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485 lines (342 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

485 lines (342 loc) · 12.4 KB


Table of contents:


Setup local dev environment

To run and develop the module NodeJS 16 is required. In this section 2 ways of configuring a development environment are described.

Installing the dependencies

The following dependencies are required in order to be able to run the project:

Development container

If you wish to keep your host clean, it is also possible to develop the module in a Docker container. You can do that by using the Visual Studio Code's Remote Containers extension and read how to initialize your dev container.

Cloning and initializing the repo

git clone
cd frontend

# Symlink dev environment on unix
ln -hfs .env.local.example .env.local

# Symlink dev environment on Windows
mklink .env.local .env.local.example

# Install dependencies

NOTE! For existing clones update github remote to podkrepi-bg/frontend

# View existing remotes
git remote -v
# Change the 'origin' remote's URL
git remote set-url origin
# Check updated remotes
git remote -v

Start development server

yarn dev

Visit http://localhost:3040/

Start dev server via Docker Compose

Install the binary via

Start the container in foreground

docker-compose up

Start the container in background

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f

Stop the docker container with docker-compose down


yarn lint
yarn lint:styles
yarn format
yarn type-check


Build frontend

yarn build

Build Docker image

docker build . \
    --file ./Dockerfile \
    --target production \
    --build-arg NODE_ENV=production

Pull requests

All PRs must:

  • pass all checks before they will be considered for review
  • have proper title and description
  • have at least one screenshot if the changeset leads to visual difference

Branching strategy

Inherits the process from

Good branch names: 🌞

  • nice-kebab-cased-titles
  • fixes-footer-links
  • 4411290-setup-state-management-integration
  • feature/new-design
  • hotfix/db-connection
  • release-1.2.3

Bad branch names: ⛅

  • patch-1 - not enough context
  • camelCasedBranchNames - camel case
  • PascalCasedBranchNames - pascal case
  • long-titles-above-80-chars-{.....} - too long
  • #58/something - shell understands it as comment
Branching model Merges

React guidelines


A common way to sort the imports in the file is by their source: external, absolute, relative separated by an empty line. Each of those groups can be sorted by line length, but that's not super important.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next'

import Nav from 'components/layout/Nav'
import Layout from 'components/layout/Layout'

import SimpleForm from './SimpleForm'
import styles from './advanced.module.scss'

File structure

Inherits AirBnb naming convention

Use PascalCase for React components and camelCase for their instances

Naming convention react components

Pascal cased file names src/components/GenericForm.tsx

export default function GenericForm() {}

Filename and default component of the file should have the same name.

Naming convention non react components

Camel cased file names src/utils/hooks/useUser.ts

Naming convention folders

Lowercase kebab cased folders src/components/common/password-reset/ResetForm.tsx

Naming convention pages

Lowercase kebab cased files located in src/pages/sample-page.tsx which correspond to /sample-page url.


The common convention is that the main type of the component's props is called after the component itself with suffic -Props. Prop types of AdvancedForm becomes AdvancedFormProps.

type AdvancedFormProps = React.PropsWithChildren({
  title?: string
  age?: number

export default function AdvancedForm({ title = 'Nice', children, age }: AdvancedFormProps) {
  return (
    <div title={title} data-age={age}>


Preferred export style :sun_with_face

  • Nice IDE support and readability
export default function RegisterPage() {
  return <div>page</div>

Alternative export styles

  • Named function

    ⛅ Allows attaching static props to the function

    function RegisterPage() {
      return <div>page</div>
    Register.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
      return { stars: 128 }
    export default RegisterPage
  • Const arrow function

    🌞 Nice for locally defined components

    const RegisterForm = () => <form>page</form>
    export default function RegisterPage() {
      return <RegisterForm />

    ⛅ Okay for default exports, but not preferred

    const RegisterPage = () => <form>page</form>
    export default RegisterPage
  • Unnamed arrow function ⛈️


    export default () => <div>page</div>
  • Class components ⛈️

    Discouraged as hooks cannot be used inside the class components

    class Page extends React.Component {
      render() {
        return <div>page</div>


There are three common ways to style a component:

Styles using the <Box /> component

Single component that inherits all sizing props from MUI

🌞 Nice for quick layouts that should follow the theme

<Box component="nav" px={5} mt={2}>

:partlysunny: Not the best for custom scenarios with more than _six props passed to it. Use hooks instead

:partlysunny: Not nice when the children have clear nesting structure of more than _three levels. Use hooks or scss instead

<Box component="nav" px={5} pb={12} mt={2} mb={4} lineHeight={2} letterSpacing={none} fontSize={20}>
  <Box component="span" px={5} pb={12} mt={2} mb={4} lineHeight={2} letterSpacing={none} fontSize={17}>
  <Box component="span" px={5} pb={12} mt={2} mb={4} lineHeight={2} letterSpacing={none} fontSize={13}>

Styles using sx property

🌞 Nice for very specific styling that leverages theme methods and props

export default function SomeBox() {
  return (
      sx={(theme) => ({
        display: 'flex',
        flexDirection: 'column',
        alignItems: 'center',
        p: 4,
        margin: theme.spacing(5, 3, 4),
        color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
        '&:hover': {
          color: theme.palette.secondary.dark,

⛅ Too verbose for simple use cases, if it contains less than 2 css rules. Use Box instead

⛅ Not the best when dealing with styling of deep nested structures within the same component. Use scss instead

Styles using SCSS files

Next.js supports SCSS out of the box.

File convention is based on a suffix .module.scss (ex. about.module.scss)

🌞 Nice when dealing with complex nested structures that are scoped in a single component. When dealing with sub-components we're not sure if some of the rules will be left unused.

@import 'styles/variables';

.page {
  color: $text-color;

  .nav {
    background-color: $nav-color;

    a {
      text-decoration: none;
      text-transform: uppercase;
import styles from './about.module.scss'
;<Box className={}>

⛅ Too verbose for simple use cases, if it contains less than 2 css rules in a dedicated file. Use Box instead

@import 'styles/variables';

a {
  text-decoration: none;

⛈️ Cannot use theme support or theme variables Use hook instead

Translations (i18n)

Translation namespaces

Default namespace is called common and contains translations used on all pages (Layout, Nav, etc) and is stored at frontend/public/locales/{locale}/common.json

Namespaces (scopes, domains) are stored in separate json files at frontend/public/locales/{locale}/{namespace}.json One namespace can combine the translations keys from several pages with common reusable strings ex. auth scope collects keys for login and register pages.

Translation keys

It is preferred to use kebab-case for translation keys and extract another level of nesting when the common prefix of the keys is above 3 or makes sense to be separated as new keys might be added in the future.

  • Namespace is separated with :
  • Translation nesting levels are separated with .
  • Words in a translation key are separated with -


  "cta": {
    "login": "Log In",
    "register": "Register",
    "send": "Send",
    "reset": "Reset"
  "fields": {
    "email": "Email",
    "password": "Password",
    "confirm-password": "Confirm Password",
    "first-name": "First name",
    "last-name": "Last name"
  "pages": {
    "forgotten-password": {
      "instructions": "To reset your password, please type your email address below.",
      "greeting": "Hello {{name}}!"

Usage in React

Usage of translation hook useTranslation is preferred over usage of <Trans /> component, whenever possible.

Usage in components

import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next'

export default function CustomComponent() {
  const { t } = useTranslation()

  return (
      <h2>{t('auth:pages.forgotten-password.greeting', { name: 'Interpolation' })}</h2>

SSR preloading i18n in pages

import { GetStaticProps } from 'next'
import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations'

import Page from 'components/forgottenPassword/ForgottenPasswordPage'

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ locale }) => ({
  props: {
    ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale ?? 'bg', ['common', 'auth'])), // List used namespaces

export default Page

Recognizing contributions

We're integrated with bot

Comment on this issue, asking @all-contributors bot to add a contributor:

@all-contributors please add @<username> for <contributions>

<contribution>: See the Emoji Key (Contribution Types Reference) for a list of valid contribution types.