(add-to-list 'load-path
" ~/.emacs.d/custom/org-fstree" )
(require 'org-fstree )
(use-package org-bullets)
(when (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt ))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1 ))))
(use-package calfw)
(use-package calfw-ical)
(use-package calfw-gcal)
(use-package calfw-org)
(global-set-key (kbd " C-c A" ) 'cfw:open-org-calendar )
(setq cfw:org-overwrite-default-keybinding t )
sync with google calendar
(defvar url-http-method )
(defvar url-http-data )
(defvar url-http-extra-headers )
(defvar oauth--token-data )
(defvar url-callback-function )
(require 'url-http )
(unless (package-installed-p 'org-caldav )
(use-package oauth2)
(use-package org-caldav))
(setq epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback )
(setq plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t )
(let ((filename " ~/.emacs.d/google-calendar-secret.el" ))
(when (file-exists-p filename)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
(let ((var (eval (read (buffer-string )))))
(setq org-caldav-oauth2-client-id (car var)
org-caldav-oauth2-client-secret (cadr var)))
(kill-buffer ))))
; ; (setq org-caldav-url 'google
; ; org-caldav-calendar-id "[email protected] "
; ; org-caldav-inbox "~/MEGA/org/agenda/test.org"
; ; org-caldav-files '("~/MEGA/org/agenda/agenda.org")
; ; org-icalendar-include-todo nil
; ; org-icalendar-include-sexps t
; ; org-icalendar-categories '(all-tags category)
; ; org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-due)
; ; org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-start)
; ; org-icalendar-with-timestamps nil
; ; org-caldav-delete-org-entries 'never)
(setq org-caldav-url ""
org-caldav-calendar-id " orgmode"
org-caldav-inbox " ~/MEGA/org/agenda/test.org"
org-caldav-files '(" ~/MEGA/org/agenda/agenda.org" " ~/MEGA/org/agenda/classes_caldav_workaround.org" ))
(setq org-icalendar-alarm-time 30
org-icalendar-include-todo nil
org-icalendar-include-sexps t
org-icalendar-categories '(all-tags category)
org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-due)
org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(todo-start event-if-todo)
org-icalendar-with-timestamps nil
org-caldav-delete-org-entries 'never )
(setq org-caldav-skip-conditions '(nottodo (" TODO" " NEXT" ))
org-caldav-exclude-tags '(" ARCHIVE" " ONLYEMACS" ))
(use-package ox-reveal)
(setq org-reveal-root " file:///home/benson/reveal.js" )
(setq org-structure-template-alist (remove-if (lambda (c ) (string= (car c) " n" )) org-structure-template-alist))
(use-package org-timeline)
(remove-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook 'org-timeline-insert-timeline )
(require 'ob-core )
(require 'ob-clojure )
(require 'ob-plantuml )
(use-package plantuml-mode)
(setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'cider )
'((clojure . t )
(plantuml . t )))
(defun my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body )
(not (member lang '(" plantuml" ))))
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate 'my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate )
(setq org-plantuml-jar-path " /usr/share/java/plantuml/plantuml.jar" )
(use-package org-super-agenda)
(use-package helm-org-rifle)
(global-set-key (kbd " C-c o r" ) 'helm-org-rifle )
(setq helm-org-rifle-test-against-path t )
My org traversal functions
(defun get-variables (l )
(cond ((null l) nil )
((consp (car l))
(append (extract-variables (car l))
(get-variables (cdr l))))
(t (cons (car l)
(get-variables (cdr l))))))
(defun extract-variables (l )
(if (not (consp l))
(get-variables (cdr l))))
; ; Descendants
(defmacro org-loop/descendants (&rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((subtree-symbol (make-symbol " subtree-end" )))
`(let ((, subtree-symbol (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t ))))
(while (and (outline-next-heading )
(< (point ) , subtree-symbol ))
,@body ))))
(defmacro org-loop!/descendants (&rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
; ; (let ((subtree-symbol (make-symbol "subtree-end")))
; ; `(let ((,subtree-symbol (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
; ; (while (and (outline-next-heading)
; ; (< (point) ,subtree-symbol))
; ; ,@body)))
(defmacro orgc-loop/descendants (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((subtree-symbol (make-symbol " subtree-end" )))
`(let ((, subtree-symbol (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t )))
(, condition nil ))
(while (and (not , condition )
(outline-next-heading )
(< (point ) , subtree-symbol ))
,@body )
, condition )))
(defmacro orgb-loop/descendants (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((subtree-symbol (make-symbol " subtree-end" ))
(vars (extract-variables condition)))
`(let ((, subtree-symbol (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t )))
,@vars )
(while (and , condition
(outline-next-heading )
(< (point ) , subtree-symbol ))
,@body )
, condition )))
(defmacro orgc-loop/todo-descendants (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((todo-state (make-symbol " todo-state" ))
(tags (make-symbol " tags" )))
`(orgc-loop/descendants , condition
(let ((, todo-state (org-get-todo-state ))
(, tags (org-get-tags (point ))))
(when , todo-state
(if (member " ARCHIVE" , tags )
(org-end-of-subtree t )
,@body ))))))
(defmacro org-loop/todo-children (&rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((todo-state (make-symbol " todo-state" ))
(tags (make-symbol " tags" )))
(let ((, todo-state (org-get-todo-state ))
(, tags (org-get-tags (point ))))
(when , todo-state
(if (member " ARCHIVE" , tags )
(org-end-of-subtree t )
,@body ))))))
(defmacro org-loop/children (&rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((level-symbol (make-symbol " level" )))
(let ((, level-symbol (org-current-level )))
(outline-next-heading )
(when (< , level-symbol (org-current-level ))
(while (progn
(outline-get-next-sibling ))))))))
(defmacro orgc-loop/children (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((level-symbol (make-symbol " level" )))
`(let ((, condition nil )
(, level-symbol (org-current-level )))
(outline-next-heading )
(when (< , level-symbol (org-current-level ))
(while (progn
(and (not , condition )
(org-get-next-sibling ))))
, condition ))))
(defmacro orgc-loop/todo-children (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((todo-state (make-symbol " todo-state" ))
(tags (make-symbol " tags" )))
`(orgc-loop/children , condition
(let ((, todo-state (org-get-todo-state ))
(, tags (org-get-tags (point ))))
(when , todo-state
(if (member " ARCHIVE" , tags )
(org-end-of-subtree t )
,@body ))))))
(defmacro orgc-loop/children-cat (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((level-symbol (make-symbol " level" )))
`(let ((, condition nil )
(, level-symbol (org-current-level )))
(outline-next-heading )
(when (< , level-symbol (org-current-level ))
(while (progn
(while (string= (org-get-todo-state ) " CAT" )
(outline-next-heading ))
(and (not , condition )
(or (org-get-next-sibling )
(and (not (eobp ))
(< , level-symbol (org-current-level )))))))
, condition ))))
(defmacro orgc-loop/todo-children-cat (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((todo-state (make-symbol " todo-state" ))
(tags (make-symbol " tags" )))
`(orgc-loop/children-cat , condition
(let ((, todo-state (org-get-todo-state ))
(, tags (org-get-tags (point ))))
(when , todo-state
(if (member " ARCHIVE" , tags )
(org-end-of-subtree t )
,@body ))))))
; ; (defmacro orgb-loop/todo-children (condition &rest body)
; ; (declare (indent defun))
; ; (let ((todo-state (make-symbol "todo-state"))
; ; (tags (make-symbol "tags")))
; ; `(orgb-loop/children ,condition
; ; (let ((,todo-state (org-get-todo-state))
; ; (,tags (org-get-tags (point))))
; ; (when ,todo-state
; ; (if (member "ARCHIVE" ,tags)
; ; (org-end-of-subtree t)
; ; ,@body))))))
(defmacro org-loop/todo-children (condition &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((todo-state (make-symbol " todo-state" ))
(tags (make-symbol " tags" )))
(let ((, todo-state (org-get-todo-state ))
(, tags (org-get-tags (point ))))
(when (and , todo-state
(not (member " ARCHIVE" ) , tags ))
,@body )))))
(defmacro traverse-org-headlines (headline &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((buffer-symbol (make-symbol " buffer" )))
`(let (, buffer-symbol )
(org-check-agenda-file ,(cadr headline))
(setq , buffer-symbol (if (file-exists-p ,(cadr headline))
(org-get-agenda-file-buffer ,(cadr headline))
(error " No such file %s " ,(cadr headline))))
(with-current-buffer , buffer-symbol
(while (and (not (eobp ))
(outline-next-heading ))
,@body )))))
(defmacro traverse-org-files (files &rest body )
(declare (indent defun ))
(let ((file-symbol (make-symbol " file" )))
`(dolist (, file-symbol ,(cadr files ))
(traverse-org-headlines (,(car files ) , file-symbol )
,@body ))))
(defvar my/org-folder " ~/MEGA/org" )
(defconst my/agenda-folder (expand-file-name " 2019-05-agenda" my/org-folder))
(defun my/org-file (str )
(expand-file-name str my/org-folder))
(defun my/agenda-file (str )
(expand-file-name str my/agenda-folder))
(use-package org )
(require 'org-agenda )
(global-set-key " \C -cl" 'org-store-link )
(global-set-key " \C -cc" 'org-capture )
(global-set-key (kbd " <f5>" ) 'org-agenda )
(global-set-key (kbd " C-x C-o" ) 'org-agenda )
(define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd " a" ) 'org-agenda )
(setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window )
(setq org-list-allow-alphabetical t )
; ; This is for safety
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd " C-S-<backspace>" )
(lambda (arg )
(interactive " P" )
(if (string= " yes" (completing-read " Are you sure you want to use that keybinding? " '(" yes" " no" )))
(kill-whole-line arg)
(org-cut-subtree ))))
Different kinds of follow
(define-prefix-command '*org-agenda-follow-map* )
(define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd " F" ) '*org-agenda-follow-map* )
(define-key *org-agenda-follow-map* (kbd " SPC" ) 'my/org-agenda-default-follow )
(define-key *org-agenda-follow-map* (kbd " p" ) 'my/org-agenda-project-follow )
(define-key *org-agenda-follow-map* (kbd " r" ) 'my/org-agenda-review-follow )
(defun advice-unadvice (sym )
" Remove all advices from symbol SYM."
(interactive " aFunction symbol: " )
(advice-mapc (lambda (advice _props ) (advice-remove sym advice)) sym))
(defun my/org-agenda-default-follow ()
(interactive )
(advice-unadvice 'org-agenda-do-context-action )
(defun my/org-agenda-project-follow ()
(interactive )
(advice-add 'org-agenda-do-context-action
'my/org-agenda-do-context-action-for-project )
(defun my/org-agenda-review-follow ()
(interactive )
(advice-add 'org-agenda-do-context-action
'my/org-agenda-do-context-action-for-review )
(defun my/org-agenda-show-project (&optional full-entry )
" Display the Org file which contains the item at point.
With prefix argument FULL-ENTRY, make the entire entry visible
if it was hidden in the outline."
(interactive " P" )
(let ((win (selected-window )))
(org-agenda-goto t )
(org-narrow-to-subtree )
(org-flag-subtree t )
(call-interactively 'outline-show-branches )
(org-hide-archived-subtrees (point-min ) (point-max ))
(select-window win)))
(defun my/org-agenda-do-context-action-for-project ()
" Show outline path and, maybe, follow mode window."
(let ((m (org-get-at-bol 'org-marker )))
(when (and (markerp m) (marker-buffer m))
(and org-agenda-follow-mode
(if org-agenda-follow-indirect
(org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer nil )
(and org-agenda-show-outline-path
(org-with-point-at m (org-display-outline-path t ))))))
(defun my/org-agenda-show-review (&optional full-entry )
" Display the Org file which contains the item at point.
With prefix argument FULL-ENTRY, make the entire entry visible
if it was hidden in the outline."
(interactive " P" )
(let ((win (selected-window )))
(org-agenda-goto t )
(org-narrow-to-subtree )
(org-flag-subtree t )
(call-interactively 'org-show-entry )
(org-hide-archived-subtrees (point-min ) (point-max ))
(select-window win)))
(defun my/org-agenda-do-context-action-for-review ()
" Show outline path and, maybe, follow mode window."
(let ((m (org-get-at-bol 'org-marker )))
(when (and (markerp m) (marker-buffer m))
(and org-agenda-follow-mode
(if org-agenda-follow-indirect
(org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer nil )
(and org-agenda-show-outline-path
(org-with-point-at m (org-display-outline-path t ))))))
count archive tree characters
(defun my/org-count-subtree-characters ()
(interactive )
(org-agenda-goto t )
(org-mark-subtree )
(message (format " This subtree has %d characters. " (- (region-end ) (region-beginning ))))))
(define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd " C" ) #'my/org-count-subtree-characters )
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
'(" sv" . " src :results value" ))
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
'(" so" . " src :results output" ))
(when (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt ))
(setq org-ellipsis " " ))
(setq org-log-done 'time )
(setq org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window )
(setq org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t )
(setq org-agenda-sticky t )
; ;(org-agenda-load-file-list)
; ; Targets include this file and any file contributing to the agenda - up to 9 levels deep
(setq org-refile-targets `((nil :maxlevel . 9 )
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9 )
(" ~/MEGA/org/entries/panic.org" :maxlevel . 9 )))
(setq org-refile-use-cache t )
(setq org-refile-target-verify-function
(lambda ()
(let ((tags (org-get-tags-at )))
(and (not (member " ARCHIVE" tags))
(not (equal " DONE" (org-get-todo-state )))))))
(setq org-agenda-show-future-repeats nil )
; ; Use full outline paths for refile targets - we file directly with IDO
(setq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file )
; ; Targets complete directly with IDO
(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil )
; ; Allow refile to create parent tasks with confirmation
(setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes (quote confirm))
; ; Use the current window for indirect buffer display
(setq org-indirect-buffer-display 'current-window )
; ; Do not dim blocked tasks
(setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil )
(setq org-agenda-compact-blocks t )
(setq org-tag-alist
'((:startgrouptag )
(" all" . nil )
(:grouptags )
(" time" . nil )
(" nontime" . nil )
(:endgrouptag )
(:startgrouptag )
(" time" . nil )
(:grouptags )
(" prod" . ?1 )
(:endgrouptag )
(:startgrouptag )
(" nontime" . nil )
(:grouptags )
(" sandbox" . ?3 )
(:endgrouptag )
(:startgrouptag )
(" sandbox" . ?3 )
(:grouptags )
(" dev" . ?2 )
(:endgrouptag )
(:startgroup . nil )
(" short" . ?s )
(" long" . ?l )
(:endgroup . nil )
(:startgroup . nil )
(" watch" . ?w )
(" read" . ?r )
(:endgroup . nil )
(:startgroup . nil )
(" grow" . ?g )
(" rest" . ?R )
(:endgroup . nil )
(:startgroup . nil )
(" active" . ?a )
(" idle" . ?i )
(:endgroup . nil )
; ; (:startgrouptag)
; ; ("online")
; ; (:grouptags)
; ; ("article")
; ; (:endgrouptag)
; ; (:startgrouptag)
; ; ("read")
; ; (:grouptags)
; ; ("article")
; ; (:endgrouptag)
(:startgrouptag )
(" active" )
(:grouptags )
(" prog" )
(:endgrouptag )
(setq org-agenda-hide-tags-regexp
(mapconcat #'identity (list " time" " nontime" " prod" " dev" " sandbox"
" refile"
" short" " long" " watch" " read" " grow" " rest" " active" " idle" )
" \\ |" ))
(defconst category-tags '(" computers" ))
(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t )
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((sequence " STUFF(s)" " FUTURE(f)" " INACT(i)" " CLOCK(C)" " DEPEND(D)" " |" )
(sequence " TODO(t)" " NEXT(n)" " |" " DONE(d!)" )
(sequence " CAT(>)" " ONE(o)" " META(m)" " META1(M)" " SEQ(S)" " EMPTY(e)" " ETERNAL(E)" " SPEC(:)" " |" " COMPLETE(c!)" )
(sequence " WAIT(w@/!)" " HOLD(h)" " TICKLER(T)" " |" " ABANDON(a@/!)" )
(sequence " TTTT" " |" )))
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
'((" ONE" :foreground " royal blue" :weight bold )
(" STUFF" :foreground " goldenrod" :weight bold )
(" NEXT" :foreground " cyan" :weight bold )
(" WAIT" :foreground " yellow" :weight bold )
(" HOLD" :foreground " red" :weight bold )
(" META" :foreground " white" :weight bold )
(" META1" :foreground " white" :weight bold )
(" SEQ" :foreground " white" :weight bold )
(" EMPTY" :foreground " white" :weight bold )
(" ABANDON" :foreground " dark gray" :weight bold )
(" CLOCK" :foreground " dark gray" :weight bold )
(" TOP" :foreground " royal blue" :weight bold )
(" INACT" :foreground " dark gray" :weight bold )
(" FUTURE" :foreground " medium spring green" :weight bold )))
; ; (setq org-todo-state-tags-triggers
; ; (quote (("HOLD" ("HOLD" . t))
; ; ("WAIT" ("WAITING" . t))
; ; (todo ("HOLD") ("WAITING")))))
; ; Task definitions
(defconst not-tasks-tag " NOT_TASKS" )
(defconst these-are-not-tasks '(" TTTT" " INACT" " CLOCK" " FUTURE" " DEPEND" " CAT" ))
(defun my/is-done-task ()
(member (org-get-todo-state ) org-done-keywords))
(defun my/is-non-task ()
(member (org-get-todo-state ) these-are-not-tasks))
(defun my/is-todo-task ()
(pcase (org-get-todo-state )
(" TODO" (my/no-children))
(" ONE" (my/no-todo-children))
(" NEXT" t )))
; ; Standalone tasks
(defun my/is-part-of-subtree ()
(and (not (= 1 (org-current-level )))
(let (has-parent-project)
(while (and (not has-parent-project)
(org-up-heading-safe ))
(when (org-get-todo-state )
(setq has-parent-project t )))
(defun my/is-standalone-task ()
(and (my/is-todo-task)
(not (my/is-part-of-subtree))))
; ; Task predicates
(defun my/no-children ()
" Check if there are NO tasks that are TODO or DONE"
(not (orgc-loop/todo-children has-children
(setq has-children t )))))
(defun my/has-children ()
" Check if there are tasks that are TODO or DONE"
(orgc-loop/todo-children has-children
(setq has-children t ))))
(defun my/has-todo-child ()
" Check if there are any tasks that are TODO"
(orgc-loop/todo-children has-children
(when (my/is-todo-task)
(setq has-children t )))))
(defun my/no-todo-children ()
" Check if there are NO tasks that are TODO"
(not (orgc-loop/todo-children has-children
(when (my/is-todo-task)
(setq has-children t ))))))
(defun my/has-non-active-todo-child ()
" Check if there are any tasks that are TODO"
(orgc-loop/todo-children has-children
(when (and (my/is-todo-task)
(not (org-get-scheduled-time (point ))))
(setq has-children t )))))
; ; Project Stuff
(defconst my/project-keywords '(" PROJECT" " META" " META1" " SEQ" " EMPTY" " ETERNAL" " SPEC" " HOLD" ))
(defconst my/active-projects-and-tasks '(" PROJECT" " META" " META1" " SEQ" " EMPTY" " ONE" " TODO" ))
(defun my/is-a-project ()
(let ((todo (org-get-todo-state )))
(when todo
(or (member todo my/project-keywords)
(and (equal todo " ONE" )
(and (member todo '(" TODO" ))
(defun my/get-project-type ()
(defun my/is-unactionable-task ()
(or (member " NOT_TASKS" (org-get-tags (point )))
(member (org-get-todo-state ) (cons " INACT" org-done-keywords))))
(defun my/is-non-done-task ()
(and (not (my/is-unactionable-task))
(not (member (org-get-todo-state )
(defun my/has-non-done-task ()
(orgc-loop/todo-children has-non-done-task
(when (my/is-non-done-task)
(setq has-non-done-task t )))))
(defun my/is-a-task ()
(and (not (member " NOT_TASKS" (org-get-tags (point ))))
(or (and (equal " ONE" (org-get-todo-state ))
(not (my/has-non-done-task)))
(and (org-get-todo-state )
(not (member (org-get-todo-state ) '(" PROJECT" " SOMEDAY" " WAIT" " HOLD" )))
(defun my/has-next-task ()
(orgc-loop/todo-children has-next-task
(when (my/is-next-task)
(setq has-next-task t )))))
(defun my/is-next-task ()
(let ((todo (org-get-todo-state )))
(or (equal todo " NEXT" )
(and (member todo '(" TODO" " ONE" " NEXT" ))
(or (org-get-scheduled-time (point ))
(org-get-deadline-time (point )))))))
(defun my/active-sequential-project (file point )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t )))
has-next-task has-active-project)
(outline-next-heading )
(while (and (not (or has-next-task
(< (point ) subtree-end))
(cond ((and (my/is-a-task)
(setq has-next-task t ))
((and (my/is-a-project)
(eq (my/get-project-type file (point ) t )
'active ))
(setq has-active-project t )))
(org-end-of-subtree t t ))
(or has-next-task
(defun my/greedy-active-project (file point )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t )))
has-next-task has-active-project)
(outline-next-heading )
(while (and (not (and has-next-task
(< (point ) subtree-end))
(while (string= " CAT" (org-get-todo-state ))
(outline-next-heading ))
(cond ((or (and (my/is-a-task)
(string= " WAIT" (org-get-todo-state )))
(setq has-next-task t ))
((and (my/is-a-project)
(eq (my/get-project-type file (point ) nil )
'active ))
(setq has-active-project t )))
(org-end-of-subtree t t ))
(or has-next-task
(defun my/generous-active-project (file point )
(let (has-task has-next-task has-project has-stuck-project)
(orgc-loop/todo-children-cat custom-condition
(if (and has-next-task has-stuck-project)
(setq custom-condition t )
(cond ((my/is-a-project)
(setq has-project t )
(when (eq (my/get-project-type file (point ) t )
'stuck )
(setq has-stuck-project t )))
(setq has-task t )
(when (or (my/is-next-task)
(equal (org-get-todo-state ) " WAIT" )) ; ; Ew
(setq has-next-task t ))))))
(or (and has-next-task
(not has-stuck-project))
(and (not has-task)
(not has-stuck-project))))))
(defun my/stuck-empty ()
(defun my/stuck-meta (ambiguous-to-stuck )
(let ((file (buffer-file-name ))
(point (point )))
(not (if ambiguous-to-stuck
(my/generous-active-project file point)
(my/greedy-active-project file point)))))
(defun my/active-seq (file point )
(my/active-sequential-project file point))
; ;(defun my/active-act)
(defun my/get-project-type (file point &optional ambiguous-to-stuck )
(when (my/is-a-project)
(let ((todo (org-get-todo-state )))
(if (and (org-time> (org-entry-get (point ) " SCHEDULED" )
(org-matcher-time " <now>" ))
(or (member todo '(" META" " EMPTY" " SEQ" ))
(member todo '(" ONE" " TODO" ))))
(pcase todo
(" ETERNAL" 'eternal )
(" FUTURE" 'someday )
(" HOLD" 'hold )
(" SEQ"
(if (my/active-seq file point)
'active 'stuck ))
(when (my/stuck-empty)
'stuck ))
(" META"
(if (my/stuck-meta ambiguous-to-stuck)
'stuck 'active ))
(" META1"
(if (my/greedy-active-project (buffer-file-name ) (point ))
'active 'stuck ))
(" TODO"
(if (my/stuck-meta ambiguous-to-stuck)
'stuck 'active ))))))))
(defun cfw:open-org-calendar-no-projects (&args )
" Open an org schedule calendar in the new buffer."
(interactive )
(let ((buf (get-buffer " *cfw-calendar*" )))
(if buf
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(let* ((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(source1 (cfw:org-create-source))
(curr-keymap (if cfw:org-overwrite-default-keybinding cfw:org-custom-map cfw:org-schedule-map))
(cp (cfw:create-calendar-component-buffer
:view 'two-weeks
:contents-sources (list source1)
:custom-map curr-keymap
:sorter 'cfw:org-schedule-sorter )))
(switch-to-buffer (cfw:cp-get-buffer cp))
(set (make-variable-buffer-local 'org-agenda-skip-function )
'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(when (not org-todo-keywords-for-agenda)
(message " Warn : open org-agenda buffer first. " )))
(add-to-list 'load-path
" ~/.emacs.d/custom/org-ql" )
(require 'org-ql )
(require 'org-ql-agenda )
(require 'org-habit )
; ; (org-ql-agenda '("~/MEGA/org/agenda/agenda.org") (or (and (todo "HABIT") (deadline <= today)) (todo "WAIT")) :super-groups ((:name "Tasks in other courts" :todo "WAIT") (:name "Incomplete Habits" :todo "HABIT")))
(defun org-ql-agenda-function (ignore )
(org-agenda-prepare " org-ql" )
(org-ql-agenda org-agenda-files
(or (and (todo " HABIT" )
(deadline <= today))
(todo " WAIT" )
; ; (and (todo "TODO")
; ; (tags "REWARD")
; ; (priority = "A"))
:super-groups ((:name " Waiting tasks" :todo " WAIT" )
(:name " Incomplete Habits" :todo " HABIT" )
; ; (:name "Rewards" :tag "REWARD")
(switch-to-buffer " *Org Agenda NG*" )
(let ((res (buffer-string )))
(kill-buffer )
" \n\n " )
(defvar my/org-agenda-types nil )
(defun test (throwaway )
(if (null my/org-agenda-types)
(error " Need to specify my/org-agenda-types " )
(org-agenda-prepare " This is a test" )
; ; This string will be inserted if there is no overriding header
" This is a test" )
(insert throwaway " \n " )
; ; (setq buffer-read-only t)
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'(" E" " Experimental stuff"
((tags-todo " -REFILE/!"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Stuck Projects" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-stuck-projects )
(test " Hello"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Hello World" )
(my/org-agenda-types t )))
(org-ql-agenda-function " " ))))
; ; Helper function
; ; (setq org-agenda-custom-commands (remove-if (lambda (a) (string= (car a) "E")) org-agenda-custom-commands))
(defun my/show-active-projects ()
" Only show subtrees that are stuck projects"
(widen )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t ))))
(unless (member (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point ) nil )
(defun my/dev-show-active-projects ()
" Only show subtrees that are stuck projects"
(widen )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t ))))
(unless (or (and (my/is-todo-task)
(or (string= (org-get-todo-state ) " NEXT" )
(org-get-scheduled-time (point ))
(org-get-deadline-time (point ))))
(member (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point ) nil )
(defun my/show-stuck-projects ()
" Only show subtrees that are stuck projects"
(widen )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t )))
(next-heading (save-excursion (outline-next-heading ))))
; ; (setq debug-p (point)
; ; debuf-f (buffer-file-name))
(if (org-get-todo-state )
(unless (or (and (my/is-a-task)
(not (org-get-scheduled-time (point )))
(not (org-get-deadline-time (point ))))
(eq (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point ) t )
'stuck ))
(defun my/dev-show-stuck-projects ()
" Only show subtrees that are stuck projects"
(widen )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t )))
(next-heading (save-excursion (outline-next-heading ))))
(if (org-get-todo-state )
(unless (or (and (my/is-a-task)
(not (org-get-scheduled-time (point )))
(not (org-get-deadline-time (point ))))
(eq (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point ) t )
'stuck ))
(defun my/show-delayed-projects ()
(widen )
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t ))))
(unless (eq (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point ))
'delayed )
(defun my/agenda-custom-skip ()
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max ))))
(current (point ))
(widen )
(when (or (my/is-a-project)
(member (org-get-todo-state ) '(" FUTURE" " WAIT" " HABIT" nil )))
(defun my/show-next-tasks-and-standalone-tasks ()
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max )))))
(unless (and (my/is-a-task)
(defun my/has-next-todo ()
(let ((end-of-subtree (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t )))
(while (and (not flag)
(outline-next-heading )
(< (point ) next-headline))
(when (string= (org-get-todo-state ) " NEXT" )
(setq flag (point ))))
(defun my/show-leaf-tasks ()
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t ))))
(unless (or (string= " NEXT" (org-get-todo-state ))
(defun my/skip-standalone-tasks ()
(when (my/is-standalone-task)
(org-end-of-subtree t t )))
; ; (defvar my/done-projects-flag nil)
; ; (defun my/show-done-projects-and-tasks ()
; ; "Show top level leaf of these todos: DONE|CANCELLED|COMPLETE"
; ; (save-restriction
; ; (widen)
; ; (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
; ; (next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max)))))
; ; (if my/done-projects-flag
; ; (let ((ov my/done-projects-flag))
; ; (setq my/done-projects-flag nil)
; ; ov)
; ; (if (member (org-get-todo-state) org-done-keywords)
; ; (progn (setq my/done-projects-flag subtree-end)
; ; nil)
; ; next-headline)))))
(defun my/show-done-projects-and-tasks ()
" Show top level leaf of these todos: DONE|CANCELLED|COMPLETE"
(widen )
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max )))))
(unless (and (member (org-get-todo-state ) org-done-keywords)
(not (my/is-part-of-subtree)))
(defun my/parent-is-eternal ()
(and (not (= 1 (org-current-level )))
(org-up-heading-safe )
(string= (org-get-todo-state ) " ETERNAL" )))))
(defun my/show-top-level ()
(widen )
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max )))))
(unless (or (not (my/is-part-of-subtree))
(defun my/show-big-top-levels ()
(widen )
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max ))))
(size (- (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t )) (point ))))
(unless (and
(or (not (my/is-part-of-subtree))
(> size 50000 ))
(defun my/show-small-top-levels ()
(widen )
(let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading ) (point-max ))))
(size (- (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t )) (point ))))
(unless (and
(or (not (my/is-part-of-subtree))
(< size 50000 ))
(defun my/skip-if-top-level-dev ()
(let ((bname (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name ))))
(when (and (string= bname " dev.org" )
(not (my/is-part-of-subtree)))
(outline-next-heading )))))
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t )
(defun bh/org-auto-exclude-function (tag )
" Automatic task exclusion in the agenda with / RET"
(when (string= tag " online" )
(concat " -" tag)))
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map
" A"
'org-agenda )
(setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'bh/org-auto-exclude-function )
(setq org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled 'pre-scheduled )
(setq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown nil )
(setq org-agenda-log-mode-items '(clock closed))
(defun org-agenda-add-separater-between-project ()
(setq buffer-read-only nil )
(goto-char (point-min ))
(let ((start-pos (point ))
(previous t ))
(re-search-forward " +agenda: +[^\\ . ]" nil t )
(while (re-search-forward " +agenda: +[^\\ . ]" nil t )
(beginning-of-line )
(insert " =============================================\n " )
(forward-line )))))
; ; I don't think this code is necessary
; ; (add-to-list 'org-agenda-entry-types :deadlines*)
(setq org-agenda-hide-tags-regexp " NOT_TASKS\\ |PROJECT" )
(use-package htmlize)
(setq org-super-agenda-header-separator " " )
; ; (defmacro measure-time (&rest body)
; ; "Measure the time it takes to evaluate BODY."
; ; `(let ((time (current-time)))
; ; ,@body
; ; (message "%.06f" (float-time (time-since time)))))
; ; (require 'memoize)
; ; (defun reset-memo-for-projects ()
; ; (interactive)
; ; (ignore-errors
; ; (memoize-restore 'my/get-project-type))
; ; (memoize 'my/get-project-type))
; ; (add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook
; ; #'reset-memo-for-projects)
; ; (defvar my/stuck-projects-flag nil)
; ; (defvar my/stuck-projects-file nil)
; ; (defun my/show-stuck-projects ()
; ; "Only show subtrees that are stuck projects"
; ; (setq stuck-here t)
; ; (save-restriction
; ; (widen)
; ; (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
; ; (if (and my/stuck-projects-flag
; ; (string= my/stuck-projects-file
; ; (buffer-file-name))
; ; (< (point) my/stuck-projects-flag))
; ; (if (or (my/is-next-task)
; ; (my/is-unactionable-task)
; ; (and (not (my/is-a-task))
; ; (not (eq (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name (point) t)
; ; 'stuck))))
; ; subtree-end
; ; nil)
; ; (setq my/stuck-projects-flag nil
; ; my/stuck-projects-file nil)
; ; (cond ((and (my/is-a-task)
; ; (my/is-standalone-task)
; ; (not (org-get-scheduled-time (point)))
; ; (not (org-get-deadline-time (point))))
; ; nil)
; ; ((eq (my/get-project-type buffer-file-name
; ; (point) t)
; ; 'stuck)
; ; (setq my/stuck-projects-flag subtree-end)
; ; (setq my/stuck-projects-file (buffer-file-name))
; ; nil)
; ; (t subtree-end))))))
; ; (defvar my/done-projects-flag nil)
; ; (defvar my/next-task-flag nil)
; ; (defun my/org-agenda-reset-vars ()
; ; (interactive)
; ; (setq my/stuck-projects-flag nil
; ; my/done-projects-flag nil
; ; my/next-task-flag nil))
; ; (add-to-list 'org-agenda-finalize-hook
; ; #'my/org-agenda-reset-vars)
(defun org-agenda-add-separater-between-project ()
(setq buffer-read-only nil )
(goto-char (point-min ))
(let ((start-pos (point ))
(previous t ))
(re-search-forward " +agenda: +[^\\ . ]" nil t )
(while (re-search-forward " +agenda: +[^\\ . ]" nil t )
(beginning-of-line )
(insert " =============================================\n " )
(forward-line )))))
(defun production-agenda (tag )
`((tags-todo ,(concat tag " /STUFF" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Refile tasks" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat tag " /" (mapconcat #'identity my/active-projects-and-tasks " |" ))
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Stuck Projects" )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-stuck-projects )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )))
(tags-todo ,(concat tag " /WAIT" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Tasks in other courts" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat tag " /NEXT" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Things to do" )))
(agenda " "
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(org-agenda-span 'day )
(org-agenda-tag-filter-preset (quote (, tag )))
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t )
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t )
(org-super-agenda-groups '((:name " Dev things" :file-path " dev.org" )
(:name " Overdue" :and (:deadline past :log nil ))
(:name " Upcoming" :deadline future)
(:name " Should do" :and (:scheduled past :log nil ))
(:name " Today" :time-grid t
:and (:not (:and (:not (:scheduled today)
:not (:deadline today)))))))))))
(defconst my/non-agenda-files
'(" ~/MEGA/org/entries/reviews.gpg" " ~/MEGA/org/2019-05-agenda/datetree.org" " ~/MEGA/org/2019-05-agenda/reference.org" " ~/MEGA/org/entries/journal.gpg" ))
(let* ((prod-tag " +time" )
(dev-tag " +dev" )
(sandbox-tag " +sandbox" ))
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
`((" P" " Project View"
((tags-todo , sandbox-tag
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Active Projects" )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-active-projects )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )))
(tags-todo , sandbox-tag
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Stuck Projects" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-stuck-projects )
(tags-todo , sandbox-tag
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Delayed projects" )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-delayed-projects )))
(tags-todo ,(concat sandbox-tag " -PEOPLE/!HOLD" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Projects on hold" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat sandbox-tag " +PEOPLE/!HOLD" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " People on hold" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat sandbox-tag " /!FUTURE" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Someday projects" )
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(tag-up))))
(tags-todo ,(concat sandbox-tag " /!ETERNAL" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Eternal Projects" )))))
(" p" . " Prod" )
(" pa" " All" ,(production-agenda prod-tag))
(" pw" " work" ,(production-agenda " +work" ))
(" ps" " school" ,(production-agenda " +school" ))
(" d" " dev"
((tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " &refile/STUFF" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Refile tasks" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " /!" (mapconcat #'identity my/active-projects-and-tasks " |" ))
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Stuck Projects" )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/dev-show-stuck-projects )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
'((agenda category-keep)))))
(tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " -short" " /!" (mapconcat #'identity my/active-projects-and-tasks " |" ))
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Active Projects" )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/dev-show-active-projects )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
'((agenda category-keep)))))
(tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " /WAIT" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Waiting tasks" )))
(tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " /NEXT" )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Things to do" )))
(agenda " "
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(org-agenda-span 'day )
(org-agenda-tag-filter-preset (quote (, dev-tag )))
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t )
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t )
(org-super-agenda-groups '((:name " Overdue" :and (:deadline past :log nil ))
(:name " Upcoming" :deadline future)
(:name " Should do" :and (:scheduled past :log nil ))
(:name " Today" :time-grid t
:and (:not (:and (:not (:scheduled today)
:not (:deadline today)))))))))))
(" v" . " View just the agenda's" )
(" vd" " Dev agenda"
((agenda " "
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(org-agenda-span 'day )
(org-agenda-tag-filter-preset (quote (, dev-tag )))
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t )
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t )
(org-super-agenda-groups '((:name " Overdue" :and (:deadline past :log nil ))
(:name " Upcoming" :deadline future)
(:name " Should do" :and (:scheduled past :log nil ))
(:name " Today" :time-grid t
:and (:not (:and (:not (:scheduled today)
:not (:deadline today)))))))))))
; ; ("t" "Todo" tags-todo ,dev-tag
; ; ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Stuck Projects")
; ; (org-agenda-skip-function 'my/dev-show-stuck-projects)
; ; (org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented)))
; ; ("t" "Test "tags-todo (concat ,dev-tag "-PEOPLE")
; ; ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Active Projects")
; ; (org-agenda-skip-function 'my/dev-show-active-projects)
; ; (org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented)))
(" T" " Test" tags-todo ,(concat dev-tag " &TODO=\" NEXT\" " )
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Things to do" )))
(" g" " General View"
((tags-todo " +sandbox+refile"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Refile tasks" )))
(tags-todo " +sandbox"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Stuck Projects" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-stuck-projects )
(tags-todo " -REFILE-HOLD+TODO+sandbox/WAIT"
(; (org-agenda-skip-function 'my/only-next-projects-and-tasks)
(org-agenda-overriding-header " Tasks in other courts" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels t )))
; ;(org-ql-agenda-function "")
(agenda " "
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/agenda-custom-skip )
(org-agenda-span 'day )
(org-agenda-tag-filter-preset (quote (" +sandbox" )))
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t )
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t )
(org-super-agenda-groups '((:name " Overdue" :and (:deadline past :log nil ))
(:name " Upcoming" :deadline future)
(:name " Should do" :and (:scheduled past :log nil ))
(:name " Today" :time-grid t
:and (:not (:and (:not (:scheduled today)
:not (:deadline today)))))))))))
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Done Tasks" )
(org-agenda-files ',(remove-if (lambda (x ) (member x my/non-agenda-files)) org-agenda-files))
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/skip-if-top-level-dev )))
(" A" " Archive trees"
((tags " ARCHIVE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Big archive trees" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil )
(org-agenda-skip-archived-trees nil )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-big-top-levels )))
(tags " ARCHIVE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Small archive trees" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil )
(org-agenda-skip-archived-trees nil )
(org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-small-top-levels ))))
((my/delete-blocks nil )))
(" R" " Recategorize dev to sandbox" todo (mapconcat #'identity org-done-keywords-for-agenda " |" )
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-top-level )
(org-agenda-files '(,(my/agenda-file " dev.org" )))))
(" n" " Next Tasks List" tags-todo " -REFILE-HOLD-WAIT"
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-next-tasks-and-standalone-tasks )
(org-agenda-overriding-header " Next Tasks list" )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels t )
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up))))
(" L" " Leaf Task List" tags-todo " -REFILE-HOLD-WAIT"
((org-agenda-skip-function 'my/show-leaf-tasks )
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented )
(org-agenda-overriding-header " Next Tasks list" )
(org-agenda-finalize-hook '(org-agenda-add-separater-between-project))))
(" c" " Comms" tags-todo " datetime"
((org-agenda-overriding-header " Comms" )))
(" C" " Look at clocking" agenda " "
((org-agenda-span 'day )
(org-agenda-start-with-log-mode '(closed clock))
(org-agenda-clockreport-mode t )))
(" j" " Reviews and Journals" tags " LEVEL=3&ITEM={Review for}|LEVEL=3&journal"
((org-agenda-files '(,(my/org-file " entries/reviews.gpg" ) ,(my/org-file " entries/journal.gpg" )))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(tsia-down))))
(" r" " Reviews" tags " LEVEL=3&ITEM={Review for}"
((org-agenda-files '(,(my/org-file " entries/reviews.gpg" ) ,(my/org-file " entries/journal.gpg" )))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(tsia-down))))
(" o" " Offline" tags-todo " offline"
((org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil )))
(" b" " Bored" tags-todo " +short-grow"
((org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil )))
(" t" " today" agenda " "
((org-agenda-overriding-arguments (list nil (my/this-or-last-saturday) 9 )))))))
(defun my/this-or-last-saturday ()
(org-read-date nil nil
(if (string= " 6" (format-time-string " %u" ))
" ."
" -sat" )))
(defun my/org-checkbox-todo ()
" Switch header TODO state to DONE when all checkboxes are ticked, to TODO otherwise"
(let ((todo-state (org-get-todo-state )) beg end)
(unless (not todo-state)
(org-back-to-heading t )
(setq beg (point ))
(end-of-line )
(setq end (point ))
(goto-char beg)
(if (re-search-forward " \\ [\\ ([0-9]*%\\ )\\ ]\\ |\\ [\\ ([0-9]*\\ )/\\ ([0-9]*\\ )\\ ]"
end t )
(if (match-end 1 )
(if (equal (match-string 1 ) " 100%" )
(unless (string-equal todo-state " DONE" )
(org-todo 'done ))
(unless (string-equal todo-state " TODO" )
(org-todo 'todo )))
(if (and (> (match-end 2 ) (match-beginning 2 ))
(equal (match-string 2 ) (match-string 3 )))
(unless (string-equal todo-state " DONE" )
(org-todo 'done ))
(unless (string-equal todo-state " TODO" )
(org-todo 'todo )))))))))
(add-hook 'org-checkbox-statistics-hook 'my/org-checkbox-todo )
(defun make-org-file (filename )
" Make an org buffer in folder for all new incoming org files"
(interactive " MName: " )
(switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat " ~/MEGA/org/random/" filename " .org" ))))
(defun make-encrypted-org-file (filename )
(interactive " MName: " )
(switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat " ~/MEGA/org/random/" filename " .gpg" )))
(insert " # -*- mode:org; epa-file-encrypt-to: (\" [email protected] \" ) -*-\n\n " )
(org-mode ))
(defun view-org-files ()
" Convenient way for openning up org folder in dired"
(interactive )
(dired " ~/MEGA/org/" ))
(setq org-capture-templates
`((" t" " Todo" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " refile.org" ))
" * STUFF %?\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CREATED: %U\n :VIEWING: %a\n :END:" )
(" r" " Review" entry (file+function ,(my/org-file " entries/reviews.gpg" ) setup-automatic-review)
(file ,(my/org-file " templates/weekly-review.org" )))
(" rt" " Review Task" entry (file+headline ,(my/org-file " entries/reviews.gpg" ) " Tasks" )
" * TODO %?" )
(" d" " Dream" entry (file+olp+datetree ,(my/org-file " entries/dream.org" ))
" * %?" )
(" D" " Distracted" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " dev.org" ))
" * TODO %?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t )
(" T" " New Task" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " dev.org" ))
" * TODO %?" :clock-in t :clock-keep t )
(" m" " Money" plain (file ,(my/org-file " entries/finances/ledger.ledger" ))
(file ,(my/org-file " templates/basic.ledger" )) :unnarrowed t :empty-lines 1 )
(" c" " Record Comms Message" entry (file+olp+datetree ,(my/agenda-file " datetree.org" ))
" * TODO %?" )
(" e" " Emacs config snippet" entry (file+headline " ~/.emacs.d/config.org" " New" )
" * %^{Title}\n #+begin_src emacs-lisp\n %?\n #+end_src" )
(" j" " Journal" )
(" je" " Journal Entry" entry (file+olp+datetree ,(my/org-file " entries/journal.gpg" ))
" * %<%R> %?\n %U\n\n " )
(" jp" " Plan your day" entry (file+olp+datetree ,(my/org-file " entries/journal.gpg" ))
(file ,(my/org-file " templates/daily-plan.org" )))
(" C" " Create checklist" )
(" Cc" " Conference Via Bus" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " dev.org" ))
(file ,(my/org-file " checklists/conference.org" ))
:conference/airplane nil )
(" Cm" " Morning routine" entry (file ,(my/org-file " entries/routines.org" ))
(file ,(my/org-file " checklists/mornings.org" )))
(" Cn" " Nightly routine" entry (file ,(my/org-file " entries/routines.org" ))
(file ,(my/org-file " checklists/nights.org" )))
; ; ("y" "Elfeed YouTube" entry (file+olp ,(my/agenda-file "dev.org") "rewards" "Videos")
; ; "* TODO %(identity elfeed-link-org-capture)")
(" p" " Protocol" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " refile.org" ))
" * STUFF %^{Title}\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CREATED: %U\n :URL: %:link\n :END:\n #+begin_example\n %i\n #+end_example\n %?" )
(" L" " Protocol Link" entry (file ,(my/agenda-file " refile.org" ))
" * STUFF %? [[%:link][%:description]]\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CREATED: %U\n :URL: %:link\n :END:" )))
Weekly Reviews Implementation
(defvar yearly-theme " Thought" )
(defun completed-tags-search (start-date end-date )
(let ((org-agenda-overriding-header " * Log" )
(tag-search (concat (format " TODO=\" DONE\" &CLOSED>=\" <%s >\" &CLOSED<=\" <%s >\" "
(org-tags-view nil tag-search)))
(defun get-tasks-from (start-date end-date )
(let (string )
(completed-tags-search start-date end-date)
(setq string (mapconcat 'identity
(mapcar (lambda (a )
(concat " ***" a))
(butlast (cdr (split-string (buffer-string ) " \n " )) 1 ))
" \n " ))
(kill-buffer ))
(defun get-journal-entries-from (start-date end-date )
(let ((string " " )
match )
(switch-to-buffer (find-file " ~/MEGA/org/entries/journal.gpg" ))
(goto-char (point-min ))
(while (setq match
" ^\\ *\\ *\\ * \\ (2[0-9]\\ {3\\ }-[0-9]\\ {2\\ }-[0-9]\\ {2\\ }\\ ) \\ w+$" nil t ))
(let ((date (match-string 1 )))
(when (and (org-time< start-date date)
(or (not end-date) (org-time< date end-date)))
(org-narrow-to-subtree )
(setq string (concat string " \n " (buffer-string )))
(widen ))))
(not-modified )
(kill-buffer ))
(defun weekly-review-file ()
(org-capture-target-buffer (format " ~/MEGA/org/entries/review/%s /Year of %s , Week %s .org "
(format-time-string " %Y" )
(format-time-string " %V" )))))
(defun make-up-review-file ()
(let* ((date (org-read-date ))
(week (number-to-string
(org-time-string-to-absolute date)))))
(org-capture-put :start-date date)
(org-capture-put :start-week week)
(format " ~/MEGA/org/entries/review/%s /Year of %s , Week %s -%s .org "
(format-time-string " %Y" )
(format-time-string " %V" ))))))
(defun output-date ()
(let ((desc (plist-get org-capture-plist :description )))
(when (and (string= desc " Review" )
(not org-note-abort)
(my/save-agenda-week my/review-date-old)
(shell-command " rm ~/.emacs.d/review-incomplete.el" )
(switch-to-buffer (find-file " ~/.emacs.d/last-review.el" ))
(erase-buffer )
(insert (org-read-date nil nil " " ))
(save-buffer )
(kill-buffer )
" " )
(setq my/review-date-old nil ))))
(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook 'output-date )
(defun output-incomplete-date ()
(switch-to-buffer (find-file " ~/.emacs.d/review-incomplete.el" ))
(erase-buffer )
(insert (org-read-date nil nil " " ))
(save-buffer )
(kill-buffer )))
(defun get-last-review-date ()
(set-buffer (find-file " ~/.emacs.d/last-review.el" ))
(let ((res (buffer-string )))
(kill-buffer )
(defun setup-make-up-review ()
(let* ((date (org-read-date ))
(week (number-to-string
(org-time-string-to-absolute date)))))
(org-capture-put :start-date date)
(org-capture-put :start-week week)))
(defvar my/review-date-old nil )
(defun setup-automatic-review ()
; ; Check for older review
(when (and (file-exists-p " ~/.emacs.d/review-incomplete.el" )
(y-or-n-p " Woah, we found an incomplete review. Would you like to use that date as the start date? " ))
(shell-command " mv ~/.emacs.d/review-incomplete.el ~/.emacs.d/last-review.el" ))
; ; Setup current review
(let* ((date (org-read-date nil nil (get-last-review-date)))
(week (format " %0 2d"
(org-time-string-to-absolute date)))))
(setq my/review-date-old date)
(setq my/review-visibility-level 6 )
(org-capture-put :start-date date)
(org-capture-put :start-week week)
(goto-char (point-min ))
(re-search-forward " Reviews" )))
(defvar my/review-visibility-level nil )
(defun my/review-set-visibility ()
(when my/review-visibility-level
(outline-hide-sublevels my/review-visibility-level)
(org-show-entry )
(setq my/review-visibility-level nil )))
(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook
'my/review-set-visibility )
Make agenda from dates with archive
(defconst my/org-agenda-snapshot-pdf-filename " ~/MEGA/org/entries/review/%Y_%m_%d.pdf" )
(defconst my/org-agenda-snapshot-html-filename " ~/MEGA/org/entries/review/%Y_%m_%d.html" )
(defun my/agenda-dates (start &optional end )
(interactive (list (let ((org-read-date-prefer-future nil ))
(org-read-date ))))
(when-let (buf (get-buffer " *Org Agenda(a)*" ))
(kill-buffer buf))
(or end (setq end (org-read-date nil nil " ." )))
(let* ((span (- (org-time-string-to-absolute end)
(org-time-string-to-absolute start)))
(org-agenda-archives-mode t )
(org-agenda-start-with-log-mode '(closed clock))
(org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil )
(org-agenda-start-day start)
(org-agenda-span span))
(org-agenda-list nil )
(put 'org-agenda-redo-command 'org-lprops
`((org-agenda-archives-mode t )
(org-agenda-start-with-log-mode '(closed clock))
(org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil )
(org-agenda-start-day , start )
(org-agenda-span , span )))))
; ; (my/agenda-dates "2019-07-14")
(defun my/save-agenda-week (start )
(interactive (list (let ((org-read-date-prefer-future nil ))
(org-read-date ))))
(my/agenda-dates start)
(org-agenda-write (format-time-string my/org-agenda-snapshot-pdf-filename))
(org-agenda-write (format-time-string my/org-agenda-snapshot-html-filename))))
; ; (my/save-agenda-week "2019-07-14")
prompt for automatic org-board
(defun my/org-add-tag (tag )
(org-set-tags (cons tag (org-get-tags nil t ))))
(defun my/org-board-prompt ()
(let ((desc (plist-get org-capture-plist :description )))
(when (and (not org-note-abort)
(string= desc " Protocol Link" )
(y-or-n-p " Do you want to archive the page? " ))
(my/org-add-tag " offline" )
(call-interactively #'org-board-archive ))))
(add-hook 'org-capture-before-finalize-hook 'my/org-board-prompt )
(setq org-cycle-separator-lines 0 )
(setq org-catch-invisible-edits 'show-and-error )
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
'((" youtube" . " https://youtube.com/watch?v=" )))
(defun my/org-read-datetree-date (d )
" Parse a time string D and return a date to pass to the datetree functions."
(let ((dtmp (nthcdr 3 (parse-time-string d))))
(list (cadr dtmp) (car dtmp) (caddr dtmp))))
(defun my/org-refile-to-archive-datetree (&optional bfn )
" Refile an entry to a datetree under an archive."
(interactive )
(require 'org-datetree )
(let* ((org-read-date-prefer-future nil )
(bfn (or bfn (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name (my/agenda-file " datetree.org" )))))
(datetree-date (my/org-read-datetree-date (org-read-date t nil ))))
(org-refile nil nil (list nil (buffer-file-name bfn) nil
(with-current-buffer bfn
(org-datetree-find-date-create datetree-date)
(point ))))))
(setq this-command 'my/org-refile-to-journal ))
(defun my/browse-url-qutebrowser (url &optional new-window )
(interactive )
(start-process (concat " qutebrowser " url)
" qutebrowser"
; ;(setq browse-url-browser-function #'my/browse-url-qutebrowser)
(setq browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-firefox )
convert orgzly scheduled timestamps to created
(defun my/scheduled-to-created ()
(when-let (time (org-get-scheduled-time (point )))
(let ((ts (format-time-string " [%Y-%m-%d %a]" time)))
(org-schedule '(4 ))
(org-set-property " CREATED" ts))))
(defun my/convert-orgzly-scheduled-to-created ()
(interactive )
(while (progn
(outline-next-heading ))))
(use-package org-mru-clock)
(defun my/org-clock-move-to-other ()
(interactive )
(forward-char 6 )
(while (condition-case nil
(previous-line )
nil )
(error t ))))
(defun my/org-clock-move-up ()
(interactive )
(use-package org-clock-convenience
:ensure t
:bind (:map org-agenda-mode-map
(" <S-up>" . org-clock-convenience-timestamp-up)
(" <S-down>" . org-clock-convenience-timestamp-down)
(" <S-M-up>" . org-clock-convenience-timestamp-up)
(" <S-M-down>" . org-clock-convenience-timestamp-down)
(" ö" . org-clock-convenience-fill-gap)
(" é" . org-clock-convenience-fill-gap-both)))
(setq org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks
'(:max-duration " 10:00"
:min-duration 0
:max-gap 0
:gap-ok-around (" 4:00" )
; ; :default-face ((:background "DarkRed")
; ; (:foreground "white"))
; ; :overlap-face nil
; ; :gap-face ((:background "DarkRed")
; ; (:foreground "white"))
; ; :no-end-time-face nil
; ; :long-face nil
; ; :short-face nil
(org-clock-persistence-insinuate )
(setq org-clock-in-resume t )
(setq org-clock-mode-line-total 'today )
(setq org-clock-persist t )
(org-clock-persistence-insinuate )
(setq org-clock-continuously t )
(use-package org-edna)
org agenda goto headline AND narrow
(defun my/org-agenda-narrow ()
(interactive )
(org-narrow-to-subtree )
(define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd " S-<return>" ) 'my/org-agenda-narrow )
(use-package org-brain :ensure t
(global-set-key (kbd " M-'" ) 'org-brain-visualize )
(setq org-brain-path " ~/MEGA/org/brain/" )
; ; For Evil users
(with-eval-after-load 'evil
(evil-set-initial-state 'org-brain-visualize-mode 'emacs ))
(setq org-id-track-globally t )
(setq org-id-locations-file " ~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations" )
(push '(" b" " Brain" plain (function org-brain-goto-end)
" * %i%?" :empty-lines 1 )
(setq org-brain-visualize-default-choices 'all )
(setq org-brain-title-max-length 0 )
(define-key org-brain-visualize-mode-map (kbd " ^" ) 'org-brain-visualize-back ))
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-firefox )
(require 'ox-latex )
(require 'ox-beamer )
(use-package org-jira)
(setq jiralib-url " https://wenningbai.atlassian.net/" )
(use-package org-board)
(add-to-list 'org-board-agent-header-alist
'(" Linux" . " --user-agent=\" Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4\" " ))
(setq org-board-wget-show-buffer nil )
(add-to-list 'load-path " ~/.emacs.d/custom/org-now" )
(require 'org-now )
(setq org-now-location
nil )
(setq org-use-speed-commands t )
new headline set property
(defun my/org-set-created-property (&rest args )
(let ((fname (expand-file-name (buffer-file-name ))))
(when (remove-if-not (lambda (x ) (string= fname (expand-file-name x))) org-agenda-files)
(let ((ts (format-time-string " [%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M]" )))
(org-set-property " CREATED" ts)))))
(advice-add #'org-insert-heading
#'my/org-set-created-property )
Code for deleting empty blocks
(defvar my/delete-blocks t )
(defun org-agenda-delete-empty-compact-blocks ()
" Function removes empty compact blocks.
If two lines next to each other have the
org-agenda-structure face, then delete the
previous block."
(unless org-agenda-compact-blocks
(user-error " Compact blocks must be on" ))
(when my/delete-blocks
(setq buffer-read-only nil )
(goto-char (point-min ))
(let ((start-pos (point ))
(previous nil ))
(while (not (eobp ))
((let ((face (get-char-property (point ) 'face )))
(or (eq face 'org-agenda-structure )
(eq face 'org-agenda-date-today )))
(if previous
(delete-region start-pos
(point ))
(setq start-pos (point )))
(unless (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda )
(setq previous t )))
(t (setq previous nil )))
(forward-line ))))))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-agenda-delete-empty-compact-blocks )
(set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-date-today t :inherit 'org-agenda-date :foreground " cyan" :slant 'italic :weight 'bold :height 1.1 )
(set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-structure t :foreground " LightSkyBlue" :box '(:line-width 1 :color " grey75" :style 'released-button ))
(set-face-attribute 'org-ellipsis t :foreground " turquoise" :underline nil )
(defun my/org-remove-inherited-tag-strings ()
" Removes inherited tags from the headline-at-point's tag string.
Note this does not change the inherited tags for a headline,
just the tag string."
(interactive )
(org-set-tags (seq-remove (lambda (tag )
(get-text-property 0 'inherited tag))
(org-get-tags ))))
(defun my/org-clean-tags ()
" Visit last refiled headline and remove inherited tags from tag string."
(org-refile-goto-last-stored )
(add-hook 'org-after-refile-insert-hook 'my/org-clean-tags )
archive sibling remove sub archive sibling
(defun my/org-un-project ()
(interactive )
(let ((level (org-current-level )))
(org-map-entries 'org-do-promote (format " LEVEL>%d " level) 'tree )
(org-cycle t )))
(defun my/org-delete-promote ()
(interactive )
(org-cut-subtree ))
(defun my/is-archive-tree ()
(and (string= " Archive"
(org-get-heading t t t t ))
(member " ARCHIVE" (org-get-tags ))))
(defun my/archive-remove-all-sibling (&rest args )
(let (points)
(when (my/is-archive-tree)
(push (point ) points)))
(mapcar (lambda (p )
(goto-char p)
(advice-add #'org-archive-to-archive-sibling
#'my/archive-remove-all-sibling )
org agenda start on saturday
(setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday 6 )
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(setq org-startup-indented t ) ; Enable `org-indent-mode' by default
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode )
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'auto-fill-mode ))