This file is used to list changes made in each version of spacewalk-server
- Updated to install Spacewalk 2.7
- Updated to install Spacewalk 2.6
- removed script as SW 2.6 supports syncing debian repos now
- removed patch for python-debian package which has been fixed upstream by now
- Replaced the Perl debian-repo sync script with a overhauled Python version
- Minor bugfixes
- Refactored Ubuntu Errata import. Faster and improved now. (Thx to for his PR on the import script !)
- Use perl packages from yum rather than installing/compiling with cpanminus
- Made Errata import and repo-sync cron variable and default to 6am / 7am as the mailinglist gzip is created at 5.30
- Moved Errata import prior to repo-sync
- Working repo-sync and errata import for Ubuntu channels
- Fixing and refactoring to work at all and with Spacewalk 2.2
- Initial release