We calculate the total ionizing dose for a component on a spacecraft in a circular orbit in LEO. We assume an altitude of 550km (approx. the Starlink altitude for most shells). Here's how we calculate the TID:
Create a ESA Space Weather Service Network (ESA-SWE) account
- Go to ESA-SWE Registration
- Fill out the account registration form
- Confirm your account via email
Access the Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS)
- Log in
- Click "Access"
- Create a new project
For each of the inclinations [0deg, 180deg] (5deg interval), complete the following steps:
Generate Coordinates
- Go to "Coordinate Generators"
- Go to "Spacecraft trajectories"
- Set mission duration "5.0 years"
- Click "Next"
- Set orbit start to 01 January 2023
- Set "Representative trajectory duration" to "30"
- Set "Altitude specification" to "circular orbit"
- Set "Altitude [km]" to "550"
- Set "Inclination" to your inclination
- Click "Next"
- Click "Run"
Your project now has trajectory information.
Generate radiation sources
- Click "Radiation sources and effects"
- Click "Trapped proton and electron fluxes"
- Select "AP-8" as a proton model and "solar minimum" (this will use AP8-MIN, as proton fluxes are highest at solar minimum)
- Select "AE-8" as an electron model and "solar maximum" (this will use AE8-MIN, as electron fluxes are highest at solar maximum)
- Click "Run"
Generate ionizing dose
- Click "Radiation sources and effects"
- Click "Ionizing dose for simple geometries"
- Select "SHIELDOSE-2"
- Set "Shielding configuration" to "centre of AI spheres"
- Set "Target material" to "Silicon"
- Click "Run"
Save Results
- Click "SHIELDOSE-2 Doses"
- Copy to a new file named "[inclination].txt"