SpatialConnect uses Carthage. To install SpatialConnect in an iOS application, add a Cartfile to the root of your project with the following dependency:
github "boundlessgeo/spatialconnect-ios-sdk" "master"
Next, run the following command to fetch and build SpatialConnect and all dependencies:
carthage update --platform iOS
From the Carthage/Build/iOS folder, drag the following frameworks into the General -> Embedded Binaries section of your project file in Xcode:
- CocoaLumberjack.framework
- JWT_iOS_Framework.framework
- libgpkgios.framework
- MQTTFramework.framework
- ReactiveCocoa.framework
- SpatialConnect.framework
- wkb_ios.framework
- ZipZap.framework
Next, go to Build Settings for your project and add a Header Search Path value for the following path, and select recursive:
Finally, import the SpatialConnect header:
#import <SpatialConnect/SpatialConnect.h>