Tries to follow the packaging guidelines from Fedora.
- Binary:
- Config:
- Shared state:
- Sysconfig:
- WebUI:
If you have Vagrant installed:
Check out this repo.
git clone
Edit Vagrantfile to point to your favourite box (Bento CentOS7 in this example). = ""
Vagrant up! The rpms will be copied to working directory after provisioning.
vagrant up
Or, do it manually by building the RPM as a non-root user from your home directory:
Check out this repo. Seriously - check it out. Nice.
git clone <this_repo_url>
.sudo yum install rpmdevtools mock
Set up your rpmbuild directory tree.
Link the spec file and sources.
ln -s $HOME/consul-rpm/SPECS/consul.spec $HOME/rpmbuild/SPECS/ find $HOME/consul-rpm/SOURCES -type f -exec ln -s {} $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ \;
Download remote source files.
spectool -g -R rpmbuild/SPECS/consul.spec
Spectool may fail if your distribution has an older version of cURL (CentOS 6.x, for example) - if so, use Wget instead.
VER=`grep Version rpmbuild/SPECS/consul.spec | awk '{print $2}'` URL='' wget $URL/${VER} -O $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/${VER} wget $URL/${VER} -O $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/${VER}
Build the RPM.
rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/consul.spec
Two RPMS: one each for the Consul binary and the WebUI.
- Install the RPM.
- Put config files in
. - Change command line arguments to consul in
.- Add
only if this is the first server and instance.
- Add
- Start the service and tail the logs
systemctl start consul.service
andjournalctl -f
.- To enable at reboot
systemctl enable consul.service
- To enable at reboot
- Consul may complain about the
setting. This is safe to ignore; however, the warning can be supressed by uncommenting the appropriate line in/etc/sysconfig/consul
Config files are loaded in lexicographical order from the config-dir
. Some
sample configs are provided.
See the website.