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Clone the Towers App

Clone the towers app from here, run npm install, then npm start.

The towers app displays a tower with two buttons: Raise and Lower, which raise and lower the tower respectively.

Its purpose is as a teaching aid in learning Redux. :-)

  1. This app doesn't (yet) use react-redux. How is the view updated?

Add Redux to this app

We will now add Redux to this app.


Install redux and react-redux:

npm install redux react-redux --save

Create the store

Create the store. To do this, create a new file, store.js.

  1. Import createStore from redux.
  2. Import towersReducer from your reducers file (which you will create in the next step).
  3. Initialize the store by calling createStore and passing it your reducer.

Create the reducer

Create the reducer. To do this, create the reducers file (which you imported in the previous step).

  1. Export the reducer function. It should take as arguments the state object (which it should default to a default state) and an action.

  2. Your reducer file will check the state and action and return a new state, so it needs to know the action types! Import two constants from an actions file (which again you will create in a moment). For example:

    import { RAISE_ACTION, LOWER_ACTION } from "./actions/towers";
  3. Create a switch statement on the action.type (one of the action constants you imported in the previous substep), for example:

     switch(action.type) {
         case ADD_ACTION:
             return {
  4. In the body of each case, return an object representing the new state, based on the action type and the current state. Remember to use immutable programming!

  5. The default case should just return the current state.

Create the action constants and action creators

  1. Action constants are just constants for the actions. You imported these in the previous step. The value is a string, eg 'RAISE'.

  2. Write the action creators. These functions (eg createRaiseAction()) should return an action object, for example:

       type: RAISE_ACTION,

Wire up the UI - Wrap with a Provider

We will now replace local component state with Redux.

First step is to edit index.js and wrap our component tree in a <Provider>:

  1. In index.js, import the (named import) Provider from redux.

  2. Import your store from the file you created it in.

  3. Wrap the entire app in the Provider, for example:

      <Provider store={towersStore}>
          <App />
        </React.StrictMode>{" "}

Wire up the UI - Get your App talking to Redux!

Now to wire the App to Redux. We will again use react-redux with its hooks.

  1. Import the (named) useDispatch and useSelector from react-redux.

  2. Import your action creator functions.

  3. Remove any local state corresponding to the height of the tower.

  4. In the App component, create a dispatch variable from useDispatch().

  5. Again in the App component, create a height variable from a call to useSelector(). This takes as an argument a function that retrieve the part of the state object that you want. For example:

    useSelector((state) => state.height);

    Assign this to your height variable.

  6. In the raise() and lower() functions, remove any code that uses local state. Replace it with a call to dispatch(). This should take as argument a call to the appropriate action creator you imported earlier.

Run the app and see if it works!