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3459 lines (2880 loc) · 109 KB
  • Phemex provides HTTP Rest API for client to operate Orders, all endpoints return a JSON object.
  • The default Rest API base endpoint is: The High rate limit Rest API base endpoint is: Or for the testnet is:
  • Phemex provides WebSocket API for client to receive market data, order and position updates.
  • The WebSocket API url is: wss:// The High rate limit WebSocket API url is: wss: // Or for the testnet is: wss://
  • HTTP 401 return code is used when unauthenticated
  • HTTP 403 return code is used when lack of priviledge.
  • HTTP 429 return code is used when breaking a request rate limit.
  • HTTP 5XX return codes are used for Phemex internal errors. Note: This doesn't means the operation failed, the execution status is UNKNOWN and could be Succeed.
  • All restful API except starting with /md shares same response format.
  "code": <code>,
  "msg": <msg>,
  "data": <data>
Field Description
code 0 means success, non-zero means error
msg when code is non-zero, it gives short error description
data operation dependant

Trading Error Codes

Every HTTP Rest Request must have the following Headers:

  • x-phemex-access-token : This is API-KEY (id field) from Phemex site.
  • x-phemex-request-expiry : This describes the Unix EPoch SECONDS to expire the request, normally it should be ( Now() + 1 minute)
  • x-phemex-request-signature : This is HMAC SHA256 signature of the http request. Secret is API Secret, its formula is : HMacSha256( URL Path + QueryString + Expiry + body )

Optional Headers:

  • x-phemex-request-tracing: a unique string to trace http-request, less than 40 bytes. This header is a must in resolving latency issues.
X-RateLimit-Remaining-CONTRACT, # Remaining request permits in this minute
X-RateLimit-Capacity-CONTRACT, # Request ratelimit capacity
X-RateLimit-Retry-After-CONTRACT, # Reset timeout in seconds for current ratelimited user
  • Each API call must be signed and pass to server in HTTP header x-phemex-request-signature.
  • Endpoints use HMAC SHA256 signatures. The HMAC SHA256 signature is a keyed HMAC SHA256 operation. Use your apiSecret as the key and the string URL Path + QueryString + Expiry + body ) as the value for the HMAC operation.
  • apiSecret = Base64::urlDecode(API Secret)
  • The signature is case sensitive.
  • API REST Request URL:
    • Request Path: /orders
    • Request Query:
    • Request Body: {"symbol":"BTCUSD","clOrdID":"uuid-1573058952273","side":"Sell","priceEp":93185000,"orderQty":7," ordType":"Limit","reduceOnly":false,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","takeProfitEp":0,"stopLossEp":0}
    • Request Expiry: 1575735514
    • Signature: HMacSha256( /orders + 1575735514 + {"symbol":"BTCUSD","clOrdID":"uuid-1573058952273","side":"Sell"," priceEp":93185000,"orderQty":7,"ordType":"Limit","reduceOnly":false,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","takeProfitEp": 0,"stopLossEp":0})
    • signed string is /orders1575735514{"symbol":"BTCUSD","clOrdID":"uuid-1573058952273","side":"Sell","priceEp":93185000,"orderQty":7,"ordType":"Limit","reduceOnly":false,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","takeProfitEp":0,"stopLossEp":0}

Request/response field explained

  • The absolute value of leverageEr determines initial-margin-rate, i.e. initialMarginRate = 1/abs(leverage)
  • The sign of leverageEr indicates margin mode, i.e. leverage <= 0 means cross-margin-mode, leverage > 0 means isolated-margin-mode.
  • The result of setting leverageEr to 0 is leverage to maximum leverage supported by user selected risklimit, and margin-mode is cross-margin-mode.

Cross Margin Mode

  • Position margin includes two parts, one part is balance assigned to position, another part is account available balance.
  • Position in cross-margin-mode may be affected by other position, because account available balance is shared among all positions in cross mode.

Isolated Margin Mode

  • Position margin only includes balance assgined to position, by default it is initial-margin.
  • Position in isolatd-margin-mode is independent of other positions.

Price/Ratio/Value Scales

Fields with post-fix "Ep", "Er" or "Ev" have been scaled based on symbol setting.

  • Fields with post-fix "Ep" are scaled prices, priceScale in products
  • Fields with post-fix "Er" are scaled ratios, ratioScale in products
  • Fields with post-fix "Ev" are scaled values, valueScale of settleCurrency in products
Symbol Price scale Ratio scale Value scale settlement currency
BTCUSD 10,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 BTC
cETHUSD 10,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 ETH
uBTCUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ETHUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
XRPUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
LINKUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
XTZUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
LTCUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
GOLDUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ADAUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
BCHUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
COMPUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ALGOUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
YFIUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
DOTUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
UNIUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
BATUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
CHZUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
MANAUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ENJUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
SUSHIUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
SNXUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
GRTUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
MKRUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
TRXUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
EOSUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ONTUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
NEOUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ZECUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
FILUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
KSMUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
XMRUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
QTUMUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
XLMUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
ATOMUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
LUNAUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
SOLUSD 10,000 100,000,000 10,000 USD
  • order type
order type description
Limit --
Market --
Stop --
StopLimit --
MarketIfTouched --
LimitIfTouched --
  • order Status
order status description
Created order acked from order request, a transient state
Init Same as Created, order acked from order request, a transient state
Untriggered Conditional order waiting to be triggered
Triggered Conditional order being triggered
Deactivated untriggered conditonal order being removed
Rejected Order rejected
New Order placed into orderbook
PartiallyFilled Order partially filled
Filled Order fully filled
Canceled Order canceled
  • TimeInForce
timeInForce description
GoodTillCancel --
PostOnly --
ImmediateOrCancel --
FillOrKill --
  • Execution instruction
Execution instruction description
ReduceOnly reduce position size, never increase position size
CloseOnTrigger close the position
  • Trigger source
trigger description
ByMarkPrice trigger by mark price
ByLastPrice trigger by last price
  • Request:
GET /public/products 
  • Request
PUT /orders/create?clOrdID=<clOrdID>&symbol=<symbol>&reduceOnly=<reduceOnly>&closeOnTrigger=<closeOnTrigger>&orderQty=<orderQty>&displayQty=<displayQty>&ordType=<ordType>&priceEp=<priceEp>&side=<side>&text=<text>&timeInForce=<timeInForce>&stopPxEp=<stopPxEp>&takeProfitEp=<takeProfitEp>&stopLossEp=<stopLossEp>&pegOffsetValueEp=<pegOffsetValueEp>&pegPriceType=<pegPriceType>&trailingStopEp=<trailingStopEp>&triggerType=<triggerType>&tpTrigger=<tpTrigger>&tpSlTs=<tpSlTs>&slTrigger=<slTrigger>
Field Type Required Description Possible values
symbol String Yes Which symbol to place order Trading symbols
clOrdID String Yes client order id, max length is 40
side Enum Yes Order direction, Buy or Sell Buy, Sell
orderQty Integer Yes Order quantity
priceEp Integer - Scaled price, required for limit order
ordType Enum - default to Limit Market, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, MarketIfTouched, LimitIfTouched
stopPxEp Integer - Trigger price for stop orders
timeInForce Enum - Time in force. default to GoodTillCancel GoodTillCancel, ImmediateOrCancel, FillOrKill, PostOnly
reduceOnly Boolean - whether reduce position side only. Enable this flag, i.e. reduceOnly=true, position side won't change true, false
closeOnTrigger Boolean - implicitly reduceOnly, plus cancel other orders in the same direction(side) when necessary true, false
triggerType Enum - Trigger source, whether trigger by mark price, index price or last price ByMarkPrice, ByLastPrice
takeProfitEp Integer - Scaled take profit price
stopLossEp Integer - Scaled stop loss price
slTrigger Enum - Trigger source, by mark-price or last-price ByMarkPrice, ByLastPrice
tpTrigger Enum - Trigger source, by mark-price or last-price ByMarkPrice, ByLastPrice
pegOffsetValueEp Integer - Trailing offset from current price. Negative value when position is long, positive when position is short
pegPriceType Enum - Trailing order price type TrailingStopPeg, TrailingTakeProfitPeg
  • HTTP Response:
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "bizError": 0,
    "orderID": "ab90a08c-b728-4b6b-97c4-36fa497335bf",
    "clOrdID": "137e1928-5d25-fecd-dbd1-705ded659a4f",
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "side": "Sell",
    "actionTimeNs": 1580547265848034600,
    "transactTimeNs": 0,
    "orderType": null,
    "priceEp": 98970000,
    "price": 9897,
    "orderQty": 1,
    "displayQty": 1,
    "timeInForce": null,
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "stopPxEp": 0,
    "closedPnlEv": 0,
    "closedPnl": 0,
    "closedSize": 0,
    "cumQty": 0,
    "cumValueEv": 0,
    "cumValue": 0,
    "leavesQty": 1,
    "leavesValueEv": 10104,
    "leavesValue": 0.00010104,
    "stopPx": 0,
    "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
    "ordStatus": "Created"
  • Important fields description
    • Order average filled price, inverse contract:avgPrice = (cumQty/cumValueEv)/contractSize; linear contract: avgPrice = (cumValueEv/cumQty)/contractSize. contractSize is fixed in product api.
Field Description
bizError bizError = 0 means processing normally, non-zero values mean wrong state. Separate section to explain these errors; code in response is equal to bizError if response contains only one order
cumQty cumulative filled order quantity
cumValueEv cumulative filled order value (scaled)
leavesQty unfilled order quantity
leavesValueEv unfilled order value
  • More order type examples

    • Stop-loss orders (ordType = Stop/StopLimit) and Take-profit order (ordType = MarketIfTouched/LimitIfTouched)

    • Stop-loss order is triggered when price moves against order-side(buy/sell), while Take-profit order is triggered when price moves in profitable direction to order-side(buy/sell).

      ordType side parameter requirements trigger condition
      Stop/StopLimit Sell stopPxEp < last-price/mark-price last/mark-price <= stopPxEp
      Stop/StopLimit Buy stopPxEp > last-price/mark-price last/mark-price >= stopPxEp
      MarketIfTouched/LimitIfTouched Sell stopPxEp > last-price/mark-price last/mark-price >= stopPxEp
      MarketIfTouched/LimitIfTouched Buy stopPxEp < last-price/mark-price last/mark-price <= stopPxEp
    • StopLoss Sell order, triggered order is placed as limit order (Assume current last-price is 30k)

        "clOrdID": "stop-loss-order-then-limit",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Sell",
        "ordType": "StopLimit",
        "triggerType": "ByMarkPrice",
        "stopPxEp": "299550000",         // "trigger price, when ordType= Stop/StopLimit and side = Sell, stopPxEp must less than last-price"
        "priceEp": "299650000",          // "when ordType = StopLimit, priceEp is required, when ordType = Stop, priceEp is not required "
        "orderQty": 10000
    • StopLoss Buy order, triggered order is placed as market order (Assume current last-price is 30k)
        "clOrdID": "stop-loss-order-then-market",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Buy",
        "ordType": "Stop",
        "triggerType": "ByMarkPrice",
        "stopPxEp": "333550000",         // "trigger price, when ordType = Stop/StopLimit and side = Buy, stopPxEp must be larger than last-price"
        "priceEp": "0",                  // not required 
        "orderQty": 10000
    • Take-profit Sell order, triggered order is placed as limit order (Assume current last-price is 30k)
        "clOrdID": "take-profit-order-then-limit",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Sell",
        "ordType": "LimitIfTouched",
        "triggerType": "ByMarkPrice",
        "stopPxEp": "333550000",         // "trigger price, when ordType = LimitIfTouched/MarketIfTouched and side = Sell, stopPxEp is larger than last-price"
        "priceEp": "334550000",          // "when ordType = LimitIfTouched, priceEp is required, when ordType = MarketIfTouched, priceEp is not required "
        "orderQty": 10000
    • Take-profit Buy order, triggered order is placed as market order (Assume current last-price is 30k)
        "clOrdID": "take-profit-order-then-market",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Buy",
        "ordType": "MarketIfTouched",
        "triggerType": "ByLastPrice",
        "stopPxEp": "299550000",         // "when ordType = LimitIfTouched/MarketIfTouched and side = Buy, stopPxEp is less than last-price"
        "priceEp": "0",                  // "not required"
        "orderQty": 10000
    • Place a order with stop-loss and take-profit
        "clOrdID": "order-with-take-profit-stop-loss",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Buy",
        "priceEp": 300000000,
        "orderQty": 1000,
        "ordType": "Limit",
        "takeProfitEp": 3111100000,
        "tpTrigger": "ByLastPrice",
        "stopLossEp": "299990000",
        "slTrigger": "ByMarkPrice"
    • Trailing stop order(Assume current position is long, current last-price is 32k)
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",
      "side": "Sell",                    // assume current position is long
      "ordType": "Stop",
      "orderQty": 0,
      "priceEp": 0,
      "triggerType": "ByLastPrice",
      "stopPxEp": 315000,                // "if position is long, this value should be less than last-price; if position is short, this value is larger than last-price",
      "timeInForce": "ImmediateOrCancel",
      "closeOnTrigger": true, 
      "pegPriceType": "TrailingStopPeg",
      "pegOffsetValueEp": -10000000,     // retraces by $1000.0 from the optimal price, sign is opposite to position side, i.e. Long Position => negative sign; Shot Position => positive sign
      "clOrdID": "cl-order-id"
    • Trailing stop order with activiation price
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",
      "side": "Sell",
      "ordType": "Stop",
      "orderQty": 0,
      "priceEp": 0,
      "triggerType": "ByLastPrice",
      "stopPxEp": 340000000,             // activation price of this trailing order, this value should be larger than last-price
      "timeInForce": "ImmediateOrCancel",
      "closeOnTrigger": true,
      "pegPriceType": "TrailingTakeProfitPeg",
      "pegOffsetValueEp": -10000000,     // retraces by $1000.0 from the optimal price, sign is opposite to position side, i.e. Long Position => negative sign; Shot Position => positive sign  
      "clOrdID": "cl-order-id"
  • HTTP Request:
POST /orders
  "actionBy": "FromOrderPlacement",
  "symbol": "BTCUSD",
  "clOrdID": "uuid-1573058952273",
  "side": "Sell",
  "priceEp": 93185000,
  "orderQty": 7,
  "ordType": "Limit",
  "reduceOnly": false,
  "triggerType": "UNSPECIFIED",
  "pegPriceType": "UNSPECIFIED",
  "timeInForce": "GoodTillCancel",
  "takeProfitEp": 0,
  "stopLossEp": 0,
  "pegOffsetValueEp": 0,
  "pegPriceType": "UNSPECIFIED"

Amend order by orderID

  • Request
Field Required Description
symbol Yes order symbol, cannot be changed
orderID Yes order id, cannot be changed
origClOrdID No original clOrderID
clOrdID No new clOrdID
price No new order price
priceEp No new order price with scale
orderQty No new orderQty
stopPx No new stop price
stopPxEp No new stop price with scale
takeProfit No new stop profit price
takeProfitEp No new stop profit price with scale
stopLoss No new stop loss price
stopLossEp No new stop loss price with scale
pegOffsetValueEp No New trailing offset
pegPriceType No New peg price type
  • Response
    • amended order
  • Request
DELETE /orders/cancel?symbol=<symbol>&orderID=<orderID>
DELETE /orders/cancel?symbol=<symbol>&clOrdID=<clOrdID>

This api accepts Either orderID or clOrdID not both. i.e. it is an error if both parameters are provided.

  • Response
    • Full Order
    • This response means cancel operations succeeded not the order is canceled. One needs to query to order to determine whether this order has been cancelled or not.
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "bizError": 0,
    "orderID": "2585817b-85df-4dea-8507-5db1920b9954",
    "clOrdID": "4b19fd1e-a1a7-2986-d02a-0288ad5137d4",
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "side": "Buy",
    "actionTimeNs": 1580533179846642700,
    "transactTimeNs": 1580532966633276200,
    "orderType": null,
    "priceEp": 80040000,
    "price": 8004,
    "orderQty": 1,
    "displayQty": 1,
    "timeInForce": null,
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "stopPxEp": 0,
    "closedPnlEv": 0,
    "closedPnl": 0,
    "closedSize": 0,
    "cumQty": 0,
    "cumValueEv": 0,
    "cumValue": 0,
    "leavesQty": 1,
    "leavesValueEv": 12493,
    "leavesValue": 0.00012493,
    "stopPx": 0,
    "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
    "ordStatus": "New"
  • Request
DELETE /orders?symbol=<symbol>&orderID=<orderID1>,<orderID2>,<orderID3>
  • Response
    • Canceled orders
  • In order to cancel all orders, include conditional order and active order, one must invoke this API twice with different arguments.

  • untriggered=false to cancel active order including triggerred conditional order.

  • untriggered=true to cancel conditional order, the order is not triggerred.

  • Request

DELETE /orders/all?symbol=<symbol>&untriggered=<untriggered>&text=<text>
Field Type Required Description Possible values
symbol String Yes which Symbol to cancel Trading symbols
untriggered Boolean No default to false, default cancel non-conditional order; if intending to cancel conditional order, set this to true true,false
text comments No comments of this operation, limited to 40 characters
  • Response
    • data part of response is subject to change, DONT rely on it
  • Request
GET /accounts/accountPositions?currency=<currency>
Field Type Description Possible values
currency string in url query parameter. which trading account BTC,USD
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "account": {
      "accountId": 0,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "accountBalanceEv": 0,
      "totalUsedBalanceEv": 0
    "positions": [
        "accountID": 0,
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "side": "None",
        "positionStatus": "Normal",
        "crossMargin": false,
        "leverageEr": 0,
        "leverage": 0,
        "initMarginReqEr": 0,
        "initMarginReq": 0.01,
        "maintMarginReqEr": 500000,
        "maintMarginReq": 0.005,
        "riskLimitEv": 10000000000,
        "riskLimit": 100,
        "size": 0,
        "value": 0,
        "valueEv": 0,
        "avgEntryPriceEp": 0,
        "avgEntryPrice": 0,
        "posCostEv": 0,
        "posCost": 0,
        "assignedPosBalanceEv": 0,
        "assignedPosBalance": 0,
        "bankruptCommEv": 0,
        "bankruptComm": 0,
        "bankruptPriceEp": 0,
        "bankruptPrice": 0,
        "positionMarginEv": 0,
        "positionMargin": 0,
        "liquidationPriceEp": 0,
        "liquidationPrice": 0,
        "deleveragePercentileEr": 0,
        "deleveragePercentile": 0,
        "buyValueToCostEr": 1150750,
        "buyValueToCost": 0.0115075,
        "sellValueToCostEr": 1149250,
        "sellValueToCost": 0.0114925,
        "markPriceEp": 93169002,
        "markPrice": 9316.9002,
        "markValueEv": 0,
        "markValue": null,
        "estimatedOrdLossEv": 0,
        "estimatedOrdLoss": 0,
        "usedBalanceEv": 0,
        "usedBalance": 0,
        "takeProfitEp": 0,
        "takeProfit": null,
        "stopLossEp": 0,
        "stopLoss": null,
        "realisedPnlEv": 0,
        "realisedPnl": null,
        "cumRealisedPnlEv": 0,
        "cumRealisedPnl": null

Note unRealizedPnlEv needs to be calculated in client side with latest markPrice, formula is as below.

Inverse long contract: unRealizedPnl = (posSize * contractSize) / avgEntryPrice - (posSize * contractSize) / markPrice
Inverse short contract: unRealizedPnl =  (posSize *contractSize) / markPrice - (posSize * contractSize) / avgEntryPrice 
Linear long contract:  unRealizedPnl = (posSize * contractSize) * markPrice - (posSize * contractSize) * avgEntryPrice
Linear short contract:  unRealizedPnl = (posSize * contractSize) * avgEntryPrice - (posSize * contractSize) * markPrice

posSize is a signed vaule. contractSize is a fixed value.

Query trading account and positions with unrealized-pnl

Below API presents unrealized pnl at markprice of positions with considerable cost, thus its ratelimit weight is very high.

  • Request
GET /accounts/positions?currency=<currency>
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "account": {
      "accountId": 111100001,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "accountBalanceEv": 879599942377,
      "totalUsedBalanceEv": 285,
      "bonusBalanceEv": 0
    "positions": [
        "accountID": 111100001,
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "side": "Buy",
        "positionStatus": "Normal",
        "crossMargin": false,
        "leverageEr": 0,
        "initMarginReqEr": 1000000,
        "maintMarginReqEr": 500000,
        "riskLimitEv": 10000000000,
        "size": 5,
        "valueEv": 26435,
        "avgEntryPriceEp": 189143181,
        "posCostEv": 285,
        "assignedPosBalanceEv": 285,
        "bankruptCommEv": 750000,
        "bankruptPriceEp": 5000,
        "positionMarginEv": 879599192377,
        "liquidationPriceEp": 5000,
        "deleveragePercentileEr": 0,
        "buyValueToCostEr": 1150750,
        "sellValueToCostEr": 1149250,
        "markPriceEp": 238287555,
        "markValueEv": 0,
        "unRealisedPosLossEv": 0,
        "estimatedOrdLossEv": 0,
        "usedBalanceEv": 285,
        "takeProfitEp": 0,
        "stopLossEp": 0,
        "cumClosedPnlEv": -8913353,
        "cumFundingFeeEv": 123996,
        "cumTransactFeeEv": 940245,
        "realisedPnlEv": 0,
        "unRealisedPnlEv": 5452,
        "cumRealisedPnlEv": 0

Note Highly recommend calculating unRealizedPnlEv in client side with latest markPrice to avoid ratelimit penalty.

  • Request
PUT /positions/leverage?symbol=<symbol>&leverage=<leverage>&leverageEr=<leverageEr>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol string which postion needs to change Trading symbols
leverage integer unscaled leverage
leverageEr integer ratio scaled leverage, leverage wins when both leverage and leverageEr provided
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK"
  • Request
PUT /positions/riskLimit?symbol=<symbol>&riskLimit=<riskLimit>&riskLimitEv=<riskLimitEv>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol string which postion needs to change Trading symbols
riskLimit integer unscaled value, reference BTC/USD value scale
riskLimitEv integer value scaled risklimit, riskLimitEv wins when both riskLimit and riskLimitEv provided
  • Request

This API is POST

POST /positions/assign?symbol=<symbol>&posBalance=<posBalance>&posBalanceEv=<posBalanceEv>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol string which postion needs to change Trading symbols
posBalance integer unscaled value
posBalanceEv integer value scaled for position balance, posBalanceEv wins when both posBalance and posBalanceEv provided
  • Order status includes New, PartiallyFilled, Filled, Canceled, Rejected, Triggered, Untriggered;

  • Open order status includes New, PartiallyFilled, Untriggered;

  • Request

GET /orders/activeList?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol String which symbol needs to query Trading symbols
  • Response
    • Full order
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "rows": [
        "bizError": 0,
        "orderID": "9cb95282-7840-42d6-9768-ab8901385a67",
        "clOrdID": "7eaa9987-928c-652e-cc6a-82fc35641706",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Buy",
        "actionTimeNs": 1580533011677666800,
        "transactTimeNs": 1580533011677666800,
        "orderType": null,
        "priceEp": 84000000,
        "price": 8400,
        "orderQty": 1,
        "displayQty": 1,
        "timeInForce": null,
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "stopPxEp": 0,
        "closedPnlEv": 0,
        "closedPnl": 0,
        "closedSize": 0,
        "cumQty": 0,
        "cumValueEv": 0,
        "cumValue": 0,
        "leavesQty": 0,
        "leavesValueEv": 0,
        "leavesValue": 0,
        "stopPx": 0,
        "stopDirection": "Falling",
        "ordStatus": "Untriggered"
        "bizError": 0,
        "orderID": "93397a06-e76d-4e3b-babc-dff2696786aa",
        "clOrdID": "71c2ab5d-eb6f-0d5c-a7c4-50fd5d40cc50",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Sell",
        "actionTimeNs": 1580532983785506600,
        "transactTimeNs": 1580532983786370300,
        "orderType": null,
        "priceEp": 99040000,
        "price": 9904,
        "orderQty": 1,
        "displayQty": 1,
        "timeInForce": null,
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "stopPxEp": 0,
        "closedPnlEv": 0,
        "closedPnl": 0,
        "closedSize": 0,
        "cumQty": 0,
        "cumValueEv": 0,
        "cumValue": 0,
        "leavesQty": 1,
        "leavesValueEv": 10096,
        "leavesValue": 0.00010096,
        "stopPx": 0,
        "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
        "ordStatus": "New"
        "bizError": 0,
        "orderID": "2585817b-85df-4dea-8507-5db1920b9954",
        "clOrdID": "4b19fd1e-a1a7-2986-d02a-0288ad5137d4",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Buy",
        "actionTimeNs": 1580532966629408500,
        "transactTimeNs": 1580532966633276200,
        "orderType": null,
        "priceEp": 80040000,
        "price": 8004,
        "orderQty": 1,
        "displayQty": 1,
        "timeInForce": null,
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "stopPxEp": 0,
        "closedPnlEv": 0,
        "closedPnl": 0,
        "closedSize": 0,
        "cumQty": 0,
        "cumValueEv": 0,
        "cumValue": 0,
        "leavesQty": 1,
        "leavesValueEv": 12493,
        "leavesValue": 0.00012493,
        "stopPx": 0,
        "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
        "ordStatus": "New"
  • This API is for closed orders. For open orders, please use open order query

  • Request

GET /exchange/order/list?symbol=<symbol>&start=<start>&end=<end>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>&ordStatus=<ordStatus>&withCount=<withCount>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol String which symbol needs to query Trading symbols
start Integer start time range, Epoch millis,available only from the last 2 month
end Integer end time range, Epoch millis
offset Integer offset to resultset
limit Integer limit of resultset, max 200
ordStatus String order status list filter New, PartiallyFilled, Untriggered, Filled, Canceled
  • Response
    • sample response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 39,
    "rows": [
        "orderID": "7d5a39d6-ff14-4428-b9e1-1fcf1800d6ac",
        "clOrdID": "e422be37-074c-403d-aac8-ad94827f60c1",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Sell",
        "orderType": "Limit",
        "actionTimeNs": 1577523473419470300,
        "priceEp": 75720000,
        "price": null,
        "orderQty": 12,
        "displayQty": 0,
        "timeInForce": "GoodTillCancel",
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "takeProfitEp": 0,
        "takeProfit": null,
        "stopLossEp": 0,
        "closedPnlEv": 0,
        "closedPnl": null,
        "closedSize": 0,
        "cumQty": 0,
        "cumValueEv": 0,
        "cumValue": null,
        "leavesQty": 0,
        "leavesValueEv": 0,
        "leavesValue": null,
        "stopLoss": null,
        "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
        "ordStatus": "Canceled",
        "transactTimeNs": 1577523473425416400
        "orderID": "b63bc982-be3a-45e0-8974-43d6375fb626",
        "clOrdID": "uuid-1577463487504",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "side": "Sell",
        "orderType": "Limit",
        "actionTimeNs": 1577963507348468200,
        "priceEp": 71500000,
        "price": null,
        "orderQty": 700,
        "displayQty": 700,
        "timeInForce": "GoodTillCancel",
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "takeProfitEp": 0,
        "takeProfit": null,
        "stopLossEp": 0,
        "closedPnlEv": 0,
        "closedPnl": null,
        "closedSize": 0,
        "cumQty": 700,
        "cumValueEv": 9790209,
        "cumValue": null,
        "leavesQty": 0,
        "leavesValueEv": 0,
        "leavesValue": null,
        "stopLoss": null,
        "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
        "ordStatus": "Filled",
        "transactTimeNs": 1578026629824704800
  • Request
GET /exchange/order?symbol=<symbol>&orderID=<orderID1,orderID2>
GET /exchange/order?symbol=<symbol>&clOrdID=<clOrdID1,clOrdID2>

Description : available only from the last 2 month

  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": [
      "orderID": "7d5a39d6-ff14-4428-b9e1-1fcf1800d6ac",
      "clOrdID": "e422be37-074c-403d-aac8-ad94827f60c1",
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",
      "side": "Sell",
      "orderType": "Limit",
      "actionTimeNs": 1577523473419470300,
      "priceEp": 75720000,
      "price": null,
      "orderQty": 12,
      "displayQty": 0,
      "timeInForce": "GoodTillCancel",
      "reduceOnly": false,
      "takeProfitEp": 0,
      "takeProfit": null,
      "stopLossEp": 0,
      "closedPnlEv": 0,
      "closedPnl": null,
      "closedSize": 0,
      "cumQty": 0,
      "cumValueEv": 0,
      "cumValue": null,
      "leavesQty": 0,
      "leavesValueEv": 0,
      "leavesValue": null,
      "stopLoss": null,
      "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
      "ordStatus": "Canceled",
      "transactTimeNs": 1577523473425416400
      "orderID": "b63bc982-be3a-45e0-8974-43d6375fb626",
      "clOrdID": "uuid-1577463487504",
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",
      "side": "Sell",
      "orderType": "Limit",
      "actionTimeNs": 1577963507348468200,
      "priceEp": 71500000,
      "price": null,
      "orderQty": 700,
      "displayQty": 700,
      "timeInForce": "GoodTillCancel",
      "reduceOnly": false,
      "takeProfitEp": 0,
      "takeProfit": null,
      "stopLossEp": 0,
      "closedPnlEv": 0,
      "closedPnl": null,
      "closedSize": 0,
      "cumQty": 700,
      "cumValueEv": 9790209,
      "cumValue": null,
      "leavesQty": 0,
      "leavesValueEv": 0,
      "leavesValue": null,
      "stopLoss": null,
      "stopDirection": "UNSPECIFIED",
      "ordStatus": "Filled",
      "transactTimeNs": 1578026629824704800
  • Request
GET /exchange/order/trade?symbol=<symbol>&start=<start>&end=<end>&limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>&withCount=<withCount>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String Yes Trading symbol BTCUSD, ETHUSD ...
tradeType String No Trade type of execution order Trade,Funding,AdlTrade,LiqTrade
start Long No Epoch time in milli-seconds of range start. available only from the last 2 month --
end Long No Epoch time in milli-seconds of range end --
limit Integer No The expected count of returned data-set. Default to 50. Max to 200 --
offset Integer No Offset of total dataset in a range --
withCount Boolean No A flag to tell if the count of total result set is required --
  • Response
    • Response of this API includes normal trade, funding records, liquidation, ADL trades,etc. tradeType can distiguish these types.
    • Sample trade response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 79,
    "rows": [
        "transactTimeNs": 1578026629824704800,
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "action": "Replace",
        "side": "Sell",
        "tradeType": "Trade",
        "execQty": 700,
        "execPriceEp": 71500000,
        "orderQty": 700,
        "priceEp": 71500000,
        "execValueEv": 9790209,
        "feeRateEr": -25000,
        "execFeeEv": -2447,
        "ordType": "Limit",
        "execID": "b01671a1-5ddc-5def-b80a-5311522fd4bf",
        "orderID": "b63bc982-be3a-45e0-8974-43d6375fb626",
        "clOrdID": "uuid-1577463487504",
        "execStatus": "MakerFill"
        "transactTimeNs": 1578009600000000000,
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "action": "SettleFundingFee",
        "side": "Buy",
        "tradeType": "Funding",
        "execQty": 700,
        "execPriceEp": 69473435,
        "orderQty": 0,
        "priceEp": 0,
        "execValueEv": 10075793,
        "feeRateEr": 4747,
        "execFeeEv": 479,
        "ordType": "UNSPECIFIED",
        "execID": "381fbe21-a116-472d-a547-9e2368dcc194",
        "orderID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "clOrdID": "SettlingFunding",
        "execStatus": "Init"
  • Possible trade types
TradeTypes Description
Trade Normal trades
Funding Funding on positions
AdlTrade Auto-delevearage trades
LiqTrade Liquidation trades
  • Request:
GET /md/orderbook?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "book": {
      "asks": [
      "bids": [
    "depth": 30,
    "sequence": <sequence>,
    "timestamp": <timestamp>,
    "symbol": "<symbol>",
    "type": "snapshot"
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds
priceEp Integer Scaled book level price
size Integer Scaled book level size
sequence Integer current message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
  • Sample:
GET /md/orderbook?symbol=BTCUSD
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "book": {
      "asks": [
      "bids": [
    "depth": 30,
    "sequence": 455476965,
    "timestamp": 1583555482434235628,
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "type": "snapshot"


  1. please be noted that kline interfaces have rate limits rule, please check the Other group under api groups
GET /exchange/public/md/v2/kline?symbol=<symbol>&resolution=<resolution>&limit=<limit>
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": -1,
    "rows": [
  • Request
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String Yes symbol name BTCUSD,ETHUSD,uBTCUSD,cETHUSD,XRPUSD...
resolution Integer Yes kline interval described as below
limit Integer No limit of result described as below
  • Value of resolutions
resolution Description
300 MINUTE_5
900 MINUTE_15
1800 MINUTE_30
3600 HOUR_1
14400 HOUR_4
86400 DAY_1
604800 WEEK_1
2592000 MONTH_1
7776000 SEASON_1
31104000 YEAR_1
  • Value of limits
limit Description
5 limit 5
10 limit 10
50 limit 50
100 limit 100
500 limit 500
1000 limit 1000

NOTE, for backward compatibility reason, phemex also provides kline query with from/to, however, this interface is NOT recommended.

GET /exchange/public/md/kline?symbol=<symbol>&to=<to>&from=<from>&resolution=<resolution>

Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String Yes symbol name BTCUSD,ETHUSD,uBTCUSD,cETHUSD,XRPUSD...
from Integer Yes start time in seconds value aligned in resolution boundary
to Integer Yes end time in seconds value aligned in resolution boundary; Number of k-lines return between [from, to) should be less than 1000
resolution Integer Yes kline interval the same as described above
  • Request:
GET /md/trade?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "type": "snapshot",
    "sequence": <sequence>,
    "symbol": "<symbol>",
    "trades": [
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds
side String Trade side string Buy, Sell
priceEp Integer Scaled trade price
size Integer Scaled trade size
sequence Integer Current message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
  • Sample:
GET /md/trade?symbol=BTCUSD
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "sequence": 15934323,
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "trades": [
    "type": "snapshot"
  • Request:
GET v1/md/ticker/24hr?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Description Possible values
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
      "askEp": <best ask priceEp>,
      "bidEp": <best bid priceEp>,
      "fundingRateEr": <funding rateEr>,
      "highEp": <high priceEp>,
      "indexEp": <index priceEp>,
      "lastEp": <last priceEp>,
      "lowEp": <low priceEp>,
      "markEp": <mark priceEp>,
      "openEp": <open priceEp>,
      "openInterest": <open interest>,
      "predFundingRateEr": <predicated funding rateEr>,
      "symbol": <symbol>,
      "timestamp": <timestamp>,
      "turnoverEv": <turnoverEv>,
      "volume": <volume>
Field Type Description Possible values
open priceEp Integer The scaled open price in last 24 hours
high priceEp Integer The scaled highest price in last 24 hours
low priceEp Integer The scaled lowest price in last 24 hours
close priceEp Integer The scaled close price in last 24 hours
index priceEp Integer Scaled index price
mark priceEp Integer Scaled mark price
open interest Integer current open interest
funding rateEr Integer Scaled funding rate
predicated funding rateEr Integer Scaled predicated funding rate
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
turnoverEv Integer The scaled turnover value in last 24 hours
volume Integer Symbol trade volume in last 24 hours
  • Sample:
GET v1/md/ticker/24hr?symbol=BTCUSD
  "error": null,
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "close": 87425000,
    "fundingRate": 10000,
    "high": 92080000,
    "indexPrice": 87450676,
    "low": 87130000,
    "markPrice": 87453092,
    "open": 90710000,
    "openInterest": 7821141,
    "predFundingRate": 7609,
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "timestamp": 1583646442444219017,
    "turnover": 1399362834123,
    "volume": 125287131
  • Query History trades by symbol
  • RateLimit of this api is 5 per second
GET /exchange/public/nomics/trades?market=<symbol>&since=<since>
Field Type Description Possible values
market String the market of symbol Trading symbols
since String Last id of response field, 0-0-0 is from the very initial trade default 0-0-0
start Integer Epoch time in milli-seconds of range start
end Integer Epoch time in milli-seconds of range end
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "amount_quote": "string",
      "price": "string",
      "side": "string",
      "timestamp": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "msg": "string"
  • Sample
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": [
      "id": "1183-3-2",
      "timestamp": "2019-11-24T08:32:17.046Z",
      "price": "7211.00000000",
      "amount_quote": "1",
      "side": "sell",
      "type": "limit"
      "id": "1184-2-1",
      "timestamp": "2019-11-24T08:32:17.047Z",
      "price": "7211.00000000",
      "amount_quote": "1",
      "side": "buy",
      "type": "limit"
  • Asset includes BTC in wallets, BTC in btc-trading account, USD in usd-trading account.
  • In wallet level, Main/parent client can transfer BTC between Sub-client and main/parent client.
  • In wallet level, Sub client can only transfer self BTC to main/parent client wallet.
  • client can only transfer its own asset between wallet and trading accounts.
  • Request
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 87,
    "rows": [
        "userId": 612,
        "email": "x**@**.com",
        "nickName": "nickName",
        "passwordState": 1,
        "clientCnt": 0,
        "totp": 1,
        "logon": 0,
        "parentId": 0,
        "parentEmail": null,
        "status": 1,
        "wallet": {
          "totalBalance": "989.25471319",
          "totalBalanceEv": 98925471319,
          "availBalance": "989.05471319",
          "availBalanceEv": 98905471319,
          "freezeBalance": "0.20000000",
          "freezeBalanceEv": 20000000,
          "currency": "BTC",
          "currencyCode": 1
        "userMarginVo": [
            "currency": "BTC",
            "accountBalance": "3.90032508",
            "totalUsedBalance": "0.00015666",
            "accountBalanceEv": 390032508,
            "totalUsedBalanceEv": 15666,
            "bonusBalanceEv": 0,
            "bonusBalance": "0"
            "currency": "USD",
            "accountBalance": "38050.35000000",
            "totalUsedBalance": "0.00000000",
            "accountBalanceEv": 380503500,
            "totalUsedBalanceEv": 0,
            "bonusBalanceEv": 0,
            "bonusBalance": "0"

Wallet fields

Field Type Description
currency String currency name
totalBalanceEv Integer scaled balance amount value
availBalanceEv Integer scaled available balance value
freezeBalanceEv Integer scaled used balance value

Margin fields

Field Type Description
currency String currency name
accountBalanceEv Integer scaled trading account balance value
totalUsedBalanceEv Integer Scaled used trading account balance value
bonusBalanceEv Integer Scaled bonus value
  • Request
    • Main/parent can transfer its wallet balance to its own subclients.
    • Sub-client can only transfer its wallet balance to its parent/main client.
    • When sub-client transfer its wallet balance, clientCnt = 0
POST: /exchange/wallets/transferOut
    "amount": 0,                       // unscaled amount
    "amountEv": 0,                     // scaled amount, when both amount and amountEv are provided, amountEv wins.
    "clientCnt": 0,                    // client number, this is from API in children list; when sub-client issues this API, client must be 0.
    "currency": "string"
Field Type Required Description
amount Integer - unscaled amount value to transfer
amountEv Integer - scaled amount value to transfer
clientCnt Integer Yes which client to transfer
currency String Yes currency name, currently only support BTC
  • Response
    • This API is synchrous, code == 0 means succeeded. If timed-out, history can be queried.
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": "OK"
  • Request
POST: /exchange/wallets/transferIn
  • Response
  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": "OK"
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/funding-fees?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String True the currency to query uBTCUSD ...
offset Integer False page start from 0 start from 0, default 0
limit Integer False page size default 20, max 200
  • Response
    "createTime": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "execFeeEv": 0,
    "execPriceEp": 0,
    "execQty": 0,
    "execValueEv": 0,
    "feeRateEr": 0,
    "fundingRateEr": 0,
    "side": "string",
    "symbol": "string"
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/orders?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String True the currency to query uBTCUSD ...
start Long False start time in millisecond default 2 days ago from the end
end Long False end time in millisecond default now
offset Integer False page start from 0 start from 0, default 0
limit Integer False page size default 20, max 200
  • Response
    "actionTimeNs": 0,
    "bizError": 0,
    "clOrdID": "string",
    "closedPnlEv": 0,
    "closedSize": 0,
    "cumQty": 0,
    "cumValueEv": 0,
    "displayQty": 0,
    "leavesQty": 0,
    "leavesValueEv": 0,
    "ordStatus": "string",
    "orderID": "string",
    "orderQty": 0,
    "orderType": "string",
    "priceEp": 0,
    "reduceOnly": true,
    "side": "string",
    "stopDirection": "string",
    "stopLossEp": 0,
    "symbol": "string",
    "takeProfitEp": 0,
    "timeInForce": "string",
    "transactTimeNs": 0
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/orders/by-order-id?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String True the currency to query uBTCUSD ...
orderID String False order id orderID and clOrdID can not be both empty. If both IDs are given, it will return list of orders which match both orderID or clOrdID
clOrdID String False client order id refer to orderID
  • Response
    "actionTimeNs": 0,
    "bizError": 0,
    "clOrdID": "string",
    "closedPnlEv": 0,
    "closedSize": 0,
    "cumQty": 0,
    "cumValueEv": 0,
    "displayQty": 0,
    "leavesQty": 0,
    "leavesValueEv": 0,
    "ordStatus": "string",
    "orderID": "string",
    "orderQty": 0,
    "orderType": "string",
    "priceEp": 0,
    "reduceOnly": true,
    "side": "string",
    "stopDirection": "string",
    "stopLossEp": 0,
    "symbol": "string",
    "takeProfitEp": 0,
    "timeInForce": "string",
    "transactTimeNs": 0
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/trades?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String True the currency to query uBTCUSD ...
start Long False start time in millisecond default 2 days ago from the end
end Long False end time in millisecond default now
offset Integer False page start from 0 start from 0, default 0
limit Integer False page size default 20, max 200
  • Response
    "action": "string",
    "clOrdID": "string",
    "closedPnlEv": 0,
    "closedSize": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "execFeeEv": 0,
    "execID": "string",
    "execPriceEp": 0,
    "execQty": 0,
    "execStatus": "string",
    "execValueEv": 0,
    "feeRateEr": 0,
    "ordType": "string",
    "orderID": "string",
    "orderQty": 0,
    "priceEp": 0,
    "side": "string",
    "symbol": "string",
    "tradeType": "string",
    "transactTimeNs": 0
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/trading-fees?symbol=<symbol>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
symbol String True the currency to query uBTCUSD ...
offset Integer False page start from 0 start from 0, default 0
limit Integer False page size default 20, max 200
  • Response
    "createTime": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "exchangeFeeValueEv": 0,
    "id": 0,
    "makerRateEr": 0,
    "makerValueEv": 0,
    "symbol": "string",
    "takerRateEr": 0,
    "takerValueEv": 0,
    "userId": 0
  • Http Request
GET /api-data/futures/v2/tradeAccountDetail?currency=<currecny>&type=<type>&limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>&start=<start>&end=<end>&withCount=<withCount>
Field Type Required Description Possible Values
currency String False the currency to query USDT、USD、BTC、ETH
type Integer False TradeAccountBizType Enum
start Integer False start time range, Epoch millis default 0
end Integer False end time range, Epoch millis default 0
offset Integer False offset to resultset, max 1000 default 0
limit Integer False limit of resultset default 20
withCount Integer False result with total count default false
  • Response
    "createTime": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "exchangeFeeValueEv": 0,
    "id": 0,
    "makerRateEr": 0,
    "makerValueEv": 0,
    "symbol": "string",
    "takerRateEr": 0,
    "takerValueEv": 0,
    "userId": 0
  • Several restrictions are required for withdraw: 1. bind Google 2FA, 2. Password change out of 24hour, 3. meet minimum BTC amount requirement.
  • Request
POST /exchange/wallets/createWithdraw?otpCode=<otpCode>
  "address": <address>,                // address must set before withdraw
  "amountEv": <amountEv>,              // scaled btc value
  "currency": <currency>               // fixed to BTC 
Filed Type Required Description Possible values
otpCode String Yes In URL query, From Google 2FA
address String Yes In body, address must be saved before hand
amountEv Integer Yes In body, scaled amount value
currency String Yes In body, currently only support BTC
  • Sample code to get Google 2FA code via API
api 'com.warrenstrange:googleauth:1.1.2'

import com.warrenstrange.googleauth.GoogleAuthenticator;

public void testAuth() {
    String secret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // save from binding Google 2FA
    GoogleAuthenticator gAuth = new GoogleAuthenticator();
    int code = gAuth.getTotpPassword(secret);
    boolean ans = gAuth.authorize(secret, code);
  • Response
    "code": 0,
    "msg" : "OK",
    "data": <withdrawRequest> 

Response Fileds

Filed Type Description
id Integer withdraw id
currency String currency name
status String Withdraw request processing state
amountEv Integer Scaled withdraw amount
feeEv Integer Scaled withdraw fee amount
address String Withdraw target address
txhash String transaction hash on blockchain
submitedAt Integer submitted time in epoch
expiredTime Integer expire time in epoch
  • After withdraw request submitted, a confirmation link is sent to registration email. The confirm code should be extracted out from the link and then passed in as url query parameter.

  • Request

GET /exchange/wallets/confirm/withdraw?code=<withdrawConfirmCode>
  • Response
    "code": 0,
    "msg" : "OK"
  • Withdraw request can be canceled before mannual review;

  • Request

POST /exchange/wallets/cancelWithdraw
    id: <withdrawRequestId>
  • Request
GET /exchange/wallets/withdrawList?currency=<currency>&limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>&withCount=<withCount>
  • Response
    • List of withdraw requests
  • Withdraw address management support create, remove and list. Recommend manage it from website.

  • Request

POST /exchange/wallets/createWithdrawAddress?otpCode={optCode}
    "address": <address>,
    "currency": <currency>
    "remark": <name>
Field Type Required Description
address String Yes valid BTC address
currency String Yes Currrently only support BTC
remark String Yes Name of this address
  • Response
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "data": 1                //subject to change
  • Each client is required to actively send heartbeat (ping) message to Phemex data gateway ('DataGW' in short) with interval less than 30 seconds, otherwise DataGW will drop the connection. If a client sends a ping message, DataGW will reply with a pong message.
  • Clients can use WS built-in ping message or the application level ping message to DataGW as heartbeat. The heartbeat interval is recommended to be set as 5 seconds, and actively reconnect to DataGW if don't receive messages in 3 heartbeat intervals.
  • Each Client has concurrent connection limit to 5 in maximum.
  • Each connection has subscription limit to 20 in maximum.
  • Each connection has throttle limit to 20 request/s.
  • Request:
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "",
  "params": []
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": "pong"
  • Sample:
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "",
  "params": []

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": "pong"

Market trade/orderbook are published publicly without user authentication. While for client private account/position/order data, the client should send user.auth message to Data Gateway to authenticate the session.

  • Request
  "method": "user.auth",
  "params": [
  "id": 1234
Field Type Description Possible values
type String Token type API
token String API Key
signature String Signature generated by a funtion as HMacSha256(API Key + expiry) with API Secret
expiry Integer A future time after which request will be rejected, in epoch second. Maximum expiry is request time plus 2 minutes
  • Sample:
> {
  "method": "user.auth",
  "params": [
  "id": 1234

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

On each successful subscription, DataGW will immediately send the current Order Book snapshot to client and all later order book updates will be published. Incremental messages are published with depth=30 and 20ms interval.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "orderbook.subscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample:
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "orderbook.subscribe",
  "params": [

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

On each successful subscription, DataGW will immediately send the current Order Book snapshot to client and all later order book updates will be published. Incremental messages are published with full depth and 100ms interval.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "orderbook.subscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample:
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "orderbook.subscribe",
  "params": [

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

OrderBook Message:

DataGW publishes order book message with types: incremental, snapshot. And snapshot messages are published with 60-second interval for client self-verification.

  • Message Format:
  "book": {
    "asks": [
    "bids": [
  "depth": <depth>,
  "sequence": <sequence>,
  "timestamp": <timestamp>,
  "symbol": "<symbol>",
Field Type Description Possible values
side String Price level side bid, ask
priceEp Integer Scaled price
qty Integer Price level size. Non-zero qty indicates price level insertion or updation, and qty 0 indicates price level deletion.
sequence Integer Latest message sequence
depth Integer Market depth 30
type String Message type snapshot, incremental
  • Sample:
< {"book":{"asks":[[86765000,19609],[86770000,7402],[86775000,3807],[86780000,7395],[86785000,3599],[86790000,7253],[86795000,4019],[86800000,4366],[86805000,3216],[86810000,3107],[86815000,7453],[86820000,1771],[86825000,895],[86830000,3420],[86835000,1818],[86840000,1272],[86845000,1064],[86850000,195],[86855000,1630],[86860000,1017],[86865000,3509],[86870000,1105],[86875000,1262],[86880000,893],[86885000,862],[86890000,1030],[86895000,2315],[86900000,2994],[86905000,2026],[86910000,3387],[86915000,1382],[86920000,1202],[86925000,3150],[86930000,1773],[86935000,1778],[86940000,1384],[86945000,1842],[86950000,1019],[86955000,2660],[86960000,1599],[86965000,920],[86970000,1834],[86975000,752],[86980000,1384],[86985000,2471],[86990000,2133],[86995000,2981],[87000000,1091],[87005000,994],[87010000,1217],[87015000,1098],[87020000,526],[87025000,1779],[87030000,1098],[87035000,892],[87040000,2168],[87045000,822],[87050000,2410],[87055000,630],[87060000,1684],[87065000,2556],[87070000,19],[87080000,1445],[87085000,29],[87105000,2002],[87115000,658],[87120000,660],[87905000,991]],"bids":[[86760000,18995],[86755000,6451],[86750000,5311],[86745000,6867],[86740000,6180],[86735000,3127],[86730000,4852],[86725000,6213],[86720000,3902],[86715000,4510],[86710000,10063],[86705000,1118],[86700000,1891],[86695000,767],[86690000,20920],[86685000,2535],[86680000,1105],[86675000,645],[86670000,1424],[86665000,1773],[86660000,1464],[86655000,1160],[86650000,1462],[86645000,2446],[86640000,538],[86635000,506],[86630000,2291],[86625000,2981],[86620000,1712],[86615000,984],[86610000,1058],[86605000,1261],[86600000,1074],[86595000,1408],[86590000,717],[86585000,1582],[86580000,1950],[86575000,1540],[86570000,2960],[86565000,598],[86560000,759],[86555000,1266],[86550000,1943],[86545000,259],[86540000,2106],[86535000,2365],[86530000,857],[86525000,1200],[86520000,2371],[86515000,2103],[86510000,1468],[86505000,747],[86500000,1369],[86495000,2121],[86490000,3674],[86485000,1345],[86480000,1290],[86475000,1716],[86470000,1851],[86465000,1861],[86460000,1092],[86435000,21],[86430000,986],[86420000,1202],[86415000,22],[86405000,1199],[86390000,470],[86365000,920],[86360000,192],[86355000,474],[86350000,1838],[86335000,1104],[86285000,2205],[86280000,2390],[86275000,95],[86255000,2836],[86250000,589],[86240000,424],[86235000,937],[86225000,374],[86220000,1591],[86215000,517],[86210000,559],[86205000,702],[86190000,54]]},"depth":30,"sequence":1191904,"symbol":"BTCUSD","type":"snapshot"}
< {"book":{"asks":[[86775000,4621]],"bids":[]},"depth":30,"sequence":1191905,"symbol":"BTCUSD","type":"incremental"}
< {"book":{"asks":[],"bids":[[86755000,8097]]},"depth":30,"sequence":1191906,"symbol":"BTCUSD","type":"incremental"}

It unsubscribes all orderbook related subscriptions.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "orderbook.unsubscribe",
  "params": []
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

On each successful subscription, DataGW will send the 200 history trades immediately for the subscribed symbol and all the later trades will be published.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "trade.subscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample:
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "trade.subscribe",
  "params": [

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

Trade Message Format:

DataGW publishes trade message with types: incremental, snapshot. Incremental messages are published with 20ms interval. And snapshot messages are published on connection initial setup for client recovery.

  "trades": [
  "sequence": <sequence>,
  "symbol": "<symbol>",
  "type": "<type>"
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds for each trade
side String Execution taker side bid, ask
priceEp Integer Scaled execution price
qty Integer Execution size
sequence Integer Latest message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name
type String Message type snapshot, incremental
  • Sample
< {
  "sequence": 1167852,
  "symbol": "BTCUSD",
  "trades": [
  "type": "snapshot"

< {
  "sequence": 1188273,
  "symbol": "BTCUSD",
  "trades": [
  "type": "incremental"

It unsubscribes all trade subscriptions or for a symbol.

  • Request
# unsubscribe all trade subsciptions
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "trade.unsubscribe",
  "params": [

# unsubscribe all trade subsciptions for a symbol
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "trade.unsubscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

On each successful subscription, DataGW will send the 1000 history klines immediately for the subscribed symbol and all the later kline update will be published in real-time.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "kline.subscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample:
# subscribe 1-day kline
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "kline.subscribe",
  "params": [

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

Kline Message Format:

DataGW publishes kline message with types: incremental, snapshot. Incremental messages are published with 20ms interval. And snapshot messages are published on connection initial setup for client recovery.

  "kline": [
  "sequence": <sequence>,
  "symbol": "<symbol>",
  "type": "<type>"
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds for each trade
interval Integer Kline interval type 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600, 14400, 86400, 604800, 2592000, 7776000, 31104000
lastCloseEp Integer Scaled last close price
openEp Integer Scaled open price
highEp Integer Scaled high price
lowEp Integer Scaled low price
closeEp Integer Scaled close price
volume Integer Trade voulme during the current kline interval
turnoverEv Integer Scaled turnover value
sequence Integer Latest message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name
type String Message type snapshot, incremental
  • Sample
< {
  "kline": [
  "sequence": 1118993873,
  "symbol": "BTCUSD",
  "type": "snapshot"

< {
  "kline": [
  "sequence": 1122006398,
  "symbol": "BTCUSD",
  "type": "incremental"

It unsubscribes all kline subscriptions or for a symbol.

  • Request
# unsubscribe all Kline subscriptions
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "kline.unsubscribe",
  "params": []

# unsubscribe all Kline subscriptions of a symbol
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "kline.unsubscribe",
  "params": [
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

AOP subscription requires the session been authorized successfully. DataGW extracts the user information from the given token and sends AOP messages back to client accordingly. 0 or more latest account snapshot messages will be sent to client immediately on subscription, and incremental messages will be sent for later updates. Each account snapshot contains a trading account information, holding positions, and open / max 100 closed / max 100 filled order event message history.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "aop.subscribe",
  "params": []
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "aop.subscribe",
  "params": []

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

Account-Order-Position (AOP) Message Sample:

  "accounts": [
      "accountBalanceEv": 9992165009,
      "accountID": 604630001,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "totalUsedBalanceEv": 10841771568,
      "userID": 60463
  "orders": [
      "accountID": 604630001,
  "positions": [
      "accountID": 604630001,
  "sequence": 11450,
  "timestamp": <timestamp>,
  "type": "<type>"
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Transaction timestamp in nanoseconds
sequence Integer Latest message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name
type String Message type snapshot, incremental
  • Sample:
< {"accounts":[{"accountBalanceEv":100000024,"accountID":675340001,"bonusBalanceEv":0,"currency":"BTC","totalUsedBalanceEv":1222,"userID":67534}],"orders":[{"accountID":675340001,"action":"New","actionBy":"ByUser","actionTimeNs":1573711481897337000,"addedSeq":1110523,"bonusChangedAmountEv":0,"clOrdID":"uuid-1573711480091","closedPnlEv":0,"closedSize":0,"code":0,"cumQty":2,"cumValueEv":23018,"curAccBalanceEv":100000005,"curAssignedPosBalanceEv":0,"curBonusBalanceEv":0,"curLeverageEr":0,"curPosSide":"Buy","curPosSize":2,"curPosTerm":1,"curPosValueEv":23018,"curRiskLimitEv":10000000000,"currency":"BTC","cxlRejReason":0,"displayQty":2,"execFeeEv":-5,"execID":"92301512-7a79-5138-b582-ac185223727d","execPriceEp":86885000,"execQty":2,"execSeq":1131034,"execStatus":"MakerFill","execValueEv":23018,"feeRateEr":-25000,"lastLiquidityInd":"AddedLiquidity","leavesQty":0,"leavesValueEv":0,"message":"No error","ordStatus":"Filled","ordType":"Limit","orderID":"e9a45803-0af8-41b7-9c63-9b7c417715d9","orderQty":2,"pegOffsetValueEp":0,"priceEp":86885000,"relatedPosTerm":1,"relatedReqNum":2,"side":"Buy","stopLossEp":0,"stopPxEp":0,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takeProfitEp":0,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","tradeType":"Trade","transactTimeNs":1573712555309040417,"userID":67534},{"accountID":675340001,"action":"New","actionBy":"ByUser","actionTimeNs":1573711490507067000,"addedSeq":1110980,"bonusChangedAmountEv":0,"clOrdID":"uuid-1573711488668","closedPnlEv":0,"closedSize":0,"code":0,"cumQty":3,"cumValueEv":34530,"curAccBalanceEv":100000013,"curAssignedPosBalanceEv":0,"curBonusBalanceEv":0,"curLeverageEr":0,"curPosSide":"Buy","curPosSize":5,"curPosTerm":1,"curPosValueEv":57548,"curRiskLimitEv":10000000000,"currency":"BTC","cxlRejReason":0,"displayQty":3,"execFeeEv":-8,"execID":"80899855-5b95-55aa-b84e-8d1052f19886","execPriceEp":86880000,"execQty":3,"execSeq":1131408,"execStatus":"MakerFill","execValueEv":34530,"feeRateEr":-25000,"lastLiquidityInd":"AddedLiquidity","leavesQty":0,"leavesValueEv":0,"message":"No error","ordStatus":"Filled","ordType":"Limit","orderID":"7e03cd6b-e45e-48d9-8937-8c6628e7a79d","orderQty":3,"pegOffsetValueEp":0,"priceEp":86880000,"relatedPosTerm":1,"relatedReqNum":3,"side":"Buy","stopLossEp":0,"stopPxEp":0,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takeProfitEp":0,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","tradeType":"Trade","transactTimeNs":1573712559100655668,"userID":67534},{"accountID":675340001,"action":"New","actionBy":"ByUser","actionTimeNs":1573711499282604000,"addedSeq":1111025,"bonusChangedAmountEv":0,"clOrdID":"uuid-1573711497265","closedPnlEv":0,"closedSize":0,"code":0,"cumQty":4,"cumValueEv":46048,"curAccBalanceEv":100000024,"curAssignedPosBalanceEv":0,"curBonusBalanceEv":0,"curLeverageEr":0,"curPosSide":"Buy","curPosSize":9,"curPosTerm":1,"curPosValueEv":103596,"curRiskLimitEv":10000000000,"currency":"BTC","cxlRejReason":0,"displayQty":4,"execFeeEv":-11,"execID":"0be06645-90b8-5abe-8eb0-dca8e852f82f","execPriceEp":86865000,"execQty":4,"execSeq":1132422,"execStatus":"MakerFill","execValueEv":46048,"feeRateEr":-25000,"lastLiquidityInd":"AddedLiquidity","leavesQty":0,"leavesValueEv":0,"message":"No error","ordStatus":"Filled","ordType":"Limit","orderID":"66753807-9204-443d-acf9-946d15d5bedb","orderQty":4,"pegOffsetValueEp":0,"priceEp":86865000,"relatedPosTerm":1,"relatedReqNum":4,"side":"Buy","stopLossEp":0,"stopPxEp":0,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takeProfitEp":0,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","tradeType":"Trade","transactTimeNs":1573712618104628671,"userID":67534}],"positions":[{"accountID":675340001,"assignedPosBalanceEv":0,"avgEntryPriceEp":86875941,"bankruptCommEv":75022,"bankruptPriceEp":90000,"buyLeavesQty":0,"buyLeavesValueEv":0,"buyValueToCostEr":1150750,"createdAtNs":0,"crossSharedBalanceEv":99998802,"cumClosedPnlEv":0,"cumFundingFeeEv":0,"cumTransactFeeEv":-24,"currency":"BTC","dataVer":4,"deleveragePercentileEr":0,"displayLeverageEr":1000000,"estimatedOrdLossEv":0,"execSeq":1132422,"freeCostEv":0,"freeQty":-9,"initMarginReqEr":1000000,"lastFundingTime":1573703858883133252,"lastTermEndTime":0,"leverageEr":0,"liquidationPriceEp":90000,"maintMarginReqEr":500000,"makerFeeRateEr":0,"markPriceEp":86786292,"orderCostEv":0,"posCostEv":1115,"positionMarginEv":99925002,"positionStatus":"Normal","riskLimitEv":10000000000,"sellLeavesQty":0,"sellLeavesValueEv":0,"sellValueToCostEr":1149250,"side":"Buy","size":9,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takerFeeRateEr":0,"term":1,"transactTimeNs":1573712618104628671,"unrealisedPnlEv":-107,"updatedAtNs":0,"usedBalanceEv":1222,"userID":67534,"valueEv":103596}],"sequence":1310812,"timestamp":1573716998131003833,"type":"snapshot"}
< {"accounts":[{"accountBalanceEv":99999989,"accountID":675340001,"bonusBalanceEv":0,"currency":"BTC","totalUsedBalanceEv":1803,"userID":67534}],"orders":[{"accountID":675340001,"action":"New","actionBy":"ByUser","actionTimeNs":1573717286765750000,"addedSeq":1192303,"bonusChangedAmountEv":0,"clOrdID":"uuid-1573717284329","closedPnlEv":0,"closedSize":0,"code":0,"cumQty":0,"cumValueEv":0,"curAccBalanceEv":100000024,"curAssignedPosBalanceEv":0,"curBonusBalanceEv":0,"curLeverageEr":0,"curPosSide":"Buy","curPosSize":9,"curPosTerm":1,"curPosValueEv":103596,"curRiskLimitEv":10000000000,"currency":"BTC","cxlRejReason":0,"displayQty":4,"execFeeEv":0,"execID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","execPriceEp":0,"execQty":0,"execSeq":1192303,"execStatus":"New","execValueEv":0,"feeRateEr":0,"leavesQty":4,"leavesValueEv":46098,"message":"No error","ordStatus":"New","ordType":"Limit","orderID":"e329ae87-ce80-439d-b0cf-ad65272ed44c","orderQty":4,"pegOffsetValueEp":0,"priceEp":86770000,"relatedPosTerm":1,"relatedReqNum":5,"side":"Buy","stopLossEp":0,"stopPxEp":0,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takeProfitEp":0,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","transactTimeNs":1573717286765896560,"userID":67534},{"accountID":675340001,"action":"New","actionBy":"ByUser","actionTimeNs":1573717286765750000,"addedSeq":1192303,"bonusChangedAmountEv":0,"clOrdID":"uuid-1573717284329","closedPnlEv":0,"closedSize":0,"code":0,"cumQty":4,"cumValueEv":46098,"curAccBalanceEv":99999989,"curAssignedPosBalanceEv":0,"curBonusBalanceEv":0,"curLeverageEr":0,"curPosSide":"Buy","curPosSize":13,"curPosTerm":1,"curPosValueEv":149694,"curRiskLimitEv":10000000000,"currency":"BTC","cxlRejReason":0,"displayQty":4,"execFeeEv":35,"execID":"8d1848a2-5faf-52dd-be71-9fecbc8926be","execPriceEp":86770000,"execQty":4,"execSeq":1192303,"execStatus":"TakerFill","execValueEv":46098,"feeRateEr":75000,"lastLiquidityInd":"RemovedLiquidity","leavesQty":0,"leavesValueEv":0,"message":"No error","ordStatus":"Filled","ordType":"Limit","orderID":"e329ae87-ce80-439d-b0cf-ad65272ed44c","orderQty":4,"pegOffsetValueEp":0,"priceEp":86770000,"relatedPosTerm":1,"relatedReqNum":5,"side":"Buy","stopLossEp":0,"stopPxEp":0,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takeProfitEp":0,"timeInForce":"GoodTillCancel","tradeType":"Trade","transactTimeNs":1573717286765896560,"userID":67534}],"positions":[{"accountID":675340001,"assignedPosBalanceEv":0,"avgEntryPriceEp":86843828,"bankruptCommEv":75056,"bankruptPriceEp":130000,"buyLeavesQty":0,"buyLeavesValueEv":0,"buyValueToCostEr":1150750,"createdAtNs":0,"crossSharedBalanceEv":99998186,"cumClosedPnlEv":0,"cumFundingFeeEv":0,"cumTransactFeeEv":11,"currency":"BTC","dataVer":5,"deleveragePercentileEr":0,"displayLeverageEr":1000000,"estimatedOrdLossEv":0,"execSeq":1192303,"freeCostEv":0,"freeQty":-13,"initMarginReqEr":1000000,"lastFundingTime":1573703858883133252,"lastTermEndTime":0,"leverageEr":0,"liquidationPriceEp":130000,"maintMarginReqEr":500000,"makerFeeRateEr":0,"markPriceEp":86732335,"orderCostEv":0,"posCostEv":1611,"positionMarginEv":99924933,"positionStatus":"Normal","riskLimitEv":10000000000,"sellLeavesQty":0,"sellLeavesValueEv":0,"sellValueToCostEr":1149250,"side":"Buy","size":13,"symbol":"BTCUSD","takerFeeRateEr":0,"term":1,"transactTimeNs":1573717286765896560,"unrealisedPnlEv":-192,"updatedAtNs":0,"usedBalanceEv":1803,"userID":67534,"valueEv":149694}],"sequence":1315725,"timestamp":1573717286767188294,"type":"incremental"}

AOP subscription v1 requires the session been authorized successfully. DataGW extracts the user information from the given token and sends AOP messages back to client accordingly. 0 or more latest account snapshot messages will be sent to client immediately on subscription, and incremental messages will be sent for later updates. Each account snapshot contains a trading account information, holding positions, events, and open / limited closed / limited filled order event message history.

  • Request
"id": <id>,
"method": "aop_v1.subscribe",
"params": [
  <close/fills limit>,
  • Response:
"error": null,
"id": <id>,
"result": {
  "status": "success"
  • Sample
> {
  "id": 1234,
  "method": "aop_v1.subscribe",
  "params": [5, true, false]

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

Account-Order-Position (AOP) Message Sample:

{"accounts": [{ "accountBalanceEv": 999998500550, "accountID": 11324490004, "bonusBalanceEv": 0, "currency": "ETH",  "totalUsedBalanceEv": 302173448, "userID": 1132449  } ],"events": [],"orders": {"closed": [ { "accountID": 11324490004,...}], "fills": [ { "accountID": 11324490004,... } ],"open": [ { "accountID": 11324490004,... }   ]},"positions": [  {   "accountID": 11324490004,...}], "sequence": 115915989, "timestamp": <timestamp>, "type": "<type>", "version": "v1"}
Field Type Description Possible values
timestamp Integer Transaction timestamp in nanoseconds
sequence Integer Latest message sequence
symbol String Contract symbol name
type String Message type snapshot, incremental
version String Message version v1
  • Sample:

  • Request:
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "aop.unsubscribe",
  "params": []
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

On each successful subscription, DataGW will publish 24-hour ticker metrics for all symbols every 1 second.

  • Request
  "id": <id>,
  "method": "market24h.subscribe",
  "params": []
  • Response:
  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"
  • Sample:
> {
  "method": "market24h.subscribe",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1234

< {
  "error": null,
  "id": 1234,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

Hours Ticker Message Format:

  "market24h": {
    "open": <open priceEp>,
    "high": <high priceEp>,
    "low": <low priceEp>,
    "close": <close priceEp>,
    "indexPrice": <index priceEp>,
    "markPrice": <mark priceEp>,
    "openInterest": <open interest>,
    "fundingRate": <funding rateEr>,
    "predFundingRate": <predicated funding rateEr>,
    "symbol": "<symbol>",
    "turnover": <turnoverEv>,
    "volume": <volume>
  "timestamp": <timestamp>
Field Type Description Possible values
open priceEp Integer The scaled open price in last 24 hours
high priceEp Integer The scaled highest price in last 24 hours
low priceEp Integer The scaled lowest price in last 24 hours
close priceEp Integer The scaled close price in last 24 hours
index priceEp Integer Scaled index price
mark priceEp Integer Scaled mark price
open interest Integer current open interest
funding rateEr Integer Scaled funding rate
predicated funding rateEr Integer Scaled predicated funding rate
timestamp Integer Timestamp in nanoseconds
symbol String Contract symbol name Trading symbols
turnoverEv Integer The scaled turnover value in last 24 hours
volume Integer Symbol trade volume in last 24 hours
  • Sample:
  "market24h": {
    "close": 87425000,
    "fundingRate": 10000,
    "high": 92080000,
    "indexPrice": 87450676,
    "low": 87130000,
    "markPrice": 87453092,
    "open": 90710000,
    "openInterest": 7821141,
    "predFundingRate": 7609,
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "timestamp": 1583646442444219017,
    "turnover": 1399362834123,
    "volume": 125287131
  "timestamp": 1576490244024818000
  • Every trading symbol has a suite of other symbols, each symbol follows same patterns, i.e. index symbol follows a pattern .<BASECURRENCY>, mark symbol follows a pattern .M<BASECURRENCY>, predicated funding rate's symbol follows a pattern .<BASECURRENCY>FR, while funding rate symbol follows a pattern .<BASECURRENCY>FR8H

  • Price is retrieved by subscribing symbol tick.

  • all available symbols (pfr=predicated funding rate)

    symbol index symbol mark symbol pfr symbol funding rate symbol
    u1000RSRUSD .u1000RSR .Mu1000RSR .u1000RSRFR .u1000RSRFR8H
  • Request

    • The symbol in params can be replaced by any symbol.
  "method": "tick.subscribe",
  "params": [
  "id": <id>
  • Response

ack message

  "error": null,
  "id": <id>,
  "result": {
    "status": "success"

push event

  "tick": {
    "last": <priceEp>,
    "scale": <scale>,
    "symbol": <symbol>
    "timestamp": <timestamp_nano>
  • Sample