export PL_GATEWAY_URL="https://$(dig +short prod.withpixie.ai @"
export PL_BUILD_TYPE=prod
export SELFSIGN_CERT_FILE="$HOME/.prod.cert"
export SELFSIGN_CERT_KEY="$HOME/.prod.key"
You should only need to do this once.
mkcert -install
mkcert \
-cert-file $SELFSIGN_CERT_FILE \
-key-file $SELFSIGN_CERT_KEY \
prod.withpixie.ai "*.prod.withpixie.ai" localhost ::1
Replace site-name with your test site name. prod.withpixie.ai <site-name>.prod.withpixie.ai id.prod.withpixie.ai
cd src/ui
yarn install
yarn dev
Navigate to https://prod.withpixie.ai:8080/ Note the https and port. If you are not logged in, log in at work.withpixie.ai because as of writing this, auth0 doesn't accept callbacks to prod.withpixie.ai:8080