This page describes how to build mpich from the main branch of the MPICH git repository.
Building on the Cray is like other systems: you'll need fairly
up-to-date Autotools (autoconf >= 2.67, automake >= 1.15, libtool >=
2.4.4). On Argonne's theta machine, you can find these in
. On Polaris, these seem to be new enough already.
On Cray systems the vendor-supplied libfabric should be used to get slingshot support
You can leave off the 'cuda' options if you are e.g. testing only I/O or building. The Cray environment doesn't provide convenience environment variables for the 'libfabric' path, so you'll have to update that by hand when necessary
--with-cuda=/soft/compilers/cudatoolkit/cuda-11.4.4 --with-cuda-sm=80 --with-pmi=pmi2 --with-pmi2=${CRAY_PMI_PREFIX} --with-pm=no --with-libfabric=/opt/cray/libfabric/
This build will not perform as well as the vendor's optimized MPI. The libfabric 'gni' provider was LANL + Intel + Cray open source reference implementation. It was never particularly optimized and won't perform well on KNL. However, building the open source MPICH provides a way to do before/after testing of optimizations. Just remember to compare MPICH to MPICH and not MPICH to MPT.
Configure MPICH with these Cray specific options:
- For the Cray transport--with-pmi=cray
- To pick up Cray PMI library from modules--with-pm=no
- Hydra won't work on the cray. Instead,aprun
launches the processes.--enable-ugni-static
- Configures the UGNI provider in a way that might help the KNL nodes perform better
All in one place so you can cut and paste:
configure --with-device=ch4:ofi:gni --with-file-system=lustre --with-pm=no --with-pmi=cray --enable-ugni-static
Despite requesting pmi2 at configure time, I had to explicitly request it at
run-time with export MPIR_CVAR_PMI_VERSION=2
Since we used PrgEnv-gnu
to build MPICH, you will need to make sure
is in your environment. For me, my submitted jobs kept
wanting to load PrgEnv-intel
by default, so I had to insert
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
into my job submission script.