diff --git a/lib/phoenix_html/form_data.ex b/lib/phoenix_html/form_data.ex
index ecd3e3b..0efc546 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_html/form_data.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_html/form_data.ex
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ defprotocol Phoenix.HTML.FormData do
applies if the field value is a list and no parameters were
sent through the form.
- * `:action` - The form action, such as the HTML `action` attribute
- or LiveView action.
+ * `:action` - The user defined action being taken by the form, such
+ as `:validate`, `:save`, etc.
@spec to_form(t, Phoenix.HTML.Form.t(), Phoenix.HTML.Form.field(), Keyword.t()) ::