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glsl function has the following signature:

glsl(params, target);

Each call to glsl typically results in a single WebGL draw call of a number of instanced tessellated planes.

  • params is a dictionary that specifies GLSL shader programs and uniforms. It may also contain a few other options (see below) that control the WebGL state, like blending or clearing the buffer before the draw call. SwissGL tries to automatically infer uniform types and introduce them to the shader code (it's also possible to override the types by declaring uniforms manually). Shader program is provided through VP, FP and Inc options. SwissGL will try to expand and compile these shaders, and cache the resulting shader program for future use in the glsl.shaders dictionary. Then the library will execute a WebGL draw call using this program. The type and the number of drawn primitives is controlled by the Mesh and Grid options.

  • target determines the buffer where the rendering results are written. These are the following possibilities:

    • null or undefined - render to canvas directly.
    • WebGLTexture object - render to the texture.
    • Array of WebGLTexture's - render to the last texture in the array and cyclically shift the array in-place so that it becomes element 0. This is useful for ping-pong buffers where element 0 corresponds to the state of the system at the current time step, element 1 to the previous step and so on. The original 0-th texture is provided to the shader for reading as Src uniform for convenience.
    • Texture specification dictionary. That's how we can use SwissGL to create new textures or even arrays of textures. Like shaders, textures are cached in the glsl.buffers dictionary. tag attribute of the specification is used as the key.

glsl function returns a reference to the target. If the texture specification was given, the actual created texture(s) is returned.


In addition to uniforms, SwissGL accepts a number of options in the params argument. These options control the shader programs, WebGL state and the number of rendered primitives:

  • VP: vertex shader string.

  • FP: fragment shader string.

  • Inc: string that is included in both vertex and fragment shaders. This string can be using to define varyings and helper functions.

  • Clear: scalar or [r,g,b,a] array. Clears the target buffer with a given color before rendering. Also clears the depth buffer if it's present.

  • Blend: string. Expression that controls WebGL blending mode (set with gl.blendFunc and gl.blendEquation). Inputs are: s - source color emitted by fragment shader; d - destination color already present in the target buffer; sa - source alpha; da - destination alpha. Examples: s+d, d-s, d*(1-sa)+s*sa (standard transparency), d*(1-sa)+s (premultiplied alpha), max(s,d), min(s,d), d*s. (TODO formal language definition)

  • View: array [w, h] or [x, y, w, h]. Controls WebGL viewport. By default, the viewport is set to cover the whole target. Value is available in shader as uniform ivec4 View. ViewSize macro also provides ivec2 view size.

  • Aspect: string (fit, cover, mean, x, y). Adjust xy coordinates emitted by vertex the program to preserve the scale of viewport axes.

  • Grid: [w], [w, h] or [w, h, d], default [1,1,1]. instantiate the rendered primitive w*h*d times. Instance ID is available in the vertex shader as ivec3 ID. Grid size is available in shader as uniform ivec3 Grid.

  • Mesh: [w, h], default [1,1]. Tessellate the rendered 2d plane primitive. vec2 UV and XY globals available in both vertex and fragment shaders provide [0,1]-range and [-1,1]-range vertex coordinates correspondingly. Integer vertex index is also provided as ivec2 VID global (VS only). Mesh size is available in the shader as uniform ivec2 Mesh.

  • DepthTest: false, true or "keep", default is false. Enables depth testing. Passing "keep" sets read-only depth testing mode, when test is being performed, but the depth buffer is not updated with new depth values.

  • Face: 'front' or 'back'. When provided, sets face culling to render corresponding faces only.

  • AlphaCoverage: enable gl.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE if true. See this article for the usage example.

Code formats

VP and FP options receive code snippets that define vertex and fragment WebGL pipeline stages. In case of full format the snippet must contain the function of the form void vertex() {...; VPos=...} (VP option) or void fragment() {...; FOut=...} (FP option). In simple cases shortcut syntax can be used:

  • expression: a string that becomes the correct expression if it's substituted into the vec4(${code}) template. The result of the expression is implicitly assigned to VPos/FOut.

  • multiline: a function body that can be substituted into void vertex() {...} or void fragment() {...} function template. The output must be explictly written into to VPos/FOut.

MeshGrid demo provides a simple example of using the shortcut syntax and XY, UV, ID, Mesh and Grid input variables to render a few tessellated planes:

    glsl({time, Grid:[5,5], Mesh:[4,4], Aspect:'fit', VP:`
    varying vec3color = hash(ID);
    vec2 pos = vec2(ID) + 0.5 + XY*(0.5-0.5/vec2(Mesh+1));
    pos += sin(UV*TAU+time).yx*0.1*(sin(time*0.5));
    VPos = vec4(2.0*pos/vec2(Grid)-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);`,
    FP: `mix(color, vec3(1.0), wireframe()*0.5),1`});

Target specification

The following options control the creation of new textures:

  • size: [w,h] size of the created texture. Also affected by scale option. Set to the canvas size by default. Can be modified after the target creation.

  • scale: scalar. Coefficient applied to size before creating the texture. For example the following specification {scale:1/4} will create a target that is four times smaller than the canvas frame buffer in each dimension, and is automatically resized on canvas size changes.

  • format: string, rgba8, r8, rgba16f, r16f, rgba32f, r32f and depth are currently supported. Adding +depth suffix (e.g. rgba16f+depth) creates an additional depth texture stored in .depth attribute of the created target.

  • depth: Texture target. Allows to attach a previously created depth buffer for the new target.

  • layern: integer. Creates a Texture2DArray with the given number of layers.

  • data: TypedArray of size and type matching the texture specification. Allows to set the texture content from JS and update it after the texture creation to stream the new data to GPU. See Spectrogram demo for the example.

  • tag: string that is used to cache the created texture in glsl.buffers.

  • story: integer. Create an array of textures of the same format instead of a single one. Rendering to such a target rotates the array in place so that the texture last rendered into becomes the element 0.

  • filter: 'nearest' or 'linear'

  • wrap: 'repeat', 'edge' or 'mirror'