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Build Your First Application with Blazor and .NET 8 - Jeffrey Fritz
Maximizing C#: New Features and Performance Tuning - Scott Kay
Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers - Jason van Brackel
Hack Your Site Before Someone Else Does - John Iwasz
- All source and workshop guides are available in the rce-serialization-dotnet repo.
Astro for Rank Beginners - Nick Hodges
Build Intelligent Copilots with Azure OpenAI - Rich Ross, Dave Wentzel
.NET Aspire Hands-On - Bill Wolff
How to Build a Copilot with Azure AI Search and Azure OpenAI - Danilo Diaz
Your First MAUI App - Rob Keiser
Create a Microservices Platform with AKS - Brian Minisi and Poornima Neelakandan
Astro for Rank Beginners - Nick Hodges
Blazor in .NET 8 - Chris Gomez