Releases: piclas-framework/piclas
Releases · piclas-framework/piclas
Release 1.9.0
- Compilation on Hawk (HPE Apollo @ HLRS)
- Installation guide for CentOS 7
- Multi-species ESBGK modelling (see Section "4.9.2 Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook Collision Operator")
- Python script to create a cylindrical mesh with HOPR (in piclas/tools/createCylinderHOPR)
- Removed "read*" occurrences from code
Release 1.8.0
With the introduction of the Variable Soft Sphere model in the current release, the input parameters of the collision model have changed:
! Old: Part-Species1-VHSReferenceTemp = 273
Part-Species1-Tref = 273
! Old: Part-Species1-VHSReferenceDiam = 4E-10
Part-Species1-dref = 4E-10
! Old: Part-Species1-omegaVHS = 0.24
Part-Species1-omega = 0.24
The code will abort, when using the old parameters. More details can be found in Section "4.7.4 Species Definition" and "4.7.5 Pairing & Collision Modelling".
- 1D Simulation (e.g. for shock-tube simulations, see Section "4.7.3 Symmetric Simulations")
- Variable Soft Sphere (VSS) collision model and support for collision and species-specific VHS/VSS parameters (see Section "4.7.5 Pairing & Collision Modelling")
- Display the elapsed CPU time in std.out when ABORT is called
- Bugfix in photo-ionization: third particle did not receive a velocity change
- Fixed evaluation of BGField in EvaluateFieldAtPhysPos and EvaluateFieldAtRefPos
Release 1.7.0
- Modelling of photo-ionization processes by photon impact with a background gas and a surface
- Improved reproducibility of simulation results by including the compile flags in the "userblock" as well as the git commit hash (next to the version number) in standard output
- Increased performance of the HDG solver:
- Fixed the load balance weighting method
- Restart without recomputing the HDG lambda solution
- Bugfix in treatment of identical particles in the rotational 2D symmetry case with radial weighting
Release 1.6.4
- Fixed compilation (make) and installation (make install) for shared libs for cmake versions <3.14
Release 1.6.3
- Added calculation of field and particle ElemTime separately and added output to ElemTimeStatistics.csv
- Output error norms for HDG to FieldAnalyze.csv
- Updated tools for determining the electric current from PartStateBoundary files
- Extended tool for merging of state files (DSMCState, DSMCSurfState, PartStateBoundary, TimeAvg, etc.) for post-processing
- Fixed the compilation under GCC 9/10 (new default in Ubuntu 20.04)
- Fixed compilation with fixed polynomial degree
- Missing load balance timer in background gas particle insertion
- Missing load balance timer in HDG
- Fixed installation target for the shared library
Release 1.6.2
- Included electronic energy relaxation at the wall and added a regression test for energy accommodation at the wall
- Fix of compilation with the Intel compiler and Intel MKL
Release 1.6.1
- Output of lost particles during tracking and restart in a single file for debugging (see Section "5.1 Particle Data")
- Clean-up and speed-up of nightly regression tests
- Refactoring of the DSMC main routine and particle pairing routines
- Avoid overflows in exponential functions in DSMC chemistry
Release 1.6.0
- Added new SEE-I model for Ar+ bombarding different types of metal
- Background gas: Extension to polyatomic molecules and gas mixtures
- Boris-Leapfrog time integration for PIC (Poisson)
- Delete specified products after a chemical reaction
- Regression tests for MCC and background gas routines
- h5piclas2vtk: Automatic output of DG_Source if it is available
- Fix of inner boundaries in combination with an open boundary
- Fix in h5piclas2vtk for VisuParticles=T
- Fix particle time integration analytical initial conditions
- Fix in the nearest neighbour search in DSMC
Release 1.5.2
- Added troubleshooting for access to Gitlab with port-forwarding
- Implemented diatomic species with the cubic Fokker-Planck method
- Added a "Time remaining" status line as console output (enabled by "doPrintStatusLine=T")
- Fixed a bug in the FinalizeDSMC routine
- Fixed a bug in the h5piclas2vtk converter tool
Release 1.5.1
- Updated release and deploy developer guide section
- Fixed crucial quadtree bug in 2D BGK