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File metadata and controls

135 lines (118 loc) · 5.4 KB

Gatsby 2.0 Typescript Starter

Gatsby is documented as a static site generator for react. However, the truth is that it's far more than that. With the help of GraphQL and a vast library of plugins Gatsby can be used to create rich dynamic content that is both fast and highly extensible.


The goal of this starter, like many others, is to provide the ground work for new Gatsby projects. The primary focus for this particular starter is provide a feature rich environment that allows a user to hit the ground running while providing tools to help maintain quality code and site.


  • Markdown to markup processing by remark
  • React 16 & Redux
  • Semantic UI React component library
  • Storybook for building components in isolation
  • Testing/Linting supported by Jest, enzyme, eslint, tslint, etc
  • TypeScript support

Table of Contents


This project has the following requirements for development. Keep in mind that the versions provided are a recommendation while other versions may be compatible they are untested.

  • Node >= 8.0.0
  • Yarn >= 1.0.0

Content Creation & Management

For content creation all our work will be contained in the data directory.


This starter supporters multiple authors at the same time. All authors must first be added to the array found in the file below.

├── author.json

Each author should share a structure identical to the following.

    "id": "Full Name",
    "bio": "Short biography",
    "avatar": "avatars/testing.jpg",
    "twitter": "@handle",
    "github": "@handle"

The id field above should be the authors full name. This will later be used to tie the author to a given post. All avatar images can be found in data/avatars.

Blog Posts

Each blog post should be contained with in a directory that follows the pattern YYYY-MM-DD--the-title. In side this directory there should be the post and optionally the post image {gif, jpg, png}.

├── blog/
    ├── 2018-05-25--welcome-to-gatsby/
        ├── post-image.jpg

As for the post markdown itself. The meta data section should follow the below pattern.

title: Tile Name
createdDate: '2018-05-25'
updatedDate: '2018-05-25'
author: Brian Gebel
  - starter
  - gatsby
image: post-image.jpeg
draft: false

For the post part this structure should be self explanatory however, a few parts have special behaviour.

  1. author should be identical to the id referenced in data/author.json. This allows articles to be linked to a specific site author.
  2. image can either be an image placed with int he same directory or a remote image hosted else where.
  3. draft allows for a posts to be hidden from the public.


This project uses yarn instead of npm. As a result it is required that we first get that setup. Please see their documentation for more information.

Once yarn is installed and node >=8 is confirmed run:

yarn install


Extending the starter is really no different that developing any other react application. However for advanced features it is recommended that you read both the Gatsby and GraphQL documentation.

Getting started

Often times we are interested in developing small react components in isolation prior to introducing them into the greater project. To accomplish this we use storybook to mount our components.

yarn storybook

For integration we can run a local dev server provided by gatsby.

yarn start

This should also provide a web interface to created/edit GraphQL queries.


During and after development we can verify that our changes won't break our build by running our test suite.

yarn test

Of course we can also have this run while we make changes.

yarn start:watch

Code Quality

To ensure code quality we can manually run our suite of linters to verify everything is kosher.

yarn lint

Individual linters can be targeted with the one of the following modifiers:

  1. ts - Runs across all TypeScript code
  2. md - Verifies all markdown matches specified patterns.
  3. js - Checks JavaScript meets specific standards
  4. js - Checks CSS meets specific standards
  5. js - Checks SCSS meets specific standards

Building & Publishing

Once we are ready to publish we can generate our build. It is first recommended that we delete all previous build files and then build our new site.

yarn clean && yarn build

Then of course once complete we can commit our changes. This should then kick off a small test suite that will verify our changes are ready to be committed.

Verifying Build

To verify the build locally it is recommended that docker and docker-compose are setup. This will allow us to spin up a simple nginx server to serve up our content in a way similar to how most webservers will handle it.

First in the root directory of this starter run the following cmd to build our container.

docker-compose build

Once complete you can launch this container by running.

docker-compose up

This will then serve up the site at http://localhost:8080.