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The cookbook provides solutions to the most frequently asked questions by the community.

The first section briefly describes how the @endpoint descriptor works. The remaining sections present practical recipes for customizing Meatie behavior when dealing with HTTP query parameters, request/response body serialization, and error handling.

Table of Contents

  1. Endpoint Descriptor
  2. Query Parameters
  3. JSON Serialization
  4. Error Handling

Endpoint Descriptor

Meatie generates code for calling REST APIs for method signatures marked with the @endpoint descriptor. See descriptors for more information about this Python metaprogramming feature.

There are a few requirements regarding the application of the @endpoint descriptor.

The descriptor is available in a class that inherits from the abstract class meatie.BaseClient or meatie.BaseAsyncClient. Meatie provides implementations of these abstract classes for the most popular HTTP libraries: meatie_httpx.Client, meatie_requests.Client, and meatie_aiohttp.Client.

The methods should be empty. Meatie won't call the method code directly. Leaving any implementation besides a docstring is a deadcode.

The remaining sections focus on method names, input arguments, and return types.

Method Name

It is common to prefix the method with the HTTP method name (i.e., get_, post_, etc.). Meatie will use the prefix to determine the desired HTTP method. However, this naming convention is optional, and you can use any naming scheme that suits your project. If you don't use HTTP methods as a prefix, define the desired HTTP method in the @endpoint descriptor.

from typing import Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import api_ref, endpoint
from meatie_aiohttp import Client

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    @endpoint("/todos", method="GET")
    async def list_todos(self, user_id: Annotated[int, api_ref("userId")] = None) -> list[dict]:

Method Arguments

Method arguments referenced in the URL path are required. Other arguments are optional and are sent as HTTP query parameters only if their values are not equal to None. Customization of HTTP query parameters deserves a separate section Query Parameters to discuss it in sufficient detail.

Return Type

Methods can return different Python types. Supporting it may require Meatie to process the response body. The table below contains supported return types and actions taken by Meatie.

Return Type Action on the HTTP response body
None No action
bytes Read to bytes
str Read and decode to text
dict Parse using JSON decoder
TypedDict Parse using Pydantic
dataclass Parse using Pydantic
Pydantic model Parse using Pydantic
Container type of any type mentioned above Parse using Pydantic
meatie.AsyncResponse or meatie.Response No action

Query Parameters

Processing of query parameters is customizable through the api_ref function.

Renaming Parameters

By default, the query parameter name is the same as the argument name used in the method signature. Use the api_ref function to change the default value.

from typing import Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import api_ref, endpoint
from meatie_aiohttp import Client

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def get_todos(self, user_id: Annotated[int, api_ref("userId")] = None) -> list[dict]:


Use the api_ref function to pass the serialization function. The function should return str or bytes.

The example below shows how to send a query parameter as a string true or false.

from typing import Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import endpoint, api_ref
from meatie_aiohttp import Client

class Params:
    def bool(value: bool) -> str:
        return str(value).lower()

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def get_todos_by_user(self, user_id: int, completed: Annotated[bool, api_ref(fmt=Params.bool)]) -> list[dict]:

Sending Multiple Parameters with the Same Name

Declare the query parameter as a list and use the api_ref function to customize query parameter handling if needed. The serialization function should return a list of str or bytes.

from typing import Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import api_ref, endpoint
from meatie_aiohttp import Client

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def get_todos(self, user_ids: Annotated[list[int], api_ref("userId")] = None) -> list[dict]:

Sending Multiple Parameters for a Single Input Argument

Suppose you want to send multiple HTTP query parameters derived from an input argument. It is a common pattern to deal with endpoints that support large number of input parameters or endpoints with parameters that have complex dependencies. Then, instead of defining a function with large number of arguments, one could define a new data type that represents all input arguments of the endpoint.

Use the api_ref function and pass a function that accepts the input model and returns a dictionary of query parameters.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Annotated, Any, Self

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import api_ref, endpoint
from meatie_aiohttp import Client
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Todo(BaseModel):
    user_id: int = Field(alias="userId")
    id: int
    title: str
    completed: bool

class TodoParams:
    user_id: int | None = None
    completed: bool | None = None

    def unwrap(cls, value: Self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        values = {}

        if value.user_id is not None:
            values["userId"] = value.user_id

        if value.completed is not None:
            values["completed"] = str(value.completed).lower()

        return values

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def get_todos(
            self, params: Annotated[TodoParams, api_ref(unwrap=TodoParams.unwrap)] = None
    ) -> list[Todo]:

JSON Serialization

The section demonstrates how to control JSON serialization of HTTP requests and deserialization of HTTP responses.

Request Body Serialization

Pass the serialization function using the fmt parameter of the api_ref function. If the function returns either str or bytes, then the result is sent directly to the external API. Conversely, if you return a dict, then the HTTP client library will perform JSON serialization.

from typing import Any, Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import endpoint, api_ref
from meatie_aiohttp import Client
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Todo(BaseModel):
    user_id: int = Field(alias="userId")
    id: int
    title: str
    completed: bool

class Params:
    def todo(value: Todo) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return value.model_dump(by_alias=True)

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def post_todo(self, todo: Annotated[Todo, api_ref("body", fmt=Params.todo)]) -> Todo:

Response Body Deserialization

Pass the deserialization function using the json parameter of the body function.

from typing import Annotated, Any

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import api_ref, endpoint, AsyncResponse, body
from meatie_aiohttp import Client
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import json

class Todo(BaseModel):
    user_id: int = Field(alias="userId")
    id: int
    title: str
    completed: bool

async def get_json(response: AsyncResponse) -> Any:
    text = await response.text()
    return json.loads(text)

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    @endpoint("/todos", body(json=get_json))
    async def get_todos(self, user_id: Annotated[int, api_ref("userId")] = None) -> list[Todo]:

Error Handling

Some REST APIs report errors using a data model that doesn't meet the schema requirements of a successful response. To interact with such APIs, we suggest providing Meatie with a callback function that inspects the HTTP response before parsing its body using the Pydantic model. If the callback returns an exception, Meatie will abort processing the response and raise the exception. Then, depending on the error type, the operation could be retried after some delay, or aborted by raising the exception again to the application.

Pass the callback that should check response errors using the json parameter of the body function.

from typing import Annotated

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from meatie import AsyncResponse, HttpStatusError, api_ref, body, endpoint, ResponseError
from meatie_aiohttp import Client
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Todo(BaseModel):
    user_id: int = Field(alias="userId")
    id: int
    title: str
    completed: bool

class ApiError(ResponseError):

    def __init__(self, response: AsyncResponse, error_code: str, error_msg: str) -> None:
        self.error_code = error_code
        self.error_msg = error_msg

async def get_error(response: AsyncResponse) -> Exception | None:
    json = await response.json()
    error_code = json.get("error_code")
    if error_code is not None:
        error_msg = json.get("error_msg")
        return ApiError(response, error_code, error_msg)

    if 200 <= response.status < 300:
        return None

    return HttpStatusError(response)

class JsonPlaceholderClient(Client):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(ClientSession(base_url="", raise_for_status=True))

    @endpoint("/todos", body(error=get_error))
    async def get_todos(self, user_id: Annotated[int, api_ref("userId")] = None) -> list[dict]: