Unfortunately the standard ESPAsyncTCP at version 1.2.2 contains bugs in its SSL implementation which prevent a successful compile.
You must replace that library with this bugfixed version
SSL Features are NOT available by default. This is because they add about 64k to the binary, even if you don't use them!
In order to use TLS, you first need to enable SSL in both the bugfixed library: Edit async_config.h
and H4AsyncMQTT itself: Edit config.h
In both files, find the line which says:
and change it to:
before compiling.
You must provide a 20-byte SHA1 fingerprint to confirm the server identity, and call serverFingerprint
before connection, e.g.
const uint8_t cert[20] = { 0x9a, 0xf1, 0x39, 0x79,0x95,0x26,0x78,0x61,0xad,0x1d,0xb1,0xa5,0x97,0xba,0x65,0x8c,0x20,0x5a,0x9c,0xfa };
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(C) 2020 Phil Bowles