EE3-24 Embedded Systems - Lloyd Abbott, Pierre Azalbert, Jukka Hertzog
We have a temperature + humidity sensor that we can use with the Adafruit Huzzah Feather board. The board contains an ESP8266 chip with MicroPython on it.
- Demo showing sensing, processing and upload of data
- Code submission via GitHub
- Website* marketing concept for product
- 16th Feb (Thurs at 09:00): demo of project
- 20th Feb (Mon at 17:00) : submit code and website
- Embedded system comprising of a temperature/humidity sensor, an accelerometer, a battery and a power switch (+ Huzzah Feather ESP8266)
- Allows continuous monitoring of your instrument's casing (violin, cello, flute or even piano!)
- Detects potentially hamrful levels of humidity and/or temperature for your instrument + any strong impact (e.g. dropped case)
- Remote monitoring via Wi-Fi, mobile app with dashboard to see live data
- Sends notifications to your phone in case temperature/humidity/impact limits have been reached
- Set up I2C between humidity/temperature sensor and ESP8266
- Set up MQQT Wi-Fi protocol to send sensor data over the air - example code here
- Write code on desktop/laptop to receive sensor data, store it and process it (database? thresholds and alerts?)
- Make demo (static or functional) or mobile app to show live sensor data and alerts/notifications
- Set up I2C between accelerometer and ESP8266
- Connect battery and power switch to make device portable
- 3D print custom casing for whole device (
[MicroPy guide for ESP2866] ( (quick reference page will be v. useful)
[MicroPy I2C guide] (
[ESP8266 SparkFun Page w/ useful links] (
[Feather Huzzah Guide] (
[Sensor documentation] (
[Sensor SparkFun Page w/ useful links] (
[LIS3DH Acceleromter documentation] (
instrument storage / greenhouse mointoring / holiday home environment control (prevent mould etc) / wood drying monitor (for fireplaces) / pantry monitoring / laundry drying monitor / rust n stuff / wine storage / sauna monitoring / body heat (sweat) / baby incubator / baby cradle monitor ( / tobacco storage (humidor) / shoe fungus prevention / home brewing, fermenting (yoghurt, etc) / biological petri dish monitor / fan-hat