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Tools to analyze live public data from New York's MTA.

The basic premises is that people arrive at a slowly varying rate, dependent on the time of day, that these rates are informally but mutually synchronized to the MTAs scheduled rate of train arrivals, and that if the rate of train arrival drops below the schedule, people will pile up on the platform. And be unhappy.

The MTA publishes schedules, along with some other semi-static data, as CSV files on their developer site. They also make available some current status data as protobufs on a public API. This data is essentially the contents of the countdown clocks in IRT stations, along with a unique (for the day) identifier of the train's trip from depot to terminus. While we know when trains are predicted to arrive, we have no information about the recent past, so we must infer it by continually polling the predictions and assume that any train that has dropped off the prediction list for a station has passed it.

Knowing the advertised and actual times at which trains arrive, we can produce a graph like this:


The X-axis is seconds since midnight. The Y-axis is the arrival rate in trains per hour, with a 15-minute exponentially decaying average. Red is the advertised rate; green x's are actual measurements. The above graph is for the 1 line, on the southbound track at 14th Street and 7th Avenue, on 2013-0-624.

By contrast, here is 2013-06-25.


We can see that on the 25th, trains rain substantially behind schedule during the evening rush. That must have sucked.

Here is the data that has accumulated so far today, as I write this.


It appears that there was a bit of a backup during the morning rush hour, but fortunately I walked to work today.

The code here is pretty straightforward. runs continuously, dumping data into a mongo database. contains the smoothing code.

The above images were generated using gnuplot commands like

gnuplot> plot '< ./mongo2csv localhost:33333:mta sched route_id:1 stop_id:132S service_code:WKD now rate' with lines, '< ./mongo2csv localhost:33333:mta rates route_id:1 stop_id:132S day:2013-08-06 t_day rate'

using a utility to extract mongo data into column format.


protobuf and protobuf-json are submodules. To build the protobuf python:

cd protobuf
cd python
./ install  # a virtualenv might be nice

cd ../../protobuf-json
ln -s ../protobuf/python/google

cd ..
./protobuf/src/protoc -I./pb --python_out=./pb pb/nyct-subway.proto

You need a mongo v 2.4 or above Starting up mongod: mongod -dbpath . -port 3333 --verbose

Create a db called mta, and in it:

db.rates.ensureIndex({day : 1, stop_id : 1, route_id : 1}, {background : true} )
db.sched.ensureIndex({route_id : 1,  service_code : 1, stop_id: 1})
db.etas.ensureIndex({now : 1}, {background : true} )

Populate static data:

./ < static/stop_times.txt
 ./csv2mongo mta stops < static/stops.txt


Do useful things with realtime mta data.






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