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PG Move

Admin9705 edited this page Mar 5, 2019 · 27 revisions
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Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. PG Move Advantages & Disadvantages
  3. PG Move - UnEncrypted
  4. PG Move - Encrypted Setup
  5. How it works

1. Intro

PG move was established as the transport system that was originally built for PlexGuide. PG Move provides you the ability to transfer your files in the most simplistic manner. PG Move no longer requires you to edit your rclone config for it's setup. For the encrypted edition, the user no longer has to configure gcrypt. All of this is automated through PG Clone.

2. PG Move Advantages - Disadvantages

Advantages of PG Move over PG Blitz:

  • Easy setup
  • Can utilize BW to throttle upload rate
  • Only utilizes your primary Google Drive (gdrive)

Disadvantage of PG Move over PG Blitz:

  • Max Upload of 750GB per day
  • Normally requires 10MB throttle to prevent upload ban

3. PG Move - Unencrypted Setup

i. PG YouTube - PG Move Unencrypted

ii. Information

The setup for this process is easy.

  • Have the Google OAuth Keys generated and saved!
  • Select PG Move Unencrypted
  • Goto PG Clone - OAuth & Mounts
  • Set the Client ID
  • Set the Secret ID
  • Select GDrive under the rclone configuration and validate the link
  • Exit to the main menu
  • Select a Throttle Limit (10MB is generally safe to prevent an upload ban)
  • Select Deploy

4. PG Move - Encrypted Setup

i. PG YouTube - PG Move Encrypted

ii. Information

The setup for this process is easy.

  • Have the Google OAuth Keys generated and saved!
  • Select PG Move Enencrypted
  • Goto PG Clone - OAuth & Mounts
  • Set the Client ID
  • Set the Secret ID
  • Set a Primary Password & SALT Password
  • Select GDrive under the rclone configuration and validate the link
  • Exit to the main menu
  • Select a Throttle Limit (10MB is generally safe to prevent an upload ban)
  • Select Deploy

5. How it works

  1. When radarr/lidarr/sonarr imports your downloads from /mnt/downloads/_downloader_/_category_/... it reads the download mappings and instead of looking for /mnt/downloads/_downloader_/_category_/... it looks for /mnt/unionfs/_downloader_/_category_/.... So at this point it's accessing the files inside the merger.
  2. Now Arr will do a hardlink/mv operation to rename and organize the media. Arr will think it's putting the files in /mnt/unionfs/_category_/..., but it's actually putting them into /mnt/downloads/_category_/...
  3. At this point your files are imported and renamed, they are accessible at /mnt/unionfs/_category_/...
  4. The move script runs and ignores any "known downloader" folders inside /mnt/downloads, and moves everything it doesn't ignore (like /mnt/downloads/_category_) to /mnt/move for uploading.
  5. Now your files are inside /mnt/move for uploading, run pgmove to see status.

-- Arr has to organize the files, To hardlink inside mergerfs, it requires everything being inside the merger (aka /mnt/unionfs) for rapid importing to work. The downloader mappers tell arr to look in /mnt/unionfs/nzbget so then it does a mv. But underlying, mergerfs will do a rename in the real location, which is /mnt/downloads. There isn't a way to force that rename operation to occur in /mnt/move instead or we would just do that, this is behavior we cannot change.

Files that exist in /mnt/downloads/_category_ will be moved for uploading.

Move runs in a batch, it grabs everything ready at that time and uploads it. It will not move other files in the background while actively uploading!

Arr however will continue to import and organize the next set of files. So typically files sit in /mnt/downloads/_category_ for 0-45m (depending on active upload).

During this entire process once arr does the import, the file stays at /mnt/unionfs/_category_/[...] this is so plex can scan it and have it available without first waiting for it to be uploaded.

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Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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