One can use Qgis3 functionality within your standalone python programs - e.g, for making maps.
The basic setup for such a python script would like:
A full description of features available at the python level can be found here:
We include the settings in a module file named $HOME/privatemodules/qgis3
## qgis3 modulefile
## privatemodules/qgis. Generated from by configure.
proc ModulesHelp { } {
global version
puts stderr "\tSets up environment for using Qgis3 in python3"
puts stderr "\n\tVersion $version\n"
module-whatis "adds Qgis3 stuff to your environment variables"
# for Tcl script use only
set version 3.2.10
conflict qgis
append-path PYTHONPATH /Applications/MacPorts/
append-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /Applications/MacPorts/
To use QGIS within your python 3.6 scripts
module load qgis3