‘%REMOVE’ marker in .bbx 8.20e - p268 - uniquename=inits doesn’t do this 8.20f–8.20j - only primary author with inits Remove \usebibmacro{apa:finpunct}, \usebibmacro{apa:pageref}? Document groupauthor as preferable Document KEYWORDS=nonacademic Document name roles via annotations for less common and mixed author roles, mandatory annotation names Combine all roles (9.10) 10.1.18 -> related comment on in line with reviews lbx have reference to old APA numbers %REF Document mention legal formats, citeinfo/citeorg/citedate or ORGANIZATION, appeal annotation Document v6 package and name Remove annotation \togglefalse{blx@bibliography} from .bbx, line 1307 after biblatex 3.15 out