├── (rosbag_name)
├── img # Folder of camera images
├── img0000.png # Camera Image 0
├── img0001.png # Camera Image 1...
├── labels # Folder of label Txt files
├──bev0000.txt # Label for Frame 1
├──bev0001.txt # Label for Frame 2
├── velo # Birds'Eye View Image of Lidar
├──bev0000.png # Lidar BEV frame 1
├──bev0001.png # Lidar BEV frame 2
├──velotimestamps.csv # Timestamp and sequences of all BEV frames
├── (rosbag_name).bag # Actual Rosbag
├── plot_GT.py # Utility Script to plot ground truth labels
├── via2label.py # Utility Script to generate label txt files from VIA's ugly json file
VGG Image Annotator (VIA) from Visual Geometry Group in University of Oxford [Link] (https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/via/)
All labels are given in the Velodyne frame and in metric space
An object entry contains the Following:
Name, width , height centroidx, centroidy, yaw
where yaw is measured from x axis and positive if the car is tilted to the left.
x-axis [0, 30] represent the distance in front of the car [front is positive, back is negative] y-axis [-20, 20] represent the distance beside the car. [left is positive, right is negative] z-axis [up is positive, bottom is negative]
The system is right-handed