diff --git a/install.md b/install.md
index 0a6ae45f81..143d27005f 100644
--- a/install.md
+++ b/install.md
@@ -666,94 +666,51 @@ To install Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan (Grype Scanner):
## Install API portal
-First, follow the instructions in [Install Packages](#install-packages) above.
-You can check what versions of API portal are available to install by running:
-tanzu package available list -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com
-For example:
-$ tanzu package available list -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com
-- Retrieving package versions for api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com...
- api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com 1.0.2 2021-09-27T00:00:00Z
-The API portal has several configurations that can be overridden during installation.
-To see the values, along with their defaults, run:
-tanzu package available get -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com/{version} --values-schema
-- where `{version}` is the version you wish to install, e.g. `1.0.2`
-For example:
-tanzu package available get -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com/1.0.2 --values-schema
-| Retrieving package details for api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com/1.0.2...
- apiPortalServer.sourceUrlsCacheTtlSec 300 string Time after which they will be refreshed (in seconds)
- apiPortalServer.sourceUrlsTimeoutSec 10 string Timeout for remote OpenAPI retrieval (in seconds)
- apiPortalServer.replicaCount 1 integer Number of replicas
- apiPortalServer.sourceUrls https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json,https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json string OpenAPI urls to load
- ```
-To override these defaults, check out [Installing API portal with Overrides](#install-api-portal-overrides).
-### Adding the image pull secret
-The API portal requires a container registry secret named `api-portal-image-pull-secret`.
-You can use the same Tanzu Network credentials used when creating your `tap-registry` secret.
-### Installing API portal with defaults
-To install the API portal with default values, run:
-tanzu package install api-portal -n tap-install -p api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com -v {version}
-- where `{version}` is the version you wish to install, e.g. `1.0.2`
-You should see a result similar to:
-/ Installing package 'api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com'
-| Getting namespace 'api-portal'
-| Getting package metadata for 'api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com'
-| Creating service account 'api-portal-api-portal-sa'
-| Creating cluster admin role 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-role'
-| Creating cluster role binding 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-rolebinding'
-/ Creating package resource
-- Package install status: Reconciling
- Added installed package 'api-portal' in namespace 'tap-install'
-### Installing API portal with overrides
-To install the API portal with overridden values, create a `values.yaml` file with your values.
-For example here we require two replicas:
- replicaCount: 2
-Then run the install command with the `values.yaml`:
-tanzu package install api-portal -n tap-install -p api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com -v {version} -f values.yaml
-- where `{version}` is the version you wish to install, e.g. `1.0.2`
-You will see an output result similar to [installing with defaults](#install-api-portal-defaults).
-However, you should see two `api-portal-server` pods in your namespace.
-### Further Reading
-For more information on API portal, check out the documentation [here](https://docs.pivotal.io/api-portal/1-0/).
+1. Follow the instructions in [Install Packages](#install-packages) above.
+2. Check what versions of API portal are available to install by running:
+ ```bash
+ tanzu package available list -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```console
+ $ tanzu package available list -n tap-install api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com
+ - Retrieving package versions for api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com...
+ api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com 1.0.2 2021-09-27T00:00:00Z
+ ```
+3. Create a container registry secret named `api-portal-image-pull-secret`.
+ ```console
+ $ kubectl create secret docker-registry api-portal-image-pull-secret -n tap-install \
+ --docker-server=registry.tanzu.vmware.com \
+ --docker-username=TANZU-NET-USER \
+ --docker-password=TANZU-NET-PASSWORD
+ secret/api-portal-image-pull-secret created
+ ```
+ - where `TANZU-NET-USER` and `TANZU-NET-PASSWORD` are your credentials for Tanzu Network.
+4. Install API portal.
+ ```console
+ $ tanzu package install api-portal -n tap-install -p api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com -v 1.0.2
+ / Installing package 'api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com'
+ | Getting namespace 'api-portal'
+ | Getting package metadata for 'api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com'
+ | Creating service account 'api-portal-api-portal-sa'
+ | Creating cluster admin role 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-role'
+ | Creating cluster role binding 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-rolebinding'
+ / Creating package resource
+ - Package install status: Reconciling
+ Added installed package 'api-portal' in namespace 'tap-install'
+ ```
+5. Visit [API portal for VMware Tanzu](https://docs.pivotal.io/api-portal/1-0/) for more information about API portal.
## Verify the Installed Packages