All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.3 (2023-03-13)
- add analytics (beeacc1)
- remove awaits (3d1b05d)
0.0.2 (2023-03-09)
- add address to user (b8d9dbf)
- add admin dashboard functionality (6e80ee0)
- add admin dashboard simulation design (db67e52)
- add admin order module (c609ef0)
- add auth signIned listener (b649481)
- add auth-login function (7b43b37)
- add avatar input to user form (12dee89)
- add avatar module to user model (2cefec8)
- add bulk and single delete to user (2aece78)
- add cart checkout module (87fe8d7)
- add cart count (5c77f87)
- add carts module (26a3f97)
- add category database (28f70cf)
- add category factory (511a6a8)
- add category form (9c181c9)
- add category model (8f78dae)
- add category observer (0269935)
- add category page (84a98f4)
- add category public routes (25bfa27)
- add category request (2f27444)
- add category resource (f9c3d8c)
- add category routes (5f1c940)
- add category seeder (2fab157)
- add category seeder (52aa42a)
- add category service (c163c9a)
- add category show (1b38764)
- add category store (a984a27)
- add category types (2918230)
- add category-card component (f2f5f10)
- add change emit prop (181b2e3)
- add checkbox to j-vselection (63ab7c2)
- add clear errors to password when state is change (afc04f1)
- add color to category column (ae6488f)
- add condition to button label (f7e7755)
- add condition to password type input (2f2d5a9)
- add conditional to inStock and outOfStock (7800237)
- add contact-us info (2595f2e)
- add controller to category (8a653af)
- add created-at column to users table (1bb7fbf)
- add currentRoute value to route composable (254f6d4)
- add custom role sort to users module (57a8620)
- add customer middleware (0b75710)
- add customer route folder (48e00ad)
- add defalt imageUrl when updating (26b8d74)
- add default app icon (107fbfe)
- add default layouts and update default ts (a140214)
- add default permission to categories (c4d7ca5)
- add delete methods to fileuploader service (e65aefb)
- add delete to order (20b4987)
- add destroy to customer cart module (6142134)
- add disabled prop to (82f2e58)
- add dyanamic classes to j-slide-over components for users update and create (4604f29)
- add dynamic rows input (8e06397)
- add dynamic shippping amount to form order (cb80e05)
- add empty cart page (68da9d2)
- add favicon and icons folder (12a4e15)
- add favicon and icons folder (fa3e2bf)
- add filterable to users controller (ea84c17)
- add flash message to order-history (1892ada)
- add flash notification, close in #4 (0ec33bc)
- add footer (2bf8ad5)
- add form reset function (cb192fd)
- add form to menu (fde7beb)
- add form user create form and fix table types (8b9f03a)
- add full name to users column and set observer to sync it, close in #8 (0dfb803)
- add functions to table mobile design (6e03539)
- add gates to role controller (4d26cc8)
- add gates to super-admin (a0d523c)
- add gates to user controller (2d15096)
- add header to default (93a3d22)
- add hotkey in search input (0427b53)
- add icons to mobile design (ccaaf4b)
- add image to category (97c8167)
- add image to empty order history (e28ef98)
- add image to items variant (744da7a)
- add image uploader to category form and services (671029a)
- add image uploader to item (24f6d3d)
- add index categories route (66c9171)
- add input roles selection values (e0c4d68)
- add input roles to the users form (82587b7)
- add inStock column to variants module (5aa2db5)
- add intercace to temporary file service (4d35a89)
- add item controller (b0335d7)
- add item database (a690636)
- add item default permissions (b180475)
- add item factory (3a75f2e)
- add item form (db60472)
- add item model (0b9b257)
- add item observer (a439e81)
- add item request (e40af58)
- add item resource (83949ba)
- add item routes (e2db86b)
- add item seeder (f9048a0)
- add item service (06f48d3)
- add item sorting and filter status (5828734)
- add items page (f2e7c4c)
- add items store and types (a3a916c)
- add items variant modulet (e5f37cc)
- add items-categories many to many relationship module (86427a2)
- add lazy to image display (eb0ef4a)
- add link to shop category button (9bdc3e1)
- add linter and types support to the client-side (ad045f3)
- add loading debounce to j-table (c54af51)
- add messenger chat plugin (93e29f9)
- add middleware to customer and admin role (2be6e4e)
- add new chart to admin dashboard (af3383b)
- add new chart to admin dashboard (0cfe12e)
- add new notification variant (459a6ac)
- add notication when user is created (94d2ed2)
- add notification to users delete multiple function (acde68c)
- add notification to users updated form (172b56a)
- add notification whe users table is reloaded (96feb37)
- add notification when user is deleted (9408b07)
- add notitification to default layout (6d78773)
- add number to filterOptions j-table (33cad05)
- add order link route (a74594f)
- add order slide over (a07ead9)
- add order summary to shopping cart (6076b65)
- add order-history page (4d856e4)
- add orders and orders variant to checkout (a6d24dd)
- add orders model and migration (f375acc)
- add owner photo (78afd51)
- add pagination to admin-users (ca17e3a)
- add partial design for public page index (687c6c1)
- add partial layout to customer products show and index (f2395a0)
- add pending orders (98fe14a)
- add pending orders (d1889c1)
- add permission role navigation item (c3e6f4a)
- add permissions to every function (d944527)
- add phone column to users table (b83bd9e)
- add processing button (b87689a)
- add profile uploader to user form (0a7a913)
- add public product index route (bd94119)
- add public product show page (e34d8db)
- add public routes folder (714b318)
- add pwa (d275676)
- add random color to role column (78696df)
- add real time pending orders number to admin (9a99e4c)
- add realtime events to admin and customers layout (dd19fa8)
- add register page (3f8a200)
- add revert to j-file-input component (ec3b654)
- add role_users relationship (5cacba4)
- add roles and permissions gate (536001f)
- add roles and permissions module (82c936f)
- add roles and permissions to navigation (77bb25f)
- add roles module (588bfaa)
- add roles value to seeder (bfdf0ac)
- add route link to app icon (245d2e9)
- add route links to public header (f7da0bb)
- add routes to category (624e3d4)
- add search query to users table (71610fc)
- add search to public category route (0942710)
- add settings page (3ba61a0)
- add settings reset password module (e06b351)
- add shipping addresses and set dynamic shipping amount (48d865e)
- add shopping link button to empty cart (9d0df77)
- add shortcut button to admin dashboard (5d9d542)
- add signout button to customer account (c135345)
- add slide over to admin user page (c36e9c9)
- add slug generator to item (29bf302)
- add softdeletes to users model, close in #9 (56a3f58)
- add some misc pages (a84f6e3)
- add some user profile for form (c7fbc12)
- add spinner to page (0a9781e)
- add status input to item form (ac752d5)
- add style to floating-vue tooltip (8ce88f7)
- add suggestion to shopping cart (2c1f303)
- add summary of pagination to users module (a69a750)
- add table to admin users (f671e5f)
- add tooltip value to edit and restore bottom to users table (71590cb)
- add types to form ref (09cabeb)
- add types to j-table (e588370)
- add types to navigation-items (877dedb)
- add types to page auth-user props (c951f1a)
- add update carts (6c91707)
- add update to users module, close in #3 (d7b6d1e)
- add user general settings tab module (5490d3d)
- add user profile to users-table (e22a7e7)
- add user request validation (ae4e7c4)
- add username to users table (d21bad9)
- add users viewable table (1384632)
- add variant and size to j-btn (84c87bc)
- add variant and size types to j-btn (160c35e)
- add variant database (85ec683)
- add variant factory (7a2d64d)
- add variant model (087afa1)
- add variant resource (7f00412)
- add variant seeder (406240d)
- add variant types (84eb3bb)
- add warning of cancellation to checkout (d5c399f)
- added size to j-btn props (6eeba58)
- added variant to props (7a02024)
- allow users table to sort and filter roles (fa6a33d)
- change item module name to product (a56ba6b)
- change landing photo (f010a1f)
- components: add j-spinner component to j-btn (f241f15)
- composables: add app route composable (1dd385a)
- config settings module (dc523f8)
- create category-item database (fcfd8db)
- display item variants to items table (05a240f)
- display items variants to page (fcb5f42)
- display stocks available for every selected variant (18d4cc7)
- display user role (d23ba9d)
- hide the first header if selected value is more than 0 (51c3d1f)
- j-components: add autofocus to j-text-area (083982e)
- j-components: add borderless prop to jbtn (a4f996f)
- j-components: add clear filter button (6751cc2)
- j-components: add clearable props (e94869f)
- j-components: add clearable to j-text-field (62b1ff0)
- j-components: add composables and j-tables sortable functions (4134299)
- j-components: add dynamic selected model-value (826f70c)
- j-components: add filterable functions (29bfa3b)
- j-components: add hints prop to j-text-field (a425843)
- j-components: add initial j-pagination component (9c12bf8)
- j-components: add initial j-table component (2269593)
- j-components: add input emit to j-text-field (bb2b572)
- j-components: add input emit to j-text-field (f7dfb6c)
- j-components: add input-class props (fcef7ef)
- j-components: add is-icon option and class to j-btn component (0e82ac7)
- j-components: add j-badge component, close in #11 (5c23532)
- j-components: add j-file-input component (19a95cc)
- j-components: add j-link component (0ad16f8)
- j-components: add j-notification component (94a1e4c)
- j-components: add j-progress-linear component (29f14a2)
- j-components: add j-select component (e939a14)
- j-components: add j-switch component (ee549d7)
- j-components: add j-v-select component (8f0ef6f)
- j-components: add pagination to j-table (07b227b)
- j-components: add size prop to slide-over (e838a97)
- j-components: add svg image to display if no data is available (0dc21d8)
- j-components: add warning variant to j-btn (4423a1b)
- j-components: set autofocus to input when specific column filter is enabled (0504651)
- j-components: set dynamic icons and add restore icon (db05586)
- j-components: set route get default value (53b2de4)
- j-components: set selection and pagination dynamically (24232fc)
- j-components: set undo button dynamically show (b89fb37)
- j-select: add disabled props (e64e9ba)
- j-slide-over: add loading props to slide-over (afad8ac)
- remove disable to reset password (b773683)
- remove unused functions (eea0985)
- remove user cart and minus the stock if order-variants is added (7eef996)
- set created as default sort value to users controller index (d9c5d2c)
- set default role to user (161deb8)
- set default value to image_url column if null (84538a0)
- set disabled if j-link 'to' value is # (8ac3dbc)
- set dynamic badge to users status (dd51c1f)
- set interfaces to services (672e3af)
- set is-loading property (315a2da)
- set light and dark logo to app icon (e2a9cea)
- set menu items category to header (ab90721)
- set menu items product to header (e2c0678)
- set new admin seeder (d53f2a4)
- set new user seeder (1ef8770)
- set notification undo function (dda7483)
- set order by -created_at as default (43bb866)
- set product card component (bbbd88a)
- set public category route (1a338bd)
- set role searchable (d8a6690)
- set settings link (3ecedda)
- set settings tabbing component and function (2b9087e)
- set sorting and search function to users (cb36a26)
- set theme to primary (55ec6df)
- set undo trigger only once (3d3f30b)
- set users status sortable (90ce551)
- set v-motion to index page fullname display (922f33e)
- update debounce balance (576ce42)
- update j-btn lg size value (51e1401)
- bug (56196fb)
- add errors props request as default (7c0e693)
- add exact option to navigation bar (8a9ef6e)
- add route name to dashboard (e22272a)
- always trigger the vent of order count (b895260)
- array types (ecef02c)
- change app icon (42cd6cb)
- close popover-panel when card is clicked (1369a2c)
- component typo (50b984e)
- config volar (e1004e7)
- config volar problem (cb9e544)
- customer setting bug (b82e284)
- customer setting form (b3b2e36)
- customer setting form (d12fa03)
- customer setting form (83cda52)
- define default layout (0fcc94d)
- delete the revert temporary files (29c5332)
- display name properly (08ad420)
- form typo (1b11adb)
- hide only the first column of the header if selected value is more than 0 (8fa9c96)
- ide-helper config (7169132)
- j-components: set dynamic setOptions to j-input-file (3baddcd)
- j-components: set error class name to danger (d992eb2)
- phone number bugs validation (9493c27)
- realtime bug (34c3bcf)
- realtime bug (d3b778c)
- register and login routes (082238c)
- remove + char (a2d7fb9)
- remove ide-helper (716aaf2)
- remove orders by through user request (3d9c16e)
- remove reactivity-transform to computed (a1bf257)
- remove role relationships (e6628bf)
- remove status column to variant factory (ead779f)
- rename auth composable (95aea00)
- rename folders (86f24a7)
- rename layouts (079dd76)
- reset form after user created (e5dc500)
- select only if status is not deleted (71beaed)
- set to ref (40547cb)
- set bypass server fetch when file has value (156b34f)
- set categories to form when items edit is trigger (fb62b9c)
- set category resource array value (6f3ec6b)
- set category update form (e486bd6)
- set condition if file exist (d31b74e)
- set condition to empty cart (b1bdf9c)
- set condition to toFixed (3d8b035)
- set correct name of props (44b62e7)
- set default value to rows (06a6ae0)
- set delete media if image is null (5e37499)
- set delete media if image is null (7aeb1de)
- set delete multiple ids (17b9c68)
- set div as wrapper to the pages (9169632)
- set dynamic image-url to users header (1ded922)
- set dynamically active classes and refactor href link prop (a645355)
- set exportinit highcharts (6c68649)
- set filter table dynamically (54cfd76)
- set form values to empty string that validate the types (c487424)
- set id to user service update (ec10835)
- set inStock optional type (0237930)
- set j-select items (cd3f57b)
- set label delivered instead of invoice (a820e9b)
- set latest notification to the top (68ef9fe)
- set link to categories (93c9ee7)
- set linter style default (717a9c0)
- set middlename to user update (cd93d58)
- set null (2a541e9)
- set object types instead of array (fa3992e)
- set only default image_url if the value is null (618294e)
- set option exact to the navigation routes (649ac77)
- set permission to app navigation (1ff3cf4)
- set processing globally dynamic (fef5cb4)
- set processing to reactive value (10c52d8)
- set prop type to variant (f040a31)
- set proper gate (1781ace)
- set props to is-error instead of is-dirty (89ef17c)
- set query string when user index load (27c3c70)
- set relations to components (78d9940)
- set reset form after request (ed6b615)
- set reset form when slide-over is closed (59897d0)
- set reset object values to category form (462beee)
- set resource when rendering public index (d49b3f6)
- set route from ziggy-js to global ts (b829fa5)
- set route link (842699b)
- set server id to j-file-input value (e33d3fb)
- set services to store (a1c7ab7)
- set slug to category resource (198161f)
- set try and catch to role and permission seeder (093bd27)
- set try catch to test (467a89f)
- set tubod postal code right value (2a2e215)
- set types and set to ref (6e977a2)
- set types id to string (16edf5f)
- set types to featureItem (d83bcae)
- set typo admin (34c45a6)
- set undo data to restore multiple (f30e8c7)
- set update instead of store conditionally (5a0a2c9)
- set updating observer to product (392e0ee)
- set watcher to rows input (e03533d)
- set withtrashed route as default query (48f726e)
- sidebar toggle (2ef7ccd)
- some bugs (fd4e2c5)
- sync file input if its empty (75b6f3d)
- sync tooltip label (4548c12)
- sync variants to item when updated (39a08df)
- test: set restore function (9430f00)
- ts style (6335b8c)
- types is not working in custom components (a4f5a2a)
- types name extension (ab00492)
- typo (a52d141)
- typo image location (f78acdd)
- update auth composable name (33b88e0)
- update route location name convention (9c46f23)
- update the quantity depend on the order status updated value (6e33510)
- update typo (8426b88)
- update typo class (304842b)
- update user composable name functiong (89c2440)
- user request validation dynamic set erros (05384bf)
- user types (ac27c1b)