In this tutorial, we are going to make a CNN model inference software.
That software loads data/VGG16.onnx
and takes input image, then outputs classification result.
We start simple hello world code:
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "Hello Menoh" << std::endl;
First of all, preprocessing input is required. data/VGG16.onnx
takes 3 channels 224 x 224 sized image but input image
is not always sized 224x224. So we use resize()
function in OpenCV :
cv::resize(image_mat, image_mat, cv::Size(224, 224));
VGG16 supposes that the input image is subtracted the mean values of images included in imagenet.
image_mat.convertTo(image_mat, CV_32FC3); // change data type to float
image_mat -= cv::Scalar(103.939, 116.779, 123.68); // subtract BGR mean
Menoh takes images as NCHW format(N x Channels x Height x Width), but Mat
of OpenCV holds image as HWC format(Height x Width x Channels).
So next we define reorder_to_chw.
auto reorder_to_chw(cv::Mat const&mat) {
assert(mat.channels() == 3);
std::vector<float> data(mat.channels() * mat.rows * mat.cols);
for(int y = 0; y < mat.rows; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < mat.cols; ++x) {
for(int c = 0; c < mat.channels(); ++c) {
data[c * (mat.rows * mat.cols) + y * mat.cols + x] =<cv::Vec3f>(y, x)[c];
return data;
The main code of preprocessing input is:
// define input dims
const int batch_size = 1;
const int channels_num = 3;
const int height = 224;
const int width = 224;
// Preprocessing input image
cv::resize(image_mat, image_mat, cv::Size(width, height));
image_mat.convertTo(image_mat, CV_32FC3);
image_mat -= cv::Scalar(123.68, 116.779, 103.939);
auto image_data = reorder_to_chw(image_mat);
ONNX model has some named variables. To build model, we have to set names of input variables and output variables.
We can checks them with Netron:
netron ../data/VGG16.onnx
Then you can see the content by accessing localhost:8080 with browser like below.
\image html vgg16_view.png
VGG16 has one input and one output. So now we can check that the input name is 140326425860192 (input of 0:Conv) and the output name is 140326200803680 (output of 39:Softmax).
Some of we are interested in the feature vector of input image. So in addition, we are going to take the output of 32:FC(fc6, which is the first FC layer after CNNs) named 140326200777584.
We define name aliases for convenience:
std::string input_name = "140326425860192";
std::string fc6_output_name = "140326200777584";
std::string softmax_output_name = "140326200803680";
We load model data from ONNX file:
menoh::model_data model_data = menoh::load_onnx("../data/VGG16.onnx");
To build the model, we have to build variable_profile.
To build variable_profile, we make variable_profile_builder.
menoh::variable_profile_table_builder vpt_builder;
We add information of variables.
vpt_builder.add_input_profile(conv1_1_in_name, menoh::dtype_t::float_,
{batch_size, channel_num, height, width});
vpt_builder.add_output_profile(fc6_out_name, menoh::dtype_t::float_);
vpt_builder.add_output_profile(softmax_out_name, menoh::dtype_t::float_);
Then build variable_profile_table.
auto vpt = vpt_builder.build_variable_profile_table(model_data);
variable_profile_table has the dimensions of output variables calculated from the dimensions of input variable. So we can get output dims from variable_profile_table.
auto fc6_dims = vpt.get_variable_profile(fc6_out_name).dims;
Let's prepare fc6 data buffer.
std::vector<float> fc6_out_data(std::accumulate(
fc6_dims.begin(), fc6_dims.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int32_t>()));
We now can make model_builder.
menoh::model_builder model_builder(vpt);
We can specify which data buffer is used for target variable by attaching.
fc6_out_name, static_cast<void*>(;
For softmax_out_name variable, no buffer is attached here. Don't worry.
An intenal buffer is attached to softmax_out_name variable automatically.
And we can get that buffer handle later.
Let's build the model.
auto model = model_builder.build_model(model_data, "mkldnn");
.reset(); // you can delete model_data explicitly after model building
Now we can run inference.
// Run inference;
We can take output variable by calling get_variable.
// Get buffer pointer of output
auto softmax_output_var = model.get_variable(softmax_out_name);
float* softmax_output_buff =
That's it.
You can see the full code in example/vgg16_example_in_cpp.cpp