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File metadata and controls

46 lines (35 loc) · 2.53 KB

####How to run the application

  1. Check out the repository. The optimized code is in the production directory.
  2. To inspect the site on your phone, you can run a local server
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
  1. Open a browser and visit localhost:8080
  2. Download and install ngrok to make your local server accessible remotely.
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> ngrok 8080
  1. Copy the public URL ngrok gives you and you can run it through PageSpeed Insights! Optional: More on integrating ngrok, Grunt and PageSpeed.

###Optimizations performed to optimize index.html

  • The Open Sans woff2 fonts were converted to base64 strings and inserted directly into the css file as data URLs.
  • The pizzeria.jpg image was reduced in dimensions on the index.html page to create pizzeria-resized.jpg.
  • The Google Analytics script was made async.
  • The print CSS was made non-critical by adding the media="print" query.
  • Gulp was used to optimize the index.html page. A package.json and gulp.js file can be found in the main directory. Among others, these plugins were used to optimize the index.html page:
    • gulp-uglify, gulp-concat and gulp-rename to produce a single, minified javascript file.
    • gulp-imagemin to reduce image sizes
    • gulp-uncss to remove unused CSS (if any) and gulp-cssmin to minify CSS.
    • gulp-inline-source to inline the CSS file.
    • gulp-htmlmin to minify the HTML.

###Optimizations performed to fix resizing time and framerate in pizza.html

  • In changePizzaSizes:

    • The determineDx function is entirely removed, since that calculated percentages in an extremely roundabout way. Instead, I assign percentages in a more direct way.
    • randomPizzaContainers is defined once with document.getElementsByClassName("randomPizzaContainer"), outside of the for loop, instead of inside the loop.
    • dx and newwidth are also no longer calculated within the for loop.
  • In updatePositions:

    • First, items is now defined outside of updatePositions (upon page loads).
    • Second, scrollTop is given its value just once, outside of the for loop.
  • On pageload, the height of the window is checked, and pizzas that would appear below the bottom of the window are not created by using break; in the for loop.

  • will-change : transform is added to each moving pizza so that they get their own frames, meaning that they won't trigger a repaint of the entire page.