('bez_' + t + '_' + e + '_' + r + '_' + i).replace(
- /\./g,
- 'p'
- );
- return n[s] || ((t = new a([t, e, r, i])), (n[s] = t));
- },
- },
- n = {},
- e = 'function' == typeof Float32Array;
- function i(t, e) {
- return 1 - 3 * e + 3 * t;
- }
- function P(t, e, r) {
- return ((i(e, r) * t + (3 * r - 6 * e)) * t + 3 * e) * t;
- }
- function x(t, e, r) {
- return 3 * i(e, r) * t * t + 2 * (3 * r - 6 * e) * t + 3 * e;
- }
- function a(t) {
- (this._p = t),
- (this._mSampleValues = new (e ? Float32Array : Array)(11)),
- (this._precomputed = !1),
- (this.get = this.get.bind(this));
- }
- return (
- (a.prototype = {
- get: function (t) {
- var e = this._p[0],
- r = this._p[1],
- i = this._p[2],
- s = this._p[3];
- return (
- this._precomputed || this._precompute(),
- e === r && i === s
- ? t
- : 0 === t
- ? 0
- : 1 === t
- ? 1
- : P(this._getTForX(t), r, s)
- );
- },
- _precompute: function () {
- var t = this._p[0],
- e = this._p[1],
- r = this._p[2],
- i = this._p[3];
- (this._precomputed = !0),
- (t === e && r === i) || this._calcSampleValues();
- },
- _calcSampleValues: function () {
- for (
- var t = this._p[0], e = this._p[2], r = 0;
- r < 11;
- ++r
- )
- this._mSampleValues[r] = P(0.1 * r, t, e);
- },
- _getTForX: function (t) {
- for (
- var e = this._p[0],
- r = this._p[2],
- i = this._mSampleValues,
- s = 0,
- n = 1;
- 10 !== n && i[n] <= t;
- ++n
- )
- s += 0.1;
- var a = s + ((t - i[--n]) / (i[n + 1] - i[n])) * 0.1,
- o = x(a, e, r);
- if (0.001 <= o) {
- for (
- var h = t, l = a, p = e, c = r, f = 0;
- f < 4;
- ++f
- ) {
- var d = x(l, p, c);
- if (0 === d) return l;
- l -= (P(l, p, c) - h) / d;
- }
- return l;
- }
- if (0 === o) return a;
- for (
- var u,
- m,
- y = t,
- g = s,
- v = s + 0.1,
- _ = e,
- b = r,
- S = 0;
- 0 < (u = P((m = g + (v - g) / 2), _, b) - y)
- ? (v = m)
- : (g = m),
- 1e-7 < Math.abs(u) && ++S < 10;
- );
- return m;
- },
- }),
- t
- );
- })());
- function extendPrototype(t, e) {
- for (var r, i = t.length, s = 0; s < i; s += 1)
- for (var n in (r = t[s].prototype))
- r.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e.prototype[n] = r[n]);
- }
- function getDescriptor(t, e) {
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
- }
- function createProxyFunction(t) {
- function e() {}
- return (e.prototype = t), e;
- }
- function bezFunction() {
- function y(t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- s = t * i + e * s + r * n - s * i - n * t - r * e;
- return -0.001 < s && s < 0.001;
- }
- function p(t, e, r, i) {
- for (
- var s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h = defaultCurveSegments,
- l = 0,
- p = [],
- c = [],
- f = bezier_length_pool.newElement(),
- d = r.length,
- u = 0;
- u < h;
- u += 1
- ) {
- for (a = u / (h - 1), s = o = 0; s < d; s += 1)
- (n =
- bm_pow(1 - a, 3) * t[s] +
- 3 * bm_pow(1 - a, 2) * a * r[s] +
- 3 * (1 - a) * bm_pow(a, 2) * i[s] +
- bm_pow(a, 3) * e[s]),
- (p[s] = n),
- null !== c[s] && (o += bm_pow(p[s] - c[s], 2)),
- (c[s] = p[s]);
- o && (l += o = bm_sqrt(o)),
- (f.percents[u] = a),
- (f.lengths[u] = l);
- }
- return (f.addedLength = l), f;
- }
- function g(t) {
- (this.segmentLength = 0), (this.points = new Array(t));
- }
- function v(t, e) {
- (this.partialLength = t), (this.point = e);
- }
- var _;
- _ = {};
- function w(t, e) {
- var r = e.percents,
- i = e.lengths,
- s = r.length,
- n = bm_floor((s - 1) * t),
- a = t * e.addedLength,
- o = 0;
- if (n === s - 1 || 0 === n || a === i[n]) return r[n];
- for (var h = i[n] > a ? -1 : 1, l = !0; l; )
- if (
- (i[n] <= a && i[n + 1] > a
- ? ((o = (a - i[n]) / (i[n + 1] - i[n])), (l = !1))
- : (n += h),
- n < 0 || s - 1 <= n)
- ) {
- if (n === s - 1) return r[n];
- l = !1;
- }
- return r[n] + (r[n + 1] - r[n]) * o;
- }
- var A = createTypedArray('float32', 8);
- return {
- getSegmentsLength: function (t) {
- for (
- var e = segments_length_pool.newElement(),
- r = t.c,
- i = t.v,
- s = t.o,
- n = t.i,
- a = t._length,
- o = e.lengths,
- h = 0,
- l = 0;
- l < a - 1;
- l += 1
- )
- (o[l] = p(i[l], i[l + 1], s[l], n[l + 1])),
- (h += o[l].addedLength);
- return (
- r &&
- a &&
- ((o[l] = p(i[l], i[0], s[l], n[0])),
- (h += o[l].addedLength)),
- (e.totalLength = h),
- e
- );
- },
- getNewSegment: function (t, e, r, i, s, n, a) {
- for (
- var s = w((s = s < 0 ? 0 : 1 < s ? 1 : s), a),
- n = w((n = 1 < n ? 1 : n), a),
- o = t.length,
- a = 1 - s,
- h = 1 - n,
- l = a * a * a,
- p = s * a * a * 3,
- c = s * s * a * 3,
- f = s * s * s,
- d = a * a * h,
- u = s * a * h + a * s * h + a * a * n,
- m = s * s * h + a * s * n + s * a * n,
- y = s * s * n,
- g = a * h * h,
- v = s * h * h + a * n * h + a * h * n,
- _ = s * n * h + a * n * n + s * h * n,
- b = s * n * n,
- S = h * h * h,
- P = n * h * h + h * n * h + h * h * n,
- x = n * n * h + h * n * n + n * h * n,
- k = n * n * n,
- E = 0;
- E < o;
- E += 1
- )
- (A[4 * E] =
- Math.round(
- 1e3 * (l * t[E] + p * r[E] + c * i[E] + f * e[E])
- ) / 1e3),
- (A[4 * E + 1] =
- Math.round(
- 1e3 * (d * t[E] + u * r[E] + m * i[E] + y * e[E])
- ) / 1e3),
- (A[4 * E + 2] =
- Math.round(
- 1e3 * (g * t[E] + v * r[E] + _ * i[E] + b * e[E])
- ) / 1e3),
- (A[4 * E + 3] =
- Math.round(
- 1e3 * (S * t[E] + P * r[E] + x * i[E] + k * e[E])
- ) / 1e3);
- return A;
- },
- getPointInSegment: function (t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- (s = w(s, n)), (n = 1 - s);
- return [
- Math.round(
- 1e3 *
- (n * n * n * t[0] +
- (s * n * n + n * s * n + n * n * s) * r[0] +
- (s * s * n + n * s * s + s * n * s) * i[0] +
- s * s * s * e[0])
- ) / 1e3,
- Math.round(
- 1e3 *
- (n * n * n * t[1] +
- (s * n * n + n * s * n + n * n * s) * r[1] +
- (s * s * n + n * s * s + s * n * s) * i[1] +
- s * s * s * e[1])
- ) / 1e3,
- ];
- },
- buildBezierData: function (t, e, r, i) {
- var s = (
- t[0] +
- '_' +
- t[1] +
- '_' +
- e[0] +
- '_' +
- e[1] +
- '_' +
- r[0] +
- '_' +
- r[1] +
- '_' +
- i[0] +
- '_' +
- i[1]
- ).replace(/\./g, 'p');
- if (!_[s]) {
- for (
- var n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p = defaultCurveSegments,
- c = 0,
- f = null,
- d = new g(
- (p =
- 2 === t.length &&
- (t[0] != e[0] || t[1] != e[1]) &&
- y(t[0], t[1], e[0], e[1], t[0] + r[0], t[1] + r[1]) &&
- y(t[0], t[1], e[0], e[1], e[0] + i[0], e[1] + i[1])
- ? 2
- : p)
- ),
- u = r.length,
- m = 0;
- m < p;
- m += 1
- ) {
- for (
- l = createSizedArray(u), o = m / (p - 1), n = h = 0;
- n < u;
- n += 1
- )
- (a =
- bm_pow(1 - o, 3) * t[n] +
- 3 * bm_pow(1 - o, 2) * o * (t[n] + r[n]) +
- 3 * (1 - o) * bm_pow(o, 2) * (e[n] + i[n]) +
- bm_pow(o, 3) * e[n]),
- (l[n] = a),
- null !== f && (h += bm_pow(l[n] - f[n], 2));
- (c += h = bm_sqrt(h)), (d.points[m] = new v(h, l)), (f = l);
- }
- (d.segmentLength = c), (_[s] = d);
- }
- return _[s];
- },
- pointOnLine2D: y,
- pointOnLine3D: function (t, e, r, i, s, n, a, o, h) {
- var l;
- return 0 === r && 0 === n && 0 === h
- ? y(t, e, i, s, a, o)
- : ((l = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(i - t, 2) +
- Math.pow(s - e, 2) +
- Math.pow(n - r, 2)
- )),
- (t = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(a - t, 2) +
- Math.pow(o - e, 2) +
- Math.pow(h - r, 2)
- )),
- (e = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(a - i, 2) +
- Math.pow(o - s, 2) +
- Math.pow(h - n, 2)
- )),
- -1e-4 <
- (r =
- t < l
- ? e < l
- ? l - t - e
- : e - t - l
- : t < e
- ? e - t - l
- : t - l - e) && r < 1e-4);
- },
- };
- }
- !(function () {
- for (
- var n = 0, t = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'], e = 0;
- e < t.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame;
- ++e
- )
- (window.requestAnimationFrame =
- window[t[e] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']),
- (window.cancelAnimationFrame =
- window[t[e] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] ||
- window[t[e] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']);
- window.requestAnimationFrame ||
- (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (t, e) {
- var r = new Date().getTime(),
- i = Math.max(0, 16 - (r - n)),
- s = setTimeout(function () {
- t(r + i);
- }, i);
- return (n = r + i), s;
- }),
- window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
- (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (t) {
- clearTimeout(t);
- });
- })();
- var bez = bezFunction();
- function dataFunctionManager() {
- function c(t, e, r) {
- for (var i, s, n, a = t.length, o = 0; o < a; o += 1)
- if ('ks' in (n = t[o]) && !n.completed) {
- if (
- ((n.completed = !0),
- n.tt && (t[o - 1].td = n.tt),
- n.hasMask)
- )
- for (
- var h = n.masksProperties, l = h.length, p = 0;
- p < l;
- p += 1
- )
- if (h[p].pt.k.i) f(h[p].pt.k);
- else
- for (s = h[p].pt.k.length, i = 0; i < s; i += 1)
- h[p].pt.k[i].s && f(h[p].pt.k[i].s[0]),
- h[p].pt.k[i].e && f(h[p].pt.k[i].e[0]);
- 0 === n.ty
- ? ((n.layers = (function (t, e) {
- for (var r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; ) {
- if (e[r].id === t)
- return e[r].layers.__used
- ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e[r].layers))
- : ((e[r].layers.__used = !0), e[r].layers);
- r += 1;
- }
- })(n.refId, e)),
- c(n.layers, e))
- : 4 === n.ty
- ? (function t(e) {
- var r, i, s;
- for (r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; --r)
- if ('sh' == e[r].ty)
- if (e[r].ks.k.i) f(e[r].ks.k);
- else
- for (s = e[r].ks.k.length, i = 0; i < s; i += 1)
- e[r].ks.k[i].s && f(e[r].ks.k[i].s[0]),
- e[r].ks.k[i].e && f(e[r].ks.k[i].e[0]);
- else 'gr' == e[r].ty && t(e[r].it);
- })(n.shapes)
- : 5 == n.ty &&
- (0 !== (n = n).t.a.length ||
- 'm' in n.t.p ||
- (n.singleShape = !0));
- }
- }
- function f(t) {
- for (var e = t.i.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- (t.i[r][0] += t.v[r][0]),
- (t.i[r][1] += t.v[r][1]),
- (t.o[r][0] += t.v[r][0]),
- (t.o[r][1] += t.v[r][1]);
- }
- function o(t, e) {
- e = e ? e.split('.') : [100, 100, 100];
- return (
- t[0] > e[0] ||
- (!(e[0] > t[0]) &&
- (t[1] > e[1] ||
- (!(e[1] > t[1]) && (t[2] > e[2] || (e[2], t[2], 0)))))
- );
- }
- function r(t) {
- if (t.chars && !o(h, t.v))
- for (var e, r, i, s, n = t.chars.length, a = 0; a < n; a += 1)
- if (t.chars[a].data && t.chars[a].data.shapes)
- for (
- r = (s = t.chars[a].data.shapes[0].it).length, e = 0;
- e < r;
- e += 1
- )
- (i = s[e].ks.k).__converted ||
- (f(s[e].ks.k), (i.__converted = !0));
- }
- n = [4, 4, 14];
- var h,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a = function (t) {
- if (o(n, t.v) && (m(t.layers), t.assets))
- for (var e = t.assets.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- t.assets[r].layers && m(t.assets[r].layers);
- },
- l =
- ((h = [4, 7, 99]),
- (s = [4, 1, 9]),
- function (t) {
- if (o(s, t.v) && (u(t.layers), t.assets))
- for (var e = t.assets.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- t.assets[r].layers && u(t.assets[r].layers);
- }),
- p =
- ((i = [4, 4, 18]),
- function (t) {
- if (o(i, t.v) && (d(t.layers), t.assets))
- for (var e = t.assets.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- t.assets[r].layers && d(t.assets[r].layers);
- });
- function d(t) {
- for (var e, r, i, s = t.length, n = 0; n < s; n += 1) {
- if ((e = t[n]).hasMask)
- for (
- var a = e.masksProperties, o = a.length, h = 0;
- h < o;
- h += 1
- )
- if (a[h].pt.k.i) a[h].pt.k.c = a[h].cl;
- else
- for (i = a[h].pt.k.length, r = 0; r < i; r += 1)
- a[h].pt.k[r].s && (a[h].pt.k[r].s[0].c = a[h].cl),
- a[h].pt.k[r].e && (a[h].pt.k[r].e[0].c = a[h].cl);
- 4 === e.ty &&
- (function t(e) {
- for (var r, i, s = e.length - 1; 0 <= s; --s)
- if ('sh' == e[s].ty)
- if (e[s].ks.k.i) e[s].ks.k.c = e[s].closed;
- else
- for (i = e[s].ks.k.length, r = 0; r < i; r += 1)
- e[s].ks.k[r].s &&
- (e[s].ks.k[r].s[0].c = e[s].closed),
- e[s].ks.k[r].e &&
- (e[s].ks.k[r].e[0].c = e[s].closed);
- else 'gr' == e[s].ty && t(e[s].it);
- })(e.shapes);
- }
- }
- function u(t) {
- for (var e = t.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- 4 === t[r].ty &&
- (function t(e) {
- for (var r, i, s = e.length, n = 0; n < s; n += 1)
- if ('gr' === e[n].ty) t(e[n].it);
- else if ('fl' === e[n].ty || 'st' === e[n].ty)
- if (e[n].c.k && e[n].c.k[0].i)
- for (i = e[n].c.k.length, r = 0; r < i; r += 1)
- e[n].c.k[r].s &&
- ((e[n].c.k[r].s[0] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].s[1] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].s[2] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].s[3] /= 255)),
- e[n].c.k[r].e &&
- ((e[n].c.k[r].e[0] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].e[1] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].e[2] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[r].e[3] /= 255));
- else
- (e[n].c.k[0] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[1] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[2] /= 255),
- (e[n].c.k[3] /= 255);
- })(t[r].shapes);
- }
- function m(t) {
- for (var e, r, i = t.length, s = 0; s < i; s += 1)
- 5 === t[s].ty &&
- ((r = (e = t[s]).t.d), (e.t.d = { k: [{ s: r, t: 0 }] }));
- }
- var t = {
- completeData: function (t, e) {
- t.__complete ||
- (l(t),
- a(t),
- r(t),
- p(t),
- c(t.layers, t.assets),
- (t.__complete = !0));
- },
- };
- return (
- (t.checkColors = l),
- (t.checkChars = r),
- (t.checkShapes = p),
- (t.completeLayers = c),
- t
- );
- }
- var dataManager = dataFunctionManager(),
- FontManager = (function () {
- var n = { w: 0, size: 0, shapes: [] };
- function d(s, t) {
- var e = createTag('span'),
- r = ((e.style.fontFamily = t), createTag('span')),
- i =
- ((r.innerHTML = 'giItT1WQy@!-/#'),
- (e.style.position = 'absolute'),
- (e.style.left = '-10000px'),
- (e.style.top = '-10000px'),
- (e.style.fontSize = '300px'),
- (e.style.fontVariant = 'normal'),
- (e.style.fontStyle = 'normal'),
- (e.style.fontWeight = 'normal'),
- (e.style.letterSpacing = '0'),
- e.appendChild(r),
- document.body.appendChild(e),
- r.offsetWidth);
- return (
- (r.style.fontFamily =
- (function () {
- for (
- var t = s.split(','), e = t.length, r = [], i = 0;
- i < e;
- i += 1
- )
- 'sans-serif' !== t[i] &&
- 'monospace' !== t[i] &&
- r.push(t[i]);
- return r.join(',');
- })() +
- ', ' +
- t),
- { node: r, w: i, parent: e }
- );
- }
- function t() {
- (this.fonts = []),
- (this.chars = null),
- (this.typekitLoaded = 0),
- (this.isLoaded = !1),
- (this.initTime = Date.now()),
- (this.setIsLoadedBinded = this.setIsLoaded.bind(this)),
- (this.checkLoadedFontsBinded =
- this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this));
- }
- var e = (e = []).concat([
- 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2362, 2363, 2364, 2364, 2366, 2367,
- 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373, 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377,
- 2378, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390,
- 2391, 2402, 2403,
- ]);
- return (
- (t.getCombinedCharacterCodes = function () {
- return e;
- }),
- (t.prototype = {
- addChars: function (t) {
- if (t) {
- this.chars || (this.chars = []);
- for (
- var e, r, i = t.length, s = this.chars.length, n = 0;
- n < i;
- n += 1
- ) {
- for (e = 0, r = !1; e < s; )
- this.chars[e].style === t[n].style &&
- this.chars[e].fFamily === t[n].fFamily &&
- this.chars[e].ch === t[n].ch &&
- (r = !0),
- (e += 1);
- r || (this.chars.push(t[n]), (s += 1));
- }
- }
- },
- addFonts: function (t, e) {
- if (t)
- if (this.chars)
- (this.isLoaded = !0), (this.fonts = t.list);
- else {
- for (
- var r = t.list, i = r.length, s = i, n = 0;
- n < i;
- n += 1
- ) {
- var a,
- o,
- h,
- l = !0;
- if (
- ((r[n].loaded = !1),
- (r[n].monoCase = d(r[n].fFamily, 'monospace')),
- (r[n].sansCase = d(r[n].fFamily, 'sans-serif')),
- r[n].fPath)
- ) {
- if ('p' === r[n].fOrigin || 3 === r[n].origin)
- (l =
- !(
- 0 <
- (a = document.querySelectorAll(
- 'style[f-forigin="p"][f-family="' +
- r[n].fFamily +
- '"], style[f-origin="3"][f-family="' +
- r[n].fFamily +
- '"]'
- )).length
- ) && l) &&
- ((h = createTag('style')).setAttribute(
- 'f-forigin',
- r[n].fOrigin
- ),
- h.setAttribute('f-origin', r[n].origin),
- h.setAttribute('f-family', r[n].fFamily),
- (h.type = 'text/css'),
- (h.innerHTML =
- '@font-face {font-family: ' +
- r[n].fFamily +
- "; font-style: normal; src: url('" +
- r[n].fPath +
- "');}"),
- e.appendChild(h));
- else if (
- 'g' === r[n].fOrigin ||
- 1 === r[n].origin
- ) {
- for (
- a = document.querySelectorAll(
- 'link[f-forigin="g"], link[f-origin="1"]'
- ),
- o = 0;
- o < a.length;
- o++
- )
- -1 !== a[o].href.indexOf(r[n].fPath) &&
- (l = !1);
- l &&
- ((h = createTag('link')).setAttribute(
- 'f-forigin',
- r[n].fOrigin
- ),
- h.setAttribute('f-origin', r[n].origin),
- (h.type = 'text/css'),
- (h.rel = 'stylesheet'),
- (h.href = r[n].fPath),
- document.body.appendChild(h));
- } else if (
- 't' === r[n].fOrigin ||
- 2 === r[n].origin
- ) {
- for (
- a = document.querySelectorAll(
- 'script[f-forigin="t"], script[f-origin="2"]'
- ),
- o = 0;
- o < a.length;
- o++
- )
- r[n].fPath === a[o].src && (l = !1);
- l &&
- ((p = createTag('link')).setAttribute(
- 'f-forigin',
- r[n].fOrigin
- ),
- p.setAttribute('f-origin', r[n].origin),
- p.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'),
- p.setAttribute('href', r[n].fPath),
- e.appendChild(p));
- }
- } else (r[n].loaded = !0), --s;
- (r[n].helper =
- ((p = e),
- (c = r[n]),
- (f = void 0),
- ((f = createNS('text')).style.fontSize = '100px'),
- f.setAttribute('font-family', c.fFamily),
- f.setAttribute('font-style', c.fStyle),
- f.setAttribute('font-weight', c.fWeight),
- (f.textContent = '1'),
- c.fClass
- ? ((f.style.fontFamily = 'inherit'),
- f.setAttribute('class', c.fClass))
- : (f.style.fontFamily = c.fFamily),
- p.appendChild(f),
- (createTag('canvas').getContext('2d').font =
- c.fWeight +
- ' ' +
- c.fStyle +
- ' 100px ' +
- c.fFamily),
- f)),
- (r[n].cache = {}),
- this.fonts.push(r[n]);
- }
- 0 === s
- ? (this.isLoaded = !0)
- : setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this), 100);
- }
- else this.isLoaded = !0;
- var p, c, f;
- },
- getCharData: function (t, e, r) {
- for (var i = 0, s = this.chars.length; i < s; ) {
- if (
- this.chars[i].ch === t &&
- this.chars[i].style === e &&
- this.chars[i].fFamily === r
- )
- return this.chars[i];
- i += 1;
- }
- return (
- (('string' == typeof t && 13 !== t.charCodeAt(0)) ||
- !t) &&
- console &&
- console.warn &&
- console.warn(
- 'Missing character from exported characters list: ',
- t,
- e,
- r
- ),
- n
- );
- },
- getFontByName: function (t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = this.fonts.length; e < r; ) {
- if (this.fonts[e].fName === t) return this.fonts[e];
- e += 1;
- }
- return this.fonts[0];
- },
- measureText: function (t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- e = this.getFontByName(e),
- a = t.charCodeAt(0);
- return (
- e.cache[a + 1] ||
- ((i = e.helper),
- ' ' === t
- ? ((i.textContent = '|' + t + '|'),
- (s = i.getComputedTextLength()),
- (i.textContent = '||'),
- (n = i.getComputedTextLength()),
- (e.cache[a + 1] = (s - n) / 100))
- : ((i.textContent = t),
- (e.cache[a + 1] =
- i.getComputedTextLength() / 100))),
- e.cache[a + 1] * r
- );
- },
- checkLoadedFonts: function () {
- for (
- var t, e, r = this.fonts.length, i = r, s = 0;
- s < r;
- s += 1
- )
- this.fonts[s].loaded
- ? --i
- : 'n' === this.fonts[s].fOrigin ||
- 0 === this.fonts[s].origin
- ? (this.fonts[s].loaded = !0)
- : ((t = this.fonts[s].monoCase.node),
- (e = this.fonts[s].monoCase.w),
- (t.offsetWidth === e &&
- ((t = this.fonts[s].sansCase.node),
- (e = this.fonts[s].sansCase.w),
- t.offsetWidth === e)) ||
- (--i, (this.fonts[s].loaded = !0)),
- this.fonts[s].loaded &&
- (this.fonts[
- s
- ].sansCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(
- this.fonts[s].sansCase.parent
- ),
- this.fonts[
- s
- ].monoCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(
- this.fonts[s].monoCase.parent
- )));
- 0 !== i && Date.now() - this.initTime < 5e3
- ? setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFontsBinded, 20)
- : setTimeout(this.setIsLoadedBinded, 10);
- },
- setIsLoaded: function () {
- this.isLoaded = !0;
- },
- }),
- t
- );
- })(),
- PropertyFactory = (function () {
- var c = initialDefaultFrame,
- s = Math.abs;
- function f(t, e) {
- var r,
- i = this.offsetTime;
- 'multidimensional' === this.propType &&
- (r = createTypedArray('float32', this.pv.length));
- for (
- var s,
- n,
- a,
- o = e.lastIndex,
- h = o,
- L = this.keyframes.length - 1,
- l = !0;
- l;
- ) {
- if (
- ((s = this.keyframes[h]),
- (n = this.keyframes[h + 1]),
- h === L - 1 && t >= n.t - i)
- ) {
- s.h && (s = n), (o = 0);
- break;
- }
- if (n.t - i > t) {
- o = h;
- break;
- }
- h < L - 1 ? (h += 1) : ((o = 0), (l = !1));
- }
- var p,
- c,
- f,
- d,
- u,
- m,
- y,
- g,
- v,
- _,
- O,
- b,
- S,
- P,
- x = n.t - i,
- k = s.t - i;
- if (s.to) {
- s.bezierData ||
- (s.bezierData = bez.buildBezierData(
- s.s,
- n.s || s.e,
- s.to,
- s.ti
- ));
- var E = s.bezierData;
- if (x <= t || t < k)
- for (
- var N = x <= t ? E.points.length - 1 : 0,
- w = E.points[N].point.length,
- A = 0;
- A < w;
- A += 1
- )
- r[A] = E.points[N].point[A];
- else {
- s.__fnct
- ? (a = s.__fnct)
- : ((a = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- s.o.x,
- s.o.y,
- s.i.x,
- s.i.y,
- s.n
- ).get),
- (s.__fnct = a));
- for (
- var B,
- T = a((t - k) / (x - k)),
- C = E.segmentLength * T,
- I =
- e.lastFrame < t && e._lastKeyframeIndex === h
- ? e._lastAddedLength
- : 0,
- F =
- e.lastFrame < t && e._lastKeyframeIndex === h
- ? e._lastPoint
- : 0,
- l = !0,
- V = E.points.length;
- l;
- ) {
- if (
- ((I += E.points[F].partialLength),
- 0 == C || 0 === T || F === E.points.length - 1)
- ) {
- for (w = E.points[F].point.length, A = 0; A < w; A += 1)
- r[A] = E.points[F].point[A];
- break;
- }
- if (I <= C && C < I + E.points[F + 1].partialLength) {
- for (
- B = (C - I) / E.points[F + 1].partialLength,
- w = E.points[F].point.length,
- A = 0;
- A < w;
- A += 1
- )
- r[A] =
- E.points[F].point[A] +
- (E.points[F + 1].point[A] - E.points[F].point[A]) *
- B;
- break;
- }
- F < V - 1 ? (F += 1) : (l = !1);
- }
- (e._lastPoint = F),
- (e._lastAddedLength = I - E.points[F].partialLength),
- (e._lastKeyframeIndex = h);
- }
- } else {
- var M,
- D,
- R,
- G,
- j,
- L = s.s.length,
- z = n.s || s.e;
- if (this.sh && 1 !== s.h)
- x <= t
- ? ((r[0] = z[0]), (r[1] = z[1]), (r[2] = z[2]))
- : t <= k
- ? ((r[0] = s.s[0]), (r[1] = s.s[1]), (r[2] = s.s[2]))
- : ((p = r),
- (c = U(s.s)),
- (f = U(z)),
- (d = (t - k) / (x - k)),
- (g = []),
- (v = c[0]),
- (_ = c[1]),
- (O = c[2]),
- (c = c[3]),
- (b = f[0]),
- (S = f[1]),
- (P = f[2]),
- (f = f[3]),
- (y = v * b + _ * S + O * P + c * f) < 0 &&
- ((y = -y), (b = -b), (S = -S), (P = -P), (f = -f)),
- (y =
- 1e-6 < 1 - y
- ? ((y = Math.acos(y)),
- (u = Math.sin(y)),
- (m = Math.sin((1 - d) * y) / u),
- Math.sin(d * y) / u)
- : ((m = 1 - d), d)),
- (g[0] = m * v + y * b),
- (g[1] = m * _ + y * S),
- (g[2] = m * O + y * P),
- (g[3] = m * c + y * f),
- (d = (u = g)[0]),
- (v = u[1]),
- (b = u[2]),
- (u = u[3]),
- (_ = Math.atan2(
- 2 * v * u - 2 * d * b,
- 1 - 2 * v * v - 2 * b * b
- )),
- (S = Math.asin(2 * d * v + 2 * b * u)),
- (u = Math.atan2(
- 2 * d * u - 2 * v * b,
- 1 - 2 * d * d - 2 * b * b
- )),
- (p[0] = _ / degToRads),
- (p[1] = S / degToRads),
- (p[2] = u / degToRads));
- else
- for (h = 0; h < L; h += 1)
- 1 !== s.h &&
- (T =
- x <= t
- ? 1
- : t < k
- ? 0
- : (s.o.x.constructor === Array
- ? (s.__fnct || (s.__fnct = []),
- s.__fnct[h]
- ? (a = s.__fnct[h])
- : ((M =
- void 0 === s.o.x[h]
- ? s.o.x[0]
- : s.o.x[h]),
- (D =
- void 0 === s.o.y[h]
- ? s.o.y[0]
- : s.o.y[h]),
- (R =
- void 0 === s.i.x[h]
- ? s.i.x[0]
- : s.i.x[h]),
- (G =
- void 0 === s.i.y[h]
- ? s.i.y[0]
- : s.i.y[h]),
- (a = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- M,
- D,
- R,
- G
- ).get),
- (s.__fnct[h] = a)))
- : s.__fnct
- ? (a = s.__fnct)
- : ((M = s.o.x),
- (D = s.o.y),
- (R = s.i.x),
- (G = s.i.y),
- (a = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- M,
- D,
- R,
- G
- ).get),
- (s.__fnct = a)),
- a((t - k) / (x - k)))),
- (z = n.s || s.e),
- (j = 1 === s.h ? s.s[h] : s.s[h] + (z[h] - s.s[h]) * T),
- 'multidimensional' === this.propType
- ? (r[h] = j)
- : (r = j);
- }
- return (e.lastIndex = o), r;
- }
- function U(t) {
- var e = t[0] * degToRads,
- r = t[1] * degToRads,
- t = t[2] * degToRads,
- i = Math.cos(e / 2),
- s = Math.cos(r / 2),
- n = Math.cos(t / 2),
- e = Math.sin(e / 2),
- r = Math.sin(r / 2),
- t = Math.sin(t / 2);
- return [
- e * r * n + i * s * t,
- e * s * n + i * r * t,
- i * r * n - e * s * t,
- i * s * n - e * r * t,
- ];
- }
- function d() {
- var t = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime,
- e = this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime,
- r =
- this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t -
- this.offsetTime;
- return (
- t === this._caching.lastFrame ||
- (this._caching.lastFrame !== c &&
- ((this._caching.lastFrame >= r && r <= t) ||
- (this._caching.lastFrame < e && t < e))) ||
- (this._caching.lastFrame >= t &&
- ((this._caching._lastKeyframeIndex = -1),
- (this._caching.lastIndex = 0)),
- (r = this.interpolateValue(t, this._caching)),
- (this.pv = r)),
- (this._caching.lastFrame = t),
- this.pv
- );
- }
- function u(t) {
- var e;
- if ('unidimensional' === this.propType)
- (e = t * this.mult),
- 1e-5 < s(this.v - e) && ((this.v = e), (this._mdf = !0));
- else
- for (var r = 0, i = this.v.length; r < i; )
- (e = t[r] * this.mult),
- 1e-5 < s(this.v[r] - e) &&
- ((this.v[r] = e), (this._mdf = !0)),
- (r += 1);
- }
- function m() {
- if (
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- this.effectsSequence.length
- )
- if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv);
- else {
- (this.lock = !0), (this._mdf = this._isFirstFrame);
- for (
- var t = this.effectsSequence.length,
- e = this.kf ? this.pv : this.data.k,
- r = 0;
- r < t;
- r += 1
- )
- e = this.effectsSequence[r](e);
- this.setVValue(e),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !1),
- (this.lock = !1),
- (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId);
- }
- }
- function y(t) {
- this.effectsSequence.push(t),
- this.container.addDynamicProperty(this);
- }
- function a(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.propType = 'unidimensional'),
- (this.mult = r || 1),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.v = r ? e.k * r : e.k),
- (this.pv = e.k),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.container = i),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.k = !1),
- (this.kf = !1),
- (this.vel = 0),
- (this.effectsSequence = []),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this.getValue = m),
- (this.setVValue = u),
- (this.addEffect = y);
- }
- function o(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.propType = 'multidimensional'),
- (this.mult = r || 1),
- (this.data = e),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.container = i),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.k = !1),
- (this.kf = !1),
- (this.frameId = -1);
- var s,
- n = e.k.length;
- for (
- this.v = createTypedArray('float32', n),
- this.pv = createTypedArray('float32', n),
- createTypedArray('float32', n),
- this.vel = createTypedArray('float32', n),
- s = 0;
- s < n;
- s += 1
- )
- (this.v[s] = e.k[s] * this.mult), (this.pv[s] = e.k[s]);
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this.effectsSequence = []),
- (this.getValue = m),
- (this.setVValue = u),
- (this.addEffect = y);
- }
- function h(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.propType = 'unidimensional'),
- (this.keyframes = e.k),
- (this.offsetTime = t.data.st),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- (this._caching = {
- lastFrame: c,
- lastIndex: 0,
- value: 0,
- _lastKeyframeIndex: -1,
- }),
- (this.k = !0),
- (this.kf = !0),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.mult = r || 1),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.container = i),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.v = c),
- (this.pv = c),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this.getValue = m),
- (this.setVValue = u),
- (this.interpolateValue = f),
- (this.effectsSequence = [d.bind(this)]),
- (this.addEffect = y);
- }
- function l(t, e, r, i) {
- this.propType = 'multidimensional';
- for (var s, n, a, o, h = e.k.length, l = 0; l < h - 1; l += 1)
- e.k[l].to &&
- e.k[l].s &&
- e.k[l + 1] &&
- e.k[l + 1].s &&
- ((s = e.k[l].s),
- (n = e.k[l + 1].s),
- (a = e.k[l].to),
- (o = e.k[l].ti),
- ((2 === s.length &&
- (s[0] !== n[0] || s[1] !== n[1]) &&
- bez.pointOnLine2D(
- s[0],
- s[1],
- n[0],
- n[1],
- s[0] + a[0],
- s[1] + a[1]
- ) &&
- bez.pointOnLine2D(
- s[0],
- s[1],
- n[0],
- n[1],
- n[0] + o[0],
- n[1] + o[1]
- )) ||
- (3 === s.length &&
- (s[0] !== n[0] || s[1] !== n[1] || s[2] !== n[2]) &&
- bez.pointOnLine3D(
- s[0],
- s[1],
- s[2],
- n[0],
- n[1],
- n[2],
- s[0] + a[0],
- s[1] + a[1],
- s[2] + a[2]
- ) &&
- bez.pointOnLine3D(
- s[0],
- s[1],
- s[2],
- n[0],
- n[1],
- n[2],
- n[0] + o[0],
- n[1] + o[1],
- n[2] + o[2]
- ))) &&
- ((e.k[l].to = null), (e.k[l].ti = null)),
- s[0] === n[0]) &&
- s[1] === n[1] &&
- 0 === a[0] &&
- 0 === a[1] &&
- 0 === o[0] &&
- 0 === o[1] &&
- (2 === s.length ||
- (s[2] === n[2] && 0 === a[2] && 0 === o[2])) &&
- ((e.k[l].to = null), (e.k[l].ti = null));
- (this.effectsSequence = [d.bind(this)]),
- (this.keyframes = e.k),
- (this.offsetTime = t.data.st),
- (this.k = !0),
- (this.kf = !0),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this.mult = r || 1),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.container = i),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.getValue = m),
- (this.setVValue = u),
- (this.interpolateValue = f),
- (this.frameId = -1);
- var p = e.k[0].s.length;
- for (
- this.v = createTypedArray('float32', p),
- this.pv = createTypedArray('float32', p),
- l = 0;
- l < p;
- l += 1
- )
- (this.v[l] = c), (this.pv[l] = c);
- (this._caching = {
- lastFrame: c,
- lastIndex: 0,
- value: createTypedArray('float32', p),
- }),
- (this.addEffect = y);
- }
- return {
- getProp: function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- var n;
- if (e.k.length)
- if ('number' == typeof e.k[0]) n = new o(t, e, i, s);
- else
- switch (r) {
- case 0:
- n = new h(t, e, i, s);
- break;
- case 1:
- n = new l(t, e, i, s);
- }
- else n = new a(t, e, i, s);
- return n.effectsSequence.length && s.addDynamicProperty(n), n;
- },
- };
- })(),
- TransformPropertyFactory = (function () {
- var n = [0, 0];
- function i(t, e, r) {
- if (
- ((this.elem = t),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- (this.propType = 'transform'),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.v = new Matrix()),
- (this.pre = new Matrix()),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 0),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r || t),
- e.p && e.p.s
- ? ((this.px = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.p.x,
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.py = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.y, 0, 0, this)),
- e.p.z &&
- (this.pz = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.p.z,
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )))
- : (this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.p || { k: [0, 0, 0] },
- 1,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- e.rx)
- ) {
- if (
- ((this.rx = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.rx,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.ry = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.ry,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.rz = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.rz,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- e.or.k[0].ti)
- )
- for (var i = e.or.k.length, s = 0; s < i; s += 1)
- e.or.k[s].to = e.or.k[s].ti = null;
- (this.or = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.or,
- 1,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.or.sh = !0);
- } else
- this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.r || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- );
- e.sk &&
- ((this.sk = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.sk,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.sa = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.sa,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- ))),
- (this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.a || { k: [0, 0, 0] },
- 1,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.s || { k: [100, 100, 100] },
- 1,
- 0.01,
- this
- )),
- e.o
- ? (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0.01, t))
- : (this.o = { _mdf: !1, v: 1 }),
- (this._isDirty = !0),
- this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0);
- }
- return (
- (i.prototype = {
- applyToMatrix: function (t) {
- var e = this._mdf;
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- (this._mdf = this._mdf || e),
- this.a &&
- t.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]),
- this.s && t.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]),
- this.sk && t.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v),
- this.r
- ? t.rotate(-this.r.v)
- : t
- .rotateZ(-this.rz.v)
- .rotateY(this.ry.v)
- .rotateX(this.rx.v)
- .rotateZ(-this.or.v[2])
- .rotateY(this.or.v[1])
- .rotateX(this.or.v[0]),
- this.data.p.s
- ? this.data.p.z
- ? t.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, -this.pz.v)
- : t.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, 0)
- : t.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2]);
- },
- getValue: function (t) {
- var e, r, i, s;
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- (this._isDirty &&
- (this.precalculateMatrix(), (this._isDirty = !1)),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- (this._mdf || t) &&
- (this.v.cloneFromProps(this.pre.props),
- this.appliedTransformations < 1 &&
- this.v.translate(
- -this.a.v[0],
- -this.a.v[1],
- this.a.v[2]
- ),
- this.appliedTransformations < 2 &&
- this.v.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]),
- this.sk &&
- this.appliedTransformations < 3 &&
- this.v.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v),
- this.r && this.appliedTransformations < 4
- ? this.v.rotate(-this.r.v)
- : !this.r &&
- this.appliedTransformations < 4 &&
- this.v
- .rotateZ(-this.rz.v)
- .rotateY(this.ry.v)
- .rotateX(this.rx.v)
- .rotateZ(-this.or.v[2])
- .rotateY(this.or.v[1])
- .rotateX(this.or.v[0]),
- this.autoOriented &&
- ((t = this.elem.globalData.frameRate),
- this.p && this.p.keyframes && this.p.getValueAtTime
- ? (r =
- this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime <=
- this.p.keyframes[0].t
- ? ((e = this.p.getValueAtTime(
- (this.p.keyframes[0].t + 0.01) / t,
- 0
- )),
- this.p.getValueAtTime(
- this.p.keyframes[0].t / t,
- 0
- ))
- : this.p._caching.lastFrame +
- this.p.offsetTime >=
- this.p.keyframes[
- this.p.keyframes.length - 1
- ].t
- ? ((e = this.p.getValueAtTime(
- this.p.keyframes[
- this.p.keyframes.length - 1
- ].t / t,
- 0
- )),
- this.p.getValueAtTime(
- (this.p.keyframes[
- this.p.keyframes.length - 1
- ].t -
- 0.05) /
- t,
- 0
- ))
- : ((e = this.p.pv),
- this.p.getValueAtTime(
- (this.p._caching.lastFrame +
- this.p.offsetTime -
- 0.01) /
- t,
- this.p.offsetTime
- )))
- : this.px &&
- this.px.keyframes &&
- this.py.keyframes &&
- this.px.getValueAtTime &&
- this.py.getValueAtTime
- ? ((e = []),
- (r = []),
- (i = this.px),
- (s = this.py),
- i._caching.lastFrame + i.offsetTime <=
- i.keyframes[0].t
- ? ((e[0] = i.getValueAtTime(
- (i.keyframes[0].t + 0.01) / t,
- 0
- )),
- (e[1] = s.getValueAtTime(
- (s.keyframes[0].t + 0.01) / t,
- 0
- )),
- (r[0] = i.getValueAtTime(
- i.keyframes[0].t / t,
- 0
- )),
- (r[1] = s.getValueAtTime(
- s.keyframes[0].t / t,
- 0
- )))
- : i._caching.lastFrame + i.offsetTime >=
- i.keyframes[i.keyframes.length - 1].t
- ? ((e[0] = i.getValueAtTime(
- i.keyframes[i.keyframes.length - 1].t /
- t,
- 0
- )),
- (e[1] = s.getValueAtTime(
- s.keyframes[s.keyframes.length - 1].t /
- t,
- 0
- )),
- (r[0] = i.getValueAtTime(
- (i.keyframes[i.keyframes.length - 1].t -
- 0.01) /
- t,
- 0
- )),
- (r[1] = s.getValueAtTime(
- (s.keyframes[s.keyframes.length - 1].t -
- 0.01) /
- t,
- 0
- )))
- : ((e = [i.pv, s.pv]),
- (r[0] = i.getValueAtTime(
- (i._caching.lastFrame +
- i.offsetTime -
- 0.01) /
- t,
- i.offsetTime
- )),
- (r[1] = s.getValueAtTime(
- (s._caching.lastFrame +
- s.offsetTime -
- 0.01) /
- t,
- s.offsetTime
- ))))
- : (e = r = n),
- this.v.rotate(-Math.atan2(e[1] - r[1], e[0] - r[0]))),
- this.data.p && this.data.p.s
- ? this.data.p.z
- ? this.v.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, -this.pz.v)
- : this.v.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, 0)
- : this.v.translate(
- this.p.v[0],
- this.p.v[1],
- -this.p.v[2]
- )),
- (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId));
- },
- precalculateMatrix: function () {
- if (
- !this.a.k &&
- (this.pre.translate(
- -this.a.v[0],
- -this.a.v[1],
- this.a.v[2]
- ),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 1),
- !this.s.effectsSequence.length)
- ) {
- if (
- (this.pre.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 2),
- this.sk)
- ) {
- if (
- this.sk.effectsSequence.length ||
- this.sa.effectsSequence.length
- )
- return;
- this.pre.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 3);
- }
- this.r
- ? this.r.effectsSequence.length ||
- (this.pre.rotate(-this.r.v),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 4))
- : this.rz.effectsSequence.length ||
- this.ry.effectsSequence.length ||
- this.rx.effectsSequence.length ||
- this.or.effectsSequence.length ||
- (this.pre
- .rotateZ(-this.rz.v)
- .rotateY(this.ry.v)
- .rotateX(this.rx.v)
- .rotateZ(-this.or.v[2])
- .rotateY(this.or.v[1])
- .rotateX(this.or.v[0]),
- (this.appliedTransformations = 4));
- }
- },
- autoOrient: function () {},
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], i),
- (i.prototype.addDynamicProperty = function (t) {
- this._addDynamicProperty(t),
- this.elem.addDynamicProperty(t),
- (this._isDirty = !0);
- }),
- (i.prototype._addDynamicProperty =
- DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype.addDynamicProperty),
- {
- getTransformProperty: function (t, e, r) {
- return new i(t, e, r);
- },
- }
- );
- })();
- function ShapePath() {
- (this.c = !1),
- (this._length = 0),
- (this._maxLength = 8),
- (this.v = createSizedArray(this._maxLength)),
- (this.o = createSizedArray(this._maxLength)),
- (this.i = createSizedArray(this._maxLength));
- }
- (ShapePath.prototype.setPathData = function (t, e) {
- (this.c = t), this.setLength(e);
- for (var r = 0; r < e; )
- (this.v[r] = point_pool.newElement()),
- (this.o[r] = point_pool.newElement()),
- (this.i[r] = point_pool.newElement()),
- (r += 1);
- }),
- (ShapePath.prototype.setLength = function (t) {
- for (; this._maxLength < t; ) this.doubleArrayLength();
- this._length = t;
- }),
- (ShapePath.prototype.doubleArrayLength = function () {
- (this.v = this.v.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength))),
- (this.i = this.i.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength))),
- (this.o = this.o.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength))),
- (this._maxLength *= 2);
- }),
- (ShapePath.prototype.setXYAt = function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- var n;
- switch (
- ((this._length = Math.max(this._length, i + 1)),
- this._length >= this._maxLength && this.doubleArrayLength(),
- r)
- ) {
- case 'v':
- n = this.v;
- break;
- case 'i':
- n = this.i;
- break;
- case 'o':
- n = this.o;
- }
- (n[i] && (!n[i] || s)) || (n[i] = point_pool.newElement()),
- (n[i][0] = t),
- (n[i][1] = e);
- }),
- (ShapePath.prototype.setTripleAt = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o
- ) {
- this.setXYAt(t, e, 'v', a, o),
- this.setXYAt(r, i, 'o', a, o),
- this.setXYAt(s, n, 'i', a, o);
- }),
- (ShapePath.prototype.reverse = function () {
- var t = new ShapePath(),
- e = (t.setPathData(this.c, this._length), this.v),
- r = this.o,
- i = this.i,
- s = 0;
- this.c &&
- (t.setTripleAt(
- e[0][0],
- e[0][1],
- i[0][0],
- i[0][1],
- r[0][0],
- r[0][1],
- 0,
- !1
- ),
- (s = 1));
- for (
- var n = this._length - 1, a = this._length, o = s;
- o < a;
- o += 1
- )
- t.setTripleAt(
- e[n][0],
- e[n][1],
- i[n][0],
- i[n][1],
- r[n][0],
- r[n][1],
- o,
- !1
- ),
- --n;
- return t;
- });
- var ShapePropertyFactory = (function () {
- function t(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p = r.lastIndex,
- c = this.keyframes;
- if (t < c[0].t - this.offsetTime)
- (i = c[0].s[0]), (s = !0), (p = 0);
- else if (t >= c[c.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime)
- (i = (
- c[c.length - 1].s ? c[c.length - 1].s : c[c.length - 2].e
- )[0]),
- (s = !0);
- else {
- for (
- var f, d, u = p, m = c.length - 1, y = !0;
- y &&
- ((f = c[u]), !((d = c[u + 1]).t - this.offsetTime > t));
- )
- u < m - 1 ? (u += 1) : (y = !1);
- var g,
- v,
- _,
- p = u;
- (s = 1 === f.h) ||
- ((v =
- t >= d.t - this.offsetTime
- ? 1
- : t < f.t - this.offsetTime
- ? 0
- : (f.__fnct
- ? (g = f.__fnct)
- : ((g = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- f.o.x,
- f.o.y,
- f.i.x,
- f.i.y
- ).get),
- (f.__fnct = g)),
- g(
- (t - (f.t - this.offsetTime)) /
- (d.t -
- this.offsetTime -
- (f.t - this.offsetTime))
- ))),
- (_ = (d.s || f.e)[0])),
- (i = f.s[0]);
- }
- for (
- o = e._length, h = i.i[0].length, r.lastIndex = p, n = 0;
- n < o;
- n += 1
- )
- for (a = 0; a < h; a += 1)
- (l = s
- ? i.i[n][a]
- : i.i[n][a] + (_.i[n][a] - i.i[n][a]) * v),
- (e.i[n][a] = l),
- (l = s
- ? i.o[n][a]
- : i.o[n][a] + (_.o[n][a] - i.o[n][a]) * v),
- (e.o[n][a] = l),
- (l = s
- ? i.v[n][a]
- : i.v[n][a] + (_.v[n][a] - i.v[n][a]) * v),
- (e.v[n][a] = l);
- }
- function i() {
- this.paths = this.localShapeCollection;
- }
- function e(t) {
- !(function (t, e) {
- if (t._length === e._length && t.c === e.c) {
- for (var r = t._length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1)
- if (
- t.v[i][0] !== e.v[i][0] ||
- t.v[i][1] !== e.v[i][1] ||
- t.o[i][0] !== e.o[i][0] ||
- t.o[i][1] !== e.o[i][1] ||
- t.i[i][0] !== e.i[i][0] ||
- t.i[i][1] !== e.i[i][1]
- )
- return;
- return 1;
- }
- })(this.v, t) &&
- ((this.v = shape_pool.clone(t)),
- this.localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(),
- this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v),
- (this._mdf = !0),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection));
- }
- function r() {
- if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId)
- if (this.effectsSequence.length)
- if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv);
- else {
- (this.lock = !0), (this._mdf = !1);
- for (
- var t = this.kf
- ? this.pv
- : (this.data.ks || this.data.pt).k,
- e = this.effectsSequence.length,
- r = 0;
- r < e;
- r += 1
- )
- t = this.effectsSequence[r](t);
- this.setVValue(t),
- (this.lock = !1),
- (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId);
- }
- else this._mdf = !1;
- }
- function s(t, e, r) {
- (this.propType = 'shape'),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.container = t),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.k = !1),
- (this.kf = !1),
- (this._mdf = !1);
- t = (3 === r ? e.pt : e.ks).k;
- (this.v = shape_pool.clone(t)),
- (this.pv = shape_pool.clone(this.v)),
- (this.localShapeCollection =
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection()),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection),
- this.paths.addShape(this.v),
- (this.reset = i),
- (this.effectsSequence = []);
- }
- function n(t) {
- this.effectsSequence.push(t),
- this.container.addDynamicProperty(this);
- }
- function a(t, e, r) {
- (this.propType = 'shape'),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.container = t),
- (this.offsetTime = t.data.st),
- (this.keyframes = (3 === r ? e.pt : e.ks).k),
- (this.k = !0),
- (this.kf = !0);
- t = this.keyframes[0].s[0].i.length;
- this.keyframes[0].s[0].i[0].length,
- (this.v = shape_pool.newElement()),
- this.v.setPathData(this.keyframes[0].s[0].c, t),
- (this.pv = shape_pool.clone(this.v)),
- (this.localShapeCollection =
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection()),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection),
- this.paths.addShape(this.v),
- (this.lastFrame = -999999),
- (this.reset = i),
- (this._caching = { lastFrame: -999999, lastIndex: 0 }),
- (this.effectsSequence = [
- function () {
- var t = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime,
- e = this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime,
- r =
- this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t -
- this.offsetTime,
- i = this._caching.lastFrame;
- return (
- (-999999 !== i &&
- ((i < e && t < e) || (r < i && r < t))) ||
- ((this._caching.lastIndex =
- i < t ? this._caching.lastIndex : 0),
- this.interpolateShape(t, this.pv, this._caching)),
- (this._caching.lastFrame = t),
- this.pv
- );
- }.bind(this),
- ]);
- }
- (s.prototype.interpolateShape = t),
- (s.prototype.getValue = r),
- (s.prototype.setVValue = e),
- (s.prototype.addEffect = n),
- (a.prototype.getValue = r),
- (a.prototype.interpolateShape = t),
- (a.prototype.setVValue = e),
- (a.prototype.addEffect = n);
- (o = roundCorner),
- (d.prototype = {
- reset: i,
- getValue: function () {
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- ((this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- this._mdf) &&
- this.convertEllToPath();
- },
- convertEllToPath: function () {
- var t = this.p.v[0],
- e = this.p.v[1],
- r = this.s.v[0] / 2,
- i = this.s.v[1] / 2,
- s = 3 !== this.d,
- n = this.v;
- (n.v[0][0] = t),
- (n.v[0][1] = e - i),
- (n.v[1][0] = s ? t + r : t - r),
- (n.v[1][1] = e),
- (n.v[2][0] = t),
- (n.v[2][1] = e + i),
- (n.v[3][0] = s ? t - r : t + r),
- (n.v[3][1] = e),
- (n.i[0][0] = s ? t - r * o : t + r * o),
- (n.i[0][1] = e - i),
- (n.i[1][0] = s ? t + r : t - r),
- (n.i[1][1] = e - i * o),
- (n.i[2][0] = s ? t + r * o : t - r * o),
- (n.i[2][1] = e + i),
- (n.i[3][0] = s ? t - r : t + r),
- (n.i[3][1] = e + i * o),
- (n.o[0][0] = s ? t + r * o : t - r * o),
- (n.o[0][1] = e - i),
- (n.o[1][0] = s ? t + r : t - r),
- (n.o[1][1] = e + i * o),
- (n.o[2][0] = s ? t - r * o : t + r * o),
- (n.o[2][1] = e + i),
- (n.o[3][0] = s ? t - r : t + r),
- (n.o[3][1] = e - i * o);
- },
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], d);
- var o,
- h = d,
- l =
- ((f.prototype = {
- reset: i,
- getValue: function () {
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- ((this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- this._mdf) &&
- this.convertToPath();
- },
- convertStarToPath: function () {
- for (
- var t = 2 * Math.floor(this.pt.v),
- e = (2 * Math.PI) / t,
- r = !0,
- i = this.or.v,
- s = this.ir.v,
- n = this.os.v,
- a = this.is.v,
- o = (2 * Math.PI * i) / (2 * t),
- h = (2 * Math.PI * s) / (2 * t),
- l = -Math.PI / 2,
- p = ((l += this.r.v), 3 === this.data.d ? -1 : 1),
- c = (this.v._length = 0);
- c < t;
- c += 1
- ) {
- var f = r ? n : a,
- d = r ? o : h,
- u = (m = r ? i : s) * Math.cos(l),
- m = m * Math.sin(l),
- y =
- 0 == u && 0 == m ? 0 : m / Math.sqrt(u * u + m * m),
- g =
- 0 == u && 0 == m
- ? 0
- : -u / Math.sqrt(u * u + m * m);
- (u += +this.p.v[0]),
- (m += +this.p.v[1]),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- u,
- m,
- u - y * d * f * p,
- m - g * d * f * p,
- u + y * d * f * p,
- m + g * d * f * p,
- c,
- !0
- ),
- (r = !r),
- (l += e * p);
- }
- },
- convertPolygonToPath: function () {
- var t,
- e = Math.floor(this.pt.v),
- r = (2 * Math.PI) / e,
- i = this.or.v,
- s = this.os.v,
- n = (2 * Math.PI * i) / (4 * e),
- a = -Math.PI / 2,
- o = 3 === this.data.d ? -1 : 1;
- for (
- a += this.r.v, t = this.v._length = 0;
- t < e;
- t += 1
- ) {
- var h = i * Math.cos(a),
- l = i * Math.sin(a),
- p =
- 0 == h && 0 == l ? 0 : l / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l),
- c =
- 0 == h && 0 == l
- ? 0
- : -h / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l);
- (h += +this.p.v[0]),
- (l += +this.p.v[1]),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- h,
- l,
- h - p * n * s * o,
- l - c * n * s * o,
- h + p * n * s * o,
- l + c * n * s * o,
- t,
- !0
- ),
- (a += r * o);
- }
- (this.paths.length = 0), (this.paths[0] = this.v);
- },
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], f),
- f),
- p =
- ((c.prototype = {
- convertRectToPath: function () {
- var t = this.p.v[0],
- e = this.p.v[1],
- r = this.s.v[0] / 2,
- i = this.s.v[1] / 2,
- s = bm_min(r, i, this.r.v),
- n = s * (1 - roundCorner);
- (this.v._length = 0),
- 2 === this.d || 1 === this.d
- ? (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r,
- e - i + s,
- t + r,
- e - i + s,
- t + r,
- e - i + n,
- 0,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r,
- e + i - s,
- t + r,
- e + i - n,
- t + r,
- e + i - s,
- 1,
- !0
- ),
- 0 !== s
- ? (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r - s,
- e + i,
- t + r - s,
- e + i,
- t + r - n,
- e + i,
- 2,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r + s,
- e + i,
- t - r + n,
- e + i,
- t - r + s,
- e + i,
- 3,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e + i - s,
- t - r,
- e + i - s,
- t - r,
- e + i - n,
- 4,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e - i + s,
- t - r,
- e - i + n,
- t - r,
- e - i + s,
- 5,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r + s,
- e - i,
- t - r + s,
- e - i,
- t - r + n,
- e - i,
- 6,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r - s,
- e - i,
- t + r - n,
- e - i,
- t + r - s,
- e - i,
- 7,
- !0
- ))
- : (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e + i,
- t - r + n,
- e + i,
- t - r,
- e + i,
- 2
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e - i,
- t - r,
- e - i + n,
- t - r,
- e - i,
- 3
- )))
- : (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r,
- e - i + s,
- t + r,
- e - i + n,
- t + r,
- e - i + s,
- 0,
- !0
- ),
- 0 !== s
- ? (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r - s,
- e - i,
- t + r - s,
- e - i,
- t + r - n,
- e - i,
- 1,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r + s,
- e - i,
- t - r + n,
- e - i,
- t - r + s,
- e - i,
- 2,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e - i + s,
- t - r,
- e - i + s,
- t - r,
- e - i + n,
- 3,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e + i - s,
- t - r,
- e + i - n,
- t - r,
- e + i - s,
- 4,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r + s,
- e + i,
- t - r + s,
- e + i,
- t - r + n,
- e + i,
- 5,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r - s,
- e + i,
- t + r - n,
- e + i,
- t + r - s,
- e + i,
- 6,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r,
- e + i - s,
- t + r,
- e + i - s,
- t + r,
- e + i - n,
- 7,
- !0
- ))
- : (this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e - i,
- t - r + n,
- e - i,
- t - r,
- e - i,
- 1,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t - r,
- e + i,
- t - r,
- e + i - n,
- t - r,
- e + i,
- 2,
- !0
- ),
- this.v.setTripleAt(
- t + r,
- e + i,
- t + r - n,
- e + i,
- t + r,
- e + i,
- 3,
- !0
- )));
- },
- getValue: function (t) {
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- ((this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- this._mdf) &&
- this.convertRectToPath();
- },
- reset: i,
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], c),
- c);
- function c(t, e) {
- (this.v = shape_pool.newElement()),
- (this.v.c = !0),
- (this.localShapeCollection =
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection()),
- this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- (this.d = e.d),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this)),
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this)),
- (this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, 0, this)),
- this.dynamicProperties.length
- ? (this.k = !0)
- : ((this.k = !1), this.convertRectToPath());
- }
- function f(t, e) {
- (this.v = shape_pool.newElement()),
- this.v.setPathData(!0, 0),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- (this.d = e.d),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- 1 === e.sy
- ? ((this.ir = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.ir, 0, 0, this)),
- (this.is = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.is,
- 0,
- 0.01,
- this
- )),
- (this.convertToPath = this.convertStarToPath))
- : (this.convertToPath = this.convertPolygonToPath),
- (this.pt = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.pt, 0, 0, this)),
- (this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this)),
- (this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.r,
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.or = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.or, 0, 0, this)),
- (this.os = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.os, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.localShapeCollection =
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection()),
- this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection),
- this.dynamicProperties.length
- ? (this.k = !0)
- : ((this.k = !1), this.convertToPath());
- }
- function d(t, e) {
- (this.v = shape_pool.newElement()),
- this.v.setPathData(!0, 4),
- (this.localShapeCollection =
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection()),
- (this.paths = this.localShapeCollection),
- this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v),
- (this.d = e.d),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this)),
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this)),
- this.dynamicProperties.length
- ? (this.k = !0)
- : ((this.k = !1), this.convertEllToPath());
- }
- return {
- getShapeProp: function (t, e, r) {
- var i;
- return (
- 3 === r || 4 === r
- ? (i = new ((3 === r ? e.pt : e.ks).k.length ? a : s)(
- t,
- e,
- r
- ))
- : 5 === r
- ? (i = new p(t, e))
- : 6 === r
- ? (i = new h(t, e))
- : 7 === r && (i = new l(t, e)),
- i.k && t.addDynamicProperty(i),
- i
- );
- },
- getConstructorFunction: function () {
- return s;
- },
- getKeyframedConstructorFunction: function () {
- return a;
- },
- };
- })(),
- ShapeModifiers =
- ((ob = {}),
- (modifiers = {}),
- (ob.registerModifier = function (t, e) {
- modifiers[t] || (modifiers[t] = e);
- }),
- (ob.getModifier = function (t, e, r) {
- return new modifiers[t](e, r);
- }),
- ob),
- ob,
- modifiers;
- function ShapeModifier() {}
- function TrimModifier() {}
- function RoundCornersModifier() {}
- function PuckerAndBloatModifier() {}
- function RepeaterModifier() {}
- function ShapeCollection() {
- (this._length = 0),
- (this._maxLength = 4),
- (this.shapes = createSizedArray(this._maxLength));
- }
- function DashProperty(t, e, r, i) {
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.frameId = -1),
- (this.dataProps = createSizedArray(e.length)),
- (this.renderer = r),
- (this.k = !1),
- (this.dashStr = ''),
- (this.dashArray = createTypedArray(
- 'float32',
- e.length ? e.length - 1 : 0
- )),
- (this.dashoffset = createTypedArray('float32', 1)),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(i);
- for (var s, n = e.length || 0, a = 0; a < n; a += 1)
- (s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e[a].v, 0, 0, this)),
- (this.k = s.k || this.k),
- (this.dataProps[a] = { n: e[a].n, p: s });
- this.k || this.getValue(!0), (this._isAnimated = this.k);
- }
- function GradientProperty(t, e, r) {
- (this.data = e), (this.c = createTypedArray('uint8c', 4 * e.p));
- var i = e.k.k[0].s
- ? e.k.k[0].s.length - 4 * e.p
- : e.k.k.length - 4 * e.p;
- (this.o = createTypedArray('float32', i)),
- (this._cmdf = !1),
- (this._omdf = !1),
- (this._collapsable = this.checkCollapsable()),
- (this._hasOpacity = i),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r),
- (this.prop = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.k, 1, null, this)),
- (this.k = this.prop.k),
- this.getValue(!0);
- }
- (ShapeModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function () {}),
- (ShapeModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier = function () {}),
- (ShapeModifier.prototype.addShape = function (t) {
- var e;
- this.closed ||
- (t.sh.container.addDynamicProperty(t.sh),
- (e = {
- shape: t.sh,
- data: t,
- localShapeCollection:
- shapeCollection_pool.newShapeCollection(),
- }),
- this.shapes.push(e),
- this.addShapeToModifier(e),
- this._isAnimated && t.setAsAnimated());
- }),
- (ShapeModifier.prototype.init = function (t, e) {
- (this.shapes = []),
- (this.elem = t),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- this.initModifierProperties(t, e),
- (this.frameId = initialDefaultFrame),
- (this.closed = !1),
- (this.k = !1),
- this.dynamicProperties.length
- ? (this.k = !0)
- : this.getValue(!0);
- }),
- (ShapeModifier.prototype.processKeys = function () {
- this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- ((this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties());
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], ShapeModifier),
- extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], TrimModifier),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (t, e) {
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0, this)),
- (this.sValue = 0),
- (this.eValue = 0),
- (this.getValue = this.processKeys),
- (this.m = e.m),
- (this._isAnimated =
- !!this.s.effectsSequence.length ||
- !!this.e.effectsSequence.length ||
- !!this.o.effectsSequence.length);
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier = function (t) {
- t.pathsData = [];
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.calculateShapeEdges = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s
- ) {
- var n = [];
- e <= 1
- ? n.push({ s: t, e: e })
- : 1 <= t
- ? n.push({ s: t - 1, e: e - 1 })
- : (n.push({ s: t, e: 1 }), n.push({ s: 0, e: e - 1 }));
- for (var a, o, h = [], l = n.length, p = 0; p < l; p += 1)
- (o = n[p]).e * s < i ||
- o.s * s > i + r ||
- ((a = o.s * s <= i ? 0 : (o.s * s - i) / r),
- (o = o.e * s >= i + r ? 1 : (o.e * s - i) / r),
- h.push([a, o]));
- return h.length || h.push([0, 0]), h;
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.releasePathsData = function (t) {
- for (var e = t.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- segments_length_pool.release(t[r]);
- return (t.length = 0), t;
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {
- var e, r, i, s;
- this._mdf || t
- ? ((r = (this.o.v % 360) / 360) < 0 && (r += 1),
- (i = (1 < this.s.v ? 1 : this.s.v < 0 ? 0 : this.s.v) + r) >
- (s =
- (1 < this.e.v ? 1 : this.e.v < 0 ? 0 : this.e.v) + r) &&
- ((r = i), (i = s), (s = r)),
- (i = 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * i)),
- (s = 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * s)),
- (this.sValue = i),
- (this.eValue = s))
- : ((i = this.sValue), (s = this.eValue));
- var n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p = this.shapes.length,
- c = 0;
- if (s === i)
- for (m = 0; m < p; m += 1)
- this.shapes[m].localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(),
- (this.shapes[m].shape._mdf = !0),
- (this.shapes[m].shape.paths =
- this.shapes[m].localShapeCollection),
- this._mdf && (this.shapes[m].pathsData.length = 0);
- else if ((1 === s && 0 === i) || (0 === s && 1 === i)) {
- if (this._mdf)
- for (m = 0; m < p; m += 1)
- (this.shapes[m].pathsData.length = 0),
- (this.shapes[m].shape._mdf = !0);
- } else {
- for (var f, d, u = [], m = 0; m < p; m += 1)
- if (
- (f = this.shapes[m]).shape._mdf ||
- this._mdf ||
- t ||
- 2 === this.m
- ) {
- if (
- ((a = (e = f.shape.paths)._length),
- (l = 0),
- !f.shape._mdf && f.pathsData.length)
- )
- l = f.totalShapeLength;
- else {
- for (
- o = this.releasePathsData(f.pathsData), n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- )
- (h = bez.getSegmentsLength(e.shapes[n])),
- o.push(h),
- (l += h.totalLength);
- (f.totalShapeLength = l), (f.pathsData = o);
- }
- (c += l), (f.shape._mdf = !0);
- } else f.shape.paths = f.localShapeCollection;
- var y,
- g = i,
- v = s,
- _ = 0;
- for (m = p - 1; 0 <= m; --m)
- if ((f = this.shapes[m]).shape._mdf) {
- for (
- (d = f.localShapeCollection).releaseShapes(),
- 2 === this.m && 1 < p
- ? ((y = this.calculateShapeEdges(
- i,
- s,
- f.totalShapeLength,
- _,
- c
- )),
- (_ += f.totalShapeLength))
- : (y = [[g, v]]),
- a = y.length,
- n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- ) {
- (g = y[n][0]),
- (v = y[n][1]),
- (u.length = 0),
- v <= 1
- ? u.push({
- s: f.totalShapeLength * g,
- e: f.totalShapeLength * v,
- })
- : 1 <= g
- ? u.push({
- s: f.totalShapeLength * (g - 1),
- e: f.totalShapeLength * (v - 1),
- })
- : (u.push({
- s: f.totalShapeLength * g,
- e: f.totalShapeLength,
- }),
- u.push({
- s: 0,
- e: f.totalShapeLength * (v - 1),
- }));
- var b,
- S = this.addShapes(f, u[0]);
- u[0].s !== u[0].e &&
- (1 < u.length &&
- (S = f.shape.paths.shapes[f.shape.paths._length - 1].c
- ? ((b = S.pop()),
- this.addPaths(S, d),
- this.addShapes(f, u[1], b))
- : (this.addPaths(S, d), this.addShapes(f, u[1]))),
- this.addPaths(S, d));
- }
- f.shape.paths = d;
- }
- }
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.addPaths = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = t.length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1) e.addShape(t[i]);
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.addSegment = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a
- ) {
- s.setXYAt(e[0], e[1], 'o', n),
- s.setXYAt(r[0], r[1], 'i', n + 1),
- a && s.setXYAt(t[0], t[1], 'v', n),
- s.setXYAt(i[0], i[1], 'v', n + 1);
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.addSegmentFromArray = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i
- ) {
- e.setXYAt(t[1], t[5], 'o', r),
- e.setXYAt(t[2], t[6], 'i', r + 1),
- i && e.setXYAt(t[0], t[4], 'v', r),
- e.setXYAt(t[3], t[7], 'v', r + 1);
- }),
- (TrimModifier.prototype.addShapes = function (t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p,
- c = t.pathsData,
- f = t.shape.paths.shapes,
- d = t.shape.paths._length,
- u = 0,
- m = [],
- y = !0,
- g = r
- ? ((a = r._length), r._length)
- : ((r = shape_pool.newElement()), (a = 0));
- for (m.push(r), i = 0; i < d; i += 1) {
- for (
- o = c[i].lengths,
- r.c = f[i].c,
- n = f[i].c ? o.length : o.length + 1,
- s = 1;
- s < n;
- s += 1
- )
- if (u + (p = o[s - 1]).addedLength < e.s)
- (u += p.addedLength), (r.c = !1);
- else {
- if (u > e.e) {
- r.c = !1;
- break;
- }
- e.s <= u && e.e >= u + p.addedLength
- ? (this.addSegment(
- f[i].v[s - 1],
- f[i].o[s - 1],
- f[i].i[s],
- f[i].v[s],
- r,
- a,
- y
- ),
- (y = !1))
- : ((h = bez.getNewSegment(
- f[i].v[s - 1],
- f[i].v[s],
- f[i].o[s - 1],
- f[i].i[s],
- (e.s - u) / p.addedLength,
- (e.e - u) / p.addedLength,
- o[s - 1]
- )),
- this.addSegmentFromArray(h, r, a, y),
- (r.c = y = !1)),
- (u += p.addedLength),
- (a += 1);
- }
- if (
- (f[i].c &&
- o.length &&
- ((p = o[s - 1]),
- u <= e.e
- ? ((l = o[s - 1].addedLength),
- e.s <= u && e.e >= u + l
- ? (this.addSegment(
- f[i].v[s - 1],
- f[i].o[s - 1],
- f[i].i[0],
- f[i].v[0],
- r,
- a,
- y
- ),
- (y = !1))
- : ((h = bez.getNewSegment(
- f[i].v[s - 1],
- f[i].v[0],
- f[i].o[s - 1],
- f[i].i[0],
- (e.s - u) / l,
- (e.e - u) / l,
- o[s - 1]
- )),
- this.addSegmentFromArray(h, r, a, y),
- (r.c = y = !1)))
- : (r.c = !1),
- (u += p.addedLength),
- (a += 1)),
- r._length &&
- (r.setXYAt(r.v[g][0], r.v[g][1], 'i', g),
- r.setXYAt(
- r.v[r._length - 1][0],
- r.v[r._length - 1][1],
- 'o',
- r._length - 1
- )),
- u > e.e)
- )
- break;
- i < d - 1 &&
- ((r = shape_pool.newElement()), (y = !0), m.push(r), (a = 0));
- }
- return m;
- }),
- ShapeModifiers.registerModifier('tm', TrimModifier),
- extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], RoundCornersModifier),
- (RoundCornersModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (
- t,
- e
- ) {
- (this.getValue = this.processKeys),
- (this.rd = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, null, this)),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this.rd.effectsSequence.length);
- }),
- (RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processPath = function (t, e) {
- var r = shape_pool.newElement();
- r.c = t.c;
- for (
- var i, s, n, a, o, h, l, p, c, f, d = t._length, u = 0, m = 0;
- m < d;
- m += 1
- )
- (i = t.v[m]),
- (n = t.o[m]),
- (s = t.i[m]),
- i[0] === n[0] &&
- i[1] === n[1] &&
- i[0] === s[0] &&
- i[1] === s[1]
- ? (0 !== m && m !== d - 1) || t.c
- ? ((a = 0 === m ? t.v[d - 1] : t.v[m - 1]),
- (h = (o = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(i[0] - a[0], 2) + Math.pow(i[1] - a[1], 2)
- ))
- ? Math.min(o / 2, e) / o
- : 0),
- (c = i[0] + (a[0] - i[0]) * h),
- (f = i[1] - (i[1] - a[1]) * h),
- (l = c - (c - i[0]) * roundCorner),
- (p = f - (f - i[1]) * roundCorner),
- r.setTripleAt(c, f, l, p, c, f, u),
- (u += 1),
- (a = m === d - 1 ? t.v[0] : t.v[m + 1]),
- (h = (o = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(i[0] - a[0], 2) + Math.pow(i[1] - a[1], 2)
- ))
- ? Math.min(o / 2, e) / o
- : 0),
- (l = i[0] + (a[0] - i[0]) * h),
- (p = i[1] + (a[1] - i[1]) * h),
- (c = l - (l - i[0]) * roundCorner),
- (f = p - (p - i[1]) * roundCorner),
- r.setTripleAt(l, p, l, p, c, f, u))
- : r.setTripleAt(i[0], i[1], n[0], n[1], s[0], s[1], u)
- : r.setTripleAt(
- t.v[m][0],
- t.v[m][1],
- t.o[m][0],
- t.o[m][1],
- t.i[m][0],
- t.i[m][1],
- u
- ),
- (u += 1);
- return r;
- }),
- (RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = this.shapes.length,
- h = this.rd.v;
- if (0 !== h)
- for (r = 0; r < o; r += 1) {
- if (
- ((n = this.shapes[r]).shape.paths,
- (a = n.localShapeCollection),
- n.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t)
- )
- for (
- a.releaseShapes(),
- n.shape._mdf = !0,
- e = n.shape.paths.shapes,
- s = n.shape.paths._length,
- i = 0;
- i < s;
- i += 1
- )
- a.addShape(this.processPath(e[i], h));
- n.shape.paths = n.localShapeCollection;
- }
- this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf = !1);
- }),
- ShapeModifiers.registerModifier('rd', RoundCornersModifier),
- extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], PuckerAndBloatModifier),
- (PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties =
- function (t, e) {
- (this.getValue = this.processKeys),
- (this.amount = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.a,
- 0,
- null,
- this
- )),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this.amount.effectsSequence.length);
- }),
- (PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processPath = function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r = e / 100, i = [0, 0], s = t._length, n = 0, n = 0;
- n < s;
- n += 1
- )
- (i[0] += t.v[n][0]), (i[1] += t.v[n][1]);
- (i[0] /= s), (i[1] /= s);
- var a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p,
- c,
- f = shape_pool.newElement();
- for (f.c = t.c, n = 0; n < s; n += 1)
- (a = t.v[n][0] + (i[0] - t.v[n][0]) * r),
- (o = t.v[n][1] + (i[1] - t.v[n][1]) * r),
- (h = t.o[n][0] + (i[0] - t.o[n][0]) * -r),
- (l = t.o[n][1] + (i[1] - t.o[n][1]) * -r),
- (p = t.i[n][0] + (i[0] - t.i[n][0]) * -r),
- (c = t.i[n][1] + (i[1] - t.i[n][1]) * -r),
- f.setTripleAt(a, o, h, l, p, c, n);
- return f;
- }),
- (PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = this.shapes.length,
- h = this.amount.v;
- if (0 !== h)
- for (r = 0; r < o; r += 1) {
- if (
- ((n = this.shapes[r]).shape.paths,
- (a = n.localShapeCollection),
- n.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t)
- )
- for (
- a.releaseShapes(),
- n.shape._mdf = !0,
- e = n.shape.paths.shapes,
- s = n.shape.paths._length,
- i = 0;
- i < s;
- i += 1
- )
- a.addShape(this.processPath(e[i], h));
- n.shape.paths = n.localShapeCollection;
- }
- this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf = !1);
- }),
- ShapeModifiers.registerModifier('pb', PuckerAndBloatModifier),
- extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], RepeaterModifier),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (
- t,
- e
- ) {
- (this.getValue = this.processKeys),
- (this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 0, null, this)),
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, null, this)),
- (this.tr = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(
- t,
- e.tr,
- this
- )),
- (this.so = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.tr.so, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.eo = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.tr.eo, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.data = e),
- this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this.dynamicProperties.length),
- (this.pMatrix = new Matrix()),
- (this.rMatrix = new Matrix()),
- (this.sMatrix = new Matrix()),
- (this.tMatrix = new Matrix()),
- (this.matrix = new Matrix());
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.applyTransforms = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n
- ) {
- var a = n ? -1 : 1,
- o = i.s.v[0] + (1 - i.s.v[0]) * (1 - s),
- h = i.s.v[1] + (1 - i.s.v[1]) * (1 - s);
- t.translate(i.p.v[0] * a * s, i.p.v[1] * a * s, i.p.v[2]),
- e.translate(-i.a.v[0], -i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]),
- e.rotate(-i.r.v * a * s),
- e.translate(i.a.v[0], i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]),
- r.translate(-i.a.v[0], -i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]),
- r.scale(n ? 1 / o : o, n ? 1 / h : h),
- r.translate(i.a.v[0], i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]);
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.init = function (t, e, r, i) {
- for (
- this.elem = t,
- this.arr = e,
- this.pos = r,
- this.elemsData = i,
- this._currentCopies = 0,
- this._elements = [],
- this._groups = [],
- this.frameId = -1,
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- this.initModifierProperties(t, e[r]);
- 0 < r;
- )
- this._elements.unshift(e[--r]);
- this.dynamicProperties.length ? (this.k = !0) : this.getValue(!0);
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.resetElements = function (t) {
- for (var e = t.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- (t[r]._processed = !1),
- 'gr' === t[r].ty && this.resetElements(t[r].it);
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.cloneElements = function (t) {
- t.length;
- t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t));
- return this.resetElements(t), t;
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.changeGroupRender = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = t.length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1)
- (t[i]._render = e),
- 'gr' === t[i].ty && this.changeGroupRender(t[i].it, e);
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {
- var e, r, i, s, n;
- if (this._mdf || t) {
- var a,
- o = Math.ceil(this.c.v);
- if (this._groups.length < o) {
- for (; this._groups.length < o; ) {
- var h = {
- it: this.cloneElements(this._elements),
- ty: 'gr',
- };
- h.it.push({
- a: { a: 0, ix: 1, k: [0, 0] },
- nm: 'Transform',
- o: { a: 0, ix: 7, k: 100 },
- p: { a: 0, ix: 2, k: [0, 0] },
- r: {
- a: 1,
- ix: 6,
- k: [
- { s: 0, e: 0, t: 0 },
- { s: 0, e: 0, t: 1 },
- ],
- },
- s: { a: 0, ix: 3, k: [100, 100] },
- sa: { a: 0, ix: 5, k: 0 },
- sk: { a: 0, ix: 4, k: 0 },
- ty: 'tr',
- }),
- this.arr.splice(0, 0, h),
- this._groups.splice(0, 0, h),
- (this._currentCopies += 1);
- }
- this.elem.reloadShapes();
- }
- for (i = n = 0; i <= this._groups.length - 1; i += 1)
- (this._groups[i]._render = a = n < o),
- this.changeGroupRender(this._groups[i].it, a),
- (n += 1);
- this._currentCopies = o;
- var t = this.o.v,
- l = t % 1,
- p = 0 < t ? Math.floor(t) : Math.ceil(t),
- c = (this.tr.v.props, this.pMatrix.props),
- f = this.rMatrix.props,
- d = this.sMatrix.props;
- this.pMatrix.reset(),
- this.rMatrix.reset(),
- this.sMatrix.reset(),
- this.tMatrix.reset(),
- this.matrix.reset();
- var u,
- m,
- y = 0;
- if (0 < t) {
- for (; y < p; )
- this.applyTransforms(
- this.pMatrix,
- this.rMatrix,
- this.sMatrix,
- this.tr,
- 1,
- !1
- ),
- (y += 1);
- l &&
- (this.applyTransforms(
- this.pMatrix,
- this.rMatrix,
- this.sMatrix,
- this.tr,
- l,
- !1
- ),
- (y += l));
- } else if (t < 0) {
- for (; p < y; )
- this.applyTransforms(
- this.pMatrix,
- this.rMatrix,
- this.sMatrix,
- this.tr,
- 1,
- !0
- ),
- --y;
- l &&
- (this.applyTransforms(
- this.pMatrix,
- this.rMatrix,
- this.sMatrix,
- this.tr,
- -l,
- !0
- ),
- (y -= l));
- }
- for (
- i = 1 === this.data.m ? 0 : this._currentCopies - 1,
- s = 1 === this.data.m ? 1 : -1,
- n = this._currentCopies;
- n;
- ) {
- if (
- ((m = (r = (e = this.elemsData[i].it)[e.length - 1]
- .transform.mProps.v.props).length),
- (e[e.length - 1].transform.mProps._mdf = !0),
- (e[e.length - 1].transform.op._mdf = !0),
- (e[e.length - 1].transform.op.v =
- this.so.v +
- (this.eo.v - this.so.v) *
- (i / (this._currentCopies - 1))),
- 0 !== y)
- ) {
- for (
- ((0 !== i && 1 === s) ||
- (i !== this._currentCopies - 1 && -1 === s)) &&
- this.applyTransforms(
- this.pMatrix,
- this.rMatrix,
- this.sMatrix,
- this.tr,
- 1,
- !1
- ),
- this.matrix.transform(
- f[0],
- f[1],
- f[2],
- f[3],
- f[4],
- f[5],
- f[6],
- f[7],
- f[8],
- f[9],
- f[10],
- f[11],
- f[12],
- f[13],
- f[14],
- f[15]
- ),
- this.matrix.transform(
- d[0],
- d[1],
- d[2],
- d[3],
- d[4],
- d[5],
- d[6],
- d[7],
- d[8],
- d[9],
- d[10],
- d[11],
- d[12],
- d[13],
- d[14],
- d[15]
- ),
- this.matrix.transform(
- c[0],
- c[1],
- c[2],
- c[3],
- c[4],
- c[5],
- c[6],
- c[7],
- c[8],
- c[9],
- c[10],
- c[11],
- c[12],
- c[13],
- c[14],
- c[15]
- ),
- u = 0;
- u < m;
- u += 1
- )
- r[u] = this.matrix.props[u];
- this.matrix.reset();
- } else
- for (this.matrix.reset(), u = 0; u < m; u += 1)
- r[u] = this.matrix.props[u];
- (y += 1), --n, (i += s);
- }
- } else
- for (n = this._currentCopies, i = 0, s = 1; n; )
- (r = (e = this.elemsData[i].it)[e.length - 1].transform.mProps
- .v.props),
- (e[e.length - 1].transform.mProps._mdf = !1),
- (e[e.length - 1].transform.op._mdf = !1),
- --n,
- (i += s);
- }),
- (RepeaterModifier.prototype.addShape = function () {}),
- ShapeModifiers.registerModifier('rp', RepeaterModifier),
- (ShapeCollection.prototype.addShape = function (t) {
- this._length === this._maxLength &&
- ((this.shapes = this.shapes.concat(
- createSizedArray(this._maxLength)
- )),
- (this._maxLength *= 2)),
- (this.shapes[this._length] = t),
- (this._length += 1);
- }),
- (ShapeCollection.prototype.releaseShapes = function () {
- for (var t = 0; t < this._length; t += 1)
- shape_pool.release(this.shapes[t]);
- this._length = 0;
- }),
- (DashProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {
- if (
- (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId || t) &&
- ((this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- (this._mdf = this._mdf || t),
- this._mdf)
- ) {
- var e = 0,
- r = this.dataProps.length;
- for (
- 'svg' === this.renderer && (this.dashStr = ''), e = 0;
- e < r;
- e += 1
- )
- 'o' != this.dataProps[e].n
- ? 'svg' === this.renderer
- ? (this.dashStr += ' ' + this.dataProps[e].p.v)
- : (this.dashArray[e] = this.dataProps[e].p.v)
- : (this.dashoffset[0] = this.dataProps[e].p.v);
- }
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], DashProperty),
- (GradientProperty.prototype.comparePoints = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = 0, i = this.o.length / 2; r < i; ) {
- if (0.01 < Math.abs(t[4 * r] - t[4 * e + 2 * r])) return !1;
- r += 1;
- }
- return !0;
- }),
- (GradientProperty.prototype.checkCollapsable = function () {
- if (this.o.length / 2 != this.c.length / 4) return !1;
- if (this.data.k.k[0].s)
- for (var t = 0, e = this.data.k.k.length; t < e; ) {
- if (!this.comparePoints(this.data.k.k[t].s, this.data.p))
- return !1;
- t += 1;
- }
- else if (!this.comparePoints(this.data.k.k, this.data.p))
- return !1;
- return !0;
- }),
- (GradientProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {
- if (
- (this.prop.getValue(),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this._cmdf = !1),
- (this._omdf = !1),
- this.prop._mdf || t)
- ) {
- for (var e, r, i = 4 * this.data.p, s = 0; s < i; s += 1)
- (e = s % 4 == 0 ? 100 : 255),
- (r = Math.round(this.prop.v[s] * e)),
- this.c[s] !== r && ((this.c[s] = r), (this._cmdf = !t));
- if (this.o.length)
- for (
- i = this.prop.v.length, s = 4 * this.data.p;
- s < i;
- s += 1
- )
- (e = s % 2 == 0 ? 100 : 1),
- (r =
- s % 2 == 0
- ? Math.round(100 * this.prop.v[s])
- : this.prop.v[s]),
- this.o[s - 4 * this.data.p] !== r &&
- ((this.o[s - 4 * this.data.p] = r), (this._omdf = !t));
- this._mdf = !t;
- }
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], GradientProperty);
- var buildShapeString = function (t, e, r, i) {
- if (0 === e) return '';
- for (
- var s = t.o,
- n = t.i,
- a = t.v,
- o = ' M' + i.applyToPointStringified(a[0][0], a[0][1]),
- h = 1;
- h < e;
- h += 1
- )
- o +=
- ' C' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(s[h - 1][0], s[h - 1][1]) +
- ' ' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(n[h][0], n[h][1]) +
- ' ' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(a[h][0], a[h][1]);
- return (o =
- r && e
- ? o +
- (' C' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(s[h - 1][0], s[h - 1][1]) +
- ' ' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(n[0][0], n[0][1]) +
- ' ' +
- i.applyToPointStringified(a[0][0], a[0][1])) +
- 'z'
- : o);
- },
- ImagePreloader = (function () {
- ((t = createTag('canvas')).width = 1),
- (t.height = 1),
- ((e = t.getContext('2d')).fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'),
- e.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
- var t,
- e,
- s = t;
- function r() {
- (this.loadedAssets += 1),
- this.loadedAssets === this.totalImages &&
- this.imagesLoadedCb &&
- this.imagesLoadedCb(null);
- }
- function n(t, e, r) {
- var i = '';
- return (i = t.e
- ? t.p
- : e
- ? e +
- (e =
- -1 !== (e = t.p).indexOf('images/')
- ? e.split('/')[1]
- : e)
- : ((i = r), (i += t.u || '') + t.p));
- }
- function i(t) {
- (this._imageLoaded = r.bind(this)),
- (this.assetsPath = ''),
- (this.path = ''),
- (this.totalImages = 0),
- (this.loadedAssets = 0),
- (this.imagesLoadedCb = null),
- (this.images = []);
- }
- return (
- (i.prototype = {
- loadAssets: function (t, e) {
- this.imagesLoadedCb = e;
- for (var r = t.length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1)
- t[i].layers ||
- ((this.totalImages += 1),
- this.images.push(this._createImageData(t[i])));
- },
- setAssetsPath: function (t) {
- this.assetsPath = t || '';
- },
- setPath: function (t) {
- this.path = t || '';
- },
- loaded: function () {
- return this.totalImages === this.loadedAssets;
- },
- destroy: function () {
- (this.imagesLoadedCb = null), (this.images.length = 0);
- },
- getImage: function (t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = this.images.length; e < r; ) {
- if (this.images[e].assetData === t)
- return this.images[e].img;
- e += 1;
- }
- },
- createImgData: function (t) {
- var e = n(t, this.assetsPath, this.path),
- r = createTag('img'),
- i =
- ((r.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'),
- r.addEventListener('load', this._imageLoaded, !1),
- r.addEventListener(
- 'error',
- function () {
- (i.img = s), this._imageLoaded();
- }.bind(this),
- !1
- ),
- (r.src = e),
- { img: r, assetData: t });
- return i;
- },
- createImageData: function (t) {
- var e = n(t, this.assetsPath, this.path),
- r = createNS('image'),
- i =
- (r.addEventListener('load', this._imageLoaded, !1),
- r.addEventListener(
- 'error',
- function () {
- (i.img = s), this._imageLoaded();
- }.bind(this),
- !1
- ),
- r.setAttributeNS(
- 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
- 'href',
- e
- ),
- { img: r, assetData: t });
- return i;
- },
- imageLoaded: r,
- setCacheType: function (t) {
- this._createImageData = (
- 'svg' === t ? this.createImageData : this.createImgData
- ).bind(this);
- },
- }),
- i
- );
- })(),
- featureSupport = (function () {
- var t = { maskType: !0 };
- return (
- (/MSIE 10/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
- /MSIE 9/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
- /rv:11.0/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
- /Edge\/\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent)) &&
- (t.maskType = !1),
- t
- );
- })(),
- filtersFactory = (function () {
- var t = {
- createFilter: function (t) {
- var e = createNS('filter');
- return (
- e.setAttribute('id', t),
- e.setAttribute('filterUnits', 'objectBoundingBox'),
- e.setAttribute('x', '0%'),
- e.setAttribute('y', '0%'),
- e.setAttribute('width', '100%'),
- e.setAttribute('height', '100%'),
- e
- );
- },
- createAlphaToLuminanceFilter: function () {
- var t = createNS('feColorMatrix');
- return (
- t.setAttribute('type', 'matrix'),
- t.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- t.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1'
- ),
- t
- );
- },
- };
- return t;
- })(),
- assetLoader = (function () {
- function n(t) {
- return t.response && 'object' == typeof t.response
- ? t.response
- : t.response && 'string' == typeof t.response
- ? JSON.parse(t.response)
- : t.responseText
- ? JSON.parse(t.responseText)
- : void 0;
- }
- return {
- load: function (t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s = new XMLHttpRequest();
- s.open('GET', t, !0);
- try {
- s.responseType = 'json';
- } catch (t) {}
- s.send(),
- (s.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (4 == s.readyState)
- if (200 == s.status) (i = n(s)), e(i);
- else
- try {
- (i = n(s)), e(i);
- } catch (t) {
- r && r(t);
- }
- });
- },
- };
- })();
- function TextAnimatorProperty(t, e, r) {
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this._hasMaskedPath = !1),
- (this._frameId = -1),
- (this._textData = t),
- (this._renderType = e),
- (this._elem = r),
- (this._animatorsData = createSizedArray(this._textData.a.length)),
- (this._pathData = {}),
- (this._moreOptions = { alignment: {} }),
- (this.renderedLetters = []),
- (this.lettersChangedFlag = !1),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r);
- }
- function TextAnimatorDataProperty(t, e, r) {
- var i = { propType: !1 },
- s = PropertyFactory.getProp,
- n = e.a;
- (this.a = {
- r: n.r ? s(t, n.r, 0, degToRads, r) : i,
- rx: n.rx ? s(t, n.rx, 0, degToRads, r) : i,
- ry: n.ry ? s(t, n.ry, 0, degToRads, r) : i,
- sk: n.sk ? s(t, n.sk, 0, degToRads, r) : i,
- sa: n.sa ? s(t, n.sa, 0, degToRads, r) : i,
- s: n.s ? s(t, n.s, 1, 0.01, r) : i,
- a: n.a ? s(t, n.a, 1, 0, r) : i,
- o: n.o ? s(t, n.o, 0, 0.01, r) : i,
- p: n.p ? s(t, n.p, 1, 0, r) : i,
- sw: n.sw ? s(t, n.sw, 0, 0, r) : i,
- sc: n.sc ? s(t, n.sc, 1, 0, r) : i,
- fc: n.fc ? s(t, n.fc, 1, 0, r) : i,
- fh: n.fh ? s(t, n.fh, 0, 0, r) : i,
- fs: n.fs ? s(t, n.fs, 0, 0.01, r) : i,
- fb: n.fb ? s(t, n.fb, 0, 0.01, r) : i,
- t: n.t ? s(t, n.t, 0, 0, r) : i,
- }),
- (this.s = TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp(t, e.s, r)),
- (this.s.t = e.s.t);
- }
- function LetterProps(t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- (this.o = t),
- (this.sw = e),
- (this.sc = r),
- (this.fc = i),
- (this.m = s),
- (this.p = n),
- (this._mdf = { o: !0, sw: !!e, sc: !!r, fc: !!i, m: !0, p: !0 });
- }
- function TextProperty(t, e) {
- (this._frameId = initialDefaultFrame),
- (this.pv = ''),
- (this.v = ''),
- (this.kf = !1),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.comp = this.elem.comp),
- (this.keysIndex = 0),
- (this.canResize = !1),
- (this.minimumFontSize = 1),
- (this.effectsSequence = []),
- (this.currentData = {
- ascent: 0,
- boxWidth: this.defaultBoxWidth,
- f: '',
- fStyle: '',
- fWeight: '',
- fc: '',
- j: '',
- justifyOffset: '',
- l: [],
- lh: 0,
- lineWidths: [],
- ls: '',
- of: '',
- s: '',
- sc: '',
- sw: 0,
- t: 0,
- tr: 0,
- sz: 0,
- ps: null,
- fillColorAnim: !1,
- strokeColorAnim: !1,
- strokeWidthAnim: !1,
- yOffset: 0,
- finalSize: 0,
- finalText: [],
- finalLineHeight: 0,
- __complete: !1,
- }),
- this.copyData(this.currentData, this.data.d.k[0].s),
- this.searchProperty() || this.completeTextData(this.currentData);
- }
- (TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.searchProperties = function () {
- for (
- var t,
- e = this._textData.a.length,
- r = PropertyFactory.getProp,
- i = 0;
- i < e;
- i += 1
- )
- (t = this._textData.a[i]),
- (this._animatorsData[i] = new TextAnimatorDataProperty(
- this._elem,
- t,
- this
- ));
- this._textData.p && 'm' in this._textData.p
- ? ((this._pathData = {
- f: r(this._elem, this._textData.p.f, 0, 0, this),
- l: r(this._elem, this._textData.p.l, 0, 0, this),
- r: this._textData.p.r,
- m: this._elem.maskManager.getMaskProperty(this._textData.p.m),
- }),
- (this._hasMaskedPath = !0))
- : (this._hasMaskedPath = !1),
- (this._moreOptions.alignment = r(
- this._elem,
- this._textData.m.a,
- 1,
- 0,
- this
- ));
- }),
- (TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getMeasures = function (t, L) {
- if (
- ((this.lettersChangedFlag = L),
- this._mdf ||
- this._isFirstFrame ||
- L ||
- (this._hasMaskedPath && this._pathData.m._mdf))
- ) {
- this._isFirstFrame = !1;
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- O,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- N,
- l,
- B,
- p,
- c = this._moreOptions.alignment.v,
- f = this._animatorsData,
- d = this._textData,
- u = this.mHelper,
- V = this._renderType,
- G = this.renderedLetters.length,
- m = (this.data, t.l);
- if (this._hasMaskedPath) {
- if (
- ((p = this._pathData.m),
- !this._pathData.n || this._pathData._mdf)
- ) {
- for (
- var y,
- g = p.v,
- v = { tLength: 0, segments: [] },
- _ =
- (g = this._pathData.r ? g.reverse() : g)._length - 1,
- b = (l = 0);
- b < _;
- b += 1
- )
- (y = bez.buildBezierData(
- g.v[b],
- g.v[b + 1],
- [g.o[b][0] - g.v[b][0], g.o[b][1] - g.v[b][1]],
- [
- g.i[b + 1][0] - g.v[b + 1][0],
- g.i[b + 1][1] - g.v[b + 1][1],
- ]
- )),
- (v.tLength += y.segmentLength),
- v.segments.push(y),
- (l += y.segmentLength);
- (b = _),
- p.v.c &&
- ((y = bez.buildBezierData(
- g.v[b],
- g.v[0],
- [g.o[b][0] - g.v[b][0], g.o[b][1] - g.v[b][1]],
- [g.i[0][0] - g.v[0][0], g.i[0][1] - g.v[0][1]]
- )),
- (v.tLength += y.segmentLength),
- v.segments.push(y),
- (l += y.segmentLength)),
- (this._pathData.pi = v);
- }
- if (
- ((v = this._pathData.pi),
- (e = this._pathData.f.v),
- (s = 1),
- (O = !(i = n = 0)),
- (h = v.segments),
- e < 0 && p.v.c)
- )
- for (
- v.tLength < Math.abs(e) && (e = -Math.abs(e) % v.tLength),
- s = (o = h[(n = h.length - 1)].points).length - 1;
- e < 0;
- )
- (e += o[s].partialLength),
- --s < 0 && (s = (o = h[--n].points).length - 1);
- (a = (o = h[n].points)[s - 1]),
- (N = (r = o[s]).partialLength);
- }
- _ = m.length;
- var S,
- j,
- P,
- x,
- U,
- W,
- k,
- E,
- w,
- A,
- T,
- H,
- q,
- Z,
- Y,
- C,
- I = 0,
- X = 0,
- K = 1.2 * t.finalSize * 0.714,
- J = !0,
- F = f.length,
- Q = -1,
- $ = e,
- tt = n,
- et = s,
- rt = -1,
- it = '',
- st = this.defaultPropsArray;
- if (2 === t.j || 1 === t.j) {
- var M = 0,
- nt = 0,
- at = 2 === t.j ? -0.5 : -1,
- D = 0,
- ot = !0;
- for (b = 0; b < _; b += 1)
- if (m[b].n) {
- for (M && (M += nt); D < b; )
- (m[D].animatorJustifyOffset = M), (D += 1);
- ot = !(M = 0);
- } else {
- for (z = 0; z < F; z += 1)
- (S = f[z].a).t.propType &&
- (ot && 2 === t.j && (nt += S.t.v * at),
- (P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )).length
- ? (M += S.t.v * P[0] * at)
- : (M += S.t.v * P * at));
- ot = !1;
- }
- for (M && (M += nt); D < b; )
- (m[D].animatorJustifyOffset = M), (D += 1);
- }
- for (b = 0; b < _; b += 1) {
- if ((u.reset(), (k = 1), m[b].n))
- (I = 0),
- (X = X + t.yOffset + (J ? 1 : 0)),
- (e = $),
- (J = !1),
- this._hasMaskedPath &&
- ((a = (o = h[(n = tt)].points)[(s = et) - 1]),
- (N = (r = o[s]).partialLength),
- (i = 0)),
- (Y = H = Z = it = ''),
- (st = this.defaultPropsArray);
- else {
- if (this._hasMaskedPath) {
- if (rt !== m[b].line) {
- switch (t.j) {
- case 1:
- e += l - t.lineWidths[m[b].line];
- break;
- case 2:
- e += (l - t.lineWidths[m[b].line]) / 2;
- }
- rt = m[b].line;
- }
- Q !== m[b].ind &&
- (m[Q] && (e += m[Q].extra),
- (e += m[b].an / 2),
- (Q = m[b].ind)),
- (e += (c[0] * m[b].an) / 200);
- for (var R = 0, z = 0; z < F; z += 1)
- (S = f[z].a).p.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )).length
- ? (R += S.p.v[0] * P[0])
- : (R += S.p.v[0] * P)),
- S.a.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )).length
- ? (R += S.a.v[0] * P[0])
- : (R += S.a.v[0] * P));
- for (O = !0; O; )
- e + R <= i + N || !o
- ? ((B = (e + R - i) / r.partialLength),
- (U = a.point[0] + (r.point[0] - a.point[0]) * B),
- (W = a.point[1] + (r.point[1] - a.point[1]) * B),
- u.translate(
- (-c[0] * m[b].an) / 200,
- (-c[1] * K) / 100
- ),
- (O = !1))
- : o &&
- ((i += r.partialLength),
- (s += 1) >= o.length &&
- ((s = 0),
- (o = h[(n += 1)]
- ? h[n].points
- : p.v.c
- ? h[(n = s = 0)].points
- : ((i -= r.partialLength), null))),
- o) &&
- ((a = r), (N = (r = o[s]).partialLength));
- (x = m[b].an / 2 - m[b].add), u.translate(-x, 0, 0);
- } else
- (x = m[b].an / 2 - m[b].add),
- u.translate(-x, 0, 0),
- u.translate(
- (-c[0] * m[b].an) / 200,
- (-c[1] * K) / 100,
- 0
- );
- for (m[b].l, z = 0; z < F; z += 1)
- (S = f[z].a).t.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )),
- (0 === I && 0 === t.j) ||
- (this._hasMaskedPath
- ? P.length
- ? (e += S.t.v * P[0])
- : (e += S.t.v * P)
- : P.length
- ? (I += S.t.v * P[0])
- : (I += S.t.v * P)));
- for (
- m[b].l,
- t.strokeWidthAnim && (w = t.sw || 0),
- t.strokeColorAnim &&
- (E = t.sc ? [t.sc[0], t.sc[1], t.sc[2]] : [0, 0, 0]),
- t.fillColorAnim &&
- t.fc &&
- (A = [t.fc[0], t.fc[1], t.fc[2]]),
- z = 0;
- z < F;
- z += 1
- )
- (S = f[z].a).a.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )).length
- ? u.translate(
- -S.a.v[0] * P[0],
- -S.a.v[1] * P[1],
- S.a.v[2] * P[2]
- )
- : u.translate(
- -S.a.v[0] * P,
- -S.a.v[1] * P,
- S.a.v[2] * P
- ));
- for (z = 0; z < F; z += 1)
- (S = f[z].a).s.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )).length
- ? u.scale(
- 1 + (S.s.v[0] - 1) * P[0],
- 1 + (S.s.v[1] - 1) * P[1],
- 1
- )
- : u.scale(
- 1 + (S.s.v[0] - 1) * P,
- 1 + (S.s.v[1] - 1) * P,
- 1
- ));
- for (z = 0; z < F; z += 1) {
- if (
- ((S = f[z].a),
- (P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )),
- S.sk.propType &&
- (P.length
- ? u.skewFromAxis(-S.sk.v * P[0], S.sa.v * P[1])
- : u.skewFromAxis(-S.sk.v * P, S.sa.v * P)),
- S.r.propType &&
- (P.length
- ? u.rotateZ(-S.r.v * P[2])
- : u.rotateZ(-S.r.v * P)),
- S.ry.propType &&
- (P.length
- ? u.rotateY(S.ry.v * P[1])
- : u.rotateY(S.ry.v * P)),
- S.rx.propType &&
- (P.length
- ? u.rotateX(S.rx.v * P[0])
- : u.rotateX(S.rx.v * P)),
- S.o.propType &&
- (P.length
- ? (k += (S.o.v * P[0] - k) * P[0])
- : (k += (S.o.v * P - k) * P)),
- t.strokeWidthAnim &&
- S.sw.propType &&
- (P.length ? (w += S.sw.v * P[0]) : (w += S.sw.v * P)),
- t.strokeColorAnim && S.sc.propType)
- )
- for (T = 0; T < 3; T += 1)
- P.length
- ? (E[T] = E[T] + (S.sc.v[T] - E[T]) * P[0])
- : (E[T] = E[T] + (S.sc.v[T] - E[T]) * P);
- if (t.fillColorAnim && t.fc) {
- if (S.fc.propType)
- for (T = 0; T < 3; T += 1)
- P.length
- ? (A[T] = A[T] + (S.fc.v[T] - A[T]) * P[0])
- : (A[T] = A[T] + (S.fc.v[T] - A[T]) * P);
- S.fh.propType &&
- (A = P.length
- ? addHueToRGB(A, S.fh.v * P[0])
- : addHueToRGB(A, S.fh.v * P)),
- S.fs.propType &&
- (A = P.length
- ? addSaturationToRGB(A, S.fs.v * P[0])
- : addSaturationToRGB(A, S.fs.v * P)),
- S.fb.propType &&
- (A = P.length
- ? addBrightnessToRGB(A, S.fb.v * P[0])
- : addBrightnessToRGB(A, S.fb.v * P));
- }
- }
- for (z = 0; z < F; z += 1)
- (S = f[z].a).p.propType &&
- ((P = f[z].s.getMult(
- m[b].anIndexes[z],
- d.a[z].s.totalChars
- )),
- this._hasMaskedPath
- ? P.length
- ? u.translate(0, S.p.v[1] * P[0], -S.p.v[2] * P[1])
- : u.translate(0, S.p.v[1] * P, -S.p.v[2] * P)
- : P.length
- ? u.translate(
- S.p.v[0] * P[0],
- S.p.v[1] * P[1],
- -S.p.v[2] * P[2]
- )
- : u.translate(
- S.p.v[0] * P,
- S.p.v[1] * P,
- -S.p.v[2] * P
- ));
- if (
- (t.strokeWidthAnim && (H = w < 0 ? 0 : w),
- t.strokeColorAnim &&
- (q =
- 'rgb(' +
- Math.round(255 * E[0]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * E[1]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * E[2]) +
- ')'),
- t.fillColorAnim &&
- t.fc &&
- (Z =
- 'rgb(' +
- Math.round(255 * A[0]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * A[1]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * A[2]) +
- ')'),
- this._hasMaskedPath)
- )
- u.translate(0, -t.ls),
- u.translate(0, (c[1] * K) / 100 + X, 0),
- d.p.p &&
- ((C =
- (r.point[1] - a.point[1]) /
- (r.point[0] - a.point[0])),
- (C = (180 * Math.atan(C)) / Math.PI),
- r.point[0] < a.point[0] && (C += 180),
- u.rotate((-C * Math.PI) / 180)),
- u.translate(U, W, 0),
- (e -= (c[0] * m[b].an) / 200),
- m[b + 1] &&
- Q !== m[b + 1].ind &&
- (e = (e += m[b].an / 2) + (t.tr / 1e3) * t.finalSize);
- else {
- switch (
- (u.translate(I, X, 0),
- t.ps && u.translate(t.ps[0], t.ps[1] + t.ascent, 0),
- t.j)
- ) {
- case 1:
- u.translate(
- m[b].animatorJustifyOffset +
- t.justifyOffset +
- (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[m[b].line]),
- 0,
- 0
- );
- break;
- case 2:
- u.translate(
- m[b].animatorJustifyOffset +
- t.justifyOffset +
- (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[m[b].line]) / 2,
- 0,
- 0
- );
- }
- u.translate(0, -t.ls),
- u.translate(x, 0, 0),
- u.translate(
- (c[0] * m[b].an) / 200,
- (c[1] * K) / 100,
- 0
- ),
- (I += m[b].l + (t.tr / 1e3) * t.finalSize);
- }
- 'html' === V
- ? (it = u.toCSS())
- : 'svg' === V
- ? (it = u.to2dCSS())
- : (st = [
- u.props[0],
- u.props[1],
- u.props[2],
- u.props[3],
- u.props[4],
- u.props[5],
- u.props[6],
- u.props[7],
- u.props[8],
- u.props[9],
- u.props[10],
- u.props[11],
- u.props[12],
- u.props[13],
- u.props[14],
- u.props[15],
- ]),
- (Y = k);
- }
- G <= b
- ? ((j = new LetterProps(Y, H, q, Z, it, st)),
- this.renderedLetters.push(j),
- (G += 1),
- (this.lettersChangedFlag = !0))
- : ((j = this.renderedLetters[b]),
- (this.lettersChangedFlag =
- j.update(Y, H, q, Z, it, st) ||
- this.lettersChangedFlag));
- }
- }
- }),
- (TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getValue = function () {
- this._elem.globalData.frameId !== this._frameId &&
- ((this._frameId = this._elem.globalData.frameId),
- this.iterateDynamicProperties());
- }),
- (TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.mHelper = new Matrix()),
- (TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.defaultPropsArray = []),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], TextAnimatorProperty),
- (LetterProps.prototype.update = function (t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- (this._mdf.o = !1),
- (this._mdf.sw = !1),
- (this._mdf.sc = !1),
- (this._mdf.fc = !1),
- (this._mdf.m = !1);
- var a = (this._mdf.p = !1);
- return (
- this.o !== t && ((this.o = t), (a = this._mdf.o = !0)),
- this.sw !== e && ((this.sw = e), (a = this._mdf.sw = !0)),
- this.sc !== r && ((this.sc = r), (a = this._mdf.sc = !0)),
- this.fc !== i && ((this.fc = i), (a = this._mdf.fc = !0)),
- this.m !== s && ((this.m = s), (a = this._mdf.m = !0)),
- !n.length ||
- (this.p[0] === n[0] &&
- this.p[1] === n[1] &&
- this.p[4] === n[4] &&
- this.p[5] === n[5] &&
- this.p[12] === n[12] &&
- this.p[13] === n[13]) ||
- ((this.p = n), (a = this._mdf.p = !0)),
- a
- );
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.defaultBoxWidth = [0, 0]),
- (TextProperty.prototype.copyData = function (t, e) {
- for (var r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
- return t;
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.setCurrentData = function (t) {
- t.__complete || this.completeTextData(t),
- (this.currentData = t),
- (this.currentData.boxWidth =
- this.currentData.boxWidth || this.defaultBoxWidth),
- (this._mdf = !0);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty = function () {
- return this.searchKeyframes();
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.searchKeyframes = function () {
- return (
- (this.kf = 1 < this.data.d.k.length),
- this.kf && this.addEffect(this.getKeyframeValue.bind(this)),
- this.kf
- );
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.addEffect = function (t) {
- this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {
- if (
- (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId &&
- this.effectsSequence.length) ||
- t
- ) {
- this.currentData.t = this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s.t;
- var e = this.currentData,
- r = this.keysIndex;
- if (this.lock) this.setCurrentData(this.currentData);
- else {
- (this.lock = !0), (this._mdf = !1);
- for (
- var i = this.effectsSequence.length,
- s = t || this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s,
- n = 0;
- n < i;
- n += 1
- )
- s =
- r !== this.keysIndex
- ? this.effectsSequence[n](s, s.t)
- : this.effectsSequence[n](this.currentData, s.t);
- e !== s && this.setCurrentData(s),
- (this.pv = this.v = this.currentData),
- (this.lock = !1),
- (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId);
- }
- }
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.getKeyframeValue = function () {
- for (
- var t = this.data.d.k,
- e = this.elem.comp.renderedFrame,
- r = 0,
- i = t.length;
- r <= i - 1 && (t[r].s, !(r === i - 1 || t[r + 1].t > e));
- )
- r += 1;
- return (
- this.keysIndex !== r && (this.keysIndex = r),
- this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s
- );
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.buildFinalText = function (t) {
- for (
- var e,
- r = FontManager.getCombinedCharacterCodes(),
- i = [],
- s = 0,
- n = t.length;
- s < n;
- )
- (e = t.charCodeAt(s)),
- -1 !== r.indexOf(e)
- ? (i[i.length - 1] += t.charAt(s))
- : 55296 <= e &&
- e <= 56319 &&
- 56320 <= (e = t.charCodeAt(s + 1)) &&
- e <= 57343
- ? (i.push(t.substr(s, 2)), ++s)
- : i.push(t.charAt(s)),
- (s += 1);
- return i;
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.completeTextData = function (t) {
- t.__complete = !0;
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s = this.elem.globalData.fontManager,
- n = this.data,
- a = [],
- o = 0,
- h = n.m.g,
- l = 0,
- p = 0,
- c = 0,
- f = [],
- d = 0,
- u = 0,
- m = s.getFontByName(t.f),
- y = 0,
- g = m.fStyle ? m.fStyle.split(' ') : [],
- v = 'normal',
- _ = 'normal';
- for (E = g.length, A = 0; A < E; A += 1)
- switch (g[A].toLowerCase()) {
- case 'italic':
- _ = 'italic';
- break;
- case 'bold':
- v = '700';
- break;
- case 'black':
- v = '900';
- break;
- case 'medium':
- v = '500';
- break;
- case 'regular':
- case 'normal':
- v = '400';
- break;
- case 'light':
- case 'thin':
- v = '200';
- }
- (t.fWeight = m.fWeight || v),
- (t.fStyle = _),
- (t.finalSize = t.s),
- (t.finalText = this.buildFinalText(t.t)),
- (E = t.finalText.length),
- (t.finalLineHeight = t.lh);
- var b,
- S = (t.tr / 1e3) * t.finalSize;
- if (t.sz)
- for (var P, x = !0, L = t.sz[0], O = t.sz[1]; x; ) {
- for (
- var k = 0,
- d = 0,
- E = (P = this.buildFinalText(t.t)).length,
- S = (t.tr / 1e3) * t.finalSize,
- w = -1,
- A = 0;
- A < E;
- A += 1
- )
- (b = P[A].charCodeAt(0)),
- (e = !1),
- ' ' === P[A]
- ? (w = A)
- : (13 !== b && 3 !== b) ||
- ((e = !(d = 0)),
- (k += t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize)),
- L <
- d +
- (y = s.chars
- ? ((i = s.getCharData(P[A], m.fStyle, m.fFamily)),
- e ? 0 : (i.w * t.finalSize) / 100)
- : s.measureText(P[A], t.f, t.finalSize)) &&
- ' ' !== P[A]
- ? (-1 === w ? (E += 1) : (A = w),
- (k += t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize),
- P.splice(A, w === A ? 1 : 0, '\r'),
- (w = -1),
- (d = 0))
- : (d = d + y + S);
- (k += (m.ascent * t.finalSize) / 100),
- this.canResize &&
- t.finalSize > this.minimumFontSize &&
- O < k
- ? (--t.finalSize,
- (t.finalLineHeight = (t.finalSize * t.lh) / t.s))
- : ((t.finalText = P), (E = t.finalText.length), (x = !1));
- }
- d = -S;
- var T,
- y = 0,
- C = 0;
- for (A = 0; A < E; A += 1)
- if (
- ((e = !1),
- 13 === (b = (T = t.finalText[A]).charCodeAt(0)) || 3 === b
- ? ((C = 0),
- f.push(d),
- (u = u < d ? d : u),
- (d = -2 * S),
- (e = !(r = '')),
- (c += 1))
- : (r = T),
- (y = s.chars
- ? ((i = s.getCharData(
- T,
- m.fStyle,
- s.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily
- )),
- e ? 0 : (i.w * t.finalSize) / 100)
- : s.measureText(r, t.f, t.finalSize)),
- ' ' === T ? (C += y + S) : ((d += y + S + C), (C = 0)),
- a.push({
- l: y,
- an: y,
- add: l,
- n: e,
- anIndexes: [],
- val: r,
- line: c,
- animatorJustifyOffset: 0,
- }),
- 2 == h)
- ) {
- if (((l += y), '' === r || ' ' === r || A === E - 1)) {
- for (('' !== r && ' ' !== r) || (l -= y); p <= A; )
- (a[p].an = l), (a[p].ind = o), (a[p].extra = y), (p += 1);
- (o += 1), (l = 0);
- }
- } else if (3 == h) {
- if (((l += y), '' === r || A === E - 1)) {
- for ('' === r && (l -= y); p <= A; )
- (a[p].an = l), (a[p].ind = o), (a[p].extra = y), (p += 1);
- (l = 0), (o += 1);
- }
- } else (a[o].ind = o), (a[o].extra = 0), (o += 1);
- if (((t.l = a), (u = u < d ? d : u), f.push(d), t.sz))
- (t.boxWidth = t.sz[0]), (t.justifyOffset = 0);
- else
- switch (((t.boxWidth = u), t.j)) {
- case 1:
- t.justifyOffset = -t.boxWidth;
- break;
- case 2:
- t.justifyOffset = -t.boxWidth / 2;
- break;
- default:
- t.justifyOffset = 0;
- }
- t.lineWidths = f;
- for (
- var I, F, M, D, N = n.a, B = N.length, R = [], z = 0;
- z < B;
- z += 1
- ) {
- for (
- (I = N[z]).a.sc && (t.strokeColorAnim = !0),
- I.a.sw && (t.strokeWidthAnim = !0),
- (I.a.fc || I.a.fh || I.a.fs || I.a.fb) &&
- (t.fillColorAnim = !0),
- M = I.s.b,
- A = D = 0;
- A < E;
- A += 1
- )
- ((F = a[A]).anIndexes[z] = D),
- ((1 == M && '' !== F.val) ||
- (2 == M && '' !== F.val && ' ' !== F.val) ||
- (3 == M && (F.n || ' ' == F.val || A == E - 1)) ||
- (4 == M && (F.n || A == E - 1))) &&
- (1 === I.s.rn && R.push(D), (D += 1));
- n.a[z].s.totalChars = D;
- var V,
- G = -1;
- if (1 === I.s.rn)
- for (A = 0; A < E; A += 1)
- G != (F = a[A]).anIndexes[z] &&
- ((G = F.anIndexes[z]),
- (V = R.splice(
- Math.floor(Math.random() * R.length),
- 1
- )[0])),
- (F.anIndexes[z] = V);
- }
- (t.yOffset = t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize),
- (t.ls = t.ls || 0),
- (t.ascent = (m.ascent * t.finalSize) / 100);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.updateDocumentData = function (t, e) {
- e = void 0 === e ? this.keysIndex : e;
- var r = this.copyData({}, this.data.d.k[e].s),
- r = this.copyData(r, t);
- (this.data.d.k[e].s = r),
- this.recalculate(e),
- this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.recalculate = function (t) {
- t = this.data.d.k[t].s;
- (t.__complete = !1),
- (this.keysIndex = 0),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0),
- this.getValue(t);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.canResizeFont = function (t) {
- (this.canResize = t),
- this.recalculate(this.keysIndex),
- this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.setMinimumFontSize = function (t) {
- (this.minimumFontSize = Math.floor(t) || 1),
- this.recalculate(this.keysIndex),
- this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);
- });
- var TextSelectorProp = (function () {
- var h = Math.max,
- l = Math.min,
- p = Math.floor;
- function i(t, e) {
- (this._currentTextLength = -1),
- (this.k = !1),
- (this.data = e),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.finalS = 0),
- (this.finalE = 0),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.s || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.e =
- 'e' in e
- ? PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, 0, this)
- : { v: 100 }),
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.o || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.xe = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.xe || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.ne = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.ne || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- 0,
- this
- )),
- (this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a, 0, 0.01, this)),
- this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue();
- }
- return (
- (i.prototype = {
- getMult: function (t) {
- this._currentTextLength !==
- this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length &&
- this.getValue();
- var e,
- r,
- i = 0,
- s = 0,
- n = 1,
- a = 1,
- i =
- (0 < this.ne.v
- ? (i = this.ne.v / 100)
- : (s = -this.ne.v / 100),
- 0 < this.xe.v
- ? (n = 1 - this.xe.v / 100)
- : (a = 1 + this.xe.v / 100),
- BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(i, s, n, a).get),
- s = 0,
- n = this.finalS,
- a = this.finalE,
- o = this.data.sh;
- return (
- (s =
- 2 === o
- ? i(
- (s =
- a === n
- ? a <= t
- ? 1
- : 0
- : h(
- 0,
- l(0.5 / (a - n) + (t - n) / (a - n), 1)
- ))
- )
- : 3 === o
- ? i(
- (s =
- a === n
- ? a <= t
- ? 0
- : 1
- : 1 -
- h(
- 0,
- l(0.5 / (a - n) + (t - n) / (a - n), 1)
- ))
- )
- : 4 === o
- ? (a === n
- ? (s = 0)
- : (s = h(
- 0,
- l(0.5 / (a - n) + (t - n) / (a - n), 1)
- )) < 0.5
- ? (s *= 2)
- : (s = 1 - 2 * (s - 0.5)),
- i(s))
- : 5 === o
- ? i(
- (s =
- a === n
- ? 0
- : ((e =
- -(r = a - n) / 2 +
- (t = l(h(0, t + 0.5 - n), a - n))),
- (r = r / 2),
- Math.sqrt(1 - (e * e) / (r * r))))
- )
- : (6 === o
- ? (s =
- a === n
- ? 0
- : ((t = l(h(0, t + 0.5 - n), a - n)),
- (1 +
- Math.cos(
- Math.PI +
- (2 * Math.PI * t) / (a - n)
- )) /
- 2))
- : t >= p(n) &&
- (s = h(
- 0,
- l(
- t - n < 0 ? l(a, 1) - (n - t) : a - t,
- 1
- )
- )),
- i(s))) * this.a.v
- );
- },
- getValue: function (t) {
- this.iterateDynamicProperties(),
- (this._mdf = t || this._mdf),
- (this._currentTextLength =
- this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length || 0),
- t &&
- 2 === this.data.r &&
- (this.e.v = this._currentTextLength);
- var t = 2 === this.data.r ? 1 : 100 / this.data.totalChars,
- e = this.o.v / t,
- r = this.s.v / t + e,
- t = this.e.v / t + e;
- t < r && ((e = r), (r = t), (t = e)),
- (this.finalS = r),
- (this.finalE = t);
- },
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], i),
- {
- getTextSelectorProp: function (t, e, r) {
- return new i(t, e);
- },
- }
- );
- })(),
- pool_factory = function (t, e, r, i) {
- var s = 0,
- n = t,
- a = createSizedArray(n);
- return {
- newElement: function () {
- return s ? a[--s] : e();
- },
- release: function (t) {
- s === n && ((a = pooling.double(a)), (n *= 2)),
- r && r(t),
- (a[s] = t),
- (s += 1);
- },
- };
- },
- pooling = {
- double: function (t) {
- return t.concat(createSizedArray(t.length));
- },
- },
- point_pool = pool_factory(8, function () {
- return createTypedArray('float32', 2);
- }),
- shape_pool =
- ((factory = pool_factory(
- 4,
- function () {
- return new ShapePath();
- },
- function (t) {
- for (var e = t._length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- point_pool.release(t.v[r]),
- point_pool.release(t.i[r]),
- point_pool.release(t.o[r]),
- (t.v[r] = null),
- (t.i[r] = null),
- (t.o[r] = null);
- (t._length = 0), (t.c = !1);
- }
- )),
- (factory.clone = function (t) {
- var e,
- r = factory.newElement(),
- i = void 0 === t._length ? t.v.length : t._length;
- for (r.setLength(i), r.c = t.c, e = 0; e < i; e += 1)
- r.setTripleAt(
- t.v[e][0],
- t.v[e][1],
- t.o[e][0],
- t.o[e][1],
- t.i[e][0],
- t.i[e][1],
- e
- );
- return r;
- }),
- factory),
- factory,
- shapeCollection_pool = (function () {
- var t = {
- newShapeCollection: function () {
- return i ? n[--i] : new ShapeCollection();
- },
- release: function (t) {
- for (var e = t._length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- shape_pool.release(t.shapes[r]);
- (t._length = 0),
- i === s && ((n = pooling.double(n)), (s *= 2)),
- (n[i] = t),
- (i += 1);
- },
- },
- i = 0,
- s = 4,
- n = createSizedArray(s);
- return t;
- })(),
- segments_length_pool = pool_factory(
- 8,
- function () {
- return { lengths: [], totalLength: 0 };
- },
- function (t) {
- for (var e = t.lengths.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- bezier_length_pool.release(t.lengths[r]);
- t.lengths.length = 0;
- }
- ),
- bezier_length_pool = pool_factory(8, function () {
- return {
- addedLength: 0,
- percents: createTypedArray('float32', defaultCurveSegments),
- lengths: createTypedArray('float32', defaultCurveSegments),
- };
- });
- function BaseRenderer() {}
- function SVGRenderer(t, e) {
- (this.animationItem = t),
- (this.layers = null),
- (this.renderedFrame = -1),
- (this.svgElement = createNS('svg'));
- var t = '',
- r =
- (e &&
- e.title &&
- ((r = createNS('title')),
- (i = createElementID()),
- r.setAttribute('id', i),
- (r.textContent = e.title),
- this.svgElement.appendChild(r),
- (t += i)),
- e &&
- e.description &&
- ((r = createNS('desc')),
- (i = createElementID()),
- r.setAttribute('id', i),
- (r.textContent = e.description),
- this.svgElement.appendChild(r),
- (t += ' ' + i)),
- t && this.svgElement.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', t),
- createNS('defs')),
- i = (this.svgElement.appendChild(r), createNS('g'));
- this.svgElement.appendChild(i),
- (this.layerElement = i),
- (this.renderConfig = {
- preserveAspectRatio:
- (e && e.preserveAspectRatio) || 'xMidYMid meet',
- imagePreserveAspectRatio:
- (e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio) || 'xMidYMid slice',
- progressiveLoad: (e && e.progressiveLoad) || !1,
- hideOnTransparent: !e || !1 !== e.hideOnTransparent,
- viewBoxOnly: (e && e.viewBoxOnly) || !1,
- viewBoxSize: (e && e.viewBoxSize) || !1,
- className: (e && e.className) || '',
- id: (e && e.id) || '',
- focusable: e && e.focusable,
- filterSize: {
- width: (e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.width) || '100%',
- height: (e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.height) || '100%',
- x: (e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.x) || '0%',
- y: (e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.y) || '0%',
- },
- }),
- (this.globalData = {
- _mdf: !1,
- frameNum: -1,
- defs: r,
- renderConfig: this.renderConfig,
- }),
- (this.elements = []),
- (this.pendingElements = []),
- (this.destroyed = !1),
- (this.rendererType = 'svg');
- }
- function MaskElement(t, e, r) {
- (this.data = t),
- (this.element = e),
- (this.globalData = r),
- (this.storedData = []),
- (this.masksProperties = this.data.masksProperties || []),
- (this.maskElement = null);
- var i = this.globalData.defs,
- s = this.masksProperties ? this.masksProperties.length : 0;
- (this.viewData = createSizedArray(s)), (this.solidPath = '');
- for (
- var n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p = this.masksProperties,
- c = 0,
- f = [],
- d = createElementID(),
- u = 'clipPath',
- m = 'clip-path',
- y = 0;
- y < s;
- y++
- )
- if (
- ((('a' !== p[y].mode && 'n' !== p[y].mode) ||
- p[y].inv ||
- 100 !== p[y].o.k ||
- p[y].o.x) &&
- (m = u = 'mask'),
- ('s' != p[y].mode && 'i' != p[y].mode) || 0 !== c
- ? (a = null)
- : ((a = createNS('rect')).setAttribute('fill', '#ffffff'),
- a.setAttribute('width', this.element.comp.data.w || 0),
- a.setAttribute('height', this.element.comp.data.h || 0),
- f.push(a)),
- (n = createNS('path')),
- 'n' != p[y].mode)
- ) {
- if (
- ((c += 1),
- n.setAttribute(
- 'fill',
- 's' === p[y].mode ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'
- ),
- n.setAttribute('clip-rule', 'nonzero'),
- 0 !== p[y].x.k
- ? ((m = u = 'mask'),
- (h = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- this.element,
- p[y].x,
- 0,
- null,
- this.element
- )),
- (l = createElementID()),
- (b = createNS('filter')).setAttribute('id', l),
- (o = createNS('feMorphology')).setAttribute(
- 'operator',
- 'erode'
- ),
- o.setAttribute('in', 'SourceGraphic'),
- o.setAttribute('radius', '0'),
- b.appendChild(o),
- i.appendChild(b),
- n.setAttribute(
- 'stroke',
- 's' === p[y].mode ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'
- ))
- : (h = o = null),
- (this.storedData[y] = {
- elem: n,
- x: h,
- expan: o,
- lastPath: '',
- lastOperator: '',
- filterId: l,
- lastRadius: 0,
- }),
- 'i' == p[y].mode)
- ) {
- for (
- var g = f.length, v = createNS('g'), _ = 0;
- _ < g;
- _ += 1
- )
- v.appendChild(f[_]);
- var b = createNS('mask');
- b.setAttribute('mask-type', 'alpha'),
- b.setAttribute('id', d + '_' + c),
- b.appendChild(n),
- i.appendChild(b),
- v.setAttribute(
- 'mask',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + d + '_' + c + ')'
- ),
- (f.length = 0),
- f.push(v);
- } else f.push(n);
- p[y].inv &&
- !this.solidPath &&
- (this.solidPath = this.createLayerSolidPath()),
- (this.viewData[y] = {
- elem: n,
- lastPath: '',
- op: PropertyFactory.getProp(
- this.element,
- p[y].o,
- 0,
- 0.01,
- this.element
- ),
- prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(
- this.element,
- p[y],
- 3
- ),
- invRect: a,
- }),
- this.viewData[y].prop.k ||
- this.drawPath(
- p[y],
- this.viewData[y].prop.v,
- this.viewData[y]
- );
- } else
- (this.viewData[y] = {
- op: PropertyFactory.getProp(
- this.element,
- p[y].o,
- 0,
- 0.01,
- this.element
- ),
- prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(
- this.element,
- p[y],
- 3
- ),
- elem: n,
- lastPath: '',
- }),
- i.appendChild(n);
- for (
- this.maskElement = createNS(u), s = f.length, y = 0;
- y < s;
- y += 1
- )
- this.maskElement.appendChild(f[y]);
- 0 < c &&
- (this.maskElement.setAttribute('id', d),
- this.element.maskedElement.setAttribute(
- m,
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + d + ')'
- ),
- i.appendChild(this.maskElement)),
- this.viewData.length && this.element.addRenderableComponent(this);
- }
- function HierarchyElement() {}
- function FrameElement() {}
- function TransformElement() {}
- function RenderableElement() {}
- function RenderableDOMElement() {}
- function ProcessedElement(t, e) {
- (this.elem = t), (this.pos = e);
- }
- function SVGStyleData(t, e) {
- (this.data = t),
- (this.type = t.ty),
- (this.d = ''),
- (this.lvl = e),
- (this._mdf = !1),
- (this.closed = !0 === t.hd),
- (this.pElem = createNS('path')),
- (this.msElem = null);
- }
- function SVGShapeData(t, e, r) {
- (this.caches = []),
- (this.styles = []),
- (this.transformers = t),
- (this.lStr = ''),
- (this.sh = r),
- (this.lvl = e),
- (this._isAnimated = !!r.k);
- for (var i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; ) {
- if (t[i].mProps.dynamicProperties.length) {
- this._isAnimated = !0;
- break;
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- function SVGTransformData(t, e, r) {
- (this.transform = { mProps: t, op: e, container: r }),
- (this.elements = []),
- (this._isAnimated =
- this.transform.mProps.dynamicProperties.length ||
- this.transform.op.effectsSequence.length);
- }
- function SVGStrokeStyleData(t, e, r) {
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties),
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.w = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this)),
- (this.d = new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, 'svg', this)),
- (this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this)),
- (this.style = r),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated);
- }
- function SVGFillStyleData(t, e, r) {
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties),
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this)),
- (this.style = r);
- }
- function SVGGradientFillStyleData(t, e, r) {
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties),
- this.initGradientData(t, e, r);
- }
- function SVGGradientStrokeStyleData(t, e, r) {
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t),
- (this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties),
- (this.w = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this)),
- (this.d = new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, 'svg', this)),
- this.initGradientData(t, e, r),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated);
- }
- function ShapeGroupData() {
- (this.it = []), (this.prevViewData = []), (this.gr = createNS('g'));
- }
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.checkLayers = function (t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i = this.layers.length;
- for (this.completeLayers = !0, e = i - 1; 0 <= e; e--)
- this.elements[e] ||
- ((r = this.layers[e]).ip - r.st <= t - this.layers[e].st &&
- r.op - r.st > t - this.layers[e].st &&
- this.buildItem(e)),
- (this.completeLayers =
- !!this.elements[e] && this.completeLayers);
- this.checkPendingElements();
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.createItem = function (t) {
- switch (t.ty) {
- case 2:
- return this.createImage(t);
- case 0:
- return this.createComp(t);
- case 1:
- return this.createSolid(t);
- case 3:
- return this.createNull(t);
- case 4:
- return this.createShape(t);
- case 5:
- return this.createText(t);
- case 13:
- return this.createCamera(t);
- }
- return this.createNull(t);
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.createCamera = function () {
- throw new Error(
- "You're using a 3d camera. Try the html renderer."
- );
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.buildAllItems = function () {
- for (var t = this.layers.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.buildItem(e);
- this.checkPendingElements();
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.includeLayers = function (t) {
- this.completeLayers = !1;
- for (
- var e, r = t.length, i = this.layers.length, s = 0;
- s < r;
- s += 1
- )
- for (e = 0; e < i; ) {
- if (this.layers[e].id == t[s].id) {
- this.layers[e] = t[s];
- break;
- }
- e += 1;
- }
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.setProjectInterface = function (t) {
- this.globalData.projectInterface = t;
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.initItems = function () {
- this.globalData.progressiveLoad || this.buildAllItems();
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.buildElementParenting = function (t, e, r) {
- for (
- var i = this.elements, s = this.layers, n = 0, a = s.length;
- n < a;
- )
- s[n].ind == e &&
- (i[n] && !0 !== i[n]
- ? (r.push(i[n]),
- i[n].setAsParent(),
- void 0 !== s[n].parent
- ? this.buildElementParenting(t, s[n].parent, r)
- : t.setHierarchy(r))
- : (this.buildItem(n), this.addPendingElement(t))),
- (n += 1);
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.addPendingElement = function (t) {
- this.pendingElements.push(t);
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.searchExtraCompositions = function (t) {
- for (var e, r = t.length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1)
- t[i].xt &&
- ((e = this.createComp(t[i])).initExpressions(),
- this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(e));
- }),
- (BaseRenderer.prototype.setupGlobalData = function (t, e) {
- (this.globalData.fontManager = new FontManager()),
- this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars),
- this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, e),
- (this.globalData.getAssetData =
- this.animationItem.getAssetData.bind(this.animationItem)),
- (this.globalData.getAssetsPath =
- this.animationItem.getAssetsPath.bind(this.animationItem)),
- (this.globalData.imageLoader =
- this.animationItem.imagePreloader),
- (this.globalData.frameId = 0),
- (this.globalData.frameRate = t.fr),
- (this.globalData.nm = t.nm),
- (this.globalData.compSize = { w: t.w, h: t.h });
- }),
- extendPrototype([BaseRenderer], SVGRenderer),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull = function (t) {
- return new NullElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (t) {
- return new SVGShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createText = function (t) {
- return new SVGTextElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createImage = function (t) {
- return new IImageElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createComp = function (t) {
- return new SVGCompElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function (t) {
- return new ISolidElement(t, this.globalData, this);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {
- this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'xmlns',
- 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
- ),
- this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize
- ? this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'viewBox',
- this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize
- )
- : this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'viewBox',
- '0 0 ' + t.w + ' ' + t.h
- ),
- this.renderConfig.viewBoxOnly ||
- (this.svgElement.setAttribute('width', t.w),
- this.svgElement.setAttribute('height', t.h),
- (this.svgElement.style.width = '100%'),
- (this.svgElement.style.height = '100%'),
- (this.svgElement.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)')),
- this.renderConfig.className &&
- this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'class',
- this.renderConfig.className
- ),
- this.renderConfig.id &&
- this.svgElement.setAttribute('id', this.renderConfig.id),
- void 0 !== this.renderConfig.focusable &&
- this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'focusable',
- this.renderConfig.focusable
- ),
- this.svgElement.setAttribute(
- 'preserveAspectRatio',
- this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio
- ),
- this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.svgElement);
- var e = this.globalData.defs,
- r =
- (this.setupGlobalData(t, e),
- (this.globalData.progressiveLoad =
- this.renderConfig.progressiveLoad),
- (this.data = t),
- createNS('clipPath')),
- i = createNS('rect'),
- s =
- (i.setAttribute('width', t.w),
- i.setAttribute('height', t.h),
- i.setAttribute('x', 0),
- i.setAttribute('y', 0),
- createElementID());
- r.setAttribute('id', s),
- r.appendChild(i),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute(
- 'clip-path',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + s + ')'
- ),
- e.appendChild(r),
- (this.layers = t.layers),
- (this.elements = createSizedArray(t.layers.length));
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.destroy = function () {
- (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerHTML = ''),
- (this.layerElement = null),
- (this.globalData.defs = null);
- for (
- var t = this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0, e = 0;
- e < t;
- e++
- )
- this.elements[e] && this.elements[e].destroy();
- (this.elements.length = 0),
- (this.destroyed = !0),
- (this.animationItem = null);
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function () {}),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItem = function (t) {
- var e,
- r = this.elements;
- r[t] ||
- 99 == this.layers[t].ty ||
- ((r[t] = !0),
- (e = this.createItem(this.layers[t])),
- (r[t] = e),
- expressionsPlugin &&
- (0 === this.layers[t].ty &&
- this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(e),
- e.initExpressions()),
- this.appendElementInPos(e, t),
- this.layers[t].tt &&
- (this.elements[t - 1] && !0 !== this.elements[t - 1]
- ? e.setMatte(r[t - 1].layerId)
- : (this.buildItem(t - 1), this.addPendingElement(e))));
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements = function () {
- for (; this.pendingElements.length; ) {
- var t = this.pendingElements.pop();
- if ((t.checkParenting(), t.data.tt))
- for (var e = 0, r = this.elements.length; e < r; ) {
- if (this.elements[e] === t) {
- t.setMatte(this.elements[e - 1].layerId);
- break;
- }
- e += 1;
- }
- }
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- if (this.renderedFrame !== t && !this.destroyed) {
- null === t
- ? (t = this.renderedFrame)
- : (this.renderedFrame = t),
- (this.globalData.frameNum = t),
- (this.globalData.frameId += 1),
- (this.globalData.projectInterface.currentFrame = t),
- (this.globalData._mdf = !1);
- var e,
- r = this.layers.length;
- for (
- this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(t), e = r - 1;
- 0 <= e;
- e--
- )
- (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) &&
- this.elements[e].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[e].st);
- if (this.globalData._mdf)
- for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1)
- (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) &&
- this.elements[e].renderFrame();
- }
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.appendElementInPos = function (t, e) {
- t = t.getBaseElement();
- if (t) {
- for (var r, i = 0; i < e; )
- this.elements[i] &&
- !0 !== this.elements[i] &&
- this.elements[i].getBaseElement() &&
- (r = this.elements[i].getBaseElement()),
- (i += 1);
- r
- ? this.layerElement.insertBefore(t, r)
- : this.layerElement.appendChild(t);
- }
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.hide = function () {
- this.layerElement.style.display = 'none';
- }),
- (SVGRenderer.prototype.show = function () {
- this.layerElement.style.display = 'block';
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty = function (t) {
- return this.viewData[t].prop;
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- for (
- var e,
- r = this.element.finalTransform.mat,
- i = this.masksProperties.length,
- s = 0;
- s < i;
- s++
- )
- (this.viewData[s].prop._mdf || t) &&
- this.drawPath(
- this.masksProperties[s],
- this.viewData[s].prop.v,
- this.viewData[s]
- ),
- (this.viewData[s].op._mdf || t) &&
- this.viewData[s].elem.setAttribute(
- 'fill-opacity',
- this.viewData[s].op.v
- ),
- 'n' !== this.masksProperties[s].mode &&
- (this.viewData[s].invRect &&
- (this.element.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || t) &&
- this.viewData[s].invRect.setAttribute(
- 'transform',
- r.getInverseMatrix().to2dCSS()
- ),
- this.storedData[s].x) &&
- (this.storedData[s].x._mdf || t) &&
- ((e = this.storedData[s].expan),
- this.storedData[s].x.v < 0
- ? ('erode' !== this.storedData[s].lastOperator &&
- ((this.storedData[s].lastOperator = 'erode'),
- this.storedData[s].elem.setAttribute(
- 'filter',
- 'url(' +
- locationHref +
- '#' +
- this.storedData[s].filterId +
- ')'
- )),
- e.setAttribute('radius', -this.storedData[s].x.v))
- : ('dilate' !== this.storedData[s].lastOperator &&
- ((this.storedData[s].lastOperator = 'dilate'),
- this.storedData[s].elem.setAttribute('filter', null)),
- this.storedData[s].elem.setAttribute(
- 'stroke-width',
- 2 * this.storedData[s].x.v
- )));
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.getMaskelement = function () {
- return this.maskElement;
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.createLayerSolidPath = function () {
- var t = 'M0,0 ';
- return (
- (t =
- (t =
- (t += ' h' + this.globalData.compSize.w) +
- (' v' + this.globalData.compSize.h)) +
- (' h-' + this.globalData.compSize.w)) +
- (' v-' + this.globalData.compSize.h) +
- ' '
- );
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.drawPath = function (t, e, r) {
- for (
- var i,
- s = ' M' + e.v[0][0] + ',' + e.v[0][1],
- n = e._length,
- a = 1;
- a < n;
- a += 1
- )
- s +=
- ' C' +
- e.o[a - 1][0] +
- ',' +
- e.o[a - 1][1] +
- ' ' +
- e.i[a][0] +
- ',' +
- e.i[a][1] +
- ' ' +
- e.v[a][0] +
- ',' +
- e.v[a][1];
- e.c &&
- 1 < n &&
- (s +=
- ' C' +
- e.o[a - 1][0] +
- ',' +
- e.o[a - 1][1] +
- ' ' +
- e.i[0][0] +
- ',' +
- e.i[0][1] +
- ' ' +
- e.v[0][0] +
- ',' +
- e.v[0][1]),
- r.lastPath !== s &&
- ((i = ''),
- r.elem &&
- (e.c && (i = t.inv ? this.solidPath + s : s),
- r.elem.setAttribute('d', i)),
- (r.lastPath = s));
- }),
- (MaskElement.prototype.destroy = function () {
- (this.element = null),
- (this.globalData = null),
- (this.maskElement = null),
- (this.data = null),
- (this.masksProperties = null);
- }),
- (HierarchyElement.prototype = {
- initHierarchy: function () {
- (this.hierarchy = []),
- (this._isParent = !1),
- this.checkParenting();
- },
- setHierarchy: function (t) {
- this.hierarchy = t;
- },
- setAsParent: function () {
- this._isParent = !0;
- },
- checkParenting: function () {
- void 0 !== this.data.parent &&
- this.comp.buildElementParenting(this, this.data.parent, []);
- },
- }),
- (FrameElement.prototype = {
- initFrame: function () {
- (this._isFirstFrame = !1),
- (this.dynamicProperties = []),
- (this._mdf = !1);
- },
- prepareProperties: function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r = this.dynamicProperties.length, i = 0;
- i < r;
- i += 1
- )
- (e ||
- (this._isParent &&
- 'transform' === this.dynamicProperties[i].propType)) &&
- (this.dynamicProperties[i].getValue(),
- this.dynamicProperties[i]._mdf) &&
- ((this.globalData._mdf = !0), (this._mdf = !0));
- },
- addDynamicProperty: function (t) {
- -1 === this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) &&
- this.dynamicProperties.push(t);
- },
- }),
- (TransformElement.prototype = {
- initTransform: function () {
- (this.finalTransform = {
- mProp: this.data.ks
- ? TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(
- this,
- this.data.ks,
- this
- )
- : { o: 0 },
- _matMdf: !1,
- _opMdf: !1,
- mat: new Matrix(),
- }),
- this.data.ao && (this.finalTransform.mProp.autoOriented = !0),
- this.data.ty;
- },
- renderTransform: function () {
- if (
- ((this.finalTransform._opMdf =
- this.finalTransform.mProp.o._mdf || this._isFirstFrame),
- (this.finalTransform._matMdf =
- this.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || this._isFirstFrame),
- this.hierarchy)
- ) {
- var t,
- e = this.finalTransform.mat,
- r = 0,
- i = this.hierarchy.length;
- if (!this.finalTransform._matMdf)
- for (; r < i; ) {
- if (this.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp._mdf) {
- this.finalTransform._matMdf = !0;
- break;
- }
- r += 1;
- }
- if (this.finalTransform._matMdf)
- for (
- t = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props,
- e.cloneFromProps(t),
- r = 0;
- r < i;
- r += 1
- )
- (t = this.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp.v.props),
- e.transform(
- t[0],
- t[1],
- t[2],
- t[3],
- t[4],
- t[5],
- t[6],
- t[7],
- t[8],
- t[9],
- t[10],
- t[11],
- t[12],
- t[13],
- t[14],
- t[15]
- );
- }
- },
- globalToLocal: function (t) {
- var e = [];
- e.push(this.finalTransform);
- for (var r = !0, i = this.comp; r; )
- i.finalTransform
- ? (i.data.hasMask && e.splice(0, 0, i.finalTransform),
- (i = i.comp))
- : (r = !1);
- for (var s, n = e.length, a = 0; a < n; a += 1)
- (s = e[a].mat.applyToPointArray(0, 0, 0)),
- (t = [t[0] - s[0], t[1] - s[1], 0]);
- return t;
- },
- mHelper: new Matrix(),
- }),
- (RenderableElement.prototype = {
- initRenderable: function () {
- (this.isInRange = !1),
- (this.hidden = !1),
- (this.isTransparent = !1),
- (this.renderableComponents = []);
- },
- addRenderableComponent: function (t) {
- -1 === this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) &&
- this.renderableComponents.push(t);
- },
- removeRenderableComponent: function (t) {
- -1 !== this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) &&
- this.renderableComponents.splice(
- this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t),
- 1
- );
- },
- prepareRenderableFrame: function (t) {
- this.checkLayerLimits(t);
- },
- checkTransparency: function () {
- this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v <= 0
- ? !this.isTransparent &&
- this.globalData.renderConfig.hideOnTransparent &&
- ((this.isTransparent = !0), this.hide())
- : this.isTransparent &&
- ((this.isTransparent = !1), this.show());
- },
- checkLayerLimits: function (t) {
- this.data.ip - this.data.st <= t &&
- this.data.op - this.data.st > t
- ? !0 !== this.isInRange &&
- ((this.globalData._mdf = !0),
- (this._mdf = !0),
- (this.isInRange = !0),
- this.show())
- : !1 !== this.isInRange &&
- ((this.globalData._mdf = !0),
- (this.isInRange = !1),
- this.hide());
- },
- renderRenderable: function () {
- for (
- var t = this.renderableComponents.length, e = 0;
- e < t;
- e += 1
- )
- this.renderableComponents[e].renderFrame(this._isFirstFrame);
- },
- sourceRectAtTime: function () {
- return { top: 0, left: 0, width: 100, height: 100 };
- },
- getLayerSize: function () {
- return 5 === this.data.ty
- ? {
- w: this.data.textData.width,
- h: this.data.textData.height,
- }
- : { w: this.data.width, h: this.data.height };
- },
- }),
- extendPrototype(
- [
- RenderableElement,
- createProxyFunction({
- initElement: function (t, e, r) {
- this.initFrame(),
- this.initBaseData(t, e, r),
- this.initTransform(t, e, r),
- this.initHierarchy(),
- this.initRenderable(),
- this.initRendererElement(),
- this.createContainerElements(),
- this.createRenderableComponents(),
- this.createContent(),
- this.hide();
- },
- hide: function () {
- this.hidden ||
- (this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent) ||
- (((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display =
- 'none'),
- (this.hidden = !0));
- },
- show: function () {
- this.isInRange &&
- !this.isTransparent &&
- (this.data.hd ||
- ((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display =
- 'block'),
- (this.hidden = !1),
- (this._isFirstFrame = !0));
- },
- renderFrame: function () {
- this.data.hd ||
- this.hidden ||
- (this.renderTransform(),
- this.renderRenderable(),
- this.renderElement(),
- this.renderInnerContent(),
- this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame = !1));
- },
- renderInnerContent: function () {},
- prepareFrame: function (t) {
- (this._mdf = !1),
- this.prepareRenderableFrame(t),
- this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange),
- this.checkTransparency();
- },
- destroy: function () {
- (this.innerElem = null), this.destroyBaseElement();
- },
- }),
- ],
- RenderableDOMElement
- ),
- (SVGStyleData.prototype.reset = function () {
- (this.d = ''), (this._mdf = !1);
- }),
- (SVGShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated = function () {
- this._isAnimated = !0;
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGStrokeStyleData),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGFillStyleData),
- (SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.initGradientData = function (
- t,
- e,
- r
- ) {
- (this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0.01, this)),
- (this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, null, this)),
- (this.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 1, null, this)),
- (this.h = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.h || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- 0.01,
- this
- )),
- (this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(
- t,
- e.a || { k: 0 },
- 0,
- degToRads,
- this
- )),
- (this.g = new GradientProperty(t, e.g, this)),
- (this.style = r),
- (this.stops = []),
- this.setGradientData(r.pElem, e),
- this.setGradientOpacity(e, r),
- (this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated);
- }),
- (SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientData = function (
- t,
- e
- ) {
- var r = createElementID(),
- i = createNS(1 === e.t ? 'linearGradient' : 'radialGradient');
- i.setAttribute('id', r),
- i.setAttribute('spreadMethod', 'pad'),
- i.setAttribute('gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse');
- for (var s, n = [], a = 4 * e.g.p, o = 0; o < a; o += 4)
- (s = createNS('stop')), i.appendChild(s), n.push(s);
- t.setAttribute(
- 'gf' === e.ty ? 'fill' : 'stroke',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + r + ')'
- ),
- (this.gf = i),
- (this.cst = n);
- }),
- (SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientOpacity = function (
- t,
- e
- ) {
- if (this.g._hasOpacity && !this.g._collapsable) {
- for (
- var r,
- i,
- s = createNS('mask'),
- n = createNS('path'),
- a = (s.appendChild(n), createElementID()),
- o = createElementID(),
- h =
- (s.setAttribute('id', o),
- createNS(
- 1 === t.t ? 'linearGradient' : 'radialGradient'
- )),
- l =
- (h.setAttribute('id', a),
- h.setAttribute('spreadMethod', 'pad'),
- h.setAttribute('gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'),
- (i = (t.g.k.k[0].s || t.g.k.k).length),
- this.stops),
- p = 4 * t.g.p;
- p < i;
- p += 2
- )
- (r = createNS('stop')).setAttribute(
- 'stop-color',
- 'rgb(255,255,255)'
- ),
- h.appendChild(r),
- l.push(r);
- n.setAttribute(
- 'gf' === t.ty ? 'fill' : 'stroke',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + a + ')'
- ),
- (this.of = h),
- (this.ms = s),
- (this.ost = l),
- (this.maskId = o),
- (e.msElem = n);
- }
- }),
- extendPrototype(
- [DynamicPropertyContainer],
- SVGGradientFillStyleData
- ),
- extendPrototype(
- [SVGGradientFillStyleData, DynamicPropertyContainer],
- SVGGradientStrokeStyleData
- );
- var SVGElementsRenderer = (function () {
- var y = new Matrix(),
- g = new Matrix();
- function e(t, e, r) {
- (r || e.transform.op._mdf) &&
- e.transform.container.setAttribute('opacity', e.transform.op.v),
- (r || e.transform.mProps._mdf) &&
- e.transform.container.setAttribute(
- 'transform',
- e.transform.mProps.v.to2dCSS()
- );
- }
- function r(t, e, r) {
- for (
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p,
- c,
- f,
- d = e.styles.length,
- u = e.lvl,
- m = 0;
- m < d;
- m += 1
- ) {
- if (((a = e.sh._mdf || r), e.styles[m].lvl < u)) {
- for (
- l = g.reset(),
- c = u - e.styles[m].lvl,
- f = e.transformers.length - 1;
- !a && 0 < c;
- )
- (a = e.transformers[f].mProps._mdf || a), c--, f--;
- if (a)
- for (
- c = u - e.styles[m].lvl, f = e.transformers.length - 1;
- 0 < c;
- )
- (p = e.transformers[f].mProps.v.props),
- l.transform(
- p[0],
- p[1],
- p[2],
- p[3],
- p[4],
- p[5],
- p[6],
- p[7],
- p[8],
- p[9],
- p[10],
- p[11],
- p[12],
- p[13],
- p[14],
- p[15]
- ),
- c--,
- f--;
- } else l = y;
- if (((s = (h = e.sh.paths)._length), a)) {
- for (n = '', i = 0; i < s; i += 1)
- (o = h.shapes[i]) &&
- o._length &&
- (n += buildShapeString(o, o._length, o.c, l));
- e.caches[m] = n;
- } else n = e.caches[m];
- (e.styles[m].d += !0 === t.hd ? '' : n),
- (e.styles[m]._mdf = a || e.styles[m]._mdf);
- }
- }
- function i(t, e, r) {
- var i = e.style;
- (e.c._mdf || r) &&
- i.pElem.setAttribute(
- 'fill',
- 'rgb(' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) +
- ')'
- ),
- (e.o._mdf || r) && i.pElem.setAttribute('fill-opacity', e.o.v);
- }
- function s(t, e, r) {
- n(t, e, r), a(0, e, r);
- }
- function n(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = e.gf,
- h = e.g._hasOpacity,
- l = e.s.v,
- p = e.e.v;
- if (
- ((e.o._mdf || r) &&
- ((n = 'gf' === t.ty ? 'fill-opacity' : 'stroke-opacity'),
- e.style.pElem.setAttribute(n, e.o.v)),
- (e.s._mdf || r) &&
- ((a = 'x1' == (n = 1 === t.t ? 'x1' : 'cx') ? 'y1' : 'cy'),
- o.setAttribute(n, l[0]),
- o.setAttribute(a, l[1]),
- h) &&
- !e.g._collapsable &&
- (e.of.setAttribute(n, l[0]), e.of.setAttribute(a, l[1])),
- e.g._cmdf || r)
- )
- for (
- var c = e.cst, f = e.g.c, d = c.length, u = 0;
- u < d;
- u += 1
- )
- (i = c[u]).setAttribute('offset', f[4 * u] + '%'),
- i.setAttribute(
- 'stop-color',
- 'rgb(' +
- f[4 * u + 1] +
- ',' +
- f[4 * u + 2] +
- ',' +
- f[4 * u + 3] +
- ')'
- );
- if (h && (e.g._omdf || r)) {
- var m = e.g.o;
- for (
- d = (c = e.g._collapsable ? e.cst : e.ost).length, u = 0;
- u < d;
- u += 1
- )
- (i = c[u]),
- e.g._collapsable ||
- i.setAttribute('offset', m[2 * u] + '%'),
- i.setAttribute('stop-opacity', m[2 * u + 1]);
- }
- 1 === t.t
- ? (e.e._mdf || r) &&
- (o.setAttribute('x2', p[0]), o.setAttribute('y2', p[1]), h) &&
- !e.g._collapsable &&
- (e.of.setAttribute('x2', p[0]), e.of.setAttribute('y2', p[1]))
- : ((e.s._mdf || e.e._mdf || r) &&
- ((s = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(l[0] - p[0], 2) + Math.pow(l[1] - p[1], 2)
- )),
- o.setAttribute('r', s),
- h) &&
- !e.g._collapsable &&
- e.of.setAttribute('r', s),
- (e.e._mdf || e.h._mdf || e.a._mdf || r) &&
- ((s =
- s ||
- Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(l[0] - p[0], 2) + Math.pow(l[1] - p[1], 2)
- )),
- (n = Math.atan2(p[1] - l[1], p[0] - l[0])),
- (a = s * (1 <= e.h.v ? 0.99 : e.h.v <= -1 ? -0.99 : e.h.v)),
- (t = Math.cos(n + e.a.v) * a + l[0]),
- (r = Math.sin(n + e.a.v) * a + l[1]),
- o.setAttribute('fx', t),
- o.setAttribute('fy', r),
- h) &&
- !e.g._collapsable &&
- (e.of.setAttribute('fx', t), e.of.setAttribute('fy', r)));
- }
- function a(t, e, r) {
- var i = e.style,
- s = e.d;
- s &&
- (s._mdf || r) &&
- s.dashStr &&
- (i.pElem.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', s.dashStr),
- i.pElem.setAttribute('stroke-dashoffset', s.dashoffset[0])),
- e.c &&
- (e.c._mdf || r) &&
- i.pElem.setAttribute(
- 'stroke',
- 'rgb(' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) +
- ')'
- ),
- (e.o._mdf || r) &&
- i.pElem.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', e.o.v),
- (e.w._mdf || r) &&
- (i.pElem.setAttribute('stroke-width', e.w.v), i.msElem) &&
- i.msElem.setAttribute('stroke-width', e.w.v);
- }
- return {
- createRenderFunction: function (t) {
- switch ((t.ty, t.ty)) {
- case 'fl':
- return i;
- case 'gf':
- return n;
- case 'gs':
- return s;
- case 'st':
- return a;
- case 'sh':
- case 'el':
- case 'rc':
- case 'sr':
- return r;
- case 'tr':
- return e;
- }
- },
- };
- })();
- function BaseElement() {}
- function NullElement(t, e, r) {
- this.initFrame(),
- this.initBaseData(t, e, r),
- this.initFrame(),
- this.initTransform(t, e, r),
- this.initHierarchy();
- }
- function SVGBaseElement() {}
- function IShapeElement() {}
- function ITextElement() {}
- function ICompElement() {}
- function IImageElement(t, e, r) {
- (this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId)),
- this.initElement(t, e, r),
- (this.sourceRect = {
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- width: this.assetData.w,
- height: this.assetData.h,
- });
- }
- function ISolidElement(t, e, r) {
- this.initElement(t, e, r);
- }
- function SVGCompElement(t, e, r) {
- (this.layers = t.layers),
- (this.supports3d = !0),
- (this.completeLayers = !1),
- (this.pendingElements = []),
- (this.elements = this.layers
- ? createSizedArray(this.layers.length)
- : []),
- this.initElement(t, e, r),
- (this.tm = t.tm
- ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.tm, 0, e.frameRate, this)
- : { _placeholder: !0 });
- }
- function SVGTextElement(t, e, r) {
- (this.textSpans = []),
- (this.renderType = 'svg'),
- this.initElement(t, e, r);
- }
- function SVGShapeElement(t, e, r) {
- (this.shapes = []),
- (this.shapesData = t.shapes),
- (this.stylesList = []),
- (this.shapeModifiers = []),
- (this.itemsData = []),
- (this.processedElements = []),
- (this.animatedContents = []),
- this.initElement(t, e, r),
- (this.prevViewData = []);
- }
- function SVGTintFilter(t, e) {
- this.filterManager = e;
- var r = createNS('feColorMatrix');
- r.setAttribute('type', 'matrix'),
- r.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'linearRGB'),
- r.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'
- ),
- r.setAttribute('result', 'f1'),
- t.appendChild(r),
- (r = createNS('feColorMatrix')).setAttribute('type', 'matrix'),
- r.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- r.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'
- ),
- r.setAttribute('result', 'f2'),
- t.appendChild(r),
- (this.matrixFilter = r),
- (100 === e.effectElements[2].p.v && !e.effectElements[2].p.k) ||
- ((r = createNS('feMerge')),
- t.appendChild(r),
- (e = createNS('feMergeNode')).setAttribute(
- 'in',
- 'SourceGraphic'
- ),
- r.appendChild(e),
- (e = createNS('feMergeNode')).setAttribute('in', 'f2'),
- r.appendChild(e));
- }
- function SVGFillFilter(t, e) {
- this.filterManager = e;
- e = createNS('feColorMatrix');
- e.setAttribute('type', 'matrix'),
- e.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- e.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'
- ),
- t.appendChild(e),
- (this.matrixFilter = e);
- }
- function SVGGaussianBlurEffect(t, e) {
- t.setAttribute('x', '-100%'),
- t.setAttribute('y', '-100%'),
- t.setAttribute('width', '300%'),
- t.setAttribute('height', '300%'),
- (this.filterManager = e);
- e = createNS('feGaussianBlur');
- t.appendChild(e), (this.feGaussianBlur = e);
- }
- function SVGStrokeEffect(t, e) {
- (this.initialized = !1),
- (this.filterManager = e),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.paths = []);
- }
- function SVGTritoneFilter(t, e) {
- this.filterManager = e;
- (e = createNS('feColorMatrix')),
- e.setAttribute('type', 'matrix'),
- e.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'linearRGB'),
- e.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'
- ),
- e.setAttribute('result', 'f1'),
- t.appendChild(e),
- (e = createNS('feComponentTransfer')),
- e.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- t.appendChild(e),
- (this.matrixFilter = e),
- (t = createNS('feFuncR')),
- t.setAttribute('type', 'table'),
- e.appendChild(t),
- (this.feFuncR = t),
- (t = createNS('feFuncG')),
- t.setAttribute('type', 'table'),
- e.appendChild(t),
- (this.feFuncG = t),
- (t = createNS('feFuncB'));
- t.setAttribute('type', 'table'),
- e.appendChild(t),
- (this.feFuncB = t);
- }
- function SVGProLevelsFilter(t, e) {
- this.filterManager = e;
- var e = this.filterManager.effectElements,
- r = createNS('feComponentTransfer');
- (e[10].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[10].p.v ||
- e[11].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[11].p.v ||
- e[12].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[12].p.v ||
- e[13].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[13].p.v ||
- e[14].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[14].p.v) &&
- (this.feFuncR = this.createFeFunc('feFuncR', r)),
- (e[17].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[17].p.v ||
- e[18].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[18].p.v ||
- e[19].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[19].p.v ||
- e[20].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[20].p.v ||
- e[21].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[21].p.v) &&
- (this.feFuncG = this.createFeFunc('feFuncG', r)),
- (e[24].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[24].p.v ||
- e[25].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[25].p.v ||
- e[26].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[26].p.v ||
- e[27].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[27].p.v ||
- e[28].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[28].p.v) &&
- (this.feFuncB = this.createFeFunc('feFuncB', r)),
- (e[31].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[31].p.v ||
- e[32].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[32].p.v ||
- e[33].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[33].p.v ||
- e[34].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[34].p.v ||
- e[35].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[35].p.v) &&
- (this.feFuncA = this.createFeFunc('feFuncA', r)),
- (this.feFuncR || this.feFuncG || this.feFuncB || this.feFuncA) &&
- (r.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- t.appendChild(r),
- (r = createNS('feComponentTransfer'))),
- (e[3].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[3].p.v ||
- e[4].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[4].p.v ||
- e[5].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[5].p.v ||
- e[6].p.k ||
- 0 !== e[6].p.v ||
- e[7].p.k ||
- 1 !== e[7].p.v) &&
- (r.setAttribute('color-interpolation-filters', 'sRGB'),
- t.appendChild(r),
- (this.feFuncRComposed = this.createFeFunc('feFuncR', r)),
- (this.feFuncGComposed = this.createFeFunc('feFuncG', r)),
- (this.feFuncBComposed = this.createFeFunc('feFuncB', r)));
- }
- function SVGDropShadowEffect(t, e) {
- var r = e.container.globalData.renderConfig.filterSize,
- r =
- (t.setAttribute('x', r.x),
- t.setAttribute('y', r.y),
- t.setAttribute('width', r.width),
- t.setAttribute('height', r.height),
- (this.filterManager = e),
- createNS('feGaussianBlur')),
- e =
- (r.setAttribute('in', 'SourceAlpha'),
- r.setAttribute('result', 'drop_shadow_1'),
- r.setAttribute('stdDeviation', '0'),
- (this.feGaussianBlur = r),
- t.appendChild(r),
- createNS('feOffset')),
- r =
- (e.setAttribute('dx', '25'),
- e.setAttribute('dy', '0'),
- e.setAttribute('in', 'drop_shadow_1'),
- e.setAttribute('result', 'drop_shadow_2'),
- (this.feOffset = e),
- t.appendChild(e),
- createNS('feFlood')),
- e =
- (r.setAttribute('flood-color', '#00ff00'),
- r.setAttribute('flood-opacity', '1'),
- r.setAttribute('result', 'drop_shadow_3'),
- (this.feFlood = r),
- t.appendChild(r),
- createNS('feComposite'));
- e.setAttribute('in', 'drop_shadow_3'),
- e.setAttribute('in2', 'drop_shadow_2'),
- e.setAttribute('operator', 'in'),
- e.setAttribute('result', 'drop_shadow_4'),
- t.appendChild(e);
- r = createNS('feMerge');
- t.appendChild(r),
- (e = createNS('feMergeNode')),
- r.appendChild(e),
- (e = createNS('feMergeNode')).setAttribute('in', 'SourceGraphic'),
- (this.feMergeNode = e),
- (this.feMerge = r),
- (this.originalNodeAdded = !1),
- r.appendChild(e);
- }
- (BaseElement.prototype = {
- checkMasks: function () {
- if (this.data.hasMask)
- for (var t = 0, e = this.data.masksProperties.length; t < e; ) {
- if (
- 'n' !== this.data.masksProperties[t].mode &&
- !1 !== this.data.masksProperties[t].cl
- )
- return !0;
- t += 1;
- }
- return !1;
- },
- initExpressions: function () {
- (this.layerInterface = LayerExpressionInterface(this)),
- this.data.hasMask &&
- this.maskManager &&
- this.layerInterface.registerMaskInterface(this.maskManager);
- var t = EffectsExpressionInterface.createEffectsInterface(
- this,
- this.layerInterface
- );
- this.layerInterface.registerEffectsInterface(t),
- 0 === this.data.ty || this.data.xt
- ? (this.compInterface = CompExpressionInterface(this))
- : 4 === this.data.ty
- ? ((this.layerInterface.shapeInterface =
- ShapeExpressionInterface(
- this.shapesData,
- this.itemsData,
- this.layerInterface
- )),
- (this.layerInterface.content =
- this.layerInterface.shapeInterface))
- : 5 === this.data.ty &&
- ((this.layerInterface.textInterface =
- TextExpressionInterface(this)),
- (this.layerInterface.text =
- this.layerInterface.textInterface));
- },
- setBlendMode: function () {
- var t = getBlendMode(this.data.bm);
- (this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style['mix-blend-mode'] =
- t;
- },
- initBaseData: function (t, e, r) {
- (this.globalData = e),
- (this.comp = r),
- (this.data = t),
- (this.layerId = createElementID()),
- this.data.sr || (this.data.sr = 1),
- (this.effectsManager = new EffectsManager(
- this.data,
- this,
- this.dynamicProperties
- ));
- },
- getType: function () {
- return this.type;
- },
- sourceRectAtTime: function () {},
- }),
- (NullElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {
- this.prepareProperties(t, !0);
- }),
- (NullElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {}),
- (NullElement.prototype.getBaseElement = function () {
- return null;
- }),
- (NullElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}),
- (NullElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {}),
- (NullElement.prototype.hide = function () {}),
- extendPrototype(
- [BaseElement, TransformElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement],
- NullElement
- ),
- (SVGBaseElement.prototype = {
- initRendererElement: function () {
- this.layerElement = createNS('g');
- },
- createContainerElements: function () {
- (this.matteElement = createNS('g')),
- (this.transformedElement = this.layerElement),
- (this.maskedElement = this.layerElement),
- (this._sizeChanged = !1);
- var t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = null;
- this.data.td
- ? 3 == this.data.td || 1 == this.data.td
- ? ((e = createNS('mask')).setAttribute('id', this.layerId),
- e.setAttribute(
- 'mask-type',
- 3 == this.data.td ? 'luminance' : 'alpha'
- ),
- e.appendChild(this.layerElement),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild((o = e)),
- featureSupport.maskType ||
- 1 != this.data.td ||
- (e.setAttribute('mask-type', 'luminance'),
- (s = createElementID()),
- (n = filtersFactory.createFilter(s)),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(n),
- n.appendChild(
- filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()
- ),
- (t = createNS('g')).appendChild(this.layerElement),
- (o = t),
- e.appendChild(t),
- t.setAttribute(
- 'filter',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + s + ')'
- )))
- : 2 == this.data.td &&
- ((e = createNS('mask')).setAttribute('id', this.layerId),
- e.setAttribute('mask-type', 'alpha'),
- (r = createNS('g')),
- e.appendChild(r),
- (s = createElementID()),
- (n = filtersFactory.createFilter(s)),
- (a = createNS('feComponentTransfer')).setAttribute(
- 'in',
- 'SourceGraphic'
- ),
- n.appendChild(a),
- (i = createNS('feFuncA')).setAttribute('type', 'table'),
- i.setAttribute('tableValues', '1.0 0.0'),
- a.appendChild(i),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(n),
- (a = createNS('rect')).setAttribute(
- 'width',
- this.comp.data.w
- ),
- a.setAttribute('height', this.comp.data.h),
- a.setAttribute('x', '0'),
- a.setAttribute('y', '0'),
- a.setAttribute('fill', '#ffffff'),
- a.setAttribute('opacity', '0'),
- r.setAttribute(
- 'filter',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + s + ')'
- ),
- r.appendChild(a),
- r.appendChild(this.layerElement),
- (o = r),
- featureSupport.maskType ||
- (e.setAttribute('mask-type', 'luminance'),
- n.appendChild(
- filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()
- ),
- (t = createNS('g')),
- r.appendChild(a),
- t.appendChild(this.layerElement),
- (o = t),
- r.appendChild(t)),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(e))
- : this.data.tt
- ? (this.matteElement.appendChild(this.layerElement),
- (o = this.matteElement),
- (this.baseElement = this.matteElement))
- : (this.baseElement = this.layerElement),
- this.data.ln &&
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('id', this.data.ln),
- this.data.cl &&
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('class', this.data.cl),
- 0 !== this.data.ty ||
- this.data.hd ||
- ((i = createNS('clipPath')),
- (s = createNS('path')).setAttribute(
- 'd',
- 'M0,0 L' +
- this.data.w +
- ',0 L' +
- this.data.w +
- ',' +
- this.data.h +
- ' L0,' +
- this.data.h +
- 'z'
- ),
- (n = createElementID()),
- i.setAttribute('id', n),
- i.appendChild(s),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(i),
- this.checkMasks()
- ? ((a = createNS('g')).setAttribute(
- 'clip-path',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + n + ')'
- ),
- a.appendChild(this.layerElement),
- (this.transformedElement = a),
- o
- ? o.appendChild(this.transformedElement)
- : (this.baseElement = this.transformedElement))
- : this.layerElement.setAttribute(
- 'clip-path',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + n + ')'
- )),
- 0 !== this.data.bm && this.setBlendMode();
- },
- renderElement: function () {
- this.finalTransform._matMdf &&
- this.transformedElement.setAttribute(
- 'transform',
- this.finalTransform.mat.to2dCSS()
- ),
- this.finalTransform._opMdf &&
- this.transformedElement.setAttribute(
- 'opacity',
- this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v
- );
- },
- destroyBaseElement: function () {
- (this.layerElement = null),
- (this.matteElement = null),
- this.maskManager.destroy();
- },
- getBaseElement: function () {
- return this.data.hd ? null : this.baseElement;
- },
- createRenderableComponents: function () {
- (this.maskManager = new MaskElement(
- this.data,
- this,
- this.globalData
- )),
- (this.renderableEffectsManager = new SVGEffects(this));
- },
- setMatte: function (t) {
- this.matteElement &&
- this.matteElement.setAttribute(
- 'mask',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + t + ')'
- );
- },
- }),
- (IShapeElement.prototype = {
- addShapeToModifiers: function (t) {
- for (var e = this.shapeModifiers.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- this.shapeModifiers[r].addShape(t);
- },
- isShapeInAnimatedModifiers: function (t) {
- for (var e = this.shapeModifiers.length; 0 < e; )
- if (this.shapeModifiers[0].isAnimatedWithShape(t)) return !0;
- return !1;
- },
- renderModifiers: function () {
- if (this.shapeModifiers.length) {
- for (var t = this.shapes.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.shapes[e].sh.reset();
- for (e = (t = this.shapeModifiers.length) - 1; 0 <= e; --e)
- this.shapeModifiers[e].processShapes(this._isFirstFrame);
- }
- },
- lcEnum: { 1: 'butt', 2: 'round', 3: 'square' },
- ljEnum: { 1: 'miter', 2: 'round', 3: 'bevel' },
- searchProcessedElement: function (t) {
- for (
- var e = this.processedElements, r = 0, i = e.length;
- r < i;
- ) {
- if (e[r].elem === t) return e[r].pos;
- r += 1;
- }
- return 0;
- },
- addProcessedElement: function (t, e) {
- for (var r = this.processedElements, i = r.length; i; )
- if (r[--i].elem === t) return void (r[i].pos = e);
- r.push(new ProcessedElement(t, e));
- },
- prepareFrame: function (t) {
- this.prepareRenderableFrame(t),
- this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange);
- },
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.initElement = function (t, e, r) {
- (this.lettersChangedFlag = !0),
- this.initFrame(),
- this.initBaseData(t, e, r),
- (this.textProperty = new TextProperty(
- this,
- t.t,
- this.dynamicProperties
- )),
- (this.textAnimator = new TextAnimatorProperty(
- t.t,
- this.renderType,
- this
- )),
- this.initTransform(t, e, r),
- this.initHierarchy(),
- this.initRenderable(),
- this.initRendererElement(),
- this.createContainerElements(),
- this.createRenderableComponents(),
- this.createContent(),
- this.hide(),
- this.textAnimator.searchProperties(this.dynamicProperties);
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {
- (this._mdf = !1),
- this.prepareRenderableFrame(t),
- this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange),
- (this.textProperty._mdf || this.textProperty._isFirstFrame) &&
- (this.buildNewText(),
- (this.textProperty._isFirstFrame = !1),
- (this.textProperty._mdf = !1));
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape = function (t, e) {
- for (var r, i = e.length, s = '', n = 0; n < i; n += 1)
- (r = e[n].ks.k), (s += buildShapeString(r, r.i.length, !0, t));
- return s;
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.updateDocumentData = function (t, e) {
- this.textProperty.updateDocumentData(t, e);
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.canResizeFont = function (t) {
- this.textProperty.canResizeFont(t);
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.setMinimumFontSize = function (t) {
- this.textProperty.setMinimumFontSize(t);
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s
- ) {
- switch (
- (t.ps && e.translate(t.ps[0], t.ps[1] + t.ascent, 0),
- e.translate(0, -t.ls, 0),
- t.j)
- ) {
- case 1:
- e.translate(
- t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[r]),
- 0,
- 0
- );
- break;
- case 2:
- e.translate(
- t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[r]) / 2,
- 0,
- 0
- );
- }
- e.translate(i, s, 0);
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.buildColor = function (t) {
- return (
- 'rgb(' +
- Math.round(255 * t[0]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * t[1]) +
- ',' +
- Math.round(255 * t[2]) +
- ')'
- );
- }),
- (ITextElement.prototype.emptyProp = new LetterProps()),
- (ITextElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}),
- extendPrototype(
- [
- BaseElement,
- TransformElement,
- HierarchyElement,
- FrameElement,
- RenderableDOMElement,
- ],
- ICompElement
- ),
- (ICompElement.prototype.initElement = function (t, e, r) {
- this.initFrame(),
- this.initBaseData(t, e, r),
- this.initTransform(t, e, r),
- this.initRenderable(),
- this.initHierarchy(),
- this.initRendererElement(),
- this.createContainerElements(),
- this.createRenderableComponents(),
- (!this.data.xt && e.progressiveLoad) || this.buildAllItems(),
- this.hide();
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {
- if (
- ((this._mdf = !1),
- this.prepareRenderableFrame(t),
- this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange),
- this.isInRange || this.data.xt)
- ) {
- this.tm._placeholder
- ? (this.renderedFrame = t / this.data.sr)
- : ((t = this.tm.v) === this.data.op && (t = this.data.op - 1),
- (this.renderedFrame = t));
- var e,
- t = this.elements.length;
- for (
- this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(this.renderedFrame),
- e = t - 1;
- 0 <= e;
- --e
- )
- (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) &&
- (this.elements[e].prepareFrame(
- this.renderedFrame - this.layers[e].st
- ),
- this.elements[e]._mdf) &&
- (this._mdf = !0);
- }
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
- for (var t = this.layers.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) &&
- this.elements[e].renderFrame();
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.setElements = function (t) {
- this.elements = t;
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.getElements = function () {
- return this.elements;
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.destroyElements = function () {
- for (var t = this.layers.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.elements[e] && this.elements[e].destroy();
- }),
- (ICompElement.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this.destroyElements(), this.destroyBaseElement();
- }),
- extendPrototype(
- [
- BaseElement,
- TransformElement,
- SVGBaseElement,
- HierarchyElement,
- FrameElement,
- RenderableDOMElement,
- ],
- IImageElement
- ),
- (IImageElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
- var t = this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData);
- (this.innerElem = createNS('image')),
- this.innerElem.setAttribute('width', this.assetData.w + 'px'),
- this.innerElem.setAttribute('height', this.assetData.h + 'px'),
- this.innerElem.setAttribute(
- 'preserveAspectRatio',
- this.assetData.pr ||
- this.globalData.renderConfig.imagePreserveAspectRatio
- ),
- this.innerElem.setAttributeNS(
- 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
- 'href',
- t
- ),
- this.layerElement.appendChild(this.innerElem);
- }),
- (IImageElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {
- return this.sourceRect;
- }),
- extendPrototype([IImageElement], ISolidElement),
- (ISolidElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
- var t = createNS('rect');
- t.setAttribute('width', this.data.sw),
- t.setAttribute('height', this.data.sh),
- t.setAttribute('fill', this.data.sc),
- this.layerElement.appendChild(t);
- }),
- extendPrototype(
- [SVGRenderer, ICompElement, SVGBaseElement],
- SVGCompElement
- ),
- extendPrototype(
- [
- BaseElement,
- TransformElement,
- SVGBaseElement,
- HierarchyElement,
- FrameElement,
- RenderableDOMElement,
- ITextElement,
- ],
- SVGTextElement
- ),
- (SVGTextElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
- this.data.singleShape &&
- !this.globalData.fontManager.chars &&
- (this.textContainer = createNS('text'));
- }),
- (SVGTextElement.prototype.buildTextContents = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = t.length, i = [], s = ''; e < r; )
- t[e] === String.fromCharCode(13) ||
- t[e] === String.fromCharCode(3)
- ? (i.push(s), (s = ''))
- : (s += t[e]),
- (e += 1);
- return i.push(s), i;
- }),
- (SVGTextElement.prototype.buildNewText = function () {
- var t,
- e,
- r = this.textProperty.currentData,
- i =
- ((this.renderedLetters = createSizedArray(
- r ? r.l.length : 0
- )),
- r.fc
- ? this.layerElement.setAttribute(
- 'fill',
- this.buildColor(r.fc)
- )
- : this.layerElement.setAttribute('fill', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'),
- r.sc &&
- (this.layerElement.setAttribute(
- 'stroke',
- this.buildColor(r.sc)
- ),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('stroke-width', r.sw)),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-size', r.finalSize),
- this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(r.f));
- i.fClass
- ? this.layerElement.setAttribute('class', i.fClass)
- : (this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-family', i.fFamily),
- (t = r.fWeight),
- (e = r.fStyle),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-style', e),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-weight', t)),
- this.layerElement.setAttribute('aria-label', r.t);
- var s,
- n = r.l || [],
- a = !!this.globalData.fontManager.chars;
- b = n.length;
- var o = this.mHelper,
- h = '',
- l = this.data.singleShape,
- p = 0,
- c = 0,
- f = !0,
- d = (r.tr / 1e3) * r.finalSize;
- if (!l || a || r.sz) {
- for (var u, m = this.textSpans.length, y = 0; y < b; y += 1)
- (a && l && 0 !== y) ||
- ((s =
- y < m
- ? this.textSpans[y]
- : createNS(a ? 'path' : 'text')),
- m <= y &&
- (s.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', 'butt'),
- s.setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', 'round'),
- s.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit', '4'),
- (this.textSpans[y] = s),
- this.layerElement.appendChild(s)),
- (s.style.display = 'inherit')),
- o.reset(),
- o.scale(r.finalSize / 100, r.finalSize / 100),
- l &&
- (n[y].n &&
- ((p = -d), (c = c + r.yOffset + (f ? 1 : 0)), (f = !1)),
- this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(r, o, n[y].line, p, c),
- (p = p + (n[y].l || 0) + d)),
- a
- ? ((u = (u =
- ((u = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(
- r.finalText[y],
- i.fStyle,
- this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(r.f)
- .fFamily
- )) &&
- u.data) ||
- {}).shapes
- ? u.shapes[0].it
- : []),
- l
- ? (h += this.createPathShape(o, u))
- : s.setAttribute('d', this.createPathShape(o, u)))
- : (l &&
- s.setAttribute(
- 'transform',
- 'translate(' + o.props[12] + ',' + o.props[13] + ')'
- ),
- (s.textContent = n[y].val),
- s.setAttributeNS(
- 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
- 'xml:space',
- 'preserve'
- ));
- l && s && s.setAttribute('d', h);
- } else {
- var g = this.textContainer,
- v = 'start';
- switch (r.j) {
- case 1:
- v = 'end';
- break;
- case 2:
- v = 'middle';
- }
- g.setAttribute('text-anchor', v),
- g.setAttribute('letter-spacing', d);
- var _ = this.buildTextContents(r.finalText),
- b = _.length,
- c = r.ps ? r.ps[1] + r.ascent : 0;
- for (y = 0; y < b; y += 1)
- ((s = this.textSpans[y] || createNS('tspan')).textContent =
- _[y]),
- s.setAttribute('x', 0),
- s.setAttribute('y', c),
- (s.style.display = 'inherit'),
- g.appendChild(s),
- (this.textSpans[y] = s),
- (c += r.finalLineHeight);
- this.layerElement.appendChild(g);
- }
- for (; y < this.textSpans.length; )
- (this.textSpans[y].style.display = 'none'), (y += 1);
- this._sizeChanged = !0;
- }),
- (SVGTextElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function (t) {
- var e;
- return (
- this.prepareFrame(this.comp.renderedFrame - this.data.st),
- this.renderInnerContent(),
- this._sizeChanged &&
- ((this._sizeChanged = !1),
- (e = this.layerElement.getBBox()),
- (this.bbox = {
- top: e.y,
- left: e.x,
- width: e.width,
- height: e.height,
- })),
- this.bbox
- );
- }),
- (SVGTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
- if (
- !this.data.singleShape &&
- (this.textAnimator.getMeasures(
- this.textProperty.currentData,
- this.lettersChangedFlag
- ),
- this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag)
- ) {
- this._sizeChanged = !0;
- for (
- var t,
- e,
- r = this.textAnimator.renderedLetters,
- i = this.textProperty.currentData.l,
- s = i.length,
- n = 0;
- n < s;
- n += 1
- )
- i[n].n ||
- ((t = r[n]),
- (e = this.textSpans[n]),
- t._mdf.m && e.setAttribute('transform', t.m),
- t._mdf.o && e.setAttribute('opacity', t.o),
- t._mdf.sw && e.setAttribute('stroke-width', t.sw),
- t._mdf.sc && e.setAttribute('stroke', t.sc),
- t._mdf.fc && e.setAttribute('fill', t.fc));
- }
- }),
- extendPrototype(
- [
- BaseElement,
- TransformElement,
- SVGBaseElement,
- IShapeElement,
- HierarchyElement,
- FrameElement,
- RenderableDOMElement,
- ],
- SVGShapeElement
- ),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.initSecondaryElement = function () {}),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.identityMatrix = new Matrix()),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.buildExpressionInterface =
- function () {}),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
- this.searchShapes(
- this.shapesData,
- this.itemsData,
- this.prevViewData,
- this.layerElement,
- 0,
- [],
- !0
- ),
- this.filterUniqueShapes();
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.filterUniqueShapes = function () {
- for (
- var t,
- e,
- r,
- i = this.shapes.length,
- s = this.stylesList.length,
- n = [],
- a = !1,
- o = 0;
- o < s;
- o += 1
- ) {
- for (
- r = this.stylesList[o], a = !1, t = n.length = 0;
- t < i;
- t += 1
- )
- -1 !== (e = this.shapes[t]).styles.indexOf(r) &&
- (n.push(e), (a = e._isAnimated || a));
- 1 < n.length && a && this.setShapesAsAnimated(n);
- }
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.setShapesAsAnimated = function (t) {
- for (var e = t.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1) t[r].setAsAnimated();
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- e = new SVGStyleData(t, e),
- i = e.pElem;
- return (
- 'st' === t.ty
- ? (r = new SVGStrokeStyleData(this, t, e))
- : 'fl' === t.ty
- ? (r = new SVGFillStyleData(this, t, e))
- : ('gf' !== t.ty && 'gs' !== t.ty) ||
- ((r = new (
- 'gf' === t.ty
- ? SVGGradientFillStyleData
- : SVGGradientStrokeStyleData
- )(this, t, e)),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.gf),
- r.maskId &&
- (this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.ms),
- this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.of),
- i.setAttribute(
- 'mask',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + r.maskId + ')'
- ))),
- ('st' !== t.ty && 'gs' !== t.ty) ||
- (i.setAttribute(
- 'stroke-linecap',
- this.lcEnum[t.lc] || 'round'
- ),
- i.setAttribute(
- 'stroke-linejoin',
- this.ljEnum[t.lj] || 'round'
- ),
- i.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0'),
- 1 === t.lj && i.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit', t.ml)),
- 2 === t.r && i.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd'),
- t.ln && i.setAttribute('id', t.ln),
- t.cl && i.setAttribute('class', t.cl),
- t.bm && (i.style['mix-blend-mode'] = getBlendMode(t.bm)),
- this.stylesList.push(e),
- this.addToAnimatedContents(t, r),
- r
- );
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement = function (t) {
- var e = new ShapeGroupData();
- return (
- t.ln && e.gr.setAttribute('id', t.ln),
- t.cl && e.gr.setAttribute('class', t.cl),
- t.bm && (e.gr.style['mix-blend-mode'] = getBlendMode(t.bm)),
- e
- );
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement = function (
- t,
- e
- ) {
- var r = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(
- this,
- t,
- this
- ),
- r = new SVGTransformData(r, r.o, e);
- return this.addToAnimatedContents(t, r), r;
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement = function (t, e, r) {
- var i = 4,
- e =
- ('rc' === t.ty
- ? (i = 5)
- : 'el' === t.ty
- ? (i = 6)
- : 'sr' === t.ty && (i = 7),
- new SVGShapeData(
- e,
- r,
- ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, t, i, this)
- ));
- return (
- this.shapes.push(e),
- this.addShapeToModifiers(e),
- this.addToAnimatedContents(t, e),
- e
- );
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.addToAnimatedContents = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = 0, i = this.animatedContents.length; r < i; ) {
- if (this.animatedContents[r].element === e) return;
- r += 1;
- }
- this.animatedContents.push({
- fn: SVGElementsRenderer.createRenderFunction(t),
- element: e,
- data: t,
- });
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.setElementStyles = function (t) {
- for (
- var e = t.styles, r = this.stylesList.length, i = 0;
- i < r;
- i += 1
- )
- this.stylesList[i].closed || e.push(this.stylesList[i]);
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes = function () {
- this._isFirstFrame = !0;
- for (var t = this.itemsData.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.prevViewData[e] = this.itemsData[e];
- for (
- this.searchShapes(
- this.shapesData,
- this.itemsData,
- this.prevViewData,
- this.layerElement,
- 0,
- [],
- !0
- ),
- this.filterUniqueShapes(),
- t = this.dynamicProperties.length,
- e = 0;
- e < t;
- e += 1
- )
- this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue();
- this.renderModifiers();
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a
- ) {
- for (
- var o,
- h,
- l,
- p,
- c,
- f = [].concat(n),
- d = t.length - 1,
- u = [],
- m = [],
- y = d;
- 0 <= y;
- --y
- ) {
- if (
- ((c = this.searchProcessedElement(t[y]))
- ? (e[y] = r[c - 1])
- : (t[y]._render = a),
- 'fl' == t[y].ty ||
- 'st' == t[y].ty ||
- 'gf' == t[y].ty ||
- 'gs' == t[y].ty)
- )
- c
- ? (e[y].style.closed = !1)
- : (e[y] = this.createStyleElement(t[y], s)),
- t[y]._render && i.appendChild(e[y].style.pElem),
- u.push(e[y].style);
- else if ('gr' == t[y].ty) {
- if (c)
- for (h = e[y].it.length, o = 0; o < h; o += 1)
- e[y].prevViewData[o] = e[y].it[o];
- else e[y] = this.createGroupElement(t[y]);
- this.searchShapes(
- t[y].it,
- e[y].it,
- e[y].prevViewData,
- e[y].gr,
- s + 1,
- f,
- a
- ),
- t[y]._render && i.appendChild(e[y].gr);
- } else
- 'tr' == t[y].ty
- ? (c || (e[y] = this.createTransformElement(t[y], i)),
- (l = e[y].transform),
- f.push(l))
- : 'sh' == t[y].ty ||
- 'rc' == t[y].ty ||
- 'el' == t[y].ty ||
- 'sr' == t[y].ty
- ? (c || (e[y] = this.createShapeElement(t[y], f, s)),
- this.setElementStyles(e[y]))
- : 'tm' == t[y].ty ||
- 'rd' == t[y].ty ||
- 'ms' == t[y].ty ||
- 'pb' == t[y].ty
- ? (c
- ? ((p = e[y]).closed = !1)
- : ((p = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[y].ty)).init(
- this,
- t[y]
- ),
- (e[y] = p),
- this.shapeModifiers.push(p)),
- m.push(p))
- : 'rp' == t[y].ty &&
- (c
- ? ((p = e[y]).closed = !0)
- : ((p = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[y].ty)),
- (e[y] = p).init(this, t, y, e),
- this.shapeModifiers.push(p),
- (a = !1)),
- m.push(p));
- this.addProcessedElement(t[y], y + 1);
- }
- for (d = u.length, y = 0; y < d; y += 1) u[y].closed = !0;
- for (d = m.length, y = 0; y < d; y += 1) m[y].closed = !0;
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
- this.renderModifiers();
- for (var t = this.stylesList.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- this.stylesList[e].reset();
- for (this.renderShape(), e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- (this.stylesList[e]._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) &&
- (this.stylesList[e].msElem &&
- (this.stylesList[e].msElem.setAttribute(
- 'd',
- this.stylesList[e].d
- ),
- (this.stylesList[e].d = 'M0 0' + this.stylesList[e].d)),
- this.stylesList[e].pElem.setAttribute(
- 'd',
- this.stylesList[e].d || 'M0 0'
- ));
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function () {
- for (
- var t, e = this.animatedContents.length, r = 0;
- r < e;
- r += 1
- )
- (t = this.animatedContents[r]),
- (this._isFirstFrame || t.element._isAnimated) &&
- !0 !== t.data &&
- t.fn(t.data, t.element, this._isFirstFrame);
- }),
- (SVGShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this.destroyBaseElement(),
- (this.shapesData = null),
- (this.itemsData = null);
- }),
- (SVGTintFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e, r;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((t = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v),
- (e = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v),
- (r = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v / 100),
- this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- e[0] -
- t[0] +
- ' 0 0 0 ' +
- t[0] +
- ' ' +
- (e[1] - t[1]) +
- ' 0 0 0 ' +
- t[1] +
- ' ' +
- (e[2] - t[2]) +
- ' 0 0 0 ' +
- t[2] +
- ' 0 0 0 ' +
- r +
- ' 0'
- ));
- }),
- (SVGFillFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((t = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v),
- (e = this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p.v),
- this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(
- 'values',
- '0 0 0 0 ' +
- t[0] +
- ' 0 0 0 0 ' +
- t[1] +
- ' 0 0 0 0 ' +
- t[2] +
- ' 0 0 0 ' +
- e +
- ' 0'
- ));
- }),
- (SVGGaussianBlurEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((t = 0.3 * this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v),
- (e = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v),
- this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(
- 'stdDeviation',
- (3 == e ? 0 : t) + ' ' + (2 == e ? 0 : t)
- ),
- (e =
- 1 == this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v
- ? 'wrap'
- : 'duplicate'),
- this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute('edgeMode', e));
- }),
- (SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.initialize = function () {
- var t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s =
- this.elem.layerElement.children ||
- this.elem.layerElement.childNodes;
- for (
- 1 === this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v
- ? ((i = this.elem.maskManager.masksProperties.length),
- (r = 0))
- : (i =
- 1 + (r = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v - 1)),
- (e = createNS('g')).setAttribute('fill', 'none'),
- e.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', 'round'),
- e.setAttribute('stroke-dashoffset', 1);
- r < i;
- r += 1
- )
- (t = createNS('path')),
- e.appendChild(t),
- this.paths.push({ p: t, m: r });
- if (3 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) {
- var n = createNS('mask'),
- a = createElementID(),
- o =
- (n.setAttribute('id', a),
- n.setAttribute('mask-type', 'alpha'),
- n.appendChild(e),
- this.elem.globalData.defs.appendChild(n),
- createNS('g'));
- for (
- o.setAttribute('mask', 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + a + ')');
- s[0];
- )
- o.appendChild(s[0]);
- this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(o),
- (this.masker = n),
- e.setAttribute('stroke', '#fff');
- } else if (
- 1 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v ||
- 2 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v
- ) {
- if (2 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v)
- for (
- s =
- this.elem.layerElement.children ||
- this.elem.layerElement.childNodes;
- s.length;
- )
- this.elem.layerElement.removeChild(s[0]);
- this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(e),
- this.elem.layerElement.removeAttribute('mask'),
- e.setAttribute('stroke', '#fff');
- }
- (this.initialized = !0), (this.pathMasker = e);
- }),
- (SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- this.initialized || this.initialize();
- for (var e, r, i = this.paths.length, s = 0; s < i; s += 1)
- if (
- -1 !== this.paths[s].m &&
- ((n = this.elem.maskManager.viewData[this.paths[s].m]),
- (e = this.paths[s].p),
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf || n.prop._mdf) &&
- e.setAttribute('d', n.lastPath),
- t ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p._mdf ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p._mdf ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p._mdf ||
- n.prop._mdf)
- ) {
- if (
- 0 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v ||
- 100 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v
- ) {
- for (
- var n =
- Math.min(
- this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v,
- this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v
- ) / 100,
- a =
- Math.max(
- this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v,
- this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v
- ) / 100,
- o = e.getTotalLength(),
- h = '0 0 0 ' + o * n + ' ',
- l =
- 1 +
- (2 *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v) /
- 100,
- p = Math.floor((o * (a - n)) / l),
- c = 0;
- c < p;
- c += 1
- )
- h +=
- '1 ' +
- (2 *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v) /
- 100 +
- ' ';
- h += '0 ' + 10 * o + ' 0 0';
- } else
- h =
- '1 ' +
- (2 *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v *
- this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v) /
- 100;
- e.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', h);
- }
- (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf) &&
- this.pathMasker.setAttribute(
- 'stroke-width',
- 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v
- ),
- (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p._mdf) &&
- this.pathMasker.setAttribute(
- 'opacity',
- this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p.v
- ),
- (1 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v &&
- 2 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) ||
- (!t && !this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p._mdf) ||
- ((r = this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p.v),
- this.pathMasker.setAttribute(
- 'stroke',
- 'rgb(' +
- bm_floor(255 * r[0]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(255 * r[1]) +
- ',' +
- bm_floor(255 * r[2]) +
- ')'
- ));
- }),
- (SVGTritoneFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e, r, i, s;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((t = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v),
- (e = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v),
- (r =
- (s = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v)[0] +
- ' ' +
- e[0] +
- ' ' +
- t[0]),
- (i = s[1] + ' ' + e[1] + ' ' + t[1]),
- (s = s[2] + ' ' + e[2] + ' ' + t[2]),
- this.feFuncR.setAttribute('tableValues', r),
- this.feFuncG.setAttribute('tableValues', i),
- this.feFuncB.setAttribute('tableValues', s));
- }),
- (SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.createFeFunc = function (t, e) {
- t = createNS(t);
- return t.setAttribute('type', 'table'), e.appendChild(t), t;
- }),
- (SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.getTableValue = function (
- t,
- e,
- r,
- i,
- s
- ) {
- for (
- var n,
- a = 0,
- o = Math.min(t, e),
- h = Math.max(t, e),
- l = Array.call(null, { length: 256 }),
- p = 0,
- c = s - i,
- f = e - t;
- a <= 256;
- )
- (n =
- (n = a / 256) <= o
- ? f < 0
- ? s
- : i
- : h <= n
- ? f < 0
- ? i
- : s
- : i + c * Math.pow((n - t) / f, 1 / r)),
- (l[p++] = n),
- (a += 256 / 255);
- return l.join(' ');
- }),
- (SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e, r;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((r = this.filterManager.effectElements),
- this.feFuncRComposed &&
- (t ||
- r[3].p._mdf ||
- r[4].p._mdf ||
- r[5].p._mdf ||
- r[6].p._mdf ||
- r[7].p._mdf) &&
- ((e = this.getTableValue(
- r[3].p.v,
- r[4].p.v,
- r[5].p.v,
- r[6].p.v,
- r[7].p.v
- )),
- this.feFuncRComposed.setAttribute('tableValues', e),
- this.feFuncGComposed.setAttribute('tableValues', e),
- this.feFuncBComposed.setAttribute('tableValues', e)),
- this.feFuncR &&
- (t ||
- r[10].p._mdf ||
- r[11].p._mdf ||
- r[12].p._mdf ||
- r[13].p._mdf ||
- r[14].p._mdf) &&
- ((e = this.getTableValue(
- r[10].p.v,
- r[11].p.v,
- r[12].p.v,
- r[13].p.v,
- r[14].p.v
- )),
- this.feFuncR.setAttribute('tableValues', e)),
- this.feFuncG &&
- (t ||
- r[17].p._mdf ||
- r[18].p._mdf ||
- r[19].p._mdf ||
- r[20].p._mdf ||
- r[21].p._mdf) &&
- ((e = this.getTableValue(
- r[17].p.v,
- r[18].p.v,
- r[19].p.v,
- r[20].p.v,
- r[21].p.v
- )),
- this.feFuncG.setAttribute('tableValues', e)),
- this.feFuncB &&
- (t ||
- r[24].p._mdf ||
- r[25].p._mdf ||
- r[26].p._mdf ||
- r[27].p._mdf ||
- r[28].p._mdf) &&
- ((e = this.getTableValue(
- r[24].p.v,
- r[25].p.v,
- r[26].p.v,
- r[27].p.v,
- r[28].p.v
- )),
- this.feFuncB.setAttribute('tableValues', e)),
- this.feFuncA) &&
- (t ||
- r[31].p._mdf ||
- r[32].p._mdf ||
- r[33].p._mdf ||
- r[34].p._mdf ||
- r[35].p._mdf) &&
- ((e = this.getTableValue(
- r[31].p.v,
- r[32].p.v,
- r[33].p.v,
- r[34].p.v,
- r[35].p.v
- )),
- this.feFuncA.setAttribute('tableValues', e));
- }),
- (SVGDropShadowEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- var e, r;
- (t || this.filterManager._mdf) &&
- ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf) &&
- this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(
- 'stdDeviation',
- this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v / 4
- ),
- (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p._mdf) &&
- ((r = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v),
- this.feFlood.setAttribute(
- 'flood-color',
- rgbToHex(
- Math.round(255 * r[0]),
- Math.round(255 * r[1]),
- Math.round(255 * r[2])
- )
- )),
- (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p._mdf) &&
- this.feFlood.setAttribute(
- 'flood-opacity',
- this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v / 255
- ),
- t ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p._mdf ||
- this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p._mdf) &&
- ((r = this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p.v),
- (t =
- (this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v - 90) * degToRads),
- (e = r * Math.cos(t)),
- (r = r * Math.sin(t)),
- this.feOffset.setAttribute('dx', e),
- this.feOffset.setAttribute('dy', r));
- });
- var _svgMatteSymbols = [];
- function SVGMatte3Effect(t, e, r) {
- (this.initialized = !1),
- (this.filterManager = e),
- (this.filterElem = t),
- ((this.elem = r).matteElement = createNS('g')),
- r.matteElement.appendChild(r.layerElement),
- r.matteElement.appendChild(r.transformedElement),
- (r.baseElement = r.matteElement);
- }
- function SVGEffects(t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i = t.data.ef ? t.data.ef.length : 0,
- s = createElementID(),
- n = filtersFactory.createFilter(s),
- a = 0;
- for (this.filters = [], e = 0; e < i; e += 1)
- (r = null),
- 20 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGTintFilter(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- )))
- : 21 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGFillFilter(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- )))
- : 22 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? (r = new SVGStrokeEffect(
- t,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- ))
- : 23 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGTritoneFilter(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- )))
- : 24 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGProLevelsFilter(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- )))
- : 25 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGDropShadowEffect(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- )))
- : 28 === t.data.ef[e].ty
- ? (r = new SVGMatte3Effect(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e],
- t
- ))
- : 29 === t.data.ef[e].ty &&
- ((a += 1),
- (r = new SVGGaussianBlurEffect(
- n,
- t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]
- ))),
- r && this.filters.push(r);
- a &&
- (t.globalData.defs.appendChild(n),
- t.layerElement.setAttribute(
- 'filter',
- 'url(' + locationHref + '#' + s + ')'
- )),
- this.filters.length && t.addRenderableComponent(this);
- }
- (SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.findSymbol = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = _svgMatteSymbols.length; e < r; ) {
- if (_svgMatteSymbols[e] === t) return _svgMatteSymbols[e];
- e += 1;
- }
- return null;
- }),
- (SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.replaceInParent = function (t, e) {
- var r = t.layerElement.parentNode;
- if (r) {
- for (
- var i, s = r.children, n = 0, a = s.length;
- n < a && s[n] !== t.layerElement;
- )
- n += 1;
- n <= a - 2 && (i = s[n + 1]);
- var o = createNS('use');
- o.setAttribute('href', '#' + e),
- i ? r.insertBefore(o, i) : r.appendChild(o);
- }
- }),
- (SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.setElementAsMask = function (t, e) {
- var r, i, s, n;
- this.findSymbol(e) ||
- ((r = createElementID()),
- (i = createNS('mask')).setAttribute('id', e.layerId),
- i.setAttribute('mask-type', 'alpha'),
- _svgMatteSymbols.push(e),
- (n = t.globalData.defs).appendChild(i),
- (s = createNS('symbol')).setAttribute('id', r),
- this.replaceInParent(e, r),
- s.appendChild(e.layerElement),
- n.appendChild(s),
- (n = createNS('use')).setAttribute('href', '#' + r),
- i.appendChild(n),
- (e.data.hd = !1),
- e.show()),
- t.setMatte(e.layerId);
- }),
- (SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.initialize = function () {
- for (
- var t = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v,
- e = this.elem.comp.elements,
- r = 0,
- i = e.length;
- r < i;
- )
- e[r] &&
- e[r].data.ind === t &&
- this.setElementAsMask(this.elem, e[r]),
- (r += 1);
- this.initialized = !0;
- }),
- (SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.renderFrame = function () {
- this.initialized || this.initialize();
- }),
- (SVGEffects.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {
- for (var e = this.filters.length, r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
- this.filters[r].renderFrame(t);
- });
- var animationManager = (function () {
- var t = {},
- s = [],
- i = 0,
- n = 0,
- a = 0,
- o = !0,
- h = !1;
- function r(t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = t.target; e < n; )
- s[e].animation === r &&
- (s.splice(e, 1), --e, --n, r.isPaused || c()),
- (e += 1);
- }
- function l(t, e) {
- if (!t) return null;
- for (var r = 0; r < n; ) {
- if (s[r].elem == t && null !== s[r].elem)
- return s[r].animation;
- r += 1;
- }
- var i = new AnimationItem();
- return f(i, t), i.setData(t, e), i;
- }
- function p() {
- (a += 1), u();
- }
- function c() {
- --a;
- }
- function f(t, e) {
- t.addEventListener('destroy', r),
- t.addEventListener('_active', p),
- t.addEventListener('_idle', c),
- s.push({ elem: e, animation: t }),
- (n += 1);
- }
- function d(t) {
- for (var e = t - i, r = 0; r < n; r += 1)
- s[r].animation.advanceTime(e);
- (i = t), a && !h ? window.requestAnimationFrame(d) : (o = !0);
- }
- function e(t) {
- (i = t), window.requestAnimationFrame(d);
- }
- function u() {
- !h && a && o && (window.requestAnimationFrame(e), (o = !1));
- }
- return (
- (t.registerAnimation = l),
- (t.loadAnimation = function (t) {
- var e = new AnimationItem();
- return f(e, null), e.setParams(t), e;
- }),
- (t.setSpeed = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = 0; r < n; r += 1) s[r].animation.setSpeed(t, e);
- }),
- (t.setDirection = function (t, e) {
- for (var r = 0; r < n; r += 1)
- s[r].animation.setDirection(t, e);
- }),
- (t.play = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < n; e += 1) s[e].animation.play(t);
- }),
- (t.pause = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < n; e += 1) s[e].animation.pause(t);
- }),
- (t.stop = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < n; e += 1) s[e].animation.stop(t);
- }),
- (t.togglePause = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < n; e += 1) s[e].animation.togglePause(t);
- }),
- (t.searchAnimations = function (t, e, r) {
- for (
- var i,
- s = [].concat(
- [].slice.call(
- document.getElementsByClassName('lottie')
- ),
- [].slice.call(
- document.getElementsByClassName('bodymovin')
- )
- ),
- n = s.length,
- a = 0;
- a < n;
- a += 1
- )
- r && s[a].setAttribute('data-bm-type', r), l(s[a], t);
- e &&
- 0 === n &&
- ((r = r || 'svg'),
- ((e = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).innerHTML =
- ''),
- ((i = createTag('div')).style.width = '100%'),
- (i.style.height = '100%'),
- i.setAttribute('data-bm-type', r),
- e.appendChild(i),
- l(i, t));
- }),
- (t.resize = function () {
- for (var t = 0; t < n; t += 1) s[t].animation.resize();
- }),
- (t.goToAndStop = function (t, e, r) {
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
- s[i].animation.goToAndStop(t, e, r);
- }),
- (t.destroy = function (t) {
- for (var e = n - 1; 0 <= e; --e) s[e].animation.destroy(t);
- }),
- (t.freeze = function () {
- h = !0;
- }),
- (t.unfreeze = function () {
- (h = !1), u();
- }),
- (t.getRegisteredAnimations = function () {
- for (var t = s.length, e = [], r = 0; r < t; r += 1)
- e.push(s[r].animation);
- return e;
- }),
- t
- );
- })(),
- AnimationItem = function () {
- (this._cbs = []),
- (this.name = ''),
- (this.path = ''),
- (this.isLoaded = !1),
- (this.currentFrame = 0),
- (this.currentRawFrame = 0),
- (this.firstFrame = 0),
- (this.totalFrames = 0),
- (this.frameRate = 0),
- (this.frameMult = 0),
- (this.playSpeed = 1),
- (this.playDirection = 1),
- (this.playCount = 0),
- (this.animationData = {}),
- (this.assets = []),
- (this.isPaused = !0),
- (this.autoplay = !1),
- (this.loop = !0),
- (this.renderer = null),
- (this.animationID = createElementID()),
- (this.assetsPath = ''),
- (this.timeCompleted = 0),
- (this.segmentPos = 0),
- (this.isSubframeEnabled = subframeEnabled),
- (this.segments = []),
- (this._idle = !0),
- (this._completedLoop = !1),
- (this.projectInterface = ProjectInterface()),
- (this.imagePreloader = new ImagePreloader());
- },
- Expressions =
- (extendPrototype([BaseEvent], AnimationItem),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setParams = function (t) {
- (t.wrapper || t.container) &&
- (this.wrapper = t.wrapper || t.container);
- var e = t.animType || t.renderer || 'svg';
- switch (e) {
- case 'canvas':
- this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(
- this,
- t.rendererSettings
- );
- break;
- case 'svg':
- this.renderer = new SVGRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);
- break;
- default:
- this.renderer = new HybridRenderer(
- this,
- t.rendererSettings
- );
- }
- this.imagePreloader.setCacheType(e),
- this.renderer.setProjectInterface(this.projectInterface),
- (this.animType = e),
- '' === t.loop ||
- null === t.loop ||
- void 0 === t.loop ||
- !0 === t.loop
- ? (this.loop = !0)
- : !1 === t.loop
- ? (this.loop = !1)
- : (this.loop = parseInt(t.loop)),
- (this.autoplay = !('autoplay' in t) || t.autoplay),
- (this.name = t.name || ''),
- (this.autoloadSegments =
- !t.hasOwnProperty('autoloadSegments') ||
- t.autoloadSegments),
- (this.assetsPath = t.assetsPath),
- (this.initialSegment = t.initialSegment),
- t.animationData
- ? this.configAnimation(t.animationData)
- : t.path &&
- (-1 !== t.path.lastIndexOf('\\')
- ? (this.path = t.path.substr(
- 0,
- t.path.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1
- ))
- : (this.path = t.path.substr(
- 0,
- t.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
- )),
- (this.fileName = t.path.substr(
- t.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
- )),
- (this.fileName = this.fileName.substr(
- 0,
- this.fileName.lastIndexOf('.json')
- )),
- assetLoader.load(
- t.path,
- this.configAnimation.bind(this),
- function () {
- this.trigger('data_failed');
- }.bind(this)
- ));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setData = function (t, e) {
- var e = {
- wrapper: t,
- animationData: e
- ? 'object' == typeof e
- ? e
- : JSON.parse(e)
- : null,
- },
- t = t.attributes,
- r =
- ((e.path = t.getNamedItem('data-animation-path')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-animation-path').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-path')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-path').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-path')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-path').value
- : ''),
- (e.animType = t.getNamedItem('data-anim-type')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-anim-type').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-type')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-type').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-type')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-type').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-renderer')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-renderer').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-renderer')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-renderer').value
- : 'canvas'),
- t.getNamedItem('data-anim-loop')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-anim-loop').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-loop')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-loop').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-loop')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-loop').value
- : ''),
- r =
- ('' !== r &&
- (e.loop = 'false' !== r && ('true' === r || parseInt(r))),
- t.getNamedItem('data-anim-autoplay')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-anim-autoplay').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-autoplay')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-autoplay').value
- : !t.getNamedItem('bm-autoplay') ||
- t.getNamedItem('bm-autoplay').value);
- (e.autoplay = 'false' !== r),
- (e.name = t.getNamedItem('data-name')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-name').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-name')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-name').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-name')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-name').value
- : ''),
- 'false' ===
- (t.getNamedItem('data-anim-prerender')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-anim-prerender').value
- : t.getNamedItem('data-bm-prerender')
- ? t.getNamedItem('data-bm-prerender').value
- : t.getNamedItem('bm-prerender')
- ? t.getNamedItem('bm-prerender').value
- : '') && (e.prerender = !1),
- this.setParams(e);
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.includeLayers = function (t) {
- t.op > this.animationData.op &&
- ((this.animationData.op = t.op),
- (this.totalFrames = Math.floor(
- t.op - this.animationData.ip
- )));
- for (
- var e,
- r = this.animationData.layers,
- i = r.length,
- s = t.layers,
- n = s.length,
- a = 0;
- a < n;
- a += 1
- )
- for (e = 0; e < i; ) {
- if (r[e].id == s[a].id) {
- r[e] = s[a];
- break;
- }
- e += 1;
- }
- if (
- ((t.chars || t.fonts) &&
- (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars),
- this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(
- t.fonts,
- this.renderer.globalData.defs
- )),
- t.assets)
- )
- for (i = t.assets.length, e = 0; e < i; e += 1)
- this.animationData.assets.push(t.assets[e]);
- (this.animationData.__complete = !1),
- dataManager.completeData(
- this.animationData,
- this.renderer.globalData.fontManager
- ),
- this.renderer.includeLayers(t.layers),
- expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this),
- this.loadNextSegment();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.loadNextSegment = function () {
- var t = this.animationData.segments;
- t && 0 !== t.length && this.autoloadSegments
- ? ((t = t.shift()),
- (this.timeCompleted = t.time * this.frameRate),
- (t =
- this.path +
- this.fileName +
- '_' +
- this.segmentPos +
- '.json'),
- (this.segmentPos += 1),
- assetLoader.load(
- t,
- this.includeLayers.bind(this),
- function () {
- this.trigger('data_failed');
- }.bind(this)
- ))
- : (this.trigger('data_ready'),
- (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.loadSegments = function () {
- this.animationData.segments ||
- (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames),
- this.loadNextSegment();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.imagesLoaded = function () {
- this.trigger('loaded_images'), this.checkLoaded();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.preloadImages = function () {
- this.imagePreloader.setAssetsPath(this.assetsPath),
- this.imagePreloader.setPath(this.path),
- this.imagePreloader.loadAssets(
- this.animationData.assets,
- this.imagesLoaded.bind(this)
- );
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {
- if (this.renderer)
- try {
- (this.animationData = t),
- this.initialSegment
- ? ((this.totalFrames = Math.floor(
- this.initialSegment[1] - this.initialSegment[0]
- )),
- (this.firstFrame = Math.round(
- this.initialSegment[0]
- )))
- : ((this.totalFrames = Math.floor(
- this.animationData.op - this.animationData.ip
- )),
- (this.firstFrame = Math.round(
- this.animationData.ip
- ))),
- this.renderer.configAnimation(t),
- t.assets || (t.assets = []),
- (this.assets = this.animationData.assets),
- (this.frameRate = this.animationData.fr),
- (this.frameMult = this.animationData.fr / 1e3),
- this.renderer.searchExtraCompositions(t.assets),
- this.trigger('config_ready'),
- this.preloadImages(),
- this.loadSegments(),
- this.updaFrameModifier(),
- this.waitForFontsLoaded();
- } catch (t) {
- this.triggerConfigError(t);
- }
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.waitForFontsLoaded = function () {
- this.renderer &&
- (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded
- ? this.checkLoaded()
- : setTimeout(this.waitForFontsLoaded.bind(this), 20));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.checkLoaded = function () {
- this.isLoaded ||
- !this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded ||
- (!this.imagePreloader.loaded() &&
- 'canvas' === this.renderer.rendererType) ||
- ((this.isLoaded = !0),
- dataManager.completeData(
- this.animationData,
- this.renderer.globalData.fontManager
- ),
- expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this),
- this.renderer.initItems(),
- setTimeout(
- function () {
- this.trigger('DOMLoaded');
- }.bind(this),
- 0
- ),
- this.gotoFrame(),
- this.autoplay && this.play());
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.resize = function () {
- this.renderer.updateContainerSize();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setSubframe = function (t) {
- this.isSubframeEnabled = !!t;
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.gotoFrame = function () {
- (this.currentFrame = this.isSubframeEnabled
- ? this.currentRawFrame
- : ~~this.currentRawFrame),
- this.timeCompleted !== this.totalFrames &&
- this.currentFrame > this.timeCompleted &&
- (this.currentFrame = this.timeCompleted),
- this.trigger('enterFrame'),
- this.renderFrame();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.renderFrame = function () {
- if (!1 !== this.isLoaded)
- try {
- this.renderer.renderFrame(
- this.currentFrame + this.firstFrame
- );
- } catch (t) {
- this.triggerRenderFrameError(t);
- }
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.play = function (t) {
- (t && this.name != t) ||
- (!0 === this.isPaused &&
- ((this.isPaused = !1), this._idle) &&
- ((this._idle = !1), this.trigger('_active')));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.pause = function (t) {
- (t && this.name != t) ||
- (!1 === this.isPaused &&
- ((this.isPaused = !0),
- (this._idle = !0),
- this.trigger('_idle')));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.togglePause = function (t) {
- (t && this.name != t) ||
- (!0 === this.isPaused ? this.play() : this.pause());
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.stop = function (t) {
- (t && this.name != t) ||
- (this.pause(),
- (this.playCount = 0),
- (this._completedLoop = !1),
- this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(0));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndStop = function (t, e, r) {
- (r && this.name != r) ||
- (e
- ? this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t)
- : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t * this.frameModifier),
- this.pause());
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndPlay = function (t, e, r) {
- this.goToAndStop(t, e, r), this.play();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.advanceTime = function (t) {
- var e;
- !0 !== this.isPaused &&
- !1 !== this.isLoaded &&
- ((e = !1),
- (t = this.currentRawFrame + t * this.frameModifier) >=
- this.totalFrames - 1 && 0 < this.frameModifier
- ? this.loop && this.playCount !== this.loop
- ? t >= this.totalFrames
- ? ((this.playCount += 1),
- this.checkSegments(t % this.totalFrames) ||
- (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t % this.totalFrames),
- (this._completedLoop = !0),
- this.trigger('loopComplete')))
- : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t)
- : this.checkSegments(
- t > this.totalFrames ? t % this.totalFrames : 0
- ) || ((e = !0), (t = this.totalFrames - 1))
- : t < 0
- ? this.checkSegments(t % this.totalFrames) ||
- (!this.loop ||
- (this.playCount-- <= 0 && !0 !== this.loop)
- ? ((e = !0), (t = 0))
- : (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(
- this.totalFrames + (t % this.totalFrames)
- ),
- this._completedLoop
- ? this.trigger('loopComplete')
- : (this._completedLoop = !0)))
- : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t),
- e) &&
- (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t),
- this.pause(),
- this.trigger('complete'));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.adjustSegment = function (t, e) {
- (this.playCount = 0),
- t[1] < t[0]
- ? (0 < this.frameModifier &&
- (this.playSpeed < 0
- ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed)
- : this.setDirection(-1)),
- (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames = t[0] - t[1]),
- (this.firstFrame = t[1]),
- this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(
- this.totalFrames - 0.001 - e
- ))
- : t[1] > t[0] &&
- (this.frameModifier < 0 &&
- (this.playSpeed < 0
- ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed)
- : this.setDirection(1)),
- (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames = t[1] - t[0]),
- (this.firstFrame = t[0]),
- this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(0.001 + e)),
- this.trigger('segmentStart');
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setSegment = function (t, e) {
- var r = -1;
- this.isPaused &&
- (this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame < t
- ? (r = t)
- : this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame > e &&
- (r = e - t)),
- (this.firstFrame = t),
- (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames = e - t),
- -1 !== r && this.goToAndStop(r, !0);
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.playSegments = function (t, e) {
- if ((e && (this.segments.length = 0), 'object' == typeof t[0]))
- for (var r = t.length, i = 0; i < r; i += 1)
- this.segments.push(t[i]);
- else this.segments.push(t);
- this.segments.length &&
- e &&
- this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), 0),
- this.isPaused && this.play();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.resetSegments = function (t) {
- (this.segments.length = 0),
- this.segments.push([
- this.animationData.ip,
- this.animationData.op,
- ]),
- t && this.checkSegments(0);
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.checkSegments = function (t) {
- return (
- !!this.segments.length &&
- (this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), t), !0)
- );
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.destroy = function (t) {
- (t && this.name != t) ||
- !this.renderer ||
- (this.renderer.destroy(),
- this.imagePreloader.destroy(),
- this.trigger('destroy'),
- (this._cbs = null),
- (this.onEnterFrame =
- this.onLoopComplete =
- this.onComplete =
- this.onSegmentStart =
- this.onDestroy =
- null),
- (this.renderer = null));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setCurrentRawFrameValue = function (t) {
- (this.currentRawFrame = t), this.gotoFrame();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setSpeed = function (t) {
- (this.playSpeed = t), this.updaFrameModifier();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.setDirection = function (t) {
- (this.playDirection = t < 0 ? -1 : 1), this.updaFrameModifier();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.updaFrameModifier = function () {
- this.frameModifier =
- this.frameMult * this.playSpeed * this.playDirection;
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.getPath = function () {
- return this.path;
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetsPath = function (t) {
- var e,
- r = '';
- return (r = t.e
- ? t.p
- : this.assetsPath
- ? (-1 !== (e = t.p).indexOf('images/') &&
- (e = e.split('/')[1]),
- this.assetsPath + e)
- : ((r = this.path), (r += t.u || '') + t.p));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetData = function (t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = this.assets.length; e < r; ) {
- if (t == this.assets[e].id) return this.assets[e];
- e += 1;
- }
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.hide = function () {
- this.renderer.hide();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.show = function () {
- this.renderer.show();
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.getDuration = function (t) {
- return t ? this.totalFrames : this.totalFrames / this.frameRate;
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.trigger = function (t) {
- if (this._cbs && this._cbs[t])
- switch (t) {
- case 'enterFrame':
- this.triggerEvent(
- t,
- new BMEnterFrameEvent(
- t,
- this.currentFrame,
- this.totalFrames,
- this.frameModifier
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'loopComplete':
- this.triggerEvent(
- t,
- new BMCompleteLoopEvent(
- t,
- this.loop,
- this.playCount,
- this.frameMult
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'complete':
- this.triggerEvent(
- t,
- new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)
- );
- break;
- case 'segmentStart':
- this.triggerEvent(
- t,
- new BMSegmentStartEvent(
- t,
- this.firstFrame,
- this.totalFrames
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'destroy':
- this.triggerEvent(t, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this));
- break;
- default:
- this.triggerEvent(t);
- }
- 'enterFrame' === t &&
- this.onEnterFrame &&
- this.onEnterFrame.call(
- this,
- new BMEnterFrameEvent(
- t,
- this.currentFrame,
- this.totalFrames,
- this.frameMult
- )
- ),
- 'loopComplete' === t &&
- this.onLoopComplete &&
- this.onLoopComplete.call(
- this,
- new BMCompleteLoopEvent(
- t,
- this.loop,
- this.playCount,
- this.frameMult
- )
- ),
- 'complete' === t &&
- this.onComplete &&
- this.onComplete.call(
- this,
- new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)
- ),
- 'segmentStart' === t &&
- this.onSegmentStart &&
- this.onSegmentStart.call(
- this,
- new BMSegmentStartEvent(
- t,
- this.firstFrame,
- this.totalFrames
- )
- ),
- 'destroy' === t &&
- this.onDestroy &&
- this.onDestroy.call(this, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this));
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.triggerRenderFrameError = function (t) {
- t = new BMRenderFrameErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame);
- this.triggerEvent('error', t),
- this.onError && this.onError.call(this, t);
- }),
- (AnimationItem.prototype.triggerConfigError = function (t) {
- t = new BMConfigErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame);
- this.triggerEvent('error', t),
- this.onError && this.onError.call(this, t);
- }),
- (function () {
- var t = {};
- return (
- (t.initExpressions = function (t) {
- var r = 0,
- i = [];
- (t.renderer.compInterface = CompExpressionInterface(
- t.renderer
- )),
- t.renderer.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(
- t.renderer
- ),
- (t.renderer.globalData.pushExpression = function () {
- r += 1;
- }),
- (t.renderer.globalData.popExpression = function () {
- if (0 == --r) {
- for (var t = i.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)
- i[e].release();
- i.length = 0;
- }
- }),
- (t.renderer.globalData.registerExpressionProperty =
- function (t) {
- -1 === i.indexOf(t) && i.push(t);
- });
- }),
- t
- );
- })()),
- expressionsPlugin = Expressions,
- ExpressionManager = (function () {
- var ob = {},
- Math = BMMath,
- easeInBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- 0.333,
- 0,
- 0.833,
- 0.833,
- 'easeIn'
- ).get,
- easeOutBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- 0.167,
- 0.167,
- 0.667,
- 1,
- 'easeOut'
- ).get,
- easeInOutBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(
- 0.33,
- 0,
- 0.667,
- 1,
- 'easeInOut'
- ).get;
- function initiateExpression(elem, data, property) {
- var val = data.x,
- needsVelocity = /velocity(?![\w\d])/.test(val),
- _needsRandom = -1 !== val.indexOf('random'),
- elemType = elem.data.ty,
- transform,
- content,
- effect,
- thisProperty = property,
- inPoint =
- ((thisProperty.valueAtTime = thisProperty.getValueAtTime),
- Object.defineProperty(thisProperty, 'value', {
- get: function () {
- return thisProperty.v;
- },
- }),
- (elem.comp.frameDuration =
- 1 / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- (elem.comp.displayStartTime = 0),
- elem.data.ip / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- outPoint = elem.data.op / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- width = elem.data.sw || 0,
- height = elem.data.sh || 0,
- name = elem.data.nm,
- loopIn,
- loopOut,
- smooth,
- toWorld,
- fromWorld,
- fromComp,
- toComp,
- anchorPoint,
- thisLayer,
- thisComp,
- mask,
- valueAtTime,
- velocityAtTime,
- __expression_functions = [],
- scoped_bm_rt;
- if (data.xf)
- for (var i, len = data.xf.length, i = 0; i < len; i += 1)
- __expression_functions[i] = eval(
- '(function(){ return ' + data.xf[i] + '}())'
- );
- var expression_function = eval(
- '[function _expression_function(){' +
- val +
- ';scoped_bm_rt=$bm_rt}]'
- )[0],
- numKeys = property.kf ? data.k.length : 0,
- active = !this.data || !0 !== this.data.hd,
- wiggle = function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r = this.pv.length || 1,
- i = createTypedArray('float32', r),
- s = Math.floor(5 * time),
- n = 0,
- a = 0;
- n < s;
- ) {
- for (a = 0; a < r; a += 1)
- i[a] += -e + 2 * e * BMMath.random();
- n += 1;
- }
- var o = 5 * time,
- h = o - Math.floor(o),
- l = createTypedArray('float32', r);
- if (1 < r) {
- for (a = 0; a < r; a += 1)
- l[a] =
- this.pv[a] +
- i[a] +
- (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h;
- return l;
- }
- return this.pv + i[0] + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h;
- }.bind(this),
- comp =
- (thisProperty.loopIn &&
- (loopIn = thisProperty.loopIn.bind(thisProperty)),
- thisProperty.loopOut &&
- (loopOut = thisProperty.loopOut.bind(thisProperty)),
- thisProperty.smooth &&
- (smooth = thisProperty.smooth.bind(thisProperty)),
- this.getValueAtTime &&
- (valueAtTime = this.getValueAtTime.bind(this)),
- this.getVelocityAtTime &&
- (velocityAtTime = this.getVelocityAtTime.bind(this)),
- elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface.bind(
- elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface
- )),
- time,
- velocity,
- value,
- text,
- textIndex,
- textTotal,
- selectorValue;
- function seedRandom(t) {
- BMMath.seedrandom(randSeed + t);
- }
- var index = elem.data.ind,
- hasParent = !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length),
- parent,
- randSeed = Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random()),
- globalData = elem.globalData;
- function executeExpression(t) {
- return (
- (value = t),
- _needsRandom && seedRandom(randSeed),
- this.frameExpressionId === elem.globalData.frameId &&
- 'textSelector' !== this.propType
- ? value
- : ('textSelector' === this.propType &&
- ((textIndex = this.textIndex),
- (textTotal = this.textTotal),
- (selectorValue = this.selectorValue)),
- thisLayer ||
- ((text = elem.layerInterface.text),
- (thisLayer = elem.layerInterface),
- (thisComp = elem.comp.compInterface),
- (toWorld = thisLayer.toWorld.bind(thisLayer)),
- (fromWorld = thisLayer.fromWorld.bind(thisLayer)),
- (fromComp = thisLayer.fromComp.bind(thisLayer)),
- (toComp = thisLayer.toComp.bind(thisLayer)),
- (mask = thisLayer.mask
- ? thisLayer.mask.bind(thisLayer)
- : null)),
- transform ||
- ((transform = elem.layerInterface(
- 'ADBE Transform Group'
- )) &&
- (anchorPoint = transform.anchorPoint)),
- 4 === elemType &&
- (content =
- content || thisLayer('ADBE Root Vectors Group')),
- (effect = effect || thisLayer(4)),
- (hasParent = !(
- !elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length
- )) &&
- !parent &&
- (parent = elem.hierarchy[0].layerInterface),
- (time =
- this.comp.renderedFrame /
- this.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- needsVelocity && (velocity = velocityAtTime(time)),
- expression_function(),
- (this.frameExpressionId = elem.globalData.frameId),
- scoped_bm_rt.propType,
- scoped_bm_rt)
- );
- }
- return executeExpression;
- }
- return (ob.initiateExpression = initiateExpression), ob;
- })(),
- expressionHelpers = {
- searchExpressions: function (t, e, r) {
- e.x &&
- ((r.k = !0),
- (r.x = !0),
- (r.initiateExpression = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression),
- r.effectsSequence.push(
- r.initiateExpression(t, e, r).bind(r)
- ));
- },
- getSpeedAtTime: function (t) {
- var e = this.getValueAtTime(t),
- r = this.getValueAtTime(t + -0.01),
- i = 0;
- if (e.length) {
- for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s += 1)
- i += Math.pow(r[s] - e[s], 2);
- i = 100 * Math.sqrt(i);
- } else i = 0;
- return i;
- },
- getVelocityAtTime: function (t) {
- if (void 0 !== this.vel) return this.vel;
- var e,
- r,
- i = this.getValueAtTime(t),
- s = this.getValueAtTime(t + -0.001);
- if (i.length)
- for (
- e = createTypedArray('float32', i.length), r = 0;
- r < i.length;
- r += 1
- )
- e[r] = (s[r] - i[r]) / -0.001;
- else e = (s - i) / -0.001;
- return e;
- },
- getValueAtTime: function (t) {
- return (
- (t =
- (t *= this.elem.globalData.frameRate) - this.offsetTime) !==
- this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame &&
- ((this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex =
- this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame < t
- ? this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex
- : 0),
- (this._cachingAtTime.value = this.interpolateValue(
- t,
- this._cachingAtTime
- )),
- (this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame = t)),
- this._cachingAtTime.value
- );
- },
- getStaticValueAtTime: function () {
- return this.pv;
- },
- setGroupProperty: function (t) {
- this.propertyGroup = t;
- },
- },
- ShapePathInterface =
- (!(function () {
- function a(t, e, r) {
- if (!this.k || !this.keyframes) return this.pv;
- t = t ? t.toLowerCase() : '';
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h = this.comp.renderedFrame,
- l = this.keyframes,
- p = l[l.length - 1].t;
- if (h <= p) return this.pv;
- if (
- (r
- ? (s =
- p -
- (i = e
- ? Math.abs(p - elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e)
- : Math.max(0, p - this.elem.data.ip)))
- : ((!e || e > l.length - 1) && (e = l.length - 1),
- (i = p - (s = l[l.length - 1 - e].t))),
- 'pingpong' === t)
- ) {
- if (Math.floor((h - s) / i) % 2 != 0)
- return this.getValueAtTime(
- (i - ((h - s) % i) + s) /
- this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- } else {
- if ('offset' === t) {
- var c = this.getValueAtTime(
- s / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- f = this.getValueAtTime(
- p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- d = this.getValueAtTime(
- (((h - s) % i) + s) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- u = Math.floor((h - s) / i);
- if (this.pv.length) {
- for (
- a = (o = new Array(c.length)).length, n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- )
- o[n] = (f[n] - c[n]) * u + d[n];
- return o;
- }
- return (f - c) * u + d;
- }
- if ('continue' === t) {
- var m = this.getValueAtTime(
- p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- y = this.getValueAtTime(
- (p - 0.001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- if (this.pv.length) {
- for (
- a = (o = new Array(m.length)).length, n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- )
- o[n] =
- m[n] +
- ((m[n] - y[n]) *
- ((h - p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate)) /
- 5e-4;
- return o;
- }
- return m + ((h - p) / 0.001) * (m - y);
- }
- }
- return this.getValueAtTime(
- (((h - s) % i) + s) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- }
- function o(t, e, r) {
- if (!this.k) return this.pv;
- t = t ? t.toLowerCase() : '';
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h = this.comp.renderedFrame,
- l = this.keyframes,
- p = l[0].t;
- if (p <= h) return this.pv;
- if (
- (r
- ? (s =
- p +
- (i = e
- ? Math.abs(elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e)
- : Math.max(0, this.elem.data.op - p)))
- : (i =
- (s =
- l[(e = !e || e > l.length - 1 ? l.length - 1 : e)]
- .t) - p),
- 'pingpong' === t)
- ) {
- if (Math.floor((p - h) / i) % 2 == 0)
- return this.getValueAtTime(
- (((p - h) % i) + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- } else {
- if ('offset' === t) {
- var c = this.getValueAtTime(
- p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- f = this.getValueAtTime(
- s / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- d = this.getValueAtTime(
- (i - ((p - h) % i) + p) /
- this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- u = Math.floor((p - h) / i) + 1;
- if (this.pv.length) {
- for (
- a = (o = new Array(c.length)).length, n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- )
- o[n] = d[n] - (f[n] - c[n]) * u;
- return o;
- }
- return d - (f - c) * u;
- }
- if ('continue' === t) {
- var m = this.getValueAtTime(
- p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- ),
- y = this.getValueAtTime(
- (p + 0.001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- if (this.pv.length) {
- for (
- a = (o = new Array(m.length)).length, n = 0;
- n < a;
- n += 1
- )
- o[n] = m[n] + ((m[n] - y[n]) * (p - h)) / 0.001;
- return o;
- }
- return m + ((m - y) * (p - h)) / 0.001;
- }
- }
- return this.getValueAtTime(
- (i - ((p - h) % i) + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- 0
- );
- }
- function h(t, e) {
- if (!this.k) return this.pv;
- if (((t = 0.5 * (t || 0.4)), (e = Math.floor(e || 5)) <= 1))
- return this.pv;
- for (
- var r,
- i =
- this.comp.renderedFrame /
- this.comp.globalData.frameRate,
- s = i - t,
- n = 1 < e ? (i + t - s) / (e - 1) : 1,
- a = 0,
- o = 0,
- h = this.pv.length
- ? createTypedArray('float32', this.pv.length)
- : 0;
- a < e;
- ) {
- if (((r = this.getValueAtTime(s + a * n)), this.pv.length))
- for (o = 0; o < this.pv.length; o += 1) h[o] += r[o];
- else h += r;
- a += 1;
- }
- if (this.pv.length)
- for (o = 0; o < this.pv.length; o += 1) h[o] /= e;
- else h /= e;
- return h;
- }
- var i = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty,
- l =
- ((TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty = function (
- t,
- e,
- r
- ) {
- t = i(t, e, r);
- return (
- t.dynamicProperties.length
- ? (t.getValueAtTime = function (t) {
- console.warn('Transform at time not supported');
- }.bind(t))
- : (t.getValueAtTime = function (t) {}.bind(t)),
- (t.setGroupProperty =
- expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty),
- t
- );
- }),
- PropertyFactory.getProp),
- t =
- ((PropertyFactory.getProp = function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- var i = l(t, e, r, i, s),
- n =
- (i.kf
- ? (i.getValueAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(i))
- : (i.getValueAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(i)),
- (i.setGroupProperty =
- expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty),
- (i.loopOut = a),
- (i.loopIn = o),
- (i.smooth = h),
- (i.getVelocityAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime.bind(i)),
- (i.getSpeedAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getSpeedAtTime.bind(i)),
- (i.numKeys = 1 === e.a ? e.k.length : 0),
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- 0);
- return (
- 0 !== r &&
- (n = createTypedArray(
- 'float32',
- (1 === e.a ? e.k[0].s : e.k).length
- )),
- (i._cachingAtTime = {
- lastFrame: initialDefaultFrame,
- lastIndex: 0,
- value: n,
- }),
- expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e, i),
- i.k && s.addDynamicProperty(i),
- i
- );
- }),
- ShapePropertyFactory.getConstructorFunction()),
- e = ShapePropertyFactory.getKeyframedConstructorFunction();
- function r() {}
- (r.prototype = {
- vertices: function (t, e) {
- this.k && this.getValue();
- for (
- var r = this.v,
- i = (r = void 0 !== e ? this.getValueAtTime(e, 0) : r)
- ._length,
- s = r[t],
- n = r.v,
- a = createSizedArray(i),
- o = 0;
- o < i;
- o += 1
- )
- a[o] =
- 'i' === t || 'o' === t
- ? [s[o][0] - n[o][0], s[o][1] - n[o][1]]
- : [s[o][0], s[o][1]];
- return a;
- },
- points: function (t) {
- return this.vertices('v', t);
- },
- inTangents: function (t) {
- return this.vertices('i', t);
- },
- outTangents: function (t) {
- return this.vertices('o', t);
- },
- isClosed: function () {
- return this.v.c;
- },
- pointOnPath: function (t, e) {
- var r = this.v;
- void 0 !== e && (r = this.getValueAtTime(e, 0)),
- this._segmentsLength ||
- (this._segmentsLength = bez.getSegmentsLength(r));
- for (
- var e = this._segmentsLength,
- i = e.lengths,
- s = e.totalLength * t,
- n = 0,
- a = i.length,
- o = 0;
- n < a;
- ) {
- if (o + i[n].addedLength > s) {
- var h = n,
- l = r.c && n === a - 1 ? 0 : n + 1,
- p = (s - o) / i[n].addedLength,
- c = bez.getPointInSegment(
- r.v[h],
- r.v[l],
- r.o[h],
- r.i[l],
- p,
- i[n]
- );
- break;
- }
- (o += i[n].addedLength), (n += 1);
- }
- return (c =
- c ||
- (r.c
- ? [r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1]]
- : [r.v[r._length - 1][0], r.v[r._length - 1][1]]));
- },
- vectorOnPath: function (t, e, r) {
- t = 1 == t ? (this.v.c ? 0 : 0.999) : t;
- var i = this.pointOnPath(t, e),
- t = this.pointOnPath(t + 0.001, e),
- e = t[0] - i[0],
- t = t[1] - i[1],
- i = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e, 2) + Math.pow(t, 2));
- return 0 === i
- ? [0, 0]
- : 'tangent' === r
- ? [e / i, t / i]
- : [-t / i, e / i];
- },
- tangentOnPath: function (t, e) {
- return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, 'tangent');
- },
- normalOnPath: function (t, e) {
- return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, 'normal');
- },
- setGroupProperty: expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty,
- getValueAtTime: expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime,
- }),
- extendPrototype([r], t),
- extendPrototype([r], e),
- (e.prototype.getValueAtTime = function (t) {
- return (
- this._cachingAtTime ||
- (this._cachingAtTime = {
- shapeValue: shape_pool.clone(this.pv),
- lastIndex: 0,
- lastTime: initialDefaultFrame,
- }),
- (t =
- (t *= this.elem.globalData.frameRate) -
- this.offsetTime) !== this._cachingAtTime.lastTime &&
- ((this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex =
- this._cachingAtTime.lastTime < t
- ? this._caching.lastIndex
- : 0),
- (this._cachingAtTime.lastTime = t),
- this.interpolateShape(
- t,
- this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue,
- this._cachingAtTime
- )),
- this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.initiateExpression =
- ExpressionManager.initiateExpression);
- var n = ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp;
- ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp = function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- i = n(t, e, r, i, s);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- (i.lock = !1),
- 3 === r
- ? expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e.pt, i)
- : 4 === r &&
- expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e.ks, i),
- i.k && t.addDynamicProperty(i),
- i
- );
- };
- })(),
- (TextProperty.prototype.getExpressionValue = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- e = this.calculateExpression(e);
- return t.t !== e
- ? (this.copyData((r = {}), t),
- (r.t = e.toString()),
- (r.__complete = !1),
- r)
- : t;
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty = function () {
- var t = this.searchKeyframes(),
- e = this.searchExpressions();
- return (this.kf = t || e), this.kf;
- }),
- (TextProperty.prototype.searchExpressions = function () {
- if (this.data.d.x)
- return (
- (this.calculateExpression =
- ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(this)(
- this.elem,
- this.data.d,
- this
- )),
- this.addEffect(this.getExpressionValue.bind(this)),
- !0
- );
- }),
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = e.sh;
- function s(t) {
- if (
- 'Shape' === t ||
- 'shape' === t ||
- 'Path' === t ||
- 'path' === t ||
- 'ADBE Vector Shape' === t ||
- 2 === t
- )
- return s.path;
- }
- e = propertyGroupFactory(s, r);
- return (
- i.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface('Path', e)),
- Object.defineProperties(s, {
- path: {
- get: function () {
- return i.k && i.getValue(), i;
- },
- },
- shape: {
- get: function () {
- return i.k && i.getValue(), i;
- },
- },
- _name: { value: t.nm },
- ix: { value: t.ix },
- propertyIndex: { value: t.ix },
- mn: { value: t.mn },
- propertyGroup: { value: r },
- }),
- s
- );
- }),
- propertyGroupFactory = function (e, r) {
- return function (t) {
- return (t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t) <= 0 ? e : r(t - 1);
- };
- },
- PropertyInterface = function (t, e) {
- var r = { _name: t };
- return function (t) {
- return (t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t) <= 0 ? r : e(--t);
- };
- },
- ShapeExpressionInterface = (function () {
- function a(t, e, r) {
- for (var i = [], s = t ? t.length : 0, n = 0; n < s; n += 1)
- 'gr' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (t, e, r) {
- function s(t) {
- switch (t) {
- case 'ADBE Vectors Group':
- case 'Contents':
- case 2:
- return s.content;
- default:
- return s.transform;
- }
- }
- s.propertyGroup = propertyGroupFactory(s, r);
- (r = (function (t, e) {
- function r(t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = i.length; e < r; ) {
- if (
- i[e]._name === t ||
- i[e].mn === t ||
- i[e].propertyIndex === t ||
- i[e].ix === t ||
- i[e].ind === t
- )
- return i[e];
- e += 1;
- }
- if ('number' == typeof t) return i[t - 1];
- }
- (r.propertyGroup = propertyGroupFactory(
- r,
- s.propertyGroup
- )),
- (i = a(t.it, e.it, r.propertyGroup)),
- (r.numProperties = i.length);
- var i,
- e = o(
- t.it[t.it.length - 1],
- e.it[e.it.length - 1],
- r.propertyGroup
- );
- return (
- (r.transform = e),
- (r.propertyIndex = t.cix),
- (r._name = t.nm),
- r
- );
- })(t, e)),
- (e = o(
- t.it[t.it.length - 1],
- e.it[e.it.length - 1],
- s.propertyGroup
- ));
- return (
- (s.content = r),
- (s.transform = e),
- Object.defineProperty(s, '_name', {
- get: function () {
- return t.nm;
- },
- }),
- (s.numProperties = t.np),
- (s.propertyIndex = t.ix),
- (s.nm = t.nm),
- (s.mn = t.mn),
- s
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'fl' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (t, e, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return 'Color' === t || 'color' === t
- ? i.color
- : 'Opacity' === t || 'opacity' === t
- ? i.opacity
- : void 0;
- }
- return (
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- color: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.c),
- },
- opacity: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o),
- },
- _name: { value: t.nm },
- mn: { value: t.mn },
- }),
- e.c.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Color', r)
- ),
- e.o.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Opacity', r)
- ),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'st' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, r, t) {
- var t = propertyGroupFactory(o, t),
- i = propertyGroupFactory(void 0, t);
- var s,
- n = e.d ? e.d.length : 0,
- a = {};
- for (s = 0; s < n; s += 1)
- (function (t) {
- Object.defineProperty(a, e.d[t].nm, {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- r.d.dataProps[t].p
- ),
- });
- })(s),
- r.d.dataProps[s].p.setGroupProperty(i);
- function o(t) {
- return 'Color' === t || 'color' === t
- ? o.color
- : 'Opacity' === t || 'opacity' === t
- ? o.opacity
- : 'Stroke Width' === t ||
- 'stroke width' === t
- ? o.strokeWidth
- : void 0;
- }
- return (
- Object.defineProperties(o, {
- color: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(r.c),
- },
- opacity: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(r.o),
- },
- strokeWidth: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(r.w),
- },
- dash: {
- get: function () {
- return a;
- },
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- mn: { value: e.mn },
- }),
- r.c.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Color', t)
- ),
- r.o.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Opacity', t)
- ),
- r.w.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Stroke Width', t)
- ),
- o
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'tm' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return t === e.e.ix ||
- 'End' === t ||
- 'end' === t
- ? i.end
- : t === e.s.ix
- ? i.start
- : t === e.o.ix
- ? i.offset
- : void 0;
- }
- var s = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- t.s.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Start', s)
- ),
- t.e.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('End', s)
- ),
- t.o.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Offset', s)
- ),
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- (i.propertyGroup = r),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- start: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s),
- },
- end: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.e),
- },
- offset: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.o),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'tr' != t[n].ty &&
- ('el' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return e.p.ix === t
- ? i.position
- : e.s.ix === t
- ? i.size
- : void 0;
- }
- (r = propertyGroupFactory(i, r)),
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- (t = 'tm' === t.sh.ty ? t.sh.prop : t.sh);
- return (
- t.s.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Size', r)
- ),
- t.p.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Position', r)
- ),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- size: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s),
- },
- position: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'sr' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return e.p.ix === t
- ? i.position
- : e.r.ix === t
- ? i.rotation
- : e.pt.ix === t
- ? i.points
- : e.or.ix === t ||
- 'ADBE Vector Star Outer Radius' ===
- t
- ? i.outerRadius
- : e.os.ix === t
- ? i.outerRoundness
- : !e.ir ||
- (e.ir.ix !== t &&
- 'ADBE Vector Star Inner Radius' !==
- t)
- ? e.is && e.is.ix === t
- ? i.innerRoundness
- : void 0
- : i.innerRadius;
- }
- (r = propertyGroupFactory(i, r)),
- (t =
- 'tm' === t.sh.ty ? t.sh.prop : t.sh);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- t.or.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Outer Radius', r)
- ),
- t.os.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface(
- 'Outer Roundness',
- r
- )
- ),
- t.pt.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Points', r)
- ),
- t.p.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Position', r)
- ),
- t.r.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Rotation', r)
- ),
- e.ir &&
- (t.ir.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Inner Radius', r)
- ),
- t.is.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface(
- 'Inner Roundness',
- r
- )
- )),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- position: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.p
- ),
- },
- rotation: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.r
- ),
- },
- points: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.pt
- ),
- },
- outerRadius: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.or
- ),
- },
- outerRoundness: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.os
- ),
- },
- innerRadius: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.ir
- ),
- },
- innerRoundness: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.is
- ),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'sh' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(ShapePathInterface(t[n], e[n], r))
- : 'rc' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return e.p.ix === t
- ? i.position
- : e.r.ix === t
- ? i.roundness
- : e.s.ix === t ||
- 'Size' === t ||
- 'ADBE Vector Rect Size' ===
- t
- ? i.size
- : void 0;
- }
- (r = propertyGroupFactory(i, r)),
- (t =
- 'tm' === t.sh.ty
- ? t.sh.prop
- : t.sh);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- t.p.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Position', r)
- ),
- t.s.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Size', r)
- ),
- t.r.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Rotation', r)
- ),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- position: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.p
- ),
- },
- roundness: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.r
- ),
- },
- size: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.s
- ),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'rd' == t[n].ty
- ? i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- if (
- e.r.ix === t ||
- 'Round Corners 1' === t
- )
- return i.radius;
- }
- r = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- t.rd.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Radius', r)
- ),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- radius: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.rd
- ),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- )
- : 'rp' == t[n].ty &&
- i.push(
- (function (e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return e.c.ix === t ||
- 'Copies' === t
- ? i.copies
- : e.o.ix === t || 'Offset' === t
- ? i.offset
- : void 0;
- }
- r = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);
- return (
- (i.propertyIndex = e.ix),
- t.c.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Copies', r)
- ),
- t.o.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Offset', r)
- ),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- copies: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.c
- ),
- },
- offset: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(
- t.o
- ),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- i
- );
- })(t[n], e[n], r)
- ));
- return i;
- }
- function o(e, t, r) {
- function i(t) {
- return e.a.ix === t || 'Anchor Point' === t
- ? i.anchorPoint
- : e.o.ix === t || 'Opacity' === t
- ? i.opacity
- : e.p.ix === t || 'Position' === t
- ? i.position
- : e.r.ix === t ||
- 'Rotation' === t ||
- 'ADBE Vector Rotation' === t
- ? i.rotation
- : e.s.ix === t || 'Scale' === t
- ? i.scale
- : (e.sk && e.sk.ix === t) || 'Skew' === t
- ? i.skew
- : (e.sa && e.sa.ix === t) || 'Skew Axis' === t
- ? i.skewAxis
- : void 0;
- }
- var s = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);
- return (
- t.transform.mProps.o.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Opacity', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.p.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Position', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.a.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Anchor Point', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.s.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Scale', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.r.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Rotation', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.sk &&
- (t.transform.mProps.sk.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Skew', s)
- ),
- t.transform.mProps.sa.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Skew Angle', s)
- )),
- t.transform.op.setGroupProperty(
- PropertyInterface('Opacity', s)
- ),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- opacity: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.o),
- },
- position: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.p),
- },
- anchorPoint: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.a),
- },
- scale: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.s),
- },
- rotation: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.r),
- },
- skew: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.sk),
- },
- skewAxis: {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.transform.mProps.sa),
- },
- _name: { value: e.nm },
- }),
- (i.ty = 'tr'),
- (i.mn = e.mn),
- (i.propertyGroup = r),
- i
- );
- }
- return function (t, e, i) {
- var s;
- function r(t) {
- if ('number' == typeof t)
- return 0 === (t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t) ? i : s[t - 1];
- for (var e = 0, r = s.length; e < r; ) {
- if (s[e]._name === t) return s[e];
- e += 1;
- }
- }
- return (
- (r.propertyGroup = i),
- (s = a(t, e, r)),
- (r.numProperties = s.length),
- r
- );
- };
- })(),
- TextExpressionInterface = function (e) {
- var r;
- function t() {}
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(t, 'sourceText', {
- get: function () {
- e.textProperty.getValue();
- var t = e.textProperty.currentData.t;
- return (
- void 0 !== t &&
- ((e.textProperty.currentData.t = void 0),
- ((r = new String(t)).value = t || new String(t))),
- r
- );
- },
- }),
- t
- );
- },
- LayerExpressionInterface = (function () {
- function s(t, e) {
- var r = new Matrix();
- if (
- (r.reset(),
- this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(r),
- this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length)
- )
- for (
- var i = this._elem.hierarchy.length, s = 0;
- s < i;
- s += 1
- )
- this._elem.hierarchy[s].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(
- r
- );
- return r.applyToPointArray(t[0], t[1], t[2] || 0);
- }
- function n(t, e) {
- var r = new Matrix();
- if (
- (r.reset(),
- this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(r),
- this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length)
- )
- for (
- var i = this._elem.hierarchy.length, s = 0;
- s < i;
- s += 1
- )
- this._elem.hierarchy[s].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(
- r
- );
- return r.inversePoint(t);
- }
- function a(t) {
- var e = new Matrix();
- if (
- (e.reset(),
- this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e),
- this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length)
- )
- for (
- var r = this._elem.hierarchy.length, i = 0;
- i < r;
- i += 1
- )
- this._elem.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(
- e
- );
- return e.inversePoint(t);
- }
- function o() {
- return [1, 1, 1, 1];
- }
- return function (e) {
- var r;
- function i(t) {
- switch (t) {
- case 'ADBE Root Vectors Group':
- case 'Contents':
- case 2:
- return i.shapeInterface;
- case 1:
- case 6:
- case 'Transform':
- case 'transform':
- case 'ADBE Transform Group':
- return r;
- case 4:
- case 'ADBE Effect Parade':
- case 'effects':
- case 'Effects':
- return i.effect;
- }
- }
- (i.toWorld = s),
- (i.fromWorld = n),
- (i.toComp = s),
- (i.fromComp = a),
- (i.sampleImage = o),
- (i.sourceRectAtTime = e.sourceRectAtTime.bind(e));
- var t = getDescriptor(
- (r = TransformExpressionInterface(
- (i._elem = e).finalTransform.mProp
- )),
- 'anchorPoint'
- );
- return (
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- hasParent: {
- get: function () {
- return e.hierarchy.length;
- },
- },
- parent: {
- get: function () {
- return e.hierarchy[0].layerInterface;
- },
- },
- rotation: getDescriptor(r, 'rotation'),
- scale: getDescriptor(r, 'scale'),
- position: getDescriptor(r, 'position'),
- opacity: getDescriptor(r, 'opacity'),
- anchorPoint: t,
- anchor_point: t,
- transform: {
- get: function () {
- return r;
- },
- },
- active: {
- get: function () {
- return e.isInRange;
- },
- },
- }),
- (i.startTime = e.data.st),
- (i.index = e.data.ind),
- (i.source = e.data.refId),
- (i.height = 0 === e.data.ty ? e.data.h : 100),
- (i.width = 0 === e.data.ty ? e.data.w : 100),
- (i.inPoint = e.data.ip / e.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- (i.outPoint = e.data.op / e.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- (i._name = e.data.nm),
- (i.registerMaskInterface = function (t) {
- i.mask = new MaskManagerInterface(t, e);
- }),
- (i.registerEffectsInterface = function (t) {
- i.effect = t;
- }),
- i
- );
- };
- })(),
- CompExpressionInterface = function (i) {
- function t(t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = i.layers.length; e < r; ) {
- if (i.layers[e].nm === t || i.layers[e].ind === t)
- return i.elements[e].layerInterface;
- e += 1;
- }
- return null;
- }
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(t, '_name', { value: i.data.nm }),
- ((t.layer = t).pixelAspect = 1),
- (t.height = i.data.h || i.globalData.compSize.h),
- (t.width = i.data.w || i.globalData.compSize.w),
- (t.pixelAspect = 1),
- (t.frameDuration = 1 / i.globalData.frameRate),
- (t.displayStartTime = 0),
- (t.numLayers = i.layers.length),
- t
- );
- },
- TransformExpressionInterface = function (t) {
- function e(t) {
- switch (t) {
- case 'scale':
- case 'Scale':
- case 'ADBE Scale':
- case 6:
- return e.scale;
- case 'rotation':
- case 'Rotation':
- case 'ADBE Rotation':
- case 'ADBE Rotate Z':
- case 10:
- return e.rotation;
- case 'ADBE Rotate X':
- return e.xRotation;
- case 'ADBE Rotate Y':
- return e.yRotation;
- case 'position':
- case 'Position':
- case 'ADBE Position':
- case 2:
- return e.position;
- case 'ADBE Position_0':
- return e.xPosition;
- case 'ADBE Position_1':
- return e.yPosition;
- case 'ADBE Position_2':
- return e.zPosition;
- case 'anchorPoint':
- case 'AnchorPoint':
- case 'Anchor Point':
- case 'ADBE AnchorPoint':
- case 1:
- return e.anchorPoint;
- case 'opacity':
- case 'Opacity':
- case 11:
- return e.opacity;
- }
- }
- var r, i, s, n;
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'rotation', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.r || t.rz),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'zRotation', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rz || t.r),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'xRotation', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rx),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'yRotation', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.ry),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'scale', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s),
- }),
- t.p
- ? (r = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p))
- : ((s = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px)),
- (n = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.py)),
- t.pz && (i = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz))),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'position', {
- get: function () {
- return t.p ? r() : [s(), n(), i ? i() : 0];
- },
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'xPosition', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'yPosition', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.py),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'zPosition', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'anchorPoint', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.a),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'opacity', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.o),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'skew', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.sk),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'skewAxis', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.sa),
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, 'orientation', {
- get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.or),
- }),
- e
- );
- },
- ProjectInterface = (function () {
- function e(t) {
- this.compositions.push(t);
- }
- return function () {
- function t(t) {
- for (var e = 0, r = this.compositions.length; e < r; ) {
- if (
- this.compositions[e].data &&
- this.compositions[e].data.nm === t
- )
- return (
- this.compositions[e].prepareFrame &&
- this.compositions[e].data.xt &&
- this.compositions[e].prepareFrame(this.currentFrame),
- this.compositions[e].compInterface
- );
- e += 1;
- }
- }
- return (
- (t.compositions = []),
- (t.currentFrame = 0),
- (t.registerComposition = e),
- t
- );
- };
- })(),
- EffectsExpressionInterface = (function () {
- function l(s, t, e, r) {
- function i(t) {
- for (var e = s.ef, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; ) {
- if (t === e[r].nm || t === e[r].mn || t === e[r].ix)
- return 5 === e[r].ty ? a[r] : a[r]();
- r += 1;
- }
- return a[0]();
- }
- for (
- var n = propertyGroupFactory(i, e),
- a = [],
- o = s.ef.length,
- h = 0;
- h < o;
- h += 1
- )
- 5 === s.ef[h].ty
- ? a.push(
- l(
- s.ef[h],
- t.effectElements[h],
- t.effectElements[h].propertyGroup,
- r
- )
- )
- : a.push(
- (function (t, e, r, i) {
- var s = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p);
- return (
- t.p.setGroupProperty &&
- t.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface('', i)),
- function () {
- return 10 === e
- ? r.comp.compInterface(t.p.v)
- : s();
- }
- );
- })(t.effectElements[h], s.ef[h].ty, r, n)
- );
- return (
- 'ADBE Color Control' === s.mn &&
- Object.defineProperty(i, 'color', {
- get: function () {
- return a[0]();
- },
- }),
- Object.defineProperties(i, {
- numProperties: {
- get: function () {
- return s.np;
- },
- },
- _name: { value: s.nm },
- propertyGroup: { value: n },
- }),
- (i.active = i.enabled = 0 !== s.en),
- i
- );
- }
- return {
- createEffectsInterface: function (t, e) {
- if (t.effectsManager) {
- for (
- var r = [],
- i = t.data.ef,
- s = t.effectsManager.effectElements.length,
- n = 0;
- n < s;
- n += 1
- )
- r.push(l(i[n], t.effectsManager.effectElements[n], e, t));
- var a = t.data.ef || [],
- o = function (t) {
- for (n = 0, s = a.length; n < s; ) {
- if (t === a[n].nm || t === a[n].mn || t === a[n].ix)
- return r[n];
- n += 1;
- }
- };
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(o, 'numProperties', {
- get: function () {
- return a.length;
- },
- }),
- o
- );
- }
- },
- };
- })(),
- MaskManagerInterface = (function () {
- function n(t, e) {
- (this._mask = t), (this._data = e);
- }
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, 'maskPath', {
- get: function () {
- return (
- this._mask.prop.k && this._mask.prop.getValue(),
- this._mask.prop
- );
- },
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, 'maskOpacity', {
- get: function () {
- return (
- this._mask.op.k && this._mask.op.getValue(),
- 100 * this._mask.op.v
- );
- },
- }),
- function (e, t) {
- for (
- var r = createSizedArray(e.viewData.length),
- i = e.viewData.length,
- s = 0;
- s < i;
- s += 1
- )
- r[s] = new n(e.viewData[s], e.masksProperties[s]);
- return function (t) {
- for (s = 0; s < i; ) {
- if (e.masksProperties[s].nm === t) return r[s];
- s += 1;
- }
- };
- }
- );
- })(),
- ExpressionPropertyInterface = (function () {
- var p = { pv: 0, v: 0, mult: 1 },
- c = { pv: [0, 0, 0], v: [0, 0, 0], mult: 1 };
- function f(r, i, s) {
- Object.defineProperty(r, 'velocity', {
- get: function () {
- return i.getVelocityAtTime(i.comp.currentFrame);
- },
- }),
- (r.numKeys = i.keyframes ? i.keyframes.length : 0),
- (r.key = function (t) {
- var e;
- return r.numKeys
- ? ((e = ''),
- (e =
- 's' in i.keyframes[t - 1]
- ? i.keyframes[t - 1].s
- : 'e' in i.keyframes[t - 2]
- ? i.keyframes[t - 2].e
- : i.keyframes[t - 2].s),
- ((e =
- 'unidimensional' === s
- ? new Number(e)
- : Object.assign({}, e)).time =
- i.keyframes[t - 1].t /
- i.elem.comp.globalData.frameRate),
- e)
- : 0;
- }),
- (r.valueAtTime = i.getValueAtTime),
- (r.speedAtTime = i.getSpeedAtTime),
- (r.velocityAtTime = i.getVelocityAtTime),
- (r.propertyGroup = i.propertyGroup);
- }
- function d() {
- return p;
- }
- return function (t) {
- return t
- ? 'unidimensional' === t.propType
- ? ((o = 1 / (a = (a = t) && 'pv' in a ? a : p).mult),
- (h = a.pv * o),
- ((l = new Number(h)).value = h),
- f(l, a, 'unidimensional'),
- function () {
- return (
- a.k && a.getValue(),
- (h = a.v * o),
- l.value !== h &&
- (((l = new Number(h)).value = h),
- f(l, a, 'unidimensional')),
- l
- );
- })
- : ((r = 1 / (e = (e = t) && 'pv' in e ? e : c).mult),
- (i = e.pv.length),
- (s = createTypedArray('float32', i)),
- (n = createTypedArray('float32', i)),
- (s.value = n),
- f(s, e, 'multidimensional'),
- function () {
- e.k && e.getValue();
- for (var t = 0; t < i; t += 1) s[t] = n[t] = e.v[t] * r;
- return s;
- })
- : d;
- var e, r, i, s, n, a, o, h, l;
- };
- })(),
- TextExpressionSelectorProp,
- propertyGetTextProp;
- function SliderEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);
- }
- function AngleEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);
- }
- function ColorEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, r);
- }
- function PointEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, r);
- }
- function LayerIndexEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);
- }
- function MaskIndexEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);
- }
- function CheckboxEffect(t, e, r) {
- this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);
- }
- function NoValueEffect() {
- this.p = {};
- }
- function EffectsManager() {}
- function EffectsManager(t, e) {
- var r = t.ef || [];
- this.effectElements = [];
- for (var i, s = r.length, n = 0; n < s; n++)
- (i = new GroupEffect(r[n], e)), this.effectElements.push(i);
- }
- function GroupEffect(t, e) {
- this.init(t, e);
- }
- (TextExpressionSelectorProp = (function () {
- function r(t, e) {
- return (
- (this.textIndex = t + 1),
- (this.textTotal = e),
- (this.v = this.getValue() * this.mult),
- this.v
- );
- }
- return function (t, e) {
- (this.pv = 1),
- (this.comp = t.comp),
- (this.elem = t),
- (this.mult = 0.01),
- (this.propType = 'textSelector'),
- (this.textTotal = e.totalChars),
- (this.selectorValue = 100),
- (this.lastValue = [1, 1, 1]),
- (this.k = !0),
- (this.x = !0),
- (this.getValue = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(
- this
- )(t, e, this)),
- (this.getMult = r),
- (this.getVelocityAtTime = expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime),
- this.kf
- ? (this.getValueAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(this))
- : (this.getValueAtTime =
- expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(this)),
- (this.setGroupProperty = expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty);
- };
- })()),
- (propertyGetTextProp = TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp),
- (TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp = function (t, e, r) {
- return 1 === e.t
- ? new TextExpressionSelectorProp(t, e, r)
- : propertyGetTextProp(t, e, r);
- }),
- extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], GroupEffect),
- (GroupEffect.prototype.getValue =
- GroupEffect.prototype.iterateDynamicProperties),
- (GroupEffect.prototype.init = function (t, e) {
- (this.data = t),
- (this.effectElements = []),
- this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(e);
- for (
- var r, i = this.data.ef.length, s = this.data.ef, n = 0;
- n < i;
- n += 1
- ) {
- switch (((r = null), s[n].ty)) {
- case 0:
- r = new SliderEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 1:
- r = new AngleEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 2:
- r = new ColorEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 3:
- r = new PointEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 4:
- case 7:
- r = new CheckboxEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 10:
- r = new LayerIndexEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 11:
- r = new MaskIndexEffect(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- case 5:
- r = new EffectsManager(s[n], e, this);
- break;
- default:
- r = new NoValueEffect(s[n], e, this);
- }
- r && this.effectElements.push(r);
- }
- });
- var lottie = {};
- function setLocationHref(t) {
- locationHref = t;
- }
- function searchAnimations() {
- animationManager.searchAnimations();
- }
- function setSubframeRendering(t) {
- subframeEnabled = t;
- }
- function loadAnimation(t) {
- return animationManager.loadAnimation(t);
- }
- function setQuality(t) {
- if ('string' == typeof t)
- switch (t) {
- case 'high':
- defaultCurveSegments = 200;
- break;
- case 'medium':
- defaultCurveSegments = 50;
- break;
- case 'low':
- defaultCurveSegments = 10;
- }
- else !isNaN(t) && 1 < t && (defaultCurveSegments = t);
- }
- function inBrowser() {
- return 'undefined' != typeof navigator;
- }
- function installPlugin(t, e) {
- 'expressions' === t && (expressionsPlugin = e);
- }
- function getFactory(t) {
- switch (t) {
- case 'propertyFactory':
- return PropertyFactory;
- case 'shapePropertyFactory':
- return ShapePropertyFactory;
- case 'matrix':
- return Matrix;
- }
- }
- function checkReady() {
- 'complete' === document.readyState &&
- (clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval), searchAnimations());
- }
- function getQueryVariable(t) {
- for (var e = queryString.split('&'), r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
- var i = e[r].split('=');
- if (decodeURIComponent(i[0]) == t)
- return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);
- }
- }
- (lottie.play = animationManager.play),
- (lottie.pause = animationManager.pause),
- (lottie.setLocationHref = setLocationHref),
- (lottie.togglePause = animationManager.togglePause),
- (lottie.setSpeed = animationManager.setSpeed),
- (lottie.setDirection = animationManager.setDirection),
- (lottie.stop = animationManager.stop),
- (lottie.searchAnimations = searchAnimations),
- (lottie.registerAnimation = animationManager.registerAnimation),
- (lottie.loadAnimation = loadAnimation),
- (lottie.setSubframeRendering = setSubframeRendering),
- (lottie.resize = animationManager.resize),
- (lottie.goToAndStop = animationManager.goToAndStop),
- (lottie.destroy = animationManager.destroy),
- (lottie.setQuality = setQuality),
- (lottie.inBrowser = inBrowser),
- (lottie.installPlugin = installPlugin),
- (lottie.freeze = animationManager.freeze),
- (lottie.unfreeze = animationManager.unfreeze),
- (lottie.getRegisteredAnimations =
- animationManager.getRegisteredAnimations),
- (lottie.__getFactory = getFactory),
- (lottie.version = '5.7.1');
- var renderer = '',
- scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
- index = scripts.length - 1,
- myScript = scripts[index] || { src: '' },
- queryString = myScript.src.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/, ''),
- renderer = getQueryVariable('renderer'),
- readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(checkReady, 100);
- return lottie;
- });
- }),
- jszip = createCommonjsModule(function (t, e) {
- t.exports = (function i(s, n, a) {
- function o(e, t) {
- if (!n[e]) {
- if (!s[e]) {
- var r = 'function' == typeof commonjsRequire && commonjsRequire;
- if (!t && r) return r(e, !0);
- if (h) return h(e, !0);
- t = new Error("Cannot find module '" + e + "'");
- throw ((t.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), t);
- }
- r = n[e] = { exports: {} };
- s[e][0].call(
- r.exports,
- function (t) {
- return o(s[e][1][t] || t);
- },
- r,
- r.exports,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a
- );
- }
- return n[e].exports;
- }
- for (
- var h = 'function' == typeof commonjsRequire && commonjsRequire,
- t = 0;
- t < a.length;
- t++
- )
- o(a[t]);
- return o;
- })(
- {
- 1: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var c = t('./utils'),
- p = t('./support'),
- f =
- 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
- (r.encode = function (t) {
- for (
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = [],
- h = 0,
- l = t.length,
- p = 'string' !== c.getTypeOf(t);
- h < t.length;
- )
- (a = l - h),
- (i = p
- ? ((e = t[h++]),
- (r = h < l ? t[h++] : 0),
- h < l ? t[h++] : 0)
- : ((e = t.charCodeAt(h++)),
- (r = h < l ? t.charCodeAt(h++) : 0),
- h < l ? t.charCodeAt(h++) : 0)),
- (s = ((3 & e) << 4) | (r >> 4)),
- (n = 1 < a ? ((15 & r) << 2) | (i >> 6) : 64),
- (a = 2 < a ? 63 & i : 64),
- o.push(
- f.charAt(e >> 2) + f.charAt(s) + f.charAt(n) + f.charAt(a)
- );
- return o.join('');
- }),
- (r.decode = function (t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a = 0,
- o = 0;
- if ('data:' === t.substr(0, 'data:'.length))
- throw new Error(
- 'Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url.'
- );
- var h,
- l =
- (3 * (t = t.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, '')).length) /
- 4;
- if (
- (t.charAt(t.length - 1) === f.charAt(64) && l--,
- t.charAt(t.length - 2) === f.charAt(64) && l--,
- l % 1 != 0)
- )
- throw new Error(
- 'Invalid base64 input, bad content length.'
- );
- for (
- h = new (p.uint8array ? Uint8Array : Array)(0 | l);
- a < t.length;
- )
- (e =
- (f.indexOf(t.charAt(a++)) << 2) |
- ((s = f.indexOf(t.charAt(a++))) >> 4)),
- (r =
- ((15 & s) << 4) |
- ((s = f.indexOf(t.charAt(a++))) >> 2)),
- (i = ((3 & s) << 6) | (n = f.indexOf(t.charAt(a++)))),
- (h[o++] = e),
- 64 !== s && (h[o++] = r),
- 64 !== n && (h[o++] = i);
- return h;
- });
- },
- { './support': 30, './utils': 32 },
- ],
- 2: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./external'),
- s = t('./stream/DataWorker'),
- n = t('./stream/DataLengthProbe'),
- a = t('./stream/Crc32Probe');
- function o(t, e, r, i, s) {
- (this.compressedSize = t),
- (this.uncompressedSize = e),
- (this.crc32 = r),
- (this.compression = i),
- (this.compressedContent = s);
- }
- (n = t('./stream/DataLengthProbe')),
- (o.prototype = {
- getContentWorker: function () {
- var t = new s(i.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent))
- .pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker())
- .pipe(new n('data_length')),
- e = this;
- return (
- t.on('end', function () {
- if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== e.uncompressedSize)
- throw new Error(
- 'Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch'
- );
- }),
- t
- );
- },
- getCompressedWorker: function () {
- return new s(i.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent))
- .withStreamInfo('compressedSize', this.compressedSize)
- .withStreamInfo('uncompressedSize', this.uncompressedSize)
- .withStreamInfo('crc32', this.crc32)
- .withStreamInfo('compression', this.compression);
- },
- }),
- (o.createWorkerFrom = function (t, e, r) {
- return t
- .pipe(new a())
- .pipe(new n('uncompressedSize'))
- .pipe(e.compressWorker(r))
- .pipe(new n('compressedSize'))
- .withStreamInfo('compression', e);
- }),
- (e.exports = o);
- },
- {
- './external': 6,
- './stream/Crc32Probe': 25,
- './stream/DataLengthProbe': 26,
- './stream/DataWorker': 27,
- },
- ],
- 3: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./stream/GenericWorker');
- (r.STORE = {
- magic: '\0\0',
- compressWorker: function (t) {
- return new i('STORE compression');
- },
- uncompressWorker: function () {
- return new i('STORE decompression');
- },
- }),
- (r.DEFLATE = t('./flate'));
- },
- { './flate': 7, './stream/GenericWorker': 28 },
- ],
- 4: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./utils'),
- a = (function () {
- for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 256; e++) {
- for (var r = e, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- r = 1 & r ? 3988292384 ^ (r >>> 1) : r >>> 1;
- t[e] = r;
- }
- return t;
- })();
- e.exports = function (t, e) {
- return void 0 !== t && t.length
- ? ('string' !== i.getTypeOf(t)
- ? function (t, e, r) {
- var i = a,
- s = 0 + r;
- t ^= -1;
- for (var n = 0; n < s; n++)
- t = (t >>> 8) ^ i[255 & (t ^ e[n])];
- return -1 ^ t;
- }
- : function (t, e, r) {
- var i = a,
- s = 0 + r;
- t ^= -1;
- for (var n = 0; n < s; n++)
- t = (t >>> 8) ^ i[255 & (t ^ e.charCodeAt(n))];
- return -1 ^ t;
- })(0 | e, t, t.length)
- : 0;
- };
- },
- { './utils': 32 },
- ],
- 5: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- (r.base64 = !1),
- (r.binary = !1),
- (r.dir = !1),
- (r.createFolders = !0),
- (r.date = null),
- (r.compression = null),
- (r.compressionOptions = null),
- (r.comment = null),
- (r.unixPermissions = null),
- (r.dosPermissions = null);
- },
- {},
- ],
- 6: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- t = 'undefined' != typeof Promise ? Promise : t('lie');
- e.exports = { Promise: t };
- },
- { lie: 37 },
- ],
- 7: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i =
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array &&
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint16Array &&
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint32Array,
- s = t('pako'),
- n = t('./utils'),
- a = t('./stream/GenericWorker'),
- o = i ? 'uint8array' : 'array';
- function h(t, e) {
- a.call(this, 'FlateWorker/' + t),
- (this._pako = null),
- (this._pakoAction = t),
- (this._pakoOptions = e),
- (this.meta = {});
- }
- (r.magic = '\b\0'),
- n.inherits(h, a),
- (h.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- (this.meta = t.meta),
- null === this._pako && this._createPako(),
- this._pako.push(n.transformTo(o, t.data), !1);
- }),
- (h.prototype.flush = function () {
- a.prototype.flush.call(this),
- null === this._pako && this._createPako(),
- this._pako.push([], !0);
- }),
- (h.prototype.cleanUp = function () {
- a.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), (this._pako = null);
- }),
- (h.prototype._createPako = function () {
- this._pako = new s[this._pakoAction]({
- raw: !0,
- level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1,
- });
- var e = this;
- this._pako.onData = function (t) {
- e.push({ data: t, meta: e.meta });
- };
- }),
- (r.compressWorker = function (t) {
- return new h('Deflate', t);
- }),
- (r.uncompressWorker = function () {
- return new h('Inflate', {});
- });
- },
- { './stream/GenericWorker': 28, './utils': 32, pako: 38 },
- ],
- 8: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- function v(t, e) {
- for (var r = '', i = 0; i < e; i++)
- (r += String.fromCharCode(255 & t)), (t >>>= 8);
- return r;
- }
- function i(t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- var a = t.file,
- o = t.compression,
- h = n !== b.utf8encode,
- l = _.transformTo('string', n(a.name)),
- p = _.transformTo('string', b.utf8encode(a.name)),
- c = a.comment,
- n = _.transformTo('string', n(c)),
- f = _.transformTo('string', b.utf8encode(c)),
- d = p.length !== a.name.length,
- c = f.length !== c.length,
- u = '',
- m = a.dir,
- y = a.date,
- g = { crc32: 0, compressedSize: 0, uncompressedSize: 0 },
- r =
- ((e && !r) ||
- ((g.crc32 = t.crc32),
- (g.compressedSize = t.compressedSize),
- (g.uncompressedSize = t.uncompressedSize)),
- 0);
- return (
- e && (r |= 8),
- h || (!d && !c) || (r |= 2048),
- (e = t = 0),
- m && (t |= 16),
- 'UNIX' === s
- ? ((e = 798),
- (t |=
- (65535 &
- ((h = a.unixPermissions) ? h : m ? 16893 : 33204)) <<
- 16))
- : ((e = 20), (t |= 63 & (a.dosPermissions || 0))),
- (s = y.getUTCHours()),
- (s =
- (s = ((s <<= 6) | y.getUTCMinutes()) << 5) |
- (y.getUTCSeconds() / 2)),
- (h = y.getUTCFullYear() - 1980),
- (h =
- (h = ((h <<= 4) | (y.getUTCMonth() + 1)) << 5) |
- y.getUTCDate()),
- d &&
- ((m = v(1, 1) + v(S(l), 4) + p),
- (u += 'up' + v(m.length, 2) + m)),
- c &&
- ((a = v(1, 1) + v(S(n), 4) + f),
- (u += 'uc' + v(a.length, 2) + a)),
- (y = ''),
- (y =
- (y =
- (y =
- (y =
- (y =
- (y =
- (y =
- (y = (y = (y += '\n\0') + v(r, 2)) + o.magic) +
- v(s, 2)) + v(h, 2)) + v(g.crc32, 4)) +
- v(g.compressedSize, 4)) + v(g.uncompressedSize, 4)) +
- v(l.length, 2)) + v(u.length, 2)),
- {
- fileRecord: P.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + y + l + u,
- dirRecord:
- v(e, 2) +
- y +
- v(n.length, 2) +
- '\0\0\0\0' +
- v(t, 4) +
- v(i, 4) +
- l +
- u +
- n,
- }
- );
- }
- var _ = t('../utils'),
- s = t('../stream/GenericWorker'),
- b = t('../utf8'),
- S = t('../crc32'),
- P = t('../signature');
- function n(t, e, r, i) {
- s.call(this, 'ZipFileWorker'),
- (this.bytesWritten = 0),
- (this.zipComment = e),
- (this.zipPlatform = r),
- (this.encodeFileName = i),
- (this.streamFiles = t),
- (this.accumulate = !1),
- (this.contentBuffer = []),
- (this.dirRecords = []),
- (this.currentSourceOffset = 0),
- (this.entriesCount = 0),
- (this.currentFile = null),
- (this._sources = []);
- }
- _.inherits(n, s),
- (n.prototype.push = function (t) {
- var e = t.meta.percent || 0,
- r = this.entriesCount,
- i = this._sources.length;
- this.accumulate
- ? this.contentBuffer.push(t)
- : ((this.bytesWritten += t.data.length),
- s.prototype.push.call(this, {
- data: t.data,
- meta: {
- currentFile: this.currentFile,
- percent: r ? (e + 100 * (r - i - 1)) / r : 100,
- },
- }));
- }),
- (n.prototype.openedSource = function (t) {
- (this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten),
- (this.currentFile = t.file.name);
- var e = this.streamFiles && !t.file.dir;
- e
- ? ((t = i(
- t,
- e,
- !1,
- this.currentSourceOffset,
- this.zipPlatform,
- this.encodeFileName
- )),
- this.push({ data: t.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }))
- : (this.accumulate = !0);
- }),
- (n.prototype.closedSource = function (t) {
- this.accumulate = !1;
- var e = this.streamFiles && !t.file.dir,
- r = i(
- t,
- e,
- !0,
- this.currentSourceOffset,
- this.zipPlatform,
- this.encodeFileName
- );
- if ((this.dirRecords.push(r.dirRecord), e))
- this.push({
- data:
- ((e = t),
- v(e.crc32, 4) +
- v(e.compressedSize, 4) +
- v(e.uncompressedSize, 4)),
- meta: { percent: 100 },
- });
- else
- for (
- this.push({ data: r.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } });
- this.contentBuffer.length;
- )
- this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift());
- this.currentFile = null;
- }),
- (n.prototype.flush = function () {
- for (
- var t = this.bytesWritten, e = 0;
- e < this.dirRecords.length;
- e++
- )
- this.push({
- data: this.dirRecords[e],
- meta: { percent: 100 },
- });
- var r = this.bytesWritten - t,
- r = (function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- s = _.transformTo('string', s(i));
- return (
- '\0\0\0\0' +
- v(t, 2) +
- v(t, 2) +
- v(e, 4) +
- v(r, 4) +
- v(s.length, 2) +
- s
- );
- })(
- this.dirRecords.length,
- r,
- t,
- this.zipComment,
- this.encodeFileName
- );
- this.push({ data: r, meta: { percent: 100 } });
- }),
- (n.prototype.prepareNextSource = function () {
- (this.previous = this._sources.shift()),
- this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo),
- this.isPaused
- ? this.previous.pause()
- : this.previous.resume();
- }),
- (n.prototype.registerPrevious = function (t) {
- this._sources.push(t);
- var e = this;
- return (
- t.on('data', function (t) {
- e.processChunk(t);
- }),
- t.on('end', function () {
- e.closedSource(e.previous.streamInfo),
- e._sources.length ? e.prepareNextSource() : e.end();
- }),
- t.on('error', function (t) {
- e.error(t);
- }),
- this
- );
- }),
- (n.prototype.resume = function () {
- return (
- !!s.prototype.resume.call(this) &&
- (!this.previous && this._sources.length
- ? (this.prepareNextSource(), !0)
- : this.previous ||
- this._sources.length ||
- this.generatedError
- ? void 0
- : (this.end(), !0))
- );
- }),
- (n.prototype.error = function (t) {
- var e = this._sources;
- if (!s.prototype.error.call(this, t)) return !1;
- for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
- try {
- e[r].error(t);
- } catch (t) {}
- return !0;
- }),
- (n.prototype.lock = function () {
- s.prototype.lock.call(this);
- for (var t = this._sources, e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
- t[e].lock();
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- {
- '../crc32': 4,
- '../signature': 23,
- '../stream/GenericWorker': 28,
- '../utf8': 31,
- '../utils': 32,
- },
- ],
- 9: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var l = t('../compressions'),
- i = t('./ZipFileWorker');
- r.generateWorker = function (t, a, e) {
- var o = new i(a.streamFiles, e, a.platform, a.encodeFileName),
- h = 0;
- try {
- t.forEach(function (t, e) {
- h++;
- var r = (function (t, e) {
- (t = t || e), (e = l[t]);
- if (e) return e;
- throw new Error(
- t + ' is not a valid compression method !'
- );
- })(e.options.compression, a.compression),
- i =
- e.options.compressionOptions ||
- a.compressionOptions ||
- {},
- s = e.dir,
- n = e.date;
- e._compressWorker(r, i)
- .withStreamInfo('file', {
- name: t,
- dir: s,
- date: n,
- comment: e.comment || '',
- unixPermissions: e.unixPermissions,
- dosPermissions: e.dosPermissions,
- })
- .pipe(o);
- }),
- (o.entriesCount = h);
- } catch (t) {
- o.error(t);
- }
- return o;
- };
- },
- { '../compressions': 3, './ZipFileWorker': 8 },
- ],
- 10: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- function i() {
- if (!(this instanceof i)) return new i();
- if (arguments.length)
- throw new Error(
- 'The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.'
- );
- (this.files = {}),
- (this.comment = null),
- (this.root = ''),
- (this.clone = function () {
- var t,
- e = new i();
- for (t in this)
- 'function' != typeof this[t] && (e[t] = this[t]);
- return e;
- });
- }
- ((i.prototype = t('./object')).loadAsync = t('./load')),
- (i.support = t('./support')),
- (i.defaults = t('./defaults')),
- (i.version = '3.5.0'),
- (i.loadAsync = function (t, e) {
- return new i().loadAsync(t, e);
- }),
- (i.external = t('./external')),
- (e.exports = i);
- },
- {
- './defaults': 5,
- './external': 6,
- './load': 11,
- './object': 15,
- './support': 30,
- },
- ],
- 11: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./utils'),
- a = t('./external'),
- o = t('./utf8'),
- h = ((i = t('./utils')), t('./zipEntries')),
- l = t('./stream/Crc32Probe'),
- p = t('./nodejsUtils');
- e.exports = function (t, s) {
- var n = this;
- return (
- (s = i.extend(s || {}, {
- base64: !1,
- checkCRC32: !1,
- optimizedBinaryString: !1,
- createFolders: !1,
- decodeFileName: o.utf8decode,
- })),
- p.isNode && p.isStream(t)
- ? a.Promise.reject(
- new Error(
- "JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file."
- )
- )
- : i
- .prepareContent(
- 'the loaded zip file',
- t,
- !0,
- s.optimizedBinaryString,
- s.base64
- )
- .then(function (t) {
- var e = new h(s);
- return e.load(t), e;
- })
- .then(function (t) {
- var e = [a.Promise.resolve(t)],
- r = t.files;
- if (s.checkCRC32)
- for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
- e.push(
- (function (i) {
- return new a.Promise(function (t, e) {
- var r = i.decompressed
- .getContentWorker()
- .pipe(new l());
- r.on('error', function (t) {
- e(t);
- })
- .on('end', function () {
- r.streamInfo.crc32 !==
- i.decompressed.crc32
- ? e(
- new Error(
- 'Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch'
- )
- )
- : t();
- })
- .resume();
- });
- })(r[i])
- );
- return a.Promise.all(e);
- })
- .then(function (t) {
- for (
- var t = t.shift(), e = t.files, r = 0;
- r < e.length;
- r++
- ) {
- var i = e[r];
- n.file(i.fileNameStr, i.decompressed, {
- binary: !0,
- optimizedBinaryString: !0,
- date: i.date,
- dir: i.dir,
- comment: i.fileCommentStr.length
- ? i.fileCommentStr
- : null,
- unixPermissions: i.unixPermissions,
- dosPermissions: i.dosPermissions,
- createFolders: s.createFolders,
- });
- }
- return (
- t.zipComment.length && (n.comment = t.zipComment), n
- );
- })
- );
- };
- },
- {
- './external': 6,
- './nodejsUtils': 14,
- './stream/Crc32Probe': 25,
- './utf8': 31,
- './utils': 32,
- './zipEntries': 33,
- },
- ],
- 12: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('../utils'),
- s = t('../stream/GenericWorker');
- function n(t, e) {
- s.call(this, 'Nodejs stream input adapter for ' + t),
- (this._upstreamEnded = !1),
- this._bindStream(e);
- }
- i.inherits(n, s),
- (n.prototype._bindStream = function (t) {
- var e = this;
- (this._stream = t).pause(),
- t
- .on('data', function (t) {
- e.push({ data: t, meta: { percent: 0 } });
- })
- .on('error', function (t) {
- e.isPaused ? (this.generatedError = t) : e.error(t);
- })
- .on('end', function () {
- e.isPaused ? (e._upstreamEnded = !0) : e.end();
- });
- }),
- (n.prototype.pause = function () {
- return (
- !!s.prototype.pause.call(this) && (this._stream.pause(), !0)
- );
- }),
- (n.prototype.resume = function () {
- return (
- !!s.prototype.resume.call(this) &&
- (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(),
- !0)
- );
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- { '../stream/GenericWorker': 28, '../utils': 32 },
- ],
- 13: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var s = t('readable-stream').Readable;
- function i(t, e, r) {
- s.call(this, e), (this._helper = t);
- var i = this;
- t.on('data', function (t, e) {
- i.push(t) || i._helper.pause(), r && r(e);
- })
- .on('error', function (t) {
- i.emit('error', t);
- })
- .on('end', function () {
- i.push(null);
- });
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(i, s),
- (i.prototype._read = function () {
- this._helper.resume();
- }),
- (e.exports = i);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, 'readable-stream': 16 },
- ],
- 14: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = {
- isNode: 'undefined' != typeof Buffer,
- newBufferFrom: function (t, e) {
- if (Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from)
- return Buffer.from(t, e);
- if ('number' == typeof t)
- throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number');
- return new Buffer(t, e);
- },
- allocBuffer: function (t) {
- return Buffer.alloc
- ? Buffer.alloc(t)
- : ((t = new Buffer(t)).fill(0), t);
- },
- isBuffer: function (t) {
- return Buffer.isBuffer(t);
- },
- isStream: function (t) {
- return (
- t &&
- 'function' == typeof t.on &&
- 'function' == typeof t.pause &&
- 'function' == typeof t.resume
- );
- },
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 15: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- function o(t, e) {
- return (
- (e = void 0 !== e ? e : p.createFolders),
- (t = y(t)),
- this.files[t] ||
- m.call(this, t, null, { dir: !0, createFolders: e }),
- this.files[t]
- );
- }
- var s = t('./utf8'),
- h = t('./utils'),
- l = t('./stream/GenericWorker'),
- n = t('./stream/StreamHelper'),
- p = t('./defaults'),
- c = t('./compressedObject'),
- f = t('./zipObject'),
- a = t('./generate'),
- d = t('./nodejsUtils'),
- u = t('./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter'),
- m = function (t, e, r) {
- var i = h.getTypeOf(e),
- s = h.extend(r || {}, p),
- n =
- ((s.date = s.date || new Date()),
- null !== s.compression &&
- (s.compression = s.compression.toUpperCase()),
- 'string' == typeof s.unixPermissions &&
- (s.unixPermissions = parseInt(s.unixPermissions, 8)),
- s.unixPermissions &&
- 16384 & s.unixPermissions &&
- (s.dir = !0),
- s.dosPermissions && 16 & s.dosPermissions && (s.dir = !0),
- s.dir && (t = y(t)),
- s.createFolders &&
- (a =
- 0 <
- (n = (a =
- '/' === (a = t).slice(-1)
- ? a.substring(0, a.length - 1)
- : a).lastIndexOf('/'))
- ? a.substring(0, n)
- : '') &&
- o.call(this, a, !0),
- 'string' === i && !1 === s.binary && !1 === s.base64),
- a =
- ((r && void 0 !== r.binary) || (s.binary = !n),
- ((e instanceof c && 0 === e.uncompressedSize) ||
- s.dir ||
- !e ||
- 0 === e.length) &&
- ((s.base64 = !1),
- (s.binary = !0),
- (e = ''),
- (s.compression = 'STORE')),
- e instanceof c || e instanceof l
- ? e
- : d.isNode && d.isStream(e)
- ? new u(t, e)
- : h.prepareContent(
- t,
- e,
- s.binary,
- s.optimizedBinaryString,
- s.base64
- )),
- i = new f(t, a, s);
- this.files[t] = i;
- },
- y = function (t) {
- return '/' !== t.slice(-1) && (t += '/'), t;
- };
- function g(t) {
- return '[object RegExp]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
- }
- e.exports = {
- load: function () {
- throw new Error(
- 'This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.'
- );
- },
- forEach: function (t) {
- var e, r, i;
- for (e in this.files)
- this.files.hasOwnProperty(e) &&
- ((i = this.files[e]),
- (r = e.slice(this.root.length, e.length))) &&
- e.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root &&
- t(r, i);
- },
- filter: function (r) {
- var i = [];
- return (
- this.forEach(function (t, e) {
- r(t, e) && i.push(e);
- }),
- i
- );
- },
- file: function (t, e, r) {
- var i, s;
- return 1 === arguments.length
- ? g(t)
- ? ((i = t),
- this.filter(function (t, e) {
- return !e.dir && i.test(t);
- }))
- : (s = this.files[this.root + t]) && !s.dir
- ? s
- : null
- : ((t = this.root + t), m.call(this, t, e, r), this);
- },
- folder: function (r) {
- var t, e;
- return r
- ? g(r)
- ? this.filter(function (t, e) {
- return e.dir && r.test(t);
- })
- : ((t = this.root + r),
- (t = o.call(this, t)),
- ((e = this.clone()).root = t.name),
- e)
- : this;
- },
- remove: function (r) {
- r = this.root + r;
- var t = this.files[r];
- if (
- (t ||
- ('/' !== r.slice(-1) && (r += '/'), (t = this.files[r])),
- t && !t.dir)
- )
- delete this.files[r];
- else
- for (
- var e = this.filter(function (t, e) {
- return e.name.slice(0, r.length) === r;
- }),
- i = 0;
- i < e.length;
- i++
- )
- delete this.files[e[i].name];
- return this;
- },
- generate: function (t) {
- throw new Error(
- 'This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.'
- );
- },
- generateInternalStream: function (t) {
- var e = {};
- try {
- if (
- (((e = h.extend(t || {}, {
- streamFiles: !1,
- compression: 'STORE',
- compressionOptions: null,
- type: '',
- platform: 'DOS',
- comment: null,
- mimeType: 'application/zip',
- encodeFileName: s.utf8encode,
- })).type = e.type.toLowerCase()),
- (e.compression = e.compression.toUpperCase()),
- 'binarystring' === e.type && (e.type = 'string'),
- !e.type)
- )
- throw new Error('No output type specified.');
- h.checkSupport(e.type),
- ('darwin' !== e.platform &&
- 'freebsd' !== e.platform &&
- 'linux' !== e.platform &&
- 'sunos' !== e.platform) ||
- (e.platform = 'UNIX'),
- 'win32' === e.platform && (e.platform = 'DOS');
- var r = e.comment || this.comment || '',
- i = a.generateWorker(this, e, r);
- } catch (t) {
- (i = new l('error')).error(t);
- }
- return new n(i, e.type || 'string', e.mimeType);
- },
- generateAsync: function (t, e) {
- return this.generateInternalStream(t).accumulate(e);
- },
- generateNodeStream: function (t, e) {
- return (
- (t = t || {}).type || (t.type = 'nodebuffer'),
- this.generateInternalStream(t).toNodejsStream(e)
- );
- },
- };
- },
- {
- './compressedObject': 2,
- './defaults': 5,
- './generate': 9,
- './nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter': 12,
- './nodejsUtils': 14,
- './stream/GenericWorker': 28,
- './stream/StreamHelper': 29,
- './utf8': 31,
- './utils': 32,
- './zipObject': 35,
- },
- ],
- 16: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = t('stream');
- },
- { stream: void 0 },
- ],
- 17: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./DataReader');
- function s(t) {
- i.call(this, t);
- for (var e = 0; e < this.data.length; e++) t[e] = 255 & t[e];
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(s, i),
- (s.prototype.byteAt = function (t) {
- return this.data[this.zero + t];
- }),
- (s.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function (t) {
- for (
- var e = t.charCodeAt(0),
- r = t.charCodeAt(1),
- i = t.charCodeAt(2),
- s = t.charCodeAt(3),
- n = this.length - 4;
- 0 <= n;
- --n
- )
- if (
- this.data[n] === e &&
- this.data[n + 1] === r &&
- this.data[n + 2] === i &&
- this.data[n + 3] === s
- )
- return n - this.zero;
- return -1;
- }),
- (s.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function (t) {
- var e = t.charCodeAt(0),
- r = t.charCodeAt(1),
- i = t.charCodeAt(2),
- t = t.charCodeAt(3),
- s = this.readData(4);
- return e === s[0] && r === s[1] && i === s[2] && t === s[3];
- }),
- (s.prototype.readData = function (t) {
- var e;
- return (
- this.checkOffset(t),
- 0 === t
- ? []
- : ((e = this.data.slice(
- this.zero + this.index,
- this.zero + this.index + t
- )),
- (this.index += t),
- e)
- );
- }),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './DataReader': 18 },
- ],
- 18: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('../utils');
- function s(t) {
- (this.data = t),
- (this.length = t.length),
- (this.index = 0),
- (this.zero = 0);
- }
- (s.prototype = {
- checkOffset: function (t) {
- this.checkIndex(this.index + t);
- },
- checkIndex: function (t) {
- if (this.length < this.zero + t || t < 0)
- throw new Error(
- 'End of data reached (data length = ' +
- this.length +
- ', asked index = ' +
- t +
- '). Corrupted zip ?'
- );
- },
- setIndex: function (t) {
- this.checkIndex(t), (this.index = t);
- },
- skip: function (t) {
- this.setIndex(this.index + t);
- },
- byteAt: function (t) {},
- readInt: function (t) {
- var e,
- r = 0;
- for (
- this.checkOffset(t), e = this.index + t - 1;
- e >= this.index;
- e--
- )
- r = (r << 8) + this.byteAt(e);
- return (this.index += t), r;
- },
- readString: function (t) {
- return i.transformTo('string', this.readData(t));
- },
- readData: function (t) {},
- lastIndexOfSignature: function (t) {},
- readAndCheckSignature: function (t) {},
- readDate: function () {
- var t = this.readInt(4);
- return new Date(
- Date.UTC(
- 1980 + ((t >> 25) & 127),
- ((t >> 21) & 15) - 1,
- (t >> 16) & 31,
- (t >> 11) & 31,
- (t >> 5) & 63,
- (31 & t) << 1
- )
- );
- },
- }),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- { '../utils': 32 },
- ],
- 19: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./Uint8ArrayReader');
- function s(t) {
- i.call(this, t);
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(s, i),
- (s.prototype.readData = function (t) {
- this.checkOffset(t);
- var e = this.data.slice(
- this.zero + this.index,
- this.zero + this.index + t
- );
- return (this.index += t), e;
- }),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './Uint8ArrayReader': 21 },
- ],
- 20: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./DataReader');
- function s(t) {
- i.call(this, t);
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(s, i),
- (s.prototype.byteAt = function (t) {
- return this.data.charCodeAt(this.zero + t);
- }),
- (s.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function (t) {
- return this.data.lastIndexOf(t) - this.zero;
- }),
- (s.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function (t) {
- return t === this.readData(4);
- }),
- (s.prototype.readData = function (t) {
- this.checkOffset(t);
- var e = this.data.slice(
- this.zero + this.index,
- this.zero + this.index + t
- );
- return (this.index += t), e;
- }),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './DataReader': 18 },
- ],
- 21: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./ArrayReader');
- function s(t) {
- i.call(this, t);
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(s, i),
- (s.prototype.readData = function (t) {
- var e;
- return (
- this.checkOffset(t),
- 0 === t
- ? new Uint8Array(0)
- : ((e = this.data.subarray(
- this.zero + this.index,
- this.zero + this.index + t
- )),
- (this.index += t),
- e)
- );
- }),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './ArrayReader': 17 },
- ],
- 22: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('../utils'),
- s = t('../support'),
- n = t('./ArrayReader'),
- a = t('./StringReader'),
- o = t('./NodeBufferReader'),
- h = t('./Uint8ArrayReader');
- e.exports = function (t) {
- var e = i.getTypeOf(t);
- return (
- i.checkSupport(e),
- 'string' !== e || s.uint8array
- ? 'nodebuffer' === e
- ? new o(t)
- : s.uint8array
- ? new h(i.transformTo('uint8array', t))
- : new n(i.transformTo('array', t))
- : new a(t)
- );
- };
- },
- {
- '../support': 30,
- '../utils': 32,
- './ArrayReader': 17,
- './NodeBufferReader': 19,
- './StringReader': 20,
- './Uint8ArrayReader': 21,
- },
- ],
- 23: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- },
- {},
- ],
- 24: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./GenericWorker'),
- s = t('../utils');
- function n(t) {
- i.call(this, 'ConvertWorker to ' + t), (this.destType = t);
- }
- s.inherits(n, i),
- (n.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- this.push({
- data: s.transformTo(this.destType, t.data),
- meta: t.meta,
- });
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './GenericWorker': 28 },
- ],
- 25: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./GenericWorker'),
- s = t('../crc32');
- function n() {
- i.call(this, 'Crc32Probe'), this.withStreamInfo('crc32', 0);
- }
- t('../utils').inherits(n, i),
- (n.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- (this.streamInfo.crc32 = s(
- t.data,
- this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0
- )),
- this.push(t);
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- { '../crc32': 4, '../utils': 32, './GenericWorker': 28 },
- ],
- 26: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('../utils'),
- s = t('./GenericWorker');
- function n(t) {
- s.call(this, 'DataLengthProbe for ' + t),
- (this.propName = t),
- this.withStreamInfo(t, 0);
- }
- i.inherits(n, s),
- (n.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- var e;
- t &&
- ((e = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0),
- (this.streamInfo[this.propName] = e + t.data.length)),
- s.prototype.processChunk.call(this, t);
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './GenericWorker': 28 },
- ],
- 27: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('../utils'),
- s = t('./GenericWorker');
- function n(t) {
- s.call(this, 'DataWorker');
- var e = this;
- (this.dataIsReady = !1),
- (this.index = 0),
- (this.max = 0),
- (this.data = null),
- (this.type = ''),
- (this._tickScheduled = !1),
- t.then(
- function (t) {
- (e.dataIsReady = !0),
- (e.data = t),
- (e.max = (t && t.length) || 0),
- (e.type = i.getTypeOf(t)),
- e.isPaused || e._tickAndRepeat();
- },
- function (t) {
- e.error(t);
- }
- );
- }
- i.inherits(n, s),
- (n.prototype.cleanUp = function () {
- s.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), (this.data = null);
- }),
- (n.prototype.resume = function () {
- return (
- !!s.prototype.resume.call(this) &&
- (!this._tickScheduled &&
- this.dataIsReady &&
- ((this._tickScheduled = !0),
- i.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)),
- !0)
- );
- }),
- (n.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function () {
- (this._tickScheduled = !1),
- this.isPaused ||
- this.isFinished ||
- (this._tick(), this.isFinished) ||
- (i.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this),
- (this._tickScheduled = !0));
- }),
- (n.prototype._tick = function () {
- if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return !1;
- var t = null,
- e = Math.min(this.max, this.index + 16384);
- if (this.index >= this.max) return this.end();
- switch (this.type) {
- case 'string':
- t = this.data.substring(this.index, e);
- break;
- case 'uint8array':
- t = this.data.subarray(this.index, e);
- break;
- case 'array':
- case 'nodebuffer':
- t = this.data.slice(this.index, e);
- }
- return (
- (this.index = e),
- this.push({
- data: t,
- meta: {
- percent: this.max ? (this.index / this.max) * 100 : 0,
- },
- })
- );
- }),
- (e.exports = n);
- },
- { '../utils': 32, './GenericWorker': 28 },
- ],
- 28: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- function i(t) {
- (this.name = t || 'default'),
- (this.streamInfo = {}),
- (this.generatedError = null),
- (this.extraStreamInfo = {}),
- (this.isPaused = !0),
- (this.isFinished = !1),
- (this.isLocked = !1),
- (this._listeners = { data: [], end: [], error: [] }),
- (this.previous = null);
- }
- (i.prototype = {
- push: function (t) {
- this.emit('data', t);
- },
- end: function () {
- if (this.isFinished) return !1;
- this.flush();
- try {
- this.emit('end'), this.cleanUp(), (this.isFinished = !0);
- } catch (t) {
- this.emit('error', t);
- }
- return !0;
- },
- error: function (t) {
- return (
- !this.isFinished &&
- (this.isPaused
- ? (this.generatedError = t)
- : ((this.isFinished = !0),
- this.emit('error', t),
- this.previous && this.previous.error(t),
- this.cleanUp()),
- !0)
- );
- },
- on: function (t, e) {
- return this._listeners[t].push(e), this;
- },
- cleanUp: function () {
- (this.streamInfo =
- this.generatedError =
- this.extraStreamInfo =
- null),
- (this._listeners = []);
- },
- emit: function (t, e) {
- if (this._listeners[t])
- for (var r = 0; r < this._listeners[t].length; r++)
- this._listeners[t][r].call(this, e);
- },
- pipe: function (t) {
- return t.registerPrevious(this);
- },
- registerPrevious: function (t) {
- if (this.isLocked)
- throw new Error(
- "The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."
- );
- (this.streamInfo = t.streamInfo),
- this.mergeStreamInfo(),
- (this.previous = t);
- var e = this;
- return (
- t.on('data', function (t) {
- e.processChunk(t);
- }),
- t.on('end', function () {
- e.end();
- }),
- t.on('error', function (t) {
- e.error(t);
- }),
- this
- );
- },
- pause: function () {
- return (
- !this.isPaused &&
- !this.isFinished &&
- ((this.isPaused = !0),
- this.previous && this.previous.pause(),
- !0)
- );
- },
- resume: function () {
- var t;
- return !(
- !this.isPaused ||
- this.isFinished ||
- ((t = this.isPaused = !1),
- this.generatedError &&
- (this.error(this.generatedError), (t = !0)),
- this.previous && this.previous.resume(),
- t)
- );
- },
- flush: function () {},
- processChunk: function (t) {
- this.push(t);
- },
- withStreamInfo: function (t, e) {
- return (
- (this.extraStreamInfo[t] = e), this.mergeStreamInfo(), this
- );
- },
- mergeStreamInfo: function () {
- for (var t in this.extraStreamInfo)
- this.extraStreamInfo.hasOwnProperty(t) &&
- (this.streamInfo[t] = this.extraStreamInfo[t]);
- },
- lock: function () {
- if (this.isLocked)
- throw new Error(
- "The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."
- );
- (this.isLocked = !0), this.previous && this.previous.lock();
- },
- toString: function () {
- var t = 'Worker ' + this.name;
- return this.previous ? this.previous + ' -> ' + t : t;
- },
- }),
- (e.exports = i);
- },
- {},
- ],
- 29: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var l = t('../utils'),
- s = t('./ConvertWorker'),
- n = t('./GenericWorker'),
- p = t('../base64'),
- i = t('../support'),
- a = t('../external'),
- o = null;
- if (i.nodestream)
- try {
- o = t('../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter');
- } catch (t) {}
- function h(t, e, r) {
- var i = e;
- switch (e) {
- case 'blob':
- case 'arraybuffer':
- i = 'uint8array';
- break;
- case 'base64':
- i = 'string';
- }
- try {
- (this._internalType = i),
- (this._outputType = e),
- (this._mimeType = r),
- l.checkSupport(i),
- (this._worker = t.pipe(new s(i))),
- t.lock();
- } catch (t) {
- (this._worker = new n('error')), this._worker.error(t);
- }
- }
- (h.prototype = {
- accumulate: function (t) {
- return (
- (o = this),
- (h = t),
- new a.Promise(function (e, r) {
- var i = [],
- s = o._internalType,
- n = o._outputType,
- a = o._mimeType;
- o.on('data', function (t, e) {
- i.push(t), h && h(e);
- })
- .on('error', function (t) {
- (i = []), r(t);
- })
- .on('end', function () {
- try {
- var t = (function (t, e, r) {
- switch (t) {
- case 'blob':
- return l.newBlob(
- l.transformTo('arraybuffer', e),
- r
- );
- case 'base64':
- return p.encode(e);
- default:
- return l.transformTo(t, e);
- }
- })(
- n,
- (function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r = 0, i = null, s = 0, n = 0;
- n < e.length;
- n++
- )
- s += e[n].length;
- switch (t) {
- case 'string':
- return e.join('');
- case 'array':
- return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], e);
- case 'uint8array':
- for (
- i = new Uint8Array(s), n = 0;
- n < e.length;
- n++
- )
- i.set(e[n], r), (r += e[n].length);
- return i;
- case 'nodebuffer':
- return Buffer.concat(e);
- default:
- throw new Error(
- "concat : unsupported type '" + t + "'"
- );
- }
- })(s, i),
- a
- );
- e(t);
- } catch (t) {
- r(t);
- }
- i = [];
- })
- .resume();
- })
- );
- var o, h;
- },
- on: function (t, e) {
- var r = this;
- return (
- 'data' === t
- ? this._worker.on(t, function (t) {
- e.call(r, t.data, t.meta);
- })
- : this._worker.on(t, function () {
- l.delay(e, arguments, r);
- }),
- this
- );
- },
- resume: function () {
- return l.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this;
- },
- pause: function () {
- return this._worker.pause(), this;
- },
- toNodejsStream: function (t) {
- if (
- (l.checkSupport('nodestream'),
- 'nodebuffer' !== this._outputType)
- )
- throw new Error(
- this._outputType + ' is not supported by this method'
- );
- return new o(
- this,
- { objectMode: 'nodebuffer' !== this._outputType },
- t
- );
- },
- }),
- (e.exports = h);
- },
- {
- '../base64': 1,
- '../external': 6,
- '../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter': 13,
- '../support': 30,
- '../utils': 32,
- './ConvertWorker': 24,
- './GenericWorker': 28,
- },
- ],
- 30: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- if (
- ((r.base64 = !0),
- (r.array = !0),
- (r.string = !0),
- (r.arraybuffer =
- 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer &&
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array),
- (r.nodebuffer = 'undefined' != typeof Buffer),
- (r.uint8array = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array),
- 'undefined' == typeof ArrayBuffer)
- )
- r.blob = !1;
- else {
- var i = new ArrayBuffer(0);
- try {
- r.blob =
- 0 === new Blob([i], { type: 'application/zip' }).size;
- } catch (t) {
- try {
- var s = new (self.BlobBuilder ||
- self.WebKitBlobBuilder ||
- self.MozBlobBuilder ||
- self.MSBlobBuilder)();
- s.append(i),
- (r.blob = 0 === s.getBlob('application/zip').size);
- } catch (t) {
- r.blob = !1;
- }
- }
- }
- try {
- r.nodestream = !!t('readable-stream').Readable;
- } catch (t) {
- r.nodestream = !1;
- }
- },
- { 'readable-stream': 16 },
- ],
- 31: [
- function (t, e, s) {
- for (
- var h = t('./utils'),
- l = t('./support'),
- p = t('./nodejsUtils'),
- r = t('./stream/GenericWorker'),
- c = new Array(256),
- i = 0;
- i < 256;
- i++
- )
- c[i] =
- 252 <= i
- ? 6
- : 248 <= i
- ? 5
- : 240 <= i
- ? 4
- : 224 <= i
- ? 3
- : 192 <= i
- ? 2
- : 1;
- function n() {
- r.call(this, 'utf-8 decode'), (this.leftOver = null);
- }
- function a() {
- r.call(this, 'utf-8 encode');
- }
- (c[254] = c[254] = 1),
- (s.utf8encode = function (t) {
- if (l.nodebuffer) return p.newBufferFrom(t, 'utf-8');
- for (
- var e, r, i, s, n = t, a = n.length, o = 0, h = 0;
- h < a;
- h++
- )
- 55296 == (64512 & (r = n.charCodeAt(h))) &&
- h + 1 < a &&
- 56320 == (64512 & (i = n.charCodeAt(h + 1))) &&
- ((r = 65536 + ((r - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), h++),
- (o += r < 128 ? 1 : r < 2048 ? 2 : r < 65536 ? 3 : 4);
- for (
- e = new (l.uint8array ? Uint8Array : Array)(o), h = s = 0;
- s < o;
- h++
- )
- 55296 == (64512 & (r = n.charCodeAt(h))) &&
- h + 1 < a &&
- 56320 == (64512 & (i = n.charCodeAt(h + 1))) &&
- ((r = 65536 + ((r - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), h++),
- r < 128
- ? (e[s++] = r)
- : (r < 2048
- ? (e[s++] = 192 | (r >>> 6))
- : (r < 65536
- ? (e[s++] = 224 | (r >>> 12))
- : ((e[s++] = 240 | (r >>> 18)),
- (e[s++] = 128 | ((r >>> 12) & 63))),
- (e[s++] = 128 | ((r >>> 6) & 63))),
- (e[s++] = 128 | (63 & r)));
- return e;
- }),
- (s.utf8decode = function (t) {
- if (l.nodebuffer)
- return h.transformTo('nodebuffer', t).toString('utf-8');
- for (
- var e,
- r,
- i = (t = h.transformTo(
- l.uint8array ? 'uint8array' : 'array',
- t
- )),
- s = i.length,
- n = new Array(2 * s),
- a = 0,
- o = 0;
- o < s;
- )
- if ((e = i[o++]) < 128) n[a++] = e;
- else if (4 < (r = c[e])) (n[a++] = 65533), (o += r - 1);
- else {
- for (
- e &= 2 === r ? 31 : 3 === r ? 15 : 7;
- 1 < r && o < s;
- )
- (e = (e << 6) | (63 & i[o++])), r--;
- 1 < r
- ? (n[a++] = 65533)
- : e < 65536
- ? (n[a++] = e)
- : ((e -= 65536),
- (n[a++] = 55296 | ((e >> 10) & 1023)),
- (n[a++] = 56320 | (1023 & e)));
- }
- return (
- n.length !== a &&
- (n.subarray ? (n = n.subarray(0, a)) : (n.length = a)),
- h.applyFromCharCode(n)
- );
- }),
- h.inherits(n, r),
- (n.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- var e = h.transformTo(
- l.uint8array ? 'uint8array' : 'array',
- t.data
- ),
- r =
- (this.leftOver &&
- this.leftOver.length &&
- (l.uint8array
- ? ((r = e),
- (e = new Uint8Array(
- r.length + this.leftOver.length
- )).set(this.leftOver, 0),
- e.set(r, this.leftOver.length))
- : (e = this.leftOver.concat(e)),
- (this.leftOver = null)),
- (function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r =
- (e =
- (e = e || t.length) > t.length ? t.length : e) -
- 1;
- 0 <= r && 128 == (192 & t[r]);
- )
- r--;
- return !(r < 0 || 0 === r) && r + c[t[r]] > e ? r : e;
- })(e)),
- i = e;
- r !== e.length &&
- (l.uint8array
- ? ((i = e.subarray(0, r)),
- (this.leftOver = e.subarray(r, e.length)))
- : ((i = e.slice(0, r)),
- (this.leftOver = e.slice(r, e.length)))),
- this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(i), meta: t.meta });
- }),
- (n.prototype.flush = function () {
- this.leftOver &&
- this.leftOver.length &&
- (this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(this.leftOver), meta: {} }),
- (this.leftOver = null));
- }),
- (s.Utf8DecodeWorker = n),
- h.inherits(a, r),
- (a.prototype.processChunk = function (t) {
- this.push({ data: s.utf8encode(t.data), meta: t.meta });
- }),
- (s.Utf8EncodeWorker = a);
- },
- {
- './nodejsUtils': 14,
- './stream/GenericWorker': 28,
- './support': 30,
- './utils': 32,
- },
- ],
- 32: [
- function (t, e, a) {
- var o = t('./support'),
- h = t('./base64'),
- r = t('./nodejsUtils'),
- i = t('set-immediate-shim'),
- l = t('./external');
- function s(t) {
- return t;
- }
- function p(t, e) {
- for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) e[r] = 255 & t.charCodeAt(r);
- return e;
- }
- a.newBlob = function (e, r) {
- a.checkSupport('blob');
- try {
- return new Blob([e], { type: r });
- } catch (t) {
- try {
- var i = new (self.BlobBuilder ||
- self.WebKitBlobBuilder ||
- self.MozBlobBuilder ||
- self.MSBlobBuilder)();
- return i.append(e), i.getBlob(r);
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
- }
- }
- };
- var n = {
- stringifyByChunk: function (t, e, r) {
- var i = [],
- s = 0,
- n = t.length;
- if (n <= r) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t);
- for (; s < n; )
- i.push(
- 'array' === e || 'nodebuffer' === e
- ? String.fromCharCode.apply(
- null,
- t.slice(s, Math.min(s + r, n))
- )
- : String.fromCharCode.apply(
- null,
- t.subarray(s, Math.min(s + r, n))
- )
- ),
- (s += r);
- return i.join('');
- },
- stringifyByChar: function (t) {
- for (var e = '', r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
- e += String.fromCharCode(t[r]);
- return e;
- },
- applyCanBeUsed: {
- uint8array: (function () {
- try {
- return (
- o.uint8array &&
- 1 ===
- String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1))
- .length
- );
- } catch (t) {
- return !1;
- }
- })(),
- nodebuffer: (function () {
- try {
- return (
- o.nodebuffer &&
- 1 ===
- String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r.allocBuffer(1))
- .length
- );
- } catch (t) {
- return !1;
- }
- })(),
- },
- };
- function c(t) {
- var e = 65536,
- r = a.getTypeOf(t),
- i = !0;
- if (
- ('uint8array' === r
- ? (i = n.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array)
- : 'nodebuffer' === r && (i = n.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer),
- i)
- )
- for (; 1 < e; )
- try {
- return n.stringifyByChunk(t, r, e);
- } catch (t) {
- e = Math.floor(e / 2);
- }
- return n.stringifyByChar(t);
- }
- function f(t, e) {
- for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) e[r] = t[r];
- return e;
- }
- a.applyFromCharCode = c;
- var d = {};
- (d.string = {
- string: s,
- array: function (t) {
- return p(t, new Array(t.length));
- },
- arraybuffer: function (t) {
- return d.string.uint8array(t).buffer;
- },
- uint8array: function (t) {
- return p(t, new Uint8Array(t.length));
- },
- nodebuffer: function (t) {
- return p(t, r.allocBuffer(t.length));
- },
- }),
- (d.array = {
- string: c,
- array: s,
- arraybuffer: function (t) {
- return new Uint8Array(t).buffer;
- },
- uint8array: function (t) {
- return new Uint8Array(t);
- },
- nodebuffer: function (t) {
- return r.newBufferFrom(t);
- },
- }),
- (d.arraybuffer = {
- string: function (t) {
- return c(new Uint8Array(t));
- },
- array: function (t) {
- return f(new Uint8Array(t), new Array(t.byteLength));
- },
- arraybuffer: s,
- uint8array: function (t) {
- return new Uint8Array(t);
- },
- nodebuffer: function (t) {
- return r.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(t));
- },
- }),
- (d.uint8array = {
- string: c,
- array: function (t) {
- return f(t, new Array(t.length));
- },
- arraybuffer: function (t) {
- return t.buffer;
- },
- uint8array: s,
- nodebuffer: function (t) {
- return r.newBufferFrom(t);
- },
- }),
- (d.nodebuffer = {
- string: c,
- array: function (t) {
- return f(t, new Array(t.length));
- },
- arraybuffer: function (t) {
- return d.nodebuffer.uint8array(t).buffer;
- },
- uint8array: function (t) {
- return f(t, new Uint8Array(t.length));
- },
- nodebuffer: s,
- }),
- (a.transformTo = function (t, e) {
- if (((e = e || ''), !t)) return e;
- a.checkSupport(t);
- var r = a.getTypeOf(e);
- return d[r][t](e);
- }),
- (a.getTypeOf = function (t) {
- return 'string' == typeof t
- ? 'string'
- : '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)
- ? 'array'
- : o.nodebuffer && r.isBuffer(t)
- ? 'nodebuffer'
- : o.uint8array && t instanceof Uint8Array
- ? 'uint8array'
- : o.arraybuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer
- ? 'arraybuffer'
- : void 0;
- }),
- (a.checkSupport = function (t) {
- if (!o[t.toLowerCase()])
- throw new Error(t + ' is not supported by this platform');
- }),
- (a.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535),
- (a.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1),
- (a.pretty = function (t) {
- for (var e, r = '', i = 0; i < (t || '').length; i++)
- r +=
- '\\x' +
- ((e = t.charCodeAt(i)) < 16 ? '0' : '') +
- e.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- return r;
- }),
- (a.delay = function (t, e, r) {
- i(function () {
- t.apply(r || null, e || []);
- });
- }),
- (a.inherits = function (t, e) {
- function r() {}
- (r.prototype = e.prototype), (t.prototype = new r());
- }),
- (a.extend = function () {
- for (var t, e = {}, r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++)
- for (t in arguments[r])
- arguments[r].hasOwnProperty(t) &&
- void 0 === e[t] &&
- (e[t] = arguments[r][t]);
- return e;
- }),
- (a.prepareContent = function (r, t, i, s, n) {
- return l.Promise.resolve(t)
- .then(function (i) {
- return o.blob &&
- (i instanceof Blob ||
- -1 !==
- ['[object File]', '[object Blob]'].indexOf(
- Object.prototype.toString.call(i)
- )) &&
- 'undefined' != typeof FileReader
- ? new l.Promise(function (e, r) {
- var t = new FileReader();
- (t.onload = function (t) {
- e(t.target.result);
- }),
- (t.onerror = function (t) {
- r(t.target.error);
- }),
- t.readAsArrayBuffer(i);
- })
- : i;
- })
- .then(function (t) {
- var e = a.getTypeOf(t);
- return e
- ? ('arraybuffer' === e
- ? (t = a.transformTo('uint8array', t))
- : 'string' === e &&
- (n
- ? (t = h.decode(t))
- : i &&
- !0 !== s &&
- (t = p(
- (e = t),
- new (o.uint8array ? Uint8Array : Array)(
- e.length
- )
- ))),
- t)
- : l.Promise.reject(
- new Error(
- "Can't read the data of '" +
- r +
- "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?"
- )
- );
- });
- });
- },
- {
- './base64': 1,
- './external': 6,
- './nodejsUtils': 14,
- './support': 30,
- 'set-immediate-shim': 54,
- },
- ],
- 33: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./reader/readerFor'),
- s = t('./utils'),
- n = t('./signature'),
- a = t('./zipEntry'),
- o = (t('./utf8'), t('./support'));
- function h(t) {
- (this.files = []), (this.loadOptions = t);
- }
- (h.prototype = {
- checkSignature: function (t) {
- var e;
- if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(t))
- throw (
- ((this.reader.index -= 4),
- (e = this.reader.readString(4)),
- new Error(
- 'Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (' +
- s.pretty(e) +
- ', expected ' +
- s.pretty(t) +
- ')'
- ))
- );
- },
- isSignature: function (t, e) {
- var r = this.reader.index,
- t =
- (this.reader.setIndex(t),
- this.reader.readString(4) === e);
- return this.reader.setIndex(r), t;
- },
- readBlockEndOfCentral: function () {
- (this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2)),
- (this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2)),
- (this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2)),
- (this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2)),
- (this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2));
- var t = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength),
- e = o.uint8array ? 'uint8array' : 'array',
- e = s.transformTo(e, t);
- this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(e);
- },
- readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function () {
- (this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8)),
- this.reader.skip(4),
- (this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8)),
- (this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8)),
- (this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8)),
- (this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8)),
- (this.zip64ExtensibleData = {});
- for (
- var t, e, r, i = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44;
- 0 < i;
- )
- (t = this.reader.readInt(2)),
- (e = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (r = this.reader.readData(e)),
- (this.zip64ExtensibleData[t] = {
- id: t,
- length: e,
- value: r,
- });
- },
- readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function () {
- if (
- ((this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart =
- this.reader.readInt(4)),
- (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir =
- this.reader.readInt(8)),
- (this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4)),
- 1 < this.disksCount)
- )
- throw new Error('Multi-volumes zip are not supported');
- },
- readLocalFiles: function () {
- for (var t, e = 0; e < this.files.length; e++)
- (t = this.files[e]),
- this.reader.setIndex(t.localHeaderOffset),
- this.checkSignature(n.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER),
- t.readLocalPart(this.reader),
- t.handleUTF8(),
- t.processAttributes();
- },
- readCentralDir: function () {
- var t;
- for (
- this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset);
- this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(n.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER);
- )
- (t = new a(
- { zip64: this.zip64 },
- this.loadOptions
- )).readCentralPart(this.reader),
- this.files.push(t);
- if (
- this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length &&
- 0 !== this.centralDirRecords &&
- 0 === this.files.length
- )
- throw new Error(
- 'Corrupted zip or bug: expected ' +
- this.centralDirRecords +
- ' records in central dir, got ' +
- this.files.length
- );
- },
- readEndOfCentral: function () {
- var t = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(
- );
- if (t < 0)
- throw this.isSignature(0, n.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER)
- ? new Error(
- "Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory"
- )
- : new Error(
- "Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html"
- );
- this.reader.setIndex(t);
- var e = t;
- if (
- (this.checkSignature(n.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END),
- this.readBlockEndOfCentral(),
- this.diskNumber === s.MAX_VALUE_16BITS ||
- this.diskWithCentralDirStart === s.MAX_VALUE_16BITS ||
- this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === s.MAX_VALUE_16BITS ||
- this.centralDirRecords === s.MAX_VALUE_16BITS ||
- this.centralDirSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS ||
- this.centralDirOffset === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS)
- ) {
- if (
- ((this.zip64 = !0),
- (t = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(
- )) < 0)
- )
- throw new Error(
- "Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator"
- );
- if (
- (this.reader.setIndex(t),
- this.checkSignature(n.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR),
- this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(),
- !this.isSignature(
- this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir,
- ) &&
- ((this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir =
- this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(
- )),
- this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0))
- )
- throw new Error(
- "Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory"
- );
- this.reader.setIndex(
- this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir
- ),
- this.checkSignature(n.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END),
- this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral();
- }
- (t = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize),
- (t =
- e -
- (t = this.zip64
- ? t + 20 + (12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize)
- : t));
- if (0 < t)
- this.isSignature(e, n.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) ||
- (this.reader.zero = t);
- else if (t < 0)
- throw new Error(
- 'Corrupted zip: missing ' + Math.abs(t) + ' bytes.'
- );
- },
- prepareReader: function (t) {
- this.reader = i(t);
- },
- load: function (t) {
- this.prepareReader(t),
- this.readEndOfCentral(),
- this.readCentralDir(),
- this.readLocalFiles();
- },
- }),
- (e.exports = h);
- },
- {
- './reader/readerFor': 22,
- './signature': 23,
- './support': 30,
- './utf8': 31,
- './utils': 32,
- './zipEntry': 34,
- },
- ],
- 34: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = t('./reader/readerFor'),
- s = t('./utils'),
- n = t('./compressedObject'),
- a = t('./crc32'),
- o = t('./utf8'),
- h = t('./compressions'),
- l = t('./support');
- function p(t, e) {
- (this.options = t), (this.loadOptions = e);
- }
- (p.prototype = {
- isEncrypted: function () {
- return 1 == (1 & this.bitFlag);
- },
- useUTF8: function () {
- return 2048 == (2048 & this.bitFlag);
- },
- readLocalPart: function (t) {
- var e;
- if (
- (t.skip(22),
- (this.fileNameLength = t.readInt(2)),
- (e = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.fileName = t.readData(this.fileNameLength)),
- t.skip(e),
- -1 === this.compressedSize || -1 === this.uncompressedSize)
- )
- throw new Error(
- "Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)"
- );
- if (
- null ===
- (e = (function (t) {
- for (var e in h)
- if (h.hasOwnProperty(e) && h[e].magic === t)
- return h[e];
- return null;
- })(this.compressionMethod))
- )
- throw new Error(
- 'Corrupted zip : compression ' +
- s.pretty(this.compressionMethod) +
- ' unknown (inner file : ' +
- s.transformTo('string', this.fileName) +
- ')'
- );
- this.decompressed = new n(
- this.compressedSize,
- this.uncompressedSize,
- this.crc32,
- e,
- t.readData(this.compressedSize)
- );
- },
- readCentralPart: function (t) {
- (this.versionMadeBy = t.readInt(2)),
- t.skip(2),
- (this.bitFlag = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.compressionMethod = t.readString(2)),
- (this.date = t.readDate()),
- (this.crc32 = t.readInt(4)),
- (this.compressedSize = t.readInt(4)),
- (this.uncompressedSize = t.readInt(4));
- var e = t.readInt(2);
- if (
- ((this.extraFieldsLength = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.fileCommentLength = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.diskNumberStart = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.internalFileAttributes = t.readInt(2)),
- (this.externalFileAttributes = t.readInt(4)),
- (this.localHeaderOffset = t.readInt(4)),
- this.isEncrypted())
- )
- throw new Error('Encrypted zip are not supported');
- t.skip(e),
- this.readExtraFields(t),
- this.parseZIP64ExtraField(t),
- (this.fileComment = t.readData(this.fileCommentLength));
- },
- processAttributes: function () {
- (this.unixPermissions = null), (this.dosPermissions = null);
- var t = this.versionMadeBy >> 8;
- (this.dir = !!(16 & this.externalFileAttributes)),
- 0 == t &&
- (this.dosPermissions = 63 & this.externalFileAttributes),
- 3 == t &&
- (this.unixPermissions =
- (this.externalFileAttributes >> 16) & 65535),
- this.dir ||
- '/' !== this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) ||
- (this.dir = !0);
- },
- parseZIP64ExtraField: function (t) {
- var e;
- this.extraFields[1] &&
- ((e = i(this.extraFields[1].value)),
- this.uncompressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS &&
- (this.uncompressedSize = e.readInt(8)),
- this.compressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS &&
- (this.compressedSize = e.readInt(8)),
- this.localHeaderOffset === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS &&
- (this.localHeaderOffset = e.readInt(8)),
- this.diskNumberStart === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) &&
- (this.diskNumberStart = e.readInt(4));
- },
- readExtraFields: function (t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s = t.index + this.extraFieldsLength;
- for (
- this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {});
- t.index + 4 < s;
- )
- (e = t.readInt(2)),
- (r = t.readInt(2)),
- (i = t.readData(r)),
- (this.extraFields[e] = { id: e, length: r, value: i });
- t.setIndex(s);
- },
- handleUTF8: function () {
- var t,
- e = l.uint8array ? 'uint8array' : 'array';
- this.useUTF8()
- ? ((this.fileNameStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileName)),
- (this.fileCommentStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileComment)))
- : (null !== (t = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath())
- ? (this.fileNameStr = t)
- : ((t = s.transformTo(e, this.fileName)),
- (this.fileNameStr =
- this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(t))),
- null !== (t = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment())
- ? (this.fileCommentStr = t)
- : ((t = s.transformTo(e, this.fileComment)),
- (this.fileCommentStr =
- this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(t))));
- },
- findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function () {
- var t,
- e = this.extraFields[28789];
- return !e ||
- 1 !== (t = i(e.value)).readInt(1) ||
- a(this.fileName) !== t.readInt(4)
- ? null
- : o.utf8decode(t.readData(e.length - 5));
- },
- findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function () {
- var t,
- e = this.extraFields[25461];
- return !e ||
- 1 !== (t = i(e.value)).readInt(1) ||
- a(this.fileComment) !== t.readInt(4)
- ? null
- : o.utf8decode(t.readData(e.length - 5));
- },
- }),
- (e.exports = p);
- },
- {
- './compressedObject': 2,
- './compressions': 3,
- './crc32': 4,
- './reader/readerFor': 22,
- './support': 30,
- './utf8': 31,
- './utils': 32,
- },
- ],
- 35: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- function i(t, e, r) {
- (this.name = t),
- (this.dir = r.dir),
- (this.date = r.date),
- (this.comment = r.comment),
- (this.unixPermissions = r.unixPermissions),
- (this.dosPermissions = r.dosPermissions),
- (this._data = e),
- (this._dataBinary = r.binary),
- (this.options = {
- compression: r.compression,
- compressionOptions: r.compressionOptions,
- });
- }
- var n = t('./stream/StreamHelper'),
- s = t('./stream/DataWorker'),
- a = t('./utf8'),
- o = t('./compressedObject'),
- h = t('./stream/GenericWorker');
- i.prototype = {
- internalStream: function (t) {
- var e = null,
- r = 'string';
- try {
- if (!t) throw new Error('No output type specified.');
- var i = 'string' === (r = t.toLowerCase()) || 'text' === r,
- s =
- (('binarystring' !== r && 'text' !== r) ||
- (r = 'string'),
- (e = this._decompressWorker()),
- !this._dataBinary);
- s && !i && (e = e.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())),
- !s && i && (e = e.pipe(new a.Utf8DecodeWorker()));
- } catch (t) {
- (e = new h('error')).error(t);
- }
- return new n(e, r, '');
- },
- async: function (t, e) {
- return this.internalStream(t).accumulate(e);
- },
- nodeStream: function (t, e) {
- return this.internalStream(t || 'nodebuffer').toNodejsStream(
- e
- );
- },
- _compressWorker: function (t, e) {
- var r;
- return this._data instanceof o &&
- this._data.compression.magic === t.magic
- ? this._data.getCompressedWorker()
- : ((r = this._decompressWorker()),
- this._dataBinary ||
- (r = r.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())),
- o.createWorkerFrom(r, t, e));
- },
- _decompressWorker: function () {
- return this._data instanceof o
- ? this._data.getContentWorker()
- : this._data instanceof h
- ? this._data
- : new s(this._data);
- },
- };
- for (
- var l = [
- 'asText',
- 'asBinary',
- 'asNodeBuffer',
- 'asUint8Array',
- 'asArrayBuffer',
- ],
- p = function () {
- throw new Error(
- 'This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.'
- );
- },
- c = 0;
- c < l.length;
- c++
- )
- i.prototype[l[c]] = p;
- e.exports = i;
- },
- {
- './compressedObject': 2,
- './stream/DataWorker': 27,
- './stream/GenericWorker': 28,
- './stream/StreamHelper': 29,
- './utf8': 31,
- },
- ],
- 36: [
- function (t, l, e) {
- !function (e) {
- var i,
- t,
- r,
- s,
- n = e.MutationObserver || e.WebKitMutationObserver,
- a = n
- ? ((t = 0),
- (n = new n(h)),
- (r = e.document.createTextNode('')),
- n.observe(r, { characterData: !0 }),
- function () {
- r.data = t = ++t % 2;
- })
- : e.setImmediate || void 0 === e.MessageChannel
- ? 'document' in e &&
- 'onreadystatechange' in
- e.document.createElement('script')
- ? function () {
- var t = e.document.createElement('script');
- (t.onreadystatechange = function () {
- h(),
- (t.onreadystatechange = null),
- t.parentNode.removeChild(t),
- (t = null);
- }),
- e.document.documentElement.appendChild(t);
- }
- : function () {
- setTimeout(h, 0);
- }
- : (((s = new e.MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = h),
- function () {
- s.port2.postMessage(0);
- }),
- o = [];
- function h() {
- var t, e;
- i = !0;
- for (var r = o.length; r; ) {
- for (e = o, o = [], t = -1; ++t < r; ) e[t]();
- r = o.length;
- }
- i = !1;
- }
- l.exports = function (t) {
- 1 !== o.push(t) || i || a();
- };
- }.call(
- this,
- void 0 !== commonjsGlobal
- ? commonjsGlobal
- : 'undefined' != typeof self
- ? self
- : 'undefined' != typeof window
- ? window
- : {}
- );
- },
- {},
- ],
- 37: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var s = t('immediate');
- function h() {}
- var l = {},
- n = ['REJECTED'],
- a = ['FULFILLED'],
- i = ['PENDING'];
- function o(t) {
- if ('function' != typeof t)
- throw new TypeError('resolver must be a function');
- (this.state = i),
- (this.queue = []),
- (this.outcome = void 0),
- t !== h && d(this, t);
- }
- function p(t, e, r) {
- (this.promise = t),
- 'function' == typeof e &&
- ((this.onFulfilled = e),
- (this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled)),
- 'function' == typeof r &&
- ((this.onRejected = r),
- (this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected));
- }
- function c(e, r, i) {
- s(function () {
- var t;
- try {
- t = r(i);
- } catch (t) {
- return l.reject(e, t);
- }
- t === e
- ? l.reject(
- e,
- new TypeError('Cannot resolve promise with itself')
- )
- : l.resolve(e, t);
- });
- }
- function f(t) {
- var e = t && t.then;
- if (
- t &&
- ('object' == typeof t || 'function' == typeof t) &&
- 'function' == typeof e
- )
- return function () {
- e.apply(t, arguments);
- };
- }
- function d(e, t) {
- var r = !1;
- function i(t) {
- r || ((r = !0), l.reject(e, t));
- }
- function s(t) {
- r || ((r = !0), l.resolve(e, t));
- }
- var n = u(function () {
- t(s, i);
- });
- 'error' === n.status && i(n.value);
- }
- function u(t, e) {
- var r = {};
- try {
- (r.value = t(e)), (r.status = 'success');
- } catch (t) {
- (r.status = 'error'), (r.value = t);
- }
- return r;
- }
- ((e.exports = o).prototype.finally = function (e) {
- var r;
- return 'function' != typeof e
- ? this
- : ((r = this.constructor),
- this.then(
- function (t) {
- return r.resolve(e()).then(function () {
- return t;
- });
- },
- function (t) {
- return r.resolve(e()).then(function () {
- throw t;
- });
- }
- ));
- }),
- (o.prototype.catch = function (t) {
- return this.then(null, t);
- }),
- (o.prototype.then = function (t, e) {
- var r;
- return ('function' != typeof t && this.state === a) ||
- ('function' != typeof e && this.state === n)
- ? this
- : ((r = new this.constructor(h)),
- this.state !== i
- ? c(r, this.state === a ? t : e, this.outcome)
- : this.queue.push(new p(r, t, e)),
- r);
- }),
- (p.prototype.callFulfilled = function (t) {
- l.resolve(this.promise, t);
- }),
- (p.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function (t) {
- c(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, t);
- }),
- (p.prototype.callRejected = function (t) {
- l.reject(this.promise, t);
- }),
- (p.prototype.otherCallRejected = function (t) {
- c(this.promise, this.onRejected, t);
- }),
- (l.resolve = function (t, e) {
- var r = u(f, e);
- if ('error' === r.status) return l.reject(t, r.value);
- r = r.value;
- if (r) d(t, r);
- else {
- (t.state = a), (t.outcome = e);
- for (var i = -1, s = t.queue.length; ++i < s; )
- t.queue[i].callFulfilled(e);
- }
- return t;
- }),
- (l.reject = function (t, e) {
- (t.state = n), (t.outcome = e);
- for (var r = -1, i = t.queue.length; ++r < i; )
- t.queue[r].callRejected(e);
- return t;
- }),
- (o.resolve = function (t) {
- return t instanceof this ? t : l.resolve(new this(h), t);
- }),
- (o.reject = function (t) {
- var e = new this(h);
- return l.reject(e, t);
- }),
- (o.all = function (t) {
- var r = this;
- if ('[object Array]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(t))
- return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));
- var i = t.length,
- s = !1;
- if (!i) return this.resolve([]);
- for (
- var n = new Array(i), a = 0, e = -1, o = new this(h);
- ++e < i;
- )
- !(function (t, e) {
- r.resolve(t).then(
- function (t) {
- (n[e] = t),
- ++a !== i || s || ((s = !0), l.resolve(o, n));
- },
- function (t) {
- s || ((s = !0), l.reject(o, t));
- }
- );
- })(t[e], e);
- return o;
- }),
- (o.race = function (t) {
- if ('[object Array]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(t))
- return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));
- var e = t.length,
- r = !1;
- if (!e) return this.resolve([]);
- for (var i, s = -1, n = new this(h); ++s < e; )
- (i = t[s]),
- this.resolve(i).then(
- function (t) {
- r || ((r = !0), l.resolve(n, t));
- },
- function (t) {
- r || ((r = !0), l.reject(n, t));
- }
- );
- return n;
- });
- },
- { immediate: 36 },
- ],
- 38: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i = {};
- (0, t('./lib/utils/common').assign)(
- i,
- t('./lib/deflate'),
- t('./lib/inflate'),
- t('./lib/zlib/constants')
- ),
- (e.exports = i);
- },
- {
- './lib/deflate': 39,
- './lib/inflate': 40,
- './lib/utils/common': 41,
- './lib/zlib/constants': 44,
- },
- ],
- 39: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var a = t('./zlib/deflate'),
- o = t('./utils/common'),
- h = t('./utils/strings'),
- i = t('./zlib/messages'),
- s = t('./zlib/zstream'),
- l = Object.prototype.toString;
- function n(t) {
- if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t);
- this.options = o.assign(
- {
- level: -1,
- method: 8,
- chunkSize: 16384,
- windowBits: 15,
- memLevel: 8,
- strategy: 0,
- to: '',
- },
- t || {}
- );
- var t = this.options,
- e =
- (t.raw && 0 < t.windowBits
- ? (t.windowBits = -t.windowBits)
- : t.gzip &&
- 0 < t.windowBits &&
- t.windowBits < 16 &&
- (t.windowBits += 16),
- (this.err = 0),
- (this.msg = ''),
- (this.ended = !1),
- (this.chunks = []),
- (this.strm = new s()),
- (this.strm.avail_out = 0),
- a.deflateInit2(
- this.strm,
- t.level,
- t.method,
- t.windowBits,
- t.memLevel,
- t.strategy
- ));
- if (0 !== e) throw new Error(i[e]);
- if (
- (t.header && a.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, t.header),
- t.dictionary)
- ) {
- t =
- 'string' == typeof t.dictionary
- ? h.string2buf(t.dictionary)
- : '[object ArrayBuffer]' === l.call(t.dictionary)
- ? new Uint8Array(t.dictionary)
- : t.dictionary;
- if (0 !== (e = a.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, t)))
- throw new Error(i[e]);
- this._dict_set = !0;
- }
- }
- function p(t, e) {
- e = new n(e);
- if ((e.push(t, !0), e.err)) throw e.msg || i[e.err];
- return e.result;
- }
- (n.prototype.push = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s = this.strm,
- n = this.options.chunkSize;
- if (this.ended) return !1;
- (i = e === ~~e ? e : !0 === e ? 4 : 0),
- 'string' == typeof t
- ? (s.input = h.string2buf(t))
- : '[object ArrayBuffer]' === l.call(t)
- ? (s.input = new Uint8Array(t))
- : (s.input = t),
- (s.next_in = 0),
- (s.avail_in = s.input.length);
- do {
- if (
- (0 === s.avail_out &&
- ((s.output = new o.Buf8(n)),
- (s.next_out = 0),
- (s.avail_out = n)),
- 1 !== (r = a.deflate(s, i)) && 0 !== r)
- )
- return this.onEnd(r), !(this.ended = !0);
- } while (
- ((0 !== s.avail_out &&
- (0 !== s.avail_in || (4 !== i && 2 !== i))) ||
- ('string' === this.options.to
- ? this.onData(
- h.buf2binstring(o.shrinkBuf(s.output, s.next_out))
- )
- : this.onData(o.shrinkBuf(s.output, s.next_out))),
- (0 < s.avail_in || 0 === s.avail_out) && 1 !== r)
- );
- return 4 === i
- ? ((r = a.deflateEnd(this.strm)),
- this.onEnd(r),
- (this.ended = !0),
- 0 === r)
- : 2 !== i || (this.onEnd(0), !(s.avail_out = 0));
- }),
- (n.prototype.onData = function (t) {
- this.chunks.push(t);
- }),
- (n.prototype.onEnd = function (t) {
- 0 === t &&
- ('string' === this.options.to
- ? (this.result = this.chunks.join(''))
- : (this.result = o.flattenChunks(this.chunks))),
- (this.chunks = []),
- (this.err = t),
- (this.msg = this.strm.msg);
- }),
- (r.Deflate = n),
- (r.deflate = p),
- (r.deflateRaw = function (t, e) {
- return ((e = e || {}).raw = !0), p(t, e);
- }),
- (r.gzip = function (t, e) {
- return ((e = e || {}).gzip = !0), p(t, e);
- });
- },
- {
- './utils/common': 41,
- './utils/strings': 42,
- './zlib/deflate': 46,
- './zlib/messages': 51,
- './zlib/zstream': 53,
- },
- ],
- 40: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var c = t('./zlib/inflate'),
- f = t('./utils/common'),
- d = t('./utils/strings'),
- u = t('./zlib/constants'),
- i = t('./zlib/messages'),
- s = t('./zlib/zstream'),
- n = t('./zlib/gzheader'),
- m = Object.prototype.toString;
- function a(t) {
- if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t);
- this.options = f.assign(
- { chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: '' },
- t || {}
- );
- var e = this.options,
- t =
- (e.raw &&
- 0 <= e.windowBits &&
- e.windowBits < 16 &&
- ((e.windowBits = -e.windowBits), 0 === e.windowBits) &&
- (e.windowBits = -15),
- !(0 <= e.windowBits && e.windowBits < 16) ||
- (t && t.windowBits) ||
- (e.windowBits += 32),
- 15 < e.windowBits &&
- e.windowBits < 48 &&
- 0 == (15 & e.windowBits) &&
- (e.windowBits |= 15),
- (this.err = 0),
- (this.msg = ''),
- (this.ended = !1),
- (this.chunks = []),
- (this.strm = new s()),
- (this.strm.avail_out = 0),
- c.inflateInit2(this.strm, e.windowBits));
- if (t !== u.Z_OK) throw new Error(i[t]);
- (this.header = new n()),
- c.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);
- }
- function o(t, e) {
- e = new a(e);
- if ((e.push(t, !0), e.err)) throw e.msg || i[e.err];
- return e.result;
- }
- (a.prototype.push = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = this.strm,
- h = this.options.chunkSize,
- l = this.options.dictionary,
- p = !1;
- if (this.ended) return !1;
- (i = e === ~~e ? e : !0 === e ? u.Z_FINISH : u.Z_NO_FLUSH),
- 'string' == typeof t
- ? (o.input = d.binstring2buf(t))
- : '[object ArrayBuffer]' === m.call(t)
- ? (o.input = new Uint8Array(t))
- : (o.input = t),
- (o.next_in = 0),
- (o.avail_in = o.input.length);
- do {
- if (
- (0 === o.avail_out &&
- ((o.output = new f.Buf8(h)),
- (o.next_out = 0),
- (o.avail_out = h)),
- (r = c.inflate(o, u.Z_NO_FLUSH)) === u.Z_NEED_DICT &&
- l &&
- ((a =
- 'string' == typeof l
- ? d.string2buf(l)
- : '[object ArrayBuffer]' === m.call(l)
- ? new Uint8Array(l)
- : l),
- (r = c.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, a))),
- r === u.Z_BUF_ERROR && !0 === p && ((r = u.Z_OK), (p = !1)),
- r !== u.Z_STREAM_END && r !== u.Z_OK)
- )
- return this.onEnd(r), !(this.ended = !0);
- } while (
- (!o.next_out ||
- (0 !== o.avail_out &&
- r !== u.Z_STREAM_END &&
- (0 !== o.avail_in ||
- (i !== u.Z_FINISH && i !== u.Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) ||
- ('string' === this.options.to
- ? ((a = d.utf8border(o.output, o.next_out)),
- (s = o.next_out - a),
- (n = d.buf2string(o.output, a)),
- (o.next_out = s),
- (o.avail_out = h - s),
- s && f.arraySet(o.output, o.output, a, s, 0),
- this.onData(n))
- : this.onData(f.shrinkBuf(o.output, o.next_out))),
- 0 === o.avail_in && 0 === o.avail_out && (p = !0),
- (0 < o.avail_in || 0 === o.avail_out) && r !== u.Z_STREAM_END)
- );
- return (i = r === u.Z_STREAM_END ? u.Z_FINISH : i) ===
- ? ((r = c.inflateEnd(this.strm)),
- this.onEnd(r),
- (this.ended = !0),
- r === u.Z_OK)
- : i !== u.Z_SYNC_FLUSH ||
- (this.onEnd(u.Z_OK), !(o.avail_out = 0));
- }),
- (a.prototype.onData = function (t) {
- this.chunks.push(t);
- }),
- (a.prototype.onEnd = function (t) {
- t === u.Z_OK &&
- ('string' === this.options.to
- ? (this.result = this.chunks.join(''))
- : (this.result = f.flattenChunks(this.chunks))),
- (this.chunks = []),
- (this.err = t),
- (this.msg = this.strm.msg);
- }),
- (r.Inflate = a),
- (r.inflate = o),
- (r.inflateRaw = function (t, e) {
- return ((e = e || {}).raw = !0), o(t, e);
- }),
- (r.ungzip = o);
- },
- {
- './utils/common': 41,
- './utils/strings': 42,
- './zlib/constants': 44,
- './zlib/gzheader': 47,
- './zlib/inflate': 49,
- './zlib/messages': 51,
- './zlib/zstream': 53,
- },
- ],
- 41: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var i =
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array &&
- 'undefined' != typeof Uint16Array &&
- 'undefined' != typeof Int32Array,
- s =
- ((r.assign = function (t) {
- for (
- var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- e.length;
- ) {
- var r = e.shift();
- if (r) {
- if ('object' != typeof r)
- throw new TypeError(r + 'must be non-object');
- for (var i in r) r.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = r[i]);
- }
- }
- return t;
- }),
- (r.shrinkBuf = function (t, e) {
- return t.length === e
- ? t
- : t.subarray
- ? t.subarray(0, e)
- : ((t.length = e), t);
- }),
- {
- arraySet: function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- if (e.subarray && t.subarray)
- t.set(e.subarray(r, r + i), s);
- else for (var n = 0; n < i; n++) t[s + n] = e[r + n];
- },
- flattenChunks: function (t) {
- for (var e, r, i, s = 0, n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++)
- s += t[n].length;
- for (
- i = new Uint8Array(s), n = e = 0, a = t.length;
- n < a;
- n++
- )
- (r = t[n]), i.set(r, e), (e += r.length);
- return i;
- },
- }),
- n = {
- arraySet: function (t, e, r, i, s) {
- for (var n = 0; n < i; n++) t[s + n] = e[r + n];
- },
- flattenChunks: function (t) {
- return [].concat.apply([], t);
- },
- };
- (r.setTyped = function (t) {
- t
- ? ((r.Buf8 = Uint8Array),
- (r.Buf16 = Uint16Array),
- (r.Buf32 = Int32Array),
- r.assign(r, s))
- : ((r.Buf8 = Array),
- (r.Buf16 = Array),
- (r.Buf32 = Array),
- r.assign(r, n));
- }),
- r.setTyped(i);
- },
- {},
- ],
- 42: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var h = t('./common'),
- s = !0,
- n = !0;
- try {
- String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]);
- } catch (t) {
- s = !1;
- }
- try {
- String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
- } catch (t) {
- n = !1;
- }
- for (var l = new h.Buf8(256), i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- l[i] =
- 252 <= i
- ? 6
- : 248 <= i
- ? 5
- : 240 <= i
- ? 4
- : 224 <= i
- ? 3
- : 192 <= i
- ? 2
- : 1;
- function p(t, e) {
- if (e < 65537 && ((t.subarray && n) || (!t.subarray && s)))
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, h.shrinkBuf(t, e));
- for (var r = '', i = 0; i < e; i++)
- r += String.fromCharCode(t[i]);
- return r;
- }
- (l[254] = l[254] = 1),
- (r.string2buf = function (t) {
- for (var e, r, i, s, n = t.length, a = 0, o = 0; o < n; o++)
- 55296 == (64512 & (r = t.charCodeAt(o))) &&
- o + 1 < n &&
- 56320 == (64512 & (i = t.charCodeAt(o + 1))) &&
- ((r = 65536 + ((r - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), o++),
- (a += r < 128 ? 1 : r < 2048 ? 2 : r < 65536 ? 3 : 4);
- for (e = new h.Buf8(a), o = s = 0; s < a; o++)
- 55296 == (64512 & (r = t.charCodeAt(o))) &&
- o + 1 < n &&
- 56320 == (64512 & (i = t.charCodeAt(o + 1))) &&
- ((r = 65536 + ((r - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), o++),
- r < 128
- ? (e[s++] = r)
- : (r < 2048
- ? (e[s++] = 192 | (r >>> 6))
- : (r < 65536
- ? (e[s++] = 224 | (r >>> 12))
- : ((e[s++] = 240 | (r >>> 18)),
- (e[s++] = 128 | ((r >>> 12) & 63))),
- (e[s++] = 128 | ((r >>> 6) & 63))),
- (e[s++] = 128 | (63 & r)));
- return e;
- }),
- (r.buf2binstring = function (t) {
- return p(t, t.length);
- }),
- (r.binstring2buf = function (t) {
- for (
- var e = new h.Buf8(t.length), r = 0, i = e.length;
- r < i;
- r++
- )
- e[r] = t.charCodeAt(r);
- return e;
- }),
- (r.buf2string = function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r,
- i,
- s = e || t.length,
- n = new Array(2 * s),
- a = 0,
- o = 0;
- o < s;
- )
- if ((r = t[o++]) < 128) n[a++] = r;
- else if (4 < (i = l[r])) (n[a++] = 65533), (o += i - 1);
- else {
- for (
- r &= 2 === i ? 31 : 3 === i ? 15 : 7;
- 1 < i && o < s;
- )
- (r = (r << 6) | (63 & t[o++])), i--;
- 1 < i
- ? (n[a++] = 65533)
- : r < 65536
- ? (n[a++] = r)
- : ((r -= 65536),
- (n[a++] = 55296 | ((r >> 10) & 1023)),
- (n[a++] = 56320 | (1023 & r)));
- }
- return p(n, a);
- }),
- (r.utf8border = function (t, e) {
- for (
- var r =
- (e = (e = e || t.length) > t.length ? t.length : e) - 1;
- 0 <= r && 128 == (192 & t[r]);
- )
- r--;
- return !(r < 0 || 0 === r) && r + l[t[r]] > e ? r : e;
- });
- },
- { './common': 41 },
- ],
- 43: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = function (t, e, r, i) {
- for (
- var s = (65535 & t) | 0, n = ((t >>> 16) & 65535) | 0, a = 0;
- 0 !== r;
- ) {
- for (
- r -= a = 2e3 < r ? 2e3 : r;
- (n = (n + (s = (s + e[i++]) | 0)) | 0), --a;
- );
- (s %= 65521), (n %= 65521);
- }
- return s | (n << 16) | 0;
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 44: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = {
- Z_NO_FLUSH: 0,
- Z_FINISH: 4,
- Z_BLOCK: 5,
- Z_TREES: 6,
- Z_OK: 0,
- Z_ERRNO: -1,
- Z_BUF_ERROR: -5,
- Z_RLE: 3,
- Z_FIXED: 4,
- Z_BINARY: 0,
- Z_TEXT: 1,
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 45: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var o = (function () {
- for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 256; e++) {
- for (var r = e, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- r = 1 & r ? 3988292384 ^ (r >>> 1) : r >>> 1;
- t[e] = r;
- }
- return t;
- })();
- e.exports = function (t, e, r, i) {
- var s = o,
- n = i + r;
- t ^= -1;
- for (var a = i; a < n; a++) t = (t >>> 8) ^ s[255 & (t ^ e[a])];
- return -1 ^ t;
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 46: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var o,
- c = t('../utils/common'),
- h = t('./trees'),
- f = t('./adler32'),
- d = t('./crc32'),
- i = t('./messages');
- function l(t, e) {
- return (t.msg = i[e]), e;
- }
- function p(t) {
- return (t << 1) - (4 < t ? 9 : 0);
- }
- function u(t) {
- for (var e = t.length; 0 <= --e; ) t[e] = 0;
- }
- function m(t) {
- var e = t.state,
- r = e.pending;
- 0 !== (r = r > t.avail_out ? t.avail_out : r) &&
- (c.arraySet(
- t.output,
- e.pending_buf,
- e.pending_out,
- r,
- t.next_out
- ),
- (t.next_out += r),
- (e.pending_out += r),
- (t.total_out += r),
- (t.avail_out -= r),
- (e.pending -= r),
- 0 === e.pending) &&
- (e.pending_out = 0);
- }
- function y(t, e) {
- h._tr_flush_block(
- t,
- 0 <= t.block_start ? t.block_start : -1,
- t.strstart - t.block_start,
- e
- ),
- (t.block_start = t.strstart),
- m(t.strm);
- }
- function g(t, e) {
- t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = e;
- }
- function v(t, e) {
- (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = (e >>> 8) & 255),
- (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & e);
- }
- function n(t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s = t.max_chain_length,
- n = t.strstart,
- a = t.prev_length,
- o = t.nice_match,
- h =
- t.strstart > t.w_size - 262
- ? t.strstart - (t.w_size - 262)
- : 0,
- l = t.window,
- p = t.w_mask,
- c = t.prev,
- f = t.strstart + 258,
- d = l[n + a - 1],
- u = l[n + a];
- t.prev_length >= t.good_match && (s >>= 2),
- o > t.lookahead && (o = t.lookahead);
- do {
- if (
- l[(r = e) + a] === u &&
- l[r + a - 1] === d &&
- l[r] === l[n] &&
- l[++r] === l[n + 1]
- ) {
- for (
- n += 2, r++;
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- l[++n] === l[++r] &&
- n < f;
- );
- if (((i = 258 - (f - n)), (n = f - 258), a < i)) {
- if (((t.match_start = e), o <= (a = i))) break;
- (d = l[n + a - 1]), (u = l[n + a]);
- }
- }
- } while ((e = c[e & p]) > h && 0 != --s);
- return a <= t.lookahead ? a : t.lookahead;
- }
- function _(t) {
- var e,
- r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p = t.w_size;
- do {
- if (
- ((h = t.window_size - t.lookahead - t.strstart),
- t.strstart >= p + (p - 262))
- ) {
- for (
- c.arraySet(t.window, t.window, p, p, 0),
- t.match_start -= p,
- t.strstart -= p,
- t.block_start -= p,
- e = r = t.hash_size;
- (i = t.head[--e]), (t.head[e] = p <= i ? i - p : 0), --r;
- );
- for (
- e = r = p;
- (i = t.prev[--e]), (t.prev[e] = p <= i ? i - p : 0), --r;
- );
- h += p;
- }
- if (0 === t.strm.avail_in) break;
- if (
- ((n = t.strm),
- (a = t.window),
- (o = t.strstart + t.lookahead),
- (h = h),
- (l = void 0),
- (r =
- 0 === (l = (l = n.avail_in) > h ? h : l)
- ? 0
- : ((n.avail_in -= l),
- c.arraySet(a, n.input, n.next_in, l, o),
- 1 === n.state.wrap
- ? (n.adler = f(n.adler, a, l, o))
- : 2 === n.state.wrap &&
- (n.adler = d(n.adler, a, l, o)),
- (n.next_in += l),
- (n.total_in += l),
- l)),
- (t.lookahead += r),
- 3 <= t.lookahead + t.insert)
- )
- for (
- s = t.strstart - t.insert,
- t.ins_h = t.window[s],
- t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^ t.window[s + 1]) &
- t.hash_mask;
- t.insert &&
- ((t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^ t.window[s + 3 - 1]) &
- t.hash_mask),
- (t.prev[s & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
- (t.head[t.ins_h] = s),
- s++,
- t.insert--,
- !(t.lookahead + t.insert < 3));
- );
- } while (t.lookahead < 262 && 0 !== t.strm.avail_in);
- }
- function s(t, e) {
- for (var r, i; ; ) {
- if (t.lookahead < 262) {
- if ((_(t), t.lookahead < 262 && 0 === e)) return 1;
- if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
- }
- if (
- ((r = 0),
- 3 <= t.lookahead &&
- ((t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^
- t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1]) &
- t.hash_mask),
- (r = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
- (t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart)),
- 0 !== r &&
- t.strstart - r <= t.w_size - 262 &&
- (t.match_length = n(t, r)),
- 3 <= t.match_length)
- )
- if (
- ((i = h._tr_tally(
- t,
- t.strstart - t.match_start,
- t.match_length - 3
- )),
- (t.lookahead -= t.match_length),
- t.match_length <= t.max_lazy_match && 3 <= t.lookahead)
- ) {
- for (
- t.match_length--;
- t.strstart++,
- (t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^
- t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1]) &
- t.hash_mask),
- (r = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
- (t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart),
- 0 != --t.match_length;
- );
- t.strstart++;
- } else
- (t.strstart += t.match_length),
- (t.match_length = 0),
- (t.ins_h = t.window[t.strstart]),
- (t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^
- t.window[t.strstart + 1]) &
- t.hash_mask);
- else
- (i = h._tr_tally(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart])),
- t.lookahead--,
- t.strstart++;
- if (i && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)) return 1;
- }
- return (
- (t.insert = t.strstart < 2 ? t.strstart : 2),
- 4 === e
- ? (y(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
- : t.last_lit && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- ? 1
- : 2
- );
- }
- function a(t, e) {
- for (var r, i, s; ; ) {
- if (t.lookahead < 262) {
- if ((_(t), t.lookahead < 262 && 0 === e)) return 1;
- if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
- }
- if (
- ((r = 0),
- 3 <= t.lookahead &&
- ((t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^
- t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1]) &
- t.hash_mask),
- (r = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
- (t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart)),
- (t.prev_length = t.match_length),
- (t.prev_match = t.match_start),
- (t.match_length = 2),
- 0 !== r &&
- t.prev_length < t.max_lazy_match &&
- t.strstart - r <= t.w_size - 262 &&
- ((t.match_length = n(t, r)), t.match_length <= 5) &&
- (1 === t.strategy ||
- (3 === t.match_length &&
- 4096 < t.strstart - t.match_start)) &&
- (t.match_length = 2),
- 3 <= t.prev_length && t.match_length <= t.prev_length)
- ) {
- for (
- s = t.strstart + t.lookahead - 3,
- i = h._tr_tally(
- t,
- t.strstart - 1 - t.prev_match,
- t.prev_length - 3
- ),
- t.lookahead -= t.prev_length - 1,
- t.prev_length -= 2;
- ++t.strstart <= s &&
- ((t.ins_h =
- ((t.ins_h << t.hash_shift) ^
- t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1]) &
- t.hash_mask),
- (r = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
- (t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart)),
- 0 != --t.prev_length;
- );
- if (
- ((t.match_available = 0),
- (t.match_length = 2),
- t.strstart++,
- i && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
- )
- return 1;
- } else if (t.match_available) {
- if (
- ((i = h._tr_tally(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart - 1])) &&
- y(t, !1),
- t.strstart++,
- t.lookahead--,
- 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- )
- return 1;
- } else (t.match_available = 1), t.strstart++, t.lookahead--;
- }
- return (
- t.match_available &&
- ((i = h._tr_tally(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart - 1])),
- (t.match_available = 0)),
- (t.insert = t.strstart < 2 ? t.strstart : 2),
- 4 === e
- ? (y(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
- : t.last_lit && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- ? 1
- : 2
- );
- }
- function b(t, e, r, i, s) {
- (this.good_length = t),
- (this.max_lazy = e),
- (this.nice_length = r),
- (this.max_chain = i),
- (this.func = s);
- }
- function S() {
- (this.strm = null),
- (this.status = 0),
- (this.pending_buf = null),
- (this.pending_buf_size = 0),
- (this.pending_out = 0),
- (this.pending = 0),
- (this.wrap = 0),
- (this.gzhead = null),
- (this.gzindex = 0),
- (this.method = 8),
- (this.last_flush = -1),
- (this.w_size = 0),
- (this.w_bits = 0),
- (this.w_mask = 0),
- (this.window = null),
- (this.window_size = 0),
- (this.prev = null),
- (this.head = null),
- (this.ins_h = 0),
- (this.hash_size = 0),
- (this.hash_bits = 0),
- (this.hash_mask = 0),
- (this.hash_shift = 0),
- (this.block_start = 0),
- (this.match_length = 0),
- (this.prev_match = 0),
- (this.match_available = 0),
- (this.strstart = 0),
- (this.match_start = 0),
- (this.lookahead = 0),
- (this.prev_length = 0),
- (this.max_chain_length = 0),
- (this.max_lazy_match = 0),
- (this.level = 0),
- (this.strategy = 0),
- (this.good_match = 0),
- (this.nice_match = 0),
- (this.dyn_ltree = new c.Buf16(1146)),
- (this.dyn_dtree = new c.Buf16(122)),
- (this.bl_tree = new c.Buf16(78)),
- u(this.dyn_ltree),
- u(this.dyn_dtree),
- u(this.bl_tree),
- (this.l_desc = null),
- (this.d_desc = null),
- (this.bl_desc = null),
- (this.bl_count = new c.Buf16(16)),
- (this.heap = new c.Buf16(573)),
- u(this.heap),
- (this.heap_len = 0),
- (this.heap_max = 0),
- (this.depth = new c.Buf16(573)),
- u(this.depth),
- (this.l_buf = 0),
- (this.lit_bufsize = 0),
- (this.last_lit = 0),
- (this.d_buf = 0),
- (this.opt_len = 0),
- (this.static_len = 0),
- (this.matches = 0),
- (this.insert = 0),
- (this.bi_buf = 0),
- (this.bi_valid = 0);
- }
- function P(t) {
- var e;
- return t && t.state
- ? ((t.total_in = t.total_out = 0),
- (t.data_type = 2),
- ((e = t.state).pending = 0),
- (e.pending_out = 0),
- e.wrap < 0 && (e.wrap = -e.wrap),
- (e.status = e.wrap ? 42 : 113),
- (t.adler = 2 === e.wrap ? 0 : 1),
- (e.last_flush = 0),
- h._tr_init(e),
- 0)
- : l(t, -2);
- }
- function x(t) {
- var e = P(t);
- return (
- 0 === e &&
- (((t = t.state).window_size = 2 * t.w_size),
- u(t.head),
- (t.max_lazy_match = o[t.level].max_lazy),
- (t.good_match = o[t.level].good_length),
- (t.nice_match = o[t.level].nice_length),
- (t.max_chain_length = o[t.level].max_chain),
- (t.strstart = 0),
- (t.block_start = 0),
- (t.lookahead = 0),
- (t.insert = 0),
- (t.match_length = t.prev_length = 2),
- (t.match_available = 0),
- (t.ins_h = 0)),
- e
- );
- }
- function k(t, e, r, i, s, n) {
- if (!t) return -2;
- var a = 1;
- if (
- (-1 === e && (e = 6),
- i < 0 ? ((a = 0), (i = -i)) : 15 < i && ((a = 2), (i -= 16)),
- s < 1 ||
- 9 < s ||
- 8 !== r ||
- i < 8 ||
- 15 < i ||
- e < 0 ||
- 9 < e ||
- n < 0 ||
- 4 < n)
- )
- return l(t, -2);
- 8 === i && (i = 9);
- var o = new S();
- return (
- ((t.state = o).strm = t),
- (o.wrap = a),
- (o.gzhead = null),
- (o.w_bits = i),
- (o.w_size = 1 << o.w_bits),
- (o.w_mask = o.w_size - 1),
- (o.hash_bits = s + 7),
- (o.hash_size = 1 << o.hash_bits),
- (o.hash_mask = o.hash_size - 1),
- (o.hash_shift = ~~((o.hash_bits + 3 - 1) / 3)),
- (o.window = new c.Buf8(2 * o.w_size)),
- (o.head = new c.Buf16(o.hash_size)),
- (o.prev = new c.Buf16(o.w_size)),
- (o.lit_bufsize = 1 << (s + 6)),
- (o.pending_buf_size = 4 * o.lit_bufsize),
- (o.pending_buf = new c.Buf8(o.pending_buf_size)),
- (o.d_buf = +o.lit_bufsize),
- (o.l_buf = 3 * o.lit_bufsize),
- (o.level = e),
- (o.strategy = n),
- (o.method = r),
- x(t)
- );
- }
- (o = [
- new b(0, 0, 0, 0, function (t, e) {
- var r = 65535;
- for (
- r > t.pending_buf_size - 5 && (r = t.pending_buf_size - 5);
- ;
- ) {
- if (t.lookahead <= 1) {
- if ((_(t), 0 === t.lookahead && 0 === e)) return 1;
- if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
- }
- (t.strstart += t.lookahead), (t.lookahead = 0);
- var i = t.block_start + r;
- if (
- (0 === t.strstart || t.strstart >= i) &&
- ((t.lookahead = t.strstart - i),
- (t.strstart = i),
- y(t, !1),
- 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- )
- return 1;
- if (
- t.strstart - t.block_start >= t.w_size - 262 &&
- (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- )
- return 1;
- }
- return (
- (t.insert = 0),
- 4 === e
- ? (y(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
- : (t.strstart > t.block_start &&
- (y(t, !1), t.strm.avail_out),
- 1)
- );
- }),
- new b(4, 4, 8, 4, s),
- new b(4, 5, 16, 8, s),
- new b(4, 6, 32, 32, s),
- new b(4, 4, 16, 16, a),
- new b(8, 16, 32, 32, a),
- new b(8, 16, 128, 128, a),
- new b(8, 32, 128, 256, a),
- new b(32, 128, 258, 1024, a),
- new b(32, 258, 258, 4096, a),
- ]),
- (r.deflateInit = function (t, e) {
- return k(t, e, 8, 15, 8, 0);
- }),
- (r.deflateInit2 = k),
- (r.deflateReset = x),
- (r.deflateResetKeep = P),
- (r.deflateSetHeader = function (t, e) {
- return !t || !t.state || 2 !== t.state.wrap
- ? -2
- : ((t.state.gzhead = e), 0);
- }),
- (r.deflate = function (t, e) {
- var r, i, s, n;
- if (!t || !t.state || 5 < e || e < 0)
- return t ? l(t, -2) : -2;
- if (
- ((i = t.state),
- !t.output ||
- (!t.input && 0 !== t.avail_in) ||
- (666 === i.status && 4 !== e))
- )
- return l(t, 0 === t.avail_out ? -5 : -2);
- if (
- ((i.strm = t),
- (r = i.last_flush),
- (i.last_flush = e),
- 42 === i.status &&
- (2 === i.wrap
- ? ((t.adler = 0),
- g(i, 31),
- g(i, 139),
- g(i, 8),
- i.gzhead
- ? (g(
- i,
- (i.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) +
- (i.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) +
- (i.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) +
- (i.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) +
- (i.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)
- ),
- g(i, 255 & i.gzhead.time),
- g(i, (i.gzhead.time >> 8) & 255),
- g(i, (i.gzhead.time >> 16) & 255),
- g(i, (i.gzhead.time >> 24) & 255),
- g(
- i,
- 9 === i.level
- ? 2
- : 2 <= i.strategy || i.level < 2
- ? 4
- : 0
- ),
- g(i, 255 & i.gzhead.os),
- i.gzhead.extra &&
- i.gzhead.extra.length &&
- (g(i, 255 & i.gzhead.extra.length),
- g(i, (i.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 255)),
- i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- (t.adler = d(
- t.adler,
- i.pending_buf,
- i.pending,
- 0
- )),
- (i.gzindex = 0),
- (i.status = 69))
- : (g(i, 0),
- g(i, 0),
- g(i, 0),
- g(i, 0),
- g(i, 0),
- g(
- i,
- 9 === i.level
- ? 2
- : 2 <= i.strategy || i.level < 2
- ? 4
- : 0
- ),
- g(i, 3),
- (i.status = 113)))
- : ((a = (8 + ((i.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8),
- (a |=
- (2 <= i.strategy || i.level < 2
- ? 0
- : i.level < 6
- ? 1
- : 6 === i.level
- ? 2
- : 3) << 6),
- 0 !== i.strstart && (a |= 32),
- (a += 31 - (a % 31)),
- (i.status = 113),
- v(i, a),
- 0 !== i.strstart &&
- (v(i, t.adler >>> 16), v(i, 65535 & t.adler)),
- (t.adler = 1))),
- 69 === i.status)
- )
- if (i.gzhead.extra) {
- for (
- s = i.pending;
- i.gzindex < (65535 & i.gzhead.extra.length) &&
- (i.pending !== i.pending_buf_size ||
- (i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(
- t.adler,
- i.pending_buf,
- i.pending - s,
- s
- )),
- m(t),
- (s = i.pending),
- i.pending !== i.pending_buf_size));
- )
- g(i, 255 & i.gzhead.extra[i.gzindex]), i.gzindex++;
- i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(t.adler, i.pending_buf, i.pending - s, s)),
- i.gzindex === i.gzhead.extra.length &&
- ((i.gzindex = 0), (i.status = 73));
- } else i.status = 73;
- if (73 === i.status)
- if (i.gzhead.name) {
- s = i.pending;
- do {
- if (
- i.pending === i.pending_buf_size &&
- (i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(
- t.adler,
- i.pending_buf,
- i.pending - s,
- s
- )),
- m(t),
- (s = i.pending),
- i.pending === i.pending_buf_size)
- ) {
- n = 1;
- break;
- }
- } while (
- ((n =
- i.gzindex < i.gzhead.name.length
- ? 255 & i.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(i.gzindex++)
- : 0),
- g(i, n),
- 0 !== n)
- );
- i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(t.adler, i.pending_buf, i.pending - s, s)),
- 0 === n && ((i.gzindex = 0), (i.status = 91));
- } else i.status = 91;
- if (91 === i.status)
- if (i.gzhead.comment) {
- s = i.pending;
- do {
- if (
- i.pending === i.pending_buf_size &&
- (i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(
- t.adler,
- i.pending_buf,
- i.pending - s,
- s
- )),
- m(t),
- (s = i.pending),
- i.pending === i.pending_buf_size)
- ) {
- n = 1;
- break;
- }
- } while (
- ((n =
- i.gzindex < i.gzhead.comment.length
- ? 255 & i.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(i.gzindex++)
- : 0),
- g(i, n),
- 0 !== n)
- );
- i.gzhead.hcrc &&
- i.pending > s &&
- (t.adler = d(t.adler, i.pending_buf, i.pending - s, s)),
- 0 === n && (i.status = 103);
- } else i.status = 103;
- if (
- (103 === i.status &&
- (i.gzhead.hcrc
- ? (i.pending + 2 > i.pending_buf_size && m(t),
- i.pending + 2 <= i.pending_buf_size &&
- (g(i, 255 & t.adler),
- g(i, (t.adler >> 8) & 255),
- (t.adler = 0),
- (i.status = 113)))
- : (i.status = 113)),
- 0 !== i.pending)
- ) {
- if ((m(t), 0 === t.avail_out))
- return (i.last_flush = -1), 0;
- } else if (0 === t.avail_in && p(e) <= p(r) && 4 !== e)
- return l(t, -5);
- if (666 === i.status && 0 !== t.avail_in) return l(t, -5);
- if (
- 0 !== t.avail_in ||
- 0 !== i.lookahead ||
- (0 !== e && 666 !== i.status)
- ) {
- var a =
- 2 === i.strategy
- ? (function (t, e) {
- for (var r; ; ) {
- if (
- 0 === t.lookahead &&
- (_(t), 0 === t.lookahead)
- ) {
- if (0 === e) return 1;
- break;
- }
- if (
- ((t.match_length = 0),
- (r = h._tr_tally(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart])),
- t.lookahead--,
- t.strstart++,
- r && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
- )
- return 1;
- }
- return (
- (t.insert = 0),
- 4 === e
- ? (y(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
- : t.last_lit &&
- (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- ? 1
- : 2
- );
- })(i, e)
- : 3 === i.strategy
- ? (function (t, e) {
- for (var r, i, s, n, a = t.window; ; ) {
- if (t.lookahead <= 258) {
- if ((_(t), t.lookahead <= 258 && 0 === e))
- return 1;
- if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
- }
- if (
- ((t.match_length = 0),
- 3 <= t.lookahead &&
- 0 < t.strstart &&
- (i = a[(s = t.strstart - 1)]) === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s])
- ) {
- for (
- n = t.strstart + 258;
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- i === a[++s] &&
- s < n;
- );
- (t.match_length = 258 - (n - s)),
- t.match_length > t.lookahead &&
- (t.match_length = t.lookahead);
- }
- if (
- (3 <= t.match_length
- ? ((r = h._tr_tally(
- t,
- 1,
- t.match_length - 3
- )),
- (t.lookahead -= t.match_length),
- (t.strstart += t.match_length),
- (t.match_length = 0))
- : ((r = h._tr_tally(
- t,
- 0,
- t.window[t.strstart]
- )),
- t.lookahead--,
- t.strstart++),
- r && (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
- )
- return 1;
- }
- return (
- (t.insert = 0),
- 4 === e
- ? (y(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
- : t.last_lit &&
- (y(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
- ? 1
- : 2
- );
- })(i, e)
- : o[i.level].func(i, e);
- if (
- ((3 !== a && 4 !== a) || (i.status = 666),
- 1 === a || 3 === a)
- )
- return 0 === t.avail_out && (i.last_flush = -1), 0;
- if (
- 2 === a &&
- (1 === e
- ? h._tr_align(i)
- : 5 !== e &&
- (h._tr_stored_block(i, 0, 0, !1), 3 === e) &&
- (u(i.head), 0 === i.lookahead) &&
- ((i.strstart = 0),
- (i.block_start = 0),
- (i.insert = 0)),
- m(t),
- 0 === t.avail_out)
- )
- return (i.last_flush = -1), 0;
- }
- return 4 !== e ||
- (!(i.wrap <= 0) &&
- (2 === i.wrap
- ? (g(i, 255 & t.adler),
- g(i, (t.adler >> 8) & 255),
- g(i, (t.adler >> 16) & 255),
- g(i, (t.adler >> 24) & 255),
- g(i, 255 & t.total_in),
- g(i, (t.total_in >> 8) & 255),
- g(i, (t.total_in >> 16) & 255),
- g(i, (t.total_in >> 24) & 255))
- : (v(i, t.adler >>> 16), v(i, 65535 & t.adler)),
- m(t),
- 0 < i.wrap && (i.wrap = -i.wrap),
- 0 !== i.pending))
- ? 0
- : 1;
- }),
- (r.deflateEnd = function (t) {
- var e;
- return t && t.state
- ? 42 !== (e = t.state.status) &&
- 69 !== e &&
- 73 !== e &&
- 91 !== e &&
- 103 !== e &&
- 113 !== e &&
- 666 !== e
- ? l(t, -2)
- : ((t.state = null), 113 === e ? l(t, -3) : 0)
- : -2;
- }),
- (r.deflateSetDictionary = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l = e.length;
- if (!t || !t.state) return -2;
- if (
- 2 === (n = (r = t.state).wrap) ||
- (1 === n && 42 !== r.status) ||
- r.lookahead
- )
- return -2;
- for (
- 1 === n && (t.adler = f(t.adler, e, l, 0)),
- r.wrap = 0,
- l >= r.w_size &&
- (0 === n &&
- (u(r.head),
- (r.strstart = 0),
- (r.block_start = 0),
- (r.insert = 0)),
- (h = new c.Buf8(r.w_size)),
- c.arraySet(h, e, l - r.w_size, r.w_size, 0),
- (e = h),
- (l = r.w_size)),
- h = t.avail_in,
- a = t.next_in,
- o = t.input,
- t.avail_in = l,
- t.next_in = 0,
- t.input = e,
- _(r);
- 3 <= r.lookahead;
- ) {
- for (
- i = r.strstart, s = r.lookahead - 2;
- (r.ins_h =
- ((r.ins_h << r.hash_shift) ^ r.window[i + 3 - 1]) &
- r.hash_mask),
- (r.prev[i & r.w_mask] = r.head[r.ins_h]),
- (r.head[r.ins_h] = i),
- i++,
- --s;
- );
- (r.strstart = i), (r.lookahead = 2), _(r);
- }
- return (
- (r.strstart += r.lookahead),
- (r.block_start = r.strstart),
- (r.insert = r.lookahead),
- (r.lookahead = 0),
- (r.match_length = r.prev_length = 2),
- (r.match_available = 0),
- (t.next_in = a),
- (t.input = o),
- (t.avail_in = h),
- (r.wrap = n),
- 0
- );
- }),
- (r.deflateInfo = 'pako deflate (from Nodeca project)');
- },
- {
- '../utils/common': 41,
- './adler32': 43,
- './crc32': 45,
- './messages': 51,
- './trees': 52,
- },
- ],
- 47: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = function () {
- (this.text = 0),
- (this.time = 0),
- (this.xflags = 0),
- (this.os = 0),
- (this.extra = null),
- (this.extra_len = 0),
- (this.name = ''),
- (this.comment = ''),
- (this.hcrc = 0),
- (this.done = !1);
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 48: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h = t.state,
- l = t.next_in,
- p = t.input,
- c = l + (t.avail_in - 5),
- f = t.next_out,
- d = t.output,
- u = f - (e - t.avail_out),
- m = f + (t.avail_out - 257),
- y = h.dmax,
- g = h.wsize,
- v = h.whave,
- _ = h.wnext,
- b = h.window,
- S = h.hold,
- P = h.bits,
- x = h.lencode,
- k = h.distcode,
- E = (1 << h.lenbits) - 1,
- w = (1 << h.distbits) - 1;
- t: do {
- for (
- P < 15 &&
- ((S += p[l++] << P),
- (P += 8),
- (S += p[l++] << P),
- (P += 8)),
- r = x[S & E];
- ;
- ) {
- if (
- ((S >>>= i = r >>> 24),
- (P -= i),
- 0 == (i = (r >>> 16) & 255))
- )
- d[f++] = 65535 & r;
- else {
- if (!(16 & i)) {
- if (0 == (64 & i)) {
- r = x[(65535 & r) + (S & ((1 << i) - 1))];
- continue;
- }
- if (32 & i) {
- h.mode = 12;
- break t;
- }
- (t.msg = 'invalid literal/length code'), (h.mode = 30);
- break t;
- }
- for (
- s = 65535 & r,
- (i &= 15) &&
- (P < i && ((S += p[l++] << P), (P += 8)),
- (s += S & ((1 << i) - 1)),
- (S >>>= i),
- (P -= i)),
- P < 15 &&
- ((S += p[l++] << P),
- (P += 8),
- (S += p[l++] << P),
- (P += 8)),
- r = k[S & w];
- ;
- ) {
- if (
- ((S >>>= i = r >>> 24),
- (P -= i),
- !(16 & (i = (r >>> 16) & 255)))
- ) {
- if (0 == (64 & i)) {
- r = k[(65535 & r) + (S & ((1 << i) - 1))];
- continue;
- }
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance code'), (h.mode = 30);
- break t;
- }
- if (
- ((n = 65535 & r),
- P < (i &= 15) &&
- ((S += p[l++] << P), (P += 8) < i) &&
- ((S += p[l++] << P), (P += 8)),
- (n += S & ((1 << i) - 1)) > y)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'),
- (h.mode = 30);
- break t;
- }
- if (((S >>>= i), (P -= i), n > (i = f - u))) {
- if ((i = n - i) > v && h.sane) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'),
- (h.mode = 30);
- break t;
- }
- if (((o = b), (a = 0) === _)) {
- if (((a += g - i), i < s)) {
- for (s -= i; (d[f++] = b[a++]), --i; );
- (a = f - n), (o = d);
- }
- } else if (_ < i) {
- if (((a += g + _ - i), (i -= _) < s)) {
- for (s -= i; (d[f++] = b[a++]), --i; );
- if (((a = 0), _ < s)) {
- for (s -= i = _; (d[f++] = b[a++]), --i; );
- (a = f - n), (o = d);
- }
- }
- } else if (((a += _ - i), i < s)) {
- for (s -= i; (d[f++] = b[a++]), --i; );
- (a = f - n), (o = d);
- }
- for (; 2 < s; )
- (d[f++] = o[a++]),
- (d[f++] = o[a++]),
- (d[f++] = o[a++]),
- (s -= 3);
- s && ((d[f++] = o[a++]), 1 < s) && (d[f++] = o[a++]);
- } else {
- for (
- a = f - n;
- (d[f++] = d[a++]),
- (d[f++] = d[a++]),
- (d[f++] = d[a++]),
- 2 < (s -= 3);
- );
- s && ((d[f++] = d[a++]), 1 < s) && (d[f++] = d[a++]);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- } while (l < c && f < m);
- (l -= s = P >> 3),
- (S &= (1 << (P -= s << 3)) - 1),
- (t.next_in = l),
- (t.next_out = f),
- (t.avail_in = l < c ? c - l + 5 : 5 - (l - c)),
- (t.avail_out = f < m ? m - f + 257 : 257 - (f - m)),
- (h.hold = S),
- (h.bits = P);
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 49: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var F = t('../utils/common'),
- M = t('./adler32'),
- D = t('./crc32'),
- R = t('./inffast'),
- z = t('./inftrees');
- function L(t) {
- return (
- ((t >>> 24) & 255) +
- ((t >>> 8) & 65280) +
- ((65280 & t) << 8) +
- ((255 & t) << 24)
- );
- }
- function i() {
- (this.mode = 0),
- (this.last = !1),
- (this.wrap = 0),
- (this.havedict = !1),
- (this.flags = 0),
- (this.dmax = 0),
- (this.check = 0),
- (this.total = 0),
- (this.head = null),
- (this.wbits = 0),
- (this.wsize = 0),
- (this.whave = 0),
- (this.wnext = 0),
- (this.window = null),
- (this.hold = 0),
- (this.bits = 0),
- (this.length = 0),
- (this.offset = 0),
- (this.extra = 0),
- (this.lencode = null),
- (this.distcode = null),
- (this.lenbits = 0),
- (this.distbits = 0),
- (this.ncode = 0),
- (this.nlen = 0),
- (this.ndist = 0),
- (this.have = 0),
- (this.next = null),
- (this.lens = new F.Buf16(320)),
- (this.work = new F.Buf16(288)),
- (this.lendyn = null),
- (this.distdyn = null),
- (this.sane = 0),
- (this.back = 0),
- (this.was = 0);
- }
- function s(t) {
- var e;
- return t && t.state
- ? ((e = t.state),
- (t.total_in = t.total_out = e.total = 0),
- (t.msg = ''),
- e.wrap && (t.adler = 1 & e.wrap),
- (e.mode = 1),
- (e.last = 0),
- (e.havedict = 0),
- (e.dmax = 32768),
- (e.head = null),
- (e.hold = 0),
- (e.bits = 0),
- (e.lencode = e.lendyn = new F.Buf32(852)),
- (e.distcode = e.distdyn = new F.Buf32(592)),
- (e.sane = 1),
- (e.back = -1),
- 0)
- : -2;
- }
- function n(t) {
- var e;
- return t && t.state
- ? (((e = t.state).wsize = 0),
- (e.whave = 0),
- (e.wnext = 0),
- s(t))
- : -2;
- }
- function a(t, e) {
- var r, i;
- return !t ||
- !t.state ||
- ((i = t.state),
- e < 0
- ? ((r = 0), (e = -e))
- : ((r = 1 + (e >> 4)), e < 48 && (e &= 15)),
- e && (e < 8 || 15 < e))
- ? -2
- : (null !== i.window && i.wbits !== e && (i.window = null),
- (i.wrap = r),
- (i.wbits = e),
- n(t));
- }
- function o(t, e) {
- var r;
- return t
- ? ((r = new i()),
- ((t.state = r).window = null),
- 0 !== (r = a(t, e)) && (t.state = null),
- r)
- : -2;
- }
- var O,
- N,
- B = !0;
- function V(t, e, r, i) {
- var s,
- t = t.state;
- return (
- null === t.window &&
- ((t.wsize = 1 << t.wbits),
- (t.wnext = 0),
- (t.whave = 0),
- (t.window = new F.Buf8(t.wsize))),
- i >= t.wsize
- ? (F.arraySet(t.window, e, r - t.wsize, t.wsize, 0),
- (t.wnext = 0),
- (t.whave = t.wsize))
- : ((s = t.wsize - t.wnext) > i && (s = i),
- F.arraySet(t.window, e, r - i, s, t.wnext),
- (i -= s)
- ? (F.arraySet(t.window, e, r - i, i, 0),
- (t.wnext = i),
- (t.whave = t.wsize))
- : ((t.wnext += s),
- t.wnext === t.wsize && (t.wnext = 0),
- t.whave < t.wsize && (t.whave += s))),
- 0
- );
- }
- (r.inflateReset = n),
- (r.inflateReset2 = a),
- (r.inflateResetKeep = s),
- (r.inflateInit = function (t) {
- return o(t, 15);
- }),
- (r.inflateInit2 = o),
- (r.inflate = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o,
- h,
- l,
- p,
- c,
- f,
- d,
- u,
- m,
- y,
- g,
- v,
- _,
- b,
- S,
- P,
- x,
- k,
- E,
- w = 0,
- A = new F.Buf8(4),
- T = [
- 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14,
- 1, 15,
- ];
- if (
- !t ||
- !t.state ||
- !t.output ||
- (!t.input && 0 !== t.avail_in)
- )
- return -2;
- 12 === (r = t.state).mode && (r.mode = 13),
- (a = t.next_out),
- (s = t.output),
- (h = t.avail_out),
- (n = t.next_in),
- (i = t.input),
- (o = t.avail_in),
- (l = r.hold),
- (p = r.bits),
- (c = o),
- (f = h),
- (x = 0);
- t: for (;;)
- switch (r.mode) {
- case 1:
- if (0 === r.wrap) r.mode = 13;
- else {
- for (; p < 16; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (2 & r.wrap && 35615 === l)
- (A[(r.check = 0)] = 255 & l),
- (A[1] = (l >>> 8) & 255),
- (r.check = D(r.check, A, 2, 0)),
- (p = l = 0),
- (r.mode = 2);
- else if (
- ((r.flags = 0),
- r.head && (r.head.done = !1),
- !(1 & r.wrap) || (((255 & l) << 8) + (l >> 8)) % 31)
- )
- (t.msg = 'incorrect header check'), (r.mode = 30);
- else if (8 != (15 & l))
- (t.msg = 'unknown compression method'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- else {
- if (
- ((p -= 4),
- (P = 8 + (15 & (l >>>= 4))),
- 0 === r.wbits)
- )
- r.wbits = P;
- else if (P > r.wbits) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid window size'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (r.dmax = 1 << P),
- (t.adler = r.check = 1),
- (r.mode = 512 & l ? 10 : 12),
- (p = l = 0);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- for (; p < 16; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (((r.flags = l), 8 != (255 & r.flags))) {
- (t.msg = 'unknown compression method'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- if (57344 & r.flags) {
- (t.msg = 'unknown header flags set'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- r.head && (r.head.text = (l >> 8) & 1),
- 512 & r.flags &&
- ((A[0] = 255 & l),
- (A[1] = (l >>> 8) & 255),
- (r.check = D(r.check, A, 2, 0))),
- (p = l = 0),
- (r.mode = 3);
- case 3:
- for (; p < 32; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- r.head && (r.head.time = l),
- 512 & r.flags &&
- ((A[0] = 255 & l),
- (A[1] = (l >>> 8) & 255),
- (A[2] = (l >>> 16) & 255),
- (A[3] = (l >>> 24) & 255),
- (r.check = D(r.check, A, 4, 0))),
- (p = l = 0),
- (r.mode = 4);
- case 4:
- for (; p < 16; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- r.head &&
- ((r.head.xflags = 255 & l), (r.head.os = l >> 8)),
- 512 & r.flags &&
- ((A[0] = 255 & l),
- (A[1] = (l >>> 8) & 255),
- (r.check = D(r.check, A, 2, 0))),
- (p = l = 0),
- (r.mode = 5);
- case 5:
- if (1024 & r.flags) {
- for (; p < 16; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (r.length = l),
- r.head && (r.head.extra_len = l),
- 512 & r.flags &&
- ((A[0] = 255 & l),
- (A[1] = (l >>> 8) & 255),
- (r.check = D(r.check, A, 2, 0))),
- (p = l = 0);
- } else r.head && (r.head.extra = null);
- r.mode = 6;
- case 6:
- if (
- 1024 & r.flags &&
- ((d = (d = r.length) > o ? o : d) &&
- (r.head &&
- ((P = r.head.extra_len - r.length),
- r.head.extra ||
- (r.head.extra = new Array(r.head.extra_len)),
- F.arraySet(r.head.extra, i, n, d, P)),
- 512 & r.flags && (r.check = D(r.check, i, d, n)),
- (o -= d),
- (n += d),
- (r.length -= d)),
- r.length)
- )
- break t;
- (r.length = 0), (r.mode = 7);
- case 7:
- if (2048 & r.flags) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- for (
- d = 0;
- (P = i[n + d++]),
- r.head &&
- P &&
- r.length < 65536 &&
- (r.head.name += String.fromCharCode(P)),
- P && d < o;
- );
- if (
- (512 & r.flags && (r.check = D(r.check, i, d, n)),
- (o -= d),
- (n += d),
- P)
- )
- break t;
- } else r.head && (r.head.name = null);
- (r.length = 0), (r.mode = 8);
- case 8:
- if (4096 & r.flags) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- for (
- d = 0;
- (P = i[n + d++]),
- r.head &&
- P &&
- r.length < 65536 &&
- (r.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(P)),
- P && d < o;
- );
- if (
- (512 & r.flags && (r.check = D(r.check, i, d, n)),
- (o -= d),
- (n += d),
- P)
- )
- break t;
- } else r.head && (r.head.comment = null);
- r.mode = 9;
- case 9:
- if (512 & r.flags) {
- for (; p < 16; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (l !== (65535 & r.check)) {
- (t.msg = 'header crc mismatch'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- p = l = 0;
- }
- r.head &&
- ((r.head.hcrc = (r.flags >> 9) & 1),
- (r.head.done = !0)),
- (t.adler = r.check = 0),
- (r.mode = 12);
- break;
- case 10:
- for (; p < 32; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (t.adler = r.check = L(l)), (p = l = 0), (r.mode = 11);
- case 11:
- if (0 === r.havedict)
- return (
- (t.next_out = a),
- (t.avail_out = h),
- (t.next_in = n),
- (t.avail_in = o),
- (r.hold = l),
- (r.bits = p),
- 2
- );
- (t.adler = r.check = 1), (r.mode = 12);
- case 12:
- if (5 === e || 6 === e) break t;
- case 13:
- if (r.last) (l >>>= 7 & p), (p -= 7 & p), (r.mode = 27);
- else {
- for (; p < 3; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- switch (((r.last = 1 & l), --p, 3 & (l >>>= 1))) {
- case 0:
- r.mode = 14;
- break;
- case 1:
- C = I = void 0;
- var C,
- I = r;
- if (B) {
- for (
- O = new F.Buf32(512),
- N = new F.Buf32(32),
- C = 0;
- C < 144;
- )
- I.lens[C++] = 8;
- for (; C < 256; ) I.lens[C++] = 9;
- for (; C < 280; ) I.lens[C++] = 7;
- for (; C < 288; ) I.lens[C++] = 8;
- for (
- z(1, I.lens, 0, 288, O, 0, I.work, {
- bits: 9,
- }),
- C = 0;
- C < 32;
- )
- I.lens[C++] = 5;
- z(2, I.lens, 0, 32, N, 0, I.work, { bits: 5 }),
- (B = !1);
- }
- if (
- ((I.lencode = O),
- (I.lenbits = 9),
- (I.distcode = N),
- (I.distbits = 5),
- (r.mode = 20),
- 6 !== e)
- )
- break;
- (l >>>= 2), (p -= 2);
- break t;
- case 2:
- r.mode = 17;
- break;
- case 3:
- (t.msg = 'invalid block type'), (r.mode = 30);
- }
- (l >>>= 2), (p -= 2);
- }
- break;
- case 14:
- for (l >>>= 7 & p, p -= 7 & p; p < 32; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if ((65535 & l) != ((l >>> 16) ^ 65535)) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid stored block lengths'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- if (
- ((r.length = 65535 & l),
- (p = l = 0),
- (r.mode = 15),
- 6 === e)
- )
- break t;
- case 15:
- r.mode = 16;
- case 16:
- if ((d = r.length)) {
- if (0 === (d = h < (d = o < d ? o : d) ? h : d))
- break t;
- F.arraySet(s, i, n, d, a),
- (o -= d),
- (n += d),
- (h -= d),
- (a += d),
- (r.length -= d);
- } else r.mode = 12;
- break;
- case 17:
- for (; p < 14; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (
- ((r.nlen = 257 + (31 & l)),
- (l >>>= 5),
- (p -= 5),
- (r.ndist = 1 + (31 & l)),
- (l >>>= 5),
- (p -= 5),
- (r.ncode = 4 + (15 & l)),
- (l >>>= 4),
- (p -= 4),
- 286 < r.nlen || 30 < r.ndist)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'too many length or distance symbols'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (r.have = 0), (r.mode = 18);
- case 18:
- for (; r.have < r.ncode; ) {
- for (; p < 3; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (r.lens[T[r.have++]] = 7 & l), (l >>>= 3), (p -= 3);
- }
- for (; r.have < 19; ) r.lens[T[r.have++]] = 0;
- if (
- ((r.lencode = r.lendyn),
- (r.lenbits = 7),
- (k = { bits: r.lenbits }),
- (x = z(0, r.lens, 0, 19, r.lencode, 0, r.work, k)),
- (r.lenbits = k.bits),
- x)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid code lengths set'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (r.have = 0), (r.mode = 19);
- case 19:
- for (; r.have < r.nlen + r.ndist; ) {
- for (
- ;
- (g =
- ((w = r.lencode[l & ((1 << r.lenbits) - 1)]) >>>
- 16) &
- 255),
- (v = 65535 & w),
- !((y = w >>> 24) <= p);
- ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (v < 16)
- (l >>>= y), (p -= y), (r.lens[r.have++] = v);
- else {
- if (16 === v) {
- for (E = y + 2; p < E; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (((l >>>= y), (p -= y), 0 === r.have)) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (P = r.lens[r.have - 1]),
- (d = 3 + (3 & l)),
- (l >>>= 2),
- (p -= 2);
- } else if (17 === v) {
- for (E = y + 3; p < E; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (P = 0),
- (d = 3 + (7 & (l >>>= y))),
- (l >>>= 3),
- (p = p - y - 3);
- } else {
- for (E = y + 7; p < E; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (P = 0),
- (d = 11 + (127 & (l >>>= y))),
- (l >>>= 7),
- (p = p - y - 7);
- }
- if (r.have + d > r.nlen + r.ndist) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- for (; d--; ) r.lens[r.have++] = P;
- }
- }
- if (30 === r.mode) break;
- if (0 === r.lens[256]) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid code -- missing end-of-block'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- if (
- ((r.lenbits = 9),
- (k = { bits: r.lenbits }),
- (x = z(
- 1,
- r.lens,
- 0,
- r.nlen,
- r.lencode,
- 0,
- r.work,
- k
- )),
- (r.lenbits = k.bits),
- x)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid literal/lengths set'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- if (
- ((r.distbits = 6),
- (r.distcode = r.distdyn),
- (k = { bits: r.distbits }),
- (x = z(
- 2,
- r.lens,
- r.nlen,
- r.ndist,
- r.distcode,
- 0,
- r.work,
- k
- )),
- (r.distbits = k.bits),
- x)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distances set'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- if (((r.mode = 20), 6 === e)) break t;
- case 20:
- r.mode = 21;
- case 21:
- if (6 <= o && 258 <= h) {
- (t.next_out = a),
- (t.avail_out = h),
- (t.next_in = n),
- (t.avail_in = o),
- (r.hold = l),
- (r.bits = p),
- R(t, f),
- (a = t.next_out),
- (s = t.output),
- (h = t.avail_out),
- (n = t.next_in),
- (i = t.input),
- (o = t.avail_in),
- (l = r.hold),
- (p = r.bits),
- 12 === r.mode && (r.back = -1);
- break;
- }
- for (
- r.back = 0;
- (g =
- ((w = r.lencode[l & ((1 << r.lenbits) - 1)]) >>>
- 16) &
- 255),
- (v = 65535 & w),
- !((y = w >>> 24) <= p);
- ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (g && 0 == (240 & g)) {
- for (
- _ = y, b = g, S = v;
- (g =
- ((w =
- r.lencode[
- S + ((l & ((1 << (_ + b)) - 1)) >> _)
- ]) >>>
- 16) &
- 255),
- (v = 65535 & w),
- !(_ + (y = w >>> 24) <= p);
- ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (l >>>= _), (p -= _), (r.back += _);
- }
- if (
- ((l >>>= y),
- (p -= y),
- (r.back += y),
- (r.length = v),
- 0 === g)
- ) {
- r.mode = 26;
- break;
- }
- if (32 & g) {
- (r.back = -1), (r.mode = 12);
- break;
- }
- if (64 & g) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid literal/length code'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (r.extra = 15 & g), (r.mode = 22);
- case 22:
- if (r.extra) {
- for (E = r.extra; p < E; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (r.length += l & ((1 << r.extra) - 1)),
- (l >>>= r.extra),
- (p -= r.extra),
- (r.back += r.extra);
- }
- (r.was = r.length), (r.mode = 23);
- case 23:
- for (
- ;
- (g =
- ((w = r.distcode[l & ((1 << r.distbits) - 1)]) >>>
- 16) &
- 255),
- (v = 65535 & w),
- !((y = w >>> 24) <= p);
- ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (0 == (240 & g)) {
- for (
- _ = y, b = g, S = v;
- (g =
- ((w =
- r.distcode[
- S + ((l & ((1 << (_ + b)) - 1)) >> _)
- ]) >>>
- 16) &
- 255),
- (v = 65535 & w),
- !(_ + (y = w >>> 24) <= p);
- ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (l >>>= _), (p -= _), (r.back += _);
- }
- if (((l >>>= y), (p -= y), (r.back += y), 64 & g)) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance code'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (r.offset = v), (r.extra = 15 & g), (r.mode = 24);
- case 24:
- if (r.extra) {
- for (E = r.extra; p < E; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- (r.offset += l & ((1 << r.extra) - 1)),
- (l >>>= r.extra),
- (p -= r.extra),
- (r.back += r.extra);
- }
- if (r.offset > r.dmax) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- r.mode = 25;
- case 25:
- if (0 === h) break t;
- if (r.offset > (d = f - h)) {
- if ((d = r.offset - d) > r.whave && r.sane) {
- (t.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'),
- (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- (u =
- d > r.wnext
- ? ((d -= r.wnext), r.wsize - d)
- : r.wnext - d),
- d > r.length && (d = r.length),
- (m = r.window);
- } else (m = s), (u = a - r.offset), (d = r.length);
- for (
- h -= d = h < d ? h : d, r.length -= d;
- (s[a++] = m[u++]), --d;
- );
- 0 === r.length && (r.mode = 21);
- break;
- case 26:
- if (0 === h) break t;
- (s[a++] = r.length), h--, (r.mode = 21);
- break;
- case 27:
- if (r.wrap) {
- for (; p < 32; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l |= i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (
- ((f -= h),
- (t.total_out += f),
- (r.total += f),
- f &&
- (t.adler = r.check =
- (r.flags ? D : M)(r.check, s, f, a - f)),
- (f = h),
- (r.flags ? l : L(l)) !== r.check)
- ) {
- (t.msg = 'incorrect data check'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- p = l = 0;
- }
- r.mode = 28;
- case 28:
- if (r.wrap && r.flags) {
- for (; p < 32; ) {
- if (0 === o) break t;
- o--, (l += i[n++] << p), (p += 8);
- }
- if (l !== (4294967295 & r.total)) {
- (t.msg = 'incorrect length check'), (r.mode = 30);
- break;
- }
- p = l = 0;
- }
- r.mode = 29;
- case 29:
- x = 1;
- break t;
- case 30:
- x = -3;
- break t;
- case 31:
- return -4;
- default:
- return -2;
- }
- return (
- (t.next_out = a),
- (t.avail_out = h),
- (t.next_in = n),
- (t.avail_in = o),
- (r.hold = l),
- (r.bits = p),
- (r.wsize ||
- (f !== t.avail_out &&
- r.mode < 30 &&
- (r.mode < 27 || 4 !== e))) &&
- V(t, t.output, t.next_out, f - t.avail_out),
- (c -= t.avail_in),
- (f -= t.avail_out),
- (t.total_in += c),
- (t.total_out += f),
- (r.total += f),
- r.wrap &&
- f &&
- (t.adler = r.check =
- (r.flags ? D : M)(r.check, s, f, t.next_out - f)),
- (t.data_type =
- r.bits +
- (r.last ? 64 : 0) +
- (12 === r.mode ? 128 : 0) +
- (20 === r.mode || 15 === r.mode ? 256 : 0)),
- (x = ((0 == c && 0 === f) || 4 === e) && 0 === x ? -5 : x)
- );
- }),
- (r.inflateEnd = function (t) {
- var e;
- return t && t.state
- ? ((e = t.state).window && (e.window = null),
- (t.state = null),
- 0)
- : -2;
- }),
- (r.inflateGetHeader = function (t, e) {
- return !t || !t.state || 0 == (2 & (t = t.state).wrap)
- ? -2
- : (((t.head = e).done = !1), 0);
- }),
- (r.inflateSetDictionary = function (t, e) {
- var r,
- i = e.length;
- return !t ||
- !t.state ||
- (0 !== (r = t.state).wrap && 11 !== r.mode)
- ? -2
- : 11 === r.mode && M(1, e, i, 0) !== r.check
- ? -3
- : V(t, e, i, i)
- ? ((r.mode = 31), -4)
- : ((r.havedict = 1), 0);
- }),
- (r.inflateInfo = 'pako inflate (from Nodeca project)');
- },
- {
- '../utils/common': 41,
- './adler32': 43,
- './crc32': 45,
- './inffast': 48,
- './inftrees': 50,
- },
- ],
- 50: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- var R = t('../utils/common'),
- z = [
- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35,
- 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0,
- ],
- L = [
- 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72,
- 78,
- ],
- O = [
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
- 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193,
- 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0,
- ],
- N = [
- 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22,
- 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29,
- 64, 64,
- ];
- e.exports = function (t, e, r, i, s, n, a, o) {
- for (
- var h,
- l,
- p,
- c,
- f,
- d,
- u,
- m,
- y,
- g = o.bits,
- v = 0,
- _ = 0,
- b = 0,
- S = 0,
- P = 0,
- x = 0,
- k = 0,
- E = 0,
- w = 0,
- A = 0,
- T = null,
- C = 0,
- I = new R.Buf16(16),
- F = new R.Buf16(16),
- M = null,
- D = 0,
- v = 0;
- v <= 15;
- v++
- )
- I[v] = 0;
- for (_ = 0; _ < i; _++) I[e[r + _]]++;
- for (P = g, S = 15; 1 <= S && 0 === I[S]; S--);
- if ((S < P && (P = S), 0 === S))
- (s[n++] = 20971520), (s[n++] = 20971520), (o.bits = 1);
- else {
- for (b = 1; b < S && 0 === I[b]; b++);
- for (P < b && (P = b), v = E = 1; v <= 15; v++)
- if ((E = (E << 1) - I[v]) < 0) return -1;
- if (0 < E && (0 === t || 1 !== S)) return -1;
- for (F[1] = 0, v = 1; v < 15; v++) F[v + 1] = F[v] + I[v];
- for (_ = 0; _ < i; _++)
- 0 !== e[r + _] && (a[F[e[r + _]]++] = _);
- if (
- ((d =
- 0 === t
- ? ((T = M = a), 19)
- : 1 === t
- ? ((T = z), (C -= 257), (M = L), (D -= 257), 256)
- : ((T = O), (M = N), -1)),
- (v = b),
- (f = n),
- (k = _ = A = 0),
- (p = -1),
- (c = (w = 1 << (x = P)) - 1),
- (1 === t && 852 < w) || (2 === t && 592 < w))
- )
- return 1;
- for (;;) {
- for (
- y =
- a[_] < d
- ? ((m = 0), a[_])
- : a[_] > d
- ? ((m = M[D + a[_]]), T[C + a[_]])
- : ((m = 96), 0),
- h = 1 << (u = v - k),
- b = l = 1 << x;
- (s[f + (A >> k) + (l -= h)] =
- (u << 24) | (m << 16) | y | 0),
- 0 !== l;
- );
- for (h = 1 << (v - 1); A & h; ) h >>= 1;
- if (
- (0 !== h ? (A = (A & (h - 1)) + h) : (A = 0),
- _++,
- 0 == --I[v])
- ) {
- if (v === S) break;
- v = e[r + a[_]];
- }
- if (P < v && (A & c) !== p) {
- for (
- f += b, E = 1 << (x = v - (k = 0 === k ? P : k));
- x + k < S && !((E -= I[x + k]) <= 0);
- )
- x++, (E <<= 1);
- if (
- ((w += 1 << x),
- (1 === t && 852 < w) || (2 === t && 592 < w))
- )
- return 1;
- s[(p = A & c)] = (P << 24) | (x << 16) | (f - n) | 0;
- }
- }
- 0 !== A && (s[f + A] = ((v - k) << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0),
- (o.bits = P);
- }
- return 0;
- };
- },
- { '../utils/common': 41 },
- ],
- 51: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = {
- 2: 'need dictionary',
- 1: 'stream end',
- 0: '',
- '-1': 'file error',
- '-2': 'stream error',
- '-3': 'data error',
- '-4': 'insufficient memory',
- '-5': 'buffer error',
- '-6': 'incompatible version',
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 52: [
- function (t, i, e) {
- var s = t('../utils/common');
- function r(t) {
- for (var e = t.length; 0 <= --e; ) t[e] = 0;
- }
- var h = [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,
- 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
- ],
- l = [
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9,
- 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
- ],
- o = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7],
- p = [
- 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1,
- 15,
- ],
- c = new Array(576),
- f = (r(c), new Array(60)),
- d = (r(f), new Array(512)),
- u = (r(d), new Array(256)),
- m = (r(u), new Array(29));
- r(m);
- var y,
- g,
- v,
- _ = new Array(30);
- function b(t, e, r, i, s) {
- (this.static_tree = t),
- (this.extra_bits = e),
- (this.extra_base = r),
- (this.elems = i),
- (this.max_length = s),
- (this.has_stree = t && t.length);
- }
- function S(t, e) {
- (this.dyn_tree = t), (this.max_code = 0), (this.stat_desc = e);
- }
- function P(t) {
- return t < 256 ? d[t] : d[256 + (t >>> 7)];
- }
- function n(t, e) {
- (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & e),
- (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = (e >>> 8) & 255);
- }
- function x(t, e, r) {
- t.bi_valid > 16 - r
- ? ((t.bi_buf |= (e << t.bi_valid) & 65535),
- n(t, t.bi_buf),
- (t.bi_buf = e >> (16 - t.bi_valid)),
- (t.bi_valid += r - 16))
- : ((t.bi_buf |= (e << t.bi_valid) & 65535),
- (t.bi_valid += r));
- }
- function k(t, e, r) {
- x(t, r[2 * e], r[2 * e + 1]);
- }
- function E(t, e) {
- for (var r = 0; (r |= 1 & t), (t >>>= 1), (r <<= 1), 0 < --e; );
- return r >>> 1;
- }
- function w(t, e, r) {
- for (var i, s = new Array(16), n = 0, a = 1; a <= 15; a++)
- s[a] = n = (n + r[a - 1]) << 1;
- for (i = 0; i <= e; i++) {
- var o = t[2 * i + 1];
- 0 !== o && (t[2 * i] = E(s[o]++, o));
- }
- }
- function A(t) {
- for (var e = 0; e < 286; e++) t.dyn_ltree[2 * e] = 0;
- for (e = 0; e < 30; e++) t.dyn_dtree[2 * e] = 0;
- for (e = 0; e < 19; e++) t.bl_tree[2 * e] = 0;
- (t.dyn_ltree[512] = 1),
- (t.opt_len = t.static_len = 0),
- (t.last_lit = t.matches = 0);
- }
- function T(t) {
- 8 < t.bi_valid
- ? n(t, t.bi_buf)
- : 0 < t.bi_valid && (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = t.bi_buf),
- (t.bi_buf = 0),
- (t.bi_valid = 0);
- }
- function a(t, e, r, i) {
- var s = 2 * e,
- n = 2 * r;
- return t[s] < t[n] || (t[s] === t[n] && i[e] <= i[r]);
- }
- function C(t, e, r) {
- for (
- var i = t.heap[r], s = r << 1;
- s <= t.heap_len &&
- (s < t.heap_len &&
- a(e, t.heap[s + 1], t.heap[s], t.depth) &&
- s++,
- !a(e, i, t.heap[s], t.depth));
- )
- (t.heap[r] = t.heap[s]), (r = s), (s <<= 1);
- t.heap[r] = i;
- }
- function I(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n,
- a,
- o = 0;
- if (0 !== t.last_lit)
- for (
- ;
- (i =
- (t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * o] << 8) |
- t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * o + 1]),
- (s = t.pending_buf[t.l_buf + o]),
- o++,
- 0 == i
- ? k(t, s, e)
- : (k(t, (n = u[s]) + 256 + 1, e),
- 0 !== (a = h[n]) && x(t, (s -= m[n]), a),
- k(t, (n = P(--i)), r),
- 0 !== (a = l[n]) && x(t, (i -= _[n]), a)),
- o < t.last_lit;
- );
- k(t, 256, e);
- }
- function F(t, e) {
- var r,
- i,
- s,
- n = e.dyn_tree,
- a = e.stat_desc.static_tree,
- o = e.stat_desc.has_stree,
- h = e.stat_desc.elems,
- l = -1;
- for (t.heap_len = 0, t.heap_max = 573, r = 0; r < h; r++)
- 0 !== n[2 * r]
- ? ((t.heap[++t.heap_len] = l = r), (t.depth[r] = 0))
- : (n[2 * r + 1] = 0);
- for (; t.heap_len < 2; )
- (n[2 * (s = t.heap[++t.heap_len] = l < 2 ? ++l : 0)] = 1),
- (t.depth[s] = 0),
- t.opt_len--,
- o && (t.static_len -= a[2 * s + 1]);
- for (e.max_code = l, r = t.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= r; r--)
- C(t, n, r);
- for (
- s = h;
- (r = t.heap[1]),
- (t.heap[1] = t.heap[t.heap_len--]),
- C(t, n, 1),
- (i = t.heap[1]),
- (t.heap[--t.heap_max] = r),
- (t.heap[--t.heap_max] = i),
- (n[2 * s] = n[2 * r] + n[2 * i]),
- (t.depth[s] =
- (t.depth[r] >= t.depth[i] ? t.depth[r] : t.depth[i]) + 1),
- (n[2 * r + 1] = n[2 * i + 1] = s),
- (t.heap[1] = s++),
- C(t, n, 1),
- 2 <= t.heap_len;
- );
- t.heap[--t.heap_max] = t.heap[1];
- for (
- var p,
- c,
- f,
- d,
- u,
- m = t,
- y = e.dyn_tree,
- g = e.max_code,
- v = e.stat_desc.static_tree,
- _ = e.stat_desc.has_stree,
- b = e.stat_desc.extra_bits,
- S = e.stat_desc.extra_base,
- P = e.stat_desc.max_length,
- x = 0,
- k = 0;
- k <= 15;
- k++
- )
- m.bl_count[k] = 0;
- for (
- y[2 * m.heap[m.heap_max] + 1] = 0, p = m.heap_max + 1;
- p < 573;
- p++
- )
- (k = y[2 * y[2 * (c = m.heap[p]) + 1] + 1] + 1) > P &&
- ((k = P), x++),
- (y[2 * c + 1] = k),
- g < c ||
- (m.bl_count[k]++,
- (d = 0),
- S <= c && (d = b[c - S]),
- (u = y[2 * c]),
- (m.opt_len += u * (k + d)),
- _ && (m.static_len += u * (v[2 * c + 1] + d)));
- if (0 !== x) {
- do {
- for (k = P - 1; 0 === m.bl_count[k]; ) k--;
- } while (
- (m.bl_count[k]--,
- (m.bl_count[k + 1] += 2),
- m.bl_count[P]--,
- 0 < (x -= 2))
- );
- for (k = P; 0 !== k; k--)
- for (c = m.bl_count[k]; 0 !== c; )
- (f = m.heap[--p]) > g ||
- (y[2 * f + 1] !== k &&
- ((m.opt_len += (k - y[2 * f + 1]) * y[2 * f]),
- (y[2 * f + 1] = k)),
- c--);
- }
- w(n, l, t.bl_count);
- }
- function M(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n = -1,
- a = e[1],
- o = 0,
- h = 7,
- l = 4;
- for (
- 0 === a && ((h = 138), (l = 3)),
- e[2 * (r + 1) + 1] = 65535,
- i = 0;
- i <= r;
- i++
- )
- (s = a),
- (a = e[2 * (i + 1) + 1]),
- (++o < h && s === a) ||
- (o < l
- ? (t.bl_tree[2 * s] += o)
- : 0 !== s
- ? (s !== n && t.bl_tree[2 * s]++, t.bl_tree[32]++)
- : o <= 10
- ? t.bl_tree[34]++
- : t.bl_tree[36]++,
- (n = s),
- (l =
- (o = 0) === a
- ? ((h = 138), 3)
- : s === a
- ? ((h = 6), 3)
- : ((h = 7), 4)));
- }
- function D(t, e, r) {
- var i,
- s,
- n = -1,
- a = e[1],
- o = 0,
- h = 7,
- l = 4;
- for (0 === a && ((h = 138), (l = 3)), i = 0; i <= r; i++)
- if (
- ((s = a), (a = e[2 * (i + 1) + 1]), !(++o < h && s === a))
- ) {
- if (o < l) for (; k(t, s, t.bl_tree), 0 != --o; );
- else
- 0 !== s
- ? (s !== n && (k(t, s, t.bl_tree), o--),
- k(t, 16, t.bl_tree),
- x(t, o - 3, 2))
- : o <= 10
- ? (k(t, 17, t.bl_tree), x(t, o - 3, 3))
- : (k(t, 18, t.bl_tree), x(t, o - 11, 7));
- (n = s),
- (l =
- (o = 0) === a
- ? ((h = 138), 3)
- : s === a
- ? ((h = 6), 3)
- : ((h = 7), 4));
- }
- }
- r(_);
- var R = !1;
- function z(t, e, r, i) {
- x(t, 0 + (i ? 1 : 0), 3),
- (i = e),
- (e = r),
- T((r = t)),
- n(r, e),
- n(r, ~e),
- s.arraySet(r.pending_buf, r.window, i, e, r.pending),
- (r.pending += e);
- }
- (e._tr_init = function (t) {
- if (!R) {
- for (
- var e, r, i, s = new Array(16), n = 0, a = 0;
- a < 28;
- a++
- )
- for (m[a] = n, e = 0; e < 1 << h[a]; e++) u[n++] = a;
- for (u[n - 1] = a, a = i = 0; a < 16; a++)
- for (_[a] = i, e = 0; e < 1 << l[a]; e++) d[i++] = a;
- for (i >>= 7; a < 30; a++)
- for (_[a] = i << 7, e = 0; e < 1 << (l[a] - 7); e++)
- d[256 + i++] = a;
- for (r = 0; r <= 15; r++) s[r] = 0;
- for (e = 0; e <= 143; ) (c[2 * e + 1] = 8), e++, s[8]++;
- for (; e <= 255; ) (c[2 * e + 1] = 9), e++, s[9]++;
- for (; e <= 279; ) (c[2 * e + 1] = 7), e++, s[7]++;
- for (; e <= 287; ) (c[2 * e + 1] = 8), e++, s[8]++;
- for (w(c, 287, s), e = 0; e < 30; e++)
- (f[2 * e + 1] = 5), (f[2 * e] = E(e, 5));
- (y = new b(c, h, 257, 286, 15)),
- (g = new b(f, l, 0, 30, 15)),
- (v = new b(new Array(0), o, 0, 19, 7)),
- (R = !0);
- }
- (t.l_desc = new S(t.dyn_ltree, y)),
- (t.d_desc = new S(t.dyn_dtree, g)),
- (t.bl_desc = new S(t.bl_tree, v)),
- (t.bi_buf = 0),
- (t.bi_valid = 0),
- A(t);
- }),
- (e._tr_stored_block = z),
- (e._tr_flush_block = function (t, e, r, i) {
- var s,
- n,
- a,
- o = 0;
- if (
- (0 < t.level
- ? (2 === t.strm.data_type &&
- (t.strm.data_type = (function (t) {
- for (
- var e = 4093624447, r = 0;
- r <= 31;
- r++, e >>>= 1
- )
- if (1 & e && 0 !== t.dyn_ltree[2 * r]) return 0;
- if (
- 0 !== t.dyn_ltree[18] ||
- 0 !== t.dyn_ltree[20] ||
- 0 !== t.dyn_ltree[26]
- )
- return 1;
- for (r = 32; r < 256; r++)
- if (0 !== t.dyn_ltree[2 * r]) return 1;
- return 0;
- })(t)),
- F(t, t.l_desc),
- F(t, t.d_desc),
- (o = (function (t) {
- var e;
- for (
- M(t, t.dyn_ltree, t.l_desc.max_code),
- M(t, t.dyn_dtree, t.d_desc.max_code),
- F(t, t.bl_desc),
- e = 18;
- 3 <= e && 0 === t.bl_tree[2 * p[e] + 1];
- e--
- );
- return (t.opt_len += 3 * (e + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4), e;
- })(t)),
- (s = (t.opt_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3),
- (n = (t.static_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3) <= s && (s = n))
- : (s = n = r + 5),
- r + 4 <= s && -1 !== e)
- )
- z(t, e, r, i);
- else if (4 === t.strategy || n === s)
- x(t, 2 + (i ? 1 : 0), 3), I(t, c, f);
- else {
- x(t, 4 + (i ? 1 : 0), 3);
- var h = t,
- l =
- ((e = t.l_desc.max_code + 1),
- (r = t.d_desc.max_code + 1),
- o + 1);
- for (
- x(h, e - 257, 5), x(h, r - 1, 5), x(h, l - 4, 4), a = 0;
- a < l;
- a++
- )
- x(h, h.bl_tree[2 * p[a] + 1], 3);
- D(h, h.dyn_ltree, e - 1),
- D(h, h.dyn_dtree, r - 1),
- I(t, t.dyn_ltree, t.dyn_dtree);
- }
- A(t), i && T(t);
- }),
- (e._tr_tally = function (t, e, r) {
- return (
- (t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * t.last_lit] = (e >>> 8) & 255),
- (t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * t.last_lit + 1] = 255 & e),
- (t.pending_buf[t.l_buf + t.last_lit] = 255 & r),
- t.last_lit++,
- 0 === e
- ? t.dyn_ltree[2 * r]++
- : (t.matches++,
- e--,
- t.dyn_ltree[2 * (u[r] + 256 + 1)]++,
- t.dyn_dtree[2 * P(e)]++),
- t.last_lit === t.lit_bufsize - 1
- );
- }),
- (e._tr_align = function (t) {
- x(t, 2, 3),
- k(t, 256, c),
- 16 === (t = t).bi_valid
- ? (n(t, t.bi_buf), (t.bi_buf = 0), (t.bi_valid = 0))
- : 8 <= t.bi_valid &&
- ((t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & t.bi_buf),
- (t.bi_buf >>= 8),
- (t.bi_valid -= 8));
- });
- },
- { '../utils/common': 41 },
- ],
- 53: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports = function () {
- (this.input = null),
- (this.next_in = 0),
- (this.avail_in = 0),
- (this.total_in = 0),
- (this.output = null),
- (this.next_out = 0),
- (this.avail_out = 0),
- (this.total_out = 0),
- (this.msg = ''),
- (this.state = null),
- (this.data_type = 2),
- (this.adler = 0);
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- 54: [
- function (t, e, r) {
- e.exports =
- 'function' == typeof setImmediate
- ? setImmediate
- : function () {
- var t = [].slice.apply(arguments);
- t.splice(1, 0, 0), setTimeout.apply(null, t);
- };
- },
- {},
- ],
- },
- {},
- [10]
- )(10);
- });
- function _templateObject() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n* {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n:host {\n --lottie-player-toolbar-height: 35px;\n --lottie-player-toolbar-background-color: transparent;\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-color: #999;\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-hover-color: #222;\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-active-color: #555;\n --lottie-player-seeker-track-color: #CCC;\n --lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color: rgba(0, 107, 120, 0.8);\n\n display: block;\n}\n\n.main {\n display: grid;\n grid-auto-columns: auto;\n grid-template-rows: auto;\n height: inherit;\n width: inherit;\n}\n\n.main.controls {\n grid-template-rows: 1fr var(--lottie-player-toolbar-height);\n}\n\n.animation {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n width: inherit;\n height: inherit;\n}\n\n.toolbar {\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 32px 32px 1fr 32px;\n align-items: center;\n justify-items: center;\n background-color: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-background-color);\n}\n\n.toolbar button {\n cursor: pointer;\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-color);\n display: flex;\n background: none;\n border: 0;\n padding: 0;\n outline: none;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.toolbar button:hover {\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-hover-color);\n}\n\n.toolbar button.active {\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-active-color);\n}\n\n.toolbar button svg {\n}\n\n.toolbar button.disabled svg {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.toolbar a {\n filter: grayscale(100%);\n display: flex;\n transition: filter .5s, opacity 0.5s;\n opacity: 0.4;\n height: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.toolbar a:hover {\n filter: none;\n display: flex;\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.toolbar a svg {\n}\n\n.seeker {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n width: 95%;\n outline: none;\n}\n\n.seeker::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n width: 100%;\n height: 5px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n border-radius: 3px;\n}\n.seeker::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n height: 15px;\n width: 15px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n margin-top: -5px;\n}\n.seeker:focus::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n background: #999;\n}\n.seeker::-moz-range-track {\n width: 100%;\n height: 5px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n border-radius: 3px;\n}\n.seeker::-moz-range-thumb {\n height: 15px;\n width: 15px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.seeker::-ms-track {\n width: 100%;\n height: 5px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background: transparent;\n border-color: transparent;\n color: transparent;\n}\n.seeker::-ms-fill-lower {\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n border-radius: 3px;\n}\n.seeker::-ms-fill-upper {\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n border-radius: 3px;\n}\n.seeker::-ms-thumb {\n border: 0;\n height: 15px;\n width: 15px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.seeker:focus::-ms-fill-lower {\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n}\n.seeker:focus::-ms-fill-upper {\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\n}\n\n.error {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n height: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n}\n',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- var styles = css(_templateObject()),
- PlayerState,
- PlayMode,
- PlayerEvents;
- function _templateObject5() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n ⚠
\n ',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject5 = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- function _templateObject4() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n \n
\n ',
- '\n
\n ',
- '\n
\n ',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject4 = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- function _templateObject3() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n \n ',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject3 = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- function _templateObject2() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n \n ',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject2 = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- function _templateObject$1() {
- const t = _taggedTemplateLiteral([
- '\n \n ',
- ]);
- return (
- (_templateObject$1 = function () {
- return t;
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- function fetchPath(i) {
- return new Promise((r, e) => {
- const t = new XMLHttpRequest();
- t.open('GET', i, !0),
- (t.responseType = 'arraybuffer'),
- t.send(),
- (t.onreadystatechange = function () {
- 4 == t.readyState &&
- 200 == t.status &&
- jszip
- .loadAsync(t.response)
- .then((i) => {
- i.file('manifest.json')
- .async('string')
- .then((t) => {
- t = JSON.parse(t);
- if (!('animations' in t))
- throw new Error('Manifest not found');
- if (0 === t.animations.length)
- throw new Error('No animations listed in the manifest');
- t = t.animations[0];
- i.file('animations/'.concat(t.id, '.json'))
- .async('string')
- .then((t) => {
- const e = JSON.parse(t);
- 'assets' in e &&
- Promise.all(
- e.assets.map((r) => {
- if (r.p && null != i.file('images/'.concat(r.p)))
- return new Promise((e) => {
- i.file('images/'.concat(r.p))
- .async('base64')
- .then((t) => {
- (r.p = 'data:;base64,' + t),
- (r.e = 1),
- e();
- });
- });
- })
- ).then(() => {
- r(e);
- });
- });
- });
- })
- .catch((t) => {
- e(t);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- (PlayerState = exports.PlayerState || (exports.PlayerState = {})),
- (PlayerState.Loading = 'loading'),
- (PlayerState.Playing = 'playing'),
- (PlayerState.Paused = 'paused'),
- (PlayerState.Stopped = 'stopped'),
- (PlayerState.Frozen = 'frozen'),
- (PlayerState.Error = 'error'),
- (PlayMode = exports.PlayMode || (exports.PlayMode = {})),
- (PlayMode.Normal = 'normal'),
- (PlayMode.Bounce = 'bounce'),
- (PlayerEvents = exports.PlayerEvents || (exports.PlayerEvents = {})),
- (PlayerEvents.Load = 'load'),
- (PlayerEvents.Error = 'error'),
- (PlayerEvents.Ready = 'ready'),
- (PlayerEvents.Play = 'play'),
- (PlayerEvents.Pause = 'pause'),
- (PlayerEvents.Stop = 'stop'),
- (PlayerEvents.Freeze = 'freeze'),
- (PlayerEvents.Loop = 'loop'),
- (PlayerEvents.Complete = 'complete'),
- (PlayerEvents.Frame = 'frame'),
- (exports.DotLottiePlayer = class extends LitElement {
- constructor() {
- super(...arguments),
- (this.mode = exports.PlayMode.Normal),
- (this.autoplay = !1),
- (this.background = 'transparent'),
- (this.controls = !1),
- (this.direction = 1),
- (this.hover = !1),
- (this.loop = !1),
- (this.renderer = 'svg'),
- (this.speed = 1),
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Loading),
- (this.intermission = 1),
- (this._counter = 0);
- }
- _onVisibilityChange() {
- document.hidden && this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing
- ? this.freeze()
- : this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Frozen && this.play();
- }
- _handleSeekChange(t) {
- this._lottie &&
- !isNaN(t.target.value) &&
- ((t = (t.target.value / 100) * this._lottie.totalFrames),
- this.seek(t));
- }
- async load(t) {
- if (this.shadowRoot) {
- var e = {
- container: this.container,
- loop: !1,
- autoplay: !1,
- renderer: this.renderer,
- rendererSettings: {
- scaleMode: 'noScale',
- clearCanvas: !1,
- progressiveLoad: !0,
- hideOnTransparent: !0,
- },
- };
- try {
- var r = await fetchPath(t);
- this._lottie && this._lottie.destroy(),
- (this._lottie = lottie_svg.loadAnimation(
- Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), { animationData: r })
- ));
- } catch (t) {
- return (
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Error),
- void this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Error)
- )
- );
- }
- this._lottie &&
- (this._lottie.addEventListener('enterFrame', () => {
- (this.seeker =
- (this._lottie.currentFrame / this._lottie.totalFrames) * 100),
- this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Frame, {
- detail: {
- frame: this._lottie.currentFrame,
- seeker: this.seeker,
- },
- })
- );
- }),
- this._lottie.addEventListener('complete', () => {
- this.currentState !== exports.PlayerState.Playing ||
- !this.loop ||
- (this.count && this._counter >= this.count)
- ? this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Complete)
- )
- : this.mode === exports.PlayMode.Bounce
- ? (this.count && (this._counter += 0.5),
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Loop)
- ),
- this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing &&
- (this._lottie.setDirection(
- -1 * this._lottie.playDirection
- ),
- this._lottie.play());
- }, this.intermission))
- : (this.count && (this._counter += 1),
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Loop)
- ),
- this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing &&
- (this._lottie.stop(), this._lottie.play());
- }, this.intermission));
- }),
- this._lottie.addEventListener('DOMLoaded', () => {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Ready));
- }),
- this._lottie.addEventListener('data_ready', () => {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Load));
- }),
- this._lottie.addEventListener('data_failed', () => {
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Error),
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Error));
- }),
- this.container.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
- this.hover &&
- this.currentState !== exports.PlayerState.Playing &&
- this.play();
- }),
- this.container.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
- this.hover &&
- this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing &&
- this.stop();
- }),
- this.setSpeed(this.speed),
- this.setDirection(this.direction),
- this.autoplay) &&
- this.play();
- }
- }
- getLottie() {
- return this._lottie;
- }
- play() {
- this._lottie &&
- (this._lottie.play(),
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Playing),
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Play)));
- }
- pause() {
- this._lottie &&
- (this._lottie.pause(),
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Paused),
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Pause)));
- }
- stop() {
- this._lottie &&
- ((this._counter = 0),
- this._lottie.stop(),
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Stopped),
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Stop)));
- }
- seek(t) {
- this._lottie &&
- (t = t.toString().match(/^([0-9]+)(%?)$/)) &&
- ((t =
- '%' === t[2]
- ? (this._lottie.totalFrames * Number(t[1])) / 100
- : t[1]),
- (this.seeker = t),
- this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing
- ? this._lottie.goToAndPlay(t, !0)
- : (this._lottie.goToAndStop(t, !0), this._lottie.pause()));
- }
- snapshot() {
- let t =
- !(0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
- if (this.shadowRoot) {
- var e = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.animation svg'),
- e = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(e);
- if (t) {
- const t = document.createElement('a');
- (t.href =
- 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(e)),
- (t.download = 'download_' + this.seeker + '.svg'),
- document.body.appendChild(t),
- t.click(),
- document.body.removeChild(t);
- }
- return e;
- }
- }
- freeze() {
- this._lottie &&
- (this._lottie.pause(),
- (this.currentState = exports.PlayerState.Frozen),
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(exports.PlayerEvents.Freeze)));
- }
- setSpeed() {
- this._lottie &&
- this._lottie.setSpeed(
- 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1
- );
- }
- setDirection(t) {
- this._lottie && this._lottie.setDirection(t);
- }
- setLooping(t) {
- this._lottie && ((this.loop = t), (this._lottie.loop = t));
- }
- togglePlay() {
- return this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing
- ? this.pause()
- : this.play();
- }
- toggleLooping() {
- this.setLooping(!this.loop);
- }
- static get styles() {
- return styles;
- }
- async firstUpdated() {
- 'IntersectionObserver' in window &&
- ((this._io = new IntersectionObserver((t) => {
- t[0].isIntersecting
- ? this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Frozen && this.play()
- : this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing &&
- this.freeze();
- })),
- this._io.observe(this.container)),
- void 0 !== document.hidden &&
- document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () =>
- this._onVisibilityChange()
- ),
- this.src && (await this.load(this.src));
- }
- disconnectedCallback() {
- this._io && (this._io.disconnect(), (this._io = void 0)),
- document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', () =>
- this._onVisibilityChange()
- );
- }
- renderControls() {
- var t = this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Playing,
- e = this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Paused,
- r = this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Stopped;
- return html(
- _templateObject$1(),
- this.togglePlay,
- t || e ? 'active' : '',
- html((t ? _templateObject2 : _templateObject3)()),
- this.stop,
- r ? 'active' : '',
- this.seeker,
- this._handleSeekChange,
- () => {
- (this._prevState = this.currentState), this.freeze();
- },
- () => {
- this._prevState === exports.PlayerState.Playing && this.play();
- },
- this.toggleLooping,
- this.loop ? 'active' : ''
- );
- }
- render() {
- var t = this.controls ? 'controls' : '';
- return html(
- _templateObject4(),
- 'main ' + t,
- 'background:' + this.background,
- this.currentState === exports.PlayerState.Error
- ? html(_templateObject5())
- : void 0,
- this.controls ? this.renderControls() : void 0
- );
- }
- }),
- __decorate(
- [query('.animation')],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'container',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate([property()], exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype, 'mode', void 0),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Boolean })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'autoplay',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: String, reflect: !0 })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'background',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Boolean })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'controls',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Number })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'count',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Number })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'direction',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Boolean })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'hover',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Boolean, reflect: !0 })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'loop',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: String })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'renderer',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: Number })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'speed',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: String })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'src',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property({ type: String })],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'currentState',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property()],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'seeker',
- void 0
- ),
- __decorate(
- [property()],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer.prototype,
- 'intermission',
- void 0
- ),
- (exports.DotLottiePlayer = __decorate(
- [customElement('dotlottie-player')],
- exports.DotLottiePlayer
- )),
- (exports.fetchPath = fetchPath),
- Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
diff --git a/packages/app/src/hooks/useDotLottieButton/index.tsx b/packages/app/src/hooks/useDotLottieButton/index.tsx
index ae3bf920dc..89533baad9 100644
--- a/packages/app/src/hooks/useDotLottieButton/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/app/src/hooks/useDotLottieButton/index.tsx
@@ -1,103 +1,57 @@
// Copyright 2024 @polkadot-cloud/polkadot-staking-dashboard authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-import type { AnyJson } from '@w3ux/types'
+import type { DotLottie } from '@lottiefiles/dotlottie-react'
+import { DotLottieReact } from '@lottiefiles/dotlottie-react'
import { useTheme } from 'contexts/Themes'
-import type { Theme } from 'contexts/Themes/types'
-import type { ReactNode } from 'react'
-import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
+import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
-export const useDotLottieButton = (filename: string, options: AnyJson = {}) => {
+export const useDotLottieButton = (
+ filename: string,
+ options?: { autoLoop?: boolean }
+) => {
const { mode } = useTheme()
+ const lottieRef = useRef()
- const refLight = useRef(null)
- const refDark = useRef(null)
- const refsInitialised = useRef(false)
- const getRef = (m: Theme) =>
- m === 'light' ? refLight.current : refDark.current
+ const lottieRefCallback = (dotLottie: DotLottie) => {
+ lottieRef.current = dotLottie
+ }
const handlePlayAnimation = async () => {
- if (!getRef(mode)) {
- return
- }
- getRef(mode).play()
+ lottieRef.current?.play()
- const handleComplete = (r: AnyJson) => {
+ const handleComplete = () => {
if (options?.autoLoop !== true) {
- r?.stop()
+ lottieRef.current?.stop()
useEffect(() => {
- if (!getRef('light') || !getRef('dark') || refsInitialised.current) {
+ if (!lottieRef.current) {
- refsInitialised.current = true
- getRef('light').addEventListener('loop', () =>
- handleComplete(getRef('light'))
- )
- getRef('dark').addEventListener('loop', () =>
- handleComplete(getRef('dark'))
- )
- }, [getRef('light'), getRef('dark'), refsInitialised.current])
- useEffect(() => {
- refsInitialised.current = false
- }, [options?.deps])
- const autoPlay = options?.autoLoop ?? undefined
- const [iconLight] = useState(
- )
- const [iconDark] = useState(
- )
+ lottieRef.current.addEventListener('loop', () => handleComplete())
+ }, [lottieRef.current])
const icon = (
- <>
return { icon, play: handlePlayAnimation }
diff --git a/packages/app/src/vite-env.d.ts b/packages/app/src/vite-env.d.ts
index 6218e3ba5b..bab69a908a 100644
--- a/packages/app/src/vite-env.d.ts
+++ b/packages/app/src/vite-env.d.ts
@@ -3,10 +3,3 @@
-declare namespace JSX {
- interface IntrinsicElements {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- 'dotlottie-player': any
- }
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 6471837842..c50deb0fe2 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -1229,6 +1229,24 @@ __metadata:
languageName: node
linkType: hard
+ version: 0.12.1
+ resolution: "@lottiefiles/dotlottie-react@npm:0.12.1"
+ dependencies:
+ "@lottiefiles/dotlottie-web": "npm:0.39.0"
+ peerDependencies:
+ react: ^17 || ^18 || ^19
+ checksum: 10c0/7390abeefbd5474159f2484b083fae8c4f195ebb21860a52c144ccfc74a7ddf8d81b70b0b7313325d376cf049e3f6181e23cfe09f9fe5be78bceceb4ad604f9b
+ languageName: node
+ linkType: hard
+ version: 0.39.0
+ resolution: "@lottiefiles/dotlottie-web@npm:0.39.0"
+ checksum: 10c0/01912e42a52f93be9d9a0cf1a9354a944bc42e1f4a99d7fe953d290bbef56f684eb7a4e81fa003504b2eeed30b6331f88b1972e485221477837914e8c985a17a
+ languageName: node
+ linkType: hard
version: 1.0.1
resolution: "@metamask/eth-json-rpc-provider@npm:1.0.1"
@@ -4469,6 +4487,7 @@ __metadata:
"@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons": "npm:^6.7.2"
"@fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "npm:^0.2.2"
"@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webhid": "npm:^6.30.0"
+ "@lottiefiles/dotlottie-react": "npm:^0.12.1"
"@polkadot-api/merkleize-metadata": "npm:^1.1.12"
"@polkadot-api/signers-common": "npm:^0.1.4"
"@polkadot-api/substrate-bindings": "npm:^0.11.0"