All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Released: 2024.12.30
Adds targets to manage python3.12
Install python3.12 in tardigrade-ci image
Deprecates and removes python3.8 support
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.11.1
- black 24.10.0
- cfn-lint 1.22.2
- golang 1.23.4
- localstack 4.0.3
- pylint 3.3.2
- pytest 8.3.4
- python 3.12.8
- python 3.13.1
- python-hcl2 5.1.1
- rclone 1.68.2
- terraform 1.10.3
- terraform-docs 0.19.0
- terragrunt 0.69.13
- yq 4.44.6
Released: 2024.08.07
- Restores docker.sock volume for docker-in-docker support
Released: 2024.08.06
- Corrects pip syntax for installing moto server
Released: 2024.08.06
Ensures moto 5 and its dependencies are installed in localstack container
Updates tool versions:
- black 24.8.0
- cfn-lint 1.9.5
- editorconfig-checker 3.0.3
- golang 1.22.5
- localstack 3.6.0
- packer 1.11.2
- pylint 3.2.6
- pytest 8.3.2
- python 3.12.4
- terraform 1.9.3
- terragrunt 0.66.1
Released: 2024.07.02
macro -
Provides new target for installing python dependencies from requirements file,
to configure terraform-docs, and provides a default config file. UsesTFDOCS_CONFIG
to supply a non-default config. -
Updates base image from buster to bookworm
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.11.0
- black 24.4.2
- cfn-lint 1.4.2
- editorconfig-checker 3.0.1
- golang 1.20.14
- jq 1.7.1
- localstack 3.5.0
- packer 1.11.0
- pylint 3.2.5
- pylint-pytest 1.1.8
- pytest 8.2.2
- python 3.8.19
- python 3.11.8
- python-hcl2 4.3.4
- rclone 1.67.0
- shellcheck 0.10.0
- terraform 1.9.0
- terraform-docs 0.18.0
- terragrunt 0.59.6
- yamllint 1.35.1
- yq 4.44.2
Released: 2023.12.1
Removes unused terratest configs and dependencies
Updates tool versions:
- black 23.11.0
- localstack 3.0.1
- pylint-pytest 1.1.6
- rclone 1.65.0
- terraform 1.6.4
- terragrunt 0.53.6
- yamllint 1.33.0
- yq 4.40.3
Released: 2023.11.09
target -
Updates tool versions:
- black 23.10.1
- cfn-lint 0.82.2
- editorconfig 2.7.2
- jq 1.7
- localstack 2.3.2
- pylint 3.0.2
- pylint-pytest 1.1.3
- pytest 7.4.3
- rclone 1.64.2
- terragrunt 0.53.2
- terraform 1.6.3
- terratest 0.46.6
- tftest 1.8.5
Released: 2023.09.07
- Updates method to start moto server, also ensuring script exits on failure
Released: 2023.09.06
Selects/enables global and python38 versions in docker image
target that is an alias for thepullrequest
target -
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.79.8
- editorconfig 2.7.1
- pytest 7.4.1
- python 3.8.18
- terragrunt 0.50.12
- terraform 1.5.6
Released: 2023.08.22
Removes deprecated custom endpoints used in tests
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.79.7
- fixuid v0.6.0
- terragrunt v0.50.4
- packer 1.9.4
Released: 2023.08.17
Add new makefile target 'pullrequest' to run formatters, lint and documentation in one call
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.79.6
- pylint 2.17.5
- terraform 1.5.5
- terragrunt v0.49.1
- terratest v0.43.12
- yq 4.35.1
Released: 2023.07.21
- Adds dedicated target for selecting python version, removes global python selection from python install
Released: 2023.07.21
Removed docker-compose v1 the project, replacing with
docker compose
v2 -
Python version is being restored to the latest stable version, 3.11.4
Updates tool versions:
- bats v1.10.0
- black 23.7.0
- cfn-lint 0.78.1
- golang 1.20.5-buster
- pytest 7.4.0
- python 3.8.17
- python 3.11.4-buster
- rclone 1.63.0
- terraform 1.5.3
- terragrunt v0.48.1
- terratest v0.43.8
- yq 4.34.2
Released: 2023.06.06
Adds general target for installing any python version using pyenv,
to container image and lints yaml as part oflint
target -
Updates tool versions:
- black 23.3.0
- cfn-lint 0.77.6
- golang 1.20.4
- localstack 2.1.0
- packer 1.9.1
- pylint 2.17.4
- pytest 7.3.1
- python 3.12.0b1
- python-hcl2 4.3.2
- rclone 1.62.2
- terraform 1.4.6
- terragrunt 0.46.1
- terratest 0.43.0
- tftest 1.8.4
- yamllint 1.32.0
- yq 4.34.1
Released: 2023.02.15
Updates .pylintrc to specify module name for overgeneral-exceptions
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.9.0
- cfn-lint 0.73.2
- editorconfig-checker 2.7.0
- golang 1.20.1
- localstack 1.4.0
- packer 1.8.6
- pylint 2.16.2
- python 3.12.0a5
- terraform 1.3.9
- terratest 0.41.11
- tftest==1.8.2
- yq 4.31.1
Released: 2023.02.10
Updates shebang in mockstack startup script so moto server is started properly, and listening for connections
Updates tool versions:
- black 23.1.0
- golang 1.20.0
- pylint 2.16.1
- terragrunt 0.43.2
- terratest 0.41.10
Released: 2023.02.02
Commit Delta: Change from 0.24.3 release
Adds tftest target to makefile for dependency support
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.72.10
- golang 1.19.5
- pydocstyle 6.3.0
- pylint 2.15.10
- pytest 7.2.1
- python 3.12.0a4
- python-hcl2 4.3.0
- terragrunt 0.43.0
- terratest 0.41.9
- yamllint 1.29.0
- yq 4.30.8
Released: 2023.01.12
Commit Delta: Change from 0.24.2 release
Updates mockstack tf provider config with endpoints for all aws services
Defaults to pytest verbose output so tf stdout is displayed in tests
Addresses deprecation warnings in mock provider config
Uses localstack 1.3 location for init scripts
Updates tool versions:
- black 22.12.0
- cfn-lint 0.72.6
- golang 1.19.4
- localstack 1.3.1
- packer 1.8.5
- pydocstyle 6.2.3
- pylint 2.15.9
- python 3.8.16
- python 3.12.0a3
- python-hcl2 4.2.0
- rclone 1.61.1
- shellcheck 0.9.0
- terraform 1.3.7
- terragrunt 0.42.7
- terratest 0.41.7
- tftest 1.8.1
- yq 4.30.6
Released: 2022.10.31
Commit Delta: Change from 0.24.1 release
Adds github auth header to bats/install target
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.8.2
- cfn-lint 0.69.1
- packer 1.8.4
- pytest 7.2.0
- python 3.12.0a1
- terraform 1.3.3
- terragrunt 0.39.2
- yq 4.29.2
Released: 2022.10.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.24.0 release
Creates targets for installing python 3.8 and returning the expected version
Updates tool versions:
- python 3.11.0rc2
Released: 2022.10.17
Commit Delta: Change from 0.23.2 release
Provides make target to install pyenv, and adds pyenv to docker image
Uses pyenv to install Python 3.8 to the docker image
Eliminates check whether to rebuild image, relying on docker change detection
Uses specs bundled with cfn-lint
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.8.0
- black 22.10.0
- cfn-lint 0.66.1
- golang 1.19.2
- localstack 1.2.0
- pyenv (master)
- pylint 2.15.3
- python 3.8.15
- rclone 1.59.2
- terraform 1.3.2
- terragrunt 0.39.1
- tftest 1.7.4
- yamllint 1.28.0
- yq 4.28.1
Released: 2022.09.12
Commit Delta: Change from 0.23.1 release
Creates target for each file in scope for docs lint and generate
Updates tool versions:
- black 22.8.0
- cfn-lint 0.64.1
- golang 1.19.1
- pylint 2.15.2
- pytest 7.1.3
- python 3.10.7
- terraform 1.2.9
- terragrunt 0.38.9
- terratest 0.40.22
- yq 4.27.5
Released: 2022.09.09
Commit Delta: Change from 0.23.0 release
- Adds a newline to all makedown files if one does not exist. Runs terraform-docs on all Terraform files in the root and modules directories. This fixes a bug with the previous version that would not run terraform-docs on modules directories if a Terraform files did not exist at the root level.
Released: 2022.09.07
Commit Delta: Change from 0.22.0 release
Adds a newline to the end of a file if one does not exist.
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.61.5
- localstack 1.1.0
- terragrunt 0.38.7
- terratest 0.40.21
- yq 4.27.3
Released: 2022.08.23
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.9 release
Replaces all "find" logic with
git ls-files
to honor.gitignore
by default- Patterns for FIND_EXCLUDES will now need to be based on the git pathspec (e.g.
), instead offind
. See also, - ECLINT_FILES now takes the command that returns the files, and not the list of files
- All FIND_* variables can now be overriden by providing the command that returns the files
- Patterns for FIND_EXCLUDES will now need to be based on the git pathspec (e.g.
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.61.5
- golang 1.19.0
- localstack 1.0.4
- packer 1.8.3
- pylint 2.14.5
- python 3.10.6
- rclone 1.59.1
- terraform 1.2.7
- terragrunt 0.38.7
- terratest 0.40.19
- tftest 1.7.1
- yq 4.27.2
Released: 2022.07.14
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.8 release
Exports all variables that support overrides using
Marks make macros as unexported, fixing .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES
Updates tool versions:
- black 22.6.0
- cfn-lint 0.61.2
- localstack 0.14.5
- pylint 2.14.4
- rclone 1.59.0
- terraform 1.2.4
- terragrunt 0.38.4
- yamllint 1.27.1
Released: 2022.06.28
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.7 release
Avoids warnings about deleted pylint checks
Defaults to node/install to version 16
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.61.1
- localstack 0.14.4
- packer 1.8.2
- terragrunt 0.38.1
- yq 4.25.3
Released: 2022.06.22
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.6 release
Ensures root Makefile targets are available even to "guard" targets
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.61.0
- golang 1.18.3
- localstack 0.14.3
- packer 1.8.1
- pylint 2.14.3
- python 3.10.5
- terraform 1.2.3
- terragrunt 0.38.0
- terratest 0.40.17
- yq 4.25.2
Released: 2022.05.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.5 release
Updates cfn-lint specs with each tardigrade-ci release
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.7.0
- cfn-lint 0.60.0
- golang 1.18.2
- pylint 2.13.9
- pytest 7.1.2
- rclone 1.58.1
- terraform 1.1.9
- terragrunt 0.37.1
- terratest 0.40.8
- tftest 1.6.5
- yq 4.25.1
Released: 2022.04.13
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.4 release
- Updates tool versions:
- black 22.3
- cfn-lint 0.58.4
- golang 1.17.8
- hcl2 3.0.5
- localstack 0.14.2
- packer 1.8.0
- pylint 2.13.5
- pytest 7.1.0
- python 3.10.4
- rclone 1.58.0
- terraform 1.1.8
- terragrunt 0.36.3
- terratest 0.40.6
- yq 4.24.2
Released: 2022.02.15
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.3 release
Detects python files to determine whether to format/lint.
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.6.0
- cfn-lint 0.58.2
- hcl2 3.0.4
- terraform 1.1.6
- terragrunt 0.36.2
- terratest 0.40.4
- yq 4.21.1
Released: 2022.02.15
Commit Delta: Change from 0.21.2 release
Detects and terrraform or packer files to detect whether to generate and/or lint docs.
Updates tool versions:
- cfn-lint 0.58.0
- black 22.1.0
- localstack 0.14.0
- packer 1.7.10
- pytest 7.0.1
- terraform 1.1.5
- terragrunt 0.36.1
- terratest 0.40.1
- tftest 1.6.4
- yq 4.19.1
- Docker now using golang 1.17.7-buster
Released: 2022.01.26
Commit Delta: Change from 0.20.1 release
- Allows callers to use any name for the Makefile, set with
make -f
Released: 2022.01.20
Commit Delta: Change from 0.20.0 release
- Uses built-in features of terraform-docs to inject content into readme files.
Released: 2022.01.06
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.7 release
Uses override file to inject mockstack config for aws provider. Allows test configs to manage their aws provider config entirely, including any argument supported by the aws provider. Test configs should now always work without modification for the "--nomock" use case, running against real aws endpoints. For more, see PR #372.
Removes pytest argument
. -
Skips tftest cleanup on exit, so the tfstate remains intact. This is useful if there were errors when tftest ran the destroy action, as it allows us to manually inspect the state and re-run
terraform destroy
. -
Updates tool versions:
- tftest 1.6.3
Released: 2022.01.03
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.6 release
- Updates tool versions:
- localstack 0.13.2
Released: 2021.12.27
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.5 release
Pins localstack version, with updates managed by dependabot. This helps stabilize the mockstack usage of tardigrade-ci in other projects.
Updates tool versions:
- editorconfig-checker 2.4.0
- localstack 0.12.20
- tftest 1.6.2
- yq 4.16.2
Released: 2021.12.21
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.4 release
Patch release primarily to include terraform 1.1.2, as 1.1.0 had regressions that did not work with modules that specify refs. See: hashicorp/terraform#30119
Updates tool versions:
- terraform 1.1.2
- terragrunt 0.35.16
- terratest 0.38.8
Released: 2021.12.13
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.3 release
Adds the environment variable MOTO_DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME to the docker compose file used for LocalStack and moto. This environment variable is used by moto_server to determine the IP address for the docker container.
Updates tool versions:
- black 21.12b0
- cfn-lint 0.56.3
- golang 1.17.5-buster
- pylint 2.12.2
- python 3.10.1-buster
- shellcheck 0.8.0
- terraform 1.1.0
- terragrunt 0.35.14
- terratest 0.38.6
- tftest 1.6.1
- yq 4.16.1
Released: 2021.11.04
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.2 release
- If ONLY_MOTO is set to true in a Makefile and a integration test is run against AWS itself (versus a mock AWS), instead of failing due to the conflicting command line options, a warning will be printed.
Released: 2021.11.03
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.1 release
Adds new Makefile targets for the purpose of installing packer and rclone
Adds install targets for the tools:
- packer 1.7.8
- rclone 1.57.0
Released: 2021.11.01
Commit Delta: Change from 0.19.0 release
Added moto-only services to Cloudtrail, Directory Service, Route53 and Route53 Resolver.
Updates tool versions:
- black 21.10b0
- cfn-lint 0.54.4
- terraform 1.0.10
- yq 4.14.1
- terragrunt 0.35.5
Released: 2021.10.25
Commit Delta: Change from 0.18.0 release
The new environment variable "ONLY_MOTO" can be used to specify that moto should be used for mock AWS services, and not LocalStack or some combination of moto and LocalStack.
Updates tool versions:
- bats 1.50
- cfn-lint 0.54.3
- terraform 1.0.9
- terraform-docs 1.16.0
- terragrunt 0.35.4
- terratest 0.38.2
- yq 4.13.5
- Docker now using golang:1.17.2-buster
- Docker now using python:3.10.0-buster
Released: 2021.09.13
Commit Delta: Change from 0.17.1 release
The new environment variable "PROVIDER_ALIAS" can be used to specify the name of a Terraform provider alias. Used as a value for the new "--alias" command line option, it instructs the automated integration test tool to create the aliased provider information in preparation for a test run.
When running Terraform tests, the Firehose service will now be provided by moto and not LocalStack.
Updates tool versions:
- black 21.9b0
- cfn-lint 0.54.1
- pylint 2.11.1
- pytest 6.2.5
- terraform 1.0.7
- terraform-docs 1.15.0
- terragrunt 0.31.10
- terratest 0.37.8
- yamllint 1.26.3
- yq 4.13.2
- Docker now using golang:1.17.1-buster
- Docker now using python:3.9.7-buster
Released: 2021.07.30
Commit Delta: Change from 0.17.0 release
- Uses fixuid in entrypoint to fix permissions issues with bindmounts. The user that builds the tardigrade-ci container and the user that runs the tardigrade-ci container (or containers built from it) must have the same UID, or permissions issues will occur. Fixuid checks the user running the container and chowns any file or directory owned by a specified user/group in its configuration. This ensures the user has permissions to those files and directories.
Released: 2021.07.29
Commit Delta: Change from 0.16.1 release
- Creates a non-root user in docker image and passes user context when building the image. This ensures that files created in volumes mounted to the docker container are owned by the user running the container.
- Mounts the
directory as read-only in the docker container.
Released: 2021.07.22
Commit Delta: Change from 0.16.0 release
Modifies Travis workflow to run lint generically, not just ec and a shell check.
Corrects various lint errors.
No changes to tool versions.
Released: 2021.07.22
Commit Delta: Change from 0.15.0 release
Adds the target "pytest/%" for Python unit testing.
Replaces the environment variable TERRAFORM_PYTEST_ARGS with PYTEST_ARGS.
Corrects an error with the integration test utility that occurs when Terraform fails during the apply.
No changes to tool versions.
Released: 2021.07.15
Commit Delta: Change from 0.14.1 release
Adds new Makefile targets for the purpose of testing Terraform modules using Terraform and the mock AWS stacks LocalStack and/or moto. The new readme file
describes the expected testing environment and the associated Makefile targets. -
Updates tool versions:
- docker-compose 1.29.2
Adds install targets for the tools:
- pytest-compose 6.2.4
- tftest 1.6.0
Released: 2021.07.9
Commit Delta: Change from 0.14.0 release
- Updates language versions:
- python 3.9.6
- Updates tool versions:
- black 21.6b0
- cfn-lint 0.52.0
- pylint 2.9.3
- terraform 1.0.2
- terraform-docs 0.14.1
- terragrunt 0.31.0
- terratest 0.36.5
- yq 4.9.8
Released: 2021.05.28
Commit Delta: Change from 0.13.1 release
- Modifies "install" targets to install the version pinned in a file managed
by Dependabot. Depending on the tool and how it is packaged/hosted, the version
may be pinned in
, or.github/workflows/dependabot_hack.yml
. - Uses "install" targets in Dockerfile, to ensure the targets are all tested when building the image in Ci.
Released: 2021.05.07
Commit Delta: Change from 0.13.0 release
- Provides a target for installing terragrunt,
, and adds terragrunt to the docker container.
Released: 2021.05.06
Commit Delta: Change from 0.12.4 release
- Update terraform-docs version to v0.13.0
Released: 2021.05.05
Commit Delta: Change from 0.12.3 release
- Uses
pyenv shim when available - Adds
bin directory to PATH
Released: 2021.05.04
Commit Delta: Change from 0.12.2 release
- Updates version of black. Modifies pydocstyle unit test to accommodate change for the new version of black.
Released: 2021.05.03
Commit Delta: Change from 0.12.1 release
- Provides a macro "stream_github_release" that supports piping a GitHub Release
artifact to another tool (like
). The target "stream/gh-release/%" is deprecated in favor of this macro, to avoid an unnecessary recursive$(MAKE)
. - Updates the
target to extract the binary from the tar.gz archive hosted by GitHub Releases, as the binary is no longer available as a separate artifact.
Released: 2021.05.3
Commit Delta: Change from 0.12.0 release
- Remove the "--user" option from the "python -m pip install" commands.
Released: 2021.04.23
Commit Delta: Change from 0.11.0 release
- Pins terraform-docs version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins terraform version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins shellcheck version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins bats version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins editorconfig-checker (ec) version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins yq version using multi-stage docker build
- Pins black version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins pylint version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins pylint-pytest version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins pydocstyle version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins yamllint version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins cfn-lint version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
- Pins bumpversion version using requirements.txt and multi-stage docker build
Released: 2021.03.19
Commit Delta: Change from 0.10.0 release
- Adds env TARDIGRADE_CI_AUTO_INIT that controls whether auto-init is enabled (defaults to true).
- Suppresses the duplicative output from the auto-init logic in recursive calls to $(MAKE).
Released: 2021.03.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.9.2 release
- No longer requires a docker file with the fixed name of
. The environment variableTARDIGRADE_CI_DOCKERFILE
can be used to specify an alternative docker filename for thedocker/build
target or for the file used for the bootstrap. - Corrects misspelling of the module name for terratest golang test.
Released: 2021.02.19
Commit Delta: Change from 0.9.1 release
- Restores terraform-docs version to latest (currently v0.11.1), suppressing
sections. Also, the newline behavior ofdocs/generate
is managed explicitly so it is no longer subject to future changes in the terminating newline behavior ofterraform-docs
. See PR #143
Released: 2021.02.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.9.0 release
- Skips setting AWS_PROFILE when the env is not available
Released: 2021.02.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.8.1 release
- PYLINT_RCFILE defines location of the .pylintrc used by pylint
- Loadable-plugin added to .pylintrc file to support pytest linting
Released: 2021.01.13
Commit Delta: Change from 0.8.0 release
- Runs auto-init in non-
containers, so the make targets are available - Ensures
is always set, including when invoking the container directly withdocker run
Released: 2021.01.12
Commit Delta: Change from 0.7.0 release
- Provides auto-init functionality that removes requirement to run
make init
before calling othermake
targets - Documents the operational differences between user mode and developer mode
- Documents software tools and versions required to use the Makefile operational modes
- Improves safeties around
make clean
by restricting its operation to the tardigrade-ci subdirectory (relevant to user mode) - Removes
when callingmake clean
- Recommends the calling project
test for the.tardigrade-ci
file to avoid unnecessary network I/O - Updates docker image to place the tardigrade-ci contents at
- Sets
WORKDIR to/workdir
and mounts calling project to/workdir
- Exposes the env
to thedocker/run
target, keeping backwards compatibility by setting the default tomake
- Authenticates to GitHub API with GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN only if present
Released: 2021.01.06
Commit Delta: Change from 0.6.2 release
- Provides
utility and targets to manage version update workflows - Exposes env
so the targetinstall/pip/%
can tailor the version check per utility
Released: 2021.01.04
Commit Delta: Change from 0.6.1 release
- Updates
to grant the container access to the tardigrade-ci repo when the repo is outside the project directory
Released: 2020.12.29
Commit Delta: Change from 0.6.0 release
- Disables the
warning when bootstrapping tardigrade-ci repo - Retrieves version from Dockerfile when bootstrapping the tardigrade-ci repo With the change to how the container is mounted in v0.6.0, projects would always retrieve the latest Makefile even when pinning an earlier version of the docker container. This could cause unexpected CI failures in work unrelated to an update of the container
Released: 2020.12.23
Commit Delta: Change from 0.5.0 release
- Uses the calling project's directory as the docker WORKDIR (
) for thedocker/run
target. This removes a layer of abstraction, where before the tardigrade-ci directory was the/ci-harness
WORKDIR, and the project's directory was mounted at/ci-harness/{project}
. The prior approach meant all commands needed to change to the{project}
directory to function properly. Now, commands operate the same as if they were being run outside the docker container
Released: 2020.12.18
Commit Delta: Change from 0.4.0 release
- Uses
to lint python docstrings inpython/lint
Released: 2020.12.17
Commit Delta: Change from 0.3.1 release
- Replaces
- Improves friendliness of
tests by avoiding changes to the git working area
Released: 2020.12.11
Commit Delta: Change from 0.3.0 release
- Corrects
behavior when there are no matching files
Released: 2020.12.10
Commit Delta: Change from 0.2.0 release
- Modifies the envs
to be lists of files, instead of commands that return the files - Passes the
env togit ls-files
return the correct set of files
Released: 2020.12.03
Commit Delta: Change from 0.1.0 release
- Updates
to lint python files withpylint
Released: 2020.08.20
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.18 release
- Adds support for terraform 0.13
- Updates
target to support building docker image locally on Ubuntu
Released: 2020.06.10
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.17 release
- Excludes cache directories from
make docs/%
Released: 2020.04.08
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.16 release
- Exposes
env to customize the terratest timeout in themake test
Released: 2020.04.08
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.15 release
- Updates hcl/format and hcl/lint targets
Released: 2020.1.28
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.0 release
- Adds black and eclint make targets
Released: 2020.1.27
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.0 release
- Adds remote Makefile functionality
Released: 2020.1.23
Commit Delta: Change from 0.0.0 release
- Updates terraform-docs make targets and associated tests
Commit Delta: N/A
Released: 2020.01.16
- Initial release!