v1.2.18 (2016-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- for all event related views (event list, footage, analyze) show "relative time from now" like "1 day ago" or "2 hours ago" #317
v1.2.17 (2016-09-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to perform monitor config changes for all monitors (credit @sctt) #316
- enable/disable sound and vibration push notifications #314
- Add Wake/Sleep/Reset to PTZ functions (credit: @sctt) #306
Fixed bugs:
- clean up event server flow - its been a bloody mess for a while #312
- Add option to disable nativeTransitions #310
- app freezes when adding more than 2 profiles #304
- saving a server profile removes the "Add" button while in the same view #303
- 1.2.0 seems to have routing issues and xwalk issues #302
- zmNinja fails to log in over open internet on first invocation #126
- it seems in some cases monitor intervals don't get transmitted to zmeventserver #112
Closed issues:
- modal close via back action on Android - make sure all timers re-start/resources released #305
- ZMninja API issue with zoneminder 1.30 #300
Merged pull requests:
- tweaks to #313 #315 (pliablepixels)
- Added Global Configuration function for monitors #313 (sctt)
- Revert "Added Wake-Sleep-Reset control commands" #309 (pliablepixels)
- tweaks to Sleep/Wake/Reset #306 #308 (pliablepixels)
- Added Wake-Sleep-Reset control commands #307 (sctt)
v1.2.0 (2016-08-10)
vv1.2.0 (2016-08-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow frame navigation when you tap on alarms view within the modal #301
- When viewing alarmed frames in events view, allow option to only show frames that differ in time #296
- Encrypt user profile for more security #294
- Portuguese language support #290
- Allow frame navigation when you tap on a thumbnail image #288
- tapping on graphs should show a nice event list - current doesn't do anything useful #18
Fixed bugs:
- Password appears in log as plain text #293
- server settings get deleted, especially on iOS #292
- Tweak montage layout to avoid overlaps and gaps #286
- Focus! Solve that damn "go to login screen" issue that some users are facing #193
Closed issues:
- license doc typos #297
- Having issues setting up Real Time Notifications with ZM ninja and ZM server #295
- zmNinja via VPN on iOS #265
- rework event graphs in event page, make event navigation easier #233
- PTZ support could be improved #207
Merged pull requests:
- license doc typos #297 #298 (phillxnet)
- Some corrections to Portuguese translation #291 (ljpinho)
- Portugues Language #289 (ljpinho)
- New translated key addiction in locale-it.json #287 (mcbittech)
v1.1.96 (2016-07-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make sure zmNinja plays ball with new user roles in APIs #93
Fixed bugs:
- Slash screen PIN entry text error on zmN 1.1.94b #284
- build for android broke - uglify is messing up release builds #282
- ZMNinja back button issue #281
- Modify montage filtering to make sure maxLimit does not include disabled monitors #277
- Some Android phones seem to have SSL issues with self-signed certs #273
Closed issues:
- Multi-server not video from cameras #283
v1.1.94 (2016-07-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to navigate to live stream on notification tap #278
- Allow upto 10 monitors to be arranged per row in montage #276
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- zmNinja-I can only see one camera in the app in montage view, but I can see my 2 cameras in browser #280
- Swipe to next event for the same monitor id not working #274
v1.1.93 (2016-06-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement language translations #261
- Italian Language #260
- Improve desktop mouse-wheel scrolling in the event view #258
Fixed bugs:
- Allow special characters in password to work in wizard #264
- if you open a footage modal and exit before 5 seconds, the app keeps checking for event status #257
- Montage and Live View no longer working #256
- 1.1.9 for Android broke pinch and zoom #255
Closed issues:
- Fix android permissions #268
- Validate language coverage #267
- Update project to work with ionic@2 tools #259
- switch to non parsed zms for montage - see if it helps packery #254
Merged pull requests:
- IT Translations correction #270 #272 (mcbittech)
- More Translations #267 #269 (mcbittech)
- Italian Translations first commit #266 (mcbittech)
v1.1.92 (2016-05-21)
v1.1.9 (2016-05-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to jump to specific timeframe during event playback #252
- Allow users to specify a minimum alarm frame count for the events page #250
- Implement new color scheme #249
- Show recording state in monitors (alert/alarm/recording/idle) #248
- add ability to force trigger alarms (needs API upgrade) #245
- support multi-server feeds and the new server API #241
- Write a configuration wizard #234
Fixed bugs:
- Fix keyboard jump on certain fields/iOS #251
- clean up buttons so they don't overlap in many views #246
- Switching between profiles fails to discover monitors #244
- Event Graphs issue #239
- Event server customization #238
- Push notification issue #237
- Fix the monitor orientation code for rotated cameras #232
- protocol bug - cgi-bin discover #231
Closed issues:
- . #253
- clean up monitorCtrl - remove Event crap - we now have different controllers #247
- switching between fid mode playback (api 1.30+) and path mode causes issues if I don't restart app #243
- video .mp4 event issue #242
- check if android is exiting on background #240
- Enhancement: zmNinja as surveillance solution #236
- Application not recorvering from connection errors #199
- Event Montage unstable #183
- [DESKTOP] Playback control bar lost some features in 1.0.9 #176
v1.1.7 (2016-04-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add option to tap on alarm events in events view to see a larger version #229
- Add a helper function to automatically detect cgi-bin #228
- PTZ zoom support #224
Fixed bugs:
- Not possible to control PTZ after swipe from non-PTZ camera #223
- PTZ with moveRel (Axis PTZ as an example) does not work when navigated from Montage view #222
- montage natural scrolling does not work #218
- when dragging around in analyze graph, don't scroll the screen #217
- full screen in montage does not work #216
Closed issues:
- improve timeline taps - make a closest guess #230
- iOS and Android: introduce native transitions and scrolling [performance] #226
- Email notifications with animated GIF attachements #225
- Add version number to help page #220
- Upgrade code-base to new plugins, ionic 1.2.4, etc. #219
- Error: Hook failed with error code ENOENT: #210
v1.1.4 (2016-04-05)
v1.1.3 (2016-04-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- new feature to analyze frames quickly from event list #215
- re-introduce ability to hide monitors with new drag/drop montage #213
- Enhance timeline graph to allow for event frame scrubbing #209
- Allow ability to only browse alarm frames while in full screen footage view #206
Fixed bugs:
- zmNinja build from source does not load on iOS 9.x - hangs on splashscreen #212
- Some SSL users are facing issues with reachability returning no servers reachable #208
Closed issues:
- zmNinja 1.1.3 build from source - Push registration failed #214
- No live view video playback, cgi path is set. #211
- Fix layout for first run when no layout config exists - check demo acct #205
v1.1.2 (2016-03-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Left drawer should open with swipe gesture in any view not just fullscreen #202
- Local and External Server configuration [$5] #133
Fixed bugs:
- quick scrub drag slider stopped working #196
Closed issues:
- Add gesture to exit any fullscreen #203
- Demo Account Autocreating itself #200
- ionic state restore not creating platforms/android directory #198
- Authentication Failed #195
v1.1.1 (2016-03-14)
Fixed bugs:
- The new montage function resets montage layout if there are hidden or disabled monitors #194
Closed issues:
- Testing issue template (dummy issue) #192
- testing issue template #191
- decrease splash screen delay (reduce startup delay) #190
- Android build fails ref #180 #184
v1.1.0 (2016-03-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a pre-configured demo account for people to test around with #187
- Add gesture to open left menu while in full screen live view #185
- Add touch gesture to exit live view #182
- add dynamic drag and drop and multiple size options to montage - make it awesome and more consistent #179
- Prev day/next day for timeline #177
- 12/24 hours scheme settings #175
Fixed bugs:
- switching server profiles causes inconsistency if you go to developer options #189
- changing timeline limit does not go into effect until app restart #188
- Desktop (possibly others): Inescapable UI pattern #174
Closed issues:
- No image for monitors nor events #181
- Android build fails #180
- iPhone stopped working #178
- non-free license #173
- iOS: Montage View arrange views (third icon from top-right) does not function #172
v1.0.9 (2016-02-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Route event playback via ZMS #164
- Montage view zoom slider, ergonomy #163
- [DESKTOP] Zooming for non touch screen displays. #162
- Fix playback speed for long events #161
Fixed bugs:
- Desktop: Monitors Freeze when Exiting Full Screen #169
- changing to invalid credentials after valid credentials continues to work #167
Closed issues:
- iOS: Events-->Filter by Date/Time does not work #171
- Desktop: Event Footage extremely low resolution #168
- ionic state restore failed #166
- Desktop: Montage places last image below rather than alongside previous #165
- [DESKTOP] Playback issue on windows platform #151
v1.0.7 (2016-02-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Refine montage history to accept from/to dates #160
Closed issues:
- Build is failing #156
v1.0.6 (2016-02-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow event server to work without SSL - requires zmeventserver upgrade #159
- Introduce a montage timeline function #154
- Addition Next frame/prev frame buttons when viewing event - for fine grained snapshot control. #150
- Notification icon and sound - add ability to play default sounds #135
Closed issues:
- Make exit buttons of live view and events view consistent #158
- Remove SSL cert requirement #157
- Closing data leaks - trying to bottle up areas which may result in chrome keeping TCP connections open in background #155
- xcode fails on linking #153
- installing ios-deploy ends with an error #152
- Progress bar is ignored in Event View when playback is paused. #149
v1.0.5 (2016-01-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to save a snapshot of an event playback to disk #148
Fixed bugs:
- 1.0.4 Broke basic auth #147
- Basic auth only - no zm auth - app goes to login on restart and says auth fails - app works #140
Closed issues:
- montage display wrap got messed up in newer versions of Chrome #146
- Viewing events on slow connection basically doesn't work #145
v1.0.3 (2016-01-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow montage to flow as columns (packed) or rows (not packed) #144
- Reduce android apk size #142
- Improve timeline performance #129
- For Android only: Allow an exit option in menu #128
- Implement a mechanism to detect when network is on/off #127
- Add support for Pan/Tilt/Zoom Presets #116
Fixed bugs:
- Monitor order is different one can observe in ZM montage #143
- You can swipe to dead monitor #138
- switching networks should trigger authentication #134
- Excessive background data usage #131
Closed issues:
- [Log in Failed] Checking if reCaptcha is enabled in zm.. #141
- Swiping with ZMS is slower than swiping without zms #139
- Exit button on Android build #137
- zmninja cannot talk to zmeventserver #136
- HTTP basic auth credentials not stored #132
- Android build fails #130
- [DESKTOP][QUESTION] gconf #125
- CSS montage - implement a better reflow algorithm #124
- Auto upload successful build to testfairy #75
- Integrate with Travis #72
- When moving montage monitors around, remember to move the size #16
v1.0.2 (2015-12-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement a way to only play alarmed frames #118
v1.0.1 (2015-12-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add an option to play at real FPS in single monitor view #123
- Offer a server selection menu on app launch #122
- Add a stop button to PTZ #121
- Pack in the montage view better #119
- Truncate monitor name in montage if size of image is less #117
Fixed bugs:
- Developer setting for Frame Update allows decimals #114
Closed issues:
v0.87.3 (2015-12-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to detect cgi-bin configuration issues (experimental) #110
- Allow 'show all/show alarmed' events to persist and show menu option in both Events and Timeline Views #108
- Make timeline items configurable instead of forcing 200 #104
Fixed bugs:
- popover "..." menu in event and timeline does not show in certain scenarios - so no menu #109
- Disabling event server does not disable push notifications via APNS/GCM #107
- Quick scrub on devices (atleast iOS) does not stop if you tap #106
- Bulk frames are causing problems with the scrub bar positioning of alarmed frames #102
- Gapless playback showing events from non-persisted monitors #86
Closed issues:
- Timeline on v0.87.2 shows only motion events #105
v0.87.2 (2015-11-20)
v0.87 (2015-11-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Tap to load events on push notification is broken #103
- Monitors in zmNinja should respect sequence of monitors in Zoneminder #100
- SavetoPhone not working #99
- 0.87.1 broke quick scrub thumbnail #98
- [DESKTOP] Image scaling issues #90
Closed issues:
v0.87.1 (2015-11-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Event page is overcrowded for mocord users - add option to show only alarmed frames #89
- Ability to specify multiple ZM servers and switch between them #83
- add per monitor 'alarmed' status indicator to montage view #82
Fixed bugs:
- zmNinja adds cgi-bin on its own to cgi path. This is a problem for Centos #92
- Can't toggle gapless playback when viewing timeline events #85
- desktop app no video from timeline #70
Closed issues:
- Breaking changes for this release: #97
- Zoneminder specific notes for this release #96
- Increase desktop limit of timeline to 2000 events instead of 200 #95
- Implement daily version check for Desktop versions #94
- eliminate duplicate code between timeline and event control for footage mode #87
- Non-persisted monitors showing in timeline, events views #84
- Clean up persistent data storage mechanism #81
- Remove external deps from codebase #80
- Update .gitignore to support osx #78
- Welcome message on first start #76
- add contributing guidelines #74
- Add License #73
- desktop app, can't export logs #71
- make email logs work in desktop mode by opening default client #69
- in quick scrub/footage mode - start playing without waiting for a tap #68
- make mouse wheel work in desktop mode #67
Merged pull requests:
- prevents checkin of unessicary file from osx #79 (jsloyer)
- move license file to correct filename #77 (jsloyer)
v0.86 (2015-11-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make Back button to exit from live view #61
- ability to run all screens of zmNinja on a desktop without console errors #59
- In playback mode, add the ability to swipe to the next event of whichever monitor has the next event and/or initiate gapless playback of same. #49
- In playback mode, add the ability to swipe to the next event of the same monitor and/or initiate gapless playback. #48
Fixed bugs:
- tapping on events before they complete causes issues #44
Closed issues:
- If swiping is enabled, don't swipe if image is zoomed in -- causes pan/zoom conflicts #66
- getDiskStatus seems to be a performance bottleneck - disable for now in System State screen #65
- clean up non-reachable code during portal check #64
v0.85 (2015-11-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- video branch support for zmNinja #60
- changing servers requires reload of monitors - should be automatically done #58
Fixed bugs:
- fix version check - in one part of the code, I'm not doing a >= check resulting in new ZM versions failing #57
- notifications delivered while the app is running should also produce the same sound #55
- iOS notifications are not showing style and sound options #54
Closed issues:
- permissions on Android #56
v0.84 (2015-10-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- offer an option to force web sockets even if push is supported #53
- customize screen to load on push notification tap #47
Fixed bugs:
- Ssl toggle and https in login #52
- Swiping to the left should reveal next monitor, not prev monitor (seen on iOS 9) #51
- rev 0.83, event icon is a solid block #50
- Monitor view: events not showing for deselected monitors (and should since the goal in monitor view is to see all monitors which would include their events). #46
- Montage view: swipe shows deselected monitors (and should not). #45
- Timeline more menu bonked again #43
Closed issues:
- custom range dates shown even if pullup overwrites them #37
- Android client: System Status view returns HTTP error #32
- app causes ZM crash/bad behavior after it's been asleep for a while #30
v0.83 (2015-10-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- ability to restrict monitors in all views - depending on some global selection #42
- make it optional to swipe between live view of monitors #41
- review security approach - switch to auth token instead of passing u+p in url #2
Fixed bugs:
- if apis can't be reached the app assumes version is 0.0.0 and moves app to low version screen #40
- Check multiple web sockets created in android -- seems old web sockets don't get deleted #39
- Background mode: Popover menus stick around #33
Closed issues:
- Monitor change makes enabled 0 #38
- Restarting ZM in state control results in client freezing #35
- radial menu is broken #34
- monitor buttons to navigate can overlap exit,zoom,refresh buttons #31
- pinch zoom on monitor too sensitive, detects false swipes #29
- Montage re-order does not work with large list of monitors #28
- investigate when timeline barfs with a "no parent" error #27
- zmNinja should give a useful warning when the API is non-functional #25
- apk Download of zmNinja #22
- Add destroy to each view and cancel all view timers again there just to make sure #21
- Add random string recalc every 1 sec to monitor view #20
- Long press on android to increase individual montage size does not work #19
- white screen on idle during playback #17
- make sure image works if an autologin happens in the background #15
- settings UI - keep hints always on top #14
- skip disabled monitors in montage view #13
- how to install your application? #12
- Implement a way to do a sanity check on the input and inform the user if the paths are wrong #11
- come up with a clean input box to make sure I account for various API/base path install combos #10
- Implement event filtering for graph generation - last hr/week/month #9
- Android: Montage screen - scaling is not correct #8
- Android: Http problem #7
- When images are loaded over a slow connection, there is a white screen till it loads #6
- handle situations when zms does not respond to your commands for a while #5
- test product on Android - make sure all plugins work etc. #4
- we are only retrieving the first page of events - need to fix it to get all #1
Merged pull requests:
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator