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Project accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3

User Guide - Docker Hub - Git Hub - Wiki - Discussions

Release 23.08.1

Main changes:

  • hook scripts env.rc, push and post_push have been updated
  • handling of multiple deployment tags per image has been improved and it covers also publishing into the builder repository now
    • also less image pollution by publishing
  • file got a new section Tips and examples, containing
    • How to deploy all images into one repository
  • fix in help mode
  • readme files updated
  • container screenshots replaced by animations

Release 23.08

This release brings updated and significantly shortened README files, because most of the content has been moved into the new User guide.

Release 23.07.1

This release brings some enhancements in the Dockerfiles and the script user_generator.rc with the aim to better support extending the images.

Release 23.07

This release introduces a new feature FEATURES_OVERRIDING_ENVV, which controls the overriding or adding of environment variables at the container startup-time. Meaning, after the container has already been created.

The feature is enabled by default. It can be disabled by setting the variable FEATURES_OVERRIDING_ENVV to zero when the container is created or the image is built. Be aware that any other value than zero, even if unset or empty, enables the feature.

If FEATURES_OVERRIDING_ENVV=1, then the container startup script will look for the file $HOME/.override/.override_envv.rc and source all the lines that begin with the string 'export ' at the first position and contain the '=' character.

The overriding file can be provided from outside the container using bind mounts or volumes.

The lines that have been actually sourced can be reported into the container's log if the startup parameter --verbose or --debug is provided.

This feature is an enhanced implementation of the previously available functionality known as Overriding VNC/noVNC parameters at the container startup-time.

Therefore this is a breaking change for the users that already use the VNC/noVNC overriding. They need to move the content from the previous file $HOME"/.vnc_override.rc into the new file $HOME/.override/.override_envv.rc.

Release 23.03.2

This release mitigates the problems with the edge use case, when users bind the whole $HOME directory to an external folder on the host computer.

Please note that I recommend to avoid doing that. If you really want to, then your best bet is using the Docker volumes. That is the only option I've found, which works across the environments. In the discussion thread #39 I've described the way, how to initialize a bound $HOME folder, if you really want to give it a try.

Main changes:

  • file .initial_sudo_password has been moved from the $HOME to the $STARTUPDIR folder
  • file .initial_sudo_password is not deleted, but cleared after the container user is created
  • startup scripts have been adjusted and improved
  • readme files have been updated

Release 23.03.1

This is a maintenance release aiming to improve the scripts and documentation.

Release 23.03

  • updated with TigerVNC 1.13.1 bugfix release
  • also some updates in readme files

Release 23.02.1

Features NOVNC and FIREFOX_PLUS, that are enabled by default, can be disabled via environment variables:

  • If FEATURES_NOVNC="0", then
    • image will not include noVNC
    • image tag will get the -vnc suffix (e.g. latest-vnc, 20.04-firefox-vnc etc.)
    • image with Firefox will not include the Firefox Plus features
    • image tag will get the -default suffix (e.g. latest-firefox-default or also latest-firefox-default-vnc etc.)

Release 23.02

This is the first G3v4 release, introducing the updated startup scripts. The previous version G3v3 will still be available in this repository as the branch archived-generation-g3v3.

  • The updated startup scripts that support overriding the user ID (id) and group ID (gid) without needing the former build argument ARG_FEATURES_USER_GROUP_OVERRIDE, which has been removed.
  • The user ID and the group ID can be overridden during the build time (docker build) and the run time (docker run).
  • The user name, the group name and the initial sudo password can be overridden during the build time.
  • The permissions of the files /etc/passwd and /etc/groups are set to the standard 644 after creating the user.
  • The content of the home folder and the startup folder belongs to the created user.
  • The created user gets permissions to use sudo. The initial sudo password is configurable during the build time using the build argument ARG_SUDO_INITIAL_PW. The password can be changed inside the container.
  • The default id:gid has been changed from 1001:0 to 1000:1000.

Changes in build arguments:


Changes in environment variables:


Main changes in files:

  • updated Dockerfile.xfce.22-04 and Dockerfile.xfce.20-04
  • updated, user_generator.rc and
  • updated hook scripts env.rc, build, pre_build and util.rc
  • updated
  • added tests/ allows to quickly check the current permissions

Updated versions:

  • TigerVNC to version 1.13.0
  • noVNC to version 1.4.0

Release 23.01

This is the first G3v3 release, introducing the images based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. The previous version G3v2 will still be available in this repository as the branch archived-generation-g3v2.

Changes in deployment:

  • default base of the latest images is now Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    • there is no snap included
    • Firefox is the latest non-snap version from the Mozilla Team PPA
    • Chromium is the latest version from the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS distribution
    • latest images will be doubled by the tags with the prefix 22.04
  • images based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS will still be published
    • their tags will begin with the prefix 20.04
  • image accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3:latest-fugo will not be published any more (it can still be built manually)
  • image accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest-plus, containing the Firefox Plus Features, becomes the latest image now
    • previous latest image without the Firefox Plus Features will not be published any more (it can still be built manually)

Support of additional building parameters:

  • script passes the additional building parameters, that come after the mandatory ones, to the hook scripts
  • script hooks/build can use the --target <stage> parameter for building particular Dockerfile stages
  • script hooks/pre_build removes the --target <stage> parameter and always processes all Dockerfile stages
  • see for more information

Other changes and improvements:

  • Dockerfiles.xfce renamed to Dockerfiles.xfce.20-04 and improved
  • Dockerfiles.xfce.22-04 added
  • script hooks/env.rc updated
    • noVNC is always included in all images
    • Firefox plus features always included in Firefox images
  • scripts and have been updated
  • most readme files have been updated

Release 22.12.1

  • Updated components:

    • websockify to version 0.11.0

Release 22.12

This is a maintenance release.

  • README files have been updated
  • Folder examples/ has been moved up to the project's root folder
    • New example Dockerfile.extended shows how to use the images as the base of new images
    • New compose file example.yml shows how to switch to another non-root user and how to set the VNC password and resolution

Release 22.11.1

This is a quick fix release, because Chromium Browser has changed its package naming pattern.

Release 22.11 (Milestone)

This is a milestone release. It's the first release of the new building pipeline version G3v2. The previous version G3v1 will still be available in this repository as the branch archived-generation-g3v1.

The version G3v2 brings the following major changes:

  • Significantly improved building performance by introducing a local cache (g3-cache).
  • Auto-building on the Docker Hub and using of the GitHub Actions have been abandoned.
  • The enhanced building pipeline moves towards building the images outside the Docker Hub and aims to support also stages with CI/CD capabilities (e.g. GitLab).
  • The local stage is the default building stage. The new building pipeline has already been tested also with a local GitLab installation in a Docker container on a Linux machine.
  • Automatic publishing of README files to the Docker Hub has been removed, because it hasn't work properly any more. However, the README files can be still prepared with the provided utility and then copy-and-pasted to the Docker Hub manually.

Added files:

  • docker/hooks/cache
  • utils/

Removed files:

  • utils/example-secrets-utils.rc
  • utils/
  • .github/workflows/dockerhub-autobuild.yml
  • .github/workflows/dockerhub-post-push.yml
  • .github/workflows/

Many other files have been updated, some of them significantly.

Hoverer, the changes affect only the building pipeline, not the Docker images themselves. The Dockerfile, apart from using the new local g3-cache, stays conceptually unchanged.

Release 22.10 (Milestone)

This is the last release of the current building pipeline generation G3v1, which will still be available in the repository as the branch archived-generation-g3v1.

The next milestone release will bring some significant changes and improvements in the building pipeline (generation G3v2) . The changing parts marked as DEPRECATED will be replaced or removed.

Release 22.09

This is just a maintenance release.

  • Warnings about the README publishing not always working problem have been added.
  • Some comments have been updated.

Release 22.04

  • noVNC improvements

    • noVNC got a new optional argument, which is passed through a new environment variable NOVNC_HEARTBEAT

      • set the variable by creating the container, like docker run -e NOVNC_HEARTBEAT=30 for the ping interval 30 seconds
      • it should prevent disconnections because of inactivity, if the container is used behind load-balancers or reverse proxies (issue #23)
    • script vnc_startup.rc has been adjusted and improved

    • script has been adjusted

    • numpy module has been added to make the HyBi protocol faster

    • following variables related to noVNC has been renamed in all related files

      • ARG_NO_VNC_PORT renamed to ARG_NOVNC_PORT
      • NO_VNC_HOME renamed to NOVNC_HOME
      • NO_VNC_PORT renamed to NOVNC_PORT

Release 22.02

  • Updated components:

    • TigerVNC to version 1.12.0
    • noVNC to version 1.3.0
    • websockify to version 0.10.0
  • Added components:

    • python3 (also added into the verbose version sticker)
    • systemctl
  • Updated files:

    • Dockerfile.xfce (components updated and added)
    • vnc_startup.rc (new noVNC startup)
    • (python3 included)
    • (python3 included)
    • env.rc (handling of tags)
    • (fixed token parsing)
    • all readme files
  • Added files:

  • Changes in building and publishing policy:

    • The images without noVNC will not be published on Docker Hub any more, because the size difference is now only 2MB. However, they always can be built locally.
    • The images tagged latest will always implement VNC and noVNC.
    • The Firefox image latest will not include the Firefox plus features now. They will be available in the Firefox image latest-plus.

Release 22.01

  • Dockerfile.xfce uses TigerVNC releases from SourceForge website

Release 21.10

  • utility accepts additional parameters
  • local building example updated

Release 21.08

  • utility added
    • see also

Release 21.07

  • Docker Hub has removed auto-builds from free plans since 2021-07-26, therefore
    • both GitHub Actions workflows dockerhub-autobuild.yml and dockerhub-post-push.yml have been disabled because they are not needed on free plans any more
      • just re-enable them if you are on a higher plan
    • if you stay on the free plan, then
      • you can still build the images locally and then push them to Docker Hub
        • pushing to Docker Hub is optional
        • just follow the added file
      • you can publish the readme files to Docker Hub using the utility
        • just follow the added file
    • regularity of updates of images on Docker Hub cannot be guaranteed any more
  • Other Xfce4 related changes since the last release
    • keyboard layout explicit config added
    • xfce4-terminal set to unicode utf-8 explicitly

Release 21.05.3

  • fix in script
    • because wget is not available on Docker Hub
  • all images moved to docker/doc/images

Release 21.05.2

Release 21.05.1

  • fix in env.rc hook script

Release 21.05

  • package dconf-editor has been removed

Release 21.04

Release 21.03.1

  • hook script post_push has been improved
    • environment variable PROHIBIT_README_PUBLISHING can be used to prevent the publishing of readme file to Docker Hub deployment repositories
    • useful for testing on Docker Hub or by building from non-default branches

Release 21.03

  • Chromium and Firefox web browsers are image features now

    • they are controlled by the following variables in the hook script env.rc:
    • Dockerfiles Dockerfile.xfce, Dockerfile.xfce.chromium, Dockerfile.xfce.firefox have been merged into the file Dockerfile.xfce
  • Both the application user name and the sudo password can be set independently from the VNC password now (in build-time)

    • build argument ARG_HEADLESS_USER_NAME sets the application user name and also the home directory name
    • build argument ARG_SUDO_PW sets the default application user's password, which is also the default sudo password
  • Container startup scripts have been updated

    • startup scripts have been moved into docker/src/xfce-startup
    • script has been improved
      • file permissions are not set to 777 any more
      • different permissions are assigned in images built with the feature FEATURES_USER_GROUP_OVERRIDE (fugo tags)
    • script user_generator.rc has been improved
      • supports renaming the application user (build argument ARG_HEADLESS_USER_NAME)
    • script vnc_startup.rc has been improved
      • supports overriding VNC/noVNC parameters in run-time
    • all scripts have been merged into the file docker/src/xfce-startup/
  • VNC/noVNC parameters, ports, password and DISPLAY can be overridden three ways now

    • at image build-time by setting the environment variables through build arguments:
      • ARG_VNC_PW sets the variable VNC_PW (VNV/noVNC password)
      • ARG_VNC_DISPLAY sets the variable DISPLAY
      • ARG_VNC_PORT sets the variable VNC_PORT
      • ARG_VNC_RESOLUTION sets the variable VNC_RESOLUTION
      • ARG_VNC_COL_DEPTH sets the variable VNC_COL_DEPTH
      • ARG_VNC_VIEW_ONLY set the variable VNC_VIEW_ONLY
      • ARG_NO_VNC_PORT sets the variable NO_VNC_PORT
    • at container startup-time by setting the above environment variables through the docker run -e options
    • at VNC/noVNC startup-time by setting the above environment variables through a mounted external file (see README for more information)
      • file example-vnc-override.rc has been added
  • hook script pre_build has been improved

    • environment variable PROHIBIT_BUILDING can be used to prevent the building and publishing of the image unconditionally
    • it is useful for testing the auto-building on Docker Hub before release
  • Other changes

    • Readme files significantly updated (long versions for GitHub)
    • Mousepad editor presets added
    • version sticker's desktop launcher got an icon
    • example files moved into docker/src/examples
    • embedded readme files introduced
      • base readme file got a desktop launcher
      • other readme files go into the application user's home directory
    • project Discussions introduced
  • Updated versions:

    • Ubuntu 20.04.2
    • Firefox 86.0

Release 21.02.1

  • dconf-editor simple configuration storage system graphical editor added

Release 21.02

  • VNC password not enforced any more (issue #6)
    • it can be disabled by run -e VNC_PW=""
    • readme files also updated

Release 21.01

  • TigerVNC switched from nightly builds (1.11.80) back to the latest release (1.11.0)

Release 20.12.2

  • Chromium Browser release auto-detection added

Release 20.12.1

  • Utility for previewing and publishing README files from local computer has been added

Release 20.12